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Brain and time. Human biological clock. Schedule. What happens in the human body at every hour of the day

Few people know that the body has a circadian rhythm. I will talk about this in this article on pro-kach.

Scientists have discovered that the organs within us are like numerous independent entities, each with a different internal rhythm. Previously, scientists believed that the circadian rhythm of our body was strictly controlled by the main “clock” located in the brain, but now they have found out that this is far from the case.
In an article published in the spring 2001 issue of the journal Nature, scientists from Harvard Medical School and several other research institutions reported an interesting discovery. While studying the liver and heart tissue of an experimental rat, they noticed that the physiological activities of the body are controlled by a local circadian clock.

All internal organs experience different periods activities that can then be adjusted to accommodate different schedules and lifestyles. So, the “clocks” located in the heart and in the liver use a different set of genes to carry out similar functions.

Charles Weitz, professor of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, explains: “Many tissues various reasons work in cycles. This allows organs to regulate their activity according to their own needs, which makes a lot of sense.”

This phenomenon demonstrates that human organs have individual, relatively independent metabolic activities. Long-standing Chinese science viewed organs as independent entities. For example, in the Chinese school of Tao it is believed that the human body is a Universe inhabited by a variety of lives.

Ancient Chinese medicine also considered all elements of the body as independent thinking with various features. They lead their own independent life activities, while depending on each other.

Time when circadian biorhythms are active:


A lower degree of melatonin production, which is responsible for our restful sleep and mental reactions. Those who are not asleep during this period of time are 5 times more likely to suffer from depression. The tendency to cancer increases 3 times.
From 3:00 (am) to 5:00 (am) it starts functioning daily biorhythm lung meridian.


Second daily PAIN LIMIT (1st at 8:00 (am)). The lung system works dynamically. There is a transformation of the respiratory center, oxygen “recharging”, rectification of the whole organism. Highest Probability attacks in people suffering from cardiac ischemia and asthma. It would be nice to sleep with open window. Daily biorhythms organs greatly influence human life.


Minimal RENAL activity. If you get up early in the morning to go to the toilet, it means genitourinary system Is there something wrong.

From 5:00 (am) to 7:00 (am) maximum activity of the large intestine. This is the time of regulation of the body’s vital functions (hormonal, endocrine system). The intestines are prepared for detoxification. And if you didn’t go to the toilet, then all the toxins and poisons return to the blood circulation. This is why people who suffer from constipation tend to get headaches more often.

From 3:00 (am) to 7:00 (am) is the time for automatic adjustment of the body.


The “biological” alarm clock turns on. Let's take care of our hearts. All body systems turn on, sugar and amino acid levels rise, metabolism increases, arterial pressure.


The tone of the gastrointestinal tract is strengthened. Breakfast must be complete nutrients, i.e. include carbohydrates, proteins, fats. Stimulating a person to think. If you are hungry, your emotions are negative. During this period of time, the body begins to fight diseases, if any. That's why it's good to have a good breakfast and get positive emotions.

From 7:00 (am) to 11:00 (am) the body itself fights diseases.

From 7:00 (am) to 9:00 (am) the peak of maximum activity of your stomach.


Focus on the heart. This is the time when most heart attacks occur. The heart beats faster, the blood becomes thicker, as the red blood cells “stick together” the most. There is a danger of blood clots forming. Start your morning with living water. Charge our cells. And also, at this hour there is a daily limit of sensitivity to pain - not best time for dental treatment.


The maximum release of Cortisone begins - the hormone responsible for our METABOLISM LEVEL, ACTIVITY, TONE. In the blood daily minimum stock lymphocytes. Immunity is vulnerable - it decreases defensive reaction body. At this time, there is a high probability of catching the virus in transport or crowded places.

In addition, ultrasound and x-ray indicators are the most accurate.

From 9:00 to 11:00 Maximum efficiency of the Spleen-pancreas. If you are sick, beware of chemicals, since from 7:00 (am) to 11:00 (am) the body itself fights diseases.


Most best moment for brain activity. The mood is at its limit. This is a good time to hold meetings, plan, and take exams.


The body is working to the limit. Able to perform any task if health allows. The memory department of the brain, the mathematical hemisphere, works especially well.

From 11:00 (morning) to 13:00 (day) and from 13:00 (day) to 15:00 (day) are the times of the most intense stress for the body.


