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The best healing ointment for open wounds. Modern ointments for the rapid healing of wounds and abrasions

Healing ointment for open wounds applies not only to fast healing but also to eliminate a cosmetic defect. Wounds are frequent occurrence in the life of every person. They can appear in the form of cuts, abrasions, after small or major operations.

Healing ointment for effective treatment open wounds

Any wound is damage to the integrity of the skin. Open injuries go through three stages of healing. At first, the wound should heal itself.

This is followed by an inflammatory process. Depending on how well the self-purification went, the inflammatory process can be more or less pronounced. Final stage– granulation and wound healing.

The main criterion for choosing funds is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. It is important that the composition dries the skin, disinfects the surface and promotes tissue regeneration.

The most effective for open wounds showed ointments containing antibiotics:

  • Levomekol. Healing ointment for open wounds, able to penetrate to the focus of infection, has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ichthyol ointment. It has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Eliminates itching, accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. Despite the unpleasant smell, it was highly appreciated for its antiseptic properties. Suitable for application to open wounds in case of purulent processes.
  • Metirulacil. Has a strong analgesic effect.
  • D-panthenol. One of the most common types of ointments. It has a high content of vitamins, promotes skin regeneration.
  • Solcoseryl. Contains a natural biological component that promotes collagen synthesis.
  • Baneocin. Deserved popularity due to high efficiency. It contains 2 types of antibiotics.
  • Method of application and permissible dosages

    Each ointment or cream for healing cuts has its own characteristics in terms of application method and terms of use. It is important to strictly observe the dosage and not exceed the allowable period of use of drugs. This is due to the fact that many ointments contain strong antiseptic components and antibiotics.

    Levomekol ointment is applied only on the cleaned surface with a thin layer. When using it for open wounds, it is allowed to use the ointment in the form of a compress on a sterile napkin. Multiplicity of applications from 2 times, depending on the complexity of the situation. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 14 days.

    Ichthyol ointment can be used in two ways. In the first case, it is applied to the damaged area and rubbed until a feeling of warmth appears. In the second - the ointment is applied in a thin layer and closed with a napkin. Bandages are changed daily. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

    Vishnevsky's ointment is applied to open wounds in a loose layer, so that the entire damaged surface is filled. Dressings are carried out 2-3 times a day.

    Metirulacil is applied to the damaged area 1-2 times a day. To enhance the action, it allows the use of film or compress paper. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. After that, you should take a break for 10 days and then repeat the course if necessary.

    Cream or ointment D-Panthenol can be used several times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. In the treatment of breast cracks, the ointment is applied after each feeding of the child.

    Solcoseryl cream or ointment is applied 1 to 3 times a day. It allows application under a bandage. The duration of treatment depends on the complete healing of the wound and the appearance of scar tissue. After that, it is recommended to use preparations for resorption of scars.

    Baneocin is applied to damaged areas of the skin from 2 to 4 times, depending on the form of the drug. The main requirement is not to exceed the maximum allowable dosage active substance. It is 1 gram per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

    We act on the resulting abrasions

    Abrasions are the type of injury that occurs most often, especially in childhood. So that they do not cause trouble, it is important to apply the healing composition in time.

    It will relieve inflammation, disinfect the surface, heal microcracks on the skin.

    Thanks to the action of the ointment, infection of the deeper layers of the skin will be prevented, and the formation of a scar or scar after the skin has healed:

  • Balm Rescuer. This tool is one of the most popular for the treatment of minor abrasions, wounds and burns. It contains in its composition sea ​​buckthorn oil, Components beeswax and others active ingredients. Through the action of the Savior passes pain syndrome, the skin is soothed. It promotes wound healing. The main advantage of the tool is its safety. The rescuer is suitable for use in early childhood, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • The keeper. Created on the basis of propolis, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, lavender oils. The composition contains vitamin E. The remedy is an analogue of the Rescuer balm. Suitable for the treatment of bruises, abrasions, small wounds, cuts, skin diaper rash. It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.
  • Cream D-Panthenol. The tool is an analogue of Bepanten. Suitable for healing the skin, eliminating inflammation and dryness. showed high efficiency with dermatitis, burns, damage to the integrity of the epidermis. It is actively used in gynecology.
  • In the treatment of abrasions, agents are used that do not contain topical antibiotics and hormonal substances. The main task of creams and ointments is a local anti-inflammatory effect and tissue regeneration.

    Best Cut Remedies

    A cut is a very unpleasant form of damage to the skin. Often small in length, it may differ in depth. As a result of constant movement, the skin diverges, which contributes to the slow healing of the wound.

    For treatment deep cuts it is necessary to use products that will promote skin regeneration. Medical glue BF-6 showed high efficiency for this type of damage.

    Glue is applied in a thin layer to the wound. As a result, a thin film is formed that does not get wet in water. This allows the patient to usual image life without worrying about bacteria getting into the wound. Glue is actively used in surgery and dentistry. He doesn't call allergic reaction and promotes rapid wound healing.

    The action of the glue is based on the seamless connection of the skin. Under the action of glue, the code shrinks. Thanks to the antiseptic and disinfecting properties in the wound, the inflammatory process stops. Complete healing occurs within 3-4 days.

    In addition to medical glue positive reviews in the treatment of cuts, Streptocid ointment was deserved. It has an antiseptic effect. Balm Rescuer will relieve pain, disinfect the wound and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

    Apollo gel also showed high efficiency. It contains miramistin and anicolain, which provides it with high antiseptic and analgesic properties. Ointments and gels for the treatment of cuts require the application of a sterile dressing to the wound and its constant replacement.

    Video Effective and fast-acting ointments

    Wounds appear very often. Sometimes they occur in inconvenient places, where they need to heal as quickly as possible. In such a situation, you must use a proven tool. There are a number of remedies that have shown high effectiveness for the treatment of various kinds of injuries.

