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Cosmetology equipment for home. What medical devices should you have for home use first? What medical products should you have at home?

Unfortunately, sometimes we all get sick. For some, diseases pass quickly and without a trace, while for others they are chronic and constantly remind themselves. Someone who is sick can lead practically usual image life, while others are forced to constantly monitor their condition and endure restrictions.

Whatever the disease, its symptoms, causes and prognosis, a person in any case strives for two things: first, to achieve maximum well-being and second, to ensure high quality life. And this can be achieved if you listen to your doctor’s recommendations, take prescribed medications and use medical equipment for your home.

A tonometer, thermometer and stethoscope in a home medicine cabinet are necessary to monitor your health. With their help, you will be able to quickly notice unfavorable symptoms and begin treatment in a timely manner. A nebulizer, irrigator and inhaler will allow you to be fully equipped for colds and lung diseases.

Medical equipment and health products are needed not only by patients, but also by people without any diseases. They can be used for weight control, disease prevention, improvement general well-being, improvement physical fitness and so on. Scales and muscle stimulators from our store will be useful when correcting your figure, sonic toothbrushes will help you maintain oral hygiene and provide you with a beautiful smile.

Buy medical equipment for home best quality, from trusted manufacturers and affordable prices possible on our website. Welcome to the catalogue!

Medical equipment for home: price and sale

To buy medical equipment for your home, simply select the item you need and add it to your cart. You can also place an order by phone if you wish.

Our store is not only useful, but also very convenient for customers. We provide all forms of payment for purchases, and it is possible to deliver goods to any city in the country in the shortest possible time. We accept requests and questions from customers around the clock and constantly improve the quality of service. The price of medical equipment for the home is indicated in the catalog next to each product.

Consultations on choosing medical equipment for your home

Medical equipment for the home is not something that you can buy solely according to your taste. Sometimes not only a careful approach to selection is needed, but also some special knowledge. Our medical equipment store provides telephone and online consultations for customers. Contact us, we will help you choose the necessary product so that its use brings you maximum benefit.

Modern and high-quality health products make people's lives more comfortable and safer. Products for home use are easy to use. It includes numerous products, the use of which does not require the participation of specialists.

Catalog of health products

Home medical equipment includes a wide range of products:

  • Measuring equipment: scales, glucometers, tonometers, fat analyzers, pedometers;
  • Physiotherapeutic devices: nebulizers, humidifiers;
  • Beauty and health products include products intended for body and face care, as well as products general purpose: massagers, fitness trackers and others.

Why should you buy medical equipment for your home?

Our catalog presents products from well-known brands that produce medical products from modern high-quality materials. The products have the necessary certificates. Therefore, using it is not only comfortable, but also safe.

Medical equipment for home is:

  • Wide selection of products for treatment, rehabilitation and prevention various diseases;
  • Affordable price. Unlike expensive professional equipment, products for home use are available to customers with different levels income;
  • High efficiency! Home medical equipment is developed by specialists with extensive experience in various fields of medicine. Therefore she guarantees high efficiency when used at home;
  • Easy to use. The devices are supplied with instructions for use.

What medical products should you have at home?

IN home first aid kit you must use an inhaler to cope with colds during the season of exacerbations. If you are driving sedentary lifestyle life, it is important to purchase scales and a glucometer. The devices will help you keep your weight and blood sugar levels under control. Hypertensive patients need to purchase a tonometer to measure blood pressure. Modern massagers allow you to relieve tension from various muscles, as well as quickly relax after a long day of work. Athletes, people leading a sedentary lifestyle, retirees, as well as everyone who is used to taking care of their health should have them.

To maintain good physical shape, it is important not only to monitor your diet, exercise regularly and get proper rest. It is also necessary to control general state health, including such important indicators as weight and blood pressure.

A modern, literate person who is attentive to his health understands that it is very important to have some medical devices. This need is due to the fact that the crazy pace of life does not leave free time for constant visits even to the district clinic.

Do you want to control your health and maintain wellness?. We will offer devices for both diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of various diseases. All medical devices and devices for home use are supplied from reputable manufacturers. They are certified and have gained popularity among consumers. The devices are manufactured in accordance with innovative developments. This allows you to use progressive methods of treatment and healing of the body.

