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How to make garlic tincture according to a Tibetan recipe to cleanse blood vessels. Folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels. Tincture recipe for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol

Garlic itself is one of the most effective means to cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, which has long been proven by research.

In ancient times, when there were no antibiotics and other pharmacological drugs, a clove of garlic represented almost the entire pharmacology of that time, thanks to an incredibly wide range of properties, which also modern scientists confirm.

At the same time, using some ancient recipes, you can increase its effectiveness many times over.

Today we will talk about Tibetan alcohol tincture on garlic. This recipe was invented in ancient times by a Buddhist monk. He gained wide popularity in the 70s of the last century.

Thanks to its translation by members of the UNESCO expedition from the tablets of a Buddhist temple, people learned about the composition, which was later called the elixir of life. The product prepared on the basis of garlic has a wide range of effects, including on the cardiovascular system.

6 benefits of this cleansing method

The Tibetan drink has unique healing properties. Along with cleaning blood vessels, it helps restore hearing and vision. It is better to take it after consultation with your doctor.

Thanks to this method of cleansing, the walls of blood vessels not only are they deleted cholesterol plaques, but also fats and limescale, interfering with the normal process of blood circulation in the human body. It has also been known for a long time about the huge one. After a course of taking garlic tincture:

  1. the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is stabilized;
  2. brain function and memory improve;
  3. blood pressure is normalized;
  4. headaches go away;
  5. vitality, performance and immunity increase:
  6. the condition of muscles and tissues, as well as the blood formula, will improve.

Also check out this infographic about garlic:

First positive results from treatment in this way are felt by a person from the first days after the start of the course of treatment. The speed of cleansing depends on many factors. Among them age-related changes body.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Clean vessels relieve many problems associated with human ailments. Tibetan tincture recommended for treatment:

Using a Tibetan remedy increases male potency and rejuvenates the body of representatives of any gender.

Vessels clogged with cholesterol plaques cause the development of atherosclerosis. It all starts with inflammatory process vessel walls. In their damaged areas, lipids and cholesterol accumulate, which form atherosclerotic plaques.

Vascular blockage becomes cause of occurrence and development:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • rupture of the abdominal aorta;
  • kidney damage.

In older people, the degree of contamination of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques is much higher than in young people. The process of blockage of blood vessels occurs over many years. Their timely cleaning is the prevention of atherosclerosis.

How to cook - 7 steps

The technology for preparing the tincture allows you to make it at home. The recipe includes:

  • medical or “extra” alcohol - 200 ml;
  • fresh garlic - 250-300 grams.

A prerequisite for preparing the drink is to use only freshly harvested garlic. This explains what healing agent done in the fall. During this period in garlic contains the largest supply of nutrients.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. The garlic taken to prepare the medicinal product is crushed in a wooden mortar.
  2. The resulting slurry is then poured with alcohol.
  3. To infuse the drink, use glass or ceramic dishes with tight-fitting lids.
  4. Infuse the product for at least 10 days. To do this, it is placed in a dark place with a temperature no higher than +18 degrees.
  5. During the infusion period, the drink is shaken vigorously every day.
  6. The finished product is filtered through a gauze filter.
  7. Store Tibetan infusion in a refrigerator.

You can see it more clearly in this video:

Included in the tincture recipe medical alcohol can be replaced with other drinks with a strength of more than 55-60%, for example moonshine, but connoisseurs of the drink do not recommend this.

Admission rules

To cleanse the blood vessels, drink the remedy according to a specially designed regimen on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. Its essence boils down to gradual increase dosage of medication. This method avoids many negative consequences for the body. The course of treatment is 10 days.

  1. The product is taken 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner 20 minutes before meals. Treatment begins with 1 drop of tincture at a time.
  2. The next day, the amount taken is increased by 1 drop at a time.
  3. This happens for 5 days in a row, after which the dosage begins to decrease in the same way as it increased.
  4. You can repeat the full course of cleaning after its completion after 5 years.

Taking a vodka-based tincture can be done according to a different scheme. For 10 days, the drink is taken 3 times a day, 7-10 drops. The course of treatment is carried out once every 3 years.

Before starting the cleansing procedure, you should consult a doctor. Treatment must be carried out exactly according to the chosen scheme. During the cleansing course, a person must lead active image life. During this period, it is necessary to completely abandon tea, coffee and cocoa.

