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Breast augmentation postoperative period. The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty - doctor’s recommendations and possible negative consequences

Mammoplasty these days is the most mediocre operation that is performed on hundreds of thousands of women every year. Many years of invaluable experience in performing mammoplasty allows us to predict all possible excesses and unpleasant consequences, and prevent or avoid them in time.

But in this case, we will not talk about the operation itself, but about the rehabilitation period after it, the importance of which may be higher than even mammoplasty itself in terms of the occurrence of postoperative complications.

The rehabilitation period and recovery after breast enlargement usually lasts about three to four months. The terms, of course, are conditional and largely depend on individual characteristics women and the course of the operation itself.

What is the rehabilitation period after mammoplasty?

Please note that if you expect to see desired result In the first few weeks of plastic surgery, you will succeed. You will need to wear special bandages, compresses and corrective underwear (bandage) certain period time. With their help, the new breast will be fixed and protected.

There are many ways to maintain general tone breast during rehabilitation and recovery, among them:

  • special massage;
  • low mobility;
  • special body care;
  • constant self-monitoring of the breast and systematic observations by a doctor.

It is also worth noting that during the recovery period after mammoplasty you will need care and attention. loved one. The fact is that the bandage will tighten your chest very tightly (but not your chest), so it will often be difficult for you to even get out of bed without outside help. Fever in the first days, discomfort and chest pain are normal companions rehabilitation period and are not signs of complications.

Postoperative sutures and swelling

The introduction of breast implants into the mammary glands cannot be done without surgical incisions, and therefore without stitches. Such are the consequences of beauty. Caring for sutures in the first months after breast augmentation is of enormous importance. Firstly, in the worst case, they can simply separate and lead to serious complications. And secondly, pronounced seams, which remained as such due to poor quality care, will look ugly and not aesthetically pleasing on the new breast.

As a rule, postoperative sutures after breast enlargement are removed within a week, maximum two. You need to care for them throughout the entire period as follows:

  • purchase a special fixing patch at the pharmacy;
  • consult with a specialist about how to fix breasts of your new size;
  • fix the breast at the edges, not sparing the plaster;
  • do not remove compression garments.

As for caring for scars after the stitches are removed (if a self-absorbing thread was not used), a special patch made of silicone and ointment (Dermatix, Contractubex and others of a similar composition) will also help you here.

The swelling that accompanies the breasts after breast lifting is an integral part of such an operation. Moreover, there is a pattern here: the larger the volume was implanted into the breast, the less swelling will appear externally, and vice versa. Swelling is not a sign of complications, and the consequences will be quite acceptable.

Swelling is nothing more than the body’s reaction to foreign implants in the breast. It is impossible to say for sure when the swelling will go away (sometimes it disappears after three weeks, and sometimes after three months), but you can foresee factors that will help the swelling go away faster.

Rehabilitation after breast augmentation and getting rid of swelling will speed up if you follow these tips:

  • regularly practice showering with a little warm water, at least twice a day;
  • refrain from sex and sports for the entire period until pain and discomfort in the chest disappears;
  • do not neglect a compression bra for at least two months after surgery;
  • avoid high temperatures, which usually occur in saunas, solariums and in the open sun.

Pharmacology after mammoplasty

No matter how effective folk remedies are, accelerating breast recovery after plastic surgery and preventing various complications, still without corresponding medicines you are unlikely to survive the first few weeks after such an operation.

If rehabilitation after breast augmentation is successful, the surgeon will most likely prescribe you a number of the following medications:

  1. Painkillers. They are especially effective for women with low pain threshold. Painful sensations after mammoplasty occur due to the fact that implantation requires unnatural stretching of the tissue in the breast. Some painkillers can even relieve swollen glands and other complications, but they tend to be very expensive.
  2. We should not forget about possible infections that can easily penetrate into breasts that have not yet begun to interact with the implants. To prevent infection of the mammary glands, your doctor may prescribe appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics. They must be taken regularly and in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.
  3. Hormonal and non-hormonal ointments are also unlikely to bypass you if you have become the new happy owner of luxurious mammary glands.
  4. If you have any special recommendations or chronic diseases, you may be prescribed a number of special medications.

