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How often should you walk your dog? How long should you walk your puppy daily? Is it possible for an unvaccinated puppy to go outside, how often should you walk a small dog. Active rock species

Quick answer: preferably three to four times.

Getting yourself a pet today is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to visit the nearest pet store. But many future pet owners don’t think much about the fact that having a pet is a big responsibility. Let’s take for example dogs, which in our country are only slightly inferior in popularity - they need to be walked at least several times a day so that they not only relieve themselves, but also simply run around, stretch their legs and communicate with other animals.

Experts recommend walking your dog four times a day. This is quite enough for the average dog to relieve himself and enjoy the fresh air. Moreover, you need to remember that the first walk should be in the morning, and the last one before bedtime, so that the dog does not have to endure it. Another thing is that most breeders simply don’t have that much free time, so they best case scenario walk with their pet twice, and even more often - no more than two times. If this is your option, it is recommended to have an additional litter tray in which your dog can go to the toilet in the event of your absence. If necessary, the tray can be used by both small dogs and large breed dogs.

As for the walking time, the duration of at least one of them should be at least 1.5 hours. During this time, the pet can not only go about its business, but also take a breath of fresh air, run around, and play with you. In addition, you can’t limit yourself to just the yard near your house or a suburban area - walk with your dog in the forest, in the fields, explore new territories - this will be very useful for your pet.

Small dogs

Small dogs are usually litter trained, which does not mean they need to be confined. They love to go for walks as much as any other breed.

Sick dogs

If she develops any disease or is at the recovery stage, you need to check with your veterinarian about how and how long you can walk her. It happens that a pet should not strain at all - it needs a calm step. In this case, walking slowly will help. In some cases, dogs have problems with urinary incontinence, so they need to be walked much more often.

Walking with your beloved pet should not take place at your whim, but regularly and correctly. Not all dog lovers pay due attention to handling the dog during walks, its “equipment” or encouragement. These important aspects walking your dog is not at all difficult to follow, in return you will receive even greater devotion and love from your true friend. Read on to learn how to train your dog for regular walks in just a few days, how to walk your dog correctly, and what you need to buy to simplify the training process.


How to walk your dog?

Every owner pet dog must give your pet love and care. You need to approach the process and learning to defecate with great responsibility. in the right place, that is, on the street. Of course, when walking a dog you need to know about other important nuances, for example, about purchasing the necessary “equipment” and knowing places to go for a walk with your pet. The process of learning all the intricacies of walking dogs will take you some time, but after a few days you will understand many of the nuances.


Training pet for walks - one of the most important points in the process of properly walking your pet.

Without following rules you will need when you start training your dog for walks in the fresh air:

  1. Put a leash and collar on your pet. Soon your dog will begin to realize that it is time for a walk as soon as you pick up the leash. But, it is worth noting that you need to accustom your pet to a leash and collar early age. Tie a collar around the dog’s neck and say “walk!” loudly and clearly, pulling the leash around you.
  2. Before going outside, think about which side will be more convenient for you to lead your pet. This is a fairly important point in the process of teaching a pet to walk. Decide which side will be most comfortable for you to hold the dog near you if necessary.
  3. When accustoming your pet to daily walks, periodically feed it with a special treat. This point is very relevant when you teach your dog not to pull too hard on the leash. Do not skimp on small portions of treats, but be consistent so that the animal understands why it is being rewarded.

Please note that from an early age your dog will learn to walk faster if he knows your behavior and what he should expect from you. Remember that it will be quite awkward for your dog to walk with a leash at first. Wait a few days and after this period you will already notice that your pet has begun to get used to walking outside.


You need to immediately take into account that there are acceptable places for dogs to walk, and there are undesirable ones. More information about areas for walking pets we'll talk Below - in the Law on keeping and walking dogs. IN summer period In warm and sunny weather, it will be useful to take your pet out of town from time to time. Your dog will definitely appreciate it.

The most suitable areas for walking dogs in the city are parks, squares and all kinds of green areas. For the safety of others, and especially children, do not enter playgrounds with your dog. The places you choose to walk your dog should not be heavily polluted or deserted.


