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What to do if your cat has diarrhea at home? Diarrhea in a cat of unknown color: causes, duration and treatment Why does a cat always have loose stools?

Within 8 hours, food passes through the digestive tract and is excreted from it in the form of formed feces. The physiology of digestion and fecal formation is simple - about 80% of the water must be absorbed in the intestines for the stool to have the correct consistency. If for some reason there are failures in this process, then diarrhea, or simply diarrhea, occurs.

Loose stool in a cat can occur spontaneously or develop gradually: first the owner notices a change in color and density, then softening and liquefaction. One-time loose stool in cats does not always indicate problems. But diarrhea (uncontrollable, repeated bowel movements for a day or more) can be dangerous due to rapid dehydration and the development of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

A cat is a typical predator that should not be fed with the remains of a human meal mixed with dry food or cat pate. Poor diet in cats leads to stomach upset chronic problem, which slowly reduces the health and quality of life of the pet. And in this case, the owner can cure the cat from diarrhea on his own.

If stomach upset occurs once and is not accompanied by any other alarming symptoms, then most likely it’s a minor glitch. Treatment boils down to eliminating the cause of the failure. You will need to see a doctor if other symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting, loss of coordination;
  • blood, mucus, green, white, or orange clots in stool;
  • convulsions, screaming, breathing problems;
  • temperature above 39.5 C or above the breed norm.

Different causes of one disease

Diarrhea is usually called repeated (from hourly to 5-6 times a day) defecation of liquid feces. Often this process is uncontrollable. Bowel movements are spontaneous and gradually lead the body to dehydration, mechanical injury to the mucous membrane and mental exhaustion.

Recognize an upset stomach infectious nature digestive problems caused by improper food or stress are quite easy to:

Time spent by food digestive tract depends on the type of food. The predator's body will not even try to digest a bunch of meadow grass. The basis of a predatory cat diet is animal protein. The rest (cereals, fats, vegetables, salts, etc.) are necessary additives that cannot become food.

Carbohydrates are digested in upper sections Gastrointestinal tract, proteins are in the stomach, fats and water are absorbed in the small intestine. Colon serves for the formation of feces. The entire digestion process normally takes up to a day.

Digestive failure can occur at any stage. But diarrhea in cats occurs mainly when parts below the stomach are damaged: pancreas, liver, small intestine. Now let's turn directly to how to cure a cat from diarrhea.

Treating a cat for diarrhea

How to stop diarrhea in a cat, how to treat it, and how to restore the body's strength? Observation will help you with this. The color, structure, and consistency of stool will indicate its origin and method of treatment.

These signs can be combined or replace each other during the course of the disease. When a cat has just developed loose stools, a short-term (up to a day) treatment is immediately prescribed. starvation diet without limiting the amount of water. Then - lightweight diet in small portions.

After determining the causes of diarrhea, doctors prescribe specialized veterinary diets. These are usually lines of dry and wet ready-made feed, completely balanced for the cat's needs. You shouldn't give up this diet.

You should always keep sorbent in your first aid kit ( Activated carbon, Smecta), enzymes (Veracol, Liarsin, Creon), probiotic for cats (for example, Pro-kolin), saline solution (may be needed for an enema), glucose solution. The latter can be useful in case of severe dehydration. Also ensure that there are syringes for injections in the house, and if you have to give the cat a pill, a pill dispenser.

Any prescribed medications should be discontinued if there is no improvement or noticeable deterioration in the cat's condition within 24 hours. If symptomatic self-treatment does not help, contact your veterinarian.

When diarrhea repeats 3-4 times a day, not accompanied by fever, vomiting, or refusal of water and food, this is usually just a way to unload the cat’s body. But you should pay attention to your pet’s diet and diet. Perhaps more serious problems can be prevented in the future.

Sometimes a cat begins to eat little, loses weight, and his behavior, mood and habits change. Even in the absence obvious signs an unhealthy situation worries the owner. There are different reasons. For appetite and appearance influences the age and stages of puberty of the animal, hormonal changes his body, features eating behavior and other factors.

