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Nurses conducting pre-trip medical examinations. Job responsibilities of a nurse: main functions, official requirements, mandatory rights and general provisions Job responsibilities of a nurse in departments of various profiles

Updated: 04/06/2018 08:15

"I affirm"

"____"_________ 20__

Job description
nurses conducting pre-trip medical examinations
vehicle drivers

1. General Provisions

1.1. A person with secondary medical education, who has undergone special training and has an appropriate certificate, is appointed to the position of nurse to conduct pre-trip medical examinations of vehicle drivers.

1.2. Reports to the manager medical office and........................................, and when combining the positions of head of the medical office and nurses – .......................... .

1.3. In practical work it is guided Methodological recommendations“Organization and procedure for conducting pre-trip medical examinations of drivers of motor vehicles,” approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2002.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The main objective of pre-trip medical examinations is to identify signs of various diseases, signs of alcohol use, illegal drugs medicines, residual effects alcohol intoxication (hangover syndrome), fatigue. If these signs are detected, drivers are not allowed to drive vehicles.

2.2. Receive drivers of vehicles for a pre-trip medical examination individually, with a waybill.

2.3. Begin the inspection by interviewing the driver, finding out his subjective well-being, the presence or absence of complaints about his health. When the driver expresses any complaints, the medical worker is obliged to identify and confirm (or refute) their objectivity during the examination.

2.4. The grounds for removing drivers of motor vehicles from work are the following deviations in health status:

  • presence of symptoms of acute illness or exacerbation chronic disease(increase in body temperature over 370 C, complaints about bad feeling, general weakness, headache And toothache, acute eye diseases, pain in the ear, chest or abdominal cavity and so on.).
  • increase or decrease in heart rate and changes blood pressure above or below levels characteristic of the driver being examined.
  • being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or other drugs (narcotic and psychotropic drugs or toxicants) that violate functional state. In this case, the medical professional conducting the pre-trip medical examination is obliged to monitor the driver’s sobriety.

2.5. The results of the pre-trip medical examination must be recorded in a standard journal.

2.6. In the absence of complaints and objective grounds for removal from work (clause 2.4.), allow the driver to work with a mark of waybill(by stamping) indicating the date, exact time of the medical examination, surname, initials and signature of the medical worker who conducted the examination.

2.7. If, during a pre-trip medical examination, signs of the driver’s use of alcohol, drugs and other drugs are detected, psychoactive substances monitor the driver's sobriety. When determining sobriety control to determine the state of health, the examined driver must be subjected to clinical examination and must be carried out laboratory diagnostics biological media of the driver (exhaled air and urine). Blood sampling is strictly prohibited. When conducting a sobriety control, it is mandatory to draw up a sobriety control protocol in the established form in two copies, clearly and specifically filling out each paragraph of the document. One copy of the protocol remains with the health worker, the second is given to the head of the organization.

2.8. Each case of sobriety control must be registered in a special numbered, laced journal, sealed with the organization’s seal. The log records the last name, first name, patronymic, age, place of work and position, reason for referral for examination, who sent it, date and time of sobriety control, conclusion, Taken measures, surname and initials of the medical worker.

2.9. If available sharply pronounced signs intoxication, as well as the refusal of the person being examined to undergo an examination, hardware or test examination, the administration of the organization draws up a report on the employee’s appearance at the workplace while intoxicated.

2.10. Drivers suspended from work for health reasons should be sent to work time to a doctor at the clinic at his place of residence or to the clinic serving him under medical insurance, during non-working hours - recommend that he come to the clinic the next day to resolve the issue of recognizing the driver suspended from work as temporarily disabled and issuing him sick leave according to established order. At the same time, issue a certificate to the driver signed by him, in free form, indicating the hour of release from work and brief information about the nature of the illness or injury.

2.11. Permission to work for persons suffering from hypertension or obvious hypotension, carry out strictly individually according to the doctor’s recommendations. These recommendations are recorded in the health record. The card is filled out by a medical professional for drivers with chronic diseases.