    They have a wide range of action and give instant results:

  • Baneocin. In the pharmacy can be found in the form of an ointment or powder. The powder form is most effective for primary skin damage. The presence of corn starch allows you to create a protective crust on the wound. Antibiotics protect against infection. After the appearance of a protective layer of the skin, Baneocin ointment is used. It contains 2 types of antibiotic and lanolin. This combination prevents cracking of the crust on the wound and the penetration of microbes. The product is suitable for treatment for a long time non-healing wounds, boils, umbilical wound and other types of skin damage.
  • Eplan. The tool received the title of universal due to the wide scope. It has a strong anti-infective effect. Eplan has an analgesic effect and significantly reduces the recovery time of the skin. The product is suitable for use on different stages healing, burns varying degrees severity, frostbite, eczema, herpes. Eplan received wide use through release forms.
  • Use of Lokoid ointment

    Lokoid is a drug hormonal basis. Its main task is the treatment of superficial uninfected skin diseases. He showed the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

    Most people who have used the remedy note that Lokoid quickly relieves itching, reduces swelling, and helps to eliminate the inflammatory process on the skin.

    The drug should not be applied to the skin where there are open wounds or scratches.

    This drug available in the form of ointment and cream, involves the use in childhood after 6 months. He was highly acclaimed for effective removal itching, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

    This cream is prescribed only for damage to the upper layers of the skin, since it does not have a serious cumulative effect and does not work if the infection goes into the deep layers of the dermis.

    It should be noted that this drug is not suitable for the treatment of open skin lesions.
    It is indicated for psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, seborrhea.

    Remedies for weeping wounds

    A weeping wound differs from other types of skin lesions in its appearance. The tissues are not only injured, but blood or ichor is constantly released at the site of the wound. The presence of an infiltrate makes the surface of the wound constantly wet.

    Such wounds appear most often as a result of thermal, chemical or sunburn. They can be the result of bedsores in bedridden patients, inflammation of the skin, calluses or corns. The causes of weeping wounds include torn skin or an open cut.

    When treating weeping wounds, the first task is to clean and dry the surface. Isolation of the ichor is a positive thing. It allows bacteria to come to the surface, but at the same time it is a big risk for infection.

    For this reason, the wound is cleaned with antiseptic compounds and dried. After that, a healing composition is used, it should be noted that it is forbidden to use a cream for a weeping wound.

    Only gel or ointment is allowed.

    Wound healing ointments:

  • Gel Fusidin. This tool belongs to the category of bacteriostatic antibiotics. Suitable for the treatment of weeping wounds, burns, furunculosis, purulent diseases. Removes swelling of tissues, reduces inflammation, heals tissues.
  • Ointment Levosin. The product is suitable for external use only. The main action is antibacterial, anesthetic. The main contraindication to this remedy is individual sensitivity. The ointment can be used during pregnancy and lactation under the supervision of a physician.
  • Solcoseryl gel. The product is easy to absorb. It does not create a film on the surface of the wound. Thanks to the action of Solcoseryl, the wound dries quickly, clears purulent formations. The composition of the gel activates the regenerative functions of the skin, which promotes rapid healing.
  • In addition to the listed ointments and gels, there are other drugs on sale. Only the attending physician can prescribe the most suitable one. Practicing surgeons highly appreciated Levomikol ointment for its effectiveness.

    Postoperative ointments and creams

    IN postoperative period it is necessary to pay special attention to the process of regeneration and tissue repair. It is necessary to remove a possible inflammatory process, to prevent the ingress pathogenic bacteria to the seam area.

    At normal condition body, the postoperative suture is pulled together quickly enough.

    The entire recovery period can be divided into several stages:

  • Formation of a collagen layer. It is necessary to strengthen the scar and eliminate the skin defect.
  • The transition of the epithelial layer of the skin throughout the wound. Already 5 days after the operation, tissue functions are restored if no infection gets into it.
  • Contraction of skin tissues. The final stage of recovery, when the entire wound shrinks and heals.
  • In order for these stages to pass faster, it is necessary to use ointments and creams.

    Depending on the complexity of the seam, they are divided into two categories:

  • For shallow, superficial seams. Means with a simple composition are used. Their main task is to soften and dissolve the scar.
  • For deep seams. Hormonal compounds are used.
  • In addition, all ointments contain vitamins, essential oils, minerals that act in an anti-inflammatory way and contribute to the clarification of the scar:

  • Ointment Stellanin belongs to the category of a new generation. It promotes rapid healing, removal of inflammatory processes.
  • Levomekol. This ointment is well known. It belongs to the accessible category. Suitable for use after stitches have been removed. It is distinguished by bactericidal action.
  • Dioxysol. This drug has shown effectiveness in the treatment of inflamed sutures, with abscess, paraproctitis, purulent sutures and fistulas. The composition of the product includes lidocaine, so Dioxizol has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an anesthetic effect.
  • Bepanthen-cream. Suitable not only for healing scars, but also for other types of wounds. It activates regenerative processes in tissues, which contributes to rapid healing.
  • Real customer reviews

    The greatest efficiency, according to patients, was shown by publicly available healing ointments for wounds, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, for small abrasions, diaper rash, shallow skin lesions, burns, D-Panthenol ointment or its analogue Bepanten turned out to be the most in demand.

    They have antiseptic properties, soothe the skin, relieve irritation. These ointments are suitable for use in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation. Balm Rescuer is also good for treating burns, cuts, open wounds. He deserved positive reviews due to the natural composition.

    Ointments are popular remedies for the treatment of skin diseases. They are applied mainly to the affected areas of the skin and are applied in courses.

    They can be divided into:

  • Hormonal for extreme severe skin diseases. They have noticeable side effects, they are used strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Non-hormonal usually prescribed in the first place, designed to deal with lesions of mild to moderate severity, if they have side effects, then minor.
  • List of ointments
    • Naftader. Application: atopic dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, burn, ulcer and arthralgia. Action: antiseptic, anesthetizes. Price in rubles: 400-500.
    • Protopic is an ointment for the treatment of the following skin diseases: atopic childhood dermatitis, strong anti-inflammatory effect. Does not provoke skin atrophy, it is allowed to use for children from 2 years. Price: 1500 - 1600 rubles.
    • Losterin. Cream. Application: dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. Action: strong resolving, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipruritic. Price in rubles: 320-450.

