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Treatment of cancer with folk remedies. Treatment of cancer in Tibetan medicine: causes and conditions

The Tibetan recipe for eternal youth based on garlic is a truly effective remedy that has come down to us from time immemorial. Its author is considered to be a monk who called it the elixir of life. This medicine appeared in modern medicine in the 70s of the XX century and since then has been used as a powerful complex for improving the health of the whole body. Let's look at the Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture in more detail and learn how to use it correctly.

The healing qualities of garlic

Garlic has occupied an honorable place in human life since ancient times. In the old days, he acted as a protector against negative energy, evil spirits and evil. It was believed that he was able to cleanse a person’s aura and karma. Garlic bundles were hung at the doors in order to block the path to the house for enemies, ill-wishers and bad people. Fumigation of premises with garlic was practiced to prevent diseases respiratory system and expelling insects.

Today garlic is actively used in folk medicine. It is called an immunostimulant that increases protective functions body and strengthening it. It is believed that if you take a clove a day, you can save yourself from many diseases and improve your well-being.

Garlic can also prevent the formation of tumors and other unpleasant growths. It is indispensable in the fight against fat deposits and in protecting the body from radioactive rays.

How is the tincture useful?

Along with the history of gunpowder and tea, the Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture has a rich history. Its historical trace stretches from Ancient China. It was first discovered by a UNESCO expedition in 1971 in Tibetan monastery. The product was subjected to numerous studies under the leadership of the UN, as a result of which it was scientifically confirmed that it has a pronounced healing power.

Experts said that the Tibetan garlic tincture effectively deals with fat and lime deposits in blood vessels, normalizes metabolism and restores internal tone. The blood vessels, having been cleansed of waste and toxins, become elastic and circulate blood faster, thereby rejuvenating the body. All this cannot but affect the activity of the brain, of cardio-vascular system and other internal organs, which, as if by agreement, begin to work simply with a bang. That is why garlic tincture was unanimously recognized as the elixir of youth.

Tincture recipe

Tibetan tincture of garlic with alcohol is prepared according to the following scheme:

Take 350 g of garlic, wash all the cloves thoroughly and crush in a wooden mortar, again using a wooden masher. The use of metal knives and containers is not allowed - only products made of dark glass, wood or clay.

Attention! Garlic should be taken from this year's harvest, as stale vegetables are usually deprived of all their beneficial properties.

Chopped garlic mass (200 g) is placed in a jar and poured ethyl alcohol(200 ml), approximately 70% ABV. It is better not to use vodka and moonshine. Seal the container, shake and leave to infuse in a cool, dark place. After 10 days, filter the liquid through several layers of gauze, squeeze it out, pour it into another container and let it brew for another 3-4 days.

Attention! The remedy should be prepared in the fall, since it is at this time that the vegetable is endowed with powerful healing powers. And the last day of its reception should fall in January. Tibetan garlic tincture consumed in other months will not give such a strong effect.

Reception scheme

The Elixir of Youth must be taken according to a special Tibetan scheme, counting the drops and strictly following the table. If you don’t have time to measure drops, just drink 5 drops per 50 ml of milk three times a day with food.

Days of taking the product

Number of drops of tincture per dose

Day 11 until all product is used

Attention! The tincture should be drunk 20 minutes before meals (or during meals), dissolving the calculated number of drops in 50 ml of cold milk.

It will be possible to repeat the course of treatment only after 4-5 years.

When preparing and taking the tincture, adhere to the following rules:

  • According to traditional healers, when creating an elixir, you should start from lunar phases. According to them, you need to start preparing the recipe during the waxing moon, and finish it during the full or waning moon.
  • The longer it sits Tibetan tincture garlic in alcohol, the more healing it will become. The most useful drinks are those with a 2-3 year aging period.
  • The product should only be used in pairs with milk, as the latter relieves stomach irritation and eliminates the pungent odor.
  • The time interval between doses of the tincture should not be less than 3-4 hours and during this period you should not eat food.

