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Smells appear to humans. Causal factors of olfactory hallucinations

In a world where deodorants, eau de toilette and perfume are as much a part of a person’s image as a dress, shoes, tie and briefcase, people don’t always think about how their body smells without additional fragrances. But some diseases do not allow you to forget about it. And then by the smell of the body one can guess what the person is sick with.

Among the huge variety of human aromas, we have selected 7 interesting odors that are associated with diseases.

A severe deficiency of carbohydrates in the diet leads to the fact that the body begins to burn stored fats to obtain glucose. On the one hand, this is pleasant for those who want to lose weight. On the other hand, it doesn't smell very good in every sense of the word.

As a result this process Ketones are formed, or rather acetone, which actually gives the smell of rotting apples or nail polish remover. The breakdown of fats to glucose and acetone also occurs when normal nutrition, but very little acetone is formed - it is excreted in the urine or enters further chemical reactions. If a person decides to completely switch his body to fuel from fats, then too many ketones accumulate, the body cannot cope with their elimination, and the urine and body of the person acquires a characteristic odor. A similar situation occurs during fasting, when the body, due to lack of food, is forced to begin breaking down its own fat reserves.

Diabetes is another condition that leads to the production of excess ketones. Let’s say the pancreas does not produce insulin or the hormone is available in the required quantity, but the cells cannot receive it for various reasons. In this case, glucose cannot reach organs and tissues and accumulates in the blood. The brain, not receiving glucose, requires food, and the body begins to break down fats, producing, as in the previous case, a large number of ketones, which are excreted through the skin.

This smell is present in various deviations of the body’s condition from the norm. The fact is that ammonia is a volatile substance with which we get rid of excess nitrogen. It can be excreted in urine, exhaled air, or sweat.

Ammonia odor from the mouth is common in people with kidney failure and also indicates a possible infection Helicobacter pylori and high risk liver failure. Cystitis causes the characteristic ammonia-like odor of urine.

But if the skin smells of ammonia, this means that the kidneys and liver are not able to process all the excess nitrogen, so it is excreted through sweat through the skin. To do this, the body needs to spend a lot of water. And the first thing that the smell of ammonia emanating from the body indicates is a possible deficiency of fluid in the body.

The ammonia smell also suggests that there is an excess of protein in the human body. This problem may be encountered by people who prefer low-carb diets. In this case, it should be understood that it is more profitable for the body to use carbohydrates than proteins to obtain energy. To stop the breakdown of proteins, it is enough to introduce the required amount of carbohydrates into the diet. This is especially important to do against the backdrop of intense training.

By the way, active excretion of ammonia through the skin can be provoked by consuming certain sports supplements, as well as vitamins and medications. Excessive addiction to asparagus can also cause a characteristic smell.

If a person smells like fish, and even rotting fish, then he most likely suffers from trimethylaminuria. The cause of this syndrome is a rather rare genetic disease that develops against the background of a mutation in the FMO3 gene. It is responsible for the production of the enzyme flavin monooxygenase-3, which is involved in the processing by-product digestion - trimethylamine. If there is no such enzyme, the substance accumulates in the body, combines with other body secretions (urine, sweat, exhaled air) and becomes the cause of a characteristic fishy odor. Substances that produce trimethylamine during digestion are choline, carnitine, and lecithin. Accordingly, people with trimethylaminuria syndrome are not recommended to eat foods containing them. For example, carnitine is found in abundance in red meat, fish and whey. There is a lot of lecithin in egg yolk, in buttermilk, as well as in seeds, nuts and raisins. Choline is also present in large quantities in egg yolk, liver and sprouted cereals.

And here's the smell rotten fish at vaginal discharge- a characteristic symptom of bacterial vulvovaginitis (gardnerellosis). Its causative agents are Gardnerella bacteria, which are normally opportunistic microorganisms. But when the acid-base balance of the vaginal environment is disturbed or when the immune system is weakened, they begin to multiply too actively and simultaneously produce volatile amines - putrescine and cadaverine. An interesting point: the smell becomes stronger after sexual intercourse. This is because semen, with its alkaline pH, activates the production of volatile amines, which enhances the “flavor”.

This is what people who suffer from the genetic disease tyrosinemia smell like. There are several varieties of this disease, but their essence is the same: due to certain mutations, the body cannot produce enzymes that break down the amino acid tyrosine. As a result, the body accumulates amino acids such as tyrosine, methionine and phenylalanine. This leads to severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver, disruption of the central nervous system and changes in bone tissue. A increased content methionine and tyrosine in the blood is the cause of the characteristic smell of boiled cabbage emanating from such patients.

Smell of fermented dough: scabies mite

The sour smell of fermented dough accompanies Norwegian scabies, a severe form of the disease caused by the common scabies mite. It has many names that best describe appearance affected tissues - crusted, crustose scabies, etc. The disease usually develops against the background of disorders immune system and other diseases: AIDS, leprosy, age-related dementia, tuberculosis, skin lymphoma, leukemia, etc.

When Pseudomonas aeruginosa is rampant in a person’s body, his body begins to emit a characteristic sweetish odor, which is compared to the smell of honey. By the way, even in the laboratory a Petri dish with Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be easily distinguished by strong odor jasmine Despite its pleasant aroma, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most dangerous infections, related to intrahospital (or hospital). Some strains of this bacterium are resistant to the most common antibiotics. Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause various diseases respiratory tract, meningitis, otitis, inflammation of the facial sinuses, cause severe abscesses and lead to the development of purulent processes in wounds, etc. For a doctor, the honey smell emanating from a patient is bad symptom requiring immediate action.

Cheese smell: excess isovaleryl-CoA

People suffering from another condition smell like cheese (or “sweaty feet” - it all depends on perception). hereditary disorder metabolism. This time we are talking about congenital deficiency of the enzyme isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase. Against the background of its absence, isovaleryl-CoA accumulates in the body, which, as a result of hydrolysis, turns into isovalerate and is excreted in sweat and urine. It is isovalerate that gives the characteristic smell of cheese.


The vast majority of body odors that differ from the norm indicate metabolic disorders - temporary or permanent. Therefore, any unusual odor emanating from the body is a reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a signal from the body that something is seriously wrong with it.

by Boris Efremov · 12/27/2016

One of the main functions of the nose is olfactory; it is provided by a large number of receptors that transmit information about the inhaled air to the higher structures of the brain. Sometimes the sense of smell is impaired for various reasons, the main ones being inflammatory processes, polypous growths, tumors and atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Such violations can be temporary or permanent in nature and lead to partial or complete loss, or to a perversion of smell. Except local reasons Some severe conditions also play a role in the development of such pathology. systemic diseases. A person may feel discomfort from unpleasant odors that arise subjectively regardless of the quality of the air inhaled, for example, the smell of burning or dust in the nose. Where does this come from and what should be done?


The feeling of an obsessive odor in the nose may be associated with local or general. If the smell is felt only by the patient himself, then we are talking about a violation of the sense of smell; if others also notice this phenomenon and avoid such a person, then, most likely, we are talking about a serious disease, including a systemic one.

An unpleasant odor in the nose cannot be ignored, because it indicates a serious problem of local or general significance in the body.

Parosmia is an anomaly olfactory system nose, which manifests itself in a perverted perception of smells in the form of illusions or hallucinations. It can be observed with neuroses, schizophrenia, hysterical reactions, hormonal imbalance in women (during pregnancy). This diagnosis is made after excluding pathology in the peripheral part of the olfactory analyzer located in the nasopharynx. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) in the acute or chronic stage - more often in the atrophic form, when there is dryness of the mucous membrane and damage to the sensitive olfactory cells. In this case, the patient may almost constantly be haunted by the smell of dust in his nose, which he wants to wash off with water. Chronic pathology of the nasopharynx - laryngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. Constant inflammation of the mucous membrane leads to stagnation of secretions, proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of bad smell. A foreign body - when left in the nasal cavity for a long time, can support the inflammatory process and the accumulation of bacteria in the muconasal secretion. Allergic reactions - year-round irritation of the nasal mucosa by household allergens contributes to constant inflammation, attachment bacterial infection. Long-term uncontrolled use of nasal drops and sprays leads to thinning and atrophy of the mucous membrane, including in the olfactory zone. Internal illnesses– brain tumor, consequences of skull injuries, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, pathology thyroid gland, diseases digestive system and others.

