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How to treat inflammation of the nerve endings. Inflammation of nerve endings in the limbs and treatment

Inflammation of the nerve is a very common disease, accompanied by quite unpleasant sensations. This neuralgia, as a rule, occurs with a variety of infectious diseases: hypothermia, allergies, drug poisoning, etc. It is impossible to leave this disease without treatment, since it can become chronic and then it will be much more difficult to cure it. In this article, let's look at the main types of neuralgia and how to treat nerve inflammation with folk remedies.

Types of neuralgia

Inflammation sciatic nerve, as a rule, is characterized by pain sensations, which gradually turn from weak to quite intense, especially at night. It does not make sense to delay the visit to the doctor, since this disease will not go away on its own.

Before answering the question of how to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve, let's look at the main signs by which this disease can be diagnosed:

  • Mobility disorder knee joint, feet, etc. obvious sign is the inability to stretch the foot forward or turn it in different directions.
  • When lifting the leg, the presence of severe pain.
  • Abnormal and weakened reflexes.
  • X-ray.
  • Blood study.

During treatment, doctors recommend in the first days to observe bed rest and apply ten-minute cool compresses to painful areas body. The most effective are compresses made of ice wrapped in a cloth. You can also simply apply a towel moistened cold water. For severe acute pain, it is recommended to take an anesthetic drug, for example, Ibuprofen. With a strong inflammatory process, the doctor usually prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also recommended not to lift weights and not lead a physically active lifestyle for at least two weeks.

Inflammation facial nerve usually manifests itself in the form of paralysis of various mimic muscles of the face. Symptoms this disease are:

  • dry eyes or watery eyes;
  • asymmetry of the face, which appeared due to paralysis of the facial muscles;
  • pain in the ear area;
  • hearing loss;
  • taste disorder;
  • hyperacusis - hypersensitivity to sounds, causing pain.

In medicine, primary and secondary inflammation of the facial nerve is distinguished. How to treat this disease? Doctors recommend, if suspected, immediately go to the hospital to start inflammatory process did not lead to extensive paralysis. Know that timely and correct treatment guarantees the complete elimination of all symptoms only in 80% of cases. Usually prescribed by a doctor complex treatment which includes: facial acupressure, acupuncture, herbal medicine and special warm-ups. Such a complex allows you to quickly recover from this disease.

Inflammation trigeminal nerve characterized by recurring acute pain lasting several seconds with short breaks. Pain usually appears when moving, touching the pain point, chewing. A painful attack is accompanied by a spasm of facial muscles and dilated pupils.

Considering the question of how to treat inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, it is worth noting that two methods of treatment are used in medicine:

  • Conservative - this treatment method is mainly used on initial stages diseases. To prevent seizures, the doctor prescribes anticonvulsant drugs. Sometimes the complex can also be prescribed: sedatives, antispasmodics and vascular agents. In some cases, at the discretion of the physician, may be prescribed laser method and treatment with physiotherapy procedures.
  • The surgical method has two ways in which this disease is opposed. The first method is a trepanation of the cranial posterior fossa and restoration relative to the veins and arteries of the position of the roots. The second method is to carry out radiofrequency destruction of the roots percutaneously. This method has a great advantage over the first one - it is carried out using local anesthesia, due to which the patient's recovery is much faster.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you decide to use folk remedies, let's look at how to treat nerve inflammation at home. However, remember that before use, you must make sure that there are no allergic reaction in the patient on the components used. And any other home treatment does not remove the need, seek the advice of a qualified doctor.

  • Rub sore parts of the body essential oils such as: fennel, marjoram, peppermint and medicinal meadowsweet.
  • Take 4 heads of garlic, grind them in a mug, then fill with water, about half a glass. Next, you need to put the mug on a slow fire and install the funnel. Before boiling water, it is necessary to inhale for 10 minutes of each nostril.
  • You need to take 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablet of analgin, pounded into powder. Mix everything and apply the resulting mixture on the painful area with a thin layer. Cover with a towel or napkin and leave for about two hours.
  • Take 5 tablespoons of chamomile, pour a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes in an enamel bowl. The cooled broth should be drunk for three days, 1 glass each.
  • As heat therapy for acute inflammation of the nerve helps hot tub, in which sulfur is added. Saunas, warm compresses and warm foot baths are also recommended.
  • Increase efficiency various methods treatment can also be achieved with the help of a diet, namely, meat consumption can be reduced, while increasing the consumption of raw vegetables, as well as drinking diuretic tea. This diet helps the body to remove toxic substances.

Inflammation of nerve endings or radiculopathy is perceived by a person as pain, which is natural signal organism to dangerous pathological processes that take place in it. Pain sensations are ordinary electrical nerve signals, no different from signals caused by sounds, images, or smells. The irritating effect is caused by the reaction of the brain to the received information about the danger.

Many people ignore such signals or consider it the height of masculinity to endure such inconveniences when, at first glance, causeless pains that are not associated with ailments of internal organs or injuries are symptoms of various, dangerous diseases nervous system.

Nerve endings are special tiny formations at the ends of neural processes that are responsible for receiving or transmitting information in the form of electrical nerve impulses.

