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How to reduce the tumor: innovations. Cancer tumors can disappear on their own

The disintegration of the tumor is a fairly common phenomenon, it can be observed in most patients with malignant neoplasms. This process leads to an even greater deterioration in the well-being of patients, poisoning the body. harmful products exchange and even the emergence life threatening states.

Tumor decay means the death of cancer cells, which are destroyed and release toxic metabolic products. Is it good or bad? It is difficult to answer unambiguously.

On the one hand, against the background of decay, severe intoxication occurs, on the other hand, this is most often the result of treatment, which is designed to destroy cancer cells, so this process can be considered a natural manifestation of antitumor therapy.

However, it should be borne in mind that patients during this period may need emergency help Therefore, constant monitoring in a hospital is necessary.

The disintegration of a malignant tumor can occur spontaneously or under the influence of specific therapy, as mentioned above. Spontaneously, that is, by itself, a large-sized tumor often disintegrates, because the vessels may simply not be able to keep up with the increase in cell mass, and then blood supply disturbance, hypoxia and necrosis are inevitable. Neoplasms located on the skin or in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines can be injured mechanically, by action of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, so the risk of their destruction is especially high. Some tumors, notably Burkitt's lymphoma and leukemias, are themselves prone to tumor decay, and this must be taken into account in the treatment of such patients.

Necrosis of cancer cells provokes the development of the so-called rapid tumor decay syndrome (tumor lysis syndrome), which is manifested by severe intoxication. The death of a large number of cells leads to the release uric acid and its salts, potassium, phosphates, lactic acid derivatives, which enter the bloodstream, are carried throughout the body, significantly disrupt the acid-base balance and damage internal organs. A state of acidosis is created in the blood - acidification (lactate acidosis), which, coupled with dehydration, can cause a serious blow to the work of the kidneys.

Metabolic changes during the breakdown of a cancerous tumor include:

  • Increased levels of uric acid and its salts in the blood;
  • Increase in phosphate concentration and decrease in calcium;
  • Hyperkalemia - an increase in the concentration of potassium;
  • Acidosis (acidification) of the internal environment of the body.

Usually, the described changes accompany treatment and may persist for several days after the end of chemotherapy.

Circulation of a significant amount of uric acid in the blood and its salts can lead to their closing of the gaps renal tubules, collecting ducts, which is fraught with the development of acute kidney failure(OPN). The risk of such changes is especially high in patients who had any kidney disorders before the disease or the start of anticancer therapy. In addition, acidosis and dehydration both contribute to and exacerbate the manifestations of AKI.

Phosphate output from destroyed cancer cells provokes a decrease in the calcium content in the blood serum, which is accompanied by convulsions, drowsiness, and an increase in potassium coming from the focus of tumor growth can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, sometimes fatal.

In addition to these metabolites, cancer cells are able to secrete enzymes and other aggressive waste products, so the process of disintegration of tumor tissue can be complicated by inflammation, infection with suppuration, or damage to a large vessel with bleeding. These complications complicate treatment, worsen the well-being of patients and can cause sepsis and severe blood loss.

Symptoms of the collapse of a malignant tumor

The symptoms of tumor tissue breakdown are varied but very similar in most patients. This:

  • Great weakness, worse from day to day;
  • fatigue;
  • Fever;
  • Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased or lack of appetite, stool disorders;
  • When defeated nervous system possible violation of consciousness up to coma, convulsions, changes in sensitivity;
  • Arrhythmias, against the background of acute renal failure - often ventricular, cardiac arrest is possible;
  • progressive weight loss, extreme degree which - cancer cachexia(exhaustion);
  • Changes in the skin and mucous membranes - pallor, jaundice, cyanosis in violation of liver function, microcirculation.

At different types cancer, in addition to those described common symptoms, there may be other signs characteristic of a particular localization of the tumor.

