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Why does cervical erosion happen? Video: Erosion, how it occurs. Age-related changes in the neck. Diagnostic methods and treatment tactics

Such symptoms can lead to a significant impairment of health, as well as a number of problems in reproductive system. And here it is necessary to understand why and where this disease begins.

Why does pathology appear

Doctors define the causes of erosion as a whole list. It includes:

  • Injuries
  • infections
  • Specific causes of the disease
  • Inflammatory processes
  • burns
  • Trophic variants of erosion
  • Physiological problems

Trauma and mechanical intervention

Often, erosion occurs on the cervix (perhaps even more often than in any other cases) due to injury to the mucous membrane and cervical canal.

The reasons for this can be varied:

  • abortion
  • Childbirth, especially if they were difficult and required various manipulations
  • Gynecological instrumental interventions

In elderly patients, erosion can form due to the use of a ring (gynecological pessary) when organs are displaced. All this can easily become a catalyst for the appearance of wounds and ulcerations on the delicate mucosa. In some cases, the problem resolves itself, but it may require some treatment.

Infectious component

An infection that may be on the cervix may, as a consequence, lead to the development of erosion. Why is this happening? Microbes and bacteria, getting on the mucous membranes, are introduced into the cells and begin to destroy them. Besides. Tissue edema occurs, all metabolic processes. The result is wounds and defects on the mucous membranes.

Specific erosion

A similar defect can develop due to problems in a woman in other, non-gynecological areas. For example, tuberculosis or syphilis can act as a catalyst. The consequences arise due to a general decrease in immunity, when the body is unable to fight viruses and infections. Treatment in this case, first of all, should begin with the relief of the underlying disease.

Sexual infections

Suspicion of erosion can also cause causes such as genital infections. Despite the fact that many are afraid of them, they are quickly eliminated. In this case, the neck does not always have time to be damaged. Erosion is caused by prolonged exposure of bacteria to the delicate mucous membrane, which in most cases is quite difficult to feel.

Infections causing the problem include:

  • Urogenital chlamydia: chlamydia is one of the rather aggressive bacteria that live on the mucous membrane of the cervix.
  • Urogenital trichomoniasis
  • Gonorrhea: the causative agent gonococcus causes severe inflammation of the female genital area
  • Genital herpes: this disease is often called dormant, the virus is in the body and for the time being does not make itself felt. However, on occasion, the virus can "shoot". Against the background of a decrease in immunity, a woman develops rashes on the genitals
  • Papilloma virus: This virus does not pose any particular problem in some cases, but there are a number of types of this virus that are considered to be oncogenic. Therefore, it is imperative to check the type of virus with the help of tests, and after prescribing treatment.

Inflammatory nature of the pathology

There are a number of infections that work quite aggressively. Because of this, serious inflammation and swelling form on the neck, followed by tissue necrosis and rejection of the inflamed area. The consequences can be quite noticeable - hyperemia, swelling, purulent plaque, a small bloody discharge, which occurs due to damage to blood vessels.

Burn Catalyst

Often the cause of erosion can be poor-quality treatment. To eliminate erosion, cauterization of the mucous membranes or chemical treatment is used, due to which a scar or scab is formed. Over time, the wound heals, the crust falls off, and everything goes away. But there are situations when the scab may not heal as expected, which causes an open ulcer. It is essentially erosion.

Trophic variants

Reasons for suspecting erosion include trophic damage. This means that ulcers and defects are formed due to malnutrition of tissues and blood circulation in them. This can happen during menopause, when due to hormonal changes the entire structure of tissues changes and metabolic processes are disturbed.

The physiological side of the issue

As doctors note, the reasons for the development of erosion sometimes lie in ordinary physiology. Mucosal lesions are diagnosed in young healthy women under the age of 25. It does not require any treatment - erosion heals on its own.

When erosion in nulliparous

Often, a defect in the form of erosion is attributed to age and childbirth. It is thought to be more common in middle-aged women with children than in young and nulliparous women. But this is a false opinion. Wounds and defects on the cervix can also appear in very young girls. The causes of erosion in nulliparous can be quite broad.

The list of reasons includes:

  • Congenital
  • Acquired
  • Physiological

From birth

There are cases when the epithelium of the cervix and cervical canal is already incorrectly formed in a girl in utero. Violations can be caused by various reasons. But during the period hormonal adjustment pathology can resolve itself. That's why similar condition called physiological. And treatment, as a rule, is not used in such a situation.

Acquired problems

In nulliparous patients, erosion can also develop for acquired reasons. Among them, in the first place, are all the same infections and inflammatory diseases. In fact, any hypothermia and a decrease in immunity can lead to the development of wounds and ulcers on the epithelium. In addition, early sexual intercourse, damage to the uterus due to early abortions, etc. have a negative impact on the condition of the cervix.

Physiological causes

There is also an unexpected development of a defect on the neck - outwardly there are no reasons for this. And then such changes in the shells are called false erosion. Despite the name, the pathology usually requires treatment.

The development of pathology in patients giving birth

Sometimes after childbirth, a woman needs treatment, because. she has erosion. It is not difficult to explain. The defect, as a rule, is diagnosed against the background of complicated childbirth, in which the intervention was carried out to the maximum. Forceps, incisions and other gynecological manipulations lead to the formation of microcracks on the mucosa. If, after childbirth, it was necessary to suture, then the woman even has scars. All of them can become inflamed and lead to the development of disorders on the cervical mucosa.

