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Expensive asd fraction 2 side effects. Application in veterinary medicine. Methods of application for various diseases

The drug ASD Fraction 2 does not have the official status of a medical drug for humans. Currently, its action is recognized and approved for use only in veterinary medicine and dermatology. The use of ASD for the treatment of diseases in humans is not legally allowed.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator (ASD) was developed in the middle of the 20th century as an experimental protection of living organisms from radiation exposure. The antiseptic received its name by the name of the creator - Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov, who headed the laboratory for the creation of the drug. The scientists of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine spent four years to manufacture the multifunctional product. During clinical trials found to be highly effective against a wide range diseases.

For reasons unknown to the end, the production of ASD Fractions by Dorogov's laboratory was stopped, and the drug did not take its rightful place in the register of official medicines. The daughter of the scientist O.A. Dorogova is seeking to include the drug in the list of officially approved drugs for the treatment of people. In modern pharmacology, there is no information on the development of ASD analogues


Uniqueness of ASD

At the initial stage of development, Dorogov took ordinary frogs for the production of the drug. Further, the feedstock was replaced by meat and bone meal. The replacement did not affect the effectiveness of ASD Fraction 2. The antiseptic is unique in that its energy manifestation is not aimed at eliminating microbes, but at strengthening the protective functions of the body. ASD is organically integrated into tissues and metabolic processes, stimulating the body to fight diseases. The ASD fraction is a tissue biogenic stimulant with immunomodulatory properties.

The ASD-2 preparation contains adaptogens - specific substances that living cell thrown away before death. When adaptogens penetrate into a living organism, there is a global mobilization of immune reserves. These properties of ASD are recognized as fundamental.

The positive participation of the drug ASD 2 in all vital processes of the body makes it possible to use it to combat many diseases, different in nature. The only drawback of the drug, according to experts, is its extremely unpleasant aroma.

Ingredients and appearance of the drug

ASD Fraction 2 is a water-soluble liquid, without signs of any microorganisms. The ingredients are organic acids and chemical compounds. Full squad drug:

  • closed (cyclic) compounds of hydrogen with carbon;
  • single (acyclic) hydrocarbons;
  • water;
  • organic compounds of carboxyl groups (carboxylic acids);
  • compounds that protect body proteins from radiation (sulfhydryl group);
  • substances produced by organic acids (amides).

Dorogov's stimulator is presented in the form of two drugs: ASD Fraction 2 and ASD Fraction 3. The first option is taken orally, the second is used for local surface application. ASD-3 is a viscous substance of a dark shade, soluble in oil, alcohol and ether. Has a powerful antiseptic action. The main composition of ASD is identical in both versions.

Impact on a person

Useful properties of ASD in medicine are based on biogenic stimulation of vital body systems. The medicine has the following effect:

  • activation of the central nervous system;
  • stimulation of vegetative processes;
  • normalization of activities gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • treatment inflammatory processes various etiologies;
  • stopping the progressive development of cancer cells;
  • elimination of bacterial infections;
  • stopping the process of reproduction of fungi;
  • regeneration of damaged body tissues;
  • increasing the body's resistance to the adverse effects of chemical, physical and biological factors;
  • destruction of microbes;
  • healing deep damage epidermis (for local application of ASD-3).

Effective use of ASD

The use of ASD Fraction 2 for humans is most effective in case of pathological changes in the organs of the digestive system.

  • ulcerative lesions duodenum and stomach;
  • colitis, gastritis and gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • helminthiasis (especially for children).

It is permissible to use ASD as a cure for colds. As part of the complex therapy of inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis and adenoma) in men.

In addition, the ASD Fraction effectively treats:

  • trichomoniasis infection;
  • fungal infections (candidiasis);
  • hypertension;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • enuresis;
  • gynecological pathologies (as an antiseptic for douching with erosions);
  • rheumatism, gout;
  • visual impairment;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • persistent lesions of the epidermis (dermatitis of various etiologies);
  • obesity.

Important: medicinal product ASD-2 and ASD-3 does not have medical accreditation for human use. The doctor may advise the drug, but will never prescribe it officially. Therefore, all responsibility for the consequences lies with patients who use an antiseptic voluntarily and independently.

Release form

The ASD fraction is produced in thick glass vials with a volume of 100 ml. The medicine is a sterile soluble liquid for oral use or topical application. Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator is patented, available without a prescription. ASD is prescribed by a veterinarian for the treatment of animals.

Practical use

The instructions for use developed for humans belong to the creator of the drug, A.V. Dorogov. There are several recommendations on how to use Fraction 2. Individual dosage and method of administration depend on the disease.

Scheme-1. The standard regimen-1 of admission is universal and is allowed for any diseases included in the list of indications. The dose of the drug is observed averaged.

The course of treatment according to the average method is up to 3 months. Method of application - orally half an hour before the first meal, once a day. The dosage on the first day of admission is 5 drops per ½ glass of water. On the second day - 15 drops. From the third to the sixth day, the dose is increased daily by 5 drops. The volume of water remains unchanged. On the seventh day, the body is allowed to rest. From the eighth cycle is resumed by adding a second evening dose of the drug.

Scheme-2. Contains a description of how to drink ASD-2 to eliminate certain diseases.

  • high blood pressure. On the first day, drink 5 drops in the morning and evening. The dose is increased daily by one drop until it reaches 20. Next, you should take ASD until the level of blood pressure is completely stabilized;
  • diseases of bones and joints. The dosage is 5 drops per dose. Reception schedule 5 days after 3. To achieve a better result, the treatment is supplemented with creams on the diseased areas;
  • trichomoniasis infection. Method of application - douching with an antiseptic solution, at the rate of 40 drops per half a glass of boiled water;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The dose is 10 drops for a single dose for five days. After a three-day break, the initial amount of the drug is increased by 5 drops daily. The maximum dosage is 25 drops;
  • unstable immunity, regular SARS. A solution diluted with boiled water: 7-8 drops per half liter of water, used for inhalation. This form of taking ASD 2 for prevention is acceptable for children;
  • skin diseases. The dosage is used according to scheme-1 for internal use, with the addition of daily compresses to the affected areas with ASD-3.

Scheme-3. It is an instruction for ASD 2 with oncological neoplasms in the body. The initial dose - 10 drops per appointment is prescribed to a cancer patient for five days. Further, every five days, 5 drops are added. The maximum limit is 50 drops of the drug. This method the fight against oncology has proven itself with positive side based on patient feedback. But at the applied dose, the simulator has a rather aggressive effect, and requires special care.