What to do

Presence unpleasant odor in the nose and its persistence for several days is a reason to visit an otolaryngologist and find out the cause of this condition. At the same time, it should smell like something only to the patient himself (smoke, fumes, dust), but not to others who have a healthy sense of smell. Diagnostic testing includes different methods studies depending on the diagnosis suggested by the doctor. If the patient is diagnosed chronic inflammation ENT organs, then treatment will be carried out according to an individual scheme to the extent prescribed by the attending physician:

antibiotics – selected according to the sensitivity of the isolated microflora; anti-inflammatory drugs - local hormonal or systemic antiallergic drugs are used; washing with saline solutions, herbal decoctions, antiseptics. performing surgical interventions - removal of a foreign body, tumors, adenoids, polyps, straightening the nasal septum, etc.

When excluding organ pathology respiratory system and (or) the patient has parosmia and olfactory hallucinations, doctors of other specialties, for example, neurologists, psychiatrists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, are involved in the examination and treatment.

Elimination of odor in this case will depend on a correct diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease. It should be understood that getting rid of obsessive feelings will not happen spontaneously if there is serious reason, then it requires a qualified approach to its elimination.

After watching the video, you will learn about 3 symptoms in the nose that will make you see a doctor:

Do you have a runny nose and have you already bought all kinds of pharmaceutical drops?

You probably didn’t know that the well-known drops for the common cold provide only temporary relief without eliminating the real reason diseases. Do you want to know what this leads to?! The patient may develop very serious complications in the nasal cavity, respiratory organs and even in the brain... Stop feeding pharmacies! You can completely get rid of a runny nose at home: take a penny...

Find out the recipe>>

The body tells a person that changes occur to him in different ways - they arise painful sensations, spasms, disorders of various kinds. Another signal that cannot be ignored is a foreign smell in the nose. The causes of this problem must be found out immediately in order to begin a course of treatment.

The symptom in 95% of cases indicates the presence of a disease, so it is very important to undergo diagnostic examination from a specialist. Research will help determine the reasons causing the appearance foreign odors. Started on early stages Therapy will help get rid of the problem in a short time.

Smells in the nose: types and causes

An unpleasant odor occurs in the nose infrequently. According to patient complaints, this phenomenon usually accompanies the underlying disease in the anamnesis. There are many reasons for the occurrence of the symptom, so a comprehensive examination cannot be avoided. At the reception, people complain about a specific unpleasant aroma. Most often it is felt clearly. Such manifestations indicate pathological processes or changes occurring in the nasal cavity.

The manifestation of the symptom became possible due to the anatomical ability possessed by the mucous membrane. She has a large number special education- olfactory receptors, which transmit signals from the affected area directly to the brain as quickly as possible. There they are processed and, depending on the underlying problem, the person experiences one of the following foreign odors in the nose:

sulfur; burning; rot; acetone; gland; ammonia; dust.

The smell of burning in most cases is side effect or the body’s reaction to long-term use medicines. Classes of medications vary, so the symptom occurs in people with different medical conditions.

A putrid aroma manifests itself in the nasal cavity under the influence of the corresponding microflora. It is a symptom of suppuration of the paranasal sinuses, which can lead to sinusitis or sinusitis. The cause of the ammonia odor is a pathology that occurs in the liver or kidneys. In order for the smell to disappear, you will need to undergo therapy that will eliminate the problem in these organs.

A metallic smell can occur in the event of bleeding in the nasal cavity, injuries that cause damage to blood vessels or tissues.

It may also indicate poisoning or a side effect of certain medications. IN nasal cavity particles penetrate from environment When inhaled, the result is an odor of iron.

The sensation of acetone in the nasal cavity occurs due to complications caused by diabetes mellitus. In this case, complex and lengthy therapy will be required. The smell of sulfur occurs when there are problems with the liver, allergic reactions of the body, or disorders of the nervous system.

Important: Odors in the nose acquire the greatest intensity during fetid atrophic rhinitis.

Odors arising in the nasal cavity can be felt not only by people who encounter them, but also by those around them.

This is why it is necessary undergo a special examination by a specialist.

All scents cause discomfort to a person, so getting rid of them is a top priority.

Foreign odors that cause obvious discomfort in 99% of cases occur when there is a certain progressive disease in the body - a certain cause that requires immediate elimination.

In 5-6% of cases, the presence of aroma in the nasal cavity becomes idiopathic, that is, permanent, the cause of which could not be determined after examination.

The main diseases that affect the possibility of the appearance of all types of odors are:

ozena or offensive rhinitis; acute form of sinusitis; inflammatory processes in the sinuses; sinusitis; violations metabolic processes; problems with the gastrointestinal tract; kidney pathology; liver disorders; allergic reactions, occurring in an acute form; bacterial form of infection; thyroid diseases; diabetes.

A feeling of unpleasant odor in the nose also occurs with parosmia. In this case, disturbances in the function of smell are observed.

No additional stimulation is required to perceive the aroma.

To get rid of this violation you will need additional therapy, prescribed by a neurologist.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor can also be caused by the presence of a foreign object/body of any diameter in the nasal cavity. As a result, the accumulation of fluid, under the influence of bacteria in which, a purulent substance is formed. Pathological disorders are often caused by hormonal imbalance or the presence of olfactory hallucinations.

Symptoms: what you need to know

Symptoms that actively develop and increase in number in proportion to the time that a person does not eliminate the problem, as a result of the presence of odor in the nasal cavity, need to be known in order to seek medical help as soon as possible. Main manifestations:

severe discomfort in the nose headache(especially pronounced in the parietal zone); difficulty smelling and recognizing other odors; dizziness (including without reason); nausea; vomit; depressed state.

In particular advanced cases pre-depressive states are observed, general weakness and lethargy, apathy, indifference to what is happening. Sometimes characteristic purulent crusts can form in the nose, which also negatively affect a person upon visual contact.

Basic solutions to the problem

Treatment is necessary when such symptoms appear. You cannot start the process, as well as self-medicate - this can cause deterioration general condition. The medical impact on the problem should be etiological in nature - aimed at eliminating the underlying cause, and not just the symptom itself. That is why there are several types of treatment, which are selected by a specialist based on the results of research:

Conservative impact– fight against the infection existing in the body that has caused the formation of odor. The process also removes purulent or mucous crusts. It includes taking medications and sanitizing (rinsing) the nasal cavity. As a result, the unpleasant odor in the nose disappears when inhaling or exhaling. Use of medications– the use of antibacterial drugs in combination with other drugs (oils, drops, sprays). Treatment with herbal remedies– solutions and infusions based on chamomile or calendula, as well as aloe. They are most often used for washing and relieving inflammation.

Sometimes, in advanced or chronic cases, a person can only be helped through surgery. The technique is used in case of blockage of the nasal mucosa or purulent plug, and foreign body. After this exposure, it is recommended to include conservative, medicinal treatments in therapy, as well as the use of herbal remedies for subsequent prevention.


The problem of unpleasant odor is very common. Experts have developed many systems for influencing lesions, so questions such as the smell of dust in the nose and what it is will no longer be scary for a person. As well as the sensation of other unpleasant side odors.

Timely seeking help, well-designed therapy and following all recommendations are the key to a quick recovery. To consolidate what has been achieved positive result you can use traditional methods treatment, but only after obtaining permission to use similar drugs from your attending physician.

DD to everyone! Maybe someone has encountered this. I would be glad if you tell me how it all happened and give reasonable advice. I don’t remember exactly when and how it all started. About a year and a half ago. After visiting, having the imprudence to sit “with company” in a heavily smoky room, I began to feel this smell on myself for a very long time. At first it was funny. I’ll change my clothes and wash myself... for a couple of days the smell still lingers in my nose. Further more. The smell appears suddenly. It lasts for 2-3 weeks. I walk around the house like crazy, sniffing all the cracks and windows where the smell might come from. I go out to the area to check. My husband hasn’t smoked for 5 years. I also smelled his clothes. Then just as suddenly the smell disappeared.
The smell is in the nose or, I would say, in the head. It’s funny if it weren’t sad. It’s annoying to the point of a headache... On the Internet they write that you need to contact an ENT specialist, do an MRI of the brain... for a consultation with a psychiatrist. This is more likely parts of it. I recently did a CT scan (or is it not the same thing - I don’t understand) they said no changes. Everything is OK. Scary. Am I going crazy?

