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What to eat with diabetes. How to choose foods with a low glycemic index. Confectionery and sweets

Read on this page what you can not eat with diabetes, what foods you need to exclude in order to take control of impaired glucose metabolism. On the site site you can learn how to take control:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • gestational diabetes in pregnant women;
  • type 1 autoimmune diabetes - in adults and children.

The main thing to do is to strictly refuse forbidden foods overloaded with carbohydrates. They are listed on this page. The information is presented in the form of convenient lists. helps to normalize blood sugar, to avoid the development of complications. Diabetics who follow it feel just as good, if not better, than their healthy peers. This often upsets doctors because they lose patients and their money.

What not to eat with diabetes: a detailed list of prohibited foods

Sick diabetes you can not eat food that quickly and significantly increases blood sugar. Below you will find detailed lists foods that should not be eaten. Approved products are listed on the " " page. See for yourself that there is a large selection. healthy eating in diabetes is also hearty and tasty.

From permitted products, you can cook a variety and luxurious dishes. They will delight food lovers without harming their health, but rather improving it.

Watch a video about how the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you eat affect blood sugar.

All foods containing sugar and starch, as well as fructose, are prohibited:

  • table sugar - white and brown;
  • potatoes in any form;
  • any sweets, including those with the inscription “for diabetics”;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • any products containing wheat, rice, buckwheat, rye, oats and other cereals;
  • products in which sugar was secretly added - for example, market cottage cheese;
  • regular and whole grain bread;
  • bran diet bread, crackers, etc.;
  • flour products - white, as well as coarse grinding;
  • muesli and cereal for breakfast - oatmeal and any others;
  • rice - both white and brown, unpolished;
  • corn - in any form.

All foods containing sugar or starch are pure poison. They raise blood sugar instantly and strongly. Even the most fast views insulin (for example,) cannot compensate for them harmful action. Not to mention diabetes pills.

Read about products for diabetics:

Attempts to increase insulin dosages to bring down sugar after eating forbidden foods increase the risk. This is an acute complication of insulin misuse. Each of his episodes can end in fainting, calling an ambulance, and even death.

The site site promotes methods for controlling impaired glucose metabolism that it has developed. You have already understood that these methods contradict official instructions. But they really help. And the recommendations of the Ministry of Health cannot boast of good efficiency. Once you switch to , you don't have to buy expensive medicines, spend a lot of time and effort. Watch the video.

Keep in mind that in diabetics who strictly follow the diet, insulin dosages fall by an average of 7 times. The risk of hypoglycemia is reduced by the same amount. Blood sugar stays more stable throughout the day.

Vegetables, fruits and berries

Forbidden vegetables and fruits:

  • fruits and berries any (!!!), except for avocados and olives;
  • fruit juices;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • Bell pepper;
  • beans, peas, any legumes;
  • boiled and fried onions;
  • tomato sauce and ketchup.

You can eat green onions. Onion, past heat treatment, is prohibited, but in its raw form it can be added a little to the salad. Tomatoes can be consumed in moderation, no more than 50 g per meal. Tomato sauce and ketchup should be strictly avoided because they usually contain sugar and/or starch.

What dairy products should not be eaten:

  • whole and skimmed milk;
  • yogurt, if it is fat-free, sweetened or with fruit;
  • cottage cheese (no more than 1-2 tablespoons at a time);
  • condensed milk.

What else needs to be excluded:

  • any products that contain dextrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, xylose, xylitol, corn syrup, maple syrup, malt, maltodextrin;
  • products sold in the diabetic section that contain fructose and/or flour.

So, diabetic patients should not eat foods overloaded with carbohydrates. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list them all here. If you wish, you will always find some kind of sweetness, flour product or fruit that is not included in the lists. Don't think you're fooling a strict dietitian by eating these foods. By violating the diet, diabetics harm themselves and no one else.

The results of the treatment are only your concern and no one else's. If you have friends and/or relatives who are truly worried, then you are very lucky. Doctors deliberately give their patients false information about the control and consequences of type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

Study food nutrition charts, especially their carbohydrate, protein, and fat content. Read the ingredients on the labels carefully before making your choice at the grocery store. It is useful to test products by measuring blood sugar with a glucometer before meals, and then 5-10 minutes after it.

Try not to eat any processed foods. Learn how to cook delicious and healthy food. Compliance with diabetes requires effort and financial expense. They pay off by increasing the life expectancy of patients, improving its quality, because complications do not develop.

What cereals can not be eaten with diabetes?

Rice, buckwheat, millet, hominy and any other cereals are strictly prohibited, because they terribly increase blood sugar. You can easily see with the help of a glucometer that cereals and cereals made from them are very harmful. One such visual lesson should be enough. Buckwheat diet does not help diabetes at all, but rather brings disability closer and death. It is impossible to list all the cereals and cereals that exist here. But you get the idea...

Diet options depending on the diagnosis:

Why can't you eat rice and potatoes?

Potatoes and rice are made up primarily of starch, which is a long chain of glucose molecules. Your body can break down starch into glucose fantastically quickly and efficiently. It starts in the mouth with the help of an enzyme found in saliva. Glucose enters the bloodstream even before a person has had time to swallow potatoes or rice! Blood sugar rises instantly, no insulin can cope with it.