Useful properties of the elixir

The legendary Tibetan garlic tincture works real miracles:

  • Strengthens the body in every possible way and enhances internal tone.
  • Banishes from my head negative thoughts, from the soul - negative emotions, and from the body - diseases. It gives joy to life and relieves stress, fatigue, and depression.
  • Cleanses and tones blood vessels, cleanses the blood, producing a complete “reboot” of the body.
  • Strengthens and cleanses bone joints, reduces the “creaking” of bones.
  • Gives immune system amazing durability.
  • It has a positive effect on the thyroid and other glands, cleanses the lymph.
  • Facilitates the work of the heart, eliminating part of the load.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, activating and improving brain activity, relieves headaches.
  • Saves from “jumps” in blood pressure.
  • Improves the condition of muscles and tissues.
  • Cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins.
  • Promotes complete rejuvenation of the body, improves complexion and skin. A person becomes healthier, younger and happier.

Attention! Garlic is a powerful activator. It awakens, stimulates and provokes all processes occurring in the body. Therefore, before you start drinking the tincture, discuss all the details with your doctor.


Despite the extensive range of beneficial effects, the Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture is prohibited:
  • epileptics (garlic is strictly not recommended for patients with this diagnosis);
  • children under 12 years old;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • at acute diseases stomach, intestines and kidneys;
  • for acute and chronic form bladder diseases;
  • with prostate adenoma;
  • for liver diseases;
  • for cancer diseases;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • with an acute form of hemorrhoids;
  • if you are prone to allergies (to garlic or alcohol).

Tibetan garlic tincture will give truly stunning results only if it is used correct application.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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    Irina N







    This is uniquely Tibetan homeopathic remedy to cleanse the heart, blood and vessels. Its effect is expressed in the following: by washing out “plaques” from the vessels, the product makes the vessels young and elastic, as a result, diseases such as atherosclerosis go away, the likelihood of heart attack and paralysis disappears, headaches go away, vision improves, bloating of the veins in the legs decreases or disappears. The body is completely rejuvenated.

    The product should be prepared in the fall, when the garlic is just harvested. deadline The start of taking the product is the end of January, when garlic is still in effect. Later it is no longer effective.

    Preparation of a Tibetan remedy for cleansing blood and blood vessels

    Finely chop 350 g of selected peeled garlic and grind with a wooden pestle in a clay vessel to a paste. Using a wooden spoon, put the pulp into a glass bowl, cover with a lid and a dark cloth - let it “settle”. Then take 200 g of the liquid mass itself, pour it into another 0.5 liter jar and pour in 200 g of pure medical alcohol(substitutes are strictly unacceptable).

    Close tightly. Place in a cool place (not the refrigerator) and cover with a black cap for ten days. After 10 days, squeeze out the mass through a thick linen cloth, and place the squeezed liquid under a hood for another 2 days. After 2 days, the Tibetan remedy for cleansing blood and blood vessels is ready for use. Make yourself a schedule for 10 days of “preparatory” drops.

    Days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
    1st 1 2 3
    2nd 4 5 6
    3rd 7 8 9
    4th 10 11 12
    5th 13 14 15
    6th 15 14 13
    7th 12 11 10
    8th 9 8 7
    9th 6 5 4
    10 3 2 1

    Drink the rest of the liquid 25 drops 3 times a day until you drink everything. During the preparatory period, be sure to write down the numbers so as not to get confused. Pour any number of drops into 50 g of cold boiled milk.

    Drink garlic on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes (preferably 30 minutes) before meals. If you go to work, take your lunch dose with you. In the morning, pour the lunch dose into a tightly closed small bottle - 50 g of milk and the corresponding number of drops of garlic. Repeat cleansing the blood and blood vessels with this Tibetan remedy after 3-6 years.

    The second recipe for a Tibetan remedy for cleansing blood and blood vessels: Pour 40 g of chopped garlic into 100 g of alcohol or vodka and leave in a closed container. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can add mint drops to improve the taste.

    The Tibetan remedy can be used for sclerosis, anemia, flatulence, and kidney stones.

