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Why has the cat lost a lot of weight, but eats well: is he sick? Pet health: why the cat doesn’t eat well and loses weight The cat doesn’t eat and loses weight, diarrhea

🐱 Symptoms and treatment of diarrhea in cats. Causes of loose stools in cats and treatment. Types of diarrhea. Danger for pregnant and lactating cats. List of medications 💊


It is a consequence of disruption of the digestive system. The reason is not always obvious; often it is a manifestation of some disease.

Due to certain reasons, intestinal peristalsis increases, toxins and substances that irritate the mucous walls are active. As a result, frequent bowel movements occur with a predominance of stool of liquid consistency.

Diarrhea in cats can be acute, chronic (lasting over a week) and recurrent.

Symptoms of diarrhea in cats and cats

Before we talk about symptoms, you need to find out what causes the problem with diarrhea. Perhaps the reason for this was infectious diseases of the intestinal tract, an incorrectly selected diet, long-term use antibiotics, unsuitable food, sudden change of menu, helminthic infestation, intoxication or inappropriate medicine, gastroenteritis.

By the way, there are breeds of cats in which any new dish can cause diarrhea. Such whims include the Canadian Sphynx and Devon Rex.

In addition to loose stools, there are other symptoms that paint the full picture:

    depressed state of the animal;

    poor appetite;

    frequent bowel movements;

    weight loss with prolonged diarrhea;


    loose stools; mucus, blood, and undigested food particles may be present in the stool;


If the cause of the disease is correctly identified, then appropriate treatment will give an excellent result. To do this, the veterinarian must hear all the information regarding the cat’s behavior within a few days. During the examination, the temperature will be measured, the abdomen will be palpated, and the degree of dehydration will be determined. The clinic will definitely take a stool and urine test and examine the feces for hidden bleeding. If necessary, an x-ray is prescribed - this will help make sure that the animal is not suffering intestinal obstruction, peritonitis and pancreatitis.

Duration of diarrhea

Diarrhea in a cat sometimes occurs suddenly, and it can go away just as suddenly. If the case of diarrhea is isolated, then there is little reason to worry. It should become alarming when loose stools continue for more than two days in a row.

There are conditionally three groups of duration of diarrhea in cats and kittens:

    acute: duration is several days;

    chronic: the animal suffers from diarrhea for more than 7 days;

    intermittent: loose stools return within a month.

Diarrhea in cats due to improper nutrition can be treated quickly by eliminating the cause. The intestinal disorder passes, and the functioning of the digestive system returns to normal. A starvation diet for a couple of days in this case is a worthy measure; along with it, in the first hours of diarrhea, the animal is given less water. Other types of intestinal tract disorders require more attention.

If your cat has diarrhea without complications

When a cat has diarrhea without complicated symptoms, it is still advisable to consult a veterinarian. Any changes can occur in the body, and by finding out the cause, it will be possible to solve the problem.

At home, it can arise from anything, even from simple overeating. You need to look at the condition of the animal - the appetite is not affected, the mood is playful, which means you can simply arrange a fasting day. Even after one single case of diarrhea, the cat’s nutrition is taken under special control.

If there is prolonged stool disorder or the stool acquires a different smell or color, delay is unacceptable: you urgently need to visit a veterinarian.

If you have diarrhea with water

Watery bowel movements are most often one-time in nature. But it should not be ruled out that this is a symptom of certain diseases. If the problem lasts, you should visit a specialist or call him to your home to examine your pet.

If a cat has water diarrhea but is not vomiting, give him clean boiled water to drink - dehydration is very dangerous. Food, on the contrary, is reduced or eliminated completely for a day. A cat's diet may consist of easily digestible foods in addition to water.

The cat has diarrhea with blood and/or mucus

If, in addition to mucus, blood is noticeable in the stool, there is a possibility that it is colitis - an inflammatory disease of the colon. To rule out colitis, the pet is shown to a veterinarian and undergoes appropriate tests.

Other reasons bloody diarrhea there may be poisoning, foreign bodies stuck in the intestines, malignant neoplasms. The cases are not the simplest, so consultation with a veterinarian is important.

What to do

The first step is to change and adjust the cat's diet. During the diet, already not recommended smoked meats and sweet foods are completely excluded. Milk can aggravate the situation, so it is also excluded. But oatmeal and rice porridge will be very helpful. If the case is complex, various medications may be prescribed depending on the cause. diarrhea in cats.

Treatment includes immunostimulants, disinfectant enemas, enzymes to improve digestion, and antimicrobial drugs.

If the analysis shows the presence of helminthic infestation, then deworming is required. The procedure is simple, and soon the pet’s body will be free of uninvited guests.

Clean, fresh water should always be at hand - this way, dehydration is eliminated and at the same time the cat’s body is cleansed naturally.

The cat has diarrhea and vomiting

With a combination of symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting in a cat, most likely the body is struggling with various negative influences of the external environment. The causes are called allergenic, irritating Bad quality food. Another reason may be tumors, bacteria and traces of their activity, pancreatitis, kidney disease, abnormalities in work thyroid gland, intestinal obstruction.

If a cat is vomiting, it is likely that sunstroke or heatstroke could be added to everything. A pet vomits with diarrhea, most often as a result of feeding food from the owner’s table, which causes stool upset.

When cats vomit white foam during prolonged diarrhea, this is alarming symptom- this can be a deadly enteritis.

What to do if you have diarrhea with vomiting

In cases where male cats have diarrhea with vomiting, the pets should immediately receive first aid. Immediately wash all the cat's dishes, and change the water to clean and fresh. The cat should not be fed for 24-48 hours. During such a therapeutic hunger strike, you can buy canned food at the pet store for animals with gastrointestinal diseases. Specialized food will not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines, as well as special composition canned food helps eliminate toxins and form stool. You can add probiotics to your food.

Your veterinarian may recommend a number of medications that should be given to your cat during loose stools and vomiting. If the measures taken do not give positive result, the animal needs to be examined seriously. Vomiting with blood requires special attention from a doctor.

The cat has black diarrhea

The usual color of cat feces is brown or light brown. But liquid black stool called “melena” signals a problem in the body.

Dark stool in a cat has its own reasons:

    iron supplements have been added to food;

  • there are a lot of pets on the menu raw meat or blood meal.

But black diarrhea in a cat without the inclusion of iron supplements in the diet should warn the owner of the danger. If, along with stool upset, the animal refuses to eat, vomits, or the body temperature is elevated, consult a doctor immediately!

Red-black diarrhea indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

The list of diseases with such a symptom is long: this can include helminthic infestation, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, gastritis, colitis, stomach tumor, intestinal tumor, stomach ulcer. If such diseases are suspected, home treatment is unacceptable.

The cat has yellow diarrhea

Yellow diarrhea in a cat without signs of orange is considered normal, since bilirubin in bile is converted into stercobilin Brown, and with loose stools, bilirubin may not be completely processed. But bright yellow or yellow-orange stools indicate jaundice or poor absorption of foods. Having analyzed the cat’s menu of the last few days, and noticing that there was a lot of milk, raw seafood, liver, and fatty meat, they urgently change the pet’s diet. If a half-starvation diet does not produce results, the cat is shown to a specialist.

How to treat

If the cause of yellow diarrhea in a cat is overfeeding or a reaction to new food, then you can do home treatment. But this can only be done if the cat’s condition does not cause concern. Home treatment consists of supervision - the cat’s condition must be kept under control, and the younger the pet, the more dangerous the loose stools. Dehydration can kill a kitten very quickly. Access to clean boiled water required.

Since bilirubin is an aggressive substance, after each bowel movement you need to wash the dirty area around the anus warm water with soap.

If yellow diarrhea is the result of overfeeding, then the cat is offered a tablespoon of pumpkin puree 2-3 times a day. You can use ready-made baby puree.

If your cat's diarrhea is green

Diarrhea in cats can also be green in color. Such diarrhea is the result of rotting and fermentation in the intestines. The cause is often rotten food, because it contains a lot of microorganisms. Due to decay processes, many toxins appear in the body, and poisoning develops. The entire body will suffer from toxic substances, and if cat has diarrhea lasts several days, a veterinarian's examination is required. Conventional treatment are antibiotics and IVs.

The cat has white diarrhea

Bilirubin, which is responsible for the color of stool, when in excess can give the feces a yellow tint, and when absent, the color becomes white. The reason for diarrhea in white cats may be difficulty in the formation of bile. The cause is often cited as blockage of the bile ducts. Therefore, the appearance of white diarrhea in a cat signals chronic processes in the liver. Even a single loose white stool is a significant reason to contact a veterinarian.

Diarrhea in a pregnant cat

During pregnancy, a cat is susceptible to attack by viruses and bacteria. Any invasion of a microscopic enemy into a cat’s body can give rise to intestinal problems.

During pregnancy, you should not experiment with new food on the cat’s menu, as there is a chance of stumbling into an intolerance to some product. These can be dairy products, beef, horse meat, soy, fatty fish, egg.

The body of a pregnant cat can react with diarrhea even to previously easily digestible food.

If the cat always seems hungry when the feeding rate is appropriate, and the compassionate owner decides to feed her more, diarrhea may occur. A large amount of food is not digested, but quickly moves through the intestines in the form of liquid gruel.

Loose stools early in pregnancy can cause miscarriage. Two days before giving birth, the appearance of diarrhea in a cat is a standard occurrence for which there is no need to worry.

Diarrhea in a nursing cat

Diarrhea in a nursing cat has its own reasons. If it occurs immediately after childbirth, it means that the placenta was eaten.

During feeding, owners often increase cats sitting on natural nutrition, amount of milk. This should not be done: instead of milk, it is better to add cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and yogurt.

Another reason for weakening of the intestines may be restructuring hormonal levels and pussy stress. Lactation takes fluid from the cat’s body, so the water-salt and electrolyte balance is also disturbed.

Treatment of cats and kittens for diarrhea at home

First of all, don't panic. You should especially not start worrying if the animal is vaccinated and has not come into contact with dubious feline personalities. We remember that the main thing is to assess the condition and find out causes of diarrhea in cats.

You should be aware that home treatment with proper nutrition may not be effective in serious cases. Such severe ailments require medical intervention. However, there are a number of medications that are effective in treating the symptoms of bowel disorders, some of which are used in human treatment.

Medicines and dosage for diarrhea in cats

Despite the extensive list of drugs that can help a meowing sufferer with an intestinal disorder, not all of them are recommended by specialists. Any medicine is not a panacea, and in difficult cases, eliminating symptoms is simply dangerous for the cat’s life.

Here sample list effective means for diarrhea in cats and kittens:

    Enterofuril- effective antimicrobial drug wide range actions. Intestinal flora the medication does not interfere, therefore fast action, provided by enterofuril, does not carry with it side effects for the intestines. The medicine is excellent in treating feline diarrhea if the cause is bacterial infections, but viral stool disorders can also be treated.