The morning reserve of energy disappears before our eyes. The supply of glucose to the brain decreases. Eat something sweet and drink water. The vegetative-vascular system functions poorly - it contributes to stress.

From 11:00 (morning) to 13:00 (afternoon) the heart system is on the verge. Peak blood circulation.


Time for rest and lunch. Drowsiness sets in. During the day, the sleep cycle occurs every 4 hours. Found here age dependence. That's why older people want to rest at this time. For working people, efficiency decreases by 20% at this hour.

From 13:00 (day) to 15:00 (day) is the limit of activation of the small intestine, a time of physically intense forces and great emotions.


At this hour we are minimally sensitive to pain. You can go get your teeth treated.

Reduced activity of all body systems. It is necessary to perform quiet work that does not involve the brain above 30%. The body is sensitive to stress. So, don’t make a scandal, because otherwise this mood will remain for the whole day.


Daytime burst of energy. The autonomic nervous system is sensitive. Crises are possible. The right moment to chat with friends.


The right time for preventive injections (vaccinations).

From 15:00 (day) to 17:00 (evening) - “Sun of Life”. Maximum work of the system Bladder. The next wave of self-regulation of the body. There are approximately 75 “gathering” acupuncture points in the human body.


Secondary peak of activity, more hypogene. The heart beats faster. The most stress-resistant moment in the day. Everything forgotten is remembered. A glass of wine wouldn't hurt. The body begins to fight alcohol 5 times easier than at night or in the morning.


We put our body and thoughts in order. Body temperature is very high (for healthy person). Approximately 37 degrees (higher than at 3:00 (am)). If you are not sick it goes down. If yes, it goes up. The pulse is 5-10 beats less. Performance decreases nervous system. During this time, your body is highly sensitive to the effects medicines. Follow healthy dosages carefully. Extra tablet aspirin may cause stomach irritation.


The body does not resist negativity at all, just like at noon. The number of heart contractions increases by 25%. Just the best time for dinner.


You can do high loads again, swing, create. Limit of car driving ability.


The stomach slowly reduces the activity of producing digestive juice, and at midnight it stops altogether. Therefore, food such as meat only brings harm, since the food simply lies and rots in the stomach.

From 19:00 (evening) to 21:00 (evening) – the next wave of self-regulation, the pericardial system is extremely active. This is like working on the second shift (and from 21:00 (evening) to 23:00 (night)).


The production of the good mood hormone serotonin increases. The best time for relationships with the opposite sex, calling a friend, reading...


At this time, it is best to take a body position - lying down. Preferably “owls” There is another way to identify people by biorhythms of the day: “lark” and “owl”. This bad time for discos.


The body is engaged in self-healing. It doesn't "turn off". Subcutaneous cells divide faster, wounds heal, and the immune system effectively attacks the infection.

From 11:00 pm to 1:00 am is a period of aggression, anger, determination, control of sexual activity. Musculoskeletal system. Nature was not mistaken - it is better for a person to rest at this time.


For night owls there is a limit to activity. For “larks” phase deep sleep.

From 1:00 (night) to 3:00 (am) the liver meridian turns on. The liver energetically repairs any problems in the body. This is also a time of anger and if a person is very tired, and the liver is also unhealthy, then this is the time for heart risk. At this time, it is best to be in a dream.


At this time, the body is especially sensitive to cold.

Biological rhythms

It has long been noted that all animals and plants have the ability to sense time, or, as scientists say, have The biological clock. The course of these hours is closely related to the change of day and night, seasons of the year and other external stimuli. The hands of the biological clock tell plants when they should bloom, animals - to start hunting, birds - to organize mating “concerts” and go to warmer climes, and for the person to wake up and not be late for work.

Scientists believe that the very idea of ​​time arose when our ancestors learned to think: after all, the mind acts sequentially - we cannot focus on two events at once, all impressions are perceived by us in a certain extent. Over the centuries, the ability to measure time has become a necessary condition survival of organisms.

Man is born equipped biological clock , and only as speech develops does he develop a second psychological clock that allows him to distinguish between the past, present and future. The future is what we are moving towards, a certain gap between the need and the moment of its satisfaction, figuratively speaking, the distance between the cup and the lips. The future does not come to us, we ourselves go to it, while the past remains behind.

