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Thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins: causes, clinical picture, methods of diagnosis and treatment, complications. Thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities: signs, features and treatment methods

One of the common complications of varicose veins is thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities. This pathology develops against the background of blockage of the superficial vessels of the legs and can cause a lot of dangerous and unpleasant symptoms. In the early stages, the pathology can be successfully treated with medication, but neglected form Surgery is most often prescribed. How to suspect pathology and how does it differ from varicose veins? Who is at risk and what treatment is needed for this disease?

What causes the disease

Superficial thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities develops against the background of inflammation of the walls of superficial vessels. As a result, a blood clot may occur, which reduces the patency of the vessel or completely blocks it. Many doctors are sure that thrombophlebitis is a complication of varicose veins, but there are those who are sure that the disease can also occur as an independent pathology.

The main reasons for the development of superficial vein thrombosis are:

  • Varicose veins.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Injuries.
  • Injections.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Dehydration.
  • Infection.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in asymptomatic in the early stages. Characteristic signs diseases appear already at the moment when the disease has already affected a large area of ​​the vein. Often on late stages drug treatment not effective.

It is worth considering that thrombosis of the superficial veins of the legs most often affects women over the age of 40.

Today doctors note that there are a number of risk factors that contribute to the development of pathology, namely:

  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Postoperative period with bed rest.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Obesity.
  • Having bad habits.
  • Elderly age.

All people at risk of developing pathology need to more carefully monitor their condition and at the first signs of blockage in the superficial veins of the legs, they should urgently consult a doctor. It is especially important to treat any inflammatory diseases and vascular pathologies. Patients with varicose veins must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Classification of the disease

Thrombophlebitis of the saphenous veins is divided according to the type of course and causes of the disease. Today doctors distinguish several main types of thrombosis:

  • Acute thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins.
  • Chronic superficial phlebitis.
  • Post-injection phlebitis.
  • Thrombosis as a consequence of varicose veins.
  • Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy.
  • Wandering thrombophlebitis.

The treatment schedule is developed individually for each patient depending on the type and severity of the pathology. The main goal of thrombophlebitis therapy is to restore blood circulation in the limb. It should be remembered that the formation of a blood clot is dangerous not only by disrupting blood flow, but also by the possibility of developing thromboembolism.

Symptoms of the disease

Only the acute form of the disease has clear symptoms, which is characterized by the occurrence of sudden severe pain in the direction of the blood flow in the leg, bluish skin, swelling, limited movement of the limb and an increase in temperature when the limb is cold. Acute form thrombophlebitis can often lead to complications such as thromboembolism, gangrene, and phlegmasia. At initial symptoms acute pathology need to call emergency assistance. Before the arrival of specialists, the patient cannot undergo any independent treatment.

Other forms of pathology of the saphenous veins of the lower extremities in the early stages are manifested only by minor swelling on the surface of the skin, a feeling of fatigue in the legs, pain after physical activity. It is precisely such vague symptoms that often do not frighten patients and do not force them to seek help in a timely manner. Over time, the symptoms increase, the manifestations of the disease become brighter, and only in this case the patient goes to see a doctor.

Treatment of certain forms of thrombophlebitis

Drug or surgical therapy is prescribed individually to each patient depending on the form, stage and severity of the disease. Also, when prescribing treatment, it is important to take into account the presence of concomitant diseases, because treatment of superficial vein thrombophlebitis should begin with treatment of the disease that caused the development of this disease. So, how is subcutaneous thrombophlebitis treated?

Acute pathology. Treatment of acute thrombophlebitis should occur exclusively in inpatient conditions. If there is a risk of developing thromboembolism, blockage of a superficial vein in the middle or upper part of the thigh, or if there is purulent process urgent surgical intervention is indicated. The ascending form of thromboembolism is especially dangerous, because with such a pathology there is a very high risk of a blood clot breaking off and moving upward to the cardiac or pulmonary arteries.

In this case, doctors may bandage the area saphenous vein where it connects to the deep one so that the clot does not penetrate the vital arteries.

If there is no threat to the patient's life, doctors carry out local treatment, which involves taking medications to thin the blood and relieve inflammation. After rendering urgent assistance in a hospital, the patient can continue treatment at home, regularly visiting the attending physician.

Chronic pathology. Treatment of the chronic form of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins is most often medicinal. For therapy, ointments, tablets, physiological procedures and special dressings are used. In the chronic form of the disease, it is very important to identify the root cause of the pathology and eliminate it. So if the patient increased viscosity blood, he will be prescribed anticoagulants if he is responsible for the formation of blood clots high cholesterol, you will have to take statins and stick to a diet. Treatment should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the age and general condition of the patient. Chronic thrombophlebitis may periodically worsen. At this current illnesses, it is important to remove acute attack, and treat the chronic form in accordance with the recommendations of doctors.

Thrombophlebitis after injections. Post-injection thrombophlebitis is rarely observed on the legs. This mainly happens when doctors are forced to infuse drugs into the veins of the leg. Pathology manifests itself acute symptoms and requires immediate treatment. Therapy is based on relieving the inflammatory process and dissolving the blood clot.

Usually this phenomenon does not require surgical intervention.

Varicose veins complicated by thrombophlebitis. Varicose thrombosis is the most common form of acute superficial thrombophlebitis. Not timely treatment varicose veins invariably leads to the development of an inflammatory process and the formation of a blood clot in the superficial vessels of the legs. The complication is characterized by severe pain along the vein, swelling of blood vessels, swelling and redness of the leg.

Patients experience pain with any movement and when touching a damaged vessel. The danger of the complication lies in the possibility of damage to the deep veins, which leads to thromboembolism and other life-threatening conditions. Treatment of this type of disease consists of anti-inflammatory therapy. According to indications, surgical intervention may be prescribed. It must be remembered that treatment of varicose veins cannot be delayed so as not to develop complications.

Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy. Often during pregnancy, women experience circulatory problems in the lower extremities. in the early stages they are similar to the signs of varicose veins. At the first manifestations of the disease to the expectant mother you need to see a doctor urgently. Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, because pregnant women are not allowed to use all medications.

Typically, treatment during pregnancy is local in nature; prevention of complications is also important during this period.

Wandering thrombophlebitis. This form of the disease is characterized by inflammation of the veins in different places. It can have both chronic and acute forms. It is important that wandering phlebitis can often signal the presence of oncology, for this reason you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

Danger of disease

The danger of acute thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities lies in the possible detachment of a blood clot and its migration into the deep veins. However, this complication is quite rare. But, despite this, every person should know that blockage of the veins of the lower extremities, the symptoms of which are always painful, also has other dangers.

First of all, this is, of course, a deterioration in the quality of life. The patient cannot fully work, move and live. It hurts him to perform even basic actions.


Treatment of venous blockage surgical methods is prescribed only when there is a risk of damage to the deep veins. The operation is usually prescribed in the later stages of the disease, when conservative methods can no longer cope with the disease.

Today, the following surgical interventions are used to prevent thromboembolism and other dangerous complications:

  • Pulling of the large superficial vein.
  • Crossectomy.
  • Extensive phlebectomy.

Modern methods surgical treatment allow the removal of blood clots from blood vessels under local anesthesia. Surgeries on open vessels are performed extremely rarely. Most often, after minimally invasive surgery, the patient can return home the next day. After any treatment for thrombophlebitis, it is important to follow preventive measures that are aimed at preventing the formation of new blood clots.


