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Eufillin: instructions, use, reviews. Eufillin, solution for intravenous administration

If we talk about the action of Euphyllin in the body, it is important to note that it reduces resistance blood vessels, significantly relieves tension from the bronchial muscles, increases renal blood flow and normalizes pressure in the system pulmonary artery. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, regulating calcium metabolism in the body and thereby causing rapid excretion of electrolytes and water in the urine.

The drug has several pharmacological versions and is available in the form of tablets, powder and ampoules with medicinal solution. In addition, it dissolves productively in water, and the specificity of its odor should also be noted.

Eufillin also has a number of analogues, in particular, Aminocardol, Diaphylline, Ammophylline, Genofylline, Theophylamine, Neophylline and others.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Eufillin

The main indications for the use of Eufillin are diseases such as emphysema, Chronical bronchitis, bronchial asthma, presence of Rhine-Stokes respiration. Also appropriate similar treatment with a general asthmatic condition and respiratory failure. In addition, due to its vasodilating and decongestant properties, Eufillin is often used to improve renal blood flow and cerebral blood supply in atherosclerosis and ischemic stroke.

Also, do not forget about contraindications to this therapy. It is not recommended to take Euphyllin in patients with acute gastritis, tachycardia, ulcers and other cardiac anomalies, as well as in the presence of liver and kidney dysfunction. Restrictions apply to alcohol abusers, women during breastfeeding, and children under 14 years of age.

Eufillin - side effects and overdose during treatment with the drug

Eufillin can provoke the presence of side effects in the form of vomiting, heartburn, pain syndrome in the chest area, increased sweating, migraine, chills, skin reactions at the injection site.

Cases of overdose have also been recorded in medical practice. Thus, with a systemic overestimation of the daily dose of Eufillin, the patient develops gastrointestinal bleeding and arrhythmia in the ventricle, and symptoms such as fear of light, nausea, convulsions, and vomiting predominate. React to similar alarms you should immediately: first of all, completely stop taking Eufillin, perform gastric lavage and take sorbents.

Eufillin - instructions for use of the medication

The method of administration and dose can be found in the attached instructions, but it is better to coordinate such treatment with a specialist. The dosage of Eufillin depends on the nature of the pathology and the age of the patient. This drug is often prescribed into the muscle and vein, orally, as well as in microenemas. The amount of solution introduced into the body varies individually in each clinical picture, and the duration of the treatment course varies, ranging from several days to a couple of months. Eufillin can also be injected into a vein. Acceptable daily doses for adults are: 1.5 g into the muscle, and 0.5 g into the vein. Accordingly, children's single doses into the muscle are 7 mg/kg, and into the vein 3 mg/kg.

Features of the use of the drug Eufillin

During treatment with Eufillin, drinking strong tea, alcohol and coffee is prohibited. There are also significant restrictions when interacting with other medications. So, if the drug is safe to combine with vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, then combined use with other medications requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Use with glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid drugs, as well as with medications affecting the central nervous system nervous system, entails increased side effects of the latter. A similar fate awaits lithium salts, since their effect in the body will also be weakened during treatment with Eufillin.

In addition, Eufillin is not used in conjunction with xanthine derivatives, and it enhances the activity of diuretics and sympathomimetics, but reduces the effect of α-adrenergic receptors. In the “duet” with phenobarbital, rifampicin, aminoglutethimide, phenytoin, isoniazid, sulfinpyrazone, carbamazepine and moracizine, the effectiveness of Eufillin decreases, requiring adjustment of its dose.

Complex treatment with antibiotics of the group lincomycin, cimetidine, macrolides, propranolol, isoprenaline, oral contraceptives, ethanol, disulfiram, allopurinol, enoxacin, recombinant interferon-α, fluoroquinolones, ticlopidine, methotrexate, propafenone, mexiletine, thiabendazole and verapamil, the intensity of action may increase, which implies a reduction in the dose of Eufillin. Prescribe with caution with anticoagulants.

Reviews about the drug Eufillin

Reviews about Eufillin are mostly positive, but it is important to remember that you can achieve a similar result by following all the specialist’s recommendations, and superficial self-medication can increase side effects, as well as significantly aggravate an existing disease.

Patients are satisfied, and doctors rely on Eufillin big hopes, therefore, in general, the forecast is encouraging.

The price of Eufillin 0.15 tablets is 30\- 8 rubles 90 kopecks.

12:23 Eufillin: instructions, use, reviews -

Eufillin belongs to the group of phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and its activity is due to its content in chemical composition theophylline, which, in turn, makes up 80% of the total drug. The remaining twenty come from the second active component - ethylenediamine, the action of which is also irreplaceable. Eufillin -general description drug If we talk about the action of Euphyllin in the body, it is important to note that it reduces the resistance of blood [...]

