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Feet are in poor condition. Reasons why your feet burn

Burning legs cause this symptom in women in sufficient numbers. This process involves the feet, legs above and below the knees.

Legs are burning and the reasons for their discomfort are:

Sometimes they are “burning with fire” and it is impossible to cool them down; more often the process does not go that far due to treatment started on time.

Why are your feet burning? Why are they burning? What can cause this symptom? Where can I find the reason?

Let's try to questions asked The answer is simple and understandable to everyone.

Usually they begin to suffer from this after 50 years, but all diseases are getting younger all the time, which means young people will not escape this fate.

This symptom is not harmless; it can cause painful insomnia and ongoing pain.

So, the reasons why the feet are burning are:

A very simple reason:

Legs burn after hard work working day on foot. Tight heeled shoes. It all makes it worse excess weight.

Allergic reactions:

  • New shoes, treated inside chemicals. If you put it on, it gives an unpredictable reaction when your feet are sweaty.
  • Before putting on shoes you just purchased in a store, treat them with an antiseptic and leave them to air for a while.
  • Wash and dry purchased socks first, then wear them.
  • Will help relieve allergy symptoms: tavegil, suprastin.

WITHdiabetes mellitus:

Patients suffer from this symptom. In the presence of neuropathy. The disease is very serious, the functioning of all internal organs is disrupted.

The most dangerous thing is the development of complications, diabetic foot, vision loss, bad job kidneys, practically stopped pancreatic function (you will begin to lose weight).

Prescribed by an endocrinologist:

  • For weight loss, increased appetite biguanides: adebit, glucophage, siofor.
  • Alpha-glucoside inhibitors are prescribed: miglitol, glucobay, acarbose.
  • Good help: meglitinides – Starlix, Novonorm.
  • As well as sulfonylurea drugs: glyurenorm, bucarban.

These drugs are good for treating burning in the feet, which is caused by diabetes.

Burning feet causes of diseases:

Vitamin B deficiency:

In old age, almost everyone has a deficiency of vitamin B 12, tingling, burning, burning of the legs and arms appears.

There are difficulties when walking. Be sure to take a vitamin complex or vitamin B 12 separately.

This will save you from pain.

Chronic alcoholism :

Suffering from this symptom chronic alcoholics for constant poisoning of the body. Patients develop neuropathy - damage to nerve tissue.

Gradually, the functions of the nervous tissue are damaged, which also affects the legs. They begin to burn, hurt, and refuse.

Only the complete one will help.

Harmful production and heavy metal poisoning can also cause burning feet.

Blood diseases: thrombocytopenia:

  • With this disease, blood clots form and blood circulation is disrupted (impaired blood flow and flow to the legs).
  • The patient is plagued by pain, heaviness in the legs, burning, and burning legs.
  • The disease must be treated with regularly prescribed coagulants (blood thinners). Take only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all your accompanying ailments of the body.

Anemia is also very often to blame for burning legs:

  • Apart from vitamin B12 deficiency, iron deficiency may also be responsible for burning feet.
  • A blood test is taken to determine anemia. This is the name given to a disease in which the body lacks iron.
  • The doctor may prescribe iron supplements for acute deficiency.
  • You can correct the level of iron that is lacking in the blood by introducing certain foods into the diet, for example, beef liver, buckwheat.

Legs are burning reasons to attack our legs:

Fungal foot infections:

Fungal diseases of the feet give a burning sensation of burning feet, as well as itching, sometimes unbearable. Feet burn severely due to mycosis of the feet.

They become infected with it in swimming pools, saunas, baths.

The disease begins with interdigital folds and peeling appears. It spreads to other areas of the skin, itching, redness, burning, burning begins.

The treatment is long but successful. You need to take a diagnostic test to determine a fungal infection. When you know your enemy, begin to destroy him.

Some drugs:

  • Clotrimazole may be prescribed.
  • Miconazole helps a lot.
  • Possibly terbinafine.
  • There is also naftifine.

On the side ankle joint there is compression of the nerve ( inner side), may cause a burning sensation.

Osteocondritis of the spine:

Osteochondrosis is divided into:

  • Lumbolgia.
  • Sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve).

