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What to eat to increase lactation. Auxiliary means to increase the amount of milk. Biologically active additives

Scientists have proven that the quantity and quality of milk during lactation directly depends on the products that a woman consumes. Therefore, if the question arises of how to increase lactation, you should first of all think not about drugs and medicines, but about how to increase the calorie content of your own diet. But this should be done correctly, without going beyond the use of healthy and wholesome food.

Diet as a means to increase lactation

Before you start eating more, you need to analyze the existing diet and determine its nutritional value. During lactation, it should be on average 700-1000 kcal higher than in the normal state, for which energy value food consumed per day should average 2300 kcal.

The daily diet of the mother should include poultry or fish, milk and dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables and fruits. From fats it is better to use butter, but not more than 20 g per day. The main tool that helps a woman both increase lactation and maintain it at this level is to maintain correct ratio these products. You can not allow an overweight in the direction of proteins, carbohydrates, and even more so fats. By increasing the consumption of one component, you need to adjust the amount of the rest.

The amount of water you drink should be at least 2 liters per day. Some women find that if they drink more fluids, the amount of milk produced will increase. And this is true, but at the same time its composition will change. It must be borne in mind that in this case, milk will contain less protein and vitamins. Therefore it is not the best The best way how to increase lactation. The level of protein in breast milk is also affected by how much a nursing mother consumes sweets - sugar, buns, confectionery, of bread. The more such foods are eaten, the less protein the child receives.

Products that increase lactation and reduce it

Before you start artificially increasing the amount of milk, you need to be firmly convinced that it really is not enough. If you can’t determine this on your own, you can always consult a pediatrician.

But if, nevertheless, it turned out that the baby is malnourished, then first of all you need to limit yourself in products that reduce lactation: chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, mushrooms, cocoa. In addition, it is necessary to exclude alcohol in any of its manifestations. Contrary to the stereotype, not only is it not a product that increases lactation, but it also negatively affects the health of the child, since it quickly enters milk through the blood. The same applies equally to nicotine.

Onions, garlic and spices should also be excluded from the diet, as they give milk bad taste, because of which the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

If we talk about how to increase lactation, one cannot fail to mention such a tool as warm tea with milk. Sometimes it is advised to drink it with honey, but since honey is a strong allergen, you need to add it to tea with caution. Tea should be drunk half an hour before feeding the baby. This simple method does not affect the amount of milk, but the intensity of its production.

Lactation is also stimulated by meat and chicken broths, cheeses (especially Adyghe and brynza), seeds and a variety of fermented milk products. In addition, you can start drinking drinks with natural lactation enhancers - dandelion, ginger, cumin, radish, carrot and fennel on a regular basis.

Means to increase lactation: simple recipes for healthy drinks

  • Carrot juice. Washed carrots should be poured over with boiling water, grated and squeezed out the juice. 1 glass of juice should be drunk 2-3 times a day, and it should be prepared immediately before use;
  • Carrots with cream. One of the variations effective remedy to increase lactation. Grated carrots (3-4 tablespoons) should be poured with a glass of milk and let it brew a little. Take 1 glass 3 times a day;
  • Dandelion leaf tincture. Wash freshly picked leaves, scroll through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and salt a little. Leave to infuse for half an hour, then take half a cup 1-2 times a day. To slightly improve the taste, you can add a few drops. lemon juice and sugar;
  • Cumin cocktail. 8 g of cumin seeds pour 0.5 liters of water, add half a chopped lemon and 50 g of sugar. Mix everything, put on low heat and cook for 5-10 minutes. Strain the finished drink and cool. Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • anise drink. Anise is a wonderful product that increases lactation. To prepare a drink, you need to pour 15 g of the seeds of this plant with a liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain, cool and drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Drugs to increase lactation

In some cases folk remedies to increase lactation do not help. It often happens that a young mother simply does not have enough time to prepare tinctures and drinks. In this case, the woman is forced to use some medications with a similar effect.

