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When can a nursing mother do squats after childbirth? Recommendations for patients who have undergone surgery to remove a herniated disc

Many people are interested in the question about stitches after childbirth, how long you can’t sit with them and how long they take to heal (photo below). At the time of delivery, the perineum is often damaged (or deliberately cut), and the internal organs, this in particular depends on the size of the fetus.

Stitches after childbirth: how long can you sit - the most common question

When the perineum ruptures, healing occurs relatively quickly, but entails some problems.

  1. Painful sensations cannot be avoided; intradermal sutures (internal cosmetic) bring less suffering, especially when sitting, than external sutures (photo).
  2. After a week, there is usually an improvement and you can practically sit without restrictions.

Obstetricians recommend that mothers in labor, if they have regular sutures after childbirth rather than internal ones, mothers don’t know how long they shouldn’t sit, then not sit for several days to two months, depending on the severity of the problem and the area of ​​application. You can eat and feed your child while lying down or standing up. If absolutely necessary, a “half-sitting” position is allowed, for example, in transport. It is strictly forbidden to lift a load more than the weight of your child and not to sit upright.

How long does it take for internal stitches to heal after childbirth?

The resorption time differs, it depends on the type of threads used:

  • catgut (natural) – rapid resorption, up to 15 days;

  • vicryl (synthetic) – after 80 days.

Self-absorbable internal (no need to remove) threads are used individually, depending on the location of the incision. After artificial childbirth, in case of damage to the labia, etc. use material plant origin. In the perineal area, threads are used that take longer to dissolve, given the traumatic nature of this location. Internal sutures after childbirth, how long it takes to heal as described above, take longer to heal, for example, on the uterus (photo above), the abdominal wall up to 5 months, or even up to six months, they do not need special care. To speed up the return to active life, necessary:

  • maintain hygiene;
  • use antiseptics;
  • rest more often.

How long does it take for external and internal sutures to heal after childbirth? general state body, ability to regenerate soft tissues, condition immune system age, weight, adherence to low-calorie (non-fat, light food) diets to avoid constipation and not to damage the integrity of the sutures by straining connective tissues. Regularity of treatment after childbirth, how long it takes to heal as described above, especially after each visit to the toilet, frequency of changes sterile dressings And sanitary pads, wearing non-constrictive (or better disposable) underwear also affects the duration of the process of suture restoration after childbirth.

It is advisable:

  • avoid hypothermia, which can lead to inflammation;
  • abstain from sex for a while.

Of course, there is a risk of divergence of the sewn zones, in the same perineum, because postpartum discharge- a favorable environment for microorganisms. To avoid infection entering the birth canal, compliance with possible precautions is encouraged.

For those who know how long it takes for stitches to heal after childbirth, they enjoy the benefits traditional medicine- recommended blackberry syrup with echinacea 3 times a day, one teaspoon before meals. Drink for two weeks.

Proper care will significantly speed up recovery.

After childbirth, a happy and at the same time quite difficult period begins for a woman - life is built in a new way, because the appearance of a new little family member brings significant changes into the usual way of life. In addition, the woman herself also needs to recover after childbirth, and this cannot be done without restrictions. Fortunately, they are all temporary and you won’t have to stick with them for very long.

Recommendation 1. After childbirth, you should not sit if stitches have been placed on the perineum

A young mother should not sit after childbirth for 3-4 weeks until the tissues are completely restored to avoid suture dehiscence. It is necessary to adhere to this recommendation if a (dissection of the perineum) was performed or sutures were applied due to tissue rupture. This also applies to internal seams if the young mother had internal breaks. To identify them after childbirth, the doctor examines the cervix and vagina in the speculum; if there are damages, he must apply internal sutures to better healing defect.

But still, on the 5th–7th day, you are allowed to sit on the toilet or a hard chair on the buttock opposite the incision site after removing the sutures, in case of incisions (to do this, you should check with the doctor on which side the incision was made). And only 3-4 weeks after birth you can sit on soft seats (sofas, armchairs). This is due to the fact that when sitting on a soft surface, the load on the perineum and the developing scar increases. And when getting out of bed, you need to turn to one side to avoid a sitting position. This should be done slowly and without sudden movements. It is also better to feed your baby after suturing while lying on his side. For those mothers whose birth took place without ruptures and, and there are no complications, and also after caesarean section Sitting after childbirth is allowed already at the 2nd or 3rd stage.

