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How long after you can donate blood after a cold? Blood tests for hormones during colds

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Questions and answers on: is it possible to get tested if you have a cold?

2012-12-20 17:00:47

Julia asks:

Good afternoon.
I have next question: Is it possible to take PCR tests? Herpes virus type 1/2
PCR: gardnerella, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia; bacterial sowing
PCR. Cytomegalovirus (scraping, qualitative determination)

Given that I now have a cold (runny nose, cough...), will the results be informative?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

If you have a cold, you are probably taking some medications, and to get tested, one of the conditions is not to take antibiotics for several days. And during a cold, you need to treat the cold at home, and not infect people. Therefore, get treatment and then get examined.

2013-03-27 12:49:58

Natalya asks. :

Thank you very much for the answer.
Tell me, please, what is the connection between homocysteine ​​and VEGF levels? I couldn't find it on the Internet. And, to my great regret, I did not find a laboratory that provides this analysis. By at least, I didn’t see this in the list on the Internet pages. But I will still find out by phone.
I want to clarify about homocysteine. I had 11.78 µmol when the laboratory norm was 12 µmol. But my gynecologist said that these are old norms and that it should be no more than 9. I took folic acid and monthly B vitamins. A month later, my homocysteine ​​was already 6-something, I don’t remember exactly. After another month, 3-something -That.

And please tell me what causes hyperhydroamnion? Could this factor cause the death of the fetus?
Sorry for so many questions. I really want a child and am terribly afraid of repeating a frozen pregnancy.

Just in case, I'll copy my previous question and your answer.
The answer to your question
March 21, 2013
Natalya asks:
Hello. Please help me figure this out.
I'm 34, my husband is 42. My daughter is 10 years old. We decided to have a second child. I was tested for Torch infection - negative. A vaginal smear showed Gardrenella. Treated. Cervical erosion was discovered. I did cryodestruction. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, and thyroid gland is normal. Eat fibrous mastopathy, which I periodically check with ultrasound. Hormone tests: prolactin, progesterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, antibodies to peroxidase - normal. Human papillomavirus was not detected. Homocysteine ​​was slightly elevated. She brought it back to normal and became pregnant. During pregnancy, homocysteine ​​was good. At the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, I started to smear quite a bit and not every day (once every 3 days) with brown discharge. I did an ultrasound. Everything is fine. The uterus is normal tone. Duphaston was prescribed - 2 tablets per day. At the planning stage and during pregnancy, I took folic acid - 4 mg and various poly vitamin complexes with breaks. At the sixth obstetric week there was severe runny nose, my throat hurt a little, but there was no temperature. She was treated with inhalations of chamomile and soda, honey and took a couple of Engystol tablets (homeopathy). She was cured in 5 days. During this period, severe toxicosis began. After taking duphaston for a week, the discharge stopped completely. At 12 obstetric weeks, an ultrasound scan said that the fetus had frozen at 8 weeks and that there were signs of hyperhydroamnion. They cleaned it and said it was a vacuum. Although at this time is it really possible?
Please tell me what tests I need to take before next pregnancy? Should my husband take a spermogram, given that 2 pregnancies were completed without problems, as soon as we wanted. Could a cold like this be enough? mild form lead to fetal death? Is it possible to plan a pregnancy after 4 months? What is the likelihood that this horror could happen again?
Thank you!

March 25, 2013
Palyga Igor Evgenievich answers:
Reproductologist, Ph.D.
information about the consultant
It makes no sense for your husband to take a spermogram, since you get pregnant without any problems. A cold could theoretically affect the course of pregnancy, but it would lead to fading, this is doubtful. I recommend for 20-24 days m.c. get tested for VEGF, given that homocysteine ​​was elevated. At elevated level VEGF requires the administration of low molecular weight heparins under the control of a coagulogram + vit. gr.B+ folic acid for 2 months. before planning pregnancy and in the first months. pregnancy. Get pregnant in 4 months. theoretically you can, but first you need to be examined.

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hyperhydroamnion is not a cause, but rather a marker of pathology. Occurs as a result of infection, even ARVI (runny nose, sore throat, etc.) could lead to freezing. Determination of the level of homocysteine ​​and VEFR are links in the same chain, leading to increased thrombus formation, which provokes fading and spontaneous abortions. If the level of VEGF is elevated, then in addition to vitamins, the administration of low molecular weight heparins is necessary. According to statistics, 10% of pregnancies end in miscarriages, unfortunately. so there is no need to dwell on the problem. I wish you success!

2013-01-04 13:28:03

Julia asks:

I am 25 years old, almost constantly since childhood I have been bothered by a sore throat, even the slightest draft, a sip is enough cold water or ice cream, so that the throat becomes red, there is pain when swallowing. I suffer chronic tonsillitis. In the fall I had a cold, I washed out the lacunae of my tonsils, it felt better for a while, but literally after a week or two the sore throat returned. Purulent circles began to appear in the tonsils, and on one side of the neck the lymph node enlarged, like a lump measuring 3-4 cm in diameter, a little worrying, discomfort when pressed.
Took tests (DiaService):
AT to EBV capsular antigen, IgM - 0.32;
AT to EBV nuclear antigen, IgG - 3.26; (positive)
anti-toxo IgG screening - 1.0;
anti-HSV IgG screening - 0.15;
anti-CMV IgG screening - 1.28; (positive)
anti-CMV IgM - 1.28; (positive)
anti-Mycoplasma hominis IgG - 0.69.

