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Algorithm: performing an intravenous injection. Injection technique. Injections or injections

Intravenous and intramuscular injections are the most common medical manipulations, the development of which is mandatory for all medical workers.

The necessary conditions

It is performed in a manipulation room, in a hospital ward or in the intensive care unit. In exceptional cases, namely in case of a threat to life, intravenous injection can be performed at home or in transport. The drug, its dosage, frequency and duration of administration is chosen only by the doctor. Despite the presence of other injection routes (techniques, algorithms), it is a mandatory skill for any health worker.

Everything that comes into contact with the vein must be sterile, since the medicine enters directly into the general bloodstream. Before performing the injection, you need to clarify all the details on the prescription list, and if something is unclear, ask your doctor. It is also necessary to talk with the patient and ask him if he has previously noted allergic reaction on the drug, what was the state of health after the injection. Especially nervous patients need to calm down by explaining in simple words purpose of drug administration. Immediately before the injection, you need to wash your hands with soap and treat them with an antiseptic.

Algorithm: performing an intravenous injection

For this manipulation, you need to prepare:

  • disposable syringe with a needle;
  • sterile cotton balls;
  • sterile gloves;
  • a hard pillow made of oilcloth under the elbow;
  • tourniquet;
  • nail file for ampoules;
  • a drug;
  • closed containers for disinfectant;
  • closed containers for waste and cotton balls (in extreme conditions all waste material can be collected in one container).

Necessary Security

The first thing you should always think about is the safety of your own and other patients. Materials that come into contact with blood pose a potential threat of HIV infection, hence the strict sanitary conditions. Intravenous injections are performed only with gloves.

If the gloves are not sterile, then after putting on they are treated with two balls of alcohol. Thus, the algorithm (execution intravenous injection) implies a double treatment of hands: washing, treating the skin with an antiseptic and treating gloves with alcohol. These actions are necessary in order to interrupt the chain of transmission of a possible infection. This is especially important when you have to perform many injections. Execution algorithm medical services(for example, intravenous injection) involves the disinfection of not only the hands of personnel, but also syringes, cotton balls, as well as couches, pillows, rooms, i.e. everything that could have left biological traces. Compliance with the rules - The best way protect all patients and yourself.


The algorithm (performing an intravenous injection) involves the following steps.

Immediate introduction

These actions are also included in the algorithm (performing an intravenous injection). First, you need to treat a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with cotton balls moistened with alcohol - approximately 10 x 10 cm around the intended injection site. Then with another ball - directly to the injection site. The third ball is clamped with the little finger of the nurse's left hand.

Remove the cap from the syringe, take it into right hand, the needle is located with the cut up, the index finger fixes the cannula. The left hand covers the patient's forearm, while thumb holds the vein and tightens the skin.

The technique for performing intravenous injection (algorithm) suggests that you need to pierce the skin and vein at an angle of about 15 degrees, and then advance the needle one and a half centimeters. The syringe is in the right hand, and with the left you need to gently pull the piston towards you, blood should appear in the syringe. The appearance of blood means that the needle is in a vein.

Remove the tourniquet with the left hand, the patient opens his fist. Pull the plunger towards you again, check that the needle is in the vein. Slowly press the plunger until the drug is completely injected. During the introduction, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the person. Then quickly remove the needle, press the puncture with a cotton ball, bend the patient's arm at the elbow, leave to sit for 10 minutes. Ask to straighten the arm, there should be no blood.

The algorithm for performing an intravenous injection according to SanPin assumes that after the completion of the injections, the room is disinfected, and a record is made in it.

Intramuscular injection algorithm

The preparation of the syringe with the drug and the hands of the nurse is performed in a similar way. The patient should be placed face down on the couch. Intramuscular injections are best done with the patient lying down, because a person can fall - everyone tolerates injections differently.

Conditional lines divide the buttock into 4 squares, the injection site is the upper outer one. The skin is treated with two balls of alcohol: first a wide field, then the injection site itself. The syringe is held in the right hand, and the skin at the injection site is stretched with the left. With a sharp movement, the needle is inserted into the gluteal muscle, leaving 1/3 of the length outside. The angle of insertion is about 90 degrees (only in the thigh the angle of insertion is about 45 degrees).