    • Radevit. Ointment. Application: eczema, cracks, skin erosion, diffuse neurodermatitis. Action: reparative (restoring), anti-inflammatory, softening. It costs 320 rubles.
    • Solcoseryl (Actovegin) is a universal ointment for skin diseases. Application: difficult to heal wounds, abrasions, burns, dermatitis. Also, the drug activates regenerative and reparative (restoring) processes in the body. Price in rubles: 180 - 300 rubles.
    • Exoderil. Cream. Indications: fungus, skin candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor, mycosis, inflammatory dermatomycosis. It costs about 350 rubles.
    • Eplan. Cream. Application: psoriasis, ulcer, fissure, microbial eczema, herpes, acne, boils, burns, swelling, itching, dermatitis various forms, insect bites, is also a means of prevention. Price in rubles: 140 - 160.

    Hormonal agents:

    Treatment of skin diseases is complex, in addition to any of the above remedies, the doctor may advise and folk remedies, and if necessary, can recommend a consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist without excluding drug exposure.

    We strongly warn about the dangers of self-treatment.

    Ointment Laticort is a drug used in the treatment of skin diseases.

    The drug is produced not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of a cream and a solution. In all forms of release of this medicinal product contains 0.1% of the active substance - hydrocortisone butyrate.

    Medical developments for recent decades in the field of therapy of various dermatological diseases led to the fact that successful treatment often based on the use of corticosteroid ointments or creams. One of the commonly used remedies is Lokoid ointment and its analogues.

    IN complex treatment injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for their prevention are widely used various ointments, creams and gels.

    Swelling and pain arising from injuries are the result of damage to small vessels, hypoxia

    tissue and increase capillary permeability. At the same time, blood circulation worsens (as a rule, blood flow and tissue nutrition and, accordingly, tissue regeneration (healing) are disturbed).
    The use of ointments, gels and creams is aimed at analgesia (pain relief); reducing tissue irritation and relieving inflammation; resorption acceleration, reduction of edema and hematoma; improvement of microcirculation (blood flow); stimulation of tissue regeneration (tissue growth).

    Almost all sports ointments (creams, gels) have, to a greater or lesser extent, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. They are usually divided into warming (hyperemic) and cooling ointments.

    Warming ointments

    Warming ointments, due to their constituent substances (for example, bee and snake venoms, which increase capillary permeability; pepper extract; ointments containing methyl salicylate have a weaker warming effect), locally increase blood circulation (hyperemia

    ) fabrics, and as a result, increase heat transfer. Immediately after injury, warming ointments cannot be used, because. immediately after injury, tissue should be cooled, not heated.
    Warming ointments are used during the rehabilitation period, a few days after an acute injury (depending on severity), with diseases such as myositis, sciatica, neuritis, bursitis, lumbago, bronchitis. And also at chronic diseases ligaments, tendons and joints.

    Warming (hyperemic) ointments and creams are used to prevent injuries. Best of all, they help with significant physical activity when the musculoskeletal system has a long and difficult work to do. For example, competitions or just classes in the gym. Many athletes are well aware of how badly their muscles hurt after a workout. To prevent this, you need not only to warm up well, but also to rub warming ointments into the muscles with massage movements. Better yet, pre-workout massage with hyperemic ointment. Given the subtleties of the use of these funds, possible allergic and other reactions, it is necessary to study the annotation before using them. And always before the main application of a new warming ointment / cream for you, you should conduct a skin test: apply a little product on the elbow or in the area of ​​​​the popliteal fossa.

    At the same time, do not abuse preventive use ointments, which include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (methyl salicylate, ibuprofen, etc., see below for details). Dr. McKay in his article "The use of anti-inflammatory drugs by healthy athletes - no pain, no result?" reports that the use of these drugs during the training period significantly slows down the process of muscle tissue regeneration and muscle hypertrophy (Mackey A. L., 2007).

    Cooling ointments

    Cooling ointments (often gels) do not have such an irritating effect as hyperemic ones, so they can be applied immediately after injury. The adjective "cooling" does not imply that the gels actually lower the temperature, they only create a feeling of cooling. Cooling ointments (gels), due to their analgesics, anticoagulants, menthol, essential oils, sometimes alcohol, anesthetize and soothe the injury site.

    With fresh injuries, the ointment should not be rubbed in order not to cause hyperemia. fabrics. You just need to apply the product on the skin and wait until it is absorbed. For this, products in the form of a gel are better suited, which have a better suction capacity and a cooling effect.

    Chronic diseases (bursitis), tendovaginitis

    etc.), anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which include iodine and other ingredients. Active ingredients in sports ointments

    With all the huge range of sports ointments and gels, their action is based on a fairly small amount of active substances that make up their composition. For a more informed choice of sports ointments and gels, it is necessary to imagine the mechanism of action of their active components:

    • methyl salicylate [methyl ester of salicylic acid] is the most commonly used substance in sports ointments. It is a derivative of salicylic acid, better known as aspirin. Like all salicylates, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, the mechanism of which is associated with the irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase, a key enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances that are signal molecules in inflammation processes. In other words, turning off the work (inhibition) of cyclooxygenase leads to the cessation of the synthesis of substances that trigger inflammation processes.
    • ketoprofen is a derivative of propionic acid (arylcarboxylic acid). By acting on the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase link in the metabolism of arachidonic acid, ketoprofen inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes. Those. the mechanism of action is exactly the same as salicylates (respectively, methyl salicylate) - inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins, key inflammatory mediators.
    • ibuprofen is also a derivative of propionic acid (arylcarboxylic acid). Having a similar nature, ibuprofen is also an inhibitor of the cyclooxygenase pathway for prostaglandin synthesis.
    • indomethacin - is a specific, reversible inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (salicylates inhibit irreversibly).
    • diclofenac [sodium salt of 2-((2,6-dichlorophenyl)amino)benzoacetic acid] - the mechanism of action is still the same: it inhibits cyclooxygenase, as a result of which reactions of the arachidonic cascade are blocked and the synthesis of PGE2, PGF2alpha, thromboxane A2, prostacyclin, leukotrienes and release of lysosomal enzymes; inhibits platelet aggregation. For rheumatism and ankylosing spondylitis is equivalent to prednisolone and indomethacin.

