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Increased excitability of the central nervous system. Increased excitability, symptoms, causes, how to fight

Male irritability is a condition when small unpleasant situations produce a response in the form of aggression and anger of significant magnitude. It is accepted that such conditions may be a character trait or a sign of a disease.

A man can be aggressive from birth

The causes of such unpleasant phenomena can be genetic (from parents they inherited an easily excitable nervous system, which became a character trait), physiological, psychological, or a factor accompanying any disease. The psychological component can be formed from childhood, when a boy wants to attract attention to himself, express his indignation at some adult prohibitions, or vent his resentment on his peers.

That is, the mechanism is based on dissatisfaction with the state of one’s life, which is projected onto the outside world.

A number of adult men retain this assessment of themselves and the environment from a young age. They are used to blaming others for all their failures, because... admitting their own guilt and taking responsibility for their lives is too uncomfortable for them. In this state, you can live until old age, developing health problems, because the connection between the state of the nervous system and emerging ailments has already been proven repeatedly.

To save your nervous system from constant additional stress, you just need to realize what you are not happy with in your life and try to find ways to fix or improve it. At the same time, you need to correlate what you want with what is possible and not waste your mental and physical health on unattainable goals, and be able to switch.

The psychological component includes irritability under the influence of stressful situations, which in men modern world more than enough. Aggressive states are almost always caused by alcohol, less often by smoking and drug use. Fear and anxiety and overwork, which most often occurs due to lack of sleep, also negatively affect the human psyche.

A kind person is a well-rested and well-fed person

If a man has insomnia, then he almost always has increased nervous excitability. A sign of insomnia is that a person turns over from side to side for several hours without signs of sleep or wakes up at night and does not sleep until the morning. This bad condition must be combated first of all with the help of a regime. The body needs to be forced to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, determining for itself the required number of hours of sleep. Boys need about 9 hours of sleep to feel normal, adults need about 7, and older people can feel alert even after 5-6 hours of regular sleep.

To get a good night's sleep, it is advisable to go to bed an hour and a half before midnight, because... at twelve and later, a person begins the night period of body activity, which contributes to insomnia. Going to bed early makes it possible to get up early, which is more consistent biological clock and gives a great start to the day. Psychologists do not recommend spending active time of day in the bedroom, because... this room with a bed often creates a “sleepy atmosphere”, a desire to take a nap regardless of the real needs of the body, which spoils a good night’s sleep.

In addition, in apartments where the bed is also used as a place for watching TV, reading books and other active activities, you need to take into account the fact that when you go to bed in the same place, you can unwittingly include experiences received, for example, during the day while watching a movie . And this will be another reason for insomnia. The sleeping area and the interior around it should be adapted specifically for sleep, that is, the room should be dark enough (darkness is needed for the production of the sleep hormone) and quiet. By the way, presence high level noise in modern cities, according to scientists, is an excellent soil for the development of increased nervous excitability. Therefore, it is advisable to protect yourself from noise at work, not to play music unnecessarily on headphones or in the car, and to soundproof the room well. And, of course, to get a good sleep, do not overeat before bed, do not drink coffee or tea. Hypnotic effect alcohol has also been questioned, because it may help you fall asleep, but the quality of the sleep phases will be low.

From herbs to medicines

If insomnia cannot be eliminated by organizing a daily routine, then you can turn to meditation and yoga. You should use special herbal preparations that will help with nervous excitability, including, possibly, the following composition:

  1. Two parts oregano.
  2. One and a half parts peppermint.
  3. Two parts of hop heads.
  4. Two parts of motherwort herb.
  5. One and a half parts of valerian rhizomes.

The decoction in this case is made from one tablespoon of the collection, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to cool the infusion, strain and drink a third of a glass, three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is up to two weeks. Herbalists recommend including spices such as cloves, cumin and cardamom in your diet, which help relieve nervous tension. The diet of an aggressive man must be nutritious, contain a high amount of protein, and contain honey, nuts, prunes, almonds, and lemon. In some cases, a bad mood can be caused by simple hunger, so you need to eat on time and with enough calories.

Men whose irritability is caused by stress can be calmed with the help of mild homeopathic or herbal medicines (Novo-Passit, Nota, Adaptol, etc.). If a representative of the stronger sex is not in a state of shock and has good sleep, then daytime anxiety is relieved with the help of drugs that do not cause drowsiness (like menazapam or rudotel). Things are more difficult for those who show signs of depression. In this case, antidepressants are prescribed as prescribed by a doctor (and medications should only be taken as prescribed by the appropriate specialist).

Be sure to get checked for allergies

An angry mood often accompanies chronic diseases, colds, allergic reactions and disappears as the underlying illness recedes. Therefore, a man just needs to consult a doctor in a timely manner if something bothers him. Although medications, food, and even things and surrounding objects can become a cause of concern if there is any type of allergy.

Male aggressiveness associated with alcohol abuse is caused by poisoning of the brain by the chemical composition of the substance drunk. Alcohol acts directly on the human psyche, first causing a feeling of euphoria, which quickly gives way to anger and irritation. Able alcohol intoxication the aggressor can remember all the hidden grievances and take them out on others, which is why the number of crimes committed “while drunk” is prohibitively high.

As it gets stronger bad habits the initial stage of euphoria becomes shorter and shorter, and a person, after drinking even one glass, can become not only irritated, but also cruel. There can be only one way out of such a situation - to be treated for alcoholism, to accept help from others, to realize for yourself that the ability to stop drinking on your own at any time is quickly lost or has already been lost. Drugs work in much the same way as alcohol.

Increased excitability may be associated with menopause (MIS - male irritability syndrome). During this period, the male body produces less testosterone, which causes greater fatigue, aggressiveness, depressive moods, and drowsiness. Many representatives of the stronger sex begin to feel that they are not in demand, inferior, and there is a fear of developing impotence. Their loved ones should help them through this period by providing good sleep, nutrition and understanding. IN in rare cases Doctors prescribe hormone therapy in the form of testosterone injections.

How to overcome the excitability of the nervous system in men?

To do this, a man just needs to understand that his course of life is controlled by his consciousness. That is, you need to become the master of your emotions. You need to start in the morning when a person wakes up. Many people think that they get up in a bad mood. Actually this is not true. A person wakes up practically without a mood, because... at this moment he has only the most necessary functions in order to put on his slippers and go to the toilet. Frontal lobes at the moment of awakening they work extremely little.

For the nervous system to work correctly, you need to give it the right message after waking up. For these purposes, you need to do a minimum simple exercises. To begin with, you need to, without getting up, raise your legs, maybe with your knees bent, 6-10 times. Then sit down and slowly turn your head in different directions 3-5 times. Then stand up and do 3-4 bends to each leg, reaching your toes or the floor. That's it, the brain is provided with active blood circulation, hormones are produced, the morning becomes good (if there was no alcohol abuse the day before, etc.).

During the day, a representative of the stronger sex can be saved from unnecessary aggression by switching from negative moments in life to positive ones (they are always there, at least in the form of pleasant memories), training in restraint (count to yourself to ten), high physical activity(relieves anger, often additional movements involuntarily used to relieve tension), auto-training, vacation away from irritating elements (even a short one helps). Additionally, experts recommend setting achievable goals and learning to interact with other people, accepting them and not considering them somehow worse or better than yourself. Because every person is individual.

For a child, what is it fraught with, is there at least something good in it, and what should parents of such children do, read the website.

Each child has a different degree emotional excitability. Polish psychologist Kazimir Dabrowski studied in detail the issue of increased emotional excitability in children. In this article we will talk about what hyperexcitability syndrome in children is and how parents can relieve their child’s excitability.

Children attend kindergartens and educational institutions and their emotionality is influenced by their educators, teachers, and classmates. Emotional excitability may turn out to be a syndrome that needs to be treated.

Excessive emotional excitability is perhaps the most significant of the five excitability (intellectual, sensory, psychomotor overexcitability, and imaginative overexcitability) identified by Casimir Dabrowski, a Polish psychologist who observed how differently how people behaved in Poland during the Second World War. Some people may have committed acts of unheard-of cruelty, while others may have risked their lives. own life for the sake of saving others.

His observations were later formulated in the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Overexcitability, sometimes called super sensitivity, is part of the theory.

What is excessive emotional excitability?

Emotional hypersensitivity is most common among gifted children. They have the strongest emotional reactions to various events and experiences.

