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Low-grade fever. High temperature in an adult. What to do

How to determine pregnancy on early stages, sooner or later every woman thinks. Those who are planning offspring can't wait to find out early about conception. Those who are afraid of pregnancy also want to be in the know.

There are many signs of pregnancy and fever is one of them. Rectal measurements are especially informative. Such testing is carried out daily and does not take much time.

The hormonal background of a woman renders significant impact on body temperature. Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, its fluctuations occur. Not everyone is potential future mom notices this imbalance. During fertilization, increased indicators often go unnoticed, and the woman begins to look for more exact symptom. After all, it does not increase in all expectant mothers. And its rise is usually insignificant - 37-37.3 degrees.

The beginning of a new life can be suspected as early as a week after ovulation. During this period, the implantation of the embryo occurs. A woman may feel a tingling, "tickle" in the uterus and see bloody issues from the genital tract (however, they may not be). Such symptoms do not persist for a long time, they do not leave a trace after 2-3 days. Determining pregnancy by such symptoms is not always possible, since a woman may simply not pay attention to them.

Take a short walk in a couple of minutes and get the answer whether you are pregnant or not.

An increase in body temperature as a sign of pregnancy is not perceived. Many women associate this condition with a viral infection or a cold. However, elevated body temperature often indicates a new position. Unnoticed signs pregnancy before the delay is supplemented by secondary symptoms only after 4-5 weeks from last menstrual period. Using them, a woman can indirectly confirm her new position:

  • nausea and morning vomiting;
  • increased urge to defecate and increased flatulence;
  • sensitivity of the mammary glands and sore nipples;
  • headache;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • general malaise;
  • emotional instability.

Fever at conception may be accompanied by a runny nose and general feeling unwell. In such a situation, a woman begins to intensively treat a cold, not suspecting that her body is pointing her to a new situation. If the first signs of pregnancy appear - temperature is one of them - you must stop using any medicines without a doctor's prescription.

Basal temperature (BT) during pregnancy

One can argue endlessly about what the temperature should be during pregnancy. To begin with, it should be understood that the measurement is carried out on different areas bodies. IN armpit indicators after conception may increase or decrease slightly during the day. Much depends on the patient’s lifestyle, her emotional state and heat transfer.

A rectal measurement will be more revealing. A basal temperature of 37, which lasts for several days before the expected menstruation and after a delay, may indicate that conception has taken place. The value increases due to the fault of progesterone, which increases after ovulation, and during implantation it acquires more large values. varies from 36.9 to 37.5 degrees. Such indicators are obtained by measurements taken immediately after waking up. The temperature after conception is marked on the graph for ease of self-diagnosis.

A measurement taken during the day is not indicative, since the thermometer mark in the rectum may rise to a value of 38 due to physical activity and emotional fluctuations.

Temperature as a sign of pregnancy

Fever bodies in pregnant women is natural state, if there are no additional symptoms of the disease. Changes in thermometer readings occur under the influence of hormonal levels. The day before ovulation, temperature levels decrease, which provokes the production of LH (luteinizing hormone). This is especially visible when taking daily measurements in the rectum. The day the egg leaves the ovary is also characterized by low values.

If a woman is looking for signs of pregnancy, temperature is the first thing to look for. A noticeable increase can be noticed after ovulation, but it does not yet indicate a new position. A day after conception, body temperature rises due to the active production of progesterone. Until implantation, fluctuations in the thermometer readings by tenths of degrees will be noticeable.

Immediately after attachment ovum you can find that the thermometer level remains at 37. Severe hyperthermia is not observed. A woman may not even suspect she is pregnant until her period is missed, ignoring this sign. Can appear additional symptoms in the form of a general malaise.

The expectant mother also suspects pregnancy if she has a cold that occurs after conception. During this period, there is a decrease immune defense, which nature has provided for the successful attachment of the fetal egg. During pregnancy, body temperature rises due to a viral infection or remains at 37 degrees. Additionally, a woman may experience chills, headache or muscle pain, weakness and drowsiness. It is believed that during pregnancy, body temperature does not always increase.

But BT remains consistently high throughout the first trimester. If the expectant mother notices a decrease in BBT (less than 36.8 degrees), then you should definitely consult a doctor. It is also necessary to notify the gynecologist if the readings in the armpit drop below 36 degrees.

Temperature at the beginning of pregnancy: what should cause concern

Experienced girls can find out about the conception by temperature. Those who first began to monitor thermometer values ​​have questions. Women are interested in whether the reading on the thermometer always increases during pregnancy or not. An increase in thermometer values ​​is indeed an indirect indicator of the presence of a fetus in the uterus. The increase is caused by progesterone, without which the development of pregnancy is impossible. Therefore, it can be argued that the new condition often manifests itself as mild hyperthermia. But this doesn't always happen. Some expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy do not notice any noticeable changes in their condition.

Still, fluctuations in the thermometer that deviate from generally accepted norms are a cause for concern.


Values ​​greater than 37.5 degrees should alert a woman. In this case, you need to look for the cause of the increase in body temperature. Often such a rise is caused by a viral infection or exacerbation chronic illness, which arise due to a decrease in the body's immune defense. The patient sometimes does not experience obvious discomfort and does not express complaints. An infection that causes hyperthermia can be localized in the nasopharynx, lower parts respiratory system, genitourinary department. It is important to find the cause and eliminate it.

It is important to remember that hyperthermia is dangerous for the developing fetus. When the thermometer value approaches 38, it is necessary to raise the issue of taking antipyretic medications. When the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In case of elevated body temperature, women usually have no questions. Everything here is extremely simple: the temperature should rise slightly, but readings over 37.5 degrees oblige you to be wary.

Doubts arise among expectant mothers when indicators are low. If conception is planned, but shortly before the expected menstruation the BBT decreases, then with a high degree of probability it can be said that pregnancy has not occurred. If the new position has already been confirmed, and the thermometer readings suddenly become low, then this becomes a reason to consult a doctor. Call an ambulance immediately if there is a decrease in basal temperature, which is accompanied by:

  • pulling pains in the lower part of the peritoneum;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • pre-fainting state;
  • a decrease in blood pressure.

A low temperature under the arm (36-36.3) is usually not a sign of a threat, only bt is indicative. However, a stable decrease may indicate endocrine problems, for example, hypothyroidism. You should tell your doctor about a low temperature at the next examination.

Is 38°C dangerous?

Low-grade fever can be temporarily eliminated with the help of antipyretics, but the disease that caused it may soon come back to haunt you. new strength. That is why, if you notice a persistent increase in temperature, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can clearly diagnose the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

A temperature of 38°C can be a symptom of any infectious disease. The most common causes are influenza and ARVI, tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, focal pneumonia, pharyngitis, gastroenteritis. With more serious inflammatory processes, the temperature usually rises to febrile (up to 39°C), pyritic (up to 41°C) and hyperpyritic (above 41°C). The latter is life-threatening and requires immediate medical care as an emergency condition.

A temperature above 41°C is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention as a medical emergency.

How to bring down a temperature of 38°C

People tolerate elevated temperatures in different ways: some suffer terribly from the “children’s” 37.2°C, while others can do nothing at home at 39.0°C. That is why there is no single answer to the question “is it necessary to lower the temperature.” Focus on your well-being. In general, recommendations for diligent treatment of seasonal infections are relevant for everyone:

If you decide to bring down the temperature, choose ibuprofen. Stick to the dosage indicated in the instructions: exceeding the norm threatens nausea, drowsiness, headache, shortness of breath and other troubles that a weakened body does not need at all. It is noteworthy that paracetamol reduces temperature well only in viral infections (ARVI). If the antipyretic has no effect on you, and the temperature remains at 38, do not delay visiting the doctor: there is a risk of a bacterial complication.

Important! In case of viral infections, aspirin should not be given to children due to the high risk severe defeat liver and brain (Reye's syndrome).

Allow your body to lose heat. No, run out onto the balcony and shower yourself cold water no need. On the contrary, it would be a good idea to dress warmer. But the room will have to be well ventilated so that the temperature in it does not exceed 18-20 degrees. This way, your body will use heat to warm the air you breathe in, and your temperature will drop. You need to arrange through ventilation regularly, as well as wet cleaning.

Another proven method effective reduction low-grade fever - plenty of warm drinks(raspberry tea, rosehip decoction, warm mineral water, Herb tea). You will sweat, go to the toilet every 3 hours, and your temperature will drop. If there is no sweat or urge to urinate, this may indicate a problem with the body.

Tea with raspberries is considered the best medicine against colds and fever, because it stimulates sweating. But to avoid inadvertently becoming dehydrated, drink a glass of warm water first.

It is dangerous to reduce the temperature with ice compresses and wet cold sheets. Such procedures can result in vasospasm, when the skin becomes cold, and the temperature inside the body, on the contrary, increases. Doctors use physical methods cooling for hyperpyritic fever (temperature above 41°C) only after eliminating vascular spasm with special medications.

How long can the temperature stay at 38?

In the case of influenza and ARVI, a temperature of 38°C usually does not last longer than 7 days. During this time, the immune system produces enough interferon to stop viral infection. If the temperature lasts for more than a week, this indicates either the presence of bacterial or post-viral asthenia (weakness). In any case, it will not be possible to do without consulting a therapist and taking tests.

In no case should you ignore or independently treat enlarged lymph nodes, increased cough, the appearance of purulent or foamy sputum, intense pain in any part of the body, profuse vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, fainting, confusion. When combined with an elevated body temperature, these symptoms may indicate a life-threatening illness.

Statistics show that the overwhelming number of deaths from complications of influenza is associated with improper treatment of the infection, untimely consultation with a doctor, attempts to stoically endure the disease on one’s feet and drown out the symptoms with pills. Remember this during the epidemic season and do not violate the specialist’s instructions.


When body temperature rises to 38 degrees or above, most often the reasons for this lie in the development of a cold.

However, sometimes elevated temperature long time is at 37 degrees, this is quite alarm signal and often indicates serious problems with health.

What is low-grade fever

In general, body temperature should not always be at the same level, since various chemical and physiological processes are constantly occurring in a person.

Many people regard a slight deviation from the generally accepted figure as a health problem, but this is not always true.

  1. Indicators normal temperature may vary depending on physiological state body, method and place of measurement, time of day, hormonal state, degree physical activity, humidity and temperature in the room and so on.
  2. During the day, in healthy people, data can increase and decrease by 0.5 degrees. In this case, the maximum decrease in temperature occurs at 4-6 o’clock in the morning, and the maximum increase at 16-20 o’clock. In this regard, changes in temperature indicators throughout the day are most often associated with physiological characteristics bodies.
  3. Each person has an individual daily rhythm, which changes with correct mode day and regular rest. Also, low-grade fever is typical for young women of ascetic character, who are prone to frequent headaches and vegetative dystonia.

Low-grade fever is a condition of the body that is accompanied by frequent or periodic increases in temperature to 37-38.3 degrees. A true high temperature is considered to be the readings obtained by measuring with a thermometer in the mouth or rectum if they are 38.3 degrees or higher.

The chick is a warm-blooded creature, so the temperature human body able to maintain a stable body temperature throughout life.

Temperature readings can fluctuate under stress, after eating, when a person is sleeping. In women, changes in temperature indicators are observed in certain period menstrual cycle.

When a person is exposed to certain factors, a protective reaction of the body occurs in the form of fever. Even slight increase temperature promotes acceleration metabolic process and protects the body from the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Also, an increase in temperature often indicates bodily and psychological disorder health.

Normal temperature indicators are considered as follows:

  • When measured in the armpit, the temperature is healthy person is 34.7-30.0 degrees.
  • When measured in the rectum, the values ​​are 36.6-38.0 degrees.
  • When measured in oral cavity the temperature can be 35.5-37.5 degrees.

The average temperature when measured in the armpit is 36.6 degrees, but this value may differ for each person, depending on individual characteristics organism. For some, a temperature of 36.3 degrees is considered normal, while others constantly see readings of 37-37.2 degrees.

Meanwhile, low-grade fever usually indicates certain disorders in human health in the form of a sluggish inflammatory process. Therefore, it is imperative to determine what exactly causes similar condition and identify the source of inflammation, if any.

But it is necessary to consider whether the measurements were taken correctly. Thus, a change in temperature indicators can be observed if the temperature was measured in a person who is overly dressed or overheated in the sun. Also, disruption of thermoregulation occurs with hyperthyroidism.

If a body temperature of 37 degrees persists for more than a week without visible signs illness, the patient feels apathy and weakness, the reasons for this may be different.

First of all, the reasons that the patient has a constantly elevated temperature are associated with the body’s protective reaction to some unfavorable process.

With this, the body tries to fight viruses and bacteria if a person develops inflammation or infection.

It is categorically impossible to knock down indicators and accept them in this case.

  1. In women, the reasons may be related to hormonal changes in the body during the menstrual cycle a few days before menstruation.
  2. Temperature changes are often caused by a depleted immune system. In this case, the patient quickly gets tired, sweats a lot and sometimes loses weight.
  3. In some cases, the body may respond to antibiotics by raising its temperature. A similar condition is caused by certain spicy foods, which increase sweating and an increase in temperature up to 37 degrees.
  4. Chills or slight overheating may occur if surgery or a blood transfusion occurred.
  5. In case of violation nervous system, nervous and physical fatigue, frequent stress may cause increased body temperature.
  6. Due to metabolic disorders, spasm of superficial vessels and disruptions in the endocrine system often occur.

Most often, a low-grade fever is maintained if a person begins colds. Additionally, the patient experiences symptoms such as frequent cough, sore throat, aches in muscle tissue, runny nose, headaches. Also, a similar condition can occur if a person has recently suffered from an illness and the body is gradually recovering after the infection has been released.

In some cases, the elevated temperature persists if, under heavy loads, frequent stress, sudden shifts sentry and climate zone thermoneurosis develops. This condition often occurs in people with vegetative-vascular dystonia as a reaction to external influences.

If, in addition to an increase in temperature, the patient’s stomach is seething, nausea, aversion to food, loose stools are observed, the reasons may lie in intestinal infection. This is what can provoke an increase in temperature.

Constantly elevated temperature may be the result of psychogenic effects on the consciousness of certain substances. The disease is provoked by stress, anxiety, fear and strong feelings.

A temperature of 37 degrees sometimes indicates a fever, which may herald exotic diseases brought from abroad. In this case, you must consult an infectious disease specialist and undergo the necessary tests.

Malignant formations in the form of tumors can also cause low-grade fever. A persistently elevated temperature may occur if the patient has autoimmune changes.

Therefore, in order to exclude the presence of rheumatoid diseases, hormonal and other disorders, it is necessary to undergo a full examination by a doctor.

How to measure temperature correctly

Temperature measurement is carried out using medical thermometer in several areas of the body. Most often, the thermometer is placed in the armpit or rectum. When measured in the rectum, the indicators are more accurate, but this method is most often used for children.

For temperature readings to be correct and accurate, the armpit must be dry. If the patient sweats profusely, wipe the sweat under the armpit and allow the skin to dry completely. so it's important to know.

It is important to ensure that the initial reading on the thermometer is no higher than 35 degrees. Temperature measurement in the armpit is carried out for at least ten minutes.

If you have doubts about the accuracy of the indicators, you should use another thermometer, since the reason may be a non-working thermometer.

If the temperature is 37 degrees and does not change throughout the day, do not panic, this may be a normal reaction of the body to a hot climate and fatigue. When temperatures remain elevated for a week or more, it’s worth figuring out what’s causing it.

Since this condition can be caused by almost any factor, treatment should be carried out only after contacting your doctor and undergoing a full examination.

Once the doctor receives the results of blood and urine tests, he will be able to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe necessary complex medicines. General analysis blood will show whether the patient has any hidden inflammatory processes in organism.

Even if the elevated temperature lasts for a long time, you should never take antipyretic medications, otherwise the body will not be able to fight the disease. If the cause of your weak condition is overfatigue, it is recommended to rest and get a good night's sleep.

To improve immunity, you need to include foods rich in vitamin C, vegetables, and fruits in your diet. You can also take a complex of vitamins and immunostimulating medications.

In the case when, in addition to elevated temperature, the patient has general weakness, cough, malaise, headache, you need to consult a doctor.

What not to do when the temperature rises

As mentioned above, under no circumstances should you take antipyretic drugs to lower your temperature. The body must cope with changes on its own, otherwise incorrect treatment may lead to complications and worsening of the situation.

  • When temperature indicators change, there is no need to install mustard plasters, do alcohol compress, go to the bathhouse, drink hot drinks, drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Since during illness the body cools by sweating, there is no need to wrap the patient in warm blankets. As a result of such insulation, the body cannot fully cool naturally.
  • It is not recommended to heat the room too much and use a humidifier. Humid air with harmful microorganisms can enter the lungs through the mouth, especially if the patient has a stuffy nose. This is fraught with bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Also, humidified air contributes to impaired sweating, which is why the body is not able to cool itself. Therefore, you need to ensure that the air temperature in the room is 22-24 degrees.
  • It is very harmful to make alcohol or vinegar rubdowns, as vapors may cause fainting or dizziness. Wherein alcohol solutions instantly evaporate from the surface of the skin, causing the body to cool sharply. This causes trembling and the patient wastes energy and strength.
  • Until you consult a doctor, you should not take antibiotics, as they can greatly harm the functioning of the immune system, further aggravating the situation.

To normalize the patient’s condition and get rid of the disease, you need to drink a lot of fluids. For this you can use lingonberry or cranberry juice, mineral water, herbal tea with lemon, linden or raspberry decoction. Drinking sugary drinks is not recommended, as glucose promotes the spread of harmful bacteria.

At elevated temperatures, it is necessary to observe bed rest. It is best to sleep in clothes made from natural fabrics. Fatty, fried, spicy and other heavy foods should be excluded from the diet. Dr. Komarovsky will talk about high fever and its treatment in the video in this article.

Everyone's body temperature increased, but for common man It’s not clear why our body needs this. Yes, exactly, our body needs this to fight infection. There are a lot of interesting things in our brain, and there is also a thermoregulation center, which is responsible for maintaining constant temperature bodies by our body. It just so happens that we are warm-blooded mammals and it takes us almost 50% of the calories we consume from food every day to maintain a constant body temperature.

Now a little about why the body sometimes needs to increase its body temperature.

An increase in body temperature is a complex physiological process, which is triggered in response to the penetration of infectious agents into the body. But not just penetration, since thousands of them penetrate every minute and are successfully destroyed immune system. The penetration of microbes or viruses must be accompanied by their consolidation, active reproduction and the release of exogenous (come from outside) pyrogens, then the body’s defenses give a signal about an increase in body temperature.

The importance of this process is that elevated temperature creates unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, as well as a powerful stimulus for the release of interferon, increased activity of lymphocytes and phagocytosis, and other protective agents. At elevated temperatures, tumor growth slows down.

But why do many people consider temperature the main enemy during the period of illness and fight so hard against it?

Firstly, the point is a lack of understanding of the mechanism of the disease itself, as well as imaginary relief when the temperature is brought down.

Secondly, the fear of raising body temperature to very high numbers, which in fact already harms our body. But rising only above 39 C° Celsius is dangerous.

Thirdly, for some reason, many have developed the opinion that if there is a temperature, then a person is sick, if it is knocked down, then it means that he is no longer sick. I'm not kidding, many people actually think so.

And finally, now what to do if your body temperature rises?

If you have a cold, flu, sore throat, or any other infection, you should not rush to bring down the body temperature if it does not exceed 38.5 ° C. Don't deprive your body of important defensive reaction. It is even better to help the body in such a matter: cover yourself with a warm blanket to reduce heat transfer. Yes, of course, in severe infections (malaria, etc.), when the temperature goes off scale for 39 - 40 degrees, it is imperative to bring it down in order to avoid the main complication - cerebral edema, from which people die so often.

Watch a video about elevated body temperature:

The temperature can rise not only in infectious diseases, but also in other diseases not associated with bacteria and viruses.

  • With thyrotoxicosis, there is often an increase in temperature and an increase in basal metabolism.
  • Fever can often accompany a tumor of the adrenal cortex - pheochromocytoma.
  • Another cause of fever not associated with infection is a traumatic brain injury.

In addition to all this, keep in mind that there are several methods for measuring temperature, there are already many types of thermometers for these purposes. The above figures correspond to the oldest method of measurement - this is in the armpit.

1. ARVI, influenza

Starts suddenly: chills nagging pain in the frontal part, aches and muscle pains, pain in the eyes, sneezing and runny nose. The temperature jumps quickly - within a few hours - up to 38 - 39 degrees.

For relief, we take anti-inflammatory drugs (with paracetamol, ibuprofen, combined analgesics), do inhalations, observe bed rest, drink fruit drinks and tea with raspberries. And we are waiting for recovery 4-6 days.

2. Cold kidneys

At acute inflammation pelvic organs (kidneys, ovaries or prostate), the temperature can jump to 38 - 39 degrees, on the forehead - perspiration, pulling or dagger pain in the lumbar region on one or both sides, radiating to the groin or lower abdomen.

It is urgent to take a blood test (there will be increased leukocytes and ESR indicator). To relieve pain, you can take spazgan or no-shpa, drink urological preparations. To get rid of the infection, you will have to take a course of antibacterial drugs.

3. Tumors

Temperature stays longer than a month. Clear reason No. Associated with general malaise, weakness, increased loss hair, loss of appetite and weight. Lymph nodes enlarge.

This happens with tumors of the kidneys, liver, lungs, leukemia. There is no need to panic right away, but in some cases it is necessary to be examined by an oncologist without wasting time.

4. Problematic thyroid gland

Elevated temperature (about 37 - 38 degrees) is combined with weight loss, irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, and a feeling of fear. Appetite increases, but weight is lost.

Check your thyroid hormones. When thyroid function is impaired - hyperthyroidism - the entire thermoregulation system of the body is upset.

5. Dystonia

The temperature is about 37 degrees, mostly in young people. Accompanied by pressure changes, red spots appear on the chest, face, and neck.

This condition is called "constitutional hyperthermia". It often occurs during nervous and physical stress, for example during exams. This is a variety vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sedative and anti-anxiety medications, tinctures of eleutherococcus, valerian, motherwort and auto-training will help.

6. Rheumatism

An increase in temperature is combined with inflammation of the joints, kidneys, and pain in the heart.

This happens with rheumatism. This autoimmune disease, it disrupts the general immune status body and leapfrog begins, including with temperature.

7. Drug fever

Even after examination, it is not possible to identify the cause. Nevertheless, the temperature remains around 38 or rises periodically for three weeks.

This is a "fever of unknown origin." You need to undergo: an immune status test, hormone tests, and an endocrinological examination. Sometimes a rise in temperature can provoke the use of antibiotics, vascular, hormonal drugs- This is drug fever.


Which is better: powders or tablets?

In pharmacies now big choice fever-relieving drugs different shapes release. Is there a difference, we asked our consultant otolaryngologist Anatoly SMIRNITSKY:

Medicines in tablets or capsules last longer than medicines and syrups. But for the tablet to dissolve in the stomach and active substance got into the blood, it takes some time. The exception is fizzy tablets, which bring down the fever quickly. But all anti-inflammatory pills do not work very well on the gastric mucosa, so it is better to drink them after meals. Soluble powders healing effect They give it almost immediately. But such drugs take less time to act. They are good in quality emergency remedy. However, some of them cause drowsiness, they are not recommended if you have to drive (this information should be in the annotation).


38.3 degrees - this temperature and higher already needs to be brought down with the help of medications. Without medications, the following will help bring yourself back to normal at a temperature of 37 to 38 degrees:

wiping the body with a weak solution of table vinegar;

green tea or black with raspberries, cranberry juice;

citrus. In order for the temperature during a cold to drop by 0.3 - 0.5 degrees, you need to eat a grapefruit or half a lemon.