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How long do hamsters live at home? Peculiarities of cohabitation of a pair of Djungarian hamsters. Video about hamster breeding

Hamsters are territorial animals and should not be kept together. If you keep two hamsters, then you need to keep them in two different cages.

For mating The female is placed in a cage with the male, and after mating is removed. The age of the female for mating is at least 4 months. The age of the male for mating is at least 3 months. Hamsters should not be bred for the rest of their life, only up to 10 months, to a maximum of 1 year. The average lifespan of a hamster is 1.5-2 years. With proper care and housing conditions, hamsters live up to 3.5 years.

Pregnancy in hamsters lasts, depending on the species, from 16-20 days, the number of babies in one litter is from 4 to 12. They are fed with mother’s milk from 18 to 20 days. During the first birth, a young mother often eats part of the weakened and even healthy babies. Refuses to feed. Hamsters are born without fur and blind. They look like weak, helpless creatures. But that's not true.

Newborn babies Do not touch, handle or stroke. The female, sensing someone else's smell, will certainly eat the cubs. It is better not to disturb the female either. During this period, you also cannot clean the cage. It is better to put the cage with the female and her offspring in a quiet and quiet place. Look at her only to feed her or change the water in the drinking bowl.

A few days before giving birth You need to thoroughly wash and disinfect the cage. Put fresh bedding, food, pour into the drinking bowl clean water, put up a house. Remove deep containers from the cage. So that when the kids start crawling out of the house, they don’t accidentally drown in a bowl of water.

For childbirth females are better off using a one-story cage. If the cage has a pull-out tray and a grate at the bottom, then the bottom of the cage is covered with sawdust. Do not put perishable food in the feeder! The female will definitely hide it and the food will spoil. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the female needs to be given vitamins. Feed with plant and grain feeds. There should always be fresh water in the drinking bowl.

  Feeding a pregnant and lactating female. During pregnancy and lactation, the female should be given protein food– 1-2 times a week, in small quantities, boiled chicken, boiled egg yolk, low-fat cottage cheese (without various additives, without sugar). All these products are given separately and in different days, not all at once. For example, on Tuesday boiled chicken, on Thursday a little chicken. Hamster food, succulent food, is given daily. The chicken should be cooked without any seasonings, without salt.

  To prevent the female from eating the offspring:
 - hamsters must be kept separately;
 - the female must be of a suitable age for breeding - at least 4 months. and no more than 10 months;
 - living conditions and diet must be at the proper level;
 - a pregnant female, a few days before giving birth and nursing, should not be disturbed, frightened, tried to be picked up, etc.;
 - the cage must be removed to a quiet and shaded place where the female will feel safe.

A little about hamsters:

Development of hamsters from birth to one month...

Determination of sex in hamsters (drawing and description)...

Proper feeding of hamsters...

Children love animals very much, this is no secret. And very often they beg their parents for a kitten, puppy, parrot, or fish. But the full measure of responsibility for Living being they do not yet understand, and also hardly know, how to care for the chosen animal.

Your task is to explain everything clearly enough, in detail and be sure to help at first.

For example, a child begs you for a hamster. Firstly, it depends on its type. They are Syrian, Dzungarian, and Campbell. The life expectancy of Roborovsky and Campbell is on average 2-2.5 years. lives most often the same, 2-2.5 years, but there are often cases when they lived up to 3.5 years. Factor short life must be taken into account when purchasing such an animal for a child. After all, if furry friend dies, the baby’s grief will be immeasurable.

But if, having found out how long a hamster lives, you still decide to buy it, you need to consider further aspects of proper maintenance and care. The most important rule for keeping hamsters is that if you have several of them, they should live in separate cages! Otherwise they will hurt or even kill each other. Further, the cell, despite small size animals must be large, spacious and well equipped. After all, these animals are active runners, they need somewhere to put their energy, and in a cage, especially a small one, this is very problematic. This means that your pet should have a large home with narrow gaps between the bars and a reliable latch, so that the travel lover does not run away from you one day. The cage must have a running wheel with a diameter of 17-20 cm or more. With a smaller diameter, the hamster will have to bend its back when running, and this is not at all beneficial for its fragile health.