In this case, erosion does not bear any special consequences and does not affect the further reproductive possibilities of the lady. Therefore, no treatment is required. However, it is worth worrying in advance about how to carry out childbirth as safely as possible. Moreover, there are a fairly large number of tactics and techniques, for example, perineal massage with evening primrose oil, massage during childbirth, specialized wom-gymnastics. This will prepare the birth canal, increase the elasticity of tissues and protect them from ruptures.

Psychology as a development factor

Modern doctors are sure that the causes of erosion can lie in psychological problems women. Moreover, far from always this factor can lie on the surface - there are also deep-seated prerequisites. Usually psychological reasons associated with the rejection of a woman herself - and the appearance or nuances of behavior are unimportant. Because of this, a woman begins to deny herself and her feminine essence. When she cannot and does not want to feel desired, loved, beautiful, pathology develops. It can manifest itself as a result of insults and insults inflicted by men.

Treatment of the cervix in this case, first of all, is based on getting rid of the traumatic factor. And this is the work of a specialist. To get rid of pathology, a woman should pay more attention to her physical condition, support yourself with running, squats and gynecological massage.

Problem recurrence

Sometimes it happens that a woman has a relapse of the disease. And here the lady is interested in what reasons caused the repeated problem. Experts say that relapse is caused by all the same reasons that are relevant for primary pathology:

  • Infectious and inflammatory processes: according to statistics, this is the most common phenomenon, and the abundance of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens gives more scope for the development of the problem
  • The presence of promiscuity
  • Disorders of a hormonal nature
  • Immune disorders

And here it is worth remembering that the earlier therapy is started, the faster problem will be resolved. And this means that a woman who has already been diagnosed and treated with cervical erosion should regularly visit a doctor in order to notice the presence of emerging pathological processes in time.

Also, a relapse is possible due to the infection of a woman with the human papillomavirus - one unprotected sexual contact with a carrier is enough. This virus begins to cause irritation of the mucous membrane. In response to this, defects and wounds of the cervix develop.

A woman, as doctors say, cannot be treated irresponsibly with her pathology. Although it in itself does not cause danger, it can still be guided as an indicator of possible existing problems in the body. And this point is important, because it is quite possible that against the background of such pathologies, infertility and other problems in the genital area will develop.

In addition, erosion must be monitored so that it does not degenerate into malignant neoplasm, which is quite possible if it is caused by pathogenic viruses. Regular gynecological examination will help protect against this.

One of the most common diseases in gynecology is cervical erosion. The pathological process is asymptomatic for a long time. Women learn about the existence of a health problem when scheduled inspection at the gynecologist. According to statistics, with specified disease 50% of the fairer sex are faced, so it is important to know what are the causes of the disease.

What is cervical erosion

This is a pathological process, which is accompanied by the formation of small ulcers on the mucous membrane. Such a defect in the squamous epithelium of the vaginal zone, noticeable during an instrumental examination by a gynecologist, requires medical supervision. Among the risk factors, doctors distinguish the course of the inflammatory process of the reproductive system, the formation of polyps, cystic neoplasms. With proper treatment of erosion, scarring does not remain.

Causes of cervical erosion

The etiology of the pathological process remains unclear to the end. Gynecologists distinguish several theories why every second woman of reproductive age is diagnosed with cervical erosion. Below are a number of potential causes:

  1. Inflammatory process in the reproductive system. This pathology is accompanied by increased secretion of the glands of the cervical epithelium, inflammation of the ovaries or appendages, cystitis progresses.
  2. Early sex life. There is a high probability of attaching a secondary infection against the background of the not yet fully formed mucous membrane of the female genital organs (the formation process ends by the age of 20–23).
  3. Mechanical damage. In this case, we are talking about previous abortions, curettage, childbirth with ruptures, rough sexual contact, frequent change of sexual partners (vaginal dysbiosis).
  4. Sexual infections. Erosion develops against the background of increased activity of trichomonas, gonococci, HPV, ureaplasma, chlamydia, toxoplasma, candida, genital herpes.
  5. Endocrine disorders. The woman is having hormonal disbalance, the menstrual cycle is disturbed against the background of the use of steroids, acute estrogen deficiency, age-related changes in the body, dishormonal disorders.
  6. Decreased immune response female body. Weakening of the immune system is associated with age characteristics or becomes a consequence past illness.
  7. Anatomical features of the reproductive system. A woman may be diagnosed with an abnormal inversion of the mucous membrane of the lower part of the cervix (ectropion).

Gynecologists identify a number of provoking factors that precede the onset of the disease. Among those:

  • frequent douching that violates the microflora of the vagina;
  • improper implantation contraceptive spiral;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • previous surgery, such as removal of polyps;
  • the use of additional devices ("toys") during sexual contact;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive system, sluggish inflammatory processes.

Types of cervical erosion

Depending on the degree of damage to the epithelium, doctors distinguish mild, moderate, severe disease. Given the stage and state of the pathological process, the following classification is given:

  1. congenital erosion. Often progresses to adolescence, disappears on its own without additional medical participation. It rarely develops into a malignant tumor. The causes of the disease remain unclear, it is possible that they are laid in the period of intrauterine development of the fetus (girl).
  2. true erosion. Under the influence of physiological and pathological factors, the epithelium is exfoliated, the site of inflammation is rapidly progressing. When diagnosed, erosion has a rich red color, bleeds, causes discomfort and an attack of pain during sexual contact.
  3. Pseudo-erosion. The epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical epithelium, the boundaries of which are displaced beyond the external pharynx. Symptoms of pathology in most clinical cases are absent, but doctors do not exclude pain during intercourse, sanious discharge from the vagina.