The daily water consumption rate should be 2-2.5 liters. It is not recommended to include in the diet spicy food, spices and seasonings.

Contraindications for this method

The tincture prepared on the basis of alcohol-containing drinks is not recommended for use when driving a car or other Vehicle, as well as when working on complex mechanisms. There are restrictions on the use of tincture based on age. Use the product Not recommended for people under 18 years of age and over 70.

You should also not take the drug:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people with kidney disease, liver disease and mental disorders various types;
  • with exacerbation of gastritis, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for epilepsy and individual intolerance to the product.

Taking the tincture may be accompanied by side effects. These include activation of metabolic processes in the human body and increased appetite. Headaches, nausea and dizziness may occur. If tachycardia, heartburn, shortness of breath or insomnia occur during the cleansing course, the dosage regimen is changed.

Features of nutrition during the course

During the course of cleansing with Tibetan tincture, you must observe certain rules nutrition. It has the same important role for the effectiveness of treatment, as well as adequate sleep.

Excluded from the diet:

  1. All fatty varieties meat and products prepared from them;
  2. rich and confectionery With great content sugar, as well as white bread;
  3. drinks with artificial flavors and gases;
  4. dairy products containing starch, dyes, stabilizers and inhibitors;
  5. artificial and natural fats(all types of margarine products, butter and palm oil);
  6. products instant cooking.

It is important to include in your diet during this period:

  • herring, mackerel, salmon and others;
  • white meat (poultry, turkey, rabbit, etc.);
  • kefir, kumis, hard cheeses;
  • vegetables and soups prepared from them;
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.);
  • sugarless.

Food intake is carried out using the crushing method 5-6 times a day in small portions. Overeating or undereating reduces the effect of treatment.

How to complement the procedure - Tibetan herbal infusions

Among healing recipes, borrowed from Tibetan medicine, you can find not only garlic-based tincture, but also herbal infusions. They are not inferior in efficiency to their healing properties garlic All these herbal teas belong to the elixirs of youth. In addition to the cleansing effect, products prepared with herbs help rejuvenate human skin and get rid of age-related pigmentation.

With their help:

  1. blood flows are cleansed;
  2. the condition of blood vessels improves;
  3. digestive function is normalized;
  4. metabolism is stimulated;
  5. waste and toxins are removed;
  6. insomnia disappears;
  7. the body is filled with energy.

The healing effect of taking herbal remedies is felt after 10 days of treatment. It is recommended to drink herbal decoctions or tinctures after long-term use medicines. Thanks to them, the “sagging” liver will be cleansed. Decoctions can support the body’s performance after chemotherapy and radiation. With their help you can lose weight without dieting. In Russia you can find herbs for several Tibetan herbs.

Decoction No. 1

The collection includes:

  • chamomile;
  • immortelle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Birch buds.

The crushed ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. Brew them with boiling water immediately before drinking for 30 minutes. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture.

Drink the drink after breakfast and before bed. To add flavor to the drink, you can add natural honey.

It cannot be dissolved in boiling water. At a temperature of +60 degrees the product loses its beneficial features. You can improve the taste of the drink by adding dried strawberry, cherry or currant leaves to the collection.

The course of treatment with herbal tea is 1.5-2 months. It can be done once a year. The harvesting time for herbs lasts from May to September.

Decoction No. 2

The collection contains 26 ingredients. These are plants that can be collected throughout the country.

  • These include the roots of valerian, angelica, burnet and dandelion, as well as birch and pine buds.
  • The herbs and flowers of the collection include: famous plants, like field chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, string, celandine.
  • It also includes motherwort, marsh grass, yarrow, centaury, and calendula.
  • The harvest was not complete without cumin, centaury, calendula, linden color, peppermint, coltsfoot and immortelle.
  • Oregano, plantain, motherwort, thyme and eucalyptus enhance the effect of the collection.

To brew the tincture, all ingredients are taken in equal proportions. For 2 liters of boiling water, take 14 tablespoons of herbal mixture. This is the daily amount of drinking medicinal collection. The product infusion time is at least 7-8 hours.

Drink the decoction an hour before meals and before bed.