Thus, decay often serves as a reason for attributing the disease to the fourth stage. Massive cell necrosis, skin involvement, infection lead to the formation of large and long-term non-healing ulcers, which in most cases prevent the oncologist from starting anticancer therapy as quickly as possible, since the latter can further aggravate cancerous decay. While the patient is undergoing antibiotic and detoxification therapy, the tumor continues to grow and progress, often leaving no chance for surgical treatment. The issue of treating decaying breast tumors is very acute, especially given the high frequency of late visits and running forms diseases among women.

prone to breakdown large sizes, then there is a high probability of perforation of the organ wall and the release of contents into abdominal cavity- peritonitis. Such peritonitis is accompanied by severe inflammation, infection of the peritoneum with digestive products and can lead to death, if the patient is not given urgent Care. Another manifestation of the collapse of a stomach tumor can be massive bleeding, which is manifested by vomiting with blood of the type " coffee grounds”, weakness, tachycardia, falling blood pressure and etc.

The decay is dangerous due to damage to the vessels of the intestinal wall and bleeding, and in the rectum, not only attachment is possible. severe inflammation, infection and suppuration, but also the formation of fistulous passages to other organs of the small pelvis ( bladder, uterus in women).

Decomposition is fraught with the penetration of air into pleural cavity(pneumothorax), massive bleeding, and discharge is added to the usual symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, pain a large number fetid sputum of a putrefactive nature. and

Prone to decay with a significant size of the neoplasm. When cancer cells are destroyed, pronounced inflammation and infiltration of surrounding tissues occur, and fistulas form in the bladder and rectum, through which the neoplastic process will spread to these organs. The decay of cancer of this localization is accompanied by severe intoxication, fever, and the widespread nature of inflammation in the small pelvis.

Signs of the incipient decay of a malignant tumor are always an alarming "call" that should not be ignored, so any deterioration in the patient's well-being should be a reason to exclude this dangerous state. It is especially important to monitor the condition of patients undergoing anticancer treatment.

Methods for correcting disorders in the syndrome of tumor decay

Treatment of tumor decay syndrome should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist and in a hospital setting. It includes:

  1. Antiemetics, sorbents, laxatives for constipation, with inefficiency - enemas, which not only remove stool, but also contribute to the reduction of intoxication by metabolic products.
  2. Infusion therapy for correction acid-base balance- the introduction of calcium preparations, glucose solution with insulin, aluminum hydroxide with an increase in phosphate in the blood serum, sodium bicarbonate. Perhaps acidosis during the collapse of the tumor - the only one justified case of (so infamously popular) use, but such treatment should only be carried out by a specialist and under strict control of the acid-base state of the blood.
  3. Hemodialysis when signs of acute renal failure appear.
  4. Antiarrhythmic therapy for cardiac arrhythmias.
  5. In case of anemia, the appointment of iron supplements is indicated.
  6. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which, in addition to stopping pain syndrome help reduce fever.
  7. Complete nutrition and adequate drinking regimen.

Before starting, in order to prevent complications, it is necessary plentiful drink and rehydration therapy for 24-48 hours.

With adequate prevention of the syndrome of disintegration of tumor tissue, the prognosis is generally favorable, and hemodialysis with developed acute renal failure contributes to almost full recovery kidney function. The key to a successful fight against this dangerous phenomenon is the patient's vigilance and constant monitoring by the doctor.

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the limits of the OncoLib.ru resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment in this moment, unfortunately, do not appear.

Cancer tumors- like time itself: they never stand still, and always develop and always in the same direction - from bad to worse.

However, this seemingly common truth is called into question by the data X-ray examinations breast and prostate cancer, accumulated over twenty years and published in the latest issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Apart from large tumors, in the absence of treatment leading to lethal outcome, the images show many smaller formations, the growth of which at some point spontaneously stops, and they begin to decrease in size. In some cases, breast cancers disappear altogether.

“Previously, it was believed that cancer is a linear process: a mutation occurs in a cell, over time, mutations accumulate, and this process cannot spontaneously go into reverse side, says NIH deputy director Barnett Cramer. “It seemed like an arrow flying only forward.”

Recently, however, it has become increasingly clear that cancer is not just a process of accumulation of mutations. Neighboring cells and even the whole organism as a whole take part in the development of the disease. For example, immune and hormonal systems capable of inhibiting or accelerating tumor development. Therefore, Dr. Kramer argues that cancer is a dynamic process.

Not all oncologists agree with this opinion, but new data are beginning to convince even skeptics. “I can’t say that I am 100% convinced that cancer is reversible, but I do not rule it out,” says Robert Kaplan, head of the department medical care School of Public Health at the University of Los Angeles, California. “The accumulated data give enough evidence for this.”

