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How to heal a wound quickly at home. Is it worth using iodine to heal wounds on the face. Creams and ointments on a natural basis

The speed at which a wound heals depends on a number of factors. The type and extent of the wound are key factors. However physical state patient, cleansing and wound treatment also play important role in the speed of healing.

Stages of healing

The wound heals in three stages. The inflammatory phase occurs immediately after the injury and usually lasts about two to five days, depending on the severity and treatment. The proliferative stage is when new cells (fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and pericytes) begin to grow and replace damaged tissue cells. The reconstruction stage is the final stage of healing, when the skin tissues are gradually replaced by new, more elastic and healthy cells skin.

Cleansing open wounds

It is very important to properly clean open wounds to prevent infection and promote rapid healing. The use of soap and water is a good start, but try to keep the soap away from the wound itself, as it can cause irritation. Before applying an antiseptic or dressing, remove visible debris from the wound.

How to smear an open wound to heal faster?

Antiseptics, herbs and essential oils. Applying an antiseptic agent, such as alcohol, to an open wound is always beneficial. However, there are a number of other antiseptics, which are useful in preventing infection and promoting healing. Aloe Vera (gel or Fresh Juice) is commonly used for wounds. Oil tea tree and clove oil are known to have antiseptic properties.

Immobilization, bandaging and fresh air

It is important to keep the tissues immobilized in order to maximize the rate of healing, although this may be difficult depending on the location of the open wound. It would be a good idea to put a bandage on the open wound after cleaning to protect it. Wounds tend to heal faster in the open air, so it is best to remove the dressing when the wound has advanced sufficiently into the proliferative stage.

The skin is the largest organ human body. When the skin is cut, complex biochemical processes begin to occur in the body, aimed at restoring tissues. Treatment of cuts with natural herbal antiseptics and ointments can speed up the healing process and reduce the chance of scarring. In this article, we will tell you how to clean and treat cuts.


Part 1

Cleaning the wound

    Wash the wound with mild soap and water. Substitute the cut under the stream warm water, then apply just a little mild soap to the affected area. Very gently pat the area around the wound, then rinse off the soap warm water. This will help you remove any dirt that can cause an infection.

    Stop bleeding. If the wound is still bleeding after you have washed it, put sterile gauze (bandage) on it and press it down (without fanaticism). It is not necessary to rub the wound with this, otherwise it will open. Once the bleeding has stopped, the gauze can be removed. After that, put a bandage on the cut, again, in the form of gauze or bandage (the main thing is that they are sterile).

    If possible, rinse the wound again with saline to clean it and prevent infection. Use 0.9% saline solution. Saline solution in this regard is the safest option. Saline solution is a 0.9% saline solution, called isotonic, because the salt concentration in it is similar to the salt concentration in the blood. Use saline solution every time you need to clean the wound.

    Do not use hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Although hydrogen peroxide is commonly recommended for wound care, it is actually not very effective at killing bacteria. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide slows down the healing process and irritates the wound. Iodine also irritates cuts.

    • For washing wounds, it is better to use clean water or saline solution.

    Part 2

    Wound treatment
    1. Use an ointment containing colloidal silver. Silver is a natural antimicrobial agent and has been used since ancient times. An ointment containing 0.5%-1% colloidal silver will reduce the risk of infection. You can buy this ointment in most pharmacies.

      Use a natural antiseptic. Some herbs are natural antimicrobial agents that prevent cuts from infection. Some herbal remedies may interact with other medicines, so check with your doctor or pharmacist before using them.

      Use aloe to treat minor cuts. Apply aloe vera gel to a shallow wound several times a day. However, if you have deep wound, do not use this remedy because it slows down healing.

      • Aloe reduces inflammation and moisturizes the wound.
      • IN rare cases observed allergic reaction on aloe vera. If your skin becomes red or irritated, stop using aloe and see your doctor.
    2. Use honey. Honey has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Look for Manuka honey, which is the best variety honey to heal wounds.

      Protect the cut. After applying to the wound remedy Put a bandage on the cut and fix it with a band-aid. Use a sterile bandage or gauze as a bandage. Protect the cut until the wound heals.