INSTRUCTIONS medical use drug

Registration number:





Dosage form:

solution for intravenous administration


1 ml contains:

Active substance:
aminophylline for injection (aminophylline) - 24.0 mg;

water for injection - up to 1 ml


clear, colorless or slightly colored liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX Code:


Pharmacological properties

The drug inhibits phosphodiesterase, increases the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in tissues, blocks adenosine (purine) receptors, reduces the flow of calcium ions through cell membrane channels, and reduces the contractile activity of smooth muscles.

Relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, stimulates the respiratory center and improves alveolar ventilation which ultimately leads to a reduction in the severity and frequency of apnea episodes.

It has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart, increases the strength and frequency of heart contractions, increases coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand. Reduces the tone of blood vessels (mainly those of the brain, skin and kidneys). It has a peripheral venodilating effect, reduces pulmonary vascular resistance, and lowers pressure in the pulmonary circulation. Increases renal blood flow, enhances the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. Has a moderate diuretic effect. Expands extrahepatic biliary tract. Inhibits platelet aggregation (suppresses platelet activating factor and prostaglandin E2 alpha), increases the resistance of red blood cells to deformation (improves rheological properties blood), reduces thrombus formation and normalizes microcirculation.

Has a tocolytic effect, increases acidity gastric juice. When used in large doses ah has an epileptogenic effect.

Bioavailability of the drug is 90-100%.

Maximum concentration(7 mcg/ml) with intravenous administration, 300 mg is achieved after 15 minutes.

The volume of distribution is in the range of 300-700 ml/kg (30-70% of “ideal” body weight), with an average of 450 ml/kg.

Communication with plasma proteins in adults - 60%, in newborns - 36%, in patients with liver cirrhosis - 36%. Penetrates breast milk(10% of the dose taken), through the placental barrier (the concentration in the fetal blood serum is slightly higher than in the maternal blood serum).

Aminophylline exhibits bronchodilating properties in concentrations of 10-20 mcg/ml. Concentrations above 20 mg/ml are toxic. The stimulating effect on the respiratory center is realized at a lower content of the drug in the blood - 5-10 mcg/ml.

Metabolized at physiological values pH with the release of free theophylline, which is further metabolized in the liver with the participation of several cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. As a result, 1,3-dimethyluric acid (45-55%) is formed, which has pharmacological activity, but is 1-5 times inferior to theophylline. Caffeine is an active metabolite and is formed in large quantities ah, with the exception of premature newborns and children under 6 months, in whom, due to the extremely long half-life of caffeine, its significant accumulation occurs in the body (up to 30% of that for aminophylline).

In children over 3 years of age and in adults, the phenomenon of caffeine accumulation is absent.

The half-life in newborns and children under 6 months is more than 24 hours; in children over 6 months - 3.7 hours; in adults - 8.7 hours; for smokers (20-40 cigarettes per day) - 4-5 hours (after quitting smoking, normalization of pharmacokinetics occurs for 3-4 months); in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary heart failure - over 24 hours.

Excreted by the kidneys. In newborns, about 50% of theophylline is excreted unchanged in the urine versus 10% in adults, which is associated with insufficient activity liver enzymes.

Indications for use:

Broncho-obstructive syndrome of any origin: bronchial asthma (drug of choice in patients with bronchial asthma of physical exertion and how additional remedy in other forms), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis, hypertension in the “lesser” circulation, night apnea. Violation cerebral circulation by ischemic type (in the composition combination therapy for decreasing intracranial pressure).

Left ventricular heart failure (as part of complex therapy).


Increased sensitivity to the drug, as well as to xanthine derivatives: caffeine, pentoxifylline, theobromine. Expressed arterial hypotension or hypertension, paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole, myocardial infarction with disturbances heart rate, epilepsy, increased convulsive readiness, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, thyrotoxicosis, pulmonary edema, severe coronary insufficiency, liver and/or renal failure, hemorrhagic stroke, retinal hemorrhage, recent history of bleeding.


Sepsis, gastric ulcer and duodenum(in history), elderly age(over 55 years), uncontrolled hypothyroidism (possibility of cumulation), widespread vascular atherosclerosis, prostate hyperplasia, children under 14 years of age (due to possible side effects).

Pregnancy and lactation

If it is necessary to use the drug during pregnancy, the expected benefit to the mother should be compared with the potential risk to the fetus.

If it is necessary to use the drug during breastfeeding, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Directions for use and doses

Method of administration: intravenously.