Signs of the disease:

  • Pain along the nerve, spreading from the back to the tips of the legs.
  • Tingling, “crawling”, feeling of numbness.
  • Decreased skin sensitivity.
  • Impaired tendon reflexes.
  • Weakness of the muscles of the limbs.
  • Legs and feet are eaten or burned.

Noticeable limitation of movements in lumbar region spine, tense muscles are visible, painful points along the vertebrae are determined. It becomes difficult to walk, they are annoying constant pain, sometimes unbearable.

The treatment is described in more detail

Impaired functions thyroid gland also cause leg fires:

  • Hormonal imbalance in the body due to Graves' disease or hyperthyroidism ( increased function ).
  • Treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist by prescribing adequate treatment.
  • You cannot self-medicate - it is useless.

Kidney failure:

Not to be missed nowadays renal failure, naturally there is self-poisoning of the body with processed products that should have been eliminated on time.

Such patients are prescribed dialysis (artificial cleansing of the kidney). Our problem is that in hospitals there are simple this procedure you won’t get through, it’s simply missing.

Some liver diseases also cause this reaction, as do tumors and injuries.

We’ll also find out the reasons why our feet are burning:


Gout disease (salt deposits: also causes burning and burning of the legs, feet.

You need to treat the underlying disease - and all the symptoms will go away.

Treatment may be prescribed:

Drugs that reduce production uric acid: anturan, colchicine, allopurinol.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac, Nise, Celebrex, ketoprofen.

IN as a last resort glucocorticosteroids: prednisolone.

It is very good to consume freshly squeezed lemon juice.

In patients with AIDS or HIV infection:

  • The HIV virus causes tingling and burning in the arms and legs, with developing peripheral neuropathy.

Its symptoms:

  • Lack of movement coordination.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Increased pain and burning in the legs at night.

Nsome medications:

  • Drugs prescribed for the treatment of diseases, such as drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis, chemotherapy and other cancer drugs that give the symptom of burning feet. This is a common side effect of them.


What every woman knows is that she suffers from pain, swelling in her legs, burning and burning.

Treatment of the disease:

Mandatory wearing of compression garments: stockings, tights, bandages. This helps blood circulation in the legs.


Venotonics: detralex, venarus, troxevasin, glivenol.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels: ascorutin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help: indomethacin, ortofen.

Antihypoxic drugs: Actovegin is prescribed.

Creams, gels, ointments are practically useless.

Helps well horse chestnut or his drug - aescusan.

Vegetative vascular dystonia:

With this disease, poor vascular tone and poor blood circulation. The lower extremities - legs - respond to any deviations in blood flow. Read more about this disease

The reasons for our torment are burning:

Obliterating endarteritis:

  • This is a vascular disease caused by infection. Damage to the arteries of the legs occurs and their damage causes the legs to burn.


  • The appearance of pain in the legs when walking, a person is forced to stop very often. Tormented by cramps in the calves. This is called intermittent claudication. The legs begin to burn, then the symptom goes away.
  • A crawling sensation on the skin, legs swelling and burning.
  • You can’t start a disease, you can get it serious complications in the form of ulcers on the legs. It will be quite difficult to cope with this later.

Treatment of the disease:

Preparations for strengthening the vascular wall.

  • Blood thinners (aspirin series of drugs):
  • Aspirin, cardiomagnyl, heparin, warfarin.
  • Fibrinolytics: fibrinolysin, urokinase, trypsin.
  • Drugs to improve blood rheology: nicotine, ascorbic acid.

This treatment helps with burning leg disease.

  • Vitamins with mandatory content B, C, E, PP.
  • Allergy relievers: suprastin, tavegil.
  • Drugs are prescribed to improve blood circulation and relieve vasospasm: but - spa, halidor, diprofen.


  • Diadynamic currents, barotherapy.

Surgical treatment of the disease is used in severe cases.

Flat feet:

The load on the legs with flat feet is noticeable, especially if you have to stand for a long time on foot.

It will help to wear special orthopedic insoles or shoes. Your legs will stop hurting and burning.


  • Painkillers: Nurofen, analgin, baralgin.
  • Angioprotectors: troxevasin.
  • Vitamin D: etalfa.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics, massage.


