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Triphala - how to take and why should it be done? The drug "Triphala": reviews from doctors, contraindications and effectiveness How to drink triphala powder

Triphala (Triphala) normalizes the balance of all components of the body; cleanses the blood; normalizes functions gastrointestinal tract. Triphala relieves the hidden effects of prolonged stress; calms, treats insomnia; normalizes vision; increases sexual activity; regulates blood pressure; promotes the removal of allergens, regulates the formation of hemoglobin in the blood; improves memory, being a tonic for the brain; accelerates the healing of broken bones; used to treat skin diseases.
By taking Triphala (Triphala), you will protect yourself from the destructive effects of toxins in your body and premature aging. It has been observed that those who take Triphala are at lower risk of developing oncological diseases, Triphala also cleanses and rejuvenates all tissues of the body, preventing the formation of tumors.

Triphala is an excellent kidney tonic and a good laxative, effective astringent, has a pronounced ability to cleanse the body of toxins and rejuvenate tissues.

Indications for use:

Especially wide application Triphala was found in treatment:

Blood diseases

Intestinal dysfunction (chronic constipation and dysbiosis)


Nervous exhaustion



Diabetes mellitus

Internal bleeding

Cough (accompanied by irritation of the upper respiratory tract)

Triphala is also used for:

Skin diseases

Eye and ear problems

For various colds,

Gynecological problems

Triphala is good effective means, helping with all types of arthritis. When treating arthritis, it is necessary to remove Ama (waste, toxins) from the joints and return it to the large intestine, from where it can then also be removed. This is why it is important to keep the colon “clean” when treating arthritis. For arthritis, take 2 tablets at night. Triphala with no big amount(1 cup) hot water.

For all types of allergies, you can take 2 tablets. Triphala at night.

To relieve eye strain due to glaucoma, as well as initial signs cataracts are an effective remedy for removing clouding of the lens of the eye and normalizing intraocular pressure There will be an eye wash with Triphala decoction. Take a teaspoon of Triphala and brew it in a cup of water, cool it, then filter it thoroughly, pour it into a special eye wash cup and rinse your eyes. You can repeat this procedure 2-3 times during the day. Washing the eyes with Triphala decoction in the morning and evening promotes recovery and is a good preventive measure. Do this regularly for a month, and if the effect is good, you can continue to do it for as long as you like.

Has no contraindications and side effects. Use with caution during pregnancy.


The course of treatment is 3-4 months. Adults: 1-2 capsules twice a day (in the morning and before bed), or 2-3 capsules 1 time a day before bed. Children from 6 to 14 years old - 1 capsule before bedtime. Take with warm water.

60 capsules

Shelf life: 3 years. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging.

Composition: 1 capsule 250 mg contains Phyllantus emblica 83.30 mg, Terminalia chebula 83.30 mg, Indian almond (Terminalia belerica) 83.30 mg.

Additional Information:

According to the ancient canons, triphala brings into balance all five “primary elements” of the body. The plants that make up Triphala have long been used in herbal formulations used for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of acute and chronic diseases. Each of the three components has pronounced impact on one of the Doshas, ​​this achieves a persistent and balanced effect of Rasayana on the entire body. Each plant included in the preparation is highly revered in Ayurvedic, Tibetan, Chinese and Persian medicine.

Anyone who takes Triphala for a year will get rid of all diseases and live to be a hundred years old. (Charaka Samhita, 4th century AD)


Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) belongs to the myrobalan group and is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. Amalaki contains glycosides, saponins, natural antiseptics, catechins, various shapes ascorbic acid combined with a tannin complex and gallic acid, bioflavonoids and carotenoids with antioxidant properties.

Amalaki balances pitta dosha (increases the liver’s ability to reduce excess activity of catabolic hormones, such as adrenaline).
Amalaki fruits prevent the development of atherosclerosis and various immune disorders the body, and also stimulate the production of erythropoietin, due to which the plant has long been used in the treatment of anemia.

Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica)- a plant that is often used in many recipes along with haritaki and amalaki.

Bibhitaki fruits, rich in gallotanninic acid, saponins and phytosteroids, balance kapha dosha (normalize insulin and estrogen levels).
Bibhitaki removes excess mucus from the bronchi and restores the cough reflex, eliminates congestion in the biliary system and pelvic organs.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) called "the king of all drugs." Translated from Sanskrit, it means “disease-stealing plant.” The Ayurvedic canons say that haritaki can relieve one hundred ailments.

Haritaki balances vata dosha (has adaptogenic, nootropic and sedative effects).
Haritaki fruits contain the most powerful antioxidants belonging to the group of anthocyanins, which, due to neutralization free radicals stop damage to the arterial endothelium, the occurrence of cross-links of collagen protein, inhibition cellular immunity, including antitumor, disturbances in the colloidal balance of bile and urine. Due to the high content of hebulic acid, haritaki fruits stimulate the activity of cytochrome 450 enzymes, which are responsible for the antitoxic function of the liver. Plant catechins provide hemostatic and vascular strengthening effects.

