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Medicines for high fever in adults. When should you lower your temperature? Products for internal use

IN Everyday life people often struggle with various ailments. One of these ailments is mistakenly considered to be elevated body temperature. But an increase in temperature cannot be attributed to any disease or symptomatology of a certain pathology. During development pathological processes in an organism of any nature protective function performs the immune system. It is the increase in temperature that indicates the proper operation of our protective system. When should you lower your temperature? What antipyretics help with high fever in adults?

When should an adult take antipyretics?

Treating specialists emphasize that the normal temperature threshold in the human body varies from 35.6 to 37.9°. An increase in temperature may indicate the development of a serious illness. As a rule, our immune system reacts in this way in such cases:

  • with the development of inflammatory processes;
  • in case of development of pathologies of internal organs;
  • in case of acute respiratory or viral infections;
  • in case of poisoning with toxic substances;
  • in the postoperative period.

If elevated temperature lasts for several days, while accompanying symptoms no, it is recommended to immediately seek the help of a healthcare professional. In order to bring down the temperature, you must first identify the cause of its increase. Remember, you should always eliminate the cause of the illness, and not the symptom itself.

Doctors say that if the temperature rises to 38°, you should not take antipyretics. You can lower the temperature threshold by drinking plenty of fluids or wiping with damp towels. But if the temperature exceeds 38.5-39°, then you need to immediately take an antipyretic.

A person can independently bring down the temperature to 40°. If the thermometer rises rapidly, call an ambulance immediately medical care. At a temperature threshold of about 41° and above, serious changes begin to occur in the body, especially in the tissues and cells of the brain, which are sometimes irreversible and lead to the most dire consequences.

People who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or do not tolerate high temperatures should take antipyretics when the thermometer rises to 37.5°.

How to lower an adult’s temperature: list and characteristics of drugs

Every adult has his own achievement list pharmacological drugs, easily reducing elevated body temperature. Treating specialists divide all antipyretic drugs into 5 groups. The classifying feature is the active substance that forms the basis of the pharmaceutical drug.

Basically, antipyretics contain the following active elements:

  • all possible combinations of salicylic acid;
  • various forms of ibuprofen;
  • various variations of paracetamol;
  • pharmacological agents containing nimesulide;
  • analgesics.

As the temperature rises, interferon actively begins to be produced, which guards our health. Pharmacological agents, having antipyretic properties, block the production of this substance, thereby weakening the natural immune forces. As already mentioned, it is undesirable to lower the temperature with such drugs. But in practice, there are very often cases when an elevated temperature needs to be brought down, since this can be dangerous to health. This is especially true for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is best for an adult to take the following pharmacological agents to quickly lower their temperature:

  • Nimesil;
  • Aponil;
  • Cockstral;
  • Nise;
  • Mesulide;
  • Nimegesik et al.

In all of the above medications, the active ingredient is nimesulide, which, if ingested, can sharply reduce the temperature to normal levels. Treating specialists do not advise immediately taking potent pharmaceuticals. In order to bring down the temperature, you can take Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. In cases where these medications were not brought desired result, you can take Nimesulide.

Nurofen for temperature

  • for headaches of various types;
  • for toothache;
  • for rheumatic pain;
  • in postoperative and postpartum period to reduce the pain threshold;
  • when the temperature rises;
  • at various types arthritis;
  • with painful menstrual bleeding;
  • in case of manifestation of acute viral and infectious diseases.

Nurofen contains the active ingredient ibuprofen. Under its influence, the elevated temperature quickly returns to normal. It is best to take Nurofen in the form of capsules or tablets. This should be done after eating. Reception pharmaceutical product on an empty stomach can cause the appearance pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Capsules and tablets are swallowed whole and do not need to be crushed. The tablet should be taken with a small amount of liquid. Bring faster results dissolvable tablets. Before taking Nurofen in this form, the tablet must be dissolved in water (1/2 cup) and drunk.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of Nurofen. It is not recommended to use this medicine in the following cases:

  • during late pregnancy;
  • children under the age of 6 years;
  • with poor blood clotting;
  • in the presence of diseases of the urinary system (in particular, the liver and kidneys);
  • for gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • for hemophilia;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Paracetamol for temperature

Paracetamol - very common medicine on temperature. It is this active substance that is included in many antipyretic drugs. Paracetamol is well absorbed by the body through absorption into small intestine and begins to act within half an hour after administration. Pure Paracetamol is available in the form of tablets or capsules. The spectrum of its action is quite wide.