At the same time, taking pharmaceutical drugs and teas to increase lactation does not cancel the normalization of the diet, since this is the main way to increase the amount of milk. Here is a list of some effective drugs to increase lactation:

  • Lactagon. The composition of the drug includes royal jelly in combination with nettle, carrots and some other components, due to which the desired result is achieved;
  • Femilak-2. Dry milk product, which contains protein, vitamins and some useful minerals;
  • Lactavit. Cumin, fennel, nettle and anise - here are the most powerful herbs that improve lactation;
  • Apilak. The drug for royal jelly with a variety of trace elements and vitamins;
  • Tea "Grandma's basket". It contains useful herbs in the right proportions. This is a ready-made answer to the question of how to increase lactation - packaged and waiting for a woman on the shelf of a store or pharmacy. Such tea saves time spent on self-cooking collection for brewing drinks;
  • Mlekoin. homeopathic remedy in granules that are taken before meals.

How to increase lactation and maintain it?

After enough milk has been produced, women often wonder how to maintain this condition.

Firstly, you need to remember the quantity and quality of the products you consume, and secondly, follow simple recommendations:

  • Observe the regime of the day: sleep for 8-10 hours a day, walk on fresh air at least 2 hours;
  • Do not skip night feedings, they are required. This point is especially important because the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is produced at night. Due to this, the night feeding of the baby turns out to be of better quality, and the process itself is lengthy. If a mother has stopped feeding at night and is interested in the question of how to increase lactation, then all she needs to do is resume them;
  • Consume more dairy products;
  • Apply the baby to the breast more often;
  • Drink multivitamins;
  • Less nervous, have a positive attitude;
  • Relax during feeding and put off everything for the sake of this process.

These are the main methods of how to increase lactation. If after their application the situation does not change, then you will need to consult a doctor for advice. You may also need to feed your baby formula milk.

Text: Alina Litovchenko

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Not every mother can feed a baby with breast milk, sometimes the baby does not have enough food. In this case, the woman faces the question: how to increase lactation? Sometimes the volume of milk is large, but the baby still remains hungry. Weigh it before feeding and after eating: if the child sucks the required number of grams, but looks undernourished, it is not the quantity that is to blame, but the quality of the product. When the fat content of milk is low, a lot of empty liquid enters the stomach of the newborn, which will soon spill into the diaper, and the body receives few necessary components. If you think you're under-lactated, check with your doctor first. At good health and lack hormonal disruptions all difficulties with breastfeeding can be eliminated.

Why is there not enough milk in the breast?

If the doctor did not find serious problems with the health of the mother, and there is not enough milk, pay attention to your regimen, lifestyle, emotional condition. Sometimes a woman is completely absorbed in a career or study, refuses to maternity leave, takes work home and sits at the computer at night to turn in the assignment on time. Some "good Samaritans" are constantly immersed in the imaginary and real troubles of their girlfriends and relatives. Mom is not up to the child, she suffers along with her neighbor, who for the hundredth time broke up with her husband for good; for several hours consoles her sister on the phone, who is about to commit suicide, because her beloved did not call her for a whole day. You like this kind of life, but what does the little man have to do with it, who doesn’t care about these worries, he wants his mother to be there and feed him delicious milk.

What causes a breastfeeding mother to reduce her milk supply? There are not so many of them, and any woman can rid herself of these problems. Lactation is reduced or completely stopped when:

  • malnutrition mothers;
  • stress, negative emotions;
  • lack of desire in a woman to breastfeed a baby, fear of spoiling the figure;
  • overwork, lack of sleep;
  • rare or improper feeding of the child, when he does not empty the breast completely;
  • early introduction of complementary foods.

Be in a good mood, do not overwork, organize yourself correct mode day, eat foods that increase lactation, perhaps after that breastfeeding will return to normal and no additional measures and won't be needed.