Adults are administered slowly (over 4-6 minutes) 5-10 ml of the drug (0.12-0.24 g), which is pre-diluted in 10-20 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

If a feeling of palpitations, dizziness, or nausea occurs, the rate of administration is slowed down or switched to drip administration, for which 10-20 ml of the drug (0.24-0.48 g) is diluted in 100-150 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution; administered at a rate of 30-50 drops per minute.

Before parenteral administration, the solution must be warmed to body temperature. Aminophylline is administered parenterally up to 3 times a day, for no more than 14 days. Higher doses aminophylline for adults with intravenous administration: single dose - 0.25 g, daily - 0.5 g.

If necessary, children are administered aminophylline intravenously by drip at a single dose of 2-3 mg/kg. Higher doses for children with intravenous administration: single - 3 mg/kg, daily - at the age of up to 3 months - 0.03-0.06 g, from 4 to 12 months - 0.06-0.09 g, from 2 to 3 years - 0.09-0.12 g, from 4 to 7 years - 0.12-0.24 g, from 8 to 18 years - 0.25-0.5 g.

Side effect

From the nervous system: dizziness, headache, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, irritability, tremor.

From the outside of cardio-vascular system: palpitations, tachycardia (including in the fetus when taken by a pregnant woman in the third trimester), arrhythmias, decreased blood pressure, cardialgia, increased frequency of angina attacks.

From the outside digestive system: gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn, exacerbation peptic ulcer, diarrhea, with long-term use-decreased appetite.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, skin itching, exfoliative dermatitis, fever.

Others: chest pain, tachypnea, feeling of “hot flashes” in the face, albuminuria, hematuria, hypoglycemia, increased diuresis, increased sweating.

Side effects decrease when the dose of the drug is reduced, when the method of administration is changed (from jet to drip).

Local reactions : compaction, hyperemia, pain at the injection site.


Symptoms: loss of appetite, gastralgia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting (including blood). gastrointestinal bleeding, tachypnea, facial skin flushing, tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmias, insomnia, motor agitation, anxiety, photophobia. tremor, convulsions. At severe poisoning epileptoid convulsions may develop (especially in children without any warning signs), hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, decreased blood pressure, skeletal muscle necrosis, confusion, renal failure with myoglobinuria.

Treatment: drug withdrawal, forced diuresis, hemosorption, plasma sorption, hemodialysis (low efficiency, peritoneal dialysis is ineffective), symptomatic therapy (including intravenous metoclopramide for vomiting). If cramps occur, maintain patency respiratory tract and administer oxygen therapy. To relieve seizures, administer diazepam 0.1-0.3 mg/kg intravenously (but not more than 10 mg).

Interaction with other drugs

Pharmaceutically incompatible with acid solutions.

Increases the likelihood of developing side effects glucocorticosteroids, mineralocorticosteroids (hypernatremia), drugs for general anesthesia(increases the risk of ventricular arrhythmias), drugs that excite the central nervous system (increases neurotoxicity).

Antidiarrheal drugs and oral estrogen-containing contraceptives weaken the effect of aminophylline (they bind to the cytochrome P450 enzymatic system and change the metabolism of aminophylline).

Rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, isoniazid, carbamazepine and moracizine, being inducers of microsomal oxidation, increase the clearance of aminophylline, which may require an increase in its dose.

When used simultaneously with macrolide antibiotics, lincomycin, allopurinol, cimetidine, isoprenaline, in small doses ethanol, disulfiram, fluoroquinolones, recombinant interferon alpha, methotrexate, mexiletine, propafenone, thiabendazole, ticlopidine, verapamil and with influenza vaccination, the intensity of action of aminophylline may increase, which may require a reduction in its dose.

Enhances the effect of beta-adrenergic stimulants and diuretics (including by increasing glomerular filtration), reduces the effectiveness of lithium preparations and beta-blockers.

Compatible with antispasmodics, do not use in combination with other xanthine derivatives.

Prescribe with caution simultaneously with anticoagulants.

special instructions

Use caution when consuming large amounts of caffeine-containing foods or drinks during treatment.

Before use, the drug solution must be warmed to body temperature.

Effect on ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms and engaging in other activities that require concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.
During treatment with the drug, it is not recommended to drive vehicles, machinery, or engage in other potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form:

Solution for intravenous administration 24 mg/ml.
5 or 10 ml in neutral glass ampoules. 10 ampoules each along with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard box.
5 ampoules per blister pack. 2 blister packs each, along with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack.
When using ampoules with a notch, a point or a break ring, do not insert a scarifier.

Storage conditions:

In a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Vacation conditions

Prescription release.

Manufacturer's address/
Organization accepting complaints:

st. Bolshiye Kamenschiki, 9, Moscow, 115172

Place of production

JSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N.A. Semashko"
1. st. Sergius of Radonezh, 15-17, Moscow. 107120;
2. st. B. Kamenshchiki, 9, Moscow. 115172.