So, Paracetamol can be taken by adults in the following cases:

  • when a headache of any origin occurs;
  • in cases of menalgia;
  • for toothache;
  • when the temperature rises;
  • to eliminate inflammatory processes.

As a rule, one tablet of such a drug contains 500 mg of active active substance- paracetamol. In order to bring down the temperature, children over 12 years of age and adults can take 1-2 tablets. Maximum dosage per day should not exceed 8 tablets. If the temperature is too high, then Paracetamol can be taken together with analgin in a 1:2 ratio, but this method of reducing the temperature is not recommended to be used more than once.

The use of Paracetamol has a number of contraindications:

  • early pregnancy;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • drinking excessive amounts of alcohol;
  • anemia.

To bring down the temperature, you need to take medications from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Pharmacological NSAID group comprises large quantity various medications that reduce body temperature and stop inflammatory process V various organs and systems. However, among all NSAID drugs The most effective for reducing fever are the following:

  • paracetamol;

  • Preparations containing as active substance ibuprofen;

  • Preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) as an active substance;

  • Preparations containing nimesulide as an active substance.
The commercial names of drugs containing paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin and nimesulide are shown in the table.
Paracetamol preparations Ibuprofen preparations Aspirin preparations Nimesulide preparations
AdolAdvilAlca PrimAponil
AcetaminophenNo painAspirexKokstral
DynafedBrufenAspirin UPSANise
DarvalMotrin (children)Acetylsalicylic acid Nimesil
CalpolIbutadJasprin A.S.K.Nymphast
ParacetamolPro-finalNew Asper
Perfalgan Ronal
Pyranol Salorin
Pyrimol Terapin
Passer Upsarin UPSA
Sanidol HR-Pain
Strimol Elkapin

To reduce the temperature, you can choose any medications listed in the table that are suitable for a particular case. Antipyretic drugs are available in various dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, syrups, powders and rectal suppositories. If a person can take drugs orally, then the appropriate ones should be chosen. dosage forms(tablets, capsules, syrups, powders). If for some reason a person cannot take medications orally, then they should be used in the form of rectal suppositories.

The safest drugs are paracetamol and ibuprofen, so they can be used to reduce fever even in infants. Nimesulide for children can be used only if paracetamol and ibuprofen are ineffective. Aspirin should not be used to reduce fever in children under 18 years of age. In adults, all of the listed groups of drugs can be used without restrictions.

To reduce low and moderate temperatures, it is necessary to use drugs with paracetamol or aspirin. If paracetamol or aspirin are ineffective, then ibuprofen should be used. If ibuprofen also does not reduce the temperature, then you need to resort to taking nimesulide. After taking each drug, you should wait 40–50 minutes, since it is during this period of time that the antipyretic effect develops.

To reduce moderate or high temperature ibuprofen should be used immediately. And if drugs with ibuprofen are ineffective, use products with nimesulide.

An increase in body temperature during a cold is a common phenomenon that adult patients often experience. Not everyone knows what they can take during the cold season and how to choose the right antipyretic drugs.

An increase in body temperature indicates active work immunity. At colds the temperature does not rise, so if you have a fever, it’s the flu.

A slight increase in temperature to 37.5 0 may indicate inflammation. There is no need to reduce the heat.

In most cases, antipyretic drugs do not bring relief at low temperatures, but can cause a deterioration of immune defense.

Light fever is up to 38.5 0. There is no need to reduce this temperature. With the flu, the body independently fights the virus by raising the temperature. When a virus enters, the body begins to actively fight it, releasing special substance– interferon.

The rate of synthesis of this protein increases at body temperature above 38 0. Taking antipyretic pills with a slight increase in body temperature, the patient harms his health.

In this case, the body will need more time to get rid of the virus, which means the illness will last longer.

Fever in adults requires treatment in two cases:

  • if the thermometer readings are above 39 0;
  • if the high temperature persists for more than 4-5 days.

A moderate increase in temperature helps improve well-being and help the body suppress the virus more quickly drinking plenty of fluids and peace.

Paracetamol for fever

Simplest antipyretic drug, which is likely to be found in everyone's first aid kit is paracetamol. This drug is also an analgesic and helps to quickly relieve moderate pain syndrome.

The drug is available in different dosages and forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • syrups for children.

In what form the drug is taken is completely unimportant. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions or packaging of the medicine to determine the dosage.

The maximum daily dose for an adult patient should not exceed 3-4 g, depending on body weight and age.

Patients weighing more than 65 kg are allowed to increase daily dose medications up to 4 g.

