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First aid tablets for high blood pressure. What to do with high blood pressure

Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels (arteries). The value of blood pressure depends on three factors:

  • vascular tone;
  • strength of heart contractions;
  • blood volume in the body.

Hypertensive crisis

Pressure stability is ensured by a regulatory mechanism in which the nervous and urinary systems participate. When the regulatory mechanism is disrupted, hypertension develops. Sometimes by various reasons(change of weather, non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations, sudden refusal of treatment, taking antidepressants and other drugs, stress, etc.) patients’ blood pressure increases sharply, this condition is called a hypertensive crisis.

Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis:

  • the appearance of “floaters” in the eyes;
  • throbbing headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • noise in ears;
  • numbness of the facial muscles;
  • weakness;
  • visual impairment;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness.

How dangerous is a hypertensive crisis?

With a sharp increase in blood pressure, the load on the walls of blood vessels and on the heart increases, which leads to insufficient blood supply to all organs and tissues, including impaired blood supply to the heart muscle - the myocardium. All this can cause a stroke or heart attack.

According to the degree of the patient's condition, mild and severe hypertensive crisis are distinguished. Mild HA does not have a destructive effect on organs and is characterized by minimal symptoms. The severe crisis is real threat the patient's life.

Help with hypertensive crisis

The main tasks when sharp increase pressures are:

  • gradual decrease in blood pressure 25-30 mm Hg. Art. in 1 hour;
  • arrhythmia prevention, recovery normal functioning hearts;
  • elimination of psychomotor agitation;
  • determining the cause of increased blood pressure and eliminating it.

When a hypertensive crisis occurs, it is very important to identify the first symptoms of this condition in time, measure blood pressure and call an ambulance. Knowing about excessively high blood pressure, a person is often seized by panic, which activates the sympathetic nervous system, as a result, the patient’s condition worsens. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to calm the patient.

What is first aid for high blood pressure? Before the ambulance arrives, you need to take the following measures:

First aid may include taking medications, but to do this you need to know how they are taken and take into account all contraindications.

Oral agents

Captopril(capoten, capryl, capopharm) The product is considered effective fast-acting drugs. At hypertensive crisis It is recommended to take a dosage of 50 mg sublingually. It is imperative to monitor the dynamics of changes in blood pressure, since increasing the dosage can provoke a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Nifedipine(cordipin, corinfar, nifedicap, farmadipin). It is recommended to take the drug in a dosage of 10 mg, chewing and drinking liquid. If after 30 minutes the effect of nifedipine is weak, repeated administration is allowed. This drug should not be taken if you have angina, pulmonary edema, or after a heart attack.

Anaprilin(metoprolol, carvedilol, propranolol). The medicine effectively reduces blood pressure and slows the pulse. Contraindications: bradycardia, cardiac conduction disorders, cardiogenic shock, lung diseases, heart failure.

Nitroglycerine(nitrogranulong, nitrocontin, nitromint). A well-known vasodilator. It is usually used to relieve angina attacks. Vasodilation leads to a decrease in blood pressure, so nitroglycerin can be used with a sharp increase in blood pressure. This drug is especially recommended for patients who experience pain in the heart area due to hypertension. Nitroglycerin is available in tablet form, alcohol solution and in spray form. The most common side effect is a severe headache.


Enough known means to lower blood pressure is an intramuscular injection of dibazole and papaverine hydrochloride. Today, this combination of drugs is considered ineffective and is used in the absence of other means.

Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) has an effective vasodilating, sedative and antispasmodic effect. But this drug is recommended to be administered intravenously using a dropper. Intramuscular injections are allowed, but there is a possible risk of side effects. Intramuscular administration magnesia is a rather painful procedure, so the drug is combined with novocaine. Magnesia is contraindicated in renal failure, bradycardia, intestinal obstruction and breathing problems.

An attack of a sharp increase in blood pressure can happen to every person, regardless of whether he has hypertonic disease or not. The problem cannot be ignored, because the consequences are often strokes and heart attacks. First aid for high blood pressure is the main link in the chain of restoring health and preventing complications.