  • Phono - electrophoresis.
  • Magnetic therapy is prescribed.
  • Paraffin-ozokerite applications.

Causes of burning legs - diagnosis:

We donate blood for biochemical analysis:

  • We determine blood sugar levels.
  • definitions of rheumatic test.
  • It is advisable to determine markers for the presence of inflammation.
  • A coagulogram is required.
  • You will have to undergo an x-ray.
  • Perform an ultrasound of blood vessels and soft tissues.
  • You may need a tomography (computed or magnetic resonance imaging).
  • And also neuromyography for diagnosing the nervous system.

Reasons why your feet are burning, how to help yourself at home:

  • Wear more comfortable shoes, preferably sports models with soft skin. Before putting on new shoes, treat the inside of them with at least a cotton swab and alcohol, and leave overnight. This will give you confidence that you have treated it with an antiseptic.
  • Wash your feet often cool water, try to keep them from sweating. You can develop the habit of pouring cold water on them.
  • Wear socks made of cotton or other natural fabrics. There will be less traumatic and chafing effect when walking, which means your legs will stop burning.
  • Try not to stand for a long time, sit down if possible. If not, use shock-absorbing insoles to make life easier on your feet.
  • Magnet therapy devices are very helpful in relieving pain, burning, and burning in the legs. There are many inexpensive ones sold in medical equipment pharmacies. Treat in courses of 15 days. Break and again.
  • There are many different creams, ointments and gels in pharmacies for any request that have a cooling effect.

There are many reasons why your legs burn, get diagnosed on time, treatment is carried out constantly as prescribed by the doctor. The symptoms subside, the burning of the legs and the causes go away.

Get well soon, may your feet always be warm.

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People suffer from pain in their feet, they feel like they are burning, not attaching any importance to it, not suspecting that the reason is the presence of a serious disease.

The pain can be general and diffuse. Spreads along the sole of the foot, or hurts in one area. Diffuse foot pain occurs due to overexertion. Disturbs both when moving and at rest.

Possible reasons

When you move and there are no disturbing symptoms, pain signals that there is not enough calcium in the human body (osteopathy), and a disease is developing. This may include rickets, senile osteoporosis, osteomalacia. Diseases are determined by the pressure on the bones - pain occurs when pressure is applied.

I am worried about pain, burning, my feet burn even in the absence of movement. Pain syndrome occurs due to atrophic processes in muscles and ligaments. This is not related to the bones - perhaps the person behind short term gained excess weight, or there was strain on my legs.

Osteoporosis often causes painful sensations at rest. The disease is caused by injury and leads to inflammation of the bones, joints, and soft tissues of the legs. Affects the ankle area to the foot. As a result of such processes, the foot can lose its support function.

When diffuse pain in the feet is expressed during movement, the cause lies in vascular damage. Hot pain and burning occur in attacks or for a long time.

Pain in certain places

It happens that your legs hurt in the feet or in certain areas. The area is determined by palpation, capturing the surface of the skin of the lower leg.

Plantar fasciitis

Pain in the feet often occurs due to... I am worried about pain when making movements. Plantar fascia The ligament is subject to stretching - this is connective tissue that occupies a large part of the foot, from the heel to the area of ​​the metatarsal bones. Due to the sprain, a person strongly turns his foot inward. Excess body weight, stress on the legs, leads to violations. physical exercise, walking, incorrectly selected shoes.

Inflammation of the area connective tissue lead to sensations of pain affecting the arch of the foot and the heel area. Pain occurs when moving, also after sleep. Tension of the fascial ligament leads to a heel spur, this is a protrusion bone tissue, difficult to eliminate.

See a doctor and get treatment from the first complaint of discomfort.

Age-related changes and nerve damage

Pain in the feet has many causes. Perhaps the nerves are damaged, arthritis is tormenting, the nerves between the fingers are compressed, the shape of the metatarsal bones changes, and blood circulation is disrupted. Metatarsalgia develops due to age-related changes in the foot, with a characteristic burning sensation and pain in the area of ​​the metatarsal bones.

It occurs due to a decrease in depreciation of the layer of fat close to the heads of the metatarsal bones. This leads to compression, the beginning inflammatory reactions in the periarticular bags called bursitis. When the joints become inflamed, it forms rheumatoid arthritis, which makes your legs feel like they are burning and sore.