It is important for each patient to know the causes of cervical erosion in women who have not given birth and have given birth in order to eliminate the risk of developing potential complications. It is important to study the symptoms of the disease in order to pass at the first manifestations complex diagnostics and start treatment

  • purulent bloody discharge that may appear after intercourse;
  • drawing pains lower abdomen;
  • blood secretions;
  • burning, pain, itching when urinating;
  • vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse.


If cervical erosion is suspected, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination in a hospital. It is very important to correctly differentiate the disease, to determine the cause of the occurrence. First of all, the gynecologist conducts an instrumental examination, assesses the condition of the epithelium, and visualizes the presence of ulcers. Based on the results, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests:

  • colposcopy;
  • biopsies to exclude progressive oncology (cancer);
  • studying a smear from the vagina for the detection of pathogenic flora;
  • laboratory research blood;
  • PCR tests for infections;
  • cytological research;
  • seeding for bacterial flora.

Treatment of cervical erosion

The approach to health problems is complex. To eliminate the causes and treatment, the patient's age, the stage of the pathological process, the presence of secondary infections and inflammatory processes are taken into account, chronic diseases, born children. The scheme of complex therapy is determined based on the type of erosion:

  1. Congenital erosions are not treated. The patient is at risk, so she should be regularly observed by a gynecologist. It is possible that such a problem will soon disappear on its own.
  2. True erosion and pseudo-erosion are treated simultaneously with diseases that provoked the appearance of bleeding ulcers on the epithelium. Otherwise, there is no positive dynamics.

Conservative therapy

At the initial stage, the disease can be cured medical methods based on the use of antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory drugs, systemic antibiotics. The main thing is to identify and eliminate the cause of erosion. Schemes of conservative treatment:

  1. In the presence of an inflammatory process complex therapy should be aimed at the extermination of a pathogenic agent (candida, chlamydia, papillomas, gonococci, etc.). Otherwise, positive dynamics for a long time absent, and the health problem is only getting worse.
  2. erosion at acute inflammation treat alternative methods at home. For example, the improvement is provided by the course setting of tampons with fish oil, sea buckthorn oil, synthomycin emulsion, Solcoseryl ointment. It is possible topical application antibiotics in the form of an aerosol, for example, Levovinizol, Olazol.
  3. To strengthen immune system it is necessary to take immunostimulants, vitamin-mineral complexes. Doctors additionally prescribe suppositories with probiotics, which restore the vaginal microflora.
  4. If the cause of erosion is fungal in nature, the patient needs to use Metronidazole, Seknidazole, Azithromycin, Fluconazole and other antifungal drugs orally and vaginally.
  5. Dyshormonal disorders can be eliminated with the help of oral contraceptives individually selected by the attending physician. To restore hormonal balance, analogues of natural progesterone and estrogen are recommended.
  6. A secondary role is played by physiotherapeutic procedures, among which iontophoresis with drugs, microcurrent and ozone therapy, ultraviolet and short-wave ultraviolet therapy, helium-neon laser are especially popular.


Medical treatment after identifying the underlying cause of the disease is not always highly effective. Doctors recommend surgical intervention, the main goals of which are to destroy the cylindrical epithelium, ensure a quick discharge and accelerate the regeneration of the injured epithelium. Types of invasive techniques:

  1. Diathermocoagulation. In fact, this is cauterization of erosion electric shock. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, additional use of anesthesia is not required.
  2. Cryotherapy. This is the impact on the focus of pathology low temperatures(liquid nitrogen), as a result of which the affected area freezes.
  3. Laser coagulation. Cauterization of the affected areas with a laser. The rehabilitation period lasts 4-6 weeks, the risk of repeated relapses is minimal.
  4. Chemical coagulation. This is the use of special medicines, which, when they hit the cylindrical epithelium, contribute to the speedy death.
  5. Diathermoconization. The use of a special loop to remove the overgrown cylindrical epithelium. Rehabilitation takes up to 2 months.


If the cause of the pathology is not identified and eliminated in a timely manner, erosion increases in size, captures healthy tissue, leads to irreversible consequences in the reproductive system of women. Potential complications:

  • deformation with further formation of scars;
  • diagnosed infertility;
  • accession of a secondary infection;
  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • the onset of cancer cancer cells);
  • inflammatory processes of appendages, ovaries.


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Cervical erosion is a common gynecological disease that is often found in women during a routine gynecological examination, since it has practically no symptoms. Erosion of the cervix requires constant monitoring and treatment. The causes of cervical erosion are quite diverse, let's talk about them in more detail.

To better understand how cervical erosion develops, consider the structure of this organ.

The cervix is ​​a tube inside which the cervical canal passes. It connects the uterine cavity with the vaginal cavity. At the bases of the vaginal and uterine ends, the cervical canal has physiological constrictions, which in medical terminology are called “pharynxes”. The external pharynx is visible at the base of the cervix during a medical examination.