    Part 3

    Fast healing

      Eat more protein foods and vitamins. You can speed up wound healing by increasing your intake of protein and skin regenerating vitamins, especially vitamins A and C. Zinc has a positive effect on wound healing. If you are not getting enough nutrients the healing process will slow down. Include in your diet following products:

      Use witch hazel to relieve wound inflammation. Witch hazel is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce inflammation and reduce redness (when the wound heals). Apply witch hazel to the cut with a clean cotton swab.

      • Witch hazel can be bought at a pharmacy.
    1. Drink plenty of water. Drink by at least 250 ml of water or soft drinks (no caffeine!) every two hours. This will replace the fluid lost by the body through sweating (if you have heat) or bleeding. Dehydration can cause the following complications:

      • dry skin;
      • headache;
      • muscle spasms;
      • low blood pressure.
    2. Do some light exercise. This will increase the body's resistance to infection, reduce inflammation and speed up healing. But do not load the part of the body where the cut is located. Exercise at least three times a week for 30-45 minutes. Check with your doctor if they will benefit you physical exercise. Here is a list of easy exercise low intensity:

      • walking;
      • yoga;
      • work with light weights;
      • cycling (at a speed of 8–14 km/h);
      • swimming.
    3. Use ice if swelling or inflammation persists or is uncomfortable. cold temperature relieve pain and stop bleeding.

      • Wet a towel and place it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
      • Put the frozen towel in the bag and apply it to the wound.
      • Do not apply ice to open or infected wounds.
      • Do not apply ice to the skin, so as not to damage it.
    4. Use a humidifier. Moist environment speeds up wound healing. Use a humidifier to increase humidity environment and prevent drying and cracking of the skin. Make sure the humidifier is clean to avoid spreading bacteria and infecting the wound.

      • If the humidity level is too high, mold and mites can grow.
      • If the humidity level is too low, your skin will dry out and your throat and nose will become irritated.
      • Measure air humidity with a hygrostat, which can be purchased at hardware or specialty stores.

    Part 4

    Handling severe cases
    1. Determine how deep the cut is. Take a close look at the wound to assess if you need to see a doctor or if you can treat it at home. If the cut is very deep, see a doctor. If the wound is severe, stitches may be needed. Contact the emergency room if the following symptoms are present:

      Stop bleeding. Regardless of the depth of the cut, the first step is to stop the bleeding. Apply a sterile bandage to the wound and hold it until the bleeding stops. Once you stop the bleeding, the wound can continue to be treated.

      • Don't press too hard. If you press too hard, you can only exacerbate the problem.
      • If blood seeps through the bandage, put another one on top to soak up the blood.
      • See a doctor if bleeding is too much and cannot be stopped with pressure.
    2. Use a tourniquet only in very serious cases. Use it only when you are losing an alarming amount of blood. Incorrect application of the tourniquet can lead to serious damage to the limbs and it can even lead to amputation.

    • Do not remove scabs. They should fall off naturally.
    • Try to moisturize the skin around the wound, as dry skin will cause the scabs to flake off, preventing healing from being effective (may result in scarring).
    • Use Vaseline if possible.
    • Do not touch the wound too often to speed up its healing.
    • Do not use scented ointments or products that contain chemical substances. A face or body cream is not suitable for wound healing.
    • Before use natural remedies, test them on an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin to make sure there is no allergy.


    • If you have a severe cut or burn, do not use the methods in this article and seek immediate medical attention.
    • Protect the cut from exposure sun rays, as scars may form (especially if the cut is exposed to the sun for more than 10 minutes).

Depending on the severity of the injury, we are often interested in the question of how to quickly heal the wound. No one is immune from injuries and abrasions. A housewife may accidentally injure her hand while preparing dinner. Trying to drive a nail into a wall can result in a finger injury. Separate categories people are constantly at risk. These are athletes, children, teenagers. If you have received any kind of damage, it must first of all be properly treated, and we will talk about how to quickly heal the wound.

How to properly treat wounds

In order for the wound healing process to go faster, they need to be properly treated. However, not all of them can be treated at home; serious wounds should only be treated by doctors.