Exposure to cancer nerve tissue, which is expressed in benign education. Another name is Morton's neuroma. Tumor in the area of ​​the third and fourth toe. Women are more often susceptible. Complain of burning, stabbing and pain in the area index fingers feet due to wearing heels.

Traumatic injuries

Hot pain occurs due to dislocations of parts of the foot. Along with the sensations, swelling, ligament ruptures, and deterioration of blood circulation appear. The cartilage of the joint is damaged, developing deforming osteoarthritis.

Heel spur

There is a burning sensation in the sole of the foot, the legs are burning - possible formation bone growth in area calcaneus. It is formed due to strong tension of the tendon. On initial stages diseases, pain sensations are invisible. Hot pain is explained by inflammation of soft tissues caused by bone trauma. The spur is felt after rest. People with excess weight, longitudinal flat feet, and heel bone injuries are susceptible to the disease.

Flat feet

Satisfied common reason hot pain in the feet. The arch of the foot drops and there is no proper shock absorption when walking. The pain doesn't stop calm state. The disease can be congenital or acquired. Development is helped by loads on the legs, lifting, carrying heavy objects, lack of vitamins during the child’s growth.


A rare disease causes pain and burning in the feet. Men are susceptible to it. The causes are unknown. The presumable cause is overheating of the limb, being in an uncomfortable position. The foot turns red and the person suffers from severe burning pain.

Symptoms may not appear for several years, and the disease develops to the point of disability. Erythromelalgia occurs when there is an increase in blood pressure, thrombocytosis, polycythemia, or as a reaction to medicine. Causes myeloproliferative diseases - leukemia, disruption of bone marrow hematopoietic functions.

Attacks of pain are relieved by localized cooling of the plantar zone. It is recommended to remain calm and elevate your limbs. Treatment should be aimed at combating the main disease. If the disease is at the stage of primary forms, the use of aspirin helps. Vasoconstrictor drugs also help.

Soft tissue damage

Pain occurs due to damaging factors affecting the soft fabrics. These include ingrown toenails, bursitis, calluses, plantar wart. When the first symptoms appear, you need to examine your legs for skin damage, treat them, and consult a doctor.

You need to monitor your health and changes in the body’s condition. The development of diseases often occurs as a result of neglect. You can get rid of problems in the initial stages, when the disease has not yet progressed far. Visit your doctor regularly; if you are prone to illness, ask for recommendations. You will feel healthy person who is not bothered by pain in his legs.

The phrase “feet are burning with fire” refers to a severe burning sensation in the feet, medically referred to as Gopalan syndrome. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, stiffness in the feet, pain and even itching. Depending on individual anatomical features person and the specific cause, this unpleasant phenomenon occurs in different ways: extremely rarely or often, with a short-term or long-term effect. But basically, all patients, when describing the condition tormenting them, agree on one thing - the burning sensation appears or intensifies, as a rule, at night.

There are many factors that provoke such an irritating feeling of heat. Usually they are caused by certain inconveniences, for example, long stay on the feet, wearing synthetic socks, tights, tight shoes, especially with high instep and made using artificial materials. However, in addition to relatively harmless provocateurs, there are causes of burning feet that are so serious that they require immediate medical intervention. Unlike non-disease related factors, they cause foot fire on a regular basis and are much more difficult to treat. To understand what constantly burning soles of your feet are talking about, you should definitely seek the help of a specialist.

The culprits of pathological burning

Frequent, prolonged burning in the feet is not a disease, but a symptom that occurs in many pathologies, both related to the lower extremities and unrelated to them. Most common causal factors are:

  • mycoses ( fungal infections feet) and onychomycosis (infection pathogenic fungus nail plate);
  • peripheral neuropathy (damage to spinal and cranial nerves);
  • vascular diseases of the legs (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis);
  • longitudinal/transverse flatfoot;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic abnormalities (for example, gout, vitamin B deficiency).

