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An effective healing remedy - cinquefoil tincture for joints: rules for use and dosage of a natural product. What does cinquefoil tincture help with?

Sabelnik (tincture for joints) is used to treat musculoskeletal system. The plant is unique in its properties because it helps get rid of arthrosis. Exist different ways use of plant tincture for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Beneficial features

Sabelnik is useful for treating joints due to the fact that it contains: healthy vitamins, minerals and tannins. This plant grows in marshy soils and, as a result, contains valuable ingredients that help the doctor and patient in therapy. In the treatment of joints, it has noticeable antitumor activity.

Medicines from cinquefoil have a positive effect on human immunity; they are indicated for rheumatism. Tincture of cinquefoil treats deposits in the joints and damage to the spine as a result of osteochondrosis. Some traumatologists advise patients to drink tincture for joint injuries: recovery period during such treatment it becomes easier.

The chemical composition of the plant has not been studied enough. The herb contains:

  • resins, ether compounds;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • saponins;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides.

The use of marsh cinquefoil is justified in cases of severe disorders of the musculoskeletal system, since it has been proven that this herb contains gallic acid, catechins and mucus.

Proper therapy with cinquefoil proves that it can be much more effective than expensive drugs. It is not always necessary to buy widely advertised remedies for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: it is often better if a person turns to nature for help.

Application of the plant

IN alternative medicine Treatment with cinquefoil is widely used. It is useful for the following pathologies:

  • joint inflammation;
  • degenerative changes in them;
  • heavy, running forms arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • joint pain of unknown origin.

Due to its antimicrobial properties, it is also recommended to use cinquefoil tincture in vodka. infectious pathologies musculoskeletal system. It has been observed that drinking tea normalizes sleep and relieves pain. of different origins with osteochondrosis.

Some effective recipes uses of cinquefoil:

  1. To treat joints, you can make your own ointment with cinquefoil. It is recommended to prepare it at home. To do this, take a tube of cream and 1 tsp. tinctures. It is prepared by mixing the indicated ingredients. A little honey, vitamin E oil extract and vodka tincture from red pepper. This mixture is rubbed into the affected area with light movements. Creams for preparing ointments should be taken natural. After the procedure, the affected area is wrapped in a warm blanket.
  2. For arthrosis and pain a compress should be applied to the joints. Needs to be wrapped up sore spot and provide heat flow. The use of marsh cinquefoil in this case should be long-term.
  3. At vertebral hernia You should regularly take an alcohol tincture diluted in water. It is very useful for joints and spine.
  4. When salts are deposited, a water infusion is used (after meals). It is also useful for various types of pain. The person’s condition quickly improves, and painful symptoms soon subside.
  5. At heel spur You can take cinquefoil in the form of baths. It is necessary to steam your feet in a decoction of the plant.

When treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, before taking tincture or tablets, you should consult a doctor.

How to prepare the tincture?

The drug can be of several types. A cinquefoil tincture for joints can be prepared from fresh root. The crushed parts of the plant are poured with vodka and infused for 3 weeks. During this time, the liquid begins to detect medicinal properties. The drug must be placed in a jar that closes well. Take only as directed.

You can prepare cinquefoil tincture from both the roots and the aerial parts. For this, roots, leaves and young stems are taken. You have to insist for half a month so that everything healing substances moved to the alcohol part and acted effectively. You can ask your doctor how to make a tincture from this plant. If good raw materials were used in the preparation of the drug, then the cinquefoil tincture in vodka will have a reddish color. bright color. If mistakes were made, then there will be no such shade.

IN folk medicine An oil tincture is used to treat joints. In this case, the crushed roots are filled with high-quality vegetable oil. Preparing an oil infusion is more difficult, since it must be constantly stirred. It must be kept in the refrigerator so that it can be medicinal effects preserved. Apply oil extracts It is necessary only as prescribed by a doctor. It is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol.

Vodka tincture is practically no different from an alcohol preparation. The only caveat: it needs to be aged a little longer, because vodka contains a smaller amount of alcohol. The effectiveness of cinquefoil therapy depends on how to prepare the tincture. You should never use plant materials of dubious origin to create medicines.