    With atherosclerosis, high blood pressure blood, bronchitis, garlic can be used as follows: peeled and crushed cloves of garlic (one head) mixed with a glass of curdled milk, let stand for one night, and the next day drink the infusion in 2-3 doses.

    For treatment cardiovascular diseases with atherosclerotic changes herbalists prescribe that patients consume 20 cloves of garlic daily for 3 months(about 60 g), often in extract form.

    Tibetan recipe for cleansing blood vessels

    This recipe was proposed by Tibetan healers in the 4th century. BC. Mix 100 g of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle and birch buds. 1 tsp Brew this mixture as tea in 200-250 ml of water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, add a little honey and drink. Drink this tea in the morning and evening until the herbal mixture runs out.

    Cleansing blood vessels according to Semenova

    Cleansing blood vessels according to N.A. Semenova. 2 cups honey, 1 cup crushed dill seed, 2 tbsp. ground valerian root is placed in a large thermos, filled with boiling water to a volume of 2 liters and left for a day. The mixture is taken half an hour before meals, until the entire infusion has been drunk.

    Cleansing blood vessels with lemon and garlic

    An infusion of lemon and garlic helps to cleanse blood vessels: Grate 1 lemon on a fine grater along with the zest. Grind one head of garlic. Place everything in a jar, add 600 ml of water. Leave for 3-4 days, then strain. Drink up to 50 ml daily on an empty stomach throughout autumn, winter and spring. In total you will need 4 kg of lemons. The drink also improves immunity and will fully supply you with vitamins B, C, A and a complex of essential microelements.

    Cleansing blood vessels according to Kurenny

    Vascular cleansing and rejuvenation according to P.M. Kurenny. 400 g of garlic are ground, mixed with the juice of 24 lemons and left for 24 days. Shake before use. Take 1 time before bedtime, dissolving 1 tsp. mixture in 0.5 cups of water. Lemon extinguishes the pungent smell of garlic.

    Garlic - healthy vegetable, belonging to the onion genus and possessing a lot of microelements, necessary for a person. Latest Research confirmed the direct and only positive influence garlic on the human cardiovascular system. However, there are nuances here too; for example, only fresh garlic, which has not been subject to heat treatment, is beneficial.

    The great benefits of garlic are due to its rich content of vitamin C and substances such as selenium and allicin. Allicin, in particular, is distinguished by the fact that it contains hydrogen sulfide, which is able to relax the muscles of internal organs and the walls of blood vessels. Consequently, spasms (spontaneous muscle contraction) go away. This property will protect a person from possible heart attacks and strokes.

    INTERESTING: Research on the effect of garlic on the heart muscle was conducted on laboratory rats. For a month, one group of them ate fresh garlic, while the other ate only dry garlic. After this, a seizure was artificially induced in all rats. The result revealed that in rats fed fresh garlic, the myocardium recovered faster.

    To get the most benefit from garlic, you should chop it. The fact is that this fruit has rich content acids (acetic, citric) and at room temperature it begins to break down allicin, thereby improving its absorption. Simply chop or crush the garlic and leave it on a board or plate for 10-15 minutes.

    IMPORTANT: In addition to the fact that garlic helps fight heart and vascular problems, it will also have an antiviral and antimicrobial effect on the body.

    What are the benefits of garlic and how to use it correctly for health?

    A mixture of garlic and lemon to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol: recipe

    People suffering from cardiovascular diseases try as often as possible to “clean” their blood vessels from arterial “plaques” - blood clots that interfere with normal blood circulation. After “cleaning the blood vessels,” the blood thins out and leaves headache, nausea and weakness, as well as other unpleasant symptoms.

    The simplest “folk” way to clean vessels is a recipe based on fresh garlic. Garlic is a better “anti-sclerotic agent”. In addition, this fruit will lower cholesterol levels in the blood and cleanse the body of harmful salt deposits. The recipe based on garlic and lemon is very old. It should be prepared only from fresh ingredients and eaten immediately after preparation, and also stored in the refrigerator in order to useful material did not “disappear” during the day.