Cases of spontaneous disappearance of cancers in the testicles are well known. More than once it happened that after the removal of a testicle affected by a tumor, only a large scar or scar and a small tumor were found on it. During the time elapsed between the detection of cancer and the operation, the tumor spontaneously decreased or disappeared altogether.

Of course, such cases are rare. Dr. Martin Gleave, professor of urology at the University of British Columbia, Canada, calls cancer remission "a rare biological phenomenon."

Thea Tlsty, professor of pathology at the University of San Francisco, California, says that cancerous and precancerous cells can be found in the body of almost anyone who has reached middle age. This is evidenced by the results of autopsies of people who died from causes not related to cancer. “It turns out that the question is not so much why cancer develops, but why it does not develop,” says Dr. Tlsti.

Canadian researchers are now studying small kidney cancers. There are cases when these tumors also spontaneously regress even at a severe stage of the disease.

A group led by Dr. Gleve conducted an experiment in which they gave placebo pills to kidney cancer patients instead of drugs.

In at least 6% of patients, the tumors either shrank or remained unchanged. The same result was observed in the group of patients receiving conventional treatment.

Increasingly, small tumors in the kidneys are discovered on ultrasound or CT scans by chance these days, when patients don't suspect they have cancer, Dr. Gleve says. In the United States, such tumors are removed, but Dr. Gleave believes that surgical intervention is not always necessary.

The university where he works is participating in a nationwide study of small kidney cancers. The aim of the study is to trace the dynamics of the development of this type of cancer. The data obtained so far show that in 80% of cases within three years the tumors either do not increase or even decrease in size.

Of course, until doctors advise patients to delay treatment in the hope of a happy outcome, perhaps further study of the development of tumors will help them determine when treatment is necessary, and in which cases the tumor can be left alone.

Early diagnosis led to the fact that, according to Dr. Gleave, “not only large, but also very small fish get into our nets. Therefore, now it is necessary to understand which of the small fish can be released into the wild.

Surprisingly, they disappear. Over 1000 case studies document cases of spontaneous regression. Why is this happening and can doctors use the "self-healing" mechanism to help other patients?

The earliest spontaneous regression of cancer occurred at the end of the 13th century: in Peregrine Laziosi, after a severe bacterial infection bone sarcoma spontaneously disappeared. In the late 1800s, William Coley noticed that fever regressed to tumors. He developed a bacterial vaccine (Koli vaccine) that was successful in reducing tumors in many of his patients.

Tumors have been known to spontaneously disappear in the absence of any targeted treatment. As a rule, this happened after a viral, bacterial, fungal or even protozoal infection. Could this mean that simply stimulating the immune system is enough to cause the disease to regress?

Not so simple

Spontaneous regression has been reported over the past 70 years various types cancer: (skin cancer), and some . However, scientists still do not know the mechanisms that cause this phenomenon. Such cases are difficult to count, and many of them probably have not been reported in scientific journals.

One of possible causes spontaneous regression is that the body triggers an immune response against specific antigens placed on the surface of tumor cells. This idea is supported by the fact that some skin tumors (malignant melanoma) contain an excessively large number of immune cells inside the tumor.

Another interesting case- spontaneous regression of kidney cancer, which, after part of the tumor has been removed surgically. Probably, the local immune response after the operation was enough to stop the growth of the remaining part of the tumor.

As you know, tumors are diverse. This includes both their genetics and their behavior, which can lead to disease progression in some patients and cause spontaneous regression in others. Tumors of the same type (such as breast cancer) can mutate different ways. This can affect how fast the tumor grows, how likely it is to metastasize, or how it responds to treatment. It is very likely that genetic mutations also responsible for spontaneous recovery.

Childhood cancer gives clues

Neuroblastoma in children sheds light on how genetic changes can affect the spontaneous regression of cancer. In the UK, about 100 children are diagnosed each year, but the disease progresses very differently depending on the age of the child. Tumors in children under 18 months may disappear without any treatment (type 1), and after 18 months, patients need intensive treatment and survive only in 40-50% of cases (type 2).

