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How to get poisoned with mercury. Toxic dose of mercury. The poisoning effect of mercury and its compounds

Mercury has been known for a long time. The great Aristotle called it "living silver" for the corresponding color of the metal and special mobility. The toxicity of mercury was also described by many ancient scientists.

Chronic poisoning with the vapors of this metal, used in the manufacture of felt, was described as "the disease of the old hatter". But even before the middle of the 20th century, many people did not realize how serious consequences lead to mercury intoxication.

In ancient times, mercury was used to treat certain pathologies. It was believed that to treat volvulus, you need to drink 0.5 pounds (~ 1 glass) of mercury. Heavy metal, passing through the intestines, must "unravel" the loops.

But such a "therapy" did not justify itself, and not because of toxicity, but because the entire volume of mercury disintegrated into small balls, and desired effect was not achieved. There were no symptoms of intoxication.

Mercury was widely used in ancient Indian medicine. One of the directions of medieval Indian alchemy is called "Rasayana", which translates as "The Way of Mercury".

Recipes using silver metal as the main ingredient migrated from India to the medicine of Greece and Tibet. From there, mercury therapy migrated to the Arab countries and medieval Europe.

Calomel - mercury chloride (I) is used as a laxative, powder for weeping syphilides and as part of an eye ointment in the treatment of blennorrhea and diseases of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes.

There are several sources of mercury vapor or salt poisoning:

In most subjects Russian Federation there is still an unsatisfactory situation in the disposal of mercury-containing waste, household and industrial waste. Metal contamination of domestic and industrial premises is often noted. Chronic mercury intoxication is detected in persons employed in the dismantling and demercurization of stopped enterprises that used metal in production.

Chronic intoxication was diagnosed in the population of coastal countries, who often used sea ​​fish, molluscs and crustaceans. Mercury has teratogenic properties. Minor mental retardation was noted in children whose parents ate fish contaminated with mercury.

Metallic mercury vapors are the most toxic, for example, if the integrity of the thermometer capillary is broken. When studying the toxic effects of mercury on laboratory animals, it was found:

  • violation of oxidative metabolism;
  • an increase in the amount of dopamine in the brain;
  • damage to the ultrastructure of the nervous tissue;
  • change in behavior with an increase in anxiety and depression.

The results obtained confirm the neurotoxic effects of mercury on the body.

Mechanism of intoxication and deposition of mercury

With resorptive, oral, or injection introduction of mercury into the body, no metal accumulation was noted in the internal organs. But with the inhalation of metallic mercury vapor, a high content of the metal was noted in the kidneys, brain stem structures, lungs and liver.

Such an uneven distribution of mercury in organs is due to the high ability of heavy metals to penetrate the cytomembranes and the blood-brain barrier and be deposited in organs with a high lipid content. Penetrating into cells, the metal causes a violation of oxidative phosphorylation and the development of tissue hypoxia.

Long-term effects of intoxication are due to the cumulative properties of mercury. Even after the measures taken to intensively remove the metal from the organs, traces of it remain in the tissues. Distinguish between acute and chronic intoxication with vapors of metallic mercury.

Acute metal mercury vapor poisoning is manifested by the following symptoms:

If the toxic dose is exceeded, the victim may die.

Chronic intoxication, as a rule, is characteristic of occupational poisoning or prolonged inhalation of metallic mercury vapor from a broken thermometer. Often in chronic poisoning, long-term consequences are diagnosed in the form of disorders:

  • psychopathological;
  • cognitive;
  • neurological;
  • asthenic, manifested by tremor of the fingers;
  • cerebro-organic.

Moreover, most of the victims were diagnosed with occupational chronic mercury intoxication 1-10 years after the termination of contact with the metal. Similar consequences are noted if the spilled mercury from a broken thermometer has not been demercurized.

Long-term effects of intoxication were manifested in the form of:

  • asymmetry of the innervation of the facial muscles;
  • cerebellar disorders:

- violation of speech (dysarthria, chanting);

- atactic gait (the patient spreads his legs wide when walking, staggers, shuffles, drags his legs, leans towards the affected hemisphere);

- impaired function of rapid sequential contraction of antagonist muscles (adiadochokinesis);

- violation of coordination of movements by type of dysmetria;

- violation of muscle tone;

  • increased tendon reflexes.