Objective contraindications

According to laboratory research, methods of using ASD 2 are not dangerous for humans. But, since there is no clear instruction for use, extreme caution is necessary when using it.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate without a preliminary examination. It has been proven that the stimulant is not compatible with alcohol-containing liquids (not only pure alcohol, but also alcohol-based tinctures), otherwise persistent side effects are observed. You should not drink Fraction for a long time in case of coagulation disorders (hemophilia), and allergic reactions undetermined nature.

There are no pronounced contraindications to ASD 2 from the vital systems of the human body, since the stimulant is not recognized by official medicine. To establish whether the drug is suitable for a particular patient is possible only empirically, under the constant supervision of a medical specialist.

The absolute contraindication of ASD Fraction 2 is the use of the drug during pregnancy. Adaptogens readily cross the placenta and can cause irreparable harm health of the unborn child.

Undesirable manifestations

When conducting a therapeutic course, side effects from the digestive system and the vestibular apparatus are possible. Continue to take an antiseptic, in this case, should not be.

Interaction with drugs

A thorough analysis of the compatibility with various medicines was not carried out. To avoid risk side effects, do not combine the stimulant and other tablets.

special instructions

The accepted solution of the drug ASD-2 cannot be stored in an open vial, because it has a tendency to oxidize.

This process kills the active substances of the drug, and makes its use useless. Also, random fragments of dust can get into the liquid. For correct use funds, you must follow certain rules:

  • pierce the rubber stopper with a disposable needle and syringe;
  • shake the contents of the vial thoroughly;
  • take medicine;
  • disconnect the syringe from the needle, and inject the medicine into the right amount of pre-prepared water;
  • the needle remaining in the lid can be removed or wrapped in a cotton swab;
  • do not arbitrarily change the method of administration and the recommended dose.

ASD-2 Fraction is not a panacea. With all the variety of useful properties, the fractional stimulant has not been studied to the ground, and is not allowed for full-fledged use in medicine.

The faction was opened during the Second World War. The development of a new generation drug was carried out in 1943. The purpose of the medicinal product is to protect humans and animals from the effects of radiation exposure. The mechanism of influence increases the activity of the immune system to fight infectious agents.

The All-Union Institute of Veterinary Medicine has developed an experimental drug that meets the requirements. Candidate of Sciences A.V. was appointed responsible for the issue. Dear. In the study, an unconventional approach was used - frog tissues became the raw material. They were processed thermally with condensation. In practice, the liquid had stimulating, wound healing, antibacterial properties. After a series of experiments, the remedy was named Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator.

The drug is not recognized by official medicine, and human use is not approved. There are no guidelines for using the drug, but doctors informally support prescribing it to patients.

An unofficial instruction for Dorogov's antiseptic was developed for two fractions (2 and 3). According to some sources, they are recognized as a panacea. List of common pathologies for treatment with antiseptic Dorogov 2 fractions:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. psoriasis;
  3. multiple sclerosis;
  4. infertility;
  5. arthrosis;
  6. prostatitis and impotence.

ASD 3 is used externally, helps to win infectious diseases, repair damaged skin, quickly cure burns and even frigidity.

How to apply the medicine

The fraction is indicated for the following diseases:

  • bacterioses;
  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • jade;
  • hepatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • angina.

According to some reports, the drug is used in obesity to eliminate excess body weight. Qualitative results are shown by douching the vagina with an antiseptic.

Practical observations have shown that not only venereal infections are eliminated; female diseases: tumors, erosion, uterine fibroids. Acne, eczema, dermatitis are treated with a combination of ASD 2 and 3.

The data of literary sources indicate the complete disappearance of neurodermatitis, psoriasis, fibromas during treatment for more than 1 year. The use of the drug allows you to do without surgery for fibroids and benign tumors large sizes.

For drugs, informal instructions have been developed that determine the dosage of the drug for various types of diseases. A number of scientific studies have revealed the effectiveness of the second fractional mixture on bronchial asthma. Medicine against this nosology has not developed effective analogues.

The classic SDA fraction 2 was not developed on the basis of frog tissues. Dorogov also replaced the starting components with meat and bone meal. The raw material has a similar efficiency compared to the historical counterpart, but is characterized by a less pronounced odor.

Fraction 2 Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, originally made for veterinary medicine, presented medicine with wide powers of use despite the efforts of officials to keep the drug out of the medical market for 70 years. Contrary to prohibitions, this unique drug can help in the treatment of a huge number of diseases of the human body.

What is ASD F-2

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator for fraction 2 is made in the form of a liquid substance with a precipitate in the form of flakes. The history of its discovery goes back to the 40s of the last century, when the question arose, the development and creation of a remedy for the treatment of animals.

The discovery technology refers to sublimation at high temperature of frog tissues. This technology achieves a step-by-step splitting of organics to components with a low molecular weight, equivalent to metabolites when cell metabolism, which is comparable to the activity of a living organism.

To obtain ASD F-2, today the method of dry high-temperature sublimation (from 100 to 500 degrees) is used, for which meat and bone meal is used. This does not impede the passage of ASD F-2 through the barriers that are exposed by the immune defense.

The drug takes root and adapts to tissue structures, reanimates the nominal level of hormones and the functioning of the central nervous system, increases the infectious barrier to disease. This literally means that the ASD F-2 does not fight germs, but stimulates the opening of doors for protective forces. In a mild form, it is integrated into mass transfer processes, brings cell activity to a normal level.

A living organism is arranged in such a way that at the moment of cell death, regardless of consciousness, substances called adaptogens are synthesized, which give a dying cell a chance to join the struggle for life. Getting into human cells, adaptogens at the physicochemical level reset information about the continuation of the struggle for life.

An example from homeopathy will confirm the transmission of information without a carrier. By diluting a particle of a medicinal substance by repeated dilution, the pharmacist achieves that not a single molecule remains in the liquid. However, with shaking during each dilution, the oscillatory movements of molecules and atoms exchange information about the molecule that was previously present here. medicinal substance works on the basis of the transmitted information. This fact was proved by German scientists in the early 70s of the XX century using the example of a sealed ampoule with poison in an aquatic environment.

Positive effect treatment of ASD F-2 is obtained due to the urgent convening of the body's protective guards at the cellular level. Using the drug orally, they achieve an increase in the work of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, stimulate the work of the glands of digestive secretions, enzymes with the normalization of digestion, increase the permeability of K, Na ions through cell membranes. And from the canons of electrobiology it is known that the K-Na exchange between extracellular and intracellular fluids creates a nerve impulse. The more pulses, the longer the cell lives. It turns out a long-awaited transition from increasing the life of the cell to gerontology (increasing the life of a person).

