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On what day can the operation be performed? Operations and the Moon. Which moon phases are best for surgeries, cosmetic procedures and haircuts?

Cardiac surgeon Vladimir Popov has collected a lot of information about how the Moon affects people, and on the days when its phases change, he tries to operate on milder patients

After summarizing the statistics of traffic accidents using a computer, American researchers found that over the past ten years, 22 percent more pedestrians died on a new moon than on a full moon.

The mechanism of the impact of our planet’s satellite on humans has not yet been fully studied, but doctors need to take some known points into account, says the head of the department of surgery of acquired heart defects of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N. M. Amosov of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, a member of the American Cardiology Association, Honored Doctor of Ukraine doctor medical sciences Vladimir Popov. - The seas and oceans rise and fall under the influence of the Moon, periodically forming ebbs and flows. And since a significant part human body constitutes a liquid, then similar processes occur in the body. Scientists have found out: when the light part of the Moon’s disk grows, a person feels a surge of strength, he is active, energetic, and at the same time chronic diseases respond well to treatment. If the Moon wanes, vitality decreases, a person more often feels tired and depressed. Health becomes especially unstable when the phases of the moon change.

What happens during this shift?

In a lunar month (it consists of 29.3 days, sometimes 30 days) there are four critical points when the moving Moon and Sun become at a certain distance from each other and their relationship becomes stronger. The first quarter of the lunar month ends, as a rule, on the seventh or eighth lunar day, the full moon occurs on the fourteenth or fifteenth. The third quarter lasts until the 22nd day, and the month ends on the 29-30th day.

Which days are considered the most critical for a person?

Experts call the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th days of the lunar month satanic, when people most often have troubles. Researchers who studied the influence of the Moon came to the conclusion that these days the energy balance in the body is disrupted. The immune system weakens, the oxygen supply to the brain deteriorates, and the psyche becomes vulnerable. As a result, as a rule, accidents and catastrophes occur more often, and diseases worsen. A person’s well-being, his biorhythms (sleep and wakefulness, rest and activity) largely depend on how quickly he can adapt. In sick people, the body has difficulty adapting. Therefore, strokes, heart attacks, and digestive disorders are possible. There are also favorable days when adaptive capabilities are high and health is well restored. These are the 6th, 7th, 16th, 24th and 28th days of the lunar month.

Maybe you should completely rely on lunar rhythms and critical days take no action?

It is not necessary to adapt to the lunar rules, because it is not only the Earth’s satellite that affects a person. But it is advisable to make some adjustments. For example, American surgeons noticed: operations performed during the full moon are more likely to end. heavy bleeding. It is also known that people born between sunset and sunrise are especially susceptible to lunar influence. It is better to operate on them on the waxing Moon. But some aspects still remain mysterious. For example, I have been convinced more than once that seriously ill patients operated on on Good Friday (one of the days before Easter, when believers mourn the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ) or September 11 (the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist) more often develop complications. If the intervention is planned in advance, for example, complex reconstruction of a heart valve, then it is advisable to choose one of auspicious days lunar month. On critical days, I try to operate on lighter patients. It is clear that in in case of emergency I can't stick to this

Marina, good afternoon! I have been using your lunar hair cutting calendar for several years now, thanks to it I was able to grow my hair. Thank you very much.

I am planning an operation to restore vision in my eyes in September., is there in September favorable periods for this type surgical intervention(preferably in the second half of the month). Thank you in advance! Best regards, Love.

Marina, hello! Thank you for the interesting and useful newsletter! I try to follow the advice of the lunar calendar, but now I have a question that I couldn’t find an answer to on the site: my mother sees very poorly and is “ripe” for eye surgery (cataract removal and lens replacement laser method). She is terribly afraid of an unsuccessful outcome, moreover, before her 65th birthday on September 29. Please tell me the most successful days in September for eye surgery (there should be 2 operations, with an interval of at least 7-14 days). I hope very much for your help! Thank you in advance. Anna.

So, the question is: When to have eye surgery?

I would say NEVER. I will, of course, answer your questions.

And why I am against the operation - read at the end of the article.

To choose a day for eye surgery, we will use two tables from the “Health” section of the lunar calendar “Rhythms of Life”.

