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Elevit Pronatal is a vitamin supplement during pregnancy. Analogues, reviews and composition of "elevit"

A balanced vitamin complex that is designed specifically for pregnant women. The amount of vitamins and minerals in the preparation provides the daily requirement for the body of the mother and fetus. Elevit Pronatal is easy to use. Timely initiation of treatment makes it possible to prevent deficiency nutrients and pathologies in fetal development.

Dosage form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets for internal use. Packages of 30 and 100 tablets are available to patients. It is much more profitable to buy large-volume packaging for a long course of use.

Description and composition

The drug is produced by one of the best pharmaceutical companies, which has many brands and best-selling drugs - Bayer. Elevit Pronatal is a multivitamin and mineral complex. It contains 12 vitamins, 3 minerals and 4 trace elements. The quantitative content of ingredients was determined taking into account the needs of a pregnant woman.

If there is a lack of substances that make up Elevita Pronatal, the development of the fetus may be impaired. In addition, vitamins are vital for maintaining all types of metabolism (protein, fat, carbohydrate) in the mother’s body, as well as the synthesis of collagen, amino acids and other compounds.

Elevita Pronatal contains:

  • Vitamin A is necessary for the growth of the body, including the fetus during pregnancy. Participates in the processes of epithelization of the skin and mucous membranes, stimulates regeneration, and normalizes vision.
  • Vitamin B 1. Required for normal operation nervous system and processes carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B 2. Catalyzes tissue respiration processes. Is an essential vitamin for Everyday life, but is not synthesized in the human body. Takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses. A lack of riboflavin can lead to irritability, muscle and vision problems. In addition, during pregnancy, this vitamin reduces the negative impact of teratogenic factors.
  • Vitamin B 6. It is a coenzyme in the process of protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Especially necessary for women who have used hormonal contraception, as it causes a deficiency of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B 12. Participates in the process of nucleotide synthesis. Required for normal height and development of epithelial tissues. Takes part in hematopoietic processes.
  • Vitamin C. Necessary for collagen synthesis. Ensures normal formation of cartilage and bone tissue. Takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis, hemoglobin formation and ripening of red blood cells. During pregnancy, it is very important to maintain the amount of this vitamin at normal level, as it ensures proper development of the placenta and sufficient immune protection.
  • Vitamin D 3. Regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, prevents brittle bones and nails, which often occur during pregnancy. Allows you to avoid it in a newborn.
  • . One of the main antioxidants. Prevents cell destruction, protects red blood cells, has a positive effect on the function of the gonads, muscle and nervous tissue.
  • Calcium pantothenate. It is a component of coenzyme A. It takes part in important biochemical processes and epithelial regeneration.
  • Biotin. Participates in many biochemical processes, including collagen synthesis.
  • Nicotinamide. Necessary for tissue respiration processes, normal fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • . Takes part in the synthesis of amino acids and the process of erythropoiesis. – one of the main substances for a pregnant woman, as it helps prevent congenital pathologies fetus, especially in the nervous system.
  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Manganese.
  • Copper.

Elevit Pronatal was successfully completed clinical trials on effectiveness and safety during pregnancy, as well as its planning. In the study group, not only were no undesirable effects identified, but also the incidence of fetal neural tube defects significantly decreased. With the help of a complex of vitamins in the drug, it was possible to avoid gross malformations in the unborn child, as well as improve the course of pregnancy for the mother (cases of nausea and dizziness decreased).

One of the most important substances for the normal course of pregnancy and is. Taking Elevit daily prevents deficiency of this vitamin and pathology of the fetal nervous system. This is no less important when planning pregnancy, since the neural tube begins to form from the first days of the embryo’s life. Therefore, the expectant mother is recommended to start taking Elevit Pronatal at the stage of pregnancy planning, so that at the time of conception the body is full of all necessary substances.

Pharmacological group

Multivitamins with minerals. Combinations.

Indications for use

for adults

Elevit Pronatal is intended for:

  1. Prevention and correction of vitamin and mineral deficiency at the stage of planning and gestation of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
  2. Prevention of fetal neural tube defects and other developmental defects.
  3. Reducing the frequency of attacks and nausea, as well as improving pregnancy tolerance.
  4. Prevention of anemia, deficiency and iron in the mother.

for children

The drug is prescribed only to adult patients.

Pregnant and lactating women are the main category of patients for whom Elevit Pronatal is intended. The dosage regimen, indications and recommendations correspond to general provisions for adult patients.


The following conditions are contraindications to taking Elevita Pronatal:

  1. Hypersensitivity reactions to any component.
  2. Hypervitainosis A or D.
  3. Severe renal dysfunction.
  4. Disorders of iron or copper metabolism in the body.
  5. Hypervitaminosis E.
  6. Active form of tuberculosis.
  7. Exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  8. Concomitant use of retinoids.
  9. Hypercalcemia.

Despite the fact that vitamins are vital for the human body, exceeding their quantity can cause no less dangerous conditions than deficit. Therefore, in treatment, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, and also inform him about other medications that the patient is taking.