2.12. Once a year, as well as during the initial identification of patients, compile lists of persons registered at the dispensary, indicating the diagnosis and brief recommendations for permission to work.

2.13. Monthly sum up the results of pre-trip medical examinations with an analysis of the reasons for the removal of drivers from work, and bring the results to the attention of the head of the organization.

2.14. Ensure accounting and storage of medications in a special medicine cabinet.

2.15. Provide strict adherence all rules of asepsis and antiseptics in the office during procedures. Sterilize instruments and materials in accordance with current instructions.

2.16. Ensure sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the medical office.

2.17. Maintain the necessary information in the prescribed form accounting documentation office, timely submit requests for instruments, equipment, medicines and dressings.

2.18. Systematically increase your professional qualifications by participating in conferences for secondary medical personnel V medical institutions upon request through the head of the organization.

3. Rights

3.1. In the absence of a doctor, provide emergency first aid medical care patients in the medical office.

3.2. Improve professional qualifications special courses according to established order.

3.3. Require company employees to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis when working in the medical room.

3.4. Obtain the information necessary to perform your job duties.

3.5. Make proposals to the company management aimed at improving the performance of pre-trip medical examinations of vehicle drivers.

4. Responsibility

4.1. Medical worker bears disciplinary, and in cases provided for by law, other responsibility for the quality of the pre-trip medical examination and the issuance of a conclusion on the admission of drivers to drive a vehicle.

4.2. Bears responsibility for failure to fulfill, unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these Instructions and the internal labor regulations of the company.

(immediate supervisor)

The following have been familiarized with the job description:
(date, signature, surname):



Typical sample


___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of organization, pre- ________________________
acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other official)
legal form) official person, authorized
what must be asserted
nal instructions)
" " ____________ 20__

Job description
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

" " ______________ 20__ N_________

This job description was developed and approved by
based on an employment contract with __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
______________________________________________________________ and in accordance with
this job description has been compiled)
provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory
acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions
1.1. A nurse belongs to the specialist category.
1.2. A person who has
average medical education in the specialty "Nursing" and
having ______________________ qualification category.
(II, I, highest)
1.3. Appointment to the position of nurse and release from
it is carried out by order of the head of the institution.
1.4. The nurse should know:
- laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on
health issues;
- basics of the diagnostic and treatment process, prevention
diseases, propaganda healthy image life;
- basic techniques and methods of providing pre-medical care
sick and injured in accidents;
- organizational structure of the healthcare institution;
- safety rules when working with medical
tools and equipment;
- basics of labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions,
industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- _________________________________________________________________.
1.5. The nurse reports directly to
(to the head nurse of the department; to the doctor with whom she works)
and in its activities is guided by the charter of the institution, orders
his supervisor, his immediate superior and the present
job description.
1.6. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Job responsibilities
2.1. Provides infection safety(follows the rules
sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime, asepsis,
properly stores, handles, sterilizes and uses products
medical purposes).
2.2. Carries out all stages nursing process when caring for
patients (initial assessment of the patient’s condition, interpretation of the received
data, care planning together with the patient, final assessment
2.3. Performs preventive and preventative measures in a timely and efficient manner
therapeutic and diagnostic procedures prescribed by a doctor.
2.4. Assists when a doctor conducts diagnostic and treatment tests
manipulations and minor operations in outpatient and inpatient settings.
2.5. Provides emergency first aid for acute
diseases, accidents and various types disasters with
subsequent calling the doctor to the patient or referring him to the nearest
medical and preventive institution.
2.6. Administers medications, anti-shock agents (if
anaphylactic shock) patients according to vital signs (with
impossibility of timely arrival of the doctor to the patient) in accordance with
established procedure for dealing with a given condition.
2.7. Informs the doctor or manager, and in their absence, the duty officer
doctor about all detected severe complications and diseases of patients,
complications resulting from medical procedures
or about cases of violation of the internal regulations of the institution.
2.8. Provides proper storage, accounting and write-off of medicines
medications, compliance with the rules for taking medications by patients.
2.9. Interacts with colleagues and employees of other services in
interests of the patient.
2.10. Maintains approved medical records and reporting documentation.
2.11. Systematically improves his professional qualifications.
2.12. Conducts sanitary and educational work to strengthen
health and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
2.13. Strictly observes the moral and legal standards of professional
communication with patients.