If you have weak character, you cannot interrupt an unnerving conversation with a friend or refuse a boss who asks you to urgently make a complex report overnight, act not on your own behalf, but be guided by the requirements of the baby. For this period, he should become for you both the director and best friend and the most important member of the family. Ignore your husband's grumbling about an unprepared dinner or unwashed dishes. Adults can take care of themselves, and a baby needs a cheerful, rested mother with full chest delicious milk.

Everything was going fine, but suddenly mom notices that the baby is not getting enough milk. Take your time to reduce breastfeeding and introduce complementary foods, such phenomena are familiar to many women, and they almost always go away on their own. Baby has a period active growth, appetite increased, and my mother's body did not have time to react correctly. Be patient for a few days, during this period, to improve lactation, breastfeed your baby more often. Soon the flow of milk will increase, and the newborn will be full again. Do not torture yourself with the question of how to increase the number breast milk: The more you worry about it, the worse the situation becomes. Let the body adapt to the increased needs of the baby, nature will quickly put everything in its place.

During pregnancy, a woman gets used to limiting herself to foods that are not very healthy. This also applies to acceptance. medicines. But after giving birth, the menu of a nursing woman also changes. The priority is to increase lactation. It will be useful for every young mother to know about the effect of certain products on breast milk.

The basics of the diet of a nursing mother

During the preparation for childbirth, women are already familiar with necessary products nutrition. This knowledge and recommendations of doctors should not be forgotten after childbirth. For at this time priority for a woman - to establish the production of breast milk.

A month and a half after giving birth, the diet of a nursing mother is strict. Gradually, new foods are added to the diet. Before the child reaches the age of three months, a diet is required, but sparing. During this period, it is important to observe the baby's reaction to new foods in the mother's diet. To avoid negative allergic reactions and bloating in a child, it is necessary to gradually expand the diet of a nursing woman.

To increase lactation, it is necessary to consume sour-milk products

The diet of a young mother is based on homemade healthy food. To increase lactation every day you should use:

  • dairy products;
  • boiled meat, fish;
  • hard cheese.

It is important to remember about strict prohibition doctors for a number of products:

  • smoked products;
  • alcohol;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • crackers;
  • chips;
  • sweets in excess;
  • mayonnaise from the store;
  • spices.

What foods increase lactation

If a breastfeeding woman has no problems with overweight, then to increase lactation it is useful to eat a plate of semolina at night. Porridges from a mixture of cereals, for example, millet and buckwheat, boiled in water, with the addition of butter stimulates the production of breast milk. It is better to choose a green type of buckwheat, which is sold in specialized stores. Such unprocessed cereals contain important vitamins and minerals:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • vitamins of groups B, E and PP.

For the diet of a nursing woman, it is better to choose green buckwheat

Though porridge from green buckwheat and unusual in taste, but useful for lactation. This cereal is also important for recovery female body after childbirth. According to scientists, buckwheat is not even amenable to genetic modification.

Corn porridge is also useful for lactation. From three months, doctors recommend gradually adding to the diet of nursing mothers boiled corn. This product increases lactation and does not cause allergic reactions (does not contain gluten). Breastfeeding women are not recommended canned food. This also applies to corn. After all, canned corn often causes strong gas formation and bloating in the child.

Halva and seeds positively affect the production of breast milk, also increasing its fat content.

Honey is used with caution, despite the beneficial properties of this product, although it increases lactation, it often causes severe allergies in children. healing properties royal jelly is famous. This product improves lactation and improves immunity.

Honey should be used by a nursing mother with great care - it is a very strong allergen

A nursing woman is allowed some sweets: condensed milk (for example, with black tea) or cookies, which include baked or powdered milk. These products are safe for the health of the child. Such sweets accelerate the production of breast milk.

Video: what can breastfeeding mothers eat

Beer and lactation

Alcohol is strictly prohibited during lactation.

Even in small quantities, such as in non-alcoholic beer, this product causes irreparable harm baby's health. Alcohol also delays the outflow of breast milk. Therefore, it is impossible to hear common advice for nursing women to drink beer with sour cream for lactation from doctors.