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    Causes of poor appetite in cats

    It is difficult to immediately determine why a cat is not eating well and losing weight. The owner should take a closer look at the behavior of the animal; perhaps some signs will indicate probable cause. Refusal to eat and an unhealthy appearance of a pet do not always indicate the presence of a disease, although this possibility cannot be excluded. Along with the cat’s reluctance to eat food, you should be alert to:

    • lack of interest in games;
    • unkempt appearance;
    • unnatural behavior;
    • lack of stool or diarrhea;
    • refusal of water;
    • dry nose ( elevated temperature body).

    It's just general symptoms, they are superficial and can be partially observed, but even in this case there is cause for concern.

    Thinness index: how to know when to sound the alarm

    It happens that a pet refuses food for some time or eats less, but its weight, taking into account age and other characteristics, remains normal. It is considered natural for a cat to refuse food for several days, provided that he drinks water well. This will not harm the health of the pet and is associated with the ability of cats to correct metabolic processes in the body on its own.

    The so-called condition index will help determine the degree of thinness. There are three indexes:

    1. 1. Exhaustion. This is the first index and can be determined by its appearance. If you look at the animal from above, its silhouette resembles an hourglass. The ribs are clearly visible and palpable. There is no fat layer between the bones and ribs. The stomach is strongly retracted.
    2. 2. Underweight. This is the second index and it is assigned if the ribs and bones of the animal are clearly palpable and have practically no fat layer; the silhouette of the cat resembles an hourglass.
    3. 3. Normal weight. The third index corresponds to the state of the cat, when the ribs are clearly palpable and covered with a thin layer of fat. If you look at the cat from the side, the stomach should be tucked up; when viewed from above, a proportional waist is indicated.

    Sometimes the owner just thinks that the cat is thin, especially when poor appetite. If an animal can be assigned a first or second condition index during an external examination, this is a cause for alarm.

    Reasons for weight loss and food refusal not related to illness

    Healthy adult animals may lose interest in food throughout their lives. various reasons. If the cat does not have a fever or other obvious signs of illness, a decrease in appetite is associated with certain behavioral or physiological characteristics.

    There may be several such situations.


    Cats reach sexual maturity at about one year of age and this period is accompanied by hormonal surge. The consequence is often a change in the pet’s behavior: it becomes more aggressive, excited, its inviting meow ceases to be gentle and rather resembles a howl. He begins to mark territory, games have sexual overtones. A decrease in appetite during this period is normal. Cats become uninterested in food - they push it into the background, putting reproductive instincts at the forefront.

    Cats sometimes do not show such obvious signs. But their instincts are incredibly developed and even when in an apartment they open window able to smell a cat in heat at a distance of several kilometers. The animal loses peace and along with it its appetite.

    If you don't take action, your pet will lose weight and look unhealthy. If the breeder does not have breeding plans, the animal must be castrated. This will significantly improve the quality of the relationship between the owner and his pet. After some time the cat will calm down and return to normal image life and here it will be necessary to monitor not that he has lost weight, but then that he does not gain weight. If we're talking about about the village way of life and the owner is not in the mood to castrate the pet, then the cat can be released outside, where he will solve his physiological problems himself.

    Spitting up hairballs

    Every owner has encountered this physiological feature in cats. This normal phenomenon, a consequence of grooming when excess hair accumulates in the cat’s body. In medical practice There are situations when the owner complains about the cat’s loss of appetite, thinness, unkempt appearance and stool retention.

    An experienced veterinarian will always ask whether a cat regurgitates hairballs. If this does not happen, you need to take action, because the wool clogs the intestines and the result is obstruction. The problem is solved quite simply - the cat is given Vaseline oil. The doctor will also recommend a special cat herb or veterinary paste.


    There are situations when a pet has a wet nose and normal behavior, but he eats little, or even refuses to eat at all. Most likely, something is bothering him. Cats are very sensitive creatures and stressful situations may affect their eating behavior.

    Some reasons may be:

    • the appearance of another animal in the house or the birth of a child;
    • moving, repairs;
    • situation with increased level noise: quarrels between people, frequent presence of loud companies;
    • punishments.