Any surgical operation is favorable:

Eye surgeries are beneficial:

Favorable days after comparing the two tables:

If you are planning a laser operation, then it is also worth looking at the table “Procedures using devices”

Favorable days:

In September: September 1, 4, 5, period from September 14 (after 19:47) to September 15 (before 20:30), period from September 18 (after 12:06) to September 20, period from September 27 (after 8:51) to 29 (until 8:05).

A comparison with this table confirms all the days selected above: September 18 (after 12:06), September 19, September 20 (before 17:39).

Moscow time.

I don’t know how to help you choose days with an interval of 7-14 days. As you can see, there are not many favorable days. I can only recommend increasing the interval between operations, if possible, so that the second operation falls on the waning moon of the next month.

Why am I against surgery?

Any surgical intervention (except in cases emergency assistance, When we're talking about about fractures, etc.) is mostly business than helping people. Moreover, there is more reliable way cure eye diseases. This is, for example, the Bates method.

Gymnastics for the eyes based on the Bates method is taught by V.G., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Zhdanov. And also Nikolay Pirozhkov at the University of Youth and Health “Siberian Health”

The operation is for the lazy, but it does not guarantee results, it only gives hope for a TEMPORARY improvement.

And gymnastics for the eyes, along with relaxation, returns youth and vigilance to the eyes.

Bates was the first to search alternative ways improved vision. 30 years of practice allowed us to draw two conclusions that formed the basis of the method for treating impaired vision:

1. Mental stress- Here main reason deterioration of vision, as the brain tenses and eye muscles, causing nearsightedness, farsightedness, strabismus or astigmatism.

2. Relaxation is what is needed to improve vision.

Bates developed gymnastics for each type of visual impairment. But there are also basic exercises, which can be done for all types: for example, palming.

The exercise is done like this:

Cover your eyes with your palms, folding them into a house - so that they do not put pressure on your eyes and light does not penetrate to your eyes (there are no gaps). No physical tension should be felt. You can first rub your palms against each other until warmth appears in them.

You can lean your elbows on the table and turn on pleasant music.

As often as possible, and especially as soon as you feel tired of your eyes, and also before falling asleep, do palming for 3-5 minutes.

If you are interested in finding good vision and you are ready to allocate 15-20 minutes a day for gymnastics and relaxation, look for Additional information in the Internet. And take action.

Before undergoing plastic surgery, you need to pay attention to the time of year. Each season affects a person’s well-being and health, and therefore the results of plastic correction, in its own way.

Contacting the clinic plastic surgery, often many patients believe that weather conditions do not have any significance, and they think that it makes no difference for the surgeon whether to perform an operation in the fall or in the spring. However, there is a difference. Features of different seasons can most directly affect the result of plastic correction. For example, summer heat sometimes slows down the healing of sutures and causes discomfort for patients who are forced to wear compression garments. During the off-season, characterized by weather fluctuations, human body most susceptible to stress and vulnerable, as a result of which aggravation is possible chronic diseases. Late autumn and winter cold temperature influences respiratory system and affects the body physically, causing tension in smooth muscles and spasms in blood vessels. As a result, the risk of catching a cold and getting sick increases.

So, when planning plastic surgery, you need to take into account the season. What time of year is best for plastic surgery? As practice shows, plastic surgery clinics try to carry out most operations in the winter, at the end of December or January. First of all, this is due to fairly long weekends and holidays when you don't have to go to work and take additional leave at your own expense. All this is ideal for post-operative rehabilitation.

There is also psychological aspect. Since in winter a person is forced to wrap himself up in clothes, this helps ensure that changes in appearance are not noticeable. By the onset of spring, those around them have already managed to finally get used to the new appearance, and many are not even aware of any surgical intervention.

The inconveniences of the winter season include the fact that given time There are holidays, not just weekends. For patients who decide to undergo plastic surgery, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, since it is incompatible with taking medications prescribed during the rehabilitation period. In addition, women should avoid using lotions or nail polish as breathing is measured using sensors attached to their fingertips.

Smoking is also prohibited during plastic surgery, as it has Negative influence on the healing process, so two weeks before surgery you need to quit smoking. But that's not all. The doctor will certainly ask the patient to stop taking medications that affect the blood clotting process, such as aspirin, two weeks before the operation, as well as after it.

When should you not sign up for plastic surgery?

Although plastic surgeons work throughout the year, you should not sign up for surgery in the fall or spring, especially for those people who easily catch viral infections or catches a cold. Contraindications to plastic surgery include infectious, oncological diseases, as well as diseases internal organs, bleeding disorders and diabetes mellitus.

