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Neurology - sections, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Neurological problems

Neurological diseases– these are various disorders and pathologies of the nervous system, which can be either congenital or acquired. There is an extensive list of diseases associated with pathologies of the central nervous system and PNS.

Dysfunction of the central nervous system can be caused by a number of various reasons. Among the factors that provoke the development of neurological diseases:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • injury received;
  • disorders of blood supply to the brain;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs.

Disorders caused by genetic predisposition usually manifest themselves in early age. These pathologies include childhood tics, epilepsy, speech defects in children, as well as various disorders of sensitivity and motor function.

Pathologies caused by nervous exhaustion often differ psychosomatic symptoms. Such disorders include diseases caused by organic damage CNS and diseases caused by dysfunction of the nervous system (for example, asthenic syndrome, panic attacks, vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Traumatic brain injury can cause a number of problems. Often the development of neurological disorders after injury or an accident is provoked by a concussion.

A number of neurological disorders develop due to impaired blood supply to the brain. Such disorders are accompanied by migraines, dizziness, disorientation and confusion.

Age-related neurological pathologies

Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, senile dementia- all this neurological disorders, found in older people.

Such pathologies usually develop in patients over 60 years of age. The cause of the disease may be a long-term deviation blood pressure from the norm, disruption of metabolic processes in the brain, as well as lack of blood supply to the brain.

Such disorders are associated with the degeneration of neurons in certain areas of the brain, resulting in a number of characteristic symptoms.

Typically, diseases caused by age-related changes, full treatment are not amenable, but timely contact with a specialist will help stop the progression of the disease and improve the patient’s quality of life for many years.

Brain lesions

Meningitis and encephalitis of various natures are the most common neurological diseases. Brain disease is characterized by damage to its soft membranes due to the entry of a pathogen - a virus, bacteria or infection.

No one is immune from such diseases; they are often diagnosed in newborns due to an infectious disease suffered by the mother during the period of bearing the child.

Brain damage is dangerous due to a number of complications, including progressive dementia and disability. If not treated promptly, extensive brain damage can lead to tissue swelling and death of the patient.

VSD and migraine

Another common neurological disorder is vegetative-vascular dystonia or VSD. This pathology is associated with disruption of the autonomic system, one of the parts of the peripheral nervous system. The disease is different chronic course with periodic attacks, during which the patient notes changes in blood pressure, dizziness, disorientation and pain in the heart area. It is possible if you contact a specialist in a timely manner, so if you notice the first symptoms, you should not delay your visit to the clinic.

Migraine also ranks high on the list neurological disorders. This disease is characterized by attacks of excruciating headaches, which are very difficult to get rid of. Migraine requires a special approach to treatment; only a neurologist can prescribe medications to relieve pain.

When to see a doctor?

Disorders of the central nervous system and PNS may be accompanied by the following: neurological symptoms:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • trembling (tremor) of fingers;
  • sudden pain in various parts of the body for no apparent reason;
  • panic attacks;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion;
  • sleep disorders;
  • paralysis and paresis;
  • hallucinations;
  • the appearance of spots in the field of vision;
  • impaired activity of any muscle group, including facial muscles;
  • disorientation;
  • weakening of memory and attention;
  • chronic fatigue.

All of these symptoms may indicate a serious disorder, so if they appear, you should consult a neurologist.

After analyzing the patient's complaints, the doctor will initial examination and will direct to additional examinations. Depending on the symptoms, the patient may be shown an MRI examination of the head (for pain, impaired consciousness, hallucinations), Dopplerography (for dizziness, migraines), and an assessment of impulse conduction nerve endings(for paresis, sudden pain and paralysis). What additional examinations need to be carried out is decided by the doctor individually for each patient.

Having discovered alarming symptoms, you should not self-medicate. This may cause irreparable harm body.

How to stay healthy?

The main cause of acquired neurological diseases is disruption of the nervous system. If we are not talking about organic pathologies, most often disorders appear due to nervous exhaustion, stress, bad habits and lack of nutrients.

For the health of the nervous system, you need to remember and adhere to just a few rules:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • have a good rest;
  • exercise;
  • take frequent walks in nature;
  • do not smoke or abuse alcohol.

Living in a big city contributes to the accumulation of fatigue, which can be difficult to get rid of. Anyone who wants to be healthy should make it a rule to follow a daily routine. You should go to bed at the same time every day, while ensuring that you good sleep, lasting at least eight hours.

Exercising, going for a walk will help you get rid of stress fresh air and a relaxing bath. Every person should devote at least one hour a day to their own nervous system. At this time, you need to relax, spend time pursuing your own hobbies that bring positive emotions.