    • The price for enterofuril varies from 270 to 350 rubles;
    • The dosage of the suspension for adult cats is 100 milligrams. For kittens 5 times less;
    • Give 2-3 times a day, 12 or 8 hours apart;
    • If over the last 10-12 hours the signs of diarrhea disappear, then the drug is stopped;
  • Diarkan- a medicine that is dissolved in water and offered to the pet to drink or added to the food. If the situation does not improve within 5 days, the drug is discontinued, since the diarrhea is not due to infection. The dosage is strictly observed, half a cube for cats up to 5 kg and a cube over. There is an 8-hour pause between doses. The drug costs about 500 rubles;

    Furazolidone- a medicine with an antimicrobial effect is effective due to the fact that bacteria develop resistance to it poorly. Treatment of loose stools with this remedy should be prescribed by a doctor who will select the correct dosage regimen. Typically, the daily dose is divided into three parts, each third mixed with food. Furazolidone can be bought for an average of 100 rubles;

    Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is sold in the form of tablets, powder and suppositories. Bifidumbacterin is indicated for long viral diseases cats and during a course of treatment with antibiotics. The cost of the probiotic depends on the dosage, but for cats the price will be approximately 100-200 rubles;

    Smecta and activated carbon- These are enterosorbents that remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. If the bowel disorder does not last long, then the cat can be given smecta to drink. The price for smecta enterosorbent is 130-150 rubles;

    Phthalazole- medicine antimicrobial action. Even salmonella is repelled from this medication. The remedy has been proven for weakening the intestines by more than one generation of mustaches. The tablet must be crushed, mixed with water and offered to the animal in a syringe. There are contraindications for taking. The price of tablets is 30-40 rubles;

    Levomycetin- a strong drug that neither gram-positive nor gram-negative microorganisms can resist. Side effects will not appear if you follow the instructions and dosage. Otherwise, skin rashes, flatulence, and dermatitis may appear. Pregnant cats or animals with kidney and liver diseases contraindicated.

Now it’s clear what can be given to a cat for diarrhea, but you shouldn’t blindly hope for miraculous remedies, since the cause is sometimes difficult to establish. The cause of the disease is the main thing worth fighting. The veterinarian will not only help you find the cause of the bowel disorder, but will also prescribe a competent course of treatment.

What to feed a cat with diarrhea

Choose cat food for diarrhea the matter is not entirely simple. On the first day, you don’t have to feed your pet at all, but give it more water to drink. On the second day, dairy products, as well as carbohydrate and starchy foods are excluded from the diet. The food dosage is halved from the standard menu. During a cat's diarrhea, meals should be frequent and in small portions. You can treat your cat with boiled rice, boiled chicken, or boiled egg yolk. There are special canned foods for animals with gastrointestinal problems. Previous menu returns only after recovery.

Video about diarrhea in cats

Cat diarrhea (or, in scientific terms, diarrhea) is a very common phenomenon. Nevertheless, this fact does not mean that you can leave the issue as is and the problem will “resolve itself.” Diarrhea can often be caused by truly serious causes. What to do and how to treat a cat for diarrhea at home? We will talk about this as well as each possible cause of diarrhea separately today in our article.

If it is quite difficult not to notice such a deviation as constipation in a pet, then severe diarrhea in a cat will definitely not go unnoticed. Diarrhea is easy to recognize. The animal often (up to 10 times a day) empties its intestines. In this case, the consistency of stool can vary quite significantly:

  • Pasty;
  • Watery;
  • Liquid.

The color scheme, like the smell of feces, is also very diverse. Representatives of the cat family are quite picky eaters. Therefore, diarrhea in a cat cannot be called a common occurrence, and the owner should pay special attention to the pet’s condition.

The most obvious symptom of diarrhea in a cat is frequent loose stools. In addition, additional symptomatic manifestations of the disorder may be present:

  • Attempts to defecate;
  • Flatulence;
  • Mucus and/or blood in the stool.

In some cases, secondary symptoms may occur, such as:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Weight loss;
  • Dehydration;
  • Fever;
  • Lethargy;
  • Vomiting.

If your cat's diarrhea is an unusual color, such as red or black, it may be a sign of a serious illness. In this case, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. After all, the life of your beloved pet depends on delay.

But in order not to panic in vain, you should familiarize yourself with the symptoms and the reasons for their occurrence in more detail. After all, in most cases everything ends quite well.

Duration of symptoms

Diarrhea in cats can occur suddenly and end just as suddenly. It can also bother the animal for months, practically without stopping or appearing from time to time. A single bout of diarrhea is not a cause for alarm, but if your cat's diarrhea lasts for more than two days, this already signals a more significant problem.

Conventionally, diarrhea in cats is divided into three groups in terms of duration and degree of “neglect” of the situation:

  1. Acute (if several days).
  2. Chronic (if the cat’s diarrhea lasts for more than a week).
  3. Intermittent (if month).

If the cause of the disorder was not proper nutrition, feeding with poor quality food, etc., you can limit yourself to symptomatic treatment. If a cat has short-term, uncomplicated diarrhea, then a starvation diet for one or two days is the most acceptable treatment measure. It is also advisable to reduce the amount of water in the first hours after signs of the disorder appear. Providing peace for the cat will also not go amiss.

Diarrhea in cats that lasts a week or more is a signal that the pet needs to be examined and treated at a veterinary clinic. With prolonged disorder, the cat’s body becomes dehydrated, which only aggravates the animal’s condition. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to hesitate in this case.

If your cat has diarrhea without complications

What to do if your cat only has diarrhea and no other aggravating symptoms? In addition to helminthic infestations and food poisoning, diarrhea in a cat can be caused by an infectious disease, pathology of internal organs and other changes associated with the normal functioning of the body. It is also worth considering that cats are individual creatures and the same symptoms in different animals do not necessarily mean the presence of a similar disease. Therefore, to find out the causes and develop effective treatment, you need to contact a specialist.

Why might a cat have diarrhea? The problem can occur in different cases:

  • Bowel disease;
  • Infection;
  • Psycho-emotional disorder;
  • Food allergies;
  • Invasive disease;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Binge eating;
  • Poisoning.

How to treat a cat for diarrhea at home? If the cat’s health is fine and diarrhea does not in any way affect its appetite and playful mood, then changing its diet or fasting day is a good opportunity to solve the problem without resorting to medicine. It should be borne in mind that even if symptoms liquid discharge are one-time in nature - this is still a reason to control the animal’s nutrition.

If the diarrhea does not stop for several days, and what is worse, the feces acquire an unusual smell and color - this is a reason to rush to see a veterinarian. A lot of feline diseases develops rapidly, and delay can be fatal for the pet.

If your cat has water diarrhea

Most often, heavy watery discharge in cats signals a minor, one-time problem. But this could also be a sign initial development any disease. If your cat's water diarrhea lasts for a long time, it is better to call a veterinarian at home or visit specialized clinic. If this is not possible at the moment, then you will need to follow certain recommendations:

  • If your pet only has diarrhea, without vomiting, then he needs to be given clean boiled water to drink. This will prevent dehydration;
  • The food should be reduced or the cat should not be given food at all during the day;

At this time, easily digestible food is best for the animal.

If your cat has diarrhea and vomiting

What to do if your cat has diarrhea and vomiting? Most often, this is a sign that the animal's digestive system is struggling with negative impact external factors.

Sunstroke or heatstroke can also cause vomiting in your pet. Quite often, vomiting and diarrhea in cats is a consequence of the negligence of their owners. When feeding an animal, some cat owners give them human food, which is not always compatible with the digestive system of a small creature.


How to treat a cat if it has diarrhea and vomiting? It is important to provide first aid to the animal and follow the following recommendations:

  1. The water in the bowl should be changed and the dishes themselves should be washed thoroughly.
  2. You should refrain from feeding the cat for a while, but not more than 48 hours.
  3. While the animal is forced to starve, you can go to the store and buy special canned food for cats with gastrointestinal diseases. The difference between this food is that it does not irritate the stomach, and it also promotes the adsorption of toxins and the formation of feces.
  4. Until the cat's stool returns to normal, in addition to special canned food, you can give your pet medications recommended for loose stools.
  5. If all of the above recommendations do not have a beneficial effect on the cat’s body and diarrhea with vomiting still plagues the pet, then you need to take the animal to the veterinarian.

If your cat has diarrhea with blood and/or mucus

Also, often diarrhea in a cat with blood and mucus can be the cause of the development of colitis (inflammatory disease of the colon) in a cat. Colitis can appear due to many factors, so the best thing an owner can do for a pet in this case is to take it to a doctor.


In some cases, changing the animal's diet is enough to restore intestinal function to the proper level. If the owner decides that the cat needs a diet, then first of all smoked and sweet foods are excluded from the diet. The same fate awaits milk. Porridges are good for the diet, especially oatmeal and rice.

In advanced cases, the veterinarian may prescribe antibacterial and antiviral drugs. These include special serums and immunostimulants. Another cat is being treated:

  • Disinfecting enemas;
  • Enzymes that improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Broad spectrum antimicrobial agents.

If your cat has black and/or red diarrhea

Under normal conditions, the color of a cat's feces can vary from brown to light brownish. But if a cat has black liquid feces, also called “melena,” then this is a signal possible problem. What to do in this case? First, we understand the possible reasons and analyze additional symptoms

The reason for the change in the color of stool lies in the following:

  • The animal receives iron-containing vitamin supplements;
  • The pet's diet consists of raw meat or blood meal;
  • The cat is given iron supplements.

If the cat feels well and it is known for sure that she is eating foods that can stain the feces, then everything is fine. But your pet definitely needs to be examined as soon as possible if the following additional symptoms are present:

  • Refusal to eat, lethargy;
  • Vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Temperature.

Red diarrhea in a cat is an additional alarming symptom. This usually means there is blood in the stool. And this is a direct sign of bleeding in one of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract. For all of the above symptoms, the most reasonable help is to contact a specialist. After all, black feces, as a symptom of the disease, accompanies the following diseases.

  • Worm infestation.
  • Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
  • Traumatic gastritis, colitis.
  • Stomach tumors and thin section intestines.
  • Ulcerative enterocolitis, ulcerative gastritis.

In this situation, home treatment can only worsen the situation and lead to death. pet, so treating cats with possible signs bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract is carried out under the supervision of veterinarians and only after undergoing tests.

If your cat has yellow diarrhea

When the stomach functions in a normal rhythm, it receives the required amount of bile containing yellow bilirubin. During the digestion process, bilirubin is converted into stercobilin, the standard brown color characteristic of the fecal matter of a healthy animal.

Basically, yellow diarrhea this is normal for a cat, since with diarrhea all digestive processes are accelerated, and bilirubin leaves the body unprocessed, yellow form. However, if the color of the diarrhea is very yellow, even orange, then this is a clear sign jaundice.


First of all, yellow diarrhea in a cat signals poor digestion of food. Therefore, before starting to treat an animal, you should analyze its diet. If in last days the cat consumed a lot of milk, raw seafood, liver, too fatty meat, then perhaps it’s them. Best treatment– changing the pet’s diet. It is best to keep your cat on a semi-starved diet or not feed it at all for a while. If simple methods do not bring results, then you may have to take the cat to the veterinarian for testing. This is the best way to assess liver function.