How many paracetamol tablets should an adult take at a fever? In general, 1 g of the drug is allowed at a time. So, if the medicine is in capsules and tablets of 500 mg, you can take two capsules to bring down the temperature. As a rule, the fever goes away 30-45 minutes after taking the drug.

If you are taking the drug in syrup, you should find out how many milligrams of the active substance are contained in one milliliter of syrup, and based on this data, take the required amount of medicine.

Most quick way bring down the temperature - this is the use rectal suppositories with paracetamol. This form of release greatly increases the rate of absorption of the active substance, which means the effect is achieved faster.

It is important to remember that the medicine has hepatotoxic properties, so you should absolutely not drink alcohol during treatment, otherwise acute alcohol intoxication may develop.

List of antipyretic drugs

Let's look at what other fever pills adults can take. All antipyretic drugs are based on one of four active ingredients:

  • paracetamol;
  • nimesulide;
  • aspirin;
  • ibuprofen.

Popular drugs based on paracetamol are Panadol and Efferalgan. It should be noted that the cost of these drugs significantly exceeds the price of paracetamol tablets.

A distinctive feature of the drug Efferalgan is its release form - effervescent tablets. Such tablets dissolve in water before taking, due to which they act very quickly.

Can also be taken for flu combination drugs based on paracetamol - these are all kinds of powders for preparing a warm drink (Vicks, Coldrex, TeraFlu). These medicines contain paracetamol, vitamin C and flavoring additives.

Due to the fact that the powder is diluted in warm water, the active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the blood, so the severity of cold and flu symptoms decreases 20 minutes after taking the medicine.

Preparations containing nimesulide have a pronounced antipyretic effect and effectively reduce pain. Such medications can be recommended to patients whose fever is accompanied by severe headache and muscle pain.

You can take 200 mg of nimesulide per day. The most popular medications are Nimesil and Affida Fort. These drugs belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and are available in powder form for making a drink.

The powder is dissolved in a glass warm water. As a rule, a sachet of medicine contains 100 mg of the active substance; you can take the medicine 2 times a day.

Aspirin is second in popularity after paracetamol. For fever in adults, 1 g of aspirin per day is allowed. Acetylsalicylic acid can quickly reduce symptoms, but has a number of contraindications, so the medicine must be used with caution.

Another popular group of drugs used to relieve fever are ibuprofen-based medications. This substance belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and also fights fever.

What tablets with ibuprofen can bring down a high fever in an adult? The most popular drug used to treat both adults and children is Nurofen. The medicine is available in various forms(not only tablets, but also capsules, syrup) and dosages.

Home remedies for fever

An adult patient with strong immunity It is not recommended to lower the temperature when it first appears. You should take medications if the fever persists for several days. Before that, it is better to try to get rid of fever with home remedies.

So, how to bring down the temperature without pills for an adult:

Home treatment should not be overused. If after two days there is no relief, or instead of a decrease in temperature there is an increase in temperature, you must take an antipyretic drug or call medical help at home (if the temperature has risen above 40 0).

What not to do when it's hot?

Despite the fact that fever during the flu is a common symptom, many adult patients make a number of mistakes that lead to a deterioration in their health.

Experts warn: when you have a fever, you should never take vasodilators or warming agents. local action. Mustard plasters must be discarded.

While the temperature is high, caffeine, alcohol and raspberries are prohibited. Warming ointments should not be used, and spices such as ginger, pepper and cinnamon should be avoided.

When it's hot, there is intense sweating. As sweat evaporates, the skin cools, which brings relief. Many people make the mistake of wrapping themselves in a blanket even when the temperature rises slightly.

Despite the chills that occur with fever, the patient should be dressed appropriately for the weather and should not wrap himself in sweaters or blankets.

Popular folk method at a temperature - this means wiping the skin with alcohol. Experts warn about the harm of such treatment and the health hazards, especially for older patients.

Rubbing the skin with alcohol does effectively reduce the temperature, but it happens too quickly, which increases the stress on the skin. cardiovascular system and may have Negative consequences for good health.

The best remedy for treating flu and fever is special antiviral drugs, which do not have an antipyretic effect, but fight directly against the cause of the disease. It should be understood that fever is not independent disease, but only a symptom of a viral disease.

Any drugs have contraindications, and antipyretic tablets are no exception. Before starting treatment, be sure to read the instructions for use.

A bit more additional information How to properly lower the temperature is in the next video.

A rise in temperature in an adult is usually immediately alarming. Although all people tolerate its fluctuations differently and not everyone even notices a change in their well-being.

In principle, it can rise by the most various reasons. Most often this occurs when the body encounters an infection, the development of inflammation, hormonal imbalance. Often, heat simply reflects the course of certain processes or is a consequence of elementary overheating of the body.