In pregnant women, Gopalan syndrome usually develops by the beginning of the 3rd trimester. This is explained by laxity of the vascular muscles and the development of edema due to cardinal hormonal changes. Also, the cause of burning in the legs and feet in pregnant women is considered to be an increase in load due to weight gain. This factor This applies to all those who are obese. As a result of blood stagnation in pregnant women and those struggling with overweight In the human body, vascular permeability increases, toxins - irritants - accumulate nerve endings, and, as a result, there is a feeling of irritating heat in the feet.

When is it time to see a doctor?

Shouldn't be ignored medical care when the legs of children, adult men and women, and elderly people burn regularly and/or for a long time, especially when the burning sensation is accompanied by such additions as:

1. itching, dryness, cracking of the skin, changes in the color and density of the nails (which usually indicates fungal infection stop);

2. swelling, cramps of the lower extremities that occur at night, chronic heaviness and fatigue (these symptoms may indicate the appearance of varicose veins);

3. intermittent claudication, numbness in the legs, crawling (signs of many diseases, including obliterating endarteritis);

4. swelling, redness, local increase in temperature, nagging pain in the calves (possibly we're talking about about the development of thrombophlebitis);

5. muscle weakness, tingling in one or both feet spreading to the central part of the body, unsteady gait (common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy);

6. unnatural posture, clubfoot when walking, increasing the width or length of the soles of the feet (these phenomena, as a rule, indicate flat feet);

7. losing weight when good appetite, constant thirst, loss of consciousness, sleep disturbances, decreased ability to work, frequent urination, pain attacks in the heart and calf muscles (may indicate diabetes mellitus);

8. formation of tophi (dense, tumor-like nodules), trembling in the limbs, joint pain, stiffness when moving (most likely, gout has developed);

9. emotional instability, forgetfulness, insomnia, nausea, convulsive contractions of the muscles of the foot and leg at night, increased manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women (if burning legs are combined with these signs, then there is a high probability of a lack of B vitamins).

If you discover even one phenomenon from this list, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist in order to timely diagnose and treat a particular disease.

Drug therapy

If the provocateur of the heat in the feet is a banal allergy due to wearing clothes or shoes made from low-quality materials, it is enough to simply eliminate the provoking factor. With severe burning and pronounced manifestation local reactions therapy is appropriate antihistamines, for example, Flucinar, Celestoderm.

In the case where the reason why the feet are burning is a more serious pathology, all treatment is aimed at combating this particular disease. Thus, to cure a burning sensation in the sole and/or top of the foot, the following may be used:

1. antimycotic drugs (Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Terbinafine, Naftifine) – against fungal diseases;

2. antioxidants ( Alpha lipoic acid), anticonvulsants – anticonvulsants(Gabapeptin), tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Desipramine), NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) - for peripheral neuropathy;

3. B vitamins in tablets (B Complex, Tienshi, B-50, Neurobion) – for B-vitaminosis;

4. biguanides (Adebit, Siofor), alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Acarbose, Glucobay, Miglitol), meglitinides (Novonorm, Starlix), sulfonylureas (Bukarban, Glyurenorm) - these medications treat burning in the feet caused by diabetes mellitus;

5. gangioblockers (Hexonium), antispasmodics (Halidor, Diprofen, No-shpa), antiallergens (Tavegil, Suprastin), drugs that improve blood rheology (Nicotinic, Ascorbic acid) – used in the treatment of obliterating endarteritis;

6. venotonics (Venarus, Glivenol, Detralex), capillary-stabilizing agents (Ascorutin), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (Indomethacin), antihypoxants (Actovegin) - for varicose veins;

7. anticoagulants (Warfarin, Heparin), fibrinolytics (Trypsin, Urokinase, Fibrinolysin) - used if the feet often burn with fire due to thrombophlebitis;

8. medications with an anti-gout effect (Colchicine, Anturan), NSAIDs (Ketoprofen, Celebrex, Nise), glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone) - they treat gout.

In the treatment of flat feet, which periodically causes a burning sensation in the soles of the feet, painkillers (Analgin, Nurofen), angioprotectors with decongestant properties (Troxevasin), vitamin D in liquid form or tablets (Etalfa) can be used, but the main role is given to massage, therapeutic exercises, selection of orthopedic insoles and physiotherapy (phono-, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, paraffin-ozokerite applications).

