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What causes blood to appear in the eyes. Description of a common phenomenon - hemorrhage in the eye

Characteristic signs hemorrhages in the eye: blood entering the membranes and media of the organ of vision, damage to blood vessels in the eyeball.

Most often, hemorrhage occurs due to blows and injuries, but in some cases its appearance provokes a disease.

First aid methods for a bruise in the eye after a blow

First aid is provided to the victim depending on the nature of the injury and damage:

  1. If the eye injured by a blunt object, then it is necessary to apply a bandage soaked in cold water, and then apply ice wrapped in a towel.
  2. In case of a cut injury, you need to cover the eyelid with a sterile bandage and secure it with a bandage or adhesive tape. It is better to apply a bandage to the healthy eye - this will prevent synchronous movement of the organs of vision, which causes pain. Next, you need to urgently go to the hospital.
  3. With a penetrating wound eyes can open heavy bleeding. If this happens, then you need to try to stop the bleeding. Cover the eye with a clean cloth and press it with a scarf. After this, the victim is urgently taken to the hospital.

you need to be very careful. Anti-inflammatory therapy should be started as early as possible, as it will help reduce the likelihood of complications and adverse effects.

It is worth remembering that when providing first aid You need to handle your eyes very carefully.

What not to do in case of eye injury :

  • Do not rub or press on the injured eye, this may cause the condition to worsen.
  • If the organ of vision gets into contact with foreign body,Don't remove it yourself, it is better to leave this to a specialist.
  • In case of penetrating eye injury, can't wash it with water, since an infection can be introduced into the organ of vision.
  • Do not use cotton wool when bandaging, its villi can aggravate the condition.

Attention! When providing first aid for eye injuries it is important not to cause harm.

Methods for diagnosing eye injuries

Before treating a patient in hospital, he thoroughly examined.

Diagnostics are carried out using an ultrasound machine or a special mirror. This is how the doctor assesses the condition of the injured eye.

If the wound is penetrating, prescribe x-ray to make sure that there is no foreign body left in the eyeball. During diagnosis, the doctor evaluates the condition optic nerve and understands whether vision can be preserved.

How to remove redness: treatment methods

Treatment is prescribed depending on the degree of injury eyeball, it will be individual for each patient. Therapy with hemorrhage in visual organaimed at preserving:

  • eyes and restoration of the basic functions of damaged tissues;
  • vision or its complete restoration.

For different types hemorrhages There are different methods of treatment.

Hyphema: drops for redness

This is a collection of blood clot in the anterior chamber of the eyeball. With hyphema, a person sees poorly, fog or a veil appears before his eyes, and visual acuity is greatly reduced.

Any treatment for hemorrhage is prescribed by a specialist based on an examination. Depending on the clinical picturemay be assigned the following drugs:

  • Eye drops that will relieve pain and inflammation: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone etc.
  • Hormonal containing glucocorticosteroids.
  • Aminocaproic acid or other means to stop bleeding.
  • Special medicines, which strengthen blood vessels and help stagnant blood dissolve.
  • Drugs, helping to normalize eye pressure.

Photo 1. Hyphema of the eye. There is extensive hemorrhage in the anterior chamber, as well as damage to the ocular vessels.

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Vessels burst - this is hemophthalmos. How to treat red eye

Hemophthalmos is a disease in which blood that appears due to rupture of blood vessels, accumulates in and around the vitreous body.

If hemorrhage total or subtotal, then the patient needs to be hospitalized urgently, since in such situations, most likely, it will be necessary surgery, after which it is prescribed complex therapy.With a mild form hemophthalmia patient must comply bed rest, wear an eye patch and eat right. The same medications are used for any form of the disease:

  • Vikasol or other hemostatic agent;
  • drops in order to remove clots blood;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • injections Calcium gluconate.

In addition to medications, they prescribe electrophoresis. During this procedure, the drug is injected directly into the eye area using electrical waves. Often prescribed for hemophthalmia aloe injections for rapid cell regeneration and improvement of the patient's condition.

Photo 2. Hemophthalmos in the eye. The eye vessels are seriously damaged, the whites are completely swollen with blood.

Retinal hemorrhage

In most cases, blood enters the retina of the eye due to injury. There are several degrees of concussion eyeball:

  1. Light- slight swelling of the cornea or retina without tissue damage.
  2. Average- swelling with damage to the tissue of the eyeball, and vision is greatly impaired.
  3. Heavy- observed when the retina and blood vessels are ruptured, and the lens may be damaged. The consequence is complete loss of vision.