Intoxication increases the risk of manifestation concomitant diseases the following systems:

A characteristic sign of chronic intoxication is the aggressive and asocial behavior of the victim. Note the change in the behavior and character of the patient.

The following signs of neuro-emotional disorders were revealed:

  • depression;
  • affectation;
  • irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • touchiness;
  • suspicion;
  • tendency to aggression;
  • cognitive impairment with signs of dementia.

Vegetative disorders are accompanied by:

  • vascular reactions;
  • heartbeat;
  • redness of the face;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • shortness of breath with the phenomena of titanium;
  • tremor with increasing amplitude;
  • involuntary urination.

The use of mercury for suicide is rare. Cases of the introduction of mercury into the gastrointestinal tract and intravenous injection, but the expected result was not observed, since the suicides did not know that mercury vapor was the most toxic.

There is a direct relationship between exposure time, vapor volume and severity pathological disorders. The more severe the intoxication, the more likely the manifestation of complications and delayed pathological disorders.

With timely access to medical institution the prognosis is good. A broken thermometer, as a rule, does not cause severe intoxication, especially if it was possible to correctly and completely collect and transfer all spilled liquid metal for disposal.

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mercury thermometer is in every home. It is considered the most accurate instrument for measuring human body temperature. However, it should be remembered that it contains such a dangerous metal as mercury. If the thermometer is not damaged, then mercury will not affect well-being and even more so human health. In the event that the thermometer breaks, poisoning may occur.

How dangerous is the substance? What happens if you swallow mercury from a thermometer, what are they? How many grams of the substance is contained in the thermometer and what to do if it crashes? You will learn about this and much more in this article.

What to do if the thermometer breaks?

If the thermometer crashed, then in the first place you should not succumb to panic. The mercury must be collected as soon as possible. However, it should be remembered that in this case it is necessary to follow certain rules and the algorithm.

Rules of conduct in case of damage to the thermometer with the release of mercury contained in it:

How many grams of mercury in a thermometer

Mercury in the thermometer is in the measuring scale. This is the same silvery liquid that rises and falls in a column. It is in the thermometer in a liquid state, but in the open air it quickly evaporates.

If a person broke a thermometer, then he may have a question: how much mercury is in the thermometer? If we consider the weight of this hazardous metal, then we can say that it is quite small. Namely from 2 to 3 grams (2000 - 3000 milligrams). This figure primarily depends on the manufacturer. It is very difficult to imagine 2 grams of liquid metal.

If we mean the number of balls of mercury, then there is no definite answer. We can only say that it depends on the surface on which the thermometer crashed. If the surface is hard, then there will be more balls, but they are small. If the surface is soft, then the drops are large, but their number is less.

What is dangerous mercury from a thermometer for a person

Mercury is a toxic substance that negatively affects all body systems. It should be remembered that the most dangerous for human life and health is the penetration of mercury (or rather its vapors) through the respiratory tract. In this case, the target organs are primarily affected: the brain and kidneys.

With the penetration of vapors of this metal into the body, a violation of the work of the central nervous system. The toxic substance settles on the kidneys and disrupts their functioning.

Organs respiratory system also subject negative impact mercury. Their mucous membrane will become inflamed, damage may be noted blood vessels(haemoptysis occurs). IN severe cases swelling of the lung tissue is observed.

With prolonged exposure to this substance on the body, a violation is noted metabolic processes, as well as the development of multiple chronic pathologies. in that it is able to accumulate in the body (it is extremely difficult to remove).

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The least dangerous penetration of mercury through digestive tract. In this case, the absorption of the substance does not occur, it is excreted with feces.

Mercury has the most severe effect on weakened people.:

  • Children;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Aged people;
  • Persons with chronic diseases.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning with a broken thermometer

Mercury poisoning and its vapors can be both acute and chronic. It should be noted that acute poisoning from a broken thermometer is extremely rare. signs chronic poisoning mercury from a thermometer:

  • Chronic fatigue, decreased performance;
  • Chronic headaches. At the same time, they are dull, aching;
  • Increased drowsiness, especially during the daytime;
  • Trembling in the hands (hand tremor);
  • Sense of smell and taste are greatly reduced;
  • Apathy and indifference to the outside world (a consequence of chronic brain damage).