Transition from special underwear to regular underwear

In the first time after mammoplasty, in order to prevent any complications or consequences, it is necessary to wear special shapewear and compression underwear (bandage). No one will tell you exactly when you can remove it; everything will depend on the stage of breast healing. Some people can safely switch to regular underwear after two months and feel quite comfortable, while others may need a rehabilitation period of about a year.

Let's assume that after an examination by a doctor, it was concluded that complications have passed you by and you can switch to regular underwear. Since you have enlarged your breasts and now you will need larger bras, we advise you to pay attention to the following components when choosing one:

New underwear must also meet the following requirements:

  1. Hypoallergenicity and comfort are the first signs of a truly high-quality bra for the mammary glands after mammoplasty.
  2. No tight seams. Breast implants should not be overtightened, otherwise this may lead to complications. But at the same time, a new bra must definitely support your breasts in a normal, natural state.
  3. New underwear should not rub your breasts or create discomfort caused by special inserts or elements that can often be found on modern underwear.

The volume and beautiful contours of the breasts are a source of pride for any woman, but not all representatives of the fair sex can boast of ideal female forms. Mammoplasty can correct the bust and give it the required volume.

In this article we'll talk about the recovery period after such an operation will be given useful tips about how to make sure that it passes without complications and the woman is satisfied with the result surgical intervention.

Rehabilitation after mammoplasty

The postoperative period is a time period during which the patient must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations so as not to harm either her health or the result obtained. In most cases, rehabilitation takes two months.

Reference! The wound after surgery heals within a few days. The implant itself will take additional time to heal. It must be firmly fixed in the soft tissues.

The recovery period is divided into two successive stages:

  1. The first three weeks. At that time physical activity excluded, it is especially important to reduce the load on the shoulder girdle. It is equally important to wear compression garments, which will be discussed below.
  2. Another three weeks, during which you can increase your physical activity slightly by doing light sports. During this period, a woman no longer feels discomfort, so running, swimming and physical exercise are allowed.

What does the breast look like after surgery?

Of course, after the intervention, a scar remains, which is extremely important to properly care for so that it is subsequently invisible. In addition, swelling appears. It usually looks like a severe enlargement of the breast in the upper half. This condition can persist for a week, sometimes the swelling does not subside for a month.

  • cool or slightly warm shower;
  • refusal sexual relations and sports activities for 30 days;
  • ban on visiting bathhouses, saunas, beaches and solariums for at least 30 days.

Feelings after the intervention

IN postoperative period the woman feels pain of varying intensity. If the recovery period proceeds without complications and the woman follows all the specialist’s recommendations, discomfort disappear 3-4 days after the intervention.

Each body is individual, and in some cases the pain goes away only after a few weeks. This is a consequence of stretching and damage muscle tissue. In addition, pain may occur due to severe swelling fabrics.

For elimination severe discomfort the doctor prescribes painkillers, as well as antibiotics and antivirals, which will prevent complications and purulent formations.

Pain after breast augmentation

Their localization may be different. Quite often, pain is concentrated in the areola area, and sometimes the nipples lose sensitivity. In this case, the size of the implant plays a big role. In addition, they could have been injured during the operation. nerve endings. It is reversible and proper massage will restore sensitivity to your nipples.

Pain in the mammary gland itself may appear due to the accumulation of blood and lymph. Possible reasons: woman’s overexertion, the surgeon did a bad job blood vessels. Sometimes such situations lead to the development of hematoma and suppuration.

Reference! When a hematoma forms, the pain in the chest becomes bursting, and if suppuration begins, pulsating sensations appear.

Back pain is also quite common. As a rule, they are related to the volume of the implant. The greater the increase, the huge pressure falls on the shoulder muscles.

How does recovery proceed?

The process of returning to ordinary life It can be quick and relatively easy, or it can stretch for a long time and cause significant discomfort. This is individual, it all depends on the characteristics of the body, the scope of the operation itself, the age of the patient, and so on.