    So, considering, it would seem, 5 different substances, which are part of sports ointments, we see that the mechanism of their action is the same - inhibition of cyclooxygenase. They probably differ in inhibition efficiency. But there is little information about this. It is known that only salicylates irreversibly inhibit cyclooxygenase, while inhibitors such as indomethacin, naproxen, voltaren, brufen, butadione, analgin, a number of cyclopentanone derivatives, flubiprofen, diclofenac, mefenamic and meclofenamic acids, piroxicam, sulindac behave towards cyclooxygenase as reversible inhibitors. That is, with a decrease in the concentration of a reversible inhibitor, the activity of cyclooxygenase returns to its original values.

    Diclofenac is also reported to be superior to salicylates, butadione, and ibuprofen in anti-inflammatory activity. There is evidence of a greater clinical effect and better tolerability of diclofenac compared to indomethacin.

    Also, the composition of sports ointments includes active substances with other pharmacological properties:

    • bee venom - apitoxin (from Latin apis - bee and Greek toxikón - poison), a secret secreted by the filiform gland of the stinging apparatus worker bee. Chemical composition not exactly established. Bee venom contains a biologically active protein (melittin), enzymes (hyaluronidase, lecithinase A), free amino acids, histamine, formic and other acids, fats, steroid-like substances, volatile oils, and some trace elements. to active ingredients bee venom include histamine glycoside, lipids and substances close to saponins of animal origin. The spectrum of action is very wide. Mellitin has a certain antibacterial effect. At a concentration of 0.3 μg / ml, it increases the resistance of proteins to thermal denaturation and reduces the severity inflammatory response by stabilizing lysosomal membranes. The dose of mellitin that provides this effect can be 100-10,000 times lower than when using other substances (corticosteroids and NSAIDs) that have a membrane-stabilizing effect on lysosomes. Hyaluronidase - breaks down the main component of the interstitial substance of the connective tissue - hyaluronic acid(mucopolysaccharide, which includes acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid, is a cementing substance of connective tissue), reduces its viscosity, increases tissue and vascular permeability, facilitates the movement of fluids in interstitial spaces; reduces tissue swelling, softens and flattens scars, increases range of motion in the joints, reduces contractures and prevent their formation. Bee venom causes a demonstrable increase in skin temperature. Ongoing long time temperature rise is based on the expansion of capillary vessels. The resulting deep penetrating circulation leads to a better supply of oxygen to the tissues and thus accelerates the breakdown causing pain metabolic products.
    • snake venom - has effects similar to those of bee venom.
    • extracts of pepper, mustard - have an irritating effect on the skin, increasing local blood flow, thereby increasing the temperature of the treated skin area.
    • menthol - when rubbed into the skin and applied to the mucous membranes, menthol causes irritation nerve endings, accompanied by a feeling of cold, slight burning and tingling, has a slight local anesthetic effect, mainly due to a distracting effect; also has weak antiseptic properties. The analgesic property of menthol is mainly due to irritation of skin receptors and acts at the level of the central nervous system- signals from irritated receptors begin to suppress and prevail over pain signals.
    • camphor (camphor) -heptanone-2], terpene ketone - medicinal substance belonging to the group of stimulants of nervous activity. When applied externally, preparations of cafara - camphor oil, camphor ointment, camphor alcohol - have an irritant, distracting (painkiller) and partly antiseptic action.
    List of sports ointments, creams and gels

    Analgos is a combination of vasodilating components that, by expanding capillaries, create a feeling of warmth, activate metabolism, increase blood flow and
    reduce muscle tone. Therefore, they are used for pain in muscles and joints, injuries of muscles, ligaments and tendons.

    The anesthetic liquid contains menthol, novocaine, anestezin, alcohol. Used for radiculitis, myositis, sprains of the bag-ligamentous apparatus, bruises, etc. Method of application: a little liquid is applied to the painful area, which is then rubbed.

    Apizartron contains bee venom - apitoxin (in 1 g of ointment the poison of one summer bee), 10% methyl salicylate and 1% mustard and essential oils. Under the action of the drug, metabolism is activated, the elasticity of connective tissue and muscles increases, muscle tone decreases, local blood flow improves, and pain decreases. The effect develops a few minutes after application. It is indicated for bursitis, myositis, sciatica, bruises, neuralgia

    etc. 2-3 g of ointment is applied to the painful area. After 1-2 minutes (with the appearance of tingling, tingling), it is rubbed. Then a massage is done, which is then repeated 1-3 times a day. In view of the different sensitivity to the drug, massage with it should be started with a small dose (yes, 1 g). If the athlete tolerates this dose well, it is increased.

    Ben-Gay - containing methyl salicylate and menthol in various proportions (depending on the form of release) is used as an anesthetic for muscle pain, as well as to relieve fatigue after sports training.

    "Vesima", massage oil - contains various herbal ingredients. "Wesima" has several types: E, M, K, H, V, I, the use of which is different for different diseases, injuries, for pain relief, etc. Method of application: pour a few ml of oil on the massaged area and massage.

    Bom-Bengue - ointment, which includes: menthol - 4 g, methyl salicylate - 21 g, petroleum jelly - 75 g. It has distracting and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Butadion has a good anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat superficial thrombophleuritis of a traumatic (in sports medicine) nature.

    Bystrumgel - active substance - ketoprofen. Indications: inflammatory or traumatic lesions joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles: – arthritis

    , periarthritis; - tendonitis, tendosynovitis; - bursitis; - bruises, ligament injuries, dislocations, damage to the meniscus of the knee; - torticollis; – lumbago. Phlebitis, periphlebitis.

    Venoruton-gel is the active substance rutoside, a derivative of rutin. It is used for acute trauma, bruises, thrombophlebitis

    , swelling, etc. It has an analgesic effect, relieves the feeling of tension in the muscles, and has a cooling effect. Method of application: repeatedly during the day, a gel is applied to the injured area and fixed with a bandage. Do not use thermal procedures!

    Voltaren® Emulgel - the active ingredient is diclofenac. Indicated for arthrosis

    , lesions of the synovial membranes and tendons, soft tissue diseases associated with stress, overload and pressure, other bursopathy, rheumatism, dislocations, sprains and damage to the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the joints.

    Virapin contains 0.15 kg of bee venom in 1 ton of ointment. It is used for bruises, sciatica, arthritis, myositis etc. Ointment in the amount of 2-5 g is applied to the affected area, massage is carried out for 5-10 minutes.