Signs of acute mercury poisoning from a thermometer:

  • strong headache, fatigue;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • cough and shortness of breath;
  • Taste of metal in the mouth;
  • Pulmonary edema, which is accompanied by the release of pink foam from the mouth;
  • Loss of consciousness and death in severe cases.

First aid for poisoning and cleansing the body

In case of poisoning with mercury vapor, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, provide first aid to the victim:

The patient is admitted to the hospital to remove the poison from the body. The hospital provides the following treatment:

  • The introduction of an antidote - Unitiol;
  • Probe gastric lavage is performed repeatedly;
  • Cleansing the intestines with an enema;
  • Forced diuresis. Into the body orally and intravenously administered a large number of liquids, and diuretics are prescribed;
  • The use of adsorbents;
  • Hemodialysis may be used;
  • Prevention of complications from internal organs (urinary, cardiovascular, digestive system).

Consequences of poisoning

The consequences of intoxication with mercury and its vapors are quite diverse. It depends on the severity of poisoning and the duration of exposure to the poisonous substance on the body.

Mild mercury poisoning from a thermometer proceeds safely without complications. Much more dangerous in this sense is chronic intoxication. It has a large number of severe complications.

Possible consequences of poisoning:

  • Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. This pathology characterized by the presence of sores in the mouth and increased salivation;
  • Chronic renal failure. The kidneys are not able to fully carry out the filtration and excretory functions. A person has extensive edema, various kinds of intoxication, and so on;

  • Chronic liver failure . The patient is being tortured constant pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium. The body is not able to remove toxins from the body;
  • Cardiovascular pathology: ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • CNS lesion, which can manifest itself as mild impairment (eg, sleep disturbance, weather sensitivity), and severe impairment of intellectual abilities.

How to protect yourself from poisoning with a broken thermometer

If the thermometer is broken, it is important to protect yourself and your loved ones (especially children) from poisoning.

In the event that the thermometer crashed and it was decided to call specialists for demercurization, it is necessary to leave the contaminated room. At the same time, it should be well closed so that mercury vapor does not spread. It is better to stay outside until the specialists arrive.

If the processing of the premises occurred independently, then it is necessary to carry out a number of measures:

You should carefully monitor the well-being of yourself and those around you.. Special attention should be given to children and pregnant women. When symptoms occur mercury poisoning contact immediately medical care.

Can you die from mercury poisoning?

The toxic dose of mercury (that is, the amount that leads to intoxication) is 0.4 milligrams. But lethal outcome causes 1 gram of this substance.

Factors contributing to development severe poisoning fatal:

  • The amount released poisonous substance;
  • The area of ​​the premises in which the domestic accident occurred;
  • Age, gender of the person;
  • The state of health of the victim;
  • person's weight;
  • Timeliness of first aid and treatment.

Is it possible to die from mercury from a thermometer? Yes, but in this case there must be prolonged contact with big amount mercury. The lethal outcome in this case is recorded extremely rarely and in weakened people.

The child swallowed mercury from a thermometer - what to do?

Children are very active and curious. They can swallow mercury just out of curiosity, after the thermometer has broken. That is why it is necessary to teach the child to handle the thermometer carefully. If the thermometer is broken, then care should be taken that the child does not swallow the mercury. He must be taken out of the room immediately.

In the event that the child nevertheless swallowed mercury, the following measures should be taken:

The hospitalization of the child is necessary in order to:

  • Make a diagnosis of mercury vapor poisoning (blood and urine tests to determine the concentration of mercury);
  • Determine if there are any damage to the esophagus by glass fragments, the presence of fragments in the stomach.

Mercury belongs to heavy metals. Its compounds in the form of salts and oxides are used in production, it is part of some paints and preparations for disinfection. Moreover, salts of this metal are more toxic than oxides.