Recommendation 2. Sex after childbirth is possible no earlier than 6-8 weeks

Many young parents neglect such a recommendation as sexual rest. And this is understandable, but concern for the mother’s health, and, accordingly, the well-being of the baby, should come first. It is advisable to resume no earlier than 6–8 weeks after birth. Until that time inner surface The uterus is an extensive wound, and the cervix does not have time to completely close. These factors can lead to the penetration of infection from the vagina into the uterus (ascending path) and further development (inflammation inner shell uterus), inflammation of the appendages, etc. In addition, if sutures were placed on the perineum or abdominal wall, then the tissues need to be completely restored, and this is at least 1.5–2 months. It is also not uncommon that during this period, during sex after childbirth, a young mother may be bothered painful sensations, since the formation of natural lubrication in the genital tract is significantly reduced, especially if the mother is breastfeeding (this situation can last until breastfeeding stops), due to a lack of the hormone progesterone and excess prolactin.

It should also be said that there may be repeat pregnancy, for which the body is not yet ready. Many people don’t even think about this, being sure that this is simply impossible (especially if a woman is breastfeeding her baby). Indeed, an obstacle to the offensive new pregnancy is the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. If a mother breastfeeds her baby, its level in the body will be high, which ensures the absence of ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) and the impossibility of conception. If breastfeeding is stopped, complementary foods are introduced, or the baby is put to the breast irregularly (less than eight times a day) with a night break of more than 5 hours, or if the baby is generally on artificial feeding, the concentration of the milk hormone gradually decreases. As a result, its effect on the synthesis of follicles in the ovaries is inhibited and ovulation can occur. In addition, pregnancy can also occur with spontaneous (irregular) ovulation, which occurs ahead of schedule or late under the influence of any factors ( hormonal surge, stress, stormy intimate relationships, etc.). Therefore, it is advisable to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist before starting sex after childbirth.

Recommendation 3. You should not exercise immediately after giving birth.

It is advisable for a young mother to hold off on active sports after childbirth for 6–8 weeks to allow full recovery uterine tissue, abdominal wall And pelvic floor. Before starting sports after childbirth, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, especially if there were complications in the postpartum period or cesarean section (you should wait until the suture heals). However, you can gradually return to your prenatal activities, taking into account your physical fitness. It all depends on how regularly the young mother worked out before. If she devoted enough time to sports before giving birth or was a professional athlete, then, most likely, she will be able to continue training almost immediately, but, of course, at first it is worth reducing the intensity of the load and it is not recommended to perform exercises with jumping, running, squats, or lifting weights (more than 3.5 kg), as this can increase pressure in the pelvic floor, provoke involuntary urination or excessive tension on the seams. Also, very active sports after childbirth can lead to increased bloody discharge from the genital tract and even bleeding. During the first month, you should limit exercises that involve stress on the abdominal muscles, such as raising both legs from a lying position, bringing bent knees to the chest from a lying position, lifting the upper body from a lying position, scissors, alternate leg swings. These exercises may cause uterine bleeding or disrupt the recovery processes of the uterus. It is better to start loading the abdominal muscles with breathing exercises, bending and turning the torso.

If sports activities were interrupted during pregnancy or the mother decided to start exercising for the first time in order to get in shape after childbirth, then you should start gradually.

Diet after childbirth?
Of course, after giving birth, women want to lose weight as quickly as possible, and many go on a diet, trying to get rid of extra pounds. But won’t such a desire for beauty harm the youngest mother and her newborn baby? So here's the drawback nutrients and vitamins can negatively affect the pace and quality of the recovery processes occurring in a woman’s body after childbirth, as well as the composition of breast milk. The first two months after the baby is born are very important for full recovery a woman's body after childbirth. It is at this time that all her main organs and systems rebuild their work after the pregnancy has ended. Changes in the mammary glands also continue and begin, and milk production also requires additional nutrients and energy. Where will they come from if a woman is on a diet? The calorie content of food should be on average 2200-2500 kcal per day. It is recommended to eat small portions 4-6 times a day.