Research shows that type 1 neuroblastomas are genetically different from type 2 tumors. They usually have large quantity cell receptor TrkA, which can cause cancer cells to self-destruct. Type 2 neuroblastomas have a higher amount of another receptor (TrkB), which makes them extremely aggressive.

Another possible explanation for this phenomenon is that type 1 neuroblastomas show very low levels of telomerase activity. This enzyme controls the length of the specialized pieces of DNA that allow the cell to continue dividing. In type 1 neuroblastomas, they are very short and unstable, leading to rapid death of cancer cells.

and cannot be excluded. They do not affect the sequence of cellular DNA, but change the activity of various proteins, "marking" other parts of the DNA. Thus, cells with the same DNA sequence (but different labels) can behave quite differently and lead to the self-destruction of some tumors.

The exact mechanisms underlying the spontaneous regression of cancer are still not defined. However, it is very likely that the stimulation of a strong immune response should play a greater role in people with certain genetic profiles. Further research will explore this association and suggest how tumors that have the ability to spontaneously regress can be identified.

I read two interesting articles. I present them with abbreviations.

It is believed that cancerous tumors do not stand still, but always develop in one direction - from bad to worse. But twenty years of breast and prostate cancer x-ray data, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, casts doubt on this truth.

In addition to large tumors, which are fatal if left untreated, many small formations are found on the pictures. At some point, their growth spontaneously stops, they begin to decrease in size, and in some cases disappear altogether.

"It used to be thought that cancer was a linear process, and it couldn't spontaneously reverse itself," says NIH associate director Barnett Kramer. “However, recently it has become clear that the immune and hormonal systems are able to suppress or accelerate the development of a tumor.”

New data are beginning to convince even skeptics. “I can’t say that I’m 100% convinced that cancer is reversible, but I don’t rule it out,” says Robert Kaplan, chair of the Department of Public Health at the University of Los Angeles. “The accumulated data give enough evidence for this.”
Cases of spontaneous disappearance of cancerous tumors in male testicles are well known. Sometimes, after removal of a tumor-affected testicle, only a large scar or scar and a small tumor were found on it. During the time elapsed between the detection of cancer and the operation, the tumor spontaneously decreased or disappeared completely (!)

Canadian researchers are currently studying small kidney cancers. There are cases when these tumors also spontaneously decrease, even at a severe stage of the disease.

Martin Gleave, professor of urology at the University of British Columbia, Canada, says that small tumors in the kidneys are often detected by ultrasound when patients do not suspect they have cancer. In the United States, these tumors are usually removed, but Dr. Gleave believes that surgery is not always necessary. In 80% of cases, tumors either do not increase or even decrease in size within three years.

Of course, while doctors do not advise patients to postpone treatment in the hope of a happy development. But perhaps further study of the development of tumors will help them determine when treatment is necessary, and in which cases the tumor can be left alone.
(From: http://newsland.com/news/detail/id/433647/)

And the second article

Some scientists argue that the spontaneous disintegration of the tumor can be caused by the refusal of food on certain period(complete starvation on water).
All abnormal growths in the body have low level vital activity, so they are easier to destroy. When fasting, abnormal tissues are destroyed and excreted faster than normal ones. The body is able to digest tumors and use the proteins and other nutritional elements contained in them to feed its vital tissues.

The law of a living organism is that when the function of decay exceeds the function of creation or nourishment, those substances that have least benefit for the body. Therefore, with strict and prolonged abstinence from food (starvation), all harmful accumulations such as wen, tumors, abscesses, etc. quickly decrease and are often completely removed.

Fasting reduces the amount of fat in the body, and just as it reduces the size of the muscles, it also reduces the size of the tumor or makes it disappear altogether.
Nothing causes such profound changes in metabolism as fasting. During fasting, the accumulation of excess tissue is carefully analyzed by the body. Healthy components are used to nourish vital tissues, while the rest are completely removed.

The rate of resorption of tumors in starving people is different (the reasons for this have not yet been studied). The rate of disappearance of the tumor is influenced by general state the patient, the amount of excess in the body, the type of tumor, its hardness or softness, localization, age of the patient.