Now we invite you to watch the video:


Tibetan tincture is very strong remedy. It is recommended to drink it with milk. It softens the effect medicine and is a good preventative against heartburn.

The use of tincture can cause exacerbation of gastritis and other diseases. You need to drink the drink with caution. At the first signs of deterioration in health, the cleansing course is stopped immediately.

You should not take this medicine without the approval of your doctor. Before using it, you should conduct an examination of the body.

Back in the 70s of the last century, a UNESCO expedition to Tibet discovered a Tibetan recipe for cleansing blood vessels. It turns out that monks in Tibet have long known the method of cleansing blood vessels with garlic and actively used it. The Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels allows you to get rid of headaches and reduce accumulated bad cholesterol, salt deposits. Tibetan garlic tincture increases elasticity blood vessels while strengthening them.

Due to the fact that the Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels is powerful, it must be used with caution. To avoid harm, consultation with a doctor is required. If there are no serious contraindications to the use of garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels, the first results will appear no later than the tenth day of use. Sometimes only this treatment method according to the Tibetan recipe, which cleanses the vessels, is the most effective, even when traditional methods don't help.

After all, age-related changes in blood vessels are inevitable; over the years, cholesterol plaques and salt deposits form in them, which must be gotten rid of in order to avoid disaster. And here a recipe for Tibetan garlic tincture will come to the rescue.

The garlic tincture recipe consists of two ingredients: ethyl alcohol(96%) and garlic. One can only guess where the Tibetan monks knew about the technology for making alcohol.

Cooking garlic should begin in the fall, at which time it retains the maximum amount of nutrients. Since garlic is harvested in the fall, an infusion from it should also be used for treatment in the fall. So, the recipe for the tincture.

In the fall, collect 350 g of garlic, pound it in a mortar and pestle until smooth. Grind garlic only in ceramic or wooden dishes. You can put the garlic mass for infusion in ceramic, glass or pottery half liter volume. Let it stand for a while, and then collect the bottom, juiciest layer of garlic (200 g) and mix it with alcohol (200 ml).

Cover the dishes with a dark, thick cloth and leave strictly in a dark, cool place, but not in the refrigerator. After ten days, squeeze the mass thoroughly, to the last drop, using a thick cloth. Wait a couple more days. That's it, the body cleanser is ready.

According to the Tibetan method of cleansing the body, you need to drink the resulting garlic infusion with alcohol strictly in the dosage according to the scheme. Before use, the infusion is diluted with cool milk or water (50 ml) and taken exclusively on an empty stomach, approximately 15-20 minutes before meals.

Milk coats the walls of the stomach so that aggressive garlic and alcohol do not irritate it, while simultaneously eliminating the smell of garlic in the mouth.

Add drop by drop in strict accordance with the diagram:

  • Day 1: 1 drop for the first dose, 2 for the second dose, 3 for the third dose;
  • Day 2: 4 – first dose, 5 – second dose, 6 – third dose;
  • Day 3: 7 – first dose, 8 – second dose, 9 – third dose;
  • Day 4: 10 – first dose, 11 – second dose, 12 – third dose;
  • Day 5: 13 – first dose, 14 – second dose, 15 – third dose.
  • Day 6: 15 – first dose, 14 – second dose, 13 – third dose;
  • Day 7: 12 – first dose, 11 – second dose, 10 – third dose;
  • Day 8: 9 – first dose, 8 – second dose, 7 – third dose;
  • Day 9: 6 – first dose, 5 – second dose, 4 – third dose;
  • Day 10: 3 – first dose, 2 – second dose, 1 – third dose.

Next, until the end of the course of cleansing the body, until all the liquid is gone, take 25 drops before meals three times a day. It must be said that this scheme is not the only one. Everyone can choose the most suitable scheme for themselves.

Another scheme differs in that the number of drops is increased to 25 (and not to 15, as in the first one) and the product is drunk at each dose, 25 drops until it runs out (25 drops are drunk starting from the tenth day).

It is recommended that you write down the regimen for taking the tincture for cleansing blood vessels on a piece of paper and always keep it in front of your eyes, or even better, always keep a duplicated piece of paper with you with the chart along with an additional bottle of homemade infusion.

If you suddenly missed taking the tincture, it’s okay, you need to continue drinking according to the scheme, as if there was no skipping.