There are several types of endings according to their area of ​​specialization:

  • Synapses that transmit impulses between neurons.
  • Receptors or afferent endings that transmit information to the nerve cell from the external environment.
  • Effectors - transmitting an information impulse from a neuron to tissue cells.

Inflammation of nerve endings is often called neuritis, when, in addition to pain, paralysis, paresis, reduction or loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the damaged part of the nervous system can occur.

Neuritis is more dangerous disease than neuralgia, since the symptoms of neuralgia are caused only by the influence of something on the nerve, and not by its breakdown. With severe neuritis, which is a disease of the nerves themselves with a violation of their internal structure, the nerve may not recover, as well as the functions that it performed.

It would be more correct to consider that inflammation of the nerve endings is a disease that is part of neuritis and its classification, and not directly by it, since other parts of nerve cells or nerves can be affected in neuritis.

What contributes to inflammation

To promote inflammation of the nerve endings can be a variety of negative factors effects on the body or the nerve itself:

  • Drafts and hypothermia.
  • Infection of the body with viruses, bacteria or fungi.
  • Inflammation of surrounding tissues.
  • Muscle spasms or compression of the area where the nerve passes.
  • bruises.
  • Local infections in the form of an abscess.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Deficiency of certain substances, vitamins or minerals in the body.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system.
  • Toxic poisoning.
  • Heredity or individual characteristics body structures.
  • Tumor processes and many other factors.

More often, inflammation of the nerves begins with a long-term negative irritating effect on the nerve or with an infection.

Symptoms and types

The classification of inflammation of the nerve endings is based on the area of ​​​​damage to the nerves, as well as their symptoms. There are the following main types, each of which has its own individual manifestations:

  • Inflammation median nerve, it is also ulnar, carpal, radial or ulnar, passing along the arm through the wrist. In this case, the work of the brush is disrupted or sensations arise in it in the form of numbness, tingling, pain, or restriction of movement with the fingers. Pain can shoot along the entire path of the nerve or be localized only at the site of inflammation.
  • Problems femoral nerve when the sensitivity of the skin or the ability to bend the hip joint is reduced, as well as pain on the surface of the leg, which can shoot through the entire leg.
  • Inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine, which is one of the most dangerous species neuritis and manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the back, chest or neck, depending on the area of ​​the lesion, which is called sciatica. Sciatica also has its own classification based on symptoms depending on the area of ​​dislocation: sciatica of the lumbosacral, cervical or thoracic.
  • Inflammation peroneal nerve- pain in the heel or backache from it, leading to the inability to fully rely on it.
  • Damage to the nerve endings of the facial nerve is represented by facial expression disorders, numbness of parts of the face, or discomfort.
  • Acoustic nerve disease, when in addition to pain, hearing is lost or weakened, and problems with balance or nausea begin due to the fact that auditory nerve also responsible for the vestibular apparatus.
  • Damage to the intercostal nerve causes more discomfort, since pain can occur not only when moving the body, but when breathing, which makes it difficult or unpleasant. In this case, the pain is truly hellish.
  • Inflammation optic nerve accompanied by loss or distortion of vision.
  • The defeat of the sciatic nerve endings manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower limb and impaired sensitivity, the ability to move the leg. There are severe cutting inguinal and lumbar pains.
  • Nerve disease occipital region provokes headaches, girdle pains in the back of the head, pain from touching it, "twitching" of the nerve in the head, a negative reaction to light and backache in the ear or lower jaw.

In addition to the above, there are many more types of this disease: exactly as many nerves in the body, each of which can become inflamed, other cases are extremely rare.

The concepts of primary inflammation of nerve endings are used - direct, and secondary, developed against the background of any disease.


To determine the presence of neuritis, a neurological examination is performed and a test of nerve function using reflexes and motor functions, if possible.

Use to determine the extent of damage instrumental methods examinations:

  • Electroneurography is a study of the speed of passage of an impulse along a fiber and its conductivity. Allows you to determine the degree and area of ​​damage.
  • Electromyography - examines the electrical activity of muscles and checks functional state neurons.
  • Evoked potentials - a method similar to electroneuronography, but for deep nerves, such as visual and auditory, where they are affected by sound or image and conduction is recorded according to the activity of the corresponding parts of the brain.
  • Ultrasound, x-ray, MRI or CT - diagnostic methods designed to quickly identify the physical cause of nerve damage and its endings, prescribe necessary treatment than the disorder itself.

If you suspect infection are held lab tests blood and other tissues, up to a biopsy of the nervous tissue in extreme cases.


Usually neuritis of any origin is well treated, especially in young people, whose regenerative powers are high. However, if neuritis is not treated, it can lead to a complete loss of nerve functions, the capabilities that it performed: vision, hearing, sensitivity, motor activity, secretion of any glands, and also provoke a stop in the work of any internal organ. and etc.


Treatment occurs by eliminating the cause of inflammation of the nerve endings, which may require the following procedures:

  • Antiviral or antibacterial drug therapy.
  • Surgical treatment with compression or physical impact.
  • Anti-edema therapy.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Biogenic stimulation - stimulation of recovery processes with special preparations.
  • Anticholinesterase therapy - treatment with drugs that inhibit nerve activity.
  • Vitaminization and replenishment of deficiencies of minerals and other substances.
  • Plastic surgery or suturing of the nerve by surgery, when a severely damaged area is removed.
  • Local introduction medicines right next to the nerve.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.
  • nerve stimulation.
  • Symptomatic treatment with the use of anesthetics.