At home, mercury can be encountered when thermometers, energy-saving light bulbs are damaged. Metal fumes poisoning is unlikely from a single broken light bulb. If the light bulbs are damaged periodically, then chronic poisoning is quite possible to earn. At school, in the lessons of physics and chemistry, reactions with mercury are carried out, so there are also cases of poisoning when safety precautions are violated when working with chemicals.

Input routes for mercury

Mercury vapor poisoning can occur through the skin. In this case, intoxication develops slowly.

A more dangerous situation occurs when metal particles get on the mucous membranes or when it is swallowed. In this case, the liver experiences a toxic blow.

The most severe variant of poisoning occurs after inhalation of vapors or directly when it enters the bloodstream, since the liver practically does not participate in their neutralization.

Toxic dose of mercury

Most often, a person comes into contact with mercury when breaking a thermometer. Is it possible to get poisoned when the thermometer crashed?

“A thermometer contains about two grams of mercury. The ingestion of half of this dose into the human body is fatal.

Much depends on the age, gender, body weight of the person in contact with dangerous poison. Also important is the size of the room in which the mercury was released.

These factors affect the severity of poisoning. The probability of mercury poisoning itself from a thermometer, if no action is taken, is close to 100%, since its average toxic dose is only 0.4 mg.

What to do if the thermometer breaks? This will be discussed below.

Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning

Poisoning can occur acutely, for example, by inhalation of vapors, subacute and chronically, when a small amount of mercury enters the body, but for a long time.

Acute course is rare and possibly in an accident at a facility where mercury is used, and in other similar cases. More often there is chronic mercury poisoning from a thermometer, the symptoms of which develop gradually.

Common symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning would be:

It is important to understand that in each case, the set of symptoms is individual and depends on many factors. The classic manifestations of poisoning are one thing, but the cases in practice are quite another.

How to identify mercury poisoning? Symptoms are mostly non-specific and occur with other heavy metal poisoning, as well as with inflammatory diseases various bodies, which also suffer from mercury intoxication. Clear evidence is given by a blood test for the concentration of a toxic substance, which is detected in case of poisoning from 180 μg / l and above.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning during pregnancy

Mercury poisoning during pregnancy is rare but does occur.

The symptoms will be the same as in non-pregnant women. Dangerous intoxication by the threat of fetal death.

What to do in case of mercury poisoning

What to do if the thermometer breaks

Compliance with safety precautions when working with mercury at work, as well as regular medical examinations for the timely detection of heavy metal intoxication reduces the risk of getting sick. At home preventive measures are to replace all mercury thermometers with electronic ones and be more careful with energy-saving lamps.

What to do if the thermometer breaks?

  1. Treat it responsibly and without panic.
  2. Get everyone out of the room.
  3. Close the door and open the windows.
  4. Children under 18, pregnant women and people with serious chronic diseases should not collect mercury.
  5. It is necessary to isolate mercury in rubber gloves in a sealed glass dish. To protect yourself from inhaling toxic fumes, wear a cotton-gauze or medical mask. Shoe covers must be on the feet.
  6. Collect mercury with sheets of paper and with a plaster - gluing small balls with the sticky surface of the tape.
  7. Everything that had contact with mercury should be placed in a plastic bag.
  8. Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or ask them for a number where to go to clean the room and dispose of the collected metal.

Acute poisoning has the most favorable outcome. mild degree gravity. The greatest damage to organs occurs with prolonged intoxication. In this case, the consequences of mercury poisoning from a thermometer will be the formation of severe chronic diseases affected organs, not to mention fatal. Timely seeking medical help will reduce these consequences to a minimum.

Mercury poisoning is a particular danger to humans. Intoxication occurs by different reasons, in children proceeds in more complex form. What to do in case of an overdose, how to help the injured person?

How poisoning occurs

Mercury - heavy metal, which is in a liquid state at room temperature. The substance itself does not cause much toxic action on the body. Vapors and organic compounds of matter are poisonous.

Mercury received wide use in industry. In everyday life, it is present in thermometers, fluorescent lamps, and may be part of some medicines.