Please tell me what’s wrong with me and can my throat be cured?

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Hello, Yulia, don’t fight at windmills; these infections cannot be the cause of your problems. It is likely that you have been in need of a tonsillectomy for a long time; without examination it is impossible to say for sure.

2012-12-03 11:00:14

Julia asks:

Hello! I am 35 years old (just turned), I gave birth in 2005 healthy child, in 2006 there was an abortion (same husband). In May 2012, there was a 3D (curettage was at the 9th week, no embryo was found). I followed the trail. examinations: PCR infections (all negative - chlamydia, ureaplasma, HPV, CMV, etc.), and I took them during planning. TORCH: I was vaccinated against rubella, toxoplasmosis - G and M negative. But for herpes - G 35.5 (the norm is up to 0.5), M - doubtful. (“gray” zone), and since childhood I have had frequent relapses of colds on the lips (it appeared right away during pregnancy, but the same thing happened during the first one). I took Valtrex for 3 months, the doctor says that I can get pregnant. But why is M doubtful? There were no relapses after taking Valtrex. I also underwent a series of APS examinations - it was negative. (antibody levels are normal, lupus coagulant- not detected), hormones are normal (sex + hormones thyroid gland), homocysteine ​​is normal. I also took a test on the recommendation of a geneticist (there is no risk of thrombosis, but some polymorphism was found in genes, which can lead to disruption of the folate cycle, while the serum levels of B9 and B12 are normal). For the 3rd month I have been taking folic acid (400 mcg per day) and materna. I'll repeat it in a week IgM test to herpes. Am I now from herpes simplex on my lips (and I’ve had it all my life) I won’t be able to bear a healthy child? After all, during pregnancy, immunity decreases, and it usually comes out??? Or am I already at a critical age? My husband is 34 years old, SM is normal (the urologist prescribed him microelements and vitamins for prevention). We both have 1"+" blood.

Answers Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

Herpes is not main reason miscarriage. If you become pregnant, in addition, take a supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids. This way the pregnancy will continue.

2012-06-13 08:49:13

Julia asks:

Hello! I’m 31 weeks pregnant, they gave me a referral for biochemical tests, but I caught a cold. Is it possible to take this test if you have a cold?

Answers Gunkov Sergey Vasilievich:

Dear Yulia. You shouldn’t do this, wait until you recover and visit a specialist.

2011-08-16 11:43:26

Anna asks:

Answers Consultant at the medical laboratory "Sinevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Anna! I'll start with the results of your tests. Herpes and CMV are indeed unlikely to be the cause of your poor health for such a long time. Moreover, many adults, like you, are lifelong carriers of these viruses, while feeling great. Since you feel so bad, let's check the activity of CMV and HSV ½ on this moment. For this purpose, you need to conduct a PCR test of blood (CMV, HSV ½), urine and saliva (CMV) for viral DNA. If you do not have DNA of viruses, then the viruses are dormant, do not cause harm, have nothing to do with poor health, and do not require treatment. If CMV and/or HSV ½ DNA is detected, go to an in-person appointment with an infectious disease specialist and decide whether an adequate antiviral therapy. In fact, I am more concerned about the situation with EBV, since IgG EA was detected in you. And these antibodies usually appear at 1-2 weeks of illness and disappear on average after 3-4, maximum 6 months. The presence of antibodies to early antigens without anti-EBNA IgG (check if you have tested for antibodies of this class) in the blood indicates a primary infection. In addition, you should also conduct an IgM VCA test. The fact is that VCA stimulates the production specific antibodies IgM class from the first week of the disease, IgG class - from the third week of the disease, which persist for life, therefore the detection of anti-VCA IgM indicates acute infection, and detection of only anti-VCA IgG is o past illness. In addition, you need to additionally conduct a blood and saliva test for EBV DNA using the PCR method. It is advisable to seek a second consultation with the results of all EBV tests (and laboratory standards for them), and we will sort it out. You should also reconsider your attitude towards your sex life. Three years is a significant period, which negatively affects the balance of hormones, leads to the progression of skin rashes, and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. Be healthy!