If your cat has white diarrhea

As is already known, the color of stool is affected by bilirubin contained in bile. And if there is too much of it, then the animal’s feces acquire a yellowish tint. Conversely, the absence of bilirubin causes the opposite effect - white diarrhea in cats. The main reason for this phenomenon is blockage of the bile ducts and problems with the formation of bile in the liver.

Liver dysfunction of this kind rarely occurs due to mild illness. Most likely, the pet has deep chronic illness. And even if white diarrhea is noticed in a cat just for the first time, this is already a reason to take your pet to a doctor’s appointment.

If your cat has green diarrhea

Green diarrhea in cats indicates putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestines. As a rule, this happens if the cat has eaten rotten food containing a large number of putrefactive microorganisms.

Green diarrhea In cats, it is also dangerous because toxic substances are released during the process of decay of the product. As a result, the animal receives severe poisoning of the body. This adversely affects not only her health and stool, but also the functioning of all organs. Therefore, if diarrhea continues for several days, then you should take your pet to the clinic. Quite often, treatment of green diarrhea in cats is accompanied by the use of antibiotics and drips. And appoint the right drugs Only a veterinarian can. And not every pet owner is able to independently administer an IV to their pet.

Treating a cat for diarrhea at home

Next, we will talk about the basic rules for treating whiskers - how to treat a domestic cat for diarrhea. When symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder appear, it is too early to panic and worry about thoughts of a serious illness in your pet. If the cat is vaccinated and does not come into contact with other cats, especially homeless ones, then most likely the cause of diarrhea is a banal intestinal disorder. And in some cases, the reason is not illness at all, but because of nerves. In this case, the main thing is to correctly assess the situation.

Of course, treating a cat for diarrhea at home, taking care and proper nutrition is not always the way out of any current situation. In some cases, medical intervention is required and, as a rule, the first step is taking medications. Moreover, some “human” medicines also deserve consideration.

List of medications (tablets) for diarrhea in cats

We have prepared for you a list of the most popular medications for diarrhea in cats with comments on each to make it easier for you to navigate. Let’s make a reservation right away that these are the most popular folk remedies, and we do not recommend all of them for use. Moreover, if your pet’s diarrhea comes with complications, then the best option would be to first show it to the doctor, and only then feed it with pills. So, what should you give your cat for diarrhea?


The drug has a broad antimicrobial effect. Bacteria do not develop resistance to it well, which only adds to the benefits of this drug.

Indications for use:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Enteritis;
  • Coccidiosis;
  • Balantidiasis;
  • Salmonellosis;
  • Colibacillosis and others.

The treatment regimen depends on a number of factors and is most often individual in nature. The course of therapy is developed by the therapist and only after the cat will pass all necessary tests indicating the cause of diarrhea. The drug is taken as follows: daily dose Medicines should be mixed with food into three parts and each part should be fed to the pet every four hours.


The drug is good because it treats infectious diarrhea in cats. And due to the fact that it reduces the risk of developing a bacterial infection, it can also be used for viral diarrhea. It is best to purchase Enterofuril in the form of a suspension for children. This will make it easier to give it to the cat, and the drug will be better absorbed.


This is an antimicrobial drug. It works well in the treatment of salmonellosis and dysentery. It is also prescribed for gastroenteritis and colitis caused by strains of Escherichia coli. This is a reliable assistant for a veterinarian - an old, proven remedy used for various disorders gastrointestinal tract in cats. Fthalazol should be given to cats for diarrhea as follows: crush ¼ of the tablet, mix with water and give the animal something to drink through a syringe. There may be some small crystals of powder left in the water - this is normal. It is worth knowing that it is not advisable to give the drug to pets with kidney and liver diseases, as well as during pregnancy.


The drug shows a significant effect in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, such as spirochetes, rickettsia and other large viruses.

Attention! Levomycetin does not cause side effects only if you strictly follow the instructions for use. If you ignore this fact, the following side effects occur when treating diarrhea in cats:

  • Inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • Liver damage;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Intestinal flatulence;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Diarrhea.

It is also worth considering the cat’s individual tolerance to the drug and it is better not to give it to pregnant animals, pets with fungal diseases, kidney and liver diseases.

Activated carbon and smecta

Enterosorbents, which include activated carbon, help remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. It is given to cats if the diarrhea does not last long. In another case, use medicinal methods treatment.

Giving a cat Smecta for diarrhea is useful, but caution should be exercised. It is impossible to get poisoned, but you should give medicine to your pet only during diarrhea, otherwise it can cause constipation.

Indeed, many “human” drugs can be used to one degree or another to treat a pet. But it is still undesirable to use them independently, without the advice of a veterinarian. And it is best to use drugs for animals to treat diarrhea. Also, under certain conditions, you can turn to non-traditional (folk) methods of treatment. But a specialist, of course, is more reliable.

Cat food for diarrhea

At the moment when it is noticed that the cat has started to have diarrhea, you can not feed it for a day at all. In this case, the animal must be given water in unlimited quantities. Also, if you have diarrhea, you should exclude any dairy products and foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates and starch from your pet’s diet. After a day, you can start feeding the animal a little. But it is worth considering that the portion of food should be at least half the standard amount of food. Your pet's diet should include only easily digestible, low-fat foods.

If your cat has diarrhea, you need to feed it several times a day. If she is prescribed medication at this time, this is an additional opportunity to give the drug to the animal along with food. Recommended products include:

  • Boiled rice;
  • Boiled chicken meat;
  • Boiled egg yolk.

If before this the cat has always been fed ready-made food, then it is better to buy it special canned food for animals that will not irritate the digestive tract. It is possible to return the usual food to the animal’s diet only after the pet has fully recovered.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.

    Hello! The cat has had diarrhea for more than 2 weeks, she walks 1-2 times a day, her stool is mushy. I gave her a probiotic, didn’t carry a baby for three days, then it all started again. She is generally active and has a good appetite. I feed him boiled chicken, he loves pork and minced meat. He also loves dairy products, but now I don’t give them to him. Didn't deworm.

  • Hello! The cat has had diarrhea for about 4 days, after going to the toilet, he “rides his ass.” After the first day of diarrhea and riding, I wormed him with drops on the withers (I learned later that you can’t worm him during diarrhea). The diarrhea and driving have not ended yet. He eats well, drinks a lot, his behavior has not changed, he is quite active. What to do? Is it possible to give activated carbon and how much? Or just change the food? Sirius food, bought for the first time, has been eating it for 3 weeks, diarrhea started only 4 days ago

  • Good evening! That night the cat started having diarrhea. In the morning I started giving Smecta, 2.5 mg each. The stool became less frequent, but acquired an unpleasant odor and a mushy consistency. The cat's diet did not change. I give gourmet pates and sanebel dry food. Her appetite is good. Additionally, I give water from a syringe. He can administer an antibiotic or give Smecta for now. And how many days? And when should we start sounding the alarm and taking him to the hospital? And can I cope with such symptoms at home?

  • Dasha, hello!
    He takes annual injections and anti-worm medications. 17 years old British cat. The cat has had diarrhea and weakness for about two months, she has lost weight, it’s a shame to look at. The nose is often cold and wet. They gave food all the time Pro Plan for sterilized cats. Diarrhea began, so they started feeding him other Mealfeel 7+ food and Pro Plan canned food. But nothing changes, the stool has become a little thicker, and only at regular intervals. It feels like the cat is not getting enough (she eats and then immediately goes to the toilet). The vet did an ultrasound and found nothing. internal organs OK (just a little increased gas formation and that’s all).
    Help, tell me what can be done.

  • Good afternoon. The cat is 5 years old, no breed, domestic (never been outside), no vaccinations, anthelmintic was given 3 months ago (drops on the withers). Eats dry food and canned food (from the same company), weight 4.5 kg. At night he pooped strangely (half of it was normal, and in the end it was a sticky mass, he got all dirty), and today during the day he had diarrhea (a dark paste with a pungent odor), he sleeps all day, in principle, he likes to sleep, but his nose is cold and wet. I’m thinking of going to the veterinary clinic tomorrow, what tests need to be done, what to do in general, please tell me..

  • Marina 23:09 | 02 Mar. 2019

    Hello! Please tell me how to properly give smecta for diarrhea to an 11-year-old cat weighing 11 kg? He has diarrhea extremely rarely, we feed him Grandorf dry food for neutered cats and don’t give him anything else. Diarrhea started suddenly yesterday and there seemed to be no reason. Since usually in such situations he only has loose stools 1-2 times, I make do with Mezim-Forte 1/2 tablet 2 times a day with meals and all at once passes. This time it didn’t pass. During this time I’ve already gone to the toilet 6 times. Today I already put him on smecta (I sing through a syringe) and I don’t feed him at all, but I don’t know how to properly dilute smecta, they write differently everywhere and it’s not quite It's clear. I don’t want to unknowingly give less or more, I’m afraid it won’t help or I’ll be constipated. The stool is now a liquid paste, the consistency of kefir, light brown in color, without mucus or blood. I am interested in how much smecta (in grams or what part of the sachet) should be diluted in what amount of water and how many times a day it can be given. Thank you.

  • Elena 21:39 | 01 Mar. 2019

    A week ago, the cat’s stool suddenly changed, became liquid, yellow in color, and does not poop often 1-2 times a day. There were no changes in diet. She became apathetic, sad, mostly lies down, peeing past the tray, the urine is clear, there is no blood anywhere. The cat is 14 years old and has never been sick. I never went outside. She eats high-quality food, dry and wet (Purina, Sheba, Gourmet, raw meat). She has never been to the doctor. Please advise what to do.

  • Volkha 18:52 | 05 Feb. 2019

    Hello! A kitten (7 months old) has diarrhea, up to three times a day, yellow in color with a pungent odor, began to wiggle his butt, fall on his hind legs, when he tries to jump on the sofa, his back legs move apart. A month and a half ago this happened, the diagnosis was panleukopenia. They injected globulin and vitamins , cortexin. Now the same picture is again. At the same time, he also eats, drinks and plays, although he doesn’t rush around the apartment as usual, since his pelvis moves when walking. In general, I don’t know what to think ((

  • The cheap human Phthalazol helped a lot with diarrhea in the pussy. I gave 12 days in a row (E. coli live for at least 7 days) a quarter of a tablet for an adult, 2 times a day on an empty stomach. Then, using a syringe without a needle, she poured a lot of water into the mouth. At the same time, for reliability, for 5 days in a row, after 2-4 hours, I gave a quarter of Levomycetin (an antibiotic. CAUTION) once a day. Tylosin injections prescribed by veterinarians did not help us. Thanks to the one who left a review about Phthalazole!

    Hello, the cat is 6 months old, for the last few months days diarrhea, with bubbles and apparently flatulence, he goes to the toilet with loud noises, he also has blood in his diarrhea, his appetite is good, his behavior has not changed, maybe he started drinking more, our doctors are not so hot, please help me, what should I do?

  • Hello, tell me what to do, the kitten is British, he’s had diarrhea for a week, he’s had an anthelmintic a month, now he’s 4 months old, we feed him homemade food, tell me, can diarrhea also spread to children from a kitten!?