Smaller ones can be dealt with on their own. First of all, you need to carefully remove dead tissue and dirt, and in no case should you touch the skin in the wound area with your hands.

With or serious cuts, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to process them correctly and, if necessary, sew up the damage. If it is not possible to apply for professional help, you need to lubricate the skin directly adjacent to the damaged surface with brilliant green or iodine, and then bandage it. It is important to remember that after a couple of hours the bandage needs to be changed.

Prompt healing of wounds is promoted by their correct treatment. Therefore, in home first aid kit you should always keep bandages, tweezers, and antiseptic solutions. Bandaging of the damaged part of the body must be done several times a day. Depending on the type of injury used different means for their processing.

Ointments and gels for wound treatment

To wash the damaged area, you should use furacilin or hydrogen peroxide. But if inflammation has begun, you will have to see a doctor. If the wound heals, you need to continue its treatment. Available in pharmacies special preparations. They don't have any harmful substances, they provide normal regeneration of damaged tissues.

If the wound is still wet, then the ointment for treatment will not work. Ointments with fatty components lead to the formation of a crust that prevents the tissues from breathing. Gel (jelly), unlike ointment, helps to ensure that the inflammation in the wound gradually disappears, and it becomes dry. Only after that you can use the ointment. For wound healing, it is advisable to choose the same medicines, but in a different form of release.

After drying the wound and starting to apply the ointment, the healing process will go faster, since a protective film will form. It is very useful to apply a bandage not immediately, but some time after applying the drug.

Medicines for rapid wound healing

Today, pharmacies sell a lot of products that contribute to the rapid healing of various kinds of damage. Many preparations contain vitamins and provitamins, for example:

  • retinol acetate;
  • dexpanthenol.

Modern medications presented different forms: ointments, creams, gels or lotions. For the treatment of wet wounds, medicines in the form of an ointment are not suitable. If the drug contains methyluracil, then it can be used to relieve the inflammatory process. Such products are not available in the form of a gel, and they are suitable only for the treatment of dry wounds.

It is worth paying attention to the drug Eplan. This tool is considered universal, it is suitable for the treatment of many types of skin damage. Eplan can heal burns, dermatitis, ulcers. The drug has pronounced antibacterial properties and effective against microbes. It allows you to treat even fresh wounds. True, if the wound bleeds, you can not use this remedy.

Not bad proved Solcoseryl. It is available in the form of ointment and jelly. Solcoseryl is intended for effective healing wounds. The drug has antimicrobial action and also promotes tissue regeneration. To speed up wound healing, it is necessary to apply the drug several times a day.

What does traditional medicine offer

Traditional medicine has an extensive arsenal of tools that ensure the rapid healing of mild and moderate wounds.

To treat wounds at home, you can use the resin of coniferous trees (resin). To prepare a remedy based on resin, the resin must be collected in the spring. When the resin is collected, the wound healing preparation can be prepared as follows:

  1. Melt the resin.
  2. Mix it in a 1:1 ratio with butter.
  3. Add 0.5 liters of fresh milk (better than country milk).
  4. Mix the mixture in a blender.

The resulting remedy should be applied to the wound several times a day. After a few days, there will be no trace of damage.

If the wound does not heal for a long time, celandine and burdock can be used. Based on them, it is easy to prepare an ointment at home:

  1. Take the root part of celandine and burdock, 30 and 20 grams, respectively.
  2. Fill the roots sunflower oil(100 ml) and then boil for 15 minutes on low heat.

If you lubricate the wounds with this remedy several times a day, they will quickly heal. With poor healing of a wound or ulcer, it is advised to sprinkle it with powder, which is prepared from willow bark. It can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. Willow - very useful plant. Substances contained in its bark have hemostatic, antiseptic and wound healing properties. This remedy can also be used in the treatment of a feverish condition.

Promotes the healing of fresh wounds and nettle. You can use both a fresh plant and a special tincture from it. For this they take fresh leaves nettles, placed in a 0.5 liter bottle and filled with alcohol with a strength of 70%. The remedy should be infused for a week, after which it is filtered. It is recommended to wash the wounds with it before applying the bandage.