2011-03-19 20:16:06

Tatiana asks:

Hello! I have this situation. The gestational age is 22 weeks. At 14 weeks, ultrasound showed signs of a cyst corpus luteum in the right ovary measuring 50mm. On the next ultrasound at 18 weeks, the same doctor made a conclusion: Signs of hydrosalpinx on the right. My gynecologist said there was nothing wrong. From February 23 to March 1, she had a cold with a temperature of 38-39. The cough remained. On March 2, in the evening, while coughing, a sharp pain arose in the lower right. (I took a noshpa). On March 3, the pain did not go away, so I went to the hospital. The ultrasound (19.6 weeks) concluded: Behind the uterus, slightly to the right, there is a two-chamber anechoic formation 81*51*54, homogeneous, with clear, even contours, the wall thickness of the formation is 0.9 mm. Along the periphery of the formation there are pinpoint hyperechoic inclusions. Free fluid in the retrouterine space is determined in small quantities. Left ovary 25*13*18. The tissue of the right is not visualized separately. The size of the fetus corresponds to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Considering the lack of visualization of the right ovary, there is more evidence for an ovarian cyst on the right (serous cystadenoma cannot be excluded). Malnutrition of the tumor? adhesive process pelvis.) After the ultrasound, they were immediately admitted to the hospital for conservation, because risk of miscarriage. Treatment was prescribed and the pain was relieved. At week 21, another ultrasound was done, which showed that the cyst had grown to 83mm. After that, I took a test to determine the ovarian cancer antigen, everything was fine. She was in bed from March 3-18, and was discharged. The cough did not completely go away. When I cough I feel a cyst. Upon discharge, the doctors suggested that we think about surgery - removal of the tumor, because... The cyst is growing and it is possible that it will develop into a malignant one. Either the cyst may be torsioned, or the child’s oxygen supply may be cut off. both the cyst and the uterus will grow. However, doctors cannot say with certainty that a miscarriage will not occur during the operation. They gave me the choice - either elective surgery to remove the tumor and the possibility of maintaining the pregnancy is 50%, or wait acute pain and emergency surgery. The fact is that I have high myopia (laser restoration in 2004) and in any case C-section. I ask for your help, please tell me, I’m afraid to risk my child and have surgery. We can only hope that while the baby is growing up, there will be no acute pain. The doctor who treated me and the deputy chief physician are of the same opinion. But the chief doctor insists on the danger and advises doing the operation as quickly as possible. Please advise what to do? I can’t risk my child, because... I’m 29 years old, and this is a long-awaited pregnancy after a miscarriage (24 years old) and a frozen pregnancy at 27 years old. Thank you, I hope for an answer.

Answers Chubaty Andrey Ivanovich:

Good afternoon. In order to answer you, we need to see you and examine you. And you demand that I judge the chief physician and the chief of medicine...

2010-01-10 16:32:08

Olga asks:

Hello, doctor, please help me with advice. My situation is this: I took Logest for a year, now, on the doctor’s recommendation, I’m taking a break for three months. During the entire first cycle after the abolition of sexual intercourse, there was no intercourse at all. The first independent menstruation (through the cycle after stopping the use and the last withdrawal bleeding) began for 5 days ahead of schedule, went away usually, but a couple of days after they ended, bleeding began. An ultrasound showed that I was doing well; the doctor decided that this was a reaction to stopping the OC. I took a hemostatic agent (dicinone, ascorutin, tincture of water pepper - everything that the doctor recommended) and everything went away. I am very afraid of getting pregnant, because it is believed that stopping the OC increases the ability to conceive, I am very worried, because of this my sleep has even been slightly disturbed. In the second cycle, intimacy was seven times, always protected, the condom did not break or fly off, the only thing that bothers me is that it slipped a little during the process, the guy had to adjust it all the time, but, as far as I can tell, sperm did not “leak” over the edges of the condom ". And now, four days ago, the second independent period should have started, but it didn’t, today (01/09/2010) is already the fifth day. My stomach sometimes hurts, like during menstruation, I had all the usual signs of PMS (irritability, headache, sensitive breasts), my health did not change at all. I did four different tests, two on the third day of the delay, two more today, on the fifth - all negative, basal temperature 36.7 (in this cycle I measured it somewhat carelessly, as if from the second half of the cycle, when it should have already increased, but it never even reached the 37.0 mark and so far). And today it seems like mild signs of thrush appeared - I was very worried all this month and had a cold, my immunity was probably reduced. Before taking the hCG test, I would like to know your opinion - is this most likely pregnancy (extremely undesirable!!), ovarian dysfunction after stopping the OC, or is the delay caused by stress? Sorry for such a huge question, I wanted to state the problem as accurately as possible and please help me with advice and answer as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.

Answers Gopchuk Elena Nikolaevna:

Dear Olga, most likely this is a reaction to a cold and your experiences. Contact a gynecologist with these complaints and they will tell you how to solve the problem after an examination and ultrasound.

