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How to make your mouth bleed. Bleeding from the mouth - what could it be and how to diagnose

The appearance of blood in the mouth can become alarm signal, portending danger, especially in cases of spontaneous bleeding without a clear etiology. Bleeding when coughing or vomiting indicates the most likely source of injury is - Airways, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. cannot be ruled out.

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Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization: therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

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The appearance of blood in the mouth can be a warning sign

People face a similar problem when brushing their teeth, when they are injured, or when they have diseases. oral cavity, but problems with internal organs have a more negative coloration. When healthy person blood comes out along with saliva, then this is a reason to seek help from a specialist who will conduct an examination to find out the cause of the disease.

Types of bleeding from the mouth

Often from the oral cavity or from nose goes blood due to mechanical injuries. For example, as a result of injuries resulting from a blow or cut, the development of pathologies and diseases. Depending on the origin of bleeding, there are three types of bleeding, which are characterized by the release of a blood clot from the mouth:

  • damage to internal organs;
  • trauma to the oral cavity;
  • respiratory tract damage.

Often there is bleeding from the mouth or nose due to injuries that are mechanical in nature.

Blood can be presented not only in its usual form, but can also appear as droplets that come out along with saliva or vomit.

The following varieties are provided:

  • Heavy bleeding with blood clots causes damage to the capillaries of the nasal mucosa, which have been ruptured due to high pressure. Since a person is lying down, blood clots do not flow out immediately; they accumulate in the mouth. Waking up in the morning, the patient feels the taste of blood accumulated due to infections of the nasopharynx. These infectious diseases tend to transform from a normal stage into a chronic one, which only negatively affects the formation of a concentration of blood masses in the oral cavity. When blood is released in large pieces, this is due to a ruptured vessel in the throat.

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  • Pink saliva appears when spitting after waking up; this is explained by failure to follow the rules that must be followed during the morning procedure. Due to poor hygiene, infections enter the oral cavity, causing bleeding gums. She does not stop during sleep, due to which after some time in large quantities blood accumulates. When your mouth opens slightly during a night's rest, a blood clot may leak out and subsequently land on the pillow. Tonsils are a common source of bleeding; in the area where they are located, capillaries burst due to overstrain.
  • The taste of blood in the mouth becomes unpleasant when the body lacks fluid. A similar situation is typical for asthmatics, diabetics and those who have recently been under general anesthesia. Often the causes of the taste of blood are metal dentures or crowns installed on the teeth. This phenomenon also occurs in case of poisoning due to alcohol abuse, when taking antibiotics, dietary supplements, etc. Metabolic disorder or failure hormonal system They do not promise anything good; they can cause discomfort in the mouth. During the night's rest gastric juice moves towards the oral cavity, the taste of blood is also felt, a similar situation often occurs with reflux.

Causes of bleeding in the mouth

To determine the most probable cause, blood coming from the mouth, it is necessary to consider the factors preceding this phenomenon. These include:

  • dental procedures;
  • consequences of operations on the head or neck (mouth, nose, sinuses, pharynx, tonsils, larynx);
  • head and neck injuries.

If none of the above is recorded, then the patient needs further diagnostics necessary to quickly and accurately determine the affected area.

Bleeding in the mouth may occur after dental procedures.

Possible causes of bleeding include diseases such as periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, which provoke an inflammatory process that spreads to the gums or teeth. Since the mucous membrane loses its original protective properties, then she becomes very sensitive. Because of this, blood clots increase in size, especially when brushing or flossing your teeth.

Cases of dysfunction of the stomach and lungs are not so common, but in the presence of such diseases, it is important to pay attention to the color of the blood.

If a rich dark red color is observed, this indicates a probable malignant tumor in the gastrointestinal tract, and bright red indicates the development of an ulcer.