The author of the medicine, Aleksey Dorogov, considered the drug an extract from 100 diseases with a positive biological orientation. The tool has no serious contraindications and antigenic properties, is non-toxic, does not have a cumulative effect. The advantages include enhancing the properties and effectiveness of drugs that work autonomously.

The drug was officially developed for the needs of the veterinary department, for the treatment of animals. But unofficially used in the treatment of members of the Politburo, generals, marshals, writers in the USSR. ASD F-2 gave results that no similar drug of that time could boast of. However, medical scientists met this remedy with hostility and for 70 years they have not given the drug medical status.

Chemical composition

ASD F-2 is implemented with a mixture with a nauseating odor, which has high dissolution rates in water, alcohol and vegetable oil. The color is predominantly dark brown, the reaction is alkaline.

The drug contains 121 substances of the following composition:

  • water;
  • ammonium carbonate;
  • 16 amides of carboxylic acids;
  • 23 pyridine and aminopyridine;
  • 18 pyrazines and pyrimidines;
  • 3 piperidinones;
  • 13 pyrroles and pyrrolidinones;
  • 2 imidazolidinone;
  • 4 phenols;
  • uric acid;
  • quinolizidine;
  • furfural;
  • cyclodipeptide 1 and 2.

The acidity of the product at +20 degrees is 9.2 units, and the density is 1.08 grams per cubic centimeter. The volume of water is 730 grams per liter, the volume of ammonium carbonate is 300 grams per liter, the volume of organic matter is 55 grams per liter, the total nitrogen of organic matter is 1.34% by weight.

100 substances of the organic part of ASD F-2 correspond to structural fragments of biologically active substances, vitamins, antibacterial substances and perform a therapeutic function.

Beneficial features

  • Normalization of the nervous system;
  • Restoration of immunity;
  • Stimulation of the normalization of chronic processes;
  • Regulation of the endocrine system;
  • Neutralization of disorders in infections in gynecology - vaginal dryness, thrush;
  • Increasing the sexual function of men, curing senile impotence, normalizing female sex hormones;
  • Solving problems with urinary incontinence;
  • Stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract and secretion of the digestive glands;
  • Normalization of gastric enzymes;
  • Decreased acidity in the stomach (acidosis), which is common in most pathological processes, disinfection of the gastrointestinal tract, increased peristalsis;
  • Restoring the assimilation of food products;
  • Relief of inflammation in the lower regions of the intestine;
  • Stopping fistulas;
  • Regulation of tissue enzymes for the transport of ions to cell membranes;
  • Improvement of trophism (nutrition) of tissues;
  • Restoration of integumentary tissues due to wounds on the limbs;
  • Neutralization of intoxication;
  • The presence of an antiseptic effect;
  • Increase in the content of nucleic acids;
  • Activation of metabolic mechanisms - carbohydrates, proteins and lipids;
  • Increased lung assimilation of oxygen;
  • Neutralization of dystrophic disorders;
  • Restoration of the visual organ;
  • Raise total protein and gamma globulins in the blood;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Solving problems with varicose veins veins;
  • Manifestation and neutralization of latent infections;
  • Neutralization of colds - influenza, pneumonia;
  • Neutralization of pasteurella, tubercle bacillus and staphylococci;
  • Cancer prevention;
  • Neutralization of radioactive exposure;
  • Removal of pain;
  • Relief of eczema and trophic defects;
  • Restoration of skin elasticity;
  • Neutralization of fungal infections.


  • periodontal disease, stomatitis;
  • otitis;
  • diseases of the eyeball;
  • delay in hair growth;
  • heart disease;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • dysfunction of the stomach;
  • dysfunction of the large intestine;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • liver disease;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • hepatitis;
  • overweight;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • involuntary urination;
  • gout - excessive breakdown of proteins and inability of the kidneys to excrete uric acid;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys and spine;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the bronchi and respiratory system;
  • spasms of the vessels of the arms and legs;
  • varicose veins;
  • colds;
  • gynecology (trichomoniasis, candidiasis, fibroids, mastopathy);
  • prostatitis;
  • fungal diseases of the skin;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • rotting and non-healing wounds for several months;
  • eczema;
  • bedsores;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • violation of the lymphatic system;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • tumors dependent on hormonal imbalance;
  • oncological diseases (cancer of the genital organs and breast).

stumbling block for widespread use ASD F-2 serves as a fortification own forces organisms that mobilize to fight disease. The range of indications for the use of the drug is simply huge. It is all the more important that contraindications are insignificant.


For children

children oral intake drops are acceptable in the following doses:

  • 1-5 years - 1 per 3-5 milliliters of water;
  • 5-15 years - 7-35 per 5-10 milliliters;
  • from 15 years old - 17-35 per 10-40 milliliters.

For adults

To unify the reception, there is an average dosage for all diseases (this option is useful for those diseases, the method and reception of which are not described below).

DayNumber of drops in the morningNumber of drops
In the evening
1 5 10
2 15 20
3 20 25
4 25 30
5 30 35
6 35 35
7 breakbreak
Then use 35 drops twice a day

Application methods

An analysis of the conditions for using the ASD F-2 drug reveals a trend in the patient's age dependence, the number of drops taken, the nature and stage of the disease. The body may respond differently to treatment.

Reception according to the Dorogov standard

This technique is carried out for the general improvement of the body. 30 drops per 67 milliliters of water or tea at a temperature of +20 degrees. Use 5 days in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals, break - 3 days.

For weight loss

Take 35 drops (1 cubic centimeter) per 200 grams of water for 5 days, then a break for 5 days. Then 10 drops - 4 days, a break - 4 days, after 20 drops - 5 days, a break - 3 days. This is 1 cycle.

Baldness and weak hair growth

Rub a 5% mixture of medicine into the scalp.

For gynecological problems

Dorogov's technique suggests the use of the drug with simultaneous local irrigation with a 1% aqueous mixture. Douching is carried out until recovery.

Suppositories ASD fraction 2 are successfully used for cancer of the uterus and breast, myoma, mastopathy and chlamydia, in the treatment of hemorrhoids - 1-2 times a day for a course of 12-20 days. Thanks to them, the recovery time is reduced compared to similar means.


Douching with a mixture is carried out with a solution of 60 drops in half a glass of water.


Recipe 1.

Apply a 1% solution of the drug externally.

Recipe 2.

This recipe is used if out of 200 types of candidiasis, the patient got one of the 15 harmful strains that none of them take. pharmacy remedy. Douching with a solution of 35 drops per 500 grams of water 1-4 times a day.


For the first 3 days, use 10 drops per 100 grams of water 3 times a day 25 minutes before meals, break - 2 days. In the second 3 days, use 15 drops per 100 grams of water 3 times a day 2/3 hours after meals, break - 2 days.