    The response to stressful situations is loss of interest in food. We need to solve the problem that caused the negative reaction. If this is not possible, you should be patient and pay more attention to the cat and calm it down.

    Changing diet and unhealthy diet

    A common cause of decreased appetite and even refusal to eat is illiterate feeding of the pet. The owner believes that the cat is simply capricious and does not eat the food offered, but abrupt change diet or eating foods that are not suitable for feeding cats is considered a significant reason for refusing food. Experienced owners introduce new products gradually, carefully adding new components to the usual diet.

    Important: owners often forget important rule when feeding cats: have fresh water in the bowl! Lack of water not only provokes a refusal to eat, but also causes serious illness in the animal.

    It is necessary to follow the rules for storing food: open wet food keep only in the refrigerator. Cats, with their keen sense of smell, can easily recognize spoiled food and refuse to eat it. In addition, cats are selective in terms of taste preferences and they often do not like the food offered: some prefer fish to meat or chicken liver, others cannot stand the smell of turkey or rabbit.

    Pet's age and related problems

    The old cat loses interest in food and loses weight. This is due to age-related changes in the body when it needs easily digestible foods, different food composition and balance of microelements. In animals after 6 years of age, the organs function differently, and the process of food absorption changes. In addition, older cats and kittens begin to have problems with their teeth: they wear down, decay, and gum disease occurs. This is often a painful process that affects the animal's appetite and health. It is worth taking your pet to the veterinarian: it may require treatment. A decrease in the functions of smell and touch also leads to changes in eating behavior.

    It is worth thinking about changing food. Older animals prefer more wet foods: spiders or canned food. Often cats in old age are transferred to natural feeding.

    High temperature

    Cats are sensitive to heat. It is natural for cats to have a decrease in appetite when it is hot summer and there is no air conditioning in the apartment. This also happens in winter, when the radiators are overly hot and the air in the house is dry. If the cat drinks well and feels normal, there is no reason to worry, even if he has lost a little weight. This is how the pet controls its heat exchange.

    In hot weather, the animal can be helped by cooling the room. It is necessary to regularly change the cat's water and wash the bowl. The rooms should be ventilated; if the air is too dry, it can be moistened by hanging wet towels. There are cooling mats filled with a special gel on sale.

    Foreign body in the mouth

    There are situations when a cat refuses to eat because something gets into its mouth. They willingly run to the bowl, but cannot eat and eventually stop even trying to swallow even a bite. If the owner does not pay attention to this point in time, the situation worsens, the animal loses weight and after a while completely loses interest in life. It is lethargic, does not play, and meows pitifully.

    Do not discount the possibility of a foreign object getting into the oral cavity. Sometimes it can be a very thin fish bone that gets stuck in the throat and causes pain for the cat when swallowing. The owner is unlikely to see it on his own, although you can try, armed with a magnifying glass and, holding the mouth open, look inside.

    If you were unable to get the item on your own, you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible!

    As soon as the foreign object is removed, the cat will recover.

    Signs that may tell the owner that a cat has helminths:

    1. 1. Parerexia (transformation of the taste of food caused by intoxication of the body) - the animal eats inedible food.
    2. 2. Alternating constipation and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
    3. 3. Bloating.
    4. 4. Refusal to eat, significant weight loss.
    5. 5. Itching in the area anus(the animal crawls along the floor).
    6. 6. Blood or mucus in feces.
    7. 7. Dull, unkempt fur.
    8. 8. Discharge from the eyes.
    9. 9. Unpleasant odor from the mouth.

    This situation will never arise if the animal owner regularly (once a quarter) carries out worm prevention for his pet.

    The presence of fleas in a cat is not at all difficult to recognize: they are visible to the naked eye. In addition, the animal itches and tries to catch them with its teeth. Flea medications (tablets, drops, collars) are sold at any veterinary store.

    When loss of interest in food is associated with illness

    The fact of a cat’s loss of appetite cannot be ignored. Often, refusal of food and thinness are provoked by an animal’s illness. And if the list of symptoms includes fever, you can’t hesitate any more.