Let's take a closer look at some of the common reasons why bleeding in the mouth may occur. This includes:

  • receiving a facial injury is a traumatic method that occurs due to mechanical damage to the integrity of body tissues due to negative external factors such as a cut or blow;
  • diseases of the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis - inflammation resulting from mechanical or chemical injury. Also applies to dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, bleeding aphthous ulcers, infections like herpes, cytomegalovirus, viral hemorrhagic fever;
  • gastrointestinal diseases characterized by the formation of ulcers duodenum or stomach last stage liver cirrhosis, development of erosion of the mucous membrane of the stomach or esophagus;
  • Pulmonary diseases affect the bronchi, trachea, pleura and larynx. Because of negative impact inflammation of the throat may occur, and the list negative factors include infections tonsillitis or pharyngitis, chemical injury from long-term corrosive substances, allergies, abscess, tumors.

Bleeding in the mouth can occur for several reasons

What to do if blood appears in the mouth?

If there is slight bleeding that occurs while brushing your teeth, you can try replacing your current brush with a new one with a lower level of hardness. We need to try to be more careful hygiene procedures and don’t overdo it with cleansing. It will not be superfluous to purchase care products such as a tongue scraper and floss, which are good for cleaning the areas between the teeth and removing food debris.

If noticed heavy bleeding, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor for a diagnosis that will identify the problem that is bothering the person. By ignoring the necessary requirements to eliminate blood clots, there is a risk of not keeping track of the developing disease in the form of tartar or the appearance of wounds left by the prosthesis.

When the blood started flowing for some unknown reason or due to injury, the patient should be half-sitting. If there are signs of bleeding in the lungs, you should first drink a few small sips of cold water, then call ambulance.

An urgent visit to the hospital is required when the patient suffers from chronic diseases accompanied by bleeding from the mouth. In this situation, you need to stop self-medicating and immediately make an appointment with a doctor.

Preventive measures

Small bleeding, for example, from the gums, are not scary, so they can be easily prevented at home. It is enough to follow the recommendations and you are guaranteed to get rid of this disease.

Prevention consists of a number of such actions:

  • periodic visits to the dentist;
  • daily oral hygiene using a high-quality brush and toothpaste;
  • creating a diet that includes healthy eating;
  • rejection of bad habits.

When the established rules are not violated, you will not have to observe bleeding gums. For people suffering from this disease, it is necessary to use teeth cleaning techniques, which should be learned from a specialist.

The human body is designed in such a way that it will always give a “bell” that some disease is developing inside, and will not necessarily hurt at the site of the lesion. Today we will look at bleeding from the mouth, of course, this is a rather rare phenomenon, indicating serious illnesses requiring immediate action. In this case, it is imperative to call an ambulance, but before the ambulance arrives, you need to act clearly based on the cause of the bleeding. And for this it is better to know why there is blood from the mouth, what are the main reasons for this phenomenon? Let's try to answer these questions.

Main reasons

As mentioned above, if there is blood, then it can only be serious problems with health. The main thing is not to panic, immediately call for medical help and do not try to diagnose yourself. Only a doctor can prevent the disease that caused bleeding and prescribe treatment after a detailed examination.

Experts identify the following main causes of bleeding from the oral cavity:

  • Most often, blood can flow during tuberculosis, the development of this disease caused by a group of bacteria. The disease usually affects the lungs, but can also affect others. internal organs, the most dangerous thing is that tuberculosis is easily transmitted from person to person;
  • oncological diseases, in this case it is necessary to monitor the color of the blood, for example, dark, purple blood indicates the presence of gastric bleeding, which can occur with stomach cancer;
  • with a stomach ulcer, sometimes blood bleeds, and the clots are usually scarlet in color with pieces of digested food;
  • poisoning with heavy metals (lead, mercury);
  • also, bleeding in the mouth may indicate disease of the gums, tongue or other problems of the oral cavity;
  • Almost never seen nowadays is scurvy, characterized by an acute lack of vitamin C.

They also separately highlight the situation when a person constantly feels the taste of blood, most often this is the so-called “ metallic taste", doctors are inclined to two reasons why this taste may be felt:

  • gastrointestinal diseases ( acute form gastritis, stomach ulcer), in addition to the taste of metal in the mouth, there are symptoms such as abdominal pain, heartburn, white coating on the tongue, a change in taste sensations;
  • inflammation Bladder, in this case there are observed painful sensations in the right hypochondrium, and bitterness is added to the taste of blood in the mouth.

In any case, whatever the reasons for blood in the mouth, it should become serious reason to see a doctor for diagnosis accurate diagnosis. So, let's look at each of the listed diseases in more detail.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

If the cause of blood from the mouth is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then usually the clots come out along with the vomit, and blood in the vomit may indicate the presence of a crack in the esophagus or larynx. If the vomit has a bright red tint, then the disease is developing rapidly, severe bleeding has occurred, and this requires immediate action.

The most common gastrointestinal diseases that may cause bleeding are:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • acute stage of gastritis;
  • erosive lesions of the esophageal mucosa;
  • irreversible processes in the liver (liver pathology is caused by frequent alcohol abuse);
  • esophageal rupture ( this bleeding always preceded by vomiting);
  • oncological diseases (other symptoms may appear: sudden loss in weight, weakness, etc.).

But the most dangerous type of hemorrhage is considered to be a rupture of the esophagus; in this case, cherry blood is observed, flowing in an even stream without foam or clots.

Most often, this bleeding occurs in patients with serious liver damage, if mouth goes red blood, then you need to quickly call for medical help.

In order to identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diagnostics are used, for example, the contents of the stomach are sucked out using a probe, and an endoscope is used to confirm a stomach ulcer.

Infectious diseases

The most dangerous infectious disease The cause of bleeding is pulmonary tuberculosis. Usually observed blood streaks in sputum, and with advanced stage hemoptysis occurs. In addition, if the mouth bleeds in the morning, then we can talk about streptococcal infections, inflammation of the sinuses, severe pneumonia.

Oral diseases

Often brought into the oral cavity various infections(dirty hands, unwashed fruits and vegetables, drinking too hot drinks that corrode the mucous membranes). The problem of bleeding gums is also common, especially after brushing your teeth. The most common gum disease is gingivitis; problems usually arise due to neglect of basic oral hygiene, as a result of which they multiply pathogenic bacteria, small ulcers appear in the mouth on the cheek or gums.

With gingivitis, patients often complain of a constant metallic taste; blood accumulates during the night, so the taste of blood intensifies in the morning. It must be remembered that the oral cavity requires daily care, do not forget about the rules of hygiene.

After tooth extraction

Sometimes bleeding for a long time may not stop due to extracted tooth, most often the fact that the bleeding does not stop for a long time can be influenced by:

  • heavy physical exercise right after the removal procedure;
  • a woman's menstrual cycle;
  • drinking too hot;
  • solid food;
  • drinking alcohol immediately after tooth extraction;
  • taking blood thinning drugs.

Help with bleeding

Now let's look at situations where a person suddenly starts bleeding from the mouth. What to do in this case, how to stop bleeding in the mouth? Firstly, it is necessary to protect yourself from unwanted contact with someone else’s blood; for this you need to take precautions and follow the instructions:

  • call an ambulance immediately;
  • If possible, treat your hands or wash with soap and water;
  • To prevent the flow of secretions from flowing onto your skin, it is better to wear gloves;
  • if the patient bleeds along with vomiting and there is Brown, then most likely these are gastrointestinal problems. In this case, it is necessary to put the person to bed, try to calm him down, it is better that the patient does not talk and moves less. While you are waiting for medical attention, you can give the person a small piece of ice or place something cold on their stomach;
  • if the blood flows in a cherry-colored stream without foam, then this indicates bleeding from the esophageal vein. While the ambulance is traveling, it is necessary to position the patient so that top part the body was higher than the lower one. At this type any movement is prohibited due to hemorrhage;
  • blood clots are scarlet in color, the blood is foamy, this indicates pulmonary hemorrhage. How to stop the bleeding in this case? It is better to sit the patient down; you can let the person swallow several pieces of ice, or drink in large sips ice water. This procedure usually stops the bleeding a little.

As you can see, the reasons why blood may come from the mouth can be different, the main thing is to provide first aid to the patient and call qualified medical workers. After all, only a specialist can determine the exact cause and prescribe the proper treatment.

In contact with

The occurrence of bleeding from the mouth in infants and adults is observed in quite in rare cases. Blood from the mouth may be various reasons. The most common symptom is observed in diseases of the lungs and digestive tract. When it appears, the patient must receive emergency medical care.

The appearance of bleeding from the mouth can be observed against the background of exposure to a variety of provoking factors and diseases. The reasons may include poisoning with heavy metals such as mercury and lead. The pathological process manifests itself when blood vessels are damaged. Rare cause may be scurvy, which is characterized by a lack of vitamin C in the body.

In the morning, blood is observed in dental diseases. Blood and saliva are released in patients with gingitis - inflammation of the gums. This is a disease that occurs as a result of poor personal hygiene and is therefore often diagnosed in a child. Often the pathological process is observed when taking certain medications. This is especially true for antibiotics and Aspirin.

After tooth extraction, blood clots are released from the oral cavity.

At long-term use alcoholic drinks and the course of certain infectious processes liver cirrhosis develops. With this disease, liver tissue is replaced by connective tissue, blood flow through the liver is disrupted, which leads to varicose veins veins of the esophagus. If the pressure constantly increases, the veins burst and profuse esophageal bleeding opens. Bleeding from the mouth can occur due to inflammation in the gallbladder. In this case, the patient complains of pain in the right hypochondrium. Bitterness and a metallic taste appear in the mouth.

Important! If bleeding occurs, the patient should seek help from a doctor.

Damage to mucous membranes

If you smell blood from your mouth, the reasons may be mechanical damage to the mucous membranes. This condition is often diagnosed with ulcers in the mouth. Blood at night can be observed during the course of ENT diseases.

Bleeding due to lung disease

Blood and foam from the mouth may appear due to illness respiratory system. Most common cause The symptom is pulmonary tuberculosis. On early stages human saliva has pink color. Additional symptoms also appear:

  • temperature increase;
  • sweating;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • pallor.

With absence timely treatment illness, sputum begins to be discharged. In this case, the addition of tuberculous pleurisy is diagnosed. Patients secrete brown blood when coughing.

Important! The appearance of a pathological condition is often observed when tumor processes that occur in the respiratory system.

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Bleeding is the first sign pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Their nature may depend on the characteristics of the pathology. In this case, discharge is observed during vomiting.

In almost 80% of cases, the cause of bleeding is a stomach ulcer. At the same time, there is an exacerbation of other diseases digestive system:

  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • polyps;
  • duodenitis, etc.

The most serious is bleeding that occurs from the veins of the esophagus. In this case, patients have dark deoxygenated blood. In humans, tumor processes in the gastrointestinal tract may also cause bleeding. With cancer, destruction of the mucous membranes of the esophagus is observed, which leads to hemorrhage.

What to do - first aid

What to do if you experience mouth bleeding? The algorithm of actions for pathology directly depends on the background against which it occurs. In this case, you need to try to find out about the location of the bleeding, which will allow you to provide first aid correctly. If bleeding occurs due to diseases of the digestive system, then vomiting is also observed. In esophageal bleeding, the blood is dark color, with gastric - resembles in color coffee grounds. The patient may complain of pain, dizziness and spots before the eyes, weakness.

At stomach bleeding the patient should be in a supine position. It is strictly forbidden to move or talk. He needs to be reassured, as stress makes the situation worse. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient should eat several pieces of ice. A cold compress is applied to the stomach area.

When bleeding from the veins of the esophagus, cherry discharge appears in a uniform stream. This is a dangerous hemorrhage that occurs when chronic diseases liver. If there is bleeding, the person is placed in bed and the chest is slightly elevated. Movements must be completely limited. There is no need to do anything until the ambulance arrives.

If blood is flowing through the mouth and nose, this may indicate injury. In this case, it is recommended to provide rest to the patient and try to stop the bleeding. In dental diseases, hemorrhage is minor. In this case, there is no need to provide first aid.

When blood is released from the lungs, coughing up blood is observed. The discharge has bright red color with foam. In this case, blood clotting is not observed. Even with minor discharge it is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. The person should be seated or laid down. First aid consists of unsoldering the victim cold water. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that he drinks in small sips. The patient should try to control his cough.

Bleeding from the mouth can be a symptom of serious pathological processes that require emergency treatment. medical care. Until specialists arrive, the patient should remain in horizontal position, move as little as possible.

There are a lot of situations dangerous to health and life that a person simply must be familiar with. One of them is blood from the mouth. Why this problem may arise and how to deal with it - this will be discussed further.

What it is?

First, you need to understand what bleeding is. So, this is the blood coming out of blood vessels as a result of violation of their integrity. Bleeding can be of two main types:

It should also be noted that the adult body contains about 5 liters of blood. In this case, the loss of already two liters is considered deadly.

Bleeding from the mouth: types

If a person is bleeding from the mouth, there may be several reasons for this. And they can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Blood from the mouth.
  2. Blood from the respiratory tract.
  3. Blood from internal organs.

In all these cases, blood may escape through or into pure form, or together with vomit or cough.

Blood formation in the oral cavity

If there is bleeding from the mouth, the reasons may be hidden in damage to the blood vessels. The intensity depends on what exactly is injured: a vein, capillary or artery. If the bleeding is very massive, fluid may enter the respiratory tract. And this, in turn, often leads to respiratory arrest or the occurrence of state of shock. In this case, the tongue, palate, cheeks, and gums can be injured. Bleeding from the mouth may occur after tooth extraction, tissue cuts, or the presence of malignant or benign tumors. But with all this, the biggest problem is caused by problems with blood clotting. In this case, there is a risk of massive blood loss, which is fraught with serious problems.

How to help with such bleeding

Initially, it should be noted that in similar cases It is best to seek medical help immediately. After all, even if the problem seems simple on the surface, it can end up being very serious. Especially if you have the problems with blood clotting described above. At the same time, it is also important to provide timely assistance a person with bleeding.

  1. The patient must be seated or placed on his side, having previously cleared the oral cavity of any liquid, as well as removing blood clots.
  2. Next, apply a cotton swab to the affected area in the mouth. You can soak it in 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  3. If the bleeding does not stop for 30-40 minutes or more, the patient should be taken to the hospital for observation.

If there are tumors in the mouth or the patient’s blood clotting processes are impaired, the person must be taken to the clinic immediately.


What other reasons can cause blood to appear from the mouth? Sometimes this happens as a result pulmonary hemorrhage. In this case, the blood comes out along with the cough masses. It can either completely color the sputum or be released in the form of streaks. Why does blood come out of the mouth when you cough? The reasons may be hidden in diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, cysts, problems connective tissue, various infectious diseases, as well as lung injuries and chest generally.

Help with pulmonary hemorrhages

In this case, you need to immediately go to the doctor. First, the patient must be seated and given cold water. It must be drunk in small sips. It is also good to swallow small pieces of ice. If the patient coughing, you should also give an antitussive drug. It would be good if it contained codeine.

Bloody vomiting

AND last group cases when blood may be released from the mouth is vomiting with blood. This liquid can get into the vomit and thus come out. Most often this occurs due to problems with gastrointestinal tract. The cause may be an ulcer, colitis, gastritis, dysentery, cancer and other problems. It is worth remembering: if the vomit has a bright red or scarlet tint, it means that the disease has begun acutely and is developing rapidly. If vomit It has dark brown color This means that the bleeding is not severe, and the liquid spent some time in the stomach and was exposed to gastric juice.