Pharmacy tincture

Tincture of marsh cinquefoil is available at the pharmacy. It is made from fresh raw materials grown in environmentally friendly areas. The drug sold is also made with alcohol. Usually this tincture comes with instructions. She gives clear instructions on how to take the medicine so that it has the most effective effect.

When taking a tincture or any other drug, you need to ensure that it retains the required duration of action.

If it has expired, then using the medicine is strictly prohibited.

About the use of cinquefoil in tablet form

This is active biological additive, which can be effectively used for joint pathologies. Sabelnik Evalar improves physiological state joints and spine. It is used when discomfort and disturbances in motor activity occur.

Evalar preparations should be used together with a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures, diet and therapeutic exercises. The additives included in cinquefoil extract have pronounced action. Tablet extract helps:

  • improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • maintaining joint mobility;
  • maintaining spine flexibility.

You can also use Evalar cream. It contains additional components that improve the functioning of the joints and spine. Sabelnik tablets should not be used for hypersensitivity to individual components of the product during pregnancy. Evalar is not recommended for use during breastfeeding child. The drug contains powder from rhizomes. Evalar ointments and cream contain additional components that support the absorption of substances.

Before taking cinquefoil in tablets, you should consult your doctor. The same should be done in the case when the patient decides to drink the tincture to treat diseases of the joints or spine. It is forbidden to exceed dosages to “accelerate” the healing effect: joint diseases must be treated for a long time.

Ointments with cinquefoil

Ointments with plant extracts have a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is determined by the characteristics of the preparation of the medicine. The cream helps get rid of joint pain and has virtually no side effects.

The ointment has restorative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also treat osteochondrosis cervical region. Other conditions for which cream or ointment is prescribed:

  • inflammatory pathologies of joints;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • rheumatoid type arthritis;
  • osteochondropathy.

Ointments and creams with cinquefoil can be used in conjunction with other types of therapy. So, exercise therapy is indicated for treatment. Before using drugs, you should definitely consult with a traumatologist or rheumatologist. Contraindications for use are the same as for treatment with tincture or tablets.

The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area. Afterwards you need to wrap the sore spot with a warm cloth. The duration of therapy can be several weeks.

In medicine, there is no data on the interaction of such a drug with other substances. There is evidence that simultaneous treatment non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs enhances therapeutic effect cinquefoil If you are being treated with this plant, take NSAIDs only as prescribed by your doctor.

The medicine is accessible to the general public. Sabelnik ointment is available without a prescription. In herbal medicine, complex therapy is prescribed, in particular, alcohol tincture of cinquefoil.

Decoctions of cinquefoil

Decoctions are made from crushed roots. General recipe preparation of the decoction is simple - pour certain part raw materials with boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Leave for about another hour. The infusion will be more useful if leaves and stems are used. You can keep them in a thermos. They take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor and according to an individually selected dosage, strictly maintaining frequency.

Sabelnik for osteochondrosis is used in the form of decoctions. To do this, they are prescribed orally at a previously selected dosage, which is determined by the doctor. Additionally, a healing balm is used. It contains extracts useful substances cinquefoil and enhances the therapeutic effect of the plant. Additional wrapping of the affected area is indicated.

If you brew the roots correctly, the preparation will have a beautiful shade. If you use low-quality raw materials, then the brewed liquid will not contain any useful substances.

Decoctions can also be used to prepare compresses. This is how common ones are treated degenerative pathologies cervical and thoracic vertebrae. When making a compress, you need to make sure that the affected area of ​​the body receives dry, pleasant warmth. Additionally, you can drink a decoction or tincture of the plant to enhance desired effect treatment of diseased joints.

Sabelnik tea

Sabelnik tea has a powerful therapeutic effect, which is aimed at treating diseased joints and a spine damaged by inflammation. It is prepared simply: you need to infuse the dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water. You need to drink it according to the attached instructions: there is no universal recipe for preparing it. It is not recommended to make a decoction of tea components, because the drink may lose most of its medicinal functions.