Unconventional methods

Treat burning in the feet traditional methods it is rational if the cause is not pathological in nature, as well as in a situation where the use of pharmaceutical products for any reason is impossible (for example, in pregnant women in a certain trimester). In the latter case, therapy is aimed at eliminating the burning sensation and preventive support, but not at getting rid of the disease itself.

Most effective recipes from burning of the soles are considered:

1. baths with sea ​​salt, chamomile, wormwood, lime color and calendula (course of treatment 15 procedures);

2. compress based ammonia And sunflower oil(treat until the burning pain completely disappears);

3. Park your legs in a strong decoction of willow branches (for 7 days).

When the burning sensation in the soles is unbearable, the following measures will help reduce its severity, and in some cases even eliminate it:

  • contrast shower for feet;
  • lifting your legs while lying above head level;
  • foot massage.

Most likely, every person has experienced a burning sensation in their feet in their life. It is especially familiar to those who are fed by their feet. No, we are not talking about wolves, but about people who, due to their duty, have to be on their feet all day long. These are hairdressers, bartenders, waiters, postmen, conductors, etc. By evening, your feet are on fire. This does not mean that this condition of the legs is the norm. Most likely, this is evidence of a deviation from the norm. This is the threshold serious illnesses, the provocateur of which is the unbearable load on the legs.

  1. Purely household.
  2. Medical.

Now let's take a closer look at each of them. Household causes of burning in the soles of the feet:

  • wearing tight and poor-quality shoes when the feet do not “breathe”;
  • synthetic socks and tights, which also cause blood stagnation in the extremities, and even worse, allergic reactions;
  • overwork from long walk, standing and serious overload during exercise professional types sports

In order to get rid of burning sensation in the feet caused by everyday reasons, it is enough in the evening:

  • take a contrast shower;
  • massage your feet;
  • rub a refreshing cream with menthol into them;
  • lie quietly for 0.5 hours with your legs elevated, placing a cushion under them.

The following diseases can cause burning feet:

  • arthritis;
  • flat feet – longitudinal and transverse;
  • valgus bone growth thumb legs;
  • hammertoe and claw toe deformities.
  1. Gout.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Vascular diseases:
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • vascular sclerosis of the lower extremities.

As we see, there are many reasons. Some of them require serious examination and treatment. Others are easily eliminated hygiene procedures and folk treatment.

If you have a problem with blood vessels, then, most likely, burning in the feet will not be the only symptom:

  1. Varicose veins are accompanied by swelling of the lower leg and foot, especially in the evening. In addition, there is pain in calf muscle when walking. After a night's sleep, all symptoms disappear. But in the evening everything repeats itself. Varicose veins Veins are especially susceptible to women, usually during pregnancy.
  2. Obliterating endarteritis is characterized, in addition to burning, by intermittent claudication. When walking, severe cramping pain occurs in the legs from the hips to the soles of the feet, which forces the person to stop and wait out this pain while standing. By evening, my legs swell and burn. It is now known for certain that the cause of this disease is infection. Requires long-term and serious treatment, and sometimes surgery.
  3. Thrombophlebitis is a disease causing inflammation the walls of blood vessels, red blood cells settle on the walls, stick together and form a blood clot. This disease is accompanied by a burning sensation not only in the feet, but throughout the entire inflamed vessel. This is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38 °C. The leg where the veins are thrombosed swells much more than the other leg. And along the course of the inflamed vein, the leg tissue becomes denser.
  4. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities - its symptoms are very similar to obliterating endarteritis. The same intermittent claudication, the same swelling of the legs and severe cramping pain in the legs. This is not surprising - both of these diseases create a circulatory deficiency in the lower limbs. With this disease, the feet and toes burn even at night, while sleeping. The only way to reduce the burning sensation is to lower your legs. Cramping pain may radiate to top part thighs and even buttocks.
  5. Vegetative-vascular dystonia causes a violation of heat exchange in the extremities of the arms and legs, causing either a burning sensation in the palms and feet, or icy cold. All this happens against the background of dizziness, jumps blood pressure, frequent fainting, emotional outbursts. Reason vegetative-vascular dystonia can be hormonal changes V puberty, V menopause and during pregnancy. Artificial termination of pregnancy can also provoke this disease, especially in later. There is gross interference in hormonal background women and you can pay for this with your health not only reproductive organs, but the whole organism as a whole.