    IMPORTANT: Lemon acid enhances the properties of garlic and breaks down allicin, which is necessary for the heart muscle and blood vessels.

    How a remedy prepared with lemon and garlic will help:

    • The product instantly cleanses blood vessels from blood clots and any “garbage” that accumulates in the vessels, as well as throughout the body.
    • The drug effectively affects the blood vessels of the brain, as a result, migraines and headaches may disappear, memory will improve and thinking will become clearer.
    • If you want to get rid of higher level cholesterol, dissolve a spoonful of crushed garlic and the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water every day.

    IMPORTANT: If you take this remedy every day, you should know that you should drink plenty of water along with it throughout the day (2-3 liters). If you don't regularly eat garlic with lemon, just put a few cloves of fresh garlic on the table at every meal - this will also benefit you.

    Preparation effective means depends on the correct proportions of ingredients. In this recipe, the proportions are easy to remember, namely 1:1. One head of garlic requires 1 lemon fruit. Both ingredients are crushed with a blender or meat grinder. After this, mix and season with a few tablespoons. warm purified water. The product should be consumed during the day, 1 tbsp. before eating.

    Garlic-lemon remedy for “cleaning” blood vessels

    Cleaning the blood vessels of the brain with folk remedies with garlic: recipe

    You can understand that a person needs vascular cleaning by how he feels and what diseases he has acquired over time. The most “bright” symptoms:

    • Frequent fatigue and chronic fatigue
    • Bad mood, apathy and depression
    • Headaches, migraines
    • Insomnia, weakness, nervous overexcitation
    • Sclerosis, problems with memory and attention
    • Varicose veins throughout the body

    IMPORTANT: When starting to cleanse blood vessels, you should definitely know that this should never be done suddenly, otherwise you will only bring harm to yourself and stress to the body.

    Before cleaning blood vessels with lemon and garlic, you should cleanse the intestines, gallbladder, kidneys and liver. This will not only improve the absorption of the “medicine”, but will also benefit the body. After cleansing the intestines, begin preparing the body for cleaning blood vessels, to do this, go to healthy eating, give up coffee and alcohol.

    Garlic will have a vitamin and healing effect on the body due to the fact that it contains a lot of:

    • Vitamin B groups
    • Phytoncides
    • Monosaccharides
    • Essential oils
    • Organic acids
    • Valuable minerals (iron, zinc, calcium and iodine)

    IMPORTANT: Cleansing with garlic or products prepared on its basis is only possible starting with small portions, which you will increase gradually. Over time, the body's enzyme response to garlic will increase and the fruit will provide greater benefits.

    Traditional “health recipes” with garlic

    Cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies - garlic on whey: recipe

    Garlic can be safely called a “natural antibiotic”, the spectrum of action of which is very wide. In addition, this is a real “secret of youth”, which has a healing effect on the body and also gives beauty to the body. Whey recipe allows lactic acids to enhance useful actions fetus

    You will need:

    • This remedy will help not only cleanse the blood vessels, but also make the immune system stronger, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
    • You should peel the head of garlic and crush the cloves into a homogeneous mass.
    • Crushed garlic is dissolved in a glass of pure whey (it is best to use a homemade product).
    • The resulting drink should be drunk all at once.
    • Drink this remedy should be once a day.
    • The course of treatment is 1 month. Within a month, carry out high-quality cleansing not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of the entire body.
    • This remedy also perfectly helps eliminate dysbiosis and digestive problems.

    Garlic for all diseases

    Red wine with garlic - treatment of blood vessels: recipe

    Red wine in an amount of 100 ml, if consumed daily, can have a positive effect on work circulatory system. This portion will dilate the blood vessels and help blood move through the body more easily. As a result, you can get rid of headaches and sleep disturbances.

    Another way to improve your condition is to take wine along with garlic. Garlic, in turn, will “clean” blood vessels from cholesterol and “plaques” and help thin the blood. Combined use of garlic with wine will help you heal your body and make you feel better. You can dissolve crushed garlic in wine, but it is much easier to eat a few cloves of garlic and wash them down with dry red wine.