It is a very common misconception that beer with sour cream is good for nursing mothers, doctors forbid any alcohol during lactation.

Brewer's yeast has a positive effect on milk production. They are found in bran, dairy products, bread from whole grain. In brewer's yeast, vitamins B1, B2, D2 are necessary for the health of the body.

Fruits for lactation

Fresh fruits should be in the diet of a nursing mother. Such products increase lactation. The vitamins and minerals they contain help the female body recover faster after childbirth. For the menu of a nursing mother, it is important to choose seasonal products that grow in the region of residence. After all, overseas fruits are crammed with substances hazardous to health.

First of all, apples are recommended to young mothers. Green varieties contain more iron and do not cause allergic reactions, unlike red ones. Up to two months it is better to bake apples or drink compotes. And later gradually introduce into the diet fresh fruits(up to 300 g per day).

Bananas, pears, peaches, and apricots also have useful properties. Bananas, for example, contain vitamins B6, C, E, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Berries are also recommended to increase lactation.

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that help the female body recover faster after childbirth.

Blackcurrant is famous for its high content of vitamin C. In addition, its good influence for the production of breast milk. These berries should be added to the diet of a nursing woman with great care. After all black currant may cause allergic reactions.

After four months, doctors recommend introducing avocados into the woman's menu in small portions. This fruit also boosts milk production. The rich vitamin and mineral composition of avocado normalizes and hormonal background female body. Dried fruit compotes are good for lactation.

Vegetables for nursing mothers

In the daily diet of young mothers, there must be vegetables. Among such products, the excretion of breast milk increases carrots. It should be consumed baked or boiled. And after 6 months - and in cheese. Good to drink too carrot juice(no more than a glass per day, diluted with water).

To increase lactation, you can use carrots with milk. Grate the vegetable and put 4 tablespoons in a glass. After that, carrots are poured with milk. Before drinking, you can add a little honey to the drink. Nursing mothers are advised to drink a glass a day.

What other foods increase breast milk production

To increase lactation, doctors recommend that nursing mothers eat nuts: both walnuts and almonds. These products increase the fat content of milk. Many scientists do not agree that nuts increase lactation. Every woman needs to remember that with a high fat content of milk, the body will need more strength to digest it. And it will be difficult for the baby to suckle.

A common recipe for milk with walnuts for nursing mothers. Unlike raw nuts, this infusion increases lactation. Walnuts should only be brewed with milk. Chopped nuts (100 g) should be poured with a glass of boiled milk and put in heat for five hours. Drink this drink half an hour before feeding. And the infusion is stored for a day after preparation.

Milk with walnut - healthy drink to increase lactation

Curly thistle has a positive effect on milk production. This herb, together with thyme, is included in the lactation collection. However, these products should not be consumed without consulting a doctor.

Tonic ginger tea increases lactation. Correctly use it should be in the morning. Gradually, ginger should be added to the diet of a nursing woman in the absence of allergies in the baby. During viral diseases This product replaces drugs, strengthening the immune system.

Drinks to increase lactation

Scientists disagree on whether the amount of liquid you drink affects the volume of breast milk. Women with low lactation after each feeding, E. O. Komarovsky recommends drinking at least a glass of sweet green tea with milk or dried fruit compote, juice, fermented milk products, low-fat milk.

To increase lactation, milkshakes are also used from fresh dandelion leaves, milk, kefir, dill and grated walnuts. A cocktail of dill seeds, kefir and nutmeg. A cedar cocktail with the addition of honey is also popular. After the operation, doctors recommend drinking jelly. And for breastfeeding women indispensable tool to increase lactation. Kissel must be made from rye flour. Consume it an hour before feeding.

famous for its useful properties red wine is prohibited for lactating women. After all, alcohol is harmful to the health of the baby. Like the rest alcoholic drinks wine makes milk flow more difficult.

