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Biological clock of the human body according to working hours. Our body's working hours

The lungs are activated from 3 to 5 am. Then, from 5 to 7 am, it is time for the large intestine to awaken. If you wake up during these hours, it is best to drink a glass of water, you can also eat some dried fruits.

Then the stomach begins to work from 7 to 9 a.m., at this time it is best to have breakfast; porridge or muesli are great.

But you shouldn’t limit your breakfast to this; you can add nuts and fruits. A little later, from 9 to 11 am, the stomach rests, while the pancreas is actively working. You shouldn’t overload your stomach with a heavy breakfast at this time; it’s best to have a snack with fruit or low-fat yogurt.

Regular lunch hours are from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. At this time, the heart is actively working, which means you shouldn’t overeat. During these hours, it is better to limit yourself to one dish, preferably soup or salad. Active from 13:00 to 15:00 colon.

The kidneys and bladder begin their intensive work from 15 to 19 hours. You need to drink a lot during this time! For dinner, chicken, fish, shrimp, plus a side dish of stewed vegetables are suitable.

From 19 to 21 hours the kidneys begin to rest, so at this time you need to drink less and try not to eat. But blood circulation is intense at this time! Exactly this good time for an evening walk.

From 21 to 23 hours you can do whatever you like, do it.

From 23 to 01 a.m. the gallbladder begins its work. No fatty foods! You can have a snack with fruit. From 1 am to 3 am the liver works.

IN rational nutrition What is important is regular meals at the same time of day, the fractionation of food intake, its distribution between breakfast, lunch, dinner, second breakfast, and afternoon snack.

With 3 meals a day, the first two meals are 2/3 of the daily allowance energy value(“calorie content”) food and dinner— ‘/z. Often the daily diet according to energy value is distributed as follows: breakfast - 25-30%, lunch - 45-50%, dinner - 20-25%. The time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner should be 5-6 hours, between dinner and going to bed - 3-4 hours.

These periods provide for the height of activity of the digestive functions, digestion and absorption of the main amount of food taken. It is more rational to eat 5 - 6 meals a day.

With 5 meals a day, the first breakfast should account for about 25% of calories daily ration, for second breakfast - 5-10% ( snack- fruits, tea), for lunch - about 35%, for afternoon snack - 25%, for dinner - 10%. With 4 meals a day, the first breakfast should account for 20-25%, the second breakfast - 10-15%, lunch - 35-45%, and dinner - 20-25% of the calories of the daily diet. Exchange

The actual distribution of the daily diet varies significantly due to climatic conditions, labor activity, traditions, habits and a number of other factors.

The biological clock body

If you learn to adjust to the schedule of your body's biological clock, you can regulate not only your behavior, but also your mood.

Numerous studies have proven that we all live according to a certain biological clock. And although different people These clocks may be a little fast or slow, but the averages will be fair for most people on the planet. So, which of our organs rest at what time of day or, on the contrary, become hyperactive?

Hour of blindness - a person’s visual acuity decreases most strongly at 2 a.m., which is especially important for motorists to know.

Hour of birth and death - most children are born between 0 and 4 am. In the pre-dawn hours (around 4 am) heart attacks and strokes most often occur in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The hour of lethargy is the lowest arterial pressure observed between 4 and 5 am.

The hour of love - the greatest secretion of sex hormones is observed from 8 to 9 am.

The hour of pain relief is from 9 to 10 a.m. a person has the lowest pain sensitivity.

Hour of creativity - the cerebral hemisphere responsible for creative and abstract images works most actively from 10 to 12 noon.

An hour of physical education - our muscles show the greatest impact from 12 to 13:30.

Digestive hour - most gastric juice is produced from 12:30 to 13:30.

Hour of mastery - from 15 to 16 hours the fingers work best, which is important for those whose activities are related to fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

Growth Hour - Hair and nails grow fastest between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m.

Hour of running - the lungs breathe most intensely between 16:30 and 18 hours.

The hour of the senses - taste sensations, hearing and smell become more acute between 5 and 7 p.m.

Alcohol hour - the liver breaks down alcohol most efficiently between 6 and 8 p.m.

Beauty hour - the skin is most permeable to cosmetics between 18 and 20 hours.

Social hour - loneliness is hardest to bear between 20 and 22 hours.

Hour a - most effective the immune system protects the body from various infections from 21:30 to 22:30.