Eufillin dropper in ampoules is used to treat pathologies that are accompanied by obstruction of the respiratory tract and other diseases with spasms of smooth muscles. It contains the active ingredient theophylline. Release form: solution with different concentrations of this ingredient, packaged in glass ampoules. The medicine is used for intramuscular injection. When diluting the drug in water, it can be used to give intravenous injections. The dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed by the attending physician.

What kind of drug is this?

Eufillin is an antispasmodic that helps relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, bronchi, and bile ducts. After use, the drug eliminates spasms and muscle contractions. For example, in case of bronchial diseases, it reduces bronchospasm, and in case of threat of miscarriage, it eliminates excessive contractions of the uterus.

The medicine Eufillin is produced by several manufacturers. Name trademark may differ, because pharmaceutical factories seek to register their own brand. These are Eufillin-Darnitsa and Eufillin-UBF. But the composition of the solution does not change. It is produced using the same formula that was patented many years ago.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of an injection solution and tablets. There are two types of solutions:

  • for intramuscular administration (24% aminophylline concentration).
  • for intravenous administration (concentration 2.4% aminophylline).

Additionally, the solution contains water and a preservative. The preservative is determined by the manufacturer's formula.

Effect on the body

When using aminophylline, the work of the muscles between the ribs and the ventilation of the alveolar space improves. The drug enhances local immune protection mucous membranes from aggressive pathogenic agents (viruses, bacteria). It expands the lumen of blood vessels, relieving tension in their walls, and reduces the pressure of blood flow in the lungs. The medicine improves the functioning of the heart muscle, enhances the production of adrenaline, and has a diuretic effect.

The dropper prevents the formation of blood clots and prolongs the life of red blood cells in the body. It relaxes the walls of the uterus during muscle contractions, which threaten premature birth and termination of pregnancy.

Indications for treatment

Eufillin is recommended if the patient has obstructive pulmonary disease in chronic form, for asthma, for bronchitis, for apnea. It is used to reduce high intracranial pressure, to eliminate asthma attacks, and in case of impaired blood circulation in the brain, which develops with strokes and brain swelling.

Eufillin injections intravenously are prescribed if the patient develops heart failure in acute or chronic form. Such injections lower pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs and relieve swelling in kidney disease. The medicine helps with neuralgia (as does Milgamma and its substitutes). It is used in gynecology when there is a risk premature birth or if there is a threat of miscarriage. It has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and relieves spasms.

Contraindications of the drug

Eufillin is synthetic in nature and has a number of contraindications for which it should not be used:

  • It is not recommended to give aminophylline injections for heart attacks, arrhythmias, and tachycardia.
  • They are not used for epilepsy attacks, gastrointestinal ulcers (acute phase), or gastritis.
  • Treatment with an injection solution should not be carried out if the patient has severe liver or kidney diseases, or there is a risk of hemorrhage in the retina.
  • It is forbidden to take it if you are intolerant to aminophylline.

Doctors recommend using it with caution to treat children under 14 years of age and elderly patients. The risk group also includes nursing mothers, pregnant women, and people suffering from atherosclerosis. Such treatment is carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician; in case of any side effects or deterioration of health, the medicine is discontinued.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment are determined based on the diagnosed disease, age, weight of the patient and other factors:

  • If a person is in a state where he needs urgent Care, then the solution is administered intravenously over 30 minutes at a dosage of 5.6 mg per kilogram of weight.
  • For droppers, the drug is brought to the required concentration aqueous solution NaCl and saline.
  • For routine maintenance treatment, injections are given intravenously at a dosage of 0.9 mg per kilogram of body weight.
  • When taking theophylline before treatment with this medication, the dosage should be reduced by half.
  • Maximum daily dose varies from 0.4 to 0.5 ml per kg of patient weight.
  • When treating young children, consultation with a doctor is required. Newborns and children under 3 months of age can be administered no more than 60 mg of the active substance per day. In children over 3 months of age, the dosage varies from 60 to 500 mg per day.
  • For COPD treatment in children, the initial dose should not exceed 6 mg per kg of weight.
  • The course of treatment depends on the patient’s performance, the diagnosis and the effectiveness of therapy. It can last for several months.

Side effects of Eufillin

After taking the medicine, patients may experience anxiety and insomnia. They feel dizzy, their limbs cramp, and muscle tremors begin. At the same time, the work of the heart muscle is disrupted, cardiopalmus. After the injections, a migraine occurs, the patient is agitated and quickly becomes irritated.