Medical devices are important assistants in various diseases

Today, no one will be surprised by medical devices for home use that operate on ultrasound, radio waves, and low-frequency electrical radiation. They allow you to take care of your health using progressive techniques.

From us you can buy medical devices and equipment for:

  • diagnostics: glucometers, thermometers, tonometers, stethoscopes;
  • therapy: inhalers/nebulizers, massagers.

They are all different:

  • versatility - can be used both at home and during travel, in hospitals;
  • security - with correct use the devices will not cause harm;
  • simplicity and accessibility - the low cost of the models, combined with ease of operation, becomes the main argument in favor of their purchase.

For simple procedures you no longer need to visit a doctor. However, you should not self-medicate. Any devices that are designed to relieve symptoms of diseases, reduce pain, it is important to use only after consultation with a specialist.

Medical optical, electronic and other devices require compliance with safety precautions, special rules. Not all consumers know about them. Don't want to harm your health? Contact specialists.

Of course, you can use medical measuring and diagnostic instruments yourself, but a doctor should always interpret the results. Only he is able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

And one last piece of advice. Buy household medical devices only at the pharmacy! Take care of your health wisely! Not every ordinary online store of medical devices has permission to sell them and can provide you with all the certificates. Use technology wisely!

The goal of the company "MEDTECHNIKA FOR THE HOME"

To provide people with the medical equipment and related products necessary for their health, having the maximum range of necessary goods sold through a growing network of stores. With us, any user can select a medical device according to individual requirements in an atmosphere of coziness, comfort and understanding.

The choice of medical equipment must be approached carefully, because often devices of the same operating principle have different effects on the human body. Ideally, you should first consult with a doctor and, at a minimum, find out the diagnosis of the disease.

Many people, coming to a medical equipment store, may find that on the counter there are exactly the same devices that were used to treat them in medical institutions. There is nothing surprising. Many medical devices can be used in hospitals as well as at home. Most of these devices do not require special education, or experience working with medical equipment. Any person is quite capable of handling such a device.

A network of retail stores selling medical equipment offers big choice devices for home treatment and prevention against many diseases. The medical equipment store sells only time-tested devices; the warranty on all medical equipment ranges from 1 to 10 years. Buying our product is quite simple - you just need to place an order online and a specialist will contact you and discuss all questions regarding the cost and delivery of the necessary medical equipment.

The company "Medtechnika for Home" has been operating in the medical equipment market since 1996 and during this time has established itself as a professional, reliable and decent seller. Our partners are both domestic and foreign companies producing and selling medical technology and medical equipment. As a rule, for each type of medical equipment we have several manufacturing suppliers who differ in both the class and reliability of the equipment, and in cost.

Having an extensive information base with characteristics, functionality and prices for medical equipment, we save significant funds for our partners due to correct selection goods and a flexible system of discounts.

You can buy medical equipment at retail in our Medical Equipment for Home stores.

Available for sale - Medical equipment for the home, wheelchair equipment, climate control equipment, health products, eco-control products.

Procedures must be regular. At the same time, the process itself takes quite a short time, so going to the clinic every day for one physiotherapy session is not very convenient.

But life can be made easier if you buy a physiotherapy device that allows you to be treated at home.

Conducting physiotherapy sessions at home is very convenient

We offer an overview of the most popular physiotherapy devices. Choose the one that suits you best. This could be an ultrasound device for physical therapy at home or a device with a slightly different effect. In any case, before use, do not forget to consult a physiotherapist to avoid the risk of harm to health.

The operating principle of this device is based on pulsed magnetic radiation, which can penetrate tissue at a depth of 8 cm. That is, almost all joints in the human body are accessible to such radiation.

Physiotherapy at home using Almag-01 and special medications will improve the condition of both the joint system and the entire body.

Magnetic waves help relieve pain, eliminate swelling and harmful substances from the affected area. At the same time, blood circulation is improved, and the process of inflammation is tolerated more easily.

  • people with an implanted pacemaker;
  • with acute disruption of the blood supply to the brain;
  • those suffering from cancer;
  • having blood diseases;
  • with thyrotoxicosis;
  • those suffering from purulent processes requiring surgery;
  • women during pregnancy.