With the left hand, they pull the piston towards themselves, while there should be no blood in the needle. If the needle enters the vessel, a new puncture is made. If there is no blood, slowly inject the entire drug. Take the third cotton ball and press it to the injection site. It is advisable that the patient sit for a few minutes, you need to follow his reaction.

Where to put syringes and balls after injection?

The intramuscular injection algorithm assumes that everything that comes into contact with blood is biological waste. Therefore, in the manipulation room there should be containers:

  • for washing syringes;
  • for soaking used syringes;
  • for used needles;
  • for used cotton balls.

The containers are filled with a disinfectant solution, which is changed daily. The syringe with the needle is washed in the solution, then the needle with the cap is disconnected and placed in a separate container. The washed syringe is disassembled, placed in another container. The balls are soaked separately. Washed in a disinfectant solution, syringes, needles and balls are disposed of under an agreement with a disinfection institution.

What are the best syringes?

For administration, as the intramuscular injection algorithm implies, it is better to use syringes with a capacity of 5.0 or 10.0 ml. Most often, the amount of the administered drug does not exceed 3.0 ml. These syringes are used because they have a long enough needle for the medicine to get into the thickness of the muscles and dissolve well there. In syringes with a smaller volume, the needle is thin and short, the medicine can get close to the skin. In addition, drugs for intramuscular injection are quite viscous, and it is inconvenient and painful to administer them with thin needles.

Always, in all cases, even if the patient has been treated for a long time, it is necessary to clarify with him the likelihood of allergies and other adverse reactions. It also suggests that the inscription on the ampoule should be read immediately before the introduction, even if the ampoule is taken out of the box with the appropriate name. Packaging errors are rare, but they do happen.

Infusion: infusion, implementation algorithm

intravenous infusion - fast way improve the patient's condition. The only difference between an infusion and an injection is the amount of fluid injected. If 10-20 ml is injected by jet, then up to 1 liter of liquid or more can be injected by drip.

For drip injection drugs use PR systems (transfusion of solutions). Manufacturers produce various models, the mandatory parts are:

  • a long tube with a filter and an infusion rate regulator;
  • air duct - a needle with a closed filter and a short tube;
  • wide needle for piercing the drug vial, puncture needle.

The algorithm for performing intravenous drip injection includes filling the system and the actual introduction. The bottle is pierced with a wide needle, placed in a tripod. On a long tube, the regulator is fully opened before filling with liquid so that the drug begins to drip from the puncture needle.

Then the system is attached according to the rules of intravenous injection. A ball with alcohol is placed under the needle, the needle is fixed to the arm with adhesive tape. The lower the injection rate, the less likely occurrence of complications. After the end of the infusion, the patient lies for some time on the couch with the arm bent at the elbow until the bleeding from the puncture stops completely.

muscles have a wider network of circulatory and lymphatic vessels, which creates conditions for rapid and complete absorption of drugs. With intramuscular injection, a depot is created, from which the drug is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, and this maintains the necessary concentration in the body, which is especially important in relation to antibiotics. Intramuscular injections should be made in certain places of the body where there is a significant layer muscle tissue, and large vessels and nerve trunks do not come close. The length of the needle depends on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, since it is necessary that the needle pass through subcutaneous tissue and got into the thickness of the muscles. So, with an excessive subcutaneous fat layer - the length of the needle is 60 mm, with a moderate one - 50 mm.

Intramuscular injections usually done in the gluteal muscles, less often in the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh. Mentally divide the buttock chosen for injection into 4 quadrants. You need to get the needle into the upper outer. In this place, slightly stretch the skin previously treated with alcohol with your left hand, and with your right hand, taking a filled syringe, inject the needle with a quick movement perpendicular to the skin surface for the entire length of the needle (this is the only way you will get into the muscle). After the injection, you need to check if the needle has entered the lumen of the vessel. To do this, slightly pull the plunger towards you: if blood gets into the syringe, you need to pull the needle towards you a little so that it leaves the vessel. Slowly inject the contents of the syringe into the muscle, after which the needle must be quickly removed, and the injection site should be closed with an alcohol ball without rubbing or massaging the surface (the likelihood of infection increases). With repeated injections, try to change the injection site, alternating the right and left buttocks.