Children with this trait tend to have great emotional depth. They develop strong attachments to people, places and things. Because of their emotional intensity, they are often accused of overexpressing emotions or having overly dramatic and strong reactions to something. However, all their emotions are real. For such children, the ant hill seems like a huge mountain.

Emotional hypersensitivity also involves being overly concerned about others. They may worry about a child crying next to them or about a friend of the same age because of some trouble that happened to him.

These children not only sympathize with people, but also have a special relationship with animals. They often become vegetarians at a young age because they cannot handle eating a living thing.

Children do not outgrow this feature, so emotional sensitivity accompanies the child into adulthood.

Positive in increased excitability

Children with excessive emotional excitability sense and perceive things that others may miss or not notice. Their understanding of the world is structured to provide them with a depth of understanding that is highly valued. They often turn to friends and acquaintances for help and advice because of the strong connections they build.

Because of the intensity of their feelings and empathy for others, these children usually form very strong friendships. Their feelings for their friends are very deep, which is why they always remain among the most loyal friends.

Children with emotional hypersensitivity are more likely than other children to be aware of their own feelings, which allows them to create very moving works of art in any form: written, musical, acting or artistic.

Negative in increased excitability in a child

Those who have emotional hypersensitivity have great empathy for others but little compassion for themselves. They are very self-critical and have a highly developed sense of responsibility, even for those things that were not entrusted to them.

This self-criticism and sense of responsibility can cause anxiety, guilt, and a feeling that everything has failed. The anxiety they experience can make it difficult to do simple tasks or chores, even homework. They may develop such psychosomatic symptoms like stomach pain or bouts of depression.

Depression in people with excessive emotional excitability is existential, that is, they are worried about problems that relate to basic life issues: death, poverty, war, illness, etc. Attacks of depression can occur after some specific event or irritant, but often occur and spontaneously.

Children with emotional hypersensitivity need time to get used to and adapt to changes. New situations or environments can cause a child to experience a new wave of anxiety. They may be shy and avoid social activities.

What can a parent do to relieve emotional excitability in a child?

The most important step for parents of an emotionally sensitive child is to accept all of their feelings, no matter how strong they are. Perhaps the first impulse will be to try to get the child to stop overreacting and making mountains out of molehills. But remember, for such a child, a fly is really the size of an elephant.

You should also not downplay the child’s feelings or ignore them. For example, don't say that he is too sensitive and that everything will be fine. The child was not born so sensitive on purpose so as not to please you. And he is unlikely to believe that everything will be fine only if you say so. You can't know for sure, can you?

Listen to what your child tells you without comment or judgment. Sometimes he simply wants to be understood, and not to be given a lecture or stuffed with advice, and even more so, he does not want to hear condemnation. This rule especially applies to little boys because they are often considered less emotional than girls. And what happens is that children with hypersensitivity really suffer, and boys are more likely to suffer. Avoid criticism for being sensitive and overprotection from the outside world. Neither the first nor the second will help.

Often motor excitation is accompanied by speech (speech motor excitation) with verbosity, often almost continuous speaking with shouting of phrases, words, individual sounds, etc. Along with this, pronounced and often very intense disorders of the affective sphere are characteristic: anxiety, confusion, anger, malice, tension, aggressiveness, fun, etc. Depending on the disease, the types of arousal are extremely diverse both in severity and in the clinical picture. But regardless of this, any psychomotor agitation requires prompt action. emergency therapy, since at this time patients imagine greatest danger for yourself and those around you.

Types of nervous excitement

Usually, based on the nature of the patient’s arousal and his statements, it is possible to differentiate different types excitement.

Hallucinatory-delusional excitement

Hallucinatory-delusional arousal occurs due to delusions and hallucinations; the patient's excited state is determined primarily by these disorders. Patients experience fear, anxiety, confusion; in other cases, they are angry, tense, and unavailable. They often talk to hallucinatory “voices,” answer their questions, or listen to something. With delirium, patients' experiences are determined by visual hallucinations. With sudden excitement, patients, under the influence of delirium, hallucinations, attack imaginary pursuers or, on the contrary, fleeing from them, run without clearing the road, jump out of a window, from a moving train, etc. Transitions from defense to attack are frequent.

Catatonic agitation

Catatonic agitation is characterized by lack of purposefulness, chaos, meaninglessness, sudden and impulsive actions with aggressive actions and a transition from excitement to stupor. Often accompanied by speech incoherence and incoherence. Foolishness, mannerisms, grimacing, and absurd behavior are also characteristic.

Depressive agitation

Depressive agitation (depressive agitation, melancholic raptus) occurs in patients with depression, usually with a sharp increase in depressive experiences in the form of a growing feeling of unbearable melancholy, hopelessness, and despair. Patients rush about, cannot find a place for themselves, scream, moan, howl, sob, persistently injure themselves, and actively strive for suicide.

Manic excitement

Manic excitement is expressed not only in high mood, as happens in manic and hypomanic states, but also in speech motor agitation. Patients are sometimes cheerful, sometimes angry, angry, irritable, almost do not sit still, sing, dance, interfere in everything, take on many things, never finishing a single one. They talk almost continuously, their speech is fast, they often do not finish sentences and jump to another topic. They overestimate their strengths and capabilities, and often express delusional ideas of greatness. In this regard, they commit many absurd, often life-threatening actions, and when objected to, they become angry and aggressive.

Epileptic agitation

Epileptic agitation occurs during twilight disorder of consciousness in patients with epilepsy, therefore, to recognize it, it is important to find out the presence of epileptic seizures in the anamnesis. It is characterized by a sudden beginning and an equally sudden end, accompanied by an angry-intense affect, complete disorientation, and the impossibility of contact. Under the influence of acute hallucinatory-delusional experiences, excitement reaches the sharpest degrees and is extremely dangerous for others, since the patient can attack those around him, causing them severe damage, destroying everything that comes along the way.

Psychogenic (reactive) arousal

Psychogenic (reactive) arousal occurs, as a rule, immediately after acute mental trauma or situations, life-threatening(disaster, wreck, earthquake and other extreme situations), and is expressed by motor restlessness of varying degrees with an abundance of expressive movements, striking effective and vegetative disorders. The clinical picture is very diverse - from monotonous monotonous excitement with inarticulate sounds to pictures of chaotic senseless excitement with panicked flight, self-harm, and suicide.

Often, excitement occurs with psychogenic delirium or is replaced by stupor. During mass disasters, psychogenic arousal through the mechanisms of mental induction can cover more or less large groups of people with the emergence of panic. Psychopathic arousal is close to psychogenic; it also occurs more often after exposure to external irritating factors, however, the cause that caused it does not correspond to the strength of the response, which is associated with pathological (psychopathic) character traits of the patients.

Excitement with malice

Excitement with malice and aggressiveness is usually purposefully addressed to specific individuals who have offended the patient, accompanied by shouts, threats, and cynical curses. Many cases are characterized by severity, brightness, great tension, affective disorders, demonstrativeness in the patient’s behavior, his desire to attract the attention of others, to evoke their sympathy or approval. Demonstration, reaching the level of theatricality, with violent emotional reactions, a persistent desire to achieve sympathy and pity from others, is characteristic of the hysterical version of psychopathic excitement.

The movements and facial expressions of patients are emphatically expressive: they sob, scream, wring their hands, and take expressive poses. Often, at the height of excitement, a hysterical attack occurs, which represents, as it were, the maximum severity of the above-described disorders. However, in contrast to epileptic seizure instead of tonic and clonic convulsions, expressive movements are noted, there are no such sudden falls with self-injury, tongue biting and urination are rare, there are no nocturnal seizures, and there is no complete amnesia.

Causes of nervous excitement

Nervous agitation usually develops if a person is subject to frequent stress, lack of sleep, irritation, nervousness, or suffers from a mental illness. All this can be expressed in frequent conflict situations with other people. Sometimes the cause of the development of increased nervous excitability is not emotional and mental factors, but anxious and suspicious character traits. However, often the first and second reasons are present in combination. A vicious circle develops: lack of sleep – irritation – nervous stress – insomnia.

Symptoms of nervous excitement

Symptoms of nervous excitement are: movement disorders eyeballs, asymmetry of the facial muscles, poor orientation in time and space, awkwardness and lack of composure. In addition, headaches and a slight delay in intellectual development are noted. It is insomnia that is hallmark increased nervous excitability. Insomnia is determined by a person’s condition if he cannot fall asleep for three to four hours, he tosses around in bed, trying to find a comfortable body position. Also, a person may wake up in the middle of the night and lie there until the morning. with open eyes. In some cases, insomnia is considered as a symptom of some somatic pathology.