Thus time acquired the character of movement. When we are not busy, time moves at a snail's pace, but it rushes uncontrollably when we are absorbed in our favorite pastime. By the way, primitive man, based on his naive ideas about time, came to the conclusion about the inevitability of death. Instinct told him ways to fight non-existence, and he “outwitted” time by perpetuating the past in rituals. By celebrating them and solemnly performing rituals, man became convinced of the need to measure time. As Aristotle aptly put it, the past became the object of memory, the future the object of hope.

Scientists have devoted a lot of work to searching for the mysterious biological clock. Painstaking and complex research has confirmed that living organisms measure time by periodic processes - from short, split-second reactions in the cell, to daily and monthly cycles at the level of the organism, which is literally “permeated” with rhythmic processes.

How do we mark time anyway? To some extent, our compatriot, the famous scientist-physiologist I.P. Pavlov, came closer to the answer: the brain gets irritated during the day, gets tired, and then recovers. The digestive canal is periodically either occupied with food or empty of it. And since each condition can affect cerebral hemispheres, then this is the basis for distinguishing one moment from another. Indeed, the miracle of nature - the human brain - is capable of reflecting events lasting from a thousandth of a second to tens of years. And only the defeat of certain areas of it erases traces of the past, disorients us in the events of the present and deprives us of the opportunity to plan the future.

How does our internal clock work?, at least for a day? Here's their move:

1 am. We have been sleeping for about three hours now, having gone through all phases of sleep. Around one o'clock in the morning the light phase of sleep begins, we can wake up. At this time we are especially sensitive to pain.

2am. Most of our organs operate in an economical mode. Only the liver works. She uses these quiet moments to more intensively process the substances we need. And above all those that remove all poisons from the body. The body undergoes a kind of “big wash”. If you are awake at this time, you should not drink coffee, tea, or especially alcohol. It is best to drink a glass of water or milk.

3 a.m. The body is resting, physically we are completely exhausted. If you have to stay awake, try not to become distracted, but focus entirely on the work that needs to be completed. At this time we have the lowest blood pressure, low pulse and slow breathing.

4 am. Low blood pressure still exists. The brain is supplied with a minimal amount of blood. People most often die at this hour. The body works at low speeds, but the hearing becomes sharper. We wake up at the slightest noise.

5 o'clock in the morning. We have already changed several phases of sleep: the phase of light sleep and dreaming and the phase of deep sleep without dreams. Anyone who gets up at this time quickly comes to a cheerful state.

6 a.m. The blood pressure begins to rise and the pulse quickens. Even if we want to sleep, our body has already awakened.

7 a.m. At this time, the body’s immunological defense increases sharply. The chance of infection through contact with viruses is minimal.

8 am. We had a rest. The liver completely freed our body from toxic substances. You should not drink alcohol at this hour - the liver will be under a lot of stress.

9 am. Mental activity increases, sensitivity to pain decreases. The heart is working at full capacity.

10 o'clock in the afternoon. Our activity is increasing. We are in in better shape. There was a desire to move mountains. This enthusiasm will continue until lunch. Any job can be done. Don't waste this time on empty conversations with friends over a cup of coffee. Don’t waste your ability to work, because later it won’t appear in this form.

11 o'clock. The heart continues to work rhythmically in harmony with mental activity. Heavy loads almost not felt.

12 hours. The first decline in activity occurs. Physical and mental performance decreases. You feel tired and need rest. During these hours, the liver “rests” and some glycogen enters the blood.

13 hours. The energy curve drops. This is perhaps the most low point in a 24 hour cycle. Reactions slow down. The time is coming lunch break.

14 hours. Fatigue goes away. Things are getting better. Efficiency increases.

15 hours. The senses become more acute, especially smell and taste. Gourmets prefer to sit down at the table at this time. We are entering working standard.

16 hours. Blood sugar levels rise. Some doctors call this condition afternoon diabetes. However, such a deviation from the norm does not indicate a disease.

17 o'clock. Saved high efficiency. Athletes train actively and with renewed energy. Class time for fresh air.

18 hours. People's sensitivity to pain decreases. The desire to move more increases. Mental alertness gradually decreases.