    Unusual recipes for treatment with garlic

    Garlic with milk for cleaning blood vessels: recipe

    Drinking milk with garlic (both dissolved and fresh garlic cloves washed down with liquid) will help you not only strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also have a cleansing effect on the intestines. It is important to know that such a remedy should be taken in a course. This way you can get rid of dysbacteriosis, toxins, waste, and stagnant feces.

    Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels with garlic

    The “Tibetan recipe” involves a more “complicated” and complex use of garlic with milk for 2 weeks (minimum):

    • It is important to use autumn garlic for the recipe, which contains a maximum of vitamins and other useful microelements.
    • 300-400 grams of garlic should be crushed in any way and placed in a glass jar.
    • Let the jar stand for 10-15 minutes, during which time it will settle. Remove exactly half the mass of garlic and you will have the juiciest part left in the jar.
    • Juicy garlic pulp should be poured with 96% alcohol, tightly close the lid of the jar and leave for up to 10 days.
    • After infusion, the mass should be filtered and the cake should be discarded.
    • After discarding the dry part, alcohol with garlic juice should stand in the refrigerator or cellar for another 3-4 days.
    • The product should be taken correctly. Pour in a third of a glass of milk (preferably homemade and full-fat). On the first day, add garlic alcohol to the milk, the amount of which is regulated depending on the day: the first day - 1 drop, the second - 2, and so on.

    How can you use garlic and what can it cure?

    How to prepare a tincture of garlic with alcohol to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol: recipe, application diagram

    Garlic not only improves the functioning of the human cardiovascular system, but also all internal organs in the body. A good remedy for all diseases is a tincture of garlic alcohol. However, you should know that it should be consumed regularly. The product is distinguished by its ability to be stored for a long time, as well as excellent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and cleansing properties.

    It is very simple to prepare this tincture:

    • You will need approximately 300-350 g of garlic cloves (peeled).
    • The cloves should be passed through a meat grinder or garlic press, or chopped with a blender.
    • The resulting puree should be diluted with alcohol. You will need 240-250 ml. pure alcohol (full glass).
    • Dilute the product in a glass container, such as a jar. After this, close it tightly and store it in a dark and cool place. Keep the jar there for 1.5-2 weeks. Do not put in the refrigerator; a cellar or pantry is ideal.
    • After storage, be sure to strain the tincture through several layers of gauze and squeeze out the cake.
    • Let the tincture sit for a while longer, do not drink it for the first 2-3 days.
    • After this, you can take the infusion three times a day and strictly before meals. Can be taken with honey or milk to enhance the effect.

    IMPORTANT: This product is prohibited for pregnant women, as well as if you have an individual intolerance to the ingredients. The course of treatment with tincture is 1-2 months. During the course of treatment, drink plenty of water and avoid junk food.

    Garlic, lemon and honey to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol

    A recipe made with not only lemon and garlic, but also honey, is considered the most useful and effective. It differs in that it has a lot of positive properties:

    • “Kills” cholesterol in the blood
    • Cleans blood vessels and internal organs from accumulated fat.
    • Improves the functioning of the heart muscle
    • Improves metabolism in the body
    • Removes toxins and waste from the body
    • Has a mild diuretic property
    • Strengthens immunity
    • Kills pathogenic viruses and germs

    IMPORTANT: Lemon, in turn, nourishes the body with a lot of vitamins, and honey gives a large supply of antioxidants that prolong youth, beauty and health of the body. For greater benefits in the recipe, use not peeled lemon (along with the zest), and use only natural honey!

    It is very simple to prepare the product:

    • Grind 5-6 lemon fruits with a meat grinder or blender (or using a grater), do not squeeze out the juice. Place the entire mixture in a glass jar.
    • Together with lemon, chop the garlic cloves collected from 4-5 heads.
    • Add 200-250 ml to the mixture. any natural honey.
    • Mix the whole mass thoroughly and leave to infuse in a cool and dark place for about 1-2 weeks.
    • After infusion, the product should be consumed 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. before meals or if you feel unwell.