Possible complications of intramuscular injections

  • The entry of a needle into a vessel during intramuscular injection. It can be dangerous if you enter oil solutions or suspensions that should not enter the bloodstream (the so-called embolism). To make sure the syringe is not in the container, pull the plunger back a little. If blood entered the syringe at the same time, it is necessary to slightly change the direction of the needle and the depth of its introduction.
  • Often, infiltrates occur at the injection site. This painful lumps arising on the 2-3rd day or later after administration. Their cause may be insufficient observance of asepsis rules (the injection site or the doctor’s hands are poorly treated, the injection was carried out with a non-sterile syringe, etc.), multiple introduction medicines in the same place hypersensitivity human tissues to the administered drug (oil solutions, some antibiotics, etc.). If an infiltrate occurs, its resolution can be accelerated by applying heat (a heating pad, alcohol compresses). If the infiltrate is very painful, the skin over it is red and hot, the body temperature has risen, in no case should you warm this place. These are signs of the formation of an abscess (abscess), about which you need to see a doctor.
  • Allergic complications to the administered drug. Be sure to find out before administering any medication if the person has ever had an allergic reaction before. Keep in mind that even a mild reaction to this drug earlier should be a reason to stop or replace the drug, because the fact that six months ago a person had a slight rash on the introduction of this drug does not mean that this time the reaction will be the same : the same person on the same drug can give you anaphylactic shock or suffocation. If a person was allergic to pills or, for example, eye drops some drug, injections of this drug are all the more impossible (that is, an allergic reaction is not associated with a specific method of administering the drug). In addition, an allergy to one drug often implies an allergic reaction to other drugs from the same pharmacological group(for example, intolerance to penicillin antibiotics).

Subcutaneous injections

Due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is well supplied with blood vessels, for more fast action medicinal substance using subcutaneous injections. Subcutaneously administered medicinal substances have an effect faster than when administered through the mouth, because. they are rapidly absorbed. Subcutaneous injections are made with a needle of the smallest diameter to a depth of 15 mm and up to 2 ml of drugs are injected, which are quickly absorbed in loose subcutaneous tissue and do not have a harmful effect on it.

The most convenient areas for subcutaneous injection are: outside surface shoulder subscapular space; anterior surface of the thigh; side surface abdominal wall; Bottom part axillary area. In these places, the skin is easily captured in the fold and there is no danger of damage. blood vessels, nerves and periosteum. It is not recommended to make injections: in places with edematous subcutaneous fat; in seals from poorly absorbed previous injections. Performance subcutaneous injection: wash your hands (put on gloves); treat the injection site sequentially with two cotton balls with alcohol: first a large area, then the injection site itself; place the third ball with alcohol under the 5th finger of the left hand; take a syringe in your right hand (hold the needle cannula with the 2nd finger of the right hand, hold the syringe plunger with the 5th finger, hold the cylinder from below with the 3rd-4th fingers, and hold the cylinder from above with the 1st finger); collect the skin with your left hand into a triangular fold, base down; insert the needle at a 45° angle into the base skin fold to a depth of 1-2 cm (2/3 of the length of the needle), hold index finger needle cannula; reschedule left hand on the piston and inject the drug (do not transfer the syringe from one hand to the other); Attention! If there is a small air bubble in the syringe, inject the medicine slowly and do not release all the solution under the skin, leave a small amount with the air bubble in the syringe. remove the needle by holding it by the cannula; press the injection site with a cotton ball with alcohol; do light massage injection sites without removing cotton from the skin; put a cap on a disposable needle, discard the syringe in a trash can.

Intravenous injections

Intravenous injections involve the administration of a drug directly into the bloodstream. The first and indispensable condition for this method of drug administration is the strictest observance of asepsis rules (washing and processing of hands, patient's skin, etc.).

For intravenous injections, the veins of the cubital fossa are most often used, since they have a large diameter, lie superficially and are relatively little displaced, as well as superficial veins hands, forearms, less often veins of the lower extremities.

Saphenous veins upper limb- radial and ulnar saphenous veins. Both of these veins, connecting over the entire surface of the upper limb, form many connections, the largest of which is the middle vein of the elbow, most often used for punctures. Depending on how clearly the vein is visible under the skin and palpable (palpable), three types of veins are distinguished.

Type 1 - well contoured vein. The vein is clearly visible, clearly protrudes above the skin, is voluminous. The side and front walls are clearly visible. On palpation, almost the entire circumference of the vein is palpable, with the exception of the inner wall.

2nd type - weakly contoured vein. Only the anterior wall of the vessel is very well visible and palpable, the vein does not protrude above the skin.