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Human biological clock: not everyone knows about its existence . But in vain! Diseases are effectively treated only according to the biological clock. And by eating according to their rhythms, you will not need to go on exhausting diets. Your weight and health will be ideal. Read the article and help yourself!
Everything in the world lives in a certain rhythm, at a certain time. The intensity of rhythmic processes changes constantly: it reaches a maximum, then tends to a minimum, and increases again. Our body works on the same principle. Some organs are maximally active, while others are at rest at this time.

Human biological clock. Human organ activity table

Organ Active (time) Inactive (time)
Light from 3 to 5 am from 15 to 17
Large intestine from 5 to 7 am from 17 to 19
Stomach from 7 to 9 am from 19 to 21
Spleen, pancreas from 9 to 11 from 21 to 23 pm
Heart from 11 to 13 from 23 to 1 am
Small intestine 13 to 15 1 to 3 am
Bladder from 15 to 17 from 3 to 5 am
Kidneys from 17 to 19 from 5 to 7 am
Heater range from 21 to 23 from 9 to 11
Gallbladder from 23 to 1 am from 11 to 13
Liver from 1 to 3 nights from 13 to 15 days

From 3 to 5 am – The lungs work hard. Therefore, this is the best time to jog or play any wind instrument.

From 5 to 7 am you need to start your active life . At this time, the activity of the large intestine is maximum and it is advisable to empty it so that there is no constipation and poisoning of the body with feces.

From 7 to 9 am the activity of the stomach increases. It is necessary to have breakfast so as not to suffer from stomach ulcers and gastritis later.

To always be energetic and slim you need great attention pay attention to the composition of breakfast. Not the quantity of food, but the quality of the products and the presence of useful minerals and vitamins.

It can be liquid porridge, an omelet, but always with various healthy, natural vegetables or fruits.

The temperature of the food is also important. Any food or drink should be warm. Hot food causes spasms of the pancreas and stomach. Cold food requires additional energy expenditure.

From 19 to 21 hours there is zero stomach activity. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat at this time, so as not to make extra pounds. And do not load the weak heart at this time.

Please note that heart activity occurs only from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
At this time you should have maximum work and activity. The heart actively pumps blood, which carries the blood received during breakfast, nutrients to all human organs. This is why breakfast is essential. Circulatory system should not run idle.

From 13:00 to 15:00 activity increases small intestine. It sorts food into components. Useful ones are absorbed into the body, and excess, unnecessary ones are sent to the large intestine.

From 19 to 21 pm the activity of all hormonal glands increases - endocrine, brain, pancreas.

From 21 to 23 hours – triple heater is active. You can have a little snack. For easy maintenance of hormonal and nervous system.

From 23 to 1 am – maximum activity of the gallbladder. It’s better not to eat so as not to stone your body.
As you can see, knowing The biological clock your body, and by living according to them, you will not acquire unnecessary diseases or extra pounds. And you will live healthy, beautiful, happily and long. ABOUT correct mode day and effective treatment diseases based on the biological clock, watch the video.

Carbohydrates (alcohol, sugar,...) in the evening, when the pancreas is “sleeping”, speed up the body’s biological clock, shortening our life!!!

Biological rhythms- This is the body’s reflection of cyclical natural phenomena. They can be depicted graphically in the form of a curve that will show the ability to perform certain type work at the estimated time.

Being able to structure your day correctly, planning it so that it is as productive as possible is still half the battle. It is imperative to learn to take into account the body’s biorhythms, which during the day provide for periods of activity and decline. Of course, each person’s biorhythms have their own characteristics, which manifest themselves in nuances. The main laws developed over time are universal. If you skillfully and subtly “build” your day into nature’s schedule physiological processes, you can get the greatest effect.

During a person’s life, there are 3 main types of biorhythms:

  1. Physical(the cycle is 23 days). As activity increases, endurance and energy increase, and coordination of movements improves. When a decline begins, there may be health problems, a person begins to get tired quickly, and a loss of strength appears. Last days It is better to devote phases to rest.
  2. Emotional(28 days). Show mood swings and nervous system conditions. During a recession, mental confusion is observed, the desire to conflict intensifies, and various fears and pessimism appear.
  3. Intelligent(33 days). As one grows older, creative activity increases; a person is lucky in everything. In the phase of decreased biorhythm activity, intellectual activity slows down, reaction speed changes, and the ability to assimilate material decreases.

The central nervous system gives clear commands when to prepare for active physical activity, when to prepare for intellectual activity, when it’s time to eat, when to sleep. Doctors have revealed many features of human biorhythms and their sequence. When planning your day, it is very useful to take these body commands into account.

