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Profession veterinarian. Description of the work of a veterinarian. Disadvantages of being a veterinarian

At first glance, the answer to the question “what does a veterinarian do?” obvious: he heals animals. However, the areas of activity of such specialists differ quite greatly. One thing: working in specialized clinic or a pharmacy, another is the fight against diseases that are common to both animals and humans.

This is an entire veterinary service that carries out sanitary control not only of livestock products, but also of the condition of various mechanisms and units used in the “service” of the animals themselves, as well as equipment used in various retail outlets.

So the veterinarian’s profession is not limited to the actual treatment of our little brothers - such workers are also involved in preventing the occurrence and spread of diseases in people.

Places of work

The position of a veterinarian is provided for in many organizations related to working with animals and livestock products:

  • veterinary clinics and pharmacies;
  • farms and state farms;
  • circuses and zoos;
  • shops, markets and other institutions.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the service in state supervisory authorities (sanitary and epidemiological stations, etc.).

History of the profession

It is quite difficult to determine exactly when a person began to treat animals - perhaps almost immediately when he began to domesticate and benefit from them. The first written evidence of such an occupation has been preserved from Ancient Egypt— they are more than 3000 years old.

IN Ancient Rus' there were also special healers for horses, as mentioned in birch bark documents. The first veterinarians from higher education began to be prepared in Russia in 1808, when a special veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy.

Responsibilities of a veterinarian

Here's what a veterinarian's primary responsibilities might look like:

  • treatment of animals in a clinic or at home;
  • collection and transportation of materials for analysis;
  • preventive measures (vaccination, sterilization, castration, haircut, teeth cleaning, microchipping, etc.);
  • reception, demonstration and assistance in choosing goods;
  • filling out documentation.

Requirements for a veterinarian

The standard requirements for a veterinarian look like this:

  • higher specialized education;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • knowledge veterinary drugs and vaccines, as well therapeutic diets manufacturers of specialized feeds;
  • computer skills.

Veterinarian resume sample

How to become a veterinarian

You can become a veterinarian by graduating from a specialized educational institution. In this case, it is worth paying attention to two points.

Firstly, as a rule, veterinarians are trained to work with farm, “useful” animals. But in order to treat domestic animals, you often have to complete some additional courses.

Secondly, in last years There is an active diversification of specializations: among veterinarians there are not only “general specialists”, but also surgeons, traumatologists, ophthalmologists, etc. And it is advisable to choose this or another veterinary specialty at the very beginning of your training.

And, of course, in addition to love, animals must also have a certain inclination towards biology, chemistry and related disciplines.

Veterinarian salary

How much a veterinarian receives depends significantly on the region, on the profile of the institution, and on whether it is public or private. In the capital, of course, the income of specialists is higher. A veterinarian's salary ranges from 25,000 to 150,000 rubles per month.

Average wage veterinarian is approximately 33,000 rubles per month.

Hello, dear readers! The “Projects” section continues to introduce different professions. We already know about it. And next up is a story for children about Aibolit, a doctor for animals. In this material we will collect everything that would help to correctly explain to a child who a veterinarian is and what he does.

Lesson plan:

What can a veterinarian do?

Like a children's doctor, a veterinarian sees patients who cannot clearly say what hurts them. He has special patients - with tails and fangs, they are capricious and even bite during the examination. They don't really like to be touched, probed, or have all sorts of procedures done to them. Can you guess what kind of patients this doctor has? Yes, a veterinarian treats animals.

The job of a veterinarian is to diagnose our little brothers, provide them with assistance and prescribe proper treatment. All this is done in order to return the pets healthy to their happy owners.

An experienced veterinarian knows how to treat all kinds of animals - from a hamster to a hippopotamus, from bees to fish, so he must know a lot and study a lot.

On a note! To become a certified veterinarian in America, you need to study for six years. Higher Russian veterinary education lasts a year less. But to become a veterinary assistant, you can simply graduate from technical school.

Is everyone capable of treating animals?

Every veterinarian is a “living encyclopedia” with a lot of information.

  1. Firstly, he needs medical education in veterinary medicine and a good knowledge of animal anatomy, as well as biological chemistry.
  2. Secondly, he must know Latin “excellently”, which is what pharmacology “speaks”, and be aware of all modern medicinal innovations.
  3. Thirdly, he needs to master the skills of carrying out various procedures, from simple vaccinations to difficult operations, from the ability to deliver a child to the ability to euthanize a sick person. incurable disease animal.

The veterinary profession is associated not only with professional qualities. Such a doctor must have restraint and patience, since it is sometimes quite difficult to cope with intractable patients. Veterinary Doctor must be brave and decisive, not faint from the sight of blood and take action in time urgent measures. But the main trait of any veterinarian is kindness and boundless love for animals.

It would seem if you have everything necessary qualities, you love animals and are ready to rush to their aid; rather, after school, rush to educational institution, where there is a specialty in veterinary medicine. But there is one catch: if you are allergic to “animals,” you will most likely have to give up your dream. And if your health is fine, you are welcome to work.

Where do Aibolit work?

A veterinarian can get a job in veterinary clinic, private or public. But this is not the only place where this profession is in demand. Veterinarians treat animals in zoos and circuses. They can be seen in poultry farms and animal nurseries.

Veterinarians check the quality of products produced by domestic animals on farms and meat and dairy plants, at food markets and in research laboratories of institutes.

Veterinary specialists are needed for public service in agricultural supervision and disease control stations, in the police and customs service, where dogs, horses, and birds work. Veterinarians include surgeons, ophthalmologists, surgeons and orthopedists.

Who is a veterinarian?

Is the doctor a loser?

Or maybe he read

Not that kind of problem book?

No, friends, he is “Aibolit”,

Treats younger brothers

Whether it's a mouse or a crocodile

It will help and heal!

The most famous veterinarian

Naturally, the most famous veterinarian is Dr. Aibolit. But he is a fictional character. What about real people? Is there a world-famous animal doctor among them?

I hasten to please. Eat! The name of the most famous veterinarian is James Herriot.

He was born in England in 1916 into an ordinary family. His dad worked as a conductor of a small orchestra.

When James grew up and graduated from high school, he went to veterinary college. And then he got a job in his specialty, treating animals. He lived like everyone else, married a girl named Joan. They had children - a boy and a girl.

But how did he become famous? And this happened when the doctor was already 50 years old. He started writing books, it was his long-time dream. At first, James tried to write stories on a football theme, but it turned out poorly. And then he decided to write about what he knows best. About veterinary medicine and animals.

His most famous books:

  • "If Only They Could Talk"
  • “About all creatures - great and small” (there was even a film based on this book)
  • "Cat Stories"
  • "Dog Stories"
  • "Everything is alive"

Today, a museum is opened in the writer’s house, which is visited by fans of his talent.

Are you ready to devote your life to veterinary medicine? I'd be glad to hear your opinion.

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Goodbye everyone!

Profession veterinarianrefers to a type of activity related to the treatment of animals. This concept was first used in 1646, but people involved in treating diseases in domestic animals appeared much earlier.

In agriculture, representatives of this profession carry out sanitary control of milk, meat and other products of animal origin. The profession of a veterinarian is in great demand, since agriculture plays an important role in industrial activity. Therefore, it is very important to have a specialist who monitors the health of animals.

You can study to become a veterinarian at veterinary academies or agricultural institutes. As for personal qualities, the profession of a veterinarian requires from a person boundless love for animals, courage, ability to quickly make decisions in non-standard situations. In addition, it will not be superfluous physical strength, since sometimes some animals need to be held tightly during some procedures.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the prospects of this profession. As a rule, many students, while still in their senior years, get jobs as orderlies or assistants at veterinary stations and clinics. This helps to gain experience that can be useful when applying for a job after graduation. The pinnacle of a veterinarian's career is the position of chief physician of the clinic. However, many representatives of this profession, after gaining sufficient experience open their own private clinics, which require separate efforts to find clients.

The peculiarity of working with animals is that the patients themselves cannot change doctors at their own discretion or complain about the service to the clinic management. It is also worth noting that the rights of such patients are not protected by law and the Hippocratic Oath. The main quality of any veterinarian should be compliance with ethical standards.

Veterinarians can provide consultations not only in the clinic, but also on call. Also, the responsibilities of representatives of this profession include conducting medical card animal. Every veterinarian must be able to accurately diagnose, prescribe necessary treatment and spend everything necessary procedures. Veterinarians may take various tests and even conduct laboratory research. Representatives of this profession are required to be able to vaccinate and conduct eradication operations. reproductive functions, perform procedures to terminate the life of an animal, possess obstetric skills, and also monitor the recovery period of the animal after treatment.

Veterinarians can be found in private and public clinics , at animal shows, zoos, circuses, as well as at agricultural enterprises.

Finally, it is worth noting that the veterinarian profession plays an important role in society. Representatives of this profession are responsible for the quality of milk and meat that we see on store shelves every day. In addition, many of us have animals that may need help at any time. veterinary care. More Veterinarians very often collaborate with dog handlers, animal engineers, fish farmers and livestock breeders.

History of the veterinarian profession

Since ancient times, man has learned to tame various animals. Then livestock began to appear in wealthy communities and families.

Accordingly, the more domestic and tamed animals became, the more often these animals could get sick. This is how the first veterinarians appeared - healers and talented observers of wildlife.

The role of this profession grew every year. Indeed, in addition to dogs and cats, horses and pack animals received strategic importance. Without them, the army and caravans would not exist. Veterinarians accompanied their charges everywhere.

Veterinary schools began to open in the Middle Ages. Most often based on already existing medical institutions. In Russia, veterinary science was given an impetus by Peter I, when he brought very talented specialists from abroad.

Characteristics of the veterinarian profession

The main task of a veterinarian is the treatment of animals, which includes procedures such as vaccinations, insemination, sterilization, delivery, etc.

IN rural areas doctors of this specialization also exercise control over the use of harmful chemical substances, which can get into the feed of domestic animals and thereby serve as a source of pollution final product nutrition, as well as quality control of meat, poultry, eggs, milk, etc.

Nowadays there is a veterinary office in almost every locality. And in cities there may even be several of them.

There are public and private veterinary clinics. The latter, unfortunately, are increasingly determined to delay the treatment process for the sake of selfish interests. Therefore, before contacting a veterinarian, you should definitely find out reviews about a specific clinic or doctor.

Features of the veterinarian profession

The profession of a veterinarian is built primarily on endless love for our little brothers, altruism and endurance.

Without this, you will not be able to calmly and efficiently perform a gastric lavage on a hippopotamus or mend a torn stray dogs cat

There is no place for sentimentality here: you need nerves of steel, resistance to stress, and often a willingness to make quick decisions in extreme situations using physical strength.

Good veterinarian does not have the right to treat only fluffy cats and cute hamsters in a clean and warm office. He must be prepared for any, even the most unpleasant and dangerous procedures.

And above all, to be a good psychologist - after all, animals do not know how to talk, you will have to explain things to nervous, upset owners, whose reaction to the treatment and surgery of their beloved pet can be the most unpredictable.

Also veterinarian must have self-presentation skills. After all, like any other service industry specialist, it is important to please and convince the client of your reliability and competence. And you can’t do without a presentation here.

During their studies, future veterinarians study many disciplines. And reports and oral presentations will be an integral part of the training. Therefore, it is worth preparing for this in advance. But in secondary and higher educational institutions writing essays is not practiced, unlike in schools.

Where to become a veterinarian

A veterinarian's diploma can be obtained by graduating from a secondary specialized institution. For example, admission to the Kolomna Agrarian College for the budget department is made on the basis of 9 classes high school. The applicant must undergo an interview. Duration of training – 3 years and 10 months. Specialty: veterinary medicine. And at the All-Russian Agrarian College of Correspondence Education, located in Sergiev Posad, education can be obtained by correspondence. There is also the Volokolamsk Agrarian College “Kholmogorka”.

One of the most prestigious higher educational institutions is the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after Scriabin. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has fifteen departments - various special areas, such as, for example, “Diagnostics of diseases and therapy of animals” or the department “ General pathology" Having entered the veterinary faculty, a student can subsequently choose the most suitable direction and specialization for himself.
Another equally respected higher education institution is the Russian State Agrarian University named after Timiryazev. The Faculty of Animal Engineering has ten different departments.

Required disciplines

You must be prepared for an in-depth course in many different disciplines that are extremely important for further work. When choosing a specialty, you need to take into account the fact that during practical work you will visit the anatomical theater, where you will have to learn how to use a scalpel. Ready? Then let's move on.
The training of veterinary students consists of several cycles. Social, economic and humanitarian disciplines are required. Latin language– basic discipline.

The veterinary discipline itself includes:

  • physics,
  • chemistry,
  • computer science,
  • biology,
  • virology,
  • pharmacology,
  • immunology
  • and many many others.

A veterinary student will have to acquire a huge amount of knowledge and perform a certain amount of laboratory and practical work. After the third year of study, the student must decide on the choice of his narrow specialization for further in-depth study.

Advantages of being a veterinarian:

  • a wide circle of acquaintances, gratitude from both animals and their owners;
  • flexible work schedule (for private veterinarians);
  • a fairly high income if you build up your client base and open own office;
  • stability - the profession will always be needed until animals become extinct.

Disadvantages of being a veterinarian:

Some certified veterinarians get jobs as researchers in scientific laboratories for the development of vaccines, genetic modifications, etc.

Whatever direction is chosen, in any case, this is one of the most noble and ethical professions in the world.

Profession veterinarian - salary

Good specialist earns money worthy of his work. Working not only in the clinic, but also on call, significantly increases the amount of earnings.

In private clinics, the salary of an ordinary veterinarian ranges from $600 to $800. The salary of a highly qualified specialist is from $1,500.

For a house call, the fee ranges from $20 to $50.

The average income of employees in the veterinary control service is $350 – $800.

Salaries in non-state clinics depend on the number of visitors.

An appropriate professional reputation is an opportunity for decent income.

This article will also help you prepare an essay, report or presentation about the profession.

A veterinarian is a special medical specialty that involves medicine not for humans, but for animals (veterinary medicine). The same applies to agriculture. A veterinarian studies many more disciplines than medical doctor. The list of animals that are required to study their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, etc. includes: horse, large and small cattle, pig, dog, cat, rabbit, mouse, Domestic bird, camel, etc. In addition to general disciplines, a veterinarian also knows private ones - private physiology(for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (leather, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.).

Veterinarian (Veterinarian, Paramedic) - specialist with higher or secondary special education, engaged in the treatment of animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.


Treatment and prevention of animal diseases,

Carrying out various medical and cosmetic procedures, including operations, veterinary and sanitary control during the production and sale of livestock products.

The main task of a veterinarian is the treatment and prevention of animal diseases, vaccinations, vaccinations. A veterinarian can also examine food products and confirm their suitability for consumption and sale. The veterinarian has irregular working hours; at any time of the day he has to go to a sick animal that needs help and cannot be transported.

The list of animals that must be studied by a veterinarian includes horses, large and small cattle, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, poultry, camels, etc. Veterinarians study their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and microbiology. In addition to general disciplines, a veterinarian must know private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (skin, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.)

Work can be carried out in a specially equipped room (clinic, laboratory), at home or outdoors. During the work process, medical instruments are usually used, medications, chemical reagents.

Personal qualities

Developed observation skills, memory, logical thinking, patience and a friendly attitude towards animals. The attending and operating veterinarian must have strong and dexterous hands to restrain animals and perform procedures.

For veterinary supervision doctors, the main professionally important qualities are: persistence and consistency in demonstrating professional requirements, responsibility and integrity in the performance of official duty, since as a result of non-compliance sanitary requirements Consumers of low-quality products may suffer.

Required qualities:

Absolute and boundless love for animals

Ability to make quick decisions in non-standard situations


Physical strength and endurance

Medical restrictions

Allergies to animals and medications, physical disabilities that interfere with examinations and procedures.

Qualification requirements

A veterinarian must have a higher specialized education. A veterinarian must have such qualities as honesty, responsibility, determination, attentiveness, accuracy, patience, physical endurance, kindness and, of course, an unlimited love for animals.

Veterinarians work:

In veterinary clinics;

At veterinary stations;

In the markets;

In zoos;

At agricultural enterprises.

Veterinarian salaries are generally not very high and there are few career prospects. Most likely, you will have to start as an assistant veterinarian, then, after a couple of years, with the acquisition of work experience, you will become an independent veterinarian. A veterinarian can conduct a private practice, but here the income will be unstable and will depend on the number of patients, work experience, type and complexity of the problem.