Then, until the end of the month, use 20 drops per 134 grams of water 3 times a day 2/3 hours after eating, a break of 2 days.

Polycystic ovaries

Douching with a solution of 10 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 grams of water at a temperature of +37 degrees 1-4 times a day.

genital herpes

Douche with 1% mixture at night.

Prevention of sexual diseases

Douche with 2-3% warm mixture.

Enuresis, cystitis

In 135 milliliters of water at room temperature, dilute 5 drops of ASD F-2, take 5 days, break - 3 days.


Use half an hour before meals, 5 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 grams of water for 5 days, a break - 3 days.


Moisten a cotton swab with medicine and put it on the aching tooth.


Put compresses with the product or rinse sore ear. Inside, take 20 drops per 200 grams of water daily.

Eye diseases

Dissolve 4-5 drops of the product in 100 milliliters of water and use according to the scheme: 5 days reception, break - 3 days. It is also necessary to rinse the eyes with a 0.3% mixture (20 drops per 200 milliliters of water).

Problems of the nervous system and heart

Take 5 days, 10 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 grams of water, break - 3 days, add 5 drops every next 5 days, bringing the total amount to 25. If you feel worse, stop taking. Repeat after feeling better.


Reception starts with 5 drops in the morning and evening for 1 day. Every day add 1 drop, bringing up to 20 drops. Drink until the pressure stabilizes.

Gastritis, colitis

Reception according to the Dorogov standard, the medicine should be taken 1 time per day.

Gastric and duodenal ulcer

The drug should be used according to the Dorogov standard.

Cholelithiasis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis

Reception according to the Dorogov standard.

Rheumatism, gout

5 days - taking 5 drops per 100 milliliters of water, a break - 3 days. On painful areas put compresses with medicine.

Tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys, spine

The first 5 days, start taking 5 drops per 100 milliliters of water in the morning 25 minutes before meals, break - 3 days. Then, every 5 days, 5 drops are added, bringing the amount to 20. The time of admission is 3 months.

Spasms of the vessels of the arms and legs

From 4 layers of gauze, make a compress over the arm or leg, moisten the cloth with a 20% mixture. From above, wrap the compress with parchment paper and a layer of cotton wool 10 centimeters thick, secure with a woolen cloth. The course of treatment is 5 months, after which the blood circulation returns to normal.


Dilute 5 milliliters of the drug in 200 milliliters of water, use in the morning and evening. Continue the process until recovery.

Joint diseases

Compresses based on ASD F-2 are used in the treatment of rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic, rheumatic, infectious arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

For 100 milliliters of water, take 5 drops of the product. Drink the solution on an empty stomach 25 minutes before meals in the morning and evening for 5 days in a row, a break - 3 days. Repeat the course until a noticeable improvement in well-being.

At the same time, apply a compress of 6 layers of gauze soaked with a 20% mixture on sore joints at night. From above, cover the compress with parchment paper, a layer of cotton wool 10 centimeters thick and wrap it with a woolen cloth.

Colds and acute respiratory infections

Carry out inhalations of 15 milliliters of the product per 1 liter of boiling water. After 5 days of admission, take a break of 2 days.

Prevention of colds, treatment of runny nose and cough

Add 1 cubic centimeter of the drug to 100 milliliters of water. For prevention, take a single dose; for the treatment of a runny nose and cough, take in the morning and evening.

Psoriasis and other skin diseases

With epidermophytosis, trophic ulcers, urticaria, psoriasis, sycosis, lichen, alopecia, use 5 milliliters of the drug on an empty stomach. This should be done for 5 days, then 3 days - a break. Simultaneously with oral administration, use a compress from ASD F-3.

Oncology and HIV infection

ASD F-2 has proven itself in the treatment of cancer of a viral nature - leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis with the combined use of interferon and herbal medicine. In the treatment of cancer, the age of the patient, the area of ​​localization and the nature of the lesions are taken into account. The tool will relieve pain and stop the development of the tumor.

Gentle treatment regimen

Taking drops 25 minutes before eating in 40 milliliters of water:

DayNumber of drops 1-4 weeksNumber of drops 5-8 weeks
1 3 5
2 5 7
3 7 9
4 9 11
5 11 13
6 13 15
7 breakbreak

Monitor well-being, discontinue use in case of deterioration.

Shock treatment regimen

Scheme of taking the drug according to the Dorogov loading dose method used for treatment advanced cases cancer. The medication is taken with 40 milliliters of water.

DayBusiness hours
8, 12, 16, 20
DayBusiness hours
8, 12, 16, 20
1-5 5 36-40 40
6-10 10 41-45 45
11-15 15 46-50 50
16-20 20 51-55 55
21-25 25 56-60 60
26-30 30 61-65 65
31-35 35 66-70 70

The criterion for the usefulness of such a technique is well-being. If you feel worse, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Application features

ASD F-2 has a nauseating odor and oxidizes in an open vial, losing its active qualities. When using the drug, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Remove the central circle of the aluminum cap from the bottle.
  2. Use a needle with a disposable syringe to pierce the rubber stopper.
  3. Shake the bottle 3-4 times and turn upside down.
  4. Fill the syringe with the required amount of the drug.
  5. Separate the syringe from the needle, holding the needle in the rubber stopper, and lower the tip of the syringe into a glass of boiled water.
  6. To avoid foaming, slowly let the drug into the water.
  7. Stir the mixture and give the patient a drink.

It is important that foam does not form on the surface of the mixture.

Water should be boiled at room temperature. For those who cannot tolerate the smell of the drug (children, some women), water can be replaced with milk.

During the action of ASD F-2, toxins are formed from microbes and toxins. In order to actively remove them, you need to drink 3 liters of water per day. This is important for improving well-being.

For the period of treatment it is forbidden to use alcohol, so as not to harm the body.

The tool does not have a cumulative effect - it does not threaten overdose, a diet is not needed.

To perform compresses on gauze, you need to lay parchment paper to prevent evaporation of the product, a layer of cotton wool 10 centimeters on top and a bandage or woolen cloth.

Always take medication based on how you feel. In case of increased pain, temporarily stop taking and resume according to well-being with a possible dose adjustment.

It is best to store the medicine in the refrigerator. The shelf life of ASD F-2 is up to 4 years.


Using this universal remedy with a powerful biostimulating effect, you should be careful about the dosage, regimen and not take risks with large doses. The ASD F-2 tool has contraindications:

  • allergy to components;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney disease;
  • weakened body;
  • overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • cardiovascular diseases in children;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • it is unacceptable to use the product together with nitrosorbide.

