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Preparing the patient for surgery. Prepare for surgery

Any operation is a great stress for the body. In many ways, its result depends on the patient himself. That is why to surgical intervention should prepare. Everyone should know how to do it correctly, because even people with good health. What can not be done before the operation, and what doctors strongly recommend, read in our Question-Answer section.

Can I have surgery if I have a cold?

Before any planned operation, a thorough medical examination is carried out. The doctor must be informed of all his serious illnesses. Do not hide anything, because the outcome of the operation largely depends on this.

The patient's health condition is assessed by the surgeon and anesthesiologist, tests and ECG are prescribed. Based on all procedures, the doctor assesses the patient's readiness for anesthesia. The operation is postponed if the patient has ARVI, heat exacerbation of concomitant disease. You do not need to hide from the doctor if you feel that you are sick.

Should I shave before surgery?

Few people know that before the operation you can not shave, including the legs, notes The Daily Mail. A person can cause microscopic cuts. Any violation of the integrity of the cover increases the risk of infection. If you want to get rid of body hair, you need to do this in a week, microbiologists from London explain. But there are operations, preparation for which still involves shaving. In particular, this is the removal of the appendix and a caesarean section.

Do I need to go on a diet?

Causes risk and sudden weight loss before surgery. Although some fat people and recommend shedding a few pounds to avoid possible problems with anesthesia, thrombosis and infections. Ideally, you should stop restricting your calorie intake about a week before your surgery.

Can I take medication?

Another issue is drugs. Blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin should not be taken before surgery, otherwise the blood simply will not clot. The problem is with drugs that regulate blood pressure. On the contrary, they must be taken to the last. After all, pressure surges threaten either a stroke or uncontrolled bleeding. By the way, herbal remedies also needs to be taken into account. Garlic, ginseng and ginger are believed to increase the risk of bleeding.

Is it possible to drink and eat?

It is known that people lie on the operating table with empty stomach. It is forbidden to eat and drink six hours before anesthesia. By agreement with the doctor, you can take sedatives at night and in the morning to sleep and not worry too much. It is also necessary to exclude the use of alcohol.

Some patients deceive themselves by chewing chewing gum- it helps them cope with hunger. But this is not very good, because the stomach begins to produce additional acid. If this acid leaves the stomach in a state of complete relaxation during the operation, there will be big problems.

Is it true that you can not go to the operation with a manicure?

This is the absolute truth. Nail polish must be completely removed, as it can interfere with the analysis of a person's breath. Nails should be cut short. This will also reduce the risk of spreading bacteria and allow you to attach a sensor to your finger that reads the level of oxygen. Doctors also advise taking a shower on the day of surgery. Since microbes from the surface of the body can get inside during the operation.

Can I smoke before the operation?

Smokers should stop cigarettes a few days before surgery. In fact, even daily abstinence will help. Lungs damaged by tobacco are more susceptible to infections. Postoperative infections are quite common among smokers. In addition, smoking makes the blood more viscous. In turn, stress and anxiety cause no less damage to the body. Known: anxious people harder to euthanize, they have reduced pain threshold and they are more likely to have side effects.

Today we will talk about:

Any operation is stress for the body. Many are mistaken when they think that the success of the operation lies entirely on the shoulders of the doctor. This is a common misconception. A lot also depends on the actions of the patient himself, which he performed on the eve of the operation. What you need to know when a planned operation is ahead? Tell PoMedicine.

Surely many people are unaware that proper preparation to the operation and subsequent compliance with the rules postoperative regime have importance for the health of the patient. If a person does not adhere to some rules that all patients preparing for surgery must strictly follow, the doctor may cancel. In addition, such a negligent attitude towards one's health can significantly change the work of an anesthesiologist for the worse, he can make a mistake and choose the wrong method of anesthesia for you and the drugs used. Therefore, in all medical institutions, doctors strongly advise to adhere to strict rules for the preoperative and postoperative period.

