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Rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery: regimen and diet. Postoperative hernia on the abdomen

Laparoscopy is considered the least invasive surgical procedure. With this method, the doctor can examine and study the abdominal cavity as well as the patient's abdomen. To perform a diagnosis or operation during laparoscopy, a special instrument (laparoscope) is used, which is a rough iron tube with a camera that connects to a computer screen. In this way, the entire abdominal cavity can be examined from the inside.

Problems during the rehabilitation phase

At the end of laparoscopy, patients may feel some discomfort, which often disappears after a couple of days. Someone complains that he has flatulence, a swollen and swollen stomach after laparoscopy. Some patients experience nausea and vomiting. The latter reaction can be explained by the effect of anesthesia. All these symptoms will disappear on their own (after a certain time).

It happens that patients develop painful sensations at the incision site. In addition, you may experience a sore throat.

But painful sensations and a “bloated belly” is a completely normal and common manifestation after surgery. In addition to the fact that the abdomen may become bloated, there is often discomfort in the shoulder area. Why do all these sensations appear? After surgery, carbon dioxide remains in the body. In many cases, the symptom goes away after a couple of days, but sometimes it can torment the patient for whole week. With the help of conventional painkillers you can get rid of these sensations.

Also, many who have undergone this operation are interested in when it is possible to sleep on their stomach. Each patient is different. Someone can lie on their stomach on the second night after surgery and sleep peacefully in this position. If the patient still has severe pain from the stitches, then it is better to sleep in a supine position for now.

The rehabilitation period after laparoscopy depends on the method of treatment. After diagnostic laparoscopic intervention, you can return to the usual way already on the fifth day of life. The wounds will heal completely within a week. On the first day after surgery, there may be slight bleeding from the vagina (if the operation is related to gynecology). This can be explained by the fact that a manipulator was inserted into the uterus (at the beginning of the surgical intervention), which was removed at the end.

How should gas accumulations be removed from the body?

The problem regarding the removal of gases from the body occurs in almost all patients. During the recovery period after surgery, everyone must adhere to a diet. The food consumed should be easily digestible, the food should also be gentle for abdominal cavity. Thanks to this, additional gas formation can be avoided, because gases already remain in the body after laparoscopy. Their volume depends on how much gas was administered during the operation. And although at the end of the procedure doctors try to release gas from the abdominal cavity, its complete removal is still impossible. Generally speaking, it takes approximately two weeks to completely remove all accumulated gases from the body of the operated patient. When this happens, the patient will no longer feel discomfort.

To speed up the process of removing gases, follow these rules:

  1. spend your free time actively (but do not overwork your weakened body after surgery);
  2. eat foods that speed up metabolic processes;

Depending on the type of operation, doctors inject different amounts of gas, which spreads throughout the body and can cause pain in different parts of the body. It often hurts in the chest area, collarbone and, naturally, the abdominal cavity. It is because of these symptoms that gas formation needs to be removed.

First, the doctor may prescribe painkillers that can alleviate the patient’s condition. Thanks to medications, a person can calmly wait until the gases come out on their own.

If a patient has a complex case of emphysema, then in order to get rid of accumulated gases, it is sometimes necessary to perform a second operation or use special drainage and water-jet suction. However, fortunately, this happens very rarely. In other cases, fairly simple methods are used to remove gases. However, any action must be coordinated with your doctor.

Among the medications that a doctor can prescribe, the most common are the following pharmacological drugs: Simethicone, Espumisan or regular activated carbon. The choice of product depends on the strength with which gas-forming processes occur. If gas formation is insignificant, then simple activated carbon will cope with the problem. The most effective of the listed medications is Espumisan. As an alternative, you can use Polysorb.

What exercise can you do to get rid of uncomfortable gas?

If after laparoscopy the gases come out very slowly, then they will effectively solve this problem light exercise. They will improve intestinal motility. Limit on physical exercise after surgical intervention spreads over the first three to four days. And then light sports are not only not prohibited, but even recommended if you suffer from bloating after laparoscopy.

The most effective exercises that remove gases from the abdominal cavity:

  1. slight tilt of the body forward and in different directions;
  2. stand on one leg and bend forward (five on each leg);
  3. do the bicycle exercise (at least 15 spins);
  4. lie on your side and bend your legs under you (five to ten times);
  5. alternately draw in and relax your stomach while lying on your back;
  6. lie on your back, bend your knees and begin to relax and draw in your stomach;
  7. stroke your stomach in the direction in which the clock hand moves, gradually increasing the pressure;
  8. Squeeze your gluteal and anal muscles (about 50 times a day).

Such a simple and harmless selection of exercises will relieve you of pain and discomfort. Accumulations of gases will be completely removed in two to four days. Also, thanks to this complex, stools after laparoscopy are normalized, and the patient will finally feel better. By adhering to a special diet and doing these exercises, you will know for yourself and will begin to tell everyone how to remove a bloated belly after surgery. a short time, only if you don’t intentionally inflate it yourself!

Abdominoplasty after surgery is recommended for severe obesity, the presence of a sagging “apron” or a large hollow fold after a sharp decrease in BMI, divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles (diastasis), removal of the uterus or hernia, the formation of rough deforming scars or disfiguring postpartum stretch marks, as a result of which the woman experiences dissatisfaction with your body.

Abdominoplasty usually involves the removal of excess epidermis and lipid tissue and the formation of an appropriate muscle frame. Surgical intervention is resorted to in cases where it is not possible to correct the figure through training, therapeutic massage and changes in the nutrition system only after a person reaches adulthood.

There are three types of abdominoplasty. The choice of technique for a particular patient is made by the doctor individually.

Endoscopic method- the most gentle method of abdominal surgery, performed without the use of horizontal and vertical dissection of the epithelium and muscles. By piercing small holes (2-3 cm) and inserting medical instruments and tubes through them, a tightening is performed. muscle mass to normal state.

This method leaves no scars, requires a minimal recovery period and has virtually no complications. Endoscopy is recommended to bring the abdomen into normal condition by eliminating weakened tone and stretching of the abdominal wall after pregnancy and childbirth.


Abdominoplasty of this kind is ineffective when it is necessary to remove the lipid apron or excess skin. The procedure lasts about 2 hours and in most cases is performed simultaneously with liposuction.

Classic (standard) method used to correct severe, more complex deformities of the abdominal surface, in the presence of a large lipid layer, a sagging apron of skin and fatty tissue, or rough scars.

The operation involves making an incision in the area above the pubis, removing excess skin-lipid tissue, suturing the muscle to strengthen the frame and form a new navel (if there is such a need). There are many contraindications for this type of surgery.

Abdominoplasty after surgery in the vast majority of cases is mini abdominoplasty. This type of intervention consists of a combination of liposuction and the classical method and is recommended for patients with a small amount of excess skin, combined with the presence of stretch marks and weakening of the lower abdominal muscles.

Tissue correction is carried out through a small incision, which ensures less trauma than during a classic intervention; the navel remains. The manipulation lasts about 3 hours.

Preoperative preparation

After the examination, the surgeon chooses suitable look surgery aimed at tummy tuck, corresponding individual characteristics and condition general health patient. Next, the necessary set of examinations is carried out: general and biochemical research blood, determination of the state of the coagulation system, electrocardiogram, tests for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV. If there are no contraindications, the day of surgery is scheduled.

At least 14 days before surgery, you must stop smoking if you have nicotine addiction, the evening before the operation, you need to cleanse the intestines with an enema, and repeat the procedure in the morning. The last meal is taken no later than 18:00 on the day before the procedure; coarse fiber must be eliminated for three days; drinking and eating are prohibited in the morning.

Stages of the operation

The operation consists of standard stages: anesthesia, correction of skin and muscle tissue, removal of fat in the correct proportion, suturing. For any type of abdominoplasty, general anesthesia is used; the duration of the procedure, depending on the complexity, is from 3 to 5 hours. The course and result of plastic surgery, the type of incision and suture, as well as the duration of the recovery period depend on the chosen technique.

Typically, rehabilitation lasts about a month, the first few days the patient is observed in the clinic department. During this period, painkillers and antimicrobial drugs, as well as thrombolytics, are prescribed. During the recovery period, it is mandatory to wear special supportive underwear or a bandage; it is forbidden to visit the sauna, take direct sunbathing, perform strenuous exercise, and overeat.

Until the suture is completely healed, regular dressings are performed under the supervision of a doctor. In order to prevent the formation of a rough scar, massage and physiotherapy are recommended.

Abdominoplasty is contraindicated:

How to get rid of belly fat after surgery quickly and effectively

The main question that worries women after surgical correction, as well as after liposuction of abdominal fat, is how to get rid of the belly after surgery or cesarean section and when you can start physical activity to acquire flat, toned abs without harm to your health.