People who suffer from olfactory hallucinations complain that the food they eat smells like ammonia or sulfur and smells like decay. Or, they may be haunted by the smell of a tea rose, which they felt once upon a time, while visiting a flower exhibition. Undoubtedly, a floral smell can be classified as pleasant, but if it accompanies a person throughout his life, then a completely opposite effect occurs. Olfactory ones are otherwise called phantosmia. Their peculiarity is that in their obsession and associated with them unpleasant sensations they are in no way inferior to auditory or visual ones, when the patient can perceive them as if they exist in reality.

In addition, with olfactory hallucinations, pleasant smells are much less common; patients are mostly bothered by the rather pungent smells of smoke, petroleum products, tar, feces, bird droppings, rotten eggs; patients often call the smell of a corpse, and much more. Patients treat olfactory hallucinations critically and realize that these are phenomena of a painful nature. At the same time, it is known that many patients try to constantly ventilate the apartment in order to get rid of the non-existent irritating smell, turn on fans for this purpose, and so on.

It has also been established that patients rarely focus their attention on them, and doctors sometimes reveal this disorder only during a survey related to a specific disease. As shown clinical practice, statistical data are incomplete due to the fact that patients in in serious condition do not provide accurate information, and it is difficult to collect the necessary information. Therefore, experts suggest that there are many unreported cases. In addition, among patients suffering from olfactory hallucinations, there are also those who cannot accurately identify odors. Usually they just say there is a foreign smell.

Olfactory hallucinations, as well as other forms of this disorder, are caused by a number of reasons, both simple and quite serious, requiring

long-term treatment. The list of the most common causes includes mental disorders, traumatic brain injuries, and various tumors. But sometimes olfactory hallucinations are caused by damage to the nasal mucosa. In this case, solving the problem is much easier. There are people who put up with olfactory hallucinations all their lives, not even suspecting that this condition can be extremely dangerous, as it is an alarming symptom that the body requires immediate help.

It is known that you cannot get rid of phantosmia by smelling something else, for example, spices, perfumes, etc. The patient’s futile attempts to spray air fresheners in the air of the room also lead to nothing. For example, one patient told the doctor that for several years she had been smelling freshly dug earth after landscape designers tidied up the area around her house and prepared the soil for sowing lawn grasses. Another Man Was Injured in a Car Accident and Was Haunted by the Odor cigarette smoke and burnt rubber.

Olfactory hallucinations occur when the secondary center of the olfactory analyzer is irritated, and often accompany epilepsy, manifesting itself in the form of simple sensory seizures that have secondary generalization. In addition, short-term olfactory hallucinations are combined with other types of disorders; they are accompanied by vegetative-vascular and other disorders, and are complemented by taste hallucinations. The cause of olfactory disorders is pathological processes, the localization of which is the area of ​​the hook of the brain. Disturbed communication between the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex also has an impact. Basically, among the causes of olfactory hallucinations, it is most often called. These patients are more likely than others to experience unpleasant cadaveric odors.

Treatmentolfactory hallucinations

The treatment process for any hallucinations is quite lengthy, and doctors are suitable

to this issue, taking into account the main diagnosis and concomitant diseases. The patient’s age, lifestyle, habits, and many other factors also matter. It has been established that olfactory hallucinations are often harbingers, so a person who goes to the doctor with complaints about such phenomena is prescribed a full medical examination, which is not at all a whim of the attending physician, but is an extreme necessity. Only after receiving an accurate diagnosis can a specialist prescribe effective treatment.

When establishing the correct etiological diagnosis Great importance is attached to the history of smell disorders. Sometimes patients complain not only of olfactory hallucinations, but also of taste ones. The doctor begins by carefully examining the nasal passages, upper Airways, head, evaluates the function of cranial nerves. Can be assigned CT scan with contrast enhancement. Thanks to this study, neoplasms are identified in the anterior cranial fossa, hidden fractures of the cranial fossa are detected, and various inflammations can be identified.

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Smell is one of the senses necessary for a person for a full life. And its violations impose significant restrictions on emotional condition and become a real problem. Among olfactory disorders, there are also those when the patient is haunted by a smell that actually does not exist. Everyone is interested in the question of the origin of unpleasant symptoms, but only a doctor can help determine the source of disorders in the body.

Smell is perceived through the reaction of olfactory receptors located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity to certain aromatic molecules. But this is only the initial section of the corresponding analyzer. Next, the nerve impulse is transmitted to the areas of the brain responsible for the analysis of sensations (temporal lobes). And when a person smells odors that are not there, this clearly indicates some kind of pathology.

First of all, you should divide all the reasons into two groups. The smell may be very real, but is not felt by others until the patient speaks to them at close range. This is probably in following situations, covering the practice of ENT doctors and dentists:

  • Fetid runny nose (ozena).
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis).
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

These diseases are accompanied by the formation of pus, which gives an unpleasant odor. A similar situation may arise for those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis and pancreatitis). Food that enters the digestive tract is processed less well, and during belching or reflux, molecules of unpleasant aroma come out. A similar problem may not be noticeable to others if they do not get close.

Some people have more low threshold olfactory perception. They smell better than others, so sometimes they encounter misunderstandings from others. Some aroma may be too weak to be detected by anyone else. And this feature should also be taken into account by the doctor.

A separate group of causes are those that are associated with damage to any of the sections of the olfactory analyzer. The emerging odors do not reach others, since their formation, transmission and analysis in a particular person are disrupted. And although the basis for an unpleasant aroma may be some other (quite real), but final result is present only in the patient’s consciousness and poses a problem specifically for him.

There are quite a lot of conditions manifested by impaired sense of smell (dysosmia or parosmia). They include both respiratory pathology with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, for example, rhinitis or ARVI, and other disorders in the body:

  • Hormonal changes (during pregnancy, during menstruation or menopause).
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs).
  • Taking certain medications and chemical poisoning.
  • Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus).
  • Systemic diseases (scleroderma).
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Neuroses or depression.
  • Psychosis (schizophrenia).
  • Epilepsy.

It is also necessary to remember about the so-called phantom odors, which are associated with some kind of stress in the past and left a strong impression. In similar situations they can come to the surface. As you can see, the source of an unpleasant odor can be hidden among a large number of diseases. And some can be quite serious. But you shouldn’t immediately get scared and look for a dangerous pathology - the causes of the disorders will become clear only after a thorough examination.

Why people imagine certain smells is a rather serious question and requires further research.

Any pathology has certain signs. To identify them, the doctor evaluates the patient's complaints, analyzes the factors that precede the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and conducts a physical examination. You should understand when an extraneous odor is felt, whether it is constantly present or occurs periodically, how intense it is, what contributes to its disappearance and what additional symptoms there are in clinical picture. Sometimes this alone makes it possible to establish the cause of dysosmia, but not always.

The aroma that haunts the patient may have different colors. Those who drink citrus tea often feel a foreign burning smell, and hot spices can cause a feeling of the presence of sulfur in them. Simultaneously with the distortion of smell, taste also changes, since they are closely related. Severe runny nose, for example, can create the illusion that the onion has become sweet and smells like an apple.

The first thing you should think about when complaining of an unpleasant odor is diseases of the ENT organs. When the nasal mucosa is damaged, the sense of smell is invariably impaired, but the patient may not always feel the smell of pus or rot. Most often, a similar symptom occurs with sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis or ozene. In the latter case, the smell is so pronounced that others notice it. But besides this, you need to pay attention to other symptoms:

  • Impaired nasal breathing.
  • Nasal discharge (mucopurulent or purulent).
  • Heaviness in the projection of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Dry mucous membranes and crusting.
  • Sore throat when swallowing.
  • Traffic jams on the tonsils.