3. Rights
The nurse has the right:
3.1. Use as directed by a doctor conservative methods treatment
patients, carry out certain medical procedures.
3.2. Receive the information necessary to accurately carry out your tasks
professional responsibilities.
3.3. Make proposals for improving the work of medical
nurses and nursing organizations in the institution.
3.4. Request from the head nurse of the support department
post (workplace) with equipment, equipment, tools,
care items, etc., necessary for the quality performance of their
functional responsibilities.
3.5. Improve your qualifications in the prescribed manner, pass
certification (re-certification) for the purpose of assigning qualifications
3.6. Participate in the work of professional medical associations
sisters and others public organizations, not prohibited
legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.7. ______________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility
The nurse is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties
duties provided for in this job description - in
within the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities - within the current administrative, criminal and
civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits of the current
labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. For errors in the performance of their duties, resulting in
serious consequences for the life and health of patients, - within
current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.5. ______________________________________________________________.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________
document number and date)

Supervisor structural unit(initials, surname)

" " _____________ 20__


Head of the legal department

(initials, surname)

" " ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)

I APPROVED Head "_____________________" ________________ (_________________) (signature) (Full name) "___"________ ___ Mr. M.P. "___"________ ___ city N ___

_________________________________ (name of company)



1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a nurse (hereinafter referred to as the Employee) __________________________. (name of company)

1.2. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by current labor legislation by order of the Manager _________________________.

1.3. The employee reports directly to _______________________.

1.4. Qualification requirements:

Secondary vocational education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Midwifery", "Nursing" and a specialist certificate in the specialty "Nursing", " General practice", "Nursing in Pediatrics" without any requirements for work experience.

Senior nurse - secondary vocational education ( increased level) in the specialty "General Medicine", "Midwifery", "Nursing" and a specialist certificate in the specialty "Nursing", "General Practice", "Nursing in Pediatrics" without any requirements for work experience.

1.5. The employee in his activities is guided by:

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization;

This job description.

1.6. The employee must know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare;

Theoretical foundations of nursing;

Fundamentals of the diagnostic and treatment process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

Rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment;

Statistical indicators characterizing the state of health of the population and the activities of medical organizations;

Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical organizations;

Fundamentals of the functioning of budgetary insurance medicine and voluntary health insurance;

Fundamentals of valeology and sanology;

Basics of Dietetics; basics of medical examination, social significance diseases;

Fundamentals of disaster medicine;

Rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, main types of medical documentation;

Medical ethics; psychology of professional communication;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection and fire safety rules.

1.7. In the absence of the Employee, his functions are performed by _____________.



2.1. Provides pre-hospital medical care and collects biological materials for laboratory research.

2.2. Provides care to patients in medical organization and at home.

2.3. Sterilizes medical instruments, dressings and patient care items.

2.4. Assists when a doctor performs therapeutic and diagnostic procedures and minor operations in outpatient and inpatient settings.

2.5. Prepares patients for various types of studies, procedures, surgeries, and outpatient doctor appointments.

2.6. Ensures the implementation of medical prescriptions.

2.7. Carries out accounting, storage, use medicines and ethyl alcohol.

2.8. Maintains personal records and an information (computer) database of the health status of the population served;

2.9. Manages the activities of junior medical staff.

2.10. Leads medical documentation.

2.11. Conducts health education work among patients and their relatives to promote health and prevent diseases, promote a healthy lifestyle.

2.12. Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste.

2.13. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilization of instruments and materials, and the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, and HIV infection.