It is not possible to dwell on all medical aspects of this problem in one article. We focused on vascular diseases not at all by chance, because they are the ones who most often produce such symptoms as a burning sensation in the feet. In addition, vascular diseases, according to WHO statistics, lead among all other diseases in terms of incidence.

Everyone describes this feeling differently. Some say: “it’s like walking on nails”; others – “it’s like I sank my feet into molten lead”; still others said “the soles of my feet are burning and I’m jumping up and down,” and one milling worker compared the pain in her soles at the end of a shift to walking barefoot on shavings from a vertical milling machine. Most often the pain burning and itching on the soles of the feet caused by the same reasons.

It's obvious that causes of burning on the soles legs can have very different medical reasons, so if this really bothers you, be sure to see your doctor. He can determine which disease is the result of is a burning sensation in the soles of the feet and will prescribe treatment for this particular disease. Or, which is very likely, he will advise you to change your shoes to more orthopedic and expensive ones and less fashionable and extravagant.

It also tells you how to try to help now or stop pain in sole of feet and ease your suffering with help.

If the soles of your feet are burning, then one of the common methods of getting rid of discomfort is to steam your feet in a hot bath. You need to pour ten liters into a bowl hot water the maximum temperature you can tolerate, pour about five tablespoons of baking soda into the water and dip your feet in this liquid. The water level should be such that the soles are completely covered with water. The legs should be steamed in the solution for a quarter of an hour. After this, dry your feet with a towel and lubricate them first with strong cologne (“Triple”, “Extra”), and then with iodine. It should work out, the soles will calm down.

From the same series, but this time willow: make a strong decoction of willow branches. As in the previous case, the temperature should be the maximum that can be withstood. After dipping your feet into the hot willow infusion, soak them for half an hour, wiggling your toes and rolling your feet along the bottom of the bowl. This procedure must be repeated daily for a week. More is better. The burning sensation on the soles of your feet will go away.

A less extreme method is to drink an infusion of peppermint and then thoroughly wipe your feet with lemon slices or a swab with fresh juice lemon.

IN for preventive purposes It is necessary to walk barefoot on the ground as often as possible.

Another very effective method if the soles of your feet are burning– mix fifty milliliters of ammonia and a tablespoon of sunflower oil in a glass. You need to moisten a tampon or gauze compress in this mixture and apply this compress to your problem burning feet. After this, put plastic bags on your feet in the form of shoe covers and secure them, for example, with a bandage or a paper clip. Next, you just need to lie down, wait and be patient. It can burn strongly, in which case the bags need to be removed and the feet treated with a vodka swab. Although, still keep your heels a little longer under the initial ammonia-oil compress. Many people claim that your feet will stop bothering you very quickly.

In principle, all these methods are based on the dilation of blood vessels in order to “disperse the blood.” Here's another one known method, which will help if at the end of the day “the soles of your feet are so hot that it’s impossible to sleep.” Hit the soles of your feet with a wooden rolling pin from the dough. Then make circular movements with your feet, kick your heels together, bend and straighten your toes. As a result, the veins and capillaries will be cleared of stagnant blood.

Based on the above, it is obvious that a good role in saving the soles of the feet can You can also play regular wooden rocking chairs with spikes. They will not help you instantly, but if you use them regularly, they will certainly bring benefits. Everyone should have them, even those whose soles have not yet baked. If someone doesn’t have them, be sure to buy them, or make them in a mug “ Skillful hands"modeled on those your neighbors or friends have.

They say that if the soles of your feet hurt a lot and bake in summer time, you need to catch the bees, bring them to your heels, and let them sting. (There are bees that can easily bite even the heel of an elderly person). Moreover, the number of bites should be increasing: on the first day, one bee on each heel, on the second – two, and the like. Moreover, you don’t need to remove the sting right away; you need to wait at least an hour. Treatment should continue until healing. Naturally, if you are allergic to bee stings, it is better not to use this method of treatment. The method is risky so do not torture the soles of your feet until you have had a full consultation with a doctor.

A less combative method - if the soles “bake” or the legs are very tired - many traditional healers It is advised to take a foot bath with a warm tansy infusion.