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Read what food is best for cats. How can I tell if the food is suitable or not? Photo gallery: premium cat food

Many pet owners are often faced with the question of what food is best to choose for their pet? And this is quite natural, since a correctly selected product is the key to healthy eating And wellness your pet.

– one of the most affordable premium food products. The product consists of approximately half protein components, which is very important for the health and activity of the pet. The downside is that a larger percentage of the proteins contained are of plant origin (corn, soy), rather than animal. They are used for manufacturing due to the low cost of raw materials. But corn gluten and soy flour, among others, can adversely affect the condition of the animal. For example, you may be allergic to these ingredients. The advantages include the content of natural chicken meat and by-products that are healthy. The food also contains prebiotics, which is important for healthy digestion. A series of medicinal foods of significantly higher quality and recommended by many veterinarians. If the pet feels well and has no health problems, then the line can be an ideal budget option.

Brit Premium– This product line belongs to the premium class. The food has a well-balanced composition and is suitable for daily feeding. The product is manufactured in the Czech Republic, which can guarantee European quality control. The disadvantages include the presence of cheaper ingredients than in food super premium class of the same company - Brit Care. In Brit Premium, unlike more high class contains artificial colors and flavors. Also, these foods are not available in every pet store. The advantage of this line is its wide range: you can choose suitable food even for the most picky pet at an affordable price.

– premium balanced food for cats. It can be a good replacement for natural food, as it contains all the necessary nutrients for a pet. The disadvantages of Royal Canin include the presence of various types of chemicals: dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. The line of medicinal food from this company is of higher quality. But if your pet tolerates this type of food well, then you can stop with it. It wins among feeds in its class relatively good quality, price and availability at any pet store. But since Royal Canin production has been established in Russia, its quality has dropped significantly, so it is best to order European-made food, if possible.


Hills belongs to the premium class and has a good composition. It contains poultry meal or meat, fish fat, vitamins and mineral supplements- everything you need for good nutrition. The downside of all premium food, including Hills, is the presence of various types chemical substances. In addition, Hills contains increased amount carbohydrates, which is not very good for a cat's digestion. The series of medicinal feeds from this company is of the highest quality and belongs to a higher class. But if your pet does not suffer from any disease, veterinarians advise to refrain from feeding the medicinal line of food. The advantages of the product include availability in stores, low price and vitamin complex in the composition.

Arden Grange is a line of super premium pet products. It is popular in European countries, as it is one of the highest quality in its class. The food does not contain artificial colors, enhancers and other chemicals that help the animal become accustomed to the food. Arden Grange consists only of natural and well-balanced ingredients, and also contains enzymes and prebiotics that promote better absorption of the product. Its quality is confirmed by European quality control and positive reviews many veterinarians. In terms of quality, this line is close to the holistic class, which is also evidenced by the relatively high price of Arden Grange.

– super premium food made in Canada. 1st Choice has a high-quality and balanced composition. It consists of one third animal protein, which is optimal for a healthy diet. The food contains dietary poultry meat, as well as chicken eggs and fish oil, which are sources of amino acids necessary for balanced nutrition. The composition contains only natural flavors that promote better pet appetite. The 1st Choice line also contains hypoallergenic food, which is recommended by experts for the treatment of allergies in pets.

- one of the best super premium food German quality. This product line contains only natural ingredients and no artificial flavor enhancers. It is optimally balanced and consists of almost one third animal protein. In addition, it contains fish oil and mineral complex, which are vital for an animal living at home. There are also natural additives that help normal operation digestive system. The food contains a small amount of cellulose, which can cause allergies in cats. But the risk of an allergic reaction, experts say, is very small, so this food may be quite suitable for your pet. Bosch SANABELLE can be found on the shelves of many pet stores, but it has a relatively high price.

The top three best foods include only holistic foods. This is exactly what the line of products for cats belongs to. The main ingredient of the food is natural, boneless meat. NOW Natural does not contain by-products or grains, as the latter can cause allergies. The product contains a balanced amount of vegetables and fruits with gentle processing to preserve everything useful material and bring them to your pet. Like all holistic products, NOW Natural contains prebiotics for better absorption nutrients. Veterinarians recommend holistic food of proven quality for proper and complete nutrition. These include NOW Natural. This line is not available in all pet stores, but it can be ordered online.


Acana– one of the popular brands of holistic food for pets. The Canadian manufacturer of the Acana line has received many awards for the quality of the product. The food in this series contains only fresh and high quality ingredients. All of them consist of more than half selected meat. The product also contains fruits and vegetables, which are natural source vitamins and minerals. The presence of flavorings and preservatives in this line is out of the question. It is for this reason that experts recommend these foods. The disadvantages of this series include the lack of medicinal feed and a relatively small assortment.

– one of the most popular lines of holistic cat food. Its manufacturer is the company that produces the Acana product series. Orijen contains only high-quality meat, fish, vegetables and fruits without adding flavorings or flavor enhancers. Only useful substances and vitamins that are so necessary for good nutrition. This food is recommended by many veterinarians for those who care about the health of their cat. The only drawback of Orijen is its high price.

But pet owners should remember that even the highest quality product may not be suitable for your pet due to intolerance to any component.

Hello, dear readers of the “Children of Fauna” blog. Today I answer the question: “How to choose good cat food?” You often ask me what I feed my Samych, what food I can recommend, what food is the best, send your names. I think it's time to answer your questions on this topic.

  1. Classification of feed.
  2. Analysis of the composition of some feeds.
  3. Influence of breed, age and health status.
  4. How can I tell if the food is suitable or not?
  5. Conclusion.

Types of feed

It is customary to divide food, depending on its quality, into: economy class, premium, super premium and holistic. Friends, this division is conditional; there are no clear standards to understand exactly which group a certain food belongs to. In one rating, food may be super premium, while in another it will be closer to economy class. Therefore, it is possible to take such a division into account, but you should not rely on it too much.

Depending on the age, energy needs, physiological state of the animal, food is divided into different groups. There are separate diets for kittens, for older cats, for sterilized cats, as well as therapeutic diets.

If you have little kitty, then it should not be fed with food for adult animals, and vice versa, an elderly cat does not need a children's diet. No, nothing bad will happen right away, but in the first case the growing body will not receive something, and in the second there will be excess and excess weight will appear.

A special diet is prescribed for diseases, for example, for a speedy recovery after surgery, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, kidneys and other pathologies.

Such diets are prescribed by a doctor, for several weeks, months or for life.

Composition of some feed

When you buy food, do not pay attention to the brand, take the packaging and read carefully what it is made of. For example, consider the composition of well-known feeds:

First example. Unfortunately, I didn’t find a box with a description in Russian in the store, so I’ll translate it. In first place we see grains, then meat and meat products of animal origin. In general, it may not seem so bad if meat is listed in second place. After all, many people feed cats porridge with a small amount of meat and they look good.

But the manufacturer of this food acts cunningly; at the beginning of the list he indicated meat products, and after a long list he clarifies their percentage (usually 4%). Thereby confusing the consumer. In reality, there is not a lot of meat in this food, only 4 g per 100 g of product, and it is a secret to us what kind of meat it is. Foods with a similar composition include whiskey, friskas, and others, which you will find in large quantities in the supermarket. I don't recommend feeding them like this.

Strong animals can withstand such a diet for a long time, but most, after a few months, those who are stronger, develop pathologies after 2-3 years.

Second example. I apologize for the cloudy screenshots, I’ll duplicate them in the video in a more readable form. So, chicken is listed in first place (20%), this is good, it means there is most likely something of animal origin in the diet. Chicken is first on the list, which means it has the most amount of this component.

But it was not for nothing that I wrote “something of animal origin”, because the manufacturer does not tell us specifically what part of the chicken it is. And this can be the beak, bones, feathers, claws, intestines and other parts of the bird.

Next on the list is dehydrated poultry protein. Protein or protein can be obtained from any part and then excess moisture can be removed. Proteins of animal origin are needed by the cat’s body, and where it gets them from is not so important.

Next comes corn gluten or gluten. We often come across gluten when we make dumplings or fry pies - there is a lot of gluten in the dough, it gives elasticity and viscousness. This ingredient is safe for most animals, but can cause serious problems in some animals. If there is a negative reaction to gluten, there will be diarrhea, flatulence, skin rash, itching and other manifestations.

Rice is listed next and is considered a good grain for feeding animals.

The next component is animal fat, it is needed, but again, we don’t know whose fat it is or what animal it came from.

Then we have corn, wheat gluten and starch again. In simple terms, you can say corn-wheat porridge. Grains are acceptable in a cat's diet if the cat is healthy, but I would like to know how much of this porridge, not everyone can digest it.

Bringing up the end of the list egg powder, vitamin and mineral supplements and preservatives. I'm glad that tocopherol (vitamin E) is used as a preservative.

In general, friends, we have analyzed the composition of the food of average quality, which some position as premium or super-premium quality. You can feed this diet if your animal does not have serious illnesses, and he approached him.

Well-known examples of food with a similar composition: Proplan, Royal Canin, First Choice, Eukanuba, Heels and others.

Third example. In the first place is boneless lamb meat in the amount of 10%, it’s great that we can see what type of meat and how much of it specifically. The next component is dehydrated lamb meat 11%, again everything is clearly stated in percentage. I think there is no point in mentioning each ingredient, we see that the manufacturer is not hiding anything from us, all components are indicated and deciphered. Also note that this food does not contain grains; there are grain-free foods on the market. It's fashionable now. They are suitable for those who cannot tolerate gluten, but their price tag is much higher.

The most popular foods with a similar composition are Acana and Orijen.

Influence of breed, age and physiological state on diet choice

In addition to the composition of the food, you need to take into account the age of the cat, its activity, physiological state, perhaps she is feeding kittens. Here, friends, everything is the same as with us, if you work more, then you need more energy, if you are expecting a child, you need changes in diet accordingly.

The breed also influences the choice of diet; animals have their own “favorite” diseases, which can be corrected with the help of food. Also, if the food is not suitable for your breed, this will negatively affect the condition of the coat and its color, which is important for Angoras and Persians.

How can I tell if the food is suitable or not?

So, you have made your choice, carefully studied the composition, taken into account your individual characteristics and brought new food home, but that's only half the battle. Now you need to gradually, over the course of a week, or in some cases two, transfer the animal to a new diet. Be guided by the condition of the stool; if it is regular and the feces are formed, then everything is going well.

If your cat does not vomit or have diarrhea on the new diet, and after a few weeks there is no itching, dandruff, or bald patches, consider that the food has suited you. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t always fit.

I often give the example of Acana or Orijen, they have good composition, but not all animals can assimilate it normally. In some cases, indigestion appears, and when you switch the cat to easier food, everything gets better. It's such a weird thing.

Everything is individual and determined by scientific poking. Therefore, no one knows for sure whether food is suitable for your animal or not until you feed it. And one more piece of advice - don’t buy a large package right away, although street cats will be happy with such a gift if your cat gets diarrhea after the new product.


Friends, now you know how to choose good food for your cat and don’t worry if you feed your pet not the most expensive food. Expensive does not mean the best.

The best food for you is the one that suits you and your cat personally, and not the one recommended by consultants and advertising. Of course, cheap food doesn't count. That's all I have for now, if you have any questions or additions, write them in the comments.

Veterinarian Sergey Savchenko was with you, see you again!

A cat's diet is an important component of its health and general condition. In the question of what is the best way to feed cats, advice from veterinarians will certainly help the owner of the animal, because saving on food for pet may result in expensive treatment. Many people feed their cats scraps from their table. This diet is not suitable for animals. They need a balanced diet.

Each cat is individual and therefore has its own tastes. If you choose the right menu for your pet, it will live much longer. It has been experimentally proven that cats fed a balanced cat food lived on average up to 14-15 years, while poorly fed animals barely lived to be 9 years old.

“Calculating” the correct and suitable food for a particular cat is doubly useful: in addition to excellent health, such a pet will be easy to raise. It is unlikely that a cat, accustomed to its own food, will encroach on its owner’s lunch. When it comes to the question of what food is best to feed a cat, advice from veterinarians will help you decide optimal diet for a furry friend.

It is the owner who chooses food for his pet, taking into account the animal’s tastes, the presence of allergies to certain foods, as well as sensitivity to the quality of food. There are two types of diet for cats: ready-made professional food and natural food. In addition, cat food can be: canned, wet, dry.

Sometimes owners decide to buy canned food for cats, pampering their pet with a similar treat. Here it is important to adhere to the sales deadline and compliance with the composition of the canned food. Canned food can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but as soon as the can is opened, the contents must be consumed immediately. If the portion is smaller than the volume of a can of canned food, the excess is transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Wet food is a cross between canned food and dry food. The bags are made for one feeding. Owners who decide, for example, to buy Arden grange for cats, should provide their pet with plenty clean water.

By class, cat food is divided into economy, commercial, premium and super premium.

Economy class food (“Meow”, “Kitikat”, “Darling”) are cheap, but they simply suppress the feeling of hunger and do not bring any benefit, since the meat in them is replaced with soy protein. Commercial-grade food "Whiskas" and "Friskies", for example, have a quality similar to economy class. It is better not to use either the first or the second as the main diet. When it comes to the question of what food is best to feed your cat, the advice of veterinarians is clear: cheap food contains dangerous dyes and preservatives.

Variety of professional feeds

Professional food is practical, convenient and economical. Ready-made food will cost the owner less than all the products needed to prepare a natural menu. If the issue ready-made feed will distract a busy owner for a couple of minutes, then preparing a natural dinner for your beloved cat may take much longer. Another advantage is balance: the finished food has all the vitamins and minerals in the required doses. For example, Felix cat food advertising claims that this food has natural ingredients.

The convenience of professional food is that it is developed for pets, taking into account their individual characteristics:

  • sedentary and very active cats;
  • nursing cats;
  • for actively growing kittens;
  • for castrated cats.

Professional food has many options. For example, you can buy Felix cat food with turkey, chicken, salmon, beef, rabbit, and trout. Among the disadvantages of this type of feeding cats is the need to understand different types of food. Before offering it to your pet certain type feed, you need not to be lazy and consult with a good felinologist. Relying on advertising or a private veterinarian is very dangerous. Some cats are allergic to ready-made food, so only natural food is recommended for them.

A more important disadvantage of ready-made food is the discrepancy between the ingredients listed on the packaging and the internal contents. Implementers often replace quality food cheap analogues. And manufacturers are being cunning: instead of “meat products,” the food may contain ground bones, tendons and other “waste,” but not meat. Feeds that combine meat and vegetables are cheaper. For example, you can buy Felix cat food cheaply with the addition of tomatoes, green beans, carrots and other vegetable ingredients to different types of meat.

Popular brands of different types of food

High-quality dry food helps prevent urolithiasis and removes plaque from the teeth of animals, which leads to the formation of stones. This type of food can be left in the bowl as it will not spoil or dry out. Any veterinarian will advise you to use only food from well-known companies and brands for your cat. This includes the Happy cat brand. It produces balanced, high-quality, appetizing food for harmonious growth adult cats and kittens. Owners of furry pets can buy Happy cat cat food in specialized stores.

This dry food has a pleasant smell without artificial chemical additives. Happy Cat Junior is perfect for kittens aged 5 weeks to one year. This food is suitable for all breeds and is also indicated for sensitive cats.

Veterinarians say that animals eat Happy cat dry cat food with appetite, the main thing is not to overfeed your pet.

At the core of this feed contains poultry, salmon and rabbit meat. It is important before you buy Happy Cat cat food to check your pet for allergic reaction feed components.

High-quality Felix has a specific grilling technology, so it presents tender pieces of meat in a juicy jelly. The original food of this brand does not contain dyes. Veterinarians say that for a medium-sized cat you need 3 packs per day, which should be divided into 2 doses. Felix cat food is given to pregnant and lactating animals without restrictions. After opening, the packaging can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Before eating, your cat needs to warm the food to room temperature.

The English company Arden Grange produces dry grain-free food that belongs to the super-premium category. The balanced formula of Arden grange cat food is “meat + rice + healthy vegetables+ vitamin-mineral complexes + probiotics.” Dietary food has been developed for sensitive animals. Therefore, buying Arden grange cat food means taking the best possible care of your pet.

Cat Chow Special Care 3in1 is able to act in three different directions: protects teeth, monitors the urinary system and prevents the formation of hairballs in the cat’s gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, many believe that Cat Chow cat food is most suitable for constant power supply pet.

Large breed cats require special food, since such animals are often at risk of joint diseases, skin diseases, and also requires more energy.

Bosch Sanabelle Grande is the best food for large breed cats because it has a balanced nutritional formula. With this food, your mustachioed pet will always be active and energetic, because energy value of this feed is within 16.3 MJ per 1 kg.

Secrets of natural nutrition

The main disadvantages natural nutrition For cats, cooking time and special purchase of additional products can be considered. A cat's diet must contain meat, and this is an expensive product.

The list of benefits of natural nutrition includes the following main points:

It is important to be responsible when preparing the diet, since too much or too little of substances will not be noticeable until the cat gets sick.

What is the composition of natural food?

In addition to regular meat, the cat should be given meat by-products. Essential vitamins and fiber contain vegetables that the cat should eat every day, boiled and pureed. It happens that cats are disdainful plant foods, so it is mixed with meat. Once a week the cat should receive eggs, dairy products(but not milk), fish oil. It is useful when a cat's diet includes sprouted oats or wheat.

It should be noted that the best food for cats, according to veterinarians, is pieces of meat. But at the same time, your furry friend should receive mineral or vitamin supplements from time to time.

What should not be in a natural diet?

This may seem strange, but fish and seafood can lead to urolithiasis. Experts have long argued about the presence of fish in a cat’s diet. The main thing is not to have too much of it. In addition, cats should not eat:

Not all cats can dose their food, so you need to leave food in a certain portion. Constant access to food is unacceptable, otherwise the pet faces obesity. But clean and fresh water should always be within the animal’s field of vision. The more often the water is changed (2-3 times a day), the better for the pet. The bowl for water should be large. Read about how many times a day you need to feed your cat.

Combining several types of food when feeding an animal is harmful to the cat’s stomach. There should be one type of food (store-bought food or homemade food). It is better to stick to one brand of food. Then the cat will be healthy, active and live long.

The nutrition of a pet affects its well-being, mood and life expectancy.

The diet is thought out even before the pet arrives in the house. Special attitude towards cats.

One of the food options is ready-made cat food. There are too many types of food in pet stores to avoid getting lost in them all. Not everyone has the time to study every package (if only it always brought results), but it’s even worse if the cat’s owner simply cheats, taking what’s cheapest.

In supermarkets there is a whole kaleidoscope cat food, especially specialized, “sophisticated” ones. This is not so much a special development as marketing ploy large corporations - expansion of the feed line. 99.9% of them are economy class.

What kinds of food are there, how to create an ideal cat menu from them and other exciting questions are below.

Types of Cat Foods

All animal feed prepared and packaged in factories can be divided into 4 types, quality varying in composition:

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic

Each one is worth talking about separately.

Economy class

In fact, the demand for them is huge. It is provided good publicity and cheapness.

Composition of economy feed- primarily cereals. As well as by-products and cellulose; The least amount of meat in them is no more than 5%. Preservatives are overpriced.

There are dyes, preservatives and thickeners that are prohibited for use in food products. Unfortunately, cat food is not such a product. There is no strict control over manufacturers by supervisory authorities. They exist only in some countries, but our market includes all goods that can be sold.

Examples of economy class feed: Darling, Felix, Cat Chow, Whiskas, Kitekat, All Cats, Our Mark, Vaska and others.

Premium class

Often the line between premium and economy quality is very thin. These foods have increased meat content: the minimum is 10%, but the maximum is unlikely to exceed 20%.

A large role is also assigned to cereals; due to the increase in meat, the component of offal will decrease.

As a result, we get more or less tolerable food. When choosing such a product, carefully read the label - it should describe the composition in detail.

Examples of premium feed: Happy Cat, ProPac, Pronature, Pro Plan, Animonda and others.

These foods also contain flavorings, dyes and preservatives.

Super premium class

Super premium food should not contain harmful substances, only grains, small quantities of offal and meat.

If meat is indicated on the label, there must be an explanation of this component.

Examples of super premium cat food: Leonardo, Blitz, Arden Grange, Iams, Bozita, 1st Choice, Eagle Pack and others.


This is a new generation of food designed specifically for small predators.

Included- high quality products that can be eaten even by humans. These foods do not contain plant proteins, GMO products, dyes or other harmful additives. The food is absolutely natural, the price is high.

Popular holistic brands: NOW Natural Holistic, GO Natural Holistic, 1st Choice Holistic, Farmina N&D, Grandorf and others.

Properly selected, balanced dry food is excellent nutrition for a cat throughout its life. Balanced feed is the content of all substances necessary for the animal.

Important nuances and rules for feeding cats

To provide energy, a cat needs animal protein . It is found in animal meat, poultry or fish. This component is the most important, so it should be present on the label with a note indicating what kind of meat was used in preparation.

No less important vitamins and minerals; cats really need them. First of all, these are vitamins of groups A, E, D, C, nicotinic, folic and phosphoric acids, taurine, ferrous sulfate and others.

Few words about power frequency animal. Sometimes the owners just make sure that the bowl is not empty. Sometimes you can’t do this: if the cat is neutered, this will lead to obesity in almost one hundred percent. Check the norm, they are indicated on the pack of food.

Concerning components, grains and animal fats are not essential for cats. The manufacturer adds them to increase the composition complex carbohydrates. Although some grains (rice, corn) may well be good food.

Important rule : the quality of food does not depend on its price. There is no relationship between quality and popularity, or quality and beautiful packaging.

If the owner decides change food to better quality, you shouldn’t do this in one sitting. This will cause the pet discomfort, least. Transferring to another food, even if the composition is similar, must be done gradually, starting with small doses.

It is impossible to feed economy class pads in the morning and super premium class pads in the evening. If you give one food, give it constantly.

When feeding dry specialized food in cats no need to change it, alternate, supplement, etc. For some reason, some owners believe that the cat gets tired of eating the same thing. This is a common misconception.

How to read packaging

When you take a package of food from the shelf, do not read everything that is written on it. front side(except for the title), go straight to the back.

Marketing specialists work on the front part of the packaging; the inscriptions on the back are the responsibility of the company’s laboratory. They are the ones who determine the exact composition, indicating it in grams or percentages. By the way, the same rule is quite suitable for food products for people. Labels like “No GMOs” are pure advertising.

    • The first component worth discussing is offal. For the common man, this word is associated with something natural, but what exactly?

By-products are meat waste. And it can be anything. Bones, skin, feathers, hooves, beaks and the like. Only the cat knows what the manufacturer meant by this word, so food with a high content of animal protein of unknown quality cannot be good.

    • Second component - meat. It should be contained in dry food, preferably making up the largest part of it.

We all know that in dry food the ingredients that contain water dry out. If the meat in the composition is not indicated as “dehydrated”, remember: when dried, its percentage component decreased by 4 times.

    • Another mysterious component - meat product flour. Essentially, these are the same offal, ground into flour.
    • Vitamins and minerals . Many manufacturers don’t bother to write anything more than these words.

All vitamins and minerals must be specified. You will definitely come across taurine as an important component separated by a comma. This amino acid is familiar to all cat breeders.

  • Some foods contain lactobacilli- An excellent component that helps digestion. Often the name is indicated in Latin.
  • Sugar and caramel– another component of feed. It is usually found in economy class. Sugar is needed to cause appetite and some addiction to the product; it is very harmful for cats.

According to the norms of our legislation, the composition on the label should always begin with the ingredient that has the most percentage, and end with the one that has the least. Another question is whether these rules are followed? In any case, you can notice the catch.

10 foods that inspire confidence

It is represented by a line of three dry food of the holistic type: grain, grain-free, food for food allergies. Let's consider a grain product.

Manufacturer: Canada.

Included: chicken, turkey, duck, salmon, trout, chicken fat, peas, potatoes, eggs, pumpkin and other products. Contains lactobacilli, fish oil.

Price: 1300 rubles for 1.82 kg.

A series of dry food consisting of 6 items, 2 of which contain probiotic bacteria.

Indoor is one of them. This is a hypoallergenic product for cats from 1 year of age.

Manufacturer: Belgium.

Included: turkey, duck, rabbit, brown rice, lamb, turkey fat, flax seed, arctic krill and other products.

Price: 350 rubles for 400 g. and 1350 rubles for a 2 kg package.

Another series of dry cat food from PetCurean. There are a total of 4 items in the line.

Manufacturer: Canada.

Included: trout fillet, salmon fillet, herring fillet, peas, potatoes, chicken eggs, tomatoes, flax-seed, duck, apples, carrots, pumpkin and other products. Contains lactobacilli.

Price: 1450 rubles per package of 1.82 kg.

This is a gelled food, although this manufacturer has many types of dry food, for example the Cimiao series.

Wet food is a complete diet for a cat; it should not be mixed with dry food. The company produces 3 types of food: economy, premium and super-premium.

Manufacturer: Italy.

Included: chicken meat and offal, cereals, chicken eggs, minerals, glucose syrup 0.025%. The syrup serves as a preservative for canning.

Price: 95 rubles per 0.405 grams.

Delicious chicken and ham food for adult cats. This food is from the wet category. The manufacturer also has excellent dry food.

Manufacturer: Germany.

Included: chicken fillet, broth, ham.

Price: 101 rubles per package of 85 grams.

Holistic food in this series is of fairly high quality.

The manufacturer produces dry and wet food. The food is designed for adult cats.

Manufacturer: Italy.

Included: Meat and offal (of which 14% is chicken), wheat, barley, vegetable protein and other products.

Price: 1010 rubles per 2 kg package.

Another holistic food with a good recipe.

The manufacturer produces several types of grain and grain-free products, as well as specialized feeds For dietary nutrition. Let's look at this food as an example.

Manufacturer: Canada.

Included: chicken meal, whole brown rice, whole barley, chicken fat, chicken meat, whole millet, wild salmon, flaxseed meal, dry egg powder and other products.

Price: 3260 rubles per package of 4.5 kg.

Of course, these are not all the foods that are worth talking about, but it is on such examples that you can base your final choice. Remember: the manufacturer may change the composition of the product over time.

When deciding on food, be guided by only one thing: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Rating of cat food - there are many ratings of food for cats, dogs and other pets. It is interesting that the positions of the same food in different ratings can differ very significantly. There are at least 100 explanations for this: after all, the market for food for domestic cats and dogs is a very important commercial niche: it has its own wars for buyers, its own paid ratings and reviews, sponsorships of veterinary clinics and clubs. You should not focus ONLY on ratings, as well as on brand awareness. Not always behind a big name, you will find a good composition and balance of food. Read how to choose the right dry food for cats.

Any rating of cat food usually has a commercial background. Online stores make their ratings based on their product range and sales plans. Veterinary clinics They are also not always disinterested in compiling such ratings. Breeders and clubs often become attached to one brand and don’t even want to hear about other foods, although it happens that their choice is also not the best. Cat owners are guided by their own experience, which is different for everyone, because cats are all different. Someone “sits” on Whiskas for 15 years and everything is fine with him, but there are such cats, they are allergic to everything and generally have serious digestive problems, although they are fed only the very best food. We have prepared 4 separate ratings of cat food of different classes: super-premium, premium, holistic and grain-free, as well as wet food. Naturally, no one rating can include all the good foods at once; in fact, there are much more excellent foods than in our ratings. We took those that can be bought everywhere or almost everywhere (different regions of Russia) in city stores or online stores. If you feed your pet another food that is not on our list, just read its composition and you will understand for yourself how good or bad it is. Holistic foods are not suitable for all cats, and they also have a high price, so they are included in a separate rating. Sometimes there is a significant difference between super-premium and premium food, and sometimes there is almost no difference. Pay attention to the meat content in %, the absence of dyes, preservatives and large amounts of grains. We wrote more about this.

Cat food rating 2019 according to:

Why did we choose these particular cat foods for our rating?

Our cat food ratings are based on our love for pets and their owners. Expensive food is not always the best, but the stingy always pays twice. We choose the golden mean. Holistic food, although considered the best at the moment, is not suitable for all cats, since it usually contains a high percentage of protein and fat. Strictly speaking, most holistic foods are suitable for young, active and healthy animals. Older animals with problems usually do not like this kind of food. Grain-free food - can also be called best choice, but there are very few such feeds on the market and the prices are usually high. Therefore, it would be a mistake to recommend them exclusively.

The foods are listed in order from best to least best, but we also tried to take into account the price factor. Good, but very expensive or hard-to-find food, despite its composition, may be at the bottom of the rating. All these foods will benefit your pet and will not cause harm. However, do not forget that everything is very individual. Please also note that the composition of different types of feed from one manufacturer sometimes differ significantly from each other. These are not empty words, sometimes the percentage of meat in one line of food, but with different tastes, differs by 2 or more times! Read the ingredients carefully! In addition, one brand may offer several lines of food at once, so when reading our rating of cat food, do not forget to read the composition.

Addition from the editor. Our cat food rating was published in April 2015, and it must be said that a lot has changed since then. We are updating all our ratings and will closely monitor manufacturers, since during 2015 a number of brands have changed their composition and, accordingly, their quality. In addition, the economic crisis, exchange rate and problems with imports have caused extremely irregular supplies of some types of feed that we recommended. Prices have changed, and in some places prices have remained the same, but the volume of packages has changed. In general, everything changes, but we try to track these changes and take them into account in our ratings.

  1. In most ratings, it is completely unnecessary for the Canadian Gina brand food to be absent. There are lines for cats: Gina, Gina Denmark (made in Denmark), Gina Elite, canned food (Thailand). Gina and Gina Elite are produced at a small Canadian plant and packaged in Russia. Numerous reviews from owners are mostly positive. The composition of the feed (in our opinion) is close to ideal. The price is very reasonable. Convenient packaging: 400g/1kg/3kg/8kg/18kg. Of all the lines, Gina Elite (holistic) looks especially good, and they also have a grain-free food option (in green packages with the inscription - Cat Active Grain Free)! Full information on the official website - gina.ru. Where to buy: on the official Russian website, in local pet stores, online pet stores.
  2. Italian brand. We strongly recommend it, but the price is not for everyone. What should you pay attention to? The brand has several lines, and it’s easy for a beginner to get confused. There may not be much of a difference, but the percentage of meat may vary anywhere from 40% to 75%. Read the ingredients and choose what suits you.
  3. - Canadian brand of cat food. Pleases with its composition and availability, since it is available in the vast majority of pet stores. Reviews are good. The price is moderate. Cheaper than 1st CHOICE, but also a very good Canadian food - Pronature in light green packages. Everything is fine with the composition, quality and price. You can buy online: for example, and in good pet stores in your city. There is more - but this is food in a completely different price category, of very high quality, which can not be bought everywhere.
  4. Breeders and nurseries highly praise Farmina brand food. It is best to look for various information about these foods on the official website, and you can buy ./ACANA - excellent foods made from high-quality ingredients. Some of the best on the world market. Orijen has a high protein content, which is not suitable for all cats. ACANA is a perfectly balanced food that meets all the highest requirements, but it is not suitable for all cats. Orijen - can be purchased. Many of our food brands, as well as foreign ones, have their own lines. Explore, try and find exactly what suits your furry pet. for adult cats with salmon, 100 gram package - price 55 rubles, contains “fish and fish products (salmon 4%), cereals, milk and dairy products, herbs (0.5%), minerals, inulin (0.1 %)".
  5. Of the very inexpensive, wet food contains: meat and its processed products (26%). The price on Ozone is one of the lowest in Russia - 14.5 per 100 grams.
  6. Our domestic ones from the series look not bad at all compared to all the wet canned cat food. Jars of 100 and 250 grams, prices on Ozone are 37 and 60 rubles, respectively. : beef (at least 75%), tripe, heart, liver, taurine, vegetable oil. As you can see, there is nothing superfluous, and the price is moderate.
  7. And also our domestic food - Organix. Great composition at a great price. You can’t buy it in regular pet stores everywhere, but...
  8. Advice - read the ingredients of the food carefully so as not to pay for just beautiful packaging. Your pet can eat food with great pleasure that contains almost no meat; it’s all about the large number of flavoring additives that attract them so much. What you pay for and which manufacturer is up to you.
  9. What is holistic (cat food)?

  • Only natural ingredients. No chemicals or artificial flavors. No antibiotics, hormones, pesticides or dyes.
  • Used in production whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Quality meat products. All ingredients can be used for human food. No ground horns or hooves.
  • Ingredients selected for the recipe are intended to benefit the animals.
  • This food contains many vitamins and minerals in highly digestible forms.