Preservation of the biological clockimportant element longevity. Rhythm is what prolongs life. Even 200 years ago German doctor Hufeland, who was not even aware of chronobiology, wrote that the main thing is not the time when a person goes to bed, but regularity, that is, one must always go to bed at the same hour. For a modern person, the main thing is not the duration of sleep, but its quality - sleep should be deep and restful.

Biological rhythms, as research shows, have a significant impact on the creative process. Thus, analyzing the musical rhythm of the works of the classics, scientists came to the conclusion that musical themes changed with frequency: for Tchaikovsky - in three seconds, in Beethoven - in five, in Mozart - in seven. If we analyze the relationship between musical rhythm and memory for music and the biological rhythms of the body, it turns out that we like and easily remember those musical melodies whose rhythm most closely matches our biological rhythm. Consequently, biorhythms are like internal tuning forks of perceived music, and if they coincide, then a person listens to it with pleasure.

Currently, in some industries, especially during monotonous work, music is widely used. Psychologists believe that this promotes productivity and relieves fatigue. Music gives good effect and in the treatment of insomnia and neuropsychiatric diseases. Knowledge and Accounting biological rhythms important in organizing preventive and therapeutic measures.

Rhythm is the main property of a living organism, its inherent quality. The main rhythm in this system is circadian. From point of view Chinese medicine energy circulates through the meridian system in accordance with the daily rhythm.

The circulation of energy begins with the lung meridian. The energy consistently passes through all 12 meridians in 24 hours.

The time of maximum activity lasts 2 hours - the organ begins to work hard and perform its functions to ensure the vital functions of the body.

1) 03.00-05.00: opening of the lung meridian. Lung detoxification begins. At this time, in people with cough, it is especially aggravated, since the function of eliminating toxins shifts to the lungs. You should not use cough-stopping medications at this time, so as not to interfere with the body’s cleansing of toxins.

2) 05.00-07.00: opening of the colon meridian and its detoxification. You should drink lightly salted water to rinse your colon.

3) 07.00-09.00: opening of the stomach meridian. During this period, the stomach is ready to absorb nutrients. Time to have breakfast.

For people undergoing treatment, the best time for breakfast is before 06.30, for those recovering – before 07.00.

But anyway, better breakfast at 9 or 10 o'clock than his absence. And those who don’t eat breakfast at all should change their habits. At this time, gastric juice is already being produced, which, if not eaten, can damage the walls of the stomach. In addition, the bile inside the gallbladder is already thickening, and lack of food can lead to the formation of gallstones!

Best Time to Adopt medicines, helping the proper functioning of the intestines and stomach.

4) 09.00-11.00: opening of the spleen meridian. The spleen is the supplier of nutrients. If by this time the spleen has not yet been supplied with nutrition, then you will not have the strength to work all day.

The spleen and pancreas are active, and their work can be supported with medications.

5) 11.00-13.00: opening of the heart meridian.

During this period it is required short rest, after which you will again be more energetic than ever. Anyone suffering from poor circulation is advised to move less and stay in the shade more, especially on hot days.

6) 13.00-15.00: opening of the meridian small intestine. At this time, nutrients are absorbed from the food eaten for lunch. The energy you receive will last until the evening.

7) 15.00-17.00: opening of the bladder meridian. There is a possibility of edematous obesity. It's time to visit the toilet if you haven't been there yet.

A favorable period for taking appropriate medications that will help improve the functioning of the stomach and bladder.

8) 17.00-19.00: opening of the kidney meridian. If you have healthy kidneys, then at this time your skin will be ruddy and beautiful - it’s time to make acquaintances. If you grab your waist with your hands along the way and move your hands up and down several times until you warm up, you will look even better. And if you do this exercise daily, the effect will be even greater.

Therapy for kidney and back diseases is very effective.

9) 19.00-21.00: opening of the pericardial meridian (heart sac). At this time, it is good to eat some cauliflower and russet-colored foods to support the heart.

At this time, treatment of impotence is effective, premature ejaculation and frigidity.

10) 21.00-23.00: This is the time of opening of the meridian of the three Jiao (heaters). The period of elimination of toxins by the immune system (lymph). During this period of time, silence or soft music is needed.

11) 23.00-01.00: opening of the gallbladder meridian. The gallbladder is an organ for eliminating toxins during metabolism. During this period of time sleep is required.