    Conscientious breeders, after bringing a kitten into the house, in addition to treating the animal for helminths, vaccinate their pet! It is advisable to enter information about vaccinations in veterinary passport in order to further exclude the fact of diseases associated with viral infections.

    If the animal has not been vaccinated, the reason for refusing to eat and losing weight may be a viral disease:

    Main types of feline infections Manifestation
    RabiesDepressed state profuse drooling, paralysis of the limbs, clouding of the cornea and strabismus, exhaustion, vomiting, bloody diarrhea
    PlagueRefusal to eat, exhaustion, heat body, the cat does not drink water, vomiting, diarrhea alternates with constipation, reddish spots appear on the skin, eventually turning into blisters, pus in the eyes
    RhinotracheitisLoss of appetite, weight loss, runny nose, cough, lethargy, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, photophobia, drooling, increased body temperature
    CalcivirosisRefusal to eat, exhaustion, high fever, ulcers on mucous membranes, runny nose, conjunctivitis
    ChlamydiaRefusal to eat, weight loss, lethargy, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath, conjunctivitis, rhinitis
    Cat fluDecreased appetite, including refusal to eat, high body temperature, sneezing, coughing, purulent nasal discharge
    Coronavirus enteritisDecreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, lacrimation, lethargy, drowsiness, change in body temperature
    Feline leukemiaLoss of food interest, weight loss, nausea, gingivitis, stomatitis, dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, increased body temperature, depression, enlarged lymph nodes, cough, discharge from the eyes and nose

    It should be understood that the signs of these dangerous diseases may not fully manifest themselves in the animal, but this will not indicate the pet’s illness. Don't guess and self-medicate. In cases of viral and infectious diseases, delay in death is similar - examination by a veterinarian is mandatory!

    In addition to the diseases against which animals are vaccinated and revaccinated, there is a considerable list of diseases that are accompanied by weight loss and decreased appetite in cats. Knowing the symptoms of major diseases will help make a preliminary diagnosis and provide timely help to your pet.

    Diseases internal organs and gastrointestinal tract Possible symptoms What caused
    ColitisLoss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, sharp pains in the stomach, mucus and blood in the fecesMixed feeding: dry food and table food, bacterial and fungal infections, injuries to the gastric mucosa foreign objects, worms
    Feline constipationLoss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, hard and dry stools, abdominal painIntestinal obstruction ( anatomical feature or ingress of foreign objects)
    GastritisPicky eating, weight loss, lethargy, abdominal pain, alternating diarrhea and constipation, dull coat, bad smell from the mouth, white coating in the languagePoor diet, too hot or excessive cold food, sudden change in diet, worms, fur in the stomach
    Food poisoningRefusal to eat, lethargy, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in fecesPoisoning by plants, poisons, household chemicals, poor-quality food
    MalabsorptionLoss of interest in food (sometimes increasing), significant weight loss despite a good appetite, diarrheaPancreatic insufficiency, improper absorption (absorption) of nutrients due to bad work small intestine
    Idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseaseDecreased appetite, weight loss, lethargy, diarrheaReaction to medications, helminthic infestation, illiterate feeding
    DiabetesLoss of appetite, weight loss, increased thirst, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, frequent urination, the smell of acetone from a cat.Errors in nutrition, diseases of the digestive system, viral infections, long-term use hormonal drugs.
    Kidney diseases and urolithiasis (urolithiasis)Decreased interest in food, weight loss, thirst, lethargy, increased (or difficulty) urinating, vomiting, blood in the urine, increased body temperatureEating disorders, unhealthy lifestyle, anatomical and breed characteristics
    Hepatic lipidosisLoss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, drowsiness, shortness of breath, bad condition leather and woolObesity, stress, feeding errors, lack of protein in the diet

    It’s easy to avoid many diseases by treating your cat proper diet and organizing for her active image life from the very early childhood. But even when faced with a problem, knowing the symptoms and the possible reason that the cat is not eating well and losing weight, it will be easier to provide him with treatment and adequate care. It is necessary to adjust nutrition and loads to avoid similar problems in the future. It's hard to give general recommendations on introduction correct mode nutrition, because they are individual depending on each case. If there is reason for serious concerns, it is better to contact a specialist and relieve yourself of the burden of responsibility for an incorrect diagnosis.

A cat in the house is always joy and fun; as a kitten it plays and runs after a ball, and when it grows up, it becomes an emotional consolation and gives a special atmosphere to the house. But when a cat gets sick, it is immediately visible: it loses its appetite, apathy and drowsiness appear. To prevent your cat's illness from developing into serious illness, you need to know the reasons for it feeling unwell. They can be determined not only by a veterinarian, but also by the owner himself.

The reason why a cat won't eat anything can be anything from stress to infection. The consequence of these reasons may be diarrhea. Such a “problem” in a cat can also arise from a number of other reasons, the first of which is the lack of proper hygienic conditions, because the cat is known to be very clean. As a result of eating stale food, the cat vomits after eating and has a stomach ache.

To determine why a cat is not eating well, you need to know the conditions in which it is kept, its diet, and if the diarrhea lasts for a long time, you need to visit a veterinarian.

How to diagnose diarrhea?

If the owner notices that the cat is not eating well, is lethargic, plays little, and constantly meows, it is quite possible that she has a stomach ache, and if she also often runs to the toilet, measures must be taken. The first thing you need to do is look at her menu and adjust it. Feces can not only be liquid all the time, but also change; this phenomenon is called dysbacteriosis. The cat suffers at the same time, feces sometimes tight and dense, sometimes liquid, possible admixtures of blood and mucus.

The first aid can be regular activated carbon; it should be given to the cat at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Feed her this aqueous solution needed with a pipette or syringe. A diet of low-fat foods and reducing the number of servings. If the diarrhea is frequent, lasting several days, it can be dangerous.

Here's how to determine and diagnose its cause based on the color of your stool:

You should also pay attention to the condition of the gums and nose, if they are pale and dry, and the cat is apathetic, this is dangerous as for the smell of feces - very foul-smelling feces indicate an intestinal infection!

Dangerous consequences of diarrhea

If your kitten is restless and constant diarrhea, but the temperature is normal, it is enough to deworm the body, and soon the diarrhea will also go away. If the body temperature has risen, the body has become infected, urgently need to veterinary clinic. You can measure your cat's temperature rectally by inserting a thermometer into the anus.

Don't worry or panic if your temperature is high. Everything is fixable and a visit to the doctor works wonders, the main thing is not to delay going to the clinic. There are also a number of methods that every person can cope with, so if a cat has diarrhea, treatment at home is quite possible and feasible.

Treatment methods

If diarrhea occurs in cats, the causes and treatment should most often be sought in proper nutrition. The basic treatment methods that can be used for any type of diarrhea, intestinal dysbiosis and colitis are quite simple; a few steps should be followed and your pet will be on the road to recovery:

If diarrhea accompanies colitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment are the same as above. In case of complications - vomiting, bloody diarrhea and so on, you should immediately visit a doctor. At the appointment, you must tell all the symptoms and the veterinarian will tell you why the cat refuses to eat and has such profuse diarrhea. Perhaps he will conduct research - take tests, measure the temperature and talk about the diet. There is also a destination special drugs in case of infection.

The reason why a cat has diarrhea can be found in stress: weaning from the mother in early age, recent vaccination, motion sickness in a car, etc. During this period, the cat needs to drink. In this case, the cat does not eat or drink, so you should try to give it anything to drink. in a convenient way, otherwise the loss of fluid in the body will affect her well-being through dehydration.

To grow absolutely healthy cat, you need to carry out deworming on time - once a season, get vaccinated and visit a doctor. Getting rid of fleas is preventative measure against worms, because the former are carriers of the latter, so it turns out that you need first, and then worms! The most important thing you need to learn is to react in time to a change in the cat’s behavior and not only rely on the doctor, but also love the cat with all your heart, then its health will no longer be at risk.

Holly Nash, DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine). Michigan and Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Associations.

Diarrhea(or diarrhea) is the abnormally rapid passage of eaten food through the intestines, causing increased bowel movements, loose stools, or an increased amount of stool.

When should you contact a veterinarian if your cat has diarrhea?

When contacting your veterinarian, be prepared to answer next questions which will help the doctor determine the severity of the disease: when the cat’s diarrhea began, how often the cat has stool, what it looks like, whether it bothers the cat. If you have diarrhea, you should contact your veterinarian immediately if:

  • Your cat has blood in her stool or tarry stools
  • If there is a possibility that your cat has eaten something poisonous or toxic
  • The cat is feverish, depressed or dehydrated
  • Your cat's gums are pale or yellow
  • The cat is still a kitten or has not received the necessary vaccinations
  • The cat is in pain
  • Cat diarrhea accompanied by vomiting

Do not give cats any medications, especially those available over the counter, without a doctor's recommendation.

Diagnosis of the cause of diarrhea in cats.

Diarrhea in cats can be caused by many reasons. The main causes of diarrhea are summarized in Table 1. For successful treatment For cats, it is important to correctly prescribe medications that eliminate the cause of diarrhea in a cat. Based on your statements about the course of the disease, test results and, if necessary, laboratory tests, the veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of diarrhea.

Preliminary diagnosis of diarrhea in cats. Since there are many causes of diarrhea, the most affected part of the intestine is first determined. Even determining whether the small or large intestine is not working properly can significantly reduce the amount of possible reasons the occurrence of diarrhea in cats. Having done this, the doctor clarifies the cause based on the symptoms collected in Table 2.

Table 1. Symptoms of diarrhea in cats caused by disease of the small and large intestines.

Rate of onset of symptoms- such information can also serve as a key to finding out the cause of diarrhea in a cat. If symptoms appear suddenly, the condition is called “acute.” If symptoms persist for a long time(several weeks), the diarrhea is called “chronic”. If the symptoms appear on and off within a few weeks, the diarrhea is called “intermittent.”

Disease history- The veterinarian will probably ask you about diseases suffered by the cat, about vaccinations, anthelmintic procedures and their frequency, and whether there are contacts with other animals (including wild ones). Important information The cat’s diet can give an indication of the cause, whether it could have reached garbage or toxic substances or medications. The more you can tell your veterinarian, the easier it will be to make a correct diagnosis.

Medical checkup- full examination, including temperature measurement, heart check, respiratory system, examination of the mouth, palpation of the abdomen, and checks for dehydration.

Radiography. Performed if a tumor is suspected, foreign bodies or anatomical problems.

Other diagnostic tools. Sometimes tools such as tests using barium or ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy are required.

Some diseases are detected by biopsy and microscopic examination.

Table 2. Causes, diagnosis and treatment of diarrhea in cats.

Treatment of diarrhea in cats.

Due to a wide variety of reasons, causing diarrhea, cats are treated for diarrhea in different ways.

In many cases, for simple diarrhea, it is recommended not to feed adult cat within 12-24 hours, and drink frequently and in small doses. After this, a light diet is recommended, for example, boiled chicken (without fat) with a small amount of rice. If diarrhea does not return, the cat gradually, over a few days, returns to normal nutrition.

In some cases, you have to change your diet permanently. There are special foods that do not contain certain substances, and vice versa, with an increased content of others, low-fat, highly digestible, etc.

If your cat is dehydrated, intravenous or subcutaneous fluids are usually necessary. The liquid a cat drinks is often not digested because it leaves the body too quickly without having time to be absorbed.

When a cat's diarrhea is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed. Antibiotics can also be prescribed when the intestines are damaged (blood in the stool is a sign of damage) and there is a possibility that bacteria will enter the intestines through wounds. circulatory system, causing this serious disease as blood poisoning (sepsis).

In certain cases, medications are prescribed to slow down the passage of food through the intestines. These medications should not be used in case of poisoning with toxic substances and bacterial infections, so it is very important to carry out everything diagnostic measures before treating your cat for diarrhea.

Today we will tell you why diarrhea may occur in cats. Causes and treatment are two important topics that will be discussed in detail in the article. Pets are known to be susceptible to various diseases. For example, cats can suffer from an illness such as diarrhea. Diarrhea can occur in cats for several reasons.