Regularity is the basis of training dogs to walk. We recommend walking small puppies as much as possible more times per day - after each meal and after sleep. Small dogs (up to 4 months) should be taken for a walk 15-20 minutes after feeding them and at least 3-4 times a day.

It is advisable to walk adults 3 times a day; this will be enough for them to defecate and play in the fresh air. The walk should last at least 20 minutes, and in winter at least about 10 - 15 minutes, so that the animal does not freeze.


An important aspect in teaching a dog to walk is to let it understand that only you control the walk, otherwise your pet will immediately feel this and begin to “dictate” its terms to you.

Rules you need to know about walking your dog:

Getting the right “gear” for walking

Before you start buying equipment for walking your pet, consult a professional veterinarian. The veterinarian will examine your pet and make recommendations that are right for your dog. Be sure to listen to the veterinarian’s recommendations, because you only need to buy the leash and collar that will optimally match the body shape and weight of your pet.

The veterinarian will give advice on buying just such a collar that will in no way harm your pet’s neck and will tell you at what age you can switch to other equipment.

You need to immediately stock up on clothes for your dog that will be necessary in winter. Now pet stores have a wide variety of all kinds of overalls for “human friends.” If your pet is less than 6 months old, then clothes will be comfortable protection for him when it just starts to get cold.

Today, there are special leashes on the market for dogs that constantly pull their owner along with them, and there are also those that will the best option for those with long necks. There are also modern leashes that are equipped with a vibrating mechanism, GPS collars, and even ones that glow at night.

We recommend purchasing a special beeping device that will be useful when training your dog on the street. Thanks to it, you will be able to briefly and clearly give commands to your dog. After the dog correctly executes one or another command, you can turn on the beeping device and at the same time give a treat.

Use this device in the following situations:

  • when you put a leash on your dog;
  • when the animal stops resisting the leash;
  • when the pet walks behind or in front;
  • when you release your dog from the leash.

Dog walking legislation

The legislation on dog walking can be considered quite recent, since it was approved 7 years ago. Walking dogs, in accordance with it, is regulated quite strictly, so it is necessary to know the provisions of the Law on Keeping and Walking Dogs so that you are not threatened with fines.

Law on keeping and walking dogs

On September 16, 2009, the “dog” law was adopted by the State Duma as part of the first reading. It should be noted that some paragraphs of the article of the Law differ slightly by region Russian Federation, as well as fines. It will be important to cite the main points of this new law.

In accordance with the article of the Law on Keeping and Walking Dogs, dogs whose height is less than 45 cm must be walked on a leash. If the dog is taller at the withers, it should also be muzzled. Children under 14 years of age are prohibited from walking dogs unless accompanied by an adult. Also this law regulates the cleanliness of streets due to requirements for animal owners regarding the collection of feces and throwing them into garbage bins.

A very important point is the one that concerns special places for walking dogs. Such dog walking areas were not opened in all Russian cities, so this point is quite controversial and usually does not carry consequences for non-compliance. Dog walking areas were opened mainly in major cities Russian Federation within the framework of public gardens and parks. Walking dogs is prohibited in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings, playgrounds and industrial zones.

Penalties for violations

Penalties, in accordance with the law, must be issued for each failure to comply with important points of the “dog” law. The first thing law enforcement officers should issue fines for is dog feces. Uncollected dog feces can cost the dog's owner a fine of 500 - 1000 rubles.

Since walking dogs is prohibited without a leash and sometimes a muzzle, a fine for non-compliance with this clause must be issued with a receipt in the amount of 2 - 4 thousand rubles. For setting an animal against people or other animals, the owner will have to pay a fine of about 3-5 thousand rubles.

If you decide to leave your dog unattended, the fine will be about 4-5 thousand rubles. If careless treatment of an animal leads to damage to the property of permanent residents, the owner will have to pay a fine, also in the amount of 4-5 thousand rubles. Since special areas for walking dogs are not built everywhere, fines for non-compliance with this clause are issued very rarely and only in serious situations.