What reduces lactation

Parsley, sage and mint negatively affect the volume of breast milk. Hot seasonings, spices, smoked meats not only reduce lactation, but also have a bad effect on the baby's digestion. Canned foods also reduce milk production. With caution, they can be added to the diet to complete lactation.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the breastfeeding diet

Foods that cause allergies while breastfeeding

It is important for a breastfeeding woman to monitor allergic reactions in a child for certain foods. After a month, you need to gradually introduce something new into the mother's daily menu. Products can be divided into 3 groups, among which there are high, medium and low allergens. The diet of a nursing woman should not contain highly allergenic foods.

Table: food allergens

Highly allergenic foods Medium allergens Low allergens
Cow's milk Sour cream Dairy products:
  • cottage cheese,
  • hard cheese,
  • natural yogurt, etc.
Chicken eggs
  • Beef,
  • chicken
  • Rabbit,
  • turkey
  • Seafood,
  • Peas,
  • beans,
Vegetable and butter
Fresh, salted and smoked fish Pasta Low-fat varieties of fish (perch, cod, hake, etc.)
  • Wheat,
  • rye,
  • mana groats
  • Buckwheat,
  • Pearl barley,
  • millet,
  • corn grits
  • Carrot,
  • red tomatoes,
  • bell pepper,
  • colorful vegetables
  • Potato,
  • beet,
  • Broccoli,
  • cauliflower,
  • zucchini
  • bananas,
  • mango,
  • melon,
  • citruses
  • Exotic fruits
  • apricots,
  • peaches
  • Apples,
  • pears
  • Strawberry,
  • raspberries,
  • brightly colored berries
  • Blueberry,
  • black currant,
  • cowberry,
  • cranberry
white currant,
white and yellow cherry
  • Chocolate,
  • cocoa,
  • Cherry,
  • plum,
  • rose hip
Parsley and dill
  • Mushrooms,
  • nuts
Bakery products

During breastfeeding, the foundations of a child's health are laid. During this period, mothers should try to preserve milk, and, if necessary, increase lactation. To do this, a woman's diet is expanded with special foods, drinks and cocktails that do not cause allergic reactions.

Sometimes taken as a decrease in lactation sudden jump in the growth of the child. At this time, he sucks more and can suck as much at a time as he ate in two or three applications. The kid becomes capricious and whiny, often asks for breasts. This does not last longer than seven days. In this case, the mother produces no less milk than before, just its costs have increased. The only thing that can be done is not to panic and put the baby to the chest more often. Soon, milk production will increase, and there will be nothing to worry about.

Important! The more often you breastfeed your baby, the more milk you will get. Sucking is the main stimulator of inflow.

Ways to increase breast milk

Feed on demand

The baby should not be fed according to the schedule that grandmothers and some “wise” midwives talk about, but on demand. It is especially dangerous to accustom a child to an hourly feeding regimen in the early days. If the breast is not sufficiently stimulated, there is little milk. It leads to early introduction food and baby. During the time of feeding by the hour, many women stopped breastfeeding as early as 6 months.

Sleep when baby sleeps

The basic rule for moms who are trying to feed, and clean, and wash, and stroke, and take a walk with the stroller. If you spin like a squirrel in a wheel from morning to evening, and get up several times at night, then the body is unlikely to like it. There will be less milk, and mom will become more nervous. Dirty floors and unpressed diapers - all this can wait, but deep sleep, rest and good mood- the key to successful feeding, which cannot be ignored.


Experienced mothers who have gone through a lactation crisis are advised to use a simple method that allows you to increase lactation at a natural level. It's called "skin to skin". To do this, it is enough to undress the baby and undress herself to the waist. Lie down next to or take the child in your arms.

Important! In order for the baby to properly grasp the nipple, his chin must touch the breast. Underlip the baby should be slightly turned inside out, and the areola should be visible above the top.

What foods increase lactation

The correct balanced table of a nursing mother is one of important aspects successful breastfeeding. Each product in one way or another affects milk flow. Some can increase it, some can reduce it, there are foods that increase fat content. There are those products that are strictly prohibited to use, as they radically change the taste of milk and the baby can.

New moms often try to get in shape and go on a strict diet. At the same time, they want to fully breastfeed the child, Butit's an impossible wish. One way or another, the body needs enhanced nutrition - this does not mean that you need to eat twice as much as before the birth of the child.

Tablenursing mother should include:

  • proteins - meat dishes, dairy, sour-milk products, hard cheese, fish, weak broths and meat soups;
  • vitamins, trace elements, fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals;
  • amino acids - butter and vegetable oil.

You need to drink 2 liters per day. liquids. You can’t drink a lot of water in the maternity hospital, since lactation is just being formed and the conversion of colostrum into milk on the third day will become very painful and plentiful. When the mother was discharged, and the child adapted to the breast, you should drink a lot of warm or hot liquids (this includes soups), mineral water without gas, teas that are sold in pharmacies. You also don't need to be zealous. From a large number liquid milk will increase, but it will contain less nutrients and become less fat.

Anise, caraway, dill, fennel, nettle tea, barley coffee and decoction increase lactation.

Productsto avoid:

  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • exotic fruits;
  • citrus;
  • canned foods;
  • hot spices (onion, garlic, pepper);
  • food rich in carbohydrates (bread, pastries, sugar);
  • alcohol;
  • allergenic products;
  • sage, mint, parsley.

Drugs that increase lactation

In the case when a nursing mother correctly attaches a child, fulfills all the rules of natural feeding, and there is little milk or, as it seems to her, it disappears completely, you can quickly and effectively help her with medicines.

Existsseveral ways to increase lactation with the help of special drugs:

  1. Multivitamin complexes in the form of emulsions and tablets. The duration of administration depends on the duration of breastfeeding.
  2. Homeopathy. These drugs gently stimulate the production of prolactin and increase lactation. They also have a calming effect, relieve tension and stress. These include "Mleokin", "Pulsatilla". They are produced in granules and taken half an hour before a meal. Possible long-term use.
  3. Dietary supplements based on bee royal jelly or lactogenic herbs: "Apilak", "Femilak", "".

Important! First consult with an experienced doctor who will pick necessary drugs, starting from the individuality of the body and mother and baby.

Folk remedies to improve lactation

There is a mass folk ways to increase breast milk. You need to treat them very carefully, because even the most harmless carrots or cumin can have an allergic reaction in a baby.

Herbs have different effects on the body. First you need to start small - with one weed. And if it contributes and does not cause a reaction in the child, continue to brew. And if there are no changes during the day, you should choose another herbal remedy.

sharethem into 3 groups:

  1. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they drink anise, cumin, hawthorn, dill, fennel.
  2. Oregano and lemon balm are brewed with overwork and nervousness.
  3. Nettle is drunk with severe exhaustion and anemia.

Some of the recipes

  • Cumin drink. A liter of boiling water is poured into 15 g of cumin seeds, peeled lemon, sugar. All boil for 5 minutes, filter and drink warm.
  • Dill infusion. Art. l. dill is poured with boiling water. They stand for 2 hours and drink a sip 6 times a day, without holding the decoction in the mouth.
  • Anise infusion. Seeds are poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Strain and drink three times 2 sips.
  • Collective infusion. 10 g of anise seeds, 20 g of lemon balm, 40 g of fennel, 30 g of galega are poured with a glass of boiling water, left to infuse and, after straining, drink half a glass for 10 minutes. before the start of feeding.
  • Nettle decoction. 20 dried leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, defended, filtered and taken for a week in a tablespoon. three times a day before meals.

You can purchase special lactogenic collections, in which herbs are collected in the correct proportions.