    IMPORTANT: The product will help you restore strength after a difficult day at work, improve your well-being when serious illness or simply restore tone to the body.

    Problem cancer diseases today worries all of humanity. Every year, cancer claims millions of lives around the globe. In terms of mortality rate, cancer ranks second after cardiovascular lesions. Cancer affects people of all races and nationalities. However, in different regions, the incidence of cancer has its own characteristics, depending on climatic and geographical conditions, national customs, habits, material well-being, nutrition, regime, working conditions, etc. One of the major Soviet oncologists A.V. Chaklin pointed out that “ in various places and separate groups population there is a pronounced difference in the frequency of individual localizations malignant tumors, both in the structure of morbidity and in the structure of mortality. The study of regional pathology of malignant tumors concerns many aspects of the life of the population and goes beyond the narrow medical frames" Statistics on cancer in many countries around the world indicate that the death rate from cancer is continuously increasing. Back in 1962, the scientific director of the American Cancer Society, Cameron, wrote in his book “The Truth About Cancer”: “Half a century ago, lung cancer was almost unheard of. Behind last years it has become one of the most common forms of malignant tumors.” This is true, especially among the population of large industrial centers. Scientists frequency lung cancer associated with chronic diseases lungs, intense air pollution, smoking. As for cancer of the esophagus and stomach, these localizations are extremely rare in countries South-East Asia and quite often in Japan, Mongolia, Buryatia, Yakutia, Kazakhstan, etc. The reason for the similar geography of these cancer localizations probably needs to be sought not only in national characteristics nutrition, bad habits. It should represent a whole complex of conditions and factors predisposing to cancer of the esophagus and stomach, including climatic and geographical, biochemical composition food, the evolution of the diet in the sense of progressive refining, etc.

    It was no coincidence that N.K. Roerich and his son Yuri Nikolaevich organized the Urusvati-Himalayan Institute scientific research oncology laboratory and study medicinal plants Tibetan medicine. Back in those days, they noticed the rarity of cancer diseases in the Himalayan region and associated this, first of all, with natural conditions and the nutritional patterns of the local population. Yuri Nikolaevich wrote about this: “We have interesting data that justifies research in the field of cancer in this part of the globe, where cancer is relatively rare. Studying local diets can lead to important discoveries.”

    The study of ancient sources of Indo-Tibetan medicine indicates that in those distant times cancer existed, and then people sought to get rid of this suffering, seeking medicinal products from the surrounding nature. Behind last decades certain part scientists, not without reason, turn to the experience of the ancients medical systems different regions. One of the brilliant positive evidence of this is the antitumor drug vinblastine (vincristine) created by American scientists from the Indian periwinkle plant.

    In the Tibetan classification of diseases, a certain place was given malignant neoplasms. At that time, we find fairly well-founded general theoretical discussions about the causes and contributing factors of the so-called “depleting, malignant diseases" Although in these guesses and concepts there were no concepts about carcinogens, cell mitosis, metastasis, Tibetan doctors knew about cancer and classified them as non-inflammatory (“cold”) diseases that develop against the background of the “me-nyam” state - “the extinction of fire, energy "(decrease, loss of function of organs and systems). Cancers were described together with severe debilitating, chronic, almost incurable diseases. In many cases they are described as the final stages of chronic diseases. However, in the 4th chapter of volume III “Zhud-shi” in pathology physiological process“bad-kan” (literally “mucus”) describes diseases of the digestive tract, in particular the esophagus and stomach. Bad-kan diseases are considered “cold”.

    From the clinical picture of the pathology of the bad-kan system described in the 7th chapter of volume III of “Zhud-shi”, one can most confidently attribute a disease called “bad-kan of the epigastric” to a precancerous condition of the stomach. The cause of this disease is considered to be a violation of the regulatory mechanisms of the rlung system, a decrease in the so-called “gastric fire” (digestive function), and contributing factors are overuse poorly chopped food, incompatible food, unripe fruits, overeating. Patients with “bad-kan epigastric” disease complain of pain in the stomach, loss of appetite, poor absorption of food, and a relieved state on an empty stomach.