If a woman is pregnant, rapid heartbeat and arrhythmia may occur when taking the medicine in the last months of pregnancy. In addition, angina develops and blood pressure rises. With a long course of treatment with aminophylline, appetite may decrease, nausea may occur, and there may be attacks of vomiting. Sometimes the drug provokes diarrhea or the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

  • Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of a skin rash, a person has a fever, and itching appears.
  • Pain in the sternum may develop, diuresis increases, and the person sweats profusely.
  • Often, simply reducing the dose of the medication is enough to reduce the side effects that occur.
  • After the skin is punctured, this area may hurt and swell. There are compactions and swelling there.

Overdose: symptoms and assistance to the patient

After administering too large a dose of medication, appetite worsens, diarrhea develops, vomiting blood occurs, and nausea occurs. After an overdose, tachycardia may begin and internal gastric bleeding may develop. Problems with sleep may arise, convulsions and tremors in the limbs begin, photophobia and tachycardia develop.

When the dose is increased, the patient may become agitated, have epileptic attacks, develop hypokalemia, and drop blood pressure. The person often experiences confusion and kidney failure.

To stop the symptoms and improve the condition, it is necessary to discontinue the drug. The patient's stomach is washed, laxatives are given and Activated carbon. And also held symptomatic treatment with metoclopramide and ondansetron if the patient is vomiting. For convulsions, oxygen therapy with airway support is recommended.

At epileptic seizures needs to be done for the patient intravenous injection diazepam. If a person vomits severely, intravenous injections of metoclopramide and ondansetron should be administered.

Application nuances

The medicine should be used with caution for heart attacks, angina pectoris, and atherosclerosis. Under the supervision of a doctor, treatment is carried out for renal and liver failure, with stomach or gastrointestinal ulcers. Treatment should be monitored for hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, and prostatic hypertrophy.

The drug should be used with caution to treat the elderly and children. This is especially true when taking pills.

A dosage reduction may be necessary in case of liver dysfunction, chronic alcohol addiction, if a person has a fever, with acute respiratory disease. Dose reduction is possible when treatment is prescribed to an elderly person. If an analogue of a drug with the same active substance is chosen, then regular tests should be carried out to determine its concentration in the blood.

  1. During treatment, you should not drink strongly brewed tea and coffee, or take theophylline and purine derivatives.
  2. Do not combine the drug with beta-blockers.
  3. It is not recommended to give injections if you are driving a car or other machinery. The ingredients of the drug, being absorbed into the blood, distract attention, and the severity of reactions is lost.

Medicine during pregnancy

The instructions for use state that its use at this time may threaten the health of the child. Doctors often detect high concentrations of caffeine and aminophylline in the blood of a newborn.

If the mother undergoes a course of injections with this drug, but the children are observed by doctors after birth to exclude xanthine intoxication. When taking aminophylline, doctors conduct a risk assessment and possible consequences. The medicine is prescribed for extreme vital signs.

Why are pregnant women prescribed aminophylline?

Indications during pregnancy:

  • Tissue swelling.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Pregnancy is listed in the annotation as a contraindication, so there is no clear treatment plan. The doctor prescribes the dosage and schedule based on the woman’s diagnosis and her health condition. During the course of treatment, pregnant women may experience palpitations, there is weakness.

Electrophoresis with the drug

This procedure is performed on people of any age to relax muscles and reduce intracranial pressure. It is used in complex therapy for joint diseases. Electrophoresis is used to improve blood supply in certain areas (neck, lower back). It acts precisely, without causing system effect. Therefore, the procedure is used even for infants and is well tolerated by all groups of patients.

To carry out electrophoresis, a piece of gauze is moistened in the medicine (at a concentration of 2.4%), electrodes are applied to the desired area. During the procedure, the patient feels warmth or tingling. The course of treatment is 10 sessions of 10-15 minutes each. The procedure is done every other day, then a break is needed.

Eufillin and alcoholic drinks

The medication should not be combined with alcohol because it increases toxic effect on the body, enhancing the effects of the drug. Against this background, the pressure drops, suffocation begins, the heartbeat quickens, arrhythmia and tachycardia develop. Due to relaxation of the muscles of the lungs, breathing sometimes completely stops; with weakened blood vessels in the brain, hemorrhages are possible. IN in rare cases Taking alcohol and aminophylline at the same time provokes death.

Storage conditions, release conditions

The medicine is available by prescription. Its cost depends on the form of release and varies from 11 to 94 rubles per package.

In this article we will look at the instructions for use for the Eufillin tablets.

It should be noted right away that this drug quite effectively eliminates spasms in barking dry coughs, but does not directly treat the cough, only temporarily alleviating the patient’s condition. This time is necessary until other medications begin to take effect. Thanks to "Eufillin" the patient can breathe and does not feel pain. About the peculiarities of the effect of the drug, its positive influence and possible side symptoms will be discussed in detail in this article.