If we are talking about acute sinusitis, then the purulent process in the sinuses invariably entails an increase in temperature and intoxication with headaches, but chronic sinusitis gives less pronounced symptoms. With tonsillitis, disorders of the kidneys, heart, and joints are often detected (the result of sensitization to streptococcal antigens). If the sense of smell is impaired due to ARVI, then in the clinical picture, in addition to a runny nose, against the background of intoxication there will be other catarrhal symptoms, for example, redness of the throat and lacrimation.

Pathology of the nose, paranasal sinuses and pharynx is the main cause of the appearance of a foreign odor, which can be perceived by others only upon close contact with the patient.

An unpleasant odor can also haunt those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Impaired digestion of food is the main mechanism of this symptom. The smell of rotten eggs is disturbing with hypoacid gastritis (with reduced acidity) or peptic ulcer duodenum, it does not appear constantly, but after eating. The clinical picture also contains other signs of dyspeptic syndrome:

  • Belching.
  • Nausea.
  • Bloating.
  • Changing the stool.

Many people feel discomfort in the stomach or pain in the epigastrium. And concomitant gastroesophageal reflux causes heartburn and further esophagitis. If the gallbladder is affected, then an additional symptom will be a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

Many patients with neuropsychiatric status disorders perceive an odor that is not really there. It can have either a real prototype (illusion) or be based on non-existent connections (hallucination). The first situation can also arise in a healthy person who has suffered severe emotional stress, but it often becomes a constant companion for those who suffer from neurosis or depression. Additional symptoms pathologies become:

  • Decreased mood.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Irritability and anxiety.
  • Feeling of a “lump” in the throat.
  • Sleep disorders.

Characteristic signs will also be somatic functional disorders arising due to imbalance nervous regulation(increased heart rate, excessive sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, etc.). Unlike neurotic reactions, psychoses are accompanied by profound changes in the personal sphere. Then there are various hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory), overvalued and delusional ideas, when the perception of the surrounding world and behavior are disrupted, and there is no critical understanding of what is happening.

The feeling that you suddenly began to smell like rotten meat can occur with epilepsy. Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations are a kind of “aura” that precedes seizure. This indicates the location of the focus of pathological activity in the temporal lobe cortex. After a few seconds or minutes, the patient develops a typical attack with clonic-tonic convulsions, short-term loss of consciousness, and tongue biting. A similar picture also occurs with a brain tumor of the corresponding localization or skull injuries.

Neuropsychic disorders, as a cause of foreign odor, are perhaps the most serious situation that cannot be ignored.

Smells that others cannot smell are a reason for a detailed examination. It is possible to find out the cause of what is happening only on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis using a laboratory and instrumental complex. Based on the doctor’s assumption based on the clinical picture, the patient is recommended to undergo additional procedures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry (inflammatory markers, liver tests, electrolytes, glucose, hormonal spectrum).
  • Nasal and throat swab (cytology, culture, PCR).
  • Rhinoscopy.
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Computed tomography of the head.
  • Echoencephalography.
  • Fibrogastroscopy.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

To get the maximum diagnostic value, the examination program is formed on an individual basis. If necessary, the patient consults not only an ENT doctor, but also other specialists: gastroenterologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. And the results obtained make it possible to establish the final cause of the violations and eliminate the unpleasant odor that seemed to patients.

Traumatic brain injuries;


A disturbance of perception, when a person hears, sees or feels something that is not in reality, is called a hallucination. There are several types of this disorder according to different types sensitivity.

Olfactory hallucinations deserve special attention. A person does not always go to the doctor with such an atypical complaint as the feeling of foreign odors. But this symptom can hide quite serious diseases, so delaying a visit to the doctor is dangerous.

Olfactory hallucinations (phantosmia) involve the sensation of some aromas in the absence of their real source.

There are also olfactory illusions (dysosmia, cacosmia, parosmia), when a person perceives an odor that is not what it really is. These concepts are quite close. Sometimes in practice their differentiation is difficult, but still there is a difference. The pathological nature of phantosmia is recognized by most patients, while visual or auditory hallucinations are perceived by patients as reality.

An olfactory hallucination is described by the patient as a sensation of the smell of rotting, feces, smoke, vinegar, tar, and decomposition of flesh. There are cases where a more pleasant aroma, such as a floral one, is constantly present, but the vast majority complain of a stench. A person, even realizing the illusory nature of this perception, still tries to fight the imaginary stench: opens the windows for ventilation, turns on the fan. It is also impossible to eliminate the sensation of aroma with the help of air fresheners, perfumes or aromatic oils. The smell is supposedly present not only in the air, but also in the food that the patient eats.

Sometimes patients note that the olfactory hallucination began to appear after some memorable event. According to experts, a memory or emotional experience of the patient may be associated with it. For example, the smell of cut grass after working on the lawn, or the smell of smoke after a fire. It happens that after a significant event a person begins to smell a pleasant aroma. However, its constant presence is very painful for the patient, as a result of which living with this feeling becomes unbearable.

The main causes of olfactory hallucinations:

  • head injuries;
  • tumors of the temporal lobe of the brain;
  • encephalitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental illness, most often schizophrenia;
  • migraine;
  • taking certain substances.

Important! Phantosmia appears only when the central part of the olfactory analyzer, that is, the structures of the brain, is damaged.

Often phantosmia is combined with other olfactory disorders (parosmia, hyperosmia). The mechanism for the occurrence of olfactory hallucinations is the irritation of the hook neurons in the brain. This occurs when a pathological focus forms in this area (inflammation, hematoma, tumor). An important role in the formation of phantosmia is played by disruption of the neural connection between the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. Vegetative-vascular hallucinations (palpitations, sweating, increased salivation), vestibular (nausea, dizziness) disorders.

Having studied Elena Malysheva’s methods for improving cerebral circulation, coordination, memory restoration, as well as for treating VSD, depression, insomnia and relieving constant headaches and spasms, we decided to offer it to your attention.

Localization tumor process causes the sequence of olfactory disorders:

  1. If the tumor is primarily located in the temporal lobe in the secondary center of the olfactory analyzer, then hallucination may be the first sign of pathology.
  2. Phantosmia that occurs after the appearance of other neurological symptoms indicates damage to brain structures adjacent to the olfactory centers.
  3. When tumors are localized in distant anatomical formations, for example in the depths of the posterior cranial fossa, the appearance of olfactory hallucinations indicates the neglect of the process and an unfavorable prognosis.

For specific localization The epileptic focus is also characterized by olfactory hallucinations. Most often they appear before the onset of a seizure as part of the aura, or occur as simple sensory seizures with secondary generalization. Sometimes patients complain of hallucinations of this nature before the onset of a migraine attack. When the brain is damaged by a herpetic infection (encephalitis), phantosmia sometimes appears in combination with taste hallucinations.

In the case of taking narcotic substances, the presence of various hallucinatory reactions, including olfactory ones, is possible. Sometimes hallucination is the result of intoxication due to poisoning certain types chemicals, as well as some infectious diseases. In this case, the impaired perception is restored after leaving the state of intoxication. Cases of phantosmia have also been recorded in patients with disorders cerebral circulation, cerebral hemorrhages, demyelinating diseases.

Hallucinations are also observed when mental illness. For example, schizophrenia is characterized by a combination of delusional disorder and hallucinosis. Patients most often complain of a feeling of cadaverous stench. The same symptoms can be observed with depression. Rarely do patients with olfactory hallucinations complain of senile dementia. Sometimes phantosmia is part of the clinical picture of delirium delirium, along with visual images of a zoological nature.

Since patients rarely come to the doctor with complaints of phantosmia, their presence is discovered by chance during the collection of anamnesis when visiting for other symptoms.

Attention! In matters of diagnosis and treatment of phantosmia, you should trust a qualified specialist. Self-medication in this case poses a serious threat to health, and sometimes life.

Often, the patient initially goes to an ENT doctor, believing that problems with his sense of smell are hidden in the pathology of the nose. If the presence of such complaints is observed, it would not be superfluous to exclude objective cacosmia. It occurs with chronic tonsillitis, chronic and acute sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, and other lesions of the mucous membrane of the olfactory zone of the nasal cavity. Pathologies of the teeth and digestive system can lead to smell disorders, so they should also be excluded.