Causes of diarrhea in cats

Firstly, poor nutrition may cause diarrhea. Secondly, overeating. Thirdly, intolerance to any products, or, in other words, allergies. Fourthly, mental disorder. Cats, just like people, can experience emotional distress that results in diarrhea.

What other causes of diarrhea in cats are there? Diarrhea occurs due to poisoning, infections, worms and intestinal diseases. Normal operation gastrointestinal system in cats it looks like this. After eating, the process of processing food takes 8 hours. At the same time, the cat’s body absorbs water and nutrients. Next, metabolic products accumulate in the colon. After this, processed foods leave the intestines. At in good condition For the health of the cat's body, the stool should be a homogeneous mass, without blood and without pieces of undigested food.

Binge eating

What other known causes of diarrhea in cats? Binge eating. In this case, the food does not have time to be digested in the intestines, it moves too quickly, and the liquid is not absorbed by the body. Thus, it enters the rectum undigested food in a liquid state. Next, the metabolic products come out in a liquid state. If the cause of diarrhea is that the cat overeats, then the disorder will be one-time. To avoid diarrhea, you need to ensure that your cat does not overeat.

Poor nutrition

If we talk about the causes of diarrhea in cats, then we need to remember about poor nutrition.

It is important to provide your pet with the right diet. Diarrhea can occur from eating mice, rotting foods, carrion, any sauces, fatty foods, some plant species. Changing the water can also cause diarrhea. It is better if the cat drinks the one to which its body is accustomed. Often occurs when transitioning from breastfeeding to a regular diet. It is better if this transition is gradual. If it is not possible to combine breast-feeding kitten and the gradual introduction of the basic diet, then it is necessary to include liquid products in the animal’s menu. For example, it is recommended to give small pets cow's milk, diluted with water. Can also be included in meals semolina porridge. Worth purchasing in stores special food for kittens. It is enriched with special microelements that are necessary for the growth of the body.

A change in eating habits can also lead to diarrhea in adult cats. Diarrhea is especially common in rare breeds.

Diarrhea due to food intolerance

There is a certain list of foods that cats are allergic to. First of all, milk can cause such a reaction in adults. A peculiarity of the cat's body is that there is no lactose enzyme. In addition to milk intolerance, fish, eggs, corn, and food from certain manufacturers may occur. If it is noticed that the cat has a reaction to certain foods, then it is necessary to exclude them from the diet. It should be said that if you remove milk from the diet, this will not affect your pet’s health in any way. In this case, it is permitted to use fermented milk products. If a cat lacks the lactose enzyme, it will not tolerate milk. pure form. This does not affect the absorption of fermented milk products.

Emotional mood

Cats are usually upset because they are afraid. The latter can occur from transporting a cat in a car or placing the animal in an unfamiliar environment. Fear also arises from the appearance of other animals in the house. If your pet experiences this feeling, he may experience diarrhea. In this case, no treatment is prescribed, as a rule, emotional background gets better after some time.

Diarrhea due to poisoning

Poisoning can be not only food poisoning, but also toxic from any substances. The latter include gasoline, paint, household cleaning products, industrial oils, and bleach. As a rule, cats will not eat their own food. toxic substances. Poisoning can occur if they accidentally enter the animal’s body. For example, when cleaning the tray using household chemicals and poor rinsing with water.

These substances can get onto the animal’s fur, and then through the tongue into the body. Also, residues of household chemicals can remain on the bowl, and then, when eating food, enter the stomach with them. Veterinary drugs Bad quality may cause poisoning. The main symptom is: If such signs occur, you should contact your veterinarian; he may prescribe special medications.

Worms and infections

If a cat has worms, then as a result she will have diarrhea with bloody discharge and mucus. Infectious diseases diseases, such as distemper, can occur in animals that have not been vaccinated. Even if the cat is in the apartment all the time, this does not exclude the possibility of infection in his body. Symptoms of infection include diarrhea, high fever and vomiting. If these signs occur, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Since the body may not cope with the disease on its own.