Treatment of nervous excitement

Most in an important way The fight against nervous excitement or causeless anxiety is to find and treat the cause. Without treatment, this nervous agitation leads to an increased risk of suicide. The following measures will help reduce anxiety:

  • Calm environment
  • Sufficient lighting
  • Medicines such as benzodiazepines and, in some cases, antipsychotics
  • Full, quality sleep
  • A change in familiarity or surroundings, such as a short vacation
  • Hobbies and interests

Don't focus too much on your anxiety if possible. This usually makes the problem worse. If your close person is in danger of harming himself or others due to nervous agitation, or causeless anxiety, and there are no other less restrictive ways to control its behavior, use only hard restrictions.

Questions and answers on the topic “Nervous excitement”

Question: For several months now I have had constant increased nervous excitability. I get nervous with or without reason, and now I’m already nervous from the very fear of starting to get nervous. On the EEG: moderately pronounced general changes in bioelectrical activity. Signs of irritation of brain stem structures. How likely can we talk about organic brain damage here?

Question: Good afternoon. My son is 11 years old. He is very aggressive towards younger sister and peers. At school, teachers complain about him - he doesn’t work and interferes with others. When I make comments or scold him, he starts to cry. Not deprived of attention and care. Please advise what sedatives can be used at 11 years old?

Hyperexcitability Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment

Doctors are sounding the alarm - the number of patients diagnosed with “Higher Nervous Excitability Syndrome” is increasing exponentially and very soon may become a serious problem on a global scale. Any person is susceptible to this disorder of the nervous system, regardless of age and gender, although teenagers and male children suffer more often than others from nervous excitability. What causes the disorder and is it possible to fight it? In this article we will answer all your questions.

Symptoms of the disease

Persons with this disorder can be easily identified by external signs: asymmetry of the facial muscles, impaired movement of the eyeballs, poor orientation in space and time, as well as awkwardness and lack of composure. In addition, the patient complains of constant headaches, and experienced doctor There may be a slight delay in intellectual development. However, the main symptom of nervous excitability is insomnia. At the same time, we can talk about insomnia only when a person does not fall asleep for 3-4 hours and constantly turns over from side to side, trying to find a comfortable position. In addition, with insomnia, a person may wake up in the middle of the night and not sleep a wink until the morning.

Causes of the disease

This disorder occurs in adults and children. In adults, this disease develops against a background of constant stress, a frantic pace of life, poor nutrition, lack of proper rest, and especially lack of sleep. As a rule, in 80% of cases, residents of megacities suffer from this disorder. Children are mainly susceptible to this disease, since their nervous system is not yet stable enough and cannot cope with the huge amount of information received. The disease is aggravated by excessive workloads in educational institutions, a turbulent situation within the family and, of course, sitting for many hours in front of the TV and computer. Computer games have a particularly negative effect on the psyche. In addition to emotional and mental factors, suspicious character traits can provoke increased nervous excitability. Moreover, in most cases, the doctor detects both of these reasons in the patient.

Treatment of the disease

To combat this disorder modern medicine produces a lot of drugs. The most popular medicines, such as motherwort tincture or valerian extract, have a plant base. In addition, an experienced specialist, depending on gender, age, and the cause of the nervous disorder, may recommend one of the following medications:

  • sedatives in capsules and drops Barboval or Valocardin;
  • cardiac drug Tricardin;
  • metabolic agent Glycine;
  • homeopathic medicines Calm and Cardioica;
  • nootropic drug Piracetam;
  • antimenopausal drug Klimadinon;
  • vitamin preparation with metabolic action Magnefar B6.

You can also fight the syndrome of increased nervous excitability using traditional methods. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of calendula flowers and leaves. To prepare the product you need to take 2 tbsp. dried calendula and oregano flowers, as well as 1 tbsp. tansy. After mixing the herbs, pour boiling water over them and leave for an hour. You need to take the product ½ cup 2 times a day for three weeks.

Disease prevention

Increased nervous excitability is not a diagnosis that requires serious medical treatment. This is only a minor disorder that requires correction, including by normalizing life. To do this, you need to regulate your sleep schedule, which means going to bed at a certain time and sleeping at least 8 hours a day. In addition, you should avoid worries and stress, reduce the time spent at the computer and regularly take walks in nature. Peace and tranquility to you!

The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is in no way intended to be a guide to self-medication. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Nervous excitability


Increased nervous excitability is considered a fairly common disorder of the nervous system. Increased nervous excitability is often observed in young children and adolescents. Male children and adolescents are more susceptible to this disorder.

Symptoms of Nervous Excitability:

Symptoms of increased nervous excitability are disturbances in the movements of the eyeballs, asymmetry of the facial muscles, poor orientation in time and space, awkwardness and lack of composure. In addition, headaches and a slight delay in intellectual development are noted.

Insomnia is a hallmark of increased nervous excitability. Insomnia is determined by a person’s condition if he cannot fall asleep within three to four hours, he rushes about in bed, trying to find a comfortable body position. A person may also wake up in the middle of the night and lie there until the morning with his eyes open. In some cases, insomnia is considered as a symptom of some somatic pathology.

Causes of Nervous excitability:

Increased nervous excitability usually develops if a person is exposed to frequent stress, lack of sleep, irritation and nervousness. All this can be expressed in frequent conflict situations with other people. Sometimes the cause of the development of increased nervous excitability is not emotional and mental factors, but anxious and suspicious character traits. However, often the first and second reasons are present in combination. A vicious circle develops: lack of sleep – irritation – nervous stress – insomnia.

Treatment of nervous excitability:

To prevent increased nervous excitability, it is necessary to adjust your sleep schedule, in particular, stick to the same bedtime. In other words, you should try to go to bed at the same time every day. In addition, it is necessary to maintain sufficient sleep duration - at least seven hours. Older people usually need five hours of sleep.

Remedies for increased nervous excitability

Where to go:

Medicines, drugs, tablets for the treatment of nervous excitability:

OJSC Farmak Ukraine

Sleeping pills and sedatives.

OJSC Farmak Ukraine

Erzig (Erzig) Germany

CJSC "Canonpharma Production" Russia

Drugs that affect metabolic processes. Vitamin preparations.

Biofarm Ltd Biofarm Ltd, Poland

CJSC "Evalar" Russia

Combined cardiac drugs.

Other combined medicines for the treatment of heart diseases.

OJSC "Borisov Plant" medical supplies" Republic of Belarus

Sedative plant origin

Natur Product Europe B.V. (Natur Product Europe B.V.) Netherlands

Sleeping pills and sedatives. Combined preparations of barbiturates.

Sedatives of plant origin. Antispasmodics.

RUE "Belmedpreparaty" Republic of Belarus

Sleeping pills and sedatives.

Herbal sedative

Ozon LLC Russia

LLC NPF Materia Medica Holding Russia

Herbal sedative

OJSC "Pharmaceutical Factory of St. Petersburg" Russia

Sedative of plant origin.

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva Russia

Anti-climacteric herbal remedy.

Bionorica (Bionorica) Germany

General tonic of plant origin.

JSC "Khimpharm" Republic of Kazakhstan

OJSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia

Increased nervous excitability - what is it?

One of the most famous and common disorders of the nervous system is the syndrome of increased nervous excitability. The number of patients suffering from this disease is increasing from year to year. They suffer regardless of gender, age, profession, etc. However, psychologists are confident that boys and male teenagers are at risk.

Excitability of the nervous system: symptoms and causes of the disease

People who suffer from hyperexcitability syndrome can be identified by the following external signs:

  1. The facial muscles are asymmetrical;
  2. Movement of the eyeballs is impaired;
  3. Crashes in spatial orientation person;
  4. These people are characterized by absent-mindedness and disorganization in movements and expression of thoughts;
  5. Patients often complain of headaches;
  6. A psychotherapist quickly detects disturbances in intellectual development in such a person;
  7. Sleep disorders – insomnia.

This disease occurs in adults and children.

We can list several reasons that cause increased excitability of the nervous system in an adult:

  • Frequent stress;
  • Incorrect (unbalanced) nutrition;
  • Overfatigue as a result of improper work and rest patterns. Constant lack of sleep has a particularly strong influence on the occurrence of nervous disorders;
  • The desire to do several things at the same time, etc.

