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Bandage after abdominal surgery. Types of postoperative abdominal bands. Was the information useful? Share with your friends

Good afternoon My father is 53 years old, he had an operation to remove a palipa in the rectum, 2 months have passed since the operation, he has a 15-20 cm abdominal incision, he works as a driver and sits with a bandage for 15 hours a day. The question is, how long do you need to wear a bandage after such an operation, considering that the abdominal incision is 20 cm, and he is in a sitting position all the time?

Ruslan, Voronezh

ANSWERED: 11/30/2012

It's time to take off the bandage! It promotes sagging abdominal wall, which in turn leads to hernia formation. "Months of wearing after the operation are quite enough. Your father is healthy.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 12/01/2012 Maksimov Alexey Vasilievich Moscow 0.0 surgeon, doctor-maximov.ru

Usually after a wide laparotomy and with adequate postoperative period(without complications from the wound) wearing a postoperative bandage for up to 3 months. If the work involves heavy lifting - up to six.

Clarification question

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Have perfect health- great happiness. But, unfortunately, in today's life there are moments when, without surgical intervention impossible to get by.

After the operation, the patient should follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, follow a diet, and not lift heavy objects.

The rehabilitation period is the most difficult stage after surgery. The patient strives to return to his home as quickly as possible the same form, enter the usual rhythm of life. But the wound after surgery usually does not allow you to recover so quickly.

The postoperative bandage has received well-deserved recognition in the field of rehabilitation.

What is a bandage?

The word bandage translated from French “bandage” means bandage.

The function of this medical device is to hold the internal organs and anterior walls abdominal cavity during the rehabilitation period or for certain diseases.

Thanks to the postoperative bandage, the wound after surgical intervention heals faster and instead damaged tissue a strong, reliable scar is formed.

The bandage gently, delicately compresses the area of ​​skin where the operation was performed. It correctly connects the edges of the seam and, as a result, swelling does not occur.

Thanks to wearing a bandage, the recovery period becomes easier and shorter, and the product also prevents the occurrence of a hernia at the site of the postoperative suture.

How to choose the right postoperative bandage?

Postoperative bandage is:

Universal - wide range indications for use.

Highly specialized - used after surgery on the stomach, heart, intestines, kidney, etc.

Before purchasing any type of bandage, you need to consult a specialist. There are a number of cases in which this medical device has contraindications:

Some types of sutures (sutures after a recent operation may come apart due to compression by a bandage).

Allergy from the fabric from which the postoperative abdominal bandage is made).

Surgery at the site where the bandage is applied (pressure is fraught with suppuration, swelling, and friction of the operated area).

Kidney diseases accompanied by edema.

Some types skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, wounds, tumors).

One of the main parameters when choosing a postoperative bandage, this is its width. It is determined taking into account the patient’s build and height.

The second important parameter- location of the surgical suture and its size.

A correctly selected postoperative bandage covers the suture and adjacent tissues by at least 1 cm.

Third parameter in the choice - the girth of the bandage. To determine it, it is necessary to measure the patient's waist circumference.

The bandage should not cause discomfort, create a greenhouse effect or impair blood circulation.

Each bandage must allow air to pass through normally and not cause irritation to the skin.

It should be made of a breathable, hygroscopic material that consists of elastin, cotton, microfiber or lycra fibers. Products made only from cotton cannot provide full support for the operated area and tighten it. These are all the requirements by which you can choose a postoperative bandage. You know how to choose. Now I’ll tell you how to check whether your choice is correct.

A correctly selected model should:

Good to fix the department

Adhere tightly to the surgical site

Reduce pain syndrome

It is worth talking separately about postpartum bandages for women after cesarean section.

It will support the stomach and relieve stress on the internal organs and spine.

The bandage prevents the postoperative suture from coming apart, fixes it in a “tightened” position, and therefore promotes faster healing. The bandage will also serve to protect the seam from unexpected mechanical damage.

The size must be chosen carefully. A bandage that is too small will put a lot of pressure on the internal organs; a very large one will not have the desired effect.

The interior should be made of natural fabric.

How to wear a post-operative bandage?

It is advisable to put on the bandage while lying down.

As a rule, the postoperative bandage is worn over cotton underwear. You should wear it no more than 8 hours a day.