The lungs are activated from 3 to 5 am. Then, from 5 to 7 am, it is time for the large intestine to awaken. If you wake up during these hours, it is best to drink a glass of water, you can also eat some dried fruits.

Then the stomach begins to work from 7 to 9 am, at this time it is best to have breakfast; porridge or muesli are great.

But you shouldn’t limit your breakfast to this; you can add nuts and fruits. A little later, from 9 to 11 am, the stomach rests, while the pancreas is actively working. You shouldn’t overload your stomach with a hearty breakfast at this time; it’s best to have a snack with fruit or low-fat yogurt.

Regular lunch hours are from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. At this time, the heart is actively working, which means you shouldn’t overeat. During these hours, it is better to limit yourself to one dish, preferably soup or salad. From 13:00 to 15:00 the large intestine is active.

The kidneys and bladder begin their intensive work from 15 to 19 hours. You need to drink a lot during this time! For dinner, chicken, fish, shrimp, plus a side dish of stewed vegetables are suitable.

From 19 to 21 hours the kidneys begin to rest, so at this time you need to drink less and try not to eat. But blood circulation is intense at this time! This is the best time for an evening walk.

From 21 to 23 hours you can do whatever you like, do it.

From 23 to 01 a.m. the gallbladder begins its work. No fatty foods! You can have a snack with fruit. From 1 am to 3 am the liver works.

IN rational nutrition What is important is regular meals at the same time of day, the fractionation of food intake, its distribution between breakfast, lunch, dinner, second breakfast, and afternoon snack.

With 3 meals a day, the first two meals are 2/3 of the daily allowance energy value(“calorie content”) food and dinner— ‘/z. Often the daily diet according to energy value is distributed as follows: breakfast - 25-30%, lunch - 45-50%, dinner - 20-25%. The time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner should be 5-6 hours, between dinner and going to bed - 3-4 hours.

These periods provide for the height of activity of the digestive functions, digestion and absorption of the main amount of food taken. It is more rational to eat 5 - 6 meals a day.

With 5 meals a day, the first breakfast should account for about 25% of calories daily ration, for second breakfast - 5-10% ( snack- fruits, tea), for lunch - about 35%, for afternoon snack - 25%, for dinner - 10%. With 4 meals a day, the first breakfast should account for 20-25%, the second breakfast - 10-15%, lunch - 35-45%, and dinner - 20-25% of the calories of the daily diet. Exchange

The actual distribution of the daily diet varies significantly due to climatic conditions, labor activity, traditions, habits and a number of other factors.

Biological clock of the body

If you learn to adjust to the schedule of your body's biological clock, you can regulate not only your behavior, but also your mood.

Numerous studies have proven that we all live according to a certain biological clock. And although different people These clocks may be a little fast or slow, but the averages will be fair for most people on the planet. So, which of our organs rest at what time of day or, on the contrary, become hyperactive?

Hour of blindness - a person’s visual acuity decreases most strongly at 2 a.m., which is especially important for motorists to know.

Hour of birth and death - most children are born between 0 and 4 am. In the pre-dawn hours (around 4 am) heart attacks and strokes most often occur in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Sluggish Hour - Blood pressure is lowest between 4 and 5 am.

The hour of love - the greatest secretion of sex hormones is observed from 8 to 9 am.

The hour of pain relief is from 9 to 10 a.m. a person has the lowest pain sensitivity.

Hour of creativity - the cerebral hemisphere responsible for creative and abstract images works most actively from 10 to 12 noon.

An hour of physical education - our muscles show the greatest impact from 12 to 13:30.

Digestion hour is the longest gastric juice formed from 12:30 to 13:30.

Hour of mastery - from 15 to 16 hours the fingers work best, which is important for those whose activities are related to fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

Growth Hour - Hair and nails grow fastest between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m.

Hour of running - the lungs breathe most intensely between 16:30 and 18 hours.

The hour of the senses - taste sensations, hearing and smell become more acute between 5 and 7 p.m.

Alcohol hour - the liver breaks down alcohol most efficiently between 6 and 8 p.m.

Beauty hour - the skin is most permeable to cosmetics between 18 and 20 hours.

Social hour - loneliness is hardest to bear between 20 and 22 hours.

Hour a - most effective the immune system protects the body from various infections from 21:30 to 22:30.