To avoid the strong smell of garlic, you can chew parsley, a lemon wedge, or chewing gum. If garlic tincture provokes frequent urination or the release of bile, it is not necessary to interrupt treatment. To soften the effect of the tincture, it is better to drink crushed tea, as well as at least two liters of water. After cleansing yourself with garlic tincture, you should definitely drink vitamins and fish oil.

Purify by method Tibetan monks, due to the fact that it is very powerful tool, should be no more than once every three years.

Side effects

Side effects that may occur when using the garlic peeling method: heartburn, cardiopalmus, insomnia. For this reason it cannot be used this method people with stomach and kidney problems, mental illness(for example, with epilepsy), on acute stages heart attack, pregnant women. If the side effects that appear cause concern, you can stop taking it on the tenth day, but it is better to try to finish it to the end.


In addition, there are contraindications to this method. In addition to the listed diseases, garlic tincture should not be used by persons with various types tumors, including prostate adenoma, oncopathologies; at acute conditions strokes, thromboembolism, dissecting aneurysm. Contraindications are also an allergy to garlic or an acute stage of hemorrhoids.

If all conditions are met, according to reviews from those who have applied this method, there is an improvement general well-being, increase vitality and improved blood supply. For those who previously suffered from rigor of the limbs, their hands and feet no longer freeze. Oddly enough, people with varicose veins Garlic also helps veins. For those previously suffering from hypertension and atherosclerosis, blood pressure normalizes and the headaches associated with these diseases go away. In addition, tincture with garlic has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints, thyroid and thymus glands.

Cleansing the body with garlic should begin no earlier than at age forty, repeating at intervals of 3-6 years. You should not consume alcoholic beverages, hot or spicy foods, strong coffee or tea, or cocoa at the same time as the infusion. TO this treatment must be approached with all seriousness, without violating the scheme and conditions of use. If in any doubt, it is better to consult a doctor. Tibetan tincture is rightfully considered an elixir of health and longevity.

Garlic - healthy vegetable, belonging to the onion genus and possessing a lot of microelements, necessary for a person. Latest Research confirmed the direct and only positive influence garlic on the human cardiovascular system. However, there are nuances here too; for example, only fresh garlic, which has not been subject to heat treatment, is beneficial.

The great benefits of garlic are due to its rich content of vitamin C and substances such as selenium and allicin. Allicin, in particular, is distinguished by the fact that it contains hydrogen sulfide, which is able to relax the muscles of internal organs and the walls of blood vessels. Consequently, spasms (spontaneous muscle contraction) go away. This property will protect a person from possible heart attacks and strokes.

INTERESTING: Research on the effect of garlic on the heart muscle was conducted on laboratory rats. For a month, one group of them ate fresh garlic, while the other ate only dry garlic. After this, a seizure was artificially induced in all rats. The result revealed that in rats fed fresh garlic, the myocardium recovered faster.

To get the most benefit from garlic, you should chop it. The fact is that this fruit has rich content acids (acetic, citric) and at room temperature it begins to break down allicin, thereby improving its absorption. Simply chop or crush the garlic and leave it on a board or plate for 10-15 minutes.

IMPORTANT: In addition to the fact that garlic helps fight heart and vascular problems, it will also have an antiviral and antimicrobial effect on the body.

What are the benefits of garlic and how to use it correctly for health?

A mixture of garlic and lemon to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol: recipe

People suffering from cardiovascular diseases try as often as possible to “clean” their blood vessels from arterial “plaques” - blood clots that interfere with normal blood circulation. After “cleaning the blood vessels,” the blood thins out and leaves headache, nausea and weakness, as well as other unpleasant symptoms.

The simplest “folk” way to clean vessels is a recipe based on fresh garlic. Garlic is a better “anti-sclerotic agent”. In addition, this fruit will lower cholesterol levels in the blood and cleanse the body of harmful salt deposits. The recipe based on garlic and lemon is very old. It should be prepared only from fresh ingredients and eaten immediately after preparation, and also stored in the refrigerator in order to useful material did not “disappear” during the day.

IMPORTANT: Lemon acid enhances the properties of garlic and breaks down allicin, which is necessary for the heart muscle and blood vessels.