Yarrow is also used to treat wounds. The substances that make up this plant help the blood to clot. Plus, yarrow has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In folk medicine, both juice and crushed parts of the plant are used.

The classic means of providing operational assistance when injured, plantain is considered. Plantain leaves should be chewed or crushed and applied to the wound. Plantain juice disinfects the damaged surface and stops bleeding.

About the benefits of sea buckthorn oil, aloe and beets

Sea buckthorn oil has long been used to heal wounds. It treats not only cut or lacerations but also burns. Today it the best remedy, which allows you to treat a variety of injuries. Modern pharmaceutical companies often used sea ​​buckthorn oil. On its basis, ointment and spray are produced.

No less effective and aloe. Aloe-based ointment promotes the healing of an inflamed wound. Used for wound care beetroot juice. A swab is moistened in it and pressed to a sore spot.

If the wound cannot be dealt with on its own and it begins to inflame, you should consult a doctor.

  • Interesting! Abrasions occur due to blows with blunt objects, when falling. The top layer of the skin, called the epidermis, is damaged. First, a red spot appears on the affected area (it can bleed, swell).

    When an abrasion occurs, it is necessary to carry out treatment, stop bleeding, if any. Unpleasant pain in case of injury - burning, itching. At heavy bleeding body temperature may rise.

    Stages of treatment of abrasions

    The severity is determined by the depth of the damage. Symptoms of abrasions are manifested in bleeding (the abundance depends on the severity of the injury), pain and burning at the site of injury. When the violation skin insignificantly, you can eliminate it at home by resorting to the help special means. But if you have some symptoms, you need to seek medical help:

    • the site of injury bleeds heavily, the bleeding does not stop;
    • increased local or general temperature, suppuration is formed;
    • the abrasion is contaminated, there is a risk of infection in the wound. The results of contamination can be dangerous, possibly blood poisoning.

    Treatment at home

    Treatment of abrasions on the face at home begins with washing the affected area. If the wound is not too dirty, then it is enough to rinse it with running clean water. When the pollution is strong, without antiseptic solution indispensable (3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 2% solution boric acid, potassium permanganate solution, Chlorhexidine, Dekasan).

    Important! If pharmacy antiseptics are not at hand, you can use ordinary soap. To avoid a burn, you can not treat the entire wound with iodine, brilliant green.

    Further treatment plan for abrasions:

    1. After treatment, apply a bandage to the wound. It will protect against new pollution and stop bleeding. Be sure to use a sterile bandage for dressing.
    2. The patch is not suitable in this situation; ointments cannot be used at this stage of eliminating abrasions. The wound must be left open, then it will heal faster.
    3. Carry out regularly antiseptic treatment- Chlorhexidine or Decasan.
    4. The bactericidal patch can be used after a few days. But it must be constantly changed to a new one, removed in time, left open for a while.

    Important! Various special antibacterial ointments, which are sold in pharmacies, can only be used if the abrasion does not heal well for several days, and after a doctor's examination.

    Features of the treatment of abrasions on the face

    Home treatment of abrasions on the face requires special attention and care. After all, the face is a vulnerable place. In addition to the fact that the wound hurts, it also looks unaesthetic. The thing is that in this area there are many nerve endings and vessels. Vessels are located right at the surface of the skin and bruises develop quickly when damaged. So if you get a minimal injury, you should immediately start treatment.

    Effective and popular folk remedies:

    • cut off the fleshy aloe juice and squeeze the juice out of it, make lotions several times a day for 10 minutes throughout the week;
    • twist plantain leaves in a meat grinder and mix with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 5, ready mix apply 3 times a day.

    If you need to quickly remove abrasions on your face, then the first thing to do:

    • treat with hydrogen peroxide;
    • rinse with an antiseptic;
    • treat the edges of the wound with green paint.

    First health care standard, we wrote about it in detail: wash the wound with an antiseptic, stop the bleeding. For the face, ointments that accelerate healing are a must. Are applied medicinal formulations several times a day.

