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How to beat alcoholism on your own. How to beat severe alcoholism

Unfortunately, today alcoholism is no longer a personal problem, but a social one. The statistics are such that the average amount of alcohol consumed per capita is increasing year by year. There are no clear instructions on how to beat alcoholism. Those who have already experienced this problem know what it is. serious illness comparable in severity to drug addiction which is very difficult to defeat. If such a method existed, everyone could use it, and the problem of alcohol addiction did not exist as such.

You can, of course, apply for medical care. Fortunately, coding today is not a problem, and it is not so expensive. For some, coding helps to defeat alcoholism forever, some have to undergo a course of treatment again after a relapse.

But what about those who flatly refuse to see a doctor?

Support of loved ones

Usually, alcohol addicts do not want to admit their problem, and they simply do not consider it necessary to answer the question of how to overcome alcoholism. They are sure that they can stop at any moment. But only a few manage to overcome addiction on their own. It's really strong strong-willed personalities who have found in themselves motives for refusing alcohol. Everyone else is in dire need of support from loved ones. Almost anyone who is addicted to alcohol needs outside help.

It has been proven that alcohol causes strong psychological and physical addiction. If a person overcomes physical dependence on his own, then morally he simply needs to be supported.

The mistake of many is that they start lecturing about the dangers of alcohol. But why? Everyone knows about the negative impact of alcohol on the human body.

Accusations and "calls to conscience" are useless! It is necessary to give a person the right to choose so that he realizes the benefits of an alternative to alcohol. Scandals and ultimatums, on the contrary, generate only negativity. Moreover, they give an additional reason to drink! With this approach, you should not expect a quick cure.

Unfortunately, breakdowns of alcoholics are inevitable. And anyway, the main thing is to lend a helping hand to a person, unobtrusively, so that he himself wants to get rid of his addiction.

Recognition of the problem

The first step on the road to recovery is admitting your addiction. A person must admit to himself that he is addicted to alcohol and choose a way to defeat alcoholism.

One such way is to ask yourself the question: why drink? Usually people answer: "drink to relax ...", "drink with grief ...", "for fun ..." or "well, they still drink, what's special about it."

Firstly, you don't need to drink to relax and unwind. You can have a delicious dinner and watch TV, take a walk, etc. The world is full of interesting things to do. Alcohol does not relax - it dulls the senses, as it slows down the work of the central nervous system.

Secondly, drinking to get away from problems is pointless! Problems need to be solved, they will not go away on their own.

Thirdly, alcohol is not, rather, on the contrary. Under the influence of alcohol, a person can break firewood, which he will later regret very much.

Alcohol also does not add fun. In fact, alcohol makes a person more relaxed, unleashed, but certainly no more witty.

It turns out that a reasonable answer to the question "why drink?" does not exist. For normal life a person does not need alcohol. In addition, our body already produces alcohol in the minimum required doses. As soon as a person realizes for himself that he simply does not need alcohol, he will give it up once and for all.

Stressful modern world offers frequent relaxing treatments for body and soul. But, unfortunately, for many people, a series of life obstacles and failures leads to a constant desire to be distracted and plunge into a state of complete oblivion. Of course, thanks alcoholic beverages You can create your own world very easily and quickly. Offering the body daily a new portion ethyl alcohol, which is instantly absorbed into the blood, a person acquires an uncontrolled state and complete indifference.

Alcohol - degradation of personality

Almost all people have a negative attitude towards alcoholism, but at the same time, a huge number of people are already almost on the verge of alcohol addiction. For many, frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages is a good time and has nothing to do with alcoholism. In fact, with each new portion of alcohol, people inevitably get on the path of a serious disease that is very difficult to treat. But ?

Alcoholism is definitely a disease, but, unfortunately, the majority of patients do not recognize it, and this is the biggest problem. After all, in order to correct the situation on your own, you need to understand the scale of the situation that has arisen. It is at this stage that the help of our loved ones and relatives is needed.