You can brew the drink in a kettle or thermos. This will not cause it to lose its functions and will always remain hot. From this active ingredients will constantly move into the water, increasing pharmacological properties drug.

Recipes with cinquefoil are well suited for treating sore joints at home. The tea must be taken for a long time in order for it to have its effect. useful action on the spine and joints.

Before brewing tea, you need to check appearance plant raw materials, whether it has a specific smell. In some severe cases You can significantly increase the dosage of tea.

How to procure raw materials?

The plant should be harvested correctly. The use of plant roots in folk medicine is justified. They are prepared after the snow has melted. It is also possible to collect raw materials in the fall, after the above-ground part of the plant dies. Then the roots are rich healing power. The rhizome does not need to be completely dug up. It is enough to cut off a little of the part that is located closer to the ground. It is most suitable for making tinctures.

The resulting raw material must be washed in water and cut into small pieces. Next, they need to be spread out in an even layer in the sun. In such conditions, the roots will wither. Otherwise, they may become moldy and the cinquefoil joint tincture will be ineffective. The roots are then dried in the oven. The finished raw material must be broken.

At home, cinquefoil tincture is prepared only from properly prepared raw materials. Dry roots should be stored in jars. Leaves are harvested in June or July. At this time, the plant is actively blooming. An infusion based on them is most useful.

When is a plant contraindicated?

Treatment with cinquefoil tincture has virtually no contraindications. Almost everyone can take medications from it. It is prohibited to use cinquefoil for osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • childhood.

If a woman treated her joints with cinquefoil preparations during pregnancy, then she very rarely, but may experience complications. Even though this medicinal product rarely causes complications, there is no need to take risks during pregnancy: medical research there has been no research on this matter, so the harm and benefits of using the product have not been established.

Children can be given a water infusion of cinquefoil for joints. At the beginning of treatment with the plant, an exacerbation of an existing pathology is possible. But this does not mean that therapy should be stopped. If a person has arthrosis, cinquefoil will soon lead to a noticeable reduction in pain. Subsequently, recovery is noted.

Some evidence suggests that the use of the gel and other similar drugs during the treatment of arthrosis may lead to hypotension and bradycardia. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during therapy to avoid the risk of developing dangerous complications.

Before starting treatment, you should definitely visit a doctor. Instructions for use of ointment, gel and other products may contain other warnings that must be paid attention to.

Treatment effectiveness

Clinical results of therapy prove that if the patient carefully followed all the necessary recommendations, then his joint condition significantly improves, pain and inflammation go away. Practice shows that cinquefoil preparations have a much better effect synthetic medicines, used in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other pathologies that limit human motor function.

The main advantage this tool is that it has practically no side effects.

The same cannot be said about synthetic substances. The presence of alcohol in cinquefoil tinctures is some limitation in the treatment of people who have either intolerance to alcohol or contraindications to its use (for example, pregnancy or severe lesions liver). In this case, you can limit yourself to the tablet form of the medicine, decoctions.

Ointments and creams from cinquefoil have proven themselves well for the treatment of joints. They have a pronounced local action, relieve pain, irritation, inflammation, restore motor activity. All these medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor to avoid side effects.

For arthrosis, cinquefoil should be used in reasonable quantities, following all the doctor’s recommendations. Then the drug will not cause harm. Any case of self-medication can negatively affect a person’s health and worsen the functioning of the spine. This also applies to this comparatively safe drug, like cinquefoil.

Marsh cinquefoil is one of the most popular medicinal plants which are used in folk medicine. His unique properties Our grandmothers also used it and quite successfully.


Marsh cinquefoil is also called Russian ginseng. And he's on the set beneficial properties not at all inferior to the famous plant. Sabelnik belongs to the Pink family. It is a perennial subshrub with woody reddish-brown stems. The leaves of the plant are dark green and the flowers are dark red. The cinquefoil blooms from June to July. It can be found in the Far North, the Caucasus, Siberia, and other regions of Russia. It prefers to grow in swampy places.