You should not combine a diet with plastic surgery, since in this case the operation will not bring the desired effect. Any diet limits the intake of vitamins and nutrients, and this can worsen the condition in the period after surgery. This fact especially applies to plastic surgery on the chest, after which you should not even think about diet, as it can irreparably spoil the appearance of the “new” bust. Before plastic surgery, on the contrary, you need to eat nutritiously and well, and in this case, rehabilitation will be more successful, and the body will recover faster and “come to its senses.”

Plastic surgeons warn that instability in psychological state person is a good reason to reschedule or postpone the operation. It is very important that plastic surgery is preceded by a stable and psychologically calm period - both in your personal life and at work.

The menstrual cycle is also very important nuance. It must be borne in mind that plastic surgery is not performed during menstrual bleeding, so it is important for women to calculate their cycle in advance.

Before surgery

First, you need to prepare mentally. Secondly, you need to tell the doctor everything about your health condition and conduct a full examination:

  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor
  • Held general analysis blood
  • A coagulogram is performed to determine blood clotting time
  • An analysis is carried out to determine the biochemical components of the blood, where the following is determined: the amount of sugar in the blood, bilirubin levels, urea, creatinine, the amount of ALT proteins, the amount of AST proteins
  • Analysis for the presence of infections: hepatitis B, C, syphilis, HIV
  • A general urine test is given
  • An ECG is performed

It must be remembered that tests after delivery remain valid for only two weeks.

Today we want to tell you about which days in 2018 will be favorable for surgical operations. And although this calendar is called a lunar calendar, in it we will try to take into account not only the phases of the Moon, but also Mars, as the planet responsible for any surgical interventions in the body. And, of course, we must not forget about the planet of beauty - Venus.

In 2018, Mars travels quite a long way, almost half of the zodiac circle, from Scorpio to Pisces. Please note that on June 27th it becomes retrograde and will remain so for 2 months - until August 27th. This period is very unfavorable for any surgical intervention. Therefore, starting from June 22 and up to September 2, 2018, we recommend performing only emergency operations based on vital signs. And it is better to postpone all planned ones, if possible.

In addition, with retrograde Mars, you can do repeated and multi-stage operations, provided that you did the first of them in another period when Mars was positive. Anything else can lead to further deterioration of your health. But in order to make a final conclusion, you need to carefully consider your personal natal chart.

Except for the period from June 22 to September 2, 2018 lunar horoscope does not advise you to carry out operations from January 28 to February 3, 2018 and from February 13 to 17.

But don't be upset. In January, March, April, early June and from October to December, surgical interventions promise to be especially successful. During these periods, you can safely lie down on the operating table.

The most favorable days for operations on individual organs

First, we would like to offer you a list of days on which it is best to operate on certain organs according to lunar calendar for 2018. Focusing on it, you will be able to choose the most favorable time for yourself.

  • Operations in the head area, such as the mouth, nose, eyes - February 4, 5, March 4, 5, November 5, 6, December 3, 30, 31;
  • thoracic region - February 12, March 11, May 5, June 1, 29;
  • bronchi and lungs - January 12-14, February 9, 10, March 8, April 5, 6, May 2, 3, 30;
  • neck area, throat, vocal cords and ears - January 10, February 6, March 6, 7, December 4, 5;
  • joints and tendons - September 5, October 3, November 26, 27, December 24;
  • shoulder girdle, arms and hands - January 12-14, February 9, 10, March 8, April 5, 6, May 2, 3, 30;
  • pelvic area and hips - June 12, July 10, August 7, September 3, 30, October 27, 28, November 24;
  • shins - January 3, September 7, October 5, November 27, 28, December 25, 26;
  • feet and fingers - January 5, 6, October 7, November 2, 3, December 27;
  • spine and bone frame - September 5, October 3, November 26, 27, December 24;
  • operations on thyroid gland– January 10, February 6, March 6, 7, December 4, 5;
  • pancreas and stomach – February 12, March 11, May 5, June 1, 29;
  • heart, blood vessels– March 14, 15, April 9-11, May 8, 9, June 4, July 1;
  • intestines - April 12, 13, May 10, June 5, 7, July 3, 4, 31;
  • liver – June 12, July 10, August 7, September 3, 30, October 27, 28, November 24;
  • gallbladder - June 12, July 10, August 7, September 3, 30, October 27, 28, November 24;
  • operations on abdominal cavity– April 12, 13, May 10, June 5, 7, July 3, 4, 31;
  • diaphragm and back – March 14, 15, April 9-11, May 8, 9, June 4, July 1;
  • organs of the urinary system, kidneys - June 8, 9, September 26;
  • reproductive system – June 11, July 8, 9, August 5, 6, September 1, 28.