According to the instructions for the Eufillin tablets, due to the pharmacological effect medicine the bronchial muscles relax, the function of contraction of the diaphragm increases, and the functionality of not only the respiratory but also the intercostal muscles is significantly reduced.

In addition, the effect of the drug stimulates the respiratory center, increasing its sensitivity to carbon dioxide, as well as improving alveolar ventilation.

The respiratory function returns to normal under the influence of the drug, increases the oxygen saturation of the blood and thereby reduces the carbon dioxide content in it.

In addition, the drug has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart, increasing heart rate and increasing coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand. Vascular tone skin, brain and kidneys decreases.

In addition, the sphere of influence of Eufillin tablets includes:

  • providing venodilating peripheral action;
  • decreased pressure in the pulmonary circulation;
  • reduction of vascular pulmonary resistance;
  • increased blood flow to the kidneys;
  • providing a moderate diuretic effect;
  • inhibition of platelet aggregation;
  • expansion of extrahepatic bile ducts;
  • increased resistance to erythrocyte deformation;
  • reducing the formation of blood clots and normalizing microcirculation;
  • epileptogenic effect when consumed in large doses;
  • an increase in the acidity of gastric juice due to the tocolytic effect of the drug.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

When the drug "Eufilin" penetrates the patient's body, it is completely and quickly absorbed. Bioavailability percentage is 90-100. The rate of absorption may be affected by food, but not the volume. The most high efficiency from taking the drug is achieved within two hours.

The drug is able to penetrate into a woman's breast milk at approximately ten percent of the total dose and through the placental barrier, where its concentration is significantly higher compared to the concentration in maternal plasma.

For the occurrence of bronchodilator symptoms active component A content of 10-20 micrograms per milliliter is enough for the medicine. More high concentration it becomes toxic. Interestingly, the lower the drug content in the blood, the better the effect of excitation of the respiratory center is realized.

The drug is metabolized mainly in the liver, the half-life depends on general condition sick. It is excreted through the kidneys.

In what cases is this medication used?

The use of Eufillin tablets is justified for the treatment of patients suffering from a number of diseases requiring bronchodilator effects:

  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary emphysema;
  • chronic pulmonary obstructive disease;
  • obstructive chronic bronchitis;
  • syndrome pulmonary heart;
  • apnea attacks at night;
  • pulmonary hypertension.

Rules for taking pills

Eufillin tablets are taken orally. You can drink 0.15 grams three times a day. The medicine must be taken after meals and washed down clean water. IN childhood You are allowed to take the drug four times, seven milligrams per kilogram of weight. The treatment course using tablets is determined by a specialist. It can last from several days to two months.

Contraindications to the use of this drug

Eufillin tablets cannot be prescribed in situations where the patient has oversensitivity to the substances of the drug, especially to its active component.

In addition, the medication is contraindicated if the patient has a number of diagnostic indications:

  • epilepsy;
  • exacerbation of ulcerative pathology of the duodenum and stomach;
  • gastritis (if acidity is increased);
  • arterial hypotension or severe hypertension;
  • stroke hemorrhagic type;
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • hemorrhage in the retina of the organs of vision;
  • children up to three years of age.

Caution in the use of Eufillin tablets is required in following cases:

  • in case of severe coronary insufficiency (in acute phase angina pectoris, myocardial infarction);
  • with widespread vascular atherosclerosis;
  • with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • in childhood;
  • in old age;
  • with frequent ventricular extrasystole;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with excessive convulsive readiness;
  • with gastroesophageal reflux;
  • with kidney and liver failure;
  • with prolonged hyperthermia;
  • with ulcerative pathology of the duodenum and stomach;
  • with uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism;
  • with bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Consequences of drug overdose

If the patient has drunk an excessive amount of Eufillin tablets, the appearance of dangerous complications. It is necessary to go to the medical institution and rinse the stomach. You should immediately report all negative symptoms to your doctor. Among them are the following:

  • loss of appetite;
  • urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • overexcitement of the patient;
  • insomnia;
  • facial redness;
  • the appearance of feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • the onset of seizures and the occurrence of epilepsy;
  • loss of consciousness by a person;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • fear of light and dizziness.

Cough therapy with Eufillin

Often, when coughing, specialists prescribe treatment for patients with Eufillin. Thanks to it, the bronchi quickly expand and breathing in general improves. The attacks and pathological wheezing will pass. But to treat a slight cough like this a strong drug Not recommended. "Eufillin" is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician if there are severe attacks.

If the patient painful cough and periodic choking, then you are allowed to take the medicine three times a day. In this case, a six-hour interval must be maintained between each dose of the drug.