Biorhythms daily routine

5-6 am- time to wake up. The morning dawns are full of freshness and infuse vigor. By the way, hormones are more actively produced during these hours, which means that early morning is preferable for intimate relationships.

6-7 o'clock in the morning. The best time for physical activity is exercises, jogging, gardening, etc.

7-8 am. The body is ready to accept food: gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas are tuned to activity.

9-12 hours. The most favorable time for intensive intellectual activities. A brain that has rested overnight is ready for intense, focused work. At this time, memorization occurs easier.

12-13 hours. Requires a break mental activity. Rest will be more complete if you fill this hour with some simple physical activity or devote it (if possible) to walking.

13 hours. The body “asks” for food. It’s good to make this time a habit for lunch. Gastric juices, necessary for the digestion of food, are produced according to the rhythm, which means that digestion will be the most complete and rapid. And this will not be a heavy burden for the body.

Until 15:00. Time needed for rest, relaxation, detachment from work. Everyone chooses a form of relaxation according to their taste and capabilities.

15-16 hours. A new rise in activity, important for mental activity, but not as intense as in the morning. It's good to decide at this hour organizational matters, hold meetings, business conversations.

16-17 hours. The body requires physical activity - housework, sports. Gymnastic exercises. And after them they are good water procedures, giving a feeling of vigor.

Around 6 p.m. It's time to eat again. IN evening time needed light food, which is quickly absorbed. After all, complete digestion lasts five hours, and it is necessary that the food be completely processed before bedtime.

19-21 hours. A great time for relaxed intellectual activities - reading, enriching yourself with aesthetic impressions. And of course, to communicate with loved ones, friends, children.

After 21 o'clock. Now you need to give your body the opportunity to relax physically and psychologically. Calm music contributes to this. With it you can renounce everything vain, be alone with yourself, reflect, remember something pleasant and even dream.

After 10 pm. The body is preparing for sleep. This biorhythm should not be disrupted by intense mental work, physical activity, sharp impressions. For example, action movies on television are extremely harmful to the nervous system. You should not drink strong tea or coffee - they excite and interfere with the body’s mood.

11 p.m. The best time to fall asleep. Do not try to use it to think about plans for the coming day, and it is even more pointless to make responsible decisions at this time. The body has switched off from its working state, its tone is reduced, it is already in the passive phase of life. And everything that you come up with in the moments of falling asleep will either be forgotten the next day or turn out to be very far from reality.

True, people of creative professions note that before going to bed they are sometimes visited by amazing clarity of thought, and words without any effort are formed into clear and succinct phrases. In such cases, in order not to suffer and not lose what you found, it is better to get up and write down what you managed to formulate, and then throw everything out of your head and fall asleep satisfied. And yet, sleep before midnight is especially useful: one hour is equal to two after midnight.

This pattern of behavior is focused on basic biorhythms. But each organism, due to its characteristics, “deviates” from it to one degree or another. It `s naturally. And yet, the desire of some people to break biorhythms and build their lives contrary to nature is not only unproductive, but also harmful. It is fraught with disorders, mental and physiological, which will only bring suffering.

Periods of activation of human organs

Biorhythms and nutrition

A more detailed examination of the diagram shows that the stage of lung activation occurs at 3-5 o’clock in the morning, and it is at this time that the majority of people rest. Then the large intestine comes into play. Therefore, from 5 to 7 am it is necessary to empty the intestines so that in the next stage (7-9 hours) with the maximum amount of gastric enzymes, have breakfast and not create problems with digesting food. When food enters the stomach at this time, the products are absorbed to the maximum extent and are not stored as fat deposits. Next, the pancreas comes into play and the work digestive system ends at 3 pm.

It is necessary, if possible, to take into account the rhythms of the body and build a nutrition system based on these factors, i.e. Be sure to have breakfast between 7 and 9 o’clock to provide your body with a boost of energy for the whole day. But in the evening, when the body wants to rest, do not burden it with digesting heavy foods - fatty meat, cutlets or chicken. After all, to process food at this time, the stomach will have to ask for a loan from the organ that will be active at that time. As a result, we will be able to protect ourselves from many diseases and maintain vigor for many years.

When do our internal organs wake up and go to sleep?

The body’s dependence on the Sun manifests itself daily and hourly: in biorhythms. The heart beats in a certain rhythm, the intestines contract and the lungs work. The “operating mode” of the organs directly depends on the dial.