  • The woman spends the first day after the intervention in inpatient conditions under the supervision of the doctor operating on her. Provided that the patient feels well on the second day, she can be discharged with a list of recommendations.
  • The first 72 hours are the hardest. At this time, pain and discomfort are especially severe, so doctors recommend taking painkillers during this period.
  • On the first postoperative day, you need to rest, but only sitting or reclining. If the patient feels well in the evening, she can get up and walk a little. You can drink 3 hours after the intervention, and eat after 5. To avoid bleeding, it is recommended to apply ice packs to your chest.
  • On the second day, the surgeon examines the patient and makes a dressing. If there are no complications, hospitalization ends here and the woman is discharged. It is recommended to start wearing special compression garments.
  • On the third and fourth days, the woman should stay at home. She needs to slowly return to normal life: eat well, walk, but without sudden movements and physical activity. It is allowed to shower, but raising your hands is still prohibited, so you may need the help of loved ones. It is important to thoroughly dry postoperative sutures.
  • The fifth day is an examination at the clinic. The doctor performs a dressing. If there are no complications, the woman may not come for a consultation for 7 days.
  • On days 7-10, medications can be reduced or stopped. After 10 days it is allowed to start light exercises
  • After 6 weeks, a final examination of the patient is carried out. We can assume that the recovery period is coming to an end.

After plastic surgery under the muscle

Rehabilitation after mammoplasty into a muscle is absolutely no different from that after implantation of an implant into the gland itself.

Breast plastic surgery after surgery

Breast cancer is becoming more common every year. One of the treatment options is complete removal affected organ. Such radical method leaves an indelible mark on self-perception, so after removal of the gland the patient sometimes needs plastic surgery.

Rehabilitation after such an operation is almost the same as after conventional mammoplasty. However, in this case, the woman should be prepared for the fact that in about a year she will need scar correction.

Recovery after revision mammoplasty

Another mammoplasty is necessary in cases where, after the first operation, the desired result was not achieved or was spoiled under the influence of negative factors.

Reference! Before repeated mammoplasty, it is necessary to do all the tests again, as well as visit all the necessary specialists.

In this case, the recovery period lasts slightly longer, since the volume of intervention performed increases due to the removal of the original implant.

As already mentioned, on the second day after the operation, the woman must wear special underwear. It is necessary to support the breasts and prevent postoperative sutures from stretching. In addition, until the implant is firmly rooted in the tissue, it may move, which is prevented by wearing a compression product.

It is better to entrust the choice of underwear to a doctor. He will tell you what material it should be made of in order to have a massage effect, improving blood and lymph circulation in the tissues. It is better to choose compression underwear in such a way that it reliably supports the chest, but does not squeeze the body across.

The duration of wearing compression garments depends on many factors. individual factors. But for the first time postoperative month it must be worn constantly, day and night. In the future, compression garments will need to be worn during sports and physical activity.

Caring for the mammary glands after breast enlargement

Caring for sutures is important, since unsightly scars can spoil the overall effect of the operation. To prevent the scar from becoming rough and voluminous, its edges must be fixed with a special plaster.

Some surgeons use threads that dissolve on their own. But if suture material subject to removal, this occurs 7-10 days after the intervention. In the first month, the seams are sealed with Mepiform plaster and also lubricated with Dermatix. After the seam turns white, Contractubex ointment is prescribed.

Important! If you start using Contractubex earlier due date, the scar may become rougher and more voluminous.

Massage is usually prescribed after a month, but sometimes the doctor may recommend it after two weeks. The technique should be demonstrated by a specialist; subsequently, the woman can perform it independently at home. This is very important to maintain the elasticity of the tissue that forms around the implant.

Breast skin care is also necessary proper care. After just a week, you can use creams, ointments and oils to prevent stretch marks from appearing. Lifting, nourishing, moisturizing products, lotions for breast enlargement, as well as tonics that prevent stretch marks are suitable. Creams are applied after a shower and before a massage.

After a month, you can make breast masks, seaweed wraps, and use special serums.

Restrictions and contraindications

You should not raise your arms for some time after mammoplasty. This is due to the fact that with this movement the tension of the breast tissue increases, which can cause the seams to separate. In addition, the prosthesis must be firmly attached to the tissues, and when lifted upper limbs it can move. If the implant has round shape, perhaps the doctor will be able to correct it manually, in other cases a repeat operation is needed.