The inner surface of the cervical canal is lined with a layer of epithelium, which consists of cylindrical cells. And the surface of the cervix, like the vagina, is covered with a squamous epithelium located in several rows. The genital tract is protected from the spread of infections due to the fact that the top row of this squamous epithelium is regularly updated. On the border between the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and the epithelium of the cervix, the so-called transformation zone is located inside the external pharynx. It is located quite deep and is not accessible for inspection without special equipment.

Why cervical erosion is formed

Traumatic effects sometimes lead to the appearance of true erosion (ulcers or wounds) on the surface of the neck. The factors causing erosion can be very different. Even the lifestyle of a woman matters. However, by cell structure all erosions are the same - they are formed exclusively with the participation of ordinary cells of the cervix or cervical canal.
All lesions on the cervical mucosa, regardless of their origin, are epithelialized after some time. This occurs due to the growth of adjacent elements (reserve cells of the squamous epithelium). Epithelialization usually takes no more than 14 days, and the mucosa heals in any case, regardless of the cause that led to the formation of erosion. If there are no complications, then usually this process is asymptomatic. Since true erosions do not exist for long and do not cause complaints in patients, doctors observe them quite rarely - in only 2% of cases.

But sometimes there is an incorrect healing of the damaged surface. Cells of cylindrical epithelium grow on the eroded area, which covers the cervical canal from the inside. After that, there is no longer an open wound, but a clear defect appears on the cervix - an area formed by "other" cells. This defect is called "false erosion" or "ectopia". The vast majority of diagnosed erosions refers to this type of pathology. Ectopia can form in a little girl, in a nulliparous girl, in every fifth woman suffering from one or another gynecological disease. As for women who have had childbirth, here ectopia is noted in about half of the cases.

That is, there is one process occurring in two stages:

The cervical epithelium is damaged and true erosion occurs.

The healing of the epithelium proceeds incorrectly and an ectopia is formed.

Therefore, the application in oral speech the word "erosion" for these cases is quite acceptable.
There is also congenital erosion. It is formed in utero, and is not associated with the action of traumatic factors. Therefore, it is not initially an open wound, but a false erosion.

Today it is hardly possible to meet grown woman who has not heard of such a gynecological problem as cervical erosion. But patients should take into account that the primary medical conclusion "erosion" may suggest both true and false or congenital pathology. To clarify the nature of changes in the mucous membrane, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed diagnosis.

Causes of cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix in gynecological practice is the displacement of the cylindrical epithelium onto the vaginal part of the cervix, which lines the cervix from the inside, and also covers the uterus and tubes.

Type of cervical erosion depending on the cause

Depending on the cause of cervical erosion, there are:

- Traumatic erosion of the cervix. In this case, difficult childbirth, manipulations during surgical interventions, and artificial termination of pregnancy lead to the formation of a wound on the cervix. In older women with displacement of the genital organs, mechanical trauma may occur in connection with the use of a uterine pessary. If there is any inflammatory process in the vagina or cervical canal (vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endocervicitis), an infection can get on the cervix.

- Inflammatory erosion of the cervix. This type of erosion is always associated with infectious factors. Sometimes infectious process takes a very aggressive course. Then a local inflammation occurs on the neck, which is complicated by necrosis. In this case, the tissues at the site of inflammation begin to be rejected, and erosion is formed. With erosions of an inflammatory nature, characteristic signs are observed - redness, pus, swelling, the release of a small amount of blood due to vascular damage.

- Specific erosion of the cervix. In this case, the cause may be far beyond the genitals. Rarely found in patients with syphilis or tuberculosis. Also, erosion can be associated with the presence of genital infections. But they are usually easily diagnosed and quickly treated, so cervical damage simply does not have time to occur. Only in some cases, when a sexual infection proceeds for a long time, erosion develops against its background.

- Burn erosion of the cervix. May be the result of therapeutic procedures. The goal of the treatment of false erosion is the destruction of the pathological focus with further restoration of the normal mucosa above its surface. For this in modern medicine several methods are used. So, cryodestruction (exposure to low temperature), electrocoagulation, laser, radio waves or chemical treatment (the so-called cauterization of cervical erosion) are widely used. As a result of any of these procedures, the same changes occur: the upper “wrong layer” is destroyed, in its place a scab is formed, under which there is a mucous layer. Recovery processes begin in this layer, the mucous membrane heals, and the crust is rejected over time. But there are cases when epithelialization goes with violations, the crust is rejected ahead of time, opening an unhealed ulcer. This wound is a true erosion.

- Trophic erosion of the cervix. The cause of this type of erosion is a violation of blood circulation in the tissues and their malnutrition. Trophic erosion is often found in patients who are in menopause, against the background of atrophic processes in the mucous membranes of the genitals and hypoestrogenism.

- Physiological erosion of the cervix. Occurs in healthy young women (up to 25 years of age), then completely disappears without requiring external interventions. The causes of this pathology still remain unexplored. For physiological erosion big influence renders a state immune protection organism.

Causes of congenital erosion of the cervix

Congenital erosion is an ectopia (pseudo-erosion). When the fetus begins laying the reproductive system, then inner surface The uterus and the rudiments of the vagina are at first completely covered with a cylindrical epithelium. Over time, in the area of ​​​​the vagina and the vaginal part of the neck, this epithelium is replaced by a flat one.

The essence of the problem lies in the fact that the cylindrical epithelium is sensitive to hormones. And in newborns, changes begin in the body hormonal background, due to which the cylindrical epithelium moves outward, forming a false erosion.