Products, which effectively increase the flow of milk of a nursing mother:

  • . The crushed kernels are poured with boiling whole milk and infused in a closed thermos. Drink little, sip during the day.
  • Carrot. Finely grated raw carrots are poured with boiled milk. They drink a glass, if desired and in the absence of allergies, add linden honey.
  • Radish. Grated radish is diluted with water, honey is added and gruel is eaten three times a day, 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cumin with sour cream. In a glass of sour cream, add Art. l. chopped cumin. Boil 3 min. take on st.l. three times a day. Very tasteless but effective remedy, urgently increasing the return of milk.
  • Oatmeal. Flakes are mixed with dried apricots and nuts. Topped with milk or yogurt.
  • Buckwheat. The grains fried in a dry frying pan are eaten instead of seeds.

Rapid increase in breast milk supply

To quickly increase the return of breast milk, resort to some proven methods:

  1. Massage. Massage of the mammary glands stimulates the flow of milk a lot. Castor oil lubricate the palms and light smooth movements for 2-3 minutes. massage the chest left hand should be on the chest, and the right under the chest.
    Back massage works well. This will require the participation of the husband.
  2. Cold and hot shower. Despite being busy and tired, you need to set aside a few minutes for this procedure. It will strengthen the tone, improve mood and affect the flow of milk. Do it with a jet of water light massage chest and back.
  3. Bath. It is best taken before bed. Pour into a large bowl hot water and place it on the table. The chest is lowered into it, periodically adding a hot portion of water. The bath is done no longer than 15 minutes. Then they dry themselves well and go to bed. This method is very good, because of the heat, the mammary glands urgently begin to work, and the flow increases.
  4. A large cup of hot tea with milk will be indispensable for a nursing mother.

Greetings dear mothers! My close friend in our last meeting again began to complain about the lack of milk. Well, the problem is familiar to many firsthand, and often its origins are hidden in malnutrition. Therefore, I propose to urgently list products that increase lactation of breast milk, and also to figure out what moms can eat in general, and what sweets you will have to forget about for a while.

About controversial issues

I agree with the opinion of experts from the World Health Organization, who believe that the diet is not decisive for the production of the required amount of milk. Even if you eat only products from the list, and at the same time be in constant stressful condition, it is not at all necessary that there will be a lot of milk, rather, on the contrary. By the way, we learned to identify with you, and there we also described recommendations for restoring breastfeeding.

For lactation, prolactin is extremely important - this hormone affects the increase in colostrum secretion, its maturation and transformation into mature milk. But its production does not depend on the nutrients that enter the body with food. The necessary volumes of prolactin are produced only when the baby begins to suckle the breast or the mother expresses the excess.

There is also a stereotype that drinking affects the amount of milk. However, the doctors of the World Health Organization are convinced that the liquid consumed by the mother (and you still need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day) only facilitates the release of milk.

But if you drink warm water half an hour before feeding Herb tea, then you can increase the amount of oxytocin, and milk from a relaxed breast will come out easier.

Lean on proteins and watch fats

It is important to replenish the energy that the body spends on milk production, so it should be the basis of the diet. Gain the required amount of calories not by eating sweets and rich buns, but by giving preference to protein foods:

  • lean meat - for example, cook broths and light soups from veal, rabbit, chicken fillet, beef, turkey, and for the second the same meat can be boiled or steamed;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, hard cheeses.

With milk of sufficient fat content, the child eats up faster and does not feel hungry for longer, so you need to monitor the fat content of milk. Better than others, they will cope with the task of increasing fat content:

  • broccoli cabbage - mashed soups from it are excellent;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • sour cream and cream;
  • for dessert, you can allow a piece of halva, but not every day.

Nuts are good for lactation, and walnuts also greatly increase fat content. However, very often they provoke an allergy in a child, and almonds will also add gas, so you need to be very careful when eating nuts - one or two grains a day is enough.

Diversify your diet!

The basis of nutrition to increase lactation should be vegetables, fresh herbs and berries. What to choose?