Treatment of inflammation of the nerve endings is selected individually and depends on the specific type of neuritis, the place of its deployment. With this disease, folk methods selected with the help of a doctor help well.


Diseases such as neuralgia or neuritis, which, in addition to inflammation of the nerve endings, has many more manifestations (sciatica, funiculitis, plexitis, mononeuritis, polyneuritis) are similar in the method and names of classification, causes, symptoms and methods of treatment, may well lead the patient into confusion.

These ailments have a common essence and few differences:

  • Neuralgia is a disease of the nerve for the same reasons without changing its structure, but only through its excessive excitation.
  • Neuritis can be called late or acute stage neuralgia, when there is a disease of the nerve tissue itself with its disorders.
  • Varieties of neuritis differ from each other by the disease of specific parts of the nerve: nerve endings, nerve roots, peripheral nerves etc. The causes and treatments for all these diseases are the same. IN separate category plexitis can be distinguished - a plexus of nerves or fusion.

It is not necessary for a non-specialist to understand all the terminology, the classification of neuralgia and neuritis, the main thing to remember is that a seemingly frivolous disease, which may not cause much suffering, only mild discomfort, can quickly lead to serious problems when the process is left to chance.

Nerve tissues are extremely difficult to restore, while the neurons themselves die forever, and the so-called restoration occurs by taking on the functions of dead cells by others. With signs of neuralgia, it is imperative to consult a doctor, no one wants to lose, for example, the ability to move their legs due to some stupidity that could have been solved at one time by simply warming up or a couple of injections. Neuralgia and neuritis, like all diseases, are treated the faster and more efficiently, the earlier they were started. necessary procedures without triggering the disease.

Except for rare medical cases Almost everyone experiences pain at least once in their life. The nervous system is responsible for them. An unpleasant feeling of pain causes irritation or inflammation of the nerve endings. It can occur against the background of an infection entering the body, due to muscle spasm, which compresses blood vessels, etc. Although often inflammation is only a signal indicating the presence of a serious disease in the body.

Often the causes of diseases are hypothermia, drafts, traumas experienced - these are sources of primary inflammation. The secondary occurs against the background of some diseases.

Symptoms of inflammation of the nerve endings

Before proceeding with the diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the patient should describe his symptoms and feelings to the doctor in as much detail as possible. main feature inflammation - pain, the focus of which can not always be identified independently. It can intensify at night, with any physical exertion, even walking, sometimes in the cold.

Second most feature, indicating that there is inflammation of the nerve endings in the body - this is a burning sensation and tingling in the affected area. Depending on the area of ​​pathology, pain can occur even with minor skin irritations.

In general, all symptoms depend on in which area of ​​the body the lesion occurred. For example, with inflammation of the nerve endings of the legs, the sensitivity of the foot or lower leg worsens. Often, movements in the knee area are very limited and cause pain at the slightest change in position. In the case of eye disease, pain makes itself felt when moving the eyeballs, vision often falls.

Inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine

Very sharp pains are accompanied by damage to the nerves of the spine. Inflammation can lead infectious diseases spine, osteochondrosis, severe trauma.

Sometimes the back zone sharply pierces sharp pain, which can result from excessive loads, which often leads to sciatica. Its main symptom is vertebral neuralgia. Symptoms gradually increase as the spinal disease progresses. Radiculitis also often manifests itself after "neglected" osteochondrosis. It can "settle" in any area of ​​the spine, which leads to constant pain in the back, reminiscent of impulses.

With osteochondrosis, which is the cause of back pain in 90% of cases, degenerative change intervertebral discs. When the disc is destroyed, it extends beyond the boundaries of the spinal region. Around it are vessels and nerve endings. If the disk touches them, then a person experiences pain.

Among the main diseases of the spine that provoke acute pain, there are also intervertebral hernia, lumbago, sciatica, scoliosis, intercostal neuralgia. Of course, this is not the whole list of diseases that can provoke inflammation of the nerve endings. Therefore, you should not self-medicate.

In most cases, a warm woolen scarf or plaid on the lower back is not enough. Accurate Diagnosis can only be delivered by a doctor who prescribes effective treatment contributing to a speedy recovery.

Inflammation of the occipital nerve

Inflammation occipital nerve leads to frequent headaches. Pain occurs in the back of the head, radiates to the front and sides of the head. It is not uncommon for patients to describe pain sensations similar to those they experience with a migraine. The scalp can also become quite sensitive to different kind touch. For example, even when you try to comb your hair, unpleasant painful sensations occur.

By the way, with occipital inflammation of the nerve endings, doctors often face some difficulties. They are due to the fact that it is often difficult at this stage to distinguish inflammation from other causes that cause headaches. Therefore, the patient is obliged to describe in as much detail as possible all the symptoms present and honestly answer the questions of doctors.