How a remedy prepared with lemon and garlic will help:

  • The product instantly cleanses blood vessels from blood clots and any “garbage” that accumulates in the vessels, as well as throughout the body.
  • The drug effectively affects the blood vessels of the brain, as a result, migraines and headaches may disappear, memory will improve and thinking will become clearer.
  • If you want to get rid of higher level cholesterol, dissolve a spoonful of crushed garlic and the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water every day.

IMPORTANT: If you take this remedy every day, you should know that you should drink plenty of water along with it throughout the day (2-3 liters). If you don't regularly eat garlic with lemon, just put a few cloves of fresh garlic on the table at every meal - this will also benefit you.

Preparation effective means depends on the correct proportions of ingredients. In this recipe, the proportions are easy to remember, namely 1:1. One head of garlic requires 1 lemon fruit. Both ingredients are crushed with a blender or meat grinder. After this, mix and season with a few tablespoons. warm purified water. The product should be consumed during the day, 1 tbsp. before eating.

Garlic-lemon remedy for “cleaning” blood vessels

Cleaning the blood vessels of the brain with folk remedies with garlic: recipe

You can understand that a person needs vascular cleaning by how he feels and what diseases he has acquired over time. The most “bright” symptoms:

  • Frequent fatigue and chronic fatigue
  • Bad mood, apathy and depression
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Insomnia, weakness, nervous overexcitation
  • Sclerosis, problems with memory and attention
  • Varicose veins throughout the body

IMPORTANT: When starting to cleanse blood vessels, you should definitely know that this should never be done suddenly, otherwise you will only bring harm to yourself and stress to the body.

Before cleaning blood vessels with lemon and garlic, you should cleanse the intestines, gallbladder, kidneys and liver. This will not only improve the absorption of the “medicine”, but will also benefit the body. After cleansing the intestines, begin preparing the body for cleaning blood vessels, to do this, go to healthy eating, give up coffee and alcohol.

Garlic will have a vitamin and healing effect on the body due to the fact that it contains a lot of:

  • Vitamin B groups
  • Phytoncides
  • Monosaccharides
  • Essential oils
  • Organic acids
  • Valuable minerals (iron, zinc, calcium and iodine)

IMPORTANT: Cleansing with garlic or products prepared on its basis is only possible starting with small portions, which you will increase gradually. Over time, the body's enzyme response to garlic will increase and the fruit will provide greater benefits.

Traditional “health recipes” with garlic

Cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies - garlic on whey: recipe

Garlic can be safely called a “natural antibiotic”, the spectrum of action of which is very wide. In addition, this is a real “secret of youth”, which has a healing effect on the body and also gives beauty to the body. Whey recipe allows lactic acids to enhance useful actions fetus

You will need:

  • This product will help not only clean the blood vessels, but also make the immune system more resilient, and also improve the functioning of of cardio-vascular system.
  • You should peel the head of garlic and crush the cloves into a homogeneous mass.
  • Crushed garlic is dissolved in a glass of pure whey (it is best to use a homemade product).
  • The resulting drink should be drunk all at once.
  • Drink this remedy should be once a day.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month. Within a month, carry out high-quality cleansing not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of the entire body.
  • This remedy also perfectly helps eliminate dysbiosis and digestive problems.

Garlic for all diseases

Red wine with garlic - treatment of blood vessels: recipe

Red wine in an amount of 100 ml, if consumed daily, can have a positive effect on work circulatory system. This portion will dilate the blood vessels and help blood move through the body more easily. As a result, you can get rid of headaches and sleep disturbances.

Another way to improve your condition is to take wine along with garlic. Garlic, in turn, will “clean” blood vessels from cholesterol and “plaques” and help thin the blood. Combined use of garlic with wine will help you heal your body and make you feel better. You can dissolve crushed garlic in wine, but it is much easier to eat a few cloves of garlic and wash them down with dry red wine.

Unusual recipes for treatment with garlic

Garlic with milk for cleaning blood vessels: recipe

Drinking milk with garlic (both dissolved and fresh garlic cloves washed down with liquid) will help you not only strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also have a cleansing effect on the intestines. It is important to know that such a remedy should be taken in a course. This way you can get rid of dysbacteriosis, toxins, waste, and stagnant feces.

Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels with garlic

The “Tibetan recipe” involves a more “complicated” and complex use of garlic with milk for 2 weeks (minimum):

  • It is important to use autumn garlic for the recipe, which contains a maximum of vitamins and other useful microelements.
  • 300-400 grams of garlic should be crushed in any way and placed in a glass jar.
  • Let the jar stand for 10-15 minutes, during which time it will settle. Remove exactly half the mass of garlic and you will have the juiciest part left in the jar.
  • Juicy garlic pulp should be poured with 96% alcohol, tightly close the lid of the jar and leave for up to 10 days.
  • After infusion, the mass should be filtered and the cake should be discarded.
  • After discarding the dry part, alcohol with garlic juice should stand in the refrigerator or cellar for another 3-4 days.
  • The product should be taken correctly. Pour in a third of a glass of milk (preferably homemade and full-fat). On the first day, add garlic alcohol to the milk, the amount of which is regulated depending on the day: the first day - 1 drop, the second - 2, and so on.

How can you use garlic and what can it cure?

How to prepare a tincture of garlic with alcohol to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol: recipe, application diagram

Garlic not only improves the functioning of the human cardiovascular system, but also all internal organs in the body. Good remedy for all diseases - tincture of garlic alcohol. However, you should know that it should be consumed regularly. The product is distinguished by its ability to be stored for a long time, as well as excellent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and cleansing properties.

It is very simple to prepare this tincture:

  • You will need approximately 300-350 g of garlic cloves (peeled).
  • The cloves should be passed through a meat grinder or garlic press, or chopped with a blender.
  • The resulting puree should be diluted with alcohol. You will need 240-250 ml. pure alcohol (full glass).
  • Dilute the product in a glass container, such as a jar. After this, close it tightly and store it in a dark and cool place. Keep the jar there for 1.5-2 weeks. Do not put in the refrigerator; a cellar or pantry is ideal.
  • After storage, be sure to strain the tincture through several layers of gauze and squeeze out the cake.
  • Let the tincture sit for a while longer, do not drink it for the first 2-3 days.
  • After this, you can take the infusion three times a day and strictly before meals. Can be taken with honey or milk to enhance the effect.

IMPORTANT: This product is prohibited for pregnant women, as well as if you have an individual intolerance to the ingredients. The course of treatment with tincture is 1-2 months. During the course of treatment, drink plenty of water and avoid junk food.

Garlic, lemon and honey to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol

A recipe made with not only lemon and garlic, but also honey, is considered the most useful and effective. It differs in that it has a lot of positive properties:

  • “Kills” cholesterol in the blood
  • Cleans blood vessels and internal organs from accumulated fat.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart muscle
  • Improves metabolism in the body
  • Removes toxins and waste from the body
  • Has a mild diuretic property
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Kills pathogenic viruses and microbes

IMPORTANT: Lemon, in turn, nourishes the body with a lot of vitamins, and honey gives a large supply of antioxidants that prolong youth, beauty and health of the body. For greater benefits in the recipe, use not peeled lemon (along with the zest), and use only natural honey!

It is very simple to prepare the product:

  • Grind 5-6 lemon fruits with a meat grinder or blender (or using a grater), do not squeeze out the juice. Place the entire mixture in a glass jar.
  • Together with lemon, chop the garlic cloves collected from 4-5 heads.
  • Add 200-250 ml to the mixture. any natural honey.
  • Mix the whole mass thoroughly and leave to infuse in a cool and dark place for about 1-2 weeks.
  • After infusion, the product should be consumed 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. before meals or if you feel unwell.

IMPORTANT: The product will help you restore strength after a difficult day at work, improve your well-being when serious illness or simply restore tone to the body.

Folk remedies Cleansing blood vessels effectively helps both as a preventive measure and for an existing disease.
They are harmless, free and have proven their effectiveness over many generations, so they are an order of magnitude better than medications traditional medicine.
The most effective of them, including a recipe for tincture with garlic, herbal preparations and various infusions, are described in the following article.