It is better to resort to the following gentle recovery methods:

  1. After the operation, it is recommended to sleep on your stomach for a while and wear shapewear or a bandage during the day, which allows you to minimize the healing time of the suture and helps tighten the muscles.
  2. All abdominal exercises should be agreed upon with your doctor, and during training you need to listen to your feelings and in case of pain in the area of ​​the scar formed after plastic surgery, stop classes immediately.
  3. After full recovery tissue integrity, absence of inflammation and formation of a stable scar, anti-cellulite agents can be used, followed by wrapping the tummy with cling film. Besides, good result They give wraps using seaweed, vinegar and coffee grounds, but mustard and chocolate should be avoided.
  4. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of visiting the pool, since intensive swimming classes, as well as various exercises in the water, make it possible to quickly return your body to a toned shape.
  5. Increase the load on the abs gradually; training should not cause pain or discomfort. In addition to exercises for the abdominal muscles, try to strengthen the entire body, walk, do bodyflex or a set of exercises on a fitball.

The problem of a sagging belly with an unsightly layer of fat or an apron only with the help of abdominoplasty and special exercises If you can’t solve it, you need to make changes to your diet and choose the appropriate diet.

Abdominoplasty is a procedure to correct the abdomen due to severe obesity, the presence of rough scars or postpartum stretch marks, the formation of a hanging “apron” or deep folds of skin after losing most of the weight.

This type of surgical plastic surgery allows you to remove excess skin and fat tissue and form a muscle corset.

Abdominoplasty refers to surgery, carried out only after a thorough examination, involves a postoperative period, so the price of the procedure is quite high.

The before and after photos, which are given at the end of the article, demonstrate the results of this procedure, which fully cover the expensive cost.

Features of the procedure

Tummy tuck is a very specific operation; it is usually performed only on those who are clearly overweight.

The peculiarity of this procedure is that the operation is performed by moving the navel, this is done because otherwise upper sections It will be impossible to tighten your stomach.

If you need tummy tuck, before and after photos, prices and other information should be obtained from your surgeon in advance.

Important factors determining the successful completion of the operation include the following:

  • the volume of the abdominal cavity, as well as the location of fat;
  • pregnancy, including past pregnancy;
  • age;

Who is the operation indicated for?

Corrective surgery is performed for both ladies and representatives of the stronger sex.

Abdominoplasty is shown (photos before and after, prices are given at the end of the article) for the following factors:

  • empty sagging dermis has formed;
  • the dermis sags like an “apron”;
  • the abdominal muscles have separated;
  • stretch marks appeared;
  • the anterior wall of the peritoneum has dropped;
  • there are rough seams with deformations;
  • an umbilical hernia appeared.

Before you decide to have surgery, you must undergo treatment from all specialists: nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist.

A person who decides to undergo a procedure must have in hand a conclusion about the state of the body, on the basis of which the surgeon decides to perform the operation.

What contraindications and restrictions exist for tummy tuck?

If you have the following diseases, plastic surgery is contraindicated:

Also, if your plans include pregnancy or there is a constant change in weight, then plastic surgery will be useless.

Preparation for the procedure and necessary examinations

The success of the operation lies in a thorough examination, which will help eliminate the presence various diseases that do not allow for tummy tuck.

Before surgery, you should definitely undergo a series of medical examinations. The very first examination should be carried out by a surgeon, who will perform the plastic surgery.

The doctor assesses the general condition, determines the amount of fatty tissue, and examines the anterior abdominal wall.

After the examination, preoperative diagnostics are prescribed:

  • biochemical and general analysis blood;
  • blood for HIV;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood clotting test.

Before the operation, the abdomen is photographed so that after the plastic surgery the result can be seen and compared. This part of the survey does not affect the price.

How is tummy tuck performed? Main stages

Tummy tuck is not a complicated process. Usually, under anesthetic or under anesthesia, the doctor makes small incisions in the abdomen and suctions through special tubes. body fat.

Classic abdominal correction takes place in several stages:

  1. The incision is made from one hip to the other, shaped like an arc;
  2. The next step is to make an incision around the navel - this is necessary in order to free the walls from the epithelium;
  3. The skin is then gently released;
  4. The specialist stitches the muscles together to prevent stretch marks and discrepancies;
  5. The pieces of skin that are left over are stretched well;
  6. The incision is closed with a cosmetic suture;
  7. A drain is installed to help remove postoperative fluid.

Plastic surgery can take from 2 to 5 hours– it depends on the degree of complexity of the surgical intervention.

How does recovery occur after tummy tuck?

The rehabilitation period is 1.5-2 months, but the final effect after the procedure can be assessed no earlier than 6 months later. The hospital stay is provided only for 3 or 7 days, only if there is a doctor’s instructions.

Important to remember! During the first three days, bed rest is required (getting out of bed is only possible with the help of clinic staff).

The basic principle that must be observed in rehabilitation period– immobilize the tissues in the abdominal area, but at the same time maintain the same activity as before.

It is necessary to immobilize the tissues by gradually bending the body; this should be done immediately after the operation. You must remain in this position for the first week of recovery.

Abdominoplasty (photos before and after, prices are discussed below): recovery modes:

Besides, After surgery, the following must be observed:

  • take painkillers prescribed by your doctor: you need to start with the maximum dose and gradually reduce it, and then stop using it completely;
  • take infusion medications that improve blood properties;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • You should perform a light gentle massage of the abdomen, thanks to this you can restore blood circulation;
  • massage the back and limbs, it should be done 4 times a day;
  • visit fresh air as much as possible.

After surgical correction, temporary complications may occur.

Side effects include:

What not to do after tummy tuck

Recovery period takes quite a long time so that it passes faster and with the least negative consequences, you need to know what not to do after abdominal correction.

Tummy tuck: what results to expect. Photos before and after

Over the course of several recent years Abdominoplasty surgery is the most popular, because the effect is pleasantly impressive. Thanks to the procedure, a person gets rid of excess fat folds, overhanging skin, and stretch marks.

The result of the operation lasts forever, but only if there was no pregnancy and no weight gain afterward.

Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that involves cutting and stitching the skin, leaving scars on the body that can be seen in the before and after photos.

Basically, the scar remains not very large, and it is covered with underwear. Currently, the quality of operations is ideal, the scar is hardly noticeable, but this also affects the price, which becomes higher.

Plastic surgery is not a cure for obesity, but serves only as a method to combat extra pounds. Therefore, after surgery, you should keep your muscles toned, which will help you maintain a good figure, and then you will enjoy a flat stomach for a long time.

What are the prices for tummy tuck?

When considering a procedure such as tummy tuck (before and after photos at the end of the article), it should be noted that the prices for the operation differ.

They range from 140–250 thousand rubles. This is explained by the fact that the cost depends on the qualifications of the plastic surgeon and the status of the clinic.

Tummy tuck is an operation that is performed to remove fat deposits and make the stomach more toned. Before performing this operation, you need to know many nuances that will help you avoid unwanted consequences.

From this video you will learn what abdominoplasty is and why you need it, photos before and after the procedure and prices for it.

This video will introduce you to the results of girls before and after tummy tuck.

Abdominal surgery is often vital. The fears of patients are no longer associated with the danger of surgical intervention, but with the fact of the appearance of an unsightly scar on the abdomen. Restoring shape after surgery is possible only using a number of measures.

What happens to the abdomen after abdominal surgery?

Abdominal surgery involves cutting the skin and muscle tissue

Abdominal surgery is a surgical intervention to treat pathologies of the genitourinary system and digestive tract. An incision is made in the abdominal wall of the cavity and the muscle tissue hiding the internal organs. Depending on the purpose of the treatment, the incision can be vertical or horizontal.

After stitches are placed, the abdomen may sag, bulge, or stick out. Such changes are due to the fact that the inner wall of the peritoneum is quite thick and it has to be sutured in layers.

Ways to restore the previous form

Restoring physical fitness after abdominal surgery is a long and labor-intensive process. Most patients are unable to get rid of a sagging belly with exercise alone.

The approach to solving the problem must be comprehensive. A woman needs to make adjustments to her diet, massage and cosmetic procedures, wear a bandage. In particular difficult cases Plastic surgeons will help you return to your previous shape.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is an important element of figure correction. After abdominal surgery, a woman needs to completely review her diet, following the recommendations of doctors.

On the first day after surgery, the patient is prohibited from eating; she can only drink clean, still water. Porridges and vegetable soups. Starting from the 5th day after surgery, a woman’s diet should be complete and balanced.

The basic principles of a proper diet include eating:

  1. Lots of fiber. Foods high in fiber help normalize work gastrointestinal tract and intestinal peristalsis. Use fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and cereals will relieve a woman from the likelihood of problems with bowel movements.
  2. Complex carbohydrates. They saturate the body and provide it with the necessary energy for the whole day. Cereals, legumes and whole grain bread are preferable for breakfast.
  3. Squirrel. A weakened body more than ever needs an element that participates in all metabolic processes.
  4. Vitamins. If you are unable to diversify your diet, you can use pharmacy vitamin complexes. Their use should be agreed with the attending physician.