  • Hello! My cat is 5 years old. This is a pet, with vaccinations. The third week periodically loose stools. I can't understand the reasons. Eats dry and liquid food. We sent her to a cat boarding school when we had to leave. But she was separate from the other cats. Can you please tell me what to do. Thank you in advance.

    • Hello! What food? Did you get rid of worms upon returning from the boarding house? Did you take the temperature? How long ago were you vaccinated and with what vaccine? Are you sure that the cat was isolated from other animals or is this from the owners' words? I doubt they followed strict disinfection protocols when serving all animals. Most likely, after serving and feeding other pets, they approached yours without thoroughly washing their hands or changing their overalls. Therefore, feel free to dismiss the thought that your four-legged friend could not pick up anything. Elementary things carried the infection. Therefore, answer my questions to make it easier to find a solution to the problem.

      Good evening. The cat eats Tsu Royal liquid food and Royal Canin dry food. Cat sausages are her favorite food. I periodically feed it with boiled chicken meat. During this entire period, everything was fine with her stool. The cat was vaccinated in the fall, before we had to leave. There's something for every cat separate room fenced with nets. They can play with other cats at will. But it was clean there when we took her there. And when they took it away, everything was fine with the chair too. But we had to take her there a second time, due to an unforeseen situation, and when they took her away, problems with her stool began. The temperature was not measured and worms were not removed. I can’t say about the vaccine; the veterinarian did it here and in German.

      please =) I hope the pet recovers and there is nothing serious with it. But do not hope for a miracle and self-healing. Watch, and if something alerts you, then run to the clinic. Happy holidays to you and your pet

      Hello. Thanks a lot! Merry Christmas to you! Yes, it's better for the cat. They took her to the doctor, she was given a paste, she squeezes it into her mouth twice a day. But she doesn’t want to accept it, she threw it all up. I started giving boiled meat and stopped eating cat sausages. Changed dry food. I'm watching, everything is fine. I'll see what's next. Otherwise, the doctor will have to take you to someone else. Thank you very much for your advice.

      Hello! Happy holiday to you too! What kind of paste were they prescribed to you that made the animal vomit? Maybe you can find an analogue of the drug so that the animal does not have such a reaction. What diagnosis was made after the examination? Make sure the meat is not greasy. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not eat fatty foods, as they will provoke either vomiting or diarrhea. If only there was no vomiting often.

  • Hello Dasha. My cat is 14 years old. I had diarrhea periodically for a month (not constantly), on homemade food. In addition, she began to limp. The veterinary clinic diagnosed intestinal inflammation (by touch, without other procedures), and prescribed Tylosin-50 injections for 5 days and lactobifadol. They said it hurts so much that it radiates to my legs, which is why I feel weak when jumping on the sofa. After the appointment, the chair began to improve, but the legs seemed to be creeping apart. They said that the injection was oily and painful, everything would pass. But a week passed after the end of the injections, and my legs did not feel better. When walking quickly, they crawl in different directions as if on a wet floor; after lying down, the tips of the paws are bent and do not straighten out immediately, it looks terrifying. There is no painful reaction to palpation. What could it be?

    • Hello! Did they prick both paws or just one? Are both legs bending? Have you tried massaging the area where you were injected? Maybe there really are seals left inside the muscles, due to which painful sensations(not all “bumps” dissolve quickly after injections). Did you limp after the injections? Before treatment for diarrhea, this wasn’t the case with the paws? Regarding diarrhea, I’ll ask the standard questions: deworming? What exactly are you feeding? Don't you give any vitamins? Try to touch the paw when it is still tucked in (is the muscle tight or does it feel strong tension, like a cramp)

      Hello. They injected her in both paws, she didn’t limp before the injections. The paws were not massaged. Immediately after the first injection I began to limp. All injections were done at the clinic. Deworming was done about a month before diarrhea, maybe a little less. Usually homemade food. But when she got tired of eating homemade food, they bought food in the form of pates or jellies, cream soups, she has no fangs on one side. After the last time we bought such food, diarrhea began. Lately I haven't been given any vitamins. Looks like there is a seal on one. Today, the paws do not move apart, but there is a limp on the paw with a seal.

      Hello! There is no need to suddenly change your diet like that. Either natural food + vitamins and dietary supplements, or industrial feed. Due to a sudden change in diet, indigestion may occur. Try to stroke your paws at the injection sites several times a day, as if to disperse these compactions. Oil injections go away very slowly, and these seals squeeze nerve endings. If you have ever had painful injections in your buttocks, then you can imagine how unpleasant it is. Only in humans the area of ​​the buttocks is larger than in a cat, and the volume of intramuscular injection is almost the same, which is why it is more painful for the animal. Only a person makes an iodine net for himself, cabbage leaves applies it so that the “bump” dissolves faster. Try applying a heating pad to the injection site for a short time, maybe it will feel better. A couple of days and the cat’s condition should improve significantly

    Hello! I have this situation. The cat gave birth to her first children on 10/09/18. After giving birth and to this day, the cat periodically has loose stools, without mucus, and brown in color. The cat feels fine, is playful, and feeds her four kittens. But the problem is that in addition to the tray, she shits everywhere, even when she feeds the kittens, her stool randomly passes, it seems that she doesn’t feel like she’s shitting. I tried changing the food, but

  • Hello! After treatment genitourinary system and kidneys (Baytril, Traumatin, Kantaren, No-Spa) we are now taking Canephron, changing the food to Hills K/D, the second day we are drinking Linex 1/2 capsule 2 times a day (prescribed by a veterinarian) because the stool began to have a sour smell, the cat (12.5 years old) had loose stools for 2 days in a row. He goes to the toilet 3 times a day: in the morning the stool is normal and a lot, in the afternoon and evening the stool is mushy, yellow in color and has a sour smell. The cat is not dewormed. I’m planning not to feed the cat for a day, but is it possible to give Linex and Renal powder for the kidneys (we eat it every day to support the kidneys) I ask for advice!

  • Hello!) We adopted a kitten from the factory, she is 2 months old. Diarrhea started about a week ago. The first couple of days there were either normal stools or diarrhea. Then I went to the toilet with liquid, sometimes with mucus. I called the veterinarian and told me to give her Fortaflora and then look at it. But today the diarrhea is almost water. I’m panicking, maybe it’s still worth taking other measures? She certainly behaves cheerfully, plays, eats well. Of course, I try to feed little now.

  • Good afternoon. A 12-year-old cat has been suffering from diarrhea for 3 months. We treat with trichopolum, smecta... we take it to veterinarians, there is no diagnosis... the animal suffers terribly. He stopped going to the toilet and swears wherever he finds him. The problem is... how can I get advice on where to bring it? There were a ton of tests, various treatments... the food was hypoallergenic. The cat only gets worse ((

  • Maria 22:31 | 09 Sep. 2018

    Hello, I adopted a cat from the Farm. I took her to the clinic and did all the necessary manipulations; from time to time the cat would diarrhea. I ate natural food. Recently she started diarrhea and decided to switch her to dry food. As a result, he eats dry food and diarrhea. What to do? Wormed a couple of days ago

    • Dasha is a veterinarian 11:32 | 10 Sep. 2018

      Hello! Firstly, what kind of food are you feeding? Secondly, age, vaccinations, results of examination by a veterinarian (what exactly did the doctor do)? Does the animal have loose stools or does it really have diarrhea (empties the intestines more than 5 times a day and not on the tray, but where it “feels like”)? Perhaps a reaction to a sudden change in diet. The simplest thing: 12 hours of fasting (no more), but drink freely and in large quantities (instead of water, you can pour chamomile decoction or Vetom 1:1). Give probiotics and prebiotics to restore microflora (the cheapest options: bifidumbacterin, Linex, NuxVomica, but FortiFlora is best, but it is not cheap). Transfer the animal (gradually!) to food from a treatment line for animals with a diseased gastrointestinal tract

      Christina 22:47 | 27 Sep. 2018

      Good afternoon, we have a similar problem: The cat was diarrhea and his ears were partially peeling off ((((showed it to the Veterinarian, he said it was chicken protein(((what if all the food contains added chicken? And I have one more point - they gave the drug trihapol for 7 days and I was fed royal horse meat, hypoallergenic. Dietary, 3 weeks Elena then refused due to trihapol, they gave fortiflora, bought Italian food with pumpkin, apple and beef and he started having diarrhea ((((((tell me what to do with the food; the cat Maykun 8200 kg suffered weighs 5 years and when I was on a diet the chair was excellent

      Dasha is a veterinarian 00:11 | 28 Sep. 2018

      Hello! Try Hill's d/d (it contains 1 type of protein and 1 type of carbohydrate, and the protein is broken down so much that it does not cause allergies). 3 weeks on it, then smoothly switch to Hills z/d. If a reaction begins to the latter, then you can switch to d/d again. It is suitable for lifelong feeding. Just don’t make the transition abruptly, because... this may cause diarrhea.

  • int 11:47 | 04 Sep. 2018

    Hello! Our cat has a serious wound. After antibiotic injections, diarrhea began. They prescribed us smecta 1/2 tsp 2 times a day, bifidumbacterin 1/4 tsp 2 times a day, the antibiotic was changed to metronidazole, rice water. They also gave us filterrum. Nothing helps. This has been going on for 6 days now. The stool is one, two or three times a day, it sounds like a fountain, apparently with gases, liquid, sometimes odorless, sometimes with mucus impurities. The color is like dry food, it feels like the food is just soggy. Dry food, twice a day. We used to give Beef, but now we don’t. Please advise what else I can try. We have not given antibiotics since yesterday.

  • Hello. My cat recently died, but the reasons are not clear to me. Two days before we left, he started having diarrhea. He did not walk often, but his stool was liquid and yellow. Co specific smell. We thought it was out of frustration because we were leaving soon. We live on the first floor and left it in the courtyard; the courtyard is surrounded on all sides by high-rise buildings. A month passed, the woman we hired to come once every 2 days to feed him and clean his toilet, wrote that he looked normal and behaved as usual. But when she arrived, he was already lying dead in the yard. There was no blood anywhere. The food was not touched for two days. And the neighbors recently complained that he constantly meows and does not let him sleep. He used to yell a lot in the yard too, but this time much more. On the day of his death, the woman knocked on every apartment to ask what happened. Nobody opened it for her. And yet, all the neighbors always had their windows open, but on this day they all had them closed. She thinks one of them poisoned him. I think that everyone is to blame. Otherwise why would they all be hiding. They probably agreed. I don't know what to think..

  • Hello! A nursing cat has been diarrhea for about a month. They gave enterofuril, the diarrhea stopped, as soon as they stopped giving the capsules, the problem appeared again. There is an unpleasant smell coming from the cat, just like from the litter box. The cat was not vaccinated; it was dewormed after taking the capsules. The cat eats well and drinks too. She’s lost weight, but she gave birth a month ago. We feed you whiskey. They took me to the veterinarian, they didn’t really say anything, they only prescribed strange injections of Evinton and Tylosin.