It has been noted that three quarters of the sick are residents of large cities.

The nervous system of the younger generation is too unstable to sudden changes and heavy loads. The flow of information that bombards the child every day at home, at school and on the street has a particularly negative impact on it. The stress that is considered normal in a modern school, conflicts in the family and adherence to gadgets have a detrimental effect on the psyche of a teenager. Computer games cause the heaviest damage to a child’s nervous system.

The less emotional stability a child has, the more susceptible he is to the possibility of developing an increased nervous excitability.

Prevention of nervous excitability syndrome

First of all, it is worth noting that any problems can arise in life, but alcohol and drugs have never become a way out of the situation. The only thing they lead to is aggravation of troubles and the emergence of new ones. So, the following methods can be used to prevent nervous excitability syndrome:

  1. Sports activities. If you have long dreamed of taking up any sport, start today. Sign up for a section or just start with morning jogging. You will see how after several days of classes your mood will improve, and many problems that seemed insoluble will fade into the background;
  2. Walks. Make it a rule - do not run from work to the bus, but walk a couple of stops. No time for nonsense? Don't be disingenuous! Free yourself this half hour. It is especially good to walk in the park or through the forest. Go out into nature on weekends just to get some fresh air;
  1. Free yourself from computer addiction. Often, after running home from work, we find ourselves back at the computer. We can even spend the weekend together with the gadget. Force yourself to give up gadgets at home. Do some housework, bake a cake, do something useful, just stay away from the computer. This dependence quickly disappears, as soon as the body understands how good it is without a “blue screen” or a tablet;
  2. Negative information from outside should be kept to a minimum. Try to protect yourself from negative emotions caused by crime news reports, stories about problems in the country’s economy, political instability, terrible diseases, etc.;
  3. Restore normal work and rest patterns. An adult should sleep at least 7 hours a day, preferably 8. At the same time, it is necessary to have enough time not only for work and sleep, but also for good rest– hobbies, sports, communication with family and friends, etc.;
  4. Get plenty of rest on your weekends. Try not to burden yourself different responsibilities on weekends. Say “no” to those who try to burden you with unnecessary work and force you to waste precious minutes on yourself. Go out with your family, spend more time with those you really love, get positive emotions;
  5. Protect yourself from communicating with unpleasant people. Try to exclude from your life those who do not bring joy into it. Make new friends and acquaintances, have fun and try to listen to your heart and not give in to despondency.

Increased nervous excitability is not included in the list of serious mental disorders.

It requires the intervention of doctors only if it bothers the patient himself. In most situations, it is corrected independently.

Measures to combat nervous excitability

If you feel that your efforts to restore your nervous system are not producing any noticeable results, consult your doctor. The doctor will conduct a survey, prescribe tests, and make a diagnosis. Only based on the results of the examination, the specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment. Never listen to friends and acquaintances who “had the same symptoms and took this or that drug.” You cannot take antidepressants or tranquilizers without the recommendation and prescription of a doctor.

However, in folk medicine, valerian root, motherwort flowers, plantain leaves, hawthorn berries, etc. were used to eliminate nervous tension. These mild and harmless antidepressants can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription. In addition, they will not harm health and will not have a negative impact on the human psyche. They can be taken either separately or in combination. Alcohol infusions or water decoctions are prepared from the dried components. Currently, tablets and capsules of valerian, motherwort, etc. are produced. In addition, there are many herbal medications that are used to relieve nervous tension, but for proper treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Depending on the severity, causes and course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following groups of drugs to the patient:

  • Sedative (suppressing consciousness) drugs;
  • Cardiological (heart) drugs;
  • Metabolic agents;
  • Homeopathic preparations;
  • Nootropics;
  • Vitamins and medications that alleviate menopausal symptoms in women.

One of the most common drugs for nervous excitability is Glycine. This metabolic remedy improves brain function, has a positive effect on its performance, and eliminates emotional and mental stress. The drug helps well in situations close to critical (stressful). These include exams, conflicts in the family, etc. The drug restores sleep patterns, eliminating insomnia. Taking Glycine helps normalize mood. An important factor is that this drug does not belong to the group of narcotic drugs and does not cause addiction or dependence. In addition, Glycine is prescribed to both children, adolescents, and adults. The doctor chooses the drug dosage regimen individually. There is only one contraindication to taking the drug - allergic reactions for the components.

In folk medicine there is a wonderful remedy for increased excitability of the human nervous system. This is an infusion of calendula flowers.

To prepare it, you need to take the components in the following proportions:

  1. Calendula (dried flowers) - 0.5 cup;
  2. Oregano (dried sprigs with flowers) – 0.5 cup;
  3. Tansy (dried flowers and twigs) – 2 tsp;
  4. Boiling water – 1 l.

The herbs must be thoroughly mixed and steamed in boiling water. Cover the container with a warm cloth and let it brew for 1 hour. Strain the product and bring the amount of decoction to the original 1 liter. Take 100 g in the morning and evening for 20 days.

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Nervous excitement

Treatment methods with folk remedies

Increased nervous excitability is a type mental illness. This disease most often occurs in adolescents and young children, but can also occur in men and women.

Types of nervous excitement

Depending on the patient’s behavior and the nature of his speech, several types of nervous excitement are distinguished:

  • Hallucinatory-delusional - a person is closed from everyone, tense, anxious and afraid, can communicate with his hallucinations or listen to them. The condition is dangerous because the patient can attack, jump from a balcony or run onto the roadway; he does all this while delirious.
  • Depressive – occurs as a consequence of insurmountable depression and hopelessness.
  • Catatonic – characterized by sudden meaningless actions and incomprehensible speech. The patient's behavior is absurd and stupid.
  • Manic – expressed by fast, excited speech, frequent mood swings (either too cheerful, or too angry and irritable).
  • Psychogenic - manifests itself after some severe mental trauma associated with deaths, natural disasters, crashes, etc. Active body movements, panic accompanied by flight, self-mutilation and even suicide are expressed. All this can give way to stupor over time.
  • Epileptic – manifests itself in patients with epilepsy due to hallucinogenic experiences. This kind of excitement comes and goes abruptly, without warning. A person can be dangerous to other people: unknowingly attack them, cause bodily harm.
  • Embittered - attacks a specific person who is the offender. A person attracts attention with his entire appearance: he is tense, screams, waves his arms, insults the offender, and threatens him. Excitement can result in a hysterical attack.

Causes of nervous excitement:

  • lack of sleep;
  • constant irritability, dissatisfaction with life;
  • constant stress;
  • nervousness;
  • history of mental illness;
  • imaginaryness and anxiety in a person’s character;
  • caffeine overdose;
  • intoxication with alcohol and drugs;
  • withdrawal from drug addiction;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease;
  • infections in the body;
  • depression;
  • taking certain medications;
  • lack of vitamins (especially vitamin B).
  • motor activity of the eyeballs is impaired;
  • awkward and goofy behavior;
  • asymmetry of the facial muscles;
  • a person is bothered by insomnia and suffers from headaches;
  • body trembling or muscle twitching;
  • excessive talkativeness;
  • hyperactivity.

Diagnostic tests that will be carried out at the hospital:

  • consultation with an endocrinologist, examination of the thyroid gland;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • cerebrospinal fluid puncture;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • X-ray of the skull;
  • measurement of blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, respiratory rate.

How to get rid of nervous excitement

The state of increased nervous excitement must be treated unambiguously, otherwise it can lead to sad consequences. A person can kill himself or another, or cause injury.

If the situation is not too advanced and the patient understands his problem, try to take measures to reduce nervous excitability:

  • Long, comfortable sleep. If you can’t sleep, you need to take sleeping pills for some time.
  • Calm environment. Relatives and friends should support the patient at this moment and find the right words. You can’t scold him or create a tense environment. You cannot remind the victim of what is bothering him.
  • Moderate physical activity, healthy lifestyle.
  • Taking vitamins B, C, thiamine, choline and others. It's better to take a multivitamin complex.
  • The absence of a computer and television negatively affects the psyche.
  • You may need a break away from your usual environment.
  • It will be very useful for the patient to do what he loves and have a good time.