Neurological diseases can appear due to incompletely cured chronic diseases, as well as infectious diseases. This can only be avoided by timely treatment and strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations.

It should be remembered that disorders of the nervous system do not go away on their own. Without timely treatment the problem will worsen and may develop into a serious pathology.

    AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS(motor neuron disease) - steadily progressing spastic-atrophic paresis of the limbs and boulevard disorders caused by selective damage to both neurons of the cortico-muscular pathway.

    HEPATOCEREBRAL DYSTROPHY(hepatolenticular degeneration) is a hereditary disease that usually occurs between the ages of 10 and 35 years and is characterized by impaired protein synthesis and copper metabolism, progressive damage to the subcortical ganglia and liver.

    HYDROCEPHALUS- increase in volume cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity.

    HEADACHE(cephalalgia, migraine) - one of the most common symptoms various diseases. Localized from the level of the orbits to the suboccipital region. In a broad sense, this concept also includes facial pain. Anatomical formations that are most often associated with the development of headaches are the vessels of the arterial circle of the cerebrum, the venous sinuses, the basal parts of the dura mater, the V, IX, X cranial nerves and the three upper cervical roots; All tissues of the scalp are rich in pain receptors.

    DIZZINESS- the patient feels the rotation of himself or the objects around him, or the feeling of falling through, falling, or the instability of the floor disappearing from under his feet. Similar systemic dizziness characteristic of damage to vestibular receptors, the vestibular nerve or its nuclei in the brain stem. As a rule, systemic dizziness is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, changes in heart rate, fluctuations in blood pressure.

    CEREBRAL PALSY(cerebral palsy) - a group of diseases of newborns; manifests itself as non-progressive movement disorders.

    DIENZEPHAL(HYPOTHALAMIC) SYNDROME- a complex of disorders that occurs when the hypothalamic region of the interstitial brain is damaged. Manifests itself as vegetative, endocrine, metabolic and trophic disorders, most clearly expressed in the form of symptom complexes diabetes insipidus, inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, cachexia, adiposogenital dystrophy and lactorrhea-amenorrhea.

    COMA - unconsciousness caused by dysfunction of the brain stem.

    MYASTHENIAS- a chronic, often remitting neuromuscular disease, the main manifestation of which is pathological fatigue of the striated muscles.

    MIGRAINE NEURALGIA(“beam” headache) - paroxysms of severe pain in the temporo-orbital region, repeated several times during the day.

    MIGRAINE (HEMICRANIA) - paroxysmal pain in one half of the head, accompanied by vomiting.

    MYELOPATHY- a collective concept to designate various chronic lesions spinal cord due to pathological processes, localized mainly outside it.

    MYOTONIA CONGENITAL ( THOMSEN'S DISEASE) is a rare hereditary disease characterized by prolonged tonic muscle spasms that occur after initial voluntary movements.