  • Hello!
    The cat is almost a year old, weighs 3 kg. He has had diarrhea for a week (loose stools), but he behaves as usual. Playful, goes for walks, no fever. No painful symptoms at all. I put him on a diet, so he demands to eat. He approaches the cabinet and points with his paws, meowing. He actually drinks a little more water than usual, but he’s generally a water drinker, especially since it’s hot. He eats dry food, I take it by weight, but he’s been on it for almost half a year now, I haven’t changed anything. He likes it and eats with pleasure. I'm sorry about the vitamins, he shed a lot. I gave a couple of tablets every time I ate according to the instructions. Well, he eats grass, maybe that had an effect. Tell me what to do, sound the alarm and run to the vet or put him on a diet again, despite his demands?

  • Hello. Please tell me what to do? Kitten, 7 months, 5 kg. 2 loose stools. In the evening, porridge. In the morning with mucus. Doesn't eat. Sleeping. 2 days ago I was at the dacha, walked on a harness for about 15 minutes, ate some grass, just one blade of grass.

  • Hello! A 2 month old kitten has had diarrhea for three days. We feed whiskey to kittens. He refuses to drink water at all. Before that, we found him on the street hungry, exhausted, and weak. In three days I became active and cheerful, but my bowel movements are not getting better. The vet examined him on the first day and said that he just needed to eat and sleep and he would recover. Also anthelmintic (we give it for the third day). His appetite is good.

  • Good afternoon I have a domestic British cat, I took him to my grandmother’s dacha for 3 weeks, so he had free access to wildlife. Before my little vacation, I ate meal feel food. At the dacha it so happened that I was eating whiskey. I brought him home, he started eating old food, his appetite is good, he just sleeps a lot. 4 days after arrival, diarrhea began (yesterday), the color was normal, average. What do you advise?
    Thank you!

  • Hello, we have a Persian-Exotic cross cat, for the third day now she has had liquid, mushy yellow stools, she eats food from Royal Canin, Gurmet, Perfect Fit liquid, she doesn’t eat the same thing, she refuses if given food from the same company, she eats dry food from Perfect Fit and grandof. At the same time, the cat is active, playful, a good appetite, drinks water, no other complaints. Before this “incident” I ate a piece of boiled sausage, I think this provoked it (the cat doesn’t go outside, it’s been wormed and vaccinated. I gave it 1.1, but there’s no change. Please tell me what to do ((

  • Hello!

    The cat is 15 years old. For almost a month we have been tormenting the cat with changing dry food, and she has been tormenting us.
    First, they switched her from the usual to 12+, she began to eat exactly 2 times more of it. We return it to the old one and this is accompanied by loose stools.
    They fed them with smecta for a week, then acipol was added to the smecta.
    While she is taking medication, she is feeling better, although not completely.
    As soon as we stop giving, it feels bad again.
    Please advise what else to treat the cat with.
    Food - dry Royal Canin, was and is returning to Sensible with sensitive digestion.

  • Hello! Three of my cats (there are eight in total) started having diarrhea almost simultaneously, and it’s already been two days. They behave as usual: playful, good appetite. They live in an apartment and never leave their home. All but one cat (who eats Edel Cat canned food) eats Happy Cat dry food for sterilized cats. What are the best measures to take? The diarrhea started first in a cat who eats canned food. Thank you in advance.

  • Hello. U Persian cat second day vomiting and diarrhea. Before the illness, she ate only raw meat (beef) and does not go outside. She doesn't eat anything, drinks water, and is lethargic. What medicine can be given and in what dosage (cat 3-4 kg, 15 years old).

  • Svetlana 11:21 | 22 Feb. 2018

    Good afternoon Please tell me, I noticed that my cat has had loose stools for three days now. He goes to the toilet twice a day, but the feces are unformed and mushy. The cat is active and has a good appetite. She was sterilized 19 days ago and she tolerated everything well. We feed her dry food Shezir and sometimes give her wet food Shtuzi (before sterilization she also ate all this and everything was fine).

  • Katerina 16:54 | 01 Feb. 2018

    Hello! This problem arose in our cat family. For a long time, Sheba fed the cat and cat canned food. The cat began to cough and switched both of them to RK hypoalleogenic dry food. She helped the cat, but the cat began to go to the toilet with difficulty. Not often, twice a day maximum. On the first day there was vomiting, but now it has gone away. We have been suffering like this for a week now, there are a couple of drops of blood in the stool and after using the toilet the cat sits on its butt and rolls around on the floor. True, he had done this before. Our veterinarians, to put it mildly, are not very good. I'm afraid to contact. Help, how to help a cat?

  • Hello. A week ago we adopted a cat from a shelter, 2 years old, neutered. And all this time he has diarrhea.
    In general, the first thing that caught my eye about the shelter was that it was very thin compared to the photographs. According to the shelter workers, he has lost weight in the last six months, but is absolutely healthy. According to the passport, he was wormed in the fall, vaccinated (although the deadline was until summer), at the shelter he ate the usual dry Royal Canin for castrati. At home on the first day they gave him wet proplane (delicate) and dry rk for the picky ones. This is where our epic with the toilet began. At first we thought it was stress and a change in food, and the volunteers reassured us that in the first days this happens to everyone. But time passed, and the cat did not get better. At first they decided that the problem was the unusual wet food, they left only the drying (this was our mistake), they specially took sensible royal canin (for cats with sensitive digestion) - it did not get better. On day 3 they started giving enterosgel. The problem is that he is still a little wild and giving him medicine in the form of tablets or through a syringe is an absolutely impossible task. So the medicine was dipped in the wet food sauce and given like that. On the 4th day he went hungry, we stopped drying him, started feeding him boiled chicken and rk gastro, and adding hilak forte to his food. It seemed like things were getting better. I didn’t go to the toilet for almost a day, then I had stool that was not fully formed, but at least it was no longer liquid. And yesterday we returned wet Proplan Delicate to the diet instead of rk - and again the old way. I have already managed to go 6 times. There is also a cat at home, she eats the same proplan, there are no problems with the stool. We can’t imagine what to do now. At the shelter, he ate dry food and somehow lived, and in the next enclosure there were really sick cats who were on gastro... But we have such problems. Otherwise, until this day, the cat was absolutely healthy, he played, didn’t vomit, had a good appetite... But I was alarmed that today he began to show aggression towards the cat, which he had absolutely not cared about before - maybe something started to hurt him... We continue to give Hilak and Enterosgel. But if we want to try smecta, should we give up the latter? Below there is an interesting treatment regimen with smecta and enterofuril, but there is a pro-plan again and we are simply scared to give it. Can it be replaced with RK gastro dry food? Plus we already have rk sensible, is there a difference? Now we want to return to the proven (we hope) scheme - rk gastro and chicken (+rice), but we have no idea how long this will take and what to feed next...
    In the last hour he has already run to the toilet twice, although since the night we have been feeding him only chicken and that was a long break... His hands give up. Should we really go to the vet, but he’s still quite wild, he’s afraid of us, it’s just scary to imagine how stressed he’ll be. And yet he had to be healthy, according to at least This is what volunteers tell us... Can such problems really arise from changing food and stress? Or could he have become infected with something at home? After all, the expiration date of the vaccinations has already passed for a couple of months, and our cat is not vaccinated at all... But everything is fine with her.

  • Good afternoon My old cat (20 years old) also has digestive problems. I noticed cloudy yellow-brown urine. The very next day, I collected a urine sample and submitted it to the laboratory. The analysis revealed protein 0.1 g/l, leukocytes 3-5, platelets: fresh - 2-3, dysmorphic 60-80 (maybe I didn’t copy it correctly, it’s not legibly written) bacteria+. I took her to the clinic, passed all the tests (biochemistry, blood tests) and did an ultrasound of her kidneys and urinary tract. Kidneys according to ultrasound are bad, conclusion: signs of diffuse changes in the kidneys. Urinary: stones are not detected, fine single sand is detected. All tests are within normal limits (including urea and creatinine)
    The doctor prescribed an antibiotic and prednisolone. Even before taking the medication, the urine returned to normal, the color is yellow and transparent. I started giving antibiotics Sinulox 50 mg 2 times a day. The cat started vomiting two days later, at night or in the morning, and after 4 days diarrhea began. He seems to be eating, he eats just a little and leaves, but apparently he wants to eat (they also changed the food, switched to Royal Canin Renal). Again we took him to the clinic, put on a drip, and injected Serenia on the withers, prescribed phospholugel 1 ml 2 times a day and enterofuril 2 ml 2 times a day, and forti flora 1 p a day. All for 7 days. Now there is no diarrhea or vomiting! I give medicine. The cat comes into the kitchen asking for food, but refuses to eat, he has lost a lot of weight in four days. I haven’t bought him any kind of food! He sniffs and leaves. He doesn’t want to drink water! After I give medicine from a syringe, it becomes very stressful, it doesn’t come out.
    I don’t want to take him to the hospital again, he screams so much there (Scary, don’t touch me). What worries me is that he generally eats very little, just a teaspoon at a time (And that’s if..)… This morning I went to the toilet not quite properly, a little runny. But not black without blood and without a fetid odor.
    Can the treatment be adjusted somehow? The doctor does not make a specific diagnosis. The old cat says, there are many reasons: maybe there was diarrhea and vomiting due to the antibiotic, maybe there were problems with housing and communal services, maybe the new food didn’t work (but we ate it before), or stress!
    Because of my worries, I lost 3 kg with him... Please advise, maybe I should eat something to improve my appetite and improve digestion?!

  • Good evening! We went to the doctor and they said it was most likely worms. Prescribed by injection: Veracol, Liarsil and Evinton, Enterosgel, Karsil, Solizim orally. Then, once the anthelmintic has recovered, feed it rice and beef and that’s all for now. They didn’t start dripping, he eats well, doesn’t want to drink, but I cook him thin rice, and so I feed him from a syringe, I sing with herbs and give him some water, he doesn’t refuse... I’m only now wondering if I can then switch him to regular food ?It’s a little expensive to keep him on beef all the time. Before he got sick he ate from me wheat porridge with liver, I added a little carrot to the porridge, a tomato in the summer... By the way, he really loves tomatoes for some reason...

    • Hello! You can translate, don’t worry =) They told you correctly that first we stop the diarrhea, then we only drive away the worms. When the animal is weakened, the anthelmintic will apply more harm than good. So let's get started with treatment. It's good that you got a diagnosis. You see, some medications coincided, some others were prescribed, because the areas of work, the assortment in pharmacies, and the preferences of all doctors are different =) And even without an accurate diagnosis it is difficult to work. But you get better, and if possible, let us know how your pet is feeling.