Most adults, when they see the numbers on the thermometer rising, first of all ask themselves: how to bring down a temperature of 38 or more? But before answering it, let's figure out in what cases it is worth doing this?

Mild hyperthermia (38-38.2) is not so rare. Usually people do not try to immediately call a doctor, especially since it is often associated with a cold or hypothermia. In an adult healthy person This condition passes quickly and does not require long-term and thorough treatment.

Therefore, you should not immediately try to lower the readings on the thermometer.

It should be borne in mind that as the temperature rises, proteins coagulate, that is, coagulate, which are the basis of the structure of many pathogenic microorganisms and, first of all, viruses.

In this way, the body gets rid of the invading infectious agent. The immune system, or rather leukocytes and lymphocytes, is responsible for the development of this reaction.

Sometimes a jump in temperature helps overcome influenza infection, which, if present, additional measures prevention simply does not get the opportunity to completely take over the body.

In this case, the desire to lower the numbers on the thermometer will turn against the patient himself.

When the question arises about whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature of 38-38.4 for an adult, then you should think carefully about this. The fact is that when an infection enters the body, it responds with hyperthermia. At the same time, interferon is produced and released into the blood, which helps cope with the disease.

A significant increase in temperature causes vasodilation and an active flow of blood saturated with immune cells. All this does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply and destroys them at the very beginning of the disease.

Moreover, when active work lymphocytes, human defenses are enhanced. All this helps to quickly overcome the infection.

Therefore, some people feel that they have suffered from the disease in mild form. And indeed, as a result of the increase in temperature, the body managed to successfully cope with it.

Therefore, if the patient has a hard time tolerating the fever, then you can resort to home remedies.

It is very important not to rush to take medications that lower body temperature.

It is better to drink more water, which will quickly flush out toxins and help stimulate blood circulation. This becomes necessary because under conditions of hyperthermia the blood thickens. Therefore, for its active circulation, a lot of additional fluid is required.

Gradually, the numbers on the thermometer will return to normal levels, and the threat of the disease will be left behind.

It is necessary to clearly determine what to drink at a temperature of 38-38.5 in an adult.

It is best to give preference:

  • fruit drinks;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • herbal preparations;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • compotes;
  • green tea.

It is advisable to consume such drinks every hour. They actively normalize metabolism, quickly remove toxins, and significantly strengthen the body's defenses.

In addition, for those who have chronic diseases, you should pay close attention to ensure that extreme heat does not aggravate them.

Therefore, such patients need to take antihypertensive drugs, diuretics or cardiotonics.

You can also drink preventive antiviral substances that will support the functioning of organs and systems.

How to bring down a temperature of 38 at home

If you can stay at home for a few days, you can try to lower the numbers on the thermometer yourself. But this does not mean that you need to self-medicate.

If the increase in temperature is limited to minor illness, then you should try to cope with it on your own.

Under no circumstances should you take any medications not prescribed by a specialist. This can significantly harm your body. In addition, each drug has many side effects and a number of contraindications.

You first need to think carefully about whether it is worth lowering the temperature of 38-38.3 in an adult. Moreover, it’s not that big yet dangerous indicator and there is no need to rush into taking antipyretic substances just yet.

If the patient feels very unwell, experiences severe headache, aching joints and general weakness, then you can try to lower the numbers on the thermometer a little. How to bring down a temperature of 38?

Effective means for this can be:

  • Ventilation of the room;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • washing the body with water at room temperature;
  • wet compress on forehead;
  • tea with raspberry jam;
  • milk with honey;
  • phytotherapy;
  • vinegar compresses;
  • taking saline solution.

When you need to decide how to bring down the temperature of 38 in an adult, you can act in several directions at once. These are proven folk remedies will help to effectively get rid of fever, significantly activate water-salt metabolism, will improve the patient’s condition and relieve headaches.

They will make it possible to replenish fluid loss during sweating and start the body’s thermoregulation processes. Of course, everything needs moderation. The water should not be too cold, the tea should not be too hot, and a comfortable atmosphere should be maintained in the room.

A doctor must be called urgently if the temperature continues to rise rapidly and is already approaching 39 degrees, while the patient’s condition noticeably worsens.

It should be even more alarming if new unpleasant symptoms appear. In such cases, it is urgent to lower body temperature.

It is no longer possible to delay, since at around forty degrees the body’s own proteins begin to die and it may occur. organic lesion brain, and sometimes even death.

Such indicators require an immediate call to emergency assistance.