Now let's see what the lunar calendar of favorable days for surgical operations in 2018 advises us for each month.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for January 2018

Until January 26, 2018, Mars will be in the sign of Scorpio, and then moves on to the sign of Sagittarius.

From January 2 to January 15, 2018, the Moon is in its waning phase, so any operations during this period will be very successful. The Moon is helped by Mars, which occupies extremely favorable aspects in relation to the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Pluto from January 7 to 9.

On January 9, the Moon will be in the sign of Libra, so on this day it is not recommended to perform operations on the organs of the urinary system, but you can safely schedule operations on oral cavity and organs located in the head area.

Unfortunately, January will not be a good month for plastic surgery because Venus will be in an afflicted state first in Capricorn and then in Aquarius. On January 9, it connects with Pluto, which is also a very unfavorable combination for plasticity. It is especially dangerous during this period to make spontaneous decisions, under the influence of feelings and momentary desires.

On the last day of the month – January 31 – there will be moon eclipse, therefore it turns out to be extremely unfavorable for any surgical interventions.

Brief summary of January 2018:

  • refuse any plastic surgery;
  • the most favorable day is January 9, 2018;
  • It is permissible to carry out operations on January 3 in the afternoon, January 5 in the afternoon, January 6 and 10, January 12 after 10.00, January 13, January 14 from morning to noon.
  • It is better to refuse any operations: 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 24, from January 28 to 31, 2018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for February 2018

In general, February 2018 will be a rather difficult month in terms of operations. In its middle, on February 15, a solar eclipse awaits us. Not only this day, but also those that are next to it turn out to be undesirable for planned operations to any organs. They may be unsuccessful and also threaten the development of complications.

Since in the first half of February the Moon will be in a waning phase, it is best to choose the first ten days of the month for operations - this is where you should look lucky days.

Mars will be in the sign of Sagittarius in February 2018. This suggests that you should be careful and weigh carefully physical state your body, without overestimating its capabilities. Of course, we are talking about optional operations, for example, plastic surgery. Or about those that can be postponed.

On February 17 and 25, Mars makes a negative aspect to Neptune. These days you should refrain from any operations, because their results may not be what you expect.

Brief summary of February 2018:

  • plastic surgery can be scheduled for the afternoon of February 4, as well as February 5 and 6;
  • the most favorable days for operations are February 5 and 6, 2018;
  • very unfavorable days: February 1-3, 7, 8, 11, 13-17, 19, 23-25, 2018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for March 2018

March 2018 will be a more favorable month for carrying out various operations than the first two. Throughout its first half, until March 15, the Moon will continue to be in its waning phase, which means that starting from March 2, you can begin to select the days you want. The beginning of March will be very favorable for this. However, this does not apply to plastic surgeries.

The fact is that already on March 6, Venus moves into the sign of Aries. This is not the most suitable place for her, she feels quite weak here, so plastic surgery may not be successful. By the way, this month you should not make any decisions regarding dramatic changes in your appearance - most likely, they will be ill-considered and hasty. Wait until more favorable moment.

As for Mars, it stays until March 17, 2018 in the sign of Sagittarius, and then moves on to the sign of Capricorn.

Almost the entire month, Mars will patronize you, and only on March 22-24 a busy time begins - on March 24, 2018, Mars creates a square with the Sun and will be in an unfavorable aspect with Saturn.

And one more warning. As Mercury goes retrograde on March 23, 2018, pay close attention to what you receive during this period. medical information- it may turn out to be incorrect. This applies, for example, to diagnosis or test results. It's better to double-check everything again. And try not to lose the necessary documents.