2009-10-14 11:01:52

Elena asks:

Good afternoon I no longer know who to turn to for advice. 6 years ago there was inflammation genitourinary system, passed a huge number of tests in Krivoy Rog, checked for chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureoplasma, gonorrhea and much more. They found only increased leukocytosis, no infections were found (before that they found ureoplasma, but as they told me later - not very effective method(something had to do with the coloring of the result in the test tube, which needed to be rechecked and I was poisoned with antibiotics in vain). After they found nothing, they did the usual cauterization of the erosion. After that, a few months later I had a regular smear and my leukocytes were elevated. there was no sexual partner all this time, risk reinfection excluded by anything. The doctor announced that there was some kind of sluggish inflammatory process and from what - he doesn’t know and they can’t determine anything here in Ukraine, he said - if you want, go to Kyiv. After that, nothing really bothered me for about a year. Then I decided to get checked again, they found staphylococcus (they did a regular culture), treated it with antibiotics, and by that time erosion had developed again. But they decided not to cauterize it. Six months later I took tests again, because... complaints appeared (in the same laboratory as two years ago), this time they found ureoplasma, gardnerella and something else (but there was no chlamydia or mycoplasma). They treated me with antibiotics, did cauterization with a laser, but did not do control tests, they said it was not necessary. In principle, there were no complaints about anything. At the same time, during this time I will clarify again - there has been no sexual partner since the first treatment for ureoplasma, which was unknown or not. Then, after a couple of months, I had a routine culture and found E. coli (I didn’t take any other tests). They treated me with antibiotics for E. coli for a year, then they said no. They stopped poisoning. At the same time, during this time I became pregnant with a young man who did not have any symptoms of any inflammation. After they announced that there was no E. coli - three months later. The thrush was suddenly itching, I got tested again - they said coli. I decided to take the test in Dnepropetrovsk (two years ago already), they immediately said - Chlamydia (RIIF method), my partner also passed it - they also said chlamydia. I was treated with antibiotics, the symptoms went away, leukocytosis remained up to 10, a repeat RIIF test was negative and after 3 months. I haven’t had any more sexual relations with my partner since then, except twice oral sex with a condom. He was tested in two other places - they said - only trichomonas and no chlamydia. After 9 months, I took tests in the same place where he did, in one place they told me that I had chlamydia and trichomonas (PIF), in another - that only chlamydia (PCR), they did not find trichomonas. At the same time, I’ll clarify that a month before the test, I became very ill with bronchitis and took antibiotics, in particular amoxicillin, was very frozen and discharge began to appear, which is why I actually decided to get tested again. I again took tests (RIIF) at the place where I was treated, and again they told me chlamydia and that I had become infected again. The doctor said - it means you became infected through oral sex, although you used a condom. I was treated again for chlamydia in another place, where they did a PCR test, underwent treatment, took a PCR test - negative, antibodies 1:5 Ig G. But leukocytosis remained 40. I took the tests again in Dneprlopetrovsk, where I was treated two years ago, method RIIF is positive, with copious white discharge. In Krivoy Rog, I took it to the Kozhven hospital and they found gonorrhea, after which I re-tested it at the regional Kozhven hospital and had a consultation with a doctor there - they didn’t find any gonorrhea. A doctor in a private center in Dnepropetrovsk said - you were treated poorly and you already have a chronic condition. chlamydia. We were treated again in Dnepropetrovsk, leukocytosis dropped to 10, the RIF showed nothing. After the treatment, I also took tests at the regional skin department (PIF) - they said I have chlamydia, the first doctor said that they just have sensitive reagents and this residual phenomenon. I went to a regular gynecologist - a regular smear - dysbacteriosis, leukocytes 10, in the cervix. channel - 18-20. A routine smear did not reveal any pathogenic flora. Cytology - mild dysplasia. Here the doctor told me that they simply poisoned me with antibiotics. So, after all this Santa Barbara, I got a boyfriend a month ago, we used a condom and after sexual intercourse I douched with Citeal for prevention (about a couple of hours later), after three days I decided to get tested. A routine smear at a clinic in Krivoy Rog showed forty white blood cells and a positive coccal flora. Cytology - mild dysplasia and inflammation. Just for fun, I also took tests on the same day in Dnepropetorvsk in the same center (RIIF) - they said - you were infected with chlamydia again (+4 - acute stage) and you also have peptococcus, leukocytes are also 40. Let me clarify again that a week before these tests I had a cold, it didn’t reach bronchitis, but I had coughing I also took amoxicillin. So now I don’t understand at all whether I had chlamydia or not, and if I did, they were simply undertreated??? Or is it just a simple dysbacteriosis, and we just don’t know how to do tests? I just don’t know where I can get truthful tests and get normal advice. So as not to read on the Internet about what tests are available and which give false positives. and which are false negatives. result. At the same time, doctors do not say anything that any analysis could be erroneous, depending on what cheap reagents were used and where, and immediately on the basis of who knows where the tests were done, they begin to treat. Do I have some kind of infection or not, based on the picture described, or did they just “heal” me and pump me out of money? Yes, I almost forgot, with my first young man we always used a condom and Pharmatex for six months, without Pharmatex only twice. I’m not a doctor, but I’m not sure that in this case he could have contracted chlamydia from me (if I even had them), or I from him, in cr. At least the probability is small.

Hormones are substances produced. Normal hormonal levels contribute to the coordinated functioning of all organs and systems.

On failure endocrine system There are certain problems associated with an excess amount or lack of hormones produced. In these cases, doctors prescribe tests to assess the patient's hormonal levels. Most often, such tests are used in cases of infertility or diseases of the thyroid gland.

It is known that the results of hormone tests directly depend on the composition of the food consumed on the eve of the prescribed tests, the use of certain medications, as well as on the general health of the patient.