What can be done in case of congenital erosion of the cervix

Until the age of 23 years, congenital erosion is usually not touched, giving preference to observation tactics. If inflammatory processes occur, they need to be treated. Some patients are prescribed drugs oral contraception to regulate hormonal levels.
In addition, women with congenital erosion are shown local funds, which contribute to the improvement of epithelization (for example, sea ​​buckthorn candles). Sexual intercourse without a condom is undesirable.

Causes of acquired cervical erosion

One of the main causes of acquired erosion is changes in the hormonal background. Such processes are characteristic of puberty, pregnancy, and they can also be the result of the use of hormonal contraceptives.
In addition, erosion can develop if the cervix has been injured (during childbirth, during an abortion, or due to rough sexual contact).
Disease plays a role inflammatory nature. They create unfavorable conditions under which the epithelium is "loosened", which becomes the basis for the formation of erosion.

Infections and violation of the acidity of the vagina - the causes of cervical erosion

If acidity shifts to the alkaline side, conditions are created under which the squamous epithelium that covers outer surface cervix. Its place is occupied by a layer of cylindrical epithelium (normally it lines the neck), since with a change in acidity, an environment suitable for it is formed.

One of the main causes of acid imbalance in the vagina is inflammation. Normally, the vagina should have a slightly acidic environment. It is supported by a special vaginal flora - lactobacilli. The second name of these organisms is Dederlein sticks.

If an unhealthy flora multiplies in the vagina and an inflammatory process begins, then ph begins to shift to the alkaline side. Thus, the formation of pseudo-erosion may be associated with inflammation.

Diseases that contribute to cervical erosion

This includes inflammation of the vagina, such as vaginitis, colpitis and some other diseases. Sexually transmitted infections can also lead to erosion: herpes type 2, genital herpes, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, thrush in women.

Medical scientists managed to prove that the oncogenic types of this virus provoke erosion and further contribute to its transition to a malignant formation. The fact is that in all patients who are diagnosed with cancer, certain strains of the papillomavirus are found.
On this moment it is believed that vaccination can be an effective method of combating the papillomavirus. Moreover, it is desirable to carry out young age. According to doctors, vaccination of female adolescents does not increase their sexual activity and can be considered absolutely safe. Read more about the treatment of human papillomavirus infection on our website.

In addition, some additional factors contribute to the formation of erosion:

Fall of immunity.

Early sexual life.

Menstrual disorders.

A large number of sexual partners.

Neglect of contraception.

The opinion that cervical erosion is defeated only by women who have given birth is erroneous. This pathology is noted in women before the first birth, and in adolescents, and even in little girls. It is conditionally possible to distinguish such causes of erosion in nulliparous women:

- Congenital erosion of the cervix in nulliparous. By its nature, congenital erosion is a false erosion and is a physiological ectopia. The development of the integumentary epithelium of the cervix and cervical canal begins in the womb. During this period, the presence of a columnar epithelium behind the external pharynx is considered normal. But over time, when estrogens are involved in the development of the child, the transition zone between the cylindrical epithelium and the flat one goes beyond the area of ​​​​the external pharynx, and for this reason it cannot be seen during a normal examination. Congenital pseudo-erosion usually disappears completely when the girl runs out of puberty. But sometimes, under the influence hormonal factors she can stay. False erosion is diagnosed in this case at the first gynecological examination after the onset of sexual activity. Congenital erosion in girls can be combined with hormonal dysfunction. This pathology is not considered as a disease. She is considered temporary. physiological state and does not require special treatment.

- Acquired erosion of the cervix in nulliparous. This fairly large group of causes includes both external and internal factors. Co. internal reasons primarily include infections occurring in chronic form(not only gynecological), drop in immunity, hormonal processes. External factors leading to the appearance of erosion - earlier onset of sexual activity, casual sexual relations, traumatization as a result of abortions.

- Physiological erosion of the cervix in nulliparous. In gynecological practice, there are occasionally cases when pseudo-erosion appears in young women who are not yet 25 years old. It is not possible to find out the cause of ectopia. Usually it goes away on its own without special treatment, and then it is considered a physiological phenomenon.

When a complicated erosion (false or true) is detected, the patient necessarily requires treatment. Unfortunately, erosion is prone to recurrence. Usually, relapses occur with incomplete elimination of erosion, when sections of the cylindrical epithelium remain in the affected area. Also, erosion can re-occur due to an untreated infection.

Some women believe that erosion may be due to psychological factors. However, erosions are usually of hormonal or organic origin. But the influence of psycho-emotional factors on their occurrence has not been confirmed, so this opinion can be considered erroneous.

Causes of cervical erosion in women giving birth

Cause of postpartum erosion - traumatic injury. During childbirth, the fetus makes progressive movements. The uterus has elastic and muscle fibers, and therefore stretches. If the birth process is uneven, minor injuries may appear on the cervix, and in some cases even tears.

Of course, all injuries resulting from childbirth are sutured without fail. However, they often cause erosion. A few days after the birth of a child, ulceration forms on the damaged area, accompanied by acute inflammation.

Visually, the erosion that occurred after childbirth is a small ulcer of a bright red hue, which is more intense at the edges. The lesion site is covered with purulent plaque. There are damaged vessels at the bottom of the wound, therefore bleeding is characteristic of erosions.

If local immunity works without disturbances, then a few days after the onset of erosion, its bottom is cleaned of necrotic fragments. And when the entire surface is completely cleared, erosion becomes a common wound. After that, the healing process begins.