Interaction of this drug with other medications

According to the instructions for use for Eufillin cough tablets, if you simultaneously take the drug with mineralocorticosteroids, glucocorticosteroids, beta-adrenergic stimulants, drugs for general anesthesia, Xanthine and drugs that promote central nervous system stimulation, the likelihood of adverse symptoms may increase.

The use of antidiarrheals and enterosorbents will reduce the absorption of the main component of Eufillin.

Concomitant therapy with aminoglutethimide, isoniazid, rifampicin, sulfinpyrazone, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin, moracizine and estrogen-containing oral contraceptives increases the clearance of the main active component of the drug, and this may cause the need to increase the dosage.

Concomitant use of macrolide drugs, allopurinol, verapamil, lincomycin, ticlopidine, cimetidine, thiabendazole, isoprenaline, propafenone, enoxacinoma, mexiletine, disulfiram, methotrexate, fluoroquinolonamine, recombinant interferon alpha, alcohol (even in small quantities) and influenza vaccination may require reduction doses of "Eufillin", since these drugs help to increase the intensity of its effect.

Cough tablets "Eufillin" when used simultaneously with diuretics and beta-agonists increase the effectiveness of these drugs. A decrease in the effectiveness of use was noticed when combined with beta-blockers.

Antispasmodics work well together, which cannot be said about other xanthine derivatives, which are not recommended to be used simultaneously with the drug.

This is confirmed by the instructions for cough tablets "Eufillin".

Analogues of "Eufillin"

During therapy, the drug can be replaced with drugs that are similar in their active substance and composition. These include the following:

  • "Eufillin Darnitsa";
  • "Aminophylline Eskom";
  • Eufillin solution for injection 2.4%;
  • "Aminophylline."



Solution for intravenous administration 24 mg/ml

Pharmacotherapeutic group




International nonproprietary name


Dosage form

Solution for intravenous administration


for 1 ml: Active substance: aminophylline (aminophylline) (in terms of dry matter) - 24 mg. Excipient: water for injection.

ATX code

Pharmacological properties


The drug inhibits phosphodiesterase, increases the accumulation of cAMP in tissues, and blocks adenosine (purine) receptors; has the ability to inhibit the transport of calcium ions through channels of cell membranes, reduces the contractile activity of smooth muscles. Relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, relieves bronchospasm. It has a moderate inotropic and diuretic effect. Eufillin lowers vascular resistance, reduces the tone of blood vessels (mainly the vessels of the brain, skin and kidneys), dilates coronary vessels, lowers pressure in the pulmonary artery system, improves contraction of the diaphragm, increases mucociliary clearance, inhibits the release of mediators (histamine and leukotrienes) from mast cells, stimulates the respiratory center, increases the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, inhibits platelet aggregation, improves microcirculation.


60% of aminophylline (in healthy adults) and 36% (in newborns) binds to plasma proteins and is distributed in the blood, extracellular fluid and muscle tissue. Eufillin penetrates the placental and blood-brain barriers and does not accumulate in adipose tissue. 90% of the drug is metabolized in the liver. Metabolites are excreted by the kidneys, 7-13% of the drug is excreted unchanged. The half-life is from 5 to 10 hours in non-smoking adults, and from 2.5 to 5 hours in children over 10 months. Smoking and alcohol significantly affect the metabolism and excretion of the drug; in particular, for smokers, this period is significantly reduced and ranges from 4 to 5 hours. Elimination of the drug is prolonged in patients with respiratory failure, with liver and heart failure, with viral infections and hyperthermia.

Indications for use

Broncho-obstructive syndrome with bronchial asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, cardiac asthma (mainly to relieve attacks); hypertension in the pulmonary circulation. Ischemic cerebrovascular accident (as part of combination therapy to reduce intracranial pressure). Left ventricular failure with bronchospasm and respiratory failure of the Cheyne-Stokes type (as part of complex therapy).


Hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as to other xanthine derivatives: caffeine, pentoxifylline, theobromine. Severe arterial hypotension or hypertension, paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole, myocardial infarction with cardiac arrhythmias, epilepsy, increased convulsive readiness, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, thyrotoxicosis, pulmonary edema, severe coronary insufficiency, hepatic and/or renal failure, hemorrhagic stroke, retinal hemorrhage eyes, recent history of bleeding, lactation period. With caution: pregnancy, neonatal period, age over 55 years and uncontrolled hypothyroidism (possibility of cumulation), widespread vascular atherosclerosis, sepsis, prolonged hyperthermia, gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (history), prostate adenoma. The drug is not recommended for intravenous administration to children under 14 years of age (due to possible side effects).