The benefit of fasting is also that during it there is practically no decay of a malignant tumor, since the tumor does not die, but resolves due to lack of energy. nutrients. Due to this, less toxins enter the bloodstream, which has a positive effect on the patient's body. Therefore, the treatment of cancer by fasting is the most painless and harmless method.

Tumor elimination by autolysis (self-dissolution of cells and tissues) has several advantages over surgical removal. Surgery is always dangerous. After surgery, the tumors tend to return to malignant form. And autolysis physiological process and does not pose a danger, after it the tendency to relapse is small. In addition, fasting eliminates the tendency to malignancy.

Dr. J. W. Armstrong (England) says: “I have observed the treatment of female breast tumors by fasting with water. When the tumor becomes solid, one prolonged fasting gives no result. But if the swelling is mild, such fasting usually causes them to resolve."

Over the past fifty years, thousands of cases of spontaneous resorption of tumors have occurred in Europe and the United States. The effectiveness of this method is undeniable.
(From here.

Cancer, cancer nutrition, prevention


And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed; - this will be food for you; but to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every creeping thing on the earth, in which there is a living soul, I have given all green herbs for food. And it became so.

According to official figures, 70% of people in civilized countries suffer from overweight. In the scientific world, two medical schools that ignore each other are in fact complementary. On the one hand, researchers of influencing factors chemical pollution on the human body - shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes, in general, personal hygiene products, and other factors.

About linseed oil

University of Quebec professor Richard Beribeau, representing the second school, is leading 30 scientists researching cancer prevention research. He is the author of 200 publications in the scientific world, this is impressive.

And this is what he says: "One of the consequences malnutrition transformed products is the prevalence of "Omega - 6" fatty acids, over "Omega - 3". "Omega - 3" generates anti-inflammatory cells, that is, it improves anti-cancer immunity, "Omega - 6" generates the opposite - inflammatory cells in our body, that is, it clogs the vascular system.

Traditionally, our food was balanced, "Omega - 6" referred to "Omega - 3", as 1: 1. Hunters, gatherers, or farmers, livestock breeders, throughout history, consumed balanced food, natural, natural, but with the advent of industrialization V Agriculture, began to use mainly hydrogen-containing oils and oils from maize and sunflower, which contain only fatty acid"Omega - 6".

Consumption of fats supplied food industry, leads at the metabolic level to the distortion of "Omega - 6" to "Omega - 3", as 25: 1, that is, sunflower, olive, and other oils, we consume 25 times more than linseed, in which "Omega 3" fats sufficient amount for the life of the organism.

Inflammation of the arteries caused by "Omega 6" is an excellent environment for vascular sclerosis, diabetes and cancer.


Immunity weakens chemicals from hygiene products, pesticides from food, dirty air, the use of animal food (animal meat, eggs, chickens, fish, all dairy), and tumors appear in the body. They germinate blood vessels and begin to grow, and we feed them sugar and meat, because tumors need nutrients, this process is called angiogenesis. Gradually, tumors increase in size and spread throughout the body, this is called metastasis, that is, the appearance of metastases.

But! In certain foods we eat, called vegetables and fruits, among others useful substances, there are molecules that, thanks to pharmacological properties They work in the same way as some chemotherapy drugs. Some of these molecules are phototoxic, they destroy cancer cells, others cause apoptosis of cancer cells, that is, cancer cells destroy themselves. The third molecules are anti-inflammatory, blocking the inflammation necessary for the cancer cell and promoting its growth.

If there is any inflammation in the body, then a cancerous process may appear there at the appropriate time, cancer cell inflammation is needed, and some plants delay inflammation.

How can the anti-cancer potential of any food be determined?

So there is a bank of cancerous tumors, human cancerous tumors that can be found. For example - glioblastoma - a brain cancer that can be acquired, which was allowed to grow unhindered for 24 or 48 hours, and then the number of released cells was counted, scientists began to act on it with extracts of various products, for example, cherries, carrots - anti-cancer effect weakly expressed.

But take garlic, Brussels sprouts, cranberries, and please - glioblastoma is reduced by 90%.

So if you isolate these foods and create a cocktail of anti-cancer superfoods, and then you take a mouse that has been transplanted with a human cancerous tumor, it develops cancer. Then take a mouse and start orally, that is, through the mouth, injecting it with a cocktail of products with the most pronounced anti-cancer effect that was found earlier, and please, the result is a reduction in a cancerous tumor by 90%!!!