The diagnosis of "true postpartum erosion" is made in the postpartum period. The affected area in similar cases treated with wipes impregnated with disinfectants. This helps prevent secondary infection. After cleansing the injured area, they proceed to the use of antibacterial applications. Complete epithelialization of the damaged area takes about 12 days.

It often happens that in women who have undergone postpartum erosion, erosion is again diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination. Patients do not expect such a diagnosis and are surprised to ask why the disease has returned. It's all about the incorrect epithelialization of true erosion, when ectopia is formed from the cylindrical epithelium. False erosion that appears after childbirth is treated in the same way as in other cases.

So, we can conclude that the formation of erosion is not associated with one cause, but with the combined action of several factors. For the timely detection of erosion, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist. Only this specialist after appropriate diagnosis can establish an accurate diagnosis.

Cervical erosion- a pathological process in which its ulceration is observed. This is one of the most common pathologies, which is detected during examination in a third of the patients.


Erosion or, in other words, cervical ectopia is a disease in which ulcers (erosion) are found on the cervical mucosa. What cervical erosion looks like, as well as the size and number of ulcers, depends on the degree to which the disease has developed. Women are susceptible to erosion, regardless of age. When ectopia is detected, a thorough examination is required, since its presence may indicate the development of an oncological process.

Cervical erosion is a pathology that is found in 30% of women upon examination.

Important! Usually, cervical erosion occurs in a latent form and there are no symptoms indicating it. This is the difficulty of its detection - as a rule, erosion can be detected only by chance, during the inspection.

Signs by which the disease can be suspected are:

  • discharge during cervical erosion, accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity;
  • disturbed;
  • an increase in whites. This is due to the fact that the section of the cylindrical epithelium increases and produces mucus in a larger volume.

At an advanced stage of discharge during cervical erosion, the cervix becomes thick, bloody inclusions or pus may be found in them.


Erosion can be different in etiology and pathogenesis:

  • true erosion. By appearance looks like an abrasion. The process of its development is accompanied by damage or inflammation of the epithelium. A couple of weeks after the onset, such erosion may disappear or transform into ectopia, in which the stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one.
  • pseudo-erosion. With this form, the cylindrical epithelium is displaced to the area of ​​the neck, covered with stratified squamous epithelium. This form can be either congenital or acquired. The cause of the acquired form may be hormonal imbalance or female diseases.
  • congenital form. It is manifested by a shift in the border between the squamous stratified and cylindrical epithelium. As a rule, this form goes away by itself by a certain age and does not need treatment. It is common in nulliparous women, as well as in those taking oral contraceptives.

There is a separate classification of true erosion, which is based on the reason that caused its occurrence:

  • inflammatory form- occurs as a result of any infection of the genital tract;
  • traumatic- develops as a result of curettage, rough sexual intercourse, etc .;
  • chemical- appears after the use of aggressive chemicals, which are sometimes used in self-medication by douching;
  • burn- is formed due to cauterization of the neck area;
  • trophic- a consequence of a violation of the blood supply to the uterus;
  • specific- occurs due to infection or;
  • cancerous- one of the forms of malignant neoplasms.

A photo of the cervix with erosion can be seen below.

Photo of the cervix without pathologies, with pseudo-erosion and erosion


The causes of erosion can be as follows:

  • Inflammatory processes of the female genital organs. The most significant role in this case is played by endocervicitis.
  • Discharge from the cervix, which is a consequence of pathology. It could be polyps. As a result of such secretions, desquamation and maceration of the epithelium occurs. Since this process takes a certain time, and does not appear immediately, many women develop true erosion, on the surface of which dangerous microorganisms (Trichomonas, gonococci, etc.) begin to multiply.
  • injury. Tissues can be damaged during childbirth, surgery, insertion or removal of the coil.
  • Hormonal disorders. They can be associated with early or late puberty, menstrual cycle failure, ovarian failure, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, late or early pregnancy.
  • Violation.

Erosion after childbirth can be caused by a large fetus, a rapid birth process. In women who have given birth, the occurrence of erosion can be triggered by surgery.

Cervical erosion in nulliparous women can be triggered by:

  • lack of regular sexual relations;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • bad;
  • promiscuous sex life.

Provoking factors that apply to all women are nicotine addiction and genetic predisposition.

The use of oral contraceptives is called as a possible factor, but this relationship has not been reliably established.

In the photo, erosion of the cervix


Symptoms and treatment are interrelated and treatment is prescribed based on the results of the diagnosis. There are several options for how to cure erosion. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the cause due to which the pathology has developed. For example, eliminate inflammation or cure sexually transmitted infections, if any. Experts note that in some cases, after the cause is eliminated, erosion goes away on its own.

Treatment methods are based on a direct effect on erosion:

Chemical coagulation- application to the cervix of a drug that affects the cylindrical epithelium. With this exposure, the squamous epithelium quickly covers the treated area. This treatment option is one of the most gentle and is usually used to eliminate small pseudo-erosions. In some cases, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure.

Diathermocoagulation- exposure to high-frequency current, in which tissue melting occurs. As a result of cauterization, the overgrown epithelium is removed, in place of which a normal multilayer then appears. As a rule, the procedure goes without complications, however, there is a risk of scar formation, which may make it difficult to open the cervix during childbirth.

diathermoconization- excision of overgrown tissues with a special loop. A scab forms on the surface of the cauterized erosion, which departs a week after the procedure. Overgrowing of the zone with stratified epithelium usually ends in a month and a half.