If headaches bother you constantly, you should immediately contact a specialist. In this case, it is not enough to take exclusively painkillers, which the patient chooses at his own discretion in the pharmacy. Often doctors do complex diagnostics including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. This is necessary because sometimes secondary occipital neuralgia can be caused by infections, a brain tumor, trauma, or lupus.

If the inflammation does not require surgery, the doctor prescribes treatment aimed at relieving pain. Medical treatment combined with physiotherapy procedures, massage. In addition, doctors recommend more rest. Additionally, a course can be assigned anticonvulsants, steroid anti-inflammatory drugs.

Cases where the intervention of a surgeon is required for the treatment of a disease occur less frequently. At chronic pain, absence positive results from conservative techniques treatment shows surgery.

Treatment of inflammation

Sometimes inflammation of the nerve endings is so strong that pain occurs even with the slightest skin irritation.

In order for the prescribed treatment to be effective, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused the disease. If all symptoms indicate that an infection has led to inflammation of the nerve endings, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics in injections. Often, treatment with antiviral drugs is required.

In the event of a decrease in blood circulation (ischemia), drugs are taken that dilate the vessels and stimulate their work. If the symptoms indicate traumatic neuritis, doctors prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Additionally, a course of injections may be prescribed.

When drug treatment comes to an end, the patient may be referred for physical therapy.

Sometimes surgery is required to release the nerve. The need for surgery occurs with severe compression or in cases where the nerve grows in the wrong direction.

Inflammation of the nerve endings is often a symptom serious illnesses. Therefore, it is impossible to neglect pain sensations in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve, spine, head or other area of ​​the body. You need to see a doctor immediately to remove discomfort. Regular pain is not a reason for self-medication, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. It is important to find the cause of the pathology and eliminate it with the help of a competent doctor.

The nervous system is responsible for sensory, motor activity and the work of the endocrine and immune systems in the human body. The development of the inflammatory process in the nerve roots causes pain, limited mobility. It is difficult for a person to move, the sensitivity of the joints and soft tissues is disturbed. Inflammation of the nerve in the leg, the symptoms of which bring significant discomfort, appears more often as concomitant pathology against the background of other diseases of the spine or viral infection organism.

Signs of sciatica

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is one of the largest in the body. It originates in the spinal cord, and its branches pass through the buttocks along the entire lower limb up to the toes. The main causes of the disease:

  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • compression of nerve endings with displacement of the intervertebral disc;
  • mechanical injuries of the lumbar calving of the spine;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • viral, infectious diseases;
  • injuries of the pelvic organs;
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bone spurs on the vertebrae;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis);
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • compression of the nerve by an oncological neoplasm.

The main symptoms of sciatica are burning and pain that appears in lower section of the spine and extends in a descending manner down to the leg. Discomfort is aggravated by the slightest movement, disturbing even at night. The patient is limited in movements, often there are difficulties with the work of the hip and knee joints. At diagnosis, abnormal neurological reflexes are observed.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve most often affects one limb, while the opposite side may go numb, tingle, and there is a sensation of goosebumps. This is due to a violation of the innervation of muscle tissues. There is also bilateral inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the patient experiences severe pain when trying to stand up or make any movement.

The most common cause of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is pinching of the nerve endings during the protrusion of the intervertebral hernia.

The pain syndrome can be of varying degrees of intensity, accompanied by tingling and numbness in the leg, loss of sensitivity of soft tissues.

If not carried out timely treatment, damage to the sciatic nerve can lead to limited mobility in the knee, feet, disruption of the digestive system, possible incontinence of urine and feces, often reddens, swelling of the skin on the lower back or in the thigh area. It is necessary to treat the disease with a neurologist or neuropathologist.

Neuritis and neuralgia

Neuritis usually has infectious nature. In this disease, inflammation of the femoral, sciatic, tibial or peroneal nerve is observed. The main causes of pathology include the following conditions:

  • hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • vascular disorders;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • compression of the nerve trunk;
  • chemical, alcohol poisoning;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • complications of diabetes.

With inflammation of the femoral nerve, pain, burning and numbness occurs in the outer region of the thigh. Discomfort is aggravated during walking, when making sudden movements. In addition, it is difficult for the patient to bend the leg at the knee.

Sciatic neuritis is most often caused by spinal injuries, pelvic fractures, or cancerous tumors. The main symptoms are violations of the sensitivity of the muscles of the lower leg, foot, the patient cannot stand on toes and heels, becomes numb rear surface buttocks, thighs. The pain may occur spontaneously, be pulsating or aching in nature.

Neuritis tibial nerve manifested by difficulty in bending the toes, skin hyperemic, hot to the touch. The symptoms of pathology are caused by mechanical injuries, viral and infectious diseases.

Neuralgia of the external femoral nerve is manifested by pain with outside hips, the syndrome worsens at night, causes insomnia, walking and exercise also lead to significant discomfort.

Pinched nerve in the knee joint

Causing sharp pain in the leg, knee can be a condition that develops against the background of a pinched nerve. The main symptoms of pathology include the following:

  • sharp pain in the knee;
  • decreased sensitivity, numbness;
  • burning sensation, tingling;
  • involuntary nervous tic;
  • limitation of motor activity in the knee;
  • muscular atrophy of varying degrees.