3rd type - not contoured vein. The vein is not visible, it can only be palpated in the depth of the subcutaneous tissue by an experienced nurse, or the vein is not visible or palpable at all.

The next indicator by which veins can be subdivided is fixation in the subcutaneous tissue (how freely the vein moves along the plane). The following options are distinguished: fixed vein - the vein is slightly displaced along the plane, it is almost impossible to move it to a distance of the width of the vessel;

sliding vein - the vein is easily displaced in the subcutaneous tissue along the plane, it can be displaced at a distance greater than its diameter; the lower wall of such a vein, as a rule, is not fixed.

According to the severity of the wall, the following types can be distinguished: thick-walled vein - the vein is thick, dense; thin-walled vein - a vein with a thin, easily vulnerable wall.

Using all the listed anatomical parameters, the following clinical options are determined:

well-contoured fixed thick-walled vein; such a vein occurs in 35% of cases; well contoured sliding thick-walled vein; occurs in 14% of cases; poorly contoured, fixed thick-walled vein; occurs in 21% of cases; poorly contoured sliding vein; occurs in 12% of cases; uncontoured fixed vein; occurs in 18% of cases.

Most suitable for vein puncture of the first two clinical options. Good contours, thick wall make it quite easy to puncture the vein.

The veins of the third and fourth options are less convenient, for the puncture of which a thin needle is most suitable. It should only be remembered that when puncturing a "sliding" vein, it must be fixed with the finger of a free hand.

The most unfavorable for the puncture of the vein of the fifth option. When working with such a vein, it should be remembered that it must first be well palpated (palpated), it is impossible to blindly puncture.

One of the most frequently encountered anatomical features vein is the so-called fragility. Currently, this pathology is becoming more and more common. Visually and palpation, brittle veins are no different from ordinary ones. Their puncture, as a rule, also does not cause difficulty, but sometimes a hematoma appears right before our eyes at the puncture site. All methods of control show that the needle is in the vein, but, nevertheless, the hematoma is growing. It is believed that the following is probably happening: the needle is a wounding agent, and in some cases the puncture of the vein wall corresponds to the diameter of the needle, while in others, due to anatomical features, a rupture occurs along the vein.

In addition, it can be considered that violations of the technique of fixing the needle in a vein play an important role here. A weakly fixed needle rotates both axially and in a plane, causing additional injury to the vessel. This complication occurs almost exclusively in the elderly. If such a pathology occurs, then it makes no sense to continue the introduction medicinal product into this vein. Another vein should be punctured and infused, paying attention to the fixation of the needle in the vessel. A tight bandage should be applied to the area of ​​the hematoma.

Enough frequent complication there is an admission infusion solution into the subcutaneous tissue. Most often, after a vein puncture in the elbow bend, the needle is not stable enough, when the patient moves his hand, the needle leaves the vein and the solution enters under the skin. The needle in the elbow bend must be fixed at least in two points, and in restless patients it is necessary to fix the vein throughout the limb, excluding the area of ​​​​the joints.

Another reason for fluid to enter under the skin is a through puncture of a vein, this is more common when using disposable needles that are sharper than reusable ones, in which case the solution enters partly into a vein, partly under the skin.

It is necessary to remember one more feature of the veins. In case of violation of the central and peripheral circulation, the veins collapse. The puncture of such a vein is extremely difficult. In this case, the patient should be asked to squeeze and unclench his fingers more vigorously and simultaneously pat on the skin, looking through the vein in the puncture area. As a rule, this technique more or less helps with the puncture of a collapsed vein. It must be remembered that primary training on such veins is unacceptable.

Performing an intravenous injection.

Prepare: on a sterile tray: a syringe (10.0 - 20.0 ml) with a drug and a 40 - 60 mm needle, cotton balls; tourniquet, roller, gloves; 70% ethanol; tray for spent ampoules, vials; a container with a disinfectant solution for used cotton balls.

