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How long will the blood bleed after medication? There is no bleeding after an abortion: is this normal, what to do?

Not everything in life always goes according to plan. Sometimes a woman is forced to have an abortion and wants to know how long there's blood coming out after medication interruption pregnancy.

What is a chemical (medical) abortion?

As is known, termination of pregnancy surgically It is very traumatic for the female body and carries a high probability of complications in the future. An alternative to it is the so-called pharmacological abortion using pills that force the body to reject ovum. How much days go by blood after medical abortion, depends on the specific female body; there is no clear time frame.

Taking the first drug blocks the production of progesterone, and the female body is no longer configured to maintain pregnancy. The second tablet leads to stimulation contractile activity uterus and expulsion of the fetus.

Benefits of pharmabort
  1. The least impact on the female body.
  2. Low percentage of complications after the procedure.
  3. No anesthesia.
  4. Relative painlessness.
  5. Does not affect a woman's future fertility.
  6. The big difference is psychologically from usual.
  7. Due to lack surgical intervention less blood loss.
  8. Quick return to ordinary life– within 1-2 hours.
Disadvantages of velvet abortion

But, despite all the advantages of medical abortion, there are some nuances here - pregnancy should not go beyond due date– (42-49 days from the start of the last menstruation), or 6-7 weeks. Disadvantages worth mentioning:

  1. Medicines do not terminate ectopic pregnancies.
  2. If for any reason the abortion does not occur and the fetus develops further, then the possibility birth defects his is very high.
Algorithm for medical abortion

A woman who chooses this method should know what to expect from the procedure. After undergoing a standard ultrasound examination and testing the patient:

  1. The first tablet is given in the presence of health workers. It may cause slight nausea and spotting, or nothing will happen. This takes some time.
  2. Afterwards, the patient takes the second remedy according to the regimen chosen by the doctor. At this stage, the discharge may increase, but not to the point of bleeding. After 3-6 hours, the fetus is expelled in the form of normal menstruation.
  3. After two weeks, a control ultrasound is performed.

How long you bleed after a medical termination of pregnancy does not depend on the doctor. Each female body reacts differently. Most often it is small, like during menstruation and lasts about 7-10 days.

IN in rare cases bleeding may last until the next menstruation. This is also normal, provided that it gradually fades away. But if the blood suddenly stops flowing or a woman is forced to change two large pads in one hour, then the help of gynecologists is urgently needed.

The first drug taken is Mifepristone. While taking it, only a small number of women develop minor bloody issues In the majority of women, bleeding begins only after taking the second drug from the complex - Misoprostol (Cytotec). Discharge usually appears within the first 1-4 hours after taking Misoprostol. Normal discharge during a medical abortion is bloody in nature. The color and nature of discharge from the genital tract may vary for each woman. The discharge may initially be scarlet (bright) in color with clots, which gradually become darker and thicker in consistency and eventually become spotty in nature. In other women, the discharge from the very beginning is dark in color with clots and gradually the volume decreases, going to “no”. There are no strict norms for the duration of bloody discharge during a medical abortion, everything is very individual. However, it is believed that the duration of heavy bleeding should not exceed the duration of the average menstruation for a given woman, i.e. on average about 3-5 days. Then, over the course of 7-10 days, the bleeding gradually stops. In rare cases, unexpressed spotting continues until the beginning of the next menstruation (menstruation). The volume of discharge is directly proportional to the duration of pregnancy: the longer the period, the higher the volume. Bleeding is considered heavy, in which it is necessary to change more than two pads with the maximum absorption class within 1 hour , and which lasts more than 2 hours. If such a situation arises, you should urgently contact a gynecologist. However, such heavy bleeding, which threatens the health and life of a woman during a medical abortion, is extremely rare. An important characteristic of the discharge is its gradually decreasing volume.

Unfavorable factors are:

    Abrupt cessation of bleeding. This occurs more often due to blockage cervical canal(cervical canal) products of abortion: parts of the fertilized egg, blood clots. Long-term profuse bleeding . The main reason is incomplete abortion, when parts of the fertilized egg that have not separated do not allow the uterus to contract and stop bleeding.
In both cases, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist to prevent more severe complications. In any case, 10-14 days after the start of bleeding, it is necessary to do ultrasonography(ultrasound) of the pelvic organs to reliably confirm the success of the abortion. Back to section “

After any termination of pregnancy (mini-abortion, medical abortion, surgical abortion), the development of uterine bleeding should be expected. Often there is little (or no) bleeding for the first 24-36 hours, after which the bleeding may increase (with the intensity of menstrual bleeding) and continue intermittently for 6 weeks.

How long does bleeding last after an abortion?

If bleeding after abortion 2 weeks does not go away, then you should think about visiting a gynecologist. Bleeding is more intense than menstrual bleeding and lasting more than 3-4 weeks requires appropriate examination. Initially, heavy bleeding after surgical abortion may be due to residual fetal tissue or trauma to the cervix, vagina, or uterus from instruments or chemicals.