Used in folk medicine different shapes plant-based medicines. The most popular is the tincture of marsh cinquefoil. Both rhizomes and aerial parts are suitable for its preparation. The latter is harvested during the flowering period, and the roots in late autumn. Finding cinquefoil and assembling it correctly is not such an easy task. There is a huge risk of making a mistake and taking the wrong thing. In this regard, people who do not have sufficient experience should consult with experienced herbalists before collecting. After collection, the raw materials must be handed over to the pharmacy.

There they check it and give the go-ahead for use. The dried plant can also be purchased at the pharmacy. Care must be taken when doing this. Inspect the rhizomes carefully before use. They should not have leaves. This indicates that the plant was collected correctly and in a timely manner. It is worth noting that we're talking about specifically about rhizomes, not roots. The first are the underground stem (shoot) of the plant. They are often confused with roots.

Application area

Sabelnik, the tincture of which is very popular in folk healing, is not used in official medicine. That's why chemical composition it is poorly studied. What is known is what it contains a large number of tannins, which allow it to be used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. The stems and leaves contain many trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium) and ascorbic acid. Preparations based on cinquefoil have diaphoretic, hemostatic, wound-healing and analgesic properties. They have a resolving effect, which makes it possible to do rubbing for mastopathy and thyroid tumors.

In what cases is cinquefoil tincture used?

Reviews about this product say that it is an excellent remedy for various diseases. Among them are the following: rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bleeding, radiculitis, diarrhea, stomach pain, digestive disorders, flu, breast and stomach cancer, liver disease. Such a serious list of diseases against which cinquefoil (tincture or decoction) is effective makes it possible to talk about it as potent remedy. Before using it, consult your doctor. For jaundice, neuralgia, thrombophlebitis, tuberculosis, cholecystitis, hypotension, a decoction of the whole plant helps well. The tincture is used as a gargle for sore throat. In this form, the plant normalizes metabolism, stops uterine bleeding, and treats bites of rabid animals. In the form of rinses, the tincture is also effective for toothache, loosening of gums and festering wounds. Active substances kill germs and promote speedy healing.


Sabelnik, the tincture of which is very useful, is easy to prepare. Pour 50 grams of dry rhizomes with half a liter of vodka. Leave in a dark, cool place for three weeks. The mixture must be shaken periodically. After this period, the tincture must be filtered. A properly prepared product should have Brown color, but not straw or light brown. If you cannot tolerate alcohol, you can prepare cinquefoil in another way. Pour two tablespoons of leaves into half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The tincture is taken three times a day before meals, one hundred grams.

How to use

The preventive course takes three weeks. Then you need to take a break for three days. Then repeat the three-week course. In case of illness, the course lasts longer: four times for 20 days with a break of three days. In this case, drink the tincture four times a day, one tablespoon at a time. For joint pain, the product is rubbed into the sore spots. At the same time, a compress of cinquefoil is applied on top. Active substances penetrate cartilage tissue, making it elastic and durable. The inflammation goes away. Stomach pain is best treated with cinquefoil decoction or water-based tincture. The mixture is drunk four times a day, one third of a glass.


Sabelnik, the tincture of which has no serious contraindications, should not be consumed by nursing and pregnant women, since its effect on the fetus and child has not been studied. In addition, there is a possibility of individual intolerance. It should be noted that most often the tincture is prepared with alcohol. Therefore, you should not abuse it. This may cause undesirable effect in the form of addiction. Thus, the person will not only not recover, but will receive another one, no less. serious problem. To avoid unpleasant consequences Consult your doctor before use.

Cinquefoil tincture - pharmacy and home remedy

Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil is produced by the Evalar company and belongs to the group of herbal remedies and general strengthening agents. The alcohol tincture contains the following components:

  • cinquefoil roots -10 g;
  • alcohol 40% - 100 ml.