Physical restrictions are introduced for two weeks. During this period, you should not lean forward, make sudden movements, or lift weights. Women are often concerned about how long after surgery they will be able to understand the child. This question is best asked to a doctor, but on average this period is about a month and a half.

Cool showers are allowed already on the 4th day after surgery. However, overheating the chest is not recommended. As for taking a bath, you should abstain from it for about a month. Baths and saunas are also banned for at least a month.

Sports activities should be introduced gradually. You can actively run, do fitness, do pull-ups and push-ups no earlier than two months later.

More restrictions:

  • sexual activity is postponed for two weeks from the moment of intervention;
  • Stress and anxiety, which can lead to increased blood pressure, should be avoided;
  • sleeping on the side and stomach is temporarily prohibited;
  • It is not recommended to take aspirin and other drugs that can thin the blood;
  • Do not be exposed to direct sunlight during the year;
  • you cannot become pregnant for 12 months;
  • prohibited alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • it is necessary to reduce salt intake;
  • You can't gain or lose weight.

The recovery period after mammoplasty, with the right approach to him, it will be quick and easy. A woman must understand that in case of any deviations from the normal course of the rehabilitation period, she should urgently seek advice from a specialist. Not only aesthetics, but also health depends on this.

The rehabilitation process plays important role in shaping the results of any plastic surgery. Mammoplasty is not an exception to the rule.

A competent and responsible approach to recovery afterward is the key to an amazing result and healthy rehabilitation. Unfortunately, not every doctor approaches the work performed as expected. Among clients of plastic surgeons, you can often hear that the doctor “forgot” about them as soon as he performed mammoplasty. The lack of correct management of the patient’s rehabilitation period is the main indicator of an unscrupulous doctor, because, as is known, the lion’s share of complications is associated with failure to comply with basic postoperative standards. To avoid danger side effects, we recommend that you choose an experienced professional who takes into account all your wishes and characteristics of the body, and also gives valuable recommendations during recovery.

Compression underwear

Compression garments are your faithful constant companion for several weeks after augmentation mammoplasty. Our doctor Oleg Banizh will give you valuable advice on choosing fabric and size of underwear during a follow-up consultation. This “accessory” should not cause you any inconvenience, squeeze your new breast, or rub the skin in the area. chest. You will have to keep the compression garment on even during your night's sleep. Wearing underwear is an integral and extremely an important part Mammoplasty.

How does compression underwear “work” and why is it needed?

  • . Lifts and supports glandular tissue, promoting the correct formation of new breasts;
  • . Minimizes the risk of stretching, expansion and divergence of postoperative scars;
  • . Fixes the implant in a certain place, preventing its movement and rotation;
  • . Provides a light massage effect in the operated area. As a result, lymph flow, microcirculation and metabolic processes are improved and excreted. excess fluid from tissues. Postoperative swelling and hematomas disappear faster, healing becomes more rapid and correct;
  • . Relieves tension from the upper spine and lower back if the breasts have been significantly enlarged.

What should compression garments be like?

  • . You should feel comfortable and comfortable in the purchased underwear. Take into account the approximate size of your future bust when choosing, be sure to consult your doctor;
  • . The fabric must be hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch;
  • . Try to choose underwear that will not be visible through your clothes and is visible to others;
  • . The material must be breathable so that your skin does not lack oxygen. This is very important in the healing process;
  • . The composition of the tissue should help soften and eliminate hematomas and swelling;
  • . Compression garments should be loose fitting. It should not hinder your movements or compress blood vessels.

Consult our doctor about choosing underwear. He will tell you specific brands that produce quality products, and give recommendations regarding the shape, size and color of the underwear.

Physical activity after mammoplasty

If you are a fan of a sports lifestyle, unfortunately, you will have to limit your favorite workouts for a while after. Our doctor also does not recommend visiting beaches, swimming pools and saunas for 1-2 months after surgery. The first physical activity will become possible for you 1.5-2 months after plastic surgery, but it should be very gentle and light.