Drug treatment

If there is increased nervous excitability, the doctor may prescribe one of the following groups of drugs (will depend on the cause of the illness):

  • Sedatives - help to sleep, calm, relieve anxiety (valerian, motherwort, Sodium bromide, Bromcamphor, Novopassit).
  • Nootropics – to improve mental activity, stimulate serotonin, which affects joy (Piracetam, Diapiram, Apik).
  • Neuroleptics - act as a sedative and depress the nervous system (Haloperidol, Sulpiride, Clozapine, Risperidone).
  • Antidepressants.
  • Tranquilizers.

Treatment with folk remedies

Medicines used for increased nervous excitability and insomnia

At any herbal tea add nettle and get greater effect during treatment. It is very useful in any dosage.

Nervous system - treatment with folk remedies

Secrets of traditional medicine

Collection folk remedies treatment of various diseases and bad habits

Increased excitability of the nervous system is one of the most common disorders. It occurs in older people, young people, and even children.

Causes of increased nervous excitability

If minor everyday problems cause a violent reaction, everything irritates, a person becomes aggressive and uncollected, then these symptoms signal that you should immediately pay attention to the state of the nervous system.

Excessive excitability of the nervous system is observed in 20% of the population. This figure worries doctors, since the number of people suffering from nervous disorders is growing rapidly from year to year. This is not surprising, because modern life is filled with stress, especially in major cities: emotional overload at work, lack of sleep, crowds of people on public transport, traffic jams, constant lack of time, streams of negative information that television channels splash out on viewers, long hours of computer use - all these factors undermine mental health. Family troubles, heavy academic load, no proper nutrition, strict diets, computer games aggravate the problem.

Nervousness and irritability can develop under the influence hereditary predisposition, are provoked by metabolic disorders, hormonal changes in the body, infections. Sometimes increased nervous excitability may indicate the presence of more serious problems: depression, neuroses, psychopathy, schizophrenia. It is also a companion to alcoholism and drug addiction, especially during periods of withdrawal syndrome.

Manifestation of disorders of the nervous system

People with increased nervous excitability are characterized by conflict, irritability, and impaired temporal and spatial orientation. They get nervous over little things, lash out at loved ones and subordinates, and swear in public transport and in queues. Many of them complain of periodic causeless headaches, nightmares, attacks of self-pity, tearfulness, and melancholy.

Among external signs asymmetry of the facial muscles and impaired movement of the eyeballs are observed. The person fusses, makes impulsive movements indicating motor excitement, and talks a lot. Children with increased excitability of the nervous system may have a slight delay in mental development.

The main sign of nervous system excitability is insomnia. It's about not about those cases when a person occasionally cannot fall asleep for a long time after an emotional shock. Sleep disorders become systematic. If a person often cannot fall asleep for several hours, tossing and turning in bed, or wakes up for no reason in the middle of the night and does not close his eyes until the morning, this is a syndrome of increased nervous excitability.

Preventive measures

If a person is going through difficult times, or has some personal problems that make him nervous, the main thing is not to start looking for peace in alcohol and cigarettes. This will only lead to a gradual deterioration of the condition and aggravate the problem. It’s worth trying to switch your attention to other aspects of life, play sports, and walk in the fresh air as often as possible.

You should also reduce the amount of time spent at the computer and TV, and minimize the flow of negative information: crime reports, news about political and economic problems, conversations about diseases. You should definitely try to put your daily routine in order, sleep at least 7 hours a day.

If there is an opportunity to take a short vacation and relax for a few days in nature, then this opportunity simply cannot be missed. The state of all body systems largely depends on the nervous system. Increased excitability of the nervous system in itself is not a serious disease, but if you do not pay any attention to it, it can lead to dire consequences.

How to deal with nervous excitability?

If serious problems arise with the functioning of the nervous system, you should consult a specialist.

He will hold necessary examination, will prescribe appropriate drug treatment and give related recommendations. Under no circumstances should you take antidepressants, tranquilizers or sleeping pills on your own, even if one of your friends took these drugs on the recommendation of a doctor for similar symptoms.

At the same time, there are a number of herbal remedies that will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system during periods of unrest, emotional stress, etc. stressful situations. These include drugs based on valerian and motherwort, which can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Motherwort in the form of a tincture is taken alone or in combination with valerian. Herbal infusions and decoctions are prepared from dry raw materials. Recently, motherwort can also be purchased in tablet form. Valerian preparations are also produced by the pharmaceutical industry in various forms.

Nowadays, even the most self-possessed people often lose their nerves. Irritability gradually accumulates. We involuntarily break down either in the family or at work, in crowded transport, in soul-exhausting queues. We swear until we have a nervous breakdown and cannot calm down for a long time. We begin to suffer from oppressive melancholy, causeless headaches, heavy sleep with nightmares, or, conversely, debilitating insomnia.

Undoubtedly, low level life and the state of our nervous system are closely interconnected. And yet, with a reasonable approach to your health, you can alleviate and even negate the severity of stress impacts, protect your exposed nerves with medicinal remedies that have been tested by people a long time ago.

Let me remind you that one of these most popular remedies is valerian with its unique ability to gently, without causing any harm to the body, calm and treat the nervous system. In pharmacies you can no longer always find alcohol and ethereal tinctures, tableted dry extract or other valerian preparations. Therefore, if necessary, you can prepare the medicine yourself.

There are many recipes. Some reference books recommend putting a teaspoon of crushed roots in a glass of boiling water, while others recommend one or even two tablespoons for the same amount of water. Some experts advise boiling for 15 minutes, others convince you to simply pour boiling water over it and leave for 2 hours. There are no strict rules for intake either: from 1 tablespoon to half a glass of infusion or decoction. But there is one thing general rule: Valerian should not be used occasionally, but systematically and for a long time, since it therapeutic effect develops slowly. After one and a half to two months you need to take a break.

I have my own favorite method of preparing valerian, which is very effective. Pound the roots in a mortar, pour 2 teaspoons in the evening with a glass of boiled water at room temperature and leave under the lid overnight, soaking for at least 10 hours. In the morning I stir and let the suspension settle. I don't strain it. I store it in a cool place. You should drink 1 tablespoon in the morning and afternoon, and a quarter glass at night. This cold infusion is especially good for treating children with increased nervous excitability, as well as hysteria, convulsions, and epilepsy. Children are given 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Some patients cannot tolerate valerian at all. In such cases, other herbs come to the rescue.

I have seen more than once how in villages, for nervous disorders, they use, not without success, the grass and flowers of the meadowsweet, popularly called meadowsweet. The usual measure is two or three pinches per glass of boiling water, drunk instead of tea.

Meadowsweet has not only a sedative, but also an anticonvulsant effect, improves sleep, and treats anemia. In addition, flowers, grass and roots are useful for diabetics, rheumatists, and kidney patients. There is information about the use of grass and rhizomes for malignant tumors. Meadowsweet can be used without fear; it has no contraindications.

Wild hops are quite accessible to everyone. Its fruits for medicinal purposes must be collected on time, usually in August, as soon as they acquire a greenish-yellow color. Pleasant, slightly bitter tea made from hop cones relieves irritability and calms. Place no more than 2 cones per glass of tea.

From one part by weight of hops, doused with 4 parts by weight of alcohol or vodka, a tincture is prepared that acts as a sleeping pill, helping with neuroses and neuralgia. The infusion time for seventy-degree alcohol is 7 days, for vodka – 2 weeks. During the day before lunch, take 5-10 drops per teaspoon of water, in the evening before bed, 10-15 drops. The dosage is selected individually; for some, the lower limit is enough, while others will not limit themselves to the upper limit, adding 1–2 more drops. But you should not abuse it; an overdose can cause malaise and headaches. On the contrary, in acceptable doses it has an analgesic effect.

In addition, I can say that hop preparations strengthen the cardiovascular system, especially with myocardial weakness. Not only in folk medicine, but also in scientific medicine, good results have been noted for allergic and occupational dermatitis. Immature fruits are infused and drunk for thrombophlebitis, pulmonary and skin tuberculosis. Hops help with menopausal ailments, uric acid diathesis, and are popularly used for skin and breast cancer.

I won’t dwell on the basic recipes for using oregano, chamomile, and hawthorn. I am amazed by the luxurious bouquet of less popular plants, such as woodruff, chicory, knotweed, angelica, larkspur, multi-colored carnation, goat willow, common thorn, and forest cap, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Few people would think of treating their nerves with garden sunflowers. The yellow marginal petals of a newly blossomed sunflower are torn off, infused with vodka and drunk one teaspoon before meals for neuroses and neuralgia. Or brew tea from 1 teaspoon of dried petals per glass of boiling water. I heard that the decoction is also used as an anti-cancer agent.