Before joining the department

You'll see each other when you find out preparations start weeks or even months before you're admitted to the hospital wing. It all depends on the patient himself, because the doctor will not be able to constantly monitor the patient's lifestyle and make sure that he fulfills all his prescriptions. So, what is required from the patient before admission to the medical institution:

I. General information

1. Before the operation, you must put the body on alert, that is, be as healthy as possible. Due to cough and SARS, the specialist may well undergo surgery if your condition seems unsatisfactory to him. But what about those who suffer? chronic ailments? Together with the doctor, achieve a stable remission by the date on which the operation is scheduled.

2. Should be abandoned bad habits: from smoking, alcohol, taking drugs. It is best to stop smoking cigarettes one and a half months before the operation. It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol on the day of surgery, because because of it per person for a long time anesthesia does not work. In addition, it negatively affects the work of many internal organs. And you need your heart, kidneys, liver to work at full capacity.

3. Try to lead healthy lifestyle life and eat right. Be sure to include vegetables, fruits, lean meats, dairy products in your diet (unless you have personal recommendations from a doctor). If the specialist said that you need to throw off a pair extra pounds before lying down on the operating table - it is better to listen to him. Obesity leads to frequent complications. A patient who maintains his body in good shape is much easier to tolerate postoperative period than someone who doesn't watch their weight. Of course, you should not get carried away with sweet, fast food, fatty and salty foods before the operation.

4. With loose teeth and weak crowns, it is also better not to go under the knife. The fact is that the anesthesiologist during the operation must ensure the patency respiratory tract. It sounds paradoxical, but your tooth can simply be lost. It will be worse if you swallow it.

5. Prepare all the medicines you are taking in advance. Doctors cannot know about every pill that makes you feel better. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking. If you resort to alternative medicine(propolis tinctures, various decoctions and ointments) - the doctor should also know about this.

II. Personal items

1. All Jewelry(earrings, bracelets, rings, etc.) should be left at home. There is no need for them to be worn during the operation. They can interfere with specialists during work and even injure your skin.

2. You should take care of what to take with you to the hospital. First, don't forget your toiletries (soap, towel, toilet paper, shampoo, washcloth, etc.). Shaving accessories are also worth taking with you. If you lie in paid clinic, you may not need them, but in ordinary city hospitals it is better to bring everything with you, including dishes. Be sure to grab 1-2 mugs, a cup, a spoon, a fork, a knife, a boiler or a small teapot, tea leaves. Do not forget about scissors and a thread with a needle. It is better to take comfortable clothes made from natural materials. Please note that it can get dirty or torn, so it is better to grab already worn clothes.

3. Before the operation, you will have enough free time. To calm down and distract yourself, take a few books, magazines, Board games(chess, checkers, dominoes). Don't forget your phone or tablet. Take care of chargers. If your child is going to have the operation, let him take his favorite toys to the department.

Before anesthesia

I. Hygiene and appearance

1. If you have not had any prescriptions from a doctor, be sure to take a shower with soap and water the evening before the morning operation (or the day before the evening one). Water procedures will help cleanse your skin of impurities invisible to the eye, which will reduce the risk of infection.

2. Don't forget to brush your teeth in the morning and evening.

3. Before the operation, your skin must be cleansed of foundations, powders and make-up. It is not allowed to lie down on the operating table with a manicure, because the varnish can interfere special device read data about the patient's breathing.

4. Piercings, earrings, lenses, hearing aid, should also be left in the ward.

5. If the operation will be performed on the part of the body where there is hair, it should be carefully shaved before the operation. Your doctor should tell you about this. If no recommendations have been received from him, do not use a razor. You can make microscopic cuts that can easily become infected.

II. Food and medicine

1. All medications, which you take, must be agreed with the doctor and anesthetist. This is very important question because even Viagra can cause a critical drop blood pressure And sharp deterioration the patient's condition during the operation.

2. If you have been allowed to take any medication a few hours before surgery, it is best not to drink liquids.

3. In the morning before your operation, you are not allowed to eat or drink any liquids, including drinking water. It is extremely important that your stomach is empty during the operation, otherwise your life will be in real danger.

III. Psychological side affairs

1. Excitement and fear of an operation, even if it was planned in advance, is normal reaction a person who should not be ashamed. In order not to worry and feel comfortable, try to collect as much competent information as possible about how such operations take place. Read a book, listen to your favorite music. If you are haunted by a persistent feeling of fear, talk with the doctor who will perform the operation.

After operation

After a successful operation, the patient has yet to recover from anesthesia. Gradually, the sensitivity of the muscles will return to him, he will regain consciousness. To remove drugs, the body will need time and concentration of forces. Doctors say that patients get out of anesthesia in 4-5 hours. After another 10-15 hours they spend half asleep. This reaction is completely normal and should not bother you or your loved ones.

What you need to know

  • after anesthesia, you need to spend at least a day in a calm environment: you cannot run, jump, play active games, work with children, etc.;
  • it is forbidden to handle any devices that can harm your health (chainsaw, lawn mower, etc.);
  • after anesthesia, you can’t drive, because your reaction rate will be noticeably slower, you can fall asleep while sitting in the driver’s seat;
  • do not take any medications other than those prescribed by your doctor;
  • alcohol (including beer, cider, cocktails, etc.) should be excluded at least for a few days, let the body recover and take a break from the stress experienced;
  • if you have been discharged from the hospital after anesthesia (minor surgery), ask a friend or relative to monitor your condition during the day and tell the doctor if you feel worse;
  • limit yourself in food and food for the first 3-4 days, your diet should be broths, cereals on the water, yogurts, mousses, toast bread.

For the operation to be successful, do not forget that you must be directly involved in its preparation. Compliance with the prescriptions of doctors will help to avoid possible risks and complications.

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- This severe stress for the whole organism. And therefore this event preceded by careful preparation of the patient, including and drug treatment and psychological impact on the patient.

Surgery is often the only chance for life.

Operation, surgical intervention, surgical intervention is one of the two methods of treatment, (along with medication), that the traditional medicine. This method treatment involves a mechanical effect on the organs or individual tissues of a living organism - be it a person or an animal. According to the purpose of the action, surgical intervention is:

  • therapeutic - that is, the purpose of the operation is to heal an organ, or an entire system of the body;
  • diagnostic - during which the tissue of an organ, or its contents, is taken for analysis. This type of surgery is called a biopsy.

Therapeutic, in turn, are divided according to the method of influence on the organs:

  1. bloody - involve dissection of tissues, suturing to stop bleeding, and other manipulations,
  2. bloodless - this is the reduction of dislocations, the application of gypsum for fractures.

Any operation takes more than one day. It is preceded by careful preparation, then observation of the patient in order to prevent undesirable consequences. Therefore, the entire period while the patient is in direct contact with the medical staff is divided into periods:

  • the preoperative period begins from the moment when the patient arrived at the surgical department of the hospital;
  • intraoperative period - the immediate time of the operation;
  • the postoperative period includes postoperative rehabilitation.

Transactions are classified according to their timing as follows:

  1. emergency - when surgery is performed immediately, as soon as the patient was taken to the hospital, and a diagnosis was made;
  2. urgent operations are performed within 24-48 hours. These watches are used for additional diagnostics, or there is hope that the organ can be cured without surgical intervention;
  3. planned operations are scheduled after complete diagnosis organs, when it becomes clear that the operation is needed, and the optimal time for medical indications for the patient and for the healthcare facility.

Preparation for a planned operation depends on the nature of the disease, and can take from 3 days or more. During this period, additional diagnostic procedures and special training.

Activities included in the preparation for a planned operation

Before admission to the hospital, the patient should be examined as much as possible.

During the period of preparation for a planned operation, a complete one is carried out in order to identify concomitant diseases that may become a contraindication to surgical intervention. It is also important during this period to determine the patient's tolerance to antibiotics and anesthetics.

The more complete the examination carried out in the clinic before the patient enters the hospital, the less time the preoperative diagnosis will take. The minimum examination standard assumes:

  1. general analysis blood,
  2. determination of blood clotting,
  3. determination of blood group and Rh factor
  4. general urine analysis,
  5. analysis for HIV and HBs antigen,
  6. fluorography,
  7. electrocardiogram with interpretation,
  8. consultation of a therapist and other specialists, for women - a gynecologist.

For patients, preparation for surgery is carried out simultaneously with examinations. This allows you to shorten the preoperative stage. The operation may be delayed if:

  • which may indicate an infection. During the preoperative period, the patient's temperature is measured 2 times a day.
  • Menstruation is coming. It is also not recommended to plan the operation 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. During this period, blood clotting decreases, which can cause serious complications.
  • On the body there are boils, pustular rashes, eczema. This circumstance may postpone the surgical intervention for a month, until complete cure, because inflammatory processes on the skin in the body weakened by the operation can manifest itself in the internal organs.

Special events in preparation for a planned operation

Preparing for the operation

Respiratory preparation

Up to 10 percent of complications in the postoperative period occur in the respiratory system. The risk of such complications increases especially if the patient has bronchitis, or emphysema. Exacerbated bronchitis may be a contraindication for surgery. Such patients are treated, prescribed physiotherapy and expectorant drugs.

Preparation of the cardiovascular system

Patients over 40 years of age, and those who have complaints about the heart, are required to do an electrocardiogram. If there are no changes on the cardiogram, and heart sounds are normal, then additional training not required.

Mouth and throat preparation

Preparatory procedures include mandatory recovery oral cavity with the help of a dentist. It is necessary to cure everything before the operation inflamed teeth and gums, improve the oral cavity. Removable dentures are removed before the operation. Chronic tonsillitis is also a contraindication to intracavitary operations. Therefore, it is necessary to first remove the tonsils, and then only proceed to the main operation.

Psychological preparation

Preoperative preparation should also include psychological work with the patient. The attitude of the patient to his condition and the upcoming surgical procedure depends on the type nervous system. In some surgical departments employed psychologists. But if there is none, their function is taken over by the attending physician or surgeon. He must set the person up for surgical intervention, remove fear, panic, depression. The doctor should also explain the essence of the upcoming operation.

Junior and middle staff should not talk on this topic either with the relatives of the patient or with the patient himself. Information about the course of the disease and the risks associated with surgery is allowed to be reported only to the closest relatives of the patient. The doctor also explains to relatives how they should behave in relation to the patient, how and how they can help the patient.

Preparation for surgical intervention on the gastrointestinal tract

Preparations for surgery gastrointestinal tract takes 1 to 2 weeks. In particular severe forms pathology of the stomach, there is a lack of circulating blood and failure metabolic processes in organism. Patients suffering from gastric lavage every day 0.25 percentage solution HCl.

During the period of preparation for surgery on the stomach, enhanced nutrition is prescribed. The day before the operation, the patient is given only sweet tea. Bowel surgery requires limiting high-fiber foods. It takes into account the fact that fasting makes the body resistant to infections. Therefore, if the state of the gastrointestinal tract does not allow eating on its own, the patient is administered glucose and drugs containing protein and intravenously. Additionally, the lack of proteins is replenished by transfusion of blood, plasma, albumin.

In the absence of contraindications, the day before surgery, the patient is given a laxative in the form of or vaseline oil. In the evening before the operation, the intestines are cleaned with an enema. Special preparations sick people pass diabetes. In order to maintain normal level blood sugar they are assigned a carbohydrate-free diet, insulin is administered with direct control of blood sugar levels.

Preparing the operating room for a planned operation

The operating room is being prepared...

Preparation of the operating room for a planned operation involves ensuring the cleanliness and sterility of the operating table and instruments. The operating table must be treated with a one percent solution of chloramine or other antiseptic before each operation, then it is covered with a sterile sheet.

On top of the first, a table is laid with a second sheet, the edges of which should fall thirty centimeters. Pre-sterilized instruments are laid out on a large instrument table in three rows:

  1. In the first row - the instruments that the surgeon or his assistant uses in the first place - scalpels, scissors, tweezers, Farabef hooks, hemostatic clamps;
  2. In the second row - specialized instruments for operations on the gastrointestinal tract (Clamp Mikulich, intestinal pulp);
  3. In the third row - highly specialized instruments intended for specific pathologies and manipulations.

How the operating room is being prepared for work, you will learn from the video.

It’s a pity that you didn’t write your name, it would be easier to communicate! ..

I will tell you as a surgeon with 30 years of experience.

For all the time of my work, I have not yet seen a single patient who would not be afraid of surgery. If a person is mentally healthy, then, of course, he is afraid of an operation, afraid of pain, the unknown, afraid of complications, etc., etc. Being afraid of surgery is completely normal. If someone is not afraid of an operation, then something is clearly wrong with his head, and he does not need a surgeon, but a psychiatrist ...

This is where rational thinking comes into play. Surgery is the only way you have to get rid of your disease. The operation is the method by which you get rid of the disease forever. You have probably been treated with medications and found that they only provide temporary relief. And the operation, especially done on time, will save you from that enemy that lurks inside you and is waiting for it to deliver a decisive blow. Believe that your doctor is interested in a favorable outcome of the operation no less, if not more than you! Since you have known your doctor for a long time, since you trust him, then everything will be fine! When the patient believes his doctor, everything works out for the best! In this I was convinced many, many times over the years of work.

In the meantime, be sure to tell your doctor and anesthetist about your fears and worries. All this can be removed with light sedatives. Your insomnia and tears in the pillow will only interfere with the normal outcome! This must be eliminated! IN preoperative preparation included and psychological preparation sick. So let your doctor know. And at least drink the usual valocordin 30 drops at night and 1-2 times a day for 15-20 drops - this should help you.

Don't worry so! It will not bring you any benefit, and there will be much more harm.

And it was necessary to prepare for the operation, and for any troubles in life, in advance, strengthening your spirit ... But now, apparently, the situation is not the same, and there is not much time ...

If you believe in God, then ask Him to protect you from everything bad that may be, ask your guardian angels to be with you and help you cope with fears, pains and all troubles ... For those who believe in God , in this regard, it’s easier ... a feeling of protection always helps, in any situation.

However, even if you do not believe, then ask God to help you. I have seen more than once how prayer from the bottom of my heart worked wonders... Such patients were saved who should not have survived according to any laws of medicine. And my personal faith was strengthened precisely on these examples ... :)))

In general, hold on. Trust your doctor and listen less to your roommates and stories that tell " good people"in the department - they will say such a thing that the hair will stand on end - the patients' fantasy works great! Remember that each person has his own destiny, and the bad things that happen to others should not necessarily happen to you.

And yet, I will tell you that the probability of complications after operations is on average about the same as the probability of being hit by a car on the street. But do you go out into the street without tears and fears? ..

Hold on, don't be afraid, everything will be fine!

Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer "It is a pity that you did not write your name, it would be easier to communicate! .. I will tell you, as a surgeon with 30 years of experience ..." to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

Discuss with an expert

Before the invention of anesthesia, about 70% of operations ended in the death of the patient, the survival of patients depended only on the speed of the surgeon. In 1839, the French surgeon Velpeaux stated that “the elimination of pain during operations is a chimera, which is not even allowed to be thought of; cutting instrument and pain are two concepts inseparable from each other in the mind of the patient.

March 30, 1842 American physician Crawford Long for the first time gave the patient before the operation to breathe ether. He published his results only in 1849, and on October 16, 1846, a test of ether anesthesia took place in the USA.

In Russia, the first operation using ether anesthesia was performed by doctor, doctor of medicine, surgeon Fedor Inozemtsev. The operation took place on February 7, 1847 on the territory of the First City Hospital in Riga. Immediately after the Riga operation ether anesthesia applied and Nikolai Pirogov.

Anesthesia today

Today there are three main types of anesthesia - local, general and spinal. In case of quick interventions, inhalation anesthesia is also used for children - the child inhales the anesthetic inhalation mixture through the mask and falls asleep. Intravenous anesthesia is used for long and difficult operations.

For 1 out of 20 patients, epidural anesthesia does not work, and for red-haired people, to turn off their pain, need 20% more anesthetics.