First aid for bloody vomiting

Has blood come out of the patient's mouth along with the vomit? Why this happens is understandable. But how can you help a person? So, he needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. Definitely on a stretcher. The patient should lie on his back, his head should be below body level, and a cold heating pad or pieces of ice wrapped in a towel should be placed on his stomach. Cold water You should also drink in small sips, or you can swallow small pieces of ice. It is important to ensure that the patient’s vomit does not enter his respiratory tract. Therefore, the patient's head should be turned to the side.

Bleeding from the mouth is rare and danger sign, when the patient appears, he urgently needs to call an ambulance. The appearance of blood from the mouth can be caused by a variety of factors; when providing first aid, you should be extremely careful so as not to further worsen the person’s condition.

The following main types of bleeding are distinguished:

  1. Blood that is released from internal organs.
  2. Blood coming from the mouth.
  3. Excretion of blood from their respiratory tract.

In all the cases described above, bleeding can be observed both in pure form and with an admixture of vomit or cough. It is important to inform the doctor about the nature of the discharge, this will facilitate diagnosis.

Main reasons

The following are the main reasons for bleeding from the mouth:

Additional provoking factors

Additional possible reasons The appearance of blood in the oral cavity can be:

Causes of morning bleeding

Reasons that could cause copious discharge There may be a few blood coming from the mouth in the morning. Diseases that can cause a similar condition in the morning:

  1. Acute inflammation of the adenoids. IN similar condition the blood is simply coughed up. With a chronic inflammatory process, periodic bleeding also becomes a common symptom.
  2. Severe intoxication of the body nearby toxic substances. In this condition, bleeding can come from both the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Various chronic inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity can lead to drying out of the capillaries, their fragility and the appearance of bleeding in the oral cavity in the morning.
  4. Dental problems, especially gingivitis. The disease develops due to the lack of thorough care, which leads to the development pathogenic microflora in the mouth. This provokes the formation of characteristic small ulcers on the tongue and oral mucosa.

A frequent companion to gingivitis is bleeding gums.

Important! Only a thorough diagnosis can indicate to the doctor about further selection proper therapy. That is why, at the first case of bleeding, you should immediately contact a specialist and carry out a number of necessary diagnostic measures. Self-medicating in such a condition is life-threatening.


The symptoms of bleeding are usually not in doubt by its definition, but in such a condition additional signs of the disease may be observed. Thus, if bleeding is caused by a sick stomach, blood may appear along with vomiting. The latter will be caused by another spasm and attack of pain.

The following are distinguished: characteristic features that are observed in a patient during oral bleeding:

  1. Marked weakness.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Panic.
  4. Trembling in limbs.
  5. Headache.
  6. Severe abdominal pain (if the bleeding is caused by diseases of the internal organs).

It is dangerous to treat such a condition on your own; trust your health to professionals.

Important! Often, when there is oral bleeding in the morning or its sudden occurrence, the patient begins to panic and further complicates his well-being. In such a state, it is important to calm the person, prohibit him from moving and talking, since such actions can only increase the flow of blood.

First aid

Treatment of bleeding from the oral cavity should be carried out exclusively by a doctor in a hospital setting. Often, a patient with a similar symptom goes straight from home to the intensive care unit, where he receives emergency treatment. medical assistance to stabilize the condition.

If a person experiences bleeding due to severe damage to a vessel, the following first aid measures should be provided:

  1. Disinfect your hands and wear rubber gloves if available.
  2. Apply pressure to the injured area with sterile gauze pads.
  3. Place the person on his back and lift his head. Swallowing blood should not be allowed.
  4. Remove foreign objects from the oral cavity ( chewing gum and so on.).
  5. Call a doctor.

Until the doctors arrive, do not allow the patient to move or talk; you can give a couple of pieces of ice for stomach bleeding. A cool compress on the stomach is also allowed.