Applications and dosages

for adults

The Elevita Pronatal tablet should be taken orally, not chewed, and washed down with water. It is advisable to take it at the same time every day, preferably in the morning. For better absorption Vitamins should be taken at the same time as meals.

If a woman feels sick in the morning, Elevit Pronatal tablet should be taken in the morning or evening.

for children

The drug is intended only for women of reproductive age.

for pregnant women and during lactation

According to standard scheme reception described above for adults.

Side effects

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated and even helps reduce the symptoms of toxicosis in a pregnant woman. However official instructions warns about possible development the following side effects:

  1. Digestive system: dyspeptic disorders, bloating, nausea, pain, cramps,.
  2. Nervous system: headache, dizziness, increased excitability, insomnia, drowsiness.
  3. Immune system: allergic reactions, itching, skin rashes, shortness of breath.

If any unexpected reactions occur, the patient should consult a doctor regarding the further possibility of taking Elevit.

During treatment, urine may become stained yellow, which is due to the presence of riboflavin. This symptom is safe and does not indicate any disorder.

Stool staining is also possible. The black color is due to the iron content. The symptom also has no clinical significance.

Interaction with other drugs

No clinically significant interactions were found. If basic recommendations for use are not followed, simultaneous use of two drugs can lead to unwanted effects. This is observed, for example, when combined with medications that also contain vitamins, especially A, E, D.

Iron in Elevit may be less absorbed when simultaneous administration with antacids, fluoroquinolones, levodopa, levothyroxine and agents that reduce gastric acidity.

Thiazide diuretics can retain calcium in the body and increase the risk of hypercalcemia.

The absorption of vitamin E becomes difficult when taken simultaneously with silver or iron preparations.

Vitamin C in Elevit increases efficiency and also enhances side effects sulfa drugs.

In addition to medications, during treatment with Elevit it is necessary to limit foods that are rich in oxalic and phytic acids. These include cereals, rhubarb, spinach and others.

To avoid chemical or mechanical interactions, it is recommended to maintain an interval of 2 hours between taking Elevit and other medications.

special instructions

You should tell your doctor if Elevit is taken together with other vitamin preparations, especially retinol, beta-carotene, vitamin D. Such hypervitaminosis is harmful to the fetus.

Elevit contains lactose and mannitol. This should be taken into account by people with impaired lactose metabolism or intolerance to certain sugars. Mannitol may cause a laxative effect.

Elevit does not contain iodine. However, this component is needed daily in certain quantities, so pregnant women need to take it additionally.

The need for micronutrients increases significantly during pregnancy. Even with the right and balanced diet It is very difficult to ensure the supply of sufficient doses. Elevit Pronatal contains a balanced complex of nutrients in safe quantities, so it can be used for a long time, starting from the pregnancy planning stage.


Signs acute poisoning the following symptoms may serve: sudden headache, depression of consciousness, disturbances in work gastrointestinal tract. An overdose of vitamin C can lead to hemolytic anemia.

Long-term treatment in high doses accompanied by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, paresthesia, arrhythmia, impaired renal function, and increased glucose levels.

Vitamin A large doses exhibits a teratogenic effect. An overdose of vitamin D leads to delayed physical and mental development in a child.

Storage conditions

Elevit Pronatal does not require special conditions storage Acceptable temperature regime– up to 25 degrees.


Multivitamin complexes differ in qualitative and quantitative composition. Each manufacturer chooses the balance of necessary substances that it considers optimal. In any case, an additional source of vitamins during pregnancy will not be superfluous. In addition to Elevita Pronatal for these purposes, you can choose:

  1. Pregnavit. Available in the form of soft capsules. Contains many vitamins and minerals that provide daily requirement pregnant woman and warn possible violations in the functioning of her body.
  2. Pregnakea. Also rich useful vitamins and minerals. Additionally, the composition includes iodine.
  3. Vitrum Prenatal. Available in tablet form. Manufacturer – USA. One of the most popular drugs in this group. Can be used at the stage of planning and gestation of pregnancy, as well as during lactation.


The cost of Elevit Pronatal is on average 1258 rubles. Prices range from 582 to 2498 rubles.

Bearing children often requires taking additional vitamins and microelements for the development of the fetus without deformities or other abnormalities. Nutrient deficiency can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy, so doctors recommend multivitamin complexes to expectant mothers. I suggest you learn about one of these drugs - Elevit Pronatal - from the article.

What is the vitamin-mineral complex Elevit Pronatal

Substantial part modern women gets acquainted with the complex of vitamins, macro- and microelements Elevit Pronatal while still dreaming of becoming pregnant. It is recommended to prepare the female body for bearing children, and after conception, use usually continues. Elevit for expectant mothers is available in the form of film-coated, oblong-shaped tablets, 10 or 30 pieces in blisters, placed in cardboard packaging. You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy for a price starting from 726 rubles.
To break Elevit Pronatal tablets if you have difficulty swallowing, you do not have to apply special effort thanks to the convenient dividing strip

The therapeutic effect of Elevit is determined by the properties active substances multivitamin complex with minerals.