  1. Gallbladder wakes up when you ideally should already be sleeping - from 23.00 to 1.00. He performs important role in cleansing the body, prepares the liver for subsequent work. Also at this time, serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, is actively produced. Let's make a reservation: it is best produced in sleep.
  2. Liver most active from 1.00 to 3.00. At this time the main digestive organ literally works hard: removes toxins and cleanses the blood. Help your liver: Avoid late-night drinking and cigarettes.
  3. Peak lung function falls between 3.00 and 5.00. It is at this time that climbers prefer to start climbing.
  4. Colon starts his “engine” from 5.00 to 7.00. If you are not sleeping at this time - help work important body by drinking a glass of water at room temperature or prune decoction.
  5. Stomach is on alert from 7.00 to 9.00. Be sure to have breakfast at this time. By the way, everything eaten before 12.00 will be digested with a bang and will not be stored as fat.
  6. Spleen and pancreas active from 9.00 to 11.00. At this time, refrain from sweets - extra sugar no use now.
  7. Heart works stronger from 11.00 to 13.00. The pressure rises - don’t overwork, take care of the “fiery engine”.
  8. Small intestine operates at full capacity from 13.00 to 15.00. This is the time of active digestion of lunch, the body experiences a natural loss of strength. Don't reproach yourself for laziness - it's better to take a walk fresh air. After 15.00 my health begins to improve.
  9. Bladder comes out at peak 15.00 to 17.00. At this time, it is useful to drink a diuretic or just teas - excess fluid will not linger in the body.
  10. After bladder"waking up" kidneys- from 17.00 to 19.00. Which, in principle, is logical.
  11. Circulatory organs“work hard” from 19.00 to 21.00. Body temperature rises.
  12. Heat producing organs- from 21.00 to 23.00. After 21.00, the number of white blood cells almost doubles, body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues. The body needs to be prepared for sleep.

From midnight to 1.00 there is an emotional upsurge, many successfully use this time for creative activity. But between 2.00 and 4.00 it’s the other way around: memory and coordination of movements deteriorate, and slowness in actions appears.

Nature is wise, we must listen to it, we must obey it. In order to maintain physical and mental comfort.

The kidneys and bladder begin their intensive work from 15 to 19 hours. You need to drink a lot during this time! For dinner, chicken, fish, shrimp, plus a side dish of stewed vegetables are suitable.

From 19 to 21 hours the kidneys begin to rest, Therefore, at this time you need to drink less and try not to eat. But blood circulation is intense at this time! This is the best time for an evening walk.

From 21:00 to 23:00 you can do whatever you want, do whatever you like.

From 23 to 01 a.m. the gallbladder begins its work. No fatty foods! You can have a snack with fruit. From 1 am to 3 am the liver works.

In a balanced diet, it is important to regularly eat at the same time of day, split meals, and distribute them between breakfast, lunch, dinner, second breakfast, and afternoon snack.

With 3 meals a day, the first two meals amount to 2/3 of the daily energy value (“calorie content”) of food and dinner - 1/3. Often the daily ration by energy value is distributed as follows: breakfast - 25-30%, lunch - 45 -50%, dinner - 20-25%.The time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner should be 5-6 hours, between dinner and going to bed - 3-4 hours.

These periods provide for the height of activity digestive functions, digestion and absorption of the main amount of food taken. It is more rational to eat 5 - 6 meals a day.

With 5 meals a day, the first breakfast should account for about 25% of the calories of the daily diet, the second breakfast - 5-10% (light snack - fruits,tea), for lunch - about 35%, for afternoon tea - 25%, for dinner - 10%. With 4 meals a day, the first breakfast should account for 20-25%, the second breakfast - 10-15%, lunch - 35-45%, dinner - 20-25% of calories of the daily diet.

Actual distribution daily ration has significant differences due to climatic conditions, work activity, traditions, habits and a number of other factors.

Biological clock of the body

If you learn to adjust to the schedule of your body's biological clock, you can regulate not only your behavior, but also your mood.

Numerous studies have proven that we all live according to certain biological clock. And although this clock may be a little fast or slow for different people, the average values ​​​​will be fair for most people on the planet. So, which of our organs rest at what time of day or, conversely, become hyperactive?

Hour of blindness - a person’s visual acuity decreases most strongly at 2 a.m., which is especially important for motorists to know.

Hour of birth and death— most children are born between 0 and 4 am. In the pre-dawn hours (around 4 am) heart attacks and strokes most often occur in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Sluggish Hour - Blood pressure is lowest between 4 and 5 am.