Traditional methods of treatment used in conjunction with traditional therapy help relieve inflammation of the veins much faster and return to normal image life. One effective recipe is cabbage leaf wrap. To relieve swelling and inflammation, you need to take a cabbage leaf, lubricate the skin with apple cider vinegar and wrap the cabbage on the affected area overnight. The recipe has no side effects and is used as needed.

Also, for superficial thrombophlebitis, you can use Kalanchoe tincture. This plant has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, vascular strengthening and tonic properties. To prepare the tincture, you need to take a Kalanchoe leaf, grind it in a meat grinder and dilute it with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture needs to infuse for 7 days. The resulting tincture is rubbed into the affected areas of the legs.

The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

It must be remembered that any folk remedy may have contraindications. For this reason, you should consult your doctor before use. This is especially true for patients who have accompanying illnesses. In this case, treatment with both medications and folk remedies should be selected by a doctor, because it should primarily be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.


Prevention measures include the following actions patient:

  • Timely treatment of all diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels.
  • Regular preventive examinations.
  • Control of the underlying disease that caused the complication.
  • Adequate physical activity.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Weight loss.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • The use of folk recipes to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Wearing compression garments.
  • Control of your condition.
  • See a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease.

It is worth noting that today the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities is most often not difficult. In the arsenal of specialists there are a lot of anti-inflammatory, thrombus-thinning and vascular-strengthening agents. If necessary, doctors can prescribe and unconventional methods treatments such as herudotherapy, mud therapy, wraps and massages. Thrombophlebitis of the external veins is, of course, not as dangerous as the pathology of deep vessels. However, we must not forget that if left untreated, the pathology can become deadly.

In contact with

Thrombophlebitis- inflammation of the vein wall, which leads to the formation of a thrombus - a dense blood clot with an uneven surface. This inflammatory disease vessels associated with infection, changes in blood properties or compression of a vein. With thrombophlebitis, a painful, knotty cord appears under the skin, and the tissue above it turns red and swells.

Thrombophlebitis is the most common vascular disease, which is often accompanied by atherosclerosis and varicose veins veins Every fourth woman and every fifth man over forty suffers from this pathology.

Interestingly, thrombophlebitis occurs 3 times more often in Europeans than in Asian countries. This is due to the fact that in Asian culture it is common to sit on mats. At the same time, blood circulation in the legs is better than when you sit on a chair.
In people who are obese and have more than 30 kg of excess weight, the risk of developing thrombophlebitis is 30% higher.
Thrombophlebitis occurs in young people as young as 17 years of age, but this danger is greatest in people over 75 years of age. Average age patients are 40-50 years old.

Thrombophlebitis happens

  • Spicy – develops in 2-3 days. Accompanied by increased temperature, redness and swelling at the site of blood clot formation. The area becomes hot and painful to the touch.
  • Chronic – is often a complication of varicose veins. The inflammation is sluggish. The blood clot enlarges, and if you press on the area around it, you feel pain. The limb swells.
  • Purulent – occurs if there is a source of infection nearby on the skin. Occurs with severe intoxication and high fever. May cause blood poisoning (sepsis).
  • Non-purulent inflammatory process caused by a change in the properties of the blood (thickening) or disruption of its movement. Red, painful stripes appear on the skin, but the general condition is normal. Non-purulent thrombophlebitis can result in the resorption of the blood clot, or it can occur in a chronic form.
Thrombophlebitis develops in the veins of the neck, chest, arms, but most often it appears in the lower extremities.
Thrombophlebitis of superficial and deep veins is distinguished. In each case, the disease has its own symptoms and treatment features.

Thrombophlebitis is treated by a phlebologist or vascular surgeon.

Anatomy of veins

Veinblood vessel, through which blood flows from the organs to the heart. The pressure in the veins is much lower than in the arteries and they experience less stress. Therefore, their walls contain less elastic and muscle tissue.

Veins have one peculiarity: they do not look like tree branches, but rather like a mesh. Therefore, if violations appear in some area, then blood is flowing to the heart in roundabout ways.

The vein wall consists of several layers.

  1. Inner layer (intima) – endothelial cells, which are located in one layer;
  2. Soft connecting layer;
  3. Thin muscle layer;
  4. Dense outer layer connective tissue.
With thrombophlebitis, all layers become inflamed, the lumen of the vein narrows, and blood flow in this area slows down or stops. And enzymes that are released when a vein is inflamed promote blood clotting and the formation of a blood clot.

Blood moves to the heart through veins at low pressure and often against gravity. But there are factors that ensure blood flow in the right direction:

  1. Vein valves are outgrowths of the inner layer of the vein that allow blood to flow in only one direction;
  2. Venous pulse - contraction of the walls of the veins;
  3. Promotion of blood due to surrounding muscles;
  4. Suction action of the heart and diaphragm.
Most often, failure occurs in the valve apparatus. The valve allows some of the blood to flow in the opposite direction, causing the section of the vein to overflow. It expands in this place, becomes tortuous and knotty - varicose veins develop. This promotes inflammation of the vein walls.

Causes of thrombophlebitis

  1. Infection. The disease provokes a focus of purulent infection near the vein. This could be a boil, cracked toes, or sepsis. Through the wound, microorganisms enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation in a small area of ​​the vessel wall. At the same time, substances begin to be released that lead to platelets sticking together and forming a blood clot.
  2. Respiratory disease. Bacteria or viruses disperse throughout the body and enter the bloodstream. If there is a defect on the vein wall, microorganisms attach to it and begin to multiply, causing inflammation.
  3. Intravenous drug administration or a catheter that remains in the vein for a long time. The body's response to foreign bodies is the formation of blood clots around them. If there are microorganisms on the needle or catheter, they cause inflammation of the vessel walls.
  4. Injury: blows during sports or at home, bruises, burns, fractures. When injured, the internal endothelium peels off and the soft connective layer is exposed. Platelets, and then other blood cells, easily attach to it, forming a blood clot. After this, inflammation begins in the damaged wall.
  5. Complications of operations, childbirth. The operation leads to injury to tissues and blood vessels. The body responds by releasing substances designed to clot the blood to stop bleeding. In addition, after such procedures, activity decreases - the person is forced to lie in bed. This leads to blood stagnation.
  6. Tumors(malignant and benign neoplasms). Tumors can compress nearby vessels and grow into them, disrupting the functioning of the veins. And with cancer it changes biochemical composition blood and the person moves very little. This leads to the fact that thromboembolism is considered the second most common cause of death in cancer patients.
  7. Taking hormonal medications or hormonal disorders. Violations hormonal balance lead to changes in blood composition and a tendency to inflammatory processes.
  8. Dehydration. The volume of the liquid part of the blood decreases, but the number of blood cells remains the same. The blood becomes thicker and less diluted. This can happen if diuretics are not taken correctly, persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
  9. Hereditary predisposition to blood thickening(coagulopathy, thrombophilia). With these hereditary diseases, there is an excess of platelets in the human blood. Their function is to ensure that blood stops during bleeding. But when there are too many of them, the platelets stick together and form a clot. The wall of the vessel at the site of its attachment grows and becomes inflamed.
  10. Slowing blood flow. This happens with a sedentary lifestyle. It is believed that if you spend 3 days in a row without moving (after a stroke, surgery), the risk of blood stagnation in the vessels of the legs and the appearance of blood clots in the superficial veins significantly increases.
  11. Obesity and excess weight . In overweight people, immunity decreases and blood circulation is impaired, blood vessels are compressed by fatty tissue and atherosclerotic plaques appear in them. As a result, inflammation often occurs both on the skin and in the walls of blood vessels.
  12. Improper blood flow. Vortexes are formed that look like small whirlpools. This occurs where blood under pressure passes through a narrowed section of the vein, to the wall of which atherosclerotic plaques are attached. Often in such places, blood cells accumulate and stick together.
  13. Phlebeurysm. Causes the vein to become dilated and tortuous. In some areas, blood circulates poorly and stagnates, and a blood clot forms in this area. It sticks to the wall of the vessel. From it, blood components penetrate into the intima, which leads to inflammation.

Thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities

Symptoms and signs of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities

Symptom Manifestations Development mechanism
Pain along the vein Pain is felt throughout the entire inflamed area, which can be felt under the skin, like a painful cord, sometimes with knots. The veins themselves have no pain receptors. Unpleasant sensations appear when inflammation spreads to surrounding tissues and nerves that run parallel to the vessels.
Swelling of the skin around the affected area Swelling appears around the inflamed vein, but the entire leg does not swell. Swelling appears during the day while walking and decreases overnight. At the site of inflammation, blood pressure increases, and the walls of the capillaries become less dense and allow the liquid part of the plasma to pass through. Fluid accumulates between cells, compressing veins and lymphatic vessels. As a result, the outflow of blood and lymph is disrupted.
Redness of the skin along the vein The skin around the affected area becomes reddish-pink in color. Redness begins in the first days and subsides in the second week. It is due to the fact that small subcutaneous arteries dilate and become visible through the skin.
The area is hot to the touch (hyperthermia) The skin over the inflamed vein becomes hot. An increase in temperature in a particular area is associated with increased blood circulation in dilated capillaries. Cells also speed up their metabolism and produce more heat.
Impaired mobility in the leg Movement causes pain in the leg. The person tries not to move it. During movement, the diseased vein is pressed by the muscles. At the same time, the pain intensifies.
Increased body temperature, chills The temperature rises to 37.5 °C, and if purulent infection, then up to 39 °C. This is the body’s response to the source of infection and inflammation in the vein. At the same time, substances appear in the blood that cause an increase in temperature (pyrogens). They affect the thermoregulatory center in the brain. When the temperature rises in the body, unfavorable conditions are created for microorganisms that cause inflammation, and immune cells begin to work more actively.
Weakness, malaise You feel a loss of strength, fatigue, and decreased performance. Living and immune-killed microorganisms and damaged vein cells release toxins that poison the body.

Diagnosis of thrombophlebitis

Let's figure out what awaits you at your doctor's appointment, and what examinations are necessary to make a correct diagnosis.

Physical examination, examination

The doctor carefully examines each leg on both sides from the foot to the groin. At the same time, he pays attention to the following signs of illness:

  • presence of dilated veins;
  • areas of redness and other changes in skin color;
  • swelling;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • hot areas of skin.
The doctor will definitely find out from you:
  • when signs of illness appeared;
  • how quickly they developed and grew;
  • what medications did you take during this period?
Duplex ultrasound scanning (ultrasound/vascular Doppler)

A study that combines Doppler ultrasound scanning and traditional ultrasound. Vascular Doppler is based on the fact that an ultrasonic wave is reflected from moving blood cells, and the sensor picks up this reflection. Based on the data obtained, the computer calculates the characteristics of blood movement through the vessels. In order to obtain more accurate results, the vein is examined from different sides (projections). A two-dimensional image appears on the monitor screen, which allows you to determine whether there is a blood clot or inflammation.

With thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, the following signs appear:

  • the diameter of the veins increases if thrombophlebitis is caused by varicose veins;
  • the screen shows narrowed areas at the site of attachment of the blood clot;
  • foci of inflammation on the venous wall;
  • the appearance of reverse blood flow;
  • slow or reverse blood flow.

Ultrasound/vascular Doppler has no side effects or complications. You do not need to prepare specially for this procedure; it is absolutely painless. You will lie down on the couch, and the doctor will apply a special gel to the skin, which conducts ultrasound well and facilitates the sliding of the sensor. The procedure lasts 15-25 minutes. Equipment for duplex ultrasound scanning quite expensive. Therefore, this procedure is mainly performed in private clinics. Cost from 1000 to 3500 rubles.

Functional tests

These studies allow the doctor to identify varicose veins and determine the condition of the veins and their valves without equipment.

  • Schwartz test(percussion). The doctor places his left hand on the artery in the thigh and taps the inflamed area with his right hand. If there is insufficiency of the valves of the great saphenous vein, then in the intervals between taps the doctor feels a reverse wave of blood directed from top to bottom.
  • Troyanov–Trendelenburg test. You lie down on the couch and put your foot on a raised platform. Using light massage movements from the foot to the groin, the doctor expels blood from the superficial veins and applies a tourniquet to the top part hips. If the veins and varicose nodes quickly fill with blood, this indicates that the vessels are in poor condition and the valves of the veins are not working enough.
  • Burrow–Shaneys three-strand test. You will be placed on a couch and emptied with the help of a massage. superficial veins. After this, the doctor applies 3 tourniquets: in the groin, on the lower third of the thigh and below the knee. You will be asked to stand up and the doctor will evaluate the test results. If the veins fill with blood within 30 seconds, this indicates bad work valves
  • Pratt test. A tourniquet is applied to the thigh. An elastic bandage is applied from the foot to the thigh. They begin to unwind it and at the same time apply another bandage from top to bottom. In the gap between the bandages, swollen varicose nodes appear, which are marked with brilliant green.
These functional tests have been used by doctors for decades and require a lot of experience. Examination of the condition of the veins using ultrasound is considered more informative.


Ointments for the treatment of thrombophlebitis

The most effective ointments for the treatment of superficial thrombophlebitis they contain heparin, a substance that prevents blood clotting.

Heparin ointment
Application. Apply a thin layer to the skin 2-3 times a day. Rub in with careful movements.
Mechanism of action. The ointment has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. It penetrates the blood plasma and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Application. Apply a thin layer to the skin around the inflamed vein 2-3 times a day. There is no need to rub in the ointment so as not to further injure the affected area.

Mechanism of action. Heparin improves blood circulation and promotes the resorption of blood clots, has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents blood clotting. Escin improves blood properties and increases the tone of the vein wall, prevents fluid from escaping through the capillary walls and the appearance of edema. The cooling effect helps relieve pain.

Ketonal cream 5%
Application. Apply a 2-3 cm strip of cream to the affected area. Gently rub in using stroking movements. Use 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Mechanism of action. The drug belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It relieves pain, swelling and inflammation in the vein and the soft tissue around it.

Application. 3-10 cm of gel is applied along the diseased vein in a thin layer. The procedure is repeated 1-3 times a day. The duration of use depends on the severity of the disease.

Doctors consider this regimen to be the most effective: Lyoton-gel 2 times a day and Ketonal cream 2 times a day. Let us remind you that these products can only be applied to intact skin.