Cauterization by radio waves makes it possible to remove overgrown cells with the help of high-frequency current, without affecting the surrounding tissues. This method can be used to treat any disease of the cervix that is benign.

In the treatment of erosion, preference is given to the use of radio waves. It is necessary to understand how cervical erosion is cauterized by this method - this is a non-contact method, during which the cervix does not heat up, there is no risk of burns.

taking a swab from the uterus

Local anesthesia may be used during the procedure.

Radio wave treatment gives a 100% guarantee of erosion elimination in the absence of bleeding and the risk of scar formation.

Removal of cervical erosion by cryotherapy is the use of low temperatures to eliminate erosion. The disadvantages of the procedure include an insignificant depth of exposure and a high frequency of relapses. However, the method has advantages: the absence of pain and blood, as well as a negative effect on the opening of the cervix during childbirth. This method cannot be used in oncological diseases.

Laser surgery refers to the most effective methods of removing cervical erosion. The most commonly used carbon dioxide laser. During the procedure, there is practically no effect on healthy cells. Healing takes less time than with diathermocoagulation. Treatment of cervical erosion with a laser can be used for any diseases of the cervix, suggesting the absence of oncological formations, as well as cicatricial deformities.

Prices for the treatment of cervical erosion vary greatly depending on the method chosen. Medical treatment is the cheapest option. The most expensive treatments will be laser and radio waves. In this case, the price for the treatment of cervical erosion will also depend on the size of the lesion.

Can it be treated with medication? Gentle methods of treatment include the use of candles. Candles for cervical erosion are prescribed in the following situations:

  • erosion is caused by a violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • pain during menstruation, localized in the sacrum;
  • erosion resulting from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • erosion caused by hormonal disorders;
  • trauma as a result of an abortion or difficult childbirth.

Important! Treatment of cervical erosion with suppositories can only be used if small areas are affected. Such treatment is relevant as an additional after cauterization of erosion.

Treatment with folk methods

It should immediately be noted that the folk remedies for the treatment of cervical erosion has not been confirmed. In any case, you should not start treatment with folk remedies on your own, as this can lead to the growth of erosion.

Folk recipes provide treatment in the form of laying tampons or douching. A swab is moistened in sea buckthorn oil - this is what one of the folk recipes. However, sea buckthorn oil can lead to an increase in erosion in size and should only be used after cauterization. The attending physician can tell about such nuances and how to treat erosion with the help of folk remedies. As for the direct treatment with sea buckthorn oil, the tampon soaked in it is placed overnight. The course of treatment is 14 days.

For douching use a 2% solution of calendula. The tool is used for 10 days, after each visit to the toilet.

After examination, the doctor prescribes treatment for cervical erosion


TO preventive measures recommended by experts include:

  • regular visits to the gynecologist and the delivery of a smear;
  • compliance with the rules intimate hygiene and wearing high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • permanent sexual partner;
  • using a condom as a method of contraception;
  • strengthening immunity.

Impact on pregnancy

It is good if it turns out to identify and cure erosion before pregnancy. In cases where cervical erosion is detected during pregnancy, to surgical methods usually don't run. Conservative treatment is carried out in order to eliminate infections and strengthen immunity.


The lack of treatment of cervical erosion can lead to the following consequences:

  • inflammation of the endometrium;
  • inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • inflammation of the ovaries.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy is of particular danger to a woman, as it can lead to premature dilatation, creating a threat.

The appearance of cervical erosion is fraught with the fact that it creates a favorable background for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, its presence can become a factor preventing conception.

Another danger is that there is a risk of degeneration of erosion into a malignant formation.


The cervix with erosion can be prescribed if there is a suspicion of the development of an oncological process. When performing a biopsy under anesthesia, local anesthesia is used. After the procedure, a woman needs a sparing regimen: sexual activity is not allowed for 2 weeks, weight lifting, it is forbidden to bathe in the bath.

Such a pathology as is one of the ten most common female diseases. In fact, it is a small violation in the mucosa. The reasons for the appearance are not fully understood. The most common causes include inflammation of the genital area and damage to the mucous membranes. reproductive organ mechanical nature. With the advent of erosion, there are obstacles to the healthy fertilization of the egg, and, consequently, there is a risk of infertility.

An erosive condition can be congenital, or it can be acquired in the process of life. The cause of cervical erosion lies in the penetration of infections into the body: urogenital chlamydia, trichomoniasis, microplasmosis, gonorrhea, herpes virus. Pathology can always appear with characteristic features: edema, purulent plaque, spotting. If the inflammatory processes are quickly cured, the uterus does not have time to be damaged. An erosive condition in women occurs if the treatment is not applied for too long.

The causative agent of chlamydia is chlamydia. It can be acquired sexually from an infected partner. Since chlamydia multiply precisely on the mucous membrane, the frequency of erosion increases many times over.

Characteristic features of chlamydia are severe leucorrhoea, pain when urinating, redness, itching and burning in the genitals. If you do not treat the infection for a long time, it will penetrate deep into the body. This will lead to the appearance of inflammation on the appendages, and in the future to infertility.

Urogenital trichomoniasis occurs in the body due to the penetration of Trichomonas into it. Infection also occurs due to sexual intercourse with a sick partner.

Genital herpes can live inside a woman for a long time without showing itself. In some cases, it can provoke inflammation, which will lead to erosion.