Not always required for hemorrhage special treatment. If blood stains do not damage the structure of the eyeball, they will simply dissolve over time. At dangerous symptoms a specialist can prescribe drug therapy or surgery.

Medicines prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhage:

  • Special injections vascular drugs to improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Corticosteroids. Used for severe swelling retina of the eyeball.

If drug treatment doesn't help, carry out laser, surgical intervention , during which damaged vessels are removed and blood circulation is restored.

Photo 3. Fundus of the eye with retinal hemorrhage. Edema moderate severity, in this case laser correction is required.

Hemorrhage is usually called accumulated blood coming out of the vessels and filling the cavity of the eyeball and its tissue. Blood in the eye, what to do? Accurate diagnosis established by specialists - doctors working in microsurgery and ophthalmologists. Hemorrhage in the eye, the causes and treatment of which must be carried out in a timely manner, is divided into several types.

These include:

  • Hemophthalmos;
  • Hyphema;
  • Preretinal, subretinal and subconjunctival influence, called hyposphagma.

TO primary signs phenomena include cluster headache and the appearance of a characteristic spot, swelling under the eye, which impairs vision.

This pathology will not affect vision, but will reduce its sharpness. Complications are possible if the eyes are regularly filled with blood.

Causes of bruising

Many people are interested in what causes hemorrhage in the eye area. Often glasses are replaced with lenses, which, if chosen incorrectly, can cause bruising. At such a moment, mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, and the corresponding symptoms appear.

A person has a feeling of sand in the eye, but small vessels are injured. The bruising will disappear without treatment if you do not use lenses for a certain period of time, and then choose the appropriate option so that the phenomenon does not appear again.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body is subject to severe stress, which can lead to ruptures. small vessels In eyes. Over time, they disappear without the intervention of specialists. Why does it flood, pressure or other factors? Sports and heavy physical labor may cause an unpleasant phenomenon. In order for the smudges to disappear, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of stress on the body.

With long and frequent air travel, eye pressure changes, which negatively affects blood vessels. They are damaged, causing hemorrhage, which disappears in a few days without treatment.

Another reason that the eyes bleed is a strained cough caused by an infection or allergy. The small red dot in the eye will disappear with treatment of the underlying disease.

Bleeding eyes can terrify a person, but it’s worth calming down and understanding the cause of the phenomenon. In most cases, the problem occurs with a head injury, after a blow to the head and torso area.

A hematoma of the eyeball is formed due to the rupture of small capillaries, which is not uncommon during sudden temperature fluctuations, unfavorable weather conditions, chronic lack of sleep, eye strain, bad habits, foreign body entry and uncontrolled use of drugs that affect blood clotting.

With one of these factors, you can notice blood clot in the eye.

This list of reasons is classified as harmless manifestations, indicating that it is necessary to change your lifestyle. Regular flooding of the eye with blood leads to the development of blood clots in the retina. If the problem goes away for a long time, then some may mistake it for pronounced blood vessels in the eyes. This judgment is wrong.

Attention! Injury is not the only cause of hemorrhage in the eye in an adult. Diseases and pathologies of organs can lead to bruising.

The main cause of hemorrhage is considered to be poor circulation and low level blood clotting. Over time, blood vessels lose their elasticity and become brittle, so the blood will enter the sclera of the eye. Treatment for this phenomenon is much higher than for a regular bruise. When the eye is bleeding, this is not uncommon in complicated diabetes mellitus, hypertension, endarteritis and atherosclerosis.

This problem can be caused by inflammatory processes in the eye.

In case of inflammation the main choroid, iris, iritis and uveitis, the blood supply is disrupted, and blood appears in the eye. In a person with myopia, cracks appear in the blood vessels of the eyes, which lead to the eye being filled with blood. It occurs after the birth of a child, due to coughing and physical work.

TO rare pathologies include tumors of different etiologies. They lead to blood pressure, which provokes rupture of blood vessels, rises. A decrease in the number of platelets and the occurrence of anemia have become one of the rare causes why the eye is swollen with blood.

The appearance of such a problem in the eyeball should not go unnoticed. It is recommended to immediately contact a specialist who will pick up effective technique treatment. In this case, the doctor takes into account all factors, especially the size of the lesion. The severity of the phenomenon is divided into small, medium and strong.

Attention! Minor to moderate bruising can be treated, but severe bruising causes vision loss that in many cases cannot be restored.


The localization of blood accumulation is different, so they distinguish main affected areas:

  • Eye socket. The orbital cavity fills with blood due to contusion of the orbit of the eye resulting from vasculitis or blood diseases. The problem is accompanied by partial loss of vision, bulging eyes, forward displacement of the eyeball, and limited mobility of the organ. Bloodshot eyes indicate a fracture of the base of the skull if the bruise resembles the shape of glasses.
  • Anterior chamber of the eye. With hyphema, a red formation with smooth edges appears. The blood spreads to the entire cavity of the eye chamber, or covers the bottom. There is no loss of vision, and the bloody smear will disappear over time.
  • Retina. Blood accumulation leads to blurring of the contours of objects, which makes it difficult to recognize objects. A phenomenon that affects the retina is accompanied by a headache in the temple area of ​​the affected eye. At the same time, a bloody veil appears before the eyes.
  • Vitreous body. Hemophthalmos is a brown formation that is located behind the lens. This occurs due to injury to blood vessels without affecting the lens. With complete hemophthalmia, vision is lost. Partial vision loss is often caused by retinal detachment or atrophy of the eyeball.

Hemorrhage is observed when the walls of the eye vessels are thin and fragile, and the elasticity of the tissue is lost. Bruising on the white indicates damage.

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Healing procedures

If a bruise is detected in the eye you should visit a doctor immediately, since it may require a long and serious treatment. If the eye becomes bloodshot or there is minor bleeding without painful sensations, then special drops are used for hemorrhage to relieve redness.

The following pharmaceutical preparations are usually used:

  • Octilia;
  • Naphthyzine;
  • Visin;
  • Okumetil.

Eye drops for hemorrhage have vasoconstrictor effect and prevent blood from escaping. They are often used to reduce intense redness.

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Folk remedies

How to treat a bruise at home? Treatment of hemorrhage in the eye must be done carefully. Among the main methods are the use of ice, compresses from herbal decoctions, brewing tea or juice from home plants.

Bruising is treated:

  1. Strong tea compress. The brew must be strong. After it has cooled, a cotton ball is soaked in it, wrapped in a bandage and applied to the eye for a quarter of an hour. This will help remove redness.
  2. Chamomile compress. At 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers you will need a glass of boiling water. The mixture needs to brew and cool. The infusion is filtered. Further actions carried out in the same way as in point No. 1.
  3. Cottage cheese lotion. A teaspoon of the product is placed in a bandage or a piece of natural fabric and applied to the eye that is bleeding.
  4. Cabbage juice or cabbage lotion. Cabbage leaf Grind to a puree consistency. The pulp is placed in a cloth and applied to the eye. Fresh cabbage juice has a similar effect, eliminating a red spot in the eye.

All procedures should be carried out several times a day until the intraocular condition of the victim improves. Vitamin C will help increase the elasticity of blood vessels. To do this, it is enough to consume complex vitamin preparations containing vitamins P and C, ascorutin and ascorbic acid.

Attention! IN summer period people suffering from vascular permeability should eat fruits, vegetables, berries, and in winter - sauerkraut and citrus fruits.

Bleeding from the eyes is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a cause for concern. Treatment must be timely, and not only folk remedies. Vitamins, medicines, drops, surgical methods eliminate both the phenomenon itself and its consequences.

Damage to the small blood vessels in the eye causes the eye to become red or bleed. Depending on the location of the damaged vessel, the following are distinguished:

● subconjunctival hemorrhage. The vessels of the mucous membrane of the eye are damaged. As a rule, they are spontaneous and develop without obvious reason.

● Hyphema. Hyphema is a collection of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye (between the cornea and iris). Typically the result blunt trauma eyes. Accompanied by pronounced pain symptom and blurred vision. Such hemorrhage in the eye requires treatment emergency care.

● Hemophthalmos. Vitreous hemorrhage inside the eye. In other words, internal hemorrhage in the eye. With hemophthalmia, a pronounced fog appears before the eye. In the case of complete hemophthalmos, vision loss occurs. Hemophthalmos - heavy defeat eyes. Without treatment, permanent vision loss is possible.

● Retinal hemorrhage. Retinal hemorrhage develops as a result of bleeding from the vessels of the retina. The retinal tissue is very sensitive and thin. Therefore, even small hemorrhages can lead to significant vision loss and the development of retinopathy.

Symptoms of bleeding in the eye

Subconjunctival hemorrhage. Usually, apart from severe local redness of the eyes, there are no other symptoms. Very rarely, in case of damage to a large vessel, the appearance of pain. With extensive hemorrhage, a feeling of pressure in the eye may occur.

The area of ​​hemorrhage in the eye itself is bright red in color and has clear boundaries. In case of extensive hemorrhages in the eye, the blood spreads to the entire tunica albuginea.

Causes of hemorrhage in the eye

Distinguish following reasons appearance of this symptom:

  • Eye injuries.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by viruses.
  • Sudden and rapid increase in blood pressure.
  • Severe cough, vomiting.
  • Reception medicines blood thinners (aspirin, salicylates, anticoagulants).
  • Vitamin K deficiency.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • General diseases: Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, systemic vasculitis.
  • After eye surgery.

When should you see a doctor urgently?

Contact your doctor immediately:

  • hemorrhage occurred simultaneously in 2 eyes at once
  • sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes
  • strong fog before the eye
  • hemorrhage is accompanied by pain and decreased vision
  • hemorrhage in the eye occurred as a result of an eye injury
  • you are taking blood thinning medications

How to treat bleeding in the eye

Subconjunctival hemorrhage in most cases does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

If you experience pain and discomfort, your doctor may prescribe decongestant and anti-inflammatory drops. With accompanying eye infection prescribe antibacterial or antiviral drugs. As a rule, subconjunctival hemorrhage resolves within 2 weeks, without complications.

In other cases of hemorrhages in the eye, immediate treatment is required in an eye hospital.

What should you absolutely not do?

If bleeding occurs in the eye, you should not:

  • rubbing your eyes, this increases bleeding
  • bury eye drops without a doctor's prescription
  • put on contact lenses
  • You should not stop taking medications on your own; if you are taking blood thinning medications, tell your physician if bleeding occurs.

What happens if the symptom is not treated?

Only subconjunctival hemorrhage can go away on its own without consequences for your vision and health.

In other cases, if left untreated, complete and irreversible loss of vision is possible. The appearance of such a symptom indicates serious problem eyes or the whole body.

Prevention of hemorrhage in the eye

There are no specific measures to prevent the development of hemorrhage in the eye. If you experience frequent hemorrhages Be sure to get examined by a therapist to find out the cause.

Treatment of the underlying disease, such as diabetes or hypertension, can prevent complications such as bleeding in the eye from developing.

Red eyes?

Eyes- this is the most beautiful thing on a person’s face, and of course it is very unpleasant when you notice that a vessel has burst in your eye or a whole network of small red vessels has appeared. At the same time, when you went to rest last night everything was in order.
Not only does this not look very pleasant, but it is natural that many may be concerned about the reason why this happened.
To understand the reasons for the occurrence of such a phenomenon as "Red eye", you need to remember the structure of the eyeball.

The surface of the eyeball is covered by an invisible film - the conjunctiva, under which there is tunica albuginea- sclera, between the conjunctiva and sclera there is a network of small vessels of the eye. Next comes what we don’t see, this vitreous, chambers of the eye, bundles of nerve fibers and larger blood vessels.

Now, more about the symptoms. If you stayed late at the computer in the evening, instead of the usual 10 o’clock in the evening, you went to bed at three o’clock in the morning, and in order not to disturb others, you turned off the lights in the room and typed text, illuminating yourself only with the dim light of the monitor, then that in the morning you have red spots on your conjunctiva is not surprising, and also, there is nothing dangerous about it. It's all just overwork and improper eye hygiene, a day or two will pass and not a trace will remain of your red spots. All you need is to give your eyes some rest from the screen and get a good night's sleep.

Another variant, sudden appearance red spots in the eye, the appearance of which has nothing to do with the computer, is a protracted party with big amount alcohol, bright flashes of spotlights, and a smoky room. Treatment in this case is the same: get enough sleep, rest your eyes, try not to strain them and avoid bright light.

Here are some possible reasons, which do not require serious treatment and everything goes away quickly on its own.

Another case is if you do not abuse the time spent at the computer, give yourself a rest, do not go out for a long time at parties, and yet you very often experience redness of the eyes. If at the same time you do not feel any painful sensations, the redness of the eyes does not bother you, but is noticeable only to others, then you have individual feature structure of eye vessels. Since it happens to every person that all the vessels and small capillaries are clearly visible under the skin, while for others, on the contrary, even the largest vessels can be seen with great difficulty, so you also have an individual predisposition to the fact that all your small vessels are clearly visible through thin shell eyes. You may wonder why one day they are almost invisible, but the next morning almost all of them are clearly visible. It may be a matter of change atmospheric pressure, in weather conditions, and even in the diet, some types of foods can contribute to blood vessels becoming more full, for example, highly peppered foods.

Treatments, this type“Red eyes” does not require, but if this causes you some inconvenience, you can adjust your diet, exclude spicy and salty foods, and introduce into your diet as much food as possible containing vitamins A and B.

It’s a completely different matter if the redness of the eyes is accompanied by symptoms such as burning, lacrimation, a feeling that there is something extra in the eye, in which case it is likely that you have developed conjunctivitis - conjunctival replenishment. This may be an independent disease, or it may be as a consequence various pathologies occurring in the body. Flu, ARVI, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, here is a small list possible diseases which are accompanied by conjunctivitis. Moreover, it may be helminthic infestations, there are helminths that can be located in the chamber of the eye and cause inflammation. In this case, conjunctivitis will most often be purulent.
It is also possible allergic cause the occurrence of conjunctivitis, it should not be ruled out even if you have never noticed any other signs of allergy in yourself before. It won't hurt to get tested.

The reason that blood vessels periodically burst in the eye may be a pathology associated with cardiovascular system . If you feel that you are periodically arterial pressure and at the same time you notice that your eyes are red, you need to consult a cardiologist and, after an examination, undergo an appropriate course of treatment.

It may also be that your blood pressure is normal, but you often experience headaches, your vision is blurred and it is difficult for you to focus. All this is also accompanied by redness of the eyeball. In this case, your intraocular pressure . You need to consult an ophthalmologist.

With imp: bloodshot eyes

What can it mean and what to do with it?

  • Overwork. Rest, good dream, lack of bright light.
  • Conjunctivitis as an independent disease. Eye drops.
  • Conjunctivitis due to allergies. Antiallergic drugs, suprastin, kitatifen.
  • Conjunctivitis, as a consequence of various pathologies. Treatment of the underlying disease.
  • Conjunctivitis, based on helminthic infestation. Examination, we will take anthelmintics.
  • Hypertension, increased intraocular pressure. Examination and appropriate treatment.
  • Individual predisposition to the manifestation of small blood vessels. It does not require treatment; if desired, it is possible to introduce into the diet vitamin-rich foods of groups A and B, such as liver, brewer's yeast, and sprouted grains.

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    Article updated date: 12/18/2018

    From this article you will learn: what a hemorrhage in the eye can be, the reasons for its occurrence, symptoms and diagnostic methods, what to do in this situation.

    Hemorrhage is the release of blood outside the blood vessels. It can occur in any human organ, including the eyeball.

    Click on photo to enlarge

    Pathology can develop in different structures eyes, therefore there are 4 types of it:

    1. Hyphema.
    2. Subconjunctival.
    3. Hemorrhage into the mucous body.
    4. Retinal hemorrhage.

    Depending on the location and size, hemorrhage in the eye may not pose any danger, or it may cause complete loss of vision.

    Each of these types has its own characteristic symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment. Ophthalmologists deal with all types of hemorrhage.

    1. Hyphema

    Hyphema is a collection of blood inside the anterior chamber of the eyeball, which is located between the cornea (the clear layer of the eye above the pupil) and the iris (the colored part of the eye). Blood can block the iris and pupil completely or partially, affecting vision.

    Hyphema can occur due to eye injury, after ophthalmic surgery.

    The diagnosis is made by an ophthalmologist based on the symptoms of the disease. The doctor also determines visual acuity, intraocular pressure and examination internal structure eyes. In some cases, the ophthalmologist prescribes a computed tomography scan of the orbit and eyeball.

    Based on suspected causes of hyphema and results ophthalmological examination, the doctor may prescribe:

    • wearing a protective eye patch;
    • decrease physical activity and bed rest;
    • elevated position of the head in bed.

    If hyphema is present, stop taking aspirin and other blood thinning drugs. If hemorrhage increases intraocular pressure, it can lead to glaucoma or corneal damage. In such cases, surgical or conservative treatment eye drops.

    2. Subconjunctival hemorrhage

    Subconjunctival hemorrhage in the eye is similar to an ordinary bruise on the skin. It appears as one red spot or many red spots on the sclera (the white part of the eyeball). This redness is blood released from the vessels under the conjunctiva - a transparent membrane that covers the sclera and inner surface century

    Conjunctiva contains a large number of tiny blood vessels that can rupture and cause bleeding.

    Although the presence of subconjunctival hemorrhage can be frightening for a person, it almost never poses a serious threat to health or vision, and often does not even cause any symptoms. You can find it by looking in the mirror. With such hemorrhage in the eye, treatment in most cases is not necessary. Over time, the blood stain will slowly disappear on its own, a process that may take several days or weeks, depending on its size. In case of eye irritation, the ophthalmologist may prescribe artificial tear drops.

    3. Hemorrhage into the mucosal body

    The corpus mucus is a clear, gel-like substance at the back of the eyeball located behind the lens. It helps maintain the shape of the eye and also transmits light from the pupil to the retina. Sometimes patients develop hemorrhage into the corpus mucosa.

    The mucous body itself does not have a blood supply, so blood enters it when the retinal vessels rupture. The most common causes of this hemorrhage in the eye are:

    • the presence of pathological retinal vessels in diabetic retinopathy;
    • detachment of the mucous body from the retina;
    • eye injury;
    • damage to retinal vessels due to hypertension, atherosclerosis;
    • eyeball tumors;
    • ophthalmic surgical interventions.

    Symptoms of small hemorrhages include dots, cobwebs, haze, and shadows in the field of vision. All items may have a reddish tint. Most often, hemorrhage into the mucous membrane develops in one eye. In more severe cases The patient experiences blurred vision, or even complete loss of vision.

    This hemorrhage in the eye is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist who performs:

    1. Examination of the eye using a slit lamp after pupil dilation.
    2. Ultrasound examination of the eyeball.

    Sometimes to identify the cause of pathology it is necessary laboratory examination blood (for diagnosing diabetes mellitus), CT scan eyeball and orbit.

    Treatment of hemorrhage into the mucous membrane depends on its causes. It is aimed at:

    • searching for the source of bleeding;
    • stopping bleeding;
    • Repairing retinal damage before it leads to permanent vision loss;
    • restoration of normal vision.

    After identifying the source of hemorrhage, specific treatment. If there is not a lot of blood in the slimy body, and its source can be seen, a cure is possible. Held laser coagulation bleeding vessel and repair of retinal damage. After this, it takes time for the blood to resolve, this takes several weeks. Strenuous activities should be avoided during this time as this may cause new bleeding. You need to sleep with the head end of the bed raised, which helps blood settle in the mucous membrane of the body. bottom part eyeball, outside the line of vision.

    If the blood in the corpus mucosa completely obscures the view and interferes with treatment, first a vitrectomy (surgery to remove the corpus mucosa) is performed and then the bleeding is stopped. After a vitrectomy, silicone fluid is injected into the eyeball to hold the retina in place.

    4. Retinal hemorrhage

    The retina is a light-sensitive layer of cells located on back wall eyeball. These cells perceive photons of light and convert them into nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain. The retina is rich blood vessels which can rupture and cause bleeding.

    Causes of retinal hemorrhage in adults Causes of retinal hemorrhage in children
    Diabetes Shaken Baby Syndrome - Damage various organs due to shaking or shaking of the child’s body
    High blood pressure Child abuse
    Anemia Retinopathy of prematurity occurs in premature babies with low body weight. Underdeveloped retinal vessels may be weak and easily damaged and bleed
    Aneurysms (dilation, stretching) of retinal vessels
    Damage to the eyeball
    Traumatic brain injury
    Rapid change in atmospheric pressure (for example, when quickly ascending from great depths)

    This bleeding in the eye is usually diagnosed by an ophthalmologist who performs an ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus of the eye), ultrasound examination and angiography of retinal vessels. During angiography, the patient is given intravenous contrast agent, after which the doctor uses a special instrument to examine the retinal vessels.

    The causes and treatment of pathology are closely interrelated. The choice of treatment depends on the cause and severity of the hemorrhage in the eye. In many cases, with moderate severity and no causal relationship with chronic diseases the blood can resolve on its own, without any treatment. The following methods are used:

    • Laser photocoagulation is the cauterization of affected and pathological vessels using a laser. This method is used to repair retinal damage.
    • Injections medicines, which interrupt the growth of pathological vessels in the retina. They are most often used in patients with diabetes mellitus, in addition to laser photocoagulation.

    Prognosis and prevention

    The prognosis for the pathology depends on its type and cause. For example, subconjunctival hemorrhage and hyphema have a favorable outcome and have virtually no effect on vision in long term. Bleeding in the corpus mucosa or retina caused by diabetes mellitus or hypertension may cause severe deterioration or total loss vision.

    To reduce the risk of developing hemorrhages in the eyeball:

    • avoid traumatic injury eyes;
    • control blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus;
    • normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension;
    • regularly undergo preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist, especially if you have risk factors;
    • do not smoke.