Table: composition and benefits of Elevit Pronatal ingredients for expectant mothers and their children

Active substance of the drug Contents in one tablet Daily intake of the substance Impact during pregnancy and planning stage
Vitamin A, retinol palmitate 3600 IU (1.98 mg pure retinol) 3 mg
  • protects against pathogens and bacteria;
  • increases resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.
Vitamin B1, thiamine 1.6 mg 2.5 mg
  • normalizes emotional background future mother;
  • reduces body fatigue;
  • participates in the formation and development of the central nervous system of the fetus.
Vitamin B 2, riboflavin 1.8 mg 2 mg
  • helps quality learning iron for anemia and overcoming vision problems;
  • promotes the full development of the hematopoietic system;
  • participates in the formation of the baby’s visual organs.
Vitamin B 3, nicotinamide 19 mg 21 mg
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • helps in the fight against fatigue and inability to concentrate;
  • participates in the bookmark endocrine system, as well as the development of the cardiovascular, hematopoietic and nervous systems.
Vitamin B 5, panthenol 10 mg 7–15 mg
  • eliminates sleep disturbances and difficulties with digesting food;
  • helps the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin in mother and baby;
  • promotes the formation and development of the immune, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Vitamin B 6, pyridoxine 2.6 mg 2.6 mg
  • relieves symptoms of toxicosis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the immune system and digestive systems pregnant woman;
  • regulates metabolic processes between mother and child.
Vitamin B 7, biotin 200 mcg 100–150 mcg
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • ensures full development digestive tract and formation skin fetus;
  • controls the process of the child’s absorption of nutrients.
Vitamin B 9, folic acid 800 mcg 500–800 mcg
  • stimulates the maturation of full-fledged eggs at the stage of conception planning;
  • promotes proper cell division of the embryo;
  • plays important role in the formation of the fetal neural tube. Lack of folacin affects fetal viability.
Vitamin B 12, cyanocobalamin 4 mcg 7 mcg
  • prevents the possibility of DNA damage by external factors;
  • influences the formation of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 100 mg 60–100 mg
  • gives elasticity blood vessels pregnant woman;
  • manages compliance with optimal hemoglobin levels;
  • reduces the risk of membrane defects.
Vitamin D 3, colecalceferol 100 CWS 500 IU (10 mcg pure colecalceferol) 15 mcg
  • helps calcium absorption;
  • aligns the psycho-emotional state;
  • is responsible for the formation of the skeleton in the fetus;
  • regulates intercellular connections in bone tissue.
Vitamin E, tocopherol 15 mg 15 mg
  • levels out menstrual cycle and the functioning of the ovaries, increasing the chances of conception;
  • improves the condition of the skin, nail plates and hair from roots to ends;
  • participates in the formation of the child’s respiratory organs;
  • reduces the risk of miscarriage by early stages.
Calcium 125 mg 1200 mg
  • helps to cope with stressful situations;
  • maintains healthy teeth and nails during pregnancy;
  • participates in the formation of the organs of vision and hearing, as well as muscles, including the heart.
Iron fumarate 60 mg (10 mg pure iron) 25–33 mg
  • provides oxygen supply to tissues;
  • prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.
Copper 1 mg 2.5 mg
  • normalizes iron metabolism in the body;
  • regulates the production of red blood cells and their quality functionality.
Manganese 1 mg 2 mg Enriches bone tissue minerals.
Magnesium 100 mg 450 mg
  • helps to form bone and muscle tissue;
  • takes part in protein production.
Phosphorus 125 mg 1 thousand mg Affects the formation and development of teeth and bones by interacting with calcium.
Zinc 7.5 mg 10–15 mg
  • starts the process of tissue regeneration;
  • is part of insulin and a number of other hormones necessary for normal life.

Danger negative influence on the fetus is practically excluded, provided that Elevit Pronatal is prescribed by a doctor on the basis laboratory research. For women who dream of becoming pregnant or are already carrying children, it is important to observe medical recommendations to prevent both deficiency and excess of vitamins and microelements.

An excess of vitamins A (retinol) and D (calciferol) is especially dangerous, threatening the baby with the following consequences:

  • vitamin A in excess amounts provokes congenital deformities of the child, problems with the reproductive and nervous system, defects in the development of the heart and limbs;
  • Vitamin D content that exceeds the norm causes deviations in physical and mental development baby.

One of the first vitamins whose properties humanity learned about was retinol. Even ancient Egyptian doctors noticed that the use chicken liver improves vision and treats so-called night blindness- difficulties with clear visibility at dusk. Many centuries later, people know about the content of vitamin A in the liver of chickens, which gives it the ability to influence human vision.

Indications for use

The multivitamin complex Elevit Pronatal for the prevention and replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies is recommended for the following categories of citizens:

  • women at the stage of pregnancy planning;
  • bearing children;
  • breastfeeding mothers.

However, first, each patient is assigned a series of important laboratory tests to determine what substances she is lacking. Only then does the doctor decide whether the expectant mother needs multivitamin support or whether certain nutrients or minerals are sufficient.

