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Application of the eye aversion method in everyday life. Application of the eye aversion method in everyday life How to avert your eyes and be

Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to look into another person's eyes and not look away? Have you noticed something similar about yourself? If yes, then this article is for you. After all, today we will teach you how to develop a piercing gaze and not look away when they stare at you.


For representatives of the animal world, looking closely into the eyes is a sign of aggression and challenge. In the animal kingdom, eyes are used as weapons and a way to convey emotions. A gaze is considered a sign of challenge and an aggressive attitude. And to look away means knowingly losing to your opponent. Much the same thing happens in the human world.

After all, the animal principle lives in each of us. Therefore, you need to learn techniques for non-verbal influence on people. Of course, a person has many in various ways express emotions non-verbally:

  • gestures;
  • facial expressions;
  • sighs.

But the ability to look correctly in the eyes still remains the main non-verbal indicator of attitude towards another person.

How to keep your eyes open

The first thing you need to do is come up with a so-called “anchor” for yourself. They can serve as any item that will always be with you. For example, if you choose a coin as an “anchor,” then every time you pick it up, you need to repeat the setting to yourself.

Installation options:

  • I always make eye contact.
  • I don't look away.
  • I have a piercing gaze.

It is not necessary to use these exact phrases. The main thing is not to change the essence and constantly repeat only one selected setting. This way you will set yourself up not to take your eyes off when meeting other people.

How to make eye contact

To learn to look into the eyes you need to constantly train your gaze. The main way to train your gaze is imitation. Watch videos of politicians speaking at rallies or boxers before a fight.

Stand in front of the mirror and try to look the same way. Of course, you may not get a piercing look the first time, but through constant training you will succeed. Having acquired this skill, you will be able not only to look directly into the eyes of your interlocutor, but also to show him your strength.

Little secrets

To train gaze You can use a few little secrets that we offer you:

  1. To make your interlocutor's gaze seem piercing, you should look at the bridge of his nose.
  2. When communicating, you need to control your breathing. To calm down and tune in to a serious conversation, you can count your inhalations and exhalations.
  3. On a piece of paper you need to draw a circle with a diameter of 1 cm. Hang the sheet at a distance of 1 m and look at the center of the circle without blinking. This way you will be able to train your tenacity of gaze.
  4. When walking down the street or riding in public transport, do not take your eyes off passers-by. Especially if they looked at you first. This will help you not be afraid to make eye contact when communicating.
  5. Don't forget your peripheral vision. Try to notice what is happening around you without turning your head to the side. This way you will develop not only your eyesight, but also your ability to notice details.

In conclusion, I would like to say that by developing the ability to look into the eyes, you automatically develop self-confidence. A self-confident person evokes more respect from others. We hope that our advice will help you not to be afraid of outside looks and learn to hold your gaze.

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to whom. DROP YOUR EYES to whom. Razg. To distract attention with something in order to mislead or deceive. [ Kupavina:] What kind of suitors? What gentlemen? I haven't seen one yet. [Murzavetskaya:] That's enough, mother. Why are you averting your eyes from me? I'm an old sparrow, you can't fool me with chaff!(A. Ostrovsky. Wolves and sheep).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

    2008. See what “Avert your eyes” is in other dictionaries:

    2008. Look away - Look away. Phraseological groups or phraseological combinations are almost devoid of homonyms. They are included only in synonymous rows of words and expressions. In order for a phraseological group to find a homonymous phrase, it must have ... History of words

    - (foreign language) to divert attention (to inflate unnoticed). Wed. Courtesy and affection were nothing more than a means to avert customers' eyes, talk their teeth and in the meantime sell them rotten, faded things. Ch. Uspensky. Book of checks. 2. Wed. Gn... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling) look away

    - (foreign language) to divert attention (to inflate unnoticed). Wed. Courtesy and affection were nothing more than a means to avert customers' eyes, talk their teeth and in the meantime sell them rotten, faded things. Ch. Uspensky. Book of checks. 2. Wed. Gn... ...- (foreign language) to divert attention (to cheat unnoticed) Wed. Courtesy and tenderness were nothing more than a means of averting customers' eyes, talking with their teeth, and meanwhile foisting rotten, faded goods. Ch. Uspensky. Book of checks. 2. Wed. Mr. Spasovich...... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    avert someone's eyes- disapproved Intentionally distract someone. attention, deceive. Try to change the topic of conversation. eyes of a jealous husband... Dictionary of many expressions