Neuralgia (pain in the nerve) is not an independent disease, most often it appears when the meniscus is damaged, increased physical exertion, inflammation of the joint, as a result of injuries, fractures. In turn, lack of mobility, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity can also lead to a pinched nerve in the knee. If they appear oncological tumors in the joint area, compression of the nerve roots occurs as the neoplasm grows. This condition can only be treated surgically.

Sometimes inflammation of the nerve endings in the knee is caused by pinching of the sciatic nerve in the spine or by compression intervertebral hernias. For this reason, treatment should be carried out in a complex manner.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic, femoral or tibial nerve, relieve acute pain and treat, it is necessary to consult a neurologist. The doctor examines and interviews the patient. are being made x-rays of the damaged limb in different projections, magnetic resonance imaging may be necessary.

In order to diagnose sciatica, neuralgia, a Lasegue test or a “stretch symptom” is checked. The essence of the technique is based on the identification of spastic muscle contractions when the nerve roots are pinched. When, when bending the straightened leg in hip joint there is a tension of the sciatic, femoral and tibial nerve, the patient feels acute pain in the leg, lower back, thigh.

Lerrey's symptoms help to identify inflammation of the nerves. The patient is asked to rise from a prone position with straight legs. A sharp pain syndrome indicates damage to the femoral, sciatic or tibial nerve. Pinching of the vertebrae is determined by the Bekhterev method. The patient is raised with a healthy leg, while pain appears in the affected limb.

Additionally, the patient may need to consult a rheumatologist, neurosurgeon, vertebrologist, oncologist, traumatologist and vascular surgeon. Specialists will help to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases

Symptoms of infectious neuritis of the sciatic, tibial, femoral and knee nerves can be relieved by taking antibacterial drugs. Additionally, treatment with non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral agents, muscle relaxants, vitamin therapy.

If the symptoms of neuralgia are caused by dilation of blood vessels, ischemia, thrombophlebitis, treatment with vasodilator drugs is prescribed. In case of injuries, the limb is fixed, if necessary, a plaster or tight bandage is applied. The patient is shown bed rest, you need to sleep on a hard mattress. To relieve pain, swelling of the limb should be treated with ointments and gels containing anesthetics, diuretics are also prescribed.

If the pain syndrome is too strong, it is necessary to stop it with novocaine or hormonal blockade.

After the removal of acute symptoms, patients are treated with physiotherapeutic procedures: massage, electrophoresis, exercise therapy, UHF, electromyostimulation, manual therapy. With tunnel syndrome, drugs are injected directly into the affected canal.

When medication treatment, physiotherapy does not help relieve pain, the patient's condition worsens, surgery is performed. Thus, a pinched femoral or tibial nerve is decompressed. In case of irreversible processes in the nerve fibers, the neurosurgeon performs tissue suturing or plastic surgery. It is necessary to treat surgically a rupture of the meniscus in the knee, fractures with displacement, hernia of the spinal column.

Inflammation of the sciatic, femoral, tibial and peroneal nerves in young people responds well to therapy, treatment has a positive prognosis. In elderly patients with diabetes mellitus, the disease is progressive, it is possible to develop paralysis of muscle tissues, deformities of the joints of the foot.

Pain is the main signal that an unnatural, inflammatory process is taking place in the body, affecting one or another organ, system.

So, inflammation of the nerve endings can cause a lot of pain and neurological problems- numbness and flaccid paralysis, loss of performance and so on.

Inflammation of nerve endings is an inflammatory process that occurs in the body and affects nerve fibers, endings, and as a result, neuritis develops.

Doctors distinguish two types of neuritis - primary, which in turn is divided into catarrhal, tunnel or ischemic, and secondary, developing against the background of other neurological pathologies, or as a result of their development.

Where are the roots of the problem?

Inflammation of the nerve ending can be triggered by various reasons:

  • external factors- this is pinching, trauma, poisoning;
  • internal factors- such causes include diabetes and pregnancy, excess weight and rheumatism, endocrine disruption, infection and heredity.

But the main root causes that can provoke inflammation of the nerve roots are:

  • hypothermia and infections that develop with colds;
  • injury and malfunction of the circulatory system;
  • lack of vitamins in the body patient, especially B vitamins, as well as alcohol poisoning, toxins or other harmful substances and heavy metals;
  • problems with the functioning of the endocrine glands Is it diabetes mellitus or goiter.

Symptoms depending on location

The symptomatology of inflammation depends on which nerve, its ending was affected. However, physicians distinguish general symptoms, characteristic in general for inflammation of the nerve ending:

  • bouts of neuropathic pain, which increase during physical exertion, during hypothermia, or after long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • loss of sensation and numbness, a feeling of tingling and crawling "goosebumps" on the body;
  • inability to fully move limbs, muscles weaken, can gradually atrophy, decrease in size;
  • goes malfunction of the vascular system, internal glands organs and systems, as a result of which the patient sweats excessively, cyanosis and swelling appear on the skin.