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Since ancient times people have known that at certain times we feel energetic and at other times we feel relaxed. This is how human biorhythms affect the state. If you live by them, then you canoptimize your day, slow down the aging process and even increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.

In resonance with nature

Modern man is increasingly moving away from nature. Many of us have never gotten up with the sun. We go to bed long after midnight, are able to fly across the ocean in a few hours, and can go without sleep for more than a day. Our body is accustomed to an unnatural regime and to heavy emotional stress only in order to always be in order, otherwise it will get out of its usual rhythm. These are all requirements modern world. Of course, we have made our life more comfortable, but this does not mean that we have managed to tame our internal mechanisms.
Each of us has a program of certain biorhythms that synchronizes the body’s work with changes in the outside world, which are caused by the rotation of the Earth, sunlight, changing seasons and days of the week. Combined into a single system, biorhythms represent a mechanism for regulating life activity human body. Today, most people are impaired to one degree or another. natural cycles, which are expressed first in ordinary ailments, emotional discomfort, sleep disturbance, which can subsequently lead to more serious manifestations.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists became interested in the alternation of phases of human activity and rest, and they began to conduct serious research and experiments in this direction. This is how it arose new science- chronobiology, which studies the relationship between biorhythms and human health, and also helps to restore the lost connection with nature and restore well-being.

Biological rhythms can be daily or monthly and are characterized by alternating periods of activity and rest, which provides full recovery body reserves. Greatest influence daily biorhythms affect humans.

Time cures

Paying attention to your health during the working day, in accordance with the biological activity of the organ susceptible to any disease, will help you avoid the consequences of stress and excessive stress. In addition, knowledge of circadian rhythms can be used to enhance and also to reduce doses of medications, since during the period of organ activity even small doses. Time heals - if you take into account the characteristics of your body.

7-9 hours - stomach activity

You should start your morning with a breakfast of all kinds of cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits, but it is better to avoid fatty, high-calorie foods.

Metabolic processes in tissues are still slow, so there may be swelling on the face, which can be removed with a light massage.

Avoid physical activity, as the likelihood of heart attacks is 70 percent higher than at other times of the day.

A morning cigarette constricts blood vessels to the greatest extent.

9-11 hours - activity of the spleen and pancreas

A hearty breakfast after 9 o'clock burdens the stomach and causes a feeling of fatigue because the stomach is resting. During this period, it is undesirable to consume sweet foods, because when sugar rises, the pancreas begins to actively work to reduce it and soon a loss of strength sets in, and the feeling of hunger is dulled only for a short time.

Active work the spleen at this time helps fight infections, as it produces a large number of blood balls, irreplaceable helpers in self-medication.

Works well short term memory and quick counting.

Minimal exposure to x-rays.

Metabolism is activated and protective functions skin, so it is useful to apply cosmetic preparations that protect it from moisture loss and excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Interestingly, during these 2 hours a person is more sensitive to indifference and criticism.

11-13 hours - heart activity

During this phase, try not to overload the body with physical activity. The brain works most productively - the best time for making responsible decisions, intellectual activity and business negotiations.

13-15 hours - activity of the small intestine

Cardiac activity and metabolic processes slow down, weaken protective properties body, actively working small intestine, which bears the main load during the digestion process. The best time for lunch, as protein foods are well digested and absorbed.

A rest lasting 15-20 minutes or a quiet hour (siesta), but not longer than 30 minutes, will help cope with afternoon fatigue and laziness, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

There is little static electricity in the body, and it is easy to carry out various manipulations with the hair; it’s time to go to the hairdresser or do a beautiful hairstyle yourself.

Activation of the senses, disposition to empathy. Vision and hearing become sharper.

15-17 hours - bladder activity

At 16 o'clock it is not harmful to eat something sweet - it is at this time that the pancreas produces greatest number insulin, which lowers blood levels.

At this time and before 19 o'clock it is useful to drink a lot, especially drinks that are good for excretory system when the active phase of the bladder is replaced by the phase of the kidneys.

Hair and nails grow back best.

Long-term memory works: you can remember what you have forgotten and remember well what you need.

High efficiency of physical activity and fitness - athletes can achieve excellent results.

17-19 hours - kidney activity

Great time for dinner. But you shouldn't eat meat and fatty foods— it takes a long time to digest and puts additional stress on the liver and gallbladder.

The skin is most susceptible to cosmetic procedures, the time comes for masks, peelings and lifting - all the nutrients applied to the skin are beneficial.

High level of intellectual activity.

At 18:00 the liver is tolerant of alcohol.

19-21 hours - active blood circulation

Digestive enzymes are practically not produced after 20 hours, and heavy food is not digested, but will lie in the stomach all night, so it is useful to eat some fruit.

After 19 hours it is better to drink less, especially before bed. Cocoa and milk are especially harmful, bringing more harm, than good, because the kidneys no longer have time to process them. Many children do their homework best at this time, they become interested in learning - this is due to active blood circulation. It is noticed that at this time we think about everything except sleep. This is the optimal time for a massage.

It’s better not to weigh yourself at eight o’clock in the evening to avoid unnecessary grief. It is at this time of day that the indicator will be maximum.

From now on, not a single cigarette should be smoked until the morning - it is very difficult for the body to decompose the poisons of nicotine at night.

21-23 hours - total energy accumulation

The activity of ongoing processes in the body decreases.

23-1 hour - gallbladder activity

During this period, there is a decrease in mental abilities and concentration, so any training is not effective.

Work in night shift especially dangerous for those who have problems with gallbladder and the liver, since both organs do not have the opportunity to relax and experience a lot of stress.

1-3 hours - liver activity

The liver recovers and cleanses the body only during night sleep. At this time of day, not only is a person’s performance greatly reduced, but vision is also weakened and it is difficult to distinguish colors. You should not drive a car from 2 to 4 am. At 2 o'clock the body is extremely sensitive to cold - many people begin to freeze and wrap themselves in a blanket. Those who do not sleep at this time may experience depression. At 3 o'clock spiritual mood reaches its lowest point. People prone to depression often wake up at this time, with bad mood. Nicotine and alcohol are especially harmful between 1 and 5 o'clock.

3-5 hours - lung activity

People who smoke tend to cough in the morning, so the body tries to get rid of harmful foreign substances.

Interestingly, it is much easier to hit the road at 3 o'clock than at 5 o'clock in the morning.

5-7 hours - colon activity

It is useful to support the functioning of the large intestine by drinking a glass of water at room temperature or eating a few dried fruits.

Interesting Facts

If you regularly wake up at the same time at night, then you have reason to assume that not everything is in order with the organ that is experiencing the recovery phase.

Accident rate in production and traffic accidents on the road more often occur from 22 to 4 o'clock and from 13 to 15 o'clock, since a person has the slowest reaction speed.
Interestingly, a handshake before lunch looks more energetic than after lunch.

Seven day cycle

The weekly cycle has been taken into account since ancient times and the days were named after the planets and the Sun visible to the naked eye. On each day of the week, the function symbolized by the corresponding celestial body is maximally active.

Monday (the day of the Moon) is called a “hard day”, when the greatest number of troubles and accidents happen, so it is better not to perform feats of labor. On this day it is difficult to get ready, concentrate, physical and mental performance is minimal.
Tuesday (Mars day) is characterized by increased excitability and irritability.
On Wednesday (Mercury day), the activity of the nervous system improves, sensitivity increases, and thinking is active.
On Thursday (Jupiter's day), people become the most sociable and make contact easily.
Friday (Venus day) is a day of calm, routine work that does not require stress or stress; creative thinking drops sharply.

Saturday (Saturn's day) is a day of accumulation of strength, communication skills decrease, but concentration also increases.

On Sunday (day of the Sun) vitality the body manifest themselves more actively than on other days.

When planning your affairs, take into account the features of each day. For example, it is better to avoid tense situations fraught with conflicts on Tuesday and Saturday if possible. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are suitable for serious shopping. On Friday, one is more drawn to extravagance. Sunday is better not to be occupied with everyday activities; it requires emancipation and the removal of everyday stress.

The threads that have connected the human body with the universe for thousands of years cannot be broken - they are as strong as the unshakable route of our planet. We managed to make our life more comfortable, but this does not mean that we were able to tame our nature. Of course, you cannot live strictly according to a schedule, but it is quite possible to take into account the peculiarities of each day and, in accordance with this, distribute your strength and control your emotions.

Onaverina Tatyana