Side effect

  • Nausea and vomiting that appears at the first time of use and gradually disappears.
  • Pain in the kidneys. In this case, the medication should be stopped.
  • Thickening of the blood. To avoid this, it is necessary to increase water consumption to evacuate harmful substances.
  • The use of the drug during breastfeeding can cause nausea and refusal of the child to eat.

It is important to correctly determine the dosage and exclude alcohol during the period of taking the drug.

Thousands of drugs are registered in Russia and are widely used in various fields of medicine. However, there are among the popular drugs and those that cannot be called a drug in the generally accepted sense of the word. We are talking about the ASD, which is very popular today, or Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator.

Being officially registered as a drug for use in veterinary medicine, ASD 2 has a fairly extensive experience of use in a variety of human diseases. Wherein official medicine completely and irrevocably denies the possibility of using ASD, emphasizing its potential danger and absolutely unproven effectiveness. At the same time, numerous reviews of those who took a chance and began to be treated with this drug say the exact opposite.

So what is ASD 2 - the elixir of life, as its fans claim, or poison, as its opponents do not get tired of repeating? What is included in its composition, how does the drug work, how is it used in veterinary medicine and medicine? We will answer these and many other questions in a short series of articles on ASD. And let's start with the drug ASD fraction 2, intended for internal and external use.

Quite a bit of history

The creator of the drug ASD was a laboratory scientist of the Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Alexei Dorogov. It happened in 1948. It was then, according to information, that the scientist managed to make an original remedy based on the product of deep decay of animal tissue due to thermal impact. Dorogov used the most common frogs as a feedstock, but the method of obtaining active substance was based on high-temperature treatment of a tissue sample with subsequent condensation of the resulting liquid.

According to a rather well-known legend, ASD was created as part of a government call for Soviet pharmacists to develop an affordable and effective drug that could protect a person from radiation exposure. At the beginning of his work, Dorogov used only frogs as raw materials, but later he replaced it with ready-made meat and bone meal. According to the developer, this could not affect the properties final product, which undergoes heat treatment at high temperatures - according to his teachings, after exposure to high temperatures, the "memory" of the origin of raw materials is erased. In this case, several fractions are formed: the first, which is of no interest to scientists, the second and third. It was the second one that became the object of close attention not so much of veterinarians as of consumers.

According to some reports, at the dawn of its existence, ASD 2 demonstrated such amazing results in the treatment of the most various diseases- we emphasize - in humans, that it was even included in the holy of holies of pharmacology of the second half of the 20th century - a reference book of medicines by D. Mashkovsky. This fact, in fact, is already a recognition. However, it did not last long: soon the drug was transferred to the category of veterinary drugs.

The history of the discovery, success and oblivion of ASD 2 (as well as ASD 3, by the way) is shrouded in mystery. Numerous articles on the Internet and magazines copy information, replete with combinations of "intrigues of envious people", "secret formulas" and others in the same vein. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find real, reliable sources that, without emotions, clearly describe what obstacles and why arose on the thorny path of the ASD.

Of course, this situation does not add credibility either to the sources trying to depict the "strange" medicine, or to their authors, or to the "miraculous" remedy itself.

However, our task is to try to draw an objective picture of what is happening. And, therefore, it must be emphasized that ASD 2 is a drug that is actually and officially used in veterinary medicine, including today.

Composition and form of release of ASD-2

As we have already said, ASD is a decomposition product of organic tissues that are of animal origin. The idea of ​​creating drugs based on such raw materials is far from new - remember the same Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin, and so on.

According to the instructions, fraction 2, that is, ASD 2, has a very complex composition, which includes:

  • Low molecular weight organic substances
  • Choline, choline esters
  • Peptides
  • Inorganic compounds containing nitrogen, including ammonia, ammonium salts, acid amides.

In general, up to a third of the composition of ASD 2 falls on ammonium salts, another third on fatty acid amides, about 10-12% on various organic substances.

The drug is a liquid, the color of which can vary from yellow to red-brown.

A distinctive feature of ASD 2 is specific smell- according to numerous consumer reviews, it has a pronounced unpleasant, even fetid character.

In addition, the ASD 2 solution may have a precipitate in the form of flakes.

The drug is produced in glass bottles sealed with rubber stoppers and run-in aluminum caps. The hologram of the manufacturer of the drug on a rubber stopper is a sign of the originality of ASD 2, produced by the Armavir Pharmaceutical Factory. If it is absent, perhaps the drug is non-original, simply falsified.

Properties of ASD 2

The veterinary drug ASD 2 belongs to the group of immunostimulants. According to the manufacturer, it has a complex effect on the body of the animal, namely:

  • Increases the activity of enzymes - both tissue and digestive
  • Has a powerful antiseptic effect
  • Improves the functioning of the endocrine system
  • Normalizes the function of muscle tissue
  • Activates the restoration of damaged organs and tissues
  • Participates in the process of protein production.

In addition, according to some reports, the special value of ASD 2 lies in its adaptogenic properties. Presumably, this remedy plays the role of a powerful immunomodulator that restores the protective capabilities of the body and thereby normalizes the work of all organs and systems without exception.

It is known that the stimulating effect of ASD 2 in the treatment of animals is manifested when it is used in low dosages. In a dilution of 1:3000, the drug already has a noticeable effect on the work of the heart, reducing the amplitude of heart contractions and increasing their frequency. Nevertheless, the ASD 2 fraction is recognized as low toxic and well tolerated by animals. different ages and kind.

Note that the properties of ASD 2 when used in medicine have not been studied. Reliable studies that would demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of this drug for the treatment of people have not been conducted. It is also definitely unknown how ASD 2 affects the human body, what effects it exhibits and what adverse reactions it causes. Consumers who decide to use ASD 2 to treat their own diseases act at their own peril and risk, experiencing veterinary drug on yourself. But back to the animals and the indications for which they are prescribed ASD 2.

Indications for use in veterinary medicine

According to the instructions for use in veterinary medicine, ASD 2 is prescribed for the most various diseases in animals, including:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system
  • Diseases of the urinary and reproductive system
  • Dermatological diseases
  • Metabolic disorders.

In addition, ASD fraction 2 can be used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, immune protection, growth stimulation and for other purposes.

So, the list of indications for the use of the drug in veterinary medicine is so extensive that it practically includes diseases of all organs and systems. In fairness, it should be noted that the use of ASD 2 for the treatment of animals has actually been studied quite deeply by specialists. The results of their studies confirmed a number of effects of the drug, namely:

  • Stimulating effect on digestion
  • Activating effect on the growth and development of animals
  • Beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, metabolism.