  • . For 6 months you will have to forget about lifting weights (dumbbells, kettlebells and other sports equipment);
  • . In the first month after plastic surgery, it is undesirable to lift even a small weight (5-7 kg);
  • . You can start doing exercises 2 months after the operation. They should be light, without intense stress on the pectoral muscle;
  • . During the rehabilitation period, you will have to strictly limit jumping rope and running (jogging inclusive);
  • . Our doctor advises starting full-fledged training in the gym 6-8 months after breast surgery;
  • . Even if the doctor has given the go-ahead for sports activities, carefully monitor your well-being during their performance.

Of course, sport has never harmed anyone. However, you must understand that your case is special. You got the breast of your dreams thanks to special prostheses that should be completely “settled” in place by the time you start sports activities. The regeneration of your tissues must be completely completed, and only in this case can you begin active physical activity.

How you feel after breast augmentation

What discomforts may you encounter in the first days after surgery?

  1. Pain. Moderate pain will be present for the first few days after surgery. Pain syndrome can be treated with traditional analgesics by injection or orally;
  2. Edema. This is what causes women the most discomfort after surgery. The swelling goes away after 1-2 weeks, and it is during this period that you will be able to assess the condition of your breasts;
  3. Bruises and bruises. A rather rare phenomenon, which, however, occurs in women with thin sensitive skin. To get rid of hematomas, use special absorbable ointments.

In general, the sensations of our patients after mammoplasty are completely satisfactory. We cannot promise you that there will be no pain or discomfort, but we will make every effort to minimize these factors. Rehabilitation is a traditional stage after plastic surgery, which is often complicated by some restrictions and discomfort.

We will try to make your rehabilitation as gentle and tolerant as possible. If you follow all the advice of our leading specialist, you do not have to worry about unforeseen circumstances and complications. We guarantee you an impeccable result and virtually painless rehabilitation. Remember about necessary standards in the postoperative process, and not a single complication will overshadow your wonderful purchase!

By various reasons The fair sex resorts to volume correction and changing the shape of the breast. Some people are dissatisfied with the size and asymmetry from birth, while others have a changed bust after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Mammoplasty helps women gain not only beautiful body, but also confidence in one’s beauty. This is the only option for those who have had to lose one or two mammary glands due to illness.

Like any surgical intervention, mammoplasty - major surgery. Because how well rehabilitation will take place, the health, and sometimes even the life of the patient, depends.

This is why it is so important to strictly limit familiar image life.

Rehabilitation rules

About all the features of the recovery period and possible risks the surgeon is obliged to tell you in detail before the operation.

But no doctor can tell in advance how long it will take for rehabilitation. The timing depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Recovery is harder and longer if:

  • the size of the implants is too large, the skin of the breast is stretched and the muscle is subjected to pressure;
  • the prosthesis is located under the muscle of the gland, as a result of which its final descent occurs only after 3–6 months;
  • The implant is placed through the axillary approach (armpit area), then discomfort can be observed for more than 10 days.

On average, the main stages of rehabilitation are as follows:

Prohibitions after surgery

Any operation implies specific prohibitions for the patient related to lifestyle during recovery period. Mammoplasty is no exception.

To maintain health, you must follow simple rules:

  1. For at least a week, and if necessary, even more, it is impossible to conduct sex life. This is explained by the fact that excitement causes severe tension in the chest, which often leads to inflammation and divergence of the seams.
  2. When the risk of bleeding is still high, you should avoid stress, anxiety and negative emotions. They increase the heart rate, which increases blood pressure.
  3. To prevent bedsores from appearing and swelling to increase, sleeping on your stomach or side is prohibited.
  4. Do not take aspirin, medications containing vitamin A, or other pharmaceutical or homeopathic medicines, blood thinners. This may cause bleeding.

  5. For up to 10 days, it is forbidden to raise your arms above your head to prevent the stitches from coming apart. If implants were placed through an access to armpits, then this period increases to 2 weeks. For the same reason, you should not strain your hands for several weeks, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, or doing housework.
  6. Any heavy physical activity should be avoided.
  7. While pain is felt, it is not advisable to drive. Seat belts will only increase discomfort.
  8. Throughout the year, exposure to direct sunlight is contraindicated. This can harm the thinning skin of the glands.
  9. The chest should not be exposed to heat; you should forget about visiting a bathhouse, solarium, or hot bath.
  10. Before full recovery needs to be given Special attention contraception. Pregnancy is one of the contraindications within a year after surgery.

