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Course work: Comparative analysis of the psychological health of children of preschool and primary school age. Psychological and emotional health and condition of preschool children

activities of health care institutions. These factors in the same proportion affect not only mental, but also general health.

Social and psychological factors

Disharmony of family education (violations in the sphere of child-parent relations). At the same time, the following types of improper upbringing are distinguished: emotional rejection of the child - rejection, the presence of strict regulatory and control measures, imposition of a certain type of behavior on the child in accordance with parental concepts of “good children”. The other pole of rejection is indifference, connivance and lack of control on the part of parents. In such conditions, children grow up timid, downtrodden, and indecisive.

Socio-cultural factors

These factors are due to the accelerating pace of modern life, lack of time, and insufficient conditions for relieving emotional stress and for relaxation. The consequence of this is the excessive workload of parents, their neuroticism, the emergence of many personal problems, combined with insufficient awareness of ways to resolve intrapersonal conflicts and the possibilities of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance. Such personal disharmony of parents is reflected in the development of children and has a negative impact on their psyche.

Socio-economic factors

These include unsatisfactory living conditions, parents being busy, the mother going to work early and the child being placed in a nursery. I.V. Dubrovina (1995) believes that placing children under 3 years of age in a nursery or hiring a nanny to raise them is a strong psychologically traumatic event. She recommends placing a child in kindergarten, without risking his mental health, after the age of 3 years.

Characteristics of the main directions of health-improving activities

The main areas of health-improving activities and preschool educational institutions include:

  • organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and creation of hygienic living conditions for children;
  • catering;
  • ensuring the psychological safety of children during their stay in kindergarten;
  • organization of treatment and preventive work with children and employees;
  • physical education of children.

1. Organization of sanitary and epidemiological regime and the creation of hygienic living conditions for children are regulated by a whole series of legal and regulatory documents that all employees of preschool institutions are required to know.

It is important to say about the civil responsibility of teachers. And first of all, this concerns the organization of child care. The fact is that a child under 7 years of age is programmed to be cared for by adults, and poor care or lack thereof is classified as child abuse. Caring for a child is, first of all, ensuring the cleanliness of his body, clothes, and the bed on which he sleeps. A well-groomed child has a normal nose and a handkerchief. His hair is combed, his nails are cut, etc.
Scientists of the Institute named after. Helmholtz in Germany conducted unique studies and proved that the light flux, penetrating through the pupil of the eye, in a certain way affects the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of the brain, which, in turn, “are in charge” of the processes of growth and metabolism. Therefore, there should be enough light in group rooms, and areas for children’s activities and games should be located in the most illuminated places. But the main thing is that children should be in the fresh air as much as possible.

2. Organization of meals for children in a preschool institution, which takes a course towards improving the health of children and optimizing physical education, also requires a certain correction.

The psychological component is associated with comfortable eating conditions. Everything is important here: the quality of the dishes offered to children, their compliance with the needs of a growing body, the variety of the menu and the meal procedure itself.
It is important to note that ensuring psychological comfort during meals can only be achieved by a team of professionals who live in step with the times and sincerely love their students.

3. Ensuring the psychological safety of children during their stay in a preschool institution, it involves the elimination and prevention of various kinds of threats and dangers that contribute to the emergence of psycho-emotional stress in children, reducing their level of natural activity and mood.
Psychological discomfort can be caused by various reasons: the actions of a teacher with insufficient psychological training; children’s unpreparedness for the proposed physical and educational activities; high expectations from adults for children; negative rating! the teacher, involuntarily expressed by him in an uncontrolled remark or an unconscious glance; The state of nervous tension of the teacher is also transmitted to children.
Irrational, poor nutrition, lack of freedom of movement, the body's reaction to the weather, improper organization of sleep and rest, unresolved childhood problems can also pose a threat to the psychological well-being of children.

Signs of a depressed child

  1. Bad dream. The child has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps very restlessly.
  2. The child is tired after a load that was previously easy for him.
  3. Unreasonable touchiness, tearfulness over an insignificant reason or, on the contrary, aggressiveness.
  4. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, lack of self-confidence and strength, restless restlessness also indicate an uncomfortable psychological state. A child in this state more often seeks the approval of adults and “huddles” closer to them.
  5. A state of psychological stress can manifest itself in previously unobserved antics and stubbornness, fear of contacts, and desire for loneliness. The child stops participating in the games of his peers, and at the same time he has difficulties in maintaining discipline.
  6. Sometimes a child constantly chews or sucks something that was not noticed before. Sometimes he experiences a persistent loss of appetite.
  7. Signs of a child's stressful state also include previously unheard-of hand tremors, head shaking, shoulder twitching, playing with the genitals, and night and even daytime urinary incontinence.
  8. Some children in a state of prolonged stress begin to lose weight, look exhausted, or, on the contrary, they experience symptoms of obesity.
  9. Memory disorders, difficulties with imagination, poor concentration, loss of interest in everything that previously caused activity also indicate an unfavorable psycho-emotional state.

All of the above signs can tell us that the child is in a stressful state only if they have not previously been observed. It should also be noted that not all of these signs can be clearly expressed. But you should be concerned even when only a few of them appear.

In an educational institution in a stressful situation, the adaptation process occurs more often as an adaptation reaction. And in children, as a way of protective behavior, a social mask very often appears. They can become deceitful, insecure, uncommunicative, fanatically stubborn, and often helpless in life. Unfortunately, these consequences of stress are rarely noticed in a timely manner by adults. They usually notice that something is wrong with the child when multiples are already unfolding! reactions.

The risk of stress is especially high in childhood when conditions for normal physical development are disrupted. The feeling of physical health, one's physical capabilities and bodily well-being contributes to a stable feeling of comfort. It is known that the soul and body respond together to any event. Mental tension causes muscle tone, and, conversely, muscle tension leads to an emotional outburst. Children experience the highest physical stress during a physical education lesson in play, but what an emotional upsurge we see during this!

Scientists have long proven that you are the best way to relieve nervous tension; exercise stress. The use of movements as a counterbalance to negative emotions was recommended, for example, by N.P. Bekhterev. The famous Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov said that any physical activity gives “muscular joy, creating a stable mood.

According to statistics, approximately 5% of children, starting from toddler age, lack sleep 1.5–2 hours a day. The reason is the underestimation of the importance of sleep for a child’s health, as well as its inept organization.

A preschool child should sleep 12 to 14 hours a day.

There is an opinion that there is nothing wrong with a child falling asleep to the sound of TV or adults talking. It is believed that such a Spartan style of education allows you to raise a child unpampered. But this is a serious misconception. Special studies have shown that in such an environment there cannot be deep sleep, and therefore, the child’s nervous system does not receive proper rest. The child becomes restless, irritable for no reason, often cries, and loses appetite. During sleep, metabolic processes in the human body are normalized, and experts in the field of psychology and psychiatry note that good sleep is the best cure for anxiety.

4. Organization of treatment and preventive work in a preschool institution involves the implementation of a set of measures in order to strengthen the child’s health, increase the ability of his body to withstand various types of environmental influences (for example, cold, high humidity), as well as the rehabilitation of children after illnesses.

5. Physical education traditionally understood as a pedagogical process aimed at achieving physical perfection.

It is better to do less, but professionally, than a lot, but of poor quality.

The problem of psychological health of the younger generation has attracted the attention of various specialists in recent years. In childhood, the foundation of personality is laid, its basic qualities are formed: physical and mental health, cultural, moral and intellectual potential. The qualities that a child is endowed with, especially in the very beginning of life, are the most important and lasting; changing them later is quite difficult, and in some cases almost impossible.

V.I. Dubrovina in her book “Psychological Health of Children and Adolescents” defines “mental health” as the normal operation of individual mental processes and mechanisms and refers this term to the personality as a whole.



Psychological health of preschool children

Taking care of raising a healthy child is a priority in the work of any preschool institution. A healthy and developed child has good resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, he is socially and physiologically adapted.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in the health of both ourselves and our children. As everyone knows, parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality.

A child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate. We recommend that from the very beginning you build your relationship with your child on the foundation of consent and mutual understanding. Quarrels in the presence of a child in some cases contribute to the development of neurosis in him, and in others aggravate existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child’s body. With this in mind, we should always try to be in a good mood. Many psychologists advise that a child should be hugged at least 8 times a day. Remember, as soon as we smile, it immediately becomes easier; when we frown, sadness creeps in. But our irritation mechanically transfers to the child. So let's smile more and give joy to each other.

We must not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And the important thing here is a properly organized daily routine, which optimally combines the periods of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. In addition, the regimen disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Walking is one of the essential components of the daily routine. This is the most effective type of rest; it well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and shoes must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. (During a walk, children should not be allowed to remain in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play.) It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games.

An equally important part of the regime is sleep, which is especially necessary for children.

Diet is also important, that is, maintaining certain intervals between meals. Good nutrition - inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and mineral salts.

Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the kindergarten daily routine. It is important for children to develop an interest in improving their own body - the sooner a child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, playing sports, proper nutrition, and sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle.

When preparing a child for school, it is important to take into account not only his intellectual development, but also his level of physical development. And there is no need to stuff your child with knowledge before school. The principle of “do no harm” should be the basis for the upbringing and development of a child. It should be remembered that “early learning” leads to overload, has a negative impact on health, provokes neuroses, and other undesirable phenomena, as a result of which interest in learning decreases. It must be remembered that Play is the leading activity in preschool age. The game develops all mental processes, such as memory, attention, thinking; The child’s creative abilities also develop. In the game, the child acquires communication skills in various gaming situations and the ability to interact with peers and adults.

Klavdia Petrovna Drozdetskaya
Formation of psychological health of preschool children

One of the main tasks preschool educational institution is to ensure children's mental health, which is also a condition for the child’s favorable personal development. First of all, we should consider the concept « psychological health» .

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts « mental» And « psychological» health.

Pedagogical indicators mental health and well-being of preschoolers are as follows::

The child’s behavior, thoughts and feelings are adequate to environmental conditions and events;

Socially acceptable ways of self-affirmation and self-expression;

Positive emotional background, optimistic attitude, ability for emotional empathy;

Uniform and timely development of the main mental processes, sustainable cognitive activity;

A friendly attitude towards others, full communication, the nature of which corresponds to age standards.

In theory and practice preschool education occurs term "emotional well-being", the content of which is somewhat narrower than the content of the term « mental health» . According to the research of L. A. Abrahamyan, M. I. Lisina, T. A. Repina, "emotional well-being" can be defined as a child’s stable emotional and positive well-being, the basis of which is the satisfaction of basic age-related needs: biological and social. One of the main indicators of children’s emotional well-being is physical health.

Relating to the sphere of emotional development, emotional sensation becomes the basis that "nourishes" all manifestations of the child’s activity, strengthening and directing this activity or, conversely, weakening and even blocking it.

Term « psychological health» introduced into the scientific lexicon by I. V. Dubrovina. This term emphasizes the inseparability of the bodily and mental in man. As an illustration, we can cite the results of research by Jewett, who studied psychological characteristics of people who successfully lived to 80-90 years of age. It turned out that all of them are characterized by optimism, emotional calm, the ability to rejoice, self-sufficiency and the ability to adapt to difficult life circumstances.

Generalized portrait a psychologically healthy person is, first of all, a creative, cheerful, cheerful, open person who knows himself and the world around him not only with his mind, but also with his feelings and intuition. Such a person takes responsibility for his life, first of all, himself, his life is filled with meaning. It is in constant development.

The key word to describe it is "harmony" or "balance". First of all, it is harmony between the emotional and the intellectual, between the physical and mental. And also harmony between man and the people around him, nature, and space. According to I. V. Dubrovina, the basis psychological health constitutes a complete mental development at all stages. The authors claim that psychological health should be considered from the point of view of the spiritual wealth of the individual, orientation towards absolute values (goodness, beauty, truth). Thus, if a person does not have an ethical basis, then it is impossible to talk about his psychological health.

Security psychological health in preschool age is possible with the help of implementation psychological support for children.

Tasks psychological support:

1. learning to have a positive relationship and acceptance of other people;

2. teaching reflective skills;

3. formation self-development needs.

The main pedagogical forms and methods of developing the psychological health of children are:

1. Carrying out specially designed psychological activities with children;

2. exercises;

3. psychological games;

5. solving problematic and practical situations;

6. elements of art therapy;

7. dramatization games;

8. outdoor games;

9. reading and analysis of fairy tales;

10. conversations;

11. creative games;

12. writing fairy tales;

13. collective drawing.

Self formation of psychological health includes several structural components:

Positive emotional background of development, included in all types of activities;

-formation and development of the cognitive sphere;

A clear definition in the development of character traits and temperament;

-personality formation, as such.

Psychological health of a preschooler associated with happiness, goodness, beauty, strength of mind, and a cheerful, good mood. Therefore it is very important to preschool age to form all aspects of peace of mind for the positive dynamics of personal growth in children.

The psychological health of children in preschool institutions is being built:

On the positive emotional state of the child;

The child is allowed to realize himself and assert himself;

On the development of the child’s communicative and intellectual spheres of the child’s life;

On development and building empathy(empathy);

On partial "liquidation" or "suppression" certain traits character: aggressiveness, fears, timidity, shyness, emotional instability, increased excitability.

Develop the emotional sphere in children;

Help your child develop to correctly recognize and control their own emotions;

Help your child master the ability to recognize the feelings and emotions of others;

Develop your child's sense of empathy (empathy);

Let your child know that you are always ready to provide him with personal support and help, no matter what happens. This way, the child will know that he can trust you and tell you everything about his feelings and experiences. And you, in turn, can help him!

Imbue with a feeling of sincere respect for what is created by the child himself. Admire initiative and independence - it promotes formation and the development of his self-esteem and development in the need for personal growth.

Develop your child's communication skills (communication skills). This will help the child to unite with the group, and will also set the child up for an adequate worldview of any unforeseen situation.

Increase your child's self-esteem;

Praise your child for work done correctly and for good behavior;

Teach children to treat themselves with respect;

Surround your children with things that have a positive influence on them;

Constantly express out loud your confidence in your child’s capabilities and prospects;

Talk more often in front of children and adults about its merits;

The teacher is one of the main links in raising children. He can quite professionally find an approach to each child and to form in him those qualities, which will further serve a more prosperous and successful formation personal development of the child, which leads to formation of full psychological health of children!


1. Stozharova M. Yu. Formation of psychological health of preschool children / M. Yu. Stozharova. – Rostov n/ D: Phoenix, - 2007. – 208 p. (School of Development)

2. Practical psychology for teachers and parents. – St. Petersburg: Didactics Plus, 2000.

3. Khukhlaeva O., Khukhlaev O., Pervushina I. Little games for great happiness. How to save mental health of a preschooler. – M.: April-Press, Eksmo-Press, 2001.

Solving problems related to the protection and promotion of children's health is given a leading place. But, it also says that “if concern for the physical health of the child in one form or another is reflected in all documents regulating the work of the teacher, then the requirement of “the psychological well-being of the child” sounded like a meaningless phrase.” The importance of creating conditions that ensure both the physical and mental health of the child is emphasized.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical defects (according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO). By the term “mental health” we mean a state of mental well-being, mental comfort, providing adequate conditions for the surrounding reality regulation of behavior and activity. Mental health depends on a huge number of factors that merge into a huge flow of information and constantly influence a person throughout his life (from conception to death). A. A. Churkin (1995) identifies factors influencing mental health , and assigns them a percentage expression, depending on the strength of their influence. 50-55% of mental health depends on conditions and lifestyle, 20-25% - on the state of the environment, 15-20% - on genetic characteristics, and only 10-15% of the activity of a healthcare institution, these factors in the same proportion affect general health.

An organism is mentally healthy if it is adaptable and adequate to the entire volume of information received. Having a certain and unique ability to perceive information, the body has reserves to protect against adverse consequences, sudden changes in the quantity and quality of information. Specific protective mechanisms can be called the minimum ability to perceive information by children (personal self-awareness is formed before the age of 3, as well as stress (this is a kind of chemical response to an information imbalance in the environment). A certain level of stress is necessary for a normal reaction of the body, but at a volume higher than optimal stress leads to various types of mental disorders.

Ensuring the psychological safety of children during their stay in a preschool institution involves preventing and eliminating various kinds of threats and dangers that contribute to the emergence of psycho-emotional stress in children, reducing their level of natural activity and mood. Let us list the main, in our opinion, reasons for the crisis of mental balance of a preschool child, leading to mental disorders that then pass to the somatic level: actions of a teacher with insufficient psychological preparation; children's unpreparedness for the proposed physical and educational activities; inflated expectations from adults regarding children; a negative assessment of the teacher, we note, involuntarily expressed by him in an uncontrolled remark. Irrational, poor nutrition, lack of freedom of movement, the body’s reaction to the weather, improper organization of sleep and rest. This is how we believe that failure to resolve children’s problems can pose a threat to the psychological well-being of children.

The psychosomatics of a modern child is completely different from that of children of past generations. Children have a broader outlook, a larger vocabulary, are erudite, and well-read. But these children turn out to be more unprotected, unadapted to the extent of the rapidly developing flow of information. The degree of “cruelty” of this flow increases and accelerates depending on the socio-economic conditions of life. Having reached a high level, it leads, among everything positive, to disorganization of the natural foundations of the effective life of the child’s growing personality, a crisis of emotionality, and, as a consequence, to stress, emotional disharmony, alienation and immaturity of feelings. All these manifestations lead to a deterioration in mental health, an increase in child morbidity rates, and child mortality. It will not be shocking for us to learn that very few healthy children are born. There are many reasons: illnesses of parents, pathological pregnancies, birth injuries, an increase in Caesarean sections, etc. The status of childhood disability (mental disorders, congenital anomalies, diseases of the nervous system) is not at all uncommon. In addition to disorders of posture and vision, by the end of preschool age, children experience an increase in cases of depression, aggressiveness, and anxiety.

And so, here our main task is to educate parents about the presence, prevention, and indeed about the existence of such a problem as the problem of maintaining the mental health of their child in preschool age.

The first signs of “mental illness” may appear in younger preschoolers under the influence of separation from their mother, father, upon admission to kindergarten, placement in a sanatorium, hospital, or orphanage. In children of senior preschool age - under the influence of a long-term unfavorable environment at home (quarrels in the family, abuse, fear of parents, divorce of parents, single-parent families, fear and rejection of teachers. And, like the scourge of time, the lack of television culture, uncontrolled viewing of modern cartoons, computer games, only aggravates the situation. The joint creativity of parents and children, spending time together, without the presence of new-fangled gadgets, has lost its strength and relevance. This results in a long-term depressed state, a melancholy mood, a feeling of inferiority and insufficiency, monotony of ideas, retardation of movements.

Among mental illnesses, depression comes first and accounts for 80% of the total number of mental disorders. Depression as a mood of more or less deep despondency is familiar to almost every adult who has experienced a crisis. The risk of developing depression throughout your life is 20%. Depression as a disorder differs from depression as a condition either by too much duration and intensity or by the absence of stress before its onset. Depressive disorders in preschool children occur much more often than they are diagnosed. Their signs (children's fears, anxiety, lack of self-confidence) have been repeatedly described in the works of A. R. Luria, E. L. Slavin, N. Weisman, A. Bobenko, etc. Unlike depression in adults, in whom it goes away in at all levels (intellectual, emotional and motor; in children, the symptoms of this disease are “masked” by numerous unpleasant somatic sensations or behavioral disorders. Most often, children complain of abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, poor sleep, lack of appetite, etc. They become moody , whiny, lose interest in games, communication.The appearance of the child changes: pallor of the skin, lethargy, a shuffling gait are noted, they can give the impression of a person suffering from a serious illness.

Thus, in recommendations to teachers on preserving and strengthening the mental health of preschoolers, it is advisable to include the fact that boys and girls develop with certain characteristics of thinking and perception. Taking into account the higher search activity of boys and their emotional sensitivity, state your requirements briefly and precisely. It is important for girls to calmly analyze their mistakes and remember their emotionally violent reaction to criticism. When boys are capricious, there is a decrease in the activity of the left, rational - logical hemisphere, scolding for this is useless and immoral. Girls are capricious due to fatigue and exhaustion of the right emotional hemisphere. It is important to never compare children. When teaching, do not destroy “innate literacy.” Our assessment of children is always subjective. It’s not so important to teach a child, but to develop his desire to learn. It is normal for a child to make mistakes. You need to turn your demands into the child’s wishes. The most important thing is to do no harm. It is necessary to involve parents in such complex work on issues of mental health of children, and also seek advice from a pediatrician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or speech pathologist.

To what extent health is a vital value for each of us, the results of the questionnaire “What, knowing about myself, can I tell others” will help.

Purpose: to determine the external causes of a crisis in a person’s mental balance. Survey participants are asked to enter their moral vices in the 1st column, and their physical ailments in the 2nd column.

Questionnaire - questionnaire “What, knowing about myself, can I tell others.”

What, knowing about myself, can I tell others. It is proposed to divide the sheet into 2 parts:

My moral vices. My physical ailments

Participants enter information about themselves that is often freely discussed at home with their families, at work with colleagues, or in other public places.

What turns out to be accepted and decent in our modern society? Without discussing our moral vices with others, which is natural, we can talk about our illnesses to everyone, anywhere and everywhere - each person can evaluate this level of culture personally by turning to the questionnaire. With an incorrect, inaccurate and incomplete understanding of the definition of “health”, with a passive attitude towards one’s own health, it is impossible to form a conscious attitude towards health in our students. When talking about health, we talk more often and more easily about physical health, but little and with less understanding about mental health, while one does not exist without the other and the main goal of preschool education is “protecting physical and mental health.” Mental health problems must be considered within, and not outside, the human being, because it depends on him and his consciousness. We, adults, must prepare and lead children to realize this.


Consultation "Psychological health of preschool children" - Combined kindergarten No. 102

"You cannot heal the body without healing the soul"

Fernando de Rojas

Psychological health is a necessary condition for the functioning and development of a child in the process of life; is a dynamic set of mental properties of a person that ensure harmony between the needs of man and society, which are a prerequisite for the individual’s orientation towards fulfilling his life task. On the one hand, it is a condition for a person to adequately fulfill his age, social and cultural roles, on the other hand, it provides him with the opportunity for continuous development throughout his life.

Psychological health criteria:

The state of the child’s mental development, his mental comfort;

Adequate social behavior;

The ability to understand yourself and others;

More complete realization of development potential in different types of activities;

Ability to make choices and take responsibility for them

Causes of mental health problems

Deviations in the mental health of children are caused by a combination of unfavorable external factors (family, relationships with peers) with individual predisposition:

1. Somatic diseases (mental development defects).

2. Adverse factors, stress affecting the psyche.

A psychologically healthy preschooler is a preschooler who has a balance of internal (cognitive, emotional, physiological) and external (requirements of the social environment) characteristics of his personality development. But when a preschooler experiences prolonged nervous overload: stress, resentment, cannot cope with tasks, exhaustion of capabilities occurs, and various kinds of neuropsychic disorders (neurosis) may occur.

The most typical neurosis in preschool children is neurasthenia.

Signs of neurasthenia are:

Material from the site solnyshko102.ru

Of all the aspects of upbringing, did she at least once think,

We want to edify adults what the damn box does

Reply that any mother Are any of them real cretins?

Shouldn't let him get anywhere near what he destroys like a fierce thief,

Children to the blue screen. The need to think and dream?

Or better yet, completely from home, like the soul of a young creature

Remove the harmful unit. It clogs with all sorts of rubbish.

He is not a strong child's brain

That, having chosen the world of wonders as a target,

He is the fervor of a living imagination

Roald Dahl.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern Russian family without a TV. But why is television dangerous for a child?

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the special impressionability of children and the ability of the child’s psyche to suggest: a feeling of danger and horror arises in a child as a result of watching such film footage as a train approaching the audience, a murder inside a closed room, a key in the lock on the inside of the door, a loud, intense sound from the screen, etc. Protecting himself from unpleasant emotions, the child represses them into the unconscious part of the psyche. An adult may not immediately notice any obvious changes in the child’s behavior, but scary images or sounds may bother him in the form of dreams, increased anxiety or neurotic symptoms.

Secondly, we must not forget about the habituation effect and contagiousness of aggressive behavior: constant viewing of scenes of violence dulls the emotional feelings of children, they get used to cruelty, become indifferent to human pain, and after a while the child begins to perceive violence as the norm, as a standard of emotional response.

Thirdly, the romanticization of negative characters in feature films is alarming. Sometimes parents believe that children perceive the film the same way as adults. However, this is not true.

A preschooler's thinking is visual and figurative. He captures only the main plot line and the specific behavior of the characters.

A child cannot understand the pangs of conscience or the mental turmoil of the film’s characters; therefore, he does not see or realize the inconsistency of their actions and words. That is why the child does not copy the noble words of the hero, but his specific actions.

Fourthly, it should be noted that modern television does not contribute to the mental development of children. Developmental programs are allocated from 1.5 to 3 percent of airtime; 23 percent for advertising.

There are practically no programs on the screen aimed at preschool children. The child remembers best the information that is shown at the beginning or end of the program.

And modern advertising laws allow the inclusion of advertising videos at the beginning or end of a children's program. Therefore, the child will remember the story about the shampoo more than the content of the cartoon. In addition, television contributes to the intellectual passivity of children.

Information is presented in ready-made form; it does not require any effort of imagination or analysis. In children, the development of mental functions is inhibited: the development of speech and thinking slows down, there is no stimulus for the formation of imagination, there is no emotional contact with parents, coherent speech does not develop, children cannot concentrate on the text.

Fifthly, it should be noted the dangerous impact of advertising on the psyche of a preschooler. Constant viewing of advertising forms a psychological dependence in the child, which arises as a result of artificial stimulation and overexcitation of the nervous system. The effect of flickering video frames can lead to disharmony of brain rhythms and their failure.

Television largely determines the choice of toys. The most popular are the same ninja turtles, robots, etc. This tendency is dangerous for the child's psyche.

The toy is of enormous importance for the development of children. A doll, a cartoon character, acts as a substitute for a child’s ideal friend; it carries within itself a standard of moral behavior. By acting with it, the child gains moral experience. Therefore, it is important to control what toys your child plays with and not follow his lead by buying characters from low-quality foreign cartoons.

Resist the temptation to make your life easier by sitting your baby in front of the TV and minding your own business at this time. Remember that a child’s psyche is formed only in joint activities with an adult.

2- clearly regulate your child’s viewing of television programs. The maximum amount of screen time should not exceed age norms (from 15-20 minutes to one hour a day).

4- try to monitor the content and artistry of children's programs in order to exclude low-quality video and television products.

5- Discuss with your child the plots of the films you watched. It is important to understand what he thinks, feels, and how he would act in a given situation. Teach your child to analyze and evaluate actions and understand the feelings of other people.

A joint discussion will allow them to understand what success, victory, mutual assistance, pain, betrayal are, and to form their own way of behavior in a specific situation. After the discussion, you can invite the child to draw movie characters or sculpt them from plasticine. All this will help the child experience positive or negative emotions and form his own personal conscious emotional experience.

Thus, recognizing the enormous role of television, we must remember the responsibility that lies with adults: to do everything possible to eliminate the negative impact of the information flow on the child’s psyche.


Preparing a child for kindergarten

It is necessary to learn to communicate with other adults; Don’t be afraid of them, get in touch.

There must be an experience of separation from parents: the concept that parents can go and come.

It is necessary to learn how to communicate with peers.

Teach the collective use of toys.

It is necessary to develop cultural and hygienic skills.

It is necessary to learn to play with adults and children.

In a few months, bring your regime closer to the kindergarten regime.

It's good to come for a walk.

You need to start with a short day - 2-3 hours.

Eliminate unnecessary irritants at home (loud music, vigorous games, frequent guests, etc.)


Material from the site nsportal.ru

Features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children: age characteristics

Children of preschool age are in a “critical” period: they are often irritated, whiny, hyperactive and vice versa, lethargic and apathetic, they can get tired quickly and be inattentive.

During this period, various allergic reactions and somatic diseases appear and form. A child’s body, which is still fragile and not fully formed, is more susceptible to infection, and the frequency of colds is very high.

But not only children with chronic diseases, but also absolutely healthy ones should be under the close attention of parents and preschool teachers.

The concept of “personal health” formed in the child’s mind can be recognized by certain prerequisites:

  1. Children try to maintain and show correct posture.
  2. Developed self-service skills and diligence in performing household errands.
  3. They are physically active in the game in order to achieve their goal.
  4. Mental processes develop quickly.
  5. Children know how to maintain control over their own emotions.
  6. Giving children truly meaningful life goals.

How children define the concept of “self-preservation”

Children of preschool age do not have a definition of even the most basic characteristic of the concept of “health,” despite the fact that they understand what illness is. Therefore, children cannot yet have anything to do with self-preservation.

Children of middle preschool age develop an attitude towards illness as something negative, caused by the environment or their own actions. For example, children understand that they should not get their feet wet, sit in a draft, or eat ice cream. In their understanding, health is something abstract, and being healthy means simply not getting sick.

Children of older preschool age develop a more clear concept of a possible threat through their own actions. It is in older preschool age that children begin to understand that physical health is very important, but at the same time it is difficult for them to resist receiving possible pleasure (eating tasty but cold food, for example).

Here, the “self-preservation of children” largely depends on the motivation on the part of the parents. Reinforcing the rules of hygiene and regular exercise, education, training and motivation on the part of parents will help to quickly develop in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Principles of child care

Only with proper care for children will they grow up strong and healthy. What are the principles of child care? First of all, this is proper nutrition, physical exercise, hardening, maintaining mental health, proper daily routine and regular medical examinations.

The listed principles also include observing the rules of caution on the street and at home. Some tips on how to keep children healthy.

Healthy eating

  • Limiting the consumption of sweets and flour, which lead not only to excess weight, but also to tooth damage.
  • Taking care of getting nutrients in accordance with age requirements, food should be varied. The foundations of proper nutrition laid down in childhood and a selective approach to healthy food continue into adulthood.

Physical health

  • Physical activity should be encouraged from a very early age, as well as participation in outdoor games with other children.
  • Daily morning exercises strengthen children's lungs and hearts and develop muscle strength. In addition, gymnastics and exercises develop children's will and cognitive abilities.

Hardening of preschool children

  • The main requirements for hardening preschool children are systematic and gradual. It is important to take into account the child’s general health and physical development.
  • Swimming in open water, walking barefoot, air baths, rubbing and contrast dousing are useful.
  • Before hardening begins, you need to set the child up positively for this process.

Maintaining Mental Health

  • A calm atmosphere in the family, the absence of quarrels and clarification of relationships between adults is important.
  • Preschool children especially need care and affection, and fun time with their parents.
  • Communication with peers and games are equally important.

Regular medical examinations

  • Preventative examinations by a local pediatrician and specialists will help monitor the general condition of the child, as well as notice and recognize developmental abnormalities in time.
  • Preventive vaccinations against infectious diseases are part of the program to preserve the health of children.

Rules for careful behavior on the street and at home

  • Accidents are largely preventable. It is necessary to take precautions in the house: close sockets with special plugs, store medicines and household chemicals in an inaccessible place, limit access to the stove and stairs, etc.
  • The child must be explained the dangers of transport and, if possible, taught the rules for crossing the road.
  • Children should always be supervised by adults.

Social health

Social health is constant adaptation to changing conditions, assimilation of the rules of behavior in society, its culture and traditions. The little person knows and can do a little, and it is up to his parents and preschool workers to teach him.

In a family where mutual understanding and respect reign, the valuable experience and knowledge accumulated over the years is passed on, and the child’s social development is, as a rule, normal.

The social development of preschool children involves the formation of social identification, which varies depending on the age of the child. So, for primary preschool age it is family identification, for children of middle preschool age it is family, gender and species identification. Older children distinguish between legal, national and ethnic identification.

Physical health

The physical development of preschool children is characterized by the formation of organs and systems of the body. From birth, children can vary in their mobility, strength and balance.

But these are only features inherent in nature: the main role is played by the creation of the most favorable environmental conditions and proper physical education. It is important to note that physical education not only strengthens the body, but also teaches the expressiveness of movements and the correct perception of beauty.

Due to the increased demands on first-graders and excessive stress on the spine, the formation of physical health and endurance should begin as early as possible.

How to organize a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler?

The full development of a child depends on the effectiveness of organizing a healthy lifestyle. In developing health, each age group of preschool children has its own goals.

Age group

Material from the site RebenokZdorov.com

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern Russian family without a TV. Television is a window to the outside world, and with a reasonable approach it can perform educational, entertaining and educational functions. But why are psychologists sounding the alarm more and more often, and even the expression “screen children” has appeared?

Having analyzed how much time children spend in front of the screen, we came to the conclusion that preschoolers from 4 to 6 years old watch TV on average from 2 to 6 hours a day. The greatest amount of time is spent in the evening. As it turned out, children at home are in front of TV screens twice as much as children attending kindergarten, that is, children acquire the habit of constantly watching television programs with the help of their parents, primarily non-working mothers and grandmothers.

At the same time, preschoolers show interest not only in children's programs, but also in films aimed at adult audiences, as well as information programs such as “Petrovka 38”, “Road Patrol”, “Emergency”, etc. What information do our children receive?

On average, there are four scenes of violence and erotica per 1 hour of television broadcast. Noteworthy is the naturalistic nature of the scenes (bloody corpses, kidnappings, etc.)

Why is this kind of television dangerous for a child?

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the special impressionability of children and the ability of the child’s psyche to be suggested.

Feelings of danger and horror arise in a child as a result of watching such film footage as a train approaching the audience, a murder inside a closed room, a loud, intense sound of a heartbeat from the screen, etc. Protecting himself from unpleasant emotions, the child represses them into the unconscious part of the psyche. An adult may not immediately notice any obvious changes in the child’s behavior, but the scary images or sounds that the child perceives from the screen may bother him in the form of dreams, increased anxiety, or neurotic symptoms.

The outstanding Russian psychiatrist V. Bekhterev noted at the beginning of the twentieth century: sometimes a word carelessly spoken in front of a child about committing a murder or another incident is enough for him to sleep anxiously or even suffer a nightmare.

To confirm these words, we can give an example from the modern life of Russian children. After numerous television broadcasts of the tragedy that happened at the Beslan school, many psychologists in Russia noted the massive appeal of parents for medical help. Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren developed a fear of visiting educational institutions and fear of terrorist attacks.

Parents were not warned about the negative impact of such information on the child’s psyche.

Secondly, we must not forget about the addictive effect and contagiousness of aggressive behavior.

Constant viewing of scenes of violence dulls the emotional feelings of children, they get used to cruelty and become indifferent to human pain. If violence is broadcast on the screen every 15 minutes, then after some time the child begins to perceive this as the norm. He develops a standard of emotional response.

According to psychologists, when they see on-screen fights, young TV viewers develop a certain, not yet conscious scenario of aggressive behavior. However, faced with difficulties in relationships with people. The child remembers that method of aggression.

Which he saw on the screen, and begins to act the same way.

The question arises: many children watch television, but not all of them are aggressive. In the process of one and the same activity, different qualities and different mental processes can be formed, since the child learns from the surrounding reality only what meets his needs. These needs are largely determined by family and communication with peers.

Research by H. Heckhausen has shown that children who are most often punished in the family mark those with violence as their favorite programs, and choose the most aggressive ones as their favorite TV characters.

Thirdly, it should be noted that modern television does not contribute to the mental development of children.

Modern legislation allows an advertising video at the beginning of children's programs, and therefore the child will remember more information about a shampoo than the impressions of the cartoon he saw. In addition, television promotes intellectual passivity.

Information is presented in ready-made form; it does not require any effort of imagination or analysis. Most parents note: children do not want books read to them; they prefer to watch these fairy tales on video. But for parents it is much more convenient to put on a disc for viewing than to waste time on a book. As a result, this approach inhibits the development of children’s mental functions: the development of speech and thinking slows down, there is no incentive for the formation of imagination and, what is very important, there is no close emotional contact between the child and his parents.

This seemingly easy path in education leads to disastrous consequences when entering school. They are not accustomed to books, cannot concentrate on the text, and have not developed coherent speech.

And finally, we should dwell on the impact of advertising on the psyche of a preschooler.

However, constant viewing of advertising creates a psychological dependence in a child, which arises as a result of artificial stimulation and overexcitation of the nervous system. The effect of flickering video frames can lead to disharmony of brain rhythms and their failure.

Let us separately consider television from the point of view of showing animated films.

Classic Russian animated films are shown mainly from 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning, when the majority of children are still sleeping. But foreign cartoons are broadcast during the day, and their airtime almost doubles. It is no coincidence that the favorite heroes of modern preschoolers have become Spider-Man, the Terminator, Ninja Turtles, Batman and others - after all, these monsters are presented as the most romantic heroes that one wants to imitate.

Television largely determines the choice of toys. The most popular ones are the same as cartoon characters. This tendency is dangerous for the child's psyche.

A doll (traditional or cartoon character) acts as a child’s friend; it carries a standard of moral behavior. By acting with it, the preschooler gains moral experience. Therefore, it is so important to control what toys a child plays with and not follow his lead by buying characters from low-quality foreign cartoons.

We do not call for eliminating television from the lives of preschoolers. After all, with the help of this window into the world, you can form the concept of good and evil, justice and friendship.

Mental health of preschoolers and television.

Resist the temptation to make your life easier by sitting your baby in front of the TV and minding your own business at this time. Remember that a child’s psyche is formed only in joint activities with an adult.

Clearly regulate your child’s viewing of television programs. The maximum amount of screen time should not exceed age norms (when watching a fairy tale in older preschool age, from 15-20 minutes to 1 hour a day).

Try to monitor the content and artistry of children's programs in order to exclude low-quality video and television products.

Discuss the plots of the films you have watched with your child. It is important to understand what he thinks, feels, and how he would act in a given situation. Teach your child to analyze and evaluate actions and understand the feelings of other people.

After the discussion, you can invite the child to draw movie characters and sculpt them from plasticine.

Thus, recognizing the need for television in everyone’s life, parents must remember the responsibility that lies with adults: to do everything possible to eliminate the negative impact of the information flow on the child’s psyche.

Consultation for teachers

"Psychological health of preschool children"

Prepared by:

educational psychologist

M.L. Dyakovskaya

Today, preschool institutions pay great attention to health-saving technologies.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle, to teach how to use the acquired knowledge in Everyday life. It is important to understand that Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not simply the absence of disease or infirmity.

Thanks to the use of health-saving technologies, children experience:
- improvement of memory, attention, thinking;

Increased ability for voluntary control;

Improving general emotional state;

Increases efficiency and self-confidence;

Motor functions are stimulated;

Fatigue is reduced;

The respiratory and articulatory apparatus develops;

Speech function is stimulated

One of the main tasks in raising children is to create conditions that guarantee the formation and strengthening of their health.

As one of the components of human health in general,psychological health. The main condition for normal psychosocial development is a calm and friendly environment. A generalized portrait of a psychologically healthy person is, first of all, a creative, cheerful, cheerful, open person who knows himself and the world around him not only with his mind, but also with his feelings and intuition. Such a person takes responsibility for his life, his life is filled with meaning. It is in constant development.

Ensuring psychological health in preschool age is possible through the implementation of psychological support for children.
Psychological health is a necessary condition for the functioning and development of a child in the process of life; is a dynamic set of mental properties of a person that ensure harmony between the needs of man and society, which are a prerequisite for the individual’s orientation towards fulfilling his life task. On the one hand, it is a condition for a person to adequately fulfill his age, social and cultural roles, on the other hand, it provides him with the opportunity for continuous development throughout his life.

The formation of psychological health itself includes several structural components:

Positive emotional background of development, included in all types of activities;

Formation and development of the cognitive sphere;

A clear definition in the development of character traits and temperament;

Personality formation

Psychological health in a preschooler is associated with happiness, kindness, beauty, strength of mind, and a cheerful, good mood. Therefore, it is very important in preschool age to form all aspects of peace of mind for the positive dynamics of children’s personal growth.

The psychological health of children in a preschool institution is based on:

Positive emotional state of the child;

The child is allowed to self-actualize and assert himself;

On the development of the child’s communicative and intellectual spheres of life;

On the development and formation of empathy (compassion);

To partially “eliminate” or “suppress” certain character traits: aggressiveness; fears; timidity, shyness; emotional instability; increased excitability.

in a preschool

Develop the emotional sphere in children

Encourage your child to correctly recognize and control their own emotions

Help your child develop the ability to recognize the feelings and emotions of others. Develop a sense of empathy in your child.

Let your child know that you are always ready to provide him with personal support and help, no matter what happens. This way, the child will know that he can trust you and tell you everything about his feelings and experiences. And you, in turn, can help him!

Imbue with a feeling of sincere respect for what is created by the child himself. Admire initiative and independence - this contributes to the formation and development of his self-esteem and development in the need for personal growth.

Develop your child’s communication abilities (communication skills). This will help the child to unite with the group, and will also set the child up for an adequate worldview of any unforeseen situation.

Increase your child's self-esteem:

Praise your child for work done correctly and for good behavior.

Teach your children to treat themselves with respect.

Surround your children with things that have a positive impact on them.

Constantly express out loud your confidence in your child’s capabilities and prospects.

Talk more often in front of children and adults about its merits.

The teacher is one of the main links in raising children. He can quite professionally find an approach to each child and develop in him those qualities that will further serve a more prosperous and successful formation of the child’s personal development, which leads to the formation of the full psychological health of children!