A week after giving birth, you can perform slight bends and turns of the torso, twisting along the spine, stretching, rotational movements with the hands and feet. Very helpful different kinds breathing exercises and just walks in the fresh air. After the cessation of bleeding from the genital tract (lochia), brisk walking and exercise with light dumbbells (no more than 2 kg) are possible.

It is better to engage in sports after feeding the baby, so it will not be in the mammary glands. unpleasant feeling fullness. In addition, after vigorous exercise, the baby may completely refuse to breastfeed, since during active training, metabolic products enter the milk, which can give it an unpleasant bitter taste, but an hour after exercise, everything should return to normal.

After the birth of the baby, especially if he is breastfed, the mother should be especially careful about taking medicines. After all, many of the drugs are able to penetrate into breast milk, and from there into the baby’s body, which, due to its immaturity, may not be able to cope with the removal of the drug to the outside, and it will remain in the baby’s body, leading to disruption of the baby’s organs and systems. Therefore, before using any medicine (even plant based) you should consult your doctor. Your doctor may advise you to stop for a while. breast-feeding, and to maintain lactation, express milk. Usually after stopping treatment medicines resumption of feeding is possible after 24–48 hours (this is the time required to remove the drug from the mother’s body, with the exception of those drugs that accumulate in the tissues).

Recommendation 5. Don’t be shy about asking for help after giving birth.

A young mother is often absorbed not only in caring for the baby, but also in endless family problems, often forgetting about her own health and feeling unwell. The expression “mother should not be sick” is very popular. And young mothers are literally exhausted, trying to do everything, often neglecting themselves. However, this can lead to big problems. For example, if a woman has a cold and suffers from illness on her legs, this can lead to the development of pneumonia, and constant fatigue, lack of rest can provoke an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the occurrence of acute ones against the background of the already low immune defense of the woman’s body after childbirth. Therefore, you should not try to redo all the household chores yourself. You can ask your husband or one of your relatives about this. If you can’t count on help, then you can put aside worries that do not directly concern mother and baby and without which nothing catastrophic will happen.

In addition to the usual daily rest, a young mother should have good sleep. If she is unable to get enough sleep at night due to her baby’s feedings, it is recommended to compensate for the lack of sleep. day rest. It’s worth putting everything aside and sleeping with your baby. With a lack of sleep, it can be disrupted (since it is at night that prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of milk, is released). Lactation naturally stimulates the formation of prolactin, but its release may be inhibited due to lack of sleep, resulting in impaired metabolic processes V nerve cells. Also decreasing immune defense body, because lack of sleep acts as chronic stress, leading to a decrease in the body’s defenses, provoking the occurrence or exacerbation of various diseases, decreased mood and the development of postpartum depression.

Very often, mothers want to soak in a warm bath after giving birth. However, this pleasant, relaxing procedure is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. As noted above, in the first 6–8 weeks after birth, the inner surface of the uterus is very susceptible to various kinds infections that often spread through upward path(through the cervix, which has not yet contracted sufficiently). Therefore, early bathing after childbirth (before the lochia runs out and/or the tissue at the suture site heals) is fraught with development (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus), inflammation of the appendages, infection and problems with the healing of sutures, as well as increased postpartum discharge or even the development of bleeding (due to decreased tone blood vessels uterus and increasing its blood supply in warm or hot water). After examination by the doctor, if there are no complications, you can take a bath after childbirth, but the water should not be too cold, but not too hot (not lower than 37°C and not higher than 40°C) and the bathing time should not exceed 30 minutes. Clean the bath well first detergent and then rinse it thoroughly.

If external sutures were placed on the perineum, then during your stay in the maternity hospital, the sutures are processed twice a day. In this case, doctors examine the sutures of the woman in labor on the chair and treat them with a solution of brilliant green or a concentrated dark purple solution of potassium permanganate.

Absorbable or non-absorbable sutures may be placed in the perineum. If these are absorbable sutures, the threads usually fall off on the 4-5th day, just before discharge from the maternity hospital; with non-absorbable sutures, the threads are removed on the fourth or fifth day before discharge from the maternity hospital.