Mechanism of action. The components of the drug prevent the release of fluid into the tissue and the appearance of edema, reduce blood clotting and relieve inflammation in the walls of the veins.

Sometimes people use ointments intended for treating wounds: Vishnevsky ointment, Levasin, Levomekol. We warn you that they are suitable for treatment trophic ulcers, but under no circumstances should they be applied as a compress to intact skin over the blood clot. This leads to increased inflammation in the vein.


UFO (ultraviolet irradiation)

Depending on the power of the equipment, the UV lamp can be installed 2 cm or 80 cm from the skin. The first procedure lasts 30-60 seconds. Each time the irradiation time is increased by 30 seconds and brought to 3-5 minutes. The course of treatment is 15-28 procedures.

UVR has a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect, activating biochemical processes in cells. Also, UV rays destroy microorganisms that can cause blood clots to suppurate and accelerate the healing of ulcers and other skin lesions.

Infrared radiation

To treat thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, red emitters with a power of 60 mW and a wavelength of 670 nm are used. The lamp will be installed at a distance of 30-100 cm from the skin. You will feel pleasant warmth, the procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 sessions.

The radiation penetrates to a depth of 2-3 cm and helps relieve inflammation and activates immune cells that fight infection. They improve metabolism in cells, warm them up, relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Electrophoresis of hypocoagulants and disaggregants

Using low voltage direct current (up to 80 V) and low force, the medicine is injected into the tissue. The most commonly used is a 5% solution of acetylsalicylic acid, heparin, trental, fibrinolysin, a 5% solution of theonicol, a 1% solution nicotinic acid. The drugs go directly into the affected vein. During the procedure, you will lie on a couch and a nurse will apply moist, medicated cloth pads to your leg and attach electrodes. You will feel a slight tingling and slight burning sensation, this is normal. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 sessions.

As a result of exposure to alternating current, enzymes are activated, which improve metabolism in cells, heat production increases and blood flow to the diseased area increases. This action is complemented by the effect of using medications that quickly begin to act, relieving inflammation and thinning the blood.


During the procedure, you will lie on a couch. Magnetic inductors will be placed near the sore leg, which create a healing magnetic field and. Treatment lasts 8-20 minutes. During this time, you may experience pleasant warmth. The course consists of 10-15 procedures.

Vortex electric currents and a magnetic field stimulate the muscle wall of the vessel. The vein contracts and pushes out the stagnant blood. This helps prevent swelling from spreading and reduce pain and inflammation.

Laser therapy

The light guide is moved slowly across the skin or at a distance of 20 cm above it (depending on the chosen technique), for 5 minutes for each area. In some cases, reflex points are affected, for 60 seconds each. The laser beam penetrates tissue to a depth of 6 cm, and you do not experience any discomfort. influence. The total procedure time does not exceed half an hour. The course consists of 10-30 sessions.

Laser therapy improves cell nutrition, they renew faster, the vein wall is restored, and swelling disappears. Blood viscosity decreases, strengthens local immunity. As a result, recovery occurs faster.


There are contact and non-contact methods. In the first case, a vacuum electrode is passed over dry skin (sometimes it is sprinkled with talcum powder). In the non-contact method, the electrode is moved above the skin at a distance of 0.5-2 cm. In this case, sparks jump between the surfaces and a faint pink reduction occurs. At the same time, you experience a slight tingling sensation and the skin turns red. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes. To achieve the effect, 10-12 procedures are required.

Increases the tone of the veins, at the first stage causing them to vasoconstrict, and then dilate. Blood stagnation in the vessels is reduced, blood circulation in the capillaries and lymph circulation improves. Foci of inflammation resolve, pain and itching decrease, and skin sensitivity decreases.


For pressure treatment, special pressure chambers are used. You place your leg there, after which a special cuff is inflated and the chamber becomes airtight. With the help of air injection it is created high pressure, after which the air is pumped out and the pressure becomes significantly lower than atmospheric. Periods of high and low pressure alternate and last for 3-5 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 5-30 minutes. To achieve the desired effect you need 20-30 sessions. During treatment you will experience either pressure or a feeling of fullness.

As a result of treatment with compressed and rarefied air, blood pressure in the vessels changes and blood flow improves. nutrients into a cage. Increased pressure forces fluid from the tissues into the vessels, relieving swelling. This treatment method also helps get rid of trophic ulcers.

Drug treatment of thrombophlebitis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ketoprofen and Diclofenac
Relieves pain, inflammation, lowers temperature. Use 1 tablet 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days.

Angioprotectors: Rutin
Improves the condition of the venous wall. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves pain in the legs and prevents the appearance of ulcers. Take 1 capsule 3-4 times a day for 1 month.

Enzymes: Wobenzym, Phlogenzyme
Relieves swelling, inflammation and promotes the dissolution of blood clots. Take 3 times a day, 2-4 tablets, with plenty of water.

Antiplatelet drugs: Dipyridamole, Acetylsalicylic acid
Prevents platelets from sticking together and forming a blood clot in the veins. The drugs are taken for a long time from two weeks to several months. Dipyridamole is taken before meals, 25 mg 3 times a day. Aspirin is prescribed 1 tablet per day, it must be taken immediately after meals.

Antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Flucloxacillin
Antibiotics are used for acute purulent thrombophlebitis. They are prescribed in tablets or the doctor gives an injection into the inflamed tissue around the vein.

When treating thrombophlebitis, an elastic bandage or special compression stockings must be used. This helps to avoid stagnation of blood in dilated veins and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Do not try to treat thrombophlebitis on your own. All medications have contraindications and can worsen your condition. For example, antibiotics thicken the blood, and aspirin should not be taken by people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcers.


Operations are recognized as the most effective method treatment of thrombophlebitis. Surgeons try to make this treatment the least traumatic for the patient, but at the same time remove the entire damaged area of ​​the vessel. To maintain this balance, many options for operations have been developed. The choice of a specific one depends on the location of the blood clot and the condition of the vein.

There are more gentle methods, when the vein is cleared of a blood clot, and radical ones, when a section of the vein is removed. After this, the blood flows to the heart through neighboring vessels.

Indications for surgery for superficial thrombophlebitis

  • threat of pulmonary embolism;
  • movement of a blood clot up the veins;
  • the thrombus is located in the trunk of the great or small saphenous vein;
  • the danger of a blood clot spreading into the deep veins;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities if there were attacks of acute thrombophlebitis;
  • reflux of blood from deep veins to superficial ones.
Contraindications for vein surgery
  • age over 75 years;
  • severe concomitant diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • allergies to medications used for anesthesia.

Types of operations for thrombophlebitis

Invagination (inversion) stripping

Removal of the entire trunk of the saphenous vein (great or small) using a special probe that turns the vein inside out, tearing it away from the surrounding tissue. The method is considered less traumatic than the previous one.

The advantage is that after surgery the leg looks more aesthetically pleasing. But there is a danger that during “evering” the vein may rupture and an incision will be required to remove its remnants.