In appearance, the tincture is red-brown in color, transparent, but may have a cloudy sediment. The product has specific smell the plant from which it is made. Sold in bottles of 100 and 50 ml, the price of a large package is 300 rubles, a small package is 200 rubles.

The tincture can be prepared at home, the recipe will be as follows:

In preparing the tincture, you can use another plant with similar properties - galangal (roots). Both types of raw materials are mixed equally and prepared in the same way. Sabelnik contains a lot of useful substances that determine its properties. These include:

  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • terpenes;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • organic acids;
  • pigments;
  • saponins.

Rhizomes are rich in microelements and almost all known vitamins. Also a lot valuable substances in the leaves of the plant, so they can also be used to make tinctures.

How does the drug work?

Plants provide a variety of valuable substances therapeutic effects. Help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system is due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The drug provides a significant reduction in chronic and acute pain, reduces swelling and redness. The drug is also useful for joints for the following reasons:

Sabelnik even exhibits antimicrobial activity, which reduces the severity of any infectious inflammatory process. It has regenerating properties and accelerates reparative processes in the body, especially in the organs of the musculoskeletal system.

Sabelnik has a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines.

Among other things, the plant will be useful for those suffering oncological diseases, reduced immunity - it restores normal work immune system. It is also recommended to take the tincture to provide hemostatic, antipyretic, and healing effects.

Indications for use

To reduce pain, restore cartilage and relieve inflammation, the drug is most often recommended for rheumatological pathologies and diseases of the spine. A course of taking the plant helps reduce the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs, which are very harmful to the stomach.

Indications for treatment with cinquefoil include:

Sabelnik is indicated for gastritis - inflammation of the stomach; it is also useful for the intestinal mucosa and improves motility.

The product also has other indications - it is widely used for cancerous tumors lymphatic system, especially with lymphogranulomatosis. Also, cinquefoil is prescribed in complex therapy tuberculosis, from diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Even externally, the drug can be used to cleanse wounds of pus and stimulate the healing process. For gingivitis and stomatitis, the product can be used to rinse the mouth.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant tincture is not used for children under 12 years of age. In children, the safety of the drug has not been established; sufficient studies have not been conducted. There are other contraindications, these include:

Due to the presence of alcohol in the composition, the tincture should not be drunk if you have epilepsy, epileptiform seizures of unknown origin, or chronic alcoholism, organic diseases of the brain. Also, the drug can be harmful in severe stages of liver damage, combined with liver failure. Sabelnik is not prescribed after traumatic brain injury.

Side effects are rare, they are mainly associated with allergic manifestations.

Stomach pain, rash, redness of the skin, spots, and dermatitis may occur. Diarrhea, bloating, nausea, and vomiting are rarely observed. No other side effects were recorded. During therapy, experts advise avoiding the consumption of spicy and salty foods, sour and pickled foods. These products may reduce the effectiveness of therapy, especially for joint diseases.

Application of tincture

According to the instructions for traditional use of the product, its dose for adults is 1 teaspoon per dose. This amount of the drug should be drunk twice a day, diluting the product in 50-100 ml of water. Treatment should be carried out during meals; taking it with food reduces the incidence of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. You should take cinquefoil tincture for joints in a course per month, but the course duration may be shorter or longer. For chronic, long-term diseases, the course can be 1.5-2 months. Typically, a significant decrease in the severity of all disease symptoms is observed 3 days after the start of therapy.

The effectiveness of treatment can be increased by parallel external use of the tincture. It is used as a raw material for preparing a compress for joints:

It is also recommended to take the drug to strengthen the immune system. To do this, taking a teaspoon of the product in the morning during breakfast is enough. Course - 21 days. To treat radiculitis, many prepare an ointment. Should you mix a bottle of tincture and a tube of baby cream, add? teaspoon ground red pepper. Use as a rub for radiculitis as needed.

People also have a recipe for treatment intervertebral hernias. The back area should be smeared. Separately, combine 1 teaspoon of water and the tablet, add 1/2 cup of honey. After fir oil, rub the honey solution into the back until it is absorbed (up to 5 minutes). Next, rub with cinquefoil tincture, wrap up, and go to bed.