Next, the diagnosis is carried out by a neurologist or psychiatrist. A neurological examination is aimed at identifying additional symptoms of damage to the central nervous system (dysfunction of the cranial nerves, pathology of reflexes). It is also important to identify associated olfactory symptoms using olfactometry. Psychiatric examination can exclude the diagnosis of schizophrenia, depressive disorder, dementia. An olfactory hallucination is an indication for a number of additional instrumental examinations:

  1. Electroencephalography helps rule out epilepsy.
  2. Computed tomography is performed to detect skull fractures and some tumors.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head (possibly with contrast) allows you to visualize brain tumors, cerebrovascular accidents, hematomas, degenerative and inflammatory processes.

Treatment of phantosmia is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. It depends on the specific diagnosis:

  1. Surgical treatment for operable tumors, brain hematomas.
  2. Antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia.
  3. Psychotherapy, antidepressants for depressive disorders.
  4. Anticonvulsants for epilepsy.
  5. Detoxification therapy for poisoning, infectious diseases, delirium alcoholism.
  6. Metabolic, nootropic and vitamin therapy for cerebrovascular disorders and degenerative processes.

Thus, olfactory hallucinations are a symptom that cannot be ignored, because you may miss time to fight the underlying disease. The diagnostic and treatment processes in this case require considerable effort on the part of both the patient and the doctor.

  • You have memory problems, increased forgetfulness.
  • You notice that you have begun to perceive information worse, and difficulties in learning have appeared.
  • You are frightened by your inability to remember certain events or people.
  • You are worried about headaches, tinnitus, and coordination problems.

Better read what Elena Malysheva says about this. Better read what Elena Malysheva says about this. Recently, I started having problems with memory and attentiveness, I constantly forgot everything and was extremely distracted and uncollected. Going to doctors and taking pills did not solve my problems. BUT thanks to a simple recipe, I became more collected, began to remember even minor details, headaches and spasms went away, coordination and vision improved. The depression has passed. I feel healthy, full of strength and energy. Now my attending physician is surprised how this is so. Here is a link to the article. Here is a link to the article.

Source: hallucinations are the most severe symptom of some diseases. People with impaired sense of smell may complain that food smells of ammonia, sulfur, or decomposition. Some people have one smell that they once smelled for a long time.

This condition has scientific definition- phantosmia. Olfactory hallucinations are just as unpleasant as auditory or visual hallucinations, and also belong to obsessive states.

At the same time, pleasant smells haunt patients less often than unpleasant ones. Patients often complain of the smell of rotten eggs, feces, petroleum products, smoke, and tar. The patient’s behavior at this time is ambiguous; some are tolerant of their condition, while others try to ventilate the room and turn on the fan.

It is difficult to diagnose this condition, since patients do not come with such complaints. A deviation is discovered during a general inspection or for another reason.

The main causes of phantosmia include:

  • drug use;
  • use of certain medications;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • mental or neurological disorders.

In addition to the fact that the patient reacts sharply to non-existent odors, he may have a reaction to them, for example, increased salivation, loss of appetite. Such reactions indicate a serious problem.

Most often, olfactory hallucinations occur against the background of brain damage. This condition can be caused by:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • brain tumors;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • presence of infection;
  • entry of toxins into the blood;
  • use of narcotic drugs.

Olfactory hallucinations can be one of the symptoms of epilepsy, hypochondria, schizophrenia, and personality disorder. IN in rare cases Phantosmia develops due to damage to the sinus mucosa.

This disease manifests itself in different ways. Some patients name smells, comparing them with familiar ones. They say that food and water smell unpleasant, comparing the smell to gasoline, slop, and rotten eggs. Sometimes smells are pleasant, but if they are constantly present, they are also annoying. Sometimes the patient cannot differentiate the intrusive smell from anything from real life.

Many people do not understand that this condition is a disease and do not seek medical help, considering the disorders to be temporary. Some people do not even realize that they suffer from phantosmia.

Sometimes a person is haunted by a smell that once could have influenced his life or was associated with a significant event. For example, the smell of burning rubber may haunt you after a person has been in a car accident. If the temporal lobe of the brain is affected, which is usually observed in schizophrenia, the person experiences putrid odors.

It is difficult to get rid of this condition. You need to be prepared for long-term therapy. The doctor develops a course of treatment based on the cause of olfactory hallucinations, and additionally treats concomitant diseases. The patient’s age, general health, habits and other factors are taken into account.

Sometimes an impending epilepsy attack may manifest as olfactory hallucinations. To find out the exact picture of what is happening, the patient is sent to additional examination. When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is carried out. If the cause of this condition is a brain tumor, surgery may be indicated. If phantosmia is caused by taking medications, they are discontinued. In case of drug addiction, the patient may be placed in a drug dispensary.

Currently, very few people have been registered with olfactory hallucinations. This is due to the fact that many of these patients do not seek medical help, not attaching much importance to their condition.

But such a manifestation can be a symptom of a serious illness. These may be signs of epilepsy, schizophrenia, brain tumor, etc. mental disorders. All these diseases are difficult to treat in an advanced stage.

Source: hallucinations are a type of hallucination in which a smell appears in a person’s mind that does not correspond to any stimulus and is objectively absent from the reality surrounding him.

Like other types of hallucinations, this disorder occurs due to the use of drugs, certain medications, psychotropic substances, as well as due to certain mental and neurological disorders. People experiencing olfactory hallucinations may not only describe the smell in detail, but also react to the imaginary smells by increasing salivation, loss of appetite, etc. The occurrence of such hallucinations may be a consequence serious problems both mental and somatic.

The most common olfactory hallucinations are a direct consequence of brain damage: traumatic brain injury, tumors, hemorrhage and infection of the brain, intoxication of the body with toxic substances and the use of certain types of drugs. The appearance of such hallucinations in a person’s mind can be one of the symptoms of epilepsy and some mental disorders (hypochondria, schizophrenia, personality disorders). In rare cases, odor hallucinations can be caused by damage to the nasal mucosa.

Many patients who go to the doctor note that the food and water they consume have an obsessive unpleasant odor, for example, the unbearable smell of decomposition or a chemical substance, rotten eggs, plastic, a strong smell of smoke, petroleum products, etc. Much less often, the patient may be haunted by hallucinations of a pleasant smell (flowers, for example), which, due to its obsession, follows him throughout long period time, may have the exact opposite effect. Among patients suffering from olfactory hallucinations, there are also those who cannot accurately describe and differentiate the smell. Some patients are aware of the painful nature of olfactory hallucinations and are critical of their condition. But in some cases, a person rarely pays attention to such hallucinations, and doctors identify this disorder only during anamnesis collection. certain disease. Therefore, experts assume that large quantity cases simply have not yet been identified.

People experiencing smell hallucinations should consult a psychiatrist, neurologist or psychotherapist in order to undergo the necessary examination to identify the causes of the disease and make a correct diagnosis. Only by making an accurate diagnosis can a specialist prescribe adequate treatment.

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Source: 33 years old, non-smoker.

A few months ago the smell of cigarettes began to haunt me.

Since then, I have clearly smelled this smell from time to time. appears unexpectedly. There are no smokers nearby.

The wife is nearby at these moments and says that there is no smell. This happens both at home and in the car.

I tried to search on the Internet, but everything there is about smokers.

I thought maybe this was a sign of some kind of illness in the body.

If you conduct an MRI examination of the brain and no organic changes are detected, you should consult a psychotherapist.

Apart from the smell, is there anything else that bothers you?

What type of lesions can occur with this symptom?

There's nothing else to worry about.

The smell has a clear projection - on the left, on the right, it is not clear where (like inside the body or nose)?

Has your sense of smell and taste changed recently (increased, weakened, other changes)?

I feel like I don't know where.

I only feel it sometimes.

We used to live in another apartment, and there, especially in the summer, there used to be smoke coming from the balcony - from the neighboring balconies. At such moments, the wife also felt this smell. And it happened that the door to the balcony was closed, but it still seemed to me that there was a smell. And even inside your own car, where no one ever smokes.