  • varicose veins, if their diameter is less than 1 cm;
  • it is necessary to remove a small section of the vein;
  • It is important to get a good cosmetic result.
Intraoperative stem catheter scleroobliteration

A thin tube with numerous holes in the walls is inserted into the vein. Through these holes, a substance is introduced into the lumen of the vessel, which destroys its inner lining and causes the walls to stick together. After this, the vein is clamped along its entire length. Advantages: surrounding tissues and nerves that pass next to the vein are not damaged, and hemorrhages do not occur. Disadvantage: in 20-50% of people, the vein is restored and blood flows through it again, which can cause repeated inflammation.


  • inflammation and expansion (varicose) veins, but not more than 8mm in diameter.
The doctor individually selects the surgical technique depending on the location of the blood clot and the characteristics of the disease.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to prepare medicine Mode of application Therapeutic effect
Cabbage leaf compress.
Take a sheet white cabbage and beat it or soften it with a rolling pin.
Inner side grease a chopped cabbage leaf with vegetable oil, apply it to the sore spot and bandage it to the leg overnight. You can also secure such a compress using nylon tights. Cut a piece to the required length and place it over the bandage. Make a compress at night, and in the morning remove and wash your foot with warm water. A complex of vitamins and mineral salts relieves inflammation and lowers body temperature in the affected area. Vegetable oil dissolves beneficial substances and helps them penetrate the skin.
Grind the leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate in a meat grinder and place in a half-liter jar. Pour the leaves with an equal amount of vodka (half a jar of Kalanchoe and half a jar of vodka). Leave the product to infuse in a dark place for 7 days. Shake the jar periodically. Strain the tincture.
Lightly rub your legs with the tincture from the feet to the groin, along the path of the diseased vein. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day. For a month. And to get rid of varicose veins - 3 months. Kalanchoe has anti-inflammatory and healing effects. It accelerates cell regeneration, so skin ulcers heal faster and damaged vascular walls are restored. Tones the veins, they become dense without knots and expansions.
male fern, (shield bug)
Tear off the ground part and pound in a mortar. Mix the gruel with an equal amount of sour milk.
Apply to gauze and apply to the sore spot, covering the top with cellophane and securing with a bandage. Keep the compress for 4-5 hours. Continue treatment for 4 days. If the inflammation does not go away, then repeat the treatment after 3 days. Essential oils and tannins provide an anti-inflammatory effect.
Solution for internal use. Dissolve 10 g mummy in 0.5 liters of water.
Ointment. Take 1 part mumiyo and 5 parts Vaseline or peach oil. To eliminate the smell of mumiyo, add 3 drops of citrus essential oil.
Take a tablespoon 1 time per day for 10 days.

Apply the ointment 3 times a day to the inflamed area. After an hour, the product can be washed off. Relief occurs after 3-4 days, the course of treatment is 10 days.

The blood thins and the formation of blood clots is prevented. Shilajit relieves inflammation, removes toxins, restores normal work veins
Apple vinegar.
Dissolve 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass warm water. Add 2 teaspoons honey.
Drink 1/2 glass before meals in the morning and evening.
A stronger solution (50 g of vinegar per glass of water) is used to wipe the skin along the vein 4-5 times a day.
Microelements and enzymes have a general strengthening effect and thin the blood.

Diet for thrombophlebitis

For thrombophlebitis, it is advisable to adhere to a diet that thins the blood. Your diet must include foods rich in taurine. These are dairy products, fish, shellfish and crab meat, fish, eggs.

Onions, garlic and tomatoes reduce blood viscosity. And red wine in this regard is quite comparable to aspirin.
Very useful: cherries, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, grapes and citrus fruits, as well as dried fruits.

The best spices to use include cinnamon, curry, thyme, turmeric, mint, cayenne pepper and ginger.
It is advisable to steam, boil or stew food. But fried and smoked foods are not suitable for those who have problems with veins.

Large amounts of carbohydrates increase blood glucose levels. And this contributes to the appearance of foci of inflammation. Therefore it is advisable to limit confectionery and flour dishes.

Eat more raw vegetables and fruits, which normalize digestion and metabolism.

Prevention of thrombophlebitis

  • wear shoes with medium heels;
  • lead active image in life, walk more;
  • watch your weight;
  • avoid dehydration and blood thickening;
  • eat right, take vitamin complex, especially in the spring;
  • treat in a timely manner respiratory diseases and foci of purulent inflammation.
Thrombophlebitis is curable. Doctors have many ways to combat this disease. But it is still easier to prevent the development of this disease. Therefore, if you experience heaviness and pain in your legs, consult a doctor.

Thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins is inflammation of the venous walls, which is accompanied by the formation of blood clots in the lumen. The disease develops suddenly and rapidly.

Almost anything can cause the disease:

  • complications of injuries;
  • local facts of inflammation;
  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • damage in the abdominal area;
  • intervention in the pelvic organs;
  • complications after pregnancy;
  • severe course of allergic pathologies;
  • sedentary lifestyle or prolonged bed rest.

The danger of the disease lies precisely in thrombus formation. Thickened parts of the blood can remain in one place for a long time, creating stagnant processes. It’s even worse if the blood clot splits into separate fragments or moves along the inflamed vein.

Modern medicine disagrees regarding the prerequisites for the development of the disease. Some doctors believe that thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities occurs as a consequence of varicose veins, localized in the legs. Others argue that pathology can be triggered by any adverse effect on the inner lining of blood vessels. Therefore, thrombus formation is possible without varicose veins.

Regardless of how thrombophlebitis developed, complications can be very serious. Blood clots disrupt blood flow and lead to congestion. Fortunately, specialists know many ways to treat this complication. However, it is easier to prevent a disease than to get rid of it.

Features of the pathology

With the development of thrombophlebitis, the saphenous veins in the legs are affected. The inflammatory process affects the venous walls, causing the formation of blood clots and local enlargement of blood vessels. The most likely complication is spread to large vein under the skin.

Doctors distinguish 2 types of disease progression:

  • spicy, with sudden appearance inflammatory processes on the venous walls;
  • chronic, with periodic remission and complications.

It doesn’t matter what exactly became the prerequisite for the onset of the disease, 3 criteria must always be met:

  1. Damage to the inner lining of blood vessels. Any mechanical injuries, including cuts and bruises, negatively affect the structure of vascular tissue. Even a banal bruise can lead to the formation of a hematoma with subsequent vein thrombosis. Factors that injure venous walls include medical procedures. Often, infusion of a solution, installation of a catheter, ligation of veins and other interventions in violation of certain technical features lead to adverse consequences.
  2. Reduced blood flow rate. Heart failure, impaired brain function, prolonged bed rest or staying in a fixed position (for leg fractures) - all this is accompanied by a slowdown in blood flow with subsequent stagnation.
  3. Intensive coagulability. Loss of fluid in large quantities, caused by vomiting, bleeding or the enhanced diuretic effect of drugs, negatively affects the properties of the blood (chemical and physical). Severe platelet agglutination is observed, as well as the production of a significant amount of coarse protein. The level of glucose in the blood increases, increasing its viscosity. All this leads to intense stimulation of coagulation, which causes abundant thrombus formation.

It is these processes, under the influence of external stimuli, that trigger inflammatory processes that generate blood clots. As a rule, thrombophlebitis does not have a pronounced infectious nature. In most cases, this is a natural reaction of the body to the appearance of damage. But if a viral agent is added to the pathology, complications in the form of purulent thrombophlebitis may develop.