A narrower symptomatology of inflammation of the nerve ending will depend on the type of neuritis and its location:

  1. inflammation in forearm area- the ulnar, radial or median nerve manifests itself in the form of a malfunction in the mobility of the limb, when the patient is unable to bend or moves his arm with difficulty, moves his fingers poorly. In parallel, pain and a feeling of numbness or tingling develop along the course of the affected nerve itself, at the site of inflammation.
  2. Inflammation of the endings femoral nerve- in this case, the idea of ​​a violation in the ability to bend members in the hip and knee joint, the sensitivity of the dermis decreases, especially in the lower leg and foot, the muscles become flabby and weaken, decreasing in size.
  3. Inflammation of the endings peroneal nerve leads to the fact that a person is simply not able to fully rely on the heels, the gait changes, lameness and shuffling of the foot develop.
  4. Defeat endings facial nerve- in this case, the affected half of the face will become more relaxed, asymmetry develops, the eyes may not close, the patient is not able to control facial expressions, lips move worse.

Diseases that occur against the background of inflammation of the nerves

Due to the fact that the inflammatory process is the infringement of the nerve ending - this can lead to the development of many neurological diseases. In particular, with inflammation of the nerve endings of a particular localization, the patient may develop the following symptoms:

  1. Inflammation of the optic nerve roots and as a result - the appearance of fog before the eyes, problems with visual acuity, pain when moving eyeball.
  2. Inflammatory process involving hearing aid - in this case, the patient hears poorly, he is disturbed by tinnitus. If the inflammatory process spreads to the nerve surrounding the brain and vestibular apparatus, the patient may be disturbed by fainting and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and sensorineural hearing loss develops.
  3. Inflammation of the nerve ending can lead to damage facial nerve and as a consequence underlip will be shifted down, the palpebral fissure expands, the patient loses the ability to control mimic wrinkles.
  4. Inflammation radial nerve endings leads to the fact that the patient develops a syndrome of a hanging brush - an inability to unbend the forearm, wrists, sensitivity is lost on its back.
  5. Inflammation of nerve endings affecting tibial nerve endings leads to the development of hanging syndrome lower extremities- the patient loses the ability to fully move and stand on his heels. His gait changes and muscle atrophy occurs at the site of the inflammatory process and infringement of the nerve ending.
  6. Inflammatory process and defeat by it of the end brachial nerve leads to bouts of pain in the joint, inability to fully move the arm, muscle weakness is diagnosed, sensitivity of the dermis at the site of inflammation.
  7. Solaritewe are talking about inflammation of the nerve ending solar plexus, there is a sharp pain in the chest.

As you can see, inflammation of the nervous system can be localized anywhere - it can be the eyes and shoulders, arms and legs, the solar plexus area, the face and the hearing aid.

Most often, inflammation and, accordingly, infringement of the end of the nerve process affects the facial, optic and tibial nerves - the nervous system permeates the entire body of the patient, which determines that the location of neuritis can be any.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis involves a direct examination of the patient, the collection of anamnesis, a biomaterial is taken for analysis - blood and

Hernia provokes inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine

urine. It is also necessary to refer the patient to conduct electroneurography (evaluation of nerve conduction), examination by a narrowly specialized specialist.

Proper and effective treatment begins with the elimination of the root cause, which provoked the inflammatory process that affects the nerve endings:

  • If the reason is infection of the nervous system, then the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, plus antiviral drugs such as Gamma globulin or Interferon.
  • With the development ischemia- the doctor prescribes a course of drugs that stimulate the work and expansion of blood vessels, for example, Papaverine and Eufillin.
  • At traumatic injury nerve endings- in the course of treatment, the doctor prescribes analgesics, as well as anti-inflammatory and pain medications, such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac. Without fail, doctors prescribe drugs that relieve puffiness, vitamin complexes, in large numbers containing vitamins of group B. In conclusion, the patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapy procedures - UHF heating, therapeutic gymnastics and massage, which allows you to restore and normalize muscle function.
  • If there is severe nerve entrapment- surgery may be prescribed when neurosurgeons release the strangulated ending or the entire nerve.

In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the patient may develop the following negative consequences:

  • failure in the motor functions of the limbs, the whole body, up to the development of complete or flaccid paralysis;
  • violation, complete or partial loss of sensitivity, as well as the development of atrophy of muscle tissue.

The human spinal cord is a rather complex part of the body. It is an integral part of the central nervous system, and is closely related to internal organs, skin, and muscles. Nerve roots depart from the spinal cord, which are responsible for sending and receiving information from all parts of the body. Each of the nerve roots provides a full-fledged information connection with its part of the body. Accordingly, a violation in their functioning can manifest itself in the most different symptoms. The topic of our conversation today will be inflammation of the nerve roots, we will discuss the symptoms and treatment of this disorder in a little more detail.

Inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves can be diagnosed in patients aged twenty-five to sixty years. This condition can be primary or secondary, arising from other diseases. With inflammation of the root of one of the spinal nerves, doctors usually diagnose sciatica.

Most often, such an ailment is a manifestation of osteochondrosis, a little less often it appears due to chronic injuries of the spine or herniated discs. And the attack of the disease itself can be triggered by awkward movements, weight lifting, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, or infection.

Symptoms of inflammation of the nerve roots

The classic and main manifestation of inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves is pain. Moreover, their localization directly depends on where exactly the inflammation occurred. nerve root.