Studies have also shown that ASD 2, due to its antiseptic effect, shows encouraging results in various skin diseases, as well as soft tissue infections, wounds in various animals. According to some reports, it has been shown positive influence drug at dermatological diseases in a person. Moreover, there is information that indicates the ability of ASD 2 to have a so-called trichomonadocidal effect.

According to the instructions for use, animals tolerate ASD 2 well.

It is impossible to say with certainty that ASD 2 is safe when used in humans, primarily because the drug has not undergone any clinical trials or pharmaceutical analysis.

However, ASD 2 is widely used in alternative medicine.

For what diseases in humans is ASD 2 used?

Before proceeding to the description of the indications for which ASD 2 can be used, we note once again that this drug does not have clinical experience applications in medicine. By deciding to take ASD 2, you accept responsibility for possible side effects.

So, there is evidence that ASD 2 has a therapeutic or at least beneficial effect in the following diseases in humans:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract - gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, tumors of the digestive system
  • Pathologies of the respiratory organs - bronchitis, especially chronic, emphysema
  • tuberculosis, and different localization- lungs, bone tissue
  • Otorhinolaryngological diseases - pathologies of the ear (otitis), throat (tonsillitis), nose (sinusitis, including sinusitis)
  • Respiratory infections (flu, colds). ASD 2 is used as a treatment acute form SARS, and for their prevention, for example, during epidemics
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract of various origins
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. In the acute phase of the disease, it may be advisable to stop treatment and resume it after improvement.
  • Diseases of the urinary system
  • Gynecological pathologies, including benign (fibroids, polyps) and malignant neoplasms
  • Erectile dysfunction, prostate adenoma
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteoarthritis, rheumatism, gout
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Overweight, obesity.

According to some reports, ASD 2 is used to improve the condition of urinary incontinence, thrush and even toothache. At the same time, in the last two cases, it is proposed to use it externally. Given the very bad smell and the taste of this remedy, the likelihood of using this remedy for such purposes seems rather doubtful.

How is ASD 2 used to treat people?

Of course, there can be no talk of any official formulation and dosages approved by health professionals. All existing schemes treatments are approximate. Moreover, the sources themselves, publishing courses of therapy for "human" diseases using ASD 2, also cannot be called reliable. And if you decide to take ASD 2, this fact should be remembered.

So, according to the available information, ASD fraction 2 can be used in two versions:

  • Orally, that is, inside
  • Outwardly.

There are many treatment regimens for ASD 2, which offer different sources for different diseases. Their number is truly enormous, and the reliability, alas, is doubtful. We decided to focus only on the most popular ones.

First scheme oral intake ASD 2 was developed by the author of the methodology and the developer of the drug Dorogov.

The course of treatment according to A.V. Dorogov

In accordance with this technique, the dosage of ASD fraction 2 does not change during treatment, amounting to 15-30 drops twice a day. The drug is diluted in ¼-1/2 cup of liquid (it can be cold boiled water, milk, tea) and taken 20-40 minutes before meals.

The treatment regimen is "pulsating" in nature:

  • 5 days of taking the drug
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days of admission
  • 3 days break and so on, until recovery.

With severe oncological diseases Dorogov recommended an "aggressive", rich regimen for the treatment of ASD 2, which involves the use of the drug in high doses.

In accordance with it, the remedy is prescribed 4 times a day: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours daily

First - 5 drops 4 times a day for 5 days

The second - 10 drops 4 times a day for 5 days

The third - 15 drops 4 times a day for 5 days and so on until the 10th course, in which 50 drops are taken 4 times a day until complete recovery.

It should be noted that such doses of the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

There is also a more gentle scheme of therapy cancer ASD faction 2.

Dorogov also developed schemes for the external use of ASD 2.

So, for gynecological pathologies (for example, trichomonas colpitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis), he recommended douching with a 1% solution of ASD 2. To prepare a solution of this concentration, it is necessary to take 1 ml of the drug for 100 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature.

With gout, degenerative diseases of the joints, compresses from ASD 2, diluted in a ratio of 1:20 with any vegetable oil (for example, 1 ml of the drug and 20 ml of oil) can be applied to the affected areas.

The course of treatment based on the developments of M.P. Tushnov

Another fairly popular technique was developed on the basis of the materials of the founder of the so-called tissue therapy, the Russian pathophysiologist M.P. Tushnov.

Note that Academician Tushnov himself has nothing to do with the ASD 2 preparation or the treatment method. He died before the remedy was created. But it was this scientist who developed a method for treating various diseases with preserved tissues of plant or animal origin. Based on this theory, the corresponding schemes for taking ASD 2 were also created.

The dosage of the drug, in accordance with this scheme, varies:

  • 5 days - 5 drops in ½ glass of water in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days - 10 drops in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days - 15 drops in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days 20 drops in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break.

Important: in case of exacerbation of the disease while taking ASD 2, it is necessary to cancel the drug until the condition improves, after which treatment can be resumed.

The course of treatment according to Trubnikov

A follower of Dorogov's teachings, V.I. Trubnikov, developed a treatment regimen for ASD 2, adapted to the age of the patient.

1-5 years: 0.2-0.5 ml diluted in 5-10 ml of water

5-10 years: 0.2-0.7 ml in 5-15 ml of water

15-20 years: 0.5-1.0 ml of the drug in 10-20 ml of water

20 years and older: 2-5 ml of the drug in 40-100 ml of water.

General rules for drug treatment

There are a number of general rules that apply to all schemes for using ASD 2.

  1. Only ASD 2 can be used inside. Fraction 3 (ASD 3) is used exclusively externally!
  2. When dosing the drug, care must be taken, since it may lose activity in direct contact with atmospheric oxygen. To prevent this from happening, you need to draw the required amount of the product with a sterile syringe, without removing the rubber cap, but piercing it with a needle, and then slowly inject the medicine into boiled water, avoiding the appearance of foam. After that, you need to mix the drug with water and drink it immediately.
  3. To dilute the medicine, only boiled water at room temperature or milk should be used. Some sources also suggest using tea and even grape juice for this purpose, for example, in the treatment of children, in order to mask the taste. However, the probability that it will be possible to "hide" the organoleptic properties of ASD 2 tends to zero.
  4. According to consumer reviews, ASD 2 has so bad taste and smell that it can be difficult to take it. Some sources even state that it is better to take the medicine outdoors than indoors. There are whole methods to overcome vomiting reflex when taking ASD 2. Some authors suggest holding your breath, others - closing your eyes, others - closing your nose with your left hand, and others - doing all these manipulations at the same time.
  5. During treatment, it is recommended to completely abandon the intake of alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, the drug will be ineffective. In addition, while taking ASD 2 and alcohol, various side effects may develop.
  6. While taking ASD 2, it is important to observe the drinking regimen: you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. This allows you to remove toxins from the body and improve the result of treatment.
  7. Some sources claim that with prolonged use of ASD 2, there is a tendency to thrombosis (the blood becomes more "thick"). In order to combat this side effect, many advise increasing the consumption of lemons, cranberries. It may be worth discussing with your doctor the appropriateness of taking blood thinners, in particular acetylsalicylic acid in low doses (75-150 mg per day).
  8. According to various sources, fakes of ASD 2 have recently been found on the market. It is impossible to refute or confirm the correctness of this information. However, common sense tells us that falsifying is very inexpensive drug, which has such pronounced organoleptic properties that it is almost impossible to forget them, it is not so easy. In addition, the expediency of fakes in this particular case is doubtful. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that ASD fraction 2 produced by the Armavir biofactory and the Moscow company Agrovetzashchita is registered on the domestic market of veterinary drugs.