During a cold, a clinical blood test allows you to determine the degree of activity of the inflammatory process, clarify the nature of the disease, features immune defense body, which ultimately helps to quickly collect all necessary information for diagnosis and timely treatment.

A situation often arises when a person goes to get tested for hormones due to a cold. In this case, it is recommended to notify your doctor about your condition so as not to distort the results of the studies. In most cases, it is best to take tests to determine the level of hormones in the blood after complete recovery. Serious colds can significantly affect test results, leading to repeated tests and examinations. All this is fraught with loss of time and money, as well as unnecessary worries about your health.

Blood tests and medications

In addition to informing the doctor about his illness, the patient, before taking the tests, must report the medications that he took shortly before receiving the referral to the laboratory. Many medicines, including biologically active additives, can significantly affect test results and change indicators.

In particular, after taking dopamine the level thyroid-stimulating hormones may drop significantly. Changes in the concentration of thyroid hormones are affected by the use of danazol, furosemide, amiodarone. Taking antiulcer drugs causes an increase in the level of a hormone produced by the pituitary gland.

Colds and HIV

In a normally functioning human body, the immune system guards his health, instantly recognizing and destroying pathogens. In an HIV-infected patient, the cells of the immune system are the first to suffer and quickly die. A sharp reduction in cells responsible for immunity indicates an unfavorable situation in the body and the need for urgent treatment.

The number of immune system cells in a patient with HIV infection depends on many other factors: stress, unfavorable weather conditions, colds and the appearance of menstruation in women. Therefore, if your health worsens, you should not get tested for HIV infection.

If an HIV patient is feeling well, it is enough for him to carry out tests once every 3-6 months. At feeling unwell, which arises against the background of taking antiviral drugs, doctors recommend conducting blood tests much more often in order to monitor the development of the disease and not miss the opportunity to adjust treatment.

Colds and thyroid gland - how to get tested

To clarify the diagnosis of the thyroid gland, it is prescribed not only by a gynecologist, andrologist, cardiologist, since the clinical picture of symptoms with or may be similar to diseases of cardio-vascular system. In addition, malfunctions of the thyroid gland can cause infertility and miscarriages.

In order not to mislead the attending physician and to obtain reliable test results, you must strictly adhere to certain rules conducting research:

  • Many experts believe that the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland does not depend on food intake and time of day. However, test results will be more accurate if they are taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • The patient's stressful situation and emotional tension can also affect the test results. Therefore, you should not take tests in an excited or depressed state. To get a reliable result, you need to calm down, relax, and distract yourself from bad thoughts. If you feel normal, you can go to the clinical laboratory.
  • If on the eve of the test the patient has to undergo physical exertion, perform hard work or play intense sports, it is worth rescheduling the blood test for thyroid hormones on a day when physical activity is not expected.
  • Thermal procedures can also negatively affect research results. The same applies to high body temperature. However heat body can act as one of the symptoms. In this case, the doctor makes a decision regarding blood tests at elevated temperatures in the patient.
  • Smoking immediately before a blood test for the concentration of thyroid hormones also negatively affects the results of the analysis. Therefore, it is better to give up the next portion of cigarettes 2 hours before the test.
  • If the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures or X-ray diagnostics, you should not combine them and taking hormone tests on the same day. It is better to choose a different time for blood collection.

It is also important to follow all these rules if you have to donate blood for hormones for a mild cold. A slight malaise due to a common cold does not affect the results that determine a person’s hormonal levels. This, first of all, concerns a blood test for the concentration in the blood of thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland and thyroid-stimulating hormones that regulate the function of this gland.

In any case, the doctor evaluates the test results and then, if necessary, prescribes additional examinations. Based on the diagnostic data obtained, the specialist determines the course of treatment using appropriate medications and the necessary medical procedures.


  1. Miscarriage, infection, innate immunity; Makarov O.V., Bakhareva I.V. (Gankovskaya L.V., Gankovskaya O.A., Kovalchuk L.V.) - “GEOTAR - Media”. - Moscow. - 73 p. - 2007.
  2. New honey technology (Methodological recommendations) “Management of premature pregnancy complicated by premature rupture of membranes”; Makarov O.V., Kozlov P.V. (Edited by Volodin N.N.) - RASPM; Moscow; TsKMS GOU VPO RGMU-2006.
  3. Adamyan L.V. etc. Malformations of the uterus and vagina. - M.: Medicine, 1998.
  4. Non-developing pregnancy. Radzinsky V.E., Dimitrova V.I., Mayskova I.Yu. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  5. Diabetes mellitus in pregnant women. Makarov O.V., Ordynsky Moscow 2010 P.127.
  6. Venereal diseases. Directory. Ed. N. 3. Yagovdika. -Minsk: “Belarusskaya Navuka”, 1998. - 342 p.
  7. Emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology: diagnosis and treatment. Pearlman M., Tintinally J. 2008. Publisher: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory.