The hour of love - the greatest secretion of sex hormones is observed from 8 to 9 am.

An hour of pain relief- from 9 to 10 am a person has the lowest pain sensitivity.

Hour of creativity - the cerebral hemisphere responsible for creative and abstract images works most actively from 10 to 12 noon.

Physical education hour— our muscles show the greatest impact from 12 to 13:30.

Digestion hour- the most gastric juice is formed from 12:30 to 13:30.

Hour of mastery - from 15 to 16 hours the fingers work best, which is important for those whose activities are related to fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

Growth Hour - Hair and nails grow fastest between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m.

Hour of running - the lungs breathe most intensely between 16:30 and 18 hours.

Hour of the senses- taste, hearing and smell become more acute between 17:00 and 19:00.

Alcohol hour - the liver breaks down alcohol most efficiently between 6 and 8 p.m.

Beauty hour - the skin is most permeable to cosmetics between 18:00 and 20:00.

Social hour - loneliness is hardest to bear between 20 and 22 hours.

Hour of immunity - the immune system most effectively protects the body from various
infections from 21:30 to 22:30.

Usually our everyday life scheduled literally to the minute. A person is a living biological being whose own body has its own individual daily routine, which is in no way connected with our plans. And we rarely think about the fact that our body also lives according to a clear schedule - human biological clock. This watch is very accurate and consistent.

The biological clock in the human body flows rhythmically and the cells constantly adapt to each other, thereby synchronizing their work and therefore their pulsation is the same. This phenomenon is comparable to the swinging of a clock pendulum, but these processes occur quite quickly, but biological processes that occur in the human body are equal to a day. Such processes are called circadian or circadian oscillations. In humans, many functions, not just sleep, are subordinated circadian rhythm, it's promotion and demotion blood pressure, fluctuations in body temperature, i.e. at night it is reduced by one degree, sweating of the palms and other changes.

The formation of biological rhythms occurs gradually. In newborns, they are still unstable, when the periods of sleep, wakefulness, and feeding alternate asymptomatically, but gradually the brain begins to obey the change of day and night, and at the same time all hormonal and other organs begin to obey such rhythms, such systems in the body called the endogenous clock. Such programmed cyclical changes in the body begin to suggest the time of day, year and thereby prepare the human body for upcoming changes, which may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature or the release of hormones that prepare the body for wakefulness, and at the same time the gastrointestinal tract and others begin to activate organs, in particular the hypothalamus.

Anti-smoking magnet

Let's consider what happens to the human body at specific hours.

One hour.

At this time, the body's performance is minimal. The body is immersed in deep sleep. There is an active release of the sleep hormone - melatonin.
The liver is actively involved in the process of metabolism that enters the body during dinner, so after midnight the body tolerates alcohol much worse. If you wake up a sleeping person around 1 am, it will be difficult for him to leave bed, since his blood pressure and body temperature are reduced.

It takes six years to sleep human life. A person cannot live even two weeks without sleep. From 1.30 to 3.30 the small intestine meridian is active.

Two hours.

Drivers behind the wheel react slowly to optical stimuli. The number of accidents is increasing sharply. Most people start to feel feverish, during these hours the body is extremely sensitive to cold. The liver breaks down alcohol drunk the night before.

Three hours, three o'clock.

People prone to depression often wake up at this time, their mood deteriorates sharply, dark thoughts oppress. At this hour, the suicide curve rises sharply. Spiritual mood reaches its lowest point. This is a consequence of the effects of melatonin., which makes the body sluggish and relaxed. Daylight inhibits the production of melatonin, so during the day a person is active and is mainly in good location spirit. From 3.30 to 5.30 the bladder meridian is active.

Four o'clock.

The body gets a dose of the stress hormone cortisone, as if during sleep it emptied its batteries, and this portion is necessary for the body to be functional after waking up.
However, this “injection” of activity is fraught with consequences: in the early morning hours there is a high risk of a heart attack. It is also difficult for asthma patients to endure - at this time the bronchi are extremely narrowed. Time maximum liver activity. Insulin-dependent diabetics should know that at this time, as well as at 16.00, the body responds best to insulin. Considering this, you can spend it more economically.

Five hours.

The male body produces maximum amount of the sex hormone testosterone. The production of the hormone cortisone by the adrenal glands also reaches a maximum. Cortisone concentration in the body is six times higher than the daily value, so doctors familiar with chronobiology It is recommended to take the main dose of medication in the early hours, and, taking into account the natural release of hormones, question the standard “three times a day”. From 5.30 to 7.30 the kidney meridian is active.