Risk area

Horse racing blood pressure, exceeding acceptable indicators, often persecute older and older people. A serious predisposing factor is excess weight and physical inactivity. Those who have a genetic predisposition to the development of hypertension should also take care of themselves.

Common signs of high blood pressure are:

  • Headache various localizations and intensity.
  • Weakness and dizziness, lightheadedness, darkening of the eyes.
  • Increased sweating, a rush of blood to the face, while the hands may become cold.
  • Discomfort or pain in the heart area, interruptions in its rhythm.

With such symptoms, you should find out the tonometer readings as soon as possible. Typically, numbers above 140/90 indicate an attack of hypertension, and 160/110 indicate a hypertensive crisis. However, this classification is subjective. So, for a hypertensive patient with stage 3 severity of the disease, indicators of 160/110 may be “normal”, but an increase to 220 indicates a crisis situation. And for those whose working pressure is 110/60, a jump to 130 mmHg should cause alarm. But the first thing that is important in this situation is not to let yourself panic and direct all your efforts to reduce the numbers to normal.

Attack of hypertension

Man with chronic hypertension quickly reacts to such conditions, realizing that his blood pressure is rising. This means that he can take the necessary measures in time, and first of all, take the appropriate pills to reduce it, which effectively help in such a situation.

Antihypertensive drugs most often prescribed by doctors for hypertension are divided into four groups. Each of them has its own operating principle and specific application.

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors ( ACE inhibitors). The medications block the process by which angiotensin 1 is converted to angiotensin 2, which normally causes blood vessels to constrict. The breakdown of bradykinin, which stimulates their expansion, also slows down. These drugs are especially effective in patients with ischemia, heart failure, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary obstruction. Representatives of this group: Berlipril, Enalapril, Lisinopril.
  • Beta blockers. They lower blood pressure by slowing the speed of blood flow by reducing the heart rate. Prescribed for arrhythmia and tachycardia. These include Metoprolol, Nebivalol, Corbis.
  • Calcium channel blockers. The drugs do not allow calcium to penetrate the walls of blood vessels, which as a result relax and the pressure decreases. Amlodipine, Verapamil, Amlodac and Diltiazem are prescribed if hypertension is accompanied by asthma, diabetes, cerebrovascular insufficiency, and kidney disease.
  • Diuretics. Their task is to remove excess moisture from the body, which increases blood volume and leads to increased pressure in the blood vessels. At the same time, diuretics do not allow fluid to be reabsorbed by body tissues. Diuretics are generally prescribed in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. Depending on the age, severity of hypertension and other characteristics of the patient, the doctor may prescribe Furosemide, Indacrion, Veroshpiron, Indapamide or Hypothiazide.

Beta blockers lower blood pressure by slowing blood flow.

Primary manifestation

Such attacks pose the greatest danger to people encountering the problem for the first time. Urgent medical measures are required, and ambulance with high blood pressure healthy person must be called.

All subsequent actions are subject to simple rules. Firstly, to reduce the indicators and the load on the blood vessels, you need to calm down, get rid of nervous excitement. Secondly, prevent arrhythmia, restore heart function and breathing. Thirdly, the decline should occur smoothly, since sharp drop pressure can cause collapse, accompanied by loss of consciousness and other complications.

Rules 1 and 2 concern self-administered first aid for high blood pressure. The patient must pull himself together without bringing the situation to critical consequences. The responsibility of ambulance workers with high blood pressure is to explain the danger of a sharp decrease in blood pressure and set the person up for gradual recovery.

Pre-medical procedures

What to do before the ambulance arrives? First of all, the patient must be positioned so that the head is elevated and the legs are slightly lowered. Provide fresh air access to the room by opening a window. If high blood pressure is accompanied by pain or squeezing sensations in the heart area, you can give the patient validol or nitroglycerin under the tongue. You can repeat the appointment if the pain does not go away after 5-7 minutes, but no more than 3 times.