Treatment of the erosive process is simply necessary. Pathology is not terrible in itself, the consequences that occur if it is not treated for a long time are terrible. A neglected disease can develop into oncology, this is already worse than any other complication that can be.

Causes of cervical erosion also lie in bacterial inflammation that cannot be caught sexually. They can be thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

Burn erosion

What does it come from? There is erosion of the neck from therapeutic procedures. Treatment of this pathology occurs in several ways. The most common at present: electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, chemical and laser treatment. Under the influence of all these procedures, the wrong cells die, thereby forming a crust. Under it there is a gradual restoration of tissues. When this process ends, the crust is rejected.

If something goes wrong, the crust will fall off sooner due date, the ulcer will remain open, the pathology will develop into a true form.

The causes of cervical erosion of trophic content lie in the fact that nutrition and blood circulation are disturbed in cells and tissues. Most often, this pathology can appear during the menopause of a woman. It was during this period that atrophic processes begin in the genitals.

In girls and women with diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis, specific erosion may occur.

Other causes of uterine erosion encountered in medicine:

  • Action chemical substances such as lubricants or detergents;
  • The onset of sexual activity too early also sometimes leads to erosion. After all, the mucous membrane finishes to mature only by the age of 20-23, an earlier sexual intercourse can easily injure it;
  • The disease is due to vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • Abortions causing mucosal injury;
  • Changes in the hormonal background, because the sexual spheres completely depend on the quantity and quality of hormones;
  • Uncontrolled change of partners;
  • Inflammation of a bacterial nature;
  • Inflammation of the urinary organs;
  • Congenital erosions may be due to poor heredity.

Erosion on the cervix due to a decrease in immunity as a result of any diseases can also easily occur.

congenital erosion

This form of the disease occurs in girls due to anatomical features. When a girl is just born, her inner uterine epithelium is outside. And only then, gradually moves to its place. If suddenly this does not happen, an erosive state occurs. It does not affect a woman's life in any way, and does not affect the ability to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

This type of erosion usually occurs due to heredity, birth defects developmental or hormonal disorders. This condition is not considered a disease, but is a natural process. However, sometimes even after childbirth, the pathology does not go away, but, on the contrary, becomes the cause of various infections and inflammations. In this case, the defect of the uterus becomes dangerous for the woman and requires immediate treatment.

Psychological reasons

The pathology of the cervix also has a psychological cause. These include a woman's rejection of her appearance, not faith in her individuality and originality. A woman cannot believe that she can be beautiful, desired and loved. All this has a negative effect on general health, and, in particular, can cause a violation of the monthly cycle, infertility, ovarian cysts, erosion, uterine fibroids.

Erosion can be provoked by a bad relationship with a man for a long time, hatred of men, their rejection, a feeling of anger. For such reasons, a woman needs to forget about all the insults inflicted by the second half of humanity, to believe in her strength and her individuality. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to defeat diseases of the genital area.

In addition to women Health was always strong, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle, protect yourself from constant stress, reconsider your diet. And include physical activity in your life.

repeated erosion

Once cured even with great difficulty, the pathology can recur again. Why does it reappear? The reasons for this are the same as when it first appeared:

  • Infections, inflammations;
  • Promiscuous sexual relations;
  • Failure in the correct ratio of hormones;
  • Disorders in the immune system.

Re-disease can also be caused by inadequate treatment for the first time, incorrectly established cause diseases, an incomplete course of therapy. Development re-erosion quite often accompanied by infectious diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

Treatment of pathologies of this background only in women is also not effective, since their partners are still infected. With further cohabitation the disease will return to the lady again.

The presence of papilloma virus human HPV also leads to inflammation and irritation of the uterine mucosa.

Erosion after childbirth

The causes of true erosion that occur after childbirth are always injuries. The cervix is ​​very elastic and during childbirth it stretches to the right sizes. However, there are cases of incorrect birth process, in which the neck can be injured or even torn.

Of course, all tears or incisions are carefully sewn up by doctors, but it is precisely these places that are the places of erosion in the future. A few days after childbirth, an inflammatory process appears at the rupture site.

The erosion itself is a rounded ulcer, red in color with a purulent coating. Damaged blood vessels cover the bottom of the ulcer, so when it comes into contact it bleeds.

After about five days, the bottom of the wound starts the processes of self-purification from negative elements. After the final cleansing, the wound begins to gradually heal.

Doctors treat the wound with disinfectant wipes, and then make gauze antibacterial applications. The mucosa is fully restored only on the 12th day.

After the postpartum illness is completely cured, a repeated pathology may occur. What causes erosion? This happens due to the fact that the wound is closed not by a multilayer epithelium, but by a cylindrical one. Ectopia occurs.

If the causes of cervical erosion, even after all the diagnostic procedures, cannot be identified, they are considered physiological. Such ectopia eventually passes without any medical intervention on its own. If such erosions are accompanied by inflammation, treatment is required.


The emerging diagnosis of "cervical erosion" must be treated. Pathology is diagnosed only when examined by a doctor, as it proceeds without visible and tangible symptoms. Therefore, an examination by a gynecologist twice a year should become a law for any woman.

Timely diagnosis and elimination of inflammatory processes and infectious diseases will also be the basis for preventing the erosive state of the uterus.

Healthy lifestyle, correct use necessary contraception, compliance with the laws of personal hygiene will protect against unwanted diseases and their complications.