    Avert/look away- to whom. Razg. Disapproved Intentionally distract someone. attention from what l. FSRY, 300; BMS 1998, 113; Podyukov 1989, 140; ZS 1996, 368 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    ANSWER- TAKE AWAY, I’ll take you away, you’ll take me away, please. vr. took away, took away, took away; taking away, sir. (to take away). 1. who what. Leading, accompanying, delivering to some place. Take the child home. Take the horse to the stable. Take the car to the garage. || Translate from... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    take away- I’m leading, you’re leading; took away, led, lo; taken away; set aside; deno, dena, deno; taking away; St. 1. who what. Leading, accompanying, delivering wherever. O. guest in the room. O. child in kindergarten. O. horse in a meadow, pasture. O. son to his aunt, grandmother. Urgently o. home...... encyclopedic Dictionary

    take away- To vent my soul and express everything that has accumulated, that is sore, that I had to remain silent about for a long time. When they met, the friends took their souls away. Avert someone's eyes (colloquial) distract someone's n. attention from what n., to deceive. Don't think you can take your eyes off me! ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    take away- I’m leading, you’re leading; past took away, led, lo; prib. past taken away; prib. suffering past allotted, den, dena, deno; deepr. taking away; sov., trans. (nonsov. take away1). 1. Leading, accompanying, delivering to which location. place. Take your child to kindergarten. □ Denisova… Small academic dictionary


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Recently I was visiting and saw how my friend was feeding her small child. The child clearly did not want to eat this moment(either there was no desire or I didn’t like the taste), but it was fundamentally important for my mother to feed him.

And she tried all her abilities and capabilities on him in order to distract him, so that she could shove spoon after spoon into his mouth. And looking at this from the outside, I was once again convinced that MAN DOESN’T KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING.

You ask: - What was so special about it?

I will answer: - What our ancestors called EYE AWAY is a magical method of making the enemy see what you need.

Our ancestors attributed this to magical actions and considered it bad for their own people - because this teaches the child to change his vision of life to the vision of life through the eyes of society and he learns to live not as his Soul truly wants, but as society pleases, and I think this is also not entirely pleasing to God.

In our situation, the child clearly had his own opinion and his own desire, but the mother was not particularly interested in it - she was pursuing her GOALS (known only to her). After all, if she had fed the child later or less, NOTHING DANGEROUS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. After all, the ability to avert one’s eyes was mastered in case of war with enemies and strangers. Now this is actively used by gypsies and pickpockets during thefts, swindlers and swindlers, illusionists in circuses, bosses - saying one thing, but doing something completely different. AND WE DON'T NOTICE THIS - WE WERE TAUGHT TO THIS BY THE PEOPLE CLOSE TO US - those who raised us. And our ancestors used this ART to lead ENEMIES away from their possessions and not to withdraw troops into battle (that is, not to tear them away from work and farming); distract attention while you gather your strength; to distract attention while the attack is coming from the other side or to draw them into a trap and much more. THE MAIN THING is to take the uninvited guests to where the Master of his land wants. In case of danger, it is clear - WITH SMALL FORCES, DISTRACT ATTENTION AND PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE DANGER.

The most interesting thing is that parents (grandmothers, nannies, teachers) do the same thing, but WITH THEIR BELOVED CHILDREN - they, too, WITH SMALL FORCES DISTRACT THE CHILD’S ATTENTION AND PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM DANGER (often imaginary, exaggerated, etc.). Many parents believe THAT THEY KNOW BETTER what the child wants and feels, as in the joke about a Jewish mother: - Moisha, go home! - Mom, I want to eat? - No, you're cold! This is the same way that mothers in any country “kill” the child’s cognitive interest by intimidating him with bandits (hooligans, drunk drivers, pedophiles, wolves, Baba Yaga, etc.) - THE MAIN THING IS THAT HE BE NEAR AND DOESN’T GO WHERE - Mom is calmer this way, she no longer has the same health and energy reserves to keep up with him everywhere, especially since in HER WORLD these dangers exist. SHE IS NOT THINKING ABOUT HIM, BUT ABOUT HERSELF, while using magical techniques “killing” in him what he NEEDS FOR A HARMONIOUS LIFE IN SOCIETY - to know and understand his desires, feelings, emotions (how can you control them if you are not even with them? sign), have cognitive interest and curiosity (otherwise in a crisis or dangerous situation he will not find a way out - there is no experience in trying, looking for and finding solutions and a way out of the current situation), have a wealth of experience in interpersonal communication and relationships (without this there is absolutely no way in society), etc.