An infusion of the series - a teaspoon per glass of boiling water - has a calming effect on the nerves.

Sometimes you don’t have to go far to find medicinal plants; it’s enough to grow them in the garden, for example, lettuce or marigold - calendula. Lettuce leaves, regularly consumed during the summer, will be beneficial for disorders of the nervous system, relieve insomnia, headaches caused by increased blood pressure. Daily marigold tea - 4 - 5 flowers per glass - reduces the reflex excitability of the nervous system, and also helps with hypertension, increases the activity of the heart and slows down its rhythm. In summer it is preferable to use fresh flowers.


Not long ago I came across statistical data published in the central press about the disease of neurasthenia in children school age. The numbers are depressing. If the nervous system is depleted from childhood, then what can we say about the adult population?

Traditional medicine for neurasthenia uses dozens of different plants. Among them, not only the well-known oregano, St. John's wort, valerian, but also others deserve attention healing herbs, albeit not so popular, but with a clear directional effect.

Yellow sweet clover, for example, contains coumarin, which has a calming effect on the central nervous system. For neurasthenia, as well as excessive excitability, convulsive states, headaches and insomnia, the following infusion of sweet clover herb is very useful: 1 tablespoon is poured into a glass of cold boiled water. Keep covered for 4 hours (can be soaked overnight). Drink 100 g two to three times a day.

Collected at the height of flowering and then dried in the shade, sweet clover is fragrant and pleasant. It gives rise to a deceptive feeling of complete harmlessness, but it should be remembered that an overdose or excessive use can backfire, cause nausea and severe headaches. In general, when using any herbs, you need to know when to stop.

Sweet clover is harvested at noon, with the beginning of the lunar month and before the full moon - this is the best time. It must be dried quickly in dry and hot weather. When there are prolonged rains and air humidity is high, the sweet clover grass must be immediately brought into a dry room and protected from heating. At high humidity, the coumarin contained in sweet clover is quickly converted into dangerous dicumarol, which can lead to liver poisoning and even hemorrhage.

Heather is popular among people. Flowering leafy tops are collected from him on a sunny afternoon. An infusion of them nourishes exhausted nerves and relieves astheno-neurotic reactions.

To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of heather into 0.5 liters hot water, insist all night in a warm place. Drink in 4 doses before meals.

Heather is non-toxic, it is used not only for neurasthenia and insomnia, but also for colds with high temperature, with inflammation of the bladder and purulent processes in the urinary tract, with kidney stones and inflammation of the renal pelvis, with diseases of the liver and spleen, as well as diabetes. In the old days, heather was more famous, but now it is half-forgotten.

And what good results does angelica give! Connoisseurs often use decoctions from its root for nervous exhaustion, hysteria and even epilepsy. It has a tonic, restorative effect on the nervous system.

For a decoction, 2 teaspoons of crushed root per 2 cups of boiling water is enough. It is advisable to keep it in a boiling water bath for half an hour. The decoction is taken half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

Angelica officinalis is the common angelica. An inexperienced person can easily confuse it with angelica, also sometimes called angelica, or wolf's pipe. Both of them grow as tall as a person, both have a thick hollow root and large leaves with large swollen sheaths. If you look carefully, you can notice the difference in the inflorescences: in the angelica vulgaris, that is, angelica officinale, they are yellowish-greenish, collected in complex umbrellas in the form of large balls, and in the angelica forest - in the form of a shield. flatter, often with a pinkish tint. But the main thing distinctive feature in their underground part. Angelica has lumpy, reddish-gray rhizomes, juicy, fleshy, the smell emanates from them is strong, aromatic, while angelica has thinner roots, more woody, with a weak unpleasant smell. Both plants are used in folk medicine, only in this case I am talking about real angelica, which is what should be used.

By the way, in addition to taking the decoction orally, baths with angelica are very useful for nervous diseases. Two handfuls of dried roots should be poured with three liters of water, brought to a boil, kept on low heat for 15 minutes, left for an hour or two and, after straining, poured into the bath. Immediately after the decoction is removed from the heat, it is advisable to throw in a handful of mint, oregano and hops while it steeps. Baths, staying in them for up to 20 minutes, are repeated every other day for three weeks.

Angelica roots, rich essential oils, stored in a tightly closed container, then they do not lose their healing properties up to three years. Roots dug closer to the full moon, preferably after sunset, have the greatest power.

People successfully use bedstraw for various diseases, including neurasthenia. It is also called yellow porridge, as well as honeyberry, because a spreading panicle with small yellow flowers emits a delicate honey aroma. It grows almost everywhere, both in upland and floodplain meadows, near roads, on hillsides, in bushes, wanders into bright, sun-pierced sparse forests, forest edges and clearings. Its full name is true bedstraw, for there are also northern, marsh, tenacious, Russian, soft, straight, thyme-leaved, three-flowered and other bedstraw siblings. They have their own distinctive features, and their distribution area is significantly narrower. In any case, if you get to know it at least once, you won’t confuse honeydew with any other herb.

Yellow porridge is usually brewed as tea, taking a teaspoon of crushed herb with flowers in a glass of boiling water, then sipping a small sip throughout the day. The required amount of infusion is selected individually. Personally, for example, I drank a cup of tea 2 times a day, at lunch and at night.

Bedstraw juice, squeezed from a fresh plant, also has a calming effect, even with epilepsy and convulsions in children. Drink it one teaspoon with a small amount of water, 3 times a day.

The simplest and most accessible plants can have a beneficial effect on sore nerves. If you're not lazy, it won't be too difficult to dry raspberry leaves in the summer. Best of all, of course, is wild, forest, but garden is also suitable. It is generally accepted that in raspberries therapeutic effect Only berries have it. They are dried in case of colds as an excellent diaphoretic and as an antipyretic. However, all parts of it are healing. There are examples when some healers used a decoction of raspberry roots to cure severe forms bronchial asthma. An infusion of flowers is used for hemorrhoids and female diseases. In Tibetan medicine, decoctions of leaves and stems are prescribed for neurasthenia and neuritis.

For personal use, I prepare the tincture in a 1:3 ratio, that is, I fill the jar a third of the volume with lightly crushed raspberry leaves, then fill it to the top with regular 40-proof vodka. After nine days of infusion, I filter it. The first ten days should be taken 20 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals, in the second ten days 30, and starting from the third - 50 drops with a course of treatment for at least three months.

This tincture goes well with a combined infusion of fireweed leaves; it is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, the daily dose is 0.5 liters. The infusion must be kept warm for at least six hours. It is best to soak the leaves overnight and strain them the next day. A thermos is ideal for brewing. If this tea seems too strong to someone, you can add one tablespoon to the same amount of boiling water.

Drops and water infusion are taken at the same time. In this way, the patient's condition can be significantly alleviated. People have long noticed that medicinal infusions of fireweed tea can compete with valerian. Pharmacologists have confirmed the sedative and anticonvulsant effects of the plant.


Once, when I was still young, I was seriously alarmed by severe heart pain. They came suddenly, piercing the chest with burning lightning. You freeze, hold your breath and wait for the sharp shooting pain to finally go away. And gloomy thoughts creep into my head: they say, that’s it, I got through, it’s the end, I didn’t really manage to live. And such weakness that it breaks into a sweat... At first I was very distrustful of the doctor’s words that the heart was fine, it was a neurosis, the nerves needed to be treated. I wondered what nerves had to do with it, heartache. Later, after treatment, I became convinced that the doctor was completely right.

In fact, cardiovascular neuroses are often perceived by patients as a tragedy. People panic, begin to be afraid of any physical activity, literally grow into illness, grab validol and nitroglycerin, although help is often needed not so much for the heart as for the nervous system.