It is now scientifically proven that nutrition plays a huge role in the treatment and prevention of cancer!

And so, what palette of vegetables do we have?

White cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, purple cabbage, seaweed - algae, kale, horseradish, cucumbers, garlic, lettuce, spinach, celery, parsley, cilantro, green onion, onion, purple onion, white onion, green and red pepper, hot pepper, black pepper - peas.

Radishes, black radishes, turnips, pumpkins, beets, carrots, zucchini, squash, eggplant, ginger root, tomatoes.


Sour and sweet pomegranates, dates, lemons, avocados, apples, pears, grapes, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, olcha, bananas, persimmons, dates, pineapples, coconut, oranges, tangerines.

How to choose from the abundance of fruits and vegetables, vegetables and fruits with anti-cancer effect?

Here, too, the opinions of scientists are divided: some are against the use of fruits during an exacerbation, others support the use of sweet fruits.

But I will tell my opinion: during the period of exacerbation, it is dangerous to take sweet fruits, because they contain a lot of sugars, albeit in natural form, but the opinion of abstaining, at least temporarily, does not hurt. No wonder it is said in the Bible - Healthy eats everything - weak - vegetables.

It is fasting on vegetables with a low content of sugars that does not allow tumors to grow and gives a chance to find an alternative solution to the problem of cancer. That is, finding a doctor who can treat cancer with natural natural medicines- air, herbs and roots, nutrition.

The position described in the Bible is closer to me - eating vegetables. But what, it is not said there, it can be said, but you need to read carefully.

Robert O. Young suggests eating vegetables with an unsweetened taste and cocktails from them, this is the best option during an exacerbation.

1 - cohort

White cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, purple cabbage, seaweed - algae Brown, cabbage, horseradish, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, celery, parsley, cilantro, green onion, onion, purple onion, white onion, garlic.

2nd cohort

These vegetables contain more starches and sugars.

Radishes, black radishes, turnips, radishes, pumpkins, beets, carrots, zucchini, squash, eggplant, ginger root, tomatoes, all kinds of onions, dark-colored algae.

3rd cohort


Sea buckthorn, gooseberry, cranberry, raspberry, wild rose, barberry, myrobalans, currant.

During an exacerbation of pain different localization vegetables with a small amount of sugars are taken, since the tumor eats sweets. It is necessary to limit oneself in sweet preferences, preferences.


My leg began to ache, the pain was unbearable, terrible, it was impossible to move. It's hard to imagine.

What I've done?

Let food be your medicine. Hippocrates

I went on a fast on raw unsweetened vegetables for 9 days. I used only green vegetables, some onions, tomatoes (a little) and a lot of cucumbers, cabbage, greens, lettuce, spinach, radishes. I also used a little linseed oil and soy.

After 9 days, I forgot about my pain. This is God's miracle.

My friend Viktor Maksimovich, with the same diagnosis, went to the hospital, where he was stuffed with medicines. It's long and tedious. Everyone chooses his own path.

The greatest authority in the field of oncology, Robert O. Young, in his book Sick and Tired, writes that an initial diet based on the use of green vegetables frees the body of fungi within 8 weeks and gives a chance for recovery, of course there are additional natural preparations contributing to tumor suppression.

Of course, there are opinions of many people and that meat food useful and God allowed - to use it in nutrition, we will not argue, once allowed - use it, it's your choice.

Romans 14:2. For some believe that everything can be eaten, but the weak eat vegetables.

Romans 14:21. It is better not to eat meat, not to drink wine, and not to do anything that makes your brother stumble, or be offended, or faint.

You should always keep a diary of how you feel after eating the appropriate food taken, and you will write a databank of your own perception of a particular food. Hang this list in your kitchen and follow it.

Long life to you.

When the forest burns around, which of the animals will be saved? ... A rat. Indian wisdom

Before eating fruits, I poison tumors with hormones - vegetable poisons- celandine, hemlock, aconite, mistletoe and other plants. Tumors eat food that has entered the stomach 20 times faster healthy cells, so I deceive them, give them poisons and they “eat” them first of all, what happens to them later, only God knows, naturally they “die”.