After eating rice or potatoes, it takes several hours for blood glucose levels to return to normal. At this time, complications develop. Eating rice and potatoes brings significant harm to the body of diabetic patients. There are no pills or insulin that can help avoid this harm. The only way out is complete failure from prohibited foods. Brown rice affects blood sugar just as badly as white rice, so no rice should be eaten.

Read about prevention and treatment of complications:

Why can't a diabetic eat eggs?

Many doctors and diabetics believe that eggs are bad and it is better not to eat them. Because eggs raise blood cholesterol levels. Actually, this is a delusion. Eggs - great product for diabetics and everyone else. It's an affordable source of protein top quality. As for cholesterol, eggs increase blood levels of not bad, but good cholesterol high density. By observing and eating eggs, you do not increase, but rather lower your risk of a heart attack.

Hello dear readers. Recently, more and more often among our friends there is such a disease as diabetes mellitus. Even parents were not spared this fate. I have already tried to understand this situation, but often faced with conflicting facts. This applies to products for diabetes. Some eat, others do not, so I decided to look into this again. Try to clarify this issue.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that has been known to mankind for a thousand years before our era. The name of the disease comes from the Greek word "I flow, I pass through." Diabetes mellitus is endocrine disease characterized by a constant rise in blood sugar levels. The increase is due to a lack of insulin in the body.

The disease provokes a violation metabolic processes organism, damage to the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and other organs. The disease is dangerous precisely for its consequences and destructive effect on the entire body. According to statistics, 7% of the total population of the planet suffers from the disease.

In total, there are five types of the disease!
1. First type- insulin diabetes. Most common among children and adolescents. The disease is associated with a problem in the functioning of the pancreas. The cause of the disease is a violation of the immune system, mostly associated with viral diseases. In case of illness, the patient's body perceives its pancreatic cells as foreign, and takes actions to protect itself. This leads to the death of the gland, and a lack of insulin.
2. Diabetes second type common among people over 30 years of age. But the disease has rejuvenated in last years. The risk group includes people with overweight and people with a genetic predisposition. The most common type. The pancreas continues to produce insulin, but the cells do not perceive it, so the sugar does not penetrate in the right amount.
3. Symptomatic diabetes. Develops due to diseases of the pancreas, hormonal diseases, genetic syndromes. It is also possible to develop the disease under the influence of chemicals, in particular drugs. Amenable to treatment, the main purpose of which is to get rid of excess sugar in the blood.
4. diabetes during pregnancy. After childbirth, it can go away on its own.
5. Diabetes from nutritional deficiency. Underlying nutritional deficiencies in childhood. It is also called tropical diabetes because of its spread.

The last 2 types of diabetes have a different nature of the disease. The article focuses on the first two types.

The essence of any type of diabetes is that the body cannot adequately master the glucose that comes from food. Therefore, unused sugar circulates in the blood throughout the body, damaging the organs.
Main symptoms of diabetes.
Consider the symptoms in the context of several groups.

Initial symptoms of diabetes

First signs diabetes:
- hair loss. It is also possible deterioration of the structure of the hair;
- drowsiness and chronic fatigue. Symptoms are due to insufficient absorption of glucose;
- delayed wound healing;
- periodic itching of the feet and palms.

General signs of diabetes are characteristic of all types of the disease. They are divided into two types. The first type is the main symptoms. They appear sharply, and the patient can even say the exact date their appearance. These include:
- weight loss;
advanced education urine. Manifested as frequent urge to urinate;
- intense thirst. It can only be satisfied with an unnaturally large amount of water;
increased appetite;
- numbness and tingling in the arms and legs;
- the smell of acetone when exhaling, characteristic of the first type.

Minor features develop for a long time, the patient does not immediately pay attention to them. The following secondary features are distinguished:
- inflammation skin;
- feeling of dryness in the mouth;
- blurred vision.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.
How to distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
The symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear suddenly and acutely. In the second type, it develops gradually. You will receive accurate information only when you pass a blood test.

Diseases caused by diabetes

1. Visual impairment.
2. Neurological abnormalities.
3. Enlargement of the liver.
4. Cardiovascular diseases.
5. Violation of the work of the legs, including numbness, and decreased sensitivity of the feet.
6. Puffiness.
7. Trophic ulcers.
8. Diabetic coma.
9. Diabetic foot.

Diabetes Treatment Methods

There are three methods in total:
1. With the help of medications, and the use of insulin therapy.
2. Diet therapy.
3. Treatment through physical activity.
Diabetes is considered incurable, so patients need constant therapy. The first type requires regular insulin injections and a diet. The second type is treated with sugar-lowering pills and diet. Diet should be followed in any type of diabetes.

What foods can be eaten with diabetes

Rules for compiling a diet in case of illness.
Products can be divided into three groups. Let's consider each of them in more detail. But first, consider the general principles.

The main place in the diet should be occupied by products of natural origin.
The usual sweets are prohibited. Sugar is not allowed in the usual form. Special products are created based on sugar substitutes. For the production of such desserts, fructose, sorbitol and others are used.

The amount of food consumed should correspond to the needs of the patient. It is necessary to make a balanced menu for the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. During the day, you need to do several meals, preferably 6 times.