Analogues of the drug

The cinquefoil plant is included in many external creams and balms and other preparations:

Medicine Other components Price, rubles
Sabelnik-Evalar, cream Soybean oil, pork fat 140
Sabelnik Forte Extracts of 13 plants, vitamins A, E, collagen

Marsh cinquefoil - perennial treatment plant With creeping roots and curved reddish stems. It usually grows in swampy areas, on the banks of rivers, lakes and in damp meadows.

People call it Russian ginseng. This nickname is no coincidence. with their own healing qualities cinquefoil is in no way inferior to the root of life and also masterfully crushes all kinds of diseases.

The cinquefoil tincture is a real storehouse of valuable substances and poses a threat to all malicious viruses.

The benefits of cinquefoil

About amazing plant There are different legends. Since ancient times, cinquefoil has been used as an effective medicine. For example, in Lapland, for a long time and to this day, they restore lost strength only with decoctions of this plant.

Russian ginseng contains an impressive amount of useful substances: it is vitamin C, which is responsible for the performance of the body, it is vital essential minerals– phosphorus, copper, magnesium, potassium, as well as flavonoids, tannins, carotene, essential oils.

Attention! The roots of cinquefoil, compared to its stems and leaves, have the greatest healing power. It is from the rhizomes that tinctures and decoctions are prepared.

Many ailments are counteracted by cinquefoil tincture. Indications for use:

  • joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis;
  • colds and flu;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic failure;
  • cancer diseases;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Decoctions of cinquefoil based on its leaves, roots and stems heal thrombophlebitis, tuberculosis, jaundice, hypotension, cholecystitis. They gargle and oral cavity for sore throat, gum inflammation, toothache. An aqueous infusion from the leaves and stems of the plant eliminates disruptions in metabolic processes, stops uterine bleeding. To the unhealed, purulent wounds apply fresh, finely chopped grass.

Important! In general, the medicinal properties of cinquefoil tincture are reduced to anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antimicrobial, astringent, slag-removing and diaphoretic effects.

Collection of medicinal raw materials

According to ancient belief, the leaves and stems of the plant must be collected during the new moon. This collection will be the most healing, since these days the plant juices, leaving the roots, settle in the upper part. In this case, the flowering time must also be taken into account.

The roots are dug up at the end of spring before flowering begins or in September, when the juices go down again due to the lack of upper parts plants. The collection of rhizomes should be timed to coincide with the full moon or the waning phases of the moon. This is due to the fact that the roots of the plant at this time contain the highest concentration of juices and positive energy.

If all the collection requirements are met, the cinquefoil tincture, the preparation of which does not take much time, will amaze you with its wide range of medicinal effects.

Medicinal recipes, or what Russian ginseng is capable of

Vodka tincture

Before making cinquefoil tincture with vodka, prepare the rhizomes. They should be pre-washed and dried in a draft (away from sun rays). Finely chop the finished raw material into 1cm-sized layers, place in a dark glass container with a volume of 1 liter, filling it 1/3 full, and fill with vodka (500 ml). Seal the container tightly and place in a dark, cool place for 21 days. Filter the finished drink and store it in the refrigerator.

A tincture of cinquefoil with vodka treats joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism), colds and flu, prevents the deposition of salts, cleanses the intestines, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes metabolism.

Scheme for using vodka tincture

  • IN for preventive purposes: 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day. Duration of treatment: 2-3 courses of 20 days each with 3-day breaks.
  • For the treatment of diseases: 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day, 20 days in each cycle, with a break of 3 days. The number of courses is determined by the doctor.
  • For exacerbations of illnesses: 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

For joints

The cinquefoil tincture is great for joints. It is rubbed on sore areas and used for compresses. The product makes cartilage tissue elastic and strong, eliminates inflammation and restores the functionality of joints.