    In order to follow the clinical thought in unbroken sequence, we will give a description of two more stomach diseases. “Bad-kan zhag-dig” disease. The clinical picture of the disease indicates “frequent belching, a feeling of pressure in the stomach, pain, vomiting of eaten food, aversion to food, severe weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, etc.” The disease, called "bad-kan me-nyam" ("bad-kan with the extinction of fire") is characterized by "bloating, distension of the abdomen, a feeling of pressure in the stomach, frequent belching, diarrhea undigested food, increasing weakness, drying out of the meat (exhaustion), and in the final stage - edema with dropsy (ascites).”

    A systemic-structural approach in the analysis of basic theoretical provisions and specific texts allows us to establish a unified sequence and logical connection in the descriptions of stomach diseases, which we identified with achilic gastritis - a precancerous condition (bad-can of the epigastric cavity), against which stomach cancer develops. The clinical picture of the disease “bad-kan with the extinction of fire” corresponds to the ideas of Tibetan doctors about stomach cancer in late, advanced stages.

    The fact that Tibetan doctors knew about cancer is evidenced by classic description esophageal cancer clinic called “gul-gag bad-kan” (“blocking bad-kan”). Changes in the esophagus have been compared to “a coating or scale on the sides of the neck of a jug.” There are three stages in the development of this disease. IN initial stage narrowing of the esophagus, pain behind the sternum and in the epigastric region, a feeling of food retention in the esophagus. In the peak stage - difficulty swallowing liquid and solid food, pain in the esophagus, belching mucus, stabbing pain in the “crow's eyes” area (the area of ​​the sternoclavicular joints), shortness of breath, exhaustion, increasing weakness. At the final stage, a picture of complete obstruction of the esophagus is described: “Food does not reach the stomach, gets stuck behind the sternum, and at the time of eating, coughing, vomiting, hiccups, and hoarseness occur.” The text further says: “in the initial and at the height of the disease, the sages can cure the disease, but in the advanced stages the disease ends in death.”

    Thus, the described Clinical signs diseases of the esophagus and stomach reliably indicate that in Tibetan medicine there was certain knowledge of recognition and treatment oncological diseases.

    For modern researchers, the experience of Tibetan medicine in prevention and treatment early forms cancer diseases may be of some interest. General principle pharmacotherapy in Tibetan medicine, which consists in restoring the imbalance of the “three systems,” remains the first hierarchical step in the treatment of precancer and cancer. The second stage follows from the theoretical position about the mechanism of the occurrence of tumors in the stomach and esophagus - “the extinction of the fire,” i.e., a decrease or loss of function. Therefore, therapeutic measures are aimed at “increasing the fire” - restoring the function of the organ. From here it becomes clear the purpose of drugs that affect the activation of the MChris system, which is responsible for the secretory function in digestive tract. The third step in therapy is the appointment symptomatic remedies. Among the medicinal plants for Achilles gastritis and stomach cancer in prescriptions in various combinations there are ginger, myrobalan, pomegranate, radish, white hops, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, and long radish, which have a certain antitumor effect. It is known that antimitotic agents, or cytostatics, are mainly compounds plant origin. The main carriers of cytostatic properties in preparations of plant origin are, first of all, the class of polyphenolic compounds (leukoanthocyanidins: coumarins, flavonoids). The collection and accumulation of a data bank on the chemical structure of medicinal plants - components of drugs used in the treatment of pre-tumor and tumor conditions, give us the opportunity to conduct searches in two main directions. The first is the search for specific cytostatics, the second is the search for protective agents, or radiochemosensitizers. The second direction is more promising in oncological practice today, because we have quite large list effective cytostatics that showed excellent results in the experiment. Unfortunately, when introduced into a patient’s body, they affect not only cancer cells, but also normal cells, and thus have high toxicity, which quite often limits their use to the desired effect. And herbal preparations can play the role of protectors that increase immunobiological mechanisms in the body, chemo-radioresistance of normal cells