Video “Walking the dogs. Leash or tape measure? Dog training"

If you are serious about the issue of properly walking your pet, this video will be very educational for you. On it, an experienced dog owner talks in detail about the “equipment” that will be more comfortable for your dog, as well as the intricacies of the walk itself.

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Every owner four-legged friend sooner or later he wonders if he is walking the dog correctly? Does this procedure last long enough for her? Walking is a vital process for any pet. The only exceptions are those animals that are litter box trained. Scares many people this procedure, especially the obligation to be at home at certain hours. Some find it difficult to cope with walking, but for others it is The best way for leisure. It is important to remember that a walk for an animal is not only a trip to the toilet, but also getting the necessary amount of fresh air, physical activity, learning about the world around you, and meeting others like you.

Complete and proper walking

What should a full-fledged walk be like? There are a number of points on which the answer to the question of interest depends:

  • dog's age;
  • breed category;
  • weather;
  • pet health.

Walking depends on age

Experts advise adjusting the amount of time and frequency of walking according to age. Walking a puppy of approximately 3-4 months should be frequent and last approximately two and a half to three hours. For the owner, first of all, it is necessary to accustom the animal to walking, play sports to expend a large amount of energy for the dog, and introduce it to environment. Frequent walking will quickly teach your baby to go to the toilet outside the home. An active walk for your puppy will have a positive effect on his behavior in the apartment; he will behave calmer and chew less on objects. According to veterinarians, it is during the walking process that puppies develop nervous system.

Dog experts recommend taking dogs older than six months outside 5-7 times a day. A one-year-old pet is transferred to a permanent walking regime 3 times a day. But, unfortunately, not every owner can afford to walk the dog regularly, so the morning walk should be at least 30 minutes, and the evening walk - about two to three hours.

Walking depending on breed

Small types of rocks:

Most often, owners of such pets limit themselves to a tray. But this is not a solution. So small dogs just like others, I need it Fresh air, getting to know the territory, jogging in full. Otherwise, this pet is at risk of pleroma (obesity).

Active breed types:

  • hunters;
  • official;
  • sporting breeds.

When purchasing such a dog, the owner must understand that just walking it is not enough. These breeds require intensive special training. They should use as much of their energy as possible in one walk.

We must not forget about the weather conditions; in the summer heat, it is best to walk in the early morning and late evening.

During your walk, you can combine business with pleasure and train teams. You need to start with the most essential:

  1. “Nearby” is the most important command. If the owner does not want walking his dog to turn into torture, in which the pet runs in different directions, pulls and tangles the leash, rushes after other animals, and jumps on others, then he needs to teach the animal the “near” command.
  2. "Come to me" command. Studying such a command will allow you to avoid the loss of your dog or its contact with unwanted people and animals.
  3. "Sit". Helps when you need to stop the dog.
  4. "Ugh". A prohibition that must be understood unconditionally by both the adult dog and the puppy.

Naturally, this is not the limit of training, but to avoid problems during a walk, these teams are more than enough.

Places to walk

Alas, today there are very few places where you can fully walk your dog.

You cannot walk with an animal:

  • On children's playgrounds.
  • In abandoned areas (wastelands, construction sites).
  • In places close to kindergartens, schools and other social organizations.

Allowed for walking:

  • Squares.
  • Parks.
  • Specially equipped sites.
  • Forest belts.

Special walking

This type of walking includes dogs with poor health, bitches during estrus and pregnancy. For sick animals, walking should only take place as prescribed by a veterinarian. For many diseases, intensive walking is dangerous. Perhaps the animal should not move much at all, but it is useful to lie down and breathe air.

Due to the owner's reluctance to meet with big amount“suitors” during estrus, the frequency of walking decreases and this is wrong. During this period, the dog more often wants to go for a walk due to the fact that reproductive organs, increasing, put pressure on the genitourinary system. The easiest way is to take the dog out at a time when no one is walking, or in places where there are usually no other animals.