Six o'clock.

Cortisone acts as an internal alarm clock. It's time to wake up from sleep: the general metabolism is activated, the level of sugar and amino acids in the blood increases, all other substances necessary for the construction of new tissue cells, prepares the energy necessary for the body during the day. At this time, medications that lower blood pressure and beta blockers are especially effective.. But food poisons and the body tolerates nicotine much worse than at other times of the day. Early hours unfavorable for smokers: a cigarette on an empty stomach extremely narrows blood vessels, much more than a cigarette smoked in the evening. Morning libations double the level of alcohol in the blood compared to the result of an evening feast.

Seven o'clock.

After waking up and morning exercise, breakfast follows. The popular wisdom - “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy” - is absolutely true.
The reason is the internal clock of the digestive organs: before lunch they convert carbohydrates into energy, and in the evening - into fats. The activity of the colon is activated. It is at this time that bowel movements should occur, which will result in increased performance and endurance of the body. From 7.30 to 9.30 the pericardial meridian is active.

Eight hours.

The glands produce large amounts of hormones. The body continues to prepare for working day. The sensation of pain sharply worsens - attacks intensify in chronically ill patients, for example, with rheumatism.

Nine o'clock.

The hands of the biological clock point to the stomach. If you are prescribed injections, it is better to do them in the morning - this will save you from fever and swelling. Vaccinations given at this time cause fewer complications than vaccinations given during the day. Conducted at this time radiation therapy It is also much easier for cancer patients to tolerate. At this time, a person is maximally resistant to X-ray radiation. From 9.30 to 11.30 the meridian of the triple heater is active.

Ten o'clock.

Body temperature and performance reach their peak.
Functions particularly well short term memory, while afternoon hours are optimal for long-term memory. A text read at about nine in the morning is remembered faster than one read at 3 p.m., but it is also quickly erased from memory - after about a week, which cannot be said about a text read in the afternoon. A lesson learned at 10 am must be repeated after lunch. And Chinese scientists also point out that at this time our right limbs are charging big amount energy. This is probably why morning handshakes are so energetic. Counting abilities, which reached their peak during this period, will gradually decline.

Eleven o'clock.

Exceptional performance before lunch, especially in computing. Schoolchildren find mathematics much easier between 9 and 12 am, then between 4:30 and 6 pm. The heart is also in such great shape that if research is carried out at this time, some heart diseases may go undetected. At the same time, it becomes much more sensitive and when stressful situations beats more often than in the evening. And yet this is the most good time for gymnastics. From 11.30 to 13.30 the gallbladder meridian is active.

Twelve o'clock.

Increased acid formation in the stomach. The feeling of hunger is difficult to suppress. Brain activity decreases, since the body directs blood to the digestive organs. After morning activity, the need for rest appears. According to statistics, those who can afford an afternoon nap have a heart attack 30% less often than those who continue to work. The need for short-term sleep is caused by weakened blood supply to the brain. At this time, most of the blood is needed by the stomach to digest food.

Thirteen hours.

The activity of the gallbladder is activated. They work especially well during this period choleretic agents, colic in the gallbladder is extremely rare. Performance is reduced by 20% compared to the daily average. From 13.30 to 15.30 the liver meridian is active.

Fourteen hours.

Happening concentration of energy in the small intestine. Blood pressure and hormonal levels decrease. At this time, fatigue is most noticeable, but ten minutes of rest is enough to overcome it. It's better to take a little nap than to boost your body with tea or coffee. Most suitable time for students to do homework. Long-term memory works best, so it is advisable to repeat everything you learned in the morning. For painful medical procedures, local anesthesia lasts longer and is easier to tolerate at this hour. At 2 p.m., our teeth and skin are almost insensitive to pain, and anesthetics work three times better than in the morning.

Fifteen o'clock.

Begins second peak of performance. A healthy desire to work, regardless of whether there was a pause for rest or not. From 15.30 to 17.30 the lung meridian is active.

Sixteen o'clock.

Blood pressure rises and intensifies. Athletes show their best results at this time. The returns from training are great, while in the morning they are less effective. It is no coincidence that the final athletics competitions are held at this very time in order to achieve best results. Drugs that affect acidity are very effective.

Seventeen o'clock.

Tangible influx vitality. The kidneys and bladder work actively. Kidney activity reaches its peak. From 19.30 to 21.30 the stomach meridian is active.

Twenty hours.