Brief summary for March 2018:

  • It is better to do plastic surgery on March 4, as well as 5 in the morning, before 9.20 or in the evening, after 16.30;
  • the most favorable days for operations: March 4, March 5 in the morning - before 9.20, March 6, March 7 in the afternoon and March 8, 2018.
  • valid days for elective surgeries: March 11, March 14, March 15 (before 10:30 or after 13:30);
  • extremely unfavorable days: 1-3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16-18, 22-24, 27, 28, 31 March 018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for April 2018

Mars will be in the sign of Capricorn during April. And already at the very beginning of the month he meets Saturn here, which, in general, is not very favorable, since they are in very strained relations with each other. Satur is trying with all his might to limit Mars in his aspirations, restraining his activity, and therefore the beginning of April is not the most best time for carrying out planned operations. And although they are not contraindicated during this period. but it is necessary that you think everything through and prepare well.

Until April 4 inclusive, it is better to refuse operations altogether. Moreover, it is on this day that an unfavorable aspect of Mars to Mercury is expected. This means that operations on the joints of the arms and lungs should not be planned on April 4, 2018.

For those wishing to undergo plastic surgery, we recommend planning it for April 7, 2018. On this day, Venus will be in a favorable aspect to Saturn. A very successful day is also April 11, when Venus will be in the sign of Taurus and form a favorable aspect to Mars. In the period from April 15 to April 17, it is better to refuse plastic surgery, because Venus will be in opposition to Jupiter, which is very unfavorable. In addition, it is on these days that the New Moon begins.

Until April 15, 2018, Mercury continues to move in the opposite direction - it is retrograde. Therefore, in the first half of the month you need to be careful when taking tests and when handling medical documents. Some confusion or loss may occur.

Brief summary for April 2018:

  • plan plastic surgery for April 11 and 12;
  • Favorable days for operations: April 5, April 6 until 16.30, April 11, April 12, April 13 until 14.30;
  • Operations are allowed: April 9 after 10.00 and April 10, 2018;
  • very unfavorable days: from April 1 to 4, April 8, from April 14 to 16, April 22 and 29, 2018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for May 2018

Until May 16, 2018, Mars will be in the sign of Capricorn, then it moves into the sign of Aquarius. Unfortunately, in parting, he will show his bad character and make a couple more unfavorable combinations with other planets, so the beginning of the second ten days of the month, namely from May 11 to 15, will turn out to be very unfavorable for carrying out planned operations. Moreover, Uranus will oppose Mars, and this promises all sorts of unpleasant surprises, for example, dangerous postoperative complications.

If you have such an opportunity, then reschedule surgical procedures to other more favorable days. If not, you need to be prepared for any development of events.

During the period from May 6 to May 8, 2018, Venus will be in an unfavorable aspect to Neptune. You should not undergo plastic surgery these days because the results may be very disappointing. The presence of the Moon in the sign of Aquarius also promises unpleasant surprises. Plastic surgery should not be prescribed from May 24 to 26, when Venus will be in an affected state.

Brief summary for May 2018:

  • The only favorable day for plastic surgery this month is May 3, 2018. The same applies to Botox or Dysport injections;
  • very favorable days for planned operations - May 2 and 3, 2018;
  • Operations are allowed on May 5, from May 8 to May 10, May 30 after 12.30;
  • refuse to carry out any operations – 4, 6, 7, 11-15, 18, 19, 21, 24-26, 29, 31 May 2018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for June 2018

At the end of June 2018, Mars in the sign of Aquarius becomes retrograde. And although this will only happen on the 27th, starting from June 13, it is better to refuse planned operations, since Mars is losing its strength and its movement is slowing down. However, this does not apply to repeated or staged operations.

The most convenient period for carrying out new operations is the beginning of June, before the 13th, especially since at this time the Moon will be in its waning phase. It will also decrease from June 8 to June 30, so in last days month, you can also search for suitable dates.

As for plastic surgery, the most successful day for it will be June 1, when Venus will form a very successful configuration with the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune. Even if you have some doubts, do not pay attention to them, the operation will indeed be successful.

But on June 5 and 6, it is better to refuse plastic surgery, because on these days Venus will be in a negative aspect in relation to Pluto. It is also undesirable to perform plastic surgery on June 15, 21 and 25, 2018.

Summary for June 2018:

  • a good day for plastic surgery is June 1;
  • very good days for carrying out other operations are June 4 before 8.00, June 5 after 14.00 and June 12 after 10.00;
  • more or less suitable days for all operations (except plastic ones) are June 7 until 9.30 am, June 8, 9, 11 and 29;
  • It is better to refuse to carry out any operations on June 3, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 23, 27, 28, and 30, 2018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for July 2018

July 2018 will not be a very good month for surgical interventions on the body. This is explained by many factors - both the presence of a lunar eclipse, and the fact that Mars, which is still in Aquarius, is moving along it in the opposite direction, that is, it is retrograde. Therefore, any new operations may be unsuccessful or they will lead to the development of all sorts of unpleasant complications.