  • MYOTONIA DYSTROPHIC - a hereditary disease characterized by a combination of myopathy and myotonia.
  • MONONEUROPATHIES(neuritis and neuralgia) - isolated lesions of individual nerve trunks.
  • NARCOLEPSIA- paroxysms of irresistible drowsiness with the development of dependence on the external situation.
  • TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA. The disease is polyetiological; pathogenesis unknown.
  • FACIAL NERVE NEUROPATHY. Etiology, pathogenesis: Otitis, fracture temporal bone, tumor of the pontocerebellar angle; idiopathic form ( Bell's palsy) is associated with hypothermia. Mechanical compression in secondary forms, edema and ischemia in cases of Bell's palsy.
  • NEURORHEUMATISM- rheumatic damage to the nervous system. Practical significance have only minor chorea and emboli cerebral vessels with mitral disease, since rheumatic cerebral vasculitis is one of the most rare causes damage to cerebral vessels.
  • BRAIN TUMORS. Depending on the histological structure, brain tumors are divided into gliomas(60% of all brain tumors), meningiomas, neuromas cranial nerves (mainly VII. pair), metastatic, congenital and other tumors. In relation to the substance of the brain, tumors can be intracerebral (mainly gliomas) and extracerebral (meningiomas, neuromas), by location - hemispheric, intra- or parasellar and subtentorial (tumors of the posterior cranial fossa). Brain metastases most often occur when carcinomas lung, mammary gland, gastrointestinal tract And thyroid gland, less likely to metastasize to the brain sarcoma, melanoblastoma. Most of brain tumors in children occur in the cerebellum (medulloblastoma, astrocytoma).
  • SPINAL CORD TUMORS make up 15% of all CNS tumors. Extra- and intramedullary tumors are distinguished. Extramedullary tumors can be located under hard meninges and above her. Extradural tumors, as a rule, malignant (metastases). Among subdural tumors, 70% are extramedullary and 30% intramedullary. The most common subdural extramedullary tumors are neuromas(30%) and meningiomas(25%). The typical picture of an extramedullary tumor consists of three stages: the stage of radicular pain, the stage of partial compression of the spinal cord (often in the form of Brown-Séquard syndrome) and the stage of complete transverse compression of the spinal cord. Following radicular pain at the tumor level (most often such pain is observed with neuromas and metastatic tumors), para- or tetraparesis gradually increases, loss of sensitivity and pelvic disorders. Intramedullary tumors - most often gliomas; Ependymomas are not uncommon in the area of ​​the conus and cauda equina. Unlike extramedullary tumors, in which sensory and motor impairments increase from bottom to top, intramedullary tumors are characterized by the development of spinal symptoms from top to bottom.
  • OPHTHALMOPLEGIA- paralysis of the eye muscles due to damage to the oculomotor nerves.
  • PARKINSONISM, Parkinson's disease- a chronic disease caused by impaired metabolism of catechslamins in the subcortical ganglia and manifested by akinesia, tremor and muscle rigidity.
  • PERIODIC FAMILY PARALYSIS(paroxysmal familial myoplegia) is a hereditary disease characterized by sudden onset of transient attacks of flaccid paralysis of the limbs.
  • PERONEAL AMIOTROPHY CHARCOTT - MARIE- a hereditary disease manifested by slowly progressive atrophy and weakness of the distal parts of the legs.
  • HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY(hepatocerebral syndrome) - a complex of neurological and mental disorders, which occurs in patients with chronic liver diseases during portocaval anastomosis.
  • PLEXOPATHIES(plexitis) - defeat nerve plexuses(cervical, shoulder and lumbosacral). The most common lesion is the brachial plexus.
  • POLYNEUROPATHY(polyneuritis) - simultaneous damage to many peripheral nerves, manifested by symmetrical flaccid paralysis and sensory disorders mainly in the distal parts of the extremities with damage in some cases to the cranial nerves.
  • POLYRADICULONEUROPATHY ACUTE, DEMYELINATING, Guillain-Barré disease. Selective demyelination of the spinal cord roots, apparently of an autoimmune nature.
  • POST PUNCTION SYNDROME- headache and symptoms of meningism that occur after lumbar puncture.
  • PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, Duchenne dystrophy- essential progressive degeneration muscle tissue, occurring outside of any damage to the nervous system and leading to severe atrophy and weakness of certain muscle groups.
  • DISCOGENIC RADICULOPATHY(radiculitis) - pain, motor and autonomic disorders caused by damage to the spinal cord roots due to spinal osteochondrosis.
  • MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS- relapsing-remitting disease of the nervous system, caused by the occurrence of demyelination foci scattered throughout the brain and spinal cord; one of the most common organic diseases of the central nervous system.
  • SYRINGOMYELIA- a chronic disease characterized by the formation of cavities in the spinal cord and medulla oblongata with the development of extensive areas of loss of pain and temperature sensitivity.
  • SPINAL AMIOTROPHY- group of hereditary chronic diseases, characterized by progressive atrophic paresis caused by damage to the anterior horns of the spinal cord.
  • TREMOR- involuntary rhythmic movements of the limbs, head, tongue and other parts of the body, resulting from alternate contractions of agonist and antagonist muscles.
  • PHACOMATOSES- group hereditary diseases, in which damage to the nervous system is combined with cutaneous or chorioretinal angiomatosis.
  • FUNICULAR MYELOSIS(combined sclerosis) - subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord with damage to the posterior and lateral cords. The cause of the disease (is vitamin B12 deficiency. Observed when pernicious anemia and some other blood diseases, sometimes with vitamin deficiencies, intoxications, hypokalemia of renal origin, portocavapal anastomosis.
  • CHOREA- hyperkinesis, characterized by scattered random twitching of the muscles of the limbs (especially the upper ones), trunk and face. Patients are fussy, restless, constantly grimace, often hurt themselves on surrounding objects, and have difficulty and do not hold a given position for long.
  • CRANIO BRAIN INJURY. Mechanical trauma to the skull causes compression (transient or permanent) of the brain tissue, tension and displacement of its layers, transient sharp increase intracranial pressure. Displacement of the brain matter may be accompanied by rupture of brain tissue and blood vessels, and brain contusion. Usually these mechanical disorders are complemented by complex discirculatory and biochemical changes in the brain.
  • ADIE SYNDROME - special shape damage to the innervation of the pupil (internal ophthalmoplegia) in the form of unilateral mydriasis with loss of pupillary response to light and pupillotonia.