Instead of a conclusion

Finally, I would like to emphasize once again that sources offering information about the methods of treating ASD2 and even the results of therapy cannot be called reliable. For the entire period of the existence of the drug, not a single scientific article about it has been published. All information is scattered and sometimes mutually exclusive. Consumer reviews also cannot be considered reliable evidence of the effectiveness and safety of ASD 2. Keep this in mind if you decide to start treatment with a remedy against which both scientists and doctors have unanimously rebelled against the use of which to treat a person.

ASD fraction 2 It is considered the elixir of immortality, which the ancient alchemists so sought to create. That is why the use of the ASD-2 fraction for humans is a panacea for most modern diseases, including cancer and gynecological diseases. In addition, this medicine, discovered quite unexpectedly, is successfully used to treat people and animals. Initially, it was developed as an antiseptic stimulant that helps develop and strengthen immunity from radiation exposure and pathogenic microscopic organisms in animals. While clinical studies have been ASD medicine 2 opened its properties from the other side. Thanks to these again open properties some scientists called this medicine a universal remedy that helps complete healing from most diseases. So what is ASD 2 anyway? Is this a unique cure or another self-deception? 1

How and when was the drug ASD-2 created?

The middle of the 50s of the last century became a breakthrough time for the scientific world of medicine in the USSR. During this period, on behalf of the government elite the best minds countries have taken up a new drug aimed at treating lack of immunity. In addition, minimal financial resources were allocated for its creation. Under such conditions, even the luminaries of science of that time could not create anything.

Therefore, when the little-known young scientist Dorokhov A presented the veterinary drug ASD fraction 2, the scientific council was amazed! This gifted scientist, who received the title of candidate medical sciences, a fraction of amphibian frog tissue was used to create this medicine.

The part of the working material extracted in this way underwent special processing by means of thermal catalytic sublimation and further condensation. Full technological process The production of this drug has long been a state secret, recently revealed. And the original composition of the fraction obtained by the discoverer is still unknown. ASD from the very beginning of its discovery was endowed with the ability to heal wounds on the surface of the skin and had an antiseptic and adaptogenic effect. This antiseptic stimulant was named after the creator, Ph.D. A. Dorogov of the second faction.

Although ASD - 2 is considered a universal cure for diseases that has no contraindications. The selection of the dosage and control over the correctness of the intake is carried out by the attending physician.


What properties does this miracle drug have?

Dorokhov's antiseptic stimulator turned out to be a drug that helps fight damage to human tissues and strengthen the immune system. After some research, the raw material base for the creation of this miraculous drug has expanded. As a result, instead of a frog skin, meat and bone mass seized from a large animal is used. cattle. She, when carrying out chemical processes, was endowed with the same useful properties and characteristics.

The first extracted fraction has no biological activity and is a ballast.

Fractions ASD-2 and ASD-3, which were created later, are able to dissolve without residue in water and solvents with an organic base or fats. Unlike the second fraction, the third is only suitable for external use. The second fraction is designed for oral administration. Both of them turned out to be extremely effective and helped doctors save people from skin diseases, cure bronchial asthma, as well as various oncological and gynecological diseases long thought to be incurable. Among other things, these fractions are used as disinfectant to clean wounds. With their help, stop bacterial lesions and treat psoriasis.

Due to its bioactivity, this drug is used to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis and all kinds of eczema, bronchial asthma and cancer.


What is the biological activity of ASD - 2?

The name of the drug, assigned to it by the creator, indicates that it is powerful antiseptic, which is endowed with an adaptogenic action of great strength. This medicinal product is capable of short term easily overcome all natural barriers established human body. Thanks to this, ASD-2 penetrates inside human cells in a short period of time, where it has therapeutic effect. The full compatibility of the drug with the human body at the biological level has been proven, and no side effects have been found. Contraindications ASD fraction 2 after numerous studies have not been found. Therefore, the use of ASD - 2 during pregnancy is possible, but only in the most extreme cases and with the permission of a doctor. There is still one single drawback - the not very pleasant smell of spoiled meat, which is very pronounced. It is caused by the fact that this drug contains putrescine and cadaverine (protein breakdown products). Unfortunately, the smell cannot be completely eliminated. This drug does not accumulate in the patient's body and exerts its biological effect. active influence At once. Therefore, even after prolonged use of ASD-2, the biological activity remains at the same level as before the start of the direct intake of the drug. ASD-2 has the following chemical composition: aliphatic compounds of polycyclides, sulfates and carbohydrates, water and aminopeptides in complex with the active group of sulfhydryls. It is suitable for internal and external use and is a composition of yellow or brown color, endowed with a special odor.


How can ASD fraction 2 be used to treat people?

Dilute 15 to 30 drops remedy 1/3 cup boiled water or tea, cool temperature. You need to drink a fraction diluted in this way 2 times a day, immediately 20-30 minutes before the planned meal. The course of taking the drug lasts 5 days. Then you need to stop taking the drug for 3 days. The further scheme for receiving ASD-2 is similar. The medicine is used until the complete recovery of the person.


What are the features of taking ASD for the treatment of certain diseases?