But there is one good news - this does not apply to repeated or staged operations. You can safely do them at any designated time.

The last ten days of July 2018 will be especially tense. Firstly, the next total lunar eclipse will take place on July 27. And secondly, on the same day Mars will make a very unfortunate aspect in relation to the Sun. Therefore, on July 27, it is better to just relax and unwind, refusing to carry out any surgical operations, even going to the dentist.

As for plastic surgery, there will not be a single suitable day for it in July. The fact is that Venus will be in very negative aspects in relation to different planets, and this cannot in any way promise a successful outcome of the operation. However. if they are repeated, then you can schedule them on July 3, 4 or 8.

From July 26, 2018, Mercury becomes retrograde, so you will need to be more careful about taking tests and the results obtained, making a diagnosis and storing medical documents.

Brief summary for July 2018

there are no favorable days for any operations;

It is permissible to schedule operations on July 1st and 3rd. July 4 until 12.30, from July 8 to July 10 and July 31, 2018;

It is highly undesirable to schedule any operations on the following dates: July 5-7, 11-17, 19, 20, 25-30 July 2018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for August 2018

Mars stubbornly continues to move retrograde, first in the sign of Aquarius, and then, from August 13, in the sign of Capricorn. Moreover, on August 11 we will experience another solar eclipse, albeit a partial one. And of course, these days are not at all suitable for operations. And in general, there is no need to plan any important things now. In general, the month will not be very successful. And even after August 27, when Mars finally stops, it will remain static, therefore, operations should not be done these days.

The beginning of August will also be marked by negative aspects that Mars will have in relation to other planets. The moon will also be afflicted. Thus, even if in August it will be possible to choose some relatively safe days, there will be literally only a few of them. In general, it can be assumed that surgical interventions in August 2018 will lead to the development of undesirable complications.

Plastic surgery is especially undesirable during this period, because Venus is unfavorably positioned. And on August 9 or 26 she becomes affected. And even repeated operations related to the cheekbones, ears, lower jaw or neck are extremely undesirable, because these areas will be especially vulnerable.

Mercury will also be retrograde until August 19th. Therefore, these days there is a high probability of misdiagnosis, erroneous tests and all sorts of confusion regarding medical records. We recommend that you especially carefully check all the information that you receive in the first two decades of the month.

Brief summary for August 2018:

there are no favorable favorable days for operations in August;

it is permissible to schedule operations, if necessary, on August 5 and 6, as well as on August 7, but only from the morning to 11.00;

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for September 2018

Although in September 2018 Mars will again begin direct movement from Capricorn into Aquarius, where it enters on September 1, it will make several negative aspects during its journey. therefore it cannot be said that September will be have a good month for carrying out operations. However, the Moon will be in its waning phase until September 8 and again from September 26 to 31, 2018. It is during these weeks that you should look for suitable days for operations, if necessary. But on the 24th and 25th full moon, just as the Sun is affected by Saturn. This time is extremely unlucky to start any business, especially to carry out operations.

Separately, I would like to talk about plastic surgery. Under no circumstances should they be scheduled for September 12, 13 and 20, 2018. The fact is that Venus these days will be very unfavorably positioned in relation to Mars, the Moon and Uranus. Operations scheduled for these dates may be unsuccessful or unpleasant complications will develop after them. In addition, on the waxing Moon, any wounds take a very long time to heal.

Brief summary for September 2018:

  • plastic surgery, including Botox injections, is best performed on September 1, 28 and 30;
  • most favorable days for other operations are September 3 and 5;
  • it is possible to carry out operations on September 1 and 7, September 26 from morning to 13.30, as well as on September 28 and 30, 2018;
  • any operations, with the exception of repeated ones, must be abandoned on September 2, 4, 6, 8-10, 12, 13, 16-18, 20, 24, 25 and 27.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for October 2018

Mars continues to move directly through Aquarius, however, on its way it makes negative aspects to Venus and Mercury several times. It is highly undesirable to plan any operations on October 11 or 19. It is believed that being in Aquarius, Mars favors many experimental endeavors, however, one should not take risks and carry out operations on unlucky days. Even the most innovative and experimental ones. It is better to wait for a more favorable moment, correctly calculating the right day. Your health is not something you should experiment with.