In traumatology, regional anesthesia is used - local anesthetic injected into the area of ​​the nerve, providing complete anesthesia of the limb. Epidural anesthesia is very popular for relief birth process, as the patient can both remain conscious and doze off under the influence of drugs.

Spinal anesthesia is difficult to manage and is rarely used, but the patient is completely disabled and does not feel pain. Anesthesia with preserved consciousness is used only in special occasions, most often in neurosurgery, if it is necessary to maintain the consciousness of the patient and communicate with him during the operation.
Oral (through the mouth) and rectal (through anus, with the help of an enema) anesthesia is practically not used today. The past goes and intramuscular method anesthesia.

How to prepare for surgery

Before any operation, except emergency cases, careful preparation is carried out: doctors, the attending surgeon and an anesthesiologist assess the patient's health, conduct an examination and prescribe studies, including a general blood test, a blood coagulation test, a general urinalysis, an ECG.

Based on all procedures, the doctor assesses the patient's readiness for anesthesia. The operation is postponed if the patient has ARVI, high temperature, exacerbation of concomitant disease.

The absence of complications after anesthesia is determined by several factors - the state of health of the patient and the work of the anesthesiologist. Therefore, before anesthesia, it is important to properly prepare for the operation and take into account all the nuances, in particular:
  • Choose a medical institution as carefully as possible, because the risk side effects from the use of anesthesia the less, the higher the qualifications of the anesthesiologist.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take - when combined, drugs can change their activity and duration of action. For example, taking regular aspirin affects blood clotting, sleeping pills and sedatives can change the body's response to the administration of painkillers.
  • Tell the doctor about all comorbidities. Any contraindication to anesthesia is acute illness, exacerbation chronic disease and even started menstruation.
  • Do not eat or drink (even water) 6 hours before anesthesia. By agreement with the doctor, you can take sedatives at night and in the morning to get enough sleep and not worry too much. It is also necessary to exclude the use of alcohol.
  • It is recommended to exclude cigarette smoking from your life 6 weeks before surgery - this will reduce the risk respiratory complications after operation. Do not smoke on the day of the operation.
  • Before the operation, it is necessary to remove all removable objects from the oral cavity (dentures, piercings), as well as remove contact lenses and hearing aid.
  • Remove nail polish from nails - it can interfere with the analysis of the patient's breath.
  • Ask your doctor what exactly you need to prepare for the operation. Usually this concerns the preparation of the necessary clothing, personal hygiene products and items that allow you to fill your time free from treatment.

Which type of anesthesia is right for you, the doctor decides. Today, anesthesiologists use about a dozen drugs during surgery. Often, even for the same operation, but for different patients, different anesthesia is used. In emergency cases, the use of anesthesia best view"Urgent" pain relief is the one that the anesthesiologist uses daily and knows best.

"Non-serious" anesthesia

For many, anesthesia is associated exclusively with major operations when a person is euthanized and completely anesthetized. At the same time, everyone is faced with anesthesia during less significant interventions, for example, in the dentist's office.

And despite the fact that there are modern safe drugs For local anesthesia, carpool technology is used, when the medicine is already prepared and packaged in syringes at the factory, not everyone gets dental anesthesia without complications.

The anesthetic risk group includes 30% of those who came to treat their teeth. These are people with cardiovascular diseases, allergies, endocrine pathology. Important role the state of the liver and kidneys plays - you need to tell the doctor about the presence of any of these diseases, but it is better to provide medical documents.

Elderly people, pregnant women, children and those who are very afraid of dental treatment are also vulnerable.

Is it possible not to wake up after anesthesia?

Many patients are afraid that they may not wake up after anesthesia. On the one hand, this is possible, but these cases are extremely rare. According to statistics, this happens in one of two hundred thousand planned operations, but even at the same time, most often death occurs not due to anesthesia, but in connection with surgical intervention.

But there are complications after anesthesia. For example, the risk of developing bronchitis and pneumonia in smokers is high. After the operation, memory, attention and the ability to memorize often decrease, but this lasts from two weeks to several months. Some patients may experience nausea, dizziness, temporary memory loss, sore throat, hoarseness, but these sensations quickly pass and do not harm the body.