Sequence of actions: wash and dry your hands; take a medicine; help the patient take comfortable position- lying on your back or sitting; give the limb into which the injection will be made, the necessary position: the arm is in an extended state, palm up; place an oilcloth pad under the elbow (for maximum extension of the limb in elbow joint); wash your hands, put on gloves; put a rubber tourniquet (on a shirt or napkin) on the middle third of the shoulder so that the free ends are directed upwards, the loop is downwards, the pulse on the radial artery should not change; ask the patient to work with his fist (for better pumping of blood into the vein); find a suitable vein for puncture; treat the skin of the elbow area with the first cotton ball with alcohol in the direction from the periphery to the center, discard it (the skin is disinfected); take the syringe in your right hand: fix the cannula of the needle with your index finger, cover the cylinder from above with the rest; check the absence of air in the syringe, if there are a lot of bubbles in the syringe, you need to shake it, and small bubbles will merge into one large one, which is easy to force out through the needle into the tray; again with your left hand, treat the venipuncture site with a second cotton ball with alcohol, discard it; fix the skin in the puncture area with your left hand, pulling the skin in the elbow bend area with your left hand and slightly shifting it to the periphery; holding the needle almost parallel to the vein, pierce the skin and carefully insert the needle 1/3 of the length with the cut up (with the patient's fist clenched); while continuing to fix the vein with your left hand, slightly change the direction of the needle and carefully puncture the vein until you feel "hitting in the void"; pull the piston towards you - blood should appear in the syringe (confirmation that the needle has entered the vein); untie the tourniquet with your left hand by pulling on one of the free ends, ask the patient to unclench the hand; without changing the position of the syringe, press the plunger with your left hand and slowly inject medicinal solution, leaving in the syringe 0.5 -1-2 ml; attach a cotton ball with alcohol to the injection site and gently remove the needle from the vein (prevention of hematoma); bend the patient's arm in the elbow bend, leave the ball with alcohol in place, ask the patient to fix the arm in this position for 5 minutes (bleeding prevention); throw the syringe into disinfectant solution or close the needle (disposable) with a cap; after 5-7 minutes, take the cotton ball from the patient and drop it into a disinfectant solution or into a bag from a disposable syringe; remove gloves, discard them in a disinfectant solution; wash your hands.

Medical practice shows that very often there is a need to introduce drugs into the human body, bypassing the digestive system. One of the most effective ways achievement of the set goals is an injection (shot).

What are you interested in?

With this method of treatment, the drug enters directly into circulatory system body and affects certain organs and systems of the body. Influence at gastrointestinal tract, in this case, is reduced to a minimum.

What are the injections

The classification of injections can be represented as follows:

  1. Intravenous. The most common type of injection, in which the medicine is injected directly into the blood.
  2. Intramuscular. A very popular method of administering drugs. With this type of injection, muscle tissue is involved.
  3. Subcutaneous. This procedure a little more difficult. Requires certain skills and concentration. The needle is inserted into the subcutaneous layer, rich in thin blood vessels.
  4. Intradermal. Do not assume widespread blood medicines. It is used for diagnostics or local anesthesia.
  5. Intraosseous. Enough complex view injection. Applied in special occasions when you need to do anesthesia or the patient has a high degree obesity. Only qualified medical personnel are involved.
  6. Intra-arterial. The rarest procedure. Difficult to implement, can lead to serious complications. It is carried out during resuscitation.

These are joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis), inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis), liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatosis), cardiovascular abnormalities (hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis), spinal pathology (osteochondrosis), disorders of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer), cupping pain syndrome(local and general anesthesia- strong painkillers are used), an allergic reaction of the body.

Most simple views injections can be carried out independently, for example intramuscularly. More complex manipulations should be performed by medical professionals with appropriate education and experience (for example, injections for back pain, allergies or injections in knee-joint). At the same time, it is necessary to comply certain rules procedures.

How to do injections

The injection algorithm is quite simple. The most important thing is to follow the sequence of actions. Consider this process on the example of an intramuscular injection.

  • First, you need to choose a place for the injection. In medicine, it is customary to allocate three zones for injections. These include the shoulders, buttocks and hips. On half of the buttock, a visual cruciform division is performed. For the procedure, you must select the upper outer area. When using the hip, two palms are applied and the thumbs are exposed. The area where they converge must be used for the injection. On the shoulder choose it upper part. This area is very well palpable.
  • Second, getting ready essential medicine. The package with a syringe is opened and a needle is put on. After that, the ampoule is opened and the drug is collected. Then, by moving the piston, all air bubbles are removed from the syringe.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to correctly position the patient. If the buttock is involved, it is better to take a prone position. This is the most comfortable position. You can do the injection while standing, but this is not a practical option.
  • Fourth, the skin must be pre-treated alcohol solution. A piece of bandage or cotton wool is taken, moistened in alcohol and the selected area is carefully wiped with it. After that, the cotton wool is removed in the left hand.
  • Fifth, the injection itself. The hand with the syringe must be taken approximately 20 cm from the surface of the body. Having made a sharp movement, pierce the fabric. pressing thumb on the plunger, slowly inject the medicine. In this case, the needle should remain in place. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to remove the needle and attach an alcohol cloth to the puncture site.
  • Sixth, the used tool must be disposed of.