Graduated from Kirov State University medical academy in 2006. In 2007 she worked at the Tikhvin central regional hospital on the basis therapeutic department. From 2007 to 2008 - employee of a mining company hospital in the Republic of Guinea (West Africa). From 2009 to the present, he has been working in the field of information marketing of medical services. We work with many popular portals, such as Sterilno.net, Med.ru, website

Colds are quite common. They can have a simple or complex form and be accompanied by other disorders. Viruses, hypothermia, and a weakened immune system lead to the appearance of such ailments. If the first signs of illness appear - sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, the doctor may recommend testing general analysis blood.

Why do they take a blood test?

You need to donate blood when you are sick for several reasons. By using this study you can get the following results:

  1. Determine the level of inflammation activity. This is done by assessing the white blood cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
  2. Determine the nature of the process - it can be bacterial or viral. This can be assessed by shifting the leukocyte formula.
  3. Determine the allergic nature of the disease and assess the level of immune defense.

Inappropriately selected therapy can lead to a serious deterioration in the patient’s condition. Often, such tactics significantly delay time and lead to blurring the picture of the disease. To clarify the indicators, it is imperative to get tested for a cold.

Colds can have 2 forms - viral and bacterial. In the first case, the causative agent of the disease is a virus, in the second - bacterial microorganisms.

Both types of pathology have the same symptoms:

  1. headache,
  2. rhinitis,
  3. cough,
  4. increase in temperature.

They are also often accompanied by redness of the throat and other manifestations. It can be very difficult to immediately notice the differences between diseases.

Wherein correct therapy it will not be possible to select without identifying the causative agent of the process. Thus, with a viral origin of the disease, there is a need to use antiviral drugs, while bacterial pathologies require different tactics and the use of antibiotics.

If you use antibacterial agents to treat viral infections, you will achieve desired effect it won't work. Antiviral drugs will not give results in the treatment of bacterial infections.

To diagnose the origin of the disease, blood donation is indicated. Most often, a general analysis is prescribed. If there is a need for a more complete picture, biochemical research is used.

If a complex viral illness is detected in a patient, a virological study is indicated. This procedure allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease.

If the patient has additional pathologies, there is a need to perform biochemical research blood. Thanks to this procedure, it will be possible to eliminate complications from various organs. This is very important, because such violations can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s health.

If the immune system is weakened, an immunological blood test is prescribed. Thanks to this, it will be possible to accurately assess the patient’s condition and select adequate therapy.

Features of performing a blood test for influenza

Blood tests during colds are important diagnostic study. With its help, you can determine the diagnosis and general condition of a person. It is recommended to take the test immediately after receiving a referral from a doctor. The accuracy of diagnosis of the disease, the choice of treatment tactics and the correction of the selected treatment depend on the timeliness of obtaining data.

Using a blood test, it will be possible to determine what exactly the patient is infected with. Each pathogen has very specific indicators. In addition, the specialist will be able to determine the stage of development of the disease.

  1. With a strong increase in the level of leukocytes, an inflammatory process can be detected. If, in the case of repeated analysis, this indicator has decreased significantly, we can judge the beginning of the recovery process.
  2. In addition, a blood test will show whether transformation has occurred viral infection into a bacterial one. This process observed quite often if a person does not follow the doctor’s recommendations and does not receive the required therapy. Thanks to a blood test, it will be possible to adjust the treatment and undergo timely rehabilitation.

The results of blood tests are usually ready within the next day. In some situations, data can be obtained within a few hours. This service is usually provided in private laboratories.

Preparing for analysis

To get the right research results, you need to carefully prepare for it. Before taking a general blood test or biochemistry, it is prohibited to take any medications. Drinking alcohol is also strictly prohibited.

Blood should be donated in the morning. It is best to do this on an empty stomach. Experts do not recommend eating food within 8 hours before the test.

If it is not possible to donate blood in the morning, you can do the procedure in the afternoon. However, in this case it is recommended to fast for 6 hours. It is important to control that the morning menu does not contain fatty foods. For breakfast you can eat an apple, porridge without butter and milk. It is also perfectly acceptable to drink unsweetened tea.

So, before taking blood tests, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. The day before the test, you should stop drinking alcohol.
  2. Excessive physical activity is prohibited on the eve of the procedure. Sexual intercourse is also not recommended.
  3. If necessary, use medications You should definitely inform your doctor about this. Medicines containing iodine, oral contraceptives And hormonal agents may distort the analysis results. Sometimes doctors recommend stopping medications 1-2 days before the procedure.

To do a general blood test, other conditions must be met. The procedure can be carried out 1 hour after eating. In this case, you should stop smoking 3 hours before your visit to the laboratory. When using dietary supplements, you must notify a specialist in advance. This will help prevent you from receiving incorrect information.

Immunological testing can be carried out only 2 weeks after the patient has recovered. The same time is required if the person has been drinking antibacterial drugs, immunomodulatory agents, vitamin complexes, antihistamines. If the patient has a fever, the test will have to be postponed.

You must follow a diet for 2 days before the procedure. It involves the exclusion of fatty and fried foods. Also prohibited are alcoholic drinks, salty foods and baked goods.

Is it possible to donate blood?