Video: Features of the operation

Restriction after mammoplasty

For at least six months after breast surgery, you must adhere to strict restrictions.

In the first weeks, you should avoid long trips and air travel.


After discharge, physical activity is prohibited for two weeks, but regular exercise is necessary. hiking. Walking prevents new swelling from forming.

You cannot bend down or make sudden movements with your hands.

Simple exercises for the lower body are allowed only after a month. And for the top one - after another 2 weeks.

Photo: Rules for lifting things from the floor

They begin to engage in sports with light, short-term loads.

The level of difficulty and intensity of the exercises increases gradually.

They begin to do push-ups, pull-ups, aerobics and running no earlier than after 8 weeks.


To help the body regain strength faster, it is important to pay attention balanced diet. Food must contain everything essential vitamins and minerals.

The diet must include fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, eggs and nuts.

But we should not forget about restrictions on food and drink:

  • It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages;
  • you need to reduce your salt intake;
  • you can’t drink a lot of liquid;
  • smoking is strictly prohibited;
  • You cannot gain or lose weight.


If all is well, then you can take a cool shower on the 4th day.

But you need to avoid overheating your chest, so the water should never be hot.

The glands should be touched with caution. Help may be needed during washing.

You still can’t raise your arms above your head, so it’s difficult to wash your hair yourself.

Wounds do not need to be rubbed with a washcloth or towel. Dry them easily using a hairdryer. The dressings also need to dry.


After this, it is replaced with an elastic sports bra, which tightly tightens the breasts.

You can return to regular underwear no earlier than after three months.

Until the glands acquire their final shape, it is better not to wear open bodices with underwires or push-ups. It is preferable to choose linen made from natural cotton.

Dangers and complications

Many women experience loss of sensation in their nipples and breast skin. Some, on the contrary, complain of hypersensitivity.

This condition is not dangerous to health and is considered a side effect after surgery. Over time, the sensations return to normal, but in rare cases may remain like this forever.

If you do not adhere to the restrictions and prohibitions, then there is a risk of dangerous health complications:

  • consuming large amounts of liquid, alcohol or salt, visiting a bath or sauna leads to swelling lasting longer or increasing;
  • swelling and bruising go away more slowly due to overheating of the glands, incorrect position bodies during sleep;
  • Smoking reduces oxygen levels in the blood and the ability of cells to repair, which leads to longer tissue healing;
  • nicotine and alcohol undermine the immune system and increase the likelihood of infections;
  • not detected in time infectious process poses a threat to life;
  • strenuous physical activity increases the risk of wounds opening and causing bleeding;
  • ultraviolet radiation provokes pigmentation of the seams, after which it is more difficult to get rid of visible marks;
  • weight loss leads to loss of shape and breast ptosis;
  • an increase leads to the formation of stretch marks.

To alleviate the postoperative condition, you can use the advice of specialists:

  1. In the first days after surgery, severe pain is possible, and painkillers cannot be avoided. Discomfort increases in the evening and at night. During the day, the dosage of the drug can be reduced, and at night – increased.
  2. Tension from the seam area will be helped by removing adhesive plaster or special protective strips.
  3. To treat formed scars, it is recommended to lubricate them with gels (for example, Contractubex, Emeran, Dermofibraze). But this can only be done after the wounds have healed and the stitches have been removed, otherwise the scars will not resolve, but will harden.
  4. The feeling of tension in the skin of the glands persists for a long time, especially if the prostheses large sizes. For relief, you can ask the surgeon to prescribe a special massage. This also contributes speedy recovery, prevents the formation of capsular contracture around the prosthesis, relieves swelling.
  5. To make swelling go away faster, it is better to sleep not lying on your back, but propped up on 2-3 pillows, in a semi-sitting position. This position reduces pressure on the chest and abdomen and reduces pain.
  6. At first menstrual cycle The mammary glands may swell, which causes discomfort. In this case, antispasmodics prescribed by the doctor will help (for example, “No-shpa”).
  7. Heavy objects can be carefully lifted after a month only from a sitting position. In this case, the elbows must be placed close to the torso. This need arises if there are small children who need to be cared for. But it is still better to avoid physical activity.
  8. At severe pain in the chest, elevated body temperature, vomiting, difficulty breathing, discharge from wounds, you should immediately consult a doctor. These may be signs of infection.
  9. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, a month after surgery, you can use special lotions, gels or serums with the consent of the doctor. This will maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Homemade masks based on mineral clay are effective, essential oils, salon wraps with seaweed.
  10. If scars are noticeable after healing, they can be easily removed in a beauty salon. The specialist will individually select the appropriate method (laser resurfacing, peeling, dermabrasion, radiotherapy).