Don't assume that you can easily get your daily dose of nutrients simply through food. If this were true, more than half of Russians would not suffer from a lack of vitamins or minerals. To meet the daily requirement of just one thiamine, you would have to eat a whole loaf of bread made from rye flour.

Doctors' opinions about Elevit Pronatal

Gynecologists and reproductive specialists generally respond positively to the drug, noting its effectiveness in planning conception and in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the formation of organs and systems occurs. Among the disadvantages, doctors announced a rather high price - not everyone can afford Elevit Pronatal, as well as the risk of an overdose of vitamins A and D 3 . What prevents this complex of minerals and nutrients from receiving the highest rating from doctors is the lack of iodine in the composition.

I would like to say thank you for this drug for pregnant women: it is well tolerated, and the frequency of use is also impressive. As for the price, I believe that the quality of Elevit outweighs its cost! I prescribe it not only to a woman when planning a pregnancy, but also to her man for two months. It is a pity that it is not on the list of preferential drugs for pregnant women.

Gridasova N.N., 22 years of experience as a gynecologist

It is especially indicated at the planning stage of pregnancy and in the first trimester, because it contains the recommended daily intake of folic acid, B vitamins and other microelements necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the prevention of congenital malformations of the fetus.

Saraeva A.V., 10 years of experience as a gynecologist


A fairly popular and well-known multivitamin preparation for pregnant women. According to the latest data, taking multivitamin complexes reduces the risk of developing autistic disorders in a child. May cause allergic reactions, should not be taken together with other dietary supplements, may cause an overdose, an overdose of vitamin A is especially dangerous.

Iskorostinskaya O.A., Doctor of Sciences, 19 years of experience as a gynecologist


Video: Doctor of Medical Sciences about multivitamin complexes when planning and bearing children

Contraindications and side effects

Despite permission for use by pregnant women, Elevit Pronatal has a number of serious contraindications:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypervitaminosis A and D - an excess of these vitamins in a woman’s body;
  • hypercalcemia - increased content calcium in blood plasma;
  • hypercalciuria - excessive presence of calcium in the urine;
  • severe form of renal failure;
  • iron metabolism disorders;
  • disorders of copper metabolism (Wilson's disease);
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption - insufficient absorption in small intestine, leading to disruption of the liver and kidneys.

Taking the drug Elevit Pronatal may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • allergies, manifested in the form of rashes, redness and itchy areas on the skin, anaphylactic shock is possible;
  • digestive disorders - diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting in the background painful sensations in the abdominal cavity;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • from the nervous system, dizziness, sleep disturbances, headaches and high nervous excitability are possible.

If these reactions are detected, you should consult a doctor to change the drug.

Harmless side effects from the multivitamin complex include staining the stool black with the iron contained in Elevit Pronatal and giving a bright yellow tint to the urine with riboflavin.

Interaction of Elevit with other medications

Ascorbic acid has the property of increasing the effects and side effects of the use of antiseptics from the sulfonamide group (for example, Ingalipt).

Iron, calcium, zinc, copper and magnesium are less absorbed when taking heartburn medications - Maalox and others - and bisphosphonates - Alendronate and others at the same time. Women taking drugs from the mentioned groups are recommended to maintain intervals of 2-3 hours between taking them and Elevit Pronatal. The same should be done if, when planning a pregnancy, the patient is forced to take antibiotics or levodopa-based medications, which are prohibited after conception and until the end of lactation.

Features of the use of the vitamin-mineral complex Elevit

The instructions for the drug indicate the recommended daily dosage in 1 tablet. The doctor can only adjust it downward, since Elevit Pronatal contains a large number of substances that can cause an overdose. If a woman takes any other vitamins or microelements in the form of foods enriched with them or supplements, she must notify the doctor monitoring the pregnancy about this.

Some people think that vitamins are never superfluous, so they drink them separately and in complex composition when deemed necessary. Such carelessness is undesirable for any person, and for expectant mothers it poses a double danger.

A multivitamin complex is prescribed a month before the expected conception and, in the absence of negative reactions, is not canceled until childbirth. The exact dosage and duration of the course are determined by the gynecologist.

I believe that any drug is good only if you take it responsibly. I myself was not prescribed multivitamin complexes, only folic acid and tocopherol separately throughout my pregnancy. I successfully obtained the rest from food, and vitamin D from the sun, fortunately most of the period fell during the warm season. My sister became pregnant in mid-autumn and survived for 2 months on her own supply of vitamins, after which she was prescribed half an EP tablet per day. Vitamins and minerals are our friends, but you shouldn’t start taking them without getting tested and visiting a doctor.