In the section on heart disease I already talked about neurosis. Here I note that motherwort has proven itself to be excellent for this ailment. The tops of the plant along with the leaves are collected and dried at the beginning of flowering, when the flowers have not yet acquired spines. Prepare water decoctions and alcohol tinctures. The recipe is given in all reference books on medicinal plants, and in our book here and there we will give methods for preparing infusions and decoctions. But for neuroses, I prefer only juice squeezed from fresh grass. Why? There are several answers. A decoction, even a weak one - a teaspoon per glass of boiling water - can sharply reduce arterial pressure. Not always, not for everyone, but I have observed several cases when, half an hour after taking such a decoction, the pressure dropped by almost two dozen points. Alcohol extract is also more suitable for hypertensive patients. Therefore, motherwort is contraindicated in arterial hypertension. It is not recommended to use it if the heart rate is very low - bradycardia. As for the juice, as I noticed, it has a softer and more gentle effect, which does not have such a dramatic effect on the level of pressure and heart function, but its sedative properties are much higher than those of aqueous and alcoholic extracts from the herb.

For long-term storage, motherwort juice should be diluted by half with vodka. Take 20 to 40 drops 3 to 4 times a day before meals.

For neuroses, people drink an infusion of dried May birch leaves. Place up to five tablespoons of them in 0.5 liters of warm water and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and squeeze out the swollen leaves. Allow to settle and the infusion is poured into another container, being careful not to stir up the sediment. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals.

For neuralgic pain, alcohol tincture from birch buds is used externally for rubbing and lotions - it helps.

The simplest remedies for neuroses are mint and blackberries.

The alcoholic tincture of mint is drunk drops several times a day, selecting an individual dosage - from 10 to 30 - 40 drops.

From blackberry branches with leaves, after chopping them, make a light decoction: pour 2 tablespoons with two glasses of water, bring to a boil, but do not cook, immediately remove from heat and strain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

Some herbalists give an infusion of stinking basilisk herb for neuroses: 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and strain immediately. You should take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

In case of angioneurosis and vegetative neurosis, it is not sedatives that work best, but, on the contrary, invigorating and tonic agents. Excellent treatment for nervous system disorders alcohol extract Rhodiola rosea – golden root. Drink 20-30 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals in short courses of 2-3 weeks.

Eleutherococcus tincture also stimulates the nervous system - it is taken 15-20 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, half an hour before meals for four weeks.

Both drugs can increase blood pressure and are more suitable for hypotensive patients.

Neurotic pain in the stomach causes suffering no less. In the worst case, a person has gastritis, and his thoughts focus on the worst thing: maybe it’s cancer.”

Of course, you need to undergo a medical examination to rule out the worst. And the disease is much easier to treat when an accurate diagnosis is established.

For nerve pain and stomach cramps, the surest and most harmless remedy is a freshly prepared, semi-hot infusion of chamomile. An infusion of viburnum flowers has approximately the same effect - a full teaspoon brewed with a glass of boiling water. In folk medicine, viburnum bark is often used for neuroses. It is crushed, one teaspoon is poured into a glass of boiling water, kept for half an hour over low heat, without allowing it to boil, or in a water bath. After straining, drink 1 tablespoon before meals.

Dry, lightly roasted viburnum seeds can be used to make coffee. This aromatic, bitter drink, which actually tastes like coffee, tones the stomach and intestines and has a calming effect on neuroses.

Gastric neuroses and some other nerve diseases are reliably treated by lemon balm. M.A. Nosal writes about it: “People use lemon balm internally. Napar, approximately 20.0 g per 1 liter of boiling water, for all types of nervous diseases, for stomach neurosis, when for an unknown reason a person feels severe pain in the stomach, as happens after severe mental shock, from fear, grief, melancholy; with colic in the intestines and bloating, which occur even with the strictest abstinence in food, with migraines and unexplained headaches; with increased heartbeat and dizziness, with vomiting in pregnant women, as well as with toothache, in the latter case as a rinse. The water vapor of lemon balm is sometimes replaced with an alcohol extract: 1 part leaves by weight to 3 parts alcohol. Take 3 times a day, a teaspoon of tincture in 1/3 glass of water.”

I have been using Melissa for a long time, even before I read the book by M. A. Nosal and I. M. Nosal “ Medicinal plants in folk medicine,” and from the very beginning he preferred alcohol tincture specifically for nervous and heart diseases. I prepared it in my own way: I filled a little more than half a jar of the dried plant to the top with vodka and let it steep for at least two weeks. The dosage was the same: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, washed down with a few sips of water or diluted in a quarter glass of water.

Melissa has been known since ancient times. Paracelsus also wrote about it: “The inspired priestesses of ancient temples prepared a dynamizing drink from lemon balm.” Avicenna noted in lemon balm that it “helps with brain blockages and eliminates bad breath. Invigorates and strengthens the heart, stops heart failure. Aids digestion and helps with hiccups.”

Melissa, being a southerner, is not found in the wild in the middle zone and here in the Urals; many gardeners grow it in their gardens. For medicinal purposes, it is best to collect it at sunrise, before the dew has dried, with the onset of the full moon, that is, when it fully gains healing powers.

For neuritis facial nerve caused by a cold, it is believed that white willow bark can help: 1 teaspoon, crushed, pour two glasses of boiled water at room temperature and leave overnight. Infusion time is at least 8 hours. After straining, drink 3 to 4 times a day before meals. With this treatment, you can carry out the following procedure: heat the steel red hot sewing needle and prick the sharp end first on the healthy cheek, then on the sore cheek. Traces of microscopic burns very soon disappear without a trace, and then the disease itself passes.

In the spring, soon after the snow melts, bluish-violet bells of the open lumbago or exactly the same large flowers of the yellowing lumbago appear on the reviving hillocks - it has a slightly elongated bell of a faded cream color. There is no other difference between these plants. Both are furry, as if thoroughly rolled in a silvery web. They stand crouched on short stalks, almost spreading along the ground in the direction of the wind. Only at the moment of flowering do they begin to grow, just as the rosette of carved leaves begins to grow a little. This is the witchcraft dream-herb, which has long been faithfully served by the wise men, sorcerers, healers, herbalists, and healers to create all kinds of drinks for all misfortunes and ailments.

In ancient medical books they write: “When Satan was still a bright angel and in his pride rebelled against the Creator, Michael the Archangel drove him from high heaven to the damp earth. Satan and his demons hid behind the grass, and Michael the Archangel threw a thunder arrow at him. An arrow shot through that grass from top to bottom, from that arrow the demons fled and fell into the underworld with Satan himself. And from that very time on, the demonic force is afraid of that grass and runs 12 miles away from it. Delivers from the gaze of the eyes, from the appointed sorrows, from damage, from the influx and from all demonic obsessions.”

They collected dream grass with various incantations and rituals on a bright May morning, when dew sparkled on the herbs. According to legends, the dream grass flower can predict fate. He was lowered into a cold spring or well water and kept it until the full moon. The flower bent in the water began to move with the onset of the full moon. And then they put it under the pillow at night. If you saw a young girl or guy in a dream, it means there will be happiness. And if it means grief, you saw death in a dream.

Sleep grass is now found infrequently, especially in the vicinity of large cities and villages, but only a hundred kilometers from Ufa I know one area where it is found in abundance on the slopes of picturesque green hills with small birch groves. You walk through a flowering meadow in the early morning, picking up grass in a basket, and you begin to feel some strange languor, peace. The soul experiences an unearthly pleasure, close to the feeling of the sweetest weightlessness, when you yourself seem to cease to exist and either dissolve in the world around you, losing your corporeality, or, on the contrary, turn into a kind of clot of matter, absorbing the bottomless heavenly blue with the golden radiance of the ascending the sun, the infantile tender greenery of May grasses that have not yet risen to growth and the small sticky leaves of birches, and the frantic iridescent trills of nightingales... But the time comes to return home, and reluctantly you descend back to the sinful earth, to the howling engines and mercilessly fuming gasoline fumes, to the vain city ​​crowd. You drive towards the house, carefully holding a basket of dream-grass on your knees, nodding off, fighting the drowsiness that persistently calls you to plunge into the sweet weightlessness of sleep.

The popular name for the lumbago reflects its the main point: Herb that induces sleep. At all times, lumbago was used to treat insomnia and other functional nervous diseases, migraine, neurasthenia, spasmophilia, neuroses, neuritis, neuralgia, the juice was rubbed on numb parts of the body.

This ancient, proven remedy can be successfully used today, in particular for neuralgic pain. Pour 2 teaspoons of the herb into a glass of cooled boiled water and leave it covered for a day. The infusion is drunk throughout the day in fractional portions. When using lumbago, you should remember that fresh grass is poisonous and can cause inflammatory processes both on the skin and on the mucous membrane of internal organs. After drying, sleep grass becomes harmless.