To prepare a healing potion, grind the dried roots and stems of the plant. Place the raw materials in a 0.5 liter jar, filling only 1/2 of it, and fill it with high-quality vodka or 70% alcohol. Close the container tightly, place it in a dark place and leave for 21 days. Take 1 tbsp of the strained and squeezed drink. spoon 2-3 times a day before meals.
As you can see, preparing cinquefoil tincture at home is easy and simple.

Along with taking the tincture orally, it is recommended to apply lotions to the affected areas. For this, use a decoction: 3 tbsp. spoons of plant leaves are poured with boiling water (0.5 cups), boiled over low heat and removed, bringing to a boil. A gauze cloth is soaked in warm liquid and applied to the affected area.

Important! The use of cinquefoil tincture is possible only in the cold season. In addition, during the period of healing you should avoid sour, salty and spicy food, alcohol, other drugs and decoctions.

Classic decoction

Place dry crushed leaves or herb of marsh cinquefoil (1 tablespoon) in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours. Drink 50 ml of filtered broth 3-4 times a day before meals.

The drug is used against stomach pain and cramps, migraines caused by alcohol intoxication.

For herniated spine

In addition to all the described medicinal powers, cinquefoil tincture is also used for spinal hernia. To cure this disease, 100 g of raw materials (roots) are poured with a liter of vodka and left for 3 weeks. Take 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon, diluting with a small amount of water.

To stabilize pressure

Tincture of cinquefoil, the recipe of which is based on water, alcohol and vodka, is widely used to reduce high blood pressure. blood pressure. To prepare the healing agent, 2 tbsp. Place spoons of dried and crushed plant roots into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Drink the strained broth in small cups throughout the day.


Like all medicines, cinquefoil tincture has contraindications. Its reception is prohibited:

For your information! On initial stages treatment, all disease symptoms may worsen. But after this will come the long-awaited recovery.

It is worth noting that an overdose of the drug will entail side effects: body poisoning, nausea, headaches. To prevent this and use the tincture only for good, use it strictly within the specified doses.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Pain, discomfort, stiffness of movement, weakness of bone and cartilage tissue– negative symptoms experienced by patients suffering from diseases musculoskeletal system. Many potent drugs that reduce discomfort have a negative effect on many organs, irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, and provoke liver and kidney pathologies.

How to minimize negative impact without reducing the effectiveness of treatment? Will help medicinal plant- marsh cinquefoil. Tincture for joints is a product of the famous Russian company. Trademark"Evalar" is a centuries-old tradition of herbal medicine plus achievements modern medicine. Thousands of patients purchase cinquefoil tincture for therapy various types arthritis and arthrosis, gout, radiculitis.

Composition and release form

The anti-inflammatory agent is created on the basis of plant components. Active substance– extract from the rhizomes of marsh cinquefoil. An additional ingredient is ethyl alcohol (ethanol) in a volume sufficient to fill a 50 or 100 ml bottle.

Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil is clear liquid with a specific smell. The shade of the product varies from yellowish-brown to dark, red-brown. During storage, sedimentation and opalescence (impaired transparency) are allowed. The healing liquid is poured into dark glass bottles.


The use of cinquefoil has a complex effect:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces pain;
  • nourishes cartilage;
  • activates metabolic processes in the joint and periarticular tissues.


Tincture of marsh cinquefoil – popular natural remedy. High efficiency, reasonable cost, minimal list of side effects are only a small part of the advantages of a composition based on natural ingredients.

  • noticeable decrease pain syndrome, swelling after treatment of affected joints;
  • nutrition of cartilage tissue, activation metabolic processes various departments joints;
  • ease of use;
  • Possibility of use for a long period without negative influence on the body;
  • noticeable effect when various forms and stages of joint pathologies;
  • simultaneous use with drugs of the group allows you to reduce the frequency of use and dosage of potent drugs;
  • rubbing healing tincture has a positive effect on the condition of the joints, but the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines do not experience a negative effect;
  • Sabelnik Evalar tincture has an active anti-inflammatory effect;
  • the composition is always in pharmacy chains. Optional healing agent easy to make at home.