If you have a sore throat, rhinitis or cough, take a donor blood Absolutely forbidden. In such a situation, you should wait until all manifestations of the disease disappear. You also need to undergo tests to assess the condition of the body. Only after this can you start donating blood.

What is the reason for this limitation? This question interests many people. Colds not only affect the quality of blood, but also cause harm to people around them - doctors and other donors. Viruses spread instantly when you cough or sneeze. Therefore, there is a risk of infecting others.

In addition, donating blood leads to aggravation of the patient’s condition. This procedure provokes a weakening of the body and worsens the condition of an already impaired immune system.

To avoid negative consequences, it is important to comply key rule donation: it is necessary to donate blood only after a month after recovery.

Is it possible to get tested for hormone levels?

There are situations when it is urgent to take tests for hormones for subsequent therapy, and a person has a cold. Does a cold affect the indicators in this case and is it possible to conduct a study?

A cold itself is a reaction of the body in which all defense mechanisms are activated. If possible, it is better to postpone hormonal studies at a later date and wait for recovery.

At the same time, scientists claim that colds do not affect research data on thyroid hormones and the reproductive system.

Only some medications can distort this information. If the patient had to take antibacterial drugs, you will have to postpone donating blood to check hormone levels for at least 10 days after completing the course of therapy. To be more precise, experts advise taking such tests only 2 weeks after stopping the use of any medications.

  • If a person has taken any anti-inflammatory drugs - for example, aspirin, tests are allowed at least after a week. Alone medications lead to a decrease, while others lead to an increase in hormone levels.
  • If you do not follow your doctor's recommendations, there is a risk of obtaining incorrect research data. In such a situation, you will have to take tests again to get more accurate results. Inadequate indicators can lead to violation of treatment tactics. As a result, there is a risk of dangerous health consequences.

Donating blood for colds is recommended solely for diagnostic purposes. Using this study, you can determine the nature and severity of the pathology. At the same time, donation and other types of blood tests in this period not recommended. To avoid negative consequences, you need to wait until complete recovery.

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In the structure of morbidity, the largest part is occupied by acute respiratory lesions respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

In cold weather, the number of colds increases, and in summer it decreases.

The popular name “cold” implies a large group of diseases that differ in etiology and area of ​​affection, but their symptoms are similar: fever, runny nose, sore throat or sore throat, cough.

If your health deteriorates significantly and recovery does not occur within the expected time frame, there is a need for additional diagnostics. Is it possible to donate blood if you have a cold, and in what cases is it not recommended?

Tests are considered the main standard of examination in medicine.

For colds, several types of tests are used:

  • general clinical blood test (CBC), including counting the number of red and white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • detailed analysis with leukocyte formula;
  • biochemistry;
  • immunogram;
  • virological studies using PCR, ELISA;
  • bacteriological tests: culture, etc.

The examination allows the doctor to identify the presence inflammatory reaction in the body, differentiate a viral process from a bacterial one, see signs of complications. Using a blood test, you can detect the pathogen, which will allow you to determine correct diagnosis, assess the degree of the body’s immune response, select treatment and monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Sometimes colds start under the guise serious illnesses allergic nature, autoimmune and oncological processes. A blood test can help identify such conditions. A significant increase in ESR and leukocyte levels, a shift in the formula to the left indicates widespread inflammation. The detection of a large number of eosinophils indicates an allergic reaction.

Low hemoglobin levels (anemia) can be a complication that worsens the condition. A significant drop in the level of leukocytes is a terrible sign acute leukemia, which can begin as a common acute respiratory infection.

Is it possible to donate blood when you have a cold?

A special category of people who donate blood regularly are donors.

In this case, the volume of material taken from one person is significantly greater than with conventional analysis, and ranges from 80 to 450 milliliters.

Since the donor's blood is intended for another person who is in in serious condition having serious illnesses and often a significant decrease in immunity, then it should be carefully examined and safe.

Therefore, if a donor feels the first signs of a cold (headache, malaise, runny nose, sore throat), he is prohibited from donating blood. This is due to the fact that even in the prodromal (initial) period, the virus can be in the blood, and therefore get into the material intended for transfusion to another person.

In addition, the sick person is the source of the pathogen and transmits the disease to others: doctors or other donors, by airborne droplets when coughing or sneezing.

Fence large quantity blood in a person with an incipient ARVI may worsen his condition and prevent immune system fight infection.

You are allowed to donate again only a month after you have had a cold.

We will tell you in what cases and for what indications it is necessary to donate blood for hormones.

Is it possible to do a blood test during a cold?

The volume of standard analysis sufficient to diagnose the disease is small and will not cause any harm to the body.

The attending physician will assess the patient’s condition and prescribe the necessary minimum examination.

Usually you can donate blood either immediately upon application or the next day.

If the test is not related to a cold and was planned in advance in connection with medical examination or other non-emergency medical interventions, then it is better to refrain from donating blood during the period of acute respiratory viral infection. After all, inflammatory changes in the hemogram or changes in biochemical parameters are unlikely to have a positive effect on the course of another disease or will assist in choosing a course of treatment.