Symptoms of venous thrombosis

Fortunately for patients, surgeons can easily and quickly identify superficial thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

This is due to a rather characteristic clinical picture - there is a certain list of typical symptoms:

  • burning pain in the legs, with a constant pulling effect;
  • increased pain during movement;
  • the formation of red spots in areas of inflammation of the veins;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin at the site of the lesion;
  • the appearance of swelling in the lower legs;
  • enlargement of small saphenous veins;
  • local change in body temperature up to 38 °C;
  • swelling in the lymph nodes of the groin area.

A timely visit to the doctor will help avoid unpleasant consequences. Based on visual inspection and own experience, the specialist will determine the level of development of the pathology and prescribe competent treatment.

Primary diagnosis occurs as follows:

  1. Visual inspection of both limbs: from the groin area to the feet.
  2. To identify affected areas, the color of healthy and inflamed skin is compared.
  3. Identifying signs of hyperthermia.
  4. Examination for swelling and pain.

Visit to the surgeon early stages development of the disease will allow timely diagnosis of thrombophlebitis. This is due to the rapid development of the disease, the course of which becomes variable over time: redness of the skin disappears, the temperature subsides, but inflammation vascular walls doesn't disappear. Therefore, it is better to diagnose the disease in the first days.

Classification of pathology

In addition to the nature of the disease, modern medicine classifies thrombophlebitis according to cause-and-effect relationships.

Infectious causes:

Aseptic reasons:

  • consequences of varicose veins;
  • injuries;
  • heart pathologies;
  • migrating thrombophlebitis.

Most often, the disease affects only the great saphenous vein. The spread of pathology to the minor occurs only in 6% of cases. The most common affected areas are the lower third of the thigh and the upper third of the lower leg.

Pathology does not have a specific development pattern. For example, inflammatory processes may suddenly stop, and blood clots may dissolve. On the other hand, there is a high probability of noticeable progression of the disease, with blocking of the vascular lumen and further sclerosis of the venous walls.

Thrombophlebitis caused by varicose veins is considered the most dangerous type of the disease. With this course of the disease, there is a possibility of thromboembolism affecting the pulmonary artery. Spread to the deep veins is also possible. This occurs in 1/9 cases, significantly worsening the pathology.

Considering this possibility, in medicine there are 5 types of superficial thrombophlebitis:

  1. With localization on knee joint or under the sapheno-popliteal anastomosis, without the risk of germination.
  2. With spread to both anastomoses, with a small probability of progression deeper.
  3. With distribution to depth through the mouth of superficial vessels.
  4. With germination through perforating vessels, bypassing the estuarine region.
  5. With deepening in any available way.

How to treat

Proper diagnosis is the first step on the path to recovery. Modern medicine offers a lot of ways to effectively identify the disease, as well as establish the causes of its formation. Specialists are able to determine even the degree of progression of the pathology.

There are several diagnostic methods:

  • rheovasography, followed by determination of the level of filling of the veins;
  • Doppler ultrasound, which allows you to determine the quality of blood flow;
  • duplex scanning, which makes it possible to build a virtual model of the vascular network.

Once the disease is identified, it is necessary to move on to the next step - eliminating symptoms and preventing the deepening of thrombophlebitis. The specialist will prescribe a course of treatment to relieve inflammation and prevent recurrence of the disease.

Drug treatment

Depending on the causes of blood clots in the veins, doctors recommend a certain group of drugs:

Additional treatment

In addition to the main course of medication, patients are advised to adhere to certain rules of conduct for thrombophlebitis:

  1. Sufficient physical activity. It is important to provide good mobility to your legs. For this, there is a set of exercises that are prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. Elastic compression. By using elastic bandages, having average extensibility, a bandage is created. You need to wear it all day long. After a week, you are allowed to remove the compresses at night.
  3. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to saturate the diet useful substances, which will stimulate recovery processes. It is recommended to add flaxseed, pumpkin or corn oil to food. Rosehip decoction also helps.


If conservative treatment methods do not help, it means that the disease has moved to more serious stages of its development. In such situations, you cannot do without the help of a professional surgeon.

Considering the degree of complication, the doctor chooses suitable way interventions:

  • crossectomy aimed at preventing infectious spread, by crossing and additionally highlighting tributaries;
  • a dressing covering an impressive part of the superficial vein located on the reed;
  • radical phlebectomy, which allows you to remove all affected vessels.

What happens after treatment

After medical care has been provided, the further development of the pathology depends on how the blood clot behaves.

There are several options for the development of events:

In most cases, surgery is not required. Many patients seek medical care in a timely manner, directing treatment to eliminate the causes and symptoms. Modern medicine has all the resources for surgical intervention in pathology. Therefore, today it is very easy to get rid of venous thrombosis.

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What is thrombophlebitis? This term refers to inflammation of the vein wall that occurs due to the appearance of a focus of infectious etiology. Such a focus is accompanied by the formation of a blood clot in the lumen of the vessel. There are cases when a blood clot does not form; another definition is applied to this situation - phlebitis. There is thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities, when the above actions occur in the veins of the lower extremities, which are located in the fatty tissue under the skin at a depth of two to three centimeters.

In fact, the formation of blood clots in the veins requires close attention, since they can behave differently. Here are three options for the behavior of blood clots:

  1. A thrombus can block the lumen of a vessel, thereby impairing blood circulation.
  2. The thrombus can break away from the wall and travel with the blood to other organs.
  3. The best development option is resorption of the blood clot.

It is clear that of these three options, the first two are dangerous, so this disease needs to be studied very well. Let's start by finding out the reasons for this condition.


The occurrence of thrombophlebitis is associated with a violation of the integrity of the venous wall, which is also associated with infectious agents. Infections can spread to the vessel wall from nearby inflamed tissues. In addition, this can happen due to lymphatic vessels. As was said at the beginning, with thrombophlebitis there is a focus of inflammation chronic. This could be pneumonia, tonsillitis, flu, tuberculosis, carious teeth, septicopyemia. The most important reason is considered to be blood stagnation, increased blood coagulation and changes in the chemical and physical composition of the blood.

Some reasons can be highlighted separately.

Main symptoms

It is worth noting that thrombophlebitis affecting superficial veins can be of two types:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

The acute form is so called because it develops suddenly. There are also reasons for this condition - this viral infection, injury, admission oral contraceptives and so on. In general, we can say that the causes are conditions in which blood clotting increases. You can see how it looks externally in the photo.

In words, we can say that when dilated veins are involved in the process, varicose nodes become denser and more painful. In addition, they may increase in size. There are times when a limb begins to swell, but this only happens in the area where the vein is affected. Thanks to this, thrombophlebitis, which affects the superficial veins, can be distinguished from the same disease, which affects the deep veins.

When superficial veins are affected, the person’s general condition is usually kept at a satisfactory level, but local manifestations are observed. The acute form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nagging pain of a prickly, acute nature, affecting the affected vein;
  • Swelling and severe redness are observed along the vein;
  • elevated temperature, which can reach up to 38 degrees;
  • chills;
  • malaise;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Thrombosed veins differ from dilated varicose veins in the absence of redness, increased temperature and pain in the area of ​​​​the affected veins. In addition, varicose veins collapse in a horizontal position, because the blood goes further, that is, into the deep veins, and the thrombosed vein only increases in size as it progresses.