Dependent person needs to explain everything positive sides and prospects for a sober life. Definitely, persuasion can take a lot of time, and one day the problem cannot be solved, but it is worth remembering that you need to find a subtle approach to such a person. It is not necessary for an alcoholic to express all his mistakes, reproach with problems and put pressure on his pity - this will not give any result. Ideally, you also need to find out the main reason why a person is trying to escape from the problem and hide behind a drunken veil.

How to beat alcoholism on your own

There is an erroneous opinion that you need to quit gradually, reducing the dose of alcohol daily. Actually this is a delusion. Firstly, the person himself will not be able to control what he drinks, and secondly, the body will always require an additional portion of alcohol.

Alcoholism is an addiction bad habit which must be disposed of. At the same time, offer the body something in return. The first days of rehabilitation will be the most difficult, because telling your body to stop is not easy, so you need to establish a clear motivation for yourself.

For effective treatment alcoholism experts advise means "AlcoLock". This drug:

  • Eliminates alcohol cravings
  • Repairs damaged liver cells
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Soothes nervous system
  • Has no taste and smell
  • Comprises natural ingredients and completely safe
  • AlcoLock has an evidence base based on numerous clinical research. The tool has no contraindications and side effects. Opinion of doctors >>

    Very good if it exercise stress on the body, it will not only be able to distract, but favorably influence general state organism. Regardless of age, you can learn something new, get carried away with something new, perhaps something that you have been interested in for a long time, but it took time or money.

    Sport and physical activity are the enemies of alcoholism

    Physical activity is The best way cures for many diseases, including alcoholism. Therefore, you need to gather your courage and go to a sports stadium or visit a fitness club. It must be remembered that you should not grab onto everything, it is very important to choose exactly what is closer in temperament and character. It is necessary to communicate with people who play sports regularly. A stranger, talking about his goals and lifestyle, can easily penetrate the mind of an alcoholic and show own example incentive to change.

    You can also participate in various quests, this will enable a person who is not perceived in society to feel his important and special role in the team.

    Man with physical limitations or more advanced age who cannot practice active species sports, may try to create a situation where he becomes simply irreplaceable, for example, take or take away children (grandchildren) from school, kindergarten.

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not on your side yet ...

    And you already thought to code? It is understandable, because alcoholism - dangerous disease, which leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Pain in the liver, a hangover, problems with health, work, personal life ... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is a way to get rid of the pain? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva's article about modern methods alcohol treatment...

    Read completely

    A change of scenery or place of work has a good effect, you can simply acquire new knowledge according to your interests. Pets are excellent therapy. Our smaller brothers give a lot positive emotions instill a sense of responsibility in a person. An animal that appears in the life of an addicted person will definitely become a good friend for him.

    Proper nutrition is a healthy body

    Unfortunately no magic pill, from which the alcoholic will no longer want to drink, but cravings for alcohol can be reduced thanks to certain foods. Firstly, it is necessary to enrich the body with drinking as much as possible, this is necessary in order for the body to switch from alcoholic beverages to healthy drinking. It can be various natural vegetable and fruit juices. Secondly, you need to find time for healthy and tasty snacks.

    A good drink is a glass of water mixed with celery juice, it helps to suppress the craving for alcohol, so it would be great if you can drink this drink several times a day.

    Important to include in your diet more products from whole barley grains. Such products will be able to stabilize blood sugar levels, which fall as a result of alcohol consumption. It’s good if sunflower seeds, dates, bananas are always at hand, they will distract the brain from drinking.

    But it is also necessary to exclude refined foods from the diet, you need to give up white flour, white rice, pasta and white sugar, as well as from all products that have a large number of listed products.

    One of the popular diets is grape. It helps not only to reduce dependence, but also to cleanse the liver.

    Of course, people who are completely ready to give up drinking in their lives should not associate with people who are always ready to drink or offer to do so at any time. It is very important to remove from the house all bottles and annoying objects that in one way or another remind and provoke drinking. Refrain from going to visits, clubs, parties, it is better to avoid meeting with friends in the evening and at night, and spend more time in places of wildlife and clean reservoirs. The house should be clean, let pleasant unobtrusive music always play, which evokes pleasant emotions.