During the rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery, it is important to monitor compliance drinking regime. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day. However, the amount of fluid required depends on the weight and age of the patient, as well as the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

Physical exercise

Absence physical activity after abdominal surgery will inevitably lead to the formation of unsightly folds on the abdomen and excess weight. Light exercise is a mandatory stage of successful recovery after surgery, a method of preventing bedsores, muscle atrophy and the formation of adhesions on the internal organs of the small pelvis.

In the absence of contraindications, simple physical exercises should be started the very next day after the operation. The gymnastics complex, the number of approaches and the duration of classes should be discussed with your doctor.

In the first 2-3 days after a cesarean section or hysterectomy, the patient can do flexion-extension, leg extension, and body turns. All movements are performed while lying on the bed.

A week after surgery, the intensity of physical activity can be slightly increased. It is allowed to draw in the stomach as much as possible, tilt the legs bent at the knees to the sides, and lift top part body, staying in this position for several seconds.

You can begin full physical activity 3-4 months after surgery. Sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, sports should be postponed for up to six months. After this period, a woman can bend over, squat, do press exercises, do planks and other complex exercises.

Cosmetical tools

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, cosmetic procedures can help remove belly fat after abdominal gynecological surgery. The use of such products is allowed only after complete healing of the external scar, in the absence of crusts and ichor discharge.

Effective ways to combat subcutaneous fat and sagging skin:

  • massage of problem areas - massage manipulations help normalize blood circulation, strengthen muscles, restore their elasticity, and get rid of fat deposits;
  • wraps and creams – the warming effect that creams and mixtures for procedures have, stimulate blood flow to the problem area and promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat;
  • contrast shower - daily use of the procedure helps strengthen the skin, make it more elastic and effectively fights overweight;
  • peeling - removing dead skin particles with purchased or homemade scrubs allows you to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin.

The effectiveness of procedures directly depends on the regularity of their use. The first results can be seen after 1.5-2 months of use. The effectiveness of cosmetics increases if they are used in combination with exercise and proper nutrition.


The bandage holds the stitches in place after surgery

Using compression devices after abdominal surgery will help support the abdomen and reduce pain in the area of ​​the suture, preventing it from coming apart. You can start wearing a bandage a week after surgery, when the seam has tightened a little and become stronger.

The duration of use of the bandage is about two months. Do not tighten the belts of the device too much to avoid squeezing the internal organs, which will lead to disruptions in their functioning. You need to remove the bandage at night and every 3-4 hours during the day.

Plastic surgery

Abdominoplasty is a radical method of combating excess weight and figure imperfections. Most often, plastic surgeons are contacted when, after abdominal surgery, the stomach sticks out, and other methods of dealing with the problem do not bring the expected results.

There are several options for performing the operation:

  • endoscopic – is carried out to remove a small layer of fat if the patient’s skin has not lost its firmness and elasticity and does not require tightening;
  • standard - during surgical intervention, subcutaneous fatty tissue is excised and muscle tissue is corrected;
  • mini surgery is a minor surgical procedure during which fat deposits are removed from the lower abdomen.

You can resort to plastic surgery no earlier than six months after abdominal surgery.

Recovery time

How long it will take the body to recover after abdominal surgery depends on the extent of the surgical intervention, the patient’s age, physique, emotional state and the presence of concomitant diseases. On average, the suture heals within one and a half months.

Abdominal operations – difficult process, after which patients face problems with the appearance of scars and a saggy belly. Following the recommendations of the attending physician, proper nutrition, physical activity and cosmetics will help restore your previous shape without harm to your health.

Any surgery, especially abdominal surgery, is a strong stressor on the body. Especially if there was interference with internal organs


After all, it's always

Recovery after abdominal surgery involves a course of restorative therapy. In each individual case, the doctor determines it individually. You cannot do it yourself, because any actions must be coordinated with a doctor.

It is wrong to think that after abdominal surgery you need to rest a lot. On the contrary, you need to move even through pain.

In some cases, it is advisable to start getting up on your own within a day. This will help the body quickly integrate into its usual lifestyle. After two days you will be able to sit up and go to the toilet on your own.

A diet is required after abdominal surgery. It is advisable to gradually drink at least three glasses of cranberry juice, water, and chicken broth without meat. With your doctor's permission, you can eat grapefruits, oranges and other citrus fruits. They contain many vitamins that help the blood recover.

In order for the body not to weaken, you need to eat, even through force. You can use broth, milk juices, fresh juices, boiled fish and caviar. This will help you regain your strength in just a couple of days. If you refuse to eat, the recovery process can take a very long time.

Your doctor may prescribe a complex of vitamins and minerals that will help you recover faster.

Hydrotherapy is also popular. It involves the use therapeutic mud, salts and mineral waters. They will help the body strengthen, create an analgesic effect, and normalize hormonal balance.

After abdominal surgery, it is important to correct image life. Under no circumstances should you lift anything heavy or drink alcohol. Emotional turmoil must be avoided.

Abdominal surgery also includes caesarean section. In this case, you need to not only move, but also remember to wear a postpartum bandage. This will help if the girl does not know how to recover after surgery.

It is easier to walk with it, it helps the abdominal muscles quickly return to their previous shape. After the operation, it will help fix the postpartum suture in the correct position and remove the load from the back.

But wearing it for too long is also undesirable. Muscles must work and contract on their own. Therapeutic gymnastics You can start as early as three days after surgery. Of course, you can’t overdo it; you need to increase its intensity gradually. This will help not only restore physical fitness, but also improve your psychological state.

You can play sports more intensively and go swimming in about six months, after visiting a doctor.

After alcohol abuse, our body experiences increased morning sweating, headaches appear nagging pain, suffers from dry mouth and constant thirst, and sometimes even pain in the heart. Certainly, best advice in such a situation: do not drink alcohol, but there are less severe ways to help survive the recovery of the body.

You will need

  • - Activated carbon
  • - baking soda


Cleanse your body from the inside. To do this, rinse your stomach with activated carbon. Dilute 25 g in 100 grams of water, mix well and drink in slow small sips. This solution will cleanse your intestines

and stomach

from alcohol breakdown products.

Restore electrolyte balance with the help of special medications “Asparkam” or “Panagin”. Due to their high content

and potassium salts will relieve hangovers. You must take 5 immediately


And within an hour you will feel improvement. The best foods to eat during this period are seaweed, pickles and tomatoes.

Restore the level of acid-base balance in the body by dissolving up to 10 g of baking soda in 1.5 liters of ordinary or mineral water.

Replenish your moisture deficit with water, but you should drink it according to a certain pattern. At the first dose - 400 ml, after half an hour - another 350 ml. After another 30 minutes - 200 ml, and after the next half hour - 100 ml.

Restore the lack of vitamins that alcohol has “thrown out” from the body. First of all, take vitamin C in the form

ascorbic acid

A four-day dose is required, as well as B vitamins, which can be

at the pharmacy.

Get your brain activity in order by replenishing your body's supply of amino acids. This can be done using regular “Glycine”, or you can prepare yourself a soup for lunch - khash, which is a hot jellied meat made from bones containing cartilage.

Replenish the level of protein in the body that was used up in the body's struggle

with alcohol

eating the following foods:

caviar, Dutch cheese, beef, pork, Walnut, fish, bird. Boiled meat is best suited for this purpose.

all the above actions did not make you feel better - get over your hangover, it’s better

A serious condition will release you, but only for a couple of hours.

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Surgery deals a severe blow to the body. Anesthesia and drugs prescribed after surgery have Negative influence to your health. To recover faster and return to normal life, you only need to follow a few rules.




– the key to success not only in carrying out


But also in restoring the body. Therefore, if you have just been assigned


Agree to pre-hospitalization. You will be given a course of maintenance therapy, which will reduce the risk of developing various types of complications. Try not to be nervous, but calmly wait for the day when everything happens. Nervous stress increases blood pressure, which negatively affects blood clotting.

broth, eat dairy


and natural juices, boiled fish and red caviar. With the right approach to nutrition, your strength will return within a few days. If you completely refuse to eat, the healing process of postoperative sutures and regeneration of the operated organ will take a long time.

Try to move as much as possible. If you will be

lie down all the time

The blood will begin to stagnate, which will cause even greater discomfort. Of course, in the first days you will feel severe pain in the area of ​​the suture, but it will gradually pass. Go ahead

in the fresh air, it will not only lift your mood, but also enrich your blood with oxygen.