Blood pressure pills can only be taken that are prescribed by a doctor, and the person knows for sure that they are right for him. Drugs that are intended to be taken several times a day will work more effectively. This could be Captopril or Nifedipine. The fact is that although their effect is shorter-term, the decrease in indicators occurs much faster.

If a person becomes ill, you need to open the windows in the room.

Captopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. Quick help from the drug is due to the fact that the blood vessels stop narrowing. Peripheral resistance in them weakens. The pressure in the pulmonary circle and right atrium decreases. At sharp jump or hypertensive crisis, a single dosage of 25 mg is recommended. The tablet is placed under the tongue and slowly dissolved. Other drugs with the same active substance: Capoten, Tensiomin, Acepril, Capryl, Lopirin and others.

Nifedipine is a calcium antagonist drug. It expands peripheral and coronary vessels, reduces myocardial oxygen demand. The Nifedipine tablet is a real first aid for unexpectedly high blood pressure. To stop an attack, 10 mg of the drug must be dissolved under the tongue. Analogues: Cordafen, Cordaflex, Nifedipat, Nifecard, Fenamon and others.

High blood pressure can be reduced with diuretics. Diuver and Britomar act more gently. The effect of taking it occurs after about 1.5 hours.

Lasix and Furosemide tablets work much faster, the first results of which are felt after 20–30 minutes. They are successfully used during a hypertensive crisis.

If an attack occurs for the first time, you can only take a diuretic, antihypertensive drugs They don’t give an ambulance until the arrival. It is also necessary to periodically measure the patient's blood pressure, approximately once every 10-20 minutes. This gives doctors the opportunity to create a more accurate picture of the attack and make effective actions on its docking.

Hypertensive crisis

This is very dangerous condition, developing both in hypertensive patients and in people who have not previously had such problems with blood pressure. It is more common in the older generation, therefore it is more threatening in nature. On the background concomitant diseases heart and vascular disorders, a hypertensive crisis often ends in stroke, heart attack, and even death.

Most often, hypertensive crisis occurs in the older generation.

So, what to do if your blood pressure suddenly rises significantly above the usual norm? A person should strictly follow these steps:

  1. Stop any activity and sit or lie down.
  2. Call emergency medical assistance.
  3. Take approved antihypertensive medications.
  4. To normalize heartbeat, you should take Corvalol or valerian tincture. For chest pain, take a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue.
  5. Measure your blood pressure periodically until the ambulance arrives.

Next, responsibility passes into the hands of doctors. If the patient has persistent pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, weakness, and impaired motor function of the limbs and speech apparatus, he must be urgently hospitalized.

It’s no secret that hypertension has become significantly younger in a few last decades. And accordingly, it happens more often dangerous attack, which was given a sonorous name - hypertensive crisis. To effectively resist it, a person must calmly and clearly follow the rules of first aid. And the rest of the time, carry out all possible prevention of hypertension and do not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Hypertension is a disease characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure. A typical phenomenon for the pathology is attacks of rapid increases in blood pressure. Similar condition, if the patient is not helped in a timely manner, it can cause a hypertensive crisis, the treatment of which is lengthy and requires the use of potent medications. To prevent irreversible consequences, everyone is recommended to have the skills to provide assistance with high blood pressure.

It is mandatory to call a specialist if an attack of increased blood pressure is accompanied by a number of the following clinical manifestations:

  • If we're talking about For a patient suffering from any form of hypertension, medical measures are necessary if the primary and secondary use of medications taken on an ongoing basis does not bring a positive result.
  • Previously, the person had no problems with increased blood pressure, that is, this was the first time an attack of this kind had occurred.
  • An increase in hell is accompanied clinical manifestations, characteristic of a hypertensive crisis. These include an excited state, hyperemia skin, lack of air, decreased visual acuity, pain in the chest area.

It is also necessary to call a specialist if the patient exhibits signs of bradycardia or tachycardia. If, during an attack, the pulse is less than 60 beats per minute or more than one hundred, rendering medical care is mandatory for the patient.

Algorithm of actions before the ambulance arrives

If the patient’s condition cannot be characterized as critical, you can cope with an attack of high blood pressure yourself, without resorting to calling emergency care specialists. Below are measures that will help normalize your condition and stabilize your blood pressure. Also, this instruction is valid for use before the arrival of specialists.

  • The first step when blood pressure levels increase is to ensure oxygen access to the room in which the patient is located. For this purpose, you need to open windows or doors.
  • If a person has high blood pressure, it is necessary to immediately place him in a reclining position, after placing a rolled blanket under the lumbar area.
  • An attack of high blood pressure is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and panic in the patient. It is important to prevent this condition from worsening and try to calm down. To do this, it is recommended to be distracted by some object or action. You can also take several inhalations and exhalations, counting their number.
  • Will help cope with a slight increase in blood pressure folk remedies, for example, hot baths or foot compresses, as well as mustard plasters. The effectiveness of these methods is based on the rush of circulating blood to lower limbs and facilitating the functioning of the vascular system and heart.

It is permissible, as prescribed by a doctor, to take medications that have antihypertensive properties and a prolonged effect. These include, for example, Captopril. If pain occurs in the heart area, it is recommended to take Nitroglycerin.

Important! It must be remembered that a rapid decrease in blood pressure carries a potential threat for the patient, including the risk of developing ischemia. For warning dangerous consequences it is permissible to reduce hell by no more than twenty mm. rt. Art. for sixty minutes.

Medicines used in the emergency department

There are several main groups of tablets used to provide first aid for high blood pressure. The choice of the most appropriate medicine in a given situation is made only after examining the patient. Blood pressure pills may have different mechanisms of action. To reduce high blood pressure, the following are most often used:

  • Diuretics. Indapamide, Furosemide. These high blood pressure medications have diuretic properties. Their action is based on removing excess fluid from the body and reducing the volume of circulating blood. Can be used for short-term effects or on an ongoing basis.
  • ACE inhibitors. Means of this group are especially often used to increase tonometer readings. Use of drugs classified in this group, for example, Captopril. Altana allows you to get stable and long-lasting results.
  • Receptor blockers. The drugs in this group have a rapid effect, helping to provide emergency assistance with an increase in blood pressure. The following medications are most often used: Losartan, Valsartan.
  • Beta blockers. Leviton, Atenol. Medicines in this group have a hypotensive effect by stabilizing the activity of the heart muscle.
  • Calcium channel blockers: Adalat, Cardizem. Normalization of blood pressure occurs due to blocking the entry of calcium into organs and tissues.

If attacks of high blood pressure are systematic, the patient must undergo medical checkup to identify the causes of pathology and select the appropriate drug. Self-administration of any medications can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The generally accepted critical indicator is considered to be values ​​of 160 to 90 - 95 mmHg. Art. For patients suffering from hypertension medium degree severity, alarming values ​​can fluctuate up to 180 to 120 mmHg. For hypotensive patients, indicators of 130 by 85 mm are considered critical. rt. Art. Accordingly, emergency care for high blood pressure may be required in different cases.

Rapid pressure drop

Possessing quick action Emergency pills for high blood pressure can only be taken if prescribed by a doctor. Quickly normalize your health and prevent Negative consequences The following medications will help:

  • Corinfar. The drug helps to expand the lumens of blood vessels, reducing the load on the heart muscle. Speed ​​and efficiency of action this drug due to the specifics of its use - to obtain desired result You need to put the tablet under your tongue until it dissolves completely. The drug can be used for a treatment course or for occasional use. There are a number of contraindications for taking Corinfar. These include the following: hypotension, chronic form heart failure, gestation period. Taking the medication incorrectly can cause the development of bradycardia and severe edema.
  • Physiotens. In case of high blood pressure, the tablets must be placed under the tongue for resorption; the effect of the components of the drug on active receptors will help to quickly reduce blood pressure. It's important to remember that daily dosage Physiotensa should not exceed three tablets. If a course of treatment is required, which involves taking the indicated drug, you must remember that early stages Using the medicine, it is possible to develop a number of side effects, for example, dizziness, headaches.
  • Indapamide or Furosemide. Given medications help reduce blood pressure due to its diuretic effect. Most often used for attacks of hypertension.

If any medications were taken before the arrival of the previously called ambulance, it is imperative to notify the specialist about this.

Heart medications

Increased or high blood pressure is often accompanied by pain in the heart, increased heart rate, and arrhythmia. Depending on the nature of the clinical manifestations, along with drugs that have antihypertensive properties, an increase in blood pressure requires taking cardiac medications classified into the following groups:

  • Nitroglycerine. Taking this medication is rational if a hypertensive crisis is accompanied by increased heart rate, painful sensations and discomfort in the chest area.
  • Valocordin, Corvalol. These medications do not directly affect heart rate or blood pressure. Medicines are used to relieve anxiety attacks that often accompany hypertensive crises.
  • Validol. Despite the fact that this drug does not have any effect on blood pressure, it is often used during hypertensive crises as a remedy with sedative properties. The pleasant taste of the drug helps to switch the patient’s attention, preventing anxiety and fear, helping to normalize myocardial rhythm.
  • Anaprilin. It is recommended to take the medicine against the background of a hypertensive crisis associated with an increase in heart rate. The drug does not affect blood pressure levels; therefore, it should not be used solely for the purpose of lowering blood pressure.

For high blood pressure, the following may be recommended: medicines, like Tricardin, Kardomed. These drugs, presented in the form of drops, should be used to restore and stabilize the pulse and normalize blood pressure. Positive effect achieved by providing an antispasmodic effect.

The terms “high” and “elevated” blood pressure have a significant difference. It is important to be able to distinguish these states from each other. Calling an ambulance is necessary in case of high blood pressure, and dealing with high blood pressure if there is no additional symptoms, you can do it yourself.

Injections and droppers

Medicines presented in injectable forms are used more often against the background of hypertensive crises to obtain a quick and lasting effect. Droppers are used for high blood pressure when there is a threat to the patient's health. Common drugs administered intravenously include the following:

  • Aminazine. A quick-acting product used to obtain almost instant results. It is used primarily against the background of hypertensive crises associated with such clinical manifestations as increased nervousness, fear, anxiety. The tonometer readings begin to gradually decrease immediately after the administration of the drug. Ten minutes after the start of the procedure, blood pressure is completely stabilized. A significant disadvantage of this drug is the provision negative action to the liver.
  • Dibazol. The use of this drug is practiced more often against the background of high blood pressure, which is not associated with the development of any complications. The medicine has antispasmodic properties, helps normalize systemic and cerebral circulation. The duration of action of one dropper is about three hours. Characteristic feature Dibazole is high probability lack of hypotensive effect when using the drug for the treatment of elderly people.
  • Magnesia. The medicine has wide range contraindications and restrictions on use. To normalize blood pressure, no more than two procedures are performed per day intravenous administration medication.

To improve well-being and prevent possible complications droppers are more often used during the course.


Various medications presented in the form of solutions for injection are highly effective. The procedure must be carried out only if there are medical prescriptions. Medicines in the form of injections are more often used in a hospital setting or by ambulance specialists. The selection of the most appropriate drugs and dosage is based on medical history and clinical picture identified after examination of the patient.

When providing emergency assistance to a person, quick-acting means are used. These include, for example: Magnesium sulfate, Furosemide, Dibazol in combination with Papaverine, Clonidine, Enalapril. Against the background of a hypertensive crisis, the use of so-called hot injections with a solution of calcium chloride is more often practiced.

Various diseases of the vascular system and heart firmly occupy leading positions in the list of causes of mortality of the planet's population. In the vast majority of clinical cases death is the result of untimely contact with specialists.

To reduce the risks of irreversible consequences, you should not ignore alarming symptoms manifested by the body.

Cases of a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure are extremely dangerous to health. However, hypertension can lead to much more disasters in the human body. Even a unique increase in vascular tone should alert and serve as a reason immediate appeal to the doctor. Usually persons with established diagnosis carry pills with them to immediately eliminate fraught symptoms. An unprepared potential patient of a cardiologist may not know what to do with the onset of a hypertensive crisis.