The medical product can be washed without losing its compression properties.

It is advisable to dry the bandage in a straightened form, placing it on a flat, level surface.

Of course, any operation is a great stress for any organism. Physical and moral strength is wasted, all systems are worn out. Significantly ease painful condition During rehabilitation, a postoperative bandage is called upon.

It significantly shortens the rehabilitation period, reduces painful sensations, forms a reliable scar and prevents postoperative complications from arising.

After abdominal surgery, it is important for the patient to recover as quickly as possible. To ensure that the stitches heal faster and the person does not experience discomfort when moving, the patient is prescribed a special bandage. This thick and wide elastic bandage supports the internal organs without squeezing them. This type of orthopedic product, such as a postoperative abdominal bandage, accelerates healing and helps to avoid complications.

Bandage after abdominal surgery: why is it needed?

The purpose of a postoperative bandage is to keep the organs in their normal position, facilitate the healing of sutures, and eliminate the possibility of the formation of hernias, scars and adhesions. This medical accessory prevents the skin from stretching, protects vulnerable areas after surgery from infections and irritations, and relieves pain symptoms, contributes to the conservation motor activity And faster recovery. It also performs aesthetic functions, allowing the patient to feel confident and look dignified. At the same time, you should not confuse the bandage with grace; it should not pull or compress the body.

Not every abdominal operation requires wearing a bandage. For example, some doctors believe that after appendicitis that resolves without complications, applying a bandage is sufficient. However, a bandage worn for several hours may prevent fast healing seams.

Indications for wearing a fixation bandage may include removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), removal of the appendix, hernia, gastric resection or heart surgery. Fixing accessories may be needed when internal organs prolapse, as well as after cosmetic surgeries(for example, removal of subcutaneous fat).

Types of postoperative bandages

In all cases, different types of products are needed. It all depends on what kind of surgery was performed and what part of the body needs support and fixation of internal organs. To choose the right model, consider the recommendations of your doctor.

The appearance of the bandage may vary. Most often it resembles a wide, tight belt wrapped around the waist. There are also models in the form of elongated panties with a fixing belt. These options are suitable after removal of appendicitis, uterus or after caesarean section.

A postoperative chest bandage may resemble a T-shirt. It is recommended after heart surgery. Such models are equipped with wide adjustable straps that can be fixed at different levels.

In some cases, the postoperative bandage on the abdominal wall has special slots, necessary, for example, for colostomy bags. Models designed for women and covering the chest may have holes in place of the mammary glands.

Many models of bandages are designed for long-term wear. They not only record postoperative sutures, but also reduce the load on the back and maintain normal posture.

You can purchase a high-quality and safe product at a pharmacy or online store. But there is a much larger choice in specialized companies such as Medtekhnika or Trives. Here you can choose a postoperative bandage for the abdominal cavity, chest area, bandage after heart surgery, as well as special products recommended after appendicitis, plastic surgery or after removal of the uterus. For example, in the Trives assortment you can find both simple belts with Velcro fasteners and complex corset-type modifications with tightening inserts, adjustable belts and straps.

The range includes products made from fabric with anti-allergenic impregnation, intended for sensitive skin that is easily irritated. Trives, Medtekhnika and other companies involved in the sale of medical accessories sell their products wholesale and retail. Prices depend on the complexity of the model and the composition of the fabric.

Materials for making corsets

In some cases, it is better to sew a fixing bandage to order. It is difficult to make it yourself, so it is better to buy the product. It is worth considering that individual production of medical accessories is more expensive, so you need to calculate the feasibility of such an acquisition in advance. Doctors do not recommend buying used bandages. Such products may stretch during wear and are unlikely to perform their intended functions efficiently. In addition, this is unhygienic: during use, blood and purulent discharge which can cause infection.

Most postoperative bandages are made of elastic materials that are comfortable to wear. These can be rubberized fabrics, cotton with the addition of elastane or lycra. The best bandages are made from fabrics that ensure timely removal of moisture from the surface of the skin. Such products, for example, are offered by Trives. In this model, the patient will not feel discomfort, and the stitches will heal faster.

High quality orthopedic products— dense, but not hard, they do not deform after wear, they provide uniform support for the internal organs, without squeezing or pinching them.