Some anesthetic drugs may cause uterine bleeding due to their effect on the normal contractile function of the uterus. Prolonged bleeding may indicate residual tissue.

Uterine bleeding after a mini-abortion may be a consequence of a blood coagulation disorder. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is rare, but its development may be promoted by the administration of hyperosmolar solutions or curettage in the second trimester of pregnancy, failed spontaneous abortion, or severe infection.

General duration standards bleeding after medical abortion no, they are individual for each woman. The period at which the pregnancy is terminated is also important in the duration of bleeding. The shorter the delay in menstruation, the easier the medical abortion and the shorter the bleeding. This is due to the fact that during a short period of pregnancy, the fertilized egg has not yet firmly established itself in the uterine cavity, and serious hormonal changes have not yet occurred in the body.

Usually, bloody issues begins within two hours after administration medicine. Bleeding may occur after 36-48 hours. Normal bleeding is moderate, painless and slightly painful and resembles menstruation. “Menstrual-like” bleeding lasts no more than two days, after which the spotting decreases and resembles “daub.” Spotting usually lasts no more than ten to fifteen days, but a longer duration is possible, up to the next menstruation. The cessation of bleeding after a medical abortion in the first days after taking Mifepristone indicates spasm of the cervical canal and the development of hematometra (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity).

How to stop bleeding after an abortion?

It is impossible to stop bleeding after an abortion on your own. If uterine bleeding more intense than menstrual and lasting more than 3-4 weeks, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Frequent self-medication mistakes.

Postponing a visit to the doctor, using folk remedies. If parts of the fetal tissue remain in the uterus, then if the visit is delayed, purulent inflammation will occur.

Today, medical abortion is the safest of all. existing species abortion. What explains this? The reason lies in the mechanism of abortion by taking pills. Their goal is to induce something like a standard menstruation, which will push an already fertilized egg out of the uterine area. However, you should still be prepared for the fact that such a simple and relatively safe method can provoke certain complications. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that termination of pregnancy, even medicinal, is a strong restructuring of the body. Consequently, there is a violation of all internal systems, which causes some consequences.

Millions of women have already felt the effects of medical abortion. Usually the abortion is carried out effectively without any serious complications. After the procedure, some women experienced some problems, for example, incomplete removal of the fetus, infectious diseases, Very heavy bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy. According to reviews on this type abortions, of which there are a lot on the Internet, they then had to treat these consequences. Medical termination of pregnancy in isolated cases that are known today ended in the death of patients. This happened due to very heavy bleeding in abdominal cavity, due to heart failure, which was caused by mifepristone and so on.

For this reason, when asked whether medical abortion is dangerous, every conscientious doctor will answer that there is a risk. And a lot will depend on individual tolerance. There is no need to believe promises about the 100% safety and effectiveness of medication. Whether there will be consequences such as severe bleeding after a medical termination of pregnancy or not will depend, first of all, on the duration of pregnancy, as well as on the characteristics of the woman’s body.

The following list will demonstrate the impact that timing has on the absence of consequences after the procedure:

  • up to seven weeks, 98 percent of patients terminate their pregnancies successfully with medication. The remaining 2 percent are faced with the need to perform vacuum suction or curettage;
  • at 7-12 weeks of pregnancy, 5 percent of women resorted to surgical care for complete expulsion of the fetus from the uterus;
  • but for a period of more than 12 weeks, only 92 percent of women were able to get by with pills alone. 8 percent had a surgical termination.

Considering the above figures, it becomes obvious that among one hundred patients who decide to undergo medical termination of pregnancy, complications arise in several women, who will subsequently need medical intervention. It depends on many factors, so talking about complete danger medicinal method It's early today.

After termination of pregnancy, some time in female body There are also pregnancy hormones. Together with the feeling of guilt from what has been done, hormones often cause depression. Depression usually manifests itself as irritability, fatigue, guilt, appetite disturbance and can cause insomnia. This is quite normal, but if depression lasts more than two weeks after an abortion, you should consult a specialist. Sex life during the first week after medical termination of pregnancy - taboo. This period may be a little longer as prescribed by the doctor. Such a restriction is necessary to prevent possible blood loss after medical termination of pregnancy inside the female genital organs. In the future, it will be necessary to protect yourself not only because of the likelihood of pregnancy, but also to avoid the ingestion of all kinds of bacteria, dangerous for mucous membranes internal organs women.

Enough high efficiency drugs that terminate pregnancy do not relieve them from certain complications, which include:

  1. The pregnancy did not stop. At the same time, the health of the woman and the fetus suffered, one way or another.
  2. Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy.
  3. Inflammation of the patient's genital organs.
  4. Contractions.
  5. Failure of the menstrual cycle.
  6. Fever.
  7. Ovarian dysfunction.