Blocked blood vessels and associated diseases

Clogged blood vessels are a fairly common problem for many people. The risk of getting sick here is the same for different segments of the population, regardless of social and economic status. Basically, the problem occurs along with thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
In the case of thrombosis, loss of elasticity of blood vessels and their blockage occurs due to the formation of blood clots. The main reason for this is age. In addition, people who have impaired blood clotting are susceptible to it. Thrombosis can also occur due to vascular damage. The body produces particles as a defense, which lead to coagulation and the formation blood clots. If this happens on the surface of the skin, then everything is fine. However, with this formation, an obstacle is created inside the vessels to supply blood to the organs.
Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries, damage to which causes cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Because of this, it grows there connective tissue, the lumen narrows, which can lead to oxygen starvation any organ.
Here you need to understand what cholesterol is. These are fat-like compounds in human blood that are produced by liver cells. It comes in two types: low-density and high-density compounds.

In the first case, cholesterol forms plaques that cling to the walls of the arteries. This is how atherosclerosis develops. The course of the disease lasts for years, sometimes starting as early as childhood. However, the disease is detected only by examining the blood, with heart failure or manifestations of ischemia.
The second type removes low-density compounds from the walls of the arteries and again delivers them to use or removes them from the body.

Risk factor and preventive measures

People who smoke have bad heredity and lead sedentary lifestyle life, have kidney disease, liver congestion, excess weight, endocrine diseases, eat poorly and long time are in a state of stress, are especially susceptible to the appearance of such a disease.
Preventive measures: proper nutrition, parting with everyone bad habits, physical education and folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels.

Recipes for cleansing blood vessels

For many centuries, our ancestors effectively cleaned vessels using folk remedies.
Application alternative medicine not only helps reduce plaques, but also qualitatively reduces the risk of heart attack and hypertension.
There are, of course, medicinal methods that promise to cleanse the blood of toxins using traditional medicine. However, such methods are by no means cheap. In addition, a person thereby pollutes his excretory system, especially the liver.
Methods of how to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol have been passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors. This traditional therapy included exclusively natural products: medicinal herbs, flowers, bark, fruits and leaves. The most effective folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels are presented below.

Miracle garlic

You can prepare a tincture with alcohol. It is a wonderful preventive remedy for cleansing and toning blood vessels. The recipe for the tincture is as follows: finely chopped garlic is mixed with alcohol in a one to one ratio. The mixture is infused in a glass container for ten days in a dark and cool place. When it turns greenish, you need to strain it, cover it with a lid and keep it like that for another three days. After straining out the sediment, the product is ready for use. The first day they start taking it with one or two drops before meals. Every day the dose is increased to reach fifteen drops. The course lasts ten days, which is repeated again after one month.
Another recipe for cleansing blood vessels involves honey. To do this, five teaspoons of grated and then squeezed garlic are mixed with seven teaspoons of honey. Before meals, take half a teaspoon for two to three months.
Garlic oil added to salads will also be effective. It is prepared as follows: eight cloves need to be crushed, pour into a glass vegetable oil and refrigerate overnight. In the morning the oil is ready.

Flax seeds

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic is very effective. However, for a number of reasons, this method may not be suitable for some. But there are many other ways to achieve this result. For example, using flaxseeds and calendula tincture. The preparation is prepared as follows: half a glass of seeds is washed and filled with water for half an hour. After this, the water is drained, the dry residue is poured with a glass of small boiling water and left for two hours. At this time, prepare an infusion of calendula, for which you take a glass of flowers, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for two hours.
After this, both infusions are filtered, mixed and left overnight. For three weeks, three spoons of the drug are taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Medicinal plants

Among the herbs used for these purposes are chamomile, yarrow, immortelle and Birch buds. One hundred grams of plants are taken, mixed, and one tablespoon of the mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water. After twenty minutes, filter it and drink a glass with a spoon of honey. What remains should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, also with honey.
Red rowan bark is also effective for these purposes. To clean the vessels with it, take one spoon, pour in 200 ml of boiling water and leave on low heat for several minutes. Then it is infused for an hour and filtered. The finished infusion is consumed three times thirty minutes before meals.

Honey and citrus

Folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels with these ingredients will help, in addition to achieving the main goal, to strengthen the immune system. The product is prepared in a non-aluminum container, where it is poured hot water and lemon and orange are placed. After a couple of hours, the citrus fruits are removed and passed through a meat grinder without stems or seeds. Add two tablespoons of honey to the mixture and mix thoroughly. The resulting product is kept at room temperature for 24 hours. Then it is put in the refrigerator and taken two spoons half an hour before meals for thirty days.