Consult your doctor about the need


vitamin complexes. Necessary substances in the required quantities they do not enter the body with food, but they are so necessary to accelerate tissue regeneration. Synthetic

will help solve this problem. If you were prescribed antibiotics after surgery, you also need to restore your intestinal microflora. Take bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Visit the hospital periodically to monitor your condition. Donate blood and get examined by your doctor. Gradually your body will recover. A few months later from postoperative suture only a barely noticeable trace will remain.

Caesarean section is a common operation in obstetrics. It can be performed as planned or urgently when natural childbirth impossible or dangerous to the health and life of a woman and child. The postoperative recovery period lasts somewhat longer than recovery after a natural birth. And yet, it is quite possible to quickly restore strength to the body after a cesarean section.


The postpartum period is 6-

During which the reverse development of a woman’s organs is completed, during


and in connection with

subject to changes. During


section, the doctor makes an incision into the wall of the uterus. After the fetus is removed, it is sutured. Prevention is important during the postpartum period infectious diseases in a woman. To prevent complications caused by infections, the mother may be given antibiotics during the incision operation and after it, after 12 and 24 hours. Antibiotics may be prescribed for 5-7 days. Refuse

During the recovery period, a woman in labor may be prescribed painkillers, depending on the intensity of pain. These measures apply no longer than 2-3 days

after cesarean

light warm-up with arms and legs. You can get up, sit down and walk in 5-6 hours. Try not to strain your stomach or

lift weights

So that the seams do not come apart.

For quick healing, the nurse treats the seam daily with brilliant green or manganese solution and seals it with a sterile bandage. Usually on the 7th day the threads dissolve or the sutures are removed mechanically. But the incision site itself should continue to be treated until complete healing. A sterile bandage will prevent the seam from rubbing against the linen, which will ensure its rapid healing. The skin scar should form approximately on the 7th day, complete healing will occur in 2-3 weeks.

We must not forget about caring for the genital organs: after each urination, they should be washed with warm water from front to back; you can also use special antibacterial intimate hygiene products.

IN postpartum period should wear a special postoperative bandage. He will contribute speedy recovery weakened abdominal muscles. The bandage is worn for a month from the date

and more. You can wear a postoperative bandage from the first day after surgery. This device is very light and elastic, it is a little tight, but allows air to pass through, allowing the skin to breathe and the seam to tighten naturally. The bandage is placed over sterile dressing. Tightening is needed to prevent hernias, stabilize the position of the uterus and internal organs. The most important thing is that the bandage fixes the stitches and helps reduce pain at the cesarean section site.

In the first months after surgery, physical exercise It's better not to resort. Of course, it is necessary to restore the body shape, but

pump up the press

This is not possible because the seams can easily come apart. You need to wait 2 months.

And, of course, the young mother should follow all the doctor’s recommendations both in the first days after the operation and after discharge home. Then recovery after a cesarean section will take place quickly, efficiently, without consequences for health and for future births.

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What is a caesarean section


  • C-section. Before, during, after

Surgical treatment is used when other types of therapy are ineffective. However, it in itself is a severe blow to the body. The patient’s health depends not only on how successfully the operation was performed, but also on how the postoperative period proceeds. That is why it is worth putting every effort into ensuring that recovery occurs quickly and without complications.



early in terms of complications


period. That is why in the first week after surgery you should pay attention to any change in your health. Even if deviations in your health seem insignificant or natural to you, tell your doctor about them so that he can assess the severity of the situation and, if necessary, take action.

If there are no contraindications, start moving on the second day

after operation

Even turning from side to side will have a beneficial effect on work


Cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Movements must be careful, however, otherwise it will most likely not work due to pain in the suture area. If doctors do not allow you to change your body position on your own, perform breathing


A few rhythmic deep breaths will saturate the weakened body with oxygen, and this will certainly benefit it.

Proper nutrition is of great importance during the recovery period. On the first day after


appetite is usually absent. However, you should not pounce on food, even if you are experiencing

hunger. At first, only light food is allowed: chicken broth, rice or oat broth. Drinks allowed are fruit drinks, compotes, sweet tea and, of course, water. On the second day after surgery, in the absence of contraindications, the diet can be expanded to include fermented milk products and cereals. In the following days, you can gradually introduce vegetables, fish and meat. It's good if they are steamed.

Walking in the fresh air will help speed up your recovery. If doctors have no concerns about your condition, you can go outside on the third day after surgery. Although it all depends

from heaviness

operations. In some cases, bed rest is necessary for a week or more, and therefore walks will have to be postponed.

After surgery due to malnutrition and negative influences


the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals. You can replenish it using pharmaceutical drugs, but better


balanced nutritional mixtures. Your attending physician will help you choose the right one.

Today, surgical intervention in the process of childbirth is no longer an emergency measure. Most often, surgery to remove the fetus is planned from the very beginning of pregnancy. On the one hand, this makes it easier, but on the other hand, it complicates the life of a young mother.

wondering when you can start playing sports

after cesarean

It is better to discuss this issue with your gynecologist, since everyone’s body is different. It is also worth considering the complications that occurred during pregnancy and the general health of the mother in labor.

Experts say that sports after cesarean section are available already on the 10th day. This could be light exercise, walking, bending, squats.

Of course, you need to rely on your own feelings. But you definitely shouldn’t give in to panic and refuse to take your child in your arms. By the way, it is bathing, rocking and carrying the baby in front of you that is considered the first load that is allowed after surgery.

The question of when you can start exercising fully after a caesarean section must be discussed with your doctor. In general, intensive training is not recommended to begin before the 6-8th week after birth.

But ordinary housework is allowed on the first day of discharge from the hospital.

What sports are allowed after cesarean section will be determined by the condition of the postoperative suture. Usually, young mothers are advised to refrain from abdominal exercises for at least six months, and from crunches for 3 months.

You should also avoid cycling, strength training and intense jogging. But you need to pay more attention to cardio exercises.

Apart from poses that involve the torso and abdominal muscles, literally everything is permissible. That is, no one will forbid a young mother to squat, do push-ups, swim, or swing her arms and legs.

So, what sports are allowed after cesarean section? First of all, it is yoga and Pilates. These complexes are based on smooth movements, calm breathing and static poses, which is ideal for women who have undergone abdominal surgery.

Young mothers who want to not only strengthen their muscles, but also lose excess weight, should sign up for water aerobics. This sport is good because heavy loads they are not felt like that through the water column. Water aerobics trains muscles, relieving joints. The main thing is that the water is not lower than 27 degrees.

The best sport after a caesarean section is fiery Latin American dancing. Salsa, samba, rubma, jive, cha-cha-cha will not only help you get back into good physical shape faster, but will also make a woman feel desirable and attractive.

Abdominal surgery is a surgical intervention in the abdominal organs. When it is carried out, blood loss is observed, the body also loses valuable proteins. To make up for losses and make the intestines work properly, the patient is recommended to take a special diet.

On the first day after surgery, patients are often in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit. During these hours, the patient regains consciousness after anesthesia, and intensive intravenous drip treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics is carried out.

The patient's first feeding is carried out approximately one day after the operation, but not later. If the patient is in serious condition, feeding is carried out through a tube (a special tube that is lowered through the esophagus into the stomach). Such patients need light foods rich in vitamins and proteins; children's food is ideal dairy nutrition. Infant formulas are nutritious and contain useful material, which are necessary for the body after surgery.

In cases where the patient can eat independently, his diet consists of easily digestible food. It is recommended to drink warm broths, as they are rich in proteins, from which the body obtains amino acids - construction material during cell regeneration. The patient's diet includes cereal porridges cooked in water. They are rich mineral elements and vitamins, and also contain fiber, which promotes peristaltic movements of the intestines.

Doctors in advice regarding the nutrition of postoperative patients focus on foods containing fiber, which promotes peristalsis. The more active intestinal peristalsis, the greater the blood flow and the faster they stop. inflammatory processes. But at the same time, on the first day you should not eat vegetables and fruits. fresh, but only steamed or boiled. Fresh fruits cause bloating, which increases inflammation in the abdominal cavity and promotes the formation of adhesions.

On the first day, the consumption of foods that provoke flatulence - brown bread, milk, carbonated water, etc. - is strictly prohibited.

A few days after the operation, the patient’s diet expands. Recommended consumption low-fat varieties meat and fish - beef, rabbit, pike perch, hake, pollock, etc. All dishes must be steamed or boiled; eating fried foods and canned food is strictly prohibited. Fish and meat are rich in proteins, which form connective tissue during wound healing, as well as B vitamins and some minerals.

To saturate the body with vitamins, patients are recommended to compote dried fruits, rosehip decoction, etc. The diet should focus on greens and vegetables, because... they are rich in minerals, fiber, and some, for example, cranberries, parsley, prunes, also contain anti-inflammatory substances.

IN postoperative diet It is recommended to limit the consumption of sweet foods, because Elevated glucose levels slow down recovery processes. If surgery was performed on the pancreas, such foods are usually excluded for life.