Use during pregnancy

If it is necessary to prescribe the drug during pregnancy, the expected benefit to the mother should be compared with the potential risk to the fetus. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Directions for use and doses

Adults are injected slowly (over 4-6 minutes) into a vein with 5-10 ml of the drug (0.12 - 0.24 g), which is pre-diluted in 10-20 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. If palpitations, dizziness, or nausea occur, the rate of administration is slowed down or switched to drip administration, for which 10-20 ml of the drug (0.24-0.48 g) is diluted in 100-150 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution; administered at a rate of 30-50 drops per minute. Before parenteral administration, the solution must be warmed to body temperature. Eufillin is administered parenterally up to 3 times a day, for no more than 14 days. Higher doses of aminophylline for adults into a vein: single - 0.25 g, daily - 0.5 g. The drug is not recommended for children under 14 years of age due to side effects. However, if necessary, children are administered aminophylline intravenously at a single dose of 2-3 mg/kg, preferably by drip. Higher doses for children intravenously: single - 3 mg/kg, daily - up to 3 months - 0.03-0.06 g, from 4 to 12 months - 0.06-0.09 g, from 2 to 3 years - 0.09-0.12 g, from 4 to 7 years - 0.12-0.24 mg, from 8 to 18 years - 0.25-0.5 g.

Side effect

From the outside gastrointestinal tract: gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn), exacerbation of peptic ulcer. From the central nervous system: headache, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, dizziness, insomnia, tremor; rarely - convulsions, nausea, vomiting. From the cardiovascular system: palpitations, tachycardia, cardialgia, cardiac arrhythmias, increased frequency of angina attacks, decreased blood pressure up to collapse - with rapid intravenous administration. Allergic reactions: skin rash, skin itching, exfoliative dermatitis, febrile reaction. Local reactions: at the injection site - hyperemia, pain, compaction. Other: chest pain, tachypnea, albuminuria, hematuria, hypoglycemia, sweating, flushing, increased diuresis.


In case of overdose, facial skin flushing, insomnia, motor agitation, anxiety, photophobia, anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, gastrointestinal bleeding, tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmias, tremor, generalized convulsions, hyperventilation, a sharp decrease in blood pressure are observed. . In severe poisoning, epileptoid seizures may develop (especially in children without any warning signs), hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, skeletal muscle necrosis, confusion, renal failure with myoglobinuria. Treatment of overdose depends on clinical picture, includes drug withdrawal, stimulation of its removal from the body (forced diuresis, hemosorption, plasma sorption, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis) and administration symptomatic remedies. Diazepam (by injection) is used to relieve seizures. Barbiturates should not be used. At severe intoxication(eufillin content more than 50 g/l) hemodialysis is recommended.

Use with other drugs

Ephedrine, beta-agonists, caffeine and furosemide enhance the effect of the drug. Increases the likelihood of developing side effects of glucocorticosteroids, mineralocorticosteroids (hypernatremia), and general anesthesia agents (the risk of ventricular arrhythmias increases). In combination with phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampicin, isoniazid, carbamazepine or sulfinpyrazone, a decrease in the effectiveness of aminophylline is observed, which may require an increase in the doses of the drug used. Aminoglutethimide and moracizine, being inducers of microsomal oxidation, increase the clearance of aminophylline, which may require an increase in its dose. The clearance of the drug is reduced when prescribed in combination with macrolide antibiotics, lincomycin, allopurinol, cimetidine, isoprenaline, beta-blockers, which may require a dose reduction. Oral estrogen-containing contraceptives, antidiarrheal drugs, intestinal sorbents weaken, and H2-histamine blockers, slow calcium channel blockers, mexiletine enhance the effect (they bind to the cytochrome P450 enzymatic system and change the metabolism of aminophylline). When used in combination with enoxacin and other fluoroquinolines, small doses of ethanol, disulfiram, recombinant interferon alpha, methotrexate, propafenone, thiabendazole, ticlopidine, verapamil, and when vaccinated against influenza, the intensity of action of aminophylline may increase, which may require a reduction in its dose. The drug suppresses therapeutic effects lithium carbonate and beta blockers. The administration of beta-blockers interferes with the bronchodilatory effect of aminophylline and can cause bronchospasm. Eufillin potentiates the effect of diuretics by increasing glomerular filtration and reducing tubular reabsorption. With caution, aminophylline is prescribed simultaneously with anticoagulants, other theophylline or purine derivatives. It is not recommended to use aminophylline with drugs that excite the central nervous system (increases neurotoxicity). The drug cannot be used with dextrose solutions; it is not compatible with glucose, fructose and levulose solutions. The pH of the mixed solutions should be taken into account: pharmaceutically incompatible with acid solutions.