How to care for stitches after childbirth?

The presence of sutures imposes a number of restrictions on the young mother in behavior and care of the perineal area to prevent complications, suture divergence and infection.

When caring for crotch seams, it is important strict adherence rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to provide maximum access to the suture area fresh air For this purpose, mothers are recommended to lie on the bed without underwear with their legs spread several times a day. Some maternity hospitals practice refusing to wear disposable panties with a padded diaper or special postpartum pads.

Every two hours, regardless of the amount of discharge, you need to change the diaper or pad - lochia (postpartum discharge) is an excellent breeding ground for microbes and the development of infection. If wearing is practiced, it should be strictly cotton or special postpartum panties. It is prohibited to wear synthetic, lace and shapewear, which will put pressure on the perineum area and seams, which will impede healing and impair blood circulation.

It is important to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet, and to urinate so often is forced. When defecating, it is necessary to wash with soap and strictly in the direction from the perineum to the anus, so that it does not get on the seams. dirty water with fecal particles. When taking a morning and evening shower, be sure to wash the perineum with soap; throughout the day, you can limit yourself to only water. No douching or penetration of fingers deep into the vagina - this is strictly prohibited!

You need to wash the seam thoroughly, but delicately, by directing a stream of water at the seam and gently wiping it with a sponge (intended only for the perineum). After washing, you need to blot the perineum with a towel specifically designated for the perineum. It is changed daily, washed, dried and washed. Wipe the perineum by blotting, from front to back, towards the anus.

Unless the doctor says otherwise, you should not use any creams, ointments or solutions for sutures!

If the healing process proceeds without complications, you can use it 14 days after birth.

Note. Return of food and cosmetics only possible if the packaging is undamaged.

How long can you sit with stitches after childbirth?

When applying sutures to the perineum, both internal and external, it is highly recommended that a woman not sit on a flat surface (chair, armchair, sofa, etc.) for one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the tissue injury. But, you can sit on a special circle and toilet from the first day after birth, but carefully so that the seams do not cut through or come apart. Women have special doubts and questions about going to the toilet and defecation. Many women are afraid to push during bowel movements and hold back the urge, which impairs healing and recovery after childbirth. If you have difficulty defecating in the first days in the maternity hospital, you should consult a doctor to prescribe enemas or suppositories to ease stool. Stool retention and constipation will increase stress on the perineum and pain in the suture area.

As the sutures heal and the threads are removed, you can gradually sit down on the buttock opposite the sutures from the fifth to seventh day, without transferring the entire body weight to the perineum. In this case, you need to sit down on a flat and hard surface. After two weeks, you can safely sit on your buttocks as usual. If there are stitches, it is worth taking care of the trip home from the maternity hospital in advance; it is necessary to provide the woman with a recumbent or floor sitting position. In this case, the child must be placed in, and not in the arms of the mother.

How long does it take for stitches to heal after childbirth?

In the presence of small superficial tears and abrasions in the vagina and small stitches on the cervix, healing occurs within two to four weeks. With more deep injuries and injuries, healing takes about a month or two. IN postpartum period It is important to carefully observe all precautions and hygiene measures so that the sutures do not come apart, there is no inflammation and suppuration, and there is no need for repeated procedures and hospitalization. At proper care Behind the stitches, pain is reduced and healing is accelerated.

Stitches hurt after childbirth

It sometimes happens that after the stitches have gradually healed, the area of ​​the forming scars may cause discomfort or pain. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor to check the condition of the scars and rule out granulation and inflammation. Often, to speed up healing, physiotherapy or the use of lamps of different spectrums - blue, quartz or infrared - are prescribed. The procedure is carried out no earlier than two weeks after birth.

If dense scars form and there is a feeling of discomfort, special gels or creams may be prescribed to stimulate healing. They are selected by the doctor based on the specific situation. The ointment is used once or twice a day for several weeks. Typically, due to these procedures, scars are reduced, discomfort in the suture area and the feeling of tension are reduced.

Most often, the pain caused by postpartum sutures goes away after 1.5-2 months. But there are situations when the sutures take about half a year to heal.