Permitted products include!
1. Vegetables that are rich in fiber and all kinds of greens. Potatoes are controversial products. There are also forbidden vegetables.
2. Unsweetened varieties of fruits and berries. Kiwi helps lower blood sugar levels.
3. Lean types of meat.
4. Cereals, but those varieties that contain a small amount of dietary fiber. For example, manga.
5. Dairy products, but only after consultation with your doctor, and low in fat.
6. Lean fish.
7. Seafood.

What foods to avoid in diabetes

Prohibited Products:
1. Any confectionery.
2. Forget about McDonald's and other fast food.
3. Bakery products.
4. Cereals with a low content of dietary fiber.
5. Fat varieties meat, including duck.
6. Smoked meat products.
7. Soups on any fatty broth.
8. Spicy and fatty sauces.
9. Fried eggs to exclude, and boiled to use in small quantities.
10. Dairy products are high in fat and also sweet.
11. Margarine and animal fats.
12. Sweet fruits - figs, bananas, melons, raisins, dates, grapes, persimmons.
13. Sweet fruit juices.
14. Sweet alcohol.
15. Pickled and salted vegetables.
16. Oily fish.
17. Muesli and cereal.
18. Rice of any kind.
19. Vegetables: beets, carrots, pumpkin, corn, sweet peppers.
20. Balsamic vinegar.
21. Semi-finished products.
22. Seeds.

Controversial products, use with caution

1. Eat potatoes in moderation.
2. Varieties of bread made from whole grains.
3. Nuts. Contain a lot useful elements but a very high amount of carbohydrates.
4. Honey. Good for quick energy replenishment. One teaspoon is enough.
5. Coffee. Does not affect sugar, but increases blood pressure.
6. Legumes.
When compiling your menu, focus on the glycemic index. This is an indicator of the rate of absorption of carbohydrates. The higher the indicator, the greater the jump in blood sugar will provoke the use of the product. You can find tables online with index information for most products.

Thus, you will be able to control your blood sugar levels. A similar principle is used when compiling a menu for weight loss. And remember that any food, if consumed in excess, can increase blood sugar levels.

Diet is the key successful therapy. Read Additional information. The disease continues to be actively studied. For all contentious issues consult with your doctor. Comorbidities should also be taken into account.

Prevention of diabetes

There is no real way to prevent type 1 diabetes. effective ways, since much depends on viruses and heredity. And for the prevention of the second, there are several tips.
1. Support normal weight.
2. Control of hypertension.
3. Healthy eating.
4. Moderate physical activity. Great for walking, skiing, swimming.
5. Drink enough water. A minimum of two glasses of non-carbonated water is required before each meal.
6. Those who are already at risk should include more greens in their diet. Quit smoking, and at least reduce your alcohol intake.
7. Avoid severe stress.

With these simple measures, you reduce the likelihood of falling into a risk group.
Popular misconceptions about diabetes.

Diabetes affects people who are overweight. This is a common opinion. And, it's not true. Weight does not affect type 1 diabetes at all. But in the second type, overweight people are at risk, but this does not mean that only overweight people are ill with the second type.

You can eat a lot of diabetic foods. Delusion. They may contain fat, which is also harmful.

If you eat a lot of sugar, then you will definitely get diabetes. There is no evidence for this fact. But not proper nutrition increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
If the doctor prescribes insulin, it means that the disease has worsened. Type 2 diabetes often progresses, especially if neglected.

But, as a rule, the body itself begins to produce less and less insulin over time.
Insulin causes weight gain. With the normalization of sugar due to the introduction of insulin, there is a normalization of weight.

Diabetes - serious illness. And if any of its symptoms appear, it is better to play it safe by consulting a doctor. It does not have to be that you have it (diabetes), but if so, the early start of treatment and lifestyle changes will help to avoid complications and live a full life in the future, feeling completely complete person. Modern medicines and technology allows you to do it without any problems.

And finally look short video about nutrition in diabetes.

The importance of diet therapy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Therefore, it is safe to say that in some cases of this disease, diet therapy may be the only correct method of treatment.

The diet for diabetes mellitus should be aimed at reducing carbohydrates in the diet, which are quickly absorbed, as well as fats, which are easily converted into carbohydrate components or compounds that aggravate the course of diabetes and its complications. If these basic conditions are met, this will partially or completely normalize metabolic processes and blood glucose levels. This will eliminate hyperglycemia, which is the main pathogenetic link in the development of manifestations of diabetes mellitus.

What do people with diabetes eat?

The very first interest of most diabetic patients is to ask the doctor about foods that can be consumed daily. It is necessary to focus on vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. After all, if you exclude the use of glucose as the main source of fast energy, this will lead to a rapid depletion of the natural reserves of the body's energy substances (glycogen) and protein breakdown. To prevent this from happening in the diet, there should be a sufficient amount of protein food, vitamins and trace elements.

Beans for diabetes

Refers to one of the most powerful sources of these substances. Therefore, the main emphasis should be placed on it as the main donor of protein and amino acid components. Especially it is worth noting the healing properties of white beans. Many diabetics are very indifferent to it, because they do not know how much interesting dishes from this product can be prepared. They will be not only useful, but also tasty. The only restriction for the use of beans can be considered its ability to powerful gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, if a person has such a tendency, it is better to use beans as nutrient product limited or combined with the intake of enzyme preparations, which will almost completely eliminate gas formation.