    Massage and yoga - daily help

    Massage helps to safely get rid of alcohol addiction. A good massage does wonders for healing various diseases caused by alcoholism, relieves stress and tension, allows the body to relax and accelerate detoxification, helping to eliminate toxins and waste from the body.

    An excellent option would be yoga, it will allow you to penetrate into the subconscious and reconsider your worldview.

    Getting on the path self-treatment from alcoholism, you must remember that only faith in your willpower will allow you to defeat this insidious disease and take your place of honor under the sun.

    Folk recipes

    Alcohol addiction is a major problem for many families. How to overcome the alcoholism of a husband if he does not agree to drug treatment? Folk remedies can help:


    How to overcome alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient? Using special preparations, which are aimed at developing an aversion to alcoholic beverages. It is considered one of the best. The composition is completely natural, so it does not cause addiction or side effects.

    What doctors say about alcoholism

    Doctor medical sciences, professor Malysheva E.V.:

    For many years I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM. It's scary when a craving for alcohol destroys a person's life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and their husbands' wives. It is young people who often become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to health.

    It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from him. Today we will talk about new natural remedy, which turned out to be incredibly effective, and is also involved in federal program"Healthy Nation", thanks to which until 13.5.2018(inclusive) means can be get just 1 ruble.

    After a course of taking AlcoLock, the following improvements occur:

    • lack of physiological and psychological craving for alcohol;
    • restoration of the nervous system;
    • cleansing the liver of toxins;
    • performance improvement internal organs;
    • return of sexual desire;
    • normalization of vision;
    • improvement in general well-being.

    Full recovery of an addict is impossible without psychological treatment. After all, alcohol primarily affects the psychological health and nervous system.
    How to defeat a husband's alcoholism as quickly and effectively as possible? Psychologist's advice will come in handy here:

    1. Alcoholism is a manifestation of a weak personality, where desire and habit have taken precedence over reason. It is impossible to cure a person by constantly reminding him of his problem and endlessly blaming. The best solution is to help the patient overcome his illness, pay attention to successes, support and stimulate his activity in every possible way.
    2. It is worth protecting an addicted person from the pernicious influence of a bad company that does not neglect to drink a bottle or two. It is better not to remind him once again about addiction and not to seduce.
    3. Harsh treatments such as coding should not be used, as they undermine and aggravate an already weakened mental health. It is better to treat with the help of bright and positive feelings - love, tenderness, kindness, and not to use fear, anger and hopelessness.
    4. The best treatment for alcoholism is based on doing hard and exhausting work, combined with prayer and enlightenment, after which he simply will not have time for alcohol. This method was effectively used in monasteries.
    5. How to overcome alcoholism on your own? It is worth starting to actively expand your horizons, read books, go to study, enroll in language courses. The more actively the personality develops, and the better it is educated, the less prone to destructive habits, and the easier it is to defeat cravings.

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    Despite the propaganda going on everywhere healthy lifestyle life, alcoholism still remains topical issue the whole society. In everyday life, you can often find words such as drunkenness and alcoholism, someone believes that these are synonymous words, but this is not so.

    Drunkenness precedes alcoholism, it can be prevented on its own, if, of course, you make an effort, since it bad habit. And alcoholism is psychosomatic illness in which a person himself is not able to overcome this disease. The main problem man is ignorance of how to conquer alcoholism.

    It is very difficult to draw a line between drunkenness and alcoholism, and sometimes it is impossible to trace when drunkenness turns into a form of alcoholism.

    How to overcome drunkenness if a person is unwilling to admit that he needs help and denies all attempts to help him? It is very important that at such a moment close people are nearby and constantly have conversations about what can be done and what can be achieved if you do not abuse alcohol.

    A person should have an incentive, which can be new job, family and children, parents and something else. There are a few tips that should help early stages drunkenness. Exercise in the morning, it relieves stress well, quit smoking, cut off all your ties with drinking companions, seek support from friends, find yourself entertainment or an activity that would help you get distracted. And of course, train your willpower, for this you can attend special seminars.

    Causes of alcoholism

    Before you start, it is important to identify the reasons for its appearance and development. In a society of reasons causing alcoholism, are divided into three groups: physiological, social and psychological.

    The physiological group primarily includes hereditary predisposition. If there are children in the family of alcoholics, they become hostages of their own parents. In most cases, these children are prone to alcohol addiction, as this disease is transmitted at the genetic level. And if the father has alcohol addiction, then it can be observed in his son, even if he was brought up away from his father.

    Of course, there are exceptions when children avoided the fate of alcoholics. Gender and age of a person also to some extent affect the development of alcohol dependence. It is very common for teenagers to start drinking alcohol in order to gain a certain status in their company. Men are more susceptible to alcohol addiction than women.

    TO social reasons can be attributed to propaganda, advertising of alcoholism as a source of Have a good mood. The bad influence of a company in which alcohol is an integral part of them. Sometimes the reason for the development of alcoholism can be adaptation to new conditions of existence.

    TO psychological reasons the occurrence of alcoholism can be attributed to the following: loneliness, when a person is left alone, without the support of loved ones, emotional condition, mostly stress and anxiety become the cause of addiction to alcohol.

    If a person has the presence of these factors, it is not necessary that he will become an alcoholic, but at the same time there is a high probability of falling into the embrace of a green serpent.

    Symptoms of alcoholism

    The first symptom is a great need for drinking, ie. a person, without realizing it, is constantly looking for a reason to drink alcohol, while he is not going to get drunk, he just wants to drink a little, but every day.

    This is how physiological dependence begins to develop. When the amount drunk no longer brings the effect that it had before, more alcohol is required to get the desired state. At the same time, a sense of proportion is already lost, a person drinks even when he is completely drunk.

    At this level, a restructuring of the work of internal organs occurs in the human body, as they, under the influence of toxic substances, begin to work in an enhanced mode in order to rid the body of toxins. But the constant presence of alcohol in the blood eventually depresses their working function, and they simply stop working. In such cases, a person, if he is lucky, goes to the hospital, otherwise he will die.

    The tritium sign is the loss of the gag reflex when the body gets used to the action of alcohol, and its absorption by the body occurs faster.

    The fourth sign of the development of alcoholism is a painful condition, accompanied by headache, aches and shaking in the body. This condition is commonly referred to as a hangover. An alcoholic is not able to cope with a hangover and is looking for another portion of alcohol to restore his usual state, and since the sense of proportion has already been lost, the drunk 2-3 glasses smoothly transfer him to a drunken state.

    External signs

    There are also external signs alcoholism, which is not difficult to identify. If a person systematically drinks and does not get out of the binge, then his appearance begins to resemble the appearance of a tramp, who is constantly looking for an additional portion of alcohol.

    Coordination in such people is disturbed, speech is inhibited and slurred, passivity appears to everything that happens and a characteristic smell that constantly accompanies an alcoholic. The color of the skin also changes, it becomes the color of the earth, the whites of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint, and frequent pain throughout the body.

    All alcoholics have a disturbed psycho-emotional state, accompanied by aggression and imbalance, especially at such moments when loved ones seek to help and protect from drinking alcohol.

    In our modern society often come across women who suffer from alcoholism. has no clear differences from the male, the only difference is that female body reacts differently to the presence of ethanol in the blood. At the same time, alcohol dependence in women develops faster, respectively, and the methods of its treatment are slightly different from those used in the treatment of male alcoholism.

    Recently appeared in society, but many do not attach to it of great importance believing that beer is a low-alcohol drink that does not harm health. This is an erroneous opinion. If you look, then beer alcoholism harms health much more than the use of other alcoholic beverages.

    The following signs of beer alcoholism are distinguished: drinking more than 1 liter of beer a day, men have problems with potency and a “beer belly” grows, irritability and aggression without this drink, headaches, and if the morning begins with drinking beer to relieve a hangover or just to uplifting mood.

    The biggest and important task the fight against alcoholism is that the drinker himself came to the conclusion that he simply needs the help of specialists and recognized himself as an alcoholic. But this is sometimes very difficult. There are times when an alcoholic is forcibly sent to treatment, otherwise he will simply be lost to society.

    Treatment methods for alcoholism are currently enough to return a person to a normal course of life. In the treatment of alcoholism, you need to find individual approach to the patient, to know his reason for addiction to alcohol and to arouse in him the desire to stop drinking. How to defeat alcohol addiction, narcologists know, who, in turn, use A complex approach during treatment.

    Treatment takes place in several stages. The first stage is a drug treatment, namely detoxification of the body, which is simply necessary to help the body get rid of toxic substances contained in alcoholic beverages.

    Then comes the process to help deal with withdrawal syndrome, which can be followed as painful sensations throughout the body, and mental disorder. Usually in drunken people it lasts 5 long and painful days, just such a period is required to cleanse the blood of toxic substances.

    Treatment methods for alcoholism

    Treatment methods for alcoholism will be most effective if they are supported by psychotherapy, when the patient is instilled with an aversion to alcoholic beverages. One such method is coding. Coding, in turn, is divided into several types, but its essence lies in one thing: the patient is injected medications which are incompatible with alcohol, otherwise they may cause discomfort, pain and vomiting.

    Sometimes hypnosis is used in coding, but its effectiveness depends on the psyche of the patient himself. Therefore, coding should take place in specialized care centers by qualified doctors. In no case should you contact the so-called specialists at home, where you can apply great harm to your health.

    It is believed that female alcoholism is incurable. This is not true, he is also being treated, but the approach of narcologists to female alcoholism quite different. So, it is extremely difficult to convince a woman that she needs help. The doctor who conducts the treatment always takes into account the unbalanced psychological condition the patient, and here the emphasis is on the restoration of the psyche, various psychotherapeutic sessions are held.

    Prevention of the development of alcohol dependence

    Prevention of the development of alcohol dependence is another way to get rid of addiction when there is a possibility of this disease. among adolescents is carried out by explanatory conversations in the family, educational institutions, social projects who promote the rejection of alcohol for the sake of a quality and comfortable life. The topics of such conversations are the formation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle among the population, drawing great harm human health and psyche.

    But if it has already happened that a person was on the verge of life and death, and only treatment saved him, then in this case, prevention is also necessary. In doing so, the following recommendations must be observed:

    • do not store alcoholic beverages at home, so as not to succumb to temptation;
    • avoid noisy companies and celebrations where alcohol will be drunk;
    • go in for sports, pay more attention to physical activity;
    • find yourself interesting work or occupation (hobby);
    • admit that you have, and systematically visit a psychologist;
    • watch your favorite movie, listen to music, visit theaters, develop spiritually;
    • do an introspection of yourself, identify the negative and positive aspects, try to develop positive qualities in yourself;
    • no need to inflate a sense of guilt, it is better to leave everything in the past and live in the present and future;
    • appreciate every day without alcohol, spend more time with your family and friends.

    Of course, with all methods of treatment, the patient needs a huge psychological support from relatives and friends. It is not necessary to leave the patient alone with his problems, this will only aggravate his situation.

    Thanks for the feedback


      Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

      Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

      Daria () 2 weeks ago

      I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

      Megan92 () 13 days ago

      Daria () 12 days ago

      Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

      Sonya 10 days ago

      Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

      Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

      Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

      Editorial response 10 days ago

      Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is not really implemented through pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

      Sonya 10 days ago

      Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

      Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Alcoholism - addiction, which has always caused only Negative consequences. There are several categories of people suffering from this disease, but they all try to hide their addiction so everyone is interested possible methods how to effectively get rid of alcohol addiction at home.

    When alcohol abuse is strong negative impact the liver is exposed.

    If the fight against the "green snake" will take place at home, then it is imperative to clean it of accumulated toxins with the help of a plant.

    Additionally, it is necessary to take such vitamins as E, B, PP, D.

    Ways to get rid of addiction yourself

    From the outside, it seems that quitting drinking is easy. One desire of the patient is not enough for that.

    It is necessary to approach seriously the choice of a method of treatment. If it is chosen incorrectly, after a short period of time the person breaks down and starts drinking alcohol again. Now you can find many methods of treating alcoholism at home.

    It is imperative to exclude all contacts of an alcoholic with people who share drinks with him. You can even change your place of residence. Get rid of alcohol, at home addicted people can break loose.

    You can try to find people who have successfully coped with a similar problem. The patient should see that their life has changed for the better.

    During treatment, a person should not just sit at home, you need to be busy with something. You can resume old hobbies or find a new hobby. The main thing here is to get rid of the desire and thoughts about alcohol.

    Basic Treatments

    Helping a drinker to overcome an addiction is very difficult, there are no guarantees of a complete cure. There are several options for preparing medicinal herbs, that is, folk remedies.

    Decoctions. For cooking, you need oats and calendula flowers. Oats are placed in an iron container, filled with water, brought to a boil, simmered for 30 minutes. It is filtered. Add calendula to the resulting mass and leave for 12 hours. Take 3 times a day.

    You can prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. It will take 4 large spoons, brewed with boiling water and simmered in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Take 14 days, 2 times a day.

    For a decoction, you need bearberry. 2 large spoons are poured with water at room temperature, heated and languished for 15-20 minutes. You need to take 6 times a day for a tablespoon.

    Tinctures. If the decoctions do not help or the patient refuses to take them, you can apply a more gentle way of getting rid of: offer him treatment healing tincture. This method also included in the group of treatment with folk remedies.

    To prepare the tincture, you need European hoof. Finely chopped leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 14 days. For reception, it will be necessary to mix 100 ml of the resulting liquid, the same amount of vodka. Take in the morning and during lunch. In the evening, you can pour some vodka for an alcoholic. If the remedy works, then the patient will begin to vomit.

    To prepare the next tincture, you will need centaury, wormwood, thyme. All in equal proportions, on a large spoon. Pour boiling water, insist 2 hours in a dark place. Take a large spoonful 4 times a day, treatment - 2 months.

    For cooking, you need lovage and laurel root. Pour vodka, insist 2 weeks. Give to an alcoholic until he vomits.

    Tea. Better if medicinal tea will be fresh. For cooking, you need mint, wormwood, yarrow. All ingredients in equal proportions, 20 g each. Grind, add angelica root, calamus, juniper berries to the resulting composition. Pour boiling water over everything, leave for 30-40 minutes.

    To prepare another medicinal tea you will need St. John's wort, wormwood, angelica, cumin, mint, juniper. Pour boiling water over the resulting mass, insist, drink like regular tea.

    Teas infused with medicinal herbs, actively remove alcohol stagnation, accumulated toxins, slags from the body, increase general tone organism.

    To be more likely positive result multiple treatments can be applied at the same time.

    Non-traditional methods of treatment

    No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but traditional medicine known method of delivering the patient from addiction with the help of sour apples with nails. This folk remedy. It will take 3 fresh fruits, 6 nails must be driven into each of them. Apples need to be eaten the next day, nails "pass" to the next serving. Treatment - 45 days.

    There is more, but it is only suitable for those who do not have stomach problems. A finely chopped root and a few bay leaves are placed in a standard bottle of vodka. Insist 14 days. After the first intake of this infusion, an upset stomach is guaranteed.

    A few decades ago, witch grandmothers recommended planting alcoholics around a fire made of birch firewood. After inhaling its smoke, the man drank some alcohol, he began to vomit violently. This method is used when the patient does not consider himself addicted, the treatment process will take place without his knowledge.

    Some narcologists suggest that alcohol addiction can be triggered by a lack of potassium in the body. During treatment, the patient needs to drink more tea with honey. In addition to saturation with potassium, the organs will receive a lot of other useful trace elements.

    If a person has a great desire to fight, but has health problems, you can offer him treatment with pomegranate and cabbage juice. It must be fresh, mix the ingredients in equal proportions, in a standard glass. Drink at least 4 times a day, half a glass.

    If the addict has no problems with gastrointestinal tract, then drunkenness can be countered with lemon juice. If you follow all the recommendations, it is possible to cause an aversion to alcohol even among experienced alcoholics. The course of admission is 18 days.

    On the first day of treatment, freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon fruit is squeezed out and drunk. Then 8 days daily add nectar of 1-2 fruits. After the 9th day of recovery, on the contrary, we reduce 1-2 lemons daily. On the last day of the course, the patient drinks the juice of one lemon.

    You can form an aversion to alcohol with the help of living creatures.

    You can catch a few green bugs, they live in forest raspberries. You need 4-5 pieces. Place in a container, pour vodka, insist 15-20 days. It is better to give the resulting drink to an alcoholic imperceptibly.

    You can also make a drink from eels. Live eels are placed in a container with wine. Keep insisting until they fall asleep. Giving to an addict is discreet.

    Oriental methods of ridding a person of alcoholism

    Treatment green tea. Asian countries believe that good remedy from alcoholism - green tea. It should be drunk as much as possible, freshly brewed. The use of sugar is prohibited, you can add a little honey or dried fruits. The leaves left in the cup after drinking tea can be eaten or added when preparing the first course.

    If a person is prone to hard drinking, then in winter a salad from sauerkraut. In the process of cooking, you can add beets, carrots, celery to it. Green tea lovers can add it to the resulting mass, for each kilogram 3-4 small spoons.

    For a full-fledged snack for an alcoholic, you can recommend barberry, aloe, turmeric, brahmi.

    Oriental healers are very attentive to the inner mood of a person and the people around him. Relatives should not experience feelings of disgust, pity, hatred for the patient. Otherwise, he may become worse, the treatment will not bring positive results.

    If you treat the patient in a complex way, you can try the Eastern method of persuasion or hypnosis.

    Its meaning is that when the addict falls asleep, a loved one or a doctor stands at the head of the bed and begins to whisper persuasive words: “You don’t want to take alcohol, there is no desire to take it, it’s harmful, useless.”

    The text can be anything, the main thing is to choose the right words. Scientists have officially proven the effectiveness of this method. The exact dates are not set, they are individual.

    The great desire of the lover of "strong drinks" to quit drinking is good, but only to begin treatment. It must be remembered that a breakdown can occur at any moment. Therefore, it is desirable to constantly monitor loved one, treatment, if possible be near. Especially at celebrations and events where alcohol is present.

    Home and work atmospheres should be positive, without unnecessary stress and troubles. All negative factors may cause a breakdown. To quickly bring a drunk person to his senses, you can use the following methods.

    Per glass ice water you need up to 10 drops of ammonia. Make the patient drink. You can pour the composition into his mouth yourself. If it doesn’t help, you can take the person’s head with your hands, rub his ears hard. Blood quickly rushes to the head, consciousness improves.

    There is another method of quick sobering up. You will need a wide glass or cup. The edges are processed with vegetable or olive oil. Is taken chicken yolk, shaken, add 10-15 ml to it. vodka, a little black and red pepper. Shake everything well, give the drunkard a drink.

    To make it easier for the patient to get out of it after drinking, in the morning you can offer him a glass of tomato juice, strictly on an empty stomach. Or a glass of warm milk, it will help relieve a headache.

    To relieve heaviness in the stomach, headache, weakness, you can drink a composition of ice water and mint alcohol. You can also offer the patient cucumber pickle with crushed garlic and black pepper.

    Which method of treatment to choose is up to the addict and his relatives, who are ready to help and support him. For some, one method is enough, for others, an integrated approach is needed. But, in all cases, the main thing is not to overdo it, it can adversely affect the physical and emotional health alcoholic.