If a lump appeared

After intramuscular injection, a bump often forms. There is no need to worry if there is no pain, no redness at the puncture site, and its temperature has not changed. In this situation, you can apply iodine grid or attach a cabbage leaf.

If any of the above symptoms persist, seek medical advice. medical institution. Medical workers help and determine required method treatment.

Injection I Injection (years. injectio throw-in; synonym)

method of parenteral administration of drugs and diagnostics in the form of solutions or suspensions in a volume of up to 20 ml by injecting them under pressure into various body media using a syringe or other injectors.

Injections are used in the absence dosage form for oral administration and violations of the absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract; if it is necessary to quickly achieve an effect in the practice of emergency and intensive care(intravenous I.) or predominance local action general (intraosseous, intraarticular, intraorganic I.), as well as in the process of special diagnostic studies. Necessary conditions conducting I. are impeccable skills, strict adherence to the requirements of asepsis rules, knowledge of the action of medicinal substances and their compatibility. Complex I. (intra-arterial, intraosseous, into the spinal canal) is performed only by a specially trained medical doctor. When choosing parts of the body for subcutaneous and intramuscular I., zones are taken into account in which it is not recommended to perform I. ( rice .).

Before subcutaneous and intramuscular I., the skin at the site of I. is treated with alcohol. For subcutaneous I., a skin area is captured in a fold, pulled off with the fingers of one hand and pierced with a needle worn with medicine with the other hand. The pressure on the plunger of the syringe produces injection. For intramuscular I., a body area with developed muscles is chosen far from passing nerves or vessels - most often the upper outer quadrant. With the fingers of a hand free from the syringe, a skin area is fixed in place I. and in the direction perpendicular to the surface of this area, the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle are simultaneously pierced with a needle. After making sure that with a slight suction movement of the piston a, the syringe does not enter (i.e. it is not inside the vessel) injection is carried out by the pumping movement of the piston. The puncture site of the skin after any I. is treated with an alcohol solution of iodine.

Complications proper conduct And. are observed seldom. They are mainly associated with side effects administered drug, including allergic reactions up to the development of anaphylactic shock (Anaphylactic shock) , or with an unexpected ingress of a medicinal substance into adjacent tissues and environments, which can cause tissue necrosis, vascular embolism and other complications. At violation of rules of performance And. similar and other complications increase. So, if asepsis is not observed, local inflammatory infiltrates are often observed and general infectious processes(see Abscess , Sepsis , Phlegmon) , as well as the ingestion of pathogens of chronic infectious diseases into the patient's body, incl. human immunodeficiency virus (see HIV infection) . The reliability of the prevention of infectious complications increases with the use of individual sterilizers, and especially with the use of disposable syringes for I. arising complications are determined by their nature. In the treatment rooms where I. is produced, there should always be ready means to combat anaphylactic shock.

II Injection

There are several ways to administer drugs (Drugs). Seriously ill medications more often administered parenterally (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract), i.e., subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, etc. using a syringe with a needle. This method (and it is called injection) makes it possible to quickly obtain the necessary healing effect, provide the exact drug, create it maximum concentration in the injection area. I. is also used in part of diagnostic studies, some prophylactic agents are used parenterally.

Injections are carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis and, i.e., with a sterile syringe and needle, after careful processing of the hands of the producing I. and the patient's skin at the site of its upcoming puncture.

The syringe is the simplest pump suitable for injection and suction. Its main components are hollow and a piston, which must fit snugly against inner surface cylinder, sliding freely on it, but not letting air and liquid through. , glass, metal or plastic (in disposable syringes), can be of various capacities. At one end, it passes into a drawn tip or in the form of a funnel for a needle attachment; the other end remains open or has a removable cap with a hole for the piston rod ( rice. 1 ). The syringe plunger is mounted on a rod, on which there is a handle. Checking the syringe for leaks is carried out as follows: close the cone of the cylinder with the second or third finger of the left hand (in which the syringe is held), and move the piston down with the right, and then release it. If the plunger quickly returned to - the syringe is sealed.