To avoid complications after medical termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to perform an abortion only as prescribed by a highly qualified specialist. Under no circumstances should a medical abortion be performed at home, as this approach only increases the likelihood of serious complications.

Pain after medical abortion

Abdominal pain, which is similar to contractions, is felt by patients after taking prostaglandin. This drug accelerates medical termination of pregnancy. The pain is caused by muscle contraction that pushes the fetus out of the vagina. In most cases, pain is tolerable. At unbearable pain, your doctor may prescribe a number of medications that have an analgesic effect. Painful sensations similar to the course of ordinary menstruation. The pain ends within 24 hours after taking the drug. If pain continues, you should consult a doctor. Will probably need restoration vacuum abortion or scraping.

Bleeding after medical abortion

There is no need to rush to attribute prolonged bleeding to complications after a medical abortion. Because it is through bleeding that the fetus is expelled. At the same time, the quantity blood clots and blood secreted from the patient individually. So you should not classify heavy or rather scanty bleeding as complications. However, when too much happens major bleeding, it makes sense to consult a doctor. After all, blood loss can have enough serious consequences problems that can only be resolved through blood transfusions. Very scanty blood loss may indicate that the cervix has closed, and therefore the fetus cannot get out normally. Ideally, heavy bleeding continues for 2 days, then scanty discharge blood. In any case, it is better to consult your doctor.

Restoration of menstruation

After the procedure, your period will begin at best case scenario in one menstrual cycle after taking the pills. You need to understand that medical abortion is considered the first day of your period. And therefore, consider the new monthly cycle necessary from the moment it is carried out. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is restored differently for each woman. This mechanism cannot be predicted or influenced in any way. Menstruation after taking the pills can be very heavy. This often means that parts of the fetus remain in the uterus. In such a situation, it is necessary to clean the uterus. Normal natural periods usually appear after one calendar month. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps a woman new pregnancy. Pregnancy may occur within a couple of weeks, but for normal gestation and good health unborn child, the period of recovery after a medical termination of pregnancy for a woman’s fertility should be at least six months.

A woman is required to recover after the procedure. Must be avoided physical activity, you will probably need to undergo a course of physical therapy.

Bleeding after medical abortion for a duration whole month is considered normal, but heavy bleeding is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Risk of bleeding after medical abortion

The World Health Organization considers it the safest, and it is this method that is recommended by obstetricians and gynecologists all over the world if the issue of the need to terminate the pregnancy has already been decided and all that remains is to choose a method. However, the definition of “safest” does not mean complete absence harm to health - so serious hormonal intervention cannot pass without a trace and often leaves behind formidable complications. For example, it is often found abnormal bleeding after a medical abortion, which can be life-threatening.

In order to understand why such problems may occur after taking pills. dangerous consequences, you need to imagine the mechanism of action of the drug with which pharmacotherapy is carried out. Mifepristone, which the woman takes at her doctor's appointment, is given to her in a dose of 600 mg. This dosage of the drug allows you to achieve the following effect - the uterus stops responding to the hormone progesterone, and it is the high content of this hormone during pregnancy that ensures the maintenance of fetal life, rich blood supply to the uterine lining (endometrium) and prevents its rejection. It is easy to imagine that eventually the vessels of the uterus, which carry blood to the fetus, collapse and the death of the fetus occurs. At the same time, the ability of the uterus to contract increases, and the fertilized egg is gradually brought out along with the sloughing endometrial layer. Bleeding after an abortion usually begins within 24 hours.

After 2 days, the woman visits the doctor again, who clarifies whether a miscarriage occurred or not, and whether the uterus has contracted sufficiently. If the uterus has not yet returned to its previous size, prostaglandins are prescribed - hormonal substances that stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus and allow the abortion to be completed. Discharge after a medical abortion may intensify and become more painful while taking prostaglandins - this is normal reaction. A woman may notice the moment of miscarriage - a light pink, dense formation about 2 cm in size appears from the genital tract. After this, the intensity of the discharge usually decreases.

How long does bleeding last after medical termination of pregnancy?

The duration of discharge may vary depending on different people and on average is 9-12 days. It should be noted that bleeding after a medical abortion, usually in the form of spotting, sometimes continues until the next menstruation.

Heavy bleeding after medical abortion

Need to know that not every bleeding is normal- excessively abundant, when a woman requires more than two night pads within an hour, can be pathological and lead to serious blood loss. If such bleeding continues for more than 2 hours, as well as if weakness, pallor, rapid heartbeat, or dizziness appear against this background, take horizontal position, place an ice pack on your lower abdomen and call immediately ambulance. Under no circumstances hide the fact of an abortion from the doctor; it is in your interests to give as much as possible detailed information about the state of your body.

The next day a clot also came out. Maybe I wasn't cleaned well? Please explain what this is?...

That everything is fine, the egg is completely out. But the next day after the ultrasound, bleeding started again...