    Vipratox contains the venoms of various snakes (0.0001 g), methyl salicylate - 6 g, camphor - 3 g and the basis for liniment - up to 100.0 g and is used for myositis, periarthritis, arthritis, damage to the bag-ligamentous apparatus, bruises, etc. The ointment is applied to the painful area and then massage is done.

    Viprosal contains viper poison, camphor, salicylic acid, fir oil, paraffin, glycerin, petroleum jelly and is used for sciatica

    , sciatica, myositis etc. The ointment is applied to the painful area and then massage is performed.

    Gevkamen - the main active substance This ointment is menthol, which serves as an excellent distraction for myalgia and arthralgia. The oils contained in it (clove, mustard, eucalyptus) cause the expansion of blood vessels, a feeling of warmth and improve blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

    Hemoride, ointment contains adrenaline, camphor, menthol, procaine and other active ingredients. Used for hemorrhoids.

    Heparin ointment quickly resolves infiltrates

    , edema, acts as a vasodilator and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for thrombophlebitis, lymphostasis , varicose veins veins, infiltrates and other inflammatory processes. How to use: squeeze out 3-5 cm of ointment from a tube, gently rub or apply a bandage.

    Heparoid includes 6000 us. units of heparin in 30 g of ointment. It is used for inflammatory processes, leg ulcers, venous edema, bruises, etc. An ointment is applied to the sore spot and fixed with a bandage.

    Gymnastogal includes: H-4, hydroxyn-3, methoxybenzyl - 8, methyltrans - 6, nonylic acid amide - 0.08 g, benzyl ester nicotinic acid- 0.5 g, ointment base - up to 20 g. The ointment is used for bruises, sprains of the bag-ligamentous apparatus, lumbago, bronchitis (lubricate the chest), sciatica, arthritis, myositis etc. 1-2 g of ointment is applied to the painful place and massage is done. The ointment has a strong thermal effect. Wash hands after massage hot water.

    Diclofenac - synonyms ortofen, voltaren - is available as an ointment and 1% gel. It is used for lumbago, inflammatory diseases of the joints, has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

    Deep Relief - the active substance is ibuprofen (50 mg per 1 g of the drug). Indications for use: rheumatoid arthritis(V initial stages inflammatory process without abrupt changes in the joints), ankylosing spondylitis, acute gouty, traumatic and infectious arthritis, osteoarthritis

    , bursitis, tendovaginitis, radiculitis, neuralgia, myalgia, injuries of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system (bruises, sprains, etc.)

    Dolbene - contains dimethyl sulfoxide, heparin, dexpanthenol. Dimethyl sulfoxide has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative and local analgesic effects. Heparin - anticoagulant direct action, the body's natural anticoagulant factor. Dexpanthenol - a derivative of vitamin B5 - turns into pantothenic acid in the skin - improves metabolic processes promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. Indications: hematomas, inflammation of soft tissues, muscles, tendons, tendon sheaths, ligaments after bruises, compression, trauma. Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis, epicondylitis

    shoulder (tennis elbow), tendinitis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis(in the presence of lesions of periarticular tissues); acute neuralgia, radiculitis; thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers. .

    Dolgit is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a modified form of ibuprofen. Due to the oil-water-emulsion base, it quickly penetrates into the focus, eliminates pain, swelling, increases mobility during sports injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Indovazin - indomethacin and troxevasin, which are part of it, reduce capillary permeability. In addition, the drug has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for resorption of hematomas traumatic nature, reduction of post-traumatic edema, improvement of microcirculation in the affected tissues.

    Indomethacin - a synonym for metindol - has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and analgesic effects. Widely used in the treatment of arthritis.

    .Ichthyol ointment Anti-inflammatory agent, has a local anesthetic, antiseptic, keratoplastic effect. With direct action on the skin, it causes slight irritation of sensitive nerve endings, which is replaced by a decrease in their sensitivity, which leads to the appearance of reflexes that change tissue trophism. Causes denaturation of protein molecules. Favorably affects the area of ​​inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous layers (especially when combined with alcohol): regulates vascular tone, restores blood circulation, improves metabolism. Indications: salpingitis

    , metritis, parameter, prostatitis ; skin infections, burns, erysipelas, eczema, furunculosis, neuralgia, arthritis.

    Camphocin - a liquid containing salicylic acid - 3 g, castor oil - 5 g, purified trepentine oil (turpentine) and methyl salicylate - 10 g each, camphor - 5 g, pepper tincture - 100 ml.

    Capsitrine: tincture capsicum- 27 g, St. John's wort tincture - 1 g, green soap - 10 g, ammonia solution 20% - 6 g, ethyl alcohol 60% - 56 g.

    Capsoderm, ointment contains capsacin, camphor and other components. Causes severe hyperemia. Used for myositis, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain, bursitis, sprains, etc. Method of application: apply a little ointment on the painful area and massage. Do not use in case of scarring on the skin!

    Ketonal - a synonym for ketoprofen - has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for the treatment of inflammatory and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including arthritis, periarthritis, synovitis

    , tendinitis, bursitis); uncomplicated injuries (including bruises, sprains, dislocations, post-traumatic pain and swelling); phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, lymphangitis.

    Lidocaine, ointment contains lidocaine and other components. Used for bruises, sprains, lumbago, myositis. Method of application: an ointment is applied to the painful area, which is then rubbed. In acute injury, it must be applied repeatedly during the day.

    Pepper-camphor liniment: tincture of capsicum and camphor alcohol - 10 g each. For rubbing sore spots with lumbago, neuralgia, myositis, sciatica, bruises, etc.

    Compound pepper liniment: tincture of capsicum - 100 g, green soap - 20 g, distilled water - 23 g, ethyl alcohol 96% - 57 g, ammonia - 100 g. For rubbing painful places with lumbago, neuralgia, myositis, sciatica, bruises, etc.

    Mellivenon contains chloroform, bee venom, and other ingredients. Used for muscle pain, periarthritis, lumbago, myositis, osteochondrosis

    , various arthritis, bursitis and others. Method of application: applied to the painful area (a little, as it causes strong heating, hyperemia tissues) ointment and massage is performed. Avoid getting the ointment on mucous membranes, abrasions! After the massage, wash your hands with hot water and soap. Mellivenone is used for ultrasound.