The cervical form of sciatica makes itself felt by pronounced painful sensations in the back of the head. At the same time, coughing and all kinds of head movements only increase the unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, with inflammation of the nerve roots in this section of the spinal cord, the patient is also disturbed by dizziness, hearing problems, and a staggering gait may also be observed.

If the inflammation is localized in the cervical-shoulder region (cervico-shoulder sciatica), it leads to sharp pains in the neck, shoulders, and also in the hands.

Inflammation of the nerve roots in thoracic region causes bouts of severe pain chest.

As practice shows, most often the inflammatory process occurs in the lumbosacral region. At the same time, the patient complains of severe pain in the lower back, which makes movement almost impossible. Pain is aggravated even more if the patient tries to walk or bend over.

With any form of inflammation, unpleasant symptoms subsides in an immobile state. But at the same time, it is extremely difficult for the patient to remain motionless. At night, the patient's condition worsens. Inflammation also often leads to excessive sweating and pallor of the face.

How is inflammation of the nerve roots corrected, what is its effective treatment?

It is worth noting that inflammation of the nerve roots is not a separate disease, but only a syndrome. His therapy is mainly symptomatic.

It is extremely important for a patient with such a health disorder to ensure peace, his physical activity should be as limited as possible. For several days, a person should exclude all kinds of physical activity and spend most of the time in bed. In this case, it is extremely important that the patient lies on a flat surface that does not bend. Therefore, it is worth putting a hard base under the mattress. It is necessary to limit the movement of the part of the spine where the inflammation occurred. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a fixing corset.

To reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, analgesics, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs Diclofenac, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide (instructions for the use of each drug before using it must be studied personally from the official annotation included in the package!). An excellent effect is the use of muscle relaxants.

Most often, painkillers are taken in the form of tablets, but especially severe pain requires their intramuscular injection. In mild cases, doctors recommend limiting yourself to ointments, suppositories, creams, etc.

In conditions medical institution doctors can perform novocaine blockade of the affected nerve. Such manipulation effectively and quickly removes pain. However, after anesthesia, the main treatment is carried out.

It must be borne in mind that analgesics cannot be used for a long time, they play the role of a temporary symptomatic medication.

Therapy of inflammation of the nerve roots suggests the use of preparations containing vitamins of group B (complex B1, B6 and B12). This combination of vitamins positive influence on nervous tissue. An excellent effect is given by the use of the drug Neuromultivit (for which it is prescribed, how to use it is described in the "Drugs" section with the letter "H"), which contains these vitamins in a significant dosage.

For patients with inflammation of the nerve roots, manual therapy sessions are indicated. Similar procedure helps to release pinched nerves, but it should be carried out exclusively qualified specialist.

Wonderful positive effect with sciatica gives ointment with snake venom. It eliminates inflammation, improves blood circulation, stops the disease and alleviates general state sick.

In parallel with the described manipulations, doctors also resort to physiotherapy. Patients with inflammation of the nerve roots may benefit from acupuncture, reflexology, laser therapy, the use of galvanic current, phonophoresis, hot paraffin, mud applications, radon baths and a variety of warm-ups.

The long course of the disease often requires surgical intervention. So patients with inflammation of the nerve roots may be shown to remove the problematic intervertebral disc that presses on the vertebral nerve. But in most cases, sciatica is amenable to conservative therapy.

Folk remedies

For the successful treatment of inflammation of the nerve roots, you can take a decoction of willow bark. To prepare it, it is worth brewing a couple of tablespoons of grated vegetable raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Boil such a medicine on a fire of minimum power for ten minutes, then leave for three hours to infuse. Take strained a quarter cup three or four times a day. Such a medicine has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, but it will not be superfluous to discuss the advisability of its use with a doctor.

Neuritis, which occurs due to inflammation of the peripheral nerves, brings with it painful sensations, often accompanied by a complete loss of sensitivity. With the defeat of several nerve endings at once, neuritis becomes a polyneurioma, and from here it is not far from possible paresis or paralysis. Among the many reasons why nerve endings can become inflamed, regular diseases of the nervous system are highlighted. Often the disease occurs due to pinching of the nerves by muscles, tendons or joints, which causes swelling of the nerve, disrupting the blood supply.
Intercostal neuritis and inflammation of the sciatic nerve are accompanied by swelling and pressure, causing the patient to suffer from sharp and sharp pain. People are predisposed to neuritis, in whom the bone canal located in the spine and in the skull is arranged in a certain way. Conditions such as drafts and hypothermia contribute to the appearance of neuritis.

Catarrhal, primary ischemic neuritis occurs due to a sharp hypothermia or a long stay in a draft, in which case the person will not feel sick.
Secondary neuritis occurs due to other diseases, it includes:
Neuritis due to herpes zoster, which affects the tissues and nerve endings;
Neuritis of the facial nerve (on the auricle, upper part of the tongue or on the surface of the cheek);
Neuritis of the ear nerve, provoked vascular diseases;
Neuritis of the intercostal nerves, for which a sharp pain between the ribs on the side, back or abdomen is symptomatic;
Neuritis of unknown origin - if the source cannot be found due to a malfunction of the immune system. At the cellular level, a failure occurs, instead of protecting, the cells attack and destroy the body.