    Ointments for the treatment of abrasions

    Levomekol heals well skin lesions. The tool has antiseptic properties. Contains an antibiotic, promotes skin healing, it is used not only for abrasions. He helps with festering wounds ah, boils. Levomekol eliminates pathogenic microflora, treats inflammation and swelling. A thin layer of ointment is applied to the damaged area, covering with a sterile cloth.

    Solcoseryl is used externally for various skin lesions. There are two types of composition - jelly and ointment.

    The first is used immediately after the appearance of an abrasion to dry and degrease the skin. The ointment is used at the final stage of the treatment of abrasions, it creates a protective layer that accelerates healing. It is prescribed for burns, heals scratches and cuts. It is necessary to apply the composition only when the wound has dried up. Before use, treat the wound with a bactericidal agent.

    Actovegin. Used to heal different types wounds and eliminate inflammation, it also heals burns. When the damage is serious, 20% Actovegin is applied, after which a five percent composition is used.

    Rescuer. It is considered an anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces pain, quickly heals the skin. Helps with scratches, burns and frostbite. Eliminates inflammation, calluses and bruises. Removes itching from insect bites.

    Bepanten. Treats minor skin lesions, including abrasions. There are no contraindications, it is used in the treatment of abrasions in children. Do not use Bepanten at the same time as similar drugs.

    Ointment with arnica. Has anti-inflammatory effect, heals damaged tissue. Reduces pain. Treats, in addition to abrasions, other skin lesions. Promotes resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages. Do not use if the wound is heavily contaminated. It is forbidden to lubricate large surfaces of the skin.

    What folk recipes will help

    At traditional medicine there are answers to the question of what home treatment to carry out with abrasions on the face. We advise you to pay attention to the pleasant smell and very effective lavender oil. It will help stop bleeding, will promote the speedy healing of the wound.

    Cayenne pepper will also stop bleeding. True, you need to take it in a minimal amount, apply it to the wound. To stop the growth of bacteria in an open wound, traditional medicine recommends tea tree oil or natural honey.

    Oil balms of any form are great for speedy healing of injuries. Also in the treatment, you can actively use chopped needles, butter(only natural, with a fat content of 85% or more).

    Traditional medicine methods will accelerate healing, but the first treatment of abrasions is carried out with materials that are quite familiar to each person. We need antiseptics, iodine or brilliant green, bandages, as well as attentiveness and caution.

    Ointments for wound healing should always be in the first-aid kit, because it is very easy to damage the skin. A cut from a shave, an abrasion from a fall on the pavement, or a deep scratch from playing with a pet. pet cat, can easily become the entrance gate for infection and lead to suppuration and other unpleasant consequences.

    The use of external agents with a healing effect will help the wounds heal faster and prevent penetration pathogenic bacteria into the body. The best wound healing ointment should combine antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating properties.

    Any wounds associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin must first be cleaned of contaminants, stop bleeding, disinfect with any antiseptic agents (, iodine), and only after that apply ointments with a healing effect.

    They are applied to the injured surface (abrasions, scratches), then applied on top sterile dressing. This treatment avoids the penetration of infection and the development of complications, helps to speed up the processes of tissue regeneration and prevent the formation of scars in the area of ​​damage.

    Ointment for healing wounds on the skin is used for the following injuries:

    • cuts, scratches, open and purulent wounds;
    • various types;
    • damage caused by skin diseases;
    • excessive dryness, cracks in the skin;
    • trophic ulcers.

    External agents with a healing effect are widely used in postoperative period and is used as a prevention of the formation of scars and scars.

    Ointment for healing open wounds

    Open wounds on the skin begin to be treated with healing ointments after the tissues dry out slightly after applying antiseptics. Medicines for treatment open wounds should combine antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and promote accelerated recovery skin cover.

    Most often, these are ointments containing an antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic component. Popular remedies for treating open wounds:


    Ointment for fast healing wounds based on deproteinized dialysate isolated from the blood of dairy calves. The drug activates metabolic processes in the epidermis, improves tissue trophism, enhances the production of collagen fibers and accelerates cell regeneration and restoration.