There must also be an automatic drinking bowl; although hamsters drink a little, they still need to drink, and they will easily pour out the water in the bowl or litter it. For comfort and convenience, the hamster needs a house - he will put his supplies there and hide himself when he wants peace. You will also need two food bowls - for dry food and wet food, like allowed fruits, vegetables, chicken meat, eggs and so on. Well, if you wish, you can equip your pet’s home with all sorts of entertaining toys - ladders, ropes, balls and boards made of non-toxic materials that can be chewed. The range of such accessories in pet stores is quite wide. Yes, by the way, chewing toys are a must, since hamsters urgently need to grind down their rapidly growing teeth!

Very important factor keeping a hamster - temperature regime. In order not to ask yourself the question of how long a hamster lives and why ours lived so short, take this very carefully. In winter, the hamster should not be cold; drafts are extremely dangerous, as the animals catch cold easily. And in the summer they need to be protected from the sweltering heat - move the cage away from straight sun rays and put a piece of tile inside on which your animal can cool off when needed.

And sometimes it happens that the question “how long does a hamster live” is asked with a completely different subtext - often careless owners cannot wait for this short life to end. The main reasons are the noise made by the animals at night and the smell. So, both of these can be avoided. To avoid the smell, it is enough to use good food and not sawdust or newspaper, and clean the cage on time. And to avoid noise that interferes with sleep, you can simply take the cage to the bathroom at night, for example. And then nothing will bother you, but only bring you joy, and you will already be asking how long a hamster lives, solely with the hope that yours will live with you as long as possible!

So, let's summarize. All species of hamsters described in this article are domesticated. This means that the answer to the question of how long domestic hamsters live is from one to three and a half years.

You don't have to have large animals to have a pet that will love you. These can be small rodents such as Djungarian hamsters. They feel comfortable if a person takes the time to communicate with them. And you don’t have to wait long for this, because only with your own appearance These cute creatures make you fall in love with them even at the first meeting.

How long do Djungarians live?

IN wild conditions These animals do not live very long - hamsters that manage to live up to one and a half years are considered record holders. This is explained quite simply: in their natural environment many dangers await, and the threat can come not only from predators, but also from diseases. Death can also occur due to winter cold or lack of food. But everything can be changed if you take a hamster of this breed into your home.

When they are cared for and given a lot of attention, then everything is created by them. the necessary conditions so that they can live much longer. On average Dzungarian Hamsters live at home for about two to three years. Although some representatives of this breed can live up to four years of age. But such cases are very few. Although you shouldn't focus too much on how many years hamsters live.

When the irreparable happens and this cute little lump dies, the owner is unlikely to be able to hold back his tears. But there is nothing else to do but come to terms with the fact that this is still a lot if this small mammal managed to live in your home for so long.

Dependence of life expectancy on quality of care

Having brought home this tiny creature, you should pay a lot of attention to it, which, however, also applies to other pets. But if you do not have the opportunity to do this, then do not try to create a noisy environment using various household appliances. Djungarians strongly dislike having loud noises constantly present near them.

Bright lighting can also harm hamsters. Therefore, take care that the dzhungariks do not fall directly sunlight. To do this, the cage with them needs to be placed away from the window.

Your pet will live much longer if you regularly care for its home. Therefore, make sure that piles of garbage did not accumulate in his cage and excrement. Make it a rule to clean his cage once every two to three days. At the same time, general cleaning is required at least once a week.


Nutrition has a significant impact on the lifespan of the Djungarian hamster. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase for your pet ready-made nutritional compositions, which contain a set of necessary useful substances and vitamins. Typically they contain:

  • corn;
  • wheat;
  • peas;
  • nuts.

Be sure to make sure that his diet contains fresh vegetables and fruits. Djungarians especially love zucchini and carrots. Very You need to be careful with cabbage and onions, as they can harm the health of hamsters. The same applies to citrus fruits. To keep your pet's diet balanced, you can diversify it with apricots, bananas or apples.

At least two to three times a week, your hamster’s menu should include meat. Few pay attention to this point, although without protein it is impossible to ensure healthy and full life jungarika. It also doesn’t hurt to add special foods to your diet from time to time. vitamin supplements. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, it is recommended to discuss choosing the appropriate brand and determining the dosage with your veterinarian.

Some owners believe that rodents can survive without water. However, it is not. Therefore, make sure that there is always a drinking bowl with fresh drinking water in the hamster’s cage.

Whatever pet you keep in your apartment, maintaining its high physical activity, you will help keep his health strong. Therefore, let him run whenever possible. If you will be keep him in a wide cage equipped with a wheel, his body will work like a clock, and he himself will remain cheerful. If necessary, you can even bring him joy by purchasing a special maze where your pet will have more opportunities to run.