At first glance, restrictions after mammoplasty may seem too strict.

But these measures are very important so that recovery occurs as soon as possible, and final result lived up to expectations.

The most dangerous period The first week is considered. After which a slow but steady recovery begins.

The more responsible the patient is in following the doctor’s recommendations, the faster she will return to her previous lifestyle.

Any woman who decides to undergo breast correction surgery should understand that rehabilitation after mammoplasty is no less important for the final result than the quality of the plastic surgeon’s work.

The essence of the problem

A woman can turn to a plastic surgery clinic for help for various reasons. Certainly, beautiful breasts It will give charm to any woman and add self-confidence, help build personal relationships and even increase the likelihood of career growth. Women can decide on mammoplasty after mastectomy surgery with malignant tumor, with severe breast asymmetry.

Too much big breasts can create inconvenience and lead to pathologies of the spine, which is also a reason for mammoplasty. But most common cause People who turn to plastic surgery are underdevelopment of the mammary glands and their age-related sagging.

Like all other types surgical interventions, mammoplasty has contraindications.

TO absolute contraindications applies:

It is undesirable to perform any breast augmentation surgery in the presence of fibrous formations in the mammary glands, excess weight, various systemic and autoimmune diseases. Mastopathy does not prevent mammoplasty.

Types of mammoplasty

Most often, women turn to a plastic surgeon with a request to enlarge and give a beautiful shape to their breasts. This is achieved using the augmentation mammoplasty method. After the rehabilitation period, the breasts acquire a beautiful shape while maintaining their basic function.

The breast changes size and shape as a result of implantation of a silicone endoprosthesis. Helium implants are available in the form of a finished prosthesis or a hollow capsule, which is filled with silicone gel or saline during surgery. Such implants correct installation difficult to determine even by touch.

To insert the implant, the plastic surgeon makes a skin incision. The incision can be located:

  1. Along the inframammary fold (submammary). This is the most common option for the operation. But with this arrangement, the seam often remains visible.
  2. Along the border of the areola and skin (periareolar). In this case, the incision is made no more than 3 cm long, which creates difficulties when introducing the implant. In addition, this technique increases the risk of inflammation, the appearance of calcifications and cysts, and loss of sensitivity in the areola and nipple. Later the seam becomes invisible.
  3. In the axillary region (axillary). When using this technique, the implant is most often placed under the large pectoral muscle. This is the most gentle method of mammoplasty, since the mammary glands are not affected and are able to function after childbirth. However, this method is suitable for inserting small implants. The operation performed using this method is the longest. The pain after surgery is stronger and the recovery period is longer than with other methods.

After the examination and taking into account constitutional features, the doctor will suggest the best option for mammoplasty. But when choosing the type of implant and its placement, the location of postoperative sutures, the patient’s wishes must be taken into account.

Immediately after surgery

The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty can take a long time, so it is important to follow all the doctor’s instructions. For 24 hours after the operation, the woman remains in the clinic under the supervision of resuscitators. This is necessary in case postoperative complications after general anesthesia or surgery. If no complications are observed, the patient is usually discharged the next day after surgery. At the same time she is given detailed instructions on the treatment of postoperative sutures and the regime of the rehabilitation period.

The first 72 hours after surgery are the hardest for most women who have breast surgery. It is at this time that the usual postoperative condition develops, characterized by pain, swelling, and discomfort in the surgical area.

For the first 2 weeks after surgery, a woman is not recommended to do housework; she is prohibited from bending horizontally and raising her arms above shoulder level. Any strain on the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle should be avoided, as this can lead to damage to the postoperative sutures.