You will learn all the details about the Almag-01 device from the video:

The price of the Almag device is approx. 8000 rub.

Orion – a device for laser therapy

Orion is one of the models of devices for treating joints at home. The unit emits laser beams that stimulate blood flow to the affected area. As a result, the nutrition of the joint is improved, and the medicinal components penetrate into the joint cavity in a larger volume.

At the same time, they are removed from the sore spot faster harmful substances, swelling goes away. Orion also has a positive effect on the body as a whole - the immune system is strengthened and metabolism improves.

The device is effective for a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including, etc.
When carrying out procedures, you can use special mirror, mirror-magnetic attachments. I must say that laser ray The device is not hazardous to the eyes.

However, the Orion device is prohibited for use by persons suffering from:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys;
  • tuberculosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • other serious illnesses.

The Orion device is effective for a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The price of the Orion apparatus is approx. 12000 rub.

Milta – a device for infrared laser magnetic therapy

This device operates with a full spectrum of radiation: magnetic, laser, infrared. These types of radiation can be used both in combination and separately.

Magnetic irradiation helps remove pain syndrome, improves trophism of joint tissues, gradually neutralizes inflammation.

At the same time, magnetic waves emanating from the Milta device can have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Infrared laser irradiation can penetrate joint tissue to a depth of 13 cm. Helps stimulate blood circulation and nourish the joint.

Infrared LED rays have additional impact, preventing diseases of subcutaneous fatty tissue, stimulating skin restoration, and having a beneficial effect on nervous processes.
Milta is a device for treating joints at home, acting in a comprehensive manner. It relieves pain, stimulates tissue regeneration, accelerates metabolic processes, improves blood supply to joints.

The Milta device is prohibited for use if the patient has:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • diseases of the blood, blood vessels, heart;
  • women's diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • pulmonary, renal failure;
  • fever;
  • photodermatitis;
  • pregnancy.

There are several series of Milt apparatus. Which device to choose - watch the video:

The cost of the Milta device is approx. 12000 rub.

Vitafon – microvibration device

Vitafon refers to devices for physiotherapy at home. The action of the device is based on microvibrations transmitted to the human body.

Vibrations when the device touches the skin constantly change frequency, which ensures better blood supply and also activates regenerative processes.

At the same time, lymph flow improves, and inflammation in the joint goes away faster.
Vitafon is used to treat not only joint diseases, but also other body systems.

Contraindications for using the Vitafon device:

  • presence of neoplasms (malignant, benign);
  • fever, presence of infections;
  • thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of an implanted pacemaker.

You will find a detailed description of the device in the video:

The price of the device is 5000-15000 rubles. (depending on the model).


Rikta is a device for conducting physiotherapy at home. Its action is based on magnetic and infrared radiation, as well as pulsed laser streams.

When carrying out a physiotherapy procedure using this device, a quantum flow is released, energizing the diseased joint.

Energy helps eliminate problems that have arisen in the body and promotes speedy healing.

Using the Rikta device, you can conduct physical therapy for adults and children at home. The power of the quantum flow can be adjusted depending on the patient’s weight and age.

Rikta should not be used by people with the following problems:

The action of the Rikta apparatus is based on magnetic and infrared radiation

The cost of the device for physical therapy at home Rikta is 35,000-40,000 rubles.

DENAS, DiaDENS – complex action device

This device operates with an electrical impulse, which is similar to a neuroimpulse. DENAS influences the biological activity of cells, activates enzymes, providing stimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

The device has a positive effect on the immune system, having a beneficial effect on the hormonal and nervous systems.

DENAS is used to treat both joints and the body as a whole.

Contraindications for use of the device:

  • implanted pacemaker;
  • poor tolerance to electric current;
  • neoplasms;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombosis;
  • fever;
  • condition under the influence of psychotropic drugs.

How to use the device - watch the video:

The cost of the DENAS device is 5500-10000 rubles.

Devices for conducting physical therapy at home are an excellent alternative to regular trips to the hospital for physical procedures.

By using such a device with the permission of a doctor, you can significantly improve not only the health of your joints, but also your overall well-being.