Indications for use

  • at ;


Restrictions on use are more related to the presence of alcohol in the composition of the drug, and not to the effect of the active component. Sabelnik extract rarely causes allergic reactions and does not affect the condition of the intestinal and stomach mucous membranes.

Composition with ethanol is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • patient age under 18 years;
  • lactation period;
  • brain diseases and injuries;
  • excessive sensitivity to the action of cinquefoil extract;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • chronic alcoholism.

Important! Patients with chronic pathologies of various types before use herbal remedy should consult with your doctor. In severe cases of the disease, alcohol tincture is not included in the list of compounds that have a positive effect on the affected organs. Using a composition with cinquefoil and ethanol without the recommendation of a therapist and narrow specialist often provokes side effects.

Possible side effects

Most patients do not complain about negative manifestations after using the drug. In the absence of contraindications, side effects occur infrequently.

In some patients while taking medicinal tincture Negative phenomena of cinquefoil developed:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergy.

Instructions for use and dosage

At the appointment, a rheumatologist or orthopedist-traumatologist will tell you the specifics of the appointment. herbal preparation. The patient must remember the presence ethyl alcohol, strictly adhere to the dosage.

Rules of application:

  • frequency of administration – three times a day, always 10 minutes before meals;
  • single dosage – a tablespoon;
  • external use is carried out daily. Rub a small amount of the product into sore joints, lower back or neck area;
  • the combination of local application with oral administration has greatest effect in complex therapy of diseases of various etiologies in the departments of the musculoskeletal system.

Information for patients! Herbalists recommend not only taking the healing agent internally, but also externally treating affected joints and painful areas in the back when cervical osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

special instructions

The patient should know several points related to treatment with cinquefoil tincture:

  • it is prohibited to increase the one-time and daily dosage: Maybe alcohol poisoning. When negative symptoms the use of sorbents, gastric lavage, drinking plenty of fluids. At allergic reactions recommended antihistamines, enterosorbents;
  • ethyl alcohol limits the use of cinquefoil tincture when operating mechanisms and vehicles. The patient should be as careful and attentive as possible if it is necessary to combine complex actions that require precision and accuracy with the use of a medicinal tincture;
  • the maximum single dose contains 2 ml of ethanol, the daily dose is 4 ml. Exceeding the concentration is unacceptable.


A herbal remedy with cinquefoil extract is available to most patients. A prescription is not required to purchase the drug.

Average prices:

  • bottle 50 ml – 125 rubles;
  • bottle 100 ml – 230 rubles.

Find out about characteristic symptoms and rules of treatment in adults and children.

Effective methods for treating reactive synovitis hip joint described on the page.

Go to the address and read the instructions for using Olfen in ampoules.

Additional Information

Before starting treatment, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • optimal storage temperature alcohol tincture– no more than + 25 C;
  • The opened bottle must be in a cardboard package, always with a closed lid. It is undesirable to allow sunlight to fall on a bottle with healing liquid: the active components are destroyed in the light;
  • The herbal preparation with ethanol has a shelf life of 24 months. It is prohibited to use expired product.

Sabelnik tincture: how to make it yourself

Some patients prefer to prepare the healing remedy themselves. A composition based on the rhizomes of marsh cinquefoil, prepared at home, is as effective as a pharmacy tincture.


  • rhizomes of marsh cinquefoil;
  • high-quality vodka - half a liter.

Preparation of cinquefoil tincture:

  • rinse the plant material thoroughly, chop it, put it in a jar (fill the container one-third full);
  • top up Reviver(500 ml), close the jar, put it in a cool place;
  • During cooking, no light should fall on the container;
  • After three weeks, the herbal medicine is ready. Strain the tincture, pour into a convenient container, and put in the refrigerator;
  • take in the same way as a pharmaceutical product with extract from cinquefoil rhizomes.

Analogs of medicinal product

Herbalists offer many formulations with positive influence to bone, cartilage and muscle tissue. Many funds for plant based easy to prepare at home.

Among the healing remedies high efficiency showed the compositions:

  • lilac tincture;
  • horse chestnut tincture;
  • propolis tincture;