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Human body temperature: normal, low and high. Highest and lowest body temperature

Measuring body temperature or thermometry is a valuable objective indicator of the condition of the human body. But the answer to the question “Which normal temperature human body? not so simple.

The normal body temperature of an adult is 36.6 °C. But this is only an average. In fact, physiological fluctuations in body temperature healthy person are within the range of 35.5 to 37.4 °C. This is natural: during sleep metabolic processes slow down and body temperature decreases, and while awake, especially during physical and emotional stress, body temperature rises. Therefore, morning temperatures are usually lower than afternoon or evening temperatures. Also, body temperature depends on the method and place of its measurement, gender, age and condition of the subject. And in women from or pregnancy. A child’s body temperature is more labile and depends more on temperature environment and on the state of the body.

Fever or hyperthermia

A person's body temperature above 37.4 °C is considered elevated. Causes of high temperature:

  1. Overheating of the body or heatstroke;
  2. Infectious diseases;
  3. Oncological diseases;
  4. Excess hormones thyroid gland;
  5. Disruption of the thermoregulation center of the brain

The critical temperature of the human body at which some proteins begin to denature is 42 °C. The maximum human body temperature of 46.5 °C was recorded in the United States in a man after heatstroke.

Low temperature or hypothermia

Body temperature below 35.5 °C is considered low. Causes of low temperature:

  1. Hypothermia;
  2. Hypothyroidism or lack of thyroid hormones;
  3. Asthenic conditions during exhaustion, after a serious illness, poisoning or stress.

The minimum critical temperature at which coma occurs is 25 ° C. The minimum human body temperature of 14.2 ° C was recorded in a Canadian girl after severe hypothermia. Amazing fact!

How to measure temperature?

There are 3 main ways to measure body temperature:

  1. Axillary, when the thermometer is placed in the armpit;
  2. Rectal, which measures the temperature in the rectum or basal temperature;
  3. Oral or mouth temperature measurement

It should be remembered that different areas human bodies have different temperatures. And if the temperature in the armpit is 36.6 °C, then in the mouth it will be about 37 °C, and in the rectum even higher - 37.5 °C.

WITH detailed methods thermometry can be found.

When to lower the temperature

Elevated body temperature is often a sign of some illness. In this case, at high temperatures, metabolism is activated, the activity of the immune system increases, blood flow and oxygen supply to cells increases, and the processes of restoration of damaged tissues are accelerated. Thus, high body temperature is defensive reaction of the human body, and it is not necessary to reduce the temperature to 38.5 ° C if the general condition is satisfactory.

When to lower the temperature:

  1. When a rise in temperature is accompanied by a significant deterioration in condition;
  2. When an increase in body temperature is accompanied by chills or obvious coldness of the extremities;
  3. At body temperature above 39 °C;
  4. When there is a threat of seizures;
  5. In weakened or exhausted patients and in the presence of severe concomitant diseases

What to do if you have a low body temperature

If low temperature body is associated with hypothermia, you need to warm up, take a hot bath, drink hot tea, lie down and cover yourself with a warm blanket. In the case when the body temperature is constantly lowered, you first need to find out the reason. It may be associated with intoxication, overwork, starvation, prolonged stressful situation, a general decrease in vitality. If the cause of persistent hypothermia is caused by a lack of thyroid hormones, then you should contact an endocrinologist to prescribe hormone replacement therapy.


Normal human body temperature ranges from 35.5 to 37.4 °C. Fever is most often associated with infectious diseases. Low temperature - with decreased thyroid function. A high temperature during infection is a protective reaction of the body, and antipyretics should be taken only for direct indications.

The human body depends on the functioning of the thermoregulatory center, which is located in the hypothalamus. Mammals have a temperature skin varies widely from 35.5 to 39.5°C. The “hottest” creatures are birds, since on average their body temperature fluctuates in the range of 38.8-43°C. High temperatures allow you to be more active, especially in winter period. An excellent appetite is required to maintain it. For comparison, here’s an example: a crocodile needs to eat 20(!) times less food per day than a person weighing 60 kg.

Reliable thermometers appeared only in the middle of the 18th century, and then scientists decided that the normal human body temperature should be 37 ° C when measured rectally or orally. But in fact, the average temperature is 36.6° or perhaps even less, which is confirmed by the latest research. Throughout the whole day, the normal human body temperature varies from 35.5 to 37.2°. The temperature varies according to the daily rhythm: the lowest is in the morning, at about 6 o'clock, and it reaches its maximum values ​​​​in the evening. Normal human does not depend on our level of activity, it follows the solar circadian rhythm: a person who works at night and sleeps during the day has no changes in temperature during the day, unlike other people. Lower temperature values ​​(below 35°) indicate the development of a serious illness (most often the consequences of radiation). With significant hypothermia, a person falls into a stupor (when the values ​​drop to 32.2°). When reaching 29.5°C, most people lose consciousness, and at a temperature of 26.5°C and below, death occurs. The recorded record for survival during hypothermia is 16°C, and in the experiment it was 8.8°C.

Normal human body temperature depends on age and gender. Basically body temperature male body a little higher, about half a degree. In the first days of life, babies’ temperature is most often elevated and amounts to armpit approximately 37°C. Then the normal temperature of a child is no different from that of an adult. It should be noted that in girls’ bodies, stabilization of body temperature occurs at 13-14 years old, but in boys later - at 18. With age, a person’s body temperature decreases, because all processes in the body, including thermal production, slow down. Its variability is also reduced under the influence of ambient temperature.

There is a topography of skin temperatures (it is absent in newborns). The coldest parts of the body are the shells of the ears, the tip of the nose and the distal parts of the extremities. These places are characterized by temperatures of 23-30°. The “hottest” areas are the axillary region, perineum, epigastrium, lips, neck, and cheeks. In other areas, the temperature fluctuates between 31-33.5°C.

Each individual person has their own normal temperature. A person’s normal temperature can be 37.7. To find out normal indicators, you need to measure the temperature when you are calm (its increase is noted with overheating, emotional arousal, increased physical activity). It is better to measure it not only in the armpit, but also in the rectum. This must be done in the morning, then in the afternoon and in the evening. Please note that a newborn baby’s temperature can be measured under the armpit, in the rectum and inguinal fold, but not in the mouth (this can only be done when using a special pacifier thermometer). Write down and remember the received data. If you suddenly get sick, you will be able to confidently understand how much your temperature has risen, which will allow for a more accurate diagnosis of your health in a timely manner.

One of the key indicators that reflects the relationship between the formation of heat due to ongoing metabolic processes in the body and its release from the surface of the skin, through the lungs or excreted decay products. In order to correctly evaluate the information obtained, many factors should be taken into account - when, to whom, in what way and under what conditions the measurement was made. Considering the totality of the facts obtained, we can answer the question of whether a temperature of 37 °C is considered normal or not.

How to use a thermometer correctly

In order to obtain the most reliable information, you should consider some features:

  • A tool used for diagnostics. The most plausible information is obtained from measurements with mercury devices. Infrared and digital assistants, widely advertised to consumers, have large measurement errors or are unjustifiably high cost. If the obtained values ​​fluctuate around 37 °C, this is a normal temperature for most practical cases.
  • Where did they put the thermometer? Mercury meters can be used to obtain temperature readings from the armpit, orally, or from the rectum. Each of these methods has its own diagnostic plugin. For example, with the axillary method, the typical range is between 36.3 and 36.9 °C. If the thermometer was in the patient’s mouth, then the resulting temperature of 37 °C is normal, as it corresponds to the standard values ​​of 36.8-37.3 °C. For the rectal method, the range of 37.3-37.7 °C is considered classic.

  • When, to whom and under what conditions it was measured. It is reliably known that in the evening hours the readings on the thermometer can increase by 1 °C within normal limits. The same situation can occur after intense physical activity, visiting a bath, sauna, and immediately after eating. And when choosing the right or left armpit, the difference in the data obtained can reach 0.3 °C. In children, in effect physiological characteristics development, a rise in temperature may be observed that is not associated with diseases: after crying or due to overheating due to too warm clothes.

How not to take your temperature

We are so accustomed to this procedure that we do it automatically. However, it is worth asking yourself a question when you see the obtained values ​​of 37 °C: is this a normal temperature, is there a measurement error here?

It is important to remember that all manipulations are performed with a person in calm state. If the baby just ran, jumped or did other active actions, then before you put the thermometer in your bosom, you should switch it to quiet entertainment and wait at least half an hour. The same rule applies if a person has just eaten food, water treatments or came from a walk.

Mercury thermometers require some skill to use. But the main problem for parents is the need to keep the child calm for the 8 minutes it takes to qualitative assessment child's well-being. If you measure less, you get unreliable values.

Don't rely only on your tactile sensations. Lately among the children of different ages Cases of white fever are common. They are cold to the touch, but when recorded by instruments, shockingly high values ​​are observed. This effect occurs due to vascular spasms, which must be eliminated in as soon as possible.

What pathologies may be hidden behind a slight increase in temperature?

Correctly diagnosing the cause of low-grade fever in a person is not an easy task for doctors different profiles and qualifications. A slight increase in mercury may indicate a large number of deviations in normal functioning various organs and human systems:

  • sluggish and chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract- acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and others;
  • infections genitourinary system- cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • imbalance hormonal system;
  • hidden infections, for example, this is how pathogenic streptococcus can manifest itself;
  • the addition of a bacterial infection in children a few days after the high fever subsides.

For such situations, an increase in a person’s temperature to 37 ° C is normal phenomenon? Of course not.

Why does the baby have 37 on the thermometer?

In the absence of noticeable signs of disease progression of various etiologies and visible deviations in the analysis results, do not panic if your child’s thermometer shows a value of 37.2 °C. For peace of mind, you should check the values ​​over time: if the increase was a one-time increase, then there is nothing to worry about. Temperature 37 °C in a child - normal reaction organism to the attacking external environment. If the symptoms are often observed over a long period of time, this is a reason to consult a doctor, since the human body can develop inflammatory processes.

Overheating is a common cause of fever in infants

What if the child is one month old and has a temperature of 37? Is this normal or not? In the first month of a baby’s life, he is under the close attention of parents, doctors and caring relatives. Overprotection manifests itself in excessive wrapping inappropriate for the weather, poor ventilation due to possible drafts. And since the thermoregulation function of infants is imperfect, it is quite natural for the numbers to increase. To correct the situation, it is enough to remove excess clothing and cool the room by ventilating it without a child in it.

And we have teeth!

Another possible reason for temperature deviation from the norm in children of the first years of life is teething. In this case, a temperature of 37 is normal. Children cope with teething differently. For some it’s easy and relaxed, while for others you’ll have to be patient a little. Often, the growth of teeth in young children is accompanied by increased salivation, which indirectly can help parents understand the ongoing changes in their child’s condition.

Asymptomatic causes of fever

There are several conditions of the human body that may be accompanied by a slight increase in the values ​​on the thermometer:

  • The weakening of the immune system and, as a result, the acceleration of metabolic processes to combat various toxins manifests itself in the form of an increase in degrees.
  • Upcoming motherhood. The body of the expectant mother can respond to the changes occurring by increasing the thermometer values, so a temperature of 37 °C during pregnancy is normal.

  • Violation of thermoregulatory function in the brain due to a depressive state.
  • Overheating of the body due to long stay exposure to the sun or wearing inappropriate clothing for the season, which very often happens in infants.

When to sound the alarm

Today, experts admit that for some people, exceeding the values ​​​​on the thermometer is the norm, provided there are no other symptoms and normal tests. But there are situations when a slight deviation from the norm is a reason to contact a specialist and conduct a series of studies.

Firstly, if the child has a fever for more than 3 days and this fact is accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, pale skin and others.

Secondly, if the increase is repeated during the course of a viral infection. Most often, this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.

Thirdly, stable values ​​of 37 °C are regularly recorded for two weeks, provided that the thermometer is in good working order and the measurement rules are followed.

Fourthly, it is worth closely monitoring the dynamics of measurements if a child is injured, especially carefully monitoring indicators for head impacts.

Thus, the values ​​​​on the thermometer should be considered together with the general condition of the person and the events preceding the measurement. Overall single slight increase temperature without any accompanying symptoms does not require intervention from health workers.

The maximum and minimum temperature of a person cause irreversible consequences that can lead to fatal outcome, so knowing the limits human body allows us to save it in healthy condition. This is why it is important to know what the maximum and minimum temperature a person can have.

The normal human body temperature is considered to be between 36-37 degrees. The minimum temperature of a healthy person is observed around 6.00 am. The maximum temperature can be recorded in the late afternoon, in the time interval 16.00-18.00.

Body temperature may rise or rise various reasons: hypothermia, thermal or sunstroke, the presence of various infectious diseases, ovulation period in women, stress, physical activity.

Our body adapts to temperature changes and protects itself in the following way: when the temperature rises, we begin to sweat more; when the temperature drops, the muscles begin to contract quickly, and trembling occurs.

Maximum human temperature

The maximum temperature for a person is considered to be 43 and above. At this temperature a person can die. A condition in which a person has a temperature above 41 degrees is called hyperpyrexia.

Hyperpyrexia is the body's most important defense mechanism. At high temperatures, the activity of leukocytes and phagocytes increases, which protect the body from viral and bacterial infections. Also, with hyperpyrexia, the production of interferon, an antiviral protein, increases, thanks to which the body’s cells become immune to viruses.

Hyperpyrexia occurs due to the penetration of viral and bacterial infections into the body. The harmful effects of hyperpyrexia include: dehydration, breathing problems, convulsions, irregular heartbeat, exhaustion, weakness, loss of appetite.

Maximum body temperature is especially dangerous for pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

Minimum human temperature

The minimum human temperature is considered to be 15-23 degrees; if the body cools to this temperature, death can occur.

A condition characterized by a temperature drop below 35 degrees is called hypothermia. The main cause of hypothermia is hypothermia and areactive sepsis. Hypothermia caused by exposure to cold can cause frostbite on various parts of the skin.

Symptoms of hypothermia include drowsiness, paleness, weakness and loss of coordination, slurred speech, difficulty thinking, apathy, loss of consciousness, weak pulse, slow shallow breathing.

Hypothermia is dangerous to your health and is a medical emergency.

A person's minimum and maximum temperatures are life-threatening conditions that can lead to death. Avoid hypothermia, treat viral and bacterial infections in a timely manner, undergo regular medical examinations, healthy image life - all this will help you avoid health-threatening hyperpyrexia and hypothermia.