The fat content in the liver decreases, the pulse quickens. Even small doses of antibiotics have excellent effects on the body at this time, but only until 4 am! The most optimal time for reception is 20.32, side effects under these conditions are observed extremely rarely. Antidepressants, allergy and asthma medications are also effective.

Twenty-one hours.

The body is preparing for a night's rest. It is harmful to fill your stomach with food- it will remain almost undigested until the morning, and that part of it that will be processed will be converted into body fat. Metabolism is reduced to a minimum, along with it, blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature decrease, and the ability to concentrate and performance decreases. Cortisone production stops. Management of the body's activities passes to the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. From 23.30 to 1.30 the heart meridian is active.

Twenty four hours.

Intensive skin restoration is underway — Cell division is much more intense at night than during the day. In conditions active work parasympathetic part of the nervous system, hepatic and biliary colic. As a result of a decrease in blood pressure and pulse rate against the background of local circulatory disorders, strokes can occur. In women, hormones are especially active regulating labor pains. For this reason, twice as many children are born at night than during the day.

Biorhythms and working hours of internal organs.

What are biorhythms?

Biological rhythms are the body’s reflection of cyclical natural phenomena. They can be depicted graphically in the form of a curve that will show the ability to perform a certain type of work in an estimated time.

Physiological processes in the body are associated with the alternation of day and night, the least activity is at 3-5 o’clock in the morning, and high efficiency observed at 10-12 o'clock and in the evening at 16-18 o'clock.

During a person’s life, there are 3 main types of biorhythms:

Physical (cycle is 23 days). As activity increases, endurance and energy increase, and coordination of movements improves. When a decline begins, there may be health problems, a person begins to get tired quickly, and a loss of strength appears. It is better to devote the last days of the phase to rest.

Emotional (28 days). Show mood swings and nervous system conditions. During a recession, mental confusion is observed, the desire to conflict intensifies, and various fears and pessimism appear.

Intellectual (33 days). As one grows older, creative activity increases; a person is lucky in everything. In the phase of decreased biorhythm activity, intellectual activity slows down, reaction speed changes, and the ability to assimilate material decreases.

There are special programs for calculating biorhythms, but you can calculate the day of the biological cycle yourself:

The number of years lived excluding leap years must be multiplied by 365;
- then count the number of leap days (every 4th year) and multiply it by 366;
- the amount received will show the number of days lived. Dividing it by 23 days (physical cycle) we get a number with a remainder. For example, if the remainder is 18, then it is the 18th day of the physical biorhythm cycle. In the same way, you can determine the day of the emotional and intellectual cycles.

There are 6 days in a year when the beginning of two cycles coincides. These days will be quite difficult, and on 1 day of the year the beginnings of all three biorhythm cycles coincide, this day will be especially difficult.

During a person's life there are periods of highest biorhythm activity; these years are called acme. For men, they repeat every 3 years, starting from 15-16 years, for women - every 2. Based on these periods, you can make a calculation and find out the gender of the unborn child. If both parents are in the 2nd year after acme, for example, then a boy will probably be born. If it's a year after acme, it's a girl.

A birthday is considered a turning point from troubles to joy, and the first month after the birthday is the most favorable. The 5th and 9th (10) months will also be favorable. The 2nd and 12th (especially) months after your birthday will be unfavorable.

Having calculated your biological rhythms the next day or a week (month, year) in advance, you can make adjustments to your plans in order to use your body’s capabilities to the maximum, and also not miss a good time for rest when biorhythms are not conducive to active activity. The program is very simple to use, and the calculation takes only a few seconds - this is the time to enter the date of birth.

Today there are more than 300 rhythms in the human body. All psychophysical rhythms (cycles), taken together, correlate with each other in a certain way. Disruption of one or more rhythms in a person leads to diseases, as this introduces a mismatch in the functioning of organs.

Biorhythms are closely related to rhythms external environment. A measure of the stability of a living system is the stability of its rhythms, adaptation and adaptation of the organism to changing environmental conditions. Rhythm disturbance in one of the links of a living system introduces inconsistency into the coordinated structure of the function. First of all, blood and organs fail: liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen.

There is a hypothesis that there are three human biorhythms (biocycles). They are equal:

1. physical (F) – state of health, physical strength = 23.69 days.

2. emotional (E) – mood, state of mind = 28.43 days.

3. intellectual (I) – creativity = 33.16 days.