It is better to walk a pregnant or just given birth bitch often, but not for long, 20-30 minutes. Such a dog must be dressed in protective clothing during walks, so as not to damage the nipples.

Professionals advise:

You should never forget about the dog while walking, especially if the pet has repeatedly run away from its owner. Self-walking is unacceptable for a dog of any breed.

Video: how to walk your dog

How long should you walk your dog? This question worries all owners without exception. Walking is extremely important for domestic dog. At this time, she not only performs natural needs, but also plays sports, makes new acquaintances, communicates, and explores the world.

However, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question: “How long should you walk your dog?” This depends on many factors:

  • age of the animal,
  • breed,
  • his state of health,
  • weather and stuff

To prevent walking from turning into an unpleasant chore, it is better to learn to enjoy walks together with your dog: play sports, explore new territories, play active games.

Dog handlers advise walking an adult animal three to four times a day. Although many owners who have no one in the family to take the dog out at lunchtime, walk it twice: in the morning and in the evening. Morning walk, as a rule, is shorter - about half an hour, and the evening one should be at least one and a half hours. In addition, it is advisable to go out into nature with your pet for a few hours on weekends.

Puppies up to six months need to be walked every two to three hours. The more often you take your puppy out, the faster he will learn to go to the toilet outside. After six months, the amount of walking can be reduced, adding time for the dog to properly frolic. If the puppy walks enough, he behaves much calmer at home: he chews less furniture, howls and runs around the house.

The fact is that it is during walks that the puppy’s nervous system develops correctly. As he gets to know the world, he socializes faster and more correctly and becomes less fearful.

How long to walk with dogs of different breeds

Representatives small breeds, such as the Yorkshire terrier, chihuahua, and miniature pinscher, the owners often teach them to go to the toilet in a litter box in the house. But that doesn't mean these dogs don't need a walk. They also need to be taken out into the fresh air and allowed to run, otherwise the dog will risk obesity.

Representatives active rocks: hunting dogs, service workers and athletes need not just walks, but also mandatory special classes on the site, where they can sufficiently expend energy and train.

Seasonal walking

In the summer heat, it is better to postpone walking the dog to a cooler time: take it out earlier in the morning and later in the evening. It is better not to take even a puppy (especially a black one) outside on a hot afternoon. In winter, on the contrary, you can shift (if possible) walks to lighter and warmer times. Later in the morning, earlier in the evening. In severe frosts, it is better not to walk your dog for a long time; short-haired breeds need to be dressed.

However, you should not start active games in the bitter cold so that the dog does not overheat in clothes and does not breathe heavily in cold air.

Walking a sick dog

If you have health problems (chronic or during recovery), you should consult your doctor about the specifics of walking. Animals suffering from obesity should not move intensively. However, movement is necessary for them.

Therefore, such dogs are walked for a long time, but slowly walking in a calm rhythm. For an animal with problems in the joints and spine, every step can cause pain, and therefore it is better to give the dog the opportunity to walk at the rhythm that it chooses. Let him even just lie on the fresh grass for half an hour. It will be healthier than lying in the apartment.

During recovery period After injuries and operations, the dog should not be physically stressed and care must be taken to carefully bandage and protect wounds before going outside. If the dog is young and loves to play, it is better to walk it on a leash until it is fully recovered.

How long to walk your dog during heat and pregnancy

Due to the fact that cables can smell a bitch in heat and are very worried about this, some owners of “girls” try to spend less time walking during this period. Of course, she becomes lethargic, plays less, and she may not want to go out for a long time.

But the owner should not limit the animal’s movement, which is so necessary especially for apartment dogs. In addition, the dog’s reproductive organs increase in volume during this period and put pressure on the organs genitourinary system, which may require a longer walk than usual.

It is better to change the time you go for a walk and take the dog out either earlier or later than the period when most dogs are walking. It is also worth changing your usual walking routes, trying not to appear in areas where dogs are walking. In the second week and until the end of her heat, the bitch should only be walked on a leash.