      Good evening, thank you for being interested in my cat... While I was injecting him with all the medications, it was better, as soon as I stopped, his condition worsened... I now only have Veracol, I can’t buy anything else... Neither Liarsil, nor Evinton...Today I did not make Liarsil and Evinton and again the stool is thin, but it has already begun to form...In the vet. There are no pharmacies in our city, our doctor only has Liarsil, so I don’t even need to go to him anymore... A lot of money was spent on treating my pet... I really want to give him tritel, but I’m afraid that everything will go wrong again. And the doctor said to only pierce it for 3 days, I see that I’m not completing his treatment... Tomorrow I’ll call the doctor, somehow it’s already inconvenient for me to call the doctor and bother him... And the tab. and I continue to give enterosgel... Dashenka, I am a pharmacist myself, I know homeopathy, I really love these drugs, I read about Liarsil and Evinton, it’s very, very interesting, and I just have a chance to see them in action, but there are no drugs themselves... I tried to order from tab. via the Internet, they refused...

      Hello! It's okay, just be interested and ask. And we have owners who will call 15 times a day and ask, is it really worth giving? =) Since you are friends with homeopathy, then find analogues of these drugs, maybe you can buy them in your city. IN different countries(and even in different areas and regions) there are a wide variety of drugs on sale, but with the same effect. Did you exclude protozoa? Maybe he has such diarrhea because he picked up protozoa? Antibiotics were not prescribed to exclude a secondary layer of infection on a weakened body?

      Good evening! Dasha, thank you. What did you suggest? If you have giardiasis, can you use metronidazole? At what dose? I was also thinking about using both furazolidone and fluconazole (maybe some kind of candidiasis)... But I don’t know, there will probably be a lot of things... 2 days ago the stool was completely formed, there was no diarrhea at all... I was so happy, I thought I’d wait 2 days and I’ll give him tritel, and in the morning, everything has broken down again and he’s diarrhea again.... It’s as if something is missing in the treatment... I’m not finishing something... But the appetite remains and gains weight, but it’s still so lethargic, it really loudly demands to eat ….Happy New Year to you, good luck and fulfillment of your plans, health to you and your patients!

      Hello! Thank you for your congratulations and wishes. Happy birthday to you too =) A cat can take both metronidazole and furazolidone. But you need to know exactly what’s wrong with the cat. If we talk about dosage, then metronidazole 250 mg, then for 10 kg about 1/4 of a tablet is required. Give 2 times a day for about 10-12 days. You can take cyprinol, macropen, serrata, karsil, mezim, as immunomodulators ribotan or immunofan. But it would be nice to exclude rota-coronaviruses, which also provoke severe prolonged diarrhea. And choose an anthelmintic that also works on protozoa. But in general, if these are really protozoa, then the fight against them is oh, what a long one. But you would notice streaks of blood and mucus in the stool.

      Good evening! There is no blood in the stool at all, but there was a lot of mucus, now there is very little, And a viral infection... I didn’t think about it at all... How much do you tell me, and I am very grateful to you... Then it was possible to inject Engystol with lymphomyazot... But first illness, watery, foul-smelling, dirty green diarrhea, oh how I remember... That’s why the antibiotics didn’t work to their full potential... Yes, our doctor said that you can add sulfadimethoxine 1/4 tablet. 2 times 5 days….

      Well, the antibiotics worked on the secondary infection, they suppressed it pathogenic microflora, which could be layered with a viral infection. More often than not, animals die not due to a viral infection, but rather due to the accumulation of secondary bacteria. Ribotan/Immunofan helps as immunomodulators (0.3-0.4 ml once every 2-3 days for a course of 4-5 injections). Add sulfadimethoxine. Have you already run out of Veracol? With such a long course of treatment, it wouldn’t hurt to support the liver and pancreas. By the way, have you ruled out inflammation of the pancreas? Sometimes pancreatitis causes severe diarrhea, but not green and foul-smelling, of course... This type of diarrhea usually occurs with infection, even with partial detachment of the mucous membrane.

      Good evening, it’s already getting better, but there’s no complete recovery... The liver was supported with Carsil and the pancreas - there was solizim, then pancreatin... While everything was cancelled, the stool is formed, but the paws are tightening... apparently, the tummy hurts from time to time... The appetite remains. I’ll take another immunofan, we had it in the pharmacy, there’s enough Veracol left for 1-2 injections and maybe I can extend it with Karsil?

      Hello! Give probiotics/prebiotics to restore the intestinal microflora after such long-term diarrhea. Vitamins, minerals to support immunity (ideally A and E in an oil solution for the speedy restoration of mucous membranes). There are special complex vitamins, which can be added to water or food unnoticed by the pet. The problem is that chronic diseases are extremely difficult to treat (they are sluggish, and as soon as the body relaxes or the pet weakens, they reappear). Regarding Karsil, look at the number of days you were given and the maximum course of treatment in the instructions. If you have days left, then submit. As for verakol - when it ends, take a break, look at your general condition. If diarrhea does not begin, then therapy will be aimed at restoring the animal’s strength and maintaining it. If everything returns to the beginning, then you need to select a new treatment regimen. But I hope that the pet is on the mend. What are you eating now?

      Good evening! Karsil was given for 20 days... I have now analyzed the treatment, I am writing to you: Formazin -6 days + chloramphenicol, then amoxicillin, from the 1st day of illness - enterozermine -4 days, then yogurt in capsules, smecta, lactovit forte in capsules -20 days + Enterol, Karsil - 20 days, Solizim - 10 days, then Pancreatin - 5 days, Entnerosgel 125g, the whole package was gone, 25 days, in parallel Liarsin - 6 days, Evinton - 4 days (we couldn’t buy any more), and Veracol for a long time - maybe 15 injections , traumeel -3 injections, herbal decoctions - chamomile, oak. bark, alder fruit, now I’m finishing up sulfadimethoxine... I didn’t give herbs for long, maybe now I can give them another 10 days? Alder, for example... I haven’t taken Verakol for 3 days, so far everything is quiet... I’ll definitely buy vitamins... If I take Aevit in a capsule from my pharmacy, can I? How should he dose? Or A and E oils. Are solutions better separately? Again, please tell me, what is the dose? I haven’t been able to buy Imunofan yet... Please tell me what complex vitamins there are for cats... And a new symptom - a spot appeared on the ear - such a receding hairline, without redness or peeling, a spot and that’s it... I applied clotrimazole for a couple of days, I see it is getting bigger, treated with methylene. blue, immediately somehow quieted down, stopped crawling... It doesn’t bother him at all... His appetite remains... On the menu there is only rice, porridge and boiled chicken (I drain the broth), I tried to give him a piece of stale gray bread, and it eased up again... For now only rice with chicken... He also asks for bread, maybe boiled fish? I wanted to add a little carrot to the rice, but I was afraid... And now, while I’m writing to you, he’s asking to go for a walk, you have to... Despite everything, he’s gaining weight, after all...

      Olga, hello, I’m reading your correspondence and I’m horrified that the cat was simply executed. I understand that it was with good intentions, but the poor cat, having gone through all these tests, clearly acquired a bunch of internal sores.
      I have two cats. If one clings, within a day both of them are vilified. So, I am writing you a plan for the future so that your cat does not suffer so much, since this is clearly not in last time. You need SMEKTA, ENTEROFURIL for children in suspension, dry food PROPLAN delicate for kittens and PROPLAN fortiflora powder.
      The first two are at the pharmacy, the second at the pet store.
      Smecta binds, enterofuril kills all intestinal bacteria, 100% effective.
      Give smecta in the morning (dilute half a packer in a teaspoon, draw it into a syringe and drink it).
      After two hours, give enterofuril in a 5 ml syringe and feed the cat.
      in the evening you give enterofuril.
      Repeat the regimen for two to three days, depending on the fluid of the diarrhea.
      From the fourth day you give enterofuril in the morning and evening, 5 ml with an interval of 12 hours.
      There is no need to starve your cat, otherwise you will lose him completely.
      This dry food is designed for such cases, it can be given constantly as much as he eats, it does not irritate the intestines, and it contains lactobacilli to normalize digestion.
      You buy chicken thighs, cook them until tender, add rice, cook until tender, leaving a couple of centimeters of broth, grind them in a blender to make a porridge, and feed them twice a day, morning and evening. For the first two days, do not feed during the day; remove all food until the evening. From the third day, you provide dry food constantly, and porridge twice a day, and so on for five days.
      Fotriflora are living bacteria of various etiologies; they are simply not replaceable in such disorders. You add them to all your food: sprinkle them on the porridge and on top of dry food. 0.5-1 sachet per day. They are odorless and taste good for cats, so there are no problems with taking them at all.
      Treat the cat for five days and observe the formation of feces; if everything is stable, then give enterofuril for three more days in the morning, give fortiflor for another five days constantly.
      If everything has returned to normal, cancel everything except dry food and continue to give it.
      In addition to porridge, you can give boiled fish and egg yolk.
      That's it, after 10 days your cat is healthy and his liver is not killed.
      Both of mine have just recently been treated, they feel great and are very grateful, they are not offended, they understand that they are feeling better.
      So be healthy, restore the cat’s flora and immunity for five days, and then worm it, otherwise it will break again.

      Good evening, thank you very much for the advice, I could still buy nifuroxazide, but I don’t know about the food, we have a small town and it’s veterinary. The pharmacies are weak, but I’ll definitely take an interest in this food... Dashenka recommended it at the beginning good food, so I didn’t find it here... Thank you, girls, for the good advice and support. I will also definitely copy your treatment regimen for myself.

      Try looking in neighboring cities, maybe you can place an order. A friend of mine goes to a regional city to buy food for her cat (she was looking for a holistic class on my advice). We don't have a lot of choice in our city either. good feed(about Plan, Hills, Royal Canin, Purina can still be found, and the shelves are strewn with Whiskas, Friscas and other rubbish). A friend immediately takes a 10kg bag (she pays about 60-70 dollars for it). She lasts for 5-6 months, the cat looks amazing (especially when compared to when she fed him wet food from viscal, friskas). Well-fed, shiny, satisfied, but he became arrogant. So think about options for delivery or ordering quality food (the course is still at least 4-6 months)

      Hello! I’m very glad that you are on the mend, that you are gaining weight, that you are eating with appetite, that the diarrhea has stopped, and that the worms have finally been eradicated. If you can't find Drontal, look for Milbemax. Not in your city, ask your friends in neighboring cities (surely someone does). Maybe it's possible in veterinary pharmacy Place your order and have it delivered. Still, think about castrating the mustache so that it doesn’t rush to go outside, and it will be even better to gain weight and won’t mark.

      I cured my under-hairs with God's help with propolis. (on an empty stomach, early in the morning) The one in the pharmacy for 20 rubles (one two drops per kilo of animal) diluted with water, of course. Plus, just in case, the fireman gave sulfadimethoxine for several days (one eighth for kittens. This is from protozoa).. The doctors were paid a lot of money and nothing helped. Not Verokol, nor any other (I don’t remember the injections anymore) Verokol generally made us cry so much. It hurts very much.. I heard about Biogel number five. But we don’t have it in veterinary pharmacies.. But I read what it’s made from. From propolis.. We We tried a lot... And these two remedies helped. Verokol didn't help. Plus, I stopped giving rice with chicken breast and bought simple cheap chicken gizzards.. Apparently there is something good there too.. They forgot about the long-term diarrhea that did not go away for months.. But this is our case..