I can go 2 weeks without feeling anything, or even a month, and then suddenly I start to smell. It was as if someone had lit a cigarette near me.

Another case - I was in a smoking house for several hours. The smoked cigarettes lay in the ashtray under my nose.

There definitely was a strong smell there, because when I came home, my wife noticed that all my clothes smelled.

After that, even after changing clothes and showering, I had this smell in my nose all evening, at night before bed, and even the next morning, as if I was still there.

Yes. But this is a matter of in-person examination.

I am the wife of a patient, he doesn’t really like to write on forums, so let me continue for him.

Today we had an appointment with a neurologist. During the in-person examination, no problems were identified. The doctor sent me for an MRI of the brain and a test for cerebral seizures (apparently EEG..).

She said that a smell that is not there can precede seizures in the temporal lobes of the brain, and they can be so small that the person does not notice them.

Problems of accurate diagnosis and specific diagnosis lie beyond online consultation.

Your husband writes: Your wife is nearby at these moments and says that there is no smell. This happens both at home and in the car.

Two factors coincide here: the enclosed space and your presence. Could it be that the smell of smoke is coming from you, for example, while walking next to you, someone was smoking. You don’t notice this smell, but your husband does.

The two of us are sitting at the computer, IMHO, what difference does it make who types the text... Well, oh well, we’ll take turns writing.

No, your assumption is excluded. It’s generally difficult to deal with the smell of cigarettes here. This arises unexpectedly for him, but I was at home and continue to be...

In fact, with my suspiciousness, I no longer know where to go, after everything I read on the Internet, the hair on my head began to stand up..

I REALLY hope that this has nothing to do with epilepsy and other horrors..

This happens to him unexpectedly. Try keeping a diary. In any case, it will come in handy. Write down what preceded these sensations, what happened that day. Perhaps some pattern will emerge. By the way, is the smell the same or different?

I can say that the penultimate time this happened, he sat in a stoned house all evening. This can still be explained logically somehow. Although, the next morning, he also smelled this smell STRONGLY...

And the last time it was a crazy day, he had a day off, we were running around with the children, we came home terribly hungry and angry, he went somewhere else to the store, when he arrived, due to hunger we also ran into each other (I needed urgently prepare dinner, and, accordingly, he has to occupy two children at this moment, and when you feel hungry, you know, your mood is not the best). As a result, in the evening, when the children had already gone to bed, and my husband peacefully lay down on the couch watching TV (while I was at the computer at the other end of the room, the windows were closed), he said that he smelled it. And that evening he couldn’t even fall asleep for a long time, he felt it so strongly.

This happens to him (95% sure, since he himself says “I don’t remember, but it seems not”) mainly at our house (we changed the apartment, so it’s not about the apartment), once or 2 times it happened in the car. He won’t remember that this happens at work, or in stores..

and can't stand the smell.

I was nearby and asked my wife to answer.

I was confused by the fact that the doctor said that even if the EEG gives a negative result, this will not mean that there are no seizures,

perhaps they will not be simply defined at that moment.

Hence the question - what reliable studies can and should be carried out to exclude this diagnosis?

Do you think that olfactory hallucinations - in principle, and not in my particular case - may not have an organic origin?

EEG and MRI, face-to-face examination.

Olfactory hallucinations may not be of “organic” origin and occur in some mental disorders.

Not all the files fit, but if the ones I posted aren’t enough, I’ll try to add more.

There is no conclusion yet; it will be sent directly to the neurologist.

I kindly ask you to watch the video, if you can involve neurologists and radiologists.

Waiting for an answer. Thank you.

because I am still seeing a neurologist with suspected seizures.

In neurology there is now a lively consultation,

and I’m sitting in psychiatry and there’s silence here.

I have 13 MRI files. I only posted 5.

I don’t know which are the main ones and which are the secondary ones.

Perhaps something more is needed to complete the picture.

Source: hallucinations can be a symptom of serious illness. What does it mean if you constantly see smells? When is medical attention needed immediately?

Olfactory hallucinations are called phantosmia. A person complains of the constant presence of unpleasant odors; familiar dishes begin to smell of sulfur and emit the smell of decomposition. Pleasant aromas haunt people less often.

The main causes of olfactory hallucinations are drugs, taking certain medications or psychotropic substances, mental or neurological disorders. Sometimes the problem is aggravated by a reaction to unpleasant odors - salivation, loss of appetite.

Obsessive odors begin to haunt a person against the background of brain damage:

Benign and malignant tumors;

Infectious lesions of brain cells.

Phantosmia often occurs with epilepsy, hypochondria, and personality disorders. When the temporal lobe of the brain is damaged, the patient with schizophrenia begins to be haunted by the smell of rot. Sometimes olfactory hallucinations occur due to damage to the nasal mucosa.

The smells of sick people haunt people in different ways. For some, it’s the smell of gasoline and slop. Others complain of the constant presence of a pleasant aroma or an odor that is impossible to differentiate.

In case of olfactory hallucinations, it is necessary to do a culture from the nasopharyngeal mucosa, check the flora for sensitivity to antibiotics, and the presence of fungal pathogens. If all results are normal, consultation with a psychotherapist and neurologist is required.

Often people do not seek medical help and consider olfactory hallucinations to be a minor flaw. But phantosmia requires careful diagnosis and long-term treatment. The sooner the cause of the disease is identified, the greater the chances of successfully eliminating it.

How to help someone with olfactory hallucinations:

Do not convince the patient that smells are unrealistic; for him, everything that happens is reality;

You cannot mock or joke at the expense of a patient;

You shouldn’t focus on what’s happening and try to thoroughly figure out what it smells like.

Olfactory hallucinations are a serious condition that may indicate mental disorders or tumors in the brain. Such diseases are difficult to treat neglected form. Therefore, if you are constantly haunted by an obsessive smell, you need to consult a doctor.

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Source: - this is a violation of the sense of smell, in which even weak, barely discernible ordinary person odors become pronounced and intense.

Increased sensitivity to aromas is a painful condition and often accompanies certain diseases. But first things first.

The olfactory analyzer, which consists of an olfactory epithelium consisting of several types of cells (olfactory, supporting and basal), is responsible for the perception and recognition of odors.

Olfactory cells are located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and end on the surface with olfactory cilia, which capture odorous molecules.

Each such cell is “attached” to nerve fibers, which are united into bundles called axons.

As a result of the analysis of the main characteristics of the aroma (intensity, quality, identity), its recognition and classification occurs (pleasant, unpleasant, disgusting).

Hyperosmia is strong sensitivity to the odors present in the surrounding area. A patient who has a heightened sense of smell is able to perceive and recognize subtle aromas.

This condition can lead to headaches, severe migraines, dizziness, pain in the paranasal sinuses, depression and emotional instability, and mental disorders.

Hyperosmia can become a source of problems when a person, trying to find the cause painful condition, constantly asks the question: “I smell strongly, why?”

Despite the fact that it seems to an outsider that the problem is far-fetched, people suffering from a heightened sense of smell experience a real physical pain and strive to get rid of the disease by any means.

Sometimes olfactory hallucinations are observed, when the patient notes: “I smell a smell that is not there!” Any impairment of olfactory function requires immediate appeal to a specialist.

The sense of smell is a kind of boundary that filters aromas coming from outside. And if for some reason a failure occurs at one of the stages, then olfactory dysfunction develops.

An increased sense of smell may be a consequence of:

For example, an increased sense of smell can be caused by taking certain medications (amphetamines, thiazide drugs) over a long period of time. Stopping the use of such medications leads to a complete restoration of olfactory function.

One of the chronic diseases can affect a person’s sensitivity to odors:

  • hypothyroidism (diffuse toxic goiter);
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • Turner syndrome.

The sensitivity of the same person to different aromas changes throughout the day. There is a minimum threshold of perception at which a certain concentration of odorous molecules provokes an adequate reaction of the olfactory analyzer.

Thus, men have a lower sensitivity to odors; they rarely complain about a heightened sense of smell. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to experience hormonal changes throughout their lives and are more susceptible to hyperosmia.

It has been noted that a child has a lower threshold of olfactory perception compared to an adult, so children react sharply to unpleasant aromas and more often show emotions in relation to odors.