Tibetan body cleansing

Helps reduce cholesterol levels, improves the functioning of blood vessels and such a well-known collection of herbs, which is called “Tibetan”. In addition, it improves the function of the kidneys, liver and heart, eliminates salts, stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas, improves the condition of chronic headaches and intestinal dysfunction.
There are different fees. One of them consists of a mixture of strawberry leaf, birch buds, immortelle and St. John's wort. Each time, brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of water and take it thirty minutes before meals.
Such herbal tea It is recommended to take two weeks to thirty days at the beginning of each season.

In this case, as with other remedies, you should adhere to a certain diet, do not drink toxic drinks, and exclude from food fatty meat, sausages, various processed foods, unnatural yoghurts, instant cereals, coffee, tea and sweets, with the exception of dried fruits.

There are many factors that negatively affect the condition of our blood vessels. They wear out with age, causing them to become brittle, while their walls develop irregularities and roughness.

Some of our habits also lead to their pollution, such as poor nutrition, passion for alcohol, smoking.

One of the most effective means for cleansing blood vessels is a garlic tincture with alcohol, prepared on the basis of an ancient Tibetan recipe, the first data about which were discovered a long time ago.

Using this tincture, you can increase the lumens of blood vessels in a short period of time and restore normal nutrition in adjacent tissues.

Contents of the article:

Medicinal properties

Garlic tincture, prepared according to a Tibetan recipe, helps eliminate all excess from the walls of blood vessels - salts, bad cholesterol, fats and lime, which prevent normal circulation blood and cause the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.

By using this remedy, you will achieve positive results:

  • normalization of the entire cardiovascular system;
  • restoration of vision and hearing;
  • improving memory and concentration;
  • relief from dizziness and migraine attacks;
  • increased performance;
  • improvement of immunity;
  • preventing pressure surges;
  • blood purification;
  • improving the condition of all muscles and tissues.

Clogged blood vessels cause a lot of problems, in particular, leg cramps, manifestations pain in the muscles when moving, shortness of breath. Cleaning with garlic tincture helps eliminate these problems and forget about their manifestation forever.

For what diseases and conditions is it used?

Tibetan tincture can be useful in many cases. Main indications the following for its use:

There is also a number of contraindications to taking garlic-alcohol tincture:

  • It is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • acute gastritis, hepatitis, enterocolitis;
  • , exacerbation of kidney diseases;
  • exacerbation

Also general contraindication is an individual intolerance to alcohol or garlic.

Regular use of the tincture leads to increased secretion gastric juice and urination. But this is not a reason to stop taking it, since this is a normal temporary reaction of the body. To improve your condition, you can drink it every day Mint tea or motherwort infusion.

How to cook it yourself?

To prepare the tincture according to the Tibetan recipe, you need to take 350 g of garlic, rinse all its cloves well and crush them in a wooden mortar using a special masher.

Metal containers and objects cannot be used; only clay, wood or dark glass are acceptable.

You need to take garlic from the current year's harvest, since a vegetable that sits for a long time usually loses all its beneficial properties over time.

After the mass is crushed, 200 g of it should be placed in a jar and poured with 200 ml of alcohol with a strength of about 70%. Vodka and moonshine are not recommended.

The container must be properly closed, shaken and allowed to brew in a cool, dark place. After 10 days, the liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze, squeezed out, transferred to another container and left for another 3-4 days.

How to use and take correctly?

To use the tincture, you need to add the appropriate number of drops to a quarter glass of milk and drink what you get in small sips. Consume three times a day 15-20 minutes before eating.

In the first five days, you need to increase the number of drops by one each time you use the tincture. That is, the first dose of the first day is one drop, the second is two, and so on up to 15 drops.

Over the next five days, you need to reduce the number of drops at the same interval - from 15 to 1. Then take 25 drops until all the prepared tincture is finished. The next course can be carried out no earlier than 3-5 years later.

Tips for preparing and taking the tincture:

When correct use, this tincture, prepared according to an ancient Tibetan recipe, can give amazing results. It will not only cleanse the blood vessels, but will also benefit the entire body. It is also known that the product has a rejuvenating effect.