Simultaneously with taking a cold infusion of sleep herb, a poultice of thyme is made along the path of the diseased nerve. Take 3-4 tablespoons of it, scald it with boiling water, wrap it in gauze and apply it to the body. Soon the pain subsides.

For inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, you can also use a simple folk remedy that brings relief. Prepare a cold infusion: 4 teaspoons of marshmallow roots per glass of boiled water at room temperature, leave for at least eight hours. This is done at night. In the morning, brew chamomile tea: a teaspoon per glass of boiling water, leave in a warm place for half an hour, strain. Take a mouthful of this chamomile tea and hold it as long as possible near the sore cheek. A compress of several layers of gauze soaked in marshmallow infusion is applied externally. Tie a warm scarf or handkerchief over waxed paper or plastic wrap. After the compress, warmth is also necessary. The procedure is repeated several times a day. Treatment lasts until the pain disappears completely. If there is no marshmallow root, flowers and leaves collected in the summer can be substituted. Place 2 tablespoons of them in a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the infusion is ready for use.


Some recipes fell into my hands by accident. I once visited the market during mushroom harvest. A golden glow came from scatterings of chanterelles. Red-headed boletuses and plump boletus rose in impressive mounds on the shelves. No, no, yes, porcini mushrooms caught my eye. The merchants stood filled with importance. How can one not envy them for amassing such wealth early in the forest! But then my attention was caught by a tanned, tough as a mushroom, old boletus man, who was selling... red fly agaric mushrooms with a calm expression. Yes, yes, those nasty mushrooms that any mushroom picker cautiously avoids and never puts in the basket. Rarely did anyone approach the old man. Perhaps out of curiosity. I came too. I asked how much such a product was at the market. When I heard the price, I was amazed. And there was reason to be surprised, fly agaric mushrooms were no cheaper than porcini mushrooms! Here are the ones on...

The old man volubly explained: how much use are chanterelles and boletus mushrooms? Well, fry it and eat it in one sitting. And from fly agaric mushrooms you can make a healing potion, you can be treated for a whole year.

“You, my dear, chop up a couple of these beauties, fill them with a bottle of vodka, and in a couple of weeks you’ll get rid of radiculitis.” How to wash it away with your hand...

This recipe interested me. I started asking for details. It turns out that you need to keep the cut fly agarics for two days in a cool place, then, putting the cut pieces in a jar, pour in enough vodka so that it protrudes over the top the thickness of a finger. Place the jar in the cellar or refrigerator to maintain a uniform temperature. After two weeks, strain. Now the drug is ready. It relieves rheumatic pain well, and even cures radiculitis if rubbed regularly.

I bought fly agarics from the old man. He could have collected it himself, but I wanted to respect his work. Made medicine. In fact, it has helped several of my friends with sciatica. Since then, whenever I manage to get out into the forest to pick mushrooms, I don’t shy away from red fly agarics.

If lumbosacral radiculitis is caused by inflammation of the perioral nerve, excellent results are achieved by treatment with Echinoid sharogola. This plant is easily recognizable. The basal rosette of leaves is somewhat reminiscent of the pattern of dandelion leaves, only they are much larger and have small prickly spines on their pointed tips. On tall, slender stems, reaching one and a half meters, rest beautiful smoky-lilac balls - this is how the mordovnik blooms in a unique way, which is why, apparently, it got the name ball-headed. The size of the flower reaches the size of a billiard ball. It usually grows in weedy places both in the European part of the country, as well as in the Urals and Siberia.

The seeds of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. In autumn, not a trace remains of its former beauty: yellowish-gray lumps stick out, bristling, on the dry bushes. You squeeze them and the balls crumble in your palm into individual achenes, reminiscent of unthreshed oats. Inside the achenes, if peeled, grains are hidden. They have a soft, insidious, glass wool-like shell of thousands of microscopic stings that pierce the skin and cause itching. As long as you clean the required amount of grains, you will be combed all over. Every now and then you have to, interrupting a tedious task, wash your hands with soap. But this hard work pays off with interest. Echinops fruits are used for very serious nervous diseases: paresis and paralysis, plexitis, radiculitis, as well as multiple sclerosis, myopathy, poliomyelitis, and in the treatment of the consequences of chronic radiation exposure. In scientific medicine, a very strong alkaloid echinopsin isolated from seeds is used.

For a water infusion, pour 2-3 teaspoons of grains into a glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place overnight. In the morning, filter through several layers of gauze, lined with cotton wool on the inside to trap tiny spines. A glass is a daily dose, divided into 3–4 doses.

I also make an alcohol extract: 5 g of peeled seeds (approximately one level tablespoon) per 100 g of pure alcohol. On the twenty-first day, strain. Take 20 drops 2 times in the morning and evening. With radiculitis, nerve function was restored after three to four weeks.

There are many folk remedies for those suffering from radiculitis. Here is another useful recipe: 1 tablespoon each of dried white water lily, yellow water lily and elecampane rhizomes, crushed, pour a bottle of vodka. Leave for 9 days. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

When eating pine nuts, I do not recommend throwing away the peels like garbage. From it you can prepare a medicine for allergic and other skin rashes, for a number of other diseases, which will be mentioned later, as well as for radiculitis. In the latter case, take the dried peel of two hundred grams of nuts, pour in 1 liter of vodka and, tightly closing, put it in a dark place for a month. It is necessary to shake from time to time. After straining, the resulting tincture is taken on an empty stomach with a small wine glass (25 - 30 ml) two to three times a day before meals.

For radiculitis, fresh burdock leaves (smooth side), horseradish leaves, and cabbage are applied externally.

Horseradish roots are ground into a paste and rubbed onto sore spots not only for radiculitis, but also for other severe pain in the joints, muscle pain in the back and lower back.

Juice squeezed from black radish is rubbed into radiculitis - this is one of the most popular remedies. Or the peeled radish is grated, the resulting pulp is slightly heated in an enamel bowl without cracks or chips. They take a linen rag, spread a thin layer of radish pulp on one half of it, cover it with the other half, like a pie with filling, and place it on the lower back. The patient should feel a slow, deep warming and hold it for as long as he has patience. Repeat in a day. “Sometimes it is enough to do several such procedures to get rid of sciatica.

Severe pain shoots through the leg from hip to heel, sometimes preventing you from taking a step. IN medical terminology this is lumbago, in everyday life it is lumbago. I did not specifically treat him, but several times I had to help my friends using folk recipes. In a porcelain mortar, grind dry agrimony leaves into flour and sift through a strainer. I measured it into 1 gram bags. The daily norm is 3 – 4 sachets. The powder is washed down with St. John's wort infusion - a tablespoon of herb per one and a half cups of boiling water. He advised me to make a poultice daily from a mixture of chamomile and sweet clover flowers. You need to take them in equal quantities, scald them with boiling water and, wrapped in gauze, apply them semi-hot to the place where the shooting pain originates. At night - rubbing alcohol tincture henbane. To prepare the tincture, pour 1 part of coarsely crushed henbane leaves into 4 parts of diluted alcohol or vodka, keep it in the dark at a uniform temperature for two weeks, and strain. Henbane is very poisonous, so no more than one teaspoon should be used per procedure. If rubbing is done with your fingertips, you must immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap. In the morning, wipe the area to be rubbed with a warm, damp cloth.

This complex treatment gave good results.

When a person is often plagued by sciatica, traditional medicine recommends a simple preparation: mix the crushed roots of burdock, dandelion, and celandine in equal parts - just the roots. Pour 2 tablespoons with 1 liter of boiling water in the evening and leave until morning. In the morning, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes from the moment it boils. After ten minutes, strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

More best result can be achieved by rubbing black radish juice into the skin along the nerve. This also helps with myasitis and intercostal neuralgia.

For sciatica, neuralgia, radiculitis and plexitis, juniper berries are considered a good remedy. Place only 10 berries in 1 glass of boiling water, cover the dish with a lid and immediately place it in a pre-prepared boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After an hour, filter. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks.

Convulsive conditions

Not everyone knows that Linden blossom, which is widely popular as a reliable diaphoretic for colds, can also treat nervous diseases. It all depends on the methods of preparing the medicinal drink.

A strong decoction - 5 tablespoons of crushed linden flowers with bracts per 0.5 liter of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes - helps with neuroses, severe nervous disorder, frequent fainting, convulsions.