Inhalation of minimal doses of a toxic substance can lead to the development of negative changes in the human body. The resulting toxic compounds are carried throughout the body with the blood stream.

Mercury salts can cause harm by penetrating through the epidermis or stomach. There is an accumulation of toxic compounds in various internal organs.

Organic compounds easily penetrate through the skin, react with hemoglobin and cause oxygen starvation tissues and poisoning. Mercury intoxication occurs for several reasons.


  • Broken thermometer and incompletely collected mercury,
  • Violation of the technology of working with a substance in production, emergency situations,
  • Mercury is present in some medicines, if taken incorrectly, an overdose may develop,
  • Organic compounds with mercury in the composition are present in seafood. Excess in them leads to a violation of the functionality of the human body.

Thus, poisoning is possible for several various reasons, but in most cases the reason is the lack of care when working.

Mercury from a thermometer is quite difficult to poison an adult. In children, mercury balls can provoke the development unpleasant symptoms. What to do if the thermometer breaks?

What to do:

  1. Remove people from the premises, it is recommended to close the doors and open the windows.
  2. Mercury balls must be carefully collected with paper and plaster.
  3. Items that have been in contact harmful substance packed in polyethylene.
  4. Call the emergency services.

It is impossible not to report the incident and throw mercury into public garbage chutes and bins.

Signs and symptoms of intoxication

What are the symptoms of intoxication? How does mercury poisoning manifest itself? How to determine an overdose? Allocate acute and chronic form poisoning. They show up in different ways.

Symptoms of acute poisoning:

  • Weakness,
  • Intense pain in the head
  • Lack of appetite,
  • Discomfort when swallowing
  • Enhanced saliva secretion
  • Blood inclusions in feces and vomit,
  • swelling of the gums, bleeding,
  • Severe spasmodic manifestations in the chest and abdomen,
  • violation of the respiratory process,
  • A sharp increase in body temperature,
  • Feeling chilly.

In children, such processes during poisoning proceed faster and more intensively than in adults. Chronic poisoning with mercury and vapors is characterized by a gradual disruption of many body functions. This is manifested by certain symptoms.


  1. Hair loss,
  2. Chronic fatigue,
  3. Persistent headaches, migraines,
  4. Bad mood, depression
  5. impaired concentration, memory,
  6. Sleep problems
  7. Low pressure,
  8. tremor of limbs,
  9. Increase thyroid gland in sizes
  10. smell disorder,
  11. Frequent urination and defecation
  12. Malfunctions of the cardiac system.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning with a broken thermometer are similar to those described above. In the absence of help and timely treatment, the development of pneumonia is possible. The disease can lead to a coma and lethal outcome.

First aid and treatment

When the first signs of poisoning appear, it is necessary to call doctors and provide first aid to the victim.


  1. When mercury enters the body through oral cavity urgently need a large amount of water.
  2. It is not recommended to take in case of poisoning, in such a situation, medicines will not help.
  3. If the substance gets on the skin, the damaged area is washed with cool water,
  4. Mercury vapor poisoning requires the victim to be taken to Fresh air. It is recommended to open windows, unfasten clothes on it,
  5. To quickly remove mercury compounds, it is allowed to give the victim milk or raw egg whites to drink.

If possible, an antidote, unithiol, is introduced. Further treatment after first aid carried out in the toxicological department.

Inpatient treatment for mercury poisoning

Upon receipt of the victim of poisoning in a medical institution, a thorough diagnosis is carried out. After being picked suitable treatment, including a series medical procedures aimed at restoring the functionality of the body and alleviating the human condition.


  • If necessary, repeat gastric lavage with a probe,
  • Administration of an antidote
  • Use of droppers with medicinal solutions,
  • Correction of water-salt balance,
  • Hemodialysis,
  • Blockade spinal cord with intense pain,
  • Introduction medicines normalizing the work of organs and systems,
  • The use of diuretics,
  • If necessary, resuscitation is carried out
  • Probiotics are prescribed to restore intestinal microflora.

Poisoning, overdose, nausea, vomiting or heartburn?

There is an exit - Monastic tea - gastric This tea helped me a lot, so I recommend it to you.