The employee has the right to:

3.1. Providing him with work, conditioned employment contract.

3.2. Workplace, complying with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement.

3.3. Timely and full payment wages in accordance with their qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed.

3.4. Rest provided by the establishment of normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, provision of weekly days off, non-working days holidays, paid annual leave.

3.5. Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

3.6. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others federal laws.

3.7. Association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

3.8. Participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement.

3.9. Conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements.

3.10. Protection of your labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law.

3.11. Resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.12. Compensation for damage caused to him in connection with the performance of his job duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.13. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

3.14. Receiving materials and documents related to your activities.

3.15. Interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

The employee has the right:

3.16. Give subordinate employees instructions and tasks on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.17. Monitor the implementation of planned tasks, timely completion of individual instructions and tasks, and the work of subordinate employees.

3.18. Require the head of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of his duties.

3.19. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization concerning the activities of the Employee.

3.20. Make proposals to the head of the organization on issues of its activities.

3.21. Receive official information necessary to perform your duties.


The employee is obliged:

Conscientiously fulfill his labor duties assigned to him by the employment contract and job description;

Comply with internal labor regulations;

Maintain labor discipline;

Comply with established labor standards;

Comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements;

Treat with care the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees;

Immediately inform the Employer or immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the employer’s property (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).


The employee is responsible:

5.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.

6.2. Job evaluation:

Regular - carried out by the immediate supervisor in the process of the Employee performing labor functions;

- _____________________________________________________________________. (indicate the procedure and grounds for other types of performance evaluation)

This job description has been developed in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 N 541n “On approval of the Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 25, 2010 N 18247).

Immediate supervisor ___________________ _____________________ (signature) (Full name) AGREED BY: Head of the legal department (legal adviser) ________________ ________________ (signature) (Full name) "___"________ ___ I have read the instructions: ________________ ________________ ( signature) (full name) "___"________ ___ g.

The job description of a nurse is one of the documents documenting the labor relationship. It contains a list of duties, working conditions, rights and responsibilities of the parties. The former may undergo changes taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the institution and often vary in each healthcare institution.

Below standard form can be used as a sample for drawing up a job description for a nurse in a clinic, ward, physiotherapy, dental, procedural, surgical rooms, therapeutic department and so on.

Sample of a typical nurse job description

I. General provisions

1. The nurse is included in the specialist category.

2. A person holding the position of a nurse must have a secondary medical education in the specialty “Nursing” and one of qualification categories: II, I, highest.

3. The appointment and dismissal of a nurse is made by order of the head of the institution.

4. The nurse reports to the head of the department or senior nurse. In his work he is guided by the Charter, orders and instructions of the head of the institution, his immediate superior, and this job description.

5. The nurse should know:

  • laws of the Russian Federation and regulations related to healthcare;
  • the basics of the process of diagnosis, therapy, care, disease prevention, dissemination of the principles of a healthy lifestyle;
  • techniques and methods of providing first-aid to people;
  • composition and organizational structure of healthcare institutions;
  • safety standards, including when handling medical equipment and tools;
  • rules of fire protection, industrial sanitation;
  • internal work rules.

6. During the absence of a nurse, her rights and functional responsibilities are transferred to another official, which is recorded in the order of the organization.

II. Job responsibilities of a nurse

The nurse performs the following duties:

1. Completes all stages of the nursing process. These include: initial assessment of the patient’s condition, interpretation of the data obtained, planning of care, evaluation of the results of actions.

2. Conducts high-quality preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic procedures prescribed by a doctor.

3. Assists during operations, therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations by a doctor.

4. Ensures and maintains infection safety. It includes maintaining a sanitary and hygienic regime, handling aseptics, proper storage, processing, sterilization, and use of medical devices.

5. Renders emergency assistance people at acute diseases, accidents, disasters. Further calls the doctor to the patient or refers him to a medical institution.

6. Administers antishock drugs and medications to patients for health reasons. These actions are carried out if it is impossible for the doctor to arrive to the patient in a timely manner, in accordance with the established procedure for applying measures.