When examining a patient, the doctor usually pays attention to both lower extremities, starting with the groin and ending with the feet. It compares the color of the skin and analyzes swelling, hyperthermia and painful sensations. Bright redness skin along the vein that is affected, observed in the first few days from the moment the disease began. After this, the hyperemia begins to subside, and the skin becomes a calmer color.

With thrombophlebitis of the small saphenous vein, local manifestations are not as noticeable as with damage to the main trunk of the great saphenous vein. The explanation for this is the structure of the fascia and muscles of the lower leg.

The inflammatory process begins to subside after a few weeks, but this can take up to a month and a half. Then the patency of the vein is gradually restored. If there were no varicose veins, then pain and an increased pattern of small subcutaneous veins can be observed for a long time.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostics does not cause any problems. The condition is determined by the location of the pathological process, its prevalence, duration and degree. There are several methods for studying thrombophlebitis.

  1. Doppler ultrasound. This method has its origins in the Doppler effect. A special sensor sends a signal that is reflected from objects in motion. It is picked up by another sensor, which calculates the change in the speed of propagation of the signal resulting from its contact with moving blood. The computer registers the changed frequency, processes it mathematically and makes a conclusion.
  2. Rheovasography. This non-invasive method, which allows you to study blood circulation. The point is that a high frequency current is applied to some area of ​​the body. At the same time, electrical resistance is recorded, which changes depending on how the tissue is saturated with blood.

  1. Ultrasound duplex angioscanning. In this case, two methods are combined - Doppler scanning and sound examination, which allows you to see the movement of blood, the structure of blood vessels, and also helps to measure the diameter of the vessel and the speed of blood flow.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging and CT scan. These methods are used when ultrasonic methods do not provide enough information.
  3. Venography. The essence this method is that a special contrast agent is injected into the venous bed, which stains the vessel from the inside. This X-ray examination method is rarely used, since the above methods have become widely developed.

Treatment of the disease

At the beginning of treatment, it is very important to choose the most suitable option for the patient. If superficial thrombophlebitis is localized at the level of the lower leg, then treatment can take place in outpatient setting under regular supervision of a surgeon. But in this case, the patient must be aware that if the disease has spread to the hip level, then, most likely, hospitalization in a hospital is needed, otherwise there may be serious complications. Hospitalization is also required when treatment of the disease at the shin level does not produce positive results within two weeks.

Treatment should be carried out under constant supervision of a surgeon

It is very important for the patient to observe strict bed rest if observed Clinical signs pulmonary embolism or during instrumental research The embologenic nature of thrombosis was revealed. In general, the patient's activity should be limited to severe physical activity, which includes heavy lifting, running and work that requires strong tension in the abdominal muscles and muscles.

Let us highlight the main points that should be taken into account when treating thrombophlebitis.

  1. Limitation of physical and motor activity.
  2. Compliance with bed rest when prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Use of elastic bandages, tights and socks on the affected limb. The doctor decides what to use and whether it should be done.
  4. Use of anticoagulant therapy: nadroparin, dalteparin, enoxaparin. They are usually prescribed for one week, after which they begin to take antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants in tablet form: warfarin, acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. Phlebotonics: diosmin, rutoside, troxerutin. These medications actively fight inflammation internally.
  6. Non-steroidal drugs are aimed at combating the inflammatory process.
  7. Heparin, ointment: hepatrombin, lyoton-gel. Thanks to them, itching and pain subside. They also have a pronounced, otherwise...
  8. Enzyme therapy: phlogenzyme, wobenzym. These agents provide anti-swelling
  9. Propolis. If used locally, they will have an analgesic effect, reduce swelling, strengthen the venous wall, fight itching and have an antimicrobial effect.

Surgical methods may vary. Let's look at the three most common options.

Thrombophlebitis can also be treated using traditional methods, but before doing this you need to consult a doctor. Here are some examples of methods that do not include drug therapy.

  • eating onions and garlic.
  • normalization of weight.
  • proper nutrition, which includes a lot of fiber and minerals and limits the consumption of high-calorie foods and animal fats.
  • consumption of apple cider vinegar: one teaspoon per half glass.
  • the use of contrasting foot baths, as well as rinsing the knees and thighs.
  • establishing bowel movements.
  • drinking yarrow tea, mountain arnica and St. John's wort.
  • use of horse chestnut extract, medicinal comfrey and sweet clover, mountain arnica. These medicinal herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • giving the legs a higher position during sleep to improve blood flow.
  • doing regular leg exercises.

Possible consequences

The most dangerous complication- separation of a blood clot, as it can contribute to the occurrence of thromboembolism. Thrombophlebitis can lead to inflammation in the walls of blood vessels, which also spreads to surrounding tissues.

Blood clot rupture is one of the possible consequences

But there is no need to be too afraid, since the possibility of a blood clot breaking off in this form of the disease is not as great as with damage to the deep veins, since in the latter case the deep veins are surrounded by muscles, and when the vein moves, the veins and the blood clot itself are displaced. However, if the form of the disease we are discussing is not treated, it can just go to such a degree.

Some other complications are possible:

  • transition of the disease to a chronic stage;
  • spread of infection.

Disease Prevention

To avoid the occurrence of thrombophlebitis, following a few simple rules.

  1. Long periods during which the body and legs remain motionless should be avoided.
  2. During the day, you should try to place your feet higher, for example, leaning them against a wall or placing them on a chair.
  3. You should walk during the day, as this has a positive effect on vascular tone and facilitates venous blood flow.
  4. You should drink enough liquid throughout the day.

  1. Monitor bowel movements so that they are regular.
  2. Control your weight.
  3. Do a warm-up several times a day.
  4. Alternate periods of sitting and standing.
  5. Eat properly.
  6. If you need to do intravenous injections, it is advisable to alternate veins.

Of course, if you suspect a disease, you should immediately go to a doctor in order to identify problems in time and begin timely treatment. Thanks to this, complications will be avoided, and the legs will not lose their beauty.

Thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities is manifested by inflammatory processes on the walls of the veins, which can be caused by a certain infectious process. It is these processes that lead to the appearance of blood clots inside the vessel. In the case when the disease is not accompanied by the formation of a blood clot, but only by an inflammatory process, a disease called phlebitis is diagnosed.

The resulting compactions cannot be ignored: they can become active at any moment and lead to undesirable and unsafe consequences for human health.

Causes of the disease

A thrombus is formed as a result of a violation of the integrity of the structure of the venous wall, which can be provoked by any infection. Pathogenic microorganisms usually transferred to inner part vessels from neighboring tissues in which the inflammatory process occurs.

Thrombosis is usually accompanied by tonsillitis, influenza, and pneumonia. The main reasons for the development of the disease also include blood stagnation, changes in its physical and chemical composition, sharp increase coagulation. The following factors for the development of the disease are classified into a separate category:

  • lesions of a traumatic nature;
  • the appearance of blood clots in deep veins;
  • the appearance of blood clots due to a hereditary tendency;
  • varicose veins;
  • excess weight;
  • diseases developing against the background of allergies;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • surgical interventions;
  • taking medications intravenously.


Thrombosis in most cases manifests itself sharply and develops rapidly, especially if it takes an acute rather than a sluggish chronic form. Similar condition occurs due to injury, progression of infections, or use of contraceptives. These are the reasons that result in increased blood clotting.