Table: analogues of Elevit by composition or method of application

Name of the multivitamin complex Release form Active substances Contraindications Features of the drug approximate cost
Vitrum Prenatal (forte). Capsule-shaped tablets.
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride - 10 mg;
  • calcium pantothenate - 10 mg;
  • manganese sulfate - 5 mg;
  • riboflavin - 3.4 mg;
  • calcium carbonate - 200 mg;
  • ascorbic acid - 120 mg;
  • iron fumarate - 60 mg;
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate - 30 mg;
  • magnesium oxide - 25 mg;
  • zinc oxide - 25 mg;
  • nicotinamide - 20 mg;
  • thiamine mononitrate - 3 mg;
  • potassium iodide - 0.15 mg;
  • biotin - 0.03 mg;
  • sodium molybdate - 0.025 mg;
  • chromium chloride - 0.025 mg;
  • copper oxide - 2 mg;
  • betacarotene - 1.5 mg;
  • retinol acetate - 0.86 mg;
  • folic acid - 0.8 mg;
  • sodium selenate - 0.02 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin - 0.012 mg;
  • colecalciferol - 0.01 mg.
  • excess vitamin A;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • urolithiasis disease.
The preparation contains a relatively small amount of retinol, but there is betacarotene - another artificial substitute for vitamin A. The composition contains iodine. Vitrum Prenatal is a similar composition to Elevit, and also requires prior consultation with a doctor. From 876 rubles per package.
Femibion ​​Natalker 1 Coated tablets.
  • vitamin C - 110 mg;
  • nicotinamide - 15 mg;
  • vitamin E - 13 mg;
  • vitamin B5 - 6 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 1.9 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 1.2 mg;
  • folic acid - 200 mcg;
  • metafolin (a highly absorbable form of folic acid) – 208 mcg;
  • iodine - 150 mcg;
  • biotin - 60 mcg;
  • vitamin B12 – 3.5 mcg.
On the official website of the drug, there are no contraindications for taking Femibion, but if you are individually intolerant to the components, you should stop using it. In the homeland of the vitamin complex, preventative agents are classified as biological active additives(dietary supplement). In Russia, Femibion ​​was also included in this group, but the dosages of vitamins in it are closer to medicines, and self-medication is dangerous.
Femibion ​​Natalker 1 is a functional analogue, as it does not contain mineral components and vitamins A and D.
It is recommended for use during preparation for pregnancy and subsequent pregnancy in the first trimester. From the second trimester, Femibion ​​Natalker 2 can be prescribed.
From 538 rubles per package.
Complimentary Mom Film-coated tablets, convex on both sides.
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate - 20 mg;
  • thiamine hydrochloride - 2 mg;
  • ascorbic acid - 100 mg;
  • ergocalciferol - 6.24 mcg;
  • retinol acetate 567 mcg;
  • nicotinamide - 20 mg;
  • folic acid - 400 mcg;
  • calcium pantothenate - 10 mg;
  • riboflavin - 2 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin - 5 mcg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride - 5 mg;
  • phosphorus - 19 mg;
  • magnesium - 25 mg;
  • calcium - 25 mg;
  • manganese - 2.5 mg;
  • zinc - 10 mg;
  • iron in the form of fumarate - 10 mg;
  • copper - 2 mg.
  • B12 deficiency anemia (pernicious form);
  • hypervitaminosis A;
  • UCD (calculi in the urinary tract);
  • excess Fe and Ca content in the body;
  • individual hypersensitivity.
Free sale of Complivit Mama does not mean that you need to take multivitamins and minerals without a doctor’s prescription. At the planning stage and during pregnancy, preliminary tests are taken, based on the results of which the doctor makes a conclusion about the advisability of use. Analogue in functionality and largely in composition. From 232 rubles per package.
Pregnakea Gelatin capsules.
  • beta-carotene - 4.2 mg;
  • vitamin D - 2.5 mcg (cholecalciferol 100 IU);
  • vitamin E - 20 mg;
  • vitamin B 1 - 3 mg;
  • vitamin B 2 - 2 mg;
  • vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 10 mg;
  • vitamin B 12 - 6 mcg;
  • vitamin K - 200 mcg;
  • folic acid - 400 mcg;
  • niacin (nicotinamide, vitamin B 3) - 20 mg;
  • vitamin C - 70 mg;
  • iron - 20 mg;
  • zinc - 15 mg;
  • magnesium - 150 grams;
  • iodine - 140 mcg;
  • copper - 1 mg.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Pregnakea is close in composition to Elevit and has a similar effect on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus, which makes them structural and functional analogues. It is used throughout pregnancy, especially as a prevention of late toxicosis. From 283 rubles per package.

Photo gallery: drugs that doctors can replace Elevit Pronatal

An additional advantage of Vitrum Prenatal Forte is iodine, a microelement that is deficient in almost every woman. Femibion ​​1 does not contain vitamin A (to avoid the risk of hypervitaminosis), so expectant mothers need to ensure a sufficient supply of this element with food. Taking this into account If there is no calcium in Pregnacare, a drug with this element can be additionally prescribed. Among similar vitamin and mineral complexes, Complivit Mama stands out due to its low cost, but is not inferior in quality

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, it is extremely important that the body receives vitamins in sufficient quantities.