      When I asked you about the drugs, I thought that Heel also produces veterinary drugs... But actually, I’m already very tired and I feel so sorry for my animal, if only there was such a hospital for animals... I see that he needs observation doctor and me too, well... we live in such a country that people suffer, and animals even more so.....

      There are clinics with 24-hour inpatient stays, but you yourself understand that the cost of having a pet there (plus medications, care) is by no means small (and for a course of treatment the amount will be a decent amount). And not all large cities have the opportunity to leave their four-legged friend under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. Unfortunately, even a hospital is not a guarantee of an animal’s recovery. Still, diagnostics in veterinary medicine are less developed than for humans (there are not as many laboratories and equipment).

    • my cat has been diarrhea for 10 days, treatment started on day 1 (I was at the veterinarian), they prescribed formazin (if I’m not mistaken) in injections, lactobacilli and semi-starvation and chloramphenicol 0.25, 1/4 tablet 3 times a day and enterosgel , it seemed like it started to get better, and then the condition began to worsen, the diarrhea got worse...... I called the vet, he said not to feed him and increase the dose of lactobacilli, and add enterol.....since yesterday I have been doing everything.....today evening I gave a little boiled rice with the broth and again everything started pouring out of it, what should I do? I'm already very tired of him and in despair already... I’ve been fighting his illness for 10 days...can worms give such a clinic? Can I give him an anthelmintic?

Digestive disorders in animals manifest themselves in the same way as in humans - vomiting or upset stool. Stool disorder, in turn, can be in the form of diarrhea ().

Sometimes diarrhea can be the only symptom, and sometimes it can occur in combination with other manifestations of disorders of the body.

Digestive disorder in a cat is a serious disease!

You need to understand that diarrhea can be very serious reasons, and in case of untimely or improper treatment the consequences can be very serious. Along with diarrhea, the body loses fluid, and if the diarrhea is prolonged, it... It is important to recognize this condition in time, as it can lead to disturbances in other body functions.

At the same time, different owners may convince that their cat eats this product normally, but this does not mean that it should be given to their cat.

The cat has bloody diarrhea

If, in addition, the cat's stool has changed color, or it has foul odor, you must immediately contact veterinary clinic.

Infectious nature

Diarrhea can be the result of a viral disease in combination with any set of the following symptoms: fever, sour eyes, nasal discharge, refusal to feed, vomiting, etc.

Severe diarrhea in this case indicates, and it most often has.

Fever is one of the symptoms of diarrhea.

Enteritis is accompanied by most known viral diseases of cats: coronavirus infection, immunodeficiency of cats, sometimes.

Diarrhea with vomiting

Diarrhea with vomiting may also have non-infectious nature– for example, diseases of the pancreas or liver can also manifest themselves this way. In this case, it will be caused by a violation of the digestive processes.

To find out the cause of diarrhea, contact your veterinarian and he will prescribe treatment.

To determine the exact cause of diarrhea in a cat, you should consult a veterinarian, as this will allow you to start the right treatment in time.

Treatment of diarrhea

Traces of diarrhea in a cat's litter box

Treatment depends on the cause of the diarrhea. If diarrhea is caused by a sudden change in food, monitoring the condition, perhaps for a while, may be sufficient.

When changing food, you should follow a simple rule - transfer the animal to new food, mixing it into the old one.

Start with a small amount of new food in the total weight of the old, and gradually increase the ratio in favor of the new. If no disorder is observed, then everything went smoothly.

If your cat's diarrhea is caused by a change in food, feed her rice.

If the animal has access to the street - at least once every 2-3 months, if it is kept only in an apartment, it can be done a little less often.

If problems with stool occur (without any other symptoms), you can give the animal an anthelmintic, but if the problem persists over the next two days, you should still consult a doctor.

The presence of helminths in an animal will not always be obvious, although very often in such cases they can be found in the feces or near the cat’s anus. But to accurately determine the presence, you will need a stool analysis.

Often helminths can be found in a cat's feces.

Besides, if the problem is related to protozoa, this can only be identified through analysis. It is prescribed, if necessary, by a veterinarian after examination.

Fleas and helminthic infestation

Very often helminthiasis is associated with. Fleas can carry helminth eggs within themselves and infect cats with them during their bites. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out treatments in parallel against both fleas and worms. Exist complex preparations- drops on the withers that fight both of these problems at once. But it can be used separately and against worms.

Diseases of the pancreas and liver

Diarrhea may cause your cat to vomit.

Diarrhea can cause your cat to become severely dehydrated and may require an IV drip.

If diarrhea lasts for a long time, the animal may become dehydrated and...

Veterinarian checks the degree of dehydration, and in some cases minor dehydration can be dispensed with subcutaneous injections solutions (saline, Ringer's, glucose, etc.)

Diarrhea due to viral infection

In the case of a viral infection, everything is very serious.

Since it doesn't exist specific drug, which would act on viruses, treatment should be symptomatic.

Complete and correct treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

In case of a severe illness, the cat should be admitted to hospital.

It is important to understand that viral infections in cats can be fatal if treatment is started untimely or incorrectly. There is a certain risk if you go to the clinic in a timely manner, so in the case of viral diseases it is better to prevent them than to treat them.

Prevention of viral diseases is an annual comprehensive vaccination.

Unfortunately, Vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee that the animal will not get sick, but it significantly increases the animal’s chances of survival.

Vaccinated animals suffer mild viral infections.

Vaccination does not provide a complete guarantee, but still the likelihood of getting sick becomes lower.

Prevention of diarrhea

To prevent a variety of health problems in cats, including diarrhea, it is important to carry out in a timely manner:

  1. Flea treatment.
  2. Treatment for worms.
  3. Vaccination.

These three points will avoid many difficulties, and during the differential diagnosis of diarrhea will help narrow the circle of “suspects”.

Cat vaccination

Treatments most often begin at the age of two months (can be started from three weeks of age if necessary), first against fleas and worms, and after a week (ten days) the first vaccination.

The first treatment against fleas and worms should be carried out at the age of two months.

Revaccination must be carried out after 3 weeks. The first vaccination does not contain the rabies vaccine, but during revaccination it is also included. Then every year. If vaccinated adult cat, it is immediately vaccinated once with a complex one, and revaccination is carried out annually at approximately the same time.

In addition to everything described above, The cat should eat what cats are supposed to eat. Not from the table, but your own personal porridge, without salt, seasonings, etc., consisting of porridge (buckwheat/rice/oatmeal) and meat (not pork, it is very fatty, you can rupture the pancreas).

The cat should have its own food; you do not need to feed it food from the table.

Dry food

If a cat is fed dry food, it should be food no lower (economy class food can cause health problems, including those accompanied by diarrhea, even if the neighbor’s cat lived for 20 years on Whiskas). There is no need to feed the cat from the table, no need to give scraps of fish, leftovers from dinner, bones, skins.

There is no need to treat her with cucumbers, grapes, or anything else she suddenly wants.

The cat should eat properly (at least a cat, since people don’t always succeed).

By observing all of the above - vaccinations, treatments, nutrition - there is a greater chance that the cat will never have problems with stool or any other problems, will not need any treatment, and will live a long, healthy life.

Video about symptoms and treatment of diarrhea in cats

As you know, cats, like people, suffer from various gastrointestinal diseases, therefore, under certain provoking factors, a cat may experience diarrhea. Pets are comparable to small children. They require our attention and really need help with any change in their general condition.

IN medical practice This pathological condition called diarrhea. It is unacceptable to ignore this symptom; the risks of developing complications are too high. In our article, we will look at the possible causes of diarrhea and find out whether it is possible to stop diarrhea in a cat by treating it at home.

Causes of gastrointestinal upset in cats

If your pet has bowel movements up to 10 times a day, it means the cat has diarrhea. What should you do in this situation? The first step is to understand the cause of diarrhea. This will allow you to choose the right and effective treatment to restore normal bowel function.

There are many reasons for gastrointestinal disorders in animals. The most common provocateurs of stool disorder:

If chronic diseases provoke diarrhea in a kitten, only experienced doctor. In this case, it is unacceptable to prescribe treatment on your own. It is not always possible to understand the exact cause of diarrhea without tests, so it is better to take the animal to a veterinary clinic, where it will receive qualified medical care.

If problems with stool began as a result of other provocative influences, which is important to find out exactly, you can develop an effective treatment plan using available means. We'll talk about this a little later, but for now let's look at the list of symptoms that often accompany loose stools.

Symptoms of diarrhea in cats and kittens

Frequent diarrhea in a pet may be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • blood clots are visible in the urine or stool;
  • straining during defecation is observed;
  • increased gas formation;
  • loss of appetite, the animal refuses to drink;
  • general malaise, lethargy;
  • feverish conditions;
  • chills;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • dehydration of the body.

Diarrhea has a liquid or mushy consistency, and in some cases becomes watery. It is important to pay attention to all these features, which will allow us to establish the exact cause of the disease.

Duration of symptoms

Diarrhea occurs suddenly and can last from one day to several weeks, depending on the cause and measures taken to eliminate the adverse symptom. In medical practice, diarrhea is divided into several forms, depending on the duration of the pathological symptom:

  • acute form - stool disturbance is observed for several days;
  • chronic - diagnosed if diarrhea does not stop for several weeks.

Diarrhea may also be intermittent. With this form, loose stools are observed periodically for one month or more.

A cat has diarrhea, what to do at home:

  • an acute form of diarrhea, provoked by poor-quality nutrition, sterilization or other provoking factors not related to the disease, can be eliminated with symptomatic treatment;
  • if stool disorder is observed for 7 days or more, the animal must be examined in a specialized medical facility.

Long-term diarrhea causes severe dehydration, which can be fatal. This symptom cannot be ignored! Only an experienced veterinarian will be able to establish the exact cause of intestinal dysfunction and select the correct treatment course, taking into account individual characteristics ongoing process.

The color of feces can tell a lot

The exact cause of diarrhea is determined not only by other specific symptoms, but also by the color of the stool and its smell. If during examination blood clots are detected in the feces, suspicion of the development of an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract is established. Put accurate diagnosis is possible only based on the results of a diagnostic study.

Feces mixed with mucus are often observed with helminthic infestation. A similar symptom is also characteristic of cancer, inflammatory processes in the large intestine and polyps. Foamy discharge indicates infectious process in the animal's body.

Your cat has black or red diarrhea

The normal color of feces in cats is close to light and dark shades of brown. Stool may change color after taking certain iron-based medications or vitamin supplements containing this element.

Another reason for changes in the color of feces is specific set products. If the stool has turned red or black, but the cat feels well, there is no cause for concern.

It’s another matter if the color of the feces has changed, and at the same time additional symptoms have appeared. Here you can’t do without the help of a specialist who knows exactly what to do if your cat has black or red diarrhea.

Red color of feces is a clear sign internal bleeding in the organs of the digestive system.

The cat has yellow diarrhea

For fecal matter healthy body The yellow color is quite characteristic, due to the penetration of yellow bilirubin, which is part of bile, into the stomach. Yellowed feces are not a dangerous sign, but they should not be ignored.