    Menovazin - contains menthol, novocaine, anestezin and ethanol. These components reduce pain in myalgia and artlargia.

    Methyl salicylate has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, is used in pure form and mixed with chloroform and fatty oils for sciatica, myositis, lumbago etc. For rubbing painful places with lumbago, neuralgia, myositis, sciatica, bruises, etc.

    Complex menthol ointment contains menthol, methyl salicylate and distilled water - 3 parts each, yellow wax - 2 parts, anhydrous lanolin - 9 parts. For rubbing painful places with lumbago, neuralgia, myositis, sciatica, bruises, etc.

    Myoton contains medicinal plants, oils and other ingredients. The action of the cream is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, increases blood flow in the massaged tissues, fatigue in the muscles disappears, etc. There are several types of cream. Myoton-A is used after training, has a hyperemic (warming) effect, relaxes muscles. During a restorative massage, the cream is rubbed into the massaged muscles. Myoton-B is used before training (competition), has a warming effect. Avoid contact with mucous membranes, abrasions. Myoton-S is used before training and competitions. Has a warming effect. They are used for injuries of muscles, tendons, various inflammatory processes, etc. Avoid contact with mucous membranes, iscaria!

    Navtalgin is an analgesic emulsion, which includes: analgin, methyl salicylate and Naftalan oil - 2.5 g each, emulsifier - 13 g, a mixture of fatty acids of sperm whale oil - 3 g, distilled water - 7.5 g.

    Nise-gel - 1 g of the gel contains the active substance - nimesulide 10 mg and Excipients: N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, propylene glycol, macrogol, isopropanol, carbomer-940, butylhydroxyanisole, thimerosal, potassium phosphate, water, fragrance. NSAIDs from the class of sulfonanilides, a selective competitive reversible type II cyclooxygenase inhibitor. It has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Indications: inflammatory and degenerative diseases musculoskeletal system (articular syndrome in rheumatism and exacerbation of gout, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, sciatica, inflammatory lesions of the ligaments, tendons, bursitis; sciatica, lumbago), muscle pain of rheumatic and non-rheumatic origin, post-traumatic inflammation of the soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system (damages and torn ligaments, bruises).

    Nikoven contains heparinoid, benzylnicotine and other active substances. Applicable for venous expansion, hematomas, bruises, sprains, etc. An ointment is applied to the painful area, then a massage is performed or a bandage is applied.

    Nicodan contains heparin and other active ingredients. Used for rheumatism, muscle pain, chronic bronchitis, sprains of the bag-ligamentous apparatus, etc. Method of application: a little ointment is applied to the painful area (the sensitivity of the skin to it must be checked), and then a massage is performed or a bandage is applied.

    Nicoflex is a sports cream that contains active substances: capsacin - 0.0075 g, ethyl nicotinade - 1.0 g, ethyl glycol salicylate - 4.5 g, lavender oil - 0.05 g. It is used for bruises, muscle pain, cramps etc. Apply 1-3 g of cream to the painful area and massage. Do not use the cream for scarring on the skin!

    Picaryl liniment contains chloroform - 5 g, benzylnicotine - 1 g, etc. It is used for radiculitis , various injuries musculoskeletal system, myositis, lumbago etc. Method of application: 3-5 ml of liniment is applied to the painful area, then a massage is performed. With abrasions, picaril should not be used!

    Pulmotin, ointment contains camphor, thymol and other components. Used for bronchitis, flu, colds lungs. The ointment is applied to the chest, then massage is performed - 2-3 times a day.

    Raymon-gel contains active ingredients. It is used for muscle pain, more often of a rheumatic nature, for lumbago, periarthritis, sciatica, bruises, sprains, etc. Method of application: gel is applied to the injured (painful) area and fixed with a bandage.

    Reoneurol contains methyl salicylate, camphor and other components. Used for sciatica, myositis, radiculitis, Do not lie etc. An ointment is applied to the painful area, and a massage is done.

    Reparil-gel contains horse chestnut, heparin, ether, salicylic acids, which enhance the analgesic effect. This gel is rapidly absorbed through the skin, has a cooling effect, relieves the accumulation of water in tissues, a feeling of heaviness, swelling, reduces pain, has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. It is used for inflammation of the veins, lymphostasis, edema, inflammatory processes. Reparil is applied to the injury site and fixed with a bandage. In acute injury, it must be applied repeatedly during the day.

    Richtofit-sport sports cream includes medicinal plants, oils and other ingredients. Massage with rhythophyte promotes muscle relaxation, skin regeneration, accelerates the healing process of minor injuries and inflammations. Used for myositis, myalgia, muscle cramps, bruises, sprains, etc. Method of application: a cream is applied to the painful area and rubbed.

    "Sanitas" balm contains: methyl salicylate-24 g, melissa or eucalyptus oil - 1.2 g, turpentine - 3.2 g, camphor - 5 g, pork fat or vaseline - 33.3 g.

    Tiger ointment: clove oil - 1 ml, eucalyptus oil - 10 ml, camphor - 10 g, menthol - 18 g, paraffin - 10.5 g, vaseline - 10.5 g. Used for radiculitis, arthritis; myalgia; inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including superficial lymphadenitis).

    Elakur ointment includes capsacin, methyl salicylate, propyl nicotinate and other components. Antirheumatic agent. Causes hyperemia skin after the massage. Used for myositis, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis, myogeloses. On sore spot ointment is applied and massage is performed.

    Espol - has a fairly pronounced analgesic effect. It has a distracting effect - after application, the skin warms up, there is a feeling of warmth, even heat. This automatically distracts the patient from pain. Espol has a slight antimicrobial effect. This makes the ointment indispensable for bruises and dislocations. It can be used in the treatment of bruises and dislocations, the consequences of fractures and even muscle tears.

    , collagen, propolis extract, essential oils: lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, sorbitan laurate, lauroylproline, bee venom. The cream improves blood microcirculation, has a local distracting effect, has a warming effect, activates metabolism, and helps prevent injuries. It has a pleasant natural scent.