With regard to the amino acid composition of beans, its most valuable components are tryptophan, valine, methionine, lysine, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine. Some of these amino acids are essential (those that are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food). Among the trace elements, the main importance belongs to vitamins C, B, PP, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and iron. All of them are very important for normal functioning body under conditions advanced level blood glucose. Beans also have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, since these compounds are mainly represented by fructose and sucrose.

Porridge for diabetes

The densest place in the diet of a diabetic belongs to buckwheat. It is consumed in the form of milk porridge or as a component of the second course. The peculiarity of buckwheat is that it practically does not affect carbohydrate metabolism, because it maintains the level of glucose at a constant level, and does not cause its abrupt rises, as happens with the use of most products.

Other cereals that are recommended for diabetes are oatmeal, wheat, corn and pearl barley. In addition to the richest vitamin composition, they are very easily digested and processed by digestive enzymes. As a result, positive influence on carbohydrate metabolism with the normalization of glycemic levels. In addition, they are a good energy substrate and an indispensable source of ATP for cells.

What fruits can be eaten with diabetes?

This group of foods in diabetes should have a special place. After all, it is in fruits that the most fiber is concentrated, vital essential vitamins and minerals. Their concentration is several times higher than that in other foods. Carbohydrates are represented mainly by fructose and sucrose, they practically do not contain glucose.

With regard to specific fruits that are recommended for diabetes, it is worth pointing out the special value of only a few of them. After all, not everything is allowed to be consumed. The favorite fruits of diabetics include grapefruit, lemon, orange, apples, apricots and peaches, pears, pomegranates, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, dried apples), berries (cherries, gooseberries, blueberries, all kinds of currants, blackberries). Watermelon and sweet melon contain slightly higher carbohydrate components, so should be consumed in moderation.

Tangerines, grapefruit and lemon

Firstly, they are all very rich in vitamin C. This compound is one of the most important in the functioning of enzyme systems and strengthening the vascular wall.

Secondly, all citrus fruits have a very low glycemic index. This means that the content of carbohydrate components in them, which affect blood glucose levels, is very small.

Their third advantage is the presence of the strongest antioxidant abilities, which prevents negative action hyperglycemia on body cells, slowing down the progression of complications of diabetes.

Regarding tangerines, there are small remarks for their consumption. First of all, the fruits must be fresh. They are used raw or fresh is prepared from them. It is better not to buy juices, especially in regular stores, as they contain sugar and other carbohydrate components that can increase glycemic levels. Lemon and grapefruit are also consumed as a separate product or freshly squeezed juice, which is added to water or other foods.

What can not be eaten with diabetes?

The most important thing that every diabetic should remember is what he should not eat as a food product. It is better not to use those that are not known to be safe. Otherwise, such actions can lead to the development of hyperglycemia with the transition to hyperglycemic and other types of coma, or accelerate the progression of complications of diabetes. The list of prohibited foodstuffs is clearly shown in the form of a table.

Is it possible to honey, dates and coffee with diabetes?

These foods are among the favorites of many people. Naturally, with the development of diabetes, it is very difficult to give up those irreplaceable "life partners" that accompanied a person every day. Therefore, it is very important to shed light on the true impact of coffee, honey and dates on the course of diabetes.


First of all, it is worth dwelling on the role of honey in carbohydrate metabolism and its effect on glucose levels. A lot of contradictory and ambiguous data is published in various publications and articles. But it is worth noting the main points from which logical conclusions will follow. By itself, honey contains a very large amount of fructose. This carbohydrate component does not have the ability to greatly affect glucose levels. It should also be noted that for the absorption and metabolism of fructose, insulin is needed, which in type 2 diabetes is not able to fully fulfill its main function. This can lead to an increase in glycemia in diabetics, which is not characteristic of a healthy person.


Dates are another controversial food for a diabetic diet. On the one hand, the high content of easily digestible carbohydrates and the high calorie content of this food product should cause a strict refusal to use them. On the other hand, rich vitamin composition, especially vitamin A and potassium, are very important in preventing diabetic complications.

    You should not use them at all for diabetics with a severe course of this disease;

    At easy course diabetes or its good adjustment with a diet and tableted hypoglycemic drugs, a limited amount of dates is allowed;

    The daily number of fruits in the case of permitted intake should not exceed 100 grams.


Its useful properties no one can dispute. But we must not forget about its harm. It is better to give up coffee with diabetes at any stage of the development of this disease. First of all, this applies to a strong drink or any concentration of it in severe diabetes during insulin therapy.

And although coffee practically does not directly affect carbohydrate metabolism, it stimulates the vasomotor center and has a direct relaxing effect on the vascular wall, which leads to the expansion of the vessels of the heart, skeletal muscles and kidneys, while the tone of the cerebral arteries increases (causes vasoconstriction of the brain, which accompanied by a decrease in cerebral blood flow and oxygen pressure in the brain). Drinking weak coffee in large numbers great harm body in diabetes moderate won't bring.

Nuts for diabetes

There are foods that are literally a hub of certain nutrients. Nuts are one of them. They contain fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamin D-3, calcium and a lot of potassium. In the treatment of diabetes, these substances occupy a special place, as they directly affect carbohydrate metabolism, reducing the level of glycemia.

In addition, under their action, the damaged cells of the internal organs are restored, which stops the progression of complications of diabetes. Therefore, any nuts are vital necessary products nutrition in diabetes. It is advisable to consider the influence of certain types of nuts on this disease.


It is an essential nutrient for the brain, which is deficient in energy compounds in diabetes. After all, glucose, which is the main source of energy for brain cells, does not enter them.

Walnut is enriched with alpha-linolenic acid, manganese and zinc. These trace elements play a major role in lowering blood sugar levels. Essential fatty acids slow progression diabetic angiopathy internal organs and atherosclerotic lesions of the lower extremities.

A meager carbohydrate composition in general should close all questions about the advisability of using walnuts with diabetes. You can eat them as an independent dish, or include them in various vegetable and fruit salads.


This nut is particularly concentrated amino acid composition. No protein of animal origin can be compared in its benefits to the body with vegetable proteins.

Therefore, the use of peanuts in diabetes can replenish daily requirement body in proteins and amino acids. After all, against the background of impaired carbohydrate metabolism, sooner or later, protein metabolism also suffers. This is manifested in a decrease in the number of useful glycoproteins that are involved in cholesterol metabolism. If such a process is disturbed, then the aggressive compound begins to be produced in the body in excess, which underlies diabetic lesion vessels. The proteins contained in peanuts are quickly included in metabolic processes and are used for the synthesis of high-density glycoproteins in the liver. They remove cholesterol from the vessels and contribute to its breakdown.


It is literally the champion in calcium content among all nuts. Therefore, it is indicated for progressive diabetic osteoarthropathy (damage to the bones and joints). The use of 9-12 almonds per day will bring various microelements to the body, which have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism and the course of diabetes in general.

Pine nuts

Another interesting product for a diabetic diet. First, they have very interesting taste qualities. In addition to this, they have very useful properties due to the high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vitamins of groups B and D, ascorbic acid.

Protein composition pine nuts as well as walnuts is very relevant for the correction of complications of diabetes. A powerful immunomodulatory effect of this food product was recorded, which is important for the prevention of colds and suppurative processes on the lower extremities in people with diabetic foot syndrome and microangiopathy.

What is the glycemic index of foods?

Every person with diabetes, especially type 2, must be aware of the concept of the glycemic index. This term should be correlated with nutrition after such a diagnosis. It is a measure of the ability of specific foods to cause an increase in blood glucose (sugar) levels.

Of course, it is very difficult and tiring to sit and calculate what you can afford to eat and what you will have to refrain from. If with mild diabetes similar procedure less relevant, then in its severe forms with the difficulty of selecting corrective doses of insulin, it becomes simply vital. After all, diet is the main tool in the hands of people with type 2 diabetes. Don't forget about it.

Therefore, all high GI foods should be excluded from the diet! The only exceptions are those products that, in addition to influencing carbohydrate metabolism, have good healing properties in the treatment of complications of diabetes. In this case, despite the glycemic index, which is slightly above average, their use is not prohibited, but only limited. At the same time, it is advisable to reduce the overall glycemic index of the diet at the expense of other, less important foods.

According to the generally accepted classification of the glycemic index, it can be divided into the following types:

    Low - the indicator is from 10 to 40 units;

    Medium - fluctuation of numbers from 41 to 70 units;

    High - the index numbers are above 70 units.

Thus, thanks to the glycemic index, you do not need to deal with nutritionists and endocrinologists for a long time to select the right nutrition. Now each diabetic, with the help of specially designed tables, which indicate the glycemic index of each food product, is able to choose the diet that suits him specifically. This will take into account not only the benefits for the body, but also the desire of the patient to eat a particular food product at a certain moment.

A person himself can regulate his diet, taking into account the indicators of the glycemic index and the increase in blood glucose levels against the background of their use. After all, diabetes is not a disease of one day, but of a lifetime. You need to be able to adapt to it, first of all by correct selection diet food.

Table (list) of products with a high and low glycemic index

Foods with a low glycemic index

Foods with an average glycemic index

Foods with a high glycemic index

Diet number 9 for diabetes

The basic diet for type 2 diabetes is table number 9 according to Pevzner. The main purpose of its appointment is the correction of carbohydrate metabolism, the prevention of deviations in lipid and protein metabolism in the body against the background of elevated glucose levels.

The general characteristics of diet number 9 look like this:

    Reducing the calorie content of food by reducing carbohydrates and lipids (fats) of animal origin;

    Exclusion of sweets and sugar as the main sources of easily digestible carbohydrates;

    Limiting the use of kitchen salt and spices;

    Preference for boiled and stewed dishes instead of fried and smoked ones;

    Dishes should not be too hot or cold;

    Fractional and most importantly regular meals at the same time;

    Use of sweeteners: sorbitol and xylitol;

    Moderate fluid intake (daily amount 1300-1600 ml);

    A clear use of permitted foods and the exclusion of prohibited foods based on their glycemic index.

Recipes for diabetes

In fact, there are so many of them that a separate book is needed to describe them. But some of them can be stopped in the framework of the introductory article.

In fact, there is no need to resort to any standardized dishes. After all, you can invent them yourself. The main thing is that they are prepared from approved food products.

Approximate weekly menu for diabetes

- if not a fundamental factor in controlling the level of blood glycemia, then an absolutely necessary component of correction metabolic disorders in the treatment of diabetes mellitus of any genesis. Products for diabetics are sold both in pharmacies and in ordinary grocery stores and, if desired, they are quite easy to find in any even a small city. Products for diabetes should be purchased in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician or endocrinologist, they take into account the balance of the main components: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Diabetes mellitus of both the first and second types, despite different pathogenetic mechanisms of development, lead to a single end result- an increase in blood glucose levels, and in long term to an increase in the level of glycosylated hemoglobin.

The view of experts on the problem

Endocrinologists specially developed special diet for people with diabetes. The table or diet for diabetes at number 9 is designed in such a way as to take into account the needs of the sick person's body for energy needs and not reduce the intake of not only nutrients, but also micro and macro elements, vitamins and other valuable substances.

Despite the fact that the diet has been developed for several decades, its practical value for diabetics she has not lost so far.

Diet therapy for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus has the following goals:

  • Maintenance of glucose in blood plasma at an optimal level for the absence of disease progression.
  • Reducing Development Risks metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke and severe polyneuropathic complications.
  • Stabilization general condition person suffering from this disease.
  • Maintaining the immune system good condition to reduce the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Correction of dysmetabolic disorders from all types of metabolic processes in the body, in particular obesity.

Diet number 9 includes products such as: bran and Rye bread, specialized , fresh vegetables and vegetable salads without the use of fatty mayonnaise sauces, low-fat meat products, low-fat fish and low-fat dairy products. Fruits such as green apples, lemons and other citrus fruits and other sour fruits and berries are recommended. Cereals occupy a special place in diet No. 9. Among cereals, you can use buckwheat, millet and oatmeal. Diet therapy is the main conservative method correction of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Healthy foods

There are many useful products that will be useful to endocrinological patients. Food products for diabetics are no different from ordinary ones, with the exception of a reduced amount of carbohydrate component in the composition. And despite the prevailing opinion that healthy diet tasteless and undifferentiated, you should at least familiarize yourself with the list of products for diabetes. Healthy and wholesome food is the key to longevity and wellness! The list of products includes all the basic and necessary chemical elements for the full functioning of organs and systems.


Vegetables that contain a low carbohydrate component will be useful. To ideal vegetables, for those suffering from this serious illness people include:

  • All varieties of cabbage, especially white cabbage.
  • Zucchini, eggplant and similar products.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Potato.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Any kind of greens and salad.

Endocrinologists note that with diabetes, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers can be consumed in unlimited quantities, since they do not at all affect carbohydrate metabolism in the body. It should be noted that vegetables are best consumed in fresh, boiled or steamed. For any type of diabetes, pickled and pickled vegetables are not recommended, as they slow down metabolic processes in the body and contribute to fluid retention.

Fruits and berries

There are many tasty healthy fruits, which are not only not contraindicated for diabetics, but vice versa are recommended for consumption. Recommended fruits and berries:

  • Apples are green and red.
  • Persimmon.
  • Plum.
  • Gooseberry.
  • Currants of different varieties.
  • Cranberry.

Some fruits, such as apples, are high in fiber, which can help you feel full quickly, but fiber is not digested easily. gastrointestinal tract and passes through the body in transit, which helps to improve intestinal motility and peristalsis, and also helps to relieve excess weight. People suffering from diabetes are contraindicated in exclusively sweet fruits, such as bananas, figs, any dried fruits and watermelons.

flour products

Patients with diabetes do not have to completely exclude bread products from their diet. You can and should eat rye or bran bread, but wheat bread and rich bakery products should be excluded from the diet.

Meat and fish

Turkey and rabbit meat has proven itself well in diet therapy of any kind, especially for diabetics. Low-fat varieties meat and fish provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and essential amino acids, so necessary for anabolic processes in the body. It is best to eat meat boiled or stewed, and it is desirable to completely eliminate the frying of meat in oil.

Excluded from the diet: goose meat, duck, any sausages and semi-finished products, canned food and offal. The benefits of such products, in principle, are few not only for the sick, but also for a healthy person, but there is a lot of harm, ranging from trans fats to the lack of balance of the main nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


What is the best dairy products to use for patients with diabetes, the question is rather complicated. Definitely, the use of low-fat foods has a good effect on metabolic activity. fermented milk products. Patients with diabetes mellitus are contraindicated in any fatty milk drinks and cream, as they lead to an increase in blood cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins, which harm vascular wall. Full list healthy dairy products can be found on the Internet.

Table of products that are useful for diabetics in the form of a pyramidal hierarchical scheme

Basic principles of rational nutrition

Even for healthy people, even for diabetics, a good rule will be fractional meals. Do not eat a lot and rarely. In addition to harm, this will not bring anything, but frequent meals in small portions can accelerate metabolism and help normalize insulin production without jumps. The combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in diabetics should be 4:1:5. For diabetics with overweight body or obesity, it is necessary to add negative calorie foods to the diet. These foods include celery and spinach. Energy value they are low, but the body's energy costs for their breakdown will be large, which is a useful factor for weight loss.

Another very important element of a balanced diet in diabetes mellitus is the variety in food products. Products for diabetes should be different! It is not recommended to eat the same set of foods for a long time, since any food ingredients have only a partial set of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. For the full and physiological functioning of the body, it is precisely a variety in nutrition that is necessary.

Diabetic Products

There are a number of specially designed for people suffering from diabetes. On this moment there is a huge and varied number of sweeteners and sweeteners that are able to maintain blood glucose levels at a physiological level. Diabetic foods are great additions to a low-carbohydrate diet, but they are not healthy or valuable for the body. Often, these products are made synthetically and do not have beneficial properties, so completely switching to diabetic foods is dangerous for health.

Prohibited Products

There is a list of products that are not only impossible, but also dangerous to use for patients with diabetes. These include all sweet flour products, any fried foods and deep-fried. You can not use refined sugar and chocolate, these products belong to the group of fast carbohydrates and can dramatically increase the level of glycemia in a patient, provoking ketoacidosis. Diabetics are also contraindicated in boxed juices with carbonated drinks, since the sugar content in them is extremely high.

Here are some high glycemic foods that diabetics should not eat: chocolate bars, cookies, cream, smoked meats, sweets, carbonated sweet drinks, fast food. All of them cause insulin spikes and disrupt carbohydrate metabolism. Harmful products are very popular at the moment and the temptation to buy them remains on an ongoing basis, however, the final choice is always yours. What do you need health, longevity or disease complications?

Nutrition for people with type 1 diabetes

Since type 1 is an insulin-dependent form of the disease, it completely or almost completely stops the production of insulin. The main therapeutic measure is insulin replacement therapy against the background of diet therapy. For patients with type 1, counting is a prerequisite. 1 bread unit equals 12 grams of carbohydrates. Calculation bread units necessary for the correct and uniform dosing of insulin, as well as for calculating the calorie intake.

Diet for type 2 diabetics

Type 2 diabetes is considered insulin resistant, i.e., with this type, a relative lack of insulin develops, and pancreatic beta cells continue to secrete the hormone insulin to one degree or another. For type 2, the diet is the main factor in stabilizing the general condition of the body of a sick person. Subject to the principles of rational nutrition and diet, patients with an insulin resistant form can for a long time be in a compensated state and feel good.

With diabetes, proper nutrition is simply necessary and constant diet. There are three stages of diabetes. In the first stage, people just need to watch their diet and visit the doctor regularly. In the second stage, the blood sugar of a person suffering from diabetes is highly elevated, and such people need to maintain the body with insulin. The third stage requires special monitoring and frequent inpatient treatment.

Diabetes mellitus is not a transmissible disease, such people are not contagious. Many, having found out that they have diabetes, immediately fall into a deep depression, and sometimes behave stubbornly. Separating their kitchen items and products from the whole family, citing the fact that they do not want to infect their relatives. All these are prejudices, diabetes mellitus is a violation of the metabolic functions of the body, immunity and endocrine system. What is not a virus, infection or sexually transmitted disease!

Eating with diabetes is the most important low-calorie food that is not very salty, without dyes and additives.

Diabetes: diet and nutrition

Vegetables: their benefits and harms in diabetes

There are almost no contraindications for vegetables, they can be eaten every day. The only condition is not to fill salads with a lot of butter, sour cream or mayonnaise, quite a bit is enough. Fried vegetable stew is not recommended, it is best to make it in the oven or multi-cooker, where it will turn out in its own juice.

With caution and in small quantities, it is worth eating potatoes, beans, peas, beets and carrots. They contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which is bad for the body in diabetes and blood sugar rises from these vegetables.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, White cabbage and color, eggplant, are especially good for the table and are useful for people with high sugar in blood.

Onions and garlic do not carry any contraindications for dietary therapy, their use is unlimited.

Fruits: their benefits and harms in diabetes

It is especially important to divide fruits into two simple categories, this will later become a real lifesaver in the daily diet of a diabetic.

1. Fruits with sour taste. These fruits can be eaten every day.

These include pears, lemons, apples, gray fruits, kiwis, oranges, tangerines, peaches, pomegranates and many other fruits.

You can also eat berries every day, such as cherries, plums, raspberries, cranberries, currants, lingonberries, wild strawberries only in their natural form.

2. Fruits are sweet and honey in taste, diabetics should not eat.

These include watermelon, melon, grapes, pumpkin, bananas and pineapples. Their sugar content is quite high and greatly raises blood sugar levels.

Berries such as cherries, cherry plums to eat in large quantities it is forbidden.

Such a simple distribution is very easy to remember and always adhere to, an uncomplicated division of fruits and berries.

Bakery products

Absolutely not to be eaten White bread and buns, it is worth abandoning once and for all these types bakery products. Of all types of bread, you can eat only dark bread, and with bran. Buns, pies, cookies, eclairs, cakes diabetics should not eat!

Meat and meat products

Insulin dependent people, like everyone else, meat is indispensable in use, it contains protein, which is necessary for the body to function properly.

The only contraindication is pork, you should choose non-fatty meat. Chicken, turkey, beef and boil or stew. Chicken is best eaten without the skin, because it accumulates a large amount of harmful substances.

Beef soups, borscht, hodgepodge and cereals are especially good.

Honey is good or bad for diabetes

Everything that is written about the harm of honey in diabetes is a myth! Honey contains and is beneficial for the body of diabetics. Honey also contains essential chromium, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Long disputes of scientists agreed in one opinion, and the benefits of honey have been proven in practice.

Especially useful is honey with lemon, in tea or just as a treat. But there are also restrictions on the use of the amount of honey, you should not abuse it. Everything in moderation, no more than four teaspoons a day.

The choice of honey itself is very important!

The most important thing is the quality of honey, it should not contain additives and impurities, honey diluted with sugar can greatly harm a diabetic. You need to buy honey only from reliable producers. Spring honey, acacia and flower honey, these types are worth buying, it is recommended. Such honey, such as linden, contains a lot of cane sugar and is dangerous for an increase in the blood sugar level of a diabetic.

Therefore, it is worth considering carefully the purchase and use of honey!

Dairy products and cereals for diabetes

Naturally, it is difficult to live without these products, and diabetics are not forbidden to eat dairy products and cereals. Cereals are very rich in fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. But among the cereals, you should not eat rice, it can harm the body of insulin-dependent people. It is better to give preference to barley, wheat groats, buckwheat. semolina and corn grits diabetics are not recommended, these cereals greatly increase body weight.

Dairy products should be chosen with a low percentage of fat, milk can be drunk no more than one glass a day. Cottage cheese should not be eaten much. But kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurts are rich in phosphorus, calcium and many vital vitamins and diabetics need to use them. Therefore, they should be eaten without restrictions.

Fish and seafood for diabetes

Fish is rich in protein and can perfectly replace meat, so fish is absolutely not harmful for diabetics. The only thing to consider is the varieties of fish, they should not be very fatty. These are grass carp, hake, pollock, capelin, river perch, pike, flounder, mullet, herring, trout, salmon, carp, crucian carp and many other fish species. Overeating, of course, neither with diabetes nor common man does not bring benefits, therefore, fish must be eaten in moderation. Fried fish should not contain a lot of oil. And it is better to cook it in the oven so that it is in its own juice.

Seafood is also useful for diabetics, they contain a lot of iodine, but you should not add too much salt to foods such as shrimp or crayfish. Too salty foods are very harmful to the body in general. Seafood should be eaten with lemon, mussels spilled with lemon juice are especially good.

Mushrooms for diabetes

Mushrooms, like meat and fish, are rich in protein and do not harm diabetics. But it is best to use them as an addition to the main dish. How to make homemade pizza homemade test, seafood and some mushrooms. Of course, pizza is eaten in large quantities, it is not recommended, but sometimes you can.

Rolls and jams for diabetes

You can eat jam if it is made from berries and does not contain a lot of sugar. Not much, about two or three tablespoons a day.
Vegetable rolls can also be eaten with diabetes, but they should be lightly salted and not contain a lot of vinegar.

pasta for diabetes

Pasta is a high-calorie food, and you need to eat them with diabetes, as little as possible. It is best to buy pasta from the highest grades, and cook homemade noodles. We must not forget that pasta in large quantities greatly increases body weight, which is absolutely impossible with diabetes!

What not to eat with diabetes

Is it worth listing those foods that are not allowed?

The most frequently asked questions: is it possible to have coffee, tea, dried fruits? It is safe to answer that these products are not suitable for insulin dependent people. They strongly affect the heart vascular system, increase pressure, and can even give puffiness. Therefore, people with diabetes should not drink these drinks.

Alcohol in diabetes is strictly contraindicated, strong drinks can lead to serious complications.

It is important for diabetics to remember when dieting! The most important thing is to keep an eye on low-sugar foods, it is their daily consumption that is the key to constant maintenance. normal state health. Do not use spices, exclude sweets and highly salted foods. Smoked meats, fried foods and foods containing "chemistry" are extremely harmful for diabetics. It is necessary to use, the liquid should be consumed moderately, no more than a liter and a half per day.

Products for diabetes: what is useful

Especially useful for diabetics, the use of nuts. They contain a lot of calcium and are known to be an indispensable "vitamin" for improving brain activity.

Almonds are the most calcium-containing nut among all nuts. It is very useful to use absolutely all people.

Peanuts contain a lot of protein, it is the leader among nuts containing proteins. This nut can replace daily allowance on protein intake if you eat 200 grams of peanuts a day.

Walnut contains the essential trace elements zinc and manganese, which are very important for brain function. Known fact, What Walnut indispensable in our diet, and it can, should and should be eaten by absolutely all people!

Pine nuts are famous for their content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B and D, ascorbic acid. What is very important for all people with diabetes Pine nuts are simply necessary. They are able to restore the immune system, metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole!

There are a lot of recipes for cooking dishes for people with diabetes. There are hundreds of books with culinary masterpieces, so do not despair, and when proper preparation many products, their consumption is quite possible. It’s just worth studying and finding the necessary dish every day, striving for a new and useful one.

Sports for diabetes

Sports with diabetes is contraindicated! Only hiking which is very helpful. Naturally, patients with diabetes mellitus get tired easily, they tend to sleep. Therefore, such people need rest, physical labor is contraindicated for a number of reasons. People with diabetes get twice as tired as healthy man. Loads on cardiovascular system may lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is worth contacting a local general practitioner and registering.

After the patient has passed all the necessary tests, all the necessary tests, the doctor must issue a disability to a person suffering from diabetes mellitus! Size monthly payments disability will depend on the stage of the disease. Naturally, such a category of citizens in the employment center are obliged to provide such work that suits them for health reasons. To do this, you need to join the unemployed at the employment center and receive benefits until a suitable place is found.

People with diabetes have the right to claim their rights, be treated and fight for life! Just like all other people. You should never despair, you need to believe in yourself and be treated. Adhere to an exact diet, do not eat forbidden foods, take medicines on time and constantly measure blood sugar. Many people, doing everything right, do not even notice all these processes, getting used to daily procedures, diet and choosing the right food.

Health to you and your loved ones!