Dependence of life expectancy on diseases

Diseases cause serious harm the body of any animal, and especially such a tiny creature. This directly affects how long hamsters live.

The development of the disease can be determined by the following characteristic signs:

If you notice any of these symptoms in your hamster, you should immediately take him to the vet. It is very important to deliver as early as possible correct diagnosis, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on this.

Not all owners have enough time to control this agile animal. That's why, if he manages to climb high objects Without the owner's knowledge, he may fall and injure his paws. Therefore, if you find such injuries on him, then do not try to provide him with first aid yourself. You should immediately contact a qualified specialist.

Djungarian hamsters, like people, are susceptible to colds. This condition can be determined by sneezing, snoring, and decreased activity.

During such periods, it is necessary to provide the animal with special care; its diet should contain fresh fruits. Give it to him medications Moreover, injections can only be given on the recommendation of a doctor.

A hamster's lack of appetite suggests that something is wrong with its teeth. It is more likely that he has damage oral cavity or the incisors have become too long, which causes him discomfort. To give teeth a normal length, you will have to see a doctor. Although some owners manage to solve this problem at home. Sometimes you can encounter serious disruption of the hamster's stomach and intestines. Characteristic symptoms the fact that not everything is in order with these organs are:

  • loose stools;
  • rumbling in the tummy;
  • unpleasant smell.

After the first week, a person, seeing how restless these creatures are, becomes so accustomed to them that he can no longer imagine a day without them. Unfortunately, their physiology is like this that within a couple of years their death will occur. Naturally, every owner who is accustomed to these active animals experiences suffering. This becomes a serious blow for children who very sincerely fall in love with the little Djungarians and find it extremely difficult to come to terms with the fact that they are no longer there.

What to do if the dwarf died?

Don't try to place the blame entirely on yourself, don't torture yourself with the fact that this happened because of your mistake. You should switch your thoughts to something else: While the hamster lived in your family, he was very happy because he was loved by all members. And it is unknown how his fate would have turned out if you had not been around. Unfortunately, not a single person is able to prolong the life of an animal more than is allotted to it by nature.


Djungarian hamsters are very cute creatures that are hard not to love. Many people really like how they behave actively. Naturally, it’s not easy not to fall in love with these creatures. But keep in mind that these hamsters are not long-lived, so in two to three years the inevitable will come - the death of your pet. But you shouldn't constantly remember this sad moment. It is best to devote your free time to your pet and be with him more often.

Try to care for him as carefully as possible, thereby you will extend the time allotted to him. After all, this is the only thing a person can influence. Therefore, from the very first day of his stay in your home, you should be very attentive to him: keep his cage clean, choose the right diet, and also create conditions for him in which he can maintain his high physical activity.

Life is structured in such a way that the smaller the animal, the shorter its life. Hamsters, unfortunately, are no exception. On average, regardless of breed, they will be able to please you for about 2-2.5 years. If you provide your pet good care, then he will be able to live 3, or even 4 years.

Hamsters are very susceptible to disease. Their diseases progress rapidly, and it is quite rare that the animal can be cured - the hamster dies. To avoid this nightmare, choose a healthy baby.

Considering the short life of a hamster, it is advisable to buy a young individual. She tolerates changes in environment more easily and tames faster. But the hamster should not be less than three weeks old; it is advisable that he be able to feed himself.

How to extend a hamster's life?

Place your pet in a spacious cage. Make sure that it stands in a secluded place where there are no drafts or direct sunlight.

Remove items from the cage that could cause injury to the animal. Do not use cotton wool as a filler, as the hamster can become entangled in its fibers, and when trying to free itself, it can damage its paw. Use only special filler in the cage. Do not replace it with newspaper: printing ink can cause poisoning.

Don't create an animal stressful situations. Hamsters don't like change, so don't move the cage too often. It is also not common to completely clean the cage, disrupting the hamster’s normal life. Do not touch the products that he has hidden “in reserve.”

Do not feed your hamster from your table. Many hamsters love "human" food. But this habit shortens their life.

Hamsters should not be bathed. From bathing, your pet can catch a cold and die. The hamster himself is able to keep his fur coat clean.

Don't think that the hamster has a bad time. On the contrary, this animal has a heightened sense of territory, and does not need neighbors.