Symptoms of crisis

The state of high blood pressure can be recognized by external signs. Usually a person turns pale, dark circles form under the eyes, and he sweats excessively. Patients may feel dizzy and become disorientated from sudden movements. Fever and tremors are usually accompanied by vomiting at any meal. In such cases, you should not select a remedy for hypertension on your own and take all the pills in turn, waiting for the effect of any of them.

Patients with the first case of high blood pressure need to call an ambulance, until the time of its arrival you can use available means.

IN home medicine cabinet There will probably be mustard plasters that can be applied to the legs and calves, which will cause a flow of blood from the head to the legs. Mustard plasters can be replaced foot bath. An alternative would be to apply a tourniquet to the limbs with the condition that vascular pulsation should be palpable below the point of compression. The tourniquet is applied alternately to each surface, but for no more than half an hour. A slow decrease in pressure occurs due to some stagnation in the veins and unloading of the heart.

At high vascular tone Heart pain may occur. If the pain is excruciating and causes the patient to rush about and have a fever, it is necessary to use validol and nitroglycerin, which dissolve under the tongue. While the ambulance is on the way, you can take any other depressant, for example, drops of validol diluted in a glass of water or dripped onto refined sugar.

If possible, it is better to sit or lay the patient down; you can allow him to take a comfortable position. It is extremely undesirable to move indoors, but the flow of fresh air into the room must be ensured.

Drug therapy

The medical arsenal has a list of remedies that eliminate high blood pressure quickly and effectively. Doctors recommend that people with high risk factors carry some pills with them.

Capoten, furosemide, and clonidine effectively and, most importantly, quickly reduce blood pressure. Capoten, the first representative of the class of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, is recognized as the most optimal drug in this case.

Capoten tablets have become preferred for patients due to their characteristics. Most of the drugs in its class and related drugs according to their mechanism of action require quite a lot of time to achieve a hypotensive effect. Blood pressure naturally decreases, but not so quickly as to prevent consequences for the heart muscle and brain.

Patients on constant antihypertensive treatment should understand that repeated use of prescribed medications will not relieve a hypertensive crisis if it occurs suddenly.

With the use of capoten, blood pressure drops within fifteen minutes. Its hypotensive effect reaches its peak after an hour, but soon therapeutic effect buys time to avoid vascular disorders. The result of taking one Capoten tablet is always predictable, and increasing the dose is also manageable and does not cause side effects.

What else to do

Usually, blood pressure readings do not rise without a reason. Nervous overstrain or chronic stress most often causes blood pressure to jump. Help in eliminating dangerous symptoms hypertension of this etiology can be caused by glycine or sedatives: phenozepam or elenium.

The experience of the common population describes such extraordinary ways to lower blood pressure without the use of medications:

  1. The cold will have necessary help with increased pressure when applying compresses. You can use a towel dampened with water or frozen food wrapped in a cloth.
  2. A hypotensive effect has been observed in geranium. It is enough to tie a leaf of a plant to your wrist, and it unique composition normalizes vascular tone as a fast-acting tablet.
  3. A raspberry bush in a summer cottage will also be useful in the fight against crises. The leaves of the bush are good to brew as tea, however, it is better to drink it infused for half an hour.
  4. Viburnum berries help with blood pressure in kind. It is enough to chew the fruits and the antihypertensive substances will enter the blood through the oral cavity.
  5. In a state of crisis, patients may experience panic fear, so it is important not to aggravate the situation with others and behave calmly. The pressure must be reduced gradually so that it does not fall by more than 20 mm Hg. Art. in one hour.

The problem of increased blood pressure familiar to many. According to statistical research, almost every fourth inhabitant of our planet suffers from this disease. Most patients suffering from hypertension know how to deal with high blood pressure, but what should people do if the manifestations of the disease suddenly overtook them? Nowadays, perhaps, everyone should know how to eliminate a problem that has arisen unexpectedly against the background of stress or general malaise of the body, and what high-quality first aid for high blood pressure should be so that it does not arise life-threatening patient consequences.