Increased sensitivity to odors during pregnancy is associated with changes hormonal levels women. In this case, both individual aromas (partial, selective hyperosmia) and absolutely everything can cause irritation. odorous substances(complete hyperosmia).

After the birth of a child, when the balance of hormones is normalized, acute sensitivity to odors disappears without a trace.

In completely healthy women, the reaction to odors changes within one menstrual cycle. This is due to natural hormonal changes.

Most often, women have a heightened sense of smell before menstruation or during ovulation (in the middle of the cycle). The acuity of smell also increases when taken oral contraceptives, undergoing hormonal therapy.

Hyperosmia is very often one of the manifestations of a disease, so the main treatment is aimed at eliminating the root cause.

If the exacerbation of the sense of smell is due to acute infectious or pathological processes in the nasopharynx, then therapy should be aimed at restoring respiratory function nose and eliminating the source of inflammation.

Treatment neurological problems through effective pharmacological drugs, which have a sedative and psychotropic effect on the patient’s body, will eliminate hyperosmia.

Restoring the functionality of the thyroid gland will require taking medications to compensate for the deficiency of certain hormones.

In severe cases it may be necessary surgical intervention. Restoring hormonal levels will also eliminate painful reactions to odors.

Severe hyperosmia with such unpleasant symptoms as severe headache, dizziness, migraine is an indication for endonasal novocaine blockade, which temporarily reduces the susceptibility of olfactory receptors to odors.

Since diffuse toxic goiter is considered one of the main manifestations of hyperosmia, then ethnoscience offers the following recipe: place young willow leaves in a saucepan, pour cold water, boil until the liquid thickens a little and turns into a concentrated resin.

The willow mass should be lubricated on the goiter at night, and the method should be used as an auxiliary therapy.

Hyperosmia is curable, which is why if the sense of smell becomes acute, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause of the disease and determine effective scheme treatment.

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 33 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 11 years

DD to everyone! Maybe someone has encountered this. I would be glad if you tell me how it all happened and give reasonable advice. I don’t remember exactly when and how it all started. About a year and a half ago. After visiting, having the imprudence to sit “with company” in a heavily smoky room, I began to feel this smell on myself for a very long time. At first it was funny. I’ll change my clothes and wash myself... for a couple of days the smell still lingers in my nose. Further more. The smell appears suddenly. It lasts for 2-3 weeks. I walk around the house like crazy, sniffing all the cracks and windows where the smell might come from. I go out to the area to check. My husband hasn’t smoked for 5 years. I also smelled his clothes. Then just as suddenly the smell disappeared.
The smell is in the nose or, I would say, in the head. It’s funny if it weren’t sad. It’s annoying to the point of a headache... On the Internet they write that you need to contact an ENT specialist, do an MRI of the brain... for a consultation with a psychiatrist. This is more likely parts of it. I recently did a CT scan (or is it not the same thing - I don’t understand) they said no changes. Everything is OK. Scary. Am I going crazy?

Olfactory hallucinations are called phantosmia. A person complains of the constant presence of unpleasant odors; familiar dishes begin to smell of sulfur and emit the smell of decomposition. Pleasant aromas haunt people less often.

The main causes of olfactory hallucinations are drugs, taking certain medications or psychotropic substances, mental or neurological disorders. Sometimes the problem is aggravated by a reaction to unpleasant odors - salivation, loss of appetite.

Obsessive odors begin to haunt a person against the background of brain damage:

Traumatic brain injuries;


Benign and malignant tumors;

Infectious lesions of brain cells.

Phantosmia often occurs with epilepsy, hypochondria, and personality disorders. When the temporal lobe of the brain is damaged, the patient with schizophrenia begins to be haunted by the smell of rot. Sometimes olfactory hallucinations occur due to damage to the nasal mucosa.

The smells of sick people haunt people in different ways. For some, it’s the smell of gasoline and slop. Others complain of the constant presence of a pleasant aroma or an odor that is impossible to differentiate.

In case of olfactory hallucinations, it is necessary to do a culture from the nasopharyngeal mucosa, check the flora for sensitivity to antibiotics, and the presence of fungal pathogens. If all results are normal, consultation with a psychotherapist and neurologist is required.

Often people do not seek medical help and consider olfactory hallucinations to be a minor flaw. But phantosmia requires careful diagnosis and long-term treatment. The sooner the cause of the disease is identified, the greater the chances of successfully eliminating it.

How to help someone with olfactory hallucinations:

Do not convince the patient that smells are unrealistic; for him, everything that happens is reality;

You cannot mock or joke at the expense of a patient;

You shouldn’t focus on what’s happening and try to thoroughly figure out what it smells like.

Olfactory hallucinations are the most severe symptom of some diseases. People with impaired sense of smell may complain that food smells of ammonia, sulfur, or decomposition. Some people have one smell that they once smelled for a long time.

This condition has a scientific definition - phantosmia. Olfactory hallucinations are just as unpleasant as auditory or visual hallucinations, and also belong to obsessive states.

At the same time, pleasant smells haunt patients less often than unpleasant ones. Patients often complain of the smell of rotten eggs, feces, petroleum products, smoke, and tar. The patient’s behavior at this time is ambiguous; some are tolerant of their condition, while others try to ventilate the room and turn on the fan.

It is difficult to diagnose this condition, since patients do not come with such complaints. A deviation is discovered during a general inspection or for another reason.

The main causes of phantosmia include:

  • drug use;
  • use of certain medications;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • mental or neurological disorders.

In addition to the fact that the patient reacts sharply to non-existent odors, he may have a reaction to them, for example, increased salivation, loss of appetite. Such reactions indicate a serious problem.

Most often, olfactory hallucinations occur against the background of brain damage. This condition can be caused by:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • brain tumors;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • presence of infection;
  • entry of toxins into the blood;
  • use of narcotic drugs.

Olfactory hallucinations can be one of the symptoms of epilepsy, hypochondria, schizophrenia, and personality disorder. In rare cases, phantosmia develops due to damage to the sinus mucosa.

This disease manifests itself in different ways. Some patients name smells, comparing them with familiar ones. They say that food and water smell unpleasant, comparing the smell to gasoline, slop, and rotten eggs. Sometimes smells are pleasant, but if they are constantly present, they are also annoying. Sometimes the patient cannot differentiate the intrusive smell from anything from real life.

Many people do not understand that this condition is a disease and do not seek medical help, considering the disorders to be temporary. Some people do not even realize that they suffer from phantosmia.

Sometimes a person is haunted by a smell that once could have influenced his life or was associated with a significant event. For example, the smell of burning rubber may haunt you after a person has been in a car accident. If the temporal lobe of the brain is affected, which is usually observed in schizophrenia, the person experiences putrid odors.

It is difficult to get rid of this condition. You need to be prepared for long-term therapy. The doctor develops a course of treatment based on the cause of olfactory hallucinations, and additionally treats concomitant diseases. The patient’s age, general health, habits and other factors are taken into account.

Sometimes an impending epilepsy attack may manifest as olfactory hallucinations. To find out the exact picture of what is happening, the patient is sent for additional examination. When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is carried out. If the cause of this condition is a brain tumor, surgery may be indicated. If phantosmia is caused by taking medications, they are discontinued. In case of drug addiction, the patient may be placed in a drug dispensary.

Consultation with other specialists will definitely be needed. Treatment can be carried out by a psychologist, neurologist and psychotherapist.

Currently, very few people have been registered with olfactory hallucinations. This is due to the fact that many of these patients do not seek medical help, not attaching much importance to their condition.

But such a manifestation can be a symptom of a serious illness. These may be signs of epilepsy, schizophrenia, brain tumor, and other mental disorders. All these diseases are difficult to treat in an advanced stage.