As far as plastic surgery is concerned, October 2018 will be an extremely unlucky month for them. Already in the very first days, Venus becomes retrograde, so favorable days for plastic surgery are not expected in October. Moreover, if possible, try to postpone even repeated operations, although, in general, they are acceptable.

Brief summary for October 2018:

  • there are no favorable days for plastic surgery this month;
  • favorable days for any other operations are October 3, October 6 until 15.30 and October 7;
  • it is permissible to carry out operations with the exception of plastic ones on October 5, October 26 until 13.00, October 27 from 10.20 and October 28;
  • you need to refuse any operations on October 1, 2, 4, 8-11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 29 and 31.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for November 2018

For the first half of November 2018, Mars will be in the sign of Aquarius, and on November 16 it moves into the sign of Pisces, where it immediately meets Jupiter and makes an unfavorable aspect with it. Therefore, in the period from November 19 to 20, it is better to refuse any surgical interventions, they will be full of unjustified risks. Or they will leave behind unpleasant complications.

Although Venus will be in her favorite sign of Libra, she will move in the opposite direction throughout the first half of November, that is, she will be retrograde. That is why it is better to postpone all plastic surgeries until the end of the month, after the 23rd. However last decade November will not be particularly favorable for them, because Venus intends to oppose Uranus. So these days some unpleasant accidents may await you, and plastic surgery may have unexpected results for you.

Brief summary for November 2018:

  • this month there will be no favorable days for plastic surgery;
  • most good days for other operations there will be November 3 and 5, November 6 until 11.20;
  • it is permissible to carry out any operations with the exception of plastic surgery on November 2 after 9.00, November 24 and 26, November 27 before 10.20 or after 11.30, as well as November 28;
  • It is better to refuse any operations on November 1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 18, 19, 23, 25, 29 and 30, 2018.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations for December 2018

In December 2018, Mars will be in the sign of Pisces. But already at the very beginning of the month he will make a negative aspect with the Sun, which is the personification vitality. Therefore, during the first five days of December, you should absolutely not carry out any surgical interventions, or expose yourself to exhausting physical activity.

The next two days are a new moon, which is aggravated by the negative configuration of Mars, Neptune, Moon and Sun. Therefore, any operations on December 6 and 7, 2018 may end unsuccessfully or lead to the development of unexpected complications.

Venus leaves the sign of Libra in December and moves into Scorpio on the 2nd, where it feels very uncomfortable. Therefore, December 2018 is also not suitable for plastic surgery. At the same time, although weakened, Venus will be in exclusively positive aspects in relation to other planets, so if necessary, you can choose several relatively favorable days. Unless, of course, there is no way to postpone the operation.

Brief summary for December 2018:

  • plastic surgery, as well as Botox and Dysport injections, the lunar calendar recommends prescribing from December 3 to 5, December 26, 30 and 31, 2018;
  • Favorable days for performing any other operations except plastic ones are December 4, 5, 26 and 31;
  • it is also permissible to carry out operations on December 3, 24, 25, 27 and 30;
  • It is very undesirable to prescribe any surgical interventions for December 1, 2, December 6 to 8, December 14 to 16, December 21 to 23, December 28 and 29, 2018.

What's happened modern medicine We all know very well that when a disease arises, our medicine deals with the question “how to treat”, and when answering the question “when to treat”, “when to perform an operation”, doctors operate medical knowledge and experience, without taking into account the peculiarities of astrology. And in astrology, however, there is a special section, which is called “Medical Astrology,” which has already accumulated large statistics on how the day of the operation can affect its outcome. Naturally, all this applies to those cases when the operation is planned and you can choose the time. If the operation is urgent, when it comes to the patient’s life, then there is no need to choose the time.

The outcome of surgery, of course, depends on many factors - on the competence of the doctor, general condition patient, presence necessary tools. The fate of a person plays an important role. The outcome of an urgent operation is subject to higher laws.

Some factors we can influence ourselves, others we cannot. But one thing is certain: the position and phase of the moon at the moment surgical intervention influence the success or failure of surgery.

The basic rule is very simple: it is better to carry out operations during a debilitated Moon than more complicated operation, the more important it is to follow this rule.

Basic rules for surgical intervention.