    Sports gel-balm restoring "42" - contains only natural active ingredients - aqueous extracts: horse chestnut, chamomile, St. John's wort, propylene glycol extracts: cinquefoil, butcher's broom, red grapes, pine, witch hazel, collagen hydrolyzate, menthol, essential oils: mint, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, dihydroquercetin, quinoa extract. Gel-balm activates recovery processes, improves blood microcirculation, helps relieve fatigue and pain, has a relaxing and slight cooling effect.

    Sports massage cream-balm "42" - contains only natural active ingredients - oil extracts: cinquefoil, horse chestnut, chamomile, burdock, rosehip, mountain ash, wormwood, ginseng, mint, essential oils: rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, collagen hydrolyzate. Cream-balm is used for sports and relaxation massage, improves blood microcirculation, promotes the activation of metabolic processes in tissues, improves muscle tone, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    In addition to the listed ointments and gels for the treatment of injuries and diseases, various homeopathic ointments are also used - St.

    • Dubrovsky V.I. Massage: studies. for avg. and higher textbook head - M., VLADOS, 2001
    • Mackey A.L. Use of anti-inflammatory medication in healthy athletes – no pain, no gain? 2007, Scand J Med Sci Sports. vol. 17, pp.613–614

    There's a real problem with this kid! Recently he came from school with tears in his eyes - he shows his knee torn to blood. He says he fell on the road. Then he got into a fight at school, and yesterday he fell off his bike and scratched his elbows, today he played with our pet cat Ronnie. And again he walks all scratched up. I don't know what to do anymore! It is pointless to scold, it is useless to warn. It remains only to wipe his tears, his nose and heal "combat wounds".

    Of course, you can use folk remedies for wound healing. For example, plantain leaves, coltsfoot, dandelion or cedar resin. Even foil helps a lot. She possesses antimicrobial action. Do not forget about aloe and kalanchoe - they perfectly heal wounds. And, of course, common oxalis, which grows everywhere, also disinfects and heals wounds and cuts well.

    The best remedies for quick healing of wounds and scratches

    But summer is not always outside our window - most of the year these wonderful plants are under the snow. And the wounds on the elbows and knees appear endlessly. Here is the public rating medical devices for wound healing.

    Ointment "Solcoseryl"

    Produced in a tube with a mass of ointment twenty grams. Active substance extracted from the blood of healthy calves. The blood is subjected to dialysis, that is, it purifies unnecessary impurities. In this case, when lubricating the wound, the human body perceives the active substance as native and does not “fight” with it with the help of antibodies. Therefore, scratches heal very quickly. After the application of Solcoseryl, wound healing is accelerated, the growth and maturation of young skin cells increases, collagen is formed faster, which is necessary for healing. And the liquid that “wets” the wound, on the contrary, is produced less. Therefore, this ointment is used not only as a wound healing agent, but also against burns and bedsores.

    Positive sides: high speed healing of wounds and cuts, completely natural ingredients in the composition, a wide range of applications.

    Negatives: Pretty high price- twenty grams of ointment costs two hundred rubles, people prone to allergies should be used with caution, the absence of an official medical opinion on the clinical effect of the ointment.

    Spray "Panthenol"

    Available in both spray and cream form. The active substance dexpanthenol, after being applied to a wound or burn, is converted into pantothenic acid. This acid, in turn, actively begins to work in the processes of regeneration of skin cells. Skin cells grow much faster, and cuts, scratches, burns, and even postoperative scars disappear instantly.

    Positive aspects: very light structure of "Panthenol" and different forms release. Cream "Panthenol" in tubes with different volumes is convenient to take with you on beach holiday. Aerosol or spray "Panthenol" can quickly and imperceptibly treat small children and is conveniently applied to sensitive wounds without touching them. "Panthenol" heals almost all types of skin damage and is considered one of the best.

    Negative sides: not the cheapest - 130 grams of the product in aerosols costs 320 rubles.

    Ointment "Levomekol"

    Produced in a tube weighing forty grams. The active substance chloramphenicol is antimicrobial action. If suppuration appeared on your wound, microbes got there, which began to multiply instantly, be sure to lubricate this place with Levomekol. This ointment also fights against staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.

    Positive aspects: Levomikol ointment is a very good antiseptic, because it destroys almost all types of microbes, and is effective as a prophylactic. Low cost - 40 grams of ointment costs 130 rubles.

    Negative sides: will not help after contact wounds and raw meat or fish.

    Drops "Ophthalmoferon"

    Produced in the form of drops in a plastic bottle. It is used for eye injuries, as an antiseptic, to anesthetize the eyes, and restore them in case of damage. The tissues of the eye after instillation of "Ophthalmoferon" recover faster. If the eye has been burned or foreign body also use these drops. Drops have an anti-inflammatory effect on many microbes.

    Positives: Several effects on wounds, burns and foreign bodies in the eyes - antimicrobial, analgesic, restorative and anti-inflammatory.

    Negatives: not the best cheap remedy- ten milliliters of the drug costs about 270 rubles.

    Gel "Dermatix"

    Active substances - organic and inorganic silicon compounds - very effectively fight against the formation of scars on the skin. Silicon compounds maintain a uniform and constant moisture content on the skin in places where scars have appeared and do not allow excess tissue that forms scars (keloids) to grow in them.

    Usually used after surgery on sutures and scars, on lacerations, in places where the arms and legs are bent, if the scars are located in these places and cause pain when bent.

    Positive aspects: very effective - it eliminates not only fresh scars and wounds, but also those that have formed within a few weeks, it is absorbed very quickly.

    Negative sides: they are applied carefully with a very thin layer (otherwise the clothes cannot be washed off), the gel does not have an anti-inflammatory effect and is not an antiseptic. Therefore, if the wound is infected, it must first be treated by other means. Very expensive - 15 grams of gel cost 2800 rubles.


    Available in the form of an ointment or solution in vials of twenty milliliters. The active substance glycolan enhances cell regeneration. It is used for burns, for healing all types of wounds, for softening and anesthetizing the skin, as a bactericidal and antiseptic, as well as for insect bites and for the prevention of chemical and sunburns. As a cosmetic remedy in the fight against acne, sores and black spots on the face.

    Positive aspects: universal drug - can be used in any cases. And with burns for healing the skin, and for the treatment of wounds, and as an antimicrobial agent, and for disinfection. Also used as a means of prevention before interacting with chemicals at home or at work. There are no contraindications for use, it can be used by pregnant and lactating women. Very inexpensive and affordable - a bottle of twenty milliliters costs 110 rubles. The ointment has about the same cost.

    Negative aspects: none found.

    Yes, you read that right - it is salt that can help you in the treatment of wounds and burns. Rather, a solution of salt in water. In no case do not pour salt on any wound! Get a chemical burn and a decent scar. The most effective and cheapest way to treat not only wounds, burns and scratches is a saline solution that you can prepare in any conditions. Whether it's a forest, or a foreign country in which a pharmacy is very difficult to find. Remember for the rest of your life - saline is one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. This solution can be safely used for washing wounds, scratches, burns. It is harmless to humans, but destructive to bacteria and is a good antiseptic. Can be rinsed oral cavity or flush areas with mucous membranes.

    Pros: Cheapest and available remedy Salt is sold in any grocery store. Has antibacterial and antiseptic action. Salt solution is good field conditions For primary processing wounds when it is not possible to purchase other medications.

    Negative sides: the salt solution cannot be used on fresh thermal and chemical burns, sometimes the solution can cause unbearable pain when exposed to some wounds.

    Customer Reviews

    Irina from Nizhny Novgorod, 34 years old: “Cracks on the fingers and toes were very disturbing, especially in winter due to the dryness of the air in the apartment. I had difficulty putting on shoes and gloves. I heard about Solcoseryl ointment for wound healing. She just saved me. After a few days, all the cracks disappeared and no longer bothered. Only apply ointment to dry skin".

    Sergey from Samara, 28 years old: “I went with my family to Thailand for the New Year. With great joy we spent the whole day on the beach. They burned badly. It was impossible to touch the skin. It's good that my wife took a large package of Panthenol with her! She saved the whole family. Of course, we got treated for a day, but then we enjoyed the sea and the sun the whole vacation. ”.

    Nadezhda from Moscow, 29 years old: “My son hurt his hand and didn’t tell me. The hand was not treated in time, and the wound began to rot. The pharmacy advised Levomekol ointment for wound healing. Miracle, not ointment! Inexpensive in price, the wound quickly healed, and after a few days it was almost invisible. ”.

    Svetlana from Gorno-Altaisk, 25 years old: “The daughter was “dropped off” from the kindergarten due to conjunctivitis. The pediatrician prescribed drops of "Ophthalmoferon". It is good that they do not sting the eyes, and they can be used by small children. Three days later, she already took Masha to kindergarten..

    Ivan from Moscow, 46 years old: “They did an operation, a scar remained on the bend of the elbow. It really interfered with me when I put on a shirt, bent my arm. A friend advised Dermatix gel for wound healing. Not cheap, of course, but I can afford it, because health is more important. It's good that the scar was quite recent, I smeared it with this gel, and after a week it decreased in size. Now I continue, I hope it disappears completely..

    Mikhail from Yekaterinburg, 32 years old: “I got into a small accident, got so many scratches and abrasions! Good thing he just got rid of them. My wife gave me a vial of "Eplan" - they treated their acne on their face with it. This is some kind of miracle remedy for wound healing! Very quickly, all the wounds and scratches healed. There was no trace of a small burn! Now at home it is not translated. A little something - "Eplan".

    Yuri from St. Petersburg, 26 years old: “You have no idea how ordinary salt helped me! We went with friends for rafting on the river to the Urals. I am a beginner, I fell right on the stones, I was badly scratched, I tore my skin where possible. Wounds and scratches seem not serious, but there is a lot of blood. And not one around locality- forests and mountains. Experienced friends helped - from regular salt made a solution and washed my scratches from dirt. I was very surprised that a simple salt can do so much. I've bookmarked this recipe.".

    The best remedy for wound healing, I think, depends on the nature of the wound, you need an antiseptic, fast healing and pain relief, take Selkoseril or Levomekol. With thermal burns, skin irritation, an aerosol or Panthenol cream will help well. It is also good for children. If the eyes are damaged, or a foreign body has got into them, as well as with conjunctivitis, get eye drops"Ophthalmoferon". If you have any scars after surgery or after wound healing, and you want to get rid of them, you will have to fork out for Dermatix gel.

    But I think the most universal and inexpensive remedy- This is Eplan. It heals wounds, and is good for burns and scratches, they can treat the skin before using any chemical substances for the prevention of burns. In cosmetology, "Eplanom" is struggling with the appearance of acne and skin irritations. It will be useful for everyone to have home first aid kit such unique remedy. Moreover, he has no contraindications.

    If a person with a wound turned to you for help, in no case do not water it with greenery, and even more so with iodine! This will only make the situation worse. He will get severely burned. Take ordinary hydrogen peroxide, pour it on the wound, washing it. Iodine or brilliant green can only treat the edges of the wound without getting into it.

    In case of a thermal burn, in no case do not treat the burn site with green paint, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, oil or any cream! Rinse cold water. Apply clean damp cloth or gauze (do not use cotton or plaster). Put ice on top of the fabric. You can use Panthenol aerosol for burns of the first and second degree.

    At chemical burn wash off the substance that caused the burn with running water and rinse the area for fifteen minutes. Then place a damp cloth on top and chill with ice. You can take pain medication. Be sure to see a doctor.

    Wounds, abrasions, scratches - first aid from Dr. Komarovsky (video):

    If you have received a wound, rate its severity. If the wound is small, there is no suppuration on it, it heals quickly, you can choose a remedy for treatment yourself. If the wound gets wet, a lot of pus forms, and it does not heal, it is better to consult a doctor. Because in this case, an infection forms on the wound. The nature of this infection can only be determined by a doctor. You only need to use a sterile bandage to start.

    To treat a wound, it is not enough just to anoint it with something. The better a person's immunity works, the faster wounds and scratches heal. Strengthen your immune system with vitamins C, B6 and B12, drink more clean water.

    Do not try to tear off the crusts that form during the healing of the wound, this will worsen the situation, and an ugly scar may appear at the site of the wound.

    All systems of the body are involved in wound healing - endocrine, circulatory, enzymatic, immune. Your task is not to interfere with their active work, but to help, strengthening your body.