These rhythms begin from the moment a person is born and continue throughout his life. The first half of the rhythms indicates a rise in this indicator, the second half indicates a decline:

* The first 11-12 days of the physical cycle (F) are characterized by recovery physical strength,

* 14-15 first days of the emotional cycle (E) – uplifting mood,

* The first 16-17 days of the intellectual cycle (I) are about the rise of creative forces.

The points of intersection of these cycles with the time axis are called “critical”; extreme situations are possible at them. This “critical point” is approximately 3 days (1.5 days before and 1.5 days after this date). If several cycles occur simultaneously at such a point (“combined day”), then this day is the most dangerous for human health. It is believed that the positive phase of the cycle begins on the second day of the rise and ends on the penultimate day.

According to Tibetan medicine, the biorhythms of organs depend on the seasons of the year and the hours of the day.

Attention to human biorhythms should also include taking medications. So their intake should be timed to coincide with the time of minimal organ activity. Moreover, physician research (and experience Tibetan medicine) showed that the optimal time for taking medications is at sunset (± 5 minutes)*.

*Sunset times are indicated, for example, in tear-off calendars.

Only 30% taken medication digestible human body, the rest is excreted from the body through urine, feces, and sweat.

Any chemical medicine also has negative side effects on the body.

This is a diagram showing the periods of activation of human organs.

Biorhythms and nutrition.

A more detailed examination of the diagram shows that the stage of lung activation occurs at 3-5 o’clock in the morning, and it is at this time that the majority of people rest. Then the large intestine comes into play. Therefore, from 5 to 7 am it is necessary to empty the intestines so that in the next stage (7-9 hours) with the maximum amount of gastric enzymes, have breakfast and not create problems with digesting food. When food enters the stomach at this time, the products are absorbed to the maximum extent and are not stored as fat deposits. Next, the pancreas comes into play and the work of the digestive system ends at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

It is necessary, if possible, to take into account the rhythms of the body and build a nutrition system based on these factors, i.e. Be sure to have breakfast between 7 and 9 o’clock to provide your body with a boost of energy for the whole day. But in the evening, when the body wants to rest, do not burden it with digesting heavy foods - fatty meat, cutlets or chicken. After all, to process food at this time, the stomach will have to ask for a loan from the organ that will be active at that time. As a result, we will be able to protect ourselves from many diseases and maintain vigor for many years.

When do our internal organs wake up and go to sleep?

The body’s dependence on the Sun manifests itself daily and hourly: in biorhythms. The heart beats in a certain rhythm, the intestines contract and the lungs work. The “operating mode” of the organs directly depends on the dial.

- Gallbladder wakes up when you ideally should be asleep - from 23.00 to 1.00. It plays an important role in cleansing the body and prepares the liver for subsequent work. Also at this time, serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, is actively produced. Let's make a reservation: it is best produced in sleep.

- Liver most active from 1.00 to 3.00. At this time, the main digestive organ literally works hard: removes toxins and cleanses the blood. Help your liver: Avoid late-night drinking and cigarettes.

- Peak lung function falls between from 3.00 to 5.00. It is at this time that climbers prefer to start climbing.

- Colon starts its “engine” from 5.00 to 7.00. If you are not sleeping at this time, help the work of an important organ by drinking a glass of water at room temperature or a decoction of prunes.

- Stomach is on alert from 7.00 to 9.00. Be sure to have breakfast at this time. By the way, everything eaten before 12.00 will be digested with a bang and will not be stored as fat.

- Spleen and pancreas active from 9.00 to 11.00. At this time, refrain from sweets - there is no need for excess sugar now.

- Heart works harder from 11.00 to 13.00. The pressure rises - don’t overwork, take care of the “fiery engine”.

- Small intestine working at full capacity from 13.00 to 15.00. This is the time of active digestion of lunch, the body experiences a natural loss of strength. Don't blame yourself for laziness - it's better to take a walk in the fresh air. After 15.00 my health begins to improve.

- Bladder comes out on top 15.00 to 17.00. At this time, it is useful to drink a diuretic or just teas - excess fluid will not linger in the body.

Following the bladder, they “wake up” kidneys - from 17.00 to 19.00. Which, in principle, is logical.

- The circulatory organs work hard from 19.00 to 21.00. Body temperature rises.

- Heat generating organs - from 21.00 to 23.00. After 21.00, the number of white blood cells almost doubles, body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues. The body needs to be prepared for sleep.

- From midnight to 1.00 there is an emotional rise, many successfully use this time for creative activities. But between 2.00 and 4.00 on the contrary: memory and coordination of movements deteriorate, slowness in actions appears