I'm not trying to blame modern parents or even their parents now, because... this became part of our upbringing several centuries ago.

And it came in as a template (as a sample, pattern). It’s the same as in any skill - look at how the master did it and do the same. But patterns, templates and samples are probably great for working with inanimate materials like a piece of leather, a piece of fabric or a piece of board, and a child’s material, although pliable, is still ALIVE AND HAS A SOUL. And it is clear that you need to approach living material with templates, samples and patterns very carefully and thoughtfully and UNDERSTAND WHAT AND WHY YOU ARE DOING WITH IT. After all, it turns out as in the proverb, we hit sparrows with a cannon - we use (in relation to our beloved children) for our peace of mind techniques intended for STRANGERS and ENEMIES.

Look what happens - we raise our children and give them OUR VISION OF THE WORLD, “kill” their personal position, and when the time comes to release them into the REAL WORLD, we understand that they do not “stand on their own two feet”, now they begin to understand this and they themselves, because have already faced reality.

Difficulties also arise in the fact that we can deceive even ourselves. We turn our eyes away from everything that does not fit into either an acceptable self-image or a worthy and decent goal. On the surface lie the goals that society considers correct, honest, worthy, bright, faithful, good, kind, reasonable, etc. - Underline what you need yourself :). Your goals and the goals of society may not coincide, but from childhood we learn to hide our real goals and show others what is acceptable.

This is where the original Russian questions arise - WHAT TO DO? and WHO IS TO BLAME?

People often tend to do strange things. But everyone has their own hobby, everyone wants to learn something. There are also people who are very concerned about the question of how to open their eyes. If you think about it, in order to have such an ability, you need to be at least “cross-eyed.” But there is another answer to the question of how to learn to look in different directions with each eye.

Exist special exercises to “divorce” the eyes. For example, “Training for the eyes”. There is even such a section in yoga (yoga for the eyes). Often many people do not understand that this is not entertainment for laughs. This is serious and necessary gymnastics to strengthen eye muscles. This technique came from India and has now captured everyone who practices yoga.

Exercises for dilating the eyes

The first thing you need to do is strengthen and train your leg muscles. To do this, you need to sit upright. Open the holes as wide and large as possible; they need to be, one might say, “bulged out.” Sit like this for one minute. Then you need to turn your eyes to left side, but only the eyes, the head should be motionless. Now also turn your eyes to right side. In this case, the eyes should be as open as possible. So look to the sides several times.

You also need to look up and then down. To the right top corner and in the upper left corner. Then on the forehead, at one central point. And on the nose - the same. Now you need to “run around” your eyes chaotically. Move your eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Such exercises need to be done for several weeks. Having trained your muscles, you can move your eyes in different directions. Look ahead of you. Now try to make a circular movement with your eyes, but not inward, but outward. Look straight, strain your eyes. Then lift them up onto your forehead. And then smoothly try to rotate them, describing a circle (outward), and return your gaze to its original position. Don't be overzealous. It may not work out the first time, but you shouldn’t try this often. Otherwise, without preparation, problems may arise.

Now you can easily move your eyes in different directions.

Look away. Phraseological groups or phraseological combinations are almost devoid of homonyms. They are included only in synonymous rows of words and expressions. In order for a phraseological group to find a homonymous phrase, it is necessary to have homonym words for each member of the group. However, phraseological combinations themselves can be homonyms of phraseological unities or adhesions. For example, take your eyes off someone - phraseological combination; avert someone's eyes - phraseological unity. Wed: “With effort I looked away from this beautiful face"; “Alexander couldn’t avert your eyes take away from her” (Goncharov. Ordinary story). But: “Mr. Spasovich - decisively wants us eyes "(Dostoevsky. Diary of a Writer, 1876, February). “Courtesy and affection were nothing more than a means avert customers' eyes

, speak your teeth and in the meantime hand over the rotten, faded” (Ch. Uspensky. Book of checks).

  • (On the main types of phraseological units in the Russian language // Vinogradov. Selected works: Lexicology and lexicography, p. 160).

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  • - ...

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  • - See deceive.....

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