    The drug can be used to heal trophic ulcers on the legs, as well as in the treatment of various wounds - from bedsores to burns. The agent is used twice a day, applied in a thin layer on a previously cleaned wound (under a bandage). In addition, Solcoseryl can be used for accelerated healing cracks on the hands and small wounds on the face. The price of the drug is from 200 rubles.

    Ointment for healing wounds and cracks, deep cuts, scratches, burns and other damage to the skin. The healing properties of the drug are provided by almost the same components from the blood of young calves, which form the basis of the previous drug.

    Like Solcoseryl, this agent activates tissue regeneration, normalizes the course of metabolic processes in tissues and promotes their accelerated recovery in case of various injuries (wounds, cuts, burns, trophic ulcers). Restriction to use is individual intolerance to the components, edema, heart failure. average cost drug - from 100 rubles.

    Bepanten (Panthenol, Dexpanthenol).

    Preparations based on active ingredient- dexpanthenol has a pronounced regenerating, softening and some anti-inflammatory effect. They are used to treat abrasions, scratches, open and weeping wounds and other damage to the skin (from diaper rash to chronic ulcers).

    These are completely safe remedies that are used even in newborns and pregnant women. Ointments based on dexpanthenol can be applied long time because they are not addictive and other side effects. The average cost of Bepanten is from 250 rubles.


    Cream for wound healing with analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and regenerating action. The drug not only effectively eliminates pain, but also perfectly disinfects wounds, preventing the attachment of a bacterial infection.

    Moreover, this medication is effective both against bacteria and against some strains of pathogenic fungi. The cream does not contain antibiotics or hormones, so it can be used even by pregnant women and children to treat open wounds and burns. The average price is 230 rubles.

    Silver ointment with healing, bactericidal and antiseptic action. Silver particles protect the surface of the wound from infection, exhibit a powerful antibacterial effect, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

    Due to the hydrophilic base, the ointment has a moisturizing effect, reduces the severity pain and speeds up the wound healing process. Argosulfan is recommended for use in the treatment household injuries(cuts, scratches), burns various origins and other skin lesions caused by comorbidities (diabetes, dermatitis, varicose disease, eczema). The price of the ointment is from 300 rubles.

    Another popular silver-based drug is Sulfargin ointment, which is recommended for the treatment of wounds and burns in children and adults. In addition, in the list the best ointments for wound healing there are drugs such as Rescuer cream, zinc ointment, calendula ointment or aloe liniment based on natural plant ingredients with healing properties.

    Preparations for the healing of purulent wounds

    The combined ointment with the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methiuracil actively fights against a wide range pathogens and helps to clean wounds from purulent-necrotic masses. Indications for the use of the ointment are any purulent inflammatory processes on the skin.

    Levomekol does not allow the infection to spread to others healthy tissue, helps to reduce swelling, inflammation and accelerates the restoration of skin cells. The drug is absolutely non-toxic, but during pregnancy should be used as directed by a doctor.

    A contraindication to the use of ointment is hypersensitivity to the components childhood(up to 3 years), psoriasis and fungal infections skin. The average price of Levomekol is from 120 rubles.


    Means for healing wounds and preventing purulent complications based on a combination of antibiotics (neomycin and bacitracin). The drug is used to treat purulent wounds, long-term healing abrasions, cuts, burns, as well as skin lesions with inflammatory diseases dermis (eczema, dermatitis).

    The ointment should be applied to the wound in a thin layer up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment takes an average of 7 days. The price of Baneocin is from 350 rubles.

    Vishnevsky ointment

    It is intended for the treatment of festering wounds. The drug is applied to an open wound under a bandage, which is changed every 10-12 hours. The ointment quickly draws out the pus and cleans the surface of the wound.

    The principle of action of the drug is based on improving the process of blood circulation in the problem area, due to which the removal of necrotic contents occurs. Additionally, the ointment has an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect, exhibits antiseptic and wound healing properties. Price - from 40 rubles.