It is desirable that the models have strong, well-fixed fasteners. Options with wide Velcro tape are very convenient, ensuring a good fit of the product. In some cases, fasteners with buttons or hooks, laces or ties are suitable. It is important that these elements do not irritate the skin or put pressure on the seam area.

How to choose the right bandage

Before purchasing, you need to measure your waist size. To select a bandage after heart surgery, measure the chest circumference. The more accurate the measurements are made, the better product will sit on the body. For example, bandages from Trives have up to 6 sizes, from which you can choose the one that is ideal for a particular patient.

The length of the product is also important. A correctly selected postoperative bandage completely covers the seam, and there should be at least 1 cm of tissue above and below it. You should not buy a model that is too long; the free edges will curl up, causing inconvenience.

The postoperative bandage is best worn while lying down. It is usually worn on underwear, but in some cases it can be worn directly on the body. This category, for example, includes bandages from Trives, made of breathable knitwear and not interfering with the removal of moisture from the skin. The product is applied to the abdominal area, wrapped around the body, and then secured with fasteners.

The fabric should fit tightly to the body, without dangling or slipping. However, excessive squeezing and pinching should be avoided. Special attention you need to pay attention to the seam area. The fabric should not rub against them, as this may cause irritation. It is important that the fasteners do not get on the seams.

If the model has supporting inserts, you need to make sure that they are in the right places, not squeezing the stomach, but supporting it.

It is advisable that the first fitting be performed by a doctor. He must establish the degree of fixation and teach the patient how to fasten the product correctly. Bandages can be divided into women's and men's.

Rules for wearing and caring for the product

The postoperative bandage is not intended for permanent wear. The duration of wearing depends on the complexity of the operation and the patient’s condition. For example, after appendicitis, you need to wear tight fixing bandages only in the first days after surgery, and after removal of the uterus and if there is a threat of prolapse of internal organs, this period can be increased. Typically, the bandage is worn for no more than 9 hours a day. The minimum wearing period is 1 hour. Immediately after the operation, the product is worn during the rest period, but after recovery it is recommended to wear it only during physical activity: walks, housework, etc. The bandage must be removed at night.

After final recovery, the postoperative bandage can be replaced with corrective medical underwear, which partially performs the same functions, but is much more comfortable to wear. Such underwear is recommended after surgery to remove the uterus and after some other types of surgical interventions.

Postoperative bandages require constant careful care.

Rubberized products can be washed warm water with soap suds, elastic cotton is recommended to be washed by hand with baby or hypoallergenic detergents. Before washing, the product should be zipped up, this will help maintain its shape. Do not use aggressive bleaches, they can irritate the skin.

After washing, it is not recommended to twist the product or dry it in the drum of a washing machine. The bandage must be rinsed thoroughly to remove any residue. detergents, gently squeeze with your hands, and then place on a drying rack or soft towel, straightening out thoroughly. It is recommended to wash the product at least once a week. In case of contamination, you need to do this more often.


Removal of the uterus is a frequently performed operation for women of advanced age. reproductive age. A hysterectomy affects a woman's entire body because a major organ is removed. reproductive system. The manipulation prolongs the patient’s life, because it is prescribed in serious cases. But the quality of life deteriorates slightly after a hysterectomy, which also affects appearance women.

The use of an elastic waistband is a must for full recovery damaged tissues in the body. Below we will look at why you should wear a bandage, how to use it and where to look for it.

Why use a bandage after a hysterectomy?

Doctors insist that you need to put on a bandage immediately after surgery. This is extremely necessary for several reasons:

  • Containing the internal organs in the same places where they were before the operation.
  • Preventing the divergence of surgical sutures.
  • Reducing the intensity of pain.
  • A post-operative bandage after hysterectomy helps strengthen the vaginal muscles.
  • It helps support the pelvic bones during stress. The belt takes on part of the load, preventing overload of the pelvic bones.
  • Helps protect the intestines from post-operative complications.
  • Maximum prevents the formation of hernias after surgery.

Such properties of the bandage make it indispensable for patients in recovery after hysterectomy.

There are several types of bandages for gynecological diseases. For maximum effect need to pick up correct view and size. It is better to discuss this with your doctor.

How long should I use the bandage after surgery?

