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Is rosehip harmful to pregnant women? Rose hips during pregnancy: benefits, contraindications, recipes. Correct dosage of rose hips during pregnancy


During pregnancy, you should always be very careful about your health and the health of your unborn baby. And, of course, here the gifts of nature come to our aid. Today we will talk about whether rose hips can be used during pregnancy and how best to do it.

How is rosehip useful for pregnant women?

Rose hips are popularly called wild roses. The most valuable part of it is the fruit. They contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which is so important for pregnant women, because in the Russian climate it is very easy to catch a cold, and this vitamin strengthens the immune system. Rosehip is rich in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins E, P, K. Can you imagine how useful this plant is? Let's see what else it can do for expectant mothers.

  • Helps the body eliminate toxic substances
  • Normalizes liver function
  • Neutralizes harmful effects to the body of all kinds of allergens
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration, bruises and abrasions heal faster
  • Helps absorb the right fats and vitamins A and E
  • Strengthens blood vessels
  • Lowers blood cholesterol
  • It is also good for the heart.

Is it possible to drink rose hips during pregnancy?

With such a long track record There is no doubt about its merits, unless, of course, you have an individual intolerance to it, that is, an allergy. Another surprise that nature has prepared for pregnant women - rose hips have a sour taste. Light sourness overcomes the nausea that often torments expectant mothers. And just below we will talk about contraindications for the use of rose hips during pregnancy. In any case, it is best to consult your doctor!

In what form should you take rose hips during pregnancy?

It is possible and best to simply brew tea and drink rosehip decoction, you can buy ready-made rosehip syrup, and use rosehip oil for beauty and health. We will talk about everything in more detail later in the article.

Rosehip decoction during pregnancy

There is one secret in preparing rosehip decoction, everyone needs to know it. Under no circumstances should rose hips be boiled, otherwise the beneficial vitamins will be destroyed, and it is better to use a thermos for infusion. It will retain heat perfectly and that's all important elements leave it in place.

We will need crushed rose hips, one tablespoon, and a glass of boiled water. Pour boiling water over the berries and pour everything into a thermos. Close and let it sit for 6-12 hours. And then you need to strain the broth. That's all. Pregnant women often change their tastes; they want something new, so you can add cranberries or lemon. Or, if you have fresh or frozen berries that you like, you can add them.

The broth may turn out to be too strong, then it can be diluted hot water. You can also sweeten it with honey – again, if you don’t have allergies. It’s best to eat honey as a bite. And you shouldn’t overdo it with honey either. A teaspoon a day in the absence of allergies is quite enough.

During pregnancy, rosehip tea should be drunk slowly; you can drink a couple of glasses during the day. You can add a little of your favorite berries to the tea, if again you are not allergic to them.

It is important to know that when you drink rosehip decoction, you need to rinse oral cavity warm water. This is necessary to preserve and not damage the tooth enamel.

Rose hips during early pregnancy

Expectant mothers want to know everything about the baby's health, and rightly so. Every responsible woman is interested in what can and cannot be taken during pregnancy. This is especially true for those who just recently found out that they are expecting a baby. In the first weeks you need to be especially careful. Is it possible to drink rose hips during pregnancy? early stages?

You can, this will serve as an excellent prevention of colds. After all, it is in the first trimester that the child’s organs and brain are formed, which is why it is such an important period. The less the mother gets sick at this time, the healthier her child will be born. And rosehip decoction is just a vitamin bomb.

But still, the first trimester is traditionally considered the most dangerous in terms of miscarriage, so a woman, before taking any remedy, needs to make sure that she does not have uterine tone or other contraindications. Although it is very useful to use rose hips during pregnancy, there are also contraindications.

Rosehip during pregnancy. Contraindications

What are these contraindications?

  • Low pressure,
  • gastritis,
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum,
  • tendency to form blood clots,
  • kidney and heart problems.

If something is wrong in the body, you need to think a thousand times before consuming the product, even if it has so many beneficial properties. A pregnant woman should definitely talk to her doctor, find out a medical opinion on whether she can drink rose hips during pregnancy, because each person is individual.

We carry the baby with ease! Rosehip for edema

A common phenomenon that annoys expectant mothers is edema, excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. There is nothing good about this; swelling harms both the woman and her child. This problem definitely needs to be solved, but before taking pills, isn’t it better to first turn to nature? Can rose hips help against edema during pregnancy?

It has a diuretic effect and helps eliminate excess liquid from the body. Rosehip stimulates the kidneys, they begin to function more actively, so the swelling goes away. In addition, unlike tablets, this is a completely natural product.

If there is no swelling, then no excess weight, it is easier for a pregnant woman to walk, such unpleasant symptoms as swelling of the face and the inability to put a ring on a finger disappear. You know how it happens - you swell, and now it’s impossible to put the rings on, they won’t fit. And rose hips save you from this trouble.

If you eat rose hips during pregnancy to get rid of edema, be sure to make sure that there are no problems with the kidneys. If you have any disease, you should definitely consult a doctor; after all, diuretics put a strain on the kidneys.

How else to use rose hips?

Dear readers, I told you about my method of preparing rosehip decoction. How else can you use rose hips to get vitamins?

Rosehip syrup

You've probably seen rosehip syrup in pharmacies. Of course, pharmacies sell proven products, but it is always healthier to prepare it yourself.

Recipe for making rosehip syrup at home.

The syrup can be prepared as follows: Take a kilogram of rose hips, remove seeds and hairs, rinse them well with running water, and grind them into a paste. Each housewife decides for herself how it is more convenient for her to do this; you can take a meat grinder or a blender. Then pour in six glasses of water and let it boil for 10 minutes, making sure the heat is low. And then add a kilogram of sugar and cook for 30 minutes. When ready, strain the syrup. Rosehip syrup should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy. In general, you need to know moderation in everything. If you decide to drink it, then you don’t need to drink the decoction that day. There is nothing good in an overdose of vitamins either.

Rosehip oil

Very good to apply natural oils during pregnancy. Rosehip oil will help heal cracked lips, minor skin injuries, it can be used for facial care, and can also be used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. More detailed recipes you can find in the article

Women who are expecting should not accept most medications and traditional medicine. Any seemingly harmless and even useful plant can cause harm to them. But there are also such medicinal plants which are not prohibited for pregnant women. One of these plants is rosehip, its fruits contain a lot of useful substances, and at the same time are allowed to expectant mothers. Very often, doctors prescribe a rosehip decoction during pregnancy during acute respiratory diseases and also to boost immunity.

The benefits of rose hips for pregnant women

Rose hips are the most useful part of this plant for humans. It is the fruits that contain the most vitamins and microelements, as well as other important ones for human body substances.

The main useful properties of a decoction of rose hips:

  • Increases immunity. Doctors prescribe rosehip decoction to boost immunity for pregnant women, and also recommend drinking it during colds.
  • Will get rid of vitamin deficiency. If the expectant mother lacks any vitamins, this can harm the health of her baby. And taking multivitamins in tablets does not always help; in some cases, they are more effective folk remedies, such as rosehip decoction.
  • Facilitates the manifestations of toxicosis. A decoction of rose hips is a natural stimulant of metabolism, it helps the body cleanse itself of toxins, and is effective in such cases. unpleasant conditions like nausea and vomiting.
  • Improves metabolism. This is important for a pregnant woman, especially she always wants to look slim and fit.
  • Reduces exposure to allergens. During pregnancy, allergies often worsen, and often occur for the first time, and rosehip decoction helps reduce the effect of allergens.
  • Has a mild diuretic effect. Therefore, this decoction is very often used by expectant mothers before childbirth, when swelling and other problems especially often occur due to fluid retention in the body.
  • Stimulates work endocrine glands, production of hormones and enzymes.
  • Increases appetite. Often, especially in the first trimester, women face total loss appetite. Rosehip will help correct the situation.
  • Helps digest foods with high content fat, improves absorption percentage fat-soluble vitamins.
  • It has a very good effect on the condition of the skin, the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • At regular use improves the functioning of the respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems.
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels and can be used for diabetics during pregnancy.
  • Smoothes out mood swings, often characteristic of women expecting the birth of a child.

One of the properties of rosehip is to stop bleeding, so it is sometimes recommended to drink it after childbirth if there is a risk of bleeding.

Rose hips - real natural vitamin complex, and the content of some vitamins in these red berries is very high.

What vitamins are most abundant in rose hips and their decoction:

  • Vitamin C. The fruits of this plant contain many times more vitamin C than lemons. For a pregnant woman, taking this vitamin helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, preventing varicose veins veins, and also increases the production of collagen and elastane, thereby protecting against stretch marks on the skin. And, of course, it is ascorbic acid that helps protect against ARVI.
  • Carotene (provitamin A). In terms of the content of this provitamin, rosehip is also one of the record holders among plants: it can compete with such sources of carotene as carrots, apricots, persimmons, and sea buckthorn. Vitamin A is essential during pregnancy because it is used in the formation of the placenta, the baby's nervous system, and also strengthens the mother's bones, skin, hair and eyes.
  • Iron. Pregnant women often experience a deficiency of this microelement. Rose hips and their decoction contain a large amount of iron, but you need to remember that eating food increases hemoglobin most effectively meat products, of which iron is absorbed several times better. So you can’t raise hemoglobin much with rose hips, but here’s how aid when combating anemia in pregnant women, it will be quite appropriate.

These are only the basic vitamins and microelements that are contained in rose hips; in fact, the composition of the fruits of this plant is much greater. By consuming rosehip decoction, you get: vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, silicon, organic acids, as well as tannins and pectin. Moreover, they are contained in fairly large quantities, so if you regularly drink a decoction of rose hips, you should notify your doctor, perhaps he will adjust the course of taking vitamins for you.

Rosehip oil also has properties that are beneficial for pregnant women. It can be applied to the skin to prevent stretch marks, and after childbirth, lubricate the nipples with it to heal cracks.

Harm from rose hips during pregnancy

A decoction of rose hips is considered practically safe means, but still be sure to be careful.

There are some conditions when the use of rosehip broth is contraindicated:

  1. Kidney diseases. If you had kidney problems before pregnancy, or if they arose for the first time, you should be very careful when taking rose hips. The load on the kidneys expectant mother and so high, and when you use rosehip decoction, it increases due to the fact that you drink more liquid, and this can cause additional harm.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Any diseases of the stomach, intestines, gastritis with increased acidity, ulcer, etc. are a contraindication to taking rosehip decoction. There is a lot of acid in rose hips, which can harm the mucous membranes of organs. gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Tendency to develop blood clots. Rose hips are high in vitamin K, which is responsible for the production of thrombin. If there are blood flow disturbances, and they often occur in pregnant women, do not drink rosehip drink often or in large quantities.
  4. Increased uterine tone. In this case, you should also not consume a lot of rosehip decoction, and if you drink it regularly, you should stop consuming vitamin C in another form, that is, do not drink it in tablet form (note that in complex vitamins for pregnant women also includes vitamin C). Ascorbic acid, consumed frequently and in large quantities, can increase the tone of the uterus, and this is a threat to pregnancy.
  5. Allergy to rose hips and generally a tendency to any allergies.
  6. Skin diseases. They are not always a contraindication for drinking this drink, but consultation with a dermatologist is required.

Rosehip decoction at different stages of pregnancy

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, you can give some recommendations on the use of rosehip decoction.

Rosehip in the first trimester of pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, you should not drink a lot of this drink. The point is that due to large quantity vitamin C, which contains rose hips, hyperstimulation is possible immune system. This could even lead to a miscarriage, although this is unlikely. So you shouldn’t overdo it, but one glass of decoction a day won’t harm you, especially since this drink can alleviate toxicosis and strengthen the immune system.

Rosehip in the second trimester of pregnancy

The risk of miscarriage is reduced, and the need for vitamins becomes stronger. The second trimester is exactly the time when doctors allow a woman to drink up to one liter of rosehip decoction per day, of course, if there is no threat of miscarriage. By drinking this drink, you help the body more successfully resist various viruses.

Rosehip in the third trimester of pregnancy

For many, the third trimester turns out to be difficult period, often at this time women experience swelling, and rose hips are a good way to combat them. But this decoction can only be used for minor swelling, and if the situation is serious, the participation of your attending physician is mandatory! Rosehip can be used on later pregnancy and for the treatment of colds. Other medicines are contraindicated for you now, but a warm rosehip broth helps the body to overcome the disease faster.

How to prepare rosehip decoction

Really useful is only a properly prepared rosehip broth, from environmentally friendly fruits. In order for the drink to be really useful, to retain as many vitamins and minerals from fruits as possible, during its preparation, you must follow the following principles:

  • Collect rose hips only in an ecologically clean place, away from roads and production. You need to dry them not in the sun, in the shade, because vitamins are destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. If it is not possible to collect the fruits on your own, it is better to buy them at a pharmacy, because there they are subject to sanitary control.
  • For 5 tablespoons of fruit (this is about 50 grams), you will need 0.5 liters of water. You can take dried fruits or fresh ones, and it is better to grind them so that the useful substances from them go into the decoction to the maximum. The pharmacy sometimes sells already chopped fruits, and if they are whole, you can grind them in a coffee grinder.
  • Place the rose hips in a small saucepan, cover with boiling water and let simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off, close the lid and leave for 3 - 4 hours. Do not forget that you cannot boil rose hips for a long time, because high temperatures Many vitamins are destroyed.
  • You can do without boiling at all; to do this, put the fruits in a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave the thermos closed for 4 - 5 hours. Another option is to brew rose hips in a saucepan or jar and wrap it well.
  • Be sure to strain the broth before use.
  • It is not necessary to maintain precise proportions when preparing the decoction; many make it less concentrated by adding 1 liter of water to 5 tablespoons of fruit. You can add sugar, honey to the drink, and if you don’t really like the taste of the decoction itself, you can add other fruits or berries (apples, raspberries, currants, etc.) to the rose hips. If you add lingonberries or cranberries to the rosehip decoction, you will get an excellent remedy for removing excess fluid.
  • Keep ready-made decoction Can be used for 2 – 3 days, in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Fresh, just picked rose hips can be frozen in the freezer and brewed as needed.

How to drink rosehip decoction correctly

Because of high concentration Some vitamins must be taken with caution when consuming rosehip decoction.

  1. Drink this drink only after meals. Then the acid contained in it will not have an adverse effect on the stomach.
  2. Doctors advise using the decoction in small quantities. Approximately 100 – 150 ml. at a time. It is better to drink a little decoction after each meal than to drink a whole liter of drink at once.
  3. You should not drink the decoction before bed; do not forget that it has a diuretic effect.
  4. Do not exceed the decoction consumption limit! For pregnant women who do not have kidney problems, it is no more than 1 liter per day. If you have any kidney disease or threat of miscarriage, you should definitely discuss taking rosehip decoction with your doctor.
  5. Rinse your mouth after drinking the drink. Great content acids in the broth can harm your teeth. Therefore, make it a rule to rinse your mouth every time you drink a rosehip drink.

You can also use rosehip syrup, which is sold in pharmacies, but in small quantities, because the concentration of vitamins in it can be high, and in addition, it contains sugar. And be sure to carefully study the label of the drug; now very often they sell “dummies” that do not contain rose hips at all, but only sugar, coloring and flavoring. In any case, when you prepare a decoction yourself, you know for sure that it will certainly benefit. And in your position this is very important!

Rosehip decoctions are considered an excellent means of burning excess fat during pregnancy. Remember that only dried rose hips can be eaten. The villi of a fresh fruit are very dangerous - they tend to stick to the walls of the stomach, being absorbed, they contribute to the occurrence of various diseases.

The benefits of rose hips for pregnant women

Let's look at some more beneficial properties of rose hips during pregnancy. First of all, it is enriched with vitamin C, which the body of the expectant mother and baby so badly needs. There is much more of this vitamin in rose hips than, for example, in currants or lemon, which, by the way, can cause heartburn in a pregnant woman due to their acid content.

In addition, rosehip fruits, flowers and roots are used to treat various diseases. Rosehip decoction is an excellent diuretic, especially safe. Rose hip decoction can be drunk every day instead of tea or instead of juices and carbonated drinks.

Rose hips during pregnancy are a powerful general strengthening agent, especially if the pregnancy has to be carried to term in the cold season, when people are susceptible to colds. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity is often weakened, so rose hips will replenish and nourish it. In addition to the above, rosehip is useful during pregnancy because it is an excellent cleanser that does not cause allergic reactions.

How and how much to use rose hips for pregnant women?

The recommendation that everyone knows about limiting fluids during pregnancy is not only outdated, but also dangerous! In European countries last decades no one restricts pregnant women from drinking. On the contrary, doctors recommend drinking more than two liters of fluid during the day, as this is considered preventive measure late toxicosis.

As for rose hips, you should not use ready-made bags, but prepare a decoction yourself from the fruits and flowers. You need to brew it like tea, at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of boiling water.

With absence discomfort After taking rosehip decoction, you can drink it for several days, then take a break for one day, then brew another plant. Alternating decoctions female body can fight the lack of trace elements and vitamins.

Rosehip decoctions and infusions - recipes

The first recipe. It is necessary to chop one tablespoon of rose hips and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. After an hour of fruit infusion in a sealed container, strain and squeeze. Add sugar to improve the taste.

The second recipe. Grind 50 gr. rose hips with a wooden mortar and combine with 20 gr. raspberry fruits, 30 gr. nettle leaves. One tablespoon of the mixture must be poured with several glasses of boiling water. Close the bowl and infuse the mixture for 20 minutes.

Take the resulting infusion as tea, one glass twice a day.

The first recipe. Pour a few tablespoons of crushed dry rosehips into half a glass. boiled water and boil over low heat in an enamel container with a lid for 7 minutes. Then leave for several hours, strain and then dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of natural honey in the resulting decoction.

Take a decoction of half a glass in the morning and evening.

The second recipe. Brew 30 grams of rose hips with one glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Then you need to place the resulting decoction in a glass container, cover it with gauze, and leave it in a dark place for ten hours. After this, you need to strain through double gauze, squeezing out the fruits. Dissolve honey to taste in the resulting broth. Take several glasses of this drink a day. It is recommended to use the decoction for 24 hours until vitamin C is destroyed.

Drink healing infusions, rosehip teas for your health and for the health of your baby!

The weakening of a woman’s body’s defenses during pregnancy is associated with the need to protect the unborn baby from an inadequate immune response that can cause fetal rejection. This kind of “justified risk” entails many unpleasant consequences For expectant mother, already loaded with a mass of innovations in the form of a complete restructuring of the work of some systems and organs. The weakened body of a pregnant woman is constantly exposed to all kinds of attacks. harmful microorganisms and viruses, but while waiting for a baby it is so important to be healthy. The best option the solution to this kind of problem may well be the use of healing properties rosehip - a plant known to each of us since childhood.

What is rosehip?

Rosehip is not only useful, but also an ornamental plant. No wonder its second name is “wild rose”. During the flowering period, it is quite difficult to distinguish some types of rose hips from the bush representatives of the “queen of flowers”.

The second name for rose hips is “wild rose”

Rosehip is a tall shrubby plant with long, drooping branches covered with thorns. Rose hips bloom in May-June. The flowers are white or pink in color, their diameter is no more than five centimeters.

Dog-rose fruit - average size the berries (up to two centimeters in diameter) are colored red-orange. Under the tough skin of each berry hides many fuzzy seeds.

Rose hips are red-orange berries.

Experienced herbalists recommend that when choosing a plant for collecting its fruits, you should be guided by the following rule: rosehip varieties with a high content of vitamins differ from less useful topics that their sepals (leaves located directly next to the berry) are directed vertically upward.

IN medicinal purposes Rosehip is used by all types of medical science:

  • The traditional one tends to trust only the beneficial properties of the fruit;
  • Folk uses all parts of the plant;
  • Homeopathy - only fresh berries.

Useful properties of the plant for pregnant women

The beneficial properties of rose hips are determined primarily by its rich content: the fruits and other parts of the plant are rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Table: composition and benefits of the plant

Element Benefit
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)Rosehip is undoubted leader among food products in terms of the content of this important vitamin: it contains 50 times more ascorbic acid 100 times more than in a lemon than in an apple. The most known property vitamin C is to strengthen the immune system. Also ascorbic acid:
  • helps increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and healthy fats;
  • prevents the development of allergic reactions;
  • promotes detoxification of the body;
  • normalizes liver function;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and recovery from injuries.
Vitamin A (carotene)During pregnancy, taking a sufficient amount of vitamin A is difficult to overestimate: it contributes to the proper development of the embryo and the further growth of the child during the newborn period, and affects the quality of breast milk. In addition, carotene is known for the following beneficial properties:
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on vision;
  • participation in the formation of nerve fibers;
  • strengthening of bone tissue, the impact on skin health.
B vitamins (B1 - thiamine, B2 - riboflavin)Improves hematopoietic processes, has a beneficial effect on mental abilities and nervous system, are involved in almost all processes of the human body.
Vitamin KImproves blood clotting, participates in the formation and restoration of bone tissue.
Vitamin P (rutin)Helps strengthen capillaries and absorb vitamin C.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) Especially important vitamin for the woman's body. During pregnancy, it is involved in the development of the placenta. It has the following useful properties:
  • improves reproductive function;
  • enhances blood circulation;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • supports the health of nerves and muscles;
  • enhances skin elasticity, which is important during pregnancy.
IronParticipates in the processes of hematopoiesis, the creation of hemoglobin.
PhosphorusParticipates in the formation skeletal system, in the functioning of the kidneys, in the processes of absorption of vitamins, conversion of food into energy.
PotassiumNecessary for maintenance normal condition all soft tissues
MagnesiumParticipates in all processes of the body. During pregnancy, it is especially necessary to prevent uterine tone, protracted labor, convulsions in a newborn.
ManganeseRequired for proper development cells, promotes the absorption of thiamine (vitamin B1), iron and copper, mitigates toxic effects
CopperHelps maintain normal composition blood by enhancing iron absorption.
SiliconIncluded in connective tissue, reduces capillary permeability.
Organic acids (malic and citric)They take an active part in the digestive processes and alkalize the body.
PectinRemoves toxic substances from the body
TanninsThey have bactericidal, astringent, anti-inflammatory properties.

It is a proven fact that the content of vitamin C in rose hips varies depending on geographical location places of growth of a particular plant: towards the north quantity useful vitamin increases. Besides, increased content ascorbic acid is observed in plants growing in mountainous areas.

The beneficial effects of rose hips on the body of a pregnant woman

Most health problems during pregnancy are associated with weakened immunity

The most common health problems characteristic of pregnancy, the occurrence of which can be solved and prevented by rose hips:

  1. Colds. The effectiveness of rose hips in the prevention and relief of colds during illness is due to the high content of vitamin C in its fruits, which has proven its positive influence for immunity.
  2. Cystitis and others infectious diseases organs urinary system. Pregnant women have to deal with this kind of problems quite often due to completely normal processes that accompany the period of bearing a child. The relaxation of the muscles of the genitourinary tract, characteristic of this condition, causes stagnation, which in turn leads to the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Rosehip decoction is a wonderful diuretic, not only safe, but also very useful, excellent for edema. And you can use it as a preventive measure even daily.
  3. Anemia. Pregnancy and the time after childbirth are periods of particular risk for the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. The high iron content in rose hips (about 1.3 mg per 100 g) makes it the product of choice for the prevention and treatment of such problems.
  4. Depression in pregnancy. Abrupt change lifestyle (especially in the early stages), including those caused by the restructuring of the functioning of the whole organism, the upcoming changes associated with the appearance of a new family member may have an impact Negative influence on a woman’s psyche, often leading her to depressive states. Rosehip drinks have pronounced antidepressant properties: any of them will help a woman cope with excitement, fear, anxiety, and mood swings.

Video: benefits of rose hips during pregnancy

Contraindications and precautions

Drinking drinks made from rose hips is not only possible, but also necessary during pregnancy. However, there is a whole list of diseases and conditions of the body when the substances contained in rose hips can cause harm. Among these contraindications:

  • intolerance to any substance contained in rose hips;
  • disorders of blood coagulation processes (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis). Increased blood clotting during pregnancy is especially dangerous - this condition threatens fetal starvation;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis), accompanied by high acidity;
  • heart disease (endocarditis);
  • tendency to constipation;
  • at dermatological diseases Before consuming rose hips, you should consult your doctor.

Among the features of using the beneficial properties of rosehip in different dates pregnancy, the following should be noted:

  1. In the first trimester, drinks made from rose hips should be consumed with extreme caution: strengthening the body's defenses can lead to fetal rejection.
  2. In the second and third trimesters, consuming rosehip products will only bring benefits, saturating the body of the mother and child with vitamins and minerals, strengthening the cardiovascular system.

When drinking rosehip drinks daily, you should remember negative consequences overdose of vitamin C (impaired kidney function). Therefore, even in the absence of any problems with kidney health, you should not drink more than 1 liter of rosehip decoction per day.

Ways to use rose hips during pregnancy at different stages


Even a novice housewife can prepare a decoction of rose hips.

A decoction of rose hips can be prepared in two ways, each of which will prevent thermal destruction of the beneficial substances contained in the plant.

Method one

  1. Place whole or crushed rose hips (the villi should be removed first, as they can cause gastrointestinal discomfort) in a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of 2 handfuls per 500 ml of water.
  2. Leave to infuse for 7–8 hours.
  3. Strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  4. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Method two

  1. In the evening, pour water over the rose hips at the rate of 2 handfuls per 500 ml of water.
  2. In the morning, bring the broth along with the berries to a boil.
  3. Leave for several hours (up to three).
  4. Strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Sweeten to taste.

It is better to take decoctions of rose hips before meals, half a glass at a time.

Pregnant women can also take combined decoctions. For example, to rose hips in a decoction you can add rowan, lingonberry, raspberry, cranberry, black currant, sea buckthorn, strawberries, carrots, nettle leaves.

Compote and jelly

Rosehip compote is a tasty and very healthy drink

For preparing compote, except dried berries rose hips (300 grams) you will need the zest of one orange, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a cinnamon stick per 2 liters of water. The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Soak rose hips in water overnight.
  2. In the morning, pour the infused water with berries into a saucepan, add zest, cinnamon and sugar.
  3. Bring the compote to a boil, cook for another 1–3 minutes.
  4. Cover with a lid and leave for several hours.

You can even make jelly from rose hips

Rose hips can also be used to prepare delicious and healthy jelly. For this you will additionally need: 25 grams of starch, honey or sugar to taste.

  1. Pour one hundred grams of dried rose hips with 800 milliliters of water and leave to swell for 15 minutes.
  2. Then cook for about half an hour until the berries soften.
  3. Strain the broth, grind the berries in a blender, combine with the broth again and boil.
  4. Squeeze the broth through a sieve.
  5. Add starch, honey or sugar diluted in a small amount of water to the jelly.
  6. Cook the jelly for another 3 minutes.
  7. Cool.

Infusion and tea

When preparing an infusion, the probability of destruction of useful substances due to heat treatment minimized

Rosehip infusion is prepared as follows:

  1. Rosehip berries are poured with hot water (3-4 tablespoons of dried berries per liter of water).
  2. Leave to infuse overnight.
  3. In the morning, the finished infusion is filtered through gauze.

Minimum heat treatment raw materials during the preparation of the infusion allows you to fully preserve all its beneficial properties.

You can make your own rosehip tea using decoction recipes. Tea industrial production with the addition of this useful plant today many offer trade marks, for example: Milford, Lipton, Conversation and others.

The period of bearing a child requires a woman special attention not only to her, but also to developing organism. Here correct mode days, mandatory stay for fresh air, emotional stability, etc. However, one of the main aspects is increased selectivity to drinks and food. Is it possible to drink rose hips during pregnancy?

Vitamin and mineral composition

This plant is wild and perennial. It belongs to the Pink family, so it received popular name"Wild Rose". This is a bush, sometimes reaching a height of 2.5 meters. The most valuable part is the fruit. They are actively used in folk medicine. This is due chemical composition. It includes:

Component Group Decoding
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • niacin equivalent;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • routine;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • phylloquinone
  • disulfide;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • cobalt (Co);
  • calcium;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium
Other components
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • flavonoids;
  • catechins;
  • carotenoids;
  • Sahara;
  • triterpenoids;
  • pectins;
  • saponins;
  • sorbitol;
  • essential oils

Benefits of rose hips during pregnancy

The main property of the plant is to increase the body’s resistance to colds. It is provided with a high content of vitamin C. The fruits ripen in October. During this period, the first autumn cold begins, and the likelihood of catching a cold increases significantly.

This is not the only thing positive quality wild rose. A whole range of her “abilities” have been highlighted:

  • increasing the activity of the body's immune system;
  • enriching the body vitally essential vitamins and minerals;
  • assistance in removal harmful substances from the body (toxins);
  • normalization of liver function;
  • reduction of edema;
  • minimizing the influence of irritants (allergens) on the body with subsequent dulling of the manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • increasing the productivity of sex hormones;
  • promoting the correct absorption of the “right” fats, retinol, phylloquinone, calciferol and tocopherol in the body;
  • acceleration of healing of abrasions and wounds;
  • increasing the performance and endurance of the heart;
  • lowering cholesterol levels in the body.

The myth about the dangers of wild rose for expectant mothers

Popular experts and medical specialists insist that the period of bearing a child is not the time for experiments. This is especially true of traditional medicine.

Herbs and herbal teas are often strong allergens. For expectant mothers, the likelihood of an undesirable reaction to them doubles. This is due to the increased susceptibility of the body during this period.

You should not try rose hip decoction for the first time during pregnancy. But if before this the use was regular and did not cause a negative reaction, then there is nothing to worry about. Use should be stopped (not started) if:

  • there are contraindications (their list is given below);
  • any negative changes in the health of the body are observed;
  • pregnancy is accompanied serious illness, which is not on the list of contraindications (in this case, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is required).

Rosehip decoction during pregnancy (in addition to the above list of advantages) contains another “secret”. Its sour taste helps reduce toxicosis, which is especially important during the first trimester.

Options for use during pregnancy

There are many recipes for drinks made from wild rose fruits. They are combined with various herbs and used independently.

The preparatory stage for use includes the following steps:

  • buy raw materials (you can prepare them yourself);
  • rinse and dry it;
  • grind using a blender or meat grinder (the whole fruit is used).

When harvesting fruits yourself, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • the collection of raw materials near roads and chemical plants should be abandoned;
  • ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on the vitamin and mineral composition of fruits (drying in direct sunlight is contraindicated);
  • berries are equally valuable in fresh, dried and frozen form.

The daily safe dosage is 20 grams. This is approximately one handful.

Classic preparation options are infusion, tincture, tea and decoction.


You can prepare rosehip infusion during pregnancy as follows:

  • pour 20 grams of crushed raw materials into a thermos;
  • add half a liter of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse for at least six hours (overnight is convenient);
  • separate the grounds;
  • you can add sweeteners (sugar, honey);
  • the resulting volume is the daily dose (use is divided into three doses).


Rosehip decoction during pregnancy preserves large quantity vitamin C and requires less preparation time. To get this drink you need:

  • place the crushed raw materials in the selected container;
  • pour boiling water;
  • put on low heat and let stand for 10 minutes;
  • remove from heat;
  • cover the container and wrap it with a towel;
  • leave for a quarter to half an hour;
  • separate the grounds;
  • add sweeteners to taste;
  • divide the daily volume into three doses;
  • consume before meals.

Maximum attention must be paid to the stage of separating the grounds. A poorly strained drink can lead to irritation in the mouth and throat.


Delicious tea with rose hips during pregnancy can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • place 2 tbsp. crushed fruits in a cup;
  • pour boiling water;
  • insist for 8 minutes;
  • add sweeteners;
  • use three times a day.

Such a drink turns out to be unsaturated. To increase its concentration, you can use a thermos.


Rosehip tincture is prepared on an alcohol basis. Therefore, its use is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Valuable components of the fruit are destroyed during prolonged boiling. A health-improving drink can simply become a tasty treat, and the healing effect of its use can be the result of self-conviction. Therefore, the preparation of the drink should be treated with special attention.

Contraindications for fetuses during pregnancy

The reasons for refusing to drink the drinks in question are:

  • difficult stool;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • stomach ulcer, colitis;
  • blood pressure that deviates from the norm;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • increased likelihood of blood clots;
  • impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • heart ailments;
  • problems in the field of dermatology;
  • high acidity of gastric juice.

An important negative effect of the drink is increased leaching of salts and calcium as a result of the diuretic effect. However, with moderate use, this effect is not dangerous.

What can it be combined with during pregnancy?

For variety, wild rose drinks can be combined with products such as:

  • lemon;
  • Black tea;
  • hibiscus;
  • nettle leaves;
  • cranberry;
  • fresh and fresh frozen fruits and berries (sea buckthorn, rowan, black currant, lingonberry, raspberry, cranberry, strawberry).

When combining rose hips with other products, the vitamin and mineral value increases. However, the likelihood of manifestation also increases allergic reaction from using the product.

Drinks made from rose hips are delicious and healthy foods. Their healing effect on the health of expectant mothers is especially appreciated. The right approach before preparation, dosed consumption and careful observation of the body’s reactions are the key to extracting maximum benefits.