Elevit pronatal has very different reviews on the Internet. Most often, these vitamins begin to be taken even before pregnancy occurs - when conception and birth of a child are in the immediate plans. As stated in the instructions, Elevit allows you to avoid vitamin deficiency, which in turn adversely affects the development of the child. Elevit pronatal contains all the substances necessary for the expectant mother:

  • folic acid;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • vitamins different groups(AND ALL).

B vitamins are necessary for normal hematopoiesis. Together with vitamins A, they support the proper development of gametes. Vitamin E regulates normal functioning corpus luteum, which produces essential element– progesterone, in the absence of which pregnancy is simply impossible.

Therefore, when asked whether Elevit pronatal can be taken during pregnancy during all 3 trimesters, experts answer unequivocally - yes, it is possible, and even necessary. Don't count vitamin correction using medicinal complexes as an optional measure is a serious misconception that can lead to health problems in a child. Doctors tend to believe that it is much easier to prevent a problem than to try to cure it later. Therefore if for any reason future mom If you did not take the drug while planning your pregnancy, you should start taking it as soon as possible.

According to the instructions, Elevit pronatal is recommended to be taken every day. The application itself is not difficult and, of course, does not require any special skills. The drug is a coated tablet Brown. You need to take 1 capsule, preferably in the morning. After taking the drug, at least 15 minutes should pass before breakfast. To make it easier to take, you can take the tablet with a small amount of water at room temperature.

If the doctor's instructions are strictly followed and the instructions are followed, an overdose of the drug is extremely unlikely. But when there is an excess of vitamins A and D, the appearance of characteristic symptoms hypervitaminosis:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • constipation, difficult to eliminate;
  • vomit.

Since there is no antidote against hypervitaminosis, overdose is treated by symptomatic therapy. In this case, relief of each of the side effects is carried out separately.

Most often, the drug Elevit pronatal can be taken without fear during any period of pregnancy, since it does not cause side effects. All active elements of the vitamin complex are elements of physiological metabolism. But during the use of the drug there were cases of side effects:

  • bloating, discomfort in the stomach and other disturbances in the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • allergy symptoms ( skin rashes, swelling, itching);
  • nervous excitability;
  • diarrhea;
  • excess calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria);
  • hemolytic anemia.

Cases of immune system disorders have been recorded. If these occur, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The most commonly observed symptoms are:

Patients should also remember that while taking Elevit pronatal vitamins, some deviations are possible that are not dangerous to the health of either the woman or the child. Such manifestations include, for example, a change in the color of urine to bright yellow due to an increase in the content of vitamin B12.

Customer reviews about the vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal

Customers who took Elevit pronatal during pregnancy mostly leave positive reviews. Many notice a visible improvement - problems with the condition of nails, hair and teeth disappear, and the severity of toxicosis decreases. For many, vitamins helped support the body during breastfeeding. Vitamins are easily absorbed and do not cause allergies in the child when taken during lactation.

The beneficial effect of the drug leads to the fact that Elevit pronatal is often prescribed when planning pregnancy. Reviews from many patients say that Elevit helped them get rid of problems with conception, safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Despite the abundance of laudatory reviews, the drug also has disadvantages, and for many they are quite significant. First of all, this is a high price: from 600 to 1800 rubles. per package (depending on the number of tablets). This problem can be solved by studying the list of free medical supplies. In some antenatal clinics, Elevit is on the list of medications that the expectant mother receives free of charge from the state. At the same time, she is provided with medication for the entire period of pregnancy. If it is not possible to get Elevit in a antenatal clinic, the only way out is to buy it at a pharmacy.

Many customers agree that the size of the tablets is too large and they are not very convenient to take. Some note that during lactation the drug became less effective and did not cope with its task. Some customers complained about bad feeling after taking vitamins.

All reviews say that it is necessary to select a vitamin complex based on your own feelings and characteristics of the body. If any side effects occur, it is better to stop taking it and find another drug.

  • Vitamins are one of the most controversial medical and near-medical issues in our time. Even inside official medicine There is still debate about the need for their additional intake. The only clear opinion is that they are really needed. One of the complexes developed for women preparing to become mothers is Elevit Pronatal.

    The product is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company Bayer. Instructions for use of Elevita Pronatal state that it is a multivitamin and multimineral complex, necessary primarily during pregnancy, breastfeeding and during planning of conception. It also describes in detail how to take Elevit.

    You need to drink it daily, one tablet each . Preferably do this in the morning, after 15 minutes after meals . If a day is missed, there is no need to double the dose the next day.

    It is prohibited to use the drug in cases of excess of any of the components in the body or hypersensitivity to them.

    Who can use this pharmaceutical? The need to take additional useful material for ladies who are already “in position”, it is obvious. The mother's body must provide for the fetus for everyone and, at the same time, maintain its own health. During GV, everything is also clear - the child is still fully provided with the resources of the mother’s body.

    Why do you need Elevit Pronatal when planning a pregnancy? The fact is that many processes occurring in the first days of embryo development require sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. Correct later negative effects that may arise due to their deficiency will be very difficult or even impossible.