If you have mistreated your body for many years, then you need to remove many layers of Ama (toxins). Each layer must first be loosened, then it can be dissolved and removed from the body. Even if it were possible to eliminate all the ama (toxins) at once, it would be unwise because your elimination organs might not be able to handle all the toxins and the body would be seriously imbalanced. In addition, your body has carried these toxins around for so long that they have become involved in its metabolic balance. He will resist any revolutionary change because he feels his metabolic rug being pulled out from under him, especially if you have a lot of fear-producing Vata in your constitution or condition.
Colon cleansing methods (such as enemas) can be beneficial by ridding the body of impurities, but if consumed in excess, they can cause serious Vata disturbances because they deplete the body without giving anything in return. Since Vata creates fear, the body will cling to the remaining Ama with increasing tenacity. Your body needs confidence. For your cleanse to be successful, it must be willing to release accumulated toxins. Gradual and leisurely cleansing always gives the best results.
Excessive zeal during cleansing can drive Amu even deeper into the tissue. For example, excess hot spicy food or herbs such as garlic and red pepper, excessive exercise and suppressed emotions can interfere with the cleansing process just as much as more obvious violations of this
process, for example, restraining natural needs, improper food combinations and uncontrolled consumption of stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine. Although it can be boring and drain your patience, you should cleanse at a rate that is optimal for your body. Triphala can gradually and gently cleanse and rejuvenate the gastrointestinal tract, improving your ability to nourish dhatu (tissues).

There are three active components of Triphala Churna: dried fruits of Amalaki (Terminalia emblica), Haritaki (Terminalia hebula) and Babhitaki (Terminalia belerica) taken in equal proportions. The peculiarity of the fruits of Amalaki and Haritaki is that they have five tastes out of six possible, which gives these plants the title of “kings” medicinal plants". It is thanks to this that they are able to regulate the balance of the internal components of the body and treat most diseases. Triphala is a very ancient Ayurvedic formula described in the Charaka Samhita and in the Ashtaganga Hridayam. Vagbhata writes: “These three fruits together (Amalaki, Haritaki and Babhitaki) are Triphala ".

General characteristics: Triphala Churna is a homogeneous powder of grayish-greenish-brown color with a pleasant smell of dried fruit, insoluble in water. The taste is slightly astringent and bitter. There are several types dosage forms products made from Triphala: Triphala Churna, Triphala in capsules, Triphala in tablets, Triphaladi thaila - medicinal oil from Triphala.

Recommendations for use: For gradual cleansing and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, it is best to stir one teaspoon of triphala powder in a glass clean water and leave it overnight for it to settle. The next morning you should drink the water without stirring so that the sediment remains at the bottom. Then you need to pour water into the glass again, stir thoroughly and leave to settle for the whole day, and drink at night without stirring. Then throw away the sludge and prepare a fresh drink the next day using the same technology. If such a dose is too strong laxative effect or will cause any reaction, you should drink only one glass per day. Let the second glass sit for a day until the next morning. In this case, one teaspoon is enough for two days. If it still causes a strong reaction, reduce the amount of powder to half a teaspoon. To achieve maximum effect, continue this treatment for three to six months.

Triphala in capsules is taken 1 capsule twice a day (in the morning and before bed), or 2 capsules once a day before bed with warm water. The minimum course of prophylactic use is 50 days; after completion of the course, a break is not necessary.

Medical uses: Triphala is an Ayurvedic “panacea”. It can be used to wash hair and body, as a laxative, laxative, emetic and for enemas. Its decoction can be dropped into the eyes, nose and ears or used as a rinse. It cleanses tissues of toxins and brings back doshas that have left their permanent location - the stomach, small intestine and the colon. Triphala is harmless, but if the body is heavily contaminated with toxins, too much of it can cause a strong reaction, since Triphala will move the accumulated toxins faster than the weakened body is able to process them. Therefore, in case of discomfort or pain while taking Triphala, the dose should be reduced by half for about 1-2 weeks.

In Ayurvedic prescription reference books, Triphala is recommended for use in cases of jaundice, dyspepsia, constipation, diabetes mellitus, it cleanses the blood, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves the hidden effects of prolonged stress, calms, treats insomnia, promotes loss of sleep excess weight, normalizes vision, increases sexual activity, regulates blood pressure, regulates the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, being a tonic for the brain, improves memory, accelerates the healing of broken bones, and is used to treat skin diseases. Triphala is widely used as an independent medicinal product, especially in the treatment of blood diseases, intestinal dysfunction (in particular with chronic constipation), insomnia and nervous exhaustion.

Triphala Himalaya Kazan

One of popular products On the market healthy eating is triphala - homeopathic medicine from India, known for hundreds of years in Ayurvedic practice as a means for harmonizing vital energy, and is used in modern times for the purposes of general health and cosmetic skin care.

In this article we will look at the benefits of triphala, what effect it has on the body, how to take it correctly, and in what cases taking it is associated with risks.

What is triphala

Triphala or triphala (from the English triphala) from Sanskrit literally translates as “three fruits,” which fully reflects its composition. The product consists of a mixture of the pulp of the fruits of three Himalayan fruit trees - bibhitaki, amalaki and haritaki.

All the fruits mentioned are rich in chemical composition and in combination with each other have a comprehensive healing effect on the body.

The product has a bright, unusual taste with an interweaving of sweet, bitter and sour notes, and has an astringent effect.

Over a thousand years of use of this composition in India, different shapes eating triphala. Today, the type of additive in a dietary supplement can be recognized by its specific names:

  • churna – powder made from dried crushed fruits;
  • taila – oil;
  • mashi – ash;
  • kvata – decoction;
  • grita – triphala powder mixed with ghee or ghee.

On the sales market, triphala dietary supplement is available in the form of drops, tablets, oil, capsules and powder extract. You can buy the product in specialized Ayurvedic and Indian shops, as well as in online stores.


The benefits of triphala are due to increased content useful substances in its composition. Three fruits gave the product the following components:

  • tannins (38%);
  • polyphenols (35%);
  • minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron);
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamin C;
  • quercetin;
  • fatty acid;
  • saponins;
  • cellulose;
  • amino acids.

Properties and uses of triphala

From the point of view of the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, triphala connects the three main vital energy flows - kapha, pitta and vata, thanks to which it has a complex healing effect on the body.

Since ancient times, the remedy was taken orally to treat gastrointestinal disorders, prolong life, increase sexual desire and combat insomnia, and triphala oil, its decoctions and infusions, were applied to the skin to prolong its beauty and youth, as well as to treat all kinds of inflammation.

IN modern science the product is at the research stage, but has already been proven useful action triphala on many body systems. Next, we will look at the beneficial properties of the supplement and the diseases that it treats.

Beneficial features

So, what benefits does the remedy in question have for the body? Science has proven that triphala:

  1. Removes waste and toxins from the body. The product contains high concentrations antioxidants and thanks to this can be used to cleanse the body. This property slows down cell aging and prolongs youth.
  2. Regulates digestion and intestinal motility. Depending on the dosage, the product helps to consolidate the stool or, conversely, causes a mild laxative effect. At the same time, triphala has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, nourishing beneficial bacteria which also improves digestion.
  3. Has an anti-cancer effect. Experiments on mice have proven that the drug slows the growth of malignant tumors and destroys some cancer cells, and also reduces negative impact radiation radiation.
  4. Increases body tone, helps fight depression and stress. As a result of detoxification and improvement of intestinal function, physiological factors affecting the psycho-emotional state are eliminated.
  5. Heals skin, strengthens and nourishes hair follicles and nails. Positive effect is directly related to the vitamin and mineral composition of triphala, the high content of tannins (tannins) and fatty acids.
  6. Regulates arterial pressure. The drug has moderate hypotensive effect, which has a beneficial effect on hypertension.
  7. Stimulates weight loss. Experiments on volunteers show that taking triphala helps you lose an average of 1 kg per month without additional measures.
  8. Strengthens teeth and skeletal system. This effect associated with the high amount of calcium in triphala.
  9. Reduces cholesterol in the blood. Experiments on mice and volunteers showed a sustained decrease in cholesterol levels after certain period taking the drug.
  10. Strengthens the immune system. Ascorbic acid in the product reduces the body's vulnerability to viruses and infections.

Other properties of triphala are still at the research stage, but folk experience allows us to talk about next action facilities:

Based on the above, taking triphala is advisable for the following conditions of the body:

Important! Triphala has moderate healing properties and therefore cannot be an independent or primary remedy in the treatment of serious illnesses. Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.


Centuries of experience in the use of triphala shows that the product is highly safe, and modern research they say it is hypoallergenic. At the same time, there are cases of individual intolerance to the drug, and doctors name the following contraindications for its use:

  1. Children's age up to 8 years. Triphala is a difficult product for children due to its immature gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Pregnancy and breast-feeding. The mechanism of the drug’s effect on mother and child during these periods has not been fully studied, so doctors advise eliminating it from use until the child completely switches to a separate diet.
  3. Low blood clotting, hemophilia. Triphala temporarily reduces blood clotting, so regular use is not recommended for these pathologies.
  4. Dropsy of the kidneys.
  5. Severe hypotension.

It is forbidden to detoxify the body during acute diseases internal organs (liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.). Increased stress on the body can exacerbate symptoms.

The mechanism of interaction of dietary supplements with drugs has not yet been studied, however, in order to avoid negative effects, you should not take them at the same time, you need to take a break of 2-3 hours.

Side effects from triphala may occur due to exceeding the dosage of the drug, or as a accompanying symptoms detoxification of the body.

At higher dosages, stool disturbances (constipation or diarrhea, flatulence) are typical, and during the detoxification process a skin rash, nausea, frequent urge to bowel movement. These symptoms should go away within 2-3 days. Otherwise, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Instructions for use of triphala

Traditionally, triphala is taken in powder form (churna). In this form, the product retains the maximum amount of nutrients and is quickly absorbed by the body.

If you can purchase Indian fruits, you can prepare triphala powder at home yourself. To do this, dry fruits are separately crushed to a homogeneous mass - you can do this manually using a pestle and mortar, or use a coffee grinder. Next, the components are mixed in the ratio of 4 parts amalaki, 2 parts bibhitaki and 1 part haritaki. The resulting mixture is stored in closed glass or plastic containers.

How to take Triphala? Traditional methods of taking the drug for the purpose of general health and improvement of intestinal function are as follows:

  1. Dry powder. Half a teaspoon is taken before meals with warm liquid.
  2. Tea. Half a teaspoon of powder is poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for 5-10 minutes.

Take triphala twice a day. It can be sweetened with a little honey for taste.

It should be borne in mind that the laxative effect occurs 6-10 hours after taking the drug, therefore, for a timely effect, triphala is advised to be taken 1 time in the morning and 1 time before bed.

On average, the course of using Churna is 2 months. After this, you need to take a break for 21 days.

For external use, along with the powder, triphala oil, made from fruit extracts, is often used.

Let's consider what other recipes with triphala Ayurveda offers for the treatment of external and internal ailments, skin and hair care.

Face and body care

The following skin care products will ensure the beauty of your skin:

  • Massage with oil. Apply the product warm with light massaging movements to the skin of the face and/or body for 7-10 minutes, then rinse off cool water. This procedure eliminates swelling, stimulates collagen production, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Mask for any skin type. Mix 1 teaspoon of triphala powder and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, apply the mixture to clean skin of the face and neck for 12-15 minutes.
  • Facial lotion. 1 tsp of churna is diluted in a glass of water and left to infuse overnight. In the morning and evening, use cotton pads to wipe the skin of the face (including around the eyes) and neck with the infusion. This product increases the silkiness of the skin, gives it fresh look, removes swelling and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Anti-acne remedy. Mix 1 teaspoon of Churna with half a teaspoon of honey and apply this product to the inflamed areas for 15 minutes.
  • Mask for dry and aging skin. Mix triphala powder, curcus and honey in equal parts so that a homogeneous mixture is obtained. thick mass. Apply the mask for 10 minutes.
  • Remedy for freckles and age spots. Add 2 tbsp of churna to melted coconut oil (4 tbsp). When the mixture has cooled, rub it into a thin layer into the skin and leave for 15 minutes. The procedure is done 3 times a week (it is not necessary to make a fresh mixture each time; the mask can be stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days).

Hair care

Triphala is used:

  • For dandruff and lice. Warm oil is rubbed into the scalp, wrapped in plastic and left for 1 hour, then washed off with soap and water or shampoo.
  • For shine and silkiness. The oil is applied to the hair along the entire length, the head is wrapped in plastic and a towel and left for half an hour, and then washed with shampoo.
  • How nourishing mask. Make a thick mixture of triphala powder (2 tablespoons diluted with 4-5 tablespoons of water), apply it to the scalp and hair for 15-20 minutes.
  • To stimulate hair growth. Before each wash, rinse your hair with a churna solution prepared in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon for 2 glasses of water.

Treatment of pathologies of internal organs

For therapeutic purposes:

  • Churna solution. 1 teaspoon of the product is diluted warm milk or water and drink before meals (twice a day). For children from 8 to 14 years old, the amount of powder is halved.
  • Churna for gastritis, ulcers and colitis. Take 1 teaspoon after meals with water 2 or 3 times a day.

Eye inflammation

Lotions are used. 2.5 g of churna diluted in 150 ml warm water until completely dissolved. Soak cotton pads in the liquid and apply to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. The product relieves redness and inflammation, helps restore visual acuity.

Treatment of skin diseases

In this case, you need a churna solution. The product is diluted with a small amount of water and applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. This method is equally effective for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, burns and bruises. The product accelerates healing and reduces pain.

Elimination unpleasant odor from the oral cavity

Rinse. To do this, 0.5 tsp of triphala powder is mixed with the same amount of salt and poured with half a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution every morning.


In case of poisoning, an infusion of churna and ginger will help. To do this, triphala powder and crushed ginger root are mixed in quantities of 2 and 1 teaspoon, respectively, poured with a glass of warm water and left for 8-9 hours. Next, bring the infusion to a boil, add a little lemon juice (5-6 drops), cool and filter. Drink 1 glass once a day before breakfast.

To avoid additional stress on internal organs During the detoxification period, you need to give up fatty, spicy and starchy foods, introduce more greens and vegetables into your diet, and drink 2 liters of water a day.

Treatment of thrush

For fungal infections of the genital organs, take 2 teaspoons of churna 2-3 times a day before meals.

Respiratory diseases

For pneumonia, pneumonia or asthma, take triphala powder 1 teaspoon after meals 3 times a day. Treatment lasts until complete recovery or exit from the active stage.

Obesity, atherosclerosis

Churna is taken 2 teaspoons twice a day (an hour before breakfast and an hour before bedtime). The course of treatment lasts up to 6 months.

Triphala tablets

Triphala in powder form is not always convenient for use due to its peculiar taste and the frequent need to infuse in water, so pharmaceutical companies offer more convenient forms of the drug - tablets and capsules. Such dietary supplements are often supplemented with other vitamins that are absent or poorly represented in the pure product.

How to use triphala tablets and capsules? The dietary supplement is only suitable for internal treatment, but is taken in the same way as the powder. 1 capsule or tablet of the drug replaces 1 teaspoon of churna. Many tablets are marked in the middle and are easy to dose.

It should be borne in mind that when choosing an unverified supplier of dietary supplements, there is a risk of receiving a low-quality product with insufficient content of useful substances. Therefore, before purchasing triphala, you should carefully study the composition of the drug and reviews of the online store.

Triphala for weight loss

Nutritionists speak positively about the introduction of Indian triphala into the diet for weight loss. The tool provides complex effect when fighting extra pounds:

  • displays excess liquid from the body;
  • reduces hunger;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • stimulates peristalsis;
  • improves fat metabolism, preventing the deposition of subcutaneous and visceral fat.

Without additional measures, in the first month of taking the drug you can lose 2 kilograms and one kilogram in subsequent months, and the combination of taking the drug with dietary ration nutrition and reasonable physical activity helps to lose 5-10 kilograms per month.

How to take triphala for weight loss? You can use one of the following methods:

  1. Classic technique. Take a solution of 1 tsp of churna in 200 ml of water (or 1 tablet) 2-3 times a day before meals for 2 months and take a break of 1 day.
  2. Intensive course (for obesity). Triphala take 2 tablets or 2 teaspoons of powder 30-40 minutes before meals three times a day. The duration of application is the same as in the first case.

Internal use of triphala can be combined with external use of the oil form of the supplement. To get rid of cellulite and speed up the removal of extra centimeters on the hips and sides, it is advised to apply triphala oil to problem areas every day without rinsing with water.

A special anti-cellulite massage can be performed twice a week. For this, 2 tbsp. triphala oils are mixed with an equal amount of base oil (for example, jojoba or almond), add 2-3 drops of citrus, juniper or rosemary esters. The warm mixture is applied to the skin with massage movements, then wrapped in cling film, insulated with clothing and left for 40 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is rinsed with warm water without soap.

Our world does not stand still, and medicine and cosmetology are developing along with it. With every new year we learn a lot useful properties and benefits medicinal herbs, drugs, spices and herbs. In this impressive list, not the last place is occupied by triphala guggul powder - a unique homeopathic preparation of the three natural ingredients, which has a lot of useful properties and qualities. Which ones? We'll talk about this below!

What is triphala powder

Triphala (three fruits) Churna (powder) – a combination of three components that have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over a thousand years! Triphala tastes slightly bitter, with an astringent aftertaste. The miraculous drug consists of haritaki, amalaki, and bibhitaki. We will now tell you in more detail what these substances are and how they are useful.

Interesting information: The old Indian sacred text “Charak Samhita” speaks about triphala: “He who consumes triphala for a year will be freed from all ailments and will live to be a hundred years old.”

    Haritaki (Harad)– translated from Sanskrit, this word means “a plant that takes away all ailments.” Haritaki is one of the most respected plants in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine because it contains a large number of antioxidants, due to which it is able to positively influence all important biological processes in the body. Haritaki also has a miraculous effect on the organs of vision - its use prevents eye diseases, such as cataracts and glaucoma. In addition, this substance perfectly accelerates the healing process of wounds, improves the functioning of the liver and spleen, and improves the condition of the skin.

    Amalaki (Amla)– is the main component in many Ayurvedic medicines. It is in no way inferior to haritaki, since it also has a number of undeniable advantages: it strengthens the immune system, improves the health of the digestive, urinary and cardiovascular systems, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, has a positive effect on all types of tissue. This substance contains vitamin C, which ensures better absorption of iron and also acts as a stimulant for the gallbladder and liver. Amalaki is also beneficial for the health of nails, teeth, and skin, improving their condition.

    Bibhitaki (Baheda)– the last, but by no means least important, component of triphala powder. It affects the digestive, respiratory, nervous, and excretory systems; has a tonic, expectorant, rejuvenating, and analgesic effect. Also worth noting in the list of advantages of bibhitaki is the huge positive effect on the organs of vision and hearing. This substance, when used, can cleanse the blood, remove excess fats from the body, and prevent hair loss.

All three components when dried and crushed together create an indestructible support for health and beauty: triphala is used to treat many ailments and problems. Let's learn about the benefits of triphala powder in more detail.

Interesting information: Ayurvedicists consider triphala a “formula of youth.”

Triphala Powder - 25 Health Benefits

Triphala guggul powder is an ancient medicinal drug that has a number of beneficial properties for improving the health of the body.

  1. Improves the functioning of the digestive system

    Triphala powder works great as a laxative and can be used to stimulate bowel movements. If you are familiar with constipation, bloating, or diarrhea, drink a solution of a teaspoon of triphala powder and a glass of warm water before bed, or in the morning on empty stomach. This drug cleanses the stomach well and ensures normal bowel movements, filling the entire digestive tract with nutrients.

  2. Acts as a detoxifier

    Triphala powder can cleanse your body of toxins and harmful effects. To carry out detoxification, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of triphala powder, 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger root with 200 ml of warm water, and leave for 8 hours. Then bring the resulting solution to a boil, add lemon juice, strain, and your potion is ready! Drink a glass of warm drink every morning on an empty stomach to achieve the desired effect.

  3. Improves vision

    Using triphala is a great way to improve vision and eye health. To obtain this result, you need to mix 1-2 teaspoons of powder and 200 ml of warm water, leave overnight, and use in the morning to improve vision. This medicine will not only improve your eyesight, but also protect you from eye infections.

  4. Normalizes blood circulation

    Daily use Triphala powder can cleanse your blood of toxins and harmful substances, and systematic use of the powder stimulates and improves blood circulation. Also, its use increases blood flow in the capillaries and increases the number of red blood cells.

  5. Improves immune system function

    Triphala has a positive effect on vital processes in the body, for example, triphala contains a large amount of antioxidants that regulate cell metabolism, thereby preventing the aging process. Thus, taking the drug strengthens general state health, and, of course, immunity.

    Saturating the body with nutrients, strengthening the functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems, the use of triphala powder helps to significantly increase immunity and maintain it for a long time.

  6. Has anti-inflammatory effects

    Triphala powder has an anti-inflammatory effect, and its systematic use can reduce internal and external inflammatory processes that may arise due to poor immunity or lack of nutrients in the body.

  7. Rich in nutrients and trace elements

    Triphala powder is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that are vital for the proper functioning of the body.

  8. Helps get rid of excess weight

    If you want to lose weight, triphala powder can be a great help in this matter. It helps remove harmful toxins and excess fat from the body, thereby preventing the risk of many diseases. Triphala powder also controls the part of the brain responsible for the feeling of fullness, so you will not feel hungry. To lose weight, you just need to mix 1 tablespoon of powder with 200 ml of warm water, and take it twice a day - morning and evening.

  9. Eliminates joint pain and bone aches

    Are you often bothered by unpleasant sensations in your joints, causing discomfort? Triphala powder has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating the symptoms of gout, polyarthritis, and other diseases. Using this drug will help you strengthen the skeletal system and fill it with nutrients. To relieve pain, mix one teaspoon of triphala powder with 200 ml of water, and drink at the first sign of discomfort.

  10. Normalizes blood pressure

    Did you know that regular use of triphala can normalize your blood pressure and maintain this level? for a long time? Triphala helps improve blood circulation and controls blood cholesterol levels. The drug also contains fatty acids, for example, linoleic acid, which helps reduce blood pressure and prevent the risk of heart disease.

  11. Accelerates the healing process of wounds

    Triphala has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which makes it highly effective in wound healing, as well as this drug prevents the risk of infection.

  12. Prevents the risk of bacterial or viral infections

    Taking triphala regularly can prevent the risk of contracting infections, be it a common cold or something more serious.

  13. Prevents the development of cancer

    Nature has many cures for many diseases, and cancer is no exception. Triphala has anti-cancer properties and prevents the risk of occurrence and formation of tumors.

    Important information: an experiment involving mice artificially infected cancer cells, has proven that regular intake of triphala can slow down the growth of tumors and suppresses the development of cancer cells.

  14. Relieves Diabetes Symptoms

    The use of triphala can significantly make life easier for people suffering from diabetes. This quality is explained by the fact that taking the powder helps to better absorb insulin. If you suffer from diabetes, you should consult your doctor before taking triphala.

  15. Relieves dizziness and seasickness

    Do you travel often, but seasickness and frequent dizziness spoil your travel experience? Maybe you constantly get motion sickness in the car? Triphala powder can solve these problems! To get rid of these unpleasant symptoms you need to mix half a teaspoon of powder with 200 ml of warm water, and take it every time at the first sign of dizziness.

  16. Strengthens children's health and is safe for babies

    Are you worried about your child's health and want to strengthen his immunity? A small amount of powder diluted with water or milk can prevent the risk of bacterial and viral infections including colds, fever, cough, flu. Triphala decoction You can drip into the nose for rhinitis, into the ears for otitis, gargle for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and sore throat. The main thing is to observe changes in the baby’s condition and the slightest sign If you have an allergy, stop taking the powder.

  17. Good for women's health

    You suffer from irregular or painful menstrual cycle? Regular intake of triphala powder will help you forget about this problem forever! All you need to do is drink a glass of warm water with 1 teaspoon of powder before going to bed. Taking the mixture has a positive effect on female organs and stabilizes hormonal levels.

  18. Relieves bad breath

    Triphala guggul is one of the most popular remedies for eliminating bad breath. To achieve this effect, you need to mix half a teaspoon of triphala powder and salt with 100 ml of warm water, and rinse your mouth and throat with the resulting solution every morning.

  19. Improves appearance skin

    Do you dream of smooth and soft skin like a baby's? With triphala, achieving this effect will be as easy as shelling pears! This wonderful powder moisturizes, softens and rejuvenates your skin. Due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition, it can prevent the appearance of acne and delete dark spots, and also soothe irritated or flaky skin.

  20. Reduces dark circles under the eyes

    From constant fatigue and lack of sleep, you have dark circles under your eyes, but creams don’t help you? Use triphala powder to combat “bruises” - and there will be no trace left of them! To achieve this effect, simply mix a small amount of powder with warm water and wipe the area around the eyes. This procedure will reduce circles under the eyes, relieve puffiness and refresh the skin.

  21. Treats eczema

    Skin diseases not only spoil your appearance, but can also provoke serious problems with health. If you are suffering from eczema, applying a solution of triphala powder with water to the affected area of ​​the skin can help you get rid of eczema.

  22. Helps get rid of acne

    Regular use of triphala can relieve you of pimples and acne and prevent their further occurrence. To achieve this result, mix 2 tablespoons of triphala powder and 200 ml of warm water, and leave the solution overnight. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and wipe your face twice a day every day.

  23. Stimulates hair growth

    Is your hair thin and lifeless? Triphala powder will help you not only strengthen their structure, but also accelerate the growth of your curls! Mix the powder with warm water and rinse your hair before washing your hair - this procedure will prevent hair loss, improve its condition and accelerate its growth.

  24. Relieves dandruff

    Using triphala powder as a hair mask, you can forget about the problem of dandruff forever. Mix 2 tablespoons of powder with 4-5 tablespoons of water, apply to the scalp with massaging movements, and rinse with warm water after 20-30 minutes.

  25. Strengthens hair structure

    Triphala is rich in many beneficial nutrients that can significantly improve the condition of your hair, making it thick, soft and silky. Prepare a homemade mask from 2 tablespoons of powder and 4-5 tablespoons of water, apply to hair along the entire length, and rinse after 15-20 minutes. The result will certainly please you!

How to make triphala powder at home

As mentioned above, triphala powder consists of three components. We have told you about the beneficial benefits of the combination of these three substances, and now we will tell you how to prepare triphala powder yourself.

You will need:

    Haritaki (Harad);

    Amalaki (Amla);

    Bibhitaki (Baheda);

    Mortar and pestle.

All three ingredients can be purchased at the market or in a specialty store. The proportions of the components should be in the ratio 1:2:4 (Haritaki:Bibhitaki:Amalaki).

Cooking technology:

Grind each substance separately using a mortar and pestle to a fine powder, then mix them together in the proportions given above. The mixture can be stored in a plastic or glass container with a lid.

Ways to use triphala

Now you know about the main benefits of triphala, it is time to discuss its uses. We present to your attention the simplest and effective ways uses of triphala powder:

  1. Triphala powder can be diluted with water to internal use, and if the taste seems bitter or unpleasant to you, just add a little honey or lemon juice to the mixture.
  2. Triphala can be added to tea, adding a couple of drops of honey for sweetness - this will not make the powder lose its miraculous properties.
  3. If for some reason you have not found triphala in powder form or cannot make it yourself at home, then this drug is also sold in capsules and tablets. They are no less available in the market than the powder form and the price is low enough not to put a dent in your pocket.
  4. Triphala can also be diluted with water for external use: for example, leave the solution overnight and wipe the area around the eyes or the entire face in the morning.
  5. Homemade mask with triphala, consisting of half a tablespoon of powder and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil can work a real miracle. Apply the mask to the face and neck area, leave for 10-15, and then rinse with warm water. The result will please you.
  6. Exists essential oil triphala, obtained from plant extracts. It can be used to care for hair, skin and body.

Side effects, contraindications and precautions

Triphala guggul is absolutely safe for health, and according to experts, does not cause any side effects. However, there are certain precautions for using triphala.

  • The powder is not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women, because breast milk it can harm the unborn baby.
  • It is not recommended to take the drug for children under 8 years of age - due to their fragile bodies, using triphala can cause diarrhea or other stomach problems.
  • Triphala is very rich in fiber, it overuse may cause bloating. It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking triphala.

Important information: Triphala powder has been proven to be harmless and does not cause any allergic reactions.

Expert answers questions from readers

- Where can I buy triphala powder?

- Triphala powder is affordable drug: It can be purchased in specialized stores, markets, or online shopping sites. You can also make it yourself at home by purchasing three components of triphala, grinding and mixing them in the required proportions.

- How long should you take triphala to get the desired result?

- There is no specific period of time to obtain the effect. You can use triphala every day, and the result will be guaranteed, but how long it will take for it to appear depends on your body. For achievement better effect Experts recommend taking triphala every evening, adhering to a certain dosage.

- Does triphala interact with other medications?

- Triphala can be used together with other medications without any danger to health.

- Is triphala safe for health?

- Yes. Triphala powder is hypoallergenic, and according to experts, it is absolutely harmless and does not cause side effects.

So, now you know about the many medicinal and unique properties amazing herbal preparation- triphala. We hope that the information will be useful, and you will definitely make sure miraculous properties triphala powder from personal experience, and share your impressions with us!

Triphala is one of the most popular formulas used in Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is a mixture of three fruits: Amalaki (aka Indian gooseberry), Bibhitaki and Haritaki. Most often, this remedy is recommended to improve metabolism and normalize the digestive and excretory systems. Triphala has a mild laxative effect, thereby helping to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Also, to enhance the effect, Guggul, the resin of a unique Indian plant, is added to classic triphala. This supplement helps cleanse the kidneys and liver and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Triphala is widely used in the form of powder (churn), which can be mixed with food and drinks. A wide range of triphala churna powder is presented on the iHerb website at affordable and favorable prices. This is where I purchased triphala at a super low price!

When and how to take triphala

Triphala is an Ayurvedic panacea that has wide range applications. Doctors recommend taking this remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. And this is not surprising! After all, triphala powder has the following properties:

  • normalizes balance throughout the body;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • removes Negative consequences after prolonged stress;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps with insomnia;
  • normalizes the functioning of the visual organs;
  • increases libido;
  • regulates blood pressure and hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • improves brain function;
  • helps to quickly recover after a bone fracture;
  • treats skin diseases.

By the way, triphala powder copes well with excess weight. My friend managed to lose 5 kilograms in three weeks with the help of a drug with triphala. She could not achieve such a result for a very long time. In addition, during the break between courses, the weight did not return!

Many people ask the question: how to drink triphala powder correctly. There are some rules that must be followed in order to achieve the effect and get maximum benefit from the drug.

  • Rule 1. Triphala powder should be diluted only in warm and even slightly hot water. It can also be mixed with honey or ghee. However, they should be warm.
  • Rule 2. It is best to take triphala in the morning on an empty stomach. Remember that triphala has a laxative effect, so don’t take it before going out!
  • Rule 3. While taking triphala, you must avoid fatty, spicy and heavy foods.
  • Rule 4. Triphala powder has a cooling effect, so refrain from using it for colds, inflammatory processes, and respiratory diseases.

Like any medicine, triphala powder has contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to one or all components;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • various mental illnesses.

Reviews from doctors about triphala are mixed. Some are confident in the safety and effectiveness of this powder. The main thing is to know when to stop and follow the dosage. Other doctors claim that triphala has unproven effectiveness, so it is better to give your preference to some vitamin complexes. The matter is up to you! You may believe it or not, but the fact remains a fact. I have seen from personal experience the effectiveness of this drug and I confidently recommend it to you. The best triphala powder can be purchased from the website.

Miracle triphala: my review

I learned about triphala from my husband, who had been interested in Indian culture for some time. I wondered if this remedy was really so universal and effective. Many years ago I had an experience with Ayurvedic eye drops which really helped me get rid of my eye problems. Considering my positive experience, I decided to order triphala from my favorite one.

After a long study of all the drugs from various brands, I focused my attention on. This supplement cost me $8.09, I received the package within two weeks. Opening a small plastic jar, I discovered a homogeneous powder of a grayish-greenish-brown color, which at the same time smelled pleasantly of dried fruit.

Triphala powder tastes slightly bitter. I took this remedy one spoon a day on an empty stomach. According to the recommendations in the instructions, I added triphala to non-acidic juice in the morning. Triphala powder is a drug whose effect will not be noticeable immediately. According to ancient scriptures, the minimum period of its use is three months. I can say that after just two, my sleep returned to normal, the creaking in my joints, which I had been unable to get rid of for a long time, disappeared, I began to get up easily in the morning, and there was vigor and energy that would last me until the evening. Overall, I'm pleased, so I ordered another jar.

Triphala- a unique composition of several medicinal plants, is one of the most famous rasayanas of Ayurveda. In the Ayurvedic canons, Triphala is spoken of as a remedy that literally does miracles with healthy people and helps sick people recover.
Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal medicine for complex treatment and cleansing of the body, the recipe of which has been known in India for more than two thousand years.
Triphala acts on all types of human tissue (seven Dhatus), and on all doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). Since each of its three main components has a pronounced effect on one of the doshas, ​​this achieves a stable and balanced effect of Triphala on the entire body.
With the help of Triphala, you can achieve a significant rejuvenating effect even at home and receive healing from many common diseases. Triphala is an excellent kidney tonic and a good laxative, a balanced rejuvenator and perhaps the most gentle cleanser.

Indications for use:
A drug Triphala regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with chronic constipation without causing addiction, restores intestinal microflora after the use of antibiotics, prevents lipid metabolism disorders (promotes weight loss), improves functioning nervous system, especially under long-term stress.

Mode of application

Adults: 1-2 tablets Triphala per day.
For constipation, take 2 tablets before bed.
To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract - no less than 50 days, 2 tablets, 2 times a day (in the morning and before bed).
Duration of use: minimum course of use for acute condition- 4 weeks.
If necessary, prolonged use is possible.

Side effects:
Not detected.


Individual sensitivity to components Triphala.

Interaction with other drugs:
Triphala can be used with various medications.

Storage conditions:
Store in a dry place, protected from moisture and light, at a temperature not exceeding 30 0C.

Release form:
Triphala - 30 capsules.


1 capsule Triphala contains: Termenalia chebula, Termenalia bellerica, Phyllanthus emblica.

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