The course of treatment with this item is determined by the doctor. The duration of its use will depend on several factors:

  • The patient’s condition after surgery, the doctor evaluates the woman’s external characteristics and well-being.
  • The rate of healing of sutures. You cannot remove the bandage earlier than before full recovery fabrics female body. This can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • Are there any complications? At various complications the doctor determines the advisability of using a bandage so as not to worsen the patient’s condition.
  • If the pathology of vaginal prolapse is diagnosed, better fixation can be achieved with the help of a panty bandage. They fix the perineum, promoting better quality woman's life. They are secured to the patient’s body using fasteners.

How to choose the right bandage?

Before choosing a bandage, you should study the features of this elastic bandage. If certain parts of the body are excessively compressed, it can lead to poor circulation in the compressed tissues. For this reason, it is important to know your size, choose the right headband fabric, and wear it correctly.

The bandage is made of elastin, polyester, latex. It is designed with medical-grade plastic to support your back and lower abdomen.

Choose an elastic bandage with a special mesh that “breathes”. If the belt includes a gauze covering, it is better not to buy such a bandage, as it is short-lived.

Manufacturers do not have a single size chart. To find out the size, you need to measure your waist and hips in advance. This is especially important when choosing panties. The final model of the gynecological bandage is selected by the doctor, he assesses the patient’s condition, the likelihood of vaginal prolapse, and determines the model.

Basic selection rules:

  • The product must be made only from natural fabrics.
  • A woman should feel comfortable in it even after wearing it for a long time.
  • If there is any discomfort, you need to change the type of bandage from a belt to panties, from panties to shorts.
  • You only need to try it on supine position to naturally fix all the internal organs.
  • It is important to choose a comfortable clasp. There are many of them available from manufacturers. These are ties, Velcro, zippers and others. Any fastener should be comfortable, not rub, and not press. A common choice for women is a corset. It is good because it has multi-level fasteners, which allows you to comfortably adjust the position of the bandage on the body.
  • Do not use bandages after someone. It is strictly forbidden to use used fixing bandages over surgical sutures. It has not only lost its hygiene, but also its tightening properties, which will not have the necessary therapeutic effect.

How to use the elastic waistband?

The recovery period for the body after surgery to remove the uterus lasts about 2 months, depending on the characteristics of the woman’s body. The use of the bandage is prescribed for this entire period. How many hours a day should I wear the bandage after hysterectomy? For therapeutic effect It is enough to use it no more than 12 hours a day. 24-hour use leads to impaired blood circulation in the body tissues.

You need to put it on while lying down; after removing it, it is also recommended to lie down for a few minutes, placing your legs at the same level as the heart muscle.

DIY bandage

If a woman is allergic to some fabrics, has a non-standard figure, or ready-made bandages do not fit tightly to the body, there is a need to make a bandage on her own after a hysterectomy.

What is needed to make a bandage? Instructions for sewing the product.

Where can I buy a post-operative bandage?

A fixation belt or panties must be worn in the first hours after surgery. You need to take care of purchasing it in advance by coordinating your purchase with your doctor. Where is the best place to buy a bandage?

High-quality bandages, available in several sizes, are sold in orthopedic salons or specialized pharmacies. You can find some types in regular pharmacies, but there is a limited number of products.

Sometimes outlets open at medical institution where the operation was performed. But prices may be higher than in a pharmacy or salon. There is a doctor working in the orthopedic salon who will advise you to choose the right elastic belt, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician.

The manufacturer “Unga” has affordable prices; prices for their products start from 500 rubles. The average price for bandages ranges from 1,200 rubles and above.


After removal of the uterus, a bandage is essential for the recovery of the body. Elastic belts come in different materials, types and costs. Right choice belts - collateral speedy recovery after operation.

On the eve of abdominal surgery, it is recommended to purchase a bandage. Its main tasks:

  • holding internal organs in a natural position;
  • relief of scarring of sutures;
  • pain relief;
  • maintaining the skin and abdominal wall in normal condition after surgery;
  • protection of seams from infection and irritation;
  • preventing the appearance of scars, adhesions, and hernias.

In addition, the medical product is used for the purpose of aesthetic correction; it helps you feel more confident when walking and, as a result, feel much better.