Blood pressure tends to rise sharply in people of any age, regardless of their type of activity and social status in society.

It is highly undesirable to ignore such pathological process, since it can provoke life-threatening dangerous violations in the body and become a direct cause of a heart attack or stroke.

The following signs will help you suspect increased blood pressure in a person:

  • sudden dizziness and occasional vomiting due to nausea;
  • in the occipital and temporal region;
  • appearance dark circles under the eyes;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • increased sweating;
  • occasionally the development of a febrile state.

Naturally, patients who have suffered from hypertension for many years know how to deal with the complications of their condition. They know which pills quickly help with high blood pressure and what needs to be done to eliminate the manifestations of this insidious disease. Therefore, hypertensive patients always have a whole handful of medications on hand that they can take to eliminate the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis.

But what should people do who are faced with the problem of a sudden increase in blood pressure for the first time? What should be the first aid for hypertension?

What should first aid be?

First aid for high blood pressure should be of high quality and timely. If a person experiences a hypertensive crisis, it is necessary to follow the generally recommended algorithm of actions, which consists of performing a number of important measures:

  • measuring the patient’s blood pressure at home, which will confirm the development of a hypertensive crisis;
  • Immediately call an ambulance in case of high blood pressure in cases of development pathological condition for the first time in a person;
  • before the arrival of doctors, the person should be placed in bed and placed in a semi-sitting position with the help of pillows, which will prevent suffocation;
  • the patient is strictly forbidden to sit and walk;
  • An experienced hypertensive patient should immediately be given a dose of the drug to rapid decline pressure;
  • when pressing pain in the heart area, a person should be given a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue; if possible, hypertensive patients with manifestations of heart failure should take a dose of a diuretic.

At what pressure should you call an ambulance?

Doctors find it difficult to give a definite answer to this question, since this indicator is individual in each specific clinical case. In general, blood pressure that reaches 220/110 mm is considered critical. rt. Art., but this does not mean that with more low results measurements, the patient cannot experience a hypertensive crisis.

Therefore, it should be understood that an abnormal increase in blood pressure with the development of pathological symptoms, indicating the likelihood of developing complications of the disease, is absolute reading to provide emergency care arterial hypertension and call the medical team.

It is important to remember that if symptoms of a hypertensive crisis occur, you should not sharply reduce your blood pressure. Such actions are fraught with the development severe complications in the form of acute heart failure and cerebral ischemia.

A gradual decrease in blood pressure by 25-30 mm every hour is considered optimal. rt. st every hour compared to its initial indicators.

What to take?

Emergency care for arterial hypertension involves taking medications that relieve the symptoms of the pathological condition and its accompanying manifestations. As is known, a hypertensive crisis is often accompanied by painful sensations in the area behind the sternum, which require the use of anti-ischemic drugs at home, in particular, nitroglycerin or validol under the tongue. Similar therapeutic effect Corvalol drops also have.

Some of the best medications To relieve an attack of hypertension, diuretic drugs in the form of injections are considered. If sharply elevated blood pressure appears, a person is recommended to administer 2 ml of Lasix or Furasemide, which will allow the condition to normalize.

As you know, a hypertensive crisis does not occur out of the blue. Often it is caused by nervous shock, stress, emotional experiences. Therefore, in the process of providing first aid for high blood pressure, you can give a person sedatives, namely Glycine, Phenozepam and the like.

Home treatment for hypertensive crisis

last resort, which should be resorted to in the absence medications and the inability to immediately transport a sick person to specialized hospital. Before the ambulance arrives, if you have hypertension, you can apply ice or other cold to the area where large areas are projected. cervical vessels. A geranium leaf fixed on the wrist is also a good way to reduce high blood pressure.

In any case, should not be abused under pressure traditional treatment, since it can cause serious disorders of the organs and systems of the human body.

Only drugs of synthetic origin prescribed by doctors can prevent a heart attack or stroke due to a sharp increase in blood pressure. Therefore, during a hypertensive crisis, you should not self-medicate. The best thing that can be done for the patient is to call a medical team and provide first aid at home.