Caesarean section is an abdominal operation. After For any surgical intervention, the recovery period is quite long. A woman must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations so that rehabilitation takes place as quickly as possible.


First of all


associated with increased blood loss. If under normal

Passing naturally, a woman loses about 250 ml of blood, then during


surgery, the average volume of blood loss is 500-1000 ml. It is very difficult to restore such a volume on your own. Therefore, the patient is injected with plasma or blood replacement solutions.

it is necessary to restore not only blood loss, but also normal functioning intestines. If pain occurs

- this may indicate the beginning of the adhesive process. In mild cases, drugs that enhance peristalsis are prescribed; in severe cases, laparoscopic surgery and thermocoagulation are performed.

To prevent endomyometritis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the operation performed and the condition

If the uterus contracts poorly, medications are prescribed to improve contractile function during the first week.

The first day after surgery, eating is contraindicated. On the second day you can eat chicken broth, skim cheese, yogurt. A normal diet can be introduced only on the fifth day, as soon as the stool is restored.

The wound is treated within 2-3 weeks antiseptic solutions. Threads


in 65-80 days. You can shower only after the scar has formed, which most often occurs after one week.

After checking out maternity hospital, a woman should avoid lifting heavy objects. You can lift a child weighing up to 4 kg. Sports exercises, abdominal pumping, and gymnastics must be postponed until the seam is completely healed.

For rapid rehabilitation, a complete, balanced diet is necessary. The diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Meals should be frequent and small portions.

Sexual relations can be resumed as soon as the bleeding stops. If the seam "

", you need to see a doctor and get examined.

Related article

How does childbirth proceed after a caesarean section?

For a surgeon, high-quality anesthesia is maximum in duration, so that it is enough for the duration of the operation, and minimum in dosage, so that the heart and lungs work flawlessly. High-quality anesthesia for the patient is quick exit from a state of sleep and a minimum of complications. The interests of both the surgeon and the patient completely coincide. But, no matter how ideal anesthesia may be, everyone recovers from it differently.


It all depends on the type and dosage of anesthesia; activity of enzymes that break down narcotic substances; on the type of nervous system of the patient; duration and extent of surgical intervention. A lot of

also general health, age. Young people get on their feet much earlier than older people.

There are early and late complications after anesthesia. Coming out of it is often accompanied by confusion of consciousness. Disoriented in time and space, the patient has difficulty understanding where he is and what is happening to him. There are even hallucinations that disappear quickly enough.

Other side effects last for many hours. This is primarily trembling, fever. The patient has a fever, and after a few minutes he

by cold. The caregiver must quickly respond to these temperature changes: either cover the patient, or take off the blanket and place a cool, damp cloth on the forehead.

Another common complication from all types of anesthesia is painful nausea, leading to vomiting. Because of it, surgical sutures can come apart, especially after ophthalmic, otolaryngological operations, or abdominal operations. Therefore, it is necessary to give the patient an antiemetic drug.

As the anesthesia wears off, the pain due to surgically injured tissue increases. Blood pressure may increase and tachycardia may appear. To alleviate the condition, the patient is periodically administered doses of painkillers.

After anesthesia, you really want to drink, and smokers also want to smoke. But these requests cannot be fulfilled. A sip of water can cause severe vomiting. And taking a puff from a cigarette causes clouding and even loss of consciousness. You can only moisten the patient’s lips with a moistened napkin.

If the sensitivity of some part of the body is lost, there is no need to be afraid of it. The muscles may not obey, coordination of movements may be impaired - this will also pass when the anesthetic drug is completely removed from the body.

The later effects of anesthesia are more complicated. They usually make themselves known after weeks. Some people develop such severe headaches that they don’t go anywhere.


with pain occurring immediately after surgery. Others suffer from dizziness, others from insomnia, and others from leg cramps. A therapist who should be contacted immediately will help you get rid of them.

The heart may react late

for anesthesia

pressure changes, tachycardia. Sometimes there are problems with the liver and kidneys, because they are the ones that remove narcotic substances.

But more often memory deteriorates somewhat, especially after heart surgery. However, it usually recovers within a week. Much less often, memory disorders can persist for a year or longer. Nootropic drugs Cavinton, Cerebrolysin, Phezam, etc. help restore brain function faster.

Sometimes before and after surgery a person is overcome by a difficult to control feeling of fear. " panic attacks”, which greatly undermine the nervous system. To get out of this state, you cannot do without a psychotherapist.


After surgery, when the patient is still in unconscious, he may fall into a coma with fatal. This happens extremely rarely, but you should still be aware of this risk.

Helpful advice

Help yourself recover from anesthesia. Saturate your body tissues with oxygen by going out into fresh air more often. Lie down less, move more. Slow walks are very beneficial.

During the recovery period, give up alcohol, even weak alcohol. Try not to smoke or sharply reduce the number of cigarettes.

For normalization intestinal microflora take Bifiform or Linex. Eat little, but more often. Food should be light, give preference to vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

After anesthesia, hair sometimes begins to fall out rapidly. Take special care of them, give them masks and massages.

The most important thing is to psychologically set yourself up in an optimistic mood. This is already half the recovery! Try to smile and laugh more, overcoming the pain, and it will recede sooner.


  • Website Ya-zdorov.ru/How to recover from anesthesia
  • Website Mevo.ru/Postoperative anesthesia
  • Website Svoylekar/After anesthesia
  • Video: Can anesthesia harm human health?

Sterilizing a cat is a fairly serious abdominal operation that is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period for most cats takes about a week. And during this period, it is important to provide the animal with good care and monitor the pet’s behavior.

Cat behavior in the postoperative period

Most hard times for an animal, this is the day of sterilization, when the cat is just beginning to “move away” from general anesthesia. This process can occur in different ways in animals. Some cats just sleep until next day, and some become hyperactive: they try to run, jump, try to climb higher, meow loudly. At the same time, coordination of movements is usually very poor, so the animal can walk backwards, fall, “miss” when jumping and risks injury. Therefore, it is very important to be near the cat to look after it. In addition, some animals, recovering from anesthesia, are afraid to be left alone and will not let go of the person.

It is best to schedule the operation on a weekend morning so that you have the opportunity to monitor the cat’s condition in the first hours after the operation. Then she will no longer need constant supervision.

After a period of activity, secondary sleep occurs. After the cat sleeps, the remnants of the anesthesia will “dissipate” from her body and she will begin to behave normally. Her movements will become coordinated, the cat may begin to show interest in food, although at first she will eat very little. For two to three days, the cat will be lethargic and inactive, but gradually both motor activity and appetite will be restored.

As a rule, the character of a cat does not fundamentally change after sterilization: they behave almost the same as before the operation in the period between heats. But at the same time they become somewhat calmer and obedient, less aggressive.

Usually, a sterilized cat begins to move less, so you need to not only adjust its diet (it is best to switch to special food for castrates), but also try to stimulate its physical activity by playing with the animal more often.

Sometimes after surgery, cats' appetite increases greatly. In such cases, it is important not to succumb to “provocations” and not to increase the diet - otherwise the cat will become obese in just a matter of weeks.

If, despite the operation, the cat continues to show sexual inclinations, this may mean that the operation was not performed “cleanly” enough and there are particles of the ovary left in the abdominal cavity, which continues to function. The abandoned uterus can also produce hormones, and sometimes the adrenal glands take over this function. In any case, behavior characteristic of estrus in a sterilized cat is a reason for a serious examination by a veterinarian.