Diarrhea from intestinal diseases

A disease called pancreatitis occurs in some breeds of cats. Other intestinal diseases are also possible, which are accompanied by replenishment and disruption of the digestive system. In order to identify the cause of diarrhea, it is necessary to examine the stool. The color, consistency, smell and frequency of bowel movements are important. If your cat constantly has diarrhea and continues for a long time, namely more than 10 days, then you need to contact a veterinarian.

Dehydration must be stopped

How to stop diarrhea in a cat? It should be remembered that during diarrhea, the animal leaves the body a large number of liquids. Therefore, dehydration occurs and the cat loses weight. Also general state the pet's condition worsens and he becomes lethargic. accompanied by poor blood circulation. And this leads to insufficient blood supply to the cat’s brain. With such symptoms, it is necessary to give the animal the drug “Regidron”. This medicine will help avoid dehydration. If you have diarrhea bloody issues and is accompanied by vomiting, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. It should be said that a kitten’s body is weaker than an adult pet.

It is best to take the feces with you when going to the veterinarian with symptoms of diarrhea. Analyzing it will help determine exactly what caused the animal’s diarrhea.

Cat has diarrhea. Treatment at home

If your pet's diarrhea is not accompanied by fever, vomiting and does not have bloody or mucous discharge, then you can cure this disease yourself. Of course, if the cat green diarrhea, then you should show it to a specialist.

First of all, it is necessary to provide a special diet for the cat. Namely, exclude the consumption of milk and foods that contain starch. It should be remembered that with diarrhea the digestive system is in an unstable state. Therefore, it is important to monitor your pet’s diet. First, you should limit the animal's diet completely, with the exception of water. It is important that the cat has the opportunity to consume it in unlimited quantities. Since diarrhea can cause dehydration, it is necessary to provide the animal with access to water.

Food restrictions should be made for an adult animal during the day, but for a kitten a 12-hour break will be enough. There is no need to worry that the animal will be hungry. Such a break will have the best effect on the pet’s condition.

Nutrition for diarrhea

What to feed a cat with diarrhea? After a break in food, you can give food. It is important that the dose of food is reduced by 2 times compared to the usual amount. You should also pay attention to ensuring that the food is low-fat and easy to digest. It is better to give the animal food in small portions, but often. It is advisable to feed dietary products, for example, boiled chicken, chicken broth, rice, meat puree. If your pet refuses to eat the above products, then you should buy her special food for animals with weakened digestive system. Better to use finished products those brands to which the cat is accustomed. After the diarrhea passes, you can return to your normal diet.


What to do if your cat has diarrhea? Treatment at home should be aimed at recovery normal operation gastrointestinal tract.

First of all, you need to give the animal activated carbon. To do this, you need to dissolve the tablet in water. Then you should feed it to the cat through a syringe without a needle. You can also give infusions of herbs such as oak bark, St. John's wort and chamomile. The dosage should be discussed with your veterinarian.

What is the best anti-diarrhea medicine for cats? It is also recommended to use Vetom in the treatment of diarrhea (this veterinary drug). It is given once a day at 75 mg/kg body weight daily until recovery. In addition to it, you can use Smecta. Dissolve half a sachet of the drug in 0.25 cups of boiled, chilled water. You can inject the medicine through a syringe if the pet refuses to simply consume it. 1-2 ml every three hours. Use the medicine until complete recovery.

What to give a cat for diarrhea? You can use drugs such as “Baktisubtil” (one capsule per adult animal) and “Bifidum” (one bottle per adult). These products should be diluted in small quantities in water (1-2 tsp). All of these medications should be given two to three times a day until they disappear completely. Of course, it is better to show pet to the veterinarian so that he could look at his condition and tell him what to give the cat for diarrhea.

If treatment does not lead to improvement after 2 days, then it is especially important to go to the veterinarian. You also need to monitor your cat’s stool, namely its consistency and color. There are cases when pet owners do not treat them, and the pet’s body cannot cope with the disease. Therefore, it is always better to play it safe and take all possible measures to eliminate the disease. It is also important to keep the tray and bowl clean to avoid contamination. harmful substances into the cat's body.


Now you know why cats have diarrhea. Causes and treatment are two important topics that we have covered in our article. We hope that the information was useful to you.