With the development of cosmetology, many opportunities have appeared for ladies in the form of comprehensive care for their bodies, the elimination of certain skin imperfections using cutting-edge methods, which can include both gentle and more intensive methods.

The intensive struggle of women with signs of aging has led to the development of a number of procedures and complexes for the face, which are injections. Although this method is associated with penetration through the skin barrier, it is quite effective and fast-acting.

Injection cosmetology includes the introduction of various substances that have a certain effect on the skin and eliminate problems for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid

The procedures for the introduction of this substance by injection have been carried out for a long time, it has become very popular among the fair sex for its highly effective action. This is not surprising, since this acid is capable of:

  1. reduce the number of fine wrinkles and the depth of more significant ones;
  2. face contour correction (chin, cheekbones), eyelids and lips;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, hands, neck, decollete;
  4. get rid of skin imperfections (acne, post-acne) and rejuvenate it, anti-couperose properties appear.

For the above purposes, different concentrations of the drug are used, and the depth of administration also varies. The effect is usually noticeable after the first procedure. Reneall or Princess Rich may be used in this case.

Active influence is aimed at such processes:

  1. activation of regeneration, skin elasticity, synthesis of intercellular substance;
  2. optimization of antioxidant protection;

For the optimal action of peptides on problem areas, targeted means can be selected:

  • for the reconstruction of the dermis;
  • for bleaching;
  • for immunomodulatory and anti-edematous effect (Timalin drug);
  • for a botulinum effect.

Also with its help you can get rid of recent acne scars (acne), heal inflammatory processes and heal wounds. Modern fillers contain peptides as the main active ingredient.

Popular in the use of women who are 35 years old. A popular drug is Aquashine, which contains both peptides and hyaluronic acid, and coenzymes, amino acids and vitamins. And Laennec has a similar effect, but is a hydrolyzate of the placenta. These drugs are injected under the skin.

Vitamin injections

Set treatment skin problems can be done by ingestion skin vitamin with a different spectrum of action, eliminate many cosmetic problems. With a lack of vitamins inside the body, skin troubles will become noticeable, which can be expressed as:

  • redness, peeling, hard work sebaceous glands, acne, freckles and more;
  • a sharp increase in the number of wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin, dullness of the cover, swelling under the eyes and dark circles under them, acne marks;
  • expansion of pores and the appearance of "black dots".

All possible problems, which may arise due to the lack of these elements, do not list. The missing vitamins, which are individually necessary, will be selected by a qualified cosmetologist. May be assigned as pure form(injections ascorbic acid or vitamin C), and as complexes (a cocktail of necessary vitamins minerals such as zinc).

Vitamins A, E, C, K, group B are popular and so lacking for the skin. the best helpers in the fight against imperfections, if they are injected under the skin by injection. The course is carried out from 3-5 sessions, once a year or two. Can be used upon reaching the age of 25.

Vitamin injections can cause and Negative consequences especially if you are allergic to one of their ingredients.


A newfangled remedy for combating many skin imperfections, capable of exhibiting anti-aging properties. Ozone therapy is used as one of the components of the complex for skin care, it can include facial massage, placental masks, peelings. Ozone procedures are carried out in the amount of 5 - 10 sessions, their number is determined by a cosmetologist. The possibilities of this therapy are:

  1. rejuvenation and care;
  2. fight against acne;
  3. anti-couperose and anti-burn action;

Ozone therapy does not have any period of effectiveness, as it has a curative nature, and not a temporary cosmetic one. Widely used even from adolescence.

It is also used for body shaping.


In almost all of the above possibilities of “beauty injections”, they also have contraindications, in the presence of which it is worth refusing to use them. Are they harmful? Not if you follow a few rules. Namely, do not apply for the procedure if:

  • there is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • inflammatory processes occur in the body or there is viral diseases, oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation, blood diseases;
  • problems with nervous system(epilepsy).

All possible negative consequences or contraindications for each facial injection procedure are discussed individually with the specialist who will conduct the session. The consequences of neglecting the rules can be varied: from peeling and redness to purulent rashes and itching.

Video: 9 reasons not to do beauty injections