The owner needs to reconsider the animal’s diet and organize for a few days for the correct four-legged friend dietary ration, which will clearly benefit his body.

If your pet's diarrhea takes on a bright orange hue, you can't do without medical care. This sign indicates the development of jaundice.

The cat has white diarrhea

The white color of feces is formed due to the complete absence of bilirubin in bile, which is necessary for proper digestion. The main reason for the discoloration of stool to a white tint is problems with the liver and biliary tract.

So, if you constantly notice white diarrhea in your cat, a qualified doctor will tell you what to do to eliminate it. As a rule, such a sign indicates a chronic disease that requires immediate intervention.

The cat has green diarrhea

A clear sign fermentation processes in the intestines of the animal - green diarrhea. This condition can occur after consuming spoiled food. The danger is that during rotting the products release toxic elements that poison the pet’s body.

If such diarrhea is prolonged, the pet should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. veterinary hospital. Saving your friend will require an introduction antibacterial drugs by injection. If a cat is diagnosed with a serious condition, IVs will be prescribed to quickly cleanse the body and restore it.

We normalize and restore the functioning of the cat’s gastrointestinal tract

Your beloved cat has diarrhea, what to do at home? First of all, it is necessary to direct all efforts to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To do this, you will need to limit your diet, that is, go on a temporary hunger strike lasting up to 24 hours. The only thing that can and even should be given to your pet is clean drinking water in unlimited quantities. This will prevent dehydration of the body.

During the treatment process, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene: thoroughly wash the dishes and the animal’s tray, where pathogenic microorganisms can form.

After a hunger strike for 24 hours, you can give your cat light food in small quantities (about 30% of the usual diet). It is better to maintain such a diet for three days, and only then gradually return to the usual menu.

What not to give for diarrhea:

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • dry food;
  • raw meat in unprocessed form.

During this period, it is better to feed the cat freshly prepared cereal porridge with water or rice soup, without salt and other spices.

First aid for your pet

To prevent diarrhea from domestic cat It is necessary not only to follow a dietary diet, but also to take certain medications. Maximum safe medicine for animals with diarrhea caused by poor nutrition - activated carbon.

Tablets can be given at a rate of 500 mg per 1 kg of weight, up to 3 times a day. It cleanses the intestines well of toxic elements and promotes their rapid removal from the body.

For diarrhea, the herb chamomile is also prescribed. You can cook from it healing decoction. The product has a good disinfectant effect. Another effective composition is “Smecta”, which is given to the animal in liquid form (the powder is diluted with warm boiled water, the dosage is selected according to the weight of the pet).

All of the above remedies only help with loose stools caused by poor nutrition or after taking low-quality products. If the cause of diarrhea is due to more serious circumstances, incontinence and other painful signs are observed, this method of treatment is unlikely to be suitable. Here you will need a whole first aid kit of medications prescribed by a veterinarian. In the most difficult cases, the cat may require surgery.

So, if you decide to cure your cat on your own, give him chamomile, charcoal and other safe compounds, but the diarrhea continues and the animal’s condition is consistently bad, don’t tempt his fate, go to the veterinary clinic immediately! Only an experienced doctor, based on a personal examination and tests, will be able to determine the exact cause of intestinal dysfunction and draw up an effective treatment plan.

List of medications for diarrhea for cats

Names of medications used to treat diarrhea in pets:

  • "Levomycetin";
  • "Enterofuril";
  • "Fthalazol";
  • "Enterol";
  • "Furazolidone";
  • "Loperamide";
  • "Bifiform";
  • "Verakol";
  • "Regidron".

Dose of any medicinal product calculated strictly on an individual basis!

Treating a cat for diarrhea with home remedies

It is very difficult to cure diarrhea in a cat without medication. If in home medicine cabinet There are no effective remedies for diarrhea, feed the animal with activated charcoal and herbs. You can brew a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or oak bark.

Be sure to exclude the cat from the diet harmful products. For animals on artificial nutrition, you can purchase special medicinal food intended for cats with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If diarrhea does not stop within 2-3 days, and the cat continues to experience painful symptoms, do not self-medicate, immediately seek help from specialists!

Signs that you need to see a doctor

In what cases should a visit to the veterinarian be made immediately:

  • diarrhea does not stop for several days;
  • too much liquid consistency feces;
  • frequent bowel movements, stool incontinence;
  • V stool there is blood or mucus present;
  • atypical color of stool;
  • if the cat is too lethargic, he completely refuses to eat and drink;
  • the kitten often vomits, there are convulsions and other specific symptoms indicating a deterioration in the general condition.

The sooner you see a doctor, the faster your furry friend will recover and return to his normal life. And most importantly, timely access to doctors reduces the likelihood of developing dangerous complications and irreversible consequences.

Cat's diet for diarrhea

A sick kitten may show appetite even with severe diarrhea. The owner needs to make proper diet from healthy and safe products:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • porridge with water;
  • boiled sea fish without bones;
  • rice water;
  • light chicken broth;
  • meat puree.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids!

Stomach upset in a kitten: take action

If your furry friend has diarrhea, which indicates an upset stomach, adequate measures must be taken to eliminate the risk of complications.

How to help a kitten with diarrhea:

  1. Try to find out the exact cause of the pathological condition.
  2. Avoid feeding for one day.
  3. Provide your cat with clean drinking water.
  4. Create the right diet.
  5. Mandatory drug therapy. In the first days, you can give the animal safe products: absorbents, salt solutions and herbal infusions.
  6. If this method of treatment is ineffective, you will need to contact a veterinarian. After a diagnostic examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe effective medications, individually in each specific case.

Depending on the test results, the cat may be prescribed an antibiotic (for example, Biseptol), hepaprotectors, probiotics, enzymes and other agents.

After the treatment course, the animal’s stool will normalize, the cat’s condition will improve, but for some time he will have to follow a dietary diet, which will allow him to recover quickly. correct work gastrointestinal tract.

More articles on this topic.

Every owner who loves their pet will monitor its health. Diarrhea in cats is a common disease. If a cat has diarrhea, the pet owner should be concerned. Why does the disorder occur? How to stop diarrhea in a cat?

Stomach upset in adult animals

Why does a cat get stomach upset? What to do if your kitten has diarrhea?

Regardless of the cause, diarrhea must be addressed.

The following reasons cause diarrhea in a cat:

  1. Eating low-quality food. If an animal eats spoiled food or waste, it will certainly develop an upset stomach.
  2. Use junk food, for example, fat.
  3. Product intolerance. Diarrhea in cats can occur as a reaction to chocolate, coffee, milk and other foods that the cat's stomach cannot digest.
  4. Sudden change of food. The stomach has not yet absorbed the new food, so diarrhea occurs.
  5. Large portion. Overeating also causes loose stools in cats.
  6. Taking antibiotics.
  7. Worms.
  8. Viral infection.
  9. Oncology.

There are many causes of diarrhea in cats.

Veterinarians distinguish several types of diarrhea - stool of various colors (from yellow to green), blood in the stool, diarrhea with mucus, stool with foam.

If the kitten's stool is yellow, this indicates indigestion of food. An orange tint indicates liver problems. Green diarrhea is a consequence of eating poor quality food. Watery diarrhea in a cat indicates that a lot of fluid enters the intestines, but the mucous membrane is not damaged.

If diarrhea in cats is accompanied by mucus, this means that the animal's intestines are inflamed. If blood is released, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. To know how to cure diarrhea, you need to consult with experienced specialist. Self-medication is not always effective.

The question of what to do if a kitten has diarrhea interests many cat owners. How to feed him in this case? The main rule is feeding in small portions up to 4 times a day. We provide low-fat, easily digestible food. Treatment at home is effective if the rules are followed.

Treatment at home

If the animal goes to the toilet up to 4 times a day, it does not have other manifestations of diarrhea (vomiting, fever), it eats normally, then loose stools in a cat can be cured yourself, without the help of a specialist. If a cat has diarrhea, it must be put on a starvation diet. It lasts 1 day, the animal is not limited in drinking.

To stop your cat's diarrhea, you can give him activated charcoal.

Crush the tablets, dilute them with liquid, use a syringe or pipette to introduce them into the animal’s mouth or add them to water. For every 10 kg, give your cat 1 tablet of coal.

Smecta will also help with stomach upset in cats. From folk remedies you can give oak decoction, St. John's wort, chamomile. They will strengthen the body.

After fasting, start feeding him, but carefully. What can you give a cat? First, offer him chicken broth, boiled chicken meat, egg yolk or boiled rice. The portion should not be large. You can also purchase ready-made food designed specifically for sick animals.

On day 2 the cat will feel better, so he can be switched to his usual meal. But you should exclude fatty foods and those that are difficult to digest. Now you know what to feed a kitten with diarrhea.

It is necessary to monitor how the animal behaves so that diarrhea does not occur again. If the disease reappears, it is necessary to intensify treatment. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor immediately.

Treatment for diarrhea in a cat involves a comprehensive treatment - both taking medications and following a diet.

This approach makes it possible to quickly eliminate this problem in cats.

The cat needs to be taken to the vet if:

  • he started vomiting, his temperature increased, and he developed a fever;
  • defecates more than 5 times a day;
  • the cat diarrhea for more than 1 day;
  • loose stool in a cat is accompanied by mucus;
  • stool smells unpleasant;
  • the animal refuses to eat.

In this case, the cat’s diarrhea cannot be treated on its own. You should immediately visit a veterinarian and tell him about your pet’s condition. The doctor will tell you how to treat diarrhea in a kitten, what to give for diarrhea, and what to do next if complications arise. Depending on the cause of your cat's diarrhea, your veterinarian will prescribe necessary treatment. You can give the kitten:

  • deworming drug;
  • means that destroy microbes;
  • sorbents;
  • means against dehydration of the animal's body.

Do not give loperamide to kittens - it will worsen the condition.

What to do if your kitten has a stomach upset?

Diarrhea can occur not only in adults, but also in kittens. The disease manifests itself with the same symptoms. The reasons are:

  • transition to new food;
  • lure;
  • stress (kittens have a hard time with a change of environment).

If a kitten has diarrhea, what should you do in this case? Infection can occur through breast milk. To cure the disease, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods gradually, in small portions and monitor its reaction. It is also necessary to clean the house to prevent furniture bugs from infesting it. If these measures do not help, you should contact your veterinarian. What to do if a kitten has both diarrhea and vomiting is now known.

The main thing is to follow the rules, monitor the cleanliness of the premises and the hygiene of the animal.


If you follow the rules, the kitten will not have loose stools. Preventive measures include:

  • checking the animal for the presence of worms;
  • timely vaccination;
  • purchasing quality food;
  • frequent cleaning of cat litter and litter box;
  • carrying out disinfection;
  • limiting contact with street cats.

It is necessary to monitor the health of the animal, not expose it to stress, buy quality food and walk on fresh air. Knowing how to treat diarrhea in a kitten, you can alleviate your pet’s condition for a long time. To avoid harming him, consult an experienced veterinarian. If a kitten has diarrhea, you need to act in the same way as with adults. The causes of diarrhea in adult cats vary. They need to be excluded.