Manifestation of neuritis
The manifestation of neuritis depends on the reason, in which part of the body the nerve is affected.
For example, with neuritis of the facial nerve, a sharp pain is felt behind the ear, facial expressions change. Asymmetry is more visible on the healthy side.
For neuritis ophthalmic nerve severe cutting pains are symptomatic when moving the eyeball. Color susceptibility decreases, vision deteriorates, headaches often torment.
With neuritis of the sciatic nerve, the sensitivity of the leg, especially the lower leg, changes dramatically. The mobility of the knee joint or foot becomes clearly worse.
A symptom of neuritis of the ear nerve is hearing loss, tinnitus. A person does not hear high-frequency sounds. From time to time there are sudden dizziness, nausea, coordination disorders.

For adequate treatment it is important to find the cause of the disease. If it was an infection, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibacterial injections and antibiotics, antiviral drugs.
If the cause is ischemia, then drugs are used that stimulate vasodilation.
In traumatic neuritis, the limb must be immobilized, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics should be used. Be sure to use drugs that relieve swelling.
After a couple of weeks, anticholinesterase and biogenic drugs are prescribed.
At the last stage, the time comes for physiotherapy: electrophoresis with hydrocortisone and novocaine, pulsed currents, UHF heating. Massage has proven itself to restore the affected muscles.
In particular severe cases surgical intervention is necessary. The services of neurosurgeons are resorted to when the nerve is severely compressed, or it is necessary to prevent the nerve from growing in the same direction.

The causes of neuritis are inflammation of the peripheral nerves, the sensations are painful, often there are cases total loss sensitivity. If several nerve endings are affected at once, then neuritis flows into polyneuritis, paresis or paralysis is possible.

Among the multiple causes of inflammation of the nerve endings, regular diseases of the nervous system stand out. Often the cause of the disease can be pinched nerve muscle, joint, or tendon, causing the nerve to swell. If we take neuritis of the facial nerve as an example, then the edema disrupts the blood supply to a large section of the bone canal.

Intercostal neuritis and neuritis of the sciatic nerve also cause swelling and pressure, from which a sharp and sharp pain is felt. Such diseases are predisposed to people with a certain arrangement of the bone canal of the conducting nerve. These channels are located in the spine and in the skull. Conditions such as sudden cooling and drafts become favorable for the appearance of neuritis.

Types of neuritis

  • Primary ischemic, catarrhal neuritis can occur suddenly due to sudden hypothermia or prolonged draft, while the person will not feel sick.
  • Secondary neuritis occurs due to other diseases, these include:
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve, it is located on the upper part of the tongue, auricle or on the surface of the cheek;
  • Neuritis due to affecting tissues, including nerve endings;
  • Neuritis (of the ear nerve) developed due to vascular diseases;
  • Neuritis of the intercostal nerves, expressed in a sharp pain between the ribs on the back, abdomen or side;
  • Neuritis of unknown forms. There are cases when it is not possible to find the source, as a rule, this is due to the malfunctioning of the immune system. The cells fail and instead of protection, the cells begin to attack and destroy the body.

Manifestation of neuritis

It is difficult to unambiguously describe the manifestation, it largely depends on in which part of the body and for what reason the nerve is affected.

In the case of neuritis of the facial nerve, there is a sharp pain behind the ear, in this case, facial expressions clearly change, as a rule, are reflected in the corner of the mouth, changes in the nasolabial fold are noticeable. It is noteworthy that the asymmetric skew is more visible on the healthy side than on the diseased side. Often, the eye stops closing completely, it begins to water and emphasizes the overall painful picture.

Neuritis of the optic nerve is marked by strong cutting pains when moving the eyeball. Color susceptibility decreases, vision deteriorates, especially after a hot sauna and physical activity headaches are common. The eye does not cover the horizon as wide as before, a spot in the center may appear, the image becomes cloudy and dim.

Neuritis of the sciatic nerve. There is a sharp change in the sensitivity of the leg, especially the lower leg. Decreased range of motion in the foot or knee.

Ear neuritis. The symptom is severe hearing loss due to tinnitus. When listening to music, a person notices that he does not hear high-frequency sounds, basses are heard well, then, with the development of the disease, they become inaudible and low frequencies. At times, sudden dizziness occurs, causing nausea and incoordination.

Treatment of neuritis

For proper treatment you need to establish the cause of the disease. If the cause was an infection, then a course of antibacterial injections using antibiotics is prescribed, and antiviral drugs are also used: gamma globulin or interferon.

If the cause is ischemia, then drugs are used that stimulate the work and expansion of blood vessels: aminofillin, papaverine and complamin.

In the case of traumatic neuritis, it is necessary to immobilize the limb. For treatment, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, ibuprofen, indomecine are used. Necessarily prescribed treatment that relieves swelling, diacarb or furosemide is used, vitamins of group B are pierced. Two weeks later, biogenic and anticholinesterase drugs such as aloe, lidase, prozerin are used.

The last step is physiotherapy. For this use impulse currents, with ointment and novocaine, UHF heating is applied, etc.

If surgical intervention is required, then this is already the work of neurosurgeons, they resort to this in case of severe compression of the nerve in order to release it. Sometimes you can not let the nerve start to grow again in this direction, in this case, surgery is also required.