Prevention of neurological diseases– an important and significant part of a healthy lifestyle. The list of pathologies of the nervous system is quite extensive, but the provoking factors in most cases are the same. Therefore, every person who wants to maintain physical and mental activity for many years needs to know and avoid them.

Today, the prevention of neurological diseases has become even more relevant. High level activity, physical and mental fatigue, stress, information overload, poor lifestyle - all this creates the preconditions for the development of pathologies of the nervous system.

Causes of neurological diseases

Neurology pays significant attention to the study of the causes of neurological diseases. It is still difficult to identify all the factors leading to their occurrence, but the main reasons for their occurrence are still identified:

The listed factors increase the likelihood of developing neurological diseases, so the best prevention is healthy image life.

Basic prevention of neurological diseases

It is not always possible to avoid factors that provoke the development of neurological diseases, but basic preventive measures should still be followed.

At a minimum, you need to eat right, avoid drinking alcohol, and even more so – drugs. It is important to maintain at least a minimum level of physical activity and spend enough time outdoors.

For people whose work involves increased responsibility, nervous tension, stress, increased fatigue, it is necessary to devote enough time for physical rest and sleep, and also be able to relax and relieve tension.

If any early signs neurological diseases such as bad dream, fatigue, irritability. Decreased memory and performance, you should contact a neurologist and choose effective methods recovery. Otherwise, the tension will increase, and the following symptoms may become much more severe.

Where to contact?

The golden rule of any branch of medicine, including neurology, is that prevention is easier than cure. Therefore, by properly organizing your life and work, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the nervous system. If it is still impossible to get rid of the provoking factors, it will be useful to visit a neurologist in a timely manner and get advice on how to avoid problems with the nervous system.

Find a neurologist in Moscow and the “Your Doctor” website will help you make an appointment. Here you can sign up with him paid reception or call a neurologist at home.

Many people suffer from increased irritability, involuntary fatigue and systematic pain. This is the first sign of a neurological disease.
A neurological disease is a disorder of the nervous system that has chronic nature. Most often, people who have suffered serious physical or spiritual herbs are prone to them.

Less commonly, the disease is hereditary. In this case, it may appear after one or even several generations. Neurological disorders should be distinguished into:

  • children's;
  • adults
  1. congenital;
  2. acquired.

Before describing neurological symptoms, it is necessary to distinguish between the two concepts of syndrome and disease. Neurological diseases accompanied by various syndromes.

The difference between a syndrome and a disease

The syndrome is a collection of similar symptoms. The concept of syndrome is otherwise called symptom complex.

Disease is a broader and more capacious concept. Neurological diseases are a general set of manifestations, syndromes and individual diseases of the nervous system. The disease can be accompanied by several syndromes. Neurological diseases are divided into 2 groups. The first ones hit the central nervous system, the second – peripheral.

Neurological symptoms

A symptom is a manifestation of a disease. Neurological diseases have similar symptoms, so making a diagnosis yourself is not advisable. A neurological disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • Migraine,
  • Nervous tic
  • Speech and thinking disorders
  • Absent-mindedness,
  • Impotence,
  • Grinding of teeth
  • Muscle and joint pain,
  • Constant fatigue
  • Pain in the lumbar region,
  • Fainting,
  • Noise in ears,
  • Cramps,
  • Numbness of the limbs,
  • Sleep problems.

These symptoms indicate that the person has a neurological disease.

Neurological syndromes

Neurological syndromology is heterogeneous. It cannot be divided into large groups. It is possible to give a description of the current complexes of syndromes that most often appear in people.

  • Manic – depressive psychosis(manifests itself in systematically occurring depressive and manic phases, separated by light intervals).
  • Psychosis (disorder in the perception of reality, abnormality, strangeness in human behavior).
  • Syndrome chronic fatigue(characterized by prolonged fatigue that does not go away even after a long rest.
  • Narcolepsy (sleep disorder).
  • Oligophrenia (mental retardation).
  • Epilepsy (repeated seizures, accompanied by switching off or changes in consciousness, muscle contractions, disturbances of sensory, emotional and autonomic functions).
  • Deep stun.
  • Coma (switching off consciousness, accompanied by switching off conditioned and unconditioned reflexes).
  • Disorders of consciousness (fainting).
  • Sudden loss of consciousness, spatial disorientation, amnesia, partial memory loss.
  • Speech impairment.
  • Dysarthria (articulation disorder).
  • Dementia.
  • Pathological weight loss (anorexia, bulimia).
  • Decreased/loss of sense of smell.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Eye movement disorders and pupillary changes.
  • Paralysis and other changes in the facial muscles.
  • Pathological auditory phenomena.
  • Vestibular dizziness and imbalance.

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