Attention! There are times when you cannot do without a support belt. Despite this, experts do not recommend using it after every operation. Before purchasing a bandage, consult your physician.

Indications and contraindications

During recovery period After undergoing surgery, it is recommended to wear a bandage:

  • if a hysterectomy was performed;
  • after surgery on the appendix;
  • after heart surgery;
  • if hernias were removed;
  • after cosmetic surgery (pumping out fat deposits from the abdominal area);
  • after gastric resection;
  • when the abdominal organs are missed.

There are also contraindications to the use of bandages:

  • Various diseases gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to use shapewear when peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum.
  • Non-standard seams. After certain operations, the sutures may come apart and fester.
  • Kidney diseases, which are accompanied by internal edema.
  • An allergic reaction to the material from which the bandage is made.
  • Diseases skin– rashes, wounds in the abdominal area.
  • The seam is located at the point of impact of the supporting accessory.

Depending on the type of surgical intervention, you need to choose a certain type of support belt.

What types of bandages are there?

The choice of bandage depends on where the suture is located and which organs need to be supported after surgery. Therefore, there are many different types bandages - from a standard tape belt to a supportive T-shirt.

Main types:

  • Bandage in the form of a belt made of thick, wide fabric. It is most often used after surgery on organs located in the abdominal area. It fits perfectly and does not cause discomfort.
  • Support briefs are the most comfortable bandage for women after a cesarean section, removal of the appendix or uterus. With the help of a fixing belt, they fit well and perform all the necessary functions. They are convenient to use when active movements and minor physical activity.
  • Bermuda jockstraps are similar to shorts and are a type of slimming briefs. It is useful to wear after a caesarean section, as it additionally helps a woman restore her figure after childbirth - it prevents stretch marks and cellulite, fixes the muscles well and helps them regain their previous tone.
  • T-shirt. An accessory in the form of a T-shirt is recommended for use after surgery on the chest organs, for example, on the heart. Such models are sold with adjustable straps that can be conveniently adjusted to your figure.
  • Special bandages. They have additional holes for postoperative tubes and outlets, for example, for a colostomy bag. Also, women after surgery chest You can purchase a bandage vest with holes for the mammary glands.

Attention! Do not confuse regular grace-type shapewear with a post-operative bandage. This medical accessory is aimed at supporting the internal organs and the entire abdomen, and not to tighten the body.

Which to choose?

A properly selected medical device should:

Therefore, be careful when choosing a bandage. If the operation is planned, then it can be purchased the day before. In case of urgent surgical interventions, you will have to buy a belt after the fact.

It is recommended to purchase a new bandage for individual use. But it often happens that they wear a belt that has already been used. Such actions have a number of disadvantages: firstly, it is unhygienic (stains of pus and blood may remain on it, which will lead to inflammation), and secondly, it may be stretched and not fit your figure.

The first basic rule is to try on before buying. Only in this case, you will definitely choose a good product in size and in accordance with the configuration.

Pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Size. Please use your standard clothing size as a guide.
  • Type. Depending on the type of surgical intervention and the location of the suture, a specific type of product with the appropriate width and girth is selected.
  • Clasps. It is recommended to buy accessories with Velcro fasteners. Sometimes it is permissible to use hooks, buttons, ties, snaps or lacing as fastening elements. Make sure they are located in convenient location and did not lead to abrasions and skin irritation when worn.
  • Material. For good fixation and comfort, it is better to buy a waist belt made of cotton with the addition of lycra or polyester - a breathable natural material with the right level elasticity. There are also models made from rubberized fabrics and hygroscopic fibers. It’s good if the bandage has rigid elements built in - with their help, the stomach or chest is better supported and fixed.
  • Convenience. When choosing, you don’t need to listen to the advice of friends and acquaintances, because each person’s body is individual. Be sure to try on the accessory and determine whether it is comfortable for you.
  • Price. Bandages made from natural cotton fabrics are often more expensive than those made from synthetic ones. But generally the cost of high-quality models ranges from 700 to 1000 rubles.
  • Firm. Recommended on the forums medical products such companies: “Trives”, “Orlette”, “Medtechnika”. Bandages from these manufacturers are of the highest quality, do not stretch when worn and fit perfectly to the figure.

Choosing a postoperative bandage: video