  • how a cat changes

How to recover after abdominal surgery

Girls! There is no need to panic and try all sorts of bullshit!!! I myself, after abdominal surgery (removed a cyst on the right ovary and appendicitis), had a horizontal suture of 15 cm! Here's my recovery plan:
1st month (active recovery) you can’t lift more than 2 kg and don’t strain yourself either! But you need to move! Walk a lot to avoid adhesions and be sure to take a referral from your doctor for physical therapy, also for adhesions!!! I think everyone knows what adhesions are after abdominal surgery and what they lead to...
2nd month I will include cardio training in the morning on an empty stomach for 40 minutes (exercise bike, elliptical, swimming pool) + exercise “abdominal vacuum” in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after cardio! What kind of exercise this is, you can read on the Internet, there is a lot of information there! These exercises must be done by the girls who wrote above, their belly sticks out because internal walls weak stomachs! They don't hold organs! And to strengthen them, make a vacuum!
In the 3rd month I will start training with my own weight (without the use of barbells and dumbbells). For example, lunges without weight, squats. You can put a little weight on your back, chest and arms!
From the 4th month I will begin to gradually increase the weights in the exercises and gradually strengthen the core muscles (abs, back extensors) since I plan to plan a pregnancy in half a year! And a strong lower back and abs are so necessary in this matter!!! And besides, it contributes to a speedy recovery after childbirth! The belly will go away faster, there will be no stretch marks, etc.
But the most important thing, girls, that I advise you to pay attention to is your nutrition!!! 80% of the result depends on proper balanced nutrition!!! “Abs are made in the kitchen!”
Here are the basic rules:
1) Drink plenty of water! Not tea, not coffee, but water!!! 1.5-2 liters minimum per day! Thanks to water, all waste and toxins are removed from the body, cellulite goes away, etc. What can I say, we are 80% water!
2) Eat often in small portions (250 g) 5-6 times a day! And so that the break between meals does not exceed 3 hours! Such nutrition is necessary in order to avoid sharp jumps insulin into the blood, which provokes the deposition of fat reserves! It is necessary that insulin enters the blood evenly! Then fat will not be deposited in your problem areas!
3) We eat slow carbohydrates (unpolished rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, bread, etc.) before 16.00! After 16.00 the metabolism slows down and these carbohydrates will be stored in fats! That's why after 16.00 we eat vegetables! Give preference to green! We eat fast carbohydrates (fruits and everything sweet) before 12 days! When is your metabolism fastest? You can't eat fruit in the evening! That’s why they are called fast carbohydrates, because they are immediately stored in fats! The exception is in the evening with green apple (greni, semerinka) and grapefruit!
4) You need to eat fats! But give preference to plant-based ones! 70% plant and 30% animal! Fats are responsible for healthy elastic skin and hair and also for the menstrual cycle! So be sure to drink omega 3 fats, add a little olive, pumpkin or sesame oil to salads, eat 20 grams of avocado a day, and 5 grams in your porridge in the morning butter!
5) We eat protein in every meal! Necessarily! Protein is the builder of all tissues in the human body!
6) And of course, we exclude sugar from the diet (replace with stevia), flour (you can bake with whole grain flour yourself without yeast and starch), fried in oil (it is better to bake, stew and boil), drinks, canned food, sausages, etc. .
7) Also, be sure to take your vitamins!!!
This is what your daily diet should look like:
Oatmeal + 1 tbsp honey + 20 g nuts + 1 whole egg + glass of milk
Cottage cheese + classic yogurt 1 tbsp + 1 fruit
Buckwheat + chicken breast+ salad
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes
Steamed or baked fish with broccoli!
In a day you should eat approximately:
Protein 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight
Fat 1 g per 1 kg of weight
Carbohydrates 2-4 g per 1 kg of weight.
Products are considered raw or dry!
That's all! There is no need to be clever! I have described everything for you in detail. You can trust me, as I am a certified bodybuilding and fitness trainer!

Abdominal surgery is a method surgical treatment, the implementation of which is accompanied by the destruction of the protective barrier of the abdominal cavity or sternum. After such an intervention, the patient requires long-term recovery, allowing not only a gradual return to to the usual way life, but also reduce the risk of complications. Recovery after abdominal surgery requires compliance with certain rules regarding diet, features of suture treatment and other methods of rehabilitation.


Rehabilitation is conventionally divided into several periods:

  • early: lasts from the first minutes after surgical intervention until the removal of sutures (up to 10 days);
  • late: until discharge from the hospital (1-2 weeks);
  • long-term: lasts until full recovery.

Separately, we can highlight the mode of physical activity observed after the operation. These are strict bed, bed, ward and free regimes. The length of the recovery stages depends on the complexity of the surgery, immune status, age and general health of the person, and how long it takes for the suture to heal.

The recovery period after surgery begins in the recovery room medical institution. During the first hours and days, the body experiences such disturbances as the residual effect of anesthesia, emotional stress, pain in the suture area, as well as hypokinesia - a temporary disruption of the functioning of the respiratory system associated with a violation of the integrity of the chest. It will help speed up the recovery of the body in the first days strict adherence all doctor's recommendations.

In the early period of rehabilitation after abdominal surgery, the following recommendations are followed:

  1. The patient is in a clean and well-ventilated room with moderate lighting.
  2. The position of the person depends on which part of the body the operation was performed on. If it was accompanied by an opening of the chest, then the patient is in an elevated position. After spinal surgery, a person should lie flat.
  3. In the first hours after surgery, the patient may feel pain in the suture area. In this case, the doctor may prescribe painkillers to the patient. Cooling compresses (ice wrapped in cotton) can also be used to relieve pain. The cause of discomfort in the area is often a tight bandage. To reduce the patient's pain, the surgeon may ease the pain.
  4. The patient's physical activity is resumed under the supervision of a physician. Moderate and regular movements after surgery help avoid the appearance of bedsores and the development of thromboembolism.

During the first days, the patient's condition (blood and urine test results, temperature after abdominal surgery) is carefully monitored. TO alarming symptoms include signs of intoxication, loss of coordination and thinking, convulsions, high temperature bodies. With such symptoms, the patient needs emergency medical attention.

A suture after abdominal surgery, the healing of which takes several days or even weeks, requires special attention. The exact healing time of sutures after surgery depends on the patient’s age, the presence of chronic diseases, immune status, body weight and blood supply to the area of ​​the body whose integrity has been compromised. Also, the length of the suture healing period is influenced by the degree of compliance with infection prevention measures. If the suture site becomes inflamed as a result of infection, the healing period will increase significantly.

How long does it take for a stitch to heal? In this case, everything depends on the characteristics of the surgical intervention. For example, after appendicitis is removed, the healing period takes at least a week. After removal of the pelvic organs in women, the healing time of sutures is 10-12 days. During extensive abdominal operations, the wound can take more than two weeks to heal.

How long it takes for sutures to heal after abdominal surgery also depends on how carefully the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations. Moderate physical activity will speed up recovery, thanks to which the blood supply to the injured person will be normalized. surgical instruments body area. At the same time, abuse of physical activity can lead to dehiscence of the postoperative wound with all the ensuing consequences.

How long the suture takes to heal also depends on the use of local agents - ointments, creams and gels for accelerated healing wound Such drugs are used only according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

During the first weeks, the patient wears a bandage on the postoperative wound. The affected area should never be wetted before removing the bandage. A waterproof plaster helps prevent seams from getting wet when taking a shower and other hygiene procedures. If the bandage becomes dirty or torn, it must be replaced. Only an experienced nurse can change the bandage after surgery.

Nutrition after abdominal surgery is another integral part of the rehabilitation period after surgery. In the first days of recovery, the patient can only drink still mineral water or unsweetened tea. Drinking should be frequent, and the liquid itself should be taken in small sips.

Nutrition during the rehabilitation period depends on the specifics of the surgical procedure. Patients in need of recovery are prescribed a zero therapeutic diet in three variations - 0A, 0B, 0B. The diet is adjusted taking into account the specifics of the surgical procedure. Thus, the diet after abdominal surgery to remove the pelvic organs in women involves eating liquid or semi-liquid food, which avoids excessive stress on the intestines. Eating cereals, lean meats, sea fish and moderate amounts walnuts allows you to recover after heavy blood loss. If a patient has questions about what to eat, they should consult their doctor.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient should not forget to follow the doctor’s recommendations. In the first months after surgery, intense physical activity, heavy lifting, hypothermia and sex life if gynecological surgery was performed. Regarding the use of funds traditional medicine to speed up recovery, this issue should be discussed with your doctor.

After any surgical intervention, the patient cannot simply go back to normal life. The reason is simple - the body needs to get used to new anatomical and physiological relationships (after all, as a result of the operation, the anatomy and relative position of the organs, as well as their physiological activity, were changed).

A separate case is operations on the abdominal organs, in the first days after which the patient must especially strictly adhere to the instructions of the attending physician (in some cases, and related consultant specialists). Why does a patient need a certain regimen and diet after abdominal surgery? Why can’t you just go back to your old way of life instantly?

Table of contents: Mechanical factors that have a negative effect during surgery Chemical factors, negatively affecting during surgery Postoperative changes in the intestines Postoperative changes in the central nervous system Postoperative changes in the skin Postoperative changes in the respiratory system Postoperative changes in the blood vessels Postoperative changes in the genitourinary system Diet after abdominal surgery Postoperative work-related measures Central nervous system Prevention of bedsores after surgery Prevention of postoperative pneumonia Prevention of thrombus formation and blood clot separation Measures aimed at resuming normal urination General recommendations

The postoperative period is considered to be a period of time that lasts from the moment the surgical intervention is completed (the patient was taken from the operating room to the ward) until the disappearance of temporary disorders (inconveniences) that were provoked by the surgical injury.

Let's consider what happens during surgery, and how the patient's postoperative condition - and therefore his regimen - depends on these processes.

Normally, a typical condition for any organ of the abdominal cavity is:

  • lie calmly in your rightful place;
  • be in contact exclusively with neighboring organs, who also take their rightful place;
  • carry out tasks prescribed by nature.