Subsequently, it is selected diet food, vitamin therapy, sanatorium treatment.

Prevention and consequences

Mercury toxicity can lead to the development serious complications and consequences.

What happens:

  1. Disorders of the nervous system,
  2. incoordination,
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  4. Diseases of the digestive system,
  5. Pathological processes in the kidneys,
  6. Death.

With the observance of preventive measures, poisoning can be avoided.


  • When working with mercury, observe safety precautions,
  • Keep the thermometer in a special case, out of the reach of children,
  • Pass regular medical checkup people working with this metal.

Mercury poisoning can be fatal if left untreated and treated appropriately.

Video - mercury poisoning (Elena Malysheva)

Pure mercury from a broken thermometer evaporates already at room temperature and is very toxic. In addition, mercury poisoning can be caused by paints or substances intended for disinfection. After mistaken ingestion of these liquids or inhalation of vapors, symptoms of poisoning appear.

Pure mercury, like all its compounds, is highly toxic. For acute or chronic poisoning, a relatively small amount of mercury is sufficient. Household mercury poisoning occurs, as a rule, by inhaling its vapors formed as a result of damage to the thermometer or barometer, when the metal in the form of small balls is poured onto the floor and begins to evaporate. Chronic poisoning can occur in a person who inhales mercury vapor in a poorly ventilated area, as well as with food. In this case, mercury accumulates in the body, its excretion in the urine is slow.


  • Irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Feces with an admixture of blood.
  • Dark rim of mercury sulphide on gums.

Symptoms of acute poisoning appear immediately. The mucous membranes are irritated, salivation begins, nausea, vomiting, increasing pain in the abdomen. Later, the mucous membrane of the thick and small intestine, a person develops diarrhea with an admixture of blood in feces. The first symptoms of chronic poisoning are dry mouth, diarrhea, a dark border appears on the gums, teeth begin to loosen. Later, the central nervous system is affected, convulsions of the face and limbs are possible, and upon contact with a large amount of a toxic substance, the whole body.


The causes of mercury poisoning can be very diverse, all of them are associated with devices, apparatus or production. In domestic conditions common cause poisoning is broken thermometer or spilled mercury in chemistry and physics classes at schools.

If the body is not treated with mercury, then after the first symptoms and ailments appear, the functions of the central nervous system (erethismus mercuriales) are impaired: mental capacity, there are mental disorders, tremor, convulsions, general exhaustion. Often as a result of shock or kidney failure a person poisoned by mercury dies. With regular intake or inhalation of a small dose of mercury (its vapor), chronic poisoning may develop, the main symptoms of which are a disorder of the central nervous system (fatigue, memory impairment, frequent headaches), damage to the skin and its derivatives. In the presence of such symptoms, the doctor will definitely do a detailed toxicological analysis of blood, urine and hair. However, the possibility of intoxication with other heavy metals will also be considered, as their symptoms are quite similar.


Mercury poisoning is very dangerous. You need to seek immediate medical attention.

If mercury vapor is inhaled, call immediately ambulance or go to the nearest hospital! Before the ambulance arrives, try to drink as much milk as possible. However, then you need to provoke vomiting to remove all the liquid you drink.

At acute poisoning the stomach is washed, followed by the introduction of activated charcoal, a solution of sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously, additional measures to protect the liver and kidneys. In especially severe cases of poisoning, the doctor introduces the so-called BAL drug. This drug was created by British military doctors to treat poisoning caused by lewisite as a result of the use of chemical weapons, but its use has been found to be effective in the treatment of poisoning caused by certain heavy metals.

Rules for working with mercury

With constant human contact with mercury compounds (for example, in agriculture, chemical or biological laboratory) certain precautions must be observed:

  • Never put a pipette in your mouth trying to draw a solution containing mercury into it.
  • Keep your fingers, which may contain mercury particles, away from your mouth.
  • If you are working with pure mercury, make sure you ventilate your work area regularly.
  • Do not eat in rooms where there is mercury.

If you broke mercury thermometer, you need to open the window, try to collect all the metal balls in the vessel, close it tightly and take it to the pharmacy. After that, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.