    Provides bactericidal and analgesic effect, promotes the speedy cleansing of the wound from purulent contents, has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

    In addition, the drug speeds up metabolic processes and helps speedy recovery and skin regeneration. At purulent complications enough to apply ichthyol ointment on an open wound and cover it with a bandage, which should be changed twice a day. Improvement in the condition of the wound is noted within 24 hours from the start of the drug. The cost of the ointment is from 60 rubles.

    In addition to the above drugs, the doctor may prescribe synthomycin, tetracycline, methyluracil ointments and other external agents with an antibacterial component for the treatment of purulent wounds.

    Ointment for wound healing after surgery

    The choice of the drug for wound healing in the postoperative period is carried out by the attending physician. These can be agents with an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory component, ointments Solcoseryl, Actovegin and their analogues, as well as medicines based on dexpanthenol, which improve tissue regeneration and repair.

    Zinc-based ointments have good healing properties, they quickly dry weeping wounds and accelerate tissue repair.

    For processing postoperative sutures Levomekol, Baneocin ointment is used, Alfogin ointment based on chlorophyll or preparations with silver ions (Agrosulfan, Sulfargin) is well suited for the treatment of bedsores. For healing postoperative wounds in gynecology, an ointment with methyluracil or safe drugs based on plant components (aloe, calendula).

    For resorption of scars and scars left after surgical intervention, Dermatix silicone gel is suitable. It contains organic and inorganic silicon compounds that prevent the growth of keloid tissues that form a scar and support water balance in the skin, so that it is constantly moisturized and soft.

    Dermatix is ​​intended for the treatment of fresh postoperative scars formed immediately after wound healing. Apply it to the surface of the scar in a very thin layer so that after complete absorption the skin remains dry. If used too a large number of gel, it will not be completely absorbed and its excess will leave stubborn stains on clothes.

    When using Dermatix, it should be borne in mind that the gel does not have anti-inflammatory or antiseptic action. The cost of this tool cannot be called budgetary, you will have to pay about 2800 rubles for a package of gel with a volume of 15 g.

    It's quite affordable option who will help. Its main component, sodium heparin, has pronounced anticoagulant and analgesic properties and promotes scar resorption. The drug should be used immediately after wound healing. Its cost is from 55 rubles.

    Ointment for healing wounds and cracks

    Such products do not contain potent components - hormones, antibiotics, but have softening and healing properties, which helps to treat minor skin lesions - cracks in the corners of the lips, on the palms and feet, abrasions and scratches. The basis of ointments are nourishing, softening and moisturizing components, as well as vitamin complexes.

    Balm "Ambulance"

    Phytocream designed for healing cracks in the heels and feet and superficial wounds. Contains extracts of aloe, hops, calendula, steppe herbs and tea tree, olive and sea buckthorn oils. It has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, normalizes cellular metabolism and stimulates the regeneration of the skin.

    It's quite safe remedy which can be used in pregnant women and children. The only contraindication is intolerance to one of the components. It is necessary to apply the cream on cracks and wounds, without rubbing, up to three times a day. The cost of the drug - from 150 rubles.


    Ointment for nourishing and softening the skin based on vitamin A. Stimulates regeneration processes and accelerates the healing of minor skin lesions (cracks, abrasions), thermal burns. It can be used to heal minor erosions and the effects of seborrheic dermatitis.


    Ointment for the treatment of abrasions, fresh cuts and minor burns. It is often used to treat diaper rash in infants and elimination skin symptoms allergies. The advantage of the drug is its safety.

    The softening, nourishing and restoring properties of the ointment make it possible to use it during pregnancy, as well as for the treatment of nipple cracks during breastfeeding. The drug should be applied to a previously dried and washed wound surface. The ointment is used under a bandage or left to dry on the wound for 20 minutes (if the bandage is not used).

    For the healing of wounds and abrasions in children, doctors recommend keeping the following drugs in the medicine cabinet:

    • Bepanthen;
    • Eplan;
    • Panthenol;
    • Olazol;
    • Sulfargin;
    • Ointment with calendula;
    • Radevit;
    • Rescuer;

    In the treatment of extensive lesions of the skin or purulent wounds, preparations for external treatment should be selected by the attending physician.