During surgery, the stability of this system is disrupted. Whether removing an inflamed appendix or suturing perforated ulcer or when “repairing” an injured intestine, the surgeon cannot work only with the organ that is sick and requires repair. During surgery, the operating doctor is constantly in contact with other organs of the abdominal cavity: touching them with his hands and surgical instruments, moving them away, moving them. Even if such trauma is minimized as much as possible, even the slightest contact between the surgeon and his assistants internal organs is not physiological for organs and tissues.

The mesentery is characterized by particular sensitivity - a thin connective tissue film by which the abdominal organs are connected to the inner surface of the abdominal wall and through which nerve branches and blood vessels. Trauma to the mesentery during surgery can lead to painful shock (despite the fact that the patient is in a state of medicated sleep and does not respond to irritation of its tissues). The expression “Pull the mesentery” in surgical slang has even acquired a figurative meaning - it means to cause significant inconvenience, cause suffering and pain (not only physical, but also moral).

Another factor on which the patient’s condition after surgery depends is medications, used by anesthesiologists during operations to provide pain relief. In most cases, abdominal operations on the abdominal organs are performed under anesthesia, a little less often - under spinal anesthesia.

At anesthesia Substances are injected into the bloodstream, the purpose of which is to induce a state of drug-induced sleep and relax the anterior abdominal wall so that it is convenient for surgeons to operate. But in addition to this valuable property for the operating team, such drugs also have “disadvantages” (side properties ). First of all, this is a depressive (depressing) effect on:

  • central nervous system;
  • intestinal muscle fibers;
  • muscle fibers Bladder.

Anesthetics that are administered during spinal anesthesia, act locally, without inhibiting the central nervous system, intestines and bladder - but their influence extends to a certain area spinal cord and those departing from him nerve endings who need some time to “get rid” of the effects of anesthetics and return to their previous physiological state and provide innervation to organs and tissues.

As a result of the action of the drugs that anesthesiologists administered during surgery to provide anesthesia, the patient’s intestines stop working:

  • muscle fibers do not provide peristalsis (normal contraction of the intestinal wall, as a result of which food masses move towards the anus);
  • on the part of the mucous membrane, the secretion of mucus is inhibited, which facilitates the passage of food masses through the intestines;
  • the anus is spasmodic.

As a result - the gastrointestinal tract seems to freeze after abdominal surgery. If at this moment the patient takes even a small amount of food or liquid, it will immediately be pushed out of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of reflex vomiting.

Due to the fact that the drugs that caused short-term intestinal paresis will be eliminated (leave) from the bloodstream in a few days, the normal passage of nerve impulses along the nerve fibers of the intestinal wall will resume, and it will start working again. Normally, intestinal function resumes on its own, without external stimulation. In the vast majority of cases, this occurs 2-3 days after surgery. Timing may depend on:

  • volume of the operation (how widely organs and tissues were involved in it);
  • its duration;
  • degree of intestinal injury during surgery.

A signal that the intestines have resumed is the release of gases from the patient. This is a very important point, indicating that the intestines have coped with the stress of surgery. It’s not for nothing that surgeons jokingly call passing gas the best postoperative music.

Drugs administered to provide anesthesia are completely eliminated from the bloodstream after some time. However, during their stay in the body they manage to influence the structures of the central nervous system, affecting its tissues and inhibiting the passage of nerve impulses through neurons. As a result, a number of patients experience disorders of the central nervous system after surgery. The most common:

  • sleep disturbance (the patient has difficulty falling asleep, sleeps lightly, wakes up from exposure to the slightest irritant);
  • tearfulness;
  • depressed state;
  • irritability;
  • memory disorders (forgetting faces, events in the past, small details of some facts).

After surgery, the patient is forced to remain for some time exclusively in supine position. In those places where the bone structures are covered with skin with virtually no layer of soft tissue between them, the bone presses on the skin, causing a disruption in its blood supply and innervation. As a result, necrosis occurs at the point of pressure skin- so-called bedsores. In particular, they are formed in such areas of the body as:

  • sacral spine and coccyx;
  • shoulder blades (with scoliosis and different protrusion of the shoulder blades, bedsores may be asymmetrical);
  • heels;
  • knees;
  • ribs;
  • toes;
  • greater trochanters of the femurs;
  • feet;
  • sit bones;
  • iliac crests;
  • elbow joints.

Often large abdominal operations are performed under endotracheal anesthesia. For this purpose, the patient is intubated - that is, in the upper Airways an endotracheal tube connected to an artificial respiration apparatus is inserted. Even with careful insertion, the tube irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, making it sensitive to the infectious agent. Another negative aspect of mechanical ventilation (artificial pulmonary ventilation) during surgery is some imperfection in dosing the gas mixture coming from ventilator into the respiratory tract, and also the fact that normally a person does not breathe such a mixture.

In addition to factors that negatively affect the respiratory system: after surgery, the excursion (movement) of the chest is not yet complete, which leads to congestion in the lungs. All these factors together can provoke the occurrence of postoperative pneumonia.

Patients who suffered from vascular and blood diseases are prone to the formation and separation of blood clots in the postoperative period. This is facilitated by a change in blood rheology (its physical properties), which is observed in the postoperative period. A contributing factor is also that the patient is in a supine position for some time, and then begins physical activity - sometimes abruptly, as a result of which an existing blood clot may break off. The vessels of the lower extremities are mainly affected by thrombotic changes in the postoperative period.

Often after abdominal surgery, the patient is unable to urinate. There are several reasons:

  • paresis of the muscle fibers of the bladder wall due to the effect on them of drugs that were administered during surgery to ensure medicated sleep;
  • spasm of the bladder sphincter for the same reasons;
  • difficulty urinating due to the fact that this is done in an unusual and unsuitable position for this - lying down.

Until the intestines have started working, the patient cannot eat or drink. Thirst is relieved by applying a piece of cotton wool or a piece of gauze moistened with water to the lips. In the vast majority of cases, intestinal function resumes on its own. If the process is difficult, drugs that stimulate peristalsis (Prozerin) are administered. From the moment peristalsis resumes, the patient can take water and food - but you need to start with small portions. If gases have accumulated in the intestines, but cannot escape, a gas outlet tube is installed.

The first dish that is given to the patient after the resumption of peristalsis is a lean thin soup with a very small amount of boiled cereals that do not provoke gas formation (buckwheat, rice), and mashed potatoes. The first meal should be two to three tablespoons. After half an hour, if the body has not rejected the food, you can give two or three more spoons - and so on, up to 5-6 small meals per day. The first meals are aimed not so much at satisfying hunger, but at “accustoming” the gastrointestinal tract to its traditional work.

You should not force the work of the gastrointestinal tract - it is better for the patient to be hungry. Even when the intestines have started working, a hasty expansion of the diet and the load on the gastrointestinal tract can lead to the fact that the stomach and intestines cannot cope, this will cause vomiting, which, due to the shaking of the anterior abdominal wall, will negatively affect the postoperative wound. The diet is gradually expanded in the following sequence:

  • lean soups;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • creamy porridges;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • soaked white bread crackers;
  • vegetables cooked and pureed until pureed;
  • steam cutlets;
  • unsweetened tea.
  • fat;
  • acute;
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • fried;
  • sweet;
  • fiber;
  • legumes;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

Changes in the central nervous system due to the use of anesthesia can disappear on their own in the period from 3 to 6 months after surgery. Longer-term disorders require consultation with a neurologist and neurological treatment(often outpatient, under the supervision of a doctor). Non-specialized events are:

  • maintaining a friendly, calm, optimistic atmosphere around the patient;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • non-standard methods - dolphin therapy, art therapy, hippotherapy (the beneficial effects of communication with horses).

In the postoperative period, bedsores are easier to prevent than to cure. Preventive measures should be carried out from the very first minute the patient is in a supine position. This:

  • rubbing risk areas with alcohol (it must be diluted with water so as not to cause burns);
  • circles for those places that are susceptible to pressure sores (sacrum, elbow joints, heels), so that the risk areas are as if in limbo - as a result of this, bone fragments will not put pressure on areas of the skin;
  • massaging tissues in risk areas to improve their blood supply and innervation, and therefore trophism (local nutrition);
  • vitamin therapy.

If bedsores do occur, they are dealt with using:

  • drying agents (diamond green);
  • drugs that improve tissue trophism;
  • wound healing ointments, gels and creams (panthenol type);
  • antibacterial drugs (to prevent infection).

The most main prevention congestion in the lungs - early activity:

  • getting out of bed early if possible;
  • regular walks (short but frequent);
  • gymnastics.

If due to circumstances (large volume of surgery, slow healing of a postoperative wound, fear of a postoperative hernia) the patient is forced to remain in a supine position, measures are taken to prevent congestion in the respiratory organs:

  • the patient inflating ordinary children's balloons;
  • vibration massage of the chest;
  • exercises at the level of the shoulder girdle (torso turns in a sitting position, flexion and extension of the arms in the shoulder joints, and so on).