What to drink at a temperature of 38 in an adult

It is necessary to know the reason that caused the increase in temperature. It could be severe hypothermia, nervous tension, premenstrual syndrome, hangover, intoxication, etc.

In these cases, it is necessary to bring down the fever in case of very feeling unwell patient.

Such measures are required if it lasts for more than three days and exceeds thirty-eight degrees.

If the patient has chronic diseases, it is imperative to get rid of hyperthermia.

It is no less dangerous when a person does not sweat, and he himself experiences significant discomfort.

There are situations when it is simply necessary to lower the temperature. This should be done when a person suffers from cardiovascular diseases or has pulmonary pathology.

This can become dangerous when it has renal failure. Fever is difficult to tolerate in the presence of pathology of the musculoskeletal system, severe migraines, and fever.

If you are sure that the patient is not sick dangerous disease, and his health is not in danger, then you can try to fight hyperthermia on your own. If it occurs in an old person, a bedridden patient or a disabled person, then it must be eliminated.

There is a fairly rich arsenal of means that reduce temperature indicators.

The most common recipes include:

  • Infusion of raspberry leaves with the addition of honey;
  • Dried raspberry decoction;
  • Decoction of linden flowers, oregano and calendula;
  • Rosehip infusion with honey;
  • Lingonberries or cranberries, ground with sugar;
  • Decoction of lilac leaves with sugar;
  • Infusion of pine needles.

These Home Recipes Help Cause profuse sweating, enhance immunity, have a bactericidal effect. You should drink as much and as often as possible. If the temperature does not subside, then you can combine fluid intake with other methods of getting rid of it.

It is better to wash off the released sweat in the shower or wash it with a damp sponge. It contains cell breakdown products and toxins released pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is so important that they are completely excreted from the body.

When a patient decides for himself how to bring down a temperature of 38 at home, he must use proven methods so as not to harm himself.

Tablets for temperature 38-39 adults

If a person’s condition worsens, it is necessary to call a doctor. He will appoint symptomatic treatment, and will also prescribe antipyretic drugs.

Adults are most often advised to take to reduce fever:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Aspirin;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Phenylbutazone;
  • Coxib;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Citramon;
  • Nurofen;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Analgin;
  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac.

They provide complex action on the body. These drugs relieve the active inflammatory process, eliminate joint pain, and lower the temperature.

In addition, they are good at eliminating headaches, increasing the body's resistance, and eliminating swelling.

It is necessary to establish the cause of the fever. If it is caused by a disease, then medications are prescribed to help eliminate it.

It is often necessary to take antibacterial and antiviral agents For full recovery body. If this is not done, then after some time hyperthermia will occur again, since infectious process in the body will continue.


For effective reduction temperature, you can give paracetamol at a temperature of 38-38.5 to an adult. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.

High temperatures can throw a person off track for a long time. And it is possible to cope with it without high-quality medicines only in in rare cases. What antipyretic drugs should be used for high fever in adults is described below.

When should you take medications for high fever?

Not in every case, when the thermometer is creeping up, you need to take medications for fever.

  • If the patient does not notice any additional unpleasant symptoms, and the temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees, then there is no need to deal with such changes. This normal reaction body to microbes that have entered it. The rise in temperature suggests that he has begun to fight the infectious agents on his own. If the temperature is artificially reduced, this will leave no chance for the body to cope with it. on our own. The patient's condition will only worsen as a result.
  • A temperature of 38 degrees or higher must be brought down if it is accompanied by various dangerous symptoms– nausea, cramps, severe headache.
  • It is necessary to immediately deal with even a low temperature for those patients who have problems with the heart, thyroid gland or serious illnesses blood.

If the thermometer shows a figure above 38.5 degrees, in this case it is necessary to take action. This temperature can be dangerous to human health and condition.

Types of antipyretics for adults

Recently, doctors are increasingly prescribing NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to their patients to combat high fever. There are a huge number of them known. Such drugs, after their appearance, quickly replaced the previously popular opioid analgesics. This is explained by the fact that the latter negatively affect respiratory functions. NSAIDs have significantly fewer contraindications and cause minimal side effects.

First generation drugs

The list of such drugs includes, for example, aspirin, paracetamol, citramon. Their main advantage is quick withdrawal inflammation. But taking them can also provoke various negative reactions in the body. First of all, these are problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, even the body of an adult reacts to several repeated doses of antipyretics with diarrhea. Also among the negative reactions are impaired renal function, liver function and bronchospasm.

Second generation products

Such drugs are safer for human health. Almost all of them are made on the basis of nimesulide, coxib and meloxicam.