During the treatment of various diseases, the instructions for using ASD for a person differ from each other. Here are some of them:

  1. If you are inflamed eyeballs, then the rules for taking ASD - 2 are as follows: 4-5 drops of medicine are added to ½ cup of pre-chilled boiling water and taken for 5 days. Further, according to the scheme, there is a break for a period of 3 days;
  2. ASD in gynecology is taken according to the classical scheme. In addition, for the effective treatment of such diseases, ASD-2 douching is widely used in gynecology with a 1% aqueous solution of this drug;
  3. Treatment with ASD - 2 in the fight against diseases of the heart, liver and nervous system is as follows: for 5 days, take a prepared solution consisting of 10 drops of the drug, diluted in half a glass of boiled water. This is followed by a 3 day break. After which in drinking solution every 5 days of admission, 5 drops of the drug are added, gradually bringing their number to 25. It is necessary to drink the medicine in this dosage until the state of the body is completely stabilized. If there is an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to resume treatment until the complete disappearance of all pain;
  4. In case you're tormented toothache, it is necessary to use compresses applied directly to sore spot. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with drops of ASD-2 and place it on the surface of the tooth;
  5. ASD drops for humans are used to treat hypertension. In this case, it is necessary to drink it as follows: starting the course of treatment with 5 drops dissolved in 0.5 tbsp. boiled water, drunk 2 times a day. Gradually, by adding one drop of the drug, their number is adjusted to 20. The use of the solution is not stopped until the pressure is completely stabilized;
  6. For the treatment of tuberculosis, the method of using ASD is as follows: a three-month course of treatment begins with taking 5 drops of the drug diluted in 0.5 tbsp. water per day, taken on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. After a five-day course of treatment, a 3-day break is made. Then take the drug already 10 drops during the prescribed period. After the next break, the dose is increased by another 5 drops, after the third mandatory respite, 20 drops of ASD are taken daily - 2;
  7. In the treatment of candidiasis, external use of ASD - 2 is necessary. For this, compresses moistened with a 1% solution of the drug are used;
  8. Scheme of using ASD - 2 for a person in case of treatment cholelithiasis or pyelonephritis standard and described above;
  9. For diseases such as rheumatism and gout, it is taken according to the 5:3 scheme, that is, a solution is taken for 5 days, consisting of 4-5 drops of medication and 0.5 cups of chilled boiled water, after which the medicine is not taken for 3 days. Also, in parallel, therapeutic compresses are applied to the pain centers;
  10. It is necessary to take ASD - 2 for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and colds in the form of inhalations. To do this, dilute 15 ml of the drug with 1 liter of boiling water and take until the body is fully restored. For the prevention of colds, 1 ml of ASD is dissolved in half a glass of water;
  11. To cure impotence, you need to drink a solution of 4-5 drops of the drug dissolved in half a glass of pre-chilled boiled water 25-30 minutes before meals according to the standard scheme;
  12. In order for your hair to start growing faster, rub the scalp with a 5% solution of ASD - 2;
  13. To drink a fraction for the prevention and treatment of a runny nose and cough, it is necessary as follows: dilute 1 ml of the therapeutic agent in ½ glass of water and take it twice a day;
  14. Enuresis is treated with a solution that is prepared as follows: take 2/3 cup of chilled boiling water and dilute 5 drops of medicine in them. Take according to the scheme 5/3;
  15. During treatment various forms peptic ulcer a standard course of treatment is carried out;
  16. Gastritis or colitis is treated as usual, but the solution needs to be applied only once a day;
  17. With excess weight, take 35 drops of the drug, dissolved with 1/5 liter of water, and drink for 5 days. After that, take a 5 day break. The next 4 days they drink 10 drops, after which they stop taking the medicine for 4 days. Cycle 3 has a ratio of 5:3, that is, 5 days of medication and 3 days of rest. The daily dosage of the drug in this case is 20 drops per day.
  18. With trichomoniasis, douching of the uterus and vagina helps with the following solution: 60 drops of ASD - 2 per 100 ml of water;
  19. To relieve spasms of the vessels of the lower and upper extremities, it is necessary to make a gauze “stocking” and moisten it with 20% medicinal solution. Such a course is carried out for 4 months and helps to completely normalize blood circulation;
  20. With otitis, compresses are made with ASD - 2, and the sore ear is also washed. In addition, the drug is taken orally. To do this, dilute 20 drops of the drug in 200 ml of water and take it daily until complete recovery occurs.

Since ASD - 2 belongs to the group of potent stimulants for the nervous system and can lead to great overexcitation, it should not be used to treat children suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system), as well as increased blood pressure or pathologies of a neurological nature.


Is ASD-2 effective in the treatment of cancer?

Dorokhov considered the use of the ASD-2 fraction in oncology to be quite reasonable and effective, especially in the case when the cancer is in its initial stage and has not had time to acquire an irreversible form. In the presence of skin cancer, as well as various tumors of the subcutaneous type, the scientist advised patients to do therapeutic compresses. In the treatment of cancer, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on the size and location of the tumor, as well as taking into account all physiological and age features the patient's body. And also, the degree of its development should be taken into account, Dorokhov argued.

It is necessary to use ASD-2 in oncology to significantly reduce pain, as well as to significantly slow down the rapid development of various malignant neoplasms. In the most difficult cases, Dorokhov himself appointed next rate use of the drug: they had to take 5 ml of ASD - 2, with 100 ml of water twice every day. Treatment cancer should take place under the close supervision of the attending physician, so self-administration of this drug is prohibited.

Because you can find it online negative feedback about taking this drug, then there is no need to talk about its ideal effectiveness.

Although ASD - 2 has proven its effectiveness in the fight against malignant neoplasms, it must be taken very carefully, in doses clearly prescribed by the doctor. Do not try to self-medicate, because, in this case, the dosage of the drug depends on the complexity of the diagnosis.


How to properly remove the drug from the protective vial?

In order to properly extract the drug, follow the following rules:

  1. When opening the bottle, it is necessary to remove the metal cap itself directly, and on the entire cap from the rubber base;
  2. Now carefully insert the needle of a disposable syringe into the cork itself;
  3. Shake the vial with the drug and turn it over;
  4. Dial the amount of medicine you need;
  5. Carefully remove the syringe itself from the needle, leaving it in the cap of the preparation;
  6. Slowly introduce the collected substance into the water prepared in advance;
  7. Before using the medicine, gently mix the resulting solution and remember that its preparation should take place before taking the medicine directly.

Withdraw the drug only in a clearly defined sequence. Do not remove, at the same time, the protective rubber stopper and do not pull the needle out of it at the end of the procedure.


What is the pharmacological action of ASD-2?

This antiseptic helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increase the release of hormones from the glands. internal secretion. In addition, ASD - 2 completely normalizes metabolism and significantly improves the functioning of the nervous system. Also, this medicine helps wounds heal very quickly and has good antiseptic properties. This universal medicine can cure numerous gynecological and oncological diseases.

With the help of ASD - 2, it is possible to disinfect wounds and carry out their further antimicrobial treatment.


Antiseptic stimulator Dorogov