Stitches after childbirth. Complications

Dangerous consequences of stitches can be:

  • pain in the scar area;
  • redness, itching in the suture area;
  • discharge in the suture area (purulent, bloody, ichor);
  • the appearance of holes between the threads;
  • divergence of threads, their strong cutting into tissue with divergence of the edges of the wound.

Such manifestations indicate eruption or divergence of the seams, purulent complications, which requires immediate examination by a doctor and decision-making therapeutic tactics. Usually re-suturing is not required, it is prescribed local treatment. In the presence of purulent or inflammatory phenomena, antibiotic ointments and syntomycin emulsion may be needed; as the wound cleanses and heals, levomikol is prescribed. But the final decision on conduct postoperative suture with complications belongs to the doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this is dangerous due to the spread of infection to the internal organs of the small pelvis and postpartum endometritis.

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We express special gratitude to pediatrician Alena Paretskaya for preparing this material.

Reading time: 6 minutes

During childbirth, a woman receives many microtraumas, which do not cause discomfort and heal on their own within a few weeks. But it’s not uncommon to see more serious injuries. For example, hemorrhoids or ruptures of the cervix and perineum. Sometimes doctors have to stitch up torn tissue. Stitches after childbirth require mandatory care. Otherwise, this can lead to serious problems.

Internal seams

Internal sutures are called sutures that are placed on the cervix or vaginal wall when birth injuries. When suturing these tissues, anesthesia is not used, since the cervix has no sensitivity - there is nothing to numb there. Access to the woman’s internal genital organs is difficult, so sutures are placed with a self-absorbing thread.

To prevent complications, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene. These include the following activities:

  • Regular change of sanitary pads.
  • Wearing comfortable underwear that is loose-fitting and made from natural materials. The best option There will be special disposable panties. This also applies to towels.
  • Regular genital hygiene with warm water and baby soap. You can use infusions medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula. It is important to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet.

Internal seams do not require treatment. After their application, it is only mandatory for the woman to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended to abstain from sex for 2 months, not to lift heavy objects during this time, and to avoid problems with bowel movements. The latter include delayed bowel movements, constipation and hard stool. Taking a spoon is useful sunflower oil before eating. Usually, before giving birth, a cleansing enema is given, so stool appears on the 3rd day.

The reasons for rupture of the cervix and subsequent suturing, as a rule, are the woman’s incorrect behavior during birth process. That is, when a woman in labor is pushing and the cervix has not yet dilated, the baby’s head puts pressure on it, which contributes to rupture. Often, the subsequent application of internal sutures after childbirth is facilitated by: a woman’s history of surgery on the cervix, a decrease in its elasticity, or childbirth in adulthood.

External seams

External sutures are applied when the perineum is torn or cut; this also includes those that remain after a cesarean section. Depending on the nature of the wound, doctors use both self-absorbing material for suturing and one that requires removal after some time. External seams require constant care, the absence of which can lead to complications.

While you're in maternity hospital, external sutures remaining after childbirth are treated by a procedural nurse. To do this, use a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. After discharge, you will have to do the daily treatment yourself, but you can do this at the antenatal clinic. If non-absorbable threads were used, they will be removed within 3-5 days. As a rule, if no problems arise, this is done before discharge from the hospital.

Precautions required when caring for external seams:

  • You cannot take a sitting position, you can only lie or stand.
  • You can't itch.
  • You should not wear underwear that will put pressure on the perineum. Loose panties made from natural materials or special disposable underwear are a good choice.
  • Do not lift weights for 1-3 months.
  • On the first day after birth, defecation should be delayed.
  • You should not have sex for 2 months after giving birth.

The hygiene rules are the same as when caring for internal seams. To these you can add the use of special gaskets that have natural base and coating. They will not cause irritation or allergies and will promote fast healing. After a shower, it is advisable to walk around a little without clothes. When air enters, postpartum sutures will heal much faster.

Reasons for making an incision in the perineum during childbirth:

  • Threat of perineal rupture. Incisions tend to heal faster and cause less discomfort and negative consequences.
  • Inelastic vaginal tissue.
  • Presence of scars.
  • Inability to push for medical reasons.
  • Incorrect position of the child or its large size.
  • Rapid birth.