    Should non-pregnant women take Elevit Pronatal? The manufacturer does not declare the drug as a product intended exclusively for pregnant and lactating women. However, if you decide to use it, keep in mind that the dosages of the active substances contained in Elevit are increased, since they must meet the needs of two people at once. Its effect on an organism that does not experience such a need may be too strong. It is better to consult with your doctor about taking it.

    The most likely side effects when using Elevit Pronatal are staining of urine and feces under the influence of riboflavin and iron, contained in high doses in the drug. The emergence of other, more dangerous symptoms, is unlikely, since vitamins are a necessary part of the reactions occurring in the body.

    During clinical trials were noted rare cases nausea, headaches, increased agitation, gastrointestinal discomfort. In cases of allergies, reactions from the cardiovascular system or asthma, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Operating principle and composition

    Elevit Pronatal for pregnant women was developed taking into account the body's needs for various nutrients.

    The effect of the drug on the functioning of the organs of the mother and baby is determined by the role of vitamins and other substances in the processes occurring in human cells:

    • Retinol ()- one of those vitamins that are necessary for every process taking place in the body. It is involved in the creation of new cells, which is especially important for the developing fetus. Retinol - powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from exposure free radicals. It is also useful for work reproductive system.
    • (AT 9). Regarding this compound, the question “can I take it?” doesn't even arise. This vitamin is involved in the development of the neural tube of the embryo, which occurs in the very first days of pregnancy. It is recommended to start drinking folic acid several months before the date of conception, so that you will definitely have enough at the right time. Women, who used B9 before becoming pregnant, give birth more often healthy babies without intrauterine abnormalities. This compound is also needed for the production of hormones and the prevention of certain types of anemia.
    • Calciferol ()- a vitamin without which growth and development cannot occur skeletal system, more precisely, calcium is not absorbed. A lack of this substance leads to the development of rickets, so it should be supplied to the body during lactation. Before taking pills Neem or use it in any other form was prescribed to all newborns and pregnant women. Now the situation with calciferol deficiency has improved a little, but it is still advisable to use it.
    • - a powerful antioxidant that prevents the occurrence of oxidative stress. Needed for the production of sex hormones and normal functioning of the immune system. Participates in work circulatory system. IN complex preparations improves the metabolism of B9 and iron.
    • Tocopherol ()- responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, the synthesis of sex hormones. This compound helps prevent miscarriages, so taking it is mandatory for anyone who has previously encountered this problem.
    • (AT 5) participates in metabolic processes, hormone production. Also prevents miscarriages.
    • Nicotinic acid (B3, ) - a compound that takes part in oxidation and reduction reactions. Which makes it necessary for every person, since the entire metabolism is built on these reactions.
    • Thiamine () differs from other vitamins in that which indirectly affects the performance of every cell in the body. B1 participates in ATP synthesis, the only source of energy available at the cellular level. And energy is always needed and especially needed during active growth cells.

    The drug Elevit Pronatal also includes,. All these compounds are involved in vital processes, provide correct work nervous and circulatory systems.

    In addition to vitamins, the complex also includes a group of minerals:

    • Manganese- a mineral that has a direct effect on the development of the embryo.
    • Iron provides normal work circulatory system and heart, participates in the transport of oxygen.
    • Calcium present in the body in large quantities, needed for the formation of bones and teeth, the functioning of the central nervous system and heart.
    • Zinc, magnesium, phosphorus participate in the synthesis of hormones, amino acids, nucleic acids, ATP.
    • Magnesium Performs functions in the body similar to those of calcium.


    Despite the fact that Elevit Pronatal vitamins are very useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it may be necessary to find cheaper analogues or those that have a different list of contraindications.

    Then you can pay attention to the following complexes:

    • Multi-tabs Perinatal.

    Their composition is approximately the same, but Complivit Mama and Alphabet Mama's Health are much cheaper than Elevit Pronatal, the price of Multi-Tabs is not much different, Vitrum Forte is in most cases more expensive.

    By taking Elevit Pronatal when planning pregnancy, during it and during feeding, a woman not only protects the child’s body from possible intrauterine developmental defects, but also maintains her health. When there is a shortage of substances to meet the needs of the fetus, the body begins to deplete its own reserves, which negatively affects the functioning of all organ systems.

    Elevit pronatal is a complex of multivitamins and microelements that is prescribed to women when planning pregnancy, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. But this drug can also be used as a means to maintain beauty and health due to its rich composition. It has an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole, and especially on the quality of the skin and its appendages (hair and nails). It should only be noted that it does not contain iodine in order to avoid potential allergic reactions for this component. If there is no allergy to iodine, then it can be taken together with Elevit in a dosage of 100-200 mg (in consultation with an endocrinologist).
    Elevit pronatal: composition

    "Elevit pronatal" is available in tablets (packs of 30 and 100 pieces). One tablet contains the following vitamins and microelements:
    Vitamin A (retinol) 3600 IU;
    Vitamin E (tocopherol) 15 mg;
    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 100 mg;
    Vitamin D3 500 IU;
    B vitamins – B1, B2, B5, B12;
    Folic acid 800 mcg;
    Vitamin PP – 19 mg;
    Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus;
    Biotin 200 mcg;
    Iron 60 mg;
    Copper sulfate;
    Zinc sulfate;
    Manganese sulfate
    And Excipients– gelatin, iron oxide, talc, titanium dioxide, mannitol, starch, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, povidone, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, ethylcellulose, Precirol Ato 5.