It should be remembered that the presence of antibodies in the blood does not always indicate a disease, therefore immunological tests It is advisable to carry out some time after the disappearance of clinical symptoms. However, standard general tests sometimes have to be repeated during the course of the disease to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

It is better to do an analysis immediately; treatment tactics depend on this. If the examination started is delayed drug treatment may distort the results obtained and give an incorrect picture of the disease.

Preparing to donate blood

Many people are interested in how to properly donate blood for hormones and other indicators - on an empty stomach or not. It is better to take blood tests early in the morning on an empty stomach. During the OAC, a fence is taken capillary blood from the pad of the finger. Allowed light breakfast an hour before the procedure, excluding fatty and sweet foods.

It is better to adhere to some restrictions the day before.

The day before the test, it is advisable to drink enough fluid.

But you should give up alcohol. IN emergency situations blood donation is allowed throughout the day, since the benefit from the interpretation of the results obtained is significantly greater than the possible distortions introduced by non-compliance drinking regime or eating food.

Carrying out more complex tests (biochemistry, immunological and other studies) requires taking blood from a vein. Therefore, the training criteria are more stringent. The night before no more than two hours before bedtime - light dinner, with the exception of fatty, fried, pickled foods. It is advisable to limit the amount of heavy protein foods and sugars.

Taking alcoholic beverages, soda, and stimulants is excluded. You should also refrain from smoking, since nicotine, when it enters the blood, not only distorts the result, but also causes spasm of peripheral vessels, which makes sampling difficult.

If you can’t give up nicotine, you need to wait at least an hour and only then go and donate blood. The content of certain substances in the body is different time days may fluctuate, so to obtain correct result you must come for analysis at strictly designated hours (for example, hormone or iron levels are determined before ten in the morning).

Before donating blood for hormones, you should not take any medications the evening before the test or in the morning, however, if medications are vital and cannot be skipped, it is better to warn the laboratory assistant about this.

It is better to sit for five to ten minutes before entering the treatment room.

It will be necessary to postpone blood sampling if some medical procedures were performed before the study: x-rays, physical procedures. However, in in case of emergency Taking blood for analysis is allowed, and the doctor will evaluate the results taking into account possible errors.

Blood analysis - medical procedure, which helps in determining the cause of a cold. It should not be avoided; it does not cause any harm to the body and is carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

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Whether you can donate blood if you have a cold depends on the type of disease—infectious or bacterial. It is also determined based on the type of laboratory test that needs to be carried out.

Colds are common respiratory disease person, which differ in severity and symptoms present. This category includes various pathologies with similar symptoms: cough, rhinitis, painful sensations in the throat, increased body temperature. To clarify the nature of the disease, examinations are prescribed, so the doctor decides whether it is possible to donate blood for a cold.

Why are tests needed?

Treatment of a cold requires diagnostics, for which laboratory tests are prescribed. This makes it possible to plan further therapy. Carrying out clinical tests give a chance:

  • Assess the level of inflammatory activity by assessing the number of leukocytes, as well as ESR;
  • Determine which form of the disease is viral or bacterial;
  • Check availability allergic form pathologies and clarify the degree of activity of the immune system.
  • Without this it is impossible to carry out correct treatment, so the patient’s condition may worsen. The fact is that viral and bacterial forms of diseases are similar, but they have different natures and are treated different ways. So, if you treat antibacterial agents viral pathologies, this will not bring results, just like treatment bacterial diseases, antiviral agents.
  • Whether it is possible to take tests for a cold is decided by the doctor, who determines the need for one or another laboratory research. To make a diagnosis, a general blood test is used;
  • The question of whether it is possible to take a biochemical blood test if you have a cold is determined by the requirement to obtain a complete picture of the patient’s health status in order to clarify other indicators. This study reveals accompanying illnesses and allows to exclude the development of complications;
  • At reduced immunity An immunological blood test is prescribed, according to which therapy is adjusted.

Hormone analysis

There are situations when such diseases arise at an inconvenient moment. Many people do not know whether it is possible to donate blood for hormones during a cold so that its presence does not distort the test results. Scientists have found that the presence of respiratory pathologies does not affect changes hormonal levels in organism.

However, whether it is possible to take hormone tests for a cold is additionally determined by the medications taken. Thus, the use of antibiotics or antiviral medications does not blur the clinical picture, but dietary supplements, as well as other such drugs, can change the indicators.

For example, taking Dopamine reduces the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones in the body. At the same time, the production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland increases if anti-ulcer medications are taken. Therefore, due to the use of such drugs for therapy, the doctor determines whether hormones can be taken for a cold based on the patient’s health condition and the time when the medication was stopped. Typically, the waiting period after completion of treatment before testing is 10-15 days.

Donating blood

If you have a cold, you are prohibited from donating blood and you must wait until the signs of pathology are eliminated and confirm your recovery with tests. The reason is that diseases reduce the quality of the donor material, through which the patient may be harmed during transfusion. In addition, a decrease in the amount of blood in a diseased body reduces the level of immunity.