  • Let's start with carrots. It contains a lot of vitamins B, C, PP, E, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, but it is better to eat vegetables raw, especially since there are many recipes for salads, cold soups, freshly squeezed fresh juices. If the child does not have allergies, then add pumpkin, pomegranate, beets and celery to carrots, if there is an allergy, cabbage or a green apple. Excellent for breast milk is a salad of radish, carrots and sour cream.
  • Leaf lettuce is both vitamin C, and keratin, and folic acid, and calcium, but it is so low in calories that without the help of other vegetables, it is unlikely to play a role in increasing milk production. The same applies to green onions, in which there are many minerals And unsaturated fat, moreover, unlike turnip, it practically does not affect the taste and smell of milk.
  • Don't Forget Whole Grain Bread dietary fiber with minerals. You can bake it at home, but I was lucky - a wonderful bakery has opened near the house, where you can buy such bread while still hot.
    We replace coffee with a barley drink or chicory - such an alternative, perhaps not one hundred percent, but it is much more useful for a nursing mother and baby.
  • From vegetable oils for dressing salads, give preference to corn - it is better than others for the production of breast milk.

Herbal teas - double benefit

Restoring lactation, as well as improving your condition after childbirth will help and herbal teas with infusions. We make a choice in favor of:

  • nettle, which increases blood flow to the mammary glands;
  • fennel - good for lactation, and if the baby is tormented by gaziki;
  • chamomile and hops - for immersion in a state of peace and relaxation, it is better not to find herbs;
  • fenugreek - not like that famous plant, as above, but very powerfully stimulates lactation;
  • thistle - not only increases the amount of milk, but also improves digestion.

Infusions are made from these herbs - they are simply brewed fresh leaves or dry collections from the pharmacy with boiling water, insist and filter. You can drink three times a day for half a glass. It is better not to make infusions in reserve, but to brew herbs for 1-2 times.

In the pharmacy, by the way, you can buy special lactogenic teas - in this case, you don’t have to invent anything, since the manufacturer has already collected plants in bags that improve lactation.

In addition, you can pour boiling water over rose hips and drink a decoction instead of tea. And you can make a delicious express drink from grated carrots and honey: the carrot is rubbed, poured with boiling water, mixed with a few tablespoons of honey and drunk immediately.

What will hurt?

When compiling the menu, it is important to remember the key points:

  • excessive consumption cow's milk can cause problems with the baby's intestines;
  • you can’t drink beer - forget about this myth that roams the Internet - babies do not have enzymes to break down alcohol;
  • give your husband canned food, smoked meats, ketchup and mayonnaise, spicy snacks - they all retain water and prevent it from going to milk production.

And what about condensed milk? Tea with her, they say, has a great effect on lactation. In fact, any warm drink stimulates the production of milk, and condensed milk in itself is not a lactogenic product, moreover, if you get carried away and eat it in plenty, then both you and the baby are allergic.

How to restore lactation after cesarean?

It's no secret that after caesarean section it takes longer for colostrum to be converted into mature milk. What is important to remember in this case?

  1. It is extremely important to restore the physical and emotional state. If you are tired, everything hurts unbearably, but you have to do the primary chores around the house without the help of others, breastfeeding will be difficult.
  2. Supplementation after caesarean is not a crime, but a necessary blessing so that the child does not lose weight. Milk will probably come in a few days - then feel free to refuse supplementary feeding.
  3. If the baby remains in the hospital, then be sure to pump to stimulate lactation and prepare for breastfeeding baby.
  4. You can eat special mixtures for nursing mothers from pharmacies - this medical nutrition With great content protein will favorably affect lactation. For the rest, use the same recommendations for choosing products as for natural childbirth.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to list in one article all the products that are good for your health.

I just want to remind you that the level of lactation directly depends on your well-being and mood.

If you have chosen lactagon products from the list, but eat them through force, with disgust, there will be no benefit from such “sacrifices”.

Get more rest, walk in the fresh air, do not be nervous over trifles, sleep at every opportunity, and then you will not have to make a special menu to increase lactation.

And here is a useful video about effective ways increase in lactation

With interest we read your advice on how we managed to improve lactation. Which products worked for you, and which of the recommended ones turned out to be useless and why? If the article was useful, share it on your page in in social networks. And I say goodbye to you until new cognitive topics!