The varicose nodes thicken, which also become more sensitive, increase in size and begin to hurt. Often swelling of the leg occurs precisely at the site of inflammation of the vein. According to this feature, thrombosis, which occurs in superficial veins, differs from a similar disease that affects deep vessels. When blood clots form and the described disease manifests itself, the person’s well-being remains normal. Only local manifestations make themselves felt. In particular, with thrombosis it is:

  • clearly visible redness and swelling along the entire length of the diseased vein with a blood clot;
  • aching pain followed by sharp tingling sensations;
  • heat;
  • general malaise, chills;
  • severe enlargement of lymph nodes.

Assuming that the patient has thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities, the doctor examines both extremities, starting with the feet and ending with the groin. Swelling of the legs, skin color, painful manifestations, their frequency and intensity are compared.

At the beginning of the disease, a strong change in skin color is observed, then the inflammation subsides a little, and the skin acquires its natural color. With intensive treatment, the peak of the disease subsides after a few weeks, and the patency of the veins is gradually restored.

What can happen to a blood clot?

The following can happen to a blood clot that forms on the wall of a vessel:

  1. The blood seal will grow and completely block the internal lumen of the vessel, resulting in impaired blood circulation.
  2. A thrombus can break away from the wall of the vessel and, along with the flow of blood, be transported to any of the internal organs.
  3. In the very best case scenario the thrombus dissolves.

It becomes clear that the disease described is serious and can lead to undesirable consequences.

Basic diagnostic methods

The general condition of the patient is determined by identifying the zone where the inflammatory process is progressing, determining its location, as well as establishing the duration of the disease and its stage. Thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities is studied in several ways:

  1. Doppler ultrasound. Using a sensor, a signal is generated that is displayed from moving objects. This signal is intercepted by another sensor, the function of which is to calculate the change in the speed of the propagated signal, which is formed as a result of contact with moving blood. The indicated frequency is recorded by a computer, the necessary data is calculated, and a final conclusion is drawn.
  2. Rheovasography, which is a non-invasive way to examine blood circulation. The bottom line is that a certain area of ​​the human body is exposed to current. In parallel with this, the electrical resistance of skin areas is determined, which changes as the tissue becomes saturated with blood.
  3. Duplex ultrasound angioscanning. In this way, the movement of blood is monitored, the structure of blood vessels and its possible changes are studied, the overall speed of blood flow is measured, the diameter of the vessel is determined, and the presence of a blood clot is determined.

  1. Computer and magnetic resonance imaging. These types of thrombosis testing are applicable in cases of ineffectiveness ultrasonic methods, which did not give the desired result.
  2. Venography, which is based on the fact that a contrast agent is injected into a vein, coloring the inside of the vessel. This x-ray examination is not used as often as compared to the listed methods.

Features of treatment of the disease

Before starting treatment for superficial vein thrombosis, it is necessary to determine the most suitable comprehensive form of treatment for the patient. Thrombosis localized in the lower leg area can be treated on an outpatient basis, but in this case, constant supervision by a surgeon is necessary. If the disease begins to affect the limb at the hip level, inpatient treatment cannot be avoided, since serious consequences. Hospital treatment indicated if thrombosis, progressing at the level of the lower leg, does not give positive effect in treatment.

Bed rest is indicated if there are symptoms of thromboembolism in pulmonary arteries, as well as in case of detection of the embologenic nature of blood clots as a result of instrumental research. Patient activity should be kept to a minimum. Lifting weights, running, and heavy loads on the abdominal muscles and abs are unacceptable. Treatment of thrombosis is carried out taking into account the basic rules.

Necessary measures for the treatment of thrombosis are:

  1. Bed rest, if prescribed by the attending doctor.
  2. Minimal physical activity
  3. Regular use of elastic tights and bandages.
  4. Prescription of anticoagulant therapy.
  5. The use of non-steroidal drugs that effectively relieve the inflammatory process.
  6. Purpose of means for external use that remove aching pain, itching at the site of thrombus formation.
  7. Enzyme therapy, which involves the use of medications that effectively relieve swelling. Surgical methods of treatment

If complex therapy does not give positive results and the patient does not get better, thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities is eliminated through surgery, which is carried out in several ways:

  1. Bandaging. It involves stopping the process of dumping blood from deep veins to superficial ones. The procedure is performed through a medial or posteromedial approach. In both cases, ligation of the veins that are located below the knee is assumed. Before dressing, duplex ultrasound and palpation should be performed. In this way, veins to be ligated are identified. This operation does not pose any danger, the patient feels comfortable: local anesthesia is used.
  2. Venectomy, or removal of a vein. This procedure involves removing the affected area of ​​the vein from the general bloodstream. During the operation, small incisions are made, which after recovery are almost invisible. Schematically, the operation looks like this. Through a puncture in skin the surgeon hooks the diseased vein with a blood clot with a special hook. At the same time, with a second hook, he selects the captured area and finally eliminates it.
  3. In some cases, doctors have to resort to excision of thrombotic nodes located in the superficial veins.

During the treatment of thrombosis, you can use the following tips as a supplement: traditional medicine. But this must be discussed with the doctor; self-medication is not acceptable.

It is recommended to carefully monitor your diet, remove high-calorie foods and animal fats from your diet, and give preference to foods rich in fiber. In order to normalize weight, you can consume apple cider vinegar at the rate of 1 tsp. half a glass of water.

Teas and decoctions of St. John's wort, mountain arnica and yarrow are shown. An extract based on mountain arnica, sweet clover, medicinal comfrey and horse chestnut, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, is useful for thrombosis.

Contrasting foot baths have proven themselves well, cold and hot shower for hips and knees. It is necessary to regularly engage in special physical therapy. During sleep, it is recommended to keep the legs higher relative to the body, which results in improved blood flow.

Consequences of blood clots

One of the most dangerous phenomena is the detachment of a blood clot formed on the wall of a vessel. The fact is that it can move along with the circulating blood and lead to thromboembolism.

However, you should not worry too much: when superficial veins are damaged, blood clot separation occurs extremely rarely, which cannot be said about deep vein thrombosis. In the latter case, the veins are surrounded by muscles, which, during movement, displace them and thereby contribute to the movement of the detached blood clot. In any case, in order to avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment if thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities is diagnosed.

Possible consequences should also be highlighted:

  • transition of thrombosis to a more complex chronic stage;
  • gangrene;
  • spread of infection throughout the body.

Disease prevention

There are simple rules that you can follow to avoid thrombosis. The legs and body should not remain motionless for a long time. Periodically throughout the day, you need to take a pose where your legs are higher than your body. For example, lying on the floor, lift them onto a chair. Hiking– an excellent preventive measure. While walking, vascular tone is maintained and venous blood flow is significantly facilitated. Drinking enough fluids, particularly water, helps prevent thrombosis.

Proper nutrition, weight control and bowel function are of great importance. With the help of all these measures, the body normalizes metabolic processes, the immune system is strengthened, and accordingly the occurrence of thrombosis is minimized.

Already at the first signs of thrombosis in the superficial veins of the legs, you should consult a specialist and undergo a detailed examination. Identified violations are subject to immediate treatment. This is the only way to prevent possible complications, and your legs will always look attractive.