    The manufacturer of the drug Elevit pronatal is the Swiss pharmacological company Bayer Consumer Care AG.

    Analogues this drug are vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for girls planning to conceive. Analogs include the following drugs: Multi-Tabs, Materna, Vitrum Prenatal, Complivit Active, Bio-Max, Teravit, Duovit and other similar complexes.

    How does Elevit pronatal work?

    The drug Elevit pronatal is a balanced multivitamin mineral complex for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The dosage of vitamins and microelements in one tablet corresponds to daily norm vitamins for the body during pregnancy or lactation.
    This drug is specially developed by pharmacists to provide vitamin reserves in female body during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Taking the complex before conception ensures the normal course of pregnancy, replenishes the need for minerals and trace elements necessary for proper development fetus
    Retinol (Vit A) takes part in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, proteins and fats, thereby providing normal function mucous membranes and vision.
    Thiamine (vitamin B1) ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system and takes part in the normalization of cardiac activity.
    Vitamin B2 is involved in the regeneration of skin tissue and renews cells.
    Vitamin B5 takes part in the metabolic processes of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
    Folic acid ensures normal erythropoiesis (stimulates the maturation of new red blood cells).
    Pyridoxine (Vit B6) is involved in stimulating the maturation of red blood cells, maintains the condition of bones and teeth, strengthens gums, and ensures the normal functioning of a woman’s nervous system.
    Cyanocobalamin (B12) takes part in stimulating the maturation of red blood cells and strengthens the nervous system.
    All B vitamins take part in the formation of enzymes necessary for metabolic processes in the body, reduce the manifestations of toxicosis in early pregnancy, and eliminate nausea.
    Ascorbic acid (Vit C) takes part in the oxidative processes of active biological substances, in blood clotting processes, metabolic processes, tissue regeneration, and increases permeability vascular wall and capillary strength. In addition, ascorbic acid increases the woman’s body’s resistance to viral infections, and reduces inflammatory processes in foci of chronic infection.
    Vitamin D3 takes part in maintaining calcium and phosphorus balance in a woman’s body during pregnancy. With a deficiency of cholecalciferol (D3) in the body, pregnant women develop osteoporosis (bone fragility), and young children develop rickets.
    Tocopherol (Vit E) is a natural antioxidant. This vitamin prevents excessive blood clotting and normalizes blood flow. In addition, vitamin E takes part in the formation of hemoglobin and protein synthesis, as well as in the process of cell growth. Tocopherol supports heart function, normal functioning of skeletal muscles, blood vessels and gonads. If there is a deficiency of vitamin E, a woman may have a miscarriage in early pregnancy.
    Vitamin H (biotin) is involved in the processes of protein metabolism and absorption.
    Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) plays an important role in redox processes.
    Calcium takes part in the formation of the rudiments of teeth and bones in the developing fetus, promotes normal absorption of iron in small intestine women. Calcium ensures the transmission of nerve impulses and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
    Magnesium strengthens blood vessels in the brain, improves the transmission of nerve impulses, and relieves stress.
    As we can see, such a composition, without a doubt, is capable of having the most beneficial effect not only on pregnant women, but also simply on an adult, especially one in a state of vitamin deficiency.

    Elevit pronatal: indications for use

    Elevit pronatal is prescribed to women before planning pregnancy to prevent development birth defects neural tube in the fetus. It is recommended to start taking the drug 3 months before the planned conception, 1 tablet per day.
    During pregnancy and before childbirth, it is recommended to take Elevit 1 tablet once a day. You can also continue taking the vitamin complex after childbirth and during lactation in order to restore the reserves of microelements in the woman’s body. The dosage remains unchanged.
    Interaction with other drugs
    Elevit pronatal is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with similar vitamin complexes to avoid overdose. It is important to remember that the absorption of the drug is reduced when taken simultaneously with antacid and enveloping drugs.

    Elevit pronatal: who is contraindicated?

    A contraindication to taking Elevit pronatal is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Elevit pronatal: price

    The cost of the drug Elevit pronatal in Russian pharmacies is 360 rubles for 30 tablets and 990 - 1100 rubles for a package of 100 pieces.

    Elevit pronatal: reviews

    Taking Elevit Pronatal before planned conception does not guarantee the absence birth defects development of the fetal nervous system, but significantly reduces their number and severity. Taking the drug during pregnancy reduces the manifestations of toxicosis in the early stages, prevents anemia in women and strengthens immune system generally. Many who take this drug as a multivitamin complex outside of pregnancy prefer it to other means, because the effect of its use is always noticeable in the form of improvement general condition, as well as strengthening nails and improving hair quality. However, you should not use it for a long time if you are not pregnant or breastfeeding, because there is a risk of getting an overdose of some components. 1-2 months of use will be quite enough.