7. Informs the doctor or manager (in their absence, the doctor on duty) about:

  • all detected complications and diseases of patients resulting from medical procedures;
  • violation of the internal regulations of the institution.

8. Ensures proper storage and accounting of medications, patient compliance with procedures, and taking pharmacological agents.

9. Maintains medical documentation according to approved forms.

10. Interacts with facility staff and employees of other services in the interests of the patient.

11. Carry out sanitary educational work to promote health and prevent illnesses.

12. Complies with standards of professional communication and treatment of patients.

III. Rights

The nurse has the right:

1. Obtain the information necessary to perform your duties.

2. Submit for consideration measures to improve nursing in a medical institution.

3. Make demands on the head nurse of the department to provide the workplace with equipment and materials. These include: equipment, tools, care items.

4. Pass certification in the prescribed manner and take measures to improve your professional knowledge and skills.

5. Take part in the work of professional associations nurses.

IV. Responsibility

The nurse is responsible for:

1. Improper performance of one’s official duties as regulated by this job description.

2. Failure to comply with the current labor law Russian Federation.

3. Violation of administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation, committed by an official in the performance of duties.

4. Causing material damage.

5. Errors in the performance of their duties, causing severe consequences life and health of patients.

6. Failure to comply with instructions, orders, regulations, including the preservation of confidential information, medical confidentiality, internal labor regulations, discipline, and safety precautions.

V. Working conditions

1. The working conditions of a nurse are determined by the Internal Labor Regulations, the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions of the management of the institution.

I. General provisions

1. The nurse belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a secondary medical education in the specialty “Nursing” and

qualification category(s).

3. Appointment to the position of a nurse and dismissal from it are made by order of the head of the institution.

4. The nurse should know:

4.1. Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on health care issues.

4.2. Fundamentals of the diagnostic and treatment process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

4.3. Organizational structure of a healthcare institution.

4.4. Safety rules when working with medical instruments and equipment.

4.5. Labor legislation.

4.6. Internal labor regulations.

4.7. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

II. Job responsibilities


1. Ensures infectious safety (complies with the rules of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime, asepsis, properly stores, processes, sterilizes and uses medical products).

2. Carry out all stages of the nursing process when caring for patients (initial assessment of the patient’s condition, interpretation of the data obtained, planning care together with the patient, final assessment of what has been achieved).

3. Performs preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures prescribed by the doctor in a timely and high-quality manner. Assists when a doctor performs therapeutic and diagnostic procedures and minor operations in outpatient and inpatient settings.

4. Provides emergency first aid for acute diseases, accidents and various types of disasters, followed by calling a doctor to the patient or referring him to the nearest medical institution.

5. Administers medications, antishock agents (for anaphylactic shock) to patients for health reasons (if it is impossible for a doctor to arrive to the patient in a timely manner) in accordance with the established procedure for this condition.

6. Informs the doctor or manager, and in their absence, the doctor on duty about all detected serious complications and diseases of patients, complications arising as a result of medical procedures or cases of violation of the internal regulations of the institution.

7. Ensures proper storage, accounting and write-off of medications, compliance with the rules for taking medications by patients.

8. Interacts with colleagues and employees of other services in the best interests of the patient.

9. Maintains approved medical records and reporting documentation.

10. Systematically improves his professional qualifications.

11. Conducts sanitary and educational work to promote health and prevent diseases, promote a healthy lifestyle.

III. Rights

The nurse has the right:

1. Use conservative methods of treating patients as prescribed by the doctor, and carry out certain medical procedures.

2. Receive the information necessary to accurately perform your professional duties.

3. Make proposals for improving the work of a nurse and the organization of nursing in the institution.

4. Require the head nurse of the department to provide the post (workplace) with equipment, equipment, tools, care items, etc., necessary for the high-quality performance of their functional duties.

5. Improve your qualifications in the prescribed manner, undergo certification (re-certification) in order to assign qualification categories.

6. Participate in the work of professional associations of nurses and other public organizations not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

IV. Responsibility

The nurse is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.