The area of ​​the hips, kidneys and Bladder:
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the signs of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: during the young Moon under the signs of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon, no matter what sign.

Top part thighs and access to veins.
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Badly: under the new moon
Very bad: during the young Moon under the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon, no matter what sign.

Rib cage, access to the lungs, stomach, liver and gallbladder.
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not in the signs of Gemini, Cancer and Leo.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: with a young Moon in the signs of Gemini, Cancer and Leo, 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon, no matter what sign.

Areas of the knees, skeleton and on the skin.
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: during the young Moon under the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Bottom part hips and veins
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Head area including upper jaw
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Pisces, Aries or Taurus.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Pisces, Aries or Taurus, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Shoulder and arm area
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Taurus, Gemini or Cancer.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: with a young Moon in the sign of Taurus, Gemini or Cancer, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Foot area
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Aquarius, Pisces or Aries.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Aquarius, Pisces or Aries, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Neck area, access to lower jaw, tonsils, etc.
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Aries, Taurus or Gemini.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Aries, Taurus or Gemini, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Organ area digestive system.
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Leo, Virgo, Libra.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: during the young Moon under the sign of Leo, Virgo, Libra, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Operations on the genital organs.
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: when the Moon is young in the sign of Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

Basic rules of cardiac surgery.
Fine: with a flawed Moon, but not under the sign of Cancer, Leo or Virgo.
Badly: under the young moon.
Very bad: with a young Moon in the sign of Cancer, Leo or Virgo, as well as 3 days before the full moon and on the full moon under any sign.

If you choose the right time: bleeding and post-operative scars are small. Quick recovery, low chance of complications. Right choice time is especially important during hip surgeries.

If we consider the long-term benefits, then operations are certainly useful, but at the specific moment of their implementation they give the impression of a harmful circumstance.
As for the phase of the Moon, any surgeon has accumulated experience over the years of work: complications and infections occur more often with a young Moon, and the recovery process is delayed. During the full moon, heavy bleeding is possible.
Scarring of wounds during a young moon can be more problematic, and the risk of unsightly scars increases. This information should be of particular interest to those involved in plastic surgery.

Therefore, the main thing remains next rule: If possible, the operation should be carried out with a debilitated Moon, although this information will not be taken into account in our hospitals for a long time.

On the other hand, you yourself have this knowledge, so you are able to decide for yourself what to do with it. After all, the idea that a midwife should wash her hands before approaching a woman in labor began to be put into practice decades after its appearance.

You do not need to blindly accept these rather simple laws of nature if you are hearing about them for the first time. Be careful and listen in the media mass media, when an operation was performed on some very famous politician or, even better, an athlete.

Write down whether it took place during a debilitated or young Moon, and then find out about the results and the recovery process. Thus, you will collect enough information to believe in the ancient invaluable knowledge of our distant ancestors.

Now it is still impossible to introduce knowledge about lunar and natural rhythms into medicine, and it probably won’t be possible tomorrow. But you personally are not obliged to suffer from the blindness of others - neither during illness nor in any other case.

A few words about urgent operations: you cannot choose the time of an operation related to an accident or acute attack requiring immediate surgical intervention. If the patient is in danger of rupturing the cecum, then no one cares what sign the Moon is in. And it is right.
Fortunately, much in a person’s life depends on his free decisions, much more than our fears suggest for us. But a lot is predetermined by fate, there are cases when we turn into an outside observer - there are also many more of them than we think, fearing and not trusting what is happening between heaven and earth.
If the doctor advises you to perform an operation immediately, then listen and do not look at the lunar calendar (in the event of an accident, you simply will not have time for it). Learn to trust, put yourself in the hands of the situation and the wisdom of the force that sent you this situation in order to teach you a lesson and make you wake up.
And if backdating you find out that the operation was carried out in bad timing from the point of view of lunar rhythms, then still do not be afraid. Better take a deep breath and tell yourself: “The Moon is the Moon, but I believe in my strength, I believe in those who help me, and those who sent me this, sooner or later, but I will find out why this happened.”
This way you will achieve more than those who choose right time for an operation, but is under the illusion that “nothing bad can happen to him.” There are no guarantees in life, with the exception of one: we are all guaranteed the lessons that we personally need. If not today, then tomorrow.

I wish you that in difficult moments, the features of a sunflower will appear in your character:
He turns his face to the light
So that the shadow falls back.