Hello, Doctor. This is already a repeated phenomenon. The first thing was absolutely terrible to realize that this was an illusion! Suddenly I began to smell the smell of cigarette smoke to my husband, told my husband about it, complained that it was coming from the window and I should close it, and he answered me that it didn’t smell like anything at all, and even if I squinted, it smelled so strongly. This happened against the background of an acute respiratory infection plus loss of voice (the beginning of the school year, I started working as a teacher at school). I’ve never smoked myself, my husband hasn’t smoked for a long time, I really don’t like this smell at all, and here it is. It's gone. Two and a half weeks later, it’s also not noticeable how it started. Every day from morning to evening there was this smell in my nose, I thought I was going crazy or was already slowly going crazy. The smell either decreased or intensified, and when I realized that it was an illusion it became even more terrible during the lesson, I could barely restrain myself during the period of intensification so as not to involuntarily say out loud, “It stinks!” ". It was not possible to contact a neurologist. Was at the ENT. General questions were asked about the situation in the family, etc. Everything is fine at home, but the work is stressful. It passed and I tried not to remember. This was more than a year ago, now I gave birth to my second child on maternity leave and I have been breastfeeding him for 8 months now. I came after the hairdresser, where the hairdresser was smoking in a nearby special. I felt the room. I was dyed and cut (due to my menstruation). I came home and... the smell just lingers in my nose and is also an illusion, I’m tired, help, especially in the evening I want to ventilate everything with two children, it’s hard, I become irritable. I am consoled that it will soon pass.

Smell is one of the senses a person needs to live a full life. And its violations impose tangible restrictions on the emotional state and become a real problem. Among olfactory disorders, there are also those when the patient is haunted by a smell that actually does not exist. Everyone is interested in the question of the origin of unpleasant symptoms, but only a doctor can help determine the source of disorders in the body.

Smell is perceived through the reaction of olfactory receptors located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity to certain aromatic molecules. But this is only the initial section of the corresponding analyzer. Next, the nerve impulse is transmitted to the areas of the brain responsible for the analysis of sensations (temporal lobes). And when a person smells odors that are not there, this clearly indicates some kind of pathology.

First of all, you should divide all the reasons into two groups. The smell may be very real, but is not felt by others until the patient speaks to them at close range. This is likely in the following situations, covering the practice of ENT doctors and dentists:

  • Fetid runny nose (ozena).
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis).
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

These diseases are accompanied by the formation of pus, which gives an unpleasant odor. A similar situation may occur in those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis and pancreatitis). Food that enters the digestive tract is processed less well, and during belching or reflux, molecules of unpleasant aroma come out. A similar problem may not be noticeable to others if they do not get close.

Some people have a lower olfactory threshold. They smell better than others, so sometimes they encounter misunderstandings from others. Some aroma may be too weak to be detected by anyone else. And this feature should also be taken into account by the doctor.

A separate group of causes are those that are associated with damage to any of the sections of the olfactory analyzer. The emerging odors do not reach others, since their formation, transmission and analysis in a particular person are disrupted. And although the basis for an unpleasant aroma may be some other (quite real) one, the final result is present only in the patient’s mind and poses a problem specifically for him.

There are quite a lot of conditions manifested by impaired sense of smell (dysosmia or parosmia). They include both respiratory pathology with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, for example, rhinitis or ARVI, and other disorders in the body:

  • Hormonal changes (during pregnancy, during menstruation or menopause).
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs).
  • Taking certain medications and chemical poisoning.
  • Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus).
  • Systemic diseases (scleroderma).
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Neuroses or depression.
  • Psychosis (schizophrenia).
  • Epilepsy.

It is also necessary to remember about the so-called phantom odors, which are associated with some kind of stress in the past and left a strong impression. In similar situations they can come to the surface. As you can see, the source of an unpleasant odor can be hidden among a large number of diseases. And some can be quite serious. But you shouldn’t immediately get scared and look for a dangerous pathology - the causes of the disorders will become clear only after a thorough examination.

Why people imagine certain smells is a rather serious question and requires further research.

Any pathology has certain signs. To identify them, the doctor evaluates the patient's complaints, analyzes the factors that precede the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and conducts a physical examination. You should understand when an extraneous odor is felt, whether it is constantly present or occurs periodically, how intense it is, what contributes to its disappearance, and what additional symptoms are present in the clinical picture. Sometimes this alone makes it possible to establish the cause of dysosmia, but not always.

The aroma that haunts the patient may have different colors. Those who drink citrus tea often feel a foreign burning smell, and hot spices can cause a feeling of the presence of sulfur in them. Simultaneously with the distortion of smell, taste also changes, since they are closely related. A bad runny nose, for example, can create the illusion that onions have become sweet and smell like apples.

The first thing you should think about when complaining of an unpleasant odor is diseases of the ENT organs. When the nasal mucosa is damaged, the sense of smell is invariably impaired, but the patient may not always feel the smell of pus or rot. Most often, a similar symptom occurs with sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis or ozena. In the latter case, the smell is so pronounced that others notice it. But besides this, you need to pay attention to other symptoms:

  • Impaired nasal breathing.
  • Nasal discharge (mucopurulent or purulent).
  • Heaviness in the projection of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Dry mucous membranes and crusting.
  • Sore throat when swallowing.
  • Traffic jams on the tonsils.

If we are talking about acute sinusitis, then the purulent process in the sinuses invariably entails an increase in temperature and intoxication with headaches, but chronic sinusitis gives less pronounced symptoms. With tonsillitis, disorders of the kidneys, heart, and joints are often detected (the result of sensitization to streptococcal antigens). If the sense of smell is impaired due to ARVI, then in the clinical picture, in addition to a runny nose, against the background of intoxication there will be other catarrhal symptoms, for example, redness of the throat and lacrimation.

Pathology of the nose, paranasal sinuses and pharynx is the main cause of the appearance of a foreign odor, which can be perceived by others only upon close contact with the patient.

An unpleasant odor can also haunt those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Impaired digestion of food is the main mechanism of this symptom. The smell of rotten eggs is disturbing in hypoacid gastritis (with reduced acidity) or duodenal ulcer; it does not appear constantly, but after eating. The clinical picture also contains other signs of dyspeptic syndrome:

  • Belching.
  • Nausea.
  • Bloating.
  • Changing the stool.

Many people feel discomfort in the stomach or pain in the epigastrium. And concomitant gastroesophageal reflux causes heartburn and further esophagitis. If the gallbladder is affected, then an additional symptom will be a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

Many patients with neuropsychiatric status disorders perceive an odor that is not really there. It can have either a real prototype (illusion) or be based on non-existent connections (hallucination). The first situation can also arise in a healthy person who has suffered severe emotional stress, but it often becomes a constant companion for those who suffer from neurosis or depression. Additional symptoms of the pathology are:

  • Decreased mood.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Irritability and anxiety.
  • Feeling of a “lump” in the throat.
  • Sleep disorders.

Characteristic signs will also be somatic functional disorders that arise due to an imbalance of nervous regulation (increased heart rate, increased sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, etc.). Unlike neurotic reactions, psychoses are accompanied by profound changes in the personal sphere. Then there are various hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory), overvalued and delusional ideas, when the perception of the surrounding world and behavior are disrupted, and there is no critical understanding of what is happening.

The feeling that you suddenly began to smell like rotten meat can occur with epilepsy. Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations are a kind of “aura” that precedes a convulsive attack. This indicates the location of the focus of pathological activity in the temporal lobe cortex. After a few seconds or minutes, the patient develops a typical attack with clonic-tonic convulsions, short-term loss of consciousness, and tongue biting. A similar picture also occurs with a brain tumor of the corresponding localization or skull injuries.

Neuropsychic disorders, as a cause of foreign odor, are perhaps the most serious situation that cannot be ignored.

Smells that others cannot smell are a reason for a detailed examination. It is possible to find out the cause of what is happening only on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis using a laboratory and instrumental complex. Based on the doctor’s assumption based on the clinical picture, the patient is recommended to undergo additional procedures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry (inflammatory markers, liver tests, electrolytes, glucose, hormonal spectrum).
  • Nasal and throat swab (cytology, culture, PCR).
  • Rhinoscopy.
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Computed tomography of the head.
  • Echoencephalography.
  • Fibrogastroscopy.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

To obtain maximum diagnostic value, the examination program is developed on an individual basis. If necessary, the patient consults not only an ENT doctor, but also other specialists: gastroenterologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. And the results obtained make it possible to establish the final cause of the violations and eliminate the unpleasant odor that seemed to patients.