It is advisable to balance the diet, since immunity and the duration of the rehabilitation period depend on this. Should be consumed dietary products With increased amount proteins and fiber: lean meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs.

The vast majority of women after breast correction surgery experience pain in the mammary glands for the first few days. It occurs as a result of tissue damage during surgery. The intensity of pain depends on the size of the implant, the method of surgery and individual characteristics. female body.

To relieve pain, surgeons recommend taking painkillers from the group of non-narcotic analgesics for the first 2 days. Important has the fact that the analgesic effect of many drugs in this group is combined with an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Meloxicam.

However, these drugs should be used with caution if the patient has diseases of the stomach, liver or kidneys. If the pain does not go away 7 days after surgery, a consultation with a surgeon is necessary.

How to deal with swelling

Swelling is an integral consequence of any serious surgical intervention, which includes mammoplasty. Tissue damage during surgery leads to a strong flow of lymph to the damaged areas. This is normal immune reaction body.

Less commonly, edema forms due to inflammatory processes in injured tissues. With such swelling, the skin usually has elevated temperature and is distinguished by redness. Normally, swelling begins to decrease in the second postoperative week. Residual swelling can last up to 2 months.

If after this time the swelling does not disappear or becomes more pronounced, then this indicates inflammatory process or other complications. In this case, you should contact the surgeon who performed the operation.

To reduce swelling, it is recommended to limit fluid and salt intake, as it retains water in the body, which contributes to increased swelling. Any thermal effects on the breasts during the postoperative period are strictly prohibited. For 1 month you will have to give up taking baths, visiting the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.

Warm showers are permitted. After a shower, the breast skin should be treated with a nourishing or softening cream with a tightening effect. Before removing sutures, care should be taken not to allow water or any other substances to come into contact with the incision. cosmetic product. Swelling often occurs during sleep even without surgery. This happens due to a slowdown in blood flow and metabolism. A body position during sleep in which the chest is higher than the legs will speed up the resorption of edema.

Compression garments and seam care

Rehabilitation after breast surgery necessarily includes continuous wearing of compression garments. Special elastic underwear should be put on on the 2nd day after surgery and worn for at least 1 month. The supporting and fixing effect of the underwear prevents seam damage, reduces swelling, increases blood circulation, reduces the risk of blood clots and tones the skin.

Rehabilitation after breast enlargement involves wearing compression garments for 1.5-2 months. After this period, the underwear can be removed at night.

If the operation is successfully performed, the postoperative plastic suture is thin and invisible. Final formation postoperative suture may take up to 6 months. Recovery after mammoplasty necessarily includes suture care.

To prevent a neat thin scar from turning into an ugly scar, the suture area is fixed with strips. This special dressing, made in the form of strips, is designed to fix the edges of the postoperative suture and adjacent areas of the epidermis; it eliminates excessive skin tension and does not allow the sutures to stretch. In addition, the patch protects the seams from mechanical damage, which also contributes to the formation of thin, unnoticeable scars. Strips are not damaged when wet. They are recommended to be used for up to 6 months.

After removing the stitches, it is recommended to use products that enhance skin regeneration, for example, Solcoseryl ointments, Methyluracil, Contractubex gel. They need to be gently rubbed into the scar several times a day. Using these products will speed up discoloration and softening. postoperative scar. Good effect noted when using drugs with similar action– Elastoderm, Epi-Derm and Mepiform.

Special massage

Breast massage after mammoplasty is usually prescribed after 1 month, in some cases - 1-2 weeks after surgery. Plastic surgeon will show you massage techniques and techniques. If desired, the patient can massage her breasts at home herself or contact a professional massage therapist. A special massage technique will help maintain the elasticity of the connective tissue capsule that forms around the implant and prevent the formation of a capsule that is excessively thick and dense to the touch.

Maximum care is required after breast augmentation surgery. The fact is that skin in this case, they experience significant stress due to the increased volume. Without quality care, fabrics can stretch and lose elasticity. As a result, the breasts will sink under the influence of gravity and lose their beautiful shape. The larger the implant, the faster this will happen.


In our video you will learn how to behave after mammoplasty surgery.