Before surgery, elderly patients or those who suffer from vascular diseases or changes in the blood coagulation system are carefully examined - they are given:

  • rheovasography;
  • coagulogram;
  • determination of prothrombin index.

During surgery, as well as in the postoperative period, the legs of such patients are carefully bandaged. During bed rest lower limbs should be in an elevated position (at an angle of 20-30 degrees to the plane of the bed). Antithrombotic therapy is also used. Its course is prescribed before surgery and continues in the postoperative period.

If in the postoperative period the patient cannot urinate, they resort to the good old reliable method of stimulating urination - the sound of water. To do this, simply open the water tap in the room so that water comes out of it. Some patients, having heard about the method, begin to talk about the dense shamanism of doctors - in fact, these are not miracles, but just a reflex response of the bladder.

In cases where the method does not help, bladder catheterization is performed.

After surgery on the abdominal organs, the patient is in a supine position in the first days. The time frame in which he can get out of bed and start walking is strictly individual and depends on:

  • volume of operation;
  • its duration;
  • patient's age;
  • his general condition;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

After uncomplicated and non-volume operations (hernia repair, appendectomy, etc.), patients can get up as early as 2-3 days after surgery. Volumetric surgical interventions(for a breakthrough ulcer, removal of an injured spleen, suturing of intestinal injuries, and so on) require a longer period of lying down for at least 5-6 days - first the patient may be allowed to sit in bed with his legs dangling, then stand and only then begin take the first steps.

To avoid the occurrence of postoperative hernias, it is recommended that patients wear a bandage:

  • with a weak anterior abdominal wall (in particular, with untrained muscles, sagging muscle corset);
  • obese;
  • aged;
  • those who have already been operated on for hernias;
  • women who have recently given birth.

Proper attention should be paid to personal hygiene, water procedures, and room ventilation. Weakened patients who are allowed to get out of bed, but find it difficult to do so, are taken out into the fresh air in wheelchairs.

In the early postoperative period, intense pain may occur in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. They are stopped (relieved) with painkillers. It is not recommended for the patient to endure pain - pain impulses overstimulate the central nervous system and deplete it, which can lead to a variety of neurological diseases in the future (especially in old age).

Kovtonyuk Oksana Vladimirovna, medical observer, surgeon, consultant doctor

After the birth of a child by caesarean section, mothers begin to think about restoring their figure. Unsightly view own belly becomes a woman’s problem, but if you take care of yourself in time and make every effort, then in a few months you can improve your appearance. A caesarean section is not a reason to give up physical activity; it’s just important to know what exercises to do and where to start.

After giving birth to a child through abdominal surgery, 80% of women develop a sagging belly, which spoils the mood of the young mother. The result of such births is the presence of a scar and a violation of the integrity of the muscles of the abdominal wall, which makes it difficult to resort to common methods of tummy tuck. But not only cesarean section is the cause of decreased tone, additional reasons also are:

  • Shift of the center of gravity. During pregnancy, as a rule, you develop the habit of walking, leaning slightly back and not straining your abdominal muscles. Therefore, the “pregnant” gait and posture remain after childbirth.
  • Excess weight. The kilograms gained during pregnancy are not only used to feed the child, but are also deposited in fat deposits on the sides and abdomen.
  • Decreased muscle tone. During pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen stretches and loses tone. From this, after childbirth, it forms skin fold- "apron".
  • Lack of physical activity.

After a caesarean section, 80% of women develop a saggy belly

What can you do after surgery?

After a complicated birth, a woman needs to take care of herself and not “rush into battle”: avoid sudden movements, lie down more to prevent the stitches from coming apart. Doctors recommend starting serious exercises to restore your figure no earlier than 2–3 months after surgery.

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, the young mother can already take walks. It is better to carry the child in a stroller rather than carry him in his arms, so as not to strain his stomach. T

Since walks with a newborn should start from 15 minutes, and then gradually increase the time spent in the air, the load will gradually increase, which will not create discomfort and a threat to the sutures.

When walking, it is better not to lean on anything. To support the abdominal muscles, it is recommended to wear postpartum bandage, it fixes the stitches and reduces pain.

Hiking in the fresh air is beneficial not only for the mother, but also for the baby

Exercises: technique and rules

If you feel good, you can start doing simple exercises, but be sure to listen to your body. If pain occurs, delay starting exercise.

As after any abdominal operation, general strengthening exercises are recommended and performed after a cesarean section. Before you start exercising, be sure to put on a bandage. It will protect against separation of the abdominal muscles (diastasis) and increase the effectiveness of the workout.

To support your abdominal muscles, wear a postpartum bandage, it fixes the stitches and reduces pain

Loads are allowed only if there are no postoperative complications and the patient is in good health.

In this case, you can smoothly, lying on your back, perform the following exercises:

    Smooth bending of the legs at the knees. Starting position: legs are straightened, arms lie along the body.

    Throwing your arms behind your head (as when swimming breaststroke). Starting position: legs bent at the knees.

  1. Raising the pillow. Raise the pillow to chest level, spread your elbows to the sides, inhale, and as you exhale, squeeze the pillow, straining the muscles of the chest and back. Legs should be bent at the knees.
  2. Strengthening the leg muscles. Hold the pillow with your knees bent, gently tense and relax your leg muscles, trying not to drop the pillow.

From the fourth day after surgery, you can add new exercises, which are also performed lying on your back:

  1. Breathing exercises. Alternating deep inhalations and exhalations with retraction of the abdomen. The hand rests on the stomach in the navel area.
  2. Strengthening the neck muscles. Raising and lowering the head while holding it in the raised state for 5 seconds.
  3. Raising your legs to your stomach. The legs bent at the knees are alternately pulled towards the stomach. The arms lie along the body.
  4. Bend your knees to the sides. The arms are extended to the sides, the legs are bent at the knees, and a pillow is sandwiched between them.

Already two weeks after surgery, when the sutures are removed, you can increase physical activity. The complex of general strengthening gymnastics described above is supplemented with exercises for the abdominal muscles:

  1. Alternate raising and lowering of the buttocks and hips. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms extended along the body, pillow sandwiched between the knees. As you inhale, lift up (5–10 cm), and as you exhale, slowly lower.
  2. Raises of the upper body. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands under your head, pillow sandwiched between your knees. As you inhale, lift the upper body, and as you exhale, slowly lower it. When lifting, the elbows are pulled towards the knees.

3 months after the birth of the child, the set of exercises becomes more complicated. Simple exercises on a fitball and a “vacuum” exercise are added.

The main condition for conducting training is wellness and the absence of medical contraindications.

Most exercises can be done with your baby

Exercise "vacuum"

The simplest version of this exercise is performed lying down. It is suitable for starting training. It is necessary to take the starting position lying down, legs bent at the knees, arms extended along the body. Take deep breaths with the abdomen drawn in and long exhalations. The abdomen is held in for 15–20 seconds. Do 3-4 approaches per day.

Every day, 5 seconds are added, the maximum exercise can be performed for one minute.

Video: plank exercise

When practicing with a fitball, it is important to choose the right ball. The diameter of the fitball depends on your height.

  • If you are 150–170 cm tall, choose a fitball with a diameter of 65 cm;
  • With a height of 170–190 cm, the diameter of the ball should be at least 75 cm;
  • When the height is above 190 cm, the diameter of the fitball is 85 cm.
  1. Stand in the “plank” position, resting your toes on the fitball, hold for 30 seconds and lower, repeat 3 or 4 times.
  2. From the same position, roll the ball to your stomach, repeat 20 times, 3 approaches.
  3. Lie on your back on a fitball and pull your lower ribs towards your pelvic bones, repeat 20 times.

If you are already full of strength and more than 4 months have passed since the operation, then you can start pumping up your abs. Before doing this, it is better to consult a doctor and get his approval.

Your doctor may order an ultrasound of your abdomen to make sure the exercise isn't harmful.

At the slightest sign pain and discomfort in the abdominal area, you must stop training

You need to start with small loads, gradually increasing the pace and number of repetitions. Follow simple rules:

  • at the slightest sign of abdominal pain, stop training;
  • after unpleasant sensations appear, stop pumping your abs for at least 5 days;
  • keep the range of movements minimal at first;
  • Do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • exercise at least an hour after eating;
  • you need to exercise no more than three times a week;
  • one approach should not exceed 15 repetitions;
  • If exercises do not cause discomfort, practice systematically.

There are many ways after childbirth to restore a beautiful appearance to your tummy and pumped up abs, but do not rush to do exercises, let your body recover after a cesarean section, and then take on your appearance. Minimum loads you can afford it a few days after the operation, but listen to your feelings. Your baby needs a healthy mother.