How long do postpartum sutures take to heal and is it painful to remove them?

Many mothers are interested in the question of how long after childbirth the sutures heal. Healing time depends on many factors. These include medical indications, suture technique, materials used. Postpartum sutures produced using:

  • Self-absorbable material
  • Non-absorbable
  • Metal brackets

When using absorbable material, healing of the damage takes 1-2 weeks. The sutures themselves dissolve after childbirth in about a month. When using braces or non-absorbable threads, they are removed 3-7 days after birth. Complete healing will take from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the cause of the tears and the size. Large ones can take several months to heal.

Discomfort at the suture site will continue for about 6 weeks. At first there may be some pain. The suture placed after childbirth hurts, just like any operating one. This usually goes away within 10 days. Suture removal is a virtually painless procedure that you should not be afraid of.

How to treat stitches after childbirth?

Treatment of sutures after discharge from the maternity hospital is carried out either independently or in a antenatal clinic. In hospitals they use brilliant green or potassium permanganate. The doctor will explain how to apply sutures at home. The following ointments are usually recommended: solcoseryl, chlorhexidine, levomekol. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used. With proper care and proper treatment, stitches heal quickly, without negative consequences and pronounced cosmetic effects.

How long can you sit?

The minimum period during which you cannot take a sitting position is at least 7-10 days. A longer time limit is also possible. This does not apply to sitting on the toilet while going to the toilet. You can sit on the toilet and walk from the first day after stitches are applied.

What are the complications of sutures?

At improper care behind sutures and failure to take precautions during their healing period, complications may arise. This is suppuration, discrepancy and pain in their locations. Let's consider each type of complications in order:

  1. Suppuration. In this case, severe pain occurs, swelling of the wound is observed, purulent discharge. Body temperature may increase. This outcome occurs when there is insufficient attention to personal hygiene or an infection that was not cured before delivery. If you suspect that the sutures are festering, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.
  2. Pain. This does not apply to painful sensations, which occur in the first days after suturing. Pain often indicates infection, inflammation, or some other problem, so it's best to see a doctor. It is not advisable to self-medicate; only a doctor can prescribe necessary procedures and medicines.
  3. Discrepancy. This rarely happens with internal seams; they often come apart if they are located on the crotch. The reasons for this may be early sexual activity after childbirth, infection, sitting down too early and sudden movements. When the seams diverge, the woman is bothered severe pain, there is swelling of the wound, which sometimes bleeds. Sometimes the temperature rises, which indicates infection. A feeling of heaviness and fullness indicates the presence of a hematoma.

Video: Suture for caesarean section

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

The postpartum period is the happiest and interesting time, when a mother gets to know her baby, devotes almost all her time to him, looks after him and takes care of him. However, a woman needs to remember about her health and follow certain recommendations, including reasonable restrictions and prohibitions.

The first ban

You cannot sit after suturing the perineum. Sutures are placed on the perineum after its dissection, as well as in the event of a rupture of the perineum. If there are stitches on the perineum, it is not recommended to sit for 10-14 days after birth. The movements of the young mother should be careful and gentle to ensure optimal conditions for healing sutures.

In order to form a full-fledged scar on the perineum, maximum rest for the skin and muscles of the perineum, as well as cleanliness in the area, are necessary. postoperative wound. In such cases, eating should be done standing or lying down, using the bedside table available in each postpartum ward. It is also recommended to exclude bread and flour products in order to delay the onset of stool.

First, it is recommended to use hard surfaces (stool, chair) for sitting. Only 3 weeks after birth can you sit on soft seats (sofas, armchairs). This is due to the fact that when sitting on a soft surface, the load on the perineum and the developing scar increases. When traveling from the parental home in a car, it is advisable to take a reclining position in order to reduce the load on the perineum and prevent suture divergence.

Second ban

You can't take a bath. Until the uterine discharge stops (it usually stops 4-6 weeks after birth), you should use a shower instead of a bath. The fact is that after childbirth, the cervix remains slightly open for several weeks, so the uterine cavity is poorly protected from penetration pathogens. Under these conditions, a bath is a risk factor for uterine inflammation.

The third ban

Do not delay emptying your bladder. After childbirth, it is necessary to empty the bladder in a timely manner - every 2-4 hours. This promotes normal contraction of the uterus, evacuation of the contents of the uterine cavity and a faster return to its original size. At the same time, there is also a more rapid cessation of bloody and bloody discharge from the genital tract.

A full bladder may also change the location of organs abdominal cavity and pelvic organs relative to each other (uterus, appendages, intestines), which contributes to the development of inflammatory complications from these organs. And most importantly, untimely emptying of the bladder can contribute to the development of infectious and inflammatory changes in the organs of the urinary system themselves ( bladder and kidneys).

Prohibition Four

You should not eat foods that are prohibited while breastfeeding. Eating some food products may adversely affect the baby's health, as well as the quality of breast milk. So, what should a nursing mother not eat?

First, you need to exclude from your diet foods that can cause various allergic reactions in a newborn. These include citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, strawberries, wild strawberries, red apples, eggs, whole cow's milk, sprats, tropical fruits (mango, avocado, etc.), honey, gourmet fish.

Thirdly, products that increase gas formation in the baby are excluded (whole bread, brown bread, beans, peas, baked goods, cabbage).

The nutrition of a young nursing mother should be complete and varied. Desirable frequent appointments food in small portions. Boiled lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, mild cheeses, and yogurt without additives are very healthy. You can also eat any side dishes: pasta, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, cauliflower. You can eat various cereals, walnuts in small quantities.

Prohibition 5

Can't ignore the special drinking regime. Before milk comes in, fluid is limited to 600-800 ml per day. Limitations in the amount of fluid consumed in the first days after birth are associated with the possibility of secretion large quantity milk and the development of complications such as lactostasis. This is a condition characterized by a violation of the outflow of milk from the mammary glands, as a result of which the development of inflammatory process in the mammary gland (mastitis). In the future, the drinking regimen is selected individually, depending on the lactation characteristics of each individual woman. In the following days, the volume of fluid consumed should be approximately 1.5-2 liters per day.

The following drinks are recommended for a young mother: mineral water still, low-fat milk (1.5), compotes, tea with milk, green tea. You should not drink very sweet or carbonated drinks, as this can adversely affect the quality of breast milk and cause increased gas formation in a newborn, become a source of allergic reactions.

Prohibition Six

You can't go on a diet. In the postpartum period, under no circumstances should the amount of food and its components be limited below the recommended norms, but these norms cannot be significantly exceeded. A lack of nutrients and vitamins can negatively affect the pace and quality of the recovery processes occurring in a woman’s body after childbirth, as well as the composition of breast milk. The first 2 months after childbirth are very important for the full recovery of a woman’s body after childbirth.

It is at this time that all the main organs and systems of the young mother’s body rebuild their work after the pregnancy has ended. Secretory changes in the mammary glands also continue and breastfeeding begins. However, intemperance in nutrition can lead to excessive weight gain. Meals are recommended in small portions, 4-6 times a day. The calorie content of food should be 2200-2500 kcal per day, but, depending on individual characteristics, the range can be large - from 2000 to 2700 kcal.

Main building material in the human body is a protein that is used to maintain immunity at the proper level. Protein is found primarily in meat, cottage cheese, and cheese. Daily ration for a nursing mother should include at least 120-140 g of protein.

The main and most accessible sources of energy for our body are carbohydrates. They are found in pasta, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, and bread. Carbohydrates are necessary for normal functioning central nervous system(in particular, the brain). A nursing mother's diet should contain 400-450 g of carbohydrates. Fats are also necessary for a woman's body to normal condition skin, hair, nails, restoration of genital functions. Fats have a significant impact on the quality of breast milk, which has its own optimal fat content for the baby. It is advisable to consume 20-30 g of vegetable fats, which are contained in vegetable oils(sunflower, olive, etc.), as well as 80-90 g of animal origin.

The seventh ban

You should not take medications that are prohibited while breastfeeding. Particular attention in postpartum period It is necessary to pay attention to taking medications, since many of them can pass into breast milk and affect the baby (cause drowsiness, increased gas formation, bloating, dysbiosis, loss of appetite, and also affect the functioning of the liver, heart and even vital functions). important functions organism). Before taking any medications, you should always consult your doctor. Special attention deserve such drugs, anticonvulsants, sedatives (sedatives), oral contraceptives and other hormone-containing drugs.

Prohibition Eight

You can’t refuse the help of loved ones and try to redo all your household chores. A young mother should definitely rest. This is necessary for the restoration of her body, and for normal lactation, as well as for full care for the newborn. While your baby is sleeping, you should definitely go to bed with him. If your loved ones have the opportunity to help you with housework or caring for your newborn, you don’t need to refuse their help.

A cheerful, well-rested mother will give her baby much more attention and will have time to do many more useful things in a day. When doing housework, a woman needs to remember that lifting weights more than the weight of her own child is not recommended; mopping floors, hand washing and spinning heavy laundry are also undesirable. You can ask your relatives and close people for help in these matters.

Prohibition Ninth

You cannot have sex in the first 1.5-2 months after childbirth. Resume sex life After birth, it is recommended not earlier than 2 months. This is due to several objective reasons.

First, complete contraction of the uterus, formation cervical canal, healing of the wound surface in the uterine cavity occurs only 1.5-2 months after birth. With an earlier resumption of sexual activity, there is always a possibility of infection of the uterus and appendages and the occurrence of inflammatory complications (endometrium - inflammation of the uterine mucosa, adnexitis - inflammation of the uterine appendages, cervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal).

Secondly, after childbirth, there are various microtraumas and sometimes sutures on the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs. Beginning sexual activity in the presence of such injuries in the genital area can cause significant pain and discomfort in a woman. Also in this case, infection of the wounds and the formation of insolvency of the sutures on the perineum are possible (for example, after an episiotomy).

In addition, the secretory function of the vaginal mucosa is also restored 1.5-2 months after childbirth. In more early dates there is no release of vaginal lubrication in the amount necessary for comfortable sexual intercourse.

And finally, an important criterion that must be taken into account when resuming intimate relationships is emotional condition the woman herself, the presence of her sexual desire. This factor is individual and variable for each woman. On average, a woman’s libido is restored within 2 weeks to 6 months after childbirth.

It should not be forgotten that before starting sex life it is necessary to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist who will assess the woman’s general condition and also give recommendations on contraception. Despite the absence of menstruation and breastfeeding, the occurrence unwanted pregnancy It is still possible, so it is better to avoid such a situation.

The tenth ban

You cannot actively engage in sports. Active sports and intense physical exercise within 2 months after birth are not recommended.
A week after giving birth, you can perform slight bends and turns of the torso, twisting along the spine, stretching, rotational movements with the hands and feet. Various types of breathing exercises and just walks in the fresh air are very useful.

After the cessation of bleeding from the genital tract (lochia), brisk walking and exercise with light dumbbells (no more than 2 kg) are possible. During the 1st month, you should limit exercises related to the load on the abdominal muscles, such as raising both legs from a lying position, bringing bent knees to the chest from a lying position, lifting the upper body from a lying position, scissors, alternating swing your legs. These exercises can provoke uterine bleeding or disrupt the processes of uterine involution (returning it to its original state). It is better to start loading the abdominal muscles with breathing exercises, bending and turning the torso (the latter train the oblique abdominal muscles).

You should also not jump, run, or perform exercises that involve lifting weights exceeding 3.5 kg. If you have stitches in the perineum, you should not perform exercises that stretch the muscles of the perineum and thighs (for example, squats, raising your legs high or moving them to the side) for 6 weeks after birth. Such exercises can cause sutures to separate or the formation of a defective scar on the perineum.

Anyway, before we start physical exercise You should consult a doctor, who should be visited 2 months after birth. The specialist will recommend physical activity depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, the course of labor and the postpartum period.

In general, the postpartum period is very important and responsible in the life of mother and baby. At this time, their relationship is formed, new image life, the mother’s body is restored, the child grows and develops. Compliance with all of the above recommendations will significantly reduce the risk of complications and unfavorable situations during this important time, and will also allow you to fully enjoy the happiness of motherhood!

Lyudmila Spitsyna
Obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow