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Treatment with oil and vodka. Vodka with oil for incurable diseases

Many cancer patients who have lost hope of recovery have a chance to recover from a fatal disease using the Shevchenko method.

This cancer treatment method is based on folk recipes, known for many decades. Our ancestors also used them for treatment. various diseases, but new discoveries in the field of medicine have eclipsed the ancient effective recipes of alternative medicine. Modern people trust chemicals more than medications plant based. However, every patient must remember that chemical medications negatively affect the entire body as a whole, although they treat serious diseases. The situation is completely different with traditional medicines, which do not cause intoxication of the body and have fewer contraindications. They cannot greatly harm the patient's health, so the benefit outweighs the risk. Such a favorable ratio makes cancer patients think about introducing a new technique into treatment. Among all the methods of treating oncological diseases, Shevchenko’s method for treating cancer is the safest, moreover, it has a rejuvenating, restorative and cleansing effect on the entire body of the patient.

Description of the Shevchenko method

The essence of this cancer treatment method is to drink 80 ml of a specially prepared mixture of unrefined sunflower oil and vodka. To prepare the medicine, you need to take unrefined sunflower oil and 40 percent alcohol in equal quantities (1:1), and then mix everything. The prepared mixture should be taken three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals at regular intervals. Experts in this field advise not to eat anything two hours before taking medication, and even abstain from water an hour before taking medication. Such measures are necessary for better absorption of the mixture. If you really want to eat or drink, chew something or rinse your mouth with water, and then spit out the entire contents without swallowing it. The course of treatment consists of ten days, after which it is necessary to take a 5-day break. After the third course of treatment, you need to take a long break - about 2-3 weeks. At this stage, the first cycle of treatment with the Shevchenko method ends. For complete cure for cancer, it is necessary to conduct several such courses over two to three years until the patient gets better.

Results of cancer treatment using the Shevchenko method

Oncologists and special tests will help you find out about your health status after treatment with the Shevchenko method. Be examined during a 2-week rest from the medicinal mixture to evaluate the effectiveness and results of treatment. will refer the patient for tomography, x-rays and other examinations, as well as a detailed blood test. Remember to weigh yourself as people with cancer lose weight quickly. According to statistics, at first alternative treatment the person loses weight, but after a few cycles he feels better. There are cases where patients completely defeated stage 4 cancer, when the tumor metastasized to other organs. Thus, the Shevchenko method fights cancer at all stages, although the first stages are treated much faster.

Interaction of the Shevchenko method with other anticancer techniques

The main rule of the Shevchenko method is not to use it with other techniques that are used to treat cancer. It is not recommended to take other medications during rest, for example, balms, vitamins and minerals, various supplements or immunostimulants. Allow the body to rest from treatment and prepare for the next stage of the chosen method.

Adverse reactions

IN in rare cases During cancer treatment using the Shevchenko method, side effects may appear, but treatment must be continued. Unpleasant symptoms temporary and pass quickly, so it is not recommended to reduce the dose or cancel the method.

After a couple of days, pain may appear in the areas of the disease or in other places, for example, in the bones or at the site of adhesions, in the suture area. After some time it will pass or become tolerable, so you should not refuse treatment after the occurrence of such a symptom. You need to be prepared that bleeding from wounds is possible in the first six months of treatment. Bleeding occurs as a result of tumor disintegration. In this case, you need to use a hemostatic medicine and continue treatment without reducing the dose. Adverse reactions also include loose stools, red urine, weakness, poor appetite and shortness of breath.


Specialists who use the Shevchenko method for the treatment of cancer do not recommend smoking during treatment. Smoking not only negatively affects the entire body, but also interferes with the action of the medicine. In addition, you should not drink alcohol, because a small dose of alcohol is contained in the prepared medicinal mixture. In addition, cancer patients should not indulge in alcoholic beverages. During cancer treatment, you need to give up sweets, dairy and fermented milk. However, you cannot completely refuse food, otherwise nausea and vomiting will begin. People diagnosed with cancer should avoid eating sweets, as sugar feeds cancer cells and encourages their growth. You also need to give up all juices except tomato juice. An excess of vitamins can harm the patient’s body and cause irreparable consequences. The medicine does not taste pleasant, but it should not be salted. Before taking a single dose, take deep breath and swallow the required amount of the mixture at one time. Store the prepared mixture of oil and vodka in a dark place, and do not allow children to consume it. Although there are no age limits for the Shevchenko method, the difference is only in the doses.

Why is this treatment method universal?
Unraveling the Mystery of Uncontrollable Cancer Growth

Can a single, universal medicine be created for successful treatment at least most of all types of malignant tumors?
Given the existence of a single growth mechanism common to all of them, this is quite possible.
Does he recognize modern science Is there such a mechanism in nature?

Doctor of Biological Sciences A. N. Luchnik (Institute of Biology RAS) in his recently published articles states and proves: yes, such a mechanism exists in all malignant tumors, and describes in detail the essence of it destructive action. Briefly it looks like this.
The universal self-accelerating engine of cancer growth is surprisingly simple.
It is known: the simpler a device is, the more difficult it is to break. It is especially difficult to stop the engine, connected to the driver (sick body) into one whole.

How will such a centaur driver repair the malfunctioning engine located inside him? Will he pour into himself sulfuric acid instead of oil and fuel? Will he begin to cut off and throw away failed components and parts without replacement?

For a reasonable person, the answer is obvious. Our body does not “repair” its damaged organs and systems with such abuse. The uncontrollability and invulnerability of cancer is explained by the fact that it has adapted the body’s healthy desire to “fix itself” as quickly as possible to serve its own selfish interests.

The mechanism of cancer growth is triggered... by the organism itself, immediately after the degeneration of a certain amount of it normal cells into cancer (scientifically the latter is called “malignancy”). And this mechanism does not depend on the reasons that caused the malignancy of the cells, and is universal for any malignant tumor.

The main reason for the appearance of a cancerous tumor is a malfunction of the body’s genetic defense against malignant (“wrong”) cells.
If some important genes are “weakened” and allow the emergence of a cancerous tumor, then nothing else in the body will stop its growth without treatment. The only difference can be in the timing of the tragic ending.

As was figuratively said above, the patient’s body does not at all strive to kill the cancerous tumor. On the contrary, he helps her in every possible way to grow and divide as quickly as possible: he feeds her, gives her water, saturates her with oxygen... That is, he seems to be engaged in real self-destruction! From what?!
This is because the body perceives a growing tumor as an unhealed wound and tries to treat it as usual - by stimulating the growth of its cells. Scientists have long tried to figure out exactly how tumors force the body’s wound healing system to serve itself.

It has been proven that in any cancerous tumor some of the cells always die without any apparent reason, as if “by themselves.”
Normal cells can die from apoptosis (self-destruction programmed into their DNA) or from necrosis (death from external causes).
The modern theory of carcinogenesis (cancer growth) has revealed the inactivation of some genes in cancer.
The most important gene is p53 and the product of its work is the protein of the same name. It controls the above-mentioned apoptosis, cell cycle and division, and genome stability. If disturbances occur in p53, the cell will turn into cancer.
It is well established that in cancer cells the p53 gene does not work and apoptosis does not occur. They can be divided theoretically an infinite number of times.
If cells die not from apsptosis, but due to damage caused by circulatory disorders, poisons, cuts, blows, radiation, etc., then this is called necrosis.
Only during necrosis do cells release so-called “growth factors” into the environment - substances that force the body to sharply increase the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the site of their death and at the same time build up a network of new blood vessels there.

Doctor of Sciences A. N. Luchnik managed to find and convincingly substantiate the principle underlying cancer “self-care”. He formulated it this way:
“The general universal principle of genetic instability in any malignant tumors.
A cancer cell has heritable regions with one strand of DNA in one or more chromosomes (in leukemia, often throughout the entire genome) instead of the usual system of two strands of DNA molecules for a healthy cell. In each generation of such cells, random chromosome breaks occur with a frequency of approximately 1-30%.

If a cell with a broken chromosome divides, then its two daughter cells are highly likely to die through necrosis. If such dying cells constitute approximately 10% of the total number of tumor cells, then the body’s wound healing system begins to actively promote the accelerated growth and division of cancer cells.”
Therefore than more people poisoned cancerous tumors with various poisons, burned with radiation, cut with surgeons' knives and pierced during biopsies and punctures - the angrier these tumors become, the faster they grow and metastasize.

This is an extremely important conclusion!
The problem is also that the stronger the poisons that doctors treat the tumor with, the higher the likelihood of the patient dying from such treatment itself, and faster than from cancer. Remember the “centaur driver” from the beginning of this article?!
The excessive enthusiasm of scientists and physicians for inquisitorial methods has until now made it difficult to create a universal antitumor agent.

2. What is the “methodology of N.V. Shevchenko”. The mechanism of its anticancer action
N.V. Shevchenko’s method consists of long-term use of an emulsion mixture of unrefined sunflower oil and 40% ethyl alcohol according to the same rules for everyone, subject to certain restrictions in treatment with other therapeutic methods, nutrition and lifestyle.
This technique is used for the treatment and prevention of any malignant and benign tumors and leukemia, any other diseases (including those considered “incurable” by medicine), as well as for cleansing, general improvement, restoration and strengthening of the entire human body as a whole. That is, its action is universal.
To better understand the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of the method, we first consider what its anti-cancer effect is based on.

First of all, this effect is ensured by precisely that universal feature of malignant cells, which was discussed in detail in the previous chapter: the presence in some of their chromosomes of areas with one DNA strand instead of the system of two DNA strands twisted together, which is obligatory for all chromosomes of all normal cells.
And also by the fact that the main problem of any tumor cell is an acute deficiency of oxygen and energy, which is never observed on a similar scale in any other diseased cell.

Sunflower oil contains about 90% unsaturated fatty acids (UFA). Of these, 50-60% is represented by doubly unsaturated linoleic fatty acid (hereinafter referred to as LA), which belongs to the class of biologically active polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Do not be alarmed by the “acid” on the left: fats contain only bound residues of these acids, which have absolutely no acidic properties.

Unlike inactive saturated fatty acids (hereinafter referred to as FA), SFAs have the unique ability to capture and transport one or more (in PUFAs) oxygen molecules. For example, the mentioned LA can transport two O 2 molecules. Oxidation of EFAs always occurs in two stages, and not in one (as is typical for FAs). At the first stage of oxidation, NLCs always form a complex, easily decomposing compound with oxygen: hydroperoxides (HP). In this case, O2 attaches to the NLC molecule next to the double intercarbon chemical bond, to the carbon atom adjacent to it, and not to this bond itself, and “pulls” a hydrogen atom from this carbon atom onto itself. Strictly according to the Baz-Engler peroxide theory, proven a million times.

When HP EFAs, along with other nutrients, penetrate into the cells, the second, final stage of their oxidation begins. The peroxide compound [NLC]-O-OH breaks between the oxygen atoms, releasing one of them. The remaining part of the HP NLC is then gradually decomposed with the help of enzymes and oxidized to acetate molecules (this is what the residue is called acetic acid CH 3 COO").

Ethyl alcohol is oxidized in the liver in two stages, first turning into acetaldehyde [hereinafter (A)], and then into the same mentioned acetate.
EFA and alcohol molecules are extremely energy-rich nutrients, and HP NLCs are also sources of scarce oxygen. Therefore, they (and especially HP PUFA) large quantities are transported by the wound healing system to all cancer cells, without exception, wherever they are hidden in the body, and are absorbed by these cells with great pleasure. But in this case, the wound healing system of our body, usually used by the enemy, as it turns out later, turns against the villains themselves.

SFAs absorbed by cancer cells (mainly in the form of HP PUFAs) are further broken down most often by non-enzymatic peroxidation, which occurs in a free radical chain type. GP PUFA molecules break apart at the peroxide units and form charged fragments - the so-called free radicals. In scientific circles, “free radicals” are fragments of any molecules that have an electrical charge.

Free radicals are extremely active, and when they accumulate in large quantities in a cell, they organize chains of self-sustaining oxidation, which occurs without the participation of enzymes and often causes harm to cells. Particularly successful in organizing and “inciting” work on the creation and development of such chains, oddly enough, is none other than the seemingly so necessary, desirable, “kind and affectionate”... oxygen (especially its molecule O 2, which has electrical properties of a double free radical!)

Free radicals actively interact with any organic compounds and decompose them. If there is an excess inside the cell free radicals begin to intensify extremely chain reactions free radical peroxidation (SPO). SPO reactions can easily spread to important cellular structures: membranes of the nucleus, mitochondria and the cell itself, to DNA strands, and damage them.

The more active chain reactions of PO occur in the cell, the more oxygen is involved in them and, as a consequence of this, the less oxygen reaches the respiratory enzymes, and the less energy is produced by these enzymes.
A feature of cancer cells is the most powerful SPO with a simultaneous acute lack of oxygen and energy in them.

Acetate molecules (formerly alcohol and EFA) swallowed by the cancer cell, together with whole EFA molecules and “fragments”-radicals of HP EFA, which have antioxidant (!) properties, block and repeatedly reduce the activity of many enzymes at the most important energy “stations” of cancer cells: in the cytochrome respiratory chain of mitochondria and in the processes of glycolysis.

But glycolysis (the breakdown of carbohydrates under the action of enzymes, which occurs during any lack of oxygen) gives cancer cells about half of the energy produced in them!
Due to the blocking of enzyme oxidation systems, tumor cells require that the body supply them with as much GP SFA as possible, and above all GP PUFA: after all, the latter are champions in containing easily extractable chemical energy.

Our loving body, as you and I already know, does not deny cancer cells anything and provides them with everything they want in abundance.
The most surprising thing is that in enemy cells, when they “eat” HP PUFA, energy hunger increases, because PUFA molecules are involved in SPO reactions and further disintegrate without the participation of enzymes, without generating energy for them.

This happens because the activity of oxidative enzymes in tumors is always reduced. After the rupture of peroxide bonds in the HP PUFA molecule, several free radicals are formed simultaneously. And while oxidative enzymes “wake up” in tumors, each radical site of the former PUFA GP molecule manages to be included in an already existing SPO chain or generate a new chain.

It turns out vicious circle self-accelerating SPO: the stronger the deficiency of oxygen and energy in a cell, the more it requires (and immediately receives) HP PUFA, and the higher the concentration of HP PUFA molecules in a cancer cell, the stronger the SPO processes and the more HP PUFA are involved in the SPO chains , leaving respiratory and other enzymes. Eventually, SPO intensifies beyond the limit and begins to “bite into” membranes and chromosomal DNA, tearing single-stranded sections of cancer cell DNA.

In areas of chromosomes that do not have a second (backup) copy of DNA, cancer cells cannot repair the damage and breaks in the single strand of DNA that occur due to SBT, which is why the chromosomes break in these places. Cells with several broken chromosomes will inevitably die.
What we needed: for the sick - for joy and healing, and for tumors - for shame and death.

For non-cancerous cells, the oxidation of SFA and HP SFA (including HP PUFA) in the presence of ethyl alcohol is completely safe and even very useful. Firstly, their “appetite” is many times smaller than that of cancer cells; secondly, they have completely different, safe ratios of redox reactions; thirdly, even if accidental damage to one of the two DNA strands suddenly occurs in their chromosomes, it will immediately be copied and restored by the “spare” second strand.

In non-cancerous cells, there are no single-stranded sections of DNA and there cannot be: otherwise, all living things would have died long ago, since the second copy of DNA in the chromosomes increases the reliability of the transmission of hereditary information by a hundred thousand to a million times. Such DNA copying and replication, by the way, is the basis of the method of identifying a person’s personality by a drop of his blood, a hair or a piece of bone.

Why polyunsaturated fats unrefined sunflower oil (mixed with vodka) are completely harmless to normal, non-tumor cells of our body and are extremely useful and necessary for them - more details will be given below.

The Shevchenko method is used to eradicate many “incurable” diseases. Cancer, sarcoma, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, nephritis, any ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, angina pectoris, arthritis, asthma, allergies.

Vodka with oil for incurable diseases! Few people know about the Shevchenko method

Nikolai Shevchenko warns that you should not stop treatment using this method, lie to the patient about his diagnosis and be treated with other traditional methods that may affect the result.

While taking the medicinal emulsion, you should avoid animal fats, eating oil (only possible as part of the emulsion), any sweets, and sweet fruits. Only in this case will the oil and vodka work!

Vodka with butter: how to prepare


  • 30 ml unrefined sunflower oil;
  • 30 ml 40% vodka;
  • container with a lid for shaking.

Preparation and reception

Pay attention to the quality of the oil and vodka that will be part of the medicinal mixture. The oil must be unrefined and fresh. Vodka strength - not lower than 40%.

Shake the vodka and oil for 5 minutes and drink as quickly as possible.

Take the mixture 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The mixture should be drunk for 10 days in a row, then take a 5-day break. And so on twice in a row. Drink the mixture for the third time for 10 days and be sure to take a break for 14 days. This is one course of treatment.

Under no circumstances should you change the above treatment schedule or drink more or less doses of the mixture than prescribed according to this method.

Reviews of Shevchenko’s “vodka with butter” method

This treatment method was well known some time ago and has helped many people. Recently, a friend of my mother, a doctor by profession, decided to take a similar course: she was diagnosed with “ multiple sclerosis" The woman's condition has improved!

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Variant of the “Nikolai Shevchenko method” dated February 3, 2012
Please note: the most up-to-date version of this method, dated September 11, 2018, is now on my new author's website
on this page here.

A mixture (more precisely, an emulsion) of sunflower oil and vodka
very different from vodka without oil,
and from butter without vodka - too.
She acts completely differently.

It is for this reason that in 1997 a patent for invention No. 2075313 was issued for this method of treatment in Russia according to my application No. 93054837/14 dated December 16, 1993.
This is confirmed by the accurate readings of police breathalyzers.– already an hour after taking a mixture of 30 ml of vodka with 30 ml of sunflower neraf. oil, the alcohol content in the exhaled air is ZERO.

For example, if you drink this emulsion strictly according to the proposed “basic” method, then usually within a few months, even inveterate alcoholics, the craving for drinking disappears. The most severe cases of all types of drug addiction, cancer, sarcoma, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, nephritis, any ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, angina pectoris, arthritis, asthma, allergies and many other diseases are also successfully treated.

This is “wine and vegetable oil (oil)” promised by God (Bible, prophet Joel, 2:19; Luke, 10:34; Revelation, 6:6).

This is a BALM, which, if all the rules of the method are followed, only makes you healthier.


1. Pour 30÷40 ml into a container (1 ml = 1 cubic cm; 1 ml [milliliter] of water weighs 1 gram) Not refined sunflower oil and 30÷40 ml of 40% vodka, close the container tightly with a lid, shake vigorously for 3÷5 minutes (if you can, 5 minutes is better) and drink everything as quickly as possible.

Sunflower oil must have a high content of linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acid - at least 55%, preferably more than 60%. To do this, the brand of oil that you want to use for treatment must be one of the brands that has already been tested (not very long ago) by precise control methods (see the results of precise laboratory experiments on the page of my new website “How to choose an oil”).

Under no circumstances should you use sunflower oil, which contains a predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids (the so-called “high oleic” oil, similar in composition to olive oil).

You can use “organic” (“BIO”) unrefined sunflower oil, but only “linoleic” oil (with a predominant content of linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acid).

It is better to start treatment with a dose of 30+30. Treatment of malignant tumors last stages(including with metastases) it is better to start immediately with the maximum dose: 40+40 ml.

You can beat the mixture with a mixer.

The fresher the oil by production date, the healthier it is, the less it has oxidized and the more useful substances remain in it.

Remember: a) At a strength below 38%, vodka (moonshine, alcohol) does not burn; b) A mixture of even 40% fake vodka with oil always separates immediately(this is due to the peculiarities of water preparation and purification of vodka, which are done only if the original production technology is observed). Also, a mixture of real 40% vodka with oil, which contains a lot of agitated sediment and other fats, always immediately separates.

Therefore, there is no need to shake and mix the sediment from the bottom of the bottle with the oil. The very presence of such sediment in a bottle of oil does not mean anything bad and is not prohibited. If the oil is “purified” less, then sediment settles out faster.

You can (for example, in case of insufficient therapeutic effect, or if you want to recover quickly) increase the dose to 35+35 or 40+40, from any dose of the mixture. And you can reduce the dose (without going beyond the limit of 30+30), also at one moment, and also whenever you want.

The larger the dose, the stronger the healing effect of the mixture, but at the same time it is more difficult to drink. The choice of a specific dose (ranging from 30+30 to 40+40) is a personal matter for everyone.

Plastic bottles for baby food with a volume of about 150 ml with divisions marked on the body every 5 ml are best suited for whipping the mixture. As a rule, these divisions are applied very accurately, but for reliability it is necessary to check them. The most the best remedy for testing - a disposable syringe (without a needle) with a volume of 10 ml or more, which must be poured into a jar with ordinary water for testing.

2. The mixture should be taken THREE times a day 15-30 (preferably 20) minutes BEFORE MEALS and, if possible, at regular intervals, but not earlier than five to six hours after the previous intake of the mixture.

For example, you can drink the mixture at 9, 14, 19 hours; or at 7, 15 and 23, or at other times of your choice.

Within 15÷30 minutes from taking the medicine to eating*, you cannot eat or drink anything (so that it is well absorbed). *(At this time, it is very useful to fervently pray to the Son of God Jesus Christ the Savior, so that He will help you in this treatment.)

Food should be washed down IMMEDIATELY, and not some time after it.

You need to eat three times a day, not 4, not 5, not 6. In other words, without any “snacks” between doses of the mixture. This is very important condition! It is possible to deviate from it only for those who have difficulty passing food into the esophagus and who do not have serious illnesses.

From the moment you wake up in the morning until the first dose of the mixture, you should not drink anything. Between doses of the mixture (that is, in the intervals from food and what you drink it with, to next appointment mixtures) you can drink non-nutritious liquids (water, weak tea), but you can’t drink nutritious liquids (soups, broths, compotes, juices, fruit drinks, jelly, etc.).

3. This mixture should be drunk for 10 (ten) days in a row, then a 5 (five) day break, and so on twice in a row. Drink the mixture for the third time for 10 days, and Necessarily take a break of 14 days (two weeks). This is one course (or cycle) of treatment. Next, you should repeat the same courses (cycles) one after another until complete healing, but not less than two (preferably three) years.

That is, The sequence of days of taking the medicine and days of breaks (treatment schedule) looks like this:
10(5), 10(5), 10(14); 10(5), 10(5), 10(14); ... - at least 20 years (the duration of breaks is indicated in brackets).

Under no circumstances should you change the above treatment schedule or drink more or less doses of the mixture than prescribed according to this method.

Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will be insufficient. This has been tested a great many times.

Don't shorten your breaks even by a day! Otherwise, the drug will gradually lose its potency due to the body and all sorts of microbes, tumor cells, etc. getting used to it.

During breaks therapeutic effect the mixture continues, albeit with less force.

4. You cannot measure medicine with spoons or “by eye”. You can buy a measuring cup at the pharmacy and pour it into the dose of oil and vodka you need.

But it is best to measure the components of the mixture mentioned plastic bottle: first pour vodka into it until the division you need, then oil, and shake the mixture in the same bottle.

Plus or minus one or two milliliters (ml) does not play a big role, But It’s better to pour the oil and vodka a couple of milliliters (ml) Why not add: after all, after taking the mixture in the container, 2-3 ml of medicine will definitely drain from the walls.

Do not measure the mixture glass bottle for baby food: error of divisions marked on glass, much larger than divisions by plastic container. The error can be from 5 to 10 ml for one dose of the mixture!

You can pour oil and vodka into a jar in advance (in one jar - only one single dose), take it with you to work, on the train, to the hospital, etc., and drink the mixture later, at the time you need. You can prepare several of these dose jars in advance for several days in advance.

5. The above “basic” technique is necessary for those who ever in your life a doctor has diagnosed a “malignant tumor”; for those who are currently diagnosed with any tumors, including non-cancerous ones: any “cysts”, “nodes”, adenomas, polyps, fibroids and all others; and to all other sick people for whom the light is not kind to them because of all kinds of serious ailments that torment them.

Simplified (preventive-therapeutic) versions of the technique

To everyone else Both sick and healthy people can drink the mixture (30 ml of oil + 30 ml of vodka) one once a day ( better evening); or, if you want, then two times a day: morning and evening.

The mixture should also be taken according to these variants of the method 15–30 minutes before meals and according to the same schedule as given in the main method.

There are no limits to drinking the mixture once a day: this way you can be treated for the rest of your life, for at least 1 day, as long as you wish.

But you should not drink this medicine two or three times a day for less than three courses (cycles), since only during this minimum time small cancerous tumors, the presence of which many are not aware of, are usually cured. But please note: Cancer can be reliably cured only by drinking the mixture three times a day!

The maximum period of treatment in these cases is not limited. The longer you drink the mixture, the better.

Moreover, according to the amount of medicinal properties of taking the mixture twice per day is much closer to three times a day than to a single dose.

How many times a day should those who do not have tumors or other serious illnesses drink the mixture? – three, two or one – everyone must decide for themselves MYSELF, based on your well-being, ability to work, profession, availability of funds, etc. And how long to drink it, and when to switch from one version of the technique to another, and when to start this treatment again - also MYSELF.

Positive properties therapeutic technique

It does not require individual “adjustment”, it suits everyone, is the same for everyone.

It has no identified contraindications.

Don't need a pause after all the other previous ones therapeutic methods, nor other preliminary preparation in the form of “cleansing”, gradual increase doses, etc. You can start treatment today!

The most serious diseases of all organs and tissues (including skin, bones, joints, etc.) are treated.

From the very first days of treatment, growth and metastasis (that is, spread throughout the body) of all types of malignant tumors usually stop, and their widespread resorption begins, like all other pathological neoplasms.

No matter how severe and prolonged the pain was before treatment, it gradually becomes easier, goes away faster and occurs less frequently.

Normalized or approaching normal: immunity; arterial and intraocular pressure; hearing and vision; temperature and body weight; female "menstrual" cycle; the ratio of all hormones, calcium metabolism and all other metabolic processes.

The same happens with all blood indicators: levels of sugar, hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets, ESR, cholesterol, bilirubin, “electrolytes”, viscosity (thickness), etc.

Any blood clots in all vessels dissolve.

Improves: nutrition, blood supply and function of all organs and all parts of the body, especially the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain, blood vessels ( but not in one day, but gradually).

The general condition of patients with all forms of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus and those who have ever suffered heart attacks and strokes (their risk of recurrence is greatly reduced).

Both glaucoma and cataracts are successfully treated, without any “eye” drops (they only interfere with this treatment!).

All bones are strengthened and restored. That is, the most advanced osteoporosis of any nature is treated.

Sand and small stones. Larger stones (of all types, from all organs) dissolve on the spot, without moving.

Undue bleeding stops.

All kinds of ulcers everywhere are quickly healed: stomach, duodenum, from nonspecific ulcerative colitis, trophic and all others.

Everything is cleansed, everywhere and in a way that is healthier for us. And without any “enemas” and other absolutely unnecessary “cleansings” of any kind during this treatment (for example, activated carbon and so on.)

Many types of poisoning (for example, alcoholic) are treated, the most severe intoxications of any nature are removed, and the urge to vomit stops.

Passes varicose veins any veins without ointments, bandaging and without surgery.

Please note: all of the above beneficial effects of this technique make “treatment” with surgery unnecessary in the vast majority of cases, even for the most severe ailments.

Children develop better physically and mentally, and get sick less often and more easily. Adults also get sick less often. In older people, the entire body is rejuvenated, and aging is greatly slowed down.

There are no age limits for treatment with this method: pregnant women (and therefore their fetuses!) and newborns were successfully treated infants, patients over 90 years of age.

Children weighing 50 kg or more need to take an “adult” dose of the medicine: 30 ml of oil + 30 ml of vodka.

For children with a body weight of less than 50 kg, the dose should be calculated as follows: 0.6 ml of oil + 0.6 ml of vodka for every 1 kg of body weight. For example, for a child whose weight is 20 kg, a single dose will be: 20x0.6 = 12 ml of oil and 12 ml of vodka. Breast milk is allowed!

Otherwise, the methodology and diet remain unchanged.

You can also drink the mixture for pregnant women, dose 30+30 (but it is better for particularly serious illnesses, since few pregnant women have been treated with this method yet). It is 1000 times better for them to drink this mixture than poisons or handfuls of pills with an unlimited number of contraindications and harmful side effects!

Both amateur and professional drivers can be treated with it. Sunflower oil slows down the absorption of alcohol into the blood by more than six times, and at the same time improves and accelerates the processing and removal of ethyl alcohol oxidation products (that is, vodka) from the body. As a result, already an hour and a half after taking a dose of the 30+30 ml mixture, the most accurate tests in drug dispensaries do not show the blood alcohol content exceeding the concentration allowed by the Rules.

Swelling gradually disappears everywhere. Ascites and pleurisy of any nature also stop accumulating fluid, usually within 4–6 months of treatment with this method. (Ascites is the accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Pleurisy is the accumulation of free fluid around the lung or part of the lung.) If you cannot endure it, then this fluid can be pumped out in a hospital setting; but the less often you do this, the better.

To quickly reduce swelling, the patient should greatly limit fluid intake. This is especially important in the treatment of ascites, pleurisy, and tumors in the brain. The less salt and anything salty you consume, the less you will want to drink.

Then all the “troubles” mentioned below will also disappear or decrease.

Possible troubles (do not always happen)

Pain may appear or intensify in areas of disease and in other places: sometimes immediately, but more often after 2–5 days or later. Within a few days they usually subside or become tolerable. Bones and joints may hurt longer : about three weeks in one place, then in another and so on. It happens that it “aches” in places where there were operations, fractures or severe bruises.

This is how a surge in the activity of the body’s “repair” systems manifests itself. Be patient: this is only for the good!

Bleeding from large disintegrating tumors is possible. In these cases, you can take hemostatic medications as prescribed by your doctors. However, At the same time, you cannot stop taking the oil with vodka, since the mixture promotes accelerated healing of any wounds and ulcers in all organs and tissues, normalizes blood viscosity and hematopoiesis.

Urination may noticeably decrease; urine may be reddish in color (from dissolving kidney stones). These are temporary, harmless phenomena.

A reaction from the intestines is possible: “weak stools”, pain in the abdomen, but very briefly.

Nausea and heartburn may occur. They decrease if, after taking the mixture, you sniff any food product with a pungent odor.

Good for nausea: tomato juice, all sour berries, green tea with lemon, more active and prolonged stirring of the mixture and increasing the intervals between doses of the mixture ().

During the first days of treatment, after vomiting, it is allowed not to take the medicine again, but in subsequent days, it is necessary in this case to drink a dose of the mixture (30+30) again, after 10–15 minutes ( can be done in two or three doses with short breaks between them), after cooling the oil and vodka in the refrigerator: the cold soothes cramps.

I will repeat once again what was said above in the chapter “Positive properties of the healing technique”: this healing mixture treats many types of poisoning (for example, alcoholic), relieves the most severe intoxications of any nature and stops vomiting.

The mixture must be shaken for a long time (that is, 3-5 minutes, no less) and vigorously - then it will heal better and it will be easier to drink!

Weakness, sometimes from the very first days of treatment. This mainly happens with severe intoxication, and also due to a decrease in the delivery of glucose to the muscles. As all body systems are cleansed with the mixture, the weakness disappears.

Decreased appetite. This is not surprising: 90 ml of oil and 90 ml of vodka contain 1100 kilocalories (and the entire daily diet usually contains approximately 2000÷2500 kilocalories).

There may be a feeling of a “lump” in the throat and shortness of breath for several days. It is also possible slight increase body temperature.

For some time (usually in the first month of treatment), swelling may appear or intensify, especially around sore spots and tumors, in the lymph nodes. It cannot cause blockage of tubular organs and blood vessels, since the medicine expands their working lumens, relaxing the muscles in their walls.

Tachycardia: at rest, up to 100 heart beats per minute, due to vasodilation from the mixture. There is no need to fight this, because the mixture successfully cures dangerous paroxysmal tachycardia!

For a month or two, red itchy spots or “rashes” may appear on different parts of the body.

Don't touch them, don't do anything to them. Gradually, these phenomena (from the release of various “slags” and toxins through the skin) go away on their own.

When treating many serious illnesses there are other temporary deteriorations condition of the patients. Both these deteriorations and all the symptoms listed above may occur at other times, be stronger and last longer. Or they may not appear at all.

Anything can happen, and for a variety of reasons.

It is impossible to say in advance exactly how treatment will proceed for a particular patient.

When treating with this technique, it is strictly prohibited:

1. Stop treating cancer tumors until complete recovery: otherwise they will immediately begin to metastasize and grow rapidly, no matter what else is treated. For untreated cancer transitions from this method to any other method and from the basic to simplified versions of the method very often turn out to be transitions from life to a very quick and painful death.

2. Hide his true diagnosis from the patient. Don't be afraid to tell him the truth: the danger does not come from the truth, but from a feeling of hopelessness. Explain to the patient that this technique gives real hope for salvation and a significant prolongation of life, so that he takes this treatment seriously.

The truth, even if bitter, is the surest path to healing. Otherwise, the method is almost always and very quickly violated, and all the work is lost.

For lies kill, but truth gives life!

a) Accept radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

b) Go for any kind of operation, except for super-vital ones: for example, if after 4-6 months of treatment strictly according to this method, the tumor has clearly and without any doubt increased greatly; in case of prolonged complete gastric (or intestinal, urinary, respiratory, biliary, vascular and any other) obstruction; if urgent suturing is required perforated ulcers anywhere; in case of dangerous injuries.

If you were treated with this method, and then suddenly decided to undergo surgery (any), then after the operation it is necessary to continue this treatment strictly according to the schedule for taking the mixture, instead of all others medical procedures and methods.

The fact is that any, even the smallest operations such as punctures, biopsies, tooth extractions, tend to greatly accelerate and intensify all diseases, including the growth and metastasis of tumors, and cause the appearance of new ones.

c) Accept ALL other antitumor agents: herbs (celandine, hemlock, aconite and all others), aloe, chaga, befungin, sublimate (mercuric chloride), vituride, fly agaric, kerosene; ASD-2 (aka "fraction-2"); "Shark cartilage"; hormonal and antihormonal drugs such as tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Arimidex, Mamomit, Depo-Provera, Androcur, Honvan, Sinestrol, Flutamide (Flucinom), Microfollin, Diferelin, Casodex, Zoladex, Femara, etc.

d) Take medications for the treatment of osteoporosis: calcium compounds and vitamins D, osteogenon, bonefos, aredia, zometa and all others.

e) Treat yourself with any herbs, homeopathic compounds, fasting, acupuncture, leeches, deep massage, “wraps”, egg white injections, ingestion of hydrogen peroxide. You can't be treated and any other fats (badger, bear, whale, fish, etc.) and oils (linseed, red palm, sea buckthorn, olive and all sorts of others).

f) Take all sorts of “biologically” active additives"(including all kinds of pharmaceutical antioxidants, also known as antioxidants), pharmacy vitamins, any calcium, iron supplements (including radioactive tablets “for cancer”); all medications “to support the liver” (Karsil, Essentiale, Liv-52, etc.); any immunostimulants; unsettled; clonidine; all antiulcer medications (except those recommended).

Enzymes to improve digestion such as festal, mezim, pancreatin - can be canceled immediately.

g) Ever use (except for operations, of course) medical devices ALL types, including: “vitafon”, all types of air ionizers (and “Chizhevsky chandeliers” too), magnets, “frequency resonance therapy” devices, pressure chambers, etc. For permissible exceptions, see further in paragraph (l).

h) Do oxygen inhalations of all types (that is, inhale pure oxygen from an “oxygen cushion” and other similar devices). About inhalation methods carbon dioxide"(with the Samozdrav simulator, etc.) - see further in paragraph (l).

i) Use any heating procedures: baths, hot or warm water, “contrast shower”, excessive physical exercise; rubbing and rubbing; clay treatment; apply compresses, lotions, salt dressings, all kinds of ointments on the tumor, on the joints, and in general on any part of the body ever. You need to wash with warm water (not hot) and as quickly as possible. "Impact" heating temporarily relieves pain, but at the same time increases inflammation, especially if it is acute and especially in purulent form. Heating diseased tissue can lead to the rapid spread of infection and cancer cells, causing increased inflammation and swelling of the joints.

j) Engage in “winter swimming”, watering yourself for a long time cold water, dipping diseased parts of the body on for a long time(more than a minute) into very cold water.

Any prolonged stress, including from excessive heat or cold, greatly accelerates all diseases and interferes with this treatment.

k) Use any therapeutic breathing exercises, if there is no precise home instrumental monitoring of its consequencespulmonary ventilation indicators. That is, neither “according to Buteyko,” nor “according to Strelnikova,” nor “according to yoga,” nor “according to Frolov,” or anything else: all these classes are my method without proper self-control can cause a lot of damage. For example, cause an ischemic stroke.

4. Treat with urine - neither by taking it internally, nor externally by compresses, rubbing, etc. The so-called "urine therapy" is a type of hormone therapy with corticosteroids and their metabolites, because these substances are always present in the urine, and in very large, uncontrolled quantities. doses And critics of urine therapy are absolutely right that in the end the harm from it turns out to be much more than the benefit, as with “treatment” with hormonal steroid drugs - prednisolone, metipred and all the rest.

In addition, the Bible refers to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God as “living water” (Gospel of John, 4:10–14 and 7:37–39). The Lord there explained the meaning of the words of the Old Testament: “Drink the water from your vessel (reservoir) and that flowing from your well” (Proverbs of Solomon, 5:15), which some “urinary therapists” are so fond of referring to.

The Son of God commanded that those words be understood as follows: “Listen to Me, and not to anyone else, and then My words will lead you to Eternal Life.”

Therefore, “treatment” with urine is both dangerous and blasphemous for health - it harms both body and soul.

5. Believe the “indications” of all kinds of rings, nuts, screws, etc. on strings (“pendulums”) and different types hooks on the handles ("frames"). Questioning about anything from these false instruments, as well as from tables, chairs, saucers, all kinds of idols (“oracles”) and other objects, are types of fortune telling and occultism, that is, methods of contact with evil spirits (demons). These methods have been known since ancient times. Absolutely all such “contacts” are sinful and soul-destroying.

Moreover, half-truths are many times more dangerous and destructive than open lies. Therefore, demons can quite often “show” and tell the truth. But in the most important issues they will certainly deceive the salvation of soul and body, using truthful answers to ordinary questions as a “smoke screen”.

6. Use services ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION“bioenergy therapists”, “magicians”, “sorcerers”, “grandmothers”, “coders”, “psychics”, “clairvoyants”, “contactees”, “conspirators”.

You cannot have their books in the house, much less “treat yourself” with them or with them, as with all other water, food and other objects “charged” by them.

The supernatural “abilities” of ALL of the above are not from God and not “natural”, but from the one who helps them evil spirits, and they received them for very sinful deeds displeasing to God.

From the influence of these people (through demons, including through water and any objects), very often within a short time there is an intensification of previous diseases or the appearance of new, even more terrible ailments; Cancerous tumors begin to grow and metastasize faster, and non-cancerous tumors often degenerate into cancer.

At the same time, the symptoms of diseases may initially “subside” (from a short-term redistribution of the body’s remaining resources in the patient).

Only sincere repentance before the Savior for ever using them and stopping their use in the future frees one from the captivity of the mentioned “influences.”

7. Take medications “for hypertension” that belong to the class “ACE inhibitors”, specifically: Enap (aka enalapril, enam, enapril), Enap N, capoten (aka captopril), Diroton (lisinopril), Prestarium, Moex. You should also not take clonidine (see point (e) of the same chapter above). Attention: It is not prohibited to take medications for “hypertension” of any other class. For example, the following are NOT prohibited: obzidan = anaprilin, verapamil, nifedipine, concor, atenolol, valocordin = corvalol, novo-passit, valerian tinctures or tablets, etc.

Over the course of 17 years, I have read several tens of thousands of letters from patients with the most serious diseases, including “hypertension.” And a few years ago I wondered why in the letters of our citizens the words “took Enap (enalapril)” and “suffered a stroke” very often for some reason appear in THIS order, and not vice versa, as it seems to be supposed to be: that is , taking Enap, etc. PRECEDIED ​​the stroke.

Moreover, in the letters of hypertensive patients who took antihypertensive drugs of other five chemical classes (obzidan = anaprilin, concor, verapamil, etc.) such a strange pattern was not found. And only after reading the materials on this site, including the “Federal Guide for Physicians on the Use of Medicines” (Issue 1, Moscow, 2000), I understood the reason for what was happening - that ACE inhibitors themselves cause strokes and myocardial infarctions, which black it is written in white in the above-mentioned “Federal Guidelines” regarding Enap = enalapril and lisinopril = diroton. They also cause muscle spasms (!) and cardiac arrhythmia (!!!) that precede a stroke - this is directly written in the annotation to Enap (for example, see the fifteenth edition of M.D. Mashkovsky’s reference book “Medicines”, 2006, p. 439).

What miracles are true

The Lord Jesus Christ healed not with some “his own” or fictitious “cosmic” “energy,” but with the Holy Spirit emanating from God the Father (see John 15:26). The Holy Spirit is the Uncreated Power of God the Father, and He is given only to Christians.

It is possible to receive the Holy Spirit only by remaining in the Faith that the Evangelical Jesus is the incarnate God-Savior (Christ), about which He said: “I am the Vine, and you are the branches; whoever is in Me, and I in him (by the Holy Spirit for Faith in Him), he will produce much fruit, for without Me you cannot do anything (truly miraculous)" (Gospel of John, 15:5 of the Church Slavonic Bible [TSB]).

Only for the truly Christian Faith, proven by the righteousness of life and love for others, the Lord Jesus Christ increases in people and in the objects related to them the Holy Spirit of God, with which He works Miracles.

Therefore, the incorruptible relics of the Saints, the Holy Cross of the Lord and the Holy icons, glorified by God, are not “idols” and are worthy of honor.

Any “miracles” performed by anyone without Faith that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten God the Son cannot be from God. and without a righteous life.

About nutrition

When discussing this method, people often hear the following words: “This method does not suit me, because you can’t eat anything with it.”

NOTHING LIKE THIS!!! MY METHOD DOES NOT REQUIRE FROM ANYONE THE EXTRAORDINARY “FEATS” OF ABSTAINING FROM TASTY FOOD. There are absolutely (100%) prohibited products! Sometimes you can eat everything a little at a time. And precisely because the stress of a too harsh diet may turn out to be more harmful to health for some patients than the disease that we are treating for them.

The more severe the disease, the worse the patient’s condition, the more strictly one should try to follow this diet.

However, food and drink are not “rationed” for anyone by the gram. And personal “menus” are not needed.

From the first day of treatment until its end, try to drink as little alcoholic beverages of all types as possible, including beer. But there is no 100% ban on wine.

Wine (vodka) in reasonable doses is not a drug. That's why God blessed people with alcohol (see John 2:7-11). The Lord himself also speaks in the Bible about healing wounds by pouring wine and oil on them (see Luke 10:34).

Small doses of alcohol usually do not harm this treatment. But since all people have different sensitivity to alcohol, it is impossible to give everyone the same permissible dose. Even the smallest doses of any alcoholic beverages can only be drunk occasionally, on major holidays, and not all the time. The fact is that on the days of taking the medicinal mixture in persons with disintegrating tumors or with “jumping” or very low blood pressure, even one glass of wine or vodka can cause dangerous bleeding the former or a stroke in the latter.

(Reminder: a mixture of vodka with sunflower oil has a different effect on health than vodka without oil:).

Throughout all the days and years of treatment avoid (i.e. consume as little as possible) everything dairy, fermented milk, meat, fatty, sweet. Fish and all kinds of seafood (shrimp, squid, any shellfish), poultry are considered meat, and honey, watermelons, melons, ANY fruit (except for a little lemon in tea and GREEN apples) and all sweet berries are considered sweet. Everything else (for example: mushrooms, any pasta, any vegetables, including green and onion, garlic, dill, parsley, etc.) can be eaten in moderation. You can eat chicken eggs, but only on the days you drink the mixture.

You can eat ripe apples only large-fruited green ones (by skin color) varieties(Simirenko, Granny Smith), immediately before another meal, in any quantity (as much as you can eat), with the skin, at least three times a day, but it is better only on the days of drinking the mixture. You can grate them (also with the skin). Only large-fruited, ripe green (by skin color) apple varieties contain large amounts (30–50 mg per 100 g of apples) of chlorogenic acid, which is very useful for this method. The peel of such apples contains a lot of ursolic acid, which also enhances the healing effect of the mixture of oil and vodka.

Both of these acids (chlorogenic and ursolic) have a very good effect on the heart, kidneys, liver and the whole gastrointestinal tract. Chlorogenic acid is found in the pulp of apples, and ursolic acid is found in the green apple peel. They are the reason why green apples don't make your stomach bloat. And, what is very important, both of these acids have very strong antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor effects, which coincide in principle with this method. Therefore, they (my method and apples of large green varieties) mutually enhance each other’s healing effect, and very strongly. The total antimicrobial and antiviral effect is no worse than that of many well-known antibiotics. This effect occurs a few hours after joint reception such apples and this medicinal mixture.

For the first time about usefulness joint treatment I wrote about green apples and my method in a special article on this topic in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” No. 13 (145) in 1999. But then I could not clearly explain what the mutual enhancement of their therapeutic effect was based on. People began to eat all the apples in a row, without going into details of my advice about the benefits of apples ONLY GREEN varieties. And because of this, it was necessary not to mention this phenomenon anywhere else until modern science made a number of important discoveries about the properties of chlorogenic and ursolic acids. And now the biochemical mechanism of the phenomenon has become clear.

The golden variety is not suitable - it is too sweet.

It is undesirable to starve (it intensifies the processes of neoglucogenesis in the body, that is, the production of glucose and everything else through the breakdown of muscle tissue. At the same time, cancer cells receive in abundance everything they need for life and growth, and do not suffer at all).

You cannot eat a lot of lemons, otherwise some of the healing properties of the mixture may be inhibited.

Please note: Only animal foods contain vitamins D (D 2 and D 3), which greatly inhibit this treatment (there are especially many of them in fish and fats, less in eggs).

Dietary restrictions (except for eating green apples and chicken eggs) apply the same both on the days of taking the mixture and on breaks.

You can salt your food and eat any kind of bread (yeast wheat and rye, including) little by little.

If there is obstruction of food and liquids through the esophagus or stomach, as well as in cases where the patient is unconscious or does not control his actions for any other reason, a mixture of oil and vodka can be administered with a syringe through a feeding tube. Doctors can install such a probe (at the request of the patient’s family and friends) either through the nostril into the stomach, or from the stomach or the area of ​​the intestine adjacent to the stomach out through the skin.

Food and drink should not be very hot. But they shouldn’t always be cold either.

Food should be washed down IMMEDIATELY, and NOT some time after it (no matter who and wherever claims the opposite!) Because in liquid form any food is better absorbed in both the stomach and intestines.

You can drink all types of tea, with the addition of different herbs, currant leaves, sour berries. Just drinking tea should not be your herbal treatment! You can brew rose hips. Don’t drink coffee (it speeds up calcium metabolism somewhat, and this is detrimental to our treatment). You can't drink sweet fruit, berry and vegetable (including beet and carrot) juices.

You should not drink a lot of unsweetened juices: treatment with juices and this technique are incompatible. In addition, excess vitamins from juices and from pharmacies do not benefit the body, but are quite capable of accelerating the growth of tumors.

Of course, the vegetables themselves ( any!) you can eat, since their pulp contains much less sugar than pressed juice.

Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks (without added sugar) and oatmeal jelly are allowed. Cranberries and lingonberries also contain a lot of the beneficial ursolic acid mentioned above. They have a very good effect on the kidneys, liver, and stomach. But you should not drink store-bought “soda” of all stripes, as well as any “mineral” water.

Any “mineral” water contains a lot of calcium salts, and All calcium supplements are incompatible with this method. Soda is also incompatible with the mixture.

Honey consists of a mixture glucose and fructose .

Any sweets greatly worsen the healing properties of the mixture of oil and vodka; they are antagonists.

Non-calorie “sugar substitutes”, for example: saccharin (also known as “sucrasite”), aspartame, cyclamates, are not prohibited. They are many times better than traditional xylitol and sorbitol, which are also not prohibited. But it’s best to do without any “chemistry”.

If an organ has been completely removed from a patient, and doctors have prescribed certain hormones and enzymes to replace its functions, you can take them as the doctors ordered (although this is undesirable). If the organ or at least half of it (for example, one share thyroid gland) on the spot, and you are already taking hormones (insulin, L-thyroxine, prednisolone, metipred, dexamethasone and others), then they need to be discontinued: after starting treatment with this method by gradual reduction By yourself their dosages.

What is said here does NOT apply to any ANTI-CANCER hormonal and anti-hormonal drugs, for example, those listed in the “Strongly Prohibited” chapter! It is necessary to stop taking ABSOLUTELY ALL anti-cancer drugs immediately, at once, forever and 100%, from the very first dose of the oil and vodka mixture.

Insulin can be replaced with non-hormonal medications such as Diabeton, Maninil, etc. Hormonal contraception are always unacceptable.

Do not do transfusions of blood or its fractions (erythromass, plasma). During these procedures, the patient becomes infected with many dangerous diseases, the immune system is greatly weakened and the likelihood of cancer metastasis increases.

Taking blood internally is a grave sin and forever forbidden by God everyone people without exception (Genesis 9:4).

According to dictionary definition: “Blood is liquid connective tissue organism." God never allowed people to eat each other, regardless of the method of ingestion of human tissue: “The words that I (God the Word) spoke to you (about the need to eat Him) are spirit and life” (John 6:63 CSB) - With this phrase, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded us to eat and drink His WORD with our souls: to believe in His Saving Sacrifice (Easter), in His innocent Redemptive death torment on the cross.

The less and less often you take all sorts of medications, the stronger and better this technique will treat everything at once Your illnesses.

That is, you should not CONSTANTLY take any pharmaceutical drugs (primarily blood pressure and heart medications, which are very harmful in themselves). When treating with this method, pharmaceutical drugs should be used only in cases of extreme necessity. For example, with a strong increase blood pressure after severe stress; with severe bleeding; with vomiting; with severe diarrhea; for unbearable pain, etc.

Painkillers containing narcotics (for example: pentalgin, sedalgin, solpadeine, tetralgin, codelac, codeterpin, nurofen plus, caffetin) and tramal (aka tramadol, crispin), placed in all reference books in the section “narcotic analgesics”, are prohibited.

When starting this treatment, you must give up any drugs (including smoking) forever - preferably immediately, at once and 100%. You can reduce their doses gradually; the faster the better.

You can take all sedatives, antiemetics, sleeping pills, diuretics, heart medications and other medications prescribed by doctors that are not prohibited by this technique. For example: truxal (chlorprothixene), relanium, cyclodol, diphenhydramine, finlepsin, cerucal, antibiotics, etc., as well as all non-narcotic painkillers, including: catadolone (the strongest of non-narcotics and not very harmful, but for pain in it doesn’t help bones well), analgin, baralgin, no-shpa, ketanov, ortofen (aka diclofenac, voltaren), nimesulide (nise, sigan) and their analogues.

Please note that the same medicine may appear under different new names.

Cancerous tumors outside the body should not be lubricated with anything. The only exception is for skin ulcers (see below in this chapter about the composition of unrefined sunflower oil and egg white).

It is not advisable to lubricate cancerous ulcers on the skin and a mixture of oil and vodka.

For cancer cells are destroyed not by sunflower oil and vodka as such, but by the oxidation products of these substances, which are formed only inside the body after absorption of the oil-vodka emulsion in the small intestine.

Both cancerous and non-cancerous ulcers of all organs (bronchi, esophagus, stomach, intestines, skin, etc.) are successfully treated by drinking the mixture.

Any ulcers on the skin and bedsores can be lubricated with a mixture of unrefined sunflower oil (half a glass to a glass) and the white of one chicken egg, beaten together until smooth, on any day, 2-3 times a day.

This composition is very effective, it heals even very large and deep, strongly infected wounds in a few days, much better than any other ointments.

Does this composition improve healing? cancerous ulcers in all cases, I can’t say for sure yet - there are not enough statistics. However, there are already reports of positive such experiences.

Any ulcers can be covered with several layers of gauze impregnated with the anti-stick composition mentioned above of unrefined sunflower oil and protein. Sunflower oil for this composition should never be boiled! Because when boiling, the antimicrobial and wound-healing properties of the oil greatly deteriorate.

It is best to wash ulcers with hydrogen peroxide, or furatsilin, or a decoction of oak bark.

About the choice of oil and vodka

It is forbidden to infuse vodka yourself with herbs, roots, on anything else medicinal.

The presence of various sugars and other additives in factory vodka is allowed. Usually their number is so insignificant that all of them can be safely neglected. The composition of vodka is always indicated on an additional label (usually on the other side of the bottle), albeit in very small print.

The strength of any type of vodka, moonshine, ethyl alcohol must be brought as close to 40% as possible.

But keep in mind that the mixture with oil of the most “purified”, “best” moonshine, as well as the mixture with oil of any stronger ethyl alcohol diluted to 40%, always separates back into oil and “vodka” in less than a minute! And this makes taking the medicinal mixture more difficult, “intoxicates” much more, worsens the tolerability of treatment and often makes it impossible to treat with this technique for a long time (more than several months, a maximum of a year or two years).

In addition, in factories it is no coincidence that at first dilute 96% alcohol with specially softened water, and only after that cleaning is already underway vodka(not 96% alcohol!) different methods(manganese, activated carbon, milk and others). Only in this case is it possible best cleaning vodka from harmful impurities, especially from fusel oils. When the strength of vodka is more than 40%, the impurities are too strongly dissolved in alcohol, which greatly reduces the quality of filtration and purification with reagents. This was proven by the famous Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev back in the 19th century.

You can read in detail about the process of purifying vodka at factories on the website of the Moscow plant "Kristall" ("Kristall" + .ru).

That is, I ALLOW, as a last resort, in case of complete lack of money or absence of real (not fake) vodka in local stores, to take moonshine and diluted ethanol drinking brands, but at the same time I STRONGLY DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS when treating serious illnesses.

By the way, if there is a lot of agitated sediment in the sunflower oil, or if there are other fats in the oil, then the mixture of such oil with real 40% vodka will also separate into the original components literally before our eyes. And this is also very undesirable.

The vodka with which the mixture separates more slowly is better.

Better is sunflower oil that is made without heavy processing. For example, raw oil (which has only been filtered and settled) is better than other varieties that undergo additional purification. Another example: The first grade unrefined oil is less "refined" and is therefore much better suited for this treatment than the premium unrefined oil. The oil should not be too dark and cloudy (from “overcooking” and excess sediment), nor too light (from too much “cleaning”).

The main thing is that the oil is sunflower oil without additives, unrefined (this means without deep purification), non-bitter and not very light, and when mixed with vodka, it is resistant to sediment.

Modern factory standards allow partial removal of precipitated phosphates from the oil (to improve its “marketability”) and still call such oil unrefined, although it undergoes several additional stages of “purification”.

Therefore, do not take oil for treatment with inscriptions on bottle labels: “hydrated”, “frozen”, and any other very transparent, very light oil. The “highest” grade unrefined oil is always hydrated. Hydrated and frozen oils are undesirable for long-term treatment! Their main characteristics are very high transparency and color almost the same as that of refined oil.

In some of my previously published books there was a quote from the GOST 1129-93 standard. This standard has been canceled in Russia since January 1, 2007, and since that day GOST 1129-93 in Russia has been replaced by a new standard - GOST R 52465-2005. But don’t get hung up on any one standard!

Whatever production standards are indicated on the labels of oil bottles: “TU...” (technical conditions), or GOST 1129-93, or GOST R 52465-2005 (which replaced GOST 1129-93 in Russia from January 1, 2007) , or if the oil is in bulk - The main criteria for the suitability of an oil for long-term treatment are its unrefined nature, the absence of additives and bitter aftertaste, reduced transparency and the separation of its mixture with vodka in more than half an hour.

In cases where it is not possible to quickly find unrefined sunflower oil that meets the above criteria, you can a few months drink a mixture of vodka and hydrated, frozen out or simply unrefined, very clear sunflower oil.

A high degree of purification greatly reduces the vitamin and medicinal properties of sunflower oil, and is therefore undesirable.

A mixture of overly “refined” oil and vodka does not sit for 10–12 or more hours. That is, for treatment, the oil that is best after active the shaking begins to visibly separate again into oil and vodka, and not too quickly (later than half an hour), and not too long (no more than a few hours). See photos and explanations for them on the page of this site!

And, of course, you need to understand: the time it takes for the mixture to separate again into oil and vodka, and the number and thickness of the layers formed during settling also noticeably depend on the strength and duration of the “shaking” of the mixture, and on the quality of the vodka. That is, the figures I gave in this chapter are very approximate and conditional, they are not very accurate guidelines, and you should not “obsess” with them just as you should not “obsess” with them, just like with any “GOST” for oil.

The best complex therapeutic effect has a mixture of 40% vodka with sunflower, truly unrefined oil Other oils available to us (for example: olive, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, cottonseed, soybean, rapeseed, etc.) have fewer medicinal properties and, when mixed with vodka, treat serious illnesses worse than unrefined sunflower oil.

Cholesterol in everyone vegetable oils no, and never happens in principle (because cholesterol is a product exclusively animal origin).

About "coding"

If the patient was previously “coded”, then there is no need to go for “decoding”. At the very beginning of this technique (), it was explained in detail that the mixture (emulsion) of unrefined sunflower oil with vodka has completely different properties than oil and vodka separately, and completely unobvious ones.

No “codes” apply to this mixture, because it is neither “vodka” nor “alcohol”.

In fact, this medicinal mixture is a new type therapeutic nutrition, and in this capacity, it can probably even be officially registered with the “Ministry of Health and Social Development” (if someone, of course, wants to do this). After this, it would be entirely possible to legally and officially use this method as an additional element of any hospital treatment. Or in “hospice” to help “hopeless” patients.

Let's return to “coding” (for example, “from drinking wine,” or “from smoking,” etc.) Violence over the will of another person, putting some kind of “code” into someone is certainly a very sinful act. Moreover, both sides sin: both the one who “encodes” and the one who is “encoded,” even with his consent. Sin by consent is still a sin, and even a much more serious sin than sin by ignorance.

Ask the Savior for forgiveness for sins, including the sin of “coding,” pray, and He Himself will “decode” the patient and help him give up any bad habits.

About “herbal tinctures” and others
"additives" to a mixture of oil and vodka

Many “writers” have appeared who suggest that patients infuse vodka into something, or recommend adding, mixing or adding something to a mixture of sunflower oil and vodka.

This method is for everyone

All Christians and all other people can heal their bodies using this method. Just as aspirin does not require anyone to turn to any “pharmaceutical” religion to treat it.

“Criticizing” my method of treatment “from theological positions” is just as crazy and simply stupid as if you provide a “religious basis” for banning believers... aspirin - on the basis that its inventor, most likely, was not “one hundred percent Orthodox" or "true Aryan".

Excuse me generously, gentlemen, “religious critics”: in 1992, I forgot to ask the grandmother who told me about this method, what kind of faith she adhered to (and whether she even believed in God)... For me, the main thing was to urgently help her save the life of her relative.

God mercifully sends rain, sun and others material goods everyone. However, not equally: some have more, others less.

So it is with this technique: you can be treated with it everyone and everywhere. But in order for the patient’s chances of successful treatment to increase, we must also take care of the healing of his soul Truth.

Who is the Truth - the Lord Jesus Christ said this:

"Believers in Me has eternal life. I I am the Way and True and Life: no one will come to the Father as soon as by me. I and the Father are one" (Gospel of John, 6:47; 14:6 TsSB; 10:30).


The meaning of human life on Earth is to, by Faith in the Name of the Only Begotten Son of God Jesus Christ, receive adoption by God (Father and Son: see John 1:12; 10:30), which consists in His forgiveness of all previous sins and His granting of the Holy Spirit of God and Eternal Life in Paradise.

Thank you for your attention!

Email to contact me

My email address: [email protected]

Read more about how to make communication by e-mail the most comfortable, reliable and safe way, how you can easily overcome the obstacles that bad people put in the way of this communication - see on the page of my author’s website “Contacts”.

My new address for regular letters, it is listed in my books published in 2007/2008: on page 56 in the book “Win” (out of 368 pages): 127474, Russia, Moscow, post restante, Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko.

I do not advise you to write me letters anymore to the address from my books of the 2010 edition, since in the delivery department of the Moscow post office No. 125412 registered letters addressed to me (almost all 100%) in 2013 initially lay for 30–40 days somewhere on the table, and only after that they could be obtained. This was found out using the system for tracking the passage of registered letters on the Russian Post website. Unregistered letters, even from the suburbs of Moscow, sometimes reached me at this post office two months later (if they arrived at all - see).


Two people were looking out the same window.

One saw the rain and mud,

The other is green elm foliage,

It's spring and the sky is blue.

Two people were looking out the same window.

I have heard about Shevchenko’s method for a long time. 9 years ago I worked with a person who was cured thanks to this method. He had stomach cancer. He underwent surgery and chemotherapy courses. He was treated by a doctor, who advised him the Shevchenko method (“vodka with butter,” as he then called it). She saw examples of her other patients whom doctors sent to die, so to speak. But they returned after a while, and their disability was even lifted (after treatment with a mixture of vodka and oil). He began to be treated according to the Shevchenko method, and became a full-fledged person. At the age of 45, he married this doctor, they gave birth to a daughter. He is alive and well to this day.

Cancer was diagnosed in 2011 frontal sinus with stage 4 skull damage. I went through the maximum number of radiation sessions - to no avail. They offered surgery, which I refused. I began treatment with dry fasting with urine, and my health sharply worsened. At the same time, problems with the prostate gland arose. A PSA test showed the likelihood of cancer, but he refused a biopsy. In February 2012, he began treatment according to N.V.’s method. Shevchenko. An examination after a year of taking Shevchenko’s mixture showed the absence of metastases, the size of the tumor did not increase. Today I feel good. I work, lead a normal lifestyle, play sports. I am sure that N.V.’s method Shevchenko saved my life. I have no doubt that I will make a full recovery. I am eternally grateful to Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko. This is a unique, selfless person who saved a huge number of lives. I am keeping a diary that will be published in Estonia in order to show by my own example the effectiveness of Shevchenko’s method.

I am 75 years old. Diagnosis: small acinar dark cell adenocarcinoma of the prostate T2N0M0. I am treated with the Shevchenko method 40 ml. neraf. oil + 40 ml vodka since August 23, 2010. I have not used medicine. Periodic PSA measurement: 12–15. Finally, today after the first ten days of the 20th cycle, PSA is 9.8. Thanks for the table of oils. I follow the diet according to the recommendations on Shevchenko’s website. Consistently introduced buckwheat, green GRANNY SMITH apples, chicken eggs, and sprouted seeds into the diet. At first I overdid it with apples - the sugar rose to 7. I reduced the quantity - medium-fruited one in the morning and one in the evening, or large-fruited (350 grams, one apple) in three doses - the sugar level returned to normal at 5.2. Unrefined oil was first taken by local bottled ELVA. Then - draft from the market (Krasnodar), then KUBAN FAVORITE. With the appearance of the table on the website of N. Shevchenko - SOUTH OF Rus', GOLDEN SEED, WHITE VEZHA.

I express to N.V. Shevchenko is very grateful for the universal method of healing. I was born in 1931, I began to be treated with vodka and butter on June 1, 2012, because I was completely bent over, I suffered from constipation for many years, and at the end of May 2012 I fell ill and my legs stopped working. The thirst for life forced me to call everyone I knew in search of a reliable means of recovery. So I came up with N.V.’s method. Shevchenko. I started taking 35:35 three times at once and strictly following a diet. The first 10 days were very difficult, I didn’t recover for 12 days. After that, I sometimes began to recover on my own, without enemas. The gastrointestinal tract is working. After the first 10 days, I got to my feet and slowly began to move around. From the beginning of the 3rd cycle I drink 40:40. I don’t complain about sleep or appetite. I really want to get well.

Shevchenko learned about the method from the newspaper “Healthy Lifestyle”. I have been taking the mixture since January 2006 until now 3 times a day. Every time I take the balm, I thank God that I chose this particular treatment!!! I started taking the mixture by accident: my brother was sick and I decided to own experience show him that there are traditional methods of treating ailments. It worked, I saved myself. At one time I had cancer, after surgery - adhesive disease. I already wrote about this in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” (July 14, 2009, p. 24). It’s sad that people DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE in other treatment options, in the EXPERIENCE of already cured (at the moment practically healthy) people, and they pass away without using this amazing method, the method of Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko. But it's their choice...

Raisa St–ik, Volyn region, Ukraine:

Letter 1, March 30, 2013 My mother (she is 75 years old) was diagnosed with: “Breast cancer with multiple tumors in the liver, porta hepatis T2N1M1X stage 4, intoxication syndrome, secondary pain syndrome.” They prescribed Fareston and sent me home; they offered neither surgery nor chemotherapy. We found N.V.’s method on the Internet. Shevchenko. Mom started drinking a 30/30 formula. We are finishing the 1st course, my mother strictly fulfills all the conditions of the method, but her condition is getting worse. My hand hurts unbearably and is very dry. The pain in the bones has increased and Xefocam, Baralgetas, and Ketolong no longer help. Mom hardly sleeps at night. Does all this mean that metastases are occurring? The district oncologist says that we need to inject morphine. I look at the news on N. Shevchenko’s website almost every day. And just now, having read last news, I'm at a loss. I barely found the “Ukrainian Homemade” oil, and now it turns out that it is not suitable for treating late-stage cancer... What should I do?

Letter 2, May 7, 2013 Christ is Risen! Happy holiday! Peace, health, prosperity to everyone! We continue treatment according to Shevchenko’s method, there are positive results. God bless you! Improvements in my mother began after the first ten days of treatment with Golden Seed oil. The pain became tolerable, the swelling became softer. Still, there is hope, let’s hope for healing.

A 74-year-old woman writes. I was diagnosed (by proctologists) with “nonspecific ulcerative colitis.” Since I had bloody diarrhea, I had a colonoscopy, and the diagnosis was confirmed. Another hospital diagnosed me with “erosive ulcerative colitis.” I was treated with enemas, took tablets - salofalk, and put on suppositories - also salofalk. It helped for 2 or 3 weeks. The doctors said that there was no tumor, but the intestines were covered with ulcers. Before reading the book by N.V. Doctors suggested that Shevchenko undergo an operation - remove the intestine and remove the tube. I didn't agree. After all this, I decided to undergo treatment using the Shevchenko method to combat the disease. Very grateful to him for writing the book. I started treatment using this method 30+30 three times a day (vodka with unrefined sunflower oil), on December 10, 2012. In the first ten days, bloody diarrhea stopped. I follow a diet, eliminated sweets and all dairy products. The 3rd course will end on May 20. But I will continue to drink the mixture. The bloody diarrhea has stopped, only sometimes there is relief. I also had allergies and dysbiosis. The allergy (to dust) has passed. Dysbacteriosis - an analysis needs to be done. I am very grateful to Nikolai Shevchenko, he saves people’s lives. He helped me too.

Good afternoon! Today began the 3rd decade of application of the “Shevchenko method”. After the 1st decade, I switched from 30+30 to 35+35. Because I took alcoholic drinks in very small doses before treatment; after taking the emulsion I feel a feeling of intoxication. Therefore, in the 1st decade I did not dare to drive. I bought a breathalyzer and started checking myself for “exhaust”. At a dose of 35/35 10 minutes after administration – 0.27 ppm(as you know, in Russia it was previously allowed to drive a car with an alcohol level of no more than 0.3 ppm). After 1.5 hours - zero. The bags under the eyes have disappeared.

N.I. Ov-kova, Stavropol region:

Letter 1, October 29, 2012 A 56-year-old woman writes with a diagnosis of “uterine adenocarcinoma, stage 4, inoperable,” diagnosed on January 14, 2011. I have been treated using the Shevchenko method for a year and eight months. There is a noticeable improvement, the abdomen has become soft, no free fluid was found in the pelvic area before, and there is none now. I am currently in the hospital for ten days with heavy bleeding. Doctors cannot stop it either with IVs or injections; they suggest cleaning the uterus, and at the same time they are afraid, because... the uterus is loose “from this mixture”, and suddenly it will get even worse. They suggest urgent surgery, otherwise the life expectancy is several months! Tell me how to solve the bleeding problem? Metastases decreased with this technique.

Letter 2, April 20, 2013 I am writing again. Were heavy bleeding, refused the operation on Shevchenko’s advice. He also advised drinking a 40x40 mixture. From that moment to today I have gained 6 kg, which I think is good. The latest tests showed that ESR is 18, hemoglobin is 95. After the previous course, hemoglobin was 115. There are no severe bleedings. There is bleeding, this can happen while drinking the mixture, as well as during rest (lasts 2-3 days); I inject dicinone. I follow a diet and drink “South of Rus'” oil. I feel a little better.

My name is Dinara, I am writing from Kazakhstan, Karaganda. My dad found an article on the Internet “N.V. Shevchenko: Method of treating incurable diseases.” It turns out that many have heard about this technique. And recently my aunt came and told me that she had a matchmaker, he was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. They said he only had two months to live and asked him to take him home. But one of his doctor friends advised him to drink Shevchenko balm 30 to 30, which he did. He lived like this for five whole years. Maybe he would have lived longer, but after lifting the weight, he became ill, had a stroke and died. It’s just that when you hear such stories about healing from loved ones who knew people who were cured firsthand, you know that there is more hope for healing.

We have trouble in our family. The doctors said we needed to do chemotherapy, but we were in no hurry because the tumor was not very large. We first wanted to cure my mother folk method. I accidentally learned about your method on the Internet and then I found out about one of our acquaintances when he also had cancer (2001) on the lung, he drank this mixture and was cured 100%. Now I also sing once a day. And we also believe in this method and started drinking this mixture on April 10th. Today I finished the first 10 diary; my general condition has improved, but a little.

I started taking treatment according to Shevchenko’s prescription, on the advice of a doctor friend (a doctor at my company), without even reading Shevchenko’s book and website, taking her word for it. The doctor who recommended this method to me tested it on herself - she was diagnosed with nodules on her thyroid gland, and she cured them using the Shevchenko method.

I am a pensioner born in 1932. In April 2011, I was diagnosed with T2N0M0 prostate cancer secondary to an adenoma. On April 11, 2011, I began treatment using the Shevchenko method. Over 2 years, PSA decreased from 13.4 to 5.1. I took the mixture 3 times a day, 40 ml of each component (vodka with oil) according to his book. I feel good. No pain. The size of the prostate remained the same. In 2009 I underwent heart surgery.

In 2007, my father (born in 1937) was diagnosed with a tumor in the bladder with a diameter of 4.5 cm. There was blood in the urine. They decided to refuse the operation. For 3 years, my father took vodka with oil (35 ml by 35 ml) 3 times a day. Ultrasound showed a tumor reduction of almost 2 times. Now we understand that father needed to continue taking vodka with butter. In April 2013, an examination confirmed the presence of a tumor in the bladder, as well as the presence of a 1 cm metastasis in the lung. They decided not to do the operation again. Treatment was started again using the Shevchenko method (35 ml by 35 ml) 3 times a day.

I am 37 years old. I have been taking the 30/30 mixture since 08/31/12 once a day for preventive purposes, I have noticed the following changes: the m/cycle has stabilized, exacerbations of cystitis have passed, and vision has improved slightly (from -0.8 to 1). Hemoglobin was usually slightly below normal - 115, now it’s 150. I don’t smoke, but I cleared my throat in the morning (possibly due to pneumonia in childhood), and now I don’t notice this.

I have been drinking a mixture of vodka and Shevchenko butter since August 2006, for eight years now. She helped me a lot. The pain in the joints and bones has almost stopped. I also got shingles back then (in 2006), and there was terrible pain. Because of him, I started drinking vodka with butter. I drank the mixture three times a day, 30x30, but didn’t really follow the diet. And I’ve been drinking it once at night for a year now. I buy oil at the market. And I make vodka myself: I buy alcohol and dilute it to 40°. I dilute the alcohol with good filtered water. My cholesterol used to be 6.33 – now it’s 5.32. The lichen went away in 3 months, and I didn’t take a single pill, and I don’t take them now. All these years of treatment according to Shevchenko, my husband and I did not have the flu. It started working for me right hand, she didn't get up. Previously, my bones hurt and my legs didn’t want to walk. And what a joy it was when my gait became light. Nobody says I'm old (I'm 63 years old). The lymph node in the neck has dissolved. The fibroids went away, this was confirmed by a medical examination. The blood was checked for tumor markers. Not only are they normal, but they are also decreasing.

My name is Amina. At the end of April 2012, a friend gave me N. Shevchenko’s 2010 book “Win!” At the beginning of May, I started drinking a mixture of vodka and butter 3 times a day, 30 to 30, whisking with a mixer for 3 minutes. (If you beat for more than 3 minutes, the mixture will become hot and difficult to drink.) The oil was “Kuban Favorite”, then “South of Rus'”. Since 1995 I have been on disability due to bronchial asthma. At night I couldn’t lie down right side, a cough opened. Now this problem is gone. The eyelashes that fell out after chemotherapy began to grow. I follow the diet strictly. The menu includes porridges (oatmeal, corn, buckwheat, rice), vegetable soups and just vegetables, green cabbage soup, eggs, green apples, green tea with lemon. Instead of a second course, I sometimes ate 10 hazelnuts or a handful of seeds.

I wrote a letter to N. Shevchenko, he sent me a brochure with a manual. I have been drinking a mixture of 30 g of vodka and 30 g of oil 3 times a day for 1 year and 2 months. I had a cervical polyp in cervical canal, arthrosis, osteoporosis, etc. I immediately stopped taking all the pills and only drink the 30+30 mixture. What has improved for me during this time? The polyp has disappeared. The doctor asked during the ultrasound: “Did you remove it?” I say: “No,” - there is no polyp. The joints of my hands stopped hurting. My mother (she is 83 years old) has cancer. She has also been drinking the Shevchenko mixture for over a year, and she is doing well.

For more than 11 years now I have been drinking a mixture according to Shevchenko’s method - vodka with oil 30 by 30 ml. At first I drank it 3 times a day, recently 1 or 2 times a day as a preventative measure. I try to explain to everyone that Shevchenko’s method saved me from death, and I advise people to drink this mixture. Uninformed and unbelieving people are afraid of this treatment, citing that “there are so many different doctors and methods.” I give them my personal example: how bad I felt 11 years ago, and how I feel now. I am 75 years old. The manager treated me. therapeutic department. Gallstones the size of hazelnuts, cholecystitis, compaction in the pancreas (pancreatitis) and gall bladder (according to ultrasound). The pain was such that it’s scary to remember. Conventional painkillers did not help. Once I left the pharmacy, and on the corner there was a woman selling newspapers about health. I complained to her about my pain, she advised me on Shevchenko’s technique and left me a newspaper. Not everything was described accurately in the newspaper. I purchased the book by N.V. Shevchenko. Came home. The pressure, as usual, was over 220. My legs went numb from the knees down. The head did not turn, because The detected nodes in the thyroid gland interfered. Severe pain in the right hypochondrium. It was bad, I thought I was dying. I prepared a mixture of vodka and oil, sat on the bed, and took this mixture. I'm sitting, waiting to die. And I felt so good - my blood pressure dropped sharply. Yes, there were frightening moments later: my joints hurt, gallstones came out with pain. One was sharp, triangular, the rest were like beans. There were a lot of them, it took a long time to come out. There was a mild tingling sensation on the left side, where the heart is. Everything went well. I went to the doctor and did an ultrasound. The doctor asked what I was treated with? There are no stones, the pancreas and gall bladder are normal. Nodules in the thyroid gland have shrunk. The doctor was very surprised. She read Shevchenko’s method, but did not take it. Many years of my life have passed with Shevchenko’s mixture. She extended my life. I want to shout to the whole world: “Drink Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko’s mixture!” Six of my friends also drink it. I bought books by N.V. Shevchenko gave it to them. I also had a bone growing on my leg after the bruise. At the moment it has greatly decreased and is not even noticeable. My fingernails were breaking, but not anymore. My heels were cracking until they bled (before drinking the mixture) - everything went away. I often had a sore throat, now I drink kefir from the refrigerator and everything is fine. My daughter refused to drink this mixture, and it’s been 5 years since she died. Shevchenko’s technique brings people benefit and hope for recovery, and saves them from death. The Lord God sent us this method, low bow for it.

My diagnosis, made 6 years ago based on a biopsy analysis: squamous cell invasive skin cancer, which developed from solid glandular basal cell carcinoma. It is on the face, between the nasal septum and the left eyebrow. I was born in 1939. First, they coagulated the tumor (I remember how it smelled like burnt meat), and after 2 weeks they prescribed radiation therapy. When I went for radiation therapy, my vision, already very poor, worsened every day. When the course of radiation ended, I realized that this was the end: my right eye has almost no vision, my left eye has 10 diopters. The ophthalmologist said that what eye diseases there are, I have them all. This is optic nerve dystrophy, detachment of the retina of both eyes. Right eye – mature cataract, left – initial; glaucoma. After taking Shevchenko balm (vodka with oil), my vision stopped deteriorating. The cataracts stopped, the glaucoma went away. Vision stands still. The main thing is that it doesn't get worse. Book by N.V. I can read Shevchenko. She is like valerian for me, like a sedative. I didn’t take a single pill (I’ve been on them since I was 30 in hospitals). The deteriorations that were predicted in Shevchenko’s book “Win! There are no hopeless patients” from 368 pages - all happened to me, in severe form. I really believed in the method, endured it, and even welcomed them (this means that the body is fighting). I also had terrible intestinal atony, dolichosigma (extended sigmoid colon). For 17 years I lived only on urine enemas. After taking a mixture of vodka and oil, I began to go to the toilet on my own. And now I haven’t done enemas for 5 years. My last tests (a year ago) were normal: prothrombin 97%, cholesterol 6.1; creatinine 71, urea 3.5; bilirubin 16, ESR 5. Sugar 6.2 (slightly above normal). From the book “Russian Icons” I cut out an icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, put it in a frame, and pray to Him. There is no relapse of cancer. Thank you to the Lord and Nikolai Shevchenko for the methodology. She has already given me 5 years of life.

My name is Milya, I am 48 years old (diagnosed at 34 years old). My diagnosis is ovarian cancer (T3N0M0G1), which was made in June 1998. On July 21, 1998, an operation was performed, extirpation of the uterus with appendages + omentum, drainage of the abdominal cavity, bilateral ovarian cystoma (smooth-walled cystomas). Immediately after the operation, combined treatment of 8 courses of PCT. In 2001, the first relapse, again chemotherapy + radiation therapy. The second relapse in 2003 (infiltrate in the pelvis), ascites in the abdominal cavity. Chemotherapy was carried out intermittently until July 2009. In 2003 and 2006, treatment was resumed due to an increase in ascites and an increase in the CA-125 tumor marker. The last chemotherapy was in June 2009, at the end of July of the same year I woke up in the morning with a temperature of up to 39 degrees. For 3 weeks, doctors could not determine the cause, but the temperature still persisted. After taking biochemistry tests, the numbers of AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase(550). The oncology clinic refused to treat me and sent me to my place of residence. By that time, the temperature had remained at 38–39 degrees for 1.5 months. On August 20, 2009, I started drinking a mixture of vodka and butter according to Shevchenko’s method. In October, I went to the oncology clinic for an ultrasound; the tumors in three places had decreased by 2 times. In November, the temperature returned to normal, and on the next trip to VTEK, the 1st disability group was removed and given the 2nd working class. In January 2010, an ultrasound revealed nothing, everything was clear. I drank the mixture according to the scheme for 2.5 years until February 2012. In March-April I rested, and in May I went for an ultrasound again. On May 4, they discovered a mass of 8x10 mm in the pelvis and a 10 mm stone in the gall bladder. On May 5, 2012, I started drinking a mixture of vodka and butter again, on June 4 I went for an ultrasound, everything was unchanged (no dynamics), they offered chemotherapy, but I refused. There was no need to interrupt the treatment with the mixture, I was in a hurry. I didn’t think that after taking the mixture for 2.5 years, something would come out again. I will continue to drink the mixture, it is better than chemotherapy.

Peace to you! I am 54 years old. I have been using Nikolai Shevchenko’s method for prevention for about three years now. I took the mixture once a day according to the method, I felt that warts, moles, small lymph nodes were all decreasing, mastitis disappeared, my gums became stronger, my arm in the elbow stopped hurting. Overall, I am pleased with the results of strengthening the body. I don’t take pharmaceutical vitamins, incl. calcium preparations. I would like to treat osteochondrosis, sometimes it really torments me - the cervical and lumbar regions. Therefore, I now drink the mixture 3 times a day, and have been doing this for 2 months. I’m trying to follow a better diet, I see that osteochondrosis is receding, my neck and head hurt less. Thanks God! I know that the Healer is our Lord, to Him all glory and honor! But God works through his chosen people. Thanks to Nikolay Shevchenko for the technique!

On 03/03/2010 I began treatment according to N.V.’s method. Shevchenko vodka with oil 35 ml. True, I don’t follow a strict diet - I eat a little bit of everything. I take vodka with butter three times a day. Thank God I was able to stop taking pills completely. Although I had pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, gastric erosion and duodenum. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve has resolved. Thanks to Shevchenko’s method, I forgot what it was like to have a stomach ache. Many thanks to you.

In our family, my father’s sister was already treated using the Shevchenko method; she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer; she took a mixture of vodka and butter for three years. 13 years have passed since the diagnosis and, thank God, everything is fine. She took the mixture as prescribed according to Shevchenko’s method, without omissions.

I will write the story of my friend and her mother. Galina (friend’s mother) got sick 13 years ago. Doctors removed half of her intestines and diagnosed her with stage 4 intestinal cancer, metastases had spread to the kidneys and liver. The doctors could do nothing more. By chance, a friend (Natalya) bought N.V.’s book. Shevchenko. And they decided that this was the only way out - to drink the vodka + oil emulsion. Then there were no such details as there are now, that it is better to drink store-bought oil of a certain brand. They lived in a village and bought butter at an oil mill. We bought vodka, whatever was in the store. Galina couldn’t eat on her own; she was injected with painkillers every day and took the pills the doctors prescribed. After three months of treatment with the Shevchenko technique, changes occurred in better side: one day Galina asked not to give her a painkilling injection, she wanted to eat with everyone at the table. She drank the emulsion for one year. But she didn’t want to go for examination. Three years ago, Galina underwent surgery: a valve was replaced in her heart. Before the operation, she was examined and there was nothing “terrible” in the intestines. Thanks to Nikolai Viktorovich!

Thank you for your invaluable work! I am 45 years old. I'll be brief: a year ago after surgery to remove salivary gland discharged from purulent wound. Soon they began to appear dark spots on inner surface hips I realized that something very bad had been brought in and it was destroying my health. It scared me a lot. I accepted Shevchenko’s method as a gift from God. I began to accept it without any doubts. I felt improvements quite quickly. The terrible spots began to pass. I saw the changes that began to occur in the body by changes in stool. The first obvious sensations were in my legs: I felt strength, my legs became stronger. It was so obvious that it caused a lot of pleasant feelings and even greater confidence that I was going the right way. I've been drinking the mixture for a year now. For me, as a woman, how I look is very important. Therefore, the nails became a very pleasant effect: strong, beautiful; complexion evened out. I continue to drink the mixture 2 times a day. The most important thing is that now there is confidence in the future regarding health. And this is so great!!! My weight is 57 kg. Shevchenko's mixture helps my body provide correct exchange substances. I hope that my health will become stronger every day and my body will become younger. Thanks for your research regarding oil brands. This is a MIRACLE in our lives.

In general, I decided to use Shevchenko’s method. To be honest, I have heard about him for a long time. My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 80. She underwent surgery and was sent home (thank God!) without any chemotherapy or radiation due to her advanced age and heart problems. She was treated with the Shevchenko method for 3 years and lived to be 91 years old with sound mind and bright memory. True, instead of vodka she used moonshine. She died last year from heart failure. To my great regret, I did not ask her for details. It seemed to me then that all this was nonsense on vegetable oil: (There are no limits to human frivolity and stupidity! I accidentally went to this site and read almost everything in one breath. I must say, Nikolai Shevchenko convinced me!

Zinaida Petrovna K-ova, Novovoronezh, Voronezh region,

I turned 73 years old. At the hospital I learned from patients about Nikolai Shevchenko’s book. I came home, found this book, and read it all night. On November 25, 2010, she began treatment according to N.V.’s book. Shevchenko. In a month it will be 2 years since I have been treated using this method. She cured thrombophlebitis on her right leg, which she suffered from for 30 years, and was registered with vein doctors. Cured hemorrhoids with 40 years of experience. The chair has improved. I recently donated blood for biochemistry. All indicators of the liver and pancreas are normal.

Peace to you. I began treatment using the Shevchenko method for cancer metastases in the bones, when no painkillers could help me. During treatment, I definitely use semerinka, buckwheat and eggs. Recently my mother went to see an oncologist, and he was very surprised that I was still alive. He said, but we buried him a long time ago. Maybe my illness is a punishment for my sins that I committed before God. I'm happy that I repented. Moreover, I use a breathing exercise: I breathe while covering my face with a thick cloth. This way the pain is relieved and I can at least sleep. May God bless you.

I am a reserve colonel. What prompted us to turn to Shevchenko’s methodology is that the materials of the methodology are available on the Internet. In addition, one of the Ukrainian TV channels (“STB”) showed a film about the dangers of cancer treatment folk remedies, including according to Shevchenko’s method. But doctors who conducted laboratory tests on mice were forced to state the fact that within 27 days after the administration of a mixture of oil and vodka, the tumor decreased significantly. But then, as television journalists said, it began to progress. At the same time, there was no hint of the purity of the experiment in compliance with the methodology. But it worked. In addition, Nikolai Shevchenko is an engineer. And that costs a lot.

All members of our family have already completed the first course of the Shevchenko method. Grandfather is simply delighted, this is the only thing that gives such a noticeable improvement effect, but for now he has to use a spray can. Still, his bronchial asthma has a huge experience - 35 years! Mom also has noticeable improvements - her hands are no longer numb, her blood is thickening. But she just can’t quit smoking, although I told her so many times that it interferes with the method.

I was registered with a psychiatrist for many years; there were hospitalizations. I'm almost 60 years old. I have been drinking the mixture on the advice of Nikolai Shevchenko for almost 4 years now. I started to get better. I feel better. The “voices”, noise and ringing disappeared, the fear in me disappeared. She began to talk and form sentences correctly. Previously, they pumped me so full of drugs that my tongue was wooden and I couldn’t speak. It’s just that I’m still not good at writing, but I’m trying. What a blessing to be normal person. When they look at you and say: “Oh, you look fine, are you still in your second youth? You look very good, and you can’t tell that you’ve been in hospitals. Is Shevchenko helping you?” “Yes,” I say: “Shevchenko is helping me. Drink his mixture, and it will help you.” I will continue to drink the mixture. I eat everything according to the book, I follow the diet by about 90%. I do everything at home myself, I try to rest. I walk every day. Since Shevchenko started drinking balm, she has never had the flu.

My name is Andrew. I am 19 years old. Shevchenko's method is familiar to me. The fact is that at the age of 10 I underwent this treatment with a diagnosis of episyndrome (epilepsy). There were four attacks, two of which were quite severe. I took vodka with butter exactly with the diet described in Shevchenko’s method, observed all the breaks between cycles and did not engage in heavy physical activity. I started running in the morning. And you know, in the end, I haven’t been bothered by this disease for 8 years now. I study at a higher educational institution, I study excellently.

I have chronic glomerulonephritis third degree, this diagnosis was made in the hospital. Both kidneys are asleep, not working, and I have been forced to go for hemodialysis for the third year in a row. I read the book by N.V. Shevchenko, and wrote to him six months ago about kidney disease. I started taking 30+30 oil and vodka according to the Shevchenko system, and the improvements in my tests were obvious. Now hemoglobin remains at around 80 and does not fall without the support of medications, but there is no significant progress in urine output yet. I still want to take this treatment. I'm willing to take risks, I have nothing to lose.

My mother has been drinking a mixture of oil and vodka for 2 years to prevent metastases from appearing after colon surgery. During the treatment, a 6 mm stone in the kidney dissolved, 2 cysts on the kidneys resolved, arthritis of the hand disappeared, arthrosis improved significantly knee joint, general and biochemical blood tests are normal. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, there are no metastases, pah-pah.

In January 2001, my husband was diagnosed with T3N0M1 left kidney disease, thrombosis of the left renal vein, MTS in ThVII (spine) + ThIX, stage IV. An operation was performed to remove the tumor. 04/07/2008 was made CT scan: “In the thoracic spine, foci of destruction of the mts are determined: in the transverse process and right arch of the Th7 vertebra 41x23 mm with the exit of the soft tissue component into the lumen of the spinal canal. In the spinous process of Th8 the focus is 21x18 mm, in the right transverse process of the Th9 vertebra 32x30 mm. In the left shoulder blade, the focus of destruction is 33x22 mm." We started drinking vodka with butter according to N.V.’s book. Shevchenko "Pobed" 2005, then purchased "Pobed" 2008. My husband drinks a mixture (40+40) three times a day. Feels good. Tomography was done again on March 25, 2010: “Metastases in the listed places remain. Lungs without focal and infiltrative changes. Free fluid in pleural cavities not determined. The trachea and large bronchi are patent. The left mediastinum is not enlarged. The heart and large vessels are unremarkable." This year we have not had a tomography scan yet. Thank you very much for the books and the hope that they gave us. We will continue to follow Shevchenko’s method, according to which my husband has been treated for four years with this diagnosis.

A pensioner from Almaty is writing to you. I am 73 years old. There are a lot of sores. The main one is prostate adenoma. In March 2011, I was offered surgery. I refused. I decided to be treated according to Shevchenko’s method (I have his book from 2010). I have been drinking the mixture 3 times a day since June 28, 2011. I felt better (I went to the toilet little by little up to 10 times a night, now 3-4 times). During this time, my blood pressure normalized (it reached 160 over 90, now it’s 120 over 80), my feet stopped freezing in winter, I became more flexible: before, when bending forward, pain in my legs (hips) bothered me, but now this hindrance has disappeared. I don’t eat cakes, pastries, sweets, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol. When it comes to dairy products, I like cottage cheese and cottage cheese shanga; other dairy products interest me little. I love meat dishes, chicken eggs, but in moderation, I don’t overeat. I love fruits, berries, vegetables, potatoes. I drink tea with dried fruits and unsweetened cookies. My weight is 85 kg.

My father was born in 1953. A month ago I underwent a tamography and biopsy examination. A diagnosis of left lung cancer was made. He also has a whole bunch of diseases: diabetes type 2 (insulin dependent), bronchial asthma, pancreatitis, hypertension, etc. Before treatment with vodka and butter, the condition was serious: my leg gave out, there were bumps on all the joints of my arms and legs, everything was hot inside, unbearable pain in the pancreas, in the heart area; my shoulder was pulled, I couldn’t lie down, I sat day and night because... Lying down I was out of breath. I was sweating a lot, I didn’t have time to change my clothes, my temperature was high, my sugar levels were high, etc. The priest had already come to confess. We learned about Shevchenko’s method by chance, believed it and began treatment immediately. I started drinking the mixture on January 21, 2012. Improvements began: severe pain passed, occasionally only, tolerable, sugar dropped. Reduced insulin dose. First of all, the bumps went away and the leg let go. Now he can lie down, although he suffers from insomnia. In general, the improvements are noticeable.

My parents, 75 and 72 years old, have been drinking Shevchenko’s mixture for 4 years. Before this, my father almost died of heart disease - very weakened, fluttering, etc., it was exhausted from hormonal drugs against asthma. The doctors said that he was no longer a tenant, his legs were swollen and he could not even walk around the apartment - he had no strength. From the mixture he lived for 4 years in a stable condition, there was no swelling, he walks on the street. Thank you!!!

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 5 years ago. The medicine made me feel better terrible allergy. They didn't give me any more treatment. And then I found Shevchenko’s technique and decided to try it. I drank for 3 years. I immediately felt good. I followed a strict diet. By the way, my constipation has not gone away over the years. But I started eating normally. Then I stopped drinking the mixture. But after 1.5 years, my ulcers opened again. I want to start drinking a mixture of vodka and butter again. This is the only thing that helped.

I myself called my mother’s friend and talked about her recovery thanks to Shevchenko’s method. Nikolai Shevchenko and his method gave her 8 years of healthy life and God willing, we will live longer. Here's her story. She lives in the Primorsky Territory, the village of New Moscow, Khramtsova Nadezhda. Diagnosis: breast cancer stage 2-B. metastases to lymph nodes, armpits. In 2003, she was diagnosed with surgery to remove the breast and lymph nodes. 2 courses of chemotherapy before surgery, radiation 24 times. After the operation, 4 more chemotherapy treatments were prescribed, but she only lasted 3. The doctor told her: go home. He already thought that she was no longer a tenant. At home, relatives led me by the arm and she could barely move. I learned about the method from my roommate; she had intestinal cancer; she underwent surgery and had a tube removed through her abdomen. She decided to save herself and started drinking according to Shevchenko’s method. After drinking the mixture for 1 year, she was told that she was quite healthy and had surgery to restore her intestines. Then Nadya bought N.V.’s book. Shevchenko. There was no money for medicine since they live in the village. My daughter is a schoolgirl, but I want to live. After chemotherapy she had severe headaches. After the first course of vodka with butter, she stopped having headaches. And she strictly followed the diet. Tests immediately began to confirm it right choice. I prayed throughout the day and especially when I took the mixture. I took the mixture from May 2004 to the present, that’s already 7.5 years. I have never been sick with anything. Disability removed. Shevchenko offers the technique to his fellow villagers. I asked her: “Aunt Nadya, what do you think helped you - medicine or the mixture?” She replied: “If I had taken one more course of chemistry, I would have been gone for 8 years. I was brought back to life by the method of N.V. Shevchenko.” And she said: “You need to believe. Faith heals!” Her daughter-in-law was sick with the same thing, but she chose medicine because she had money for expensive medicines. Unfortunately, she has been dead for 7.5 years. These are real people, who still doubts.

In May it will be 4 years since I took the Shevchenko method (vodka with butter). I wrote to Nikolai Viktorovich several times and received answers. His book brought me peace. I had hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). In 2007, when I started drinking the mixture, the total volume of the thyroid gland was 5.33 cubic meters. cm, in one lobe there was a formation 0.5 cm in diameter. In 2011, she underwent a full examination: the total volume of the thyroid gland became 4.07 cubic meters. see, there is no education in her. TSH – 2.47 (normal range 0.170–4.050), T4 – 20.34 (normal range 10.50–24.50). The doctor asked: “Have you been treated with anything? Since your thyroid mass has disappeared.” I said: “Yes, according to N.V. Shevchenko’s method.” I started treatment with a dose of 35x35, since August 2008 I have been drinking 40x40, three times a day, and do not eat sweets or dairy. I am 52 years old.

Stepan Dmitrievich D-kiv, Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine, February 3, 2011:

My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This diagnosis was made to him in Kyiv, Donetsk, Lvov. He was treated using the Shevchenko method for three cycles. Or rather, his wife treated him strictly according to the methodology. And everything was fine. Somewhere after the second cycle, the tumor burst near the ear, a lot of things came out: blood, pus (like from an abscess). His face regained its natural color, otherwise he was yellow and thin, like a dead man. I gained weight, started walking, and then running. And then abruptly, on the fifth cycle, I quit treatment. He told his wife that he was completely healthy and no longer needed treatment. No amount of persuasion helped. I switched the treatment to coffee, and treated myself with vodka, wine, and beer almost every day. After about a month and a half, he suddenly became ill, so much so that nothing could help him. He died due to his own stupidity. But my neighbor has been taking a 30 to 30 mixture of vodka and oil for the 4th cycle. Well, he’s a serious guy. Everything he does is very strict according to Shevchenko’s method. From the beginning of treatment, I wanted to sleep badly for 2-3 weeks, where I sat down and slept. Afterwards there was blood in his stool, and his vision improved. He had a cyst on his right kidney before treatment. After three cycles I did an ultrasound - there was no cyst, it had disappeared somewhere. He also had aching joints for 2 weeks, sometimes his legs, sometimes his arms. But he’s great, he endures everything. He takes vodka with oil 2 times a day, in the morning at 7 and in the evening at 19. The hair on his head was grey, but now it has begun to darken. I also started treatment according to Shevchenko, I have already completed the 3rd cycle. I drink a mixture of 40x40 three times a day. Everything was fine, the kidneys hurt, then the liver, then the kidneys again. I had stomach cramps at night 4 times in a way that can’t be described, on the 1st and 2nd cycle. How much tar and stones came out of me. The blood clots on the legs resolved, varicose veins disappeared, and the legs became clean. Pulse and blood pressure normalized (125/80), sugar (was 7.5 - now 3.8–4.2). Vision and hearing have improved. Wen on the body began to dissolve. IN cervical vertebra No more neck crunches. Otherwise I was afraid to turn my head sharply so that my neck wouldn’t break. And all this happened in just 3 cycles. I follow a strict diet. Before I started treatment with the mixture, I was 92 kg, now I’m 79 kg. I've lost weight, but I feel good. My appetite is terrible, I limit myself in food. My daughter is being treated for intestinal ulcers using the Shevchenko method. Doctors told her to go into surgery and remove 70 cm of intestine and bring it out. I persuaded her, gave Shevchenko the book, and make sure she does everything according to the method. And she, thank God, drinks the 40x40 mixture and feels better, and prays to our Savior. Personally, I have already persuaded 10 people, and they are being treated with Shevchenko’s method. And everyone feels good.

I want to thank Shevchenko for his technique, it saved the life of my older sister. She is 30 years old and was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer last summer. Immediately after this, she started taking the mixture; today there is no cancer, all tests are clear. But she continues to drink, and our whole family is with her for company. I'm 25 years old, no serious illnesses I haven’t, but I decided to drink the mixture twice a day. My husband and I are planning a child, I drink a mixture to improve health before pregnancy.

In 1994, an 80-year-old woman had a large sarcoma-type tumor removed from her knee area. The operation seemed to be a success. However, about a year later, metastases were discovered in the lungs, and the oncological process progressed incredibly rapidly, accompanied by terrible pain.

The doctors—her mother was already in the hospital by that time—announced Lyudmila Nikolaevna that it was time to think about ritual paraphernalia: the old woman, they say, did not have much time left to live. But it so happened that Lyudmila Nikolaevna caught one of the articles about Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko, published in AiF Health during 1993-1995.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna went to him with the results of her mother’s tests, with extracts from the medical history, with pictures... From Lyudmila Nikolaevna’s story “Shevchenko looked at the documents. He gave me a prescription for the medicine and instructions for use. Everything was so simple that at first I didn’t even believe in the reality of any improvements.

I decided to try it myself first. I mixed sunflower oil and alcohol in the required proportions. I drank... Wow, what disgusting. I decided: “It won’t be worse for my mother. Need to try".

She took her mother from the hospital and began giving her medicine. The pain went away almost immediately, and the need for painkillers disappeared completely. After the first 10-day course, my mother began to feel so much better that I took her home - she lives in another city. She completed only two courses - she couldn’t stand it anymore, or maybe she just didn’t want to. But one thing is certain: the mother literally came to life.

He takes care of himself completely, does laundry, works in the garden. How much time has passed since June?..” Lyudmila Nikolaevna gave us Shevchenko’s phone number, and a few days later we were in his small apartment on the first floor of the Khrushchev building.

Shevchenko mixture recipe

Pour 30 ml of unrefined sunflower oil into a jar (no other oils or fats are suitable!) and 30 ml of 40% alcohol (vodka, all types and varieties), close the lid tightly and actively shake your hand for a couple of minutes, exhale and drink quickly .

Moonshine instead of vodka is allowed. If cotton wool soaked in vodka or moonshine does not burn, it means that it is less than 40 degrees and this product must be replaced with another. Take the medicine in this way three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, preferably at the same time.

Drink for 10 days in a row, then take a break for 5 days, and so on twice in a row. Drink another 10 days and be sure to take a break of 14 days. This is